The Editor’s Corner With the current Volume5 the journal has begun a new phase in its development – the phase of bringing it to a much wider international audience. In the past few years the journal has been listed in three inter- national databases: the International Bibliography of the Social Sciences (ibss ), the EconPapers database (the Research Papers in Economics Database –r epe c), and the Directory of Open Access Journals (doaj ). Startingapproximately atthetimeofprintingofthisissue(March2007 ) the journal is also being included in the EconLit database. Our efforts to stillfurtherinternationalize the journalnecessitated reinforcement of oureditorialboardwithnewmembers.Iwouldliketotakethisopportu- nity to thank the members of the editorial team and all the contributors fortheireffortsinraisingthisjournaltoevenhigherinternationallevels. Thejournalcontinuesfocusingonthetransitionresearchandempha- sizing openness to different research areas, topics, and methods, as well asinternationalandinterdisciplinaryresearchnatureofscholarlyarticles publishedinthejournal.Thecurrentissuecoverstopicsofthedynamics of trade, the performance of banking industry, the relationship between quality management and customer satisfaction, the economic cultural influences on management, and the questions related to the workforce adaptation ofminorities. ThisissuestartswithapaperwrittenbyImreFert˝ o,whoexaminesthe dynamicsoftradeinCentralandEasternEuropeancountries.Inthesec- ond paper, Catarina Figueira, Joseph G. Nellis, and David Parker inves- tigate the performance of banking industry in Poland and compare the PolishbankingsectortothebankingsectorintheUnitedKingdom.The third paper of Franka Piskar looks at the impact of the quality manage- mentsystemiso9000 oncustomersatisfactioninSlovenia.Inthefourth paper, Rune Gulev examines economic cultural influences on manage- ment in the context of international headquarters-subsidiary relation- ships in selected European countries. In the last – fifth paper, Waheeda Lillevik investigates cultural diversity, competences and behaviour with theemphasisonworkforceadaptation ofminoritiesinCanada. BoštjanAntonˇ ciˇ c Editor ManagingGlobal Transitions5 (1):3