Informatica 45 (2021) 93–104 93 Penalty Variable Neighborhood Search for the Bounded Single-Depot Multiple Traveling Repairmen Problem Ha-Bang Ban School of Information and Communication Technology Hanoi University of Science and Technology, Hanoi, Vietnam E-mail: Keywords: nounded-mTRP, penalty variable neighborhood search, metaheuristic Received: June 4, 2019 Multiple Traveling Repairmen Problem (mTRP) is a class of NP-hard combinatorial optimization problems with many practical applications. In this paper, a general variant of mTRP, also known as the Bounded Single-Depot Multiple Traveling Repairmen Problem (Bounded-mTRP), is introduced. In the Bounded- mTRP problem, a fleet of identical vehicles is dispatched to serve a set of customers. Each vehicle that starts from the depot is only allowed to visit the number of customers within a predetermined interval, and each customer must be visited exactly once. Such restrictions appear in real-life applications where the purpose is to have a good balance of workloads for the repairmen. The goal is to find the order of customer visits that minimizes the sum of waiting times. In our work, the proposed algorithm is encouraged by the efficiency of the algorithms in [15, 19, 20] that are mainly based on the principles of the VNS [14]. The penalty VNS extends the well-known VNS [14] by including constraint penalization, to solve the Bounded- mTRP effectively. Extensive numerical experiments on benchmark instances show that our algorithm reaches the optimal solutions for the problem with 76 vertices at a reasonable amount of time. Moreover, the new best-known solutions are found in comparison with the state-of-the-art metaheuristic algorithms. Povzetek: Razvita je nova metoda za preiskovanje grafov - za reševanje naloge serviserja, tipiˇ cnega NP- polnega problema. 1 Introduction 1.1 Motivation and definition The Traveling Repairman Problem (TRP) has been stud- ied in the number of previous work [1, 2, 5, 15, 19, 20]. It is known as the Minimum Latency Problem (MLP), or the Deliveryman Problem (DMP). These problems arise appli- cations, e.g., whenever repairmen or servers have to ac- commodate a set of requests to minimize their total (or average) waiting times [1, 2, 5, 15, 19, 20]. A direct gen- eralization of the TRP is the Multiple Traveling Repair- men Problem (mTRP) that considers k vehicles simultane- ously. Applications of the mTRP can be found in Routing Pizza Deliverymen, or Scheduling Machines to minimize mean flow time for jobs. Several prior studies that we can find in the literature are [10, 12]. In this paper, we study the Bounded Single-Depot Multiple Traveling Repairmen Problem (Bounded-mTRP) by involving the restriction of the number of vertices that a repairman must visit in his tour. The restriction is defined by lower (denoted by K) and upper (denoted by L) bounds regarding the traveled vertices. Therefore, the number of vertices that a repair- man can visit lies within a predetermined interval with the aim of obtaining balanced solutions. The requirement of the problem is to find a tour such that the above restric- tion is satisfied, and the overall cost of visiting all vertices is minimized. Such restriction appears in many real-life applications whose purpose is to have a good balance of workloads for the repairmen. 1.2 Approach and contributions There are three approaches for solving the Bounded- mTRP: 1) exact algorithms, 2) approximation algorithms, and 3) heuristic algorithms. The exact algorithms find the optimal solution with an exponential time in the worst case. Therefore, the exact algorithm only solves the problem with small sizes. To describe related works, we denote an approximation algorithm asp-approximation when the al- gorithm finds the solution at mostp times worse than the optimal solution. Here p is an approximation ratio with a constant value. In this approach, the best approxima- tion ratio of 16.994 is for the mTRP [10, 12]; however, it is still far from the optimal solution. Heuristic algorithms perform well in practice, and their efficiency can be eval- uated through experiments. Our algorithm falls into this approach. Previously, research on the Bounded-mTRP has not studied much, and this work presents the first metaheuris- tic approach for this problem. Our algorithm is encouraged by the efficiency of the algorithms in [14, 19, 20] that are mainly based on the principles of the VNS [14]. However, 94 Informatica 45 (2021) 93–104 H.-B. Ban the difference between the Penalty VNS (P-VNS) and their VNS is that our algorithm builds up penalty value during a search. The proposed algorithm includes two phases. The algorithm is developed based on the GRASP [9] to build an initial solution in the construction phase. In the improve- ment phase, the P-VNS combined with shaking techniques not only exploits good local solution space but also pre- vents the search from escaping from local optimal. More- over, several novel neighborhoods’ structure as well as a constant time operation for calculating the cost of each neighboring solution is also introduced. The main problem is that there exists no other metaheuristic reported in the literature for this problem; this is, we found no previous at- tempts to solve this problem, neither exact nor heuristically, to compare with. Therefore, we adapt the metaheuris- tic algorithms in [17] to solve the Bounded-mTRP, and choose several state-of-the-art metaheuristic algorithms for the mTRP [8, 18], and Bounded-mTSP [17] as a baseline in our research. Extensive numerical experiments on bench- mark instances show that our algorithm reaches the optimal solutions for the problems with up to 76 vertices at a rea- sonable amount of time. Moreover, the new best-known solutions are found in comparison with the state-of-the-art metaheuristic algorithms. The rest of this paper is organized as follows. Section 2, and 3 present literature review, and neighborhood struc- ture, respectively. The proposed algorithm is described in Section 4. Computational evaluations and discussions are reported in Section 5. Finally, Section 7 concludes the pa- per. 2 Literature review The Bounded-mTRP has, as we know, not been studied much, although it is a natural extension of the mTRP prob- lem. In the literature, several variants of the problem are introduced as follows: – The mTRP is a popular case since no constraint is considered. Numerous works for the mTRP can be found in [8, 10, 12, 18]. Some metaheuristic algo- rithms [10, 12] can give good solutions fast for large instances. – The mTRP with Profits (mTRPP) finds a travel plan for server that maximizes the total revenue. Meta- heuristic algorithm [3] produces solutions well. – Another variant of the mMLP is mMLP with distance constraints [4, 16]. Lou et al. [16] proposed an exact algorithm that reaches the optimal solutions for the in- stances with up to 50 vertices. Ban et al. [4] then presented a metaheuristic algorithm based on VNS. The experimental results concluded that the algorithm found good-quality solutions for small and medium- size instances. – mTRPD [6] finds a tour with minimum latency sum in post-disaster road clearance. Unlike mMLP, in disas- ter situations, travel costs need to be added to debris removal times. Their metaheuristic obtained the opti- mal or near-optimal solutions on Istanbul data within seconds. – The TRP is a particular case where there is only a repairman. Numerous metaheuristic algorithms [1, 2, 5, 15, 19, 20] for the problem have proposed in the literature. The experimental results showed that their algorithms obtain good solutions fast for the in- stances with up to 500 vertices. These algorithms are the best algorithms for some variants of the Bounded-mTRP problem. However, they do not in- volve the bounded constraint. Therefore, they cannot be used directly to solve the Bounded-mTRP. 3 Mathematical formulation The formulation is obtained from the formulation proposed by Christofides et al. [7] for the Capacitated Vehicle Rout- ing Problem (CVRP). Letu i be a non-negative real variable representing the length of the route from the depot 0 to the vertex i. Letx r ij be the following binary variables: x r ij = ( 1 if if edge(i;j) is used in router 0 otherwise minz = P n i=1 u i Subject to: n X i=0 i6=j m X r=1 x r ij = 1; (j = 1; 2;:::;n) (1) n X i=0 i6=l x r il n X j=0 j6=l x r lj = 0; (l = 0; 1;:::;n; r = 1; 2;:::;m) (2) n X j=1 x r 0j = 1; (r = 1; 2;:::;m) (3) K n X i=0 n X j=0 x r ij + 1 L; (r = 1; 2;:::;m) (4) u i u j + (T +c ij ) m X r=1 x r ij +(T c ji ) m X r=1 x r ji T ; (i;j = 1;:::;n;i6=j) (5) Penalty Variable Neighborhood Search for. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 93–104 95 u i c 0i m X r=1 x r 0i ; (i = 1; 2;:::;n) (6) x r ij 2f0; 1g; (i;j = 0; 1;:::;n;j6=i; r = 1;:::;m) (7) u i 0; (i = 1;:::;n) (8) Constraints (1) show that each vertex is contained in only one route. Constraints (2) indicate that when a vertex is in a route, then it has a predecessor and a successor in that route. Constraints (3) ensure that one vertex is sequenced as first in each route and constraints (4) guarantee that and the number of vertices visited of each repairman must less than L and more than K. Constraints (5) demonstrate that u j =u i +c ij when P m r=1 x r ji = 1 and they are redundant when P m r=1 x r ji = 0. Constraints (6) initialize the latency of the first vertex in each route. Finally, constraints (7) and (8) establish the nature of the variables. 4 Neighborhood structure Seven neighborhoods investigated are divided into two categories: intro-route and intra-route. Now, let T = (R 1 ;R 2 ;:::;R l ;:::;R k ) (l = 1;:::;k) be a tour, we introduce a novel neighborhoods’ structure and complexity of their exploration. Note that: in [15, 20], the complexity of some neighborhoods is already mentioned. Therefore, we only introduce the complexity of new ones. For Intro-route: Intro-route is used to optimize on a single route. Assume that, R and m (m < n) are a route and its length, respectively. We then introduce five neighborhoods’ structure in turn. Remove-insert neighborhood considers each vertex v i in the route at the end of it. This neighborhood of R is defined as a set N 1 (R) =fR i = (v 1 ;v 2 ;:::;v i 1 ;v i+1 ; :::;v m ;v i ) : i = 2; 3;:::;m 1g. Obviously, the size of N 1 (R) isO(m). Property 1. The time complexity of exploring N 1 (R) is O(m 2 ). Swap adjacent neighborhood attempts to swap each pair of adjacent vertices in the route. This neighborhood of R is defined as a set N 2 (R) = fR i = (v 1 ;v 2 ;:::;v i 2 ; v i ;v i 1 ;v i+1 ;:::;v m ) : i = 3; 4;:::;m 1g. The size of the neighborhood isO(m). Property 2. The time complexity of exploring N 2 (R) is O(m). Swap neighborhood attempts to swap the po- sitions of each pair of vertices in the route. This neighborhood of R is defined as a set N 3 (R) = fR ij = (v 1 ;v 2 ;:::;v i 1 ;v j ;v i+1 ;:::;v j 1 ; v i ;v j+1 ;:::;v m ) : i = 2; 3;:::;m 3;j = i + 3;:::;mg. The size of the neighborhood isO(m 2 ). Property 3. The complexity of exploring N 3 (R) is O(m 2 ). 3-opt neighborhood attempts to reallocate three ad- jacent vertices to another position of the route. This neighborhood of R is defined as a set N 4 (R) = fR i = (v 1 ;v 2 ;:::;v i 1 ;v i ;v j+1 ;:::;v k ; v i+1 ;:::;v j ;v k+1 ::::;v m ) : i = 2; 3;:::;m 5;j = 4;:::;m 3;k = 6;:::;m 1g. The size of the neighbor- hood isO(m 3 ). Property 4. The complexity of exploring N 4 (R) is O(m 3 ). 2-opt neighborhood removes each pair of edges from the solution and reconnects the vertices. This neigh- borhood of T is defined as a set N 5 (T ) = fT ij = (v 1 ;v 2 ;:::;v i ;v j ;v j 1 ;:::; v i+2 ;v i+1 ;v j+1 ;:::;v m ) : i = 1;:::;n 4;j =i+4;:::;mg. The size of the neighborhood isO(m 2 ). Property 5. The complexity of exploring N 5 (T ) is O(m 2 ). It is realized that the calculation of a neighboring solution’s cost by using the known cost of the current solution can be done in constant time [15, 20]. As a result, the algorithm spendsO(m 3 ) operations for a full neighborhood search. For intra-route: LetR l ,R h ,ml, andmh be two different routes and their sizes in T , respectively. Intra-route is used to exchange vertices between two different routes or remove vertices from a route and then insert them to another as followings: The swap-intra-routes neighborhood tries to exchange the positions of each pair of vertices in R l and R h in turn. The neighborhood of R l and R h is defined as a set N 8 (T ) = fT i = (R 1 ;:::;R 2 ;:::;R l = (v 1l ;v 2l ;:::; v ih ;v il+1 ;:::;v ml );:::;R h = (v 1h ;v 2h ;:::;v il ;v ih+1 ; :::;v mh );:::;R k ) : il = 2; 3;:::;ml 1;ih = 2; 3; :::;mh 1g. The size of the neighborhood isO(ml mh). Property 6. The complexity of exploring N 6 (T ) is O(ml mh). Proof. For a tourT2N 6 (R), we have L(Ti) = L(T) (ml i+1)c(v il 1 ;v il ) (ml i)c(v il ;v il+1 ) (mh i 1)c(v ih 1 ;v ih ) (mh i)c(v ih ;v ih+1 ) +(ml i+1)c(v il 1 ;v ih ) +(ml i)c(v ih ;v il+1 ) +(mh i+1)c(v ih 1 ;v il ) +(mh i)c(v il ;v ih+1 ): (9) Hence, we can calculateL(T i ) by the formulation (10) in O(1) time. Therefore, the complexity of exploringN 6 (T ) isO(ml mh). The insert-intra-routes neighborhood considers each vertex v i in R l and insert it into each position in R h . The neighborhood of R l and R h is de- fined as a set N 7 (T ) = fT i = (R 1 ;:::;R l = (v 1l ;v 2l ;:::;v ih 1 ;v ih ;v il+1 ;:::;v ml );:::;R h = (v 1h ; v 2h ;:::;v ih 1 ;v ih+1 ;:::;v mh );:::;R k ) :il = 2; 3;:::;ml 96 Informatica 45 (2021) 93–104 H.-B. Ban 1;ih = 2; 3;:::;mh 1g. The size of the neighborhood is O(ml mh). Property 7. The complexity of exploringN 7 (T ) isO(ml mh). Proof. For a tourT2N 7 (R), we have L(Ti) = L(T) (ml i)c(v il ;v il+1 ) (mh i+1)c(v ih 1 ;v ih ) (mh i)c(v ih ;v ih+1 ) ih 1 X k=1h c(v k ;v k+1 ) +(ml i)c(v il ;v ih ) +(mh i 1)c(v ih ;v il+1 ) +(mh i+1)c(v ih 1 ;v ih+1 ) + il 1 X k=1l c(v k ;v k+1 ): (10) Hence, we can calculateL(T i ) by the formulation (11) in O(max(mh;ml)) time. Therefore, the complexity of exploringN 7 (T ) isO(max(mh;ml) ml mh). 5 Algorithmic design The proposed algorithm includes two phases as follows: In the construction phase, the algorithm [9] allows a con- trolled amount of randomness to overcome the behavior of a purely greedy heuristic. It is used to build an initial so- lution for our algorithm. In the improvement phase, the penalty VNS [14] is combined with shaking operators to escape from local optima. The proposed algorithm is re- peated a number of times, and the best solution found is reported. An outline of the algorithm is shown in Algo- rithm 1. In Step 1, the algorithm starts with an initial so- lution. In Step 2, it is explored switches between different neighborhoods. To explore new promising solution spaces, a diversification step is added in Step 3. In the remaining of this section, more details about the three steps of our algorithm are given. 5.1 Feasible solution space Penalty method is a technique to solve optimization prob- lem with constraints. It adds a penalty value to the original objective function. The advantage of penalty technique is simple to implement. It is used to solve successfully many problem [21]. All infeasible solutions are penalized by a value. With a tourT , letV (T ) be the violation. The viola- tion valueV (T ) is computed as follows: V (T ) = k X l=1 maxfjR l j L; 0g + k X l=1 maxfKj R l j; 0g: Solutions are then evaluated according to the weighted fit- ness functionL 0 (T ) = L(T ) + V (T ), where is the penalty parameter Algorithm 1 The Proposed Algorithm Input: v1;V;Ni(T)(i=1;:::;7);level are a starting vertex, the set of vertices inKn, the set of neighborhoods and the number of swap, respectively. Output: The best solutionT . Step 1 (the construction phase): {Initially,T is an empty tour} repeat T = ; for(l =1;l0) do selecti;j positions fromR l at random if(i6=j) then InsertR l [i] betweenR l [j] andR l [j+1]; level level 1; return R l ; Penalty Variable Neighborhood Search for. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 93–104 97 Algorithm 3 shaking-multi-routes(R l ;R h ;level) Input: R l ;R h ;level are thel th,h th route, and the number of swap, respectively. Output: a new solutionR l andR h . while(level>0) do selecti th andj th positions fromR l andR h at random, respectively; swapR l [i] betweenR h [j]; level level 1; return R l andR h ; 5.2 The construction phase Our construction phase is developed on the GRASP scheme in [9]. Only one iteration is performed, and one solution is found which is either feasible or not. Its steps is described in Algorithm 1. All routes are initialized with v 1 because it is a starting vertex. Each vertex of K n is then added to the tour by using a Restricted Candidate List (RCL). The RCL of each vertex includes a number of ver- tices that are the closest to it. At an iteration, we find a routeR l that does not violate the constraint if a new inser- tion occurs. Otherwise, if we cannot find any route, then we accept the infeasibility. That means a route R l with minimum cost in the tour is picked. Letv e be the current last vertex of the route R l . An unvisited vertex v is then picked randomly from the RCL ofv e to add toR l . A solu- tion is generated when all vertices ofK n are routed. The above steps are executed iter times to create iter solutions. They are stored in a LT list. The procedure then returns the feasible solution with minimum cost in the list if any. If it cannot produce any feasible solution, the solution with minimum cost is penalized by adding a value to the objec- tive function. 5.3 The improvement phase For a given current solutionT , the neighborhood explores the neighboring solution space set N(T ) of T iteratively and tries to replaceT by the best solutionT 0 2N(T ). The main operation in exploring the neighborhood is the calcu- lation of a neighboring solution’s cost. In straightforward implementation, this operation requires Tsol = O(n). However, by using the known cost of the current solution, we show that this operation can be done in constant time for considered neighborhoods. Thus, we speed up the run- ning time of exploring these neighborhoods. In a preliminary study, we realize that the efficiency of VNS algorithm relatively depends on the order in which the neighborhoods are used. Therefore, the neighborhoods are explored in a specific order based on the size of their structure, namely, from the small to large, such as the swap- adjacent, remove-insert, swap, 2-opt, or, swap-intra-route, and insert-intra-route. The time complexity of exploring the neighborhoods is reduced by choosing a random ver- tex, and then we are only interested in neighborhoods gen- erated from this vertex’s moves. The strategy is called “re- stricted". As a result, the size of the neighborhood is re- duced by a factor O(n). Another is “without restricted" strategy when the entire neighborhood is explored without first fixing a random vertex. The reduction of neighborhood size is also used in [19]. The aim of using two strategies is to introduce several options to run the proposed algorithm effectively. 5.4 Diversification Shaking procedure allows to guide the search towards an unexplored part of the solution space. In this work, two types of shaking are used to give a new solution: shaking in a single route (shaking-single-route) and shaking in two (shaking-multi-routes). In shaking procedure in a single route, it selects thel-th routeR l ofT and then swaps ran- domly several vertices for each other. In the rest, it picks two routesR l andR h in a random manner, and after that, exchanges randomly some several vertices in them. We fi- nally return to Step 2 with the new solution. The shaking procedure is described in Algorithm 2 and 3. The last aspect to discuss is the stop criterium of our al- gorithm. A balance must be made between computation time and efficiency. Here, the algorithm stops if no im- provement is found after the number of loop (NL). 5.5 The time complexity The running time of our algorithm mainly spends on ex- ploring in VNS. In the VNS step, insert-intra-routes neigh- borhood consumes time, at least as well as the others. As- sume that if these neighborhoods are invokedk 1 times, then the complexity of neighborhoods’ exploration is O(k 1 max(mh;ml) ml mh) O(k 1 n 3 ) (in the worst case the size of mh or ml is n). It is also the theoretical complexity of our algorithm. 6 Computational results The experiments are conducted on a personal computer, which is equipped with an Intel Pentium core i7 duo 2.10 Ghz CPU and 4 GB bytes RAM memory. 6.1 Datasets The numerical analysis is performed on a set of benchmark problems for the mTRP and Bounded-mTSP [8, 17, 18]. As testing our algorithm on all instances would have been computationally too expensive, we implement our numeri- cal analysis of some selected instances. In [17], R. Necula et al. propose the Bounded-mTSP instances based on the TSPLIB benchmark. Specifically, they transform TSPLIB four instances (eil51, berlin52, eil76, and rat99) by setting the number of salesmen to be, by turn, 2, 3, 5, and 7. With the aim of obtaining balanced solutions, they choose to set the bounds (L and K) on the number of vertices in each 98 Informatica 45 (2021) 93–104 H.-B. Ban route, by running the k-means clustering algorithm. Be- sides that, we add more real instances by randomly choos- ing some instances from TSPLIB. We divide the instances into two groups: 1) in group one (G1), the vertices are con- centrated; 2) in the other (G2) the vertices are scattered. 6.2 Metrics To evaluate our algorithm’s solution quality, we need to compare it with the other metaheuristics. The main prob- lem is that there exists no other metaheuristic reported in the literature for this problem. That means we found no previous attempts to solve the problem, neither ex- act nor heuristic (or metaheuristic), to compare. We try to solve exactly several small instances using some state- of-art solvers and use those results to evaluate the per- formance of the proposed algorithm. However, the ap- proach only solve the problem with small instances, while metaheuristics is a suitable approach for the problem with large sizes. Therefore, we adapt the existing algorithms in [17] to compare with the proposed algorithm for the Bounded-mTRP. We define the improvement of our algo- rithm with respect to Best.Sol (Best.Sol is the best solu- tion found by our algorithm) in comparison with the ini- tial solution (Init.Sol), upper bound (UB) obtained by the GRASP and the adapted algorithm in [17], respectively. Improv[%] = Best:Sol Init:Sol Init:Sol 100%, andGap[%] = Best:Sol UB UB 100%. In addition, we choose several state- of-the-art metaheuristic algorithms for the Bounded-mTSP [17] (Bounded Multiple Traveling Salesman Problem) and mTRP (Multiple Traveling Repairmen Problem) in [8, 18] as a baseline in our research. 6.3 Results and discussions Through preliminary experiments, we observe that the val- uesiter = 10; = 10; = 5, level=5, PF=100, and NL = 100 resulted in a good trade-off between solution quality and run time. In this paper, the neighborhoods’ order is as follows: swap adjacent, remove-insert, swap, 2-opt, or-opt, swap-intra-routes, and insert-intro-routes. These settings have thus been used in the following experiments. In the tables, Init.Sol, Best.Sol, Aver.Sol, and T corre- spond to the initial, best, and average solution, and the av- erage time in seconds of ten executions obtained by our algorithm, respectively. The column ACS in Tables 1 and 2 describe the best results obtained from the adapted algo- rithms in [17]. Figure 1 and 2 shows the evolution of the av- erage improvement in two strategies. The values in Figures are extracted from Table 4. In Table 5, kM-ACS, g-ACS, s-ACS, gb-ACS, and sb-ACS [17] are developed on Ant Colony System (ACS) with different strategies. The pro- posed algorithm is tested by selecting a fixed random ver- tex that is labeled “restricted". Runs in which the search ex- plores all possible moves are labeled “without restricted". 6.3.1 Experimental results for the Bounded-mTRP The experimental results in Table 3 are the average values calculated from Table 1 and 2. In Table 3, for all instances, it can be observed that our algorithm is capable of improv- ing the solutions in comparison with Init.Sol. The average improvement of our algorithm with the two strategies is about 16:94% and 13:69%, respectively. Obviously, our al- gorithm can obtain a significant improvement for almost instances and required small-scaled running time. Both strategies seem to work well. The neighborhood imple- mentation with fixed random vertex uses significantly less computing time, combined with a slight loss of solution quality (about 3:25%). However, the strategy proves use- ful for the larger instances, for which full neighborhood search is too time-consuming. Moreover, in comparison with the algorithms in [17], the proposed algorithm also outperforms for most instances. From Tables 5 to 6 we can draw some conclusions about the working of our algorithm. Unsurprisingly, the multi- start version of our algorithm (algorithm settings 5 to 8) re- quires a much larger computation time than the single-start version (settings 1 to 4). However, the quality improvement obtained by this method is relatively small. The perturba- tions in the GRASP+VNS algorithm (Table 6) seem to help marginally, as the solutions obtained by this algorithm are usually slightly better. This may indicate that the GRASP multi-start is not able to provide enough diversification, and that the perturbation move is useful. For two strategies, Figure 1 and 2 shows the evolution of the average deviation to the initial solutions with respect to improv andT during the iterations in some instances. The deviations in two strategies are 14.61% (10.38%), 16.25% (11.63%), 16.48% (11.79%), 16.66% (11.94%), 16.77% (12.03%), 16.94% (13.69%), and 16.94% (13.69%) for the first local optimum, obtained by one, ten, twenty, thirty, fifty, one-hundred, and two-hundred iterations, re- spectively. A major part of the descent obtained by from fifty to one-hundred iterations. As can be observed, addi- tional iterations give a minor improvement with the large running time. Hence, the first way to reduce the large run- ning time is to use no more than one-hundred iterations, and the improvement of the proposed algorithm is about 16.94% (13.69%) for two strategies, respectively. A much faster option is to run the initial construction phase then improve it by using a single iteration, which obtains an av- erage deviation of 14.61% (10.38%) and an average time of 0.28 (0.21) seconds. 6.3.2 Experimental results for some variants To the best of our knowledge, most algorithms are devel- oped for a specific variant that is not applicable to other variants. Our algorithm can be applicable to the Bounded- mTSP, although it was not designed for solving them. In comparison with the state of the art algorithms for the Bounded-mTSP, and mTRP in [8, 17, 18], our algorithm’s solutions are better than the other algorithms. Specifically, Penalty Variable Neighborhood Search for. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 93–104 99 Table 1: The experimental results for Bounded-mTRP without restricted neighborhood. 100 Informatica 45 (2021) 93–104 H.-B. Ban Table 2: The experimental results for Bounded-mTRP with restricted neighborhood. Penalty Variable Neighborhood Search for. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 93–104 101 Gap Time Gap Time 3.84 2.45 5.46 4.46 4.64 3.45 Table 3: The average results for two schemes. Init.Sol Improv T Improv T Improv T Improv T Improv T Improv T Improv T 3 0.64 0.93 1.55 3.22 3.84 14.15 0.33 0.93 1.35 2.24 4.47 5.46 19.81 0.28 0.78 1.14 1.89 3.85 7.65 16.99 0.15 0.41 0.60 0.99 2.05 2.45 9.03 0.27 0.76 1.11 1.83 3.65 4.46 16.17 0.21 0.58 0.85 4 2.85 3.45 12.60 Table 4: Evolution of average deviation to Init.Sol without restricted neighborhood. Figure1.Evolutionof averageImprove[%] Figure2.Evolutionof averagerunningtime 1 10 20 30 50 100 200 withoutrestricted 14.61 16.25 16.48 16.66 16.77 16.94 16.94 restricted 10.38 11.63 11.79 11.94 12.03 13.69 13.69 0 4 8 12 16 20 Improve[%] Iterations 1 10 20 30 50 100 200 withoutrestricted 0.28 0.78 1.14 1.89 3.85 7.65 16.99 restricted 0.21 0.58 0.85 1.41 2.85 3.45 12.6 0 4 8 12 16 20 Time(seconds) Iterations Figure 1: Evolution of average Improve [%]. Figure1.Evolutionof averageImprove[%] Figure2.Evolutionof averagerunningtime 1 10 20 30 50 100 200 withoutrestricted 14.61 16.25 16.48 16.66 16.77 16.94 16.94 restricted 10.38 11.63 11.79 11.94 12.03 13.69 13.69 0 4 8 12 16 20 Improve[%] Iterations 1 10 20 30 50 100 200 withoutrestricted 0.28 0.78 1.14 1.89 3.85 7.65 16.99 restricted 0.21 0.58 0.85 1.41 2.85 3.45 12.6 0 4 8 12 16 20 Time(seconds) Iterations Figure 2: Evolution of average running time. for the Bounded-mTSP in [17], our algorithm reaches bet- ter solutions for 12 out of 16 tested instances at a rea- sonable computational time. In addition, our algorithm can find the optimal solutions (eil51-2-23-27, eil51-3-15- 20) or near-optimal solutions (berlin52-2-10-41, berlin52- 3-10-27, berlin52-5-6-17) for the problems with 50 vertices 102 Informatica 45 (2021) 93–104 H.-B. Ban OPT LB, UB Best.Sol Best.Sol Best.Sol Best.Sol Best.Sol Best.Sol Aver.Sol Time 2.36 1.26 5 0.33 0.93 1.32 0.34 0.51 5.52 4.04 2.00 2.05 14.55 9.30 4.38 2.52 Table 5: Comparisons with the state of the art metaheuristics for Bounded-mTSP without restricted neighborhood. Best.Sol T Best.Sol T Best.Sol T Table 6: Comparisons with the state of the art metaheuristics for mTRP. in several seconds in Table 5. For the mTRP in [8, 18] in Table 6, the quality of our solutions is much better than I. O. Ezzine et al.’s algorithm (IOE) in [8] and every compa- rable with S. Nucamendi-Guillen et al.’s algorithm (SNG) in [18]. Moreover, our algorithm can find the optimal solu- tions for the problems for the mTRP instance with up to 76 vertices in several seconds. 6.4 Discussions Metaheuristic approach is a suitable approach to solve the large sized-problem. The VNS [14] is a popular schemes used widely to solve NP-hard problems. They are very effective for some variants of the mTRP problem [15, 19, 20]. The proposed algorithm is encouraged by the efficiency of the algorithms in [15, 19, 20]. However, the difference between the proposed VNS and their VNS is that our algorithm builds up penalty value during a search. Our main contribution is to adapt the VNS scheme, that extends the well known VNS by including constraint penalization, to solve the Bounded-mTRP effectively. A good metaheuristic must balance between exploration and exploitation. Exploration is to create diverse solu- tions on a global space, while exploitation is to focus on the search good current local regions. In the proposed al- gorithm, the VNS implements exploitation while shaking maintains exploration. In terms of experiments, the pro- posed algorithm obtains better solutions than the adapted algorithms in [17] in many cases. We also implement two strategies that provide several choices: 1) The first choice is to run the proposed algorithm with one iteration in “re- stricted" strategy that obtains 10:38% solution quality on average. The running time is very fast; 2) The second is to run the proposed algorithm with one iteration in "without restricted" strategy that obtains an average improvement of 14:61%. The second option trades off solution quality and running time; 3) The last is to run the proposed algorithm no more than 100 iterations. The average improvement is 16:94%. The option is the best in terms of solution quality. Moreover, the proposed algorithm obtains comparable or better solutions than the algorithms for the mTRP and Bounded-mTSP in [8, 17, 18]. It shows that our algorithm is still effective for various problems. Penalty Variable Neighborhood Search for. . . Informatica 45 (2021) 93–104 103 7 Conclusions In this paper, we propose the first metaheuristic algorithm, which is mainly based on the VNS and GRASP’s prin- ciples to solve the problem. Extensive numerical experi- ments on benchmark instances show that, on average, our algorithm leads to significant improvement. For small in- stacnes, our algorithm obtains the optimal solutions for the problem with 76 vertices at a reasonable a mount of time. For larger instances, the proposed algorithm reaches better solutions than the state-of-the-art algorithms in many cases. References [1] A. Archer, A. Levin, and D. Williamson, “A Faster, Better Approximation Algorithm For The Minimum Latency Problem", J. SIAM, V ol. 37, No. 1, 2007, pp. 1472-1498. [2] F. Afrati, S. Cosmadakis, C. Papadimitriou, G. Papa- georgiou, and N. Papakostantinou, “The Complexity Of The Travelling Repairmen Problem", J. Informa- tique Theorique Et Applications, V ol. 20, pp.79–87. [3] M. Avci, M.G. 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