AKADEMIJA |MM PORECESIJSKO STANJE TRŽENJA: OSREDOTOČANJE K PORABNIKU V DUHU DRUŽBENE ODGOVORNOSTI? Recesija je postala del vsakdana. Vpela se je v nas in postala že na nek način po-recesijska. Prvobitni strahovi krize so vsaj do neke mere premoščeni, a vendarle, posledice so jasne. Tako znova potrjuje tudi zadnji Trženjski monitor DMS. Porabnik je vse bolj racionalen v svojem vedenju in nakupnem odločanju, a hkrati vse bolj kompleksen, ponudnik pa je vse bolj primoran graditi celovito vrednost in kakovost drugače kot to počnejo konkurenti. Tudi družba kot celota se je pričela ozaveščati drugače kot ji je bilo to dano v obdobju rasti. Nič ni več prej pogostih presežnikov. Morda prav zato tudi vse več zapisanega in razmišljenega o novi odgovornosti družbe in posameznika v njej. O etiki, odgovornosti. Tudi v trženju, tako do porabnika, podjetja, družbe kot celote. Od tod tudi vsebine nove, 16. Akademije MM. Sporočajo nam, kako pomembna je osredotočenost h kupcu, trženjska naravnanost kot filozofija podjetja, kreativnost in inovativnost ustvarjanja novih izdelkov, zvestoba in zadovoljstvo kupcev in učinkovitost trženja. Vse to v luči širšega pogleda, da je družbena odgovornost in etika nekaj, kar krepi ugled. Korporacijski, ugled znamk izdelkov, storitev, posameznikov. In če smo se v prejšnji številki še spraševali, ali smo že pripravljeni na »socialno« ali »družbeno« trženje, v tej številki najdemo že vrsto misli, ki dajejo vedeti, da smo tudi to dimenzijo, recesijsko ali porecesijsko, že vpletli vase. Tudi v trženju. Hvala uredniku in avtorjem za novo Akademijo MM. Z veseljem jo bomo brali! Prof. dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič Predsednica DMS INTRODUCTION TO THE 16TH AKADEMIJA MM UVODNIK 16. AKADEMIJA MM POST-RECESSION STATE OF MARKETING: FOCUSING ON THE CONSUMER IN THE SPIRIT OF SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY? Recession has become a part of our everyday life. Having embedded itself within the society and each individual, it has in a way already evolved into post-recession. Our greatest fears concerning the crisis have been overcome; however, its consequences are obvious, which has also been confirmed by the latest Marketing monitor of MAS. Consumers display an increasing level of rationality as well as complexity which is reflected in their behaviour and the decisions they make, whereas numerous providers of goods and services are more than ever forced to ensure value and quality that separates them from their rivals. Society as a whole has witnessed a substantial rise in its overall level of awareness, which is now also set on a quite different scale than in the time of economic growth. The time of superlatives has passed, which may also explain the rising number of reflections - be they written or carried out only in thought - on new forms of social and individual responsibility, on ethics and on general responsibility, which are all more than relevant also in marketing. These are the topics of the new issue of Akademija MM. They inform us about the importance of customer orientation, marketing orientation as a company philosophy, creativity and innovation in the creation of new products, customer loyalty and satisfaction, marketing efficiency. The topics are discussed with regard to the broader concept of social responsibility and ethics being the means of strengthening one's reputation, be that corporate reputation, brand-name reputation, services reputation or the reputation of individuals. In the previous issue, we wondered if we were ready for »social« marketing. This issue proves that such marketing dimensions have already been accepted, both in recession and post-recession times. We would like to thank the editor and authors for the new issue of Akademija MM and assure them we will read it with great pleasure. Prof. dr. Maja Makovec Brenčič SMA President 6