Matjaž Vesel Aristotelova Druga analitika in Galileo Galilei: »nujni dokazi«, »dokazovalni regres« in Luna kot druga Zemlja Ključne besede: Galilei, Tractatio de demonstratione, nujni dokazi, dokazovalni regres, neenakomerna površina Lune Avtor analizira vpliv Aristotelove Druge analitike na Galileijevo argumentacijo v podporo astronomskim in kozmološkim sklepom, izpeljanih iz teleskopskih opazovanj, v Zvezdnem glasniku. Po povzetku tretje razprave Galileijevega Tractatio de demonstratione o vprašanjih, izvirajočih iz Druge analitike, se avtor osredotoči na dve stvari: (1) Kaj natančno pomenijo Galileijevi »nujni dokazi« ali »dokazovalni in nujni razlogi« za teleskopska odkritja? (2) Ali lahko t. i. dokazovalni regres osvetli njegovo argumentacijo? Avtor na primeru Galileijeve argumentacije za obstoj gora in dolina na Luni pokaže, da je vpliv Firenčanovih mladostnih beležk ni mogoče razbrati v njegovi rabi metode dokazovalne-ga regresa, temveč v njegovem pojmovanju »nujnega dokaza«. Dokaz poveže subjekte (predmete) in predikate (lastnosti). Naravno, tj. nujno, lastnost subjekta ugotovimo na podlagi indukcije in čutnega izkustva s pomočjo »svetlobe uma«. Um ugotovi nujnost povezave določenega subjekta (stvari) in njegovega predikata (njenih lastnosti). V Ga-lileijevih logičnih beležkah pa ni zaslediti bistvenega elementa njegovega pojmovanja dokaza: »nujnosti geometrijskega dokaza«. Matjaž Vesel Aristotle's Posterior Analytics and Galileo Galilei: "Necessary Demonstrations", "Demonstrative Regress and the Moon like Another Earth Key words: Galilei, Tractatio de demonstratione, necessary demonstrations, demonstrative regress, inequality of the Moons' surface 156 The author analyses the impact of Aristotle's Posterior Analytics on Galileo's argumentation in the Starry Messenger in favor of his astronomical and cosmological conclusions, based on the telescopic observations. After the summary of the third disputation of Galileo's Tractatio de demonstratione on the questions arising from the Posterior Analytics, the author focuses on two issues: (1) What exactly is the meaning of Galileo's "necessary demonstrations" or "demonstrative and necessary reasons"? (2) Can the "demonstrative regress" illuminate his argumentation? According to the author the example of the existence of mountains and valleys on the Moon shows that the influence of Florentine's youthful notes is not detectable in his use of the method of "demonstrative regress" but in his conception of "necessary demonstration". Demonstration connects subjects (things) and predicates (properties). Natural, i.e. necessary predicate (property) of the subject can be grasped on the basis of the induction and experience, with the help of the "light of the intellect". The intellect establishes the necessary connection of the subject (thing) and its predicate (property). Galileo's Tractatio does not, however, reveal anything about the essential element of his demonstrations: "the necessity of geometrical demonstration". Peter Klepec Perverzija krize Ključne besede: kriza, neoliberalizem, Mirowski, psihoanaliza, perverzija, Lacan, Freud Tekst izhaja iz vprašanja, kako lahko razumemo perverziji krize. Pri tem izpostavlja dvoumnost krize, ki se zdi končana, vseeno pa pušča trajne posledice, in jo naveže na dvoumnost perverzije. Pojem perverzije, ki je skozi zgodovino nihal med dvema skrajnostma, je pri Lacanu dojet kot struktura, kjer gre za to, da naredimo, da Drugi obstaja. Podoben obrazec je na delu v neoliberalizmu, ki je skozi krizo preživel in ki izpostavlja trg kot nekoga, ki na koncu vselej najde rešitve. Obrazec fetišistične utajitve, ki je na delu v neoliberalizmu, pa prav skozi krizo prejme še en obrat, da bi bil zares operativen - priključiti mu je treba še tisto, kar Freud imenuje »fausse reconnnaissance«, ki tuje in neznano zvaja na že znano. Ta obrat pojasnjuje zakaj lahko govorimo o perverziji krize. Peter Klepec Perversion of the crisis Key words: crisis, neoliberalism, Mirowski, psychoanalysis, perversion, Lacan, Freud < The starting point of the text is the question how a perversion of crisis 2008 can be understood. It first points out the ambiguity of the very term crisis itself and links it to ^^ ambiguity of perversion throughout history. In Lacan perversion is strictly conceived as a structure in which the Other is made to exist. Similar logic can be found in neoliber-alism in the figure of the market as always finding solutions. The fetishistic disavowal 157 at work in neoliberalism gets another turn in the crisis, but for it to really work it must be supplemented by what Freud calls 'fausse reconnnaissance', which something foreign and unknown cuts down to well known. With this final turn one can speak about perversion of the crisis.