LETO-YBAB xxm. - .. Mr PROSVET GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARO0NE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Chicago, nu sreda. 12. l'r«4alftkj I» «pravniški lift a Umait Ah . februarja (February 12), 1930. aateerlpUM |M# STEV.—NUMBER 36 AM at 11W, AM W o« JuiM u. la i a. I. WIT. M MEDICINSKA IE mjeprbu-gau raka •i Dva kalifornijska zdravnika poročata o velikem uspehu zdravljenja z novim serumom. Rak je sistemska bolezen Del Monte, Calif. — Rak, stra-gna šiba za človeštvo, je premagan! Pravo zdravilo je iz-najdeno in -bolezen se mora u-makniti za črno kugo, kolero in kozami in druge premagane "šibe božje", ki jih je medicinska znanost podvrgla svoji kontroli. To zagotovilo sta ponovno iz-nesla v javnost doktorja Walter B. Coffey in John B. Humber, odkritelja seruma proti raku Serum je ekstrskt iz suprarenale žleze. Zadnje dni so se vršile ponovne demonstracije te ga seruma pred členi Pacific Coast Surgical Asociacije. Mnogi kirurgi, ki so prišli k demon stracijam z velikimi dvomi, so Bpremenili svoje mnenje in se zelo pohvalno izražajo o učinkovitosti novega zdravila. Obenem sta doktorja Coffley in Humber prejela kablograme vo-dilnihr zdravniških avtoritet v Londonu, Parizu, Rimu, Berlinu in na Dunaju, ki prosijo za Berum, a dobili so odgovor, da se bodo glavne preizkušnje izvršile v Ameriki in končna sodba bo izrečena tukaj, prodno bo serum na razpolago vsemu svetu. Zdravnika Coffey ki Humber sta 9. februarja predložila velikemu številu zdravnikov svežo evidenco o pravilnosti njunega ugotovijenja glede b' " " raka in njuttš metOdfe nja. Evidenca je bila v oMlki fotografij bolnikov, na katerih »ta eksperimentirala s serumom. Med temi je bil bolnik, čigar slu-'•aj raka je bil v skrajnem šta-liju; največje zdravniške avtoritete so izjavile, da je slučaj neozdravljiv in da je vsaka operacija nemogoča. Vbrizgnila its mu serum ln v desetih dneh ie rak izginil! — Drugi slučaj je bila ženska v strašnem položaju, nad katero so tudi obupa-i vsi zdravniki, s katerimi je Pj-iftla v dotiko. Danes je še popolnoma okrevala in vse rakove celice so Izginile iz njenega telesa.—Tretji slučaj: 17-letni ieček je imel na plečih Izrastek. i\ je bil trikrat večji kot njegova glava. Ni se mogel ganiti in ftrušrio je trpel. V oseminštiri-Jtsetih urah, potem ko je dobil «•rum, je žo lahko sedel na stolu. Rakova masš se je zmehča-Ih in izginila. — Drugi mladi bolnik je imel raka na prsih in tudi on je že na potu okrevanja. Zdravnika imata v St. Francis Hospitalu 33 bolnikov, ki so vsi l>riAli tja, ko so čitali prvo vest » njunem odkritju — ln vzl ti ciniki so zadnje tedne pokazali preobrat na boljše. Poleg tega imata doktorja dve sto bolnikov v Southern Pacific General Hospitalu. Doktorja Coffey in Humber "ta pojasnila, da rak ni bacilna t>j< > Zvočni filmi izpodrivajo godbenike v gledališčih. Na tisoče godbenikov Je Izgubilo delo, odkar se uvsjsjo v gledališča zvočni filmi in radioapemti v privatna stanovanja. Uradniki administracije niso niti s sno besedo poskušali zanikati Greeaova izvajanja. S tem so odkrito pokaeaM, ds niso svoje trditve o zvišanju aaposleno-sti bazirali na Statističnih po-datkih. PoroŠllo So menda dali v javnost le zato, da uspavajo prebivalstvo s izjavo, da v deželi še vedno peevfid«4e proepe riteta. Ameriška delavska federacija sodi, da je v Ameriki več kot tri milijone bresposelnlh delsv-cev. Naš napredekvjubilejnem letu S. N. P. J. napredovala sa 2635 članov v letu 1929 kaše sadnje poročilo v Prosvetl o napredku članetva v leta 1920 je bilo pomanjkljivo. Nadaljnja poročila društev eo spremenila Številke aa bolje In pokazala vsČJi nspradek kot ps je bilo prvič omenjeno. Število članskega napredka as je povečalo za 747 članov, sato danee Še enkrat navajamo vee številke, da člaaetvo vidi, kako lep uepeh beleši naša jednota: PtMIMMMMIMIMlIMtHIMM« 6716 3621 460 2636 Novih članov sprejetih v oba oddelka Jednota.. Odstopilo Je In črtanih je bilo. Umrlo v obeh oddelkih v teku leta. Cisti čtanakl napredek v "" Napredek prvih šeatlh mesecev Jo 1113, drugih šsstlh mesecev pa 1522 članov v obeh oddelkih, skupaj 2635 kot gori omenjeno. Ob zaključku leta 1929 Je S. N. P. J. štela v obeh oddelkih 62.877 članov. Kdor ae hoče zavarovati pri dobri In močni podporni organizaciji, naj pristopi k SLOVENSKI NARODNI PODPORNI JEDNOTI. FRED A. VIDER, gl. tajnik. PrUoMMt iiliïilékili tUrkov Isvojevali eo višje m sede pri Uuievtle * Neahville železni-Škl družbi Ciadnaall. O. — Bratovščina železniških klerkov Je te dni eklenlla novo pogodbo s upravo Louisville 4 Nsshvllls Relrosd. Pogodba določa $860,000 letnega po visita 6,200 leleznišklm klerkom. Pogodba Js stoplls v ve|javo 1. januarja. Bratovščino je zastopal pri pogajanjih njsn predsednik, železniško družbo pe glavni upravitelj John G. Bose. Sedaj «o v teku pogajanja msd železniškimi klerki ln Gulf, Mobile k Northern železniško družbo, glerkl zahtevajo dva cente zvišanja na uro in bodo najbrž prodrli a svojo zahtevo. Sašem oeeb ubitih na Slovea- Ljubljana, U. febr. — Sedem oseb Je bilo ne mestu ubitih in dvs sta težko ranjeni, ko se Je včeraj avtobus prevrnil na strmem klancu ln se Skotalil v dolino nedaleč od tukaj. ZA NAftE FARMARJE Br. Frank Lukancich, slovenski perotninmr v Strabanu, Pa., pile v seriji zanimivih člankov pod naslovom "Za naše farmar« Je" o kokošjih boleznih, kako se zdravijo in daje razne druge informacije o kokošje reji. Članki izba-hajo v dnevniku Proeve-ti. Farmarji, poeebno pe-rotninarji, poskrbite, da boate ¿itali te koristne članke. sa-----I.q uvMtjtn ntmit ----S AJ|,HUI. prvo ouiucsifijo mm—mm "Illinois Miner" pravi, da Je ken-atitnclja organizacije United Miners Workers unije mrtva ln nima veš nobene Veljeve Springfield, Itt. — (F. P.) — Organizirani rudarji v dvanajstem distriktu bi bili tepci, ako bi še nadalje plačevali prispevke narodni organizaciji, ki nima več nobene legalne pravice do obstoja. Ako bi to še naprej delali, bi dati prllošnost Lewlsu, d# bi z denarjem skušal rssbltl edino solventno unijo ns polju mehkega premoga vzhodno od Miseisslpplja. V tem emlslu ss glasi članek v "Illinois Mlnsr-ju?, glasilu rudarske snijs v H-Tmoisu. CNpNr vMMNlrds Je konatltudje United Miners uni-je mrtva ln nima več nobene veljave. Medtem pa Lewie ne miruje. Išče ln tuhta nove potess, kako bi odstranil nepriljubljens u-radnlke is rudarsks unije v dvanajstem distriktu ln ae tako polastil blagajne. Proti odloku sodnika Jonesa je še vt?šN pri-ziv na državno ap^fatno sodišče. Z zasliševanjem o zadevi se bo najbrž pričelo v prvih dneh s-prlla. Tam bo Izrečena končna odločitev, v kolikor se tiče tega slučaja. Ds Lewis še ni izgubil upanja, da ukloni uporne uradnike v Illlnolsu, Js razvidno Is okrožnic, ksters js rsuposlsl lokal-nlm unijam in v katerih pravi, da se je med člsnstvom obdržale ravnotežje vzlic važnosti kontroverze, kl se js v ssdnjih mesecih pojsvlls v organizaciji. — Illlnolskl dlstrlkt Js prispel več kot šest milijonov dolsrjev v blsgsjno mednsrodns unije, dočlm nI prejel niti cente v pod-poro skozi vso dolgo dobo Lewi-sovegs paševanja._ Rabuka mU kro|iild-mi fclivel v Hm York« Komunistični deUvri, kl Je, aapedll stevkarje TiMm v pollolj- tkM "kokflja" Bodoči varuhi privatae lastnine dajejo elab zgled New York. ^ (F. P.) — Poli-cljske oblsstl ao bile vsrujane, ko so opazile, da nekdo krade razne predmete v policijski šoli, oziroma pnuzeju, kjer je shrs-njeno rasno orošjs. Tatvine ao se ponavljale dolgo čaaa, končno pa ae je vendar dognalo, da ao tatovi policaji» ki pohajajo šolo, v kateri jih uče, kako Je traba varovati privstno lastnino. * Oblasti so uvedle drastično u kcijo. Vsak policaj Je bil preiskan, ko Js odhšjsl ia šolskih prostorov ln skrivnostne težv -nš ee bile pojsenjene. Policaji so pod svojo obleko skriva I predmeta in Jih nesšH domov» Mestni dnevniki eo o tej zadevi obširno poročali ln policijski kolegij ni bU nič kaj veeel ta "reklame."__ DoMft drobiž V Calumetu, Mich,, Je. bil v rudniku ubit Joe. Hrovatič, star 23 let ln rojen tem. Zapušča starše, brsta In tri sestre. V Mllwsukeeju Je umrl rojak •lohn Bolils. — Tam Js tudi v kratkem času še tretji požar zadel rojake. Zdaj Je zgorela hiša Fr. Sušnlka, »00 80th et., kl je ps krite a zavarovalnino. V Sheboyganu, Wie., ata aad< nji teden umrla Edvard Grube, star 64 let, znani ealunar ln zomljiščnl trgovec, In Ana Jarzts, stara 66 1st. — Delavske razmere v Sheboyganu ao teko slabe ln plača tako majhna, da se komaj šivi. V Llbraryju, Pa., je bil ubit v premogovniku John Jerman, star 46 let in doma od Zagorja pri Savi. Zapušča ženo In pet otrok. V Clevelandu ste umrla John Flfolt. star AS, doma Iz Zužem- indija se pripravlja ra revolto Nemke sekte se združujejo sa u-por proti britskl nadvladi Waahington. D. C. — (F. P.) — Davkoplačevalci ao se pričeli puntati v pokrajini Punjab, v severnem delu Indije. Odklanjajo plačJtev davkov na w>do, katere so jim naložile britske avtoriteto. Veivikv sekte, kl so navadno v boju ena proti drugI, so se pričele združevati sa odMcn bol proti la»ti so vedno skrbele, da niso medsebojni spori teh sekt prenehali, kajti to Jim Je dalo boljšo prill-ko za uvajanje svojih smernic v indijski politiki. Ko ee je Indijski narodni kongres izrekel, naj hI Indija prišla pod status do-tninljona in je zahteval popolno neodvisnost, se Je pričelo novo politično vrvenje med ljudstvom. Kako daleč bo ae"»lje, « > ^ na konf,ren~ bruarje tudi prlrsdUl časten sprejem, ki ga Je aranžiral Ari Razstava traja ves V Detroltu Je umrla Mary Jonke, stara 28 let In hči Mer-ko Jonkeja, bivšega Calumet/s-ns. Umrla Je naglo po operaciji. V Pueblu. Colo., Js umrls Francas Krošel. eters 62 let ln co v Vsršsvo, Napadalec je skočil v predsednikov avto toda detektiv, kl se Je vozli s predsednikom ga Je prijel in našel pri njem revolver. ---------rri>K<» nr<«Wi mtmrm v« i« n . . doma od Ribnle«. Zapušča od enberg. Neki šofer ga js vrgel fl|nov« Injičer». — Dalje na tla la ko Js padel, al Je rasbl! jt umr, EdwsHT.sgar, eter 17 glavo na eementu. j |«t |n rojen tem. . Pogajanja bim! stevkarji tn' V Chicagu Je umrl Anton SI-podjetniki so v teku ia stavka monlč. star 60 let in doma ia bo kmalu končana, ker Je reči- Drašlč pri Metliki. Tu Je bival ne podjetnikov pri volji sprejeti 26 let. Zapušča dva brate In pogoje snije. I štiri PRIUXJA z zapisnikom aeje gl. odbora, polletnimi računi in z drugim oflcielnim materialom j« morsln dunes I zoetut i zaradi zadržanega dela v tlakami. Priloga ns osmih strsneh izide prihodnjo aredo 19. februarja. Il «ORVET* SREDA, 12. FEBRUARJA. ti Mtdwajr. Pa. Druttvo tm M» SSŠHHS februarja. pričeUk točno ob 7. zve« čer ln traja do IS. Vstopnina aa par Je |1; leneke brez ■» reist va platoje Sfcr Uljudno vabimo rae občinstvo to ekoNee, da pridejo la ee s nami ra»,, v.,. večer Oodba bo dobra, tako t «dé peetrelba. Posebno se opeearto člene, da ee adelete v obilnem Itevilu, da be večji uspeh. Odbor. oddaljeni ¿lan vsoti prestopni list Ur da mora takoj Javttl svoj» biveltoée blltnjemu dru*tvu. Kajti v slučaju bolezni ali nezgode niso «toni dototni podpor», ako se ne ravnajo po Jodno-tinib predpisih. O Um so pravila dovolj jasna. Opozarjam ¿tone tudi m to, da plačajo svoj asesment pravočasno. to j», najpozneje do vsakega 21. v mesecu. Mesec februar iUJe samo 28 dni. Kdor bi prinesel dno 2«. feb. ae ne be upoMovalo. Jaz moram odpoetotl na gl. urad druitveni asesment pravočasno, zato bodimo tudi val osUll Uko prijazni In točni, da Izpolnimo svoje dolntoeti Uko v Um kakor tudi v drugih ozirih. Upo-ItovajU U naznanilo. V slučaju bo-lesnl aH nesreče, ako nimaU plačanega asesmenU, priplilU poatodlce sami sebi, a no Ujniku,~Mertla Za-Ur, tajnik. J W«ot Park, O,—Opozarjam članstvo druitva it. 217, da se zagoUvo udeleži prihodnje redno mesečno soj« dne 1«. februarja. Na dnevnem redu bo veliko vatnih stvori, ki jih bomo morali reMti. T» sojo so bo udeleil 1 tudi br. N. Matuna, predaednik Jugoslovanskega pomot nega odbora sa sUvkarje, katere organizacij» ¿lan J» tudi nai» druitvo. Ako vaa zanima dalo U organizacije, udeležit« sa navaden« seja.—Jako Krlimaaétf, tajnik. (Opomba urad. s Vale poročilo o razpravi gloda inteiative, katero smatra vaše druitvo neumestnim, ja dospelo prepozno za objavo.) Lyons, III.—V soboto, dne 1. marca priredi društvo št. 270 Jovon ptos v dvorani "Sokol Slovan" na Gage ave. in 41. cesti. Ples prične ob S. svečer. Igral bo Hrvateki umboraiki sbor iz Lyonaa. Vstopnina Je 86c sa moike in Sle sa iepske. Vstopnice so sedaj t razprodaji In so doba pri vssb ¿tonih društva. Kar sa vrši naia veselica na pustno soboto, pričakujemo veliko udeloibo od strani hrvatskih In slovenskih flanov različnih drui-tov U okolice. — Veeellčal odbor. Akroa, O^-Druitvo it. 170 priredi veselko dne 22. februarja na Cas» ave., pridelek točno ob 7. »večer Uljudno vabimo vsa bratska drultvs is dkolice, Uko tudi vso posamezn» rojake, da nas poset|jo omenjani vo-ler. Za prigrisek bodo domaie klo-bsse In sa l»Js ugositi dobra kapljica. Vatopnlna sa molke Me, ienske eo prosU, Sklenjeno je, da vsak ¿ton plačs vsUpnlno, Če sa veaellce udeletl aH ne. Ns «bilo udeletbo tas uljudno vabi—veeellčal Hermtole, P*—Društvo »t. ST priredi dno 28. feb. maskeradno veeoll-co, na kaUrl aa bodo raodelilo pot lepih aagrad. Godba bo Isborna. Vstopnina J« SI. »» Ionsko 36c. Vsak ¿lan mora plačati vstopnino, ša se veselice udeleil ali pa ne, kar dobiček prireditve gv« v korist društvano bla gajne. Uljudno vabimo vse člane ln ne¿lane Is okolice ,da ao udeleiiU na io maskeradno veselice v polnem itevilu.— Jooepk FMaa Ujnlk. Mogadaro, O,—Nsinsnjam ¿tonom druitva Št. «Is .e vrli redna mesečna seja dne 16, feb. ob 9. dopoldne Kdor ne bo pravočasno plačal aaes menta, bom vsakega primoran su spendiraU. Plačajte do 24. v mesecu Jas ne bom sa nikogar aatogal. Posladke naj vsak sam sebi pripiše UdelešuJU se sej v večjem Itevilu Matija Peka J, L.B. 81«. Mogadore, O Grajra Undlng, Pa. — Opoaarjam «lana druitva It. 101 na* sklop. ki bil sprejet dne S. februarja, da kdor se ne bo udeteit! vsaj veake 8. meseč ne seje, bo druitvo postopalo a nJim po prsvlllh. So goUvl člani, ki se nikdar ne udeleie seje, pa četudi llvo v neposredni bllllni društvenega abo ruvanja. Oprostilo ao bo le tiste čla ne, ki Imajo opravek doma ali kje drugje- UpoiUvajU to naznanilo to se po nJem ravnajte.- Johaaa Pečjak. Ujnka. Cerllnvllle, lil.—Uradniki drultvs It. 802 sa tekoče leto aot Jee Novak predsednik, Sam Koeanovkb, pod-predeednik. Krances Podobnik, tajni ca. Joe JarU, blagajnik. Matt Mrak zapknlkar, Bolntoki nadzornik Matt Podobnik. Zdravnik Ja dr. vaako S. nedeljo v mesecu ob 9:80 d op. v Voselnovl dvorani. 618 Hlgh st. Fraacee Podobnik, tajnica, RFD firsye Undlng, Pa,—Članstvu dru Itva it. 101 ae nasnanja. da druMvo priredi aabavo dne 1. marca v prostorih. kjer ae obd rta vajo druitveno seje. Vstopnina 00» t lenake, noč to nlce plačajo 2lc, otroci so proatl Clanl plačilo HOc če se udeleie veee lice ali ne. igrala bo ia vrstna har taonlka. Uljudno ae vabi vae od bil su to daleč. Preskrbljeno bo za lajne ia točne. Veseliea prične ob S zvečer. «—Veaetlčal odbor CoeoM. Obto.—Druitvo It. M4 priredi veliko maskf redno veselko «to» 18. februerje v Kalinov* dv< nt. MU W. M st. Začetek tečne 7. sveče». Uljudno »abimo «ae okoli Ske rojake ln r..)ekt*ja. da • maskeradno veselice udeleie v veli kom Itevilu. Zabav» ba aa vse dovol, veselja na kole. Oddane bede nagra «te maskam. Na »videnje v| i dne IS. feb».! I , Aaae 1 s bela, Uimce. M vrli dno _ dnevnem bo spletno glasovanje. Clanl Si bodo lahko nabavili lopne koledarfte SNPJ. UdeleiiU ae vsi, kajti seja bo važna.—Fraak Klua. ''imš 1 ni 1'imtfci-. A. (Jardo«: Tedenski odmevi ke&evanj primorskih slovencev ob Od čass do čsos se med nami poj s vi vprašanje, prav za prav >oiemiks o primorakih Sioven-i ih, odnoono o pokojnem JRZ. Da se o tem vprašanju »erio-dično oglasi kak rodoljub v enetn Sil v drugem čaaopisu, nI nič budnega. Dejstvo namreč je, da nad Primorjem vlada Mua-aolini s ovojo tiransko politiko, drugič, da se v blagajni pokojnega JRZ nahaja še nekaj tisočakov in trctiČ, da smo ljudje različnegs mišljenja in političnega pripadništva. Zadnje čaae se je oglaoil rojak Andrej Križmančič, ki je imel dne 31. januarja priobčen spis tudi v Prooveti nanašajoč ae na to zadevo. V dopisu gre navidezno' za prvo vprašanje, namreč glede zasuženja primorakih Slovencev. Besedo navidezno je treba podčrtati, ker spis dovol prozoren, da gre predvsem sa drugo stvar kot za "reševanje" primorskih Sloven-cev. Vidi se mi, da js v spisu ¿o popolnoma postranskega vprašanja, da je človek popolnoma upravičen dvomiti v navidezno iskrenost pisaitelja — kdor jo fte — ker jo Ml predvsem spisan iz političnih motivov. Pisec nsmreč nima zaupanja povirjeništvo premoženja JRZ, do česar je popolnoma u-pravičen in katere pravice mu no moro nihče zanikati. Zsnl-kati mu je nihče namreč ne more toliko časa, dokler je človek skren sli pa, ako mora dokaza-I, da upraviteljstvo ne upravlja premoisnja v smislu merodajnih zaključkov, ki so bili v tem slučaju storjeni, ko je bila organizacij* razpuščena. V kolikor e pisec objektiven s njegove kritiko, bi se U objektivnost lahko smatrala le kot kritika dotičnih zaključkov in pa sugestija za spremembo istih, do !ssar je vsakdo upravičen, ki jt bil aktiven v dotičnem gibanju. Te pravice mu torej ne more nihče zanikati. Kar človeku da dvomlniti v navidezno iskrenost spisa, ota med drugimi tudi sledeča dva stavka. G. Križ mančič pravi: "Razmere in u soda primorskih Slovencev je lahko vsem znafta, da so tem dl roktno sploh ne moro nič poma gatl sa njih osvobojenje" in da . . vsak trosno misleč človek zna, da z nekaj tisočaki se no rešuje velikih vprašanj, am psk le t stalnim dolom ln 2ri se ipso fakto pridružili delavskemu gibanju. In delavsko gibanje, £i v resnici nekaj Šte-Je, mora biti internacionalno cot so na primer vera, naciona-izem, kapitalizem in moderna veda. Rojaku KriŽmančiču in njegovim somišljenikom se ta argument najbrž ne bo dopadel; udi ne upam, da bi jih mogel pridobiti za moje nazore. Smo )ač ljudje in različne pameti. Vendar sem pa prepričan, da je to poleg gori omenjenih načinov edina pot, ki vodi do lepše bodočnosti tudi glede primorskih Slovencev. In koncem konca bo njihova rešitev prišla le potom zmage delavstv^ v Italiji, Jugoslaviji in v drugih deželah. To se mogoče ne sliši preveč čarobno, vendar pa ne vidim druge )0tl. Z jokom, z izkanji bruna tam, kjer ga ni, se gotovo ne bo ničesar doseglo. Dr. John J. Zavertnik Physician sad Surgeon Ottlss bears st ITS4 W. tttk Stmt TW. Crawford MU—1 SM «M M • iM Daily Onset W«L sa4 Saa. Oaly he NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Talnim srcem naznanjam sorodnikom, znancem to prijatelja Uro« Amerike latoetno veet. da Je nemila amrt pretrgala ait življenja mojemu ljubemu sinu \ JOE GLAGOVŠEKU Umrl Je po štiri dnevni kratki a nratni bolezni ob S. ari zjutraj dne 27. nov. 1929 to pogreb ae Je vrtU 1. doc. 1920 na fcemmertr, Wyo., pokopaStče. Rojen Je bil 17. decembra 1905 to je bil ¿U„ Mladinskega oddelka S. N. P. J. do aveje amrtl. Bil Je zelo miren to dobrega znataja. ter skrben sa avoje atarile, za kar gs zelo tetko pogretamo. Bil Je selo priljubljen tudi pri drugih narod-noatih, kar ae Je pokazalo ob njegovem pogrebu. Najlep&a hvali vaem, ki ao ga apremlli na pokopolille k zadnjemu politku in veem, ki ao darovali kraaae vence aa njegovo krato v zadnji pozdrav, de posebno lepa hvala sestram to bratom za darovane vence, kakor tudi lepa hvala druttvu M. 563 S. N. P. J. in Lokalu premogarske unijo, ter vaem ekupaj, ki ao karkoli dobrega atorill, nam pomaga« In nae tolažili v uri laloeti to neerete naie. Tebi, dragi sin Ia brat, pa Želimo, počivaj v miru to bdpka naj TI bode ameriška aemlja; oetanei nam v ved nem epomhta, dokler ae pridemo t odi mi ca Teboj. "Oj usoda U življenja nam prehitro vseto nai zaklad. Najlepio mladostno srečo spremenila ai v trpljenje, tugo nam in jad. Solza pada oj neiteta, talno bije nam#arce. Smrt kruts vzeto ai ga večnost proč od naa. Oh, čemu november 27ti. V rakev so Te položili ib odaeoll preč od nas, dneve srečne izpreme-nlll v žalovanje sa Teboj od nae."—Žalujoči oetalir Marija Glagov. iek. mati; tri aeetre. Ella Glagovlok, Marjr, omolena Evirh, in Aana, omolena Čada j, ter bratje Leopold, John ia Louis Glagoviek, val v Kemmerer, Wjro. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA zabljeno. V rapalski pogodbi je goslavija odstopila Primorje brezpogojno. Za kulturni obstoj podjarmljenega naroda se očividno nI niti najmanj zanimala* namreč da bi bila insisti-rala, da v pogodbo pridejo garancije, da ima podjarmljeno judstvo vse .pravice gojiti lastno kulturo, Hi je običajna- vsa kemu narodu. Brez teh g&ran :ij, oziroma radi brezpogojnega odrekla Primer ju, se je Italija, posebno po prihodu fašizma, vrgla z vso vehemenco na raznarodovanje podjarmljenega judstva. Pri tem vprašanju, je potrebno upoštevati predvsem rapalsko pogodbo, ker ta omogoča Italiji, da lahko počenja x>djarmljenim ljudstvom, kar noče. O tem bi se dalo mnogo pisati, kar je tukaj nemogoče. Vprašanje je, na kak način bi se dale odpraviti velike, krivice, ki se gode primorskim Slovencem Na razpolago js več alternativ katerih nobena ne predvideva točenja rodoljubnih solz. Prvič potrebna bi bila modifikacija rapalske pogodbe v toliko, da bi podjarmljeni -narod dobil nemotene ln brezpogojne pravice do laatnega narodnega kulturnega razbijanja v smislu kot imajo to priliko koroški Sloven ei pod Avstrijo, rasne narodne skupine v Rusiji, v Ameriki al Nemci, ki so prišli pod Franci jo. To je mogoče doseči bodis i direktnim pogajanjem med Italijo in Jugoelavijo ali pa ako bi Liga narodov Italijo to prisilila. Konštantirati potrebno, da nI na vidiku ne prvo ne drugo. Jugoslovanska vlada nI še pokasala najmanjše volje, da se zanima aa pri mor ske Slovence. Kar se tiče, da b se to vprašanje dalo rešiti z oboroženim konfliktom, naj omenim, da v tem ni niti najmanjšega upanja, ker nobena vojna Še ni rešila nt kakega narodnega vprašanja. Pomeni le novo trpljenje, grozodejstva ln kaos na obeh straneh. Druga alternativa je prevrat fašizma, kateremu naj bi nasledila delavska vlada v Italiji. Z ugibanjem, ako in kedaj pride do tega, oe tukaj ni vredno oe-čati. Rečem naj le to. da je boj proti fašizmu edina, atvar po mojem mišljenju, za katero bi ae morali ogrevati tudi naši rodoljubi. Dejstvo jo, da dokler bo na krmilu fašizem, toliko časa je nemogoče pričakovati. da posije lepše solnce tudi primorskim Slovencem. Seveda boj proti fašizmu ne more in ne sme sloneti na nacioualiatični podlagi. Prvič je tak boj nemogoč In drugič tudi izredno nevaren, ker njegov rezultat hI bil le rasvoj Masnega nacionalizma kot ga na primer pred-atavlja fašizem. Boj proti fa- At Blavstr'« Drue Crawford I ISM W. Mai é!»e—«!®o p. a sa« Sud. Oaly by Wst 1 —t---- gii, ._' _ ' êll ,1 II ..... .11 Dr. Andrew Farta ZOBOZDRAVNIK Ogdoo Nstl Bank BUg. Soba It. 204 vogal Crawford la Ogdoa Ave* Chicago. Illtooie Oredae «ee« OS t. «s 11. 4s*. e« L Se S. »spol«as la e« S. «o S. ■valse. Ob anteh s4 S. «a IS. «sp. . TW. Cr.»W ia» '¿t't*. TsL aa «SMS- Bsskaef SRI -\V Potrtim areem naznanjam lalostao veet, da Je po kratki in mučni bolezni preminula ljubljena ml soproga to mati __ frances kokalj (roj. skski) Sedaj ob smrti stara IS let Rojena aa Pšati, fara Sv. Jakob ob Savi pri Ljubljani V Ameriki Jo bila 16 let. Pogreb ae je vriil ia hile žalosti na katoliško Ml OHvet pokopališče v Milwaukee, Wie., dne 25. Januarja 1M0, pod vodstvo« alov. pogrebnika Frank Ermenca. Ob ti nepričakovani nesreči si smatram v dolžnost, ds ee aajtopleje sah valim sorodnikom, snaacem to prijateljem, ki so me toiaži|I in ml stali ns strani ob uri žaloati moje nearece. Najlepše ae zahvaHm njeni eeetri Rosi in njenemu soprogu Peter I Zajcu, John Wolgamuthu in njegovi soprogi. Nadalje ae lepo za-, hvalim za darovane vence In sa sožalje aledečlm: Društvu sv. Js- I neza, katerega ¿lanlca Je bila pokojna, rodbinam ln poaamezni-kom: Rosi Zaje, John Kokalj, Prank Schmlt, John Wolgemuth, Anton Bučar, Frank Jager, John Terlkan, Frank Zore. Jee Luiar, Joe Horvat. Fräak Dragan, Mike Stibtor, John Unolek, Jeri Jager, Anton Frangeš, Loula Suban, Seemen Body Corp. to Mound Street Public Schoolv Lepa hvala vaem, kl so dsU avtomobile na razpo. togo in tako povelllali a pre vod, hvala v se n^ in za vae, kar se pomagali ia žrtvovali sa me. Pokojnlca zapnlča pet nedoraslih otrok v ataroeti od dve do lestnajat let. Drage aoproga ln mati, odila ai od naa v proranl dobi, pustila naa aa vedno, a aal epom in bode octal v na lih arclh. Počivaj v miru in lahka nai Ti bode ameriška zemlja.—Žalujoči oatall: Frank Kokalj, eoprog; Frank Jr., Ludmila, Vinko. Ciril ln Bernarda, otroci, val v Milwaukee. Wia. Sestri. RozaSJa Zajec v Cudaby, Wia. to Marija Roškar ia Pavlina Janeiič v atari domovini. ' ' > "Č - ^ '_ ■ S JAVNA ZAHVALA . Sa tužnba arcem dajemo znati avlm prijateljem I rodbini žaloetnu veat. da jo «s uvjek zaspal nai ain brat HIIM^^^^^H JOSEPH KRUSLIN i Wi Bolovao Jo oaam mjeeeci na telkoj boleatl, od hoje je morso pod leči am rti. Vmro Je (IS. |aa.'lS»S. v S. aati )aa večer u bolnici u 8t. LoaiSU. Mo.' Za oobom ooUvIJa oca, mater i jednu aestrn 8 «odtoa atara. Rodlo ae IS. nov. 1000. I evrlio Je evoj «ivot u 20. godlni avoje mladosti. Bio Je član dr. br. 210, SNPJ., u Granite City. 111., koje mo Je daroval« kraani vjenee u zadnji ppomen. Najlepše ae sahvallmo članovima druitva, koji su mu priredili Uko IIJopi pogreb aa drafcvenim barjactota. Najlepla hvala svi-ma, koji su darovali vjenee i evijoče, dok Jo pokojni lelal na mrt-vačkom odra. Najlepla hvala Mtoerva klubu u Madison. III., gdje Jo i on Mo člaa, sa idtu evječa, I mre. Rota Aahtey, koje nas Je tješlla u na loj laloeti. Nadalje ae zalTvatojemo mr. i mrs. Danoff, mr. I mre. Dineff na njlhovoj podvorbi. | Najlepše ae aahvaHmo 6 dečkom I S d levo) kam, koji en nosili lijoa aa pokojnikom. I io eu: John Tanooff, Joe Budosh. Steve Barzoff, Joka Sever. Stanley Shnleder, Frank fivoboda. Helen Donoff, Mary «oshkoff, Nannete Evangeloff, Mary Skeador, Mary Derner I Annie Shnleder. Joi Jedaapat ee najlepšo sahvallmo svlma akupe. koji sa dolli na npro vod i koji aa dali svoje automobile, kod aprovoda do Calvary groblja na Sunad Hllhi. A Tebi, dragi alako. pak žeBnio. poči« mirno I lahka TI Mla hladna zemlja amerttka. Oetavlo nI ' otllao od sua. aH Tvoja aapomena oetaae uvjok kod naa.—Zslui«»c' Tvoji roditelji, otae I majka; Vid I Mary Krašlin, Tvoja tosls rastra Fannie KrašUa. članovi dr. br. 220, SNPJ.. a Granite City, m. ■ POTOVANJE V STARI KRAJ si odredite najbolje potoni našegs potniškega oddclks. ki ji odprem» in dopremil ie na tisoče ljudi t njihovo asjvečji zadovoljstvo. " .'/ Pomagati dobiti pos, dovoljenje aa povratek in incomc tat davek dokument. Napravimo afldavit, prošnjo za dckl u >c o zakonitosti dohoda v to zemljo, kakor tudi prošnje zs i*** zakonitne kvotne vize za ona, ki spadajo v to frapo. POŠILJAMO DENAR v staro domovin«, kakor tudi r □stale kraje vsc*a srveU banftsim nalogom, čekom ali br/oj^ nim potom po najpovoljnajiem tečaju. Ta največja slovanska banka v Ameriki, ki Je po"*»1 širom sveta, k S »ml bomo callvaN evetla aa tvnjl gomili Is ee Te epo*ln|all| aln Mi «»Mtall t John Bogatel, ote. Mary Bogataj, mati. Rudy, Joka Jr., Krnil, Leula ia Willi»m, bratje.—Pranklin. Kanena. Veselica društva ii. 697 Clalridge, Pa. — Tukajšnje novo angleško poslujoče društvo "Romera" št. 097 SNPJ priredi v soboto dne 16. teb. plesno veselico v Narodnem domu v korist društvene blagajne, ki je popolnoma prazna. Uljudno vabimo vsa okoliška društva in drugo občinatvo, staro in mlado, da pridete v obilnem številu, da nam tako pripomorete k boljiefmi u-spehu. Kadar boste vi ksj priredili, smo vam vaelej pripravljeni poaet vrniti. VeseHčni odbor je na delu, da uetreie vsem posetnlkom In v vseh ozirih. Za ples bo Igral Lockardov orkester tako, da ee bo vrtelo vse. Prigrizek bo izvrsten. Vstopnina sa moške |1, as ionske Me. Ns svidenje dne 15. feb.l—Matt Regtna ml., tajnik. v sobote dse IS. fskrmaija ? preštetih g. Psvls Bsrfsrjs, 2653 So. Lawndale Ave., Chicago, Illinois RAD B! IZVEDBI, sa naslpv mojega bratranca Janeza Logar, doma U Vrblce pri U. Bistrici. Rojake prosim, ako kdo ve sa njegov naslov, naj ml Istega poiljajo, sa kar ae ie v napred zahvalim. Ako bo pa on sam ta oglas Čital, ga prosim, da se ml javi. Poročati mu Imam nekaj zelo vašnega Iz rojstnega kraja. Ptful Skrlj, P. O. Box 58, Sugarlte, New Mes^-(Adv.) RAD BI IZVEDEL za mojo sestro AmaJijo KrČul (ail Gruly), prej Radlna. Njen naslov pred 10 leti Je bil Bos »78, Roundup, Mont. Iščem jo radi vaine zadeve od njene matere. Rojake prosim, če kdo ve za njsn naslov, naj ml to naznanijo, sa kar se ie v napred zahvalim, ako bo pa sama Čitala ta oglas, naj se prijavi svojemu bratu na naslov: L. Radlna, 1114 K. 67th st„ Cleveland, O, (Adv.) RAD BI IZVEDEL za naslov mojega prljsteljs Joaeph Komlanc, doms nekje od Bučk« na Dolenjskem. Kakor sem slišal, se nahsjs nekje pri Moon Run, Pa. Uljudno prosim rojake, ako kdo ve ss njegov naslov, da ml lategs neznani, ako ps on sam to Čits, gs prosim, da se ml Javi na nsalov: G rac Jan Lovrach, P. O. Bos 181, Ufferty, Ohio.—(Adv.) Vabljeni ate, da ee prtdruštte enemu od aledečlh potovanji SS. marca.—Veilkaaotno potovanje na imposantnem frsneoakem brtopar-niku s neprekoaljtvim III. ratredom —lile de Prance, ki Je ssrndl tvoje večstranske popolnosti saaluval pri potnikih vseh rasredov. III. reared do Ljubljana..$U7.S8 III. raared do Trata......... 109.90 Retum-karta do Ljubljana... 210.00 Return-karta do Trata...... 171.00 Ne odlašaJta a priglasitvijo aa potovanja. » ♦* i r V^ V. ■ of Ail Ule Lesdlng Standard • jjf Varieties BUT, Babies need Care.—if you order my Ohlaka hatched from epeciel brad, to-lay flock in my Special Mamoth Electric Ineubntor, I'll be glad to give you a valuable book "How ta Take Care of Baby Chiche" which will help to make bigger profits for you. Baby Chicka hatched in my epeclal Ineuhator are bigger, stronger and better, and aaaler to raise. Try some of my WMte Plymouth Kock this yesr and be convinced. O Lei this emblem be • your guide and s ' SMgiierd to an honeet business deal You will receive Chleka as ad-vertlaed at reason. ' able, fair and square prices. Don't delay, but eend for my prtee Sat and further details. MRS. A. €i. K OHM The Sgaere Deal Nalcfcery I. maja.—M a Jako potavaaje na ananam priljubljenem in tedaj še pre. novljenam francoekem brtoparnlku Parla, koJega tretji raared je nekaj poaebnega. Priglasit« ae Šlm prej in al »agotovite mesto, kolikor prej, toliko bolje m vaa. . III. raared do Ljubljane.. . ,$11409 III. raared do Trata......... 101.90 Return-karta do LJubljane.... 106.00 Rcrun-karta do Trata......,,,177.00 II. maja—Potovanje dlrehtao v Tret na novi veliki in hitro motorni kdS—Vulcaaia, ki ima najmoder nejše naprave tudi v tretjem raare-du, Hamo It dni do TraU. To poto vanje Je priporočljivo alaatl ss sv> tomobiliete, ki lahko vtamejo avoj* •"kara" aeboj, dalje ss velike drufti. ne a malimi otroci, in sploh aa vae, ki ljubijo daljšo vošnjo In ali kov I-tost Sredoa. morja. Priglasil«» ae Je še vel avtomobillatov. Priglasit« ae še V* POZOR t POZOR DELNIČARJI Išče s« rojak John Mlsh, ka-Url naj ee takoj priglasi, dobil bo zelo vslne novic« Is starega kraja. Ps r let s« J« nahajal v driavl Illinois. Prosi se, da bi se Isglsail nemudoma, ter naj piše na "Enakopravnost", 8418 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, Ohio. (Adv.) Slovenskega delavskega doma oziroma zemljišča za dom na Osag«, W. Va. Hkl«p s«je z dne 26. januarja 1M0 j« bil, da ee Korporacija razpusti In da s« čarter t« korporacija Hiov. Del. Doma na Oaage, W. Va., pošlje nazaj. Prosimo vse delničarje, da upoštevajo ta ogla«. Zapisnikar Korporacija, Joa«ph Založnik, Bok 87, Frum, W Va, J a-kob T«kauc, predsednik. (Adv.) RADO BI SAZNATI za svoju slnovku po Imenu Aaks Barberič, I njezinog alna. Rodom j« Iz Koprlvnlčke Rlj«k«, občina Sokolovac, JugoalavlJa Molim brašd, ako koJI zna sa njeslnu adr<. viD Ml w M w, bit iM la* *Ub ■ Srt«ss PBOSVBTA U»Mt A»«.. CMmm, UU»*U MZMSEB OF THE FEDERATED EREM Federacije S. N. P. a. pea « «I [,m*rri rm kkwUe. primšr iJm». »l-M). P*** m pmmsI. da »m« M • inborn »S ta ta ,r.roU~o. + - **m H« m -to T«S«fS M. Kakšno demokratko hočete? Neki slovenski list »je joka nad "krivico", ki se je zgodHa članu SNPJ, ko je posetil zad-njo aejo gl. odbora in zahteval beeedo, pa je ni dobil. Iz tega incidenta list ivaja: "To ni demokracija! Cianetvo nima nikakih pravic!' Lift je • tem pokazal, ds se le igra z beeedo demokracija, da mu ni za dejetva in reeni-co in da na cenen način dela iz komarja alona v intereau avoje frakcije. Vaa dotična kritika je velik nssmisel in Proaveta je poklicana, da pobija vae take neamlselnoetl. Kaj ja demokracija? Demokracija je v bistvu (forma — politična, industrijska, socialna itd, — je zdaj poatranaka) vlada večine ljudatva. V našem alučaju ja vlada večine aktivnega članstva. Večina aktivnega član-ttva («lani, ki ne hodijo na asje, niso aktivni) IsvoM delegate in ti sprejmejo pravila in druge skleps, ki veljsjo zs vae člane, gl. odbor pa akrbl, da ae Izvajajo pravila In drugi akle-pi, torej volja večine. To je demokracija! A-ko ni članom kaj po volji, lahko lnlclstirajo, Izpremembo in večina odloči. Zdaj je na član-akem glssovsnju predlog starostnega zavaro-vsnjs; ako ga večina hočs, gs sprejme, sko gs noče, ga zavrle. To je demokracija! Večina na konvenciji je poetavils točko v pravila, da ao seje gl. odbora javne za člahe SNPJ, toda besedo imajo le gl. odborniki, razen če je katsri člsn pozvsn pred odbor. To je disciplina v demokraciji! Kajti brez di-aclpllna nI demokracije. Dotlčhl člkaiki član ]s prišel na aejo in zahtevsl besedo, ne da bi ga bil odbor pozval. Kam bi prišli, če bi vsak član zahteval in dobil besedo ns sejah gl. odbora? Koliko čass bi aeja trajala In kaj bi bila vredna? To bi ne bila več demokracija, tsmvsč anarhija! In ta privilegij bi imeli le Čiksški člsni, ki lshko pridejo ns sejo; zunanji ¿lani ne morejo priti, torej bi ae jim godila krivica. Ali ao čikaški člani kaj več kot zunanji? \ Is tags js jasno, ds kritik ne ssgovsrja principa demokracija, peč pa sshtevs as či-ksšks člsne poseben privilegij, kar je najmanj demokratično. Pravile ns delsjo Izjem. Všlja-Jo zs vas člsne ensko In gl. odbor mors gl«v dsti, ds as prsvila spoštujejo. V Jednoti Je lshko na tlaoče članov, ki Imajo kakšno pritožba na gl. odbor; lahko ao društva, ki imajo pritožbo. Za vae pritošbe. pa naj pridejo iz New Yorka, San Franciaca all Chlcaga, je do-točen« ena pot, po kateri lahko pridejo na namenjeno mesto. Za vae enako! To je demo- fcme//a! • * V jednoti ao kajpada aktivne manJAinrf" članov, ki niso bili, niso danes in ne bodo zadovoljni z vsemi sklepi večine, dokler bo ftlveta jrdnota. Zlasti niso zadovoljni oni, ki so bili nekoč z večino, a so se sami porinili v manjšino. TI bodo vedno in vedno znali povedati o kaki "krivici" in "mašinl" in vedno jim je "premslo" demokracije — pozabljajo pa, da bi oni, če bi bili večina, delali prav tako in nič drugače kakor dela današnja večina, če bi hoteli ohraniti demokracijo v jednoti. Vsak gl. odbor, vsaka vsčina Je nekomu "mašina", dokler Je nekdo v manjšini. SNPJ je demokratična organizacija, naj-demokrstičnejšs med vsemi jugoelovanskimi podpornimi organizaciji v Ameriki. Po vsej pravici se lahko pribije ta samohvala. Edina nesreča s nami Je, ker je še dosti članov, ki demokracije ns razumejo, drugi člani pa, ki so dovolj inteligentni, da bi lahko razumeli — pa dajejo potuho prvim. To je naša slabost, ki lahko vaem skupaj naredi veliko škode. To nerazumevanje se jasno izraža v nekaterih dopisih v Pros vet i. Člani Imajo avo-bodo stvarne kritike o Jednotinih zadevah, toda mnogi bi radi Izkoristili to svobodo za ose-* ben boj in za frakcijsko propsgsndo proti izločenim načelom In smernicam jednote in njenega glasila Ako bi bilo vse absolutno svobodno, bi i-mell anarhijo v Jednoti In listu. Ker pa ima-; mo demokracijo, morajo vefjati gotovi principi In gotova smernice — in sicer oni principi In amernice, ki jih večina aktivnegs članstva spo-, sna za najboljše. Tako Je bilo od rsčetks SNPJ In tako oetene toliko časa, dokler hoče na*a Jednota napredovati in živeti. OKROŽNE FEDERACIJE JEDNOTINIH DRUfiTBV ( hira ko, lit — V raznih o-k rož jih ao ae uatanovile federacije jednotinih društev v evrho uspešnejše agitacije za jednoto, prirejanje skupnih slavnoeti in drugih priredb. Okrožne federacije ad ae izkazale koristne v vseh ozirih za jednoto, društva in članstvo, kajti večkrat se v raznih okra-ib pojavijo problemi, ki ae lah- John F. Kntcli, predsednik Za prtanovitev federacije Bridgeport, O. — Na seji dru-Chicagu in bližnji okolici ln iz-i*tva št. 18 dne 2. feb. emo raz-volllo v to avrho pripravljalni I previjali o vprašanju glede mož-odbor treh članov. Tozadevni I n0Bti uatanovitve federacije odbor ja do pdaj piameno pova- društev SNPJ za vzhodni Ohio. bil vaa bližnja društva na včla- Članatvo vidi v tem velik napre-njenje v federacijo oziroma ao- dek za vaa društva in za jedno-delovanje sa ustanovitev fede- to v vseh ozirih. Slične federa-raclje in upati je, da se bodo vsa cije v drugih krajih so pokaza-društva Sdsvala z voljo za akup- le, da je bilo njihovo delo vselej no delo. Do zdaj je imelo le še uepešno. Valed tega je bilo akle-žensko društvo "Nada" št. 102 njeno, da tajnik obvesti vas evojo redno aejo in ae je izreklo društva v tem okrožja potom___^ za sodelovanje in v to avrho iz- Prosvete, če ao pri volji delovati Letimo mnogobrojno. Pridimo volilo tri zastopnice. Zetleti je, v Federaciji, da se takoj prifla- |Vilf jjj radj slišimo slovesko pe Idillvsa ostala društva slede sijo in da» ae ts prekoristna ide-vzglsdu društva Nade in omo- ja čim prej ureanlči. go*Up sklicanje prva asje za-1 Cas je določen za par mesecev, stopnlkov vseh bližnjih društev da se članstvo ns svojih sajah enkrat v meaecu marcu. poavatuje in isvoli svoja zasjop- Can je, da aa tudi tfksška nike. Sporočite svoj sklep.br. driaitva zavzamejo Sa žlvshnej-1 Martinu Koesu. R. F. ^Nor še gibanje na društvsnem polju, bo* 195, Bridgsport, O. Kskor da ne bomo zaostajali za drugi- hitro se bo prijsvilo le nekaj dru- nine prosti, m! mesti, oziroma okraji, ki so «tev, bomo tako začeli z akcijo. ^a veselo svidenje dne 1«. fe-že davno thedaebojno organizl- Stvar je važna in koristna, zato |brusrjs!—J. Debevc. rani potom okrožnih federacij. Ja umestno in potrebno, da vaa prizadeta društva izvolijo avoje zastopnike ter s tem prijavijo svoje sodelovanje v Federaciji v tem okrožju. Društvo št. 18 bo v Banovec poje v Penni Durant City, Pa. — Operni pe-Ivec Svetozar Banovec priredi I svoj. koncert v Durant City dvo-rsni dne 16. februarja, pričetek j točno ob T. zvečer. Po koncertu bo plea v »gornji dvorani. Uljud-rbno vabimo vae okoliške rojake, da posetijo Banovčev koncert dbilnem številu. Ke bo to prv [slovenski koncert v tej naselbini, za to je naša dolžnost, da ga po- tt sem, posebno Iz grla našega metnika. *< Program bo izredno zanimiv. Banovec bo pel slovenske naroc ne ln težje skladbe, kakor tud arije iz raznih oper. Vstopnina za moške j« $1, za ženske ps 50c. Otroci pod 16. letom so vetop- Blaa Novak, član prtp. odbora dr. št. 1. Važno obvestilo 6LAS0VI IZ NASELBIN CoDinwoodske novice ¿teveland, O. — Društvo "Vi-1 pevski Raj" št S12 SNiPJ je pa veelaj na svojem mestu, vedno si1 kaj dobrega izmislijo. Ns prošH seji so sklenili, da Imajo vsi no-novopristopli člani prosto pristopnino, kar se tiče društva, za celo tekoče leto. Poleg pa Je lah- j ko vsakemu znano, da "Vipavci" tudi drugače ne spijo. Ne (la im žilica miru, ako se od časa do Časa ne porazvesefte in po domače ne zaplešejo v veseli druž- j t>i. Zato so sklanlli, da priredijo | dne 16. februarja v Slov. domu na Hohnee ave. točno ob 7. zvečer i prijetno zabavo. Uljudno vabimo vse prijatelje in znance našega1 članstva, da se udeleže in z nami I zabavajo. Postrežba bo prvovrstna in vse bo irnportirano iz drugih držav, le kuharice bodo do-1 mače.—Odbor. Ilustrirano predavanje Waukegan, 111..— V n^eljo dne 16. februarja točno ob 7:80 zvečer bo v spodnjih prostorih 9ND predaval br. John Olip, član gl. odbora SNIPJ, o stari domovini. Prsdavanje bo spremljano s slikami na pAatnu. | Predavanje se vrši pod avspi-cijo angleško govorečega društva "Little Fort" SNPJ, katerega mladi člani skušajo pokazati spoštovanje do rodne grude svojih staršev s tem, da bo-j do omogočili zanimivo ilustrirano pvedavanje. Uljudno vabijo vse, posebno pa člane in članice društev št., 14 in 119 SNPJ, da se udeleže v obilnem številu. Vstopnina je 26c za oaebo. O-l troci v spremstvu staršev so prosti. Vstopnina je nizka zato, da bo vsakemu omogočeno udeležiti se. Po predavanju se ser-vira brezplačen prigrizek, ki bo dobro teknil med kramljanjem in pogovarjanjem o tem in o-nem. Na svidenje dne 16. feb.» predavanju!—Puh. odaek. zmagiqe jetiko Umrljivost za tukerkutao ae odstotkov Je znižala p* LeRoy Millner, predsednik direktorjev Čikaškega municipalnega sanitarij a za Jetičo* j je poročal te dni, da je bila biftka s tuberkulozi v čikaškem mestu v preteklem letu selo uspe*, ns. Dr. Benjsmin Goldberg, direktor sanit*. \ rija, je predložil tabelo, ki pokazuje, da se Je umrljivost za jetikov v Chicagu znižala priblii. no pet odstotkov v enem letu. Odstotek umrljivoefci v letu 1928 je bil' 84.9 na 100,000 prebivalcev, v letu 1929 j« pj padel na 79.5. Umrljivost se je znižala ne g», mo med belokožci, med katerimi je vedno naj. nižja, temveč tudi med zamorci in Mehikanci, ki najbolj trpe na tej bolezni. Sledeča tabela pokazuje odstotke sorazmerne umrljivoiti ni 100,000 prebivalcev v letoma 1928 in 1929: 1928: 1929: Belokožci ....................... 60.7 57.7 Zamorci .......................... 455.8 404.5 Mehikanci 1012.5 722.2 Ta znameniti rezultat je bil dosežen z in-tezivno kampanjo, katero je začel direktorij sanitarije pred dvema letoma, da poduči ljudstvo, p&sebno delavsks sloje, ki so najbolj pod. vrženi tej kugi, kako se je treba zavarovati proti jedki. Najvažnejši pripomočki so: dovolj prL zračeno stanovanje, pravilna hrana in dovolj telesnega počitka. To troje je največ pomo-gio, da ae je tako zelo znižala umrljivost med zamorci in Mehikanci v teku enega leta. "Menehmi" v Chicagu Chlcago, I1L — Dramski odaek pevskega zbora "Prešeren" priredi dne 2. marca petdejanako veseloigro "Menehmi" sli "Komedijo zmešnjsv" v dvorani SNPJ. Snov igre je vzeta is grškega življenja kot se je godilo pred mnogimi stoletji. Ts igra šs ni I Clsveisnd, O. — Zastopniki vsem društvom ns roke Clevelandake federacije društva vseh ozirih. SNPJ so na prošli seji dtoe 26. Dne 26. Jan, sem ae udeleži januarja aklenili, da se prihod- »eje Federacije v Penni. Videl njs sejs Federacije vrši v West sem, kako se tsm zanimajo za Parku. 0 tem js bilo tudi že po- federseljsko delo. Mi lahko prav bila igrana na alovenskem odru. ročano v Prosvetl, toda med tem tako delujemo v naši laatni Fe-1 Pričetek igre bo točno ob 8. po-pa acm prejel obvestilo, da dotič- deraclji tukaj. Zato pa na delo poldne. Vstopnice v predproda-nl dan Um dvorana ni na raz-1 za takojšnjo uatenovitev Fede- |ji ao 60c, pri vratih pa 75c. Do- racije društev SNPJ v vzhodnem Ohiju!—Joseph Snoy. polago, ker da Je oddana za dru ge svrhe. Vsled tega sem prhnorsn, ds preldičem prvo nssnsnllo in obenem nsznsnjsm, ds ss bo prihod njs ssjs našs FsdsrscIJc vršila v Newburghu, ln sicer ns Prtncs avenujI v Slovenski delavski dvorani ob 2. popoldne. 2elim, ds zsstopniki društev blagovole vzeti to obvestilo na znanje ter da se udeleže seje pol noštovilno. Na tej seji bodo podani tudi vsi dosedanji računi. Apeliram na člane, da ae tudi oni udeleže federacijske seje. da so tako pouče o njenem delovanju. Vstop Ima vaak Član SNPJ prost In ima pravico do posvetovalnega glasu. Zastopriki dsvslsndnkih dru štev SNPJ. udeležite ae seje dne 23. feb., v Newburghu na Prince ave. Kako .tja, bom i>oročal prihodnjo sreda J. F. Tsrblzen. tajnik. Mtansaotaka fsderaclja Cfiisholm. Minn — Dolžnost vseh minnesotskih Članov SNPJ je, da ae informirajo o delovanju naše Federacije. Društva, ksters so te zestopana. Imajo vpogled v njeno delo ter gs odobrsvajo is rssloga, ker vidijo v tem združevalnem delu pot do boljšega napredka. Ničessr pa ne vidijo o našem delu ona društvs in člsni, ksteri nko še člsni naše federacije, in med temi Je še naj-več nesporne uma. Minnesotska federacija društev SNPJ Je v tem pogledu že veliko storila In še vedno deluje na tem. da uči svoje člane med-' seboj ns iloge In smotrenega dela. Iz tega razloga se na vas a- be se pri vse članih "Prešerna". Nabavite al jih aedaj. Pub. odaek. Prsdavanje v ColHnwoodu CoMnwood, O. — Dne 14. februarja priredi čitalnica SDD avoje drugo predavanje. Predaval bo'i Joseph Siskovich o predmetni: "Pregled človeškega življenja in usode." Predmet do-kazuje, ds bo predavanje zani miva Predavatelj nam bo dokazal, da le v nas samih je rešitev izpod modernega tiranstva. Predavanje prične točno ob 8. zvečer, takoj po seji čitalnice; seja prične ob 7. zvečer, v petek dne 14. feb. Koncertni program kluba Št 49 JSZ, ki je bil proizvajan dne 2. feb., je sijajno uspel. Sodelovale ao rasne moči in tako pripomogle, da je bila prireditev u-spešna. Iskrena hvala vaem, ki so sodelovali in delovali za ta koncert F. Durn. Veliki Izlet SNPJ v leta (Pod tem tuulovOm Izletni u-rad SNPJ od časa do ¿asa poro-ča važna tti forumi ve stvori» hreHte in shranite/,; DRUGI RAZRED Ko je bila knjižica o VELI-KEM IZLETU V JUGOSLAVIJO že tiskana, so bile ladijska cene drugega razreda spremenjene. 'Cene drugega razreda v knjižici torej niso prave, temveč veljajo sledeče cene: Od New Yorka do Cher- bourga .......................$152.50 Od New Yorka do Cher- beurga in nasaj............ 305.00 04 New Yorka do Cher-bourga. in aazaj. ako se vrnete po 1. oktobru ... 286.75 Znižane so tudi evropske železniške cene. Sedaj so v veljavi sledeče cene: t. rssrtd S. rssrtd Is Cherbourgs do LJubljane ........$24.35 $15.84 Is Cherbourga do Zagrebe .......... 26.80 . 17.43 Is Cherbourga do * do Beograda ... 32.96 20.74 I čel delati že Peter Vellld, pa med limi ^ nami ni prišel dlje od eašetnlh del gs ovirale tudi tehnične težkoče. kJ^f*^ našnjs rasviU tehnika s lahkoto _ vjeU nameravajo dobiti ss ta ^ehk zetnako posojilo. Prekop bi bil (Ani a ga gospodarskega pomena ss vss f^^T ju/ni del evropske Rosijs. SREDA, 12. FEBRUARJA, IZPLAČILA IZ SMKTNINSKK6A SKLADA SLUŽBO DOBI ¿enaka srednje starosti dobi službo pri družini, kjer imajo vedno moške nn hrani, torej mora anani nekoliko kuhati in druga hišna dela opravljati. Glavno Je, da ja poštena. Plača po dogovoru. Služba Ja v naaelbini laven Chicaga. Pišite na aaalov: "Služba" c. o. Proaveta, 8667 B. Lawndale Ave., Chicago, 111. Hl&A NA PRODAJ Proda ae deaet sobna, it opeke aesldana hiša s vao potrebno fforkoto, trdega leaa iadalana. široka, velika lota, blltu 96. ceste. Uprašajte spodaj odipre-daj na: 2616 S. Millard Ave., ( hicago, IIL— (Adv.) NAZNANILO ROJAKOM na Ely, Mina., in okolici. Odprl ••m mojo brlvaleo v vodjih prostorih ln ilcor Um ko mm bH m-šol prod M loti. BodaJ jo no moderno urojono. Mojo dtlo jo prvovrstno hi votltj v sadovoljitvo. 81-cor mo dobro poanaU mono In moj« dtlo. So toplo prlporoftom sa obllon poaot. 8 »poštovonjom vaš FRANK CERČRK, brivoo, Ely, Minn. ŽENITVENA PONUDBA Al. ai Pranooa Km lil. At. m. a|t>« Skufao 114 10, Anton Pli». Ur m. Paul Kuka. H4. i«**** M«. MIlan Hipili IM. št Nt. P rank China MI. Kr.no« Hunuk m. PMlIp Jakli« Hf U«N»M Naaiia »I. Mar* Marchu* »U. Anton Uulbi.* lil. John Jakllch UMU. Anton tMohlch IIT.M. Pro-«M Pivwrol« 114. Jnaaph Mm,k Ml. Matthew J. Sahmjaak in. Martin StohoUnlk IM. J »An A. TWk |U. K Ml. Krank Patri«* H. Martla Mlakar IN. Mary Pavlakovia NI. Krnnk ImIi NI. Ivan Btanakovta NI. Martin HlunaM N«.N. 4N. John Martlnak ITI, ttlmun Hapatln NI. John a«*lh I IN, Prank l>..rman N4. At. 4N. Uaia MaOaaavIr N«. Anta» Ktrln-fiM» NI. Qwi* Por lo N. t 4N. »Jaran* VorWo N». 4N. HWv« Matar N». John Kaau« II«. š«. 44». Mary »uppan III, Anna Oohr-»Ja .NI. At. 411. Mary Partea NI N. Vlnaaot Oran-ko n* At. 4N. Aanaa Vmk II«. At. 4«1. Mn UM« It« i At. 4 ti. John I Uit*« I NO. At. Ml. Frank Kljuear N«. Antoa Zltnlk N«. Johanna Prtna NA. Slovenka ae šeli sesnanitl v avrho ženittoe • fantom aH vdovcem v starosti 80 do 40 let Imeti mora tudi nekaj premoženja. Tudi jat imam precej premoženja. Vae ponudbe pošljite na naalov: "Nevesta", 2627 So. Lawndale Ave., Chicago, M. IZPLAČILA IZ SMRTNINSKEGA SKLADA DELO ZELI DOHITI JoaaarJa 1888 Iskušen farmarakl delavec bi rad dobil delo na farmi, bodiai ta Šivlno krmiti ali karkoli že. Ce kdo potrebuje, naj piše na upravo tega lista. Sedaj sem tudi na farmi pa želim spremembe. Pišite na naslov: Farmar-ski delavec, 2667 S. Lawndalo Ave., Chicago, 111.—(Adv.) št. 999. Halen Mikitoh At. IN. Oaorf« Koaoman IM, Miohaal Oar-talla NI. Mill llonetojlek N«. Joaeph Uoku-IMi NI.N. Mamar»! Uuarlrh lio. Madaelav Munia« NI. Anton K v m NI. At. NI. IHmI Pavla lo N. Ualaa llah-rl, NI. At. »N. Joaaph Parku NI. At. Iti. Mary Supaa NI. At. Iti* Charla, Jarleh N »«. Anton »kuhi« N. S«! l«4. íahn r. aa*.ik°TÍ Anna, Parma ./.............. «IN IN hNM Čl», Pa. .... ................ «III IN ClavalaaS, 0. ....... ................ «III l«l Cleveland, O, ,....*.. ................ «II« I IN WUIarS. Wla. ....... ................ «IN Nt Satla. Maat......... ................ 41N Nt SatU. Maat......... i!.!..!!!!../..' NN N» Cannon City! OaU. „ ................ «Ill IN ASaS. Pa. ........... ................ «lit NI JaafeaaOvUla. Saw. .. ................ «Ill IN TIra Mili, Sa. ......t ................ «Ill IN WalaanNfa Cab. ... ................ «m in minfsii Pa« ...... ................ «IN IN Miami. Avia. ........ t.............. «IN NI Mlaal. Art*. ........ ................ «11« Ml Bait». Ok .......... ................ «Ill «N Keener, IS........... ................ «lit l«l «aereiaeaU. Calif. . «••••»•••»««••a* 4IH MUI JMMflJpb ÜÜ Ml HIIíMmi W fa. *••«#•« I splava no akoii Zadrulno banke, Ljebljaaa dodléom v Jugoslaviji ......t.........I NN I IN I Cannon City, Otto. .. Na aplošao povprašovanjo Is sanliaaajo rojakov sa asšs »kupna tsloto nasnsnjamo, da prirtdlmo to loto »lodošo IslsAs» Po FRANCOSKI progi a parnlkom MILK DC FRANCI" »teke Kam. I. SKUPNI (VELIKONOČNI) IKLKT da» 88. maros. Nadaljal ialotl.po liti profl In s litim parnlkom: 18. aprila apomladanikt tslet 85. junija dniffl poletal talsl 18. maja aal GLAVNI tslst U. julija trotjl polotnl tsisl «. junija poletni ImUt 1. ouffuita tetrti polotnl lalsl S parnlkom "PARIS" tadl I «kupna Islota, 88. maja la 86. JealJa. Po CUNAID prpsi s pomikom "HA U RETA NIA" proko Cherbourg*. I. SKUPNI SPOMLADANSKI IfcLKT dao 88. aprila. Po C06UUCH prosi s motorno ladjo «VUL0AN1A» IN "8ATURNIA" proko Trsta. L SKUPNI IKLKT s motorno ladjo "VULCANIA" 18. aprila. Nadaljni lalotl po lati profti 80. maja "SATURNIA" I. oktobra "VULOAHIA" 8. sugusta "VULCANIA" 88. aovombra "SATUINIA" 8. soptombr« "VULCANIA" U. doeombra ««VULOANU" • Sakser State Bank 89 Cortlandt Stmt New York, N. Y. POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNIŠKI PODPORI aokaiaaa dno 84. Jaasarfa 1888. At. I. Martin II Mm rt, N. Oaar»« Ba, potnik {¡i »^¿¡UFEčsrs: Catharlaa Matula 111 At. t. John Capa a NI-At. d. Ella Koale III, Katharlaa Hltra 111. Joaaph Kadanovla IN. Luay lartah IN. Anton Janko NO. Maria Kovaaavla NO.M. Jama« Zupane!« lltAI. At. 11. Matthaw Majnarl« llt.M, John Mu. rat lil. Jaha Marat III, Thamaa MaJaarU .aloa Sahraiaah NO. lUaUrala 111, Anton tr llt.M, Uawla Sa-a,|H.N. Prank S ra-Na. Prank Capanela Am Martlnjak |U.U. I»r«a.. INMNkej 9 Pawl Sroaovlah N< tf«ro »lliah IIU. POTUJTK E NAJHITREJŠIM PAŠNIKOM NA VODI ' BREMEN S. S. KUROPA, m JO S KDAJ OBADI, BO STAVUKNA V HROMIT MARCA IMS SAMO 7 DNI DO JUGOSLAVIJI Pripravna In direktna šeleinlška iveaa s vaeml dali Europe. Redna tedenska odplutja i priljubljenim brodovjem Uoydovih parnlkov PROMET POATNE HRANIL NICE v Beogradu ss mssae december 1929 V mesecu decembru je odprlo svoje nove uloge 196 novih čekovnih računov, tako, da ima sedaj vseh skupaj 17,798 čekovnih računov pri Poštni hranilnici v IMgradu in pri njenih podružnicah v Zagrebu, Ljubljani, Sarajevu In Skoplju. Promet meaeca decembra 1929 je znašal Din ft,362,*86,746.S2. Od tega je izvršeno virmanom, brez upotrebe gotovine 499» , t. J. Din. 2.627.566,167.90. Na vseh čekovnih ralunih uložena vsota Ja Din 918,608,769.06 Hranjenje je v mesecu decembru telo napredovalo: pristopilo je 8,304 novih ulagataljev, in vložena vsota je narasla ra 6 in pol milijonov dinarjev, tako da uloge koncem decembra irtaAsjo Din 106,626.242.64. Sedaj ima Poštna hranilnica 69,-862 ulagateijev.—(Adv.) 14. MaiÜMT I št. IN. Mhry POSTNA HRANILNICA KRALJEVINE JUGOSLAVIJE ZA VLOGE JAMČI DRŽAVA lodMal f stari kraj. Delarji bevaaem tečaje brea ka lah tavajte braapl Na prodaj ali v zameno sa posestvo v starem kraja v Sloveniji Je prilično sa letovišče. Ulo prilagodno za dobro trgovino. Kdor ae sanlma sa stvar aaj se oglasi pri lastniku na naslovi John Kalina, Bos 64, ŠUaston. WU. (Adv.) POftTANSKA 8TEDIONICA, BEOGRAD, JUGOSLAVIA, IU ROPE i um Society shaU toy lo ils frrruoin O» ■■ SNtJ ■ f: 4. _ > PAGE SIX A Year of New Progrès* THÉ HE OUTLOOK of our organization for ths current yoar is very brifht and promising. It wiM bo a year of now achlovomonU in all respects. Many more now members wiU bo brought into our orgaataatlon's fold« during thU yoar, and much rooro intereet will bo moused among our youth ia every Slorono community for establishing now English-«peskthg local lodges. ThU yoar will be known ao Our Youth Movement Year, having for ft« goal an extenrtve membership program. It i« expected that through new arrangera enU with the exleting local« the present membership drive In our young lodge« by the end of thU year will exceed all previous records. The present Jubilee membership drive terminate« April 1 when the new Youth M ember «hip Campaign will be launched and will bo iff effect throughout thi* year. At its yearly cession In Chicago two woelu ago th« supreme board has considered the vitally important task now facing our organisation of bringing under its banner the majority of Slovene youth In America. Considerable time of the seesion was principally do-voted to this question with emphasis te Incseased production. For this purpose sn extensive membership csmpsign plan was enacted, whereby Many of our young people will be attracted into our junior local lodges. This now Youth Membership Campaign falls largely on the English-speaking branches. A sum of over «oven hundred dollars has boon appropriated to carry out this membership plan more energetically and successfully. Besides this a sum of one hundred dollar« has boon appropriated with the sole purpose of conducting contests sfmllsr In nature to these of laat year. The chief purpose and aim of this now drive, the Youth Movement Membership Campaign, is, to double the present number of English-speaking local branches and to correspondingly Incrsaao their membership. Is this possible? If all of you decide—nothing is Impossible. Brer since the inception of ths Slovene National Benefit Society, dating twenty-fivs year« back, Ms motto has boon and b today: FORWARD! Prusheck Exhibit in Chicago r* IEOOrY PRUSHECK, our renown artist, Is pros-U «ntly exhibiting his recent pointings at the Chicago Woman's Aid Club. His works will be on view at the Club'« Salon <1M N. Wabash sve„ lftth floor) from February 10 to the last dsy of thi« month. Jugoslavs of Chicago and vicinity aie Invited to visit Prusheck exhibit any day this month.—In the current Bulletin, Club's official weekly, In connection with the exhibit appears the following Item: Our next Art Salon, on February 10, at 240 o'clock, promises to more than oqal the standard of our delightful afternoons which we have enjoyed this season. This week it will be in honor of Oregory Prushsck. whose paintings eve new on display in our slab rooms, a«* we have heard a few weeds from the artist himself, who was wkh us on that day. Constance Collier, the star of The Matriarch," now playing In Ohioego, wsa an honored guest. She was aocompaaiod by Hssketh Pearson, also of "The Matri-" ereh" Company. To complete th« afternoon, we hsd one of Chicago's own charming young dancers, Ruth Prai*. Ml«« Frank ha« studied with Pavley, Adolph Bolm, and Bora Mlrovs, and hps appeared In Chicago In many Important role«. BeeT known of those srs her eppearsnees In th« Ballet at Ravinia this past sum-mer, wkh Ruth Psge, and with the Ksdzlr Stock Com-pasy. _inL Oregory Piidii* The Art Committee takes pride in announcing the exhibit of painting« by Gregory Prusheck which are B view in the club rooms. Mr. Prusheck, who from Jugoslavia, ranks as an Important exponent of the modem In contemporary art. Self-taught In painting, he belongs to no particular school, but brings to his work S singularly fresh viewpoint snd s highly individual technique. For auny years a wanderer, hs gypsied from one land to another, seeing Hie and the world In term« of mystical loveliness and somber beauty. While subdued In tone and delicate In treatment, his paintings derive virility from s dynamic handling of mass and lin« which result« in a riotous rhythm. Through his uss of color, h« achieve« a depth end a certain living, forceful quality that cannot fall to Impress the ob- Mr. Samu«l Put man, the well-known Art Critic, claim« th« credit for discovering Gregory Prusheck Place hi« first appearance ia the No-Jury shows the w*Uh* 9*0** He Is the winner of the William Rke Jeiftln. prise awarded st the cur. rent phow In the Art Institete. Pn»heck was the gueot of honor at our Art Salon on February 10, and will bo pleased to meet our member« during the exhibit and describe the expert- important notica The next meeting of Mid-West Athletic Conference will be held at Koneaha, Wis., February II, and will start promptly at IM. All local lodge« which intent to compote In the howling or basketball tes marnent et Weetzen. Ht., muet be represented at this mooting on February II. Freak OMaeh. "Philippine Interlude" In the March issue of the Plain Talk magasine will Lou»« A derate, our well known writer in English. The pppeer an Interesting article "FM 11 pine Interlude" by number le new available Ademir's poignant language and d~p inetght late the matter ho dli his articles Interesting reeding matter. Keeping Count The kind visitor te the lunette asylum watched the angler patiently fishing with a walking .t*k held o vet a watering-can "How many heve yeu caught?" acted the snepathetlrall» Tfce fonatic regards him -You rt the f.-urth," k stranger, •hr#wChunshoe Slim ssys: "This shall be a great nlte and a gorgeous dance, with thrilling, Inspiring, romantic jass music cooked by the famous seven Hawaiian stars —The Raga-dours—filling ths afreet air where the dance craving souls shall for the first time find and enjoy the PARADISE OF THEIR DREAM«." LODGE NO. 604 Lorain, Ohio.—Here is soother opportunity for you to make merry in Lorain. The Crusaders Lodge No. 604 gre holding a Valentine Dance St the Slovenian National Home, Saturday, February II. Come on, everybody! Let's all make merry to the melodies of those melody caste*« Jackie and Johnny who are going to help entertain our friends. The Cru-■ w|U see yoq February ll at . In the Slovenian Home. Cruaadors' Reporter. I p. m lish speaking memb 88 to get together slstance and coop Ambridge Due for Neu) Lodge Bra. Groodeck Urgee Youth te Orges- Ambridge, Fa. — Considerable decrease in attendance at ths 'meetings of oqr Lodge No. 88 of the SNPJ haa been notleod lately, esepeeially among the young members. Ia this dus to negligence or to the isck of lsn-guags? I have heard that the attendance would be greater if they would thoroughly understand what's going on at Mm lodge mooting«. For that reason I suggest to all you Eng-members of Lodge No. and with our as-coopération establish your own SNPJ branch in Ambridge. The opportune time la here, do not delay. I am positive If you establish an Engl i«h-«peak Ing Branch of the SNPJ here, your membership will grow by leaps and bounds. There are at least 80-40 young men and women In our Lodge who do not understand Slovene sufficiently well to be Interested In lie activities. So, here Is your start, The field for new members Is great. Get started at once! Anyone wlshlrifc to cooperate with the undersigned, let him know now. Only eight members are neee»«sry for a new lodge, and I am sure the Aupretne board will bo delighted to cooperate la any way with ua fer a new English-speaking lodge In our eoSimshKy. Remember, Ambridg* 1« the fastest growing town In western Pennsylvania. I sincerely urge all you young men and girls to get started and work snd push wtth all four for aa English speaking branch of your own. If you are ig doubt about something, aak the president of our lodge, for he. too, la with us, as ho also urges all of you to get started, and the sooner the better. All of yeu who wish ta get In on the ground fleer of something good, eommunioate with our President Bro. Louis ITheanik, or with the undersigned. For any partie« 1er« of which you are la doubt. Inquire freely. Come en. now! Who will be the first to volúntese for a Booster of an Eng-lish.«peaking Lodge In Ambridg^? Charlee F. Qreedeet. Secretary Lodge No. 88. Lodge News Notes VALENTINE WHOOPEE! Milwaukee, Wis.—Badgers! Have you seen the calendar? Oase at Feb. 14. Yee, I know H's Valentine day, but more important, It's our meeting. Do you recall our laet "Valentino whoopee?" Well, our Harmony Honeys promise not to disappoint you this time cither. What's up? Nix on that, the Harmony Honeys prefee to keep It a secret, so it's up to you to find out for yourself et our meeting. Of course, our business will be transacted first hut with all of our recent activities I prophesy a very Interesting meeting tble month. I believe wo are to be honored with a visit from our senior members to whom wo extend a most eordial welcome at all times. Now lead mo your ears for a minute. We are to have another Valentine bos, but this year lot's all join the fun and help fill the box to the very top. Hoar ye, oh bashful folks —gather up your couragi, get your pennies snd dash over to Wooheorth's foe your Valentines like s good sport. Don't forget to remember your friends with Vslcntines. TA *A TA TA—AA—A held by JBo Romers and it sure is going to be a hot one. Come one and all and let aa pet acquainted. Dancing from 8:80 to 11:80 p. m. All lodges, new and old, Slovenian and English, ere cordially invited to attend. Melt Regies Jr., Secretary. LODGE DUN8LANDER8 I G«ry, lad.—Here we are. Everybody is wishing to got the nice little watch that is going to bo "gives away" soon. Tickets are only 80e, or two for fl. For further information write John Jare, 1996 W. 12th ave., Gary, Ind. , Alex Killooky, Vice Pros. BUCKEYE AFFAIR R' « ' 4 '-mm^mmmmmm f "'»• Barbertea, Ohio.—It won't bo long now! The big Buckeye affair, the date is set for Fob. 22. The hall Is to bo decorated la Japanese style and—oh, I fetter keep quiet and let all of you find out for youreeKos. The music frill be furnished by "Taff" and his "Agony Hounds." Refreshments will bo served at all times. Everybody invited. Don't forget Feb. 22. Rod * White. •jfli WEDNESDAY, FEB. 12. you So, I Chicago.—Look out I! It's coming! Don't miss it! Another big Pioneer "Puet Dance," folks. Gome one, cease all, from far and netar. It's sn odd night for s danee, hut who cares what night It Is when the Pinoesrs are running a danee. Every one attending is assured for that sight the renowned "Nine Original Revere Harmony Kings" Whose tantalizing tunes and hsrmoniou« melodies and rod hot ■yncopstien will twiSt your logs Into peeteels and start your liver to play tunes on your heart strings. AU this win take place at the Pioneer "Pu.t Dance," March 4, at the SNPJ Auditorium, IT th 8t and Lawndale eve, "Refreshments, eic., will be available. Come and make whoopee with the Pioneer« and the Hambone Chew-eta Club whlehr prorates 100« attendance. Do you want to be happy ?Tw, well, don't forgot the dance and the (Z] date.—Fu Floteh. m LPDGENO. 119 umet Sentinels lodge are requested to be present at the next regular meeting which will be held at 8 o'clock on February* 17., Matters of vast Importance are In orddr, so be at the Calumet Park Field houae and join In the discussion. Boost your nefr officers by sttondlng meetings In full number. Make the saying, "the more the merrier," prove /Its truth by not only coming yourself, but also bringing along some new members. Dan Cupid (the little rescal!) has again been practicing on his bow. Wo wlah to take this opportunity te congratulate A ana M. Kuhel and Zorko Boskh on their ongegemeat. Ws extend you the heartiest wishes for a happy future. PahlMty Committee. LODGE NO. 504 i 116*0. 1842 I. _____eve. Doers oped st 7 JO p. Deactag from t te 12 afciAaHe. Music by Bob Crssets Cotton Club Orchestre fee taring the Plantation Roya. Never égala will you W able te dance to thla kind« of mask at the B. W. Homo. ANDREW GRUM JR., See'y. FRIENDLY CITY'S DANCE Johnstown, Fa.—How many of you Johnstowners are in foi a good time? All who Sre, let them appear at Friendly City'« Danee on February at 2 p. ta., at the Franklin Hall, anklin Boro, Good music will be rnlshed frith cheer and the services ill be of the bedt. And don't forget, member« be there too to kelp make h a wow, like the last danos we held, "which sure waa a success.—Popular M. E. Vldrick. rr s JOLLY ALUS NO. 680 West Allis, Wla.—The girls usually write, but they forgot this week, so why don't wo boys take the plaoe and write something. Roys, let the girls know that we went to school and learned to write the «am« as they. Corns on! Don't let the Jolly Allis fall asleep, for you are supposed to be widO awake. Members, eaoh one must bring along at least one new member to make our number come up. Boys, why don't we challenge the girt« In bringing In new members? Let'« coo who can bring In the moot now inemiwr». Renimi her the old saying, "the more the merrier," end that's what we want In the Jolly All!«. Freak Medio Jr, ' LODGE PROGRESSIV ES ____ O.—The Progressives are giving a danee on Feb. 21 at the Slovene Honte on Rocher ave. The mu-'Sic will be the beat wo can get. We extend cordial invltatlona to all the neighboring SNPJ lodge« and others, te eome and have a real good time with us. . "Dot" LODGE NO. 181 Chicago.—Aimouncing to our members the change of address of our Secretary, which is: Louie Kosuh. IBM Orchard street His former sd-dreee waa 1624 Clyboum ave. Mem bora eoeuetomed to hl« old address, take notice of thi« change and com munlcate frith him at hlS new addreaa. Pub. Coml Spirit- O -Grams St Louie. Me.—"Spirits," remember, Feb. 14 is our meeting, also, as all know, it's Valentine's Day. to make It a reel day, the entertainment committee have a greet number of surprises for you. (Hush!) Here'« one: 'The Heart Hunt." Ye«, how many will you find? Why not? Feb. 18, a day before mooting, make it or call it—a Member "Hunt" Then youll be able to discover more "Heart«." The hall win be decorated with varleue Valentino novelties which will weave romance. If you fall to attend this Valentine meeting, Peb. 14, 8 p. m., the word I find is REGRET in capital letters. The "Spirits" Bawling teams last week, after viewing that wonderful trophy, preeeated by Mr. MUeller, a well kngwn St Louis jeweler, are now bowling like "nobody'« business" with a mueh greater "Spirit ever before. ^ ng lodges and friends! 'We" wish to snnounce to yeu that our first great function of 1980 will be April 20, Easter Sunday, tee, a danee and entertainment thai will linger ia your memory forever. Watch this column for further detfll«. "We" wishes Bro. Sampson's father, who tms been injured soms time sge, a rapid recovery. Pathfinders' Observe?» "We" car-tainly hope to eee your writeups more frequently. Whst's the trouble with' thé rameininjK crew?—We're glad to see the "Adrians" back in the columna, efter s long sbssooe, also the "Columbines." Let'« hear from you, Michael CS. * ^ Lodi Mendel, the Proevote's ad column pays, doesn't It? "Moonbeam" haa seat the monkev R&D, (Reward on delivery.) SUNFLOWER SEEDS Î LODGE NO. I OUR FIRST DANCR Newbargh, Oh!o.-Ix>dge Boosters No. 701, SNPJ, are having a good start It seems as If ws are getting more interested In our affairs. Keep It up, for we are growing strong. But expect to double It up in a short time. The Boosters have a big surprise in store for everyone that vIsH« Newburgh. on Sat., Feb. We eocttyally invite the Straggler«. Comrades, LoyallteS Progressive« and Beacon« to attend this sffelr Keep the day reserved, and corns one end all for a jolly evening at New burgh. Elle Ka peter, a Booster. ROMMUT DANCR Ctertdge. Pa.—Don't Roamre of Cleridge are holding a danee Saturday night. Fob. IB. The daaee wiU be held la the Slovene Ne tional Home Musée will be ftraiebod by G*hy t-Jtrkaed and Ms etght-fdere nevheetra. This le the first dance berg, Kansas.—On Feb. 15 the Senior Lodge No. 9 at Yale, Kansas, holds a danee and they cordially la-vite the ftubHc to attend. The following Saturday, Feb. 22, the "8un-flowers" are having their monthly daaee at Yale, 18 camp, also. The "Sunflower*" are all requested to sttend. Five Osmarittee. LODGE FRIENDLY CITY Jehnetewn, Pa.—Here la our announcement, "The Friendly City" ia holding a dance Feb. 22 at Franklin Bore. You all know whore that is, so everybody is invited to attend our danee. I am sura you all enjoyed our peat dances, so eome snd enjoy this daacs. Also, donl forget oar monthly meeting which U Feb. 18 St 7 JO shsrp 1 cordis My invite you to et-our dance. Jennie Calksr. LODGE NO. St Leaia, Me.—Our next regular meeting will be heM oa Feb. U at 8 p. sa. sharp. Every member Is ra-quested to be preooat ae Important bualaoea will be tronaacted. After the meetiag there win bo a surprise entaetalnssent given by Sieters Ver-tovsek and Kraus. Cease end find out i It must be good. Bee'y. LODGE NO. 987 , Cleridge. Fa. —All Remore are urged te be at the nest mooting Feb. 16. Itoe oie Impartent «setters to we hope to have a s ft en 4a nee. ■ Je, See'y. lno". Pittsberg, Kaaaaa.-—No head of any English-speaking ledge would thii* it jrise to sssign to a particular task a man who does not have his heart in the Lodge and whose activities era constantly hampered by a strong distaste lor aad disapproval of the work he haa to do while ea-gaged as s committee. . I have not nude any blare of trumpets about this matter, but I am not a tall reluctant to have it knpfrn among the members of the subordinate lodgea of Kansas that the habitual trouble-maker should not interfere with any good will movements of the Sunflower Lodge. I cannot se4 any analogy between applying a religious test as a qualification for a member of the ^Sun-flower" committee and the matters of making inquicries as to the personal habits and attitude toward help preparing the "Sunflower" entertain-mente in the future- In our case his boasting has no bearing one way or anothsr, on any "Sunflower" activities In the natter of boasting and using people's attitude toward the "Sunflower" lodge aad has not a direct and undeniable bearing on his efficiency in the performance of his duties. Committee^—F. B. BEACONS Cleveland, Ohio*—The Beacons' entertainment committee seems to be s hard-working group, according to the arrangements for the future meetings aad the great "Mystery Dance." Thsy are doing their best to make you forget everything except the mystery of the evening on March tomrsmi, atruggiers, rrogre«-sives, Loyalties, New Eras, and Boosters, we want you to show your faeps. Come and get acquainted. How about you Woman-hater, Zakrajsek sisters and from Sis. Do-Johnnie? Let our fair maidens Induce them to think different. Hurry up. Beecons, remember our goal, 100 members by Dec 81, 1180. I Sod Be. Bro. Krizm&n's Letter J. iteinke, Professor of Botany at the University of Kiel, one of the leading authorities, in his time on piant-biology, eaya of the «scientist": "Although Haeck-el ia a professor of zoology ia a Gorman university, [ must not withhold my opinion that THE BIO LOGIC AI PORTIONS OF THE "RIDDLE OF THE UM VERSE" ARB JUST AS WANTING IN TRUE SCI ENCE AS THE PORTIONS WHICH DEAL WITH PHYSICS. The reason is because, wherever biology comes in, Haeckel uncritically jumb)es together proved and unproved matter aad thus creates a chaos 1q the mind of his readers. It is the opinion of not a few that on actount of his lack of uncritical disposition HAECKEL FORFEITS ALL PLACE IN THE RANKS OF SERIOUS NATURALISTS . . . Haeckel is so blinded by his prejudices, so spell-bopnd by his illusions, that he is incapable of distinguishing them from scientific facts—though he propounds them as facta, with.all appearance of professional wisdom, nsy of infallibility." This is what Dr. Friodrieh Paulsen, Professor of Philosophy ln Berlin, wrote of HaeCkel's "Riddle" in 1900: '1 have read this book with burning 4isme-With shame for the level of general culture and of philosopbk culture among our people. That such s book waa possible—that it could have been written, printed, bought, read, admired, and believed by the nation that pceeeesed a Kant, a Goethe, a Shopen-hauer; tale Is painful." Let us ses, now, If our broadminded editor can ap-praciate ths tremendous scientific value of "The" scientist's forgems. In his first edition of "The Nstursl History of Creation," published In 1808, Haeckel stated that the ova aad embryos, not only of different vertebrates, but also of man, are, at certain periods of their development all perfectly alike. In proof of this atser. tton he inserted side by side on page 242 three pictures of ova labelled as those of man, monkey and dog sospacUvoly; and on page 248 three pictures of embryoa labeled as those of the dog, fowl and tortoise. The accompanying text pointed out (p. 249) that there waa in neither case any difference to be dissevered between the three—which everyone looking at the picture would certainly take to be a fact. L Rfltimeyer, Professor of Zoology and Comparative AlUttomy at the University of Basis, proved in the "Archlv fttr Anthropologic" (Vol. VIII, 1808, psge 300) that IN EACH €A«E THE SAME IDENTICAL WOODCUT HAD THRICE BEEN REPEATED SIDE BY SIDE; the title underneath alone being chsnged. HAECKEL, later on ACKNOWLEDGED THE PACT P CONFESSED THAT IT WAS A "PIECE OF BXTRAORDINARY FOLLY" (Anthropogeny. 4th Ed. % EDITOR'S NOTE St Louis, Mo* FJJC.—Received yoar note 4aet. week after thO paper went to preea. Weet Allis, Wla* Sportsman.—A1 ways write on one side of the paper only, aad acquire the habit of attest lae your name. Detroit. Mleh.. A. V.: A note te that effect appears ia this teoae.— L. * J.t Write oaly on one side of tlm peper and aign year aame—It T.» If pubHehud your note weald bat repeet a similar announcement appearing In IWs is.ne < l*ielen?l. On J. A.: Not believing in almighty' pewure. here or above, mueh lees In aay 'highness.' aad still lees la «bumble eervility,' (he Froevete wiahes to iinMisir^ai?>sfn* h"mMyt ^ exoUrally exalted letter has astray aad eaaaot be considered. ll wgs no scientist. Falsification of pistes with no explanations is a consummate lie. This wu pointed out by W. His, Professor of Anatomy at ths UMverxtty of Leipzig, whose illustrations Haeckel altered to suit his own fraudulent purposes, in the following terms: "Unaltered, however, and increased by two new figures there appear in the fifth, edition of "The Natural History of Creation" thoee larger plates Which are Intended to prove the Identity of form between embryos of a dog and a man, and also be. tween those of a fowl and a tortoise. Some of these figures are copies, others, free compositions. "Thus, the frontal portion of the dog Is lengthened by 2 mm., while the frontal portion of the msn is shortened by 2 mm. and narrowed by 6 mm.—the eye boh* shifted to suit On ths other hand, the coccyx of the human embryo is made double the original length" (thus bringing it Into close resemblsnce to the tail of the dog). So that In this caee, to say nothing of figures freely invented, even the -copies sre falsified, so as to give a false eupport to thst identity which is necessary for Haecksl's theory of the affinity of man with the vertebrate animals. Following the exposure o other forgeries and frsod perpetrated by Haeckel, by Dr. A. Brass, the Zoologiit, Haeckel made an open confession, which he published in the ^Berliner Volksxeitang" of December 29, 190«. The text of this confession ran as follows: "To cut short this unsavory dispute, I begin at once with a contrite confession thst a small fraction of my numerous drswings of embryos (perhaps 0 or 8 per cent.) are really, in Dr. Brass's sense, falsified—ell those, namely, for which the preaent material of observation is so incomplete or insufficient as to compel us, when we come to prepare a continuous chain of the evolutive stages, to fill up the gaps by hypotheses, and to reconstruct the missing lings by compsratlvs synthesis.. • Such accusations as the above, put forward by experts of high repute, well qualified to pass s technic^ Judgment on the merits of the case, sre not s f«w, snd the writer could not give them aU without writing s book on the subject, but which should not be necesssry in the instaift case since the editor or snyone else who msy bo sincerely in searoh of the TRUTH, has access to this information as well as the writer. As the evidence has been before the public and has never been refuted, we consider it proved on Intrinsic ground« that Haeckel has been, one might say. almost hsbtt-uafly, guilty of falsifications, both la plate« and text, for which h« can fairly bo described as a "dlerepuisbl* forger and a shameless fraud." Haeckel had many exousers in hU dey. the most prominent smoog them being M- own private secre tary, of course, but defenders he had none. The evt-denes of the scientific aad moral dsndnees of Hserkei ts strong enough to convince any average coroners Jury that the object before them is a corpse. So asech for ypur scientist. Slnoe, se you claim that whet you print is inkw* Ing with aad conforms to the Principles of our Organs sstlon. do you mean to tell your readers that tM 8. N. F. from whom you derive your shelter, biee and better, ts founded on thoee Principles:— -I— UBS -I- FRAUD -I- FORGERIES I CHALLENGE YOUR STATEMENT: nfNIWJ NO CIRCUMSTANCES SHALL WE FEAR TRUTH _______ „ yvsw w* , • I CHALLENGE YOU TO PRINT THE TRUTH 1* ANSWER TO YOUR CONTEMPTIBLE UK*- ALL OF IT! Signed: Joe. F. Krlsmee. December 80, 1029. Cleveland. Ohio, Member of Comrades #M8. THE END NOAH'S TROUBLES HÜ He had__________ . Far forty days b^ drove the Ark n f..rr he foead a place te park. f, . 7E3 WEDNESDAY, lt. (¡TAL WARTS HURRAH! HOORAY! HURRAH! Kenosha. Wis.—At last it's here.— It won't be long now, brothers, sisters and friends, when the lone awaited for—Stalwarts Masquerade- will be ia fall bloom in the "Spanish Gardens", at the German American Hall. Yes sir, folks, promptly at 8 p. m. Saturday, February 15, the din of a mighty barrage of slluring music will permeate the hall announcing night of unforgettable frolic, for all the start of a grand and -glorious you revellers who partake in this elaborate "whoopee" festival Talk sbout molten lead being hot. Boy! After seeing and hearing the "Roys! Vagabonds" pouring out their music youll agree to their claim of being the hottest thing this side of hsdes. Strutting your staff to their haunting melodies in an atmosphere of beauty and laughter with a riot of color prevailing you *ill surely i forget that there are troubles and worriee in this world of ours. Did we say refreshments? Well, well hsve the bast there is, and we dont mean maybe. Surprises, cash prizes, entertainment and eye appealing contests are also in store for you. So, come and have a real night of res! whoopee wjth your friends, the Stslwarts, at this great fun festival at the German American Hall, February 16. Rudle Dergaas. Thanks, boya. We hope for a nice lunch of "Hsssenfeffer" at our next meeting. • • • A great number of Stalwarts Journeyed to Milwaukee Sunday. Feb. S, and witnessed the "doing«" of the Badgers. Their program of pleasing interest was greatly appreciated by all those who have seen thh stellar performance of our neighboring lodge. ^ -m-* • « i Earl Erdman and E. Chubrilo, our golf sharks, are getting in shape for the coming season with a daily workout at John Asaep's indoor golf course arena. Their nice "follow-through-shots" indicate a championship season. • • » Our sheik, Arnold Pens«, will hsve the honor of being the escort of Miss Wisconsin at the ^great 8tolwarW Ball this coming Saturday. We hope he parades in his usual bang up style. • • e Our Waukegan friends demon-strsted their bowling prowess when they defeated our Stalwart beys and girls here fn Kenosha, Sundsy, Feb. 2. Hoping we turn the "tails" next time, members. • a a A Bridge and Bunco Party will be the attraction when our Girls' Sew-ing Club meets next Sunday at Mary Repeal's home. Why not invite our Baehelor Ghib, girls? They slways deal in hearts and spades. Bachelor. STALWARTS' SAYINGS ^^m Wlew—Due to the fact thst the time is near when the free initiation stope functioning, all members are urged to bring in their applicants for membership at our next meeting, Friday, February 14. Also, members are requested to "check up" with the committee pertaining to our forthcoming dance Feb. 15. • * # The committee in charge of the play to be given on our Anniversary program — April 27 — requests all members wl|e are participating ia thla forthcoming production to be at the Armory Thursday Feb. 27, at 7 p. m. After drass rehsarsal, a great "social" will follow. The Bachelor club will be the host on this occasion. While on this Anniversary subject let it be known that something un-ususl sad startling, as well as benc- ficisl to our Stalwarts will be in the offering on this day of days. 8o, members, come and see what's held in store for you at the Gorman American Home, 8unday, April 27. You'll surely be surprised. • a e a Girls' look what's here! The girl hsving the most points in a contest to be sponsored by a well known jeweler will receive a beautiful wrist-watch of high value donated by said jeweler. This contfst gets under way at our Feb. meeting and is open oa(j to the sisters of the Stalwart ''Odgs'. So, eome to our next meeting end get in line for this worth while prise, and get details of how this contcst ia to be coaducted. e > e * Our three musketeers, S. Chudada, J. Mocnik, and 0. Oder will henceforth donate all "game" their trusty weapons happen to bring down, to the Stalwart Lodge for their socials. LITTLE PORT LODGE Here we, the two Scalawags, are again. In last week's "Prosveta" we just mentioned the dance that Little Fort is going to hold on February S, but didn't explain H any further. There are only a few more days left before this greet event will be staged, and this dance means a lot, for it is going to be a Valentine Dance, hearts all over, even on the waH. We also heard that the committee is going to have a surprise in this novelty dance. Dance lovers should not miss this wonderful dance, for it Is going to have a wonderful salting. We are also inviting oar neighboring lodges, the Stalwarts and Pioneers, to attend. We would appreciate it very much and make each ot.s welcome of the Stalwarts and Pioneer«. The doors will be open to all at 9 o'clock, and the dsnce will begin promptly st 8:S0. We are also going to have lunches. The little Fort Lodge Is inviting sll to attend this gay affair, young and old. The Sloyene National Home is having a big Masquersde Dance March 1. Imagine One Hundred Dol-lets in cssh prises. Tickets- arc 50c for maslfttf "«fed unmasked alike. Let's all -dress op and fttt the haH from one comer to another. The Two Scalawags. rv hats to m a xtcxsa _______ y/ Metherry. Kaaa. -1 hate to be a kicker i I alweyi lone f*r peaae. but the wheel that docs I ha auuMklits Is the on* that eeta th«-CrasM. Toe tail 'am, hM-you're peaceful and not hard to pleaae. but th* do« that's always aeratehint la th« on« that baa the flea«. "I bate U ba a Hcker" roaana nothing in e show. The kicker tn « chorurt la the on« that seta the doueh. The aet of aoft aaap spreading la a thin* that fall* and atelaa. but th» nv who wMds the hammer la the one who drives tbe nail». Let me not put any notions that sra harmful In your head», but the baby that kaepa yelllnc la the baby that sMa fed. ' ' * Committal. W. I. S. V0I0E Up hK members T ( ommenting en the SNPJ's Athletic Controversy. Kenoehs, Wia.—You'll readily sgree after reading the following trae facta, that the "youthful" representatives, as Bro. Richard Eavertnlk calls them in his enlightening article in the last i s sue of the Proeveta, are all wet In their claim, that the increased membership does not prevail amongst the l"dges who foster athletics and that athletics are s hindrance Instead of a benefit to our lodges. We «ay, our lodge increased Its membership 400% In the last year ■nd s half due to the publicity concerning our athletic activities. Not »nly our lodge, but West Allia, Badgers and many more will back this Matement. And due to our foregoing statement, the Stalwarts are one the most popular of the lodgae in 'he SNPJ and our lodge is one of the r>t»tsndlag aoctales in Kenosha and t grounding territories. Alfam we aajr that athletics are a heaaftetsl proposition te all lodges *ho wiah to have their respective rlwbs to have an increased membership. because moat youths of today •«emsnd athletics as eae of the benefit« they may partSke ef when they Wa any ledge, club or society. They know as well as we do that the supreme board, at their meeting. July. 1929. votad a fand of 11000 te <>» National Athletic Board. This fuad to be used only for trewSing ^»enses encountered by the winning teams competing In National Cham pianahip Contests only. This means Lionel chemHoneMp cowtoete ea-are net included ia this fund '■"dgee aponeertng athletics must pay •«r «wa espenees that t her eneeun-W »HW promoting etWetka la the '••peHiee Mees. Which Is meen ,hea right. Th* following iïlaHeiial fi »«•thful «*et times improve the digestion and restore health generally when careful dieting and other measures hsve fsiled to bring rslief. Certain brain irritatioas driaagn the appetite, the digestioa, and nutrition in general, as well as the amntality. One of the most Important of these brain irritations is the continual uee of the eyes in all meaner of fine work, or wrongly directed light. Eyestrain may be loosened by the wear-lag of glsaaes that are made accurately and adjuated precisely. Regulation of meals is a very important factor In keeping of good nutrition of the body. The meals should be regulated properly aa It la better e. sic. Here the faa begin«. Booties, the popular boy, annexes a harem. Mr. Benbow, father of Booties, quotes, "Remember, Bout lea, I'm awfully glad and proud of you. Do you know I'd give ten thousand dol-lara If I were a grandfather ?"— It Is full of hilarity, don't fail to aee It. this big side-splitter. The characters are: Booties Ben-bow, Walter Wlnscck; Tad Cheeel-dine, Frank Tomsk; Sandy McCann, John Kutch; Mr. R. J. Benbow, Frank Progar; Slivers Magce, Tuny Tercel j; Shorty Lone John Te reel J Jr.; Scotch McAllister, Mstt Sklttel; Iicvlticue, Stanley Zupon; Officer Riley, Frank Dunick; Mr. F. H. Gears, Frank Rosmon; Jonquil dray, Josephine Chesnie; Betty Benbow, Anne Klapkowski; Mrs. B. J. Benbow, KHss Graytock; "Ma" BagK'hy. Mrs. Yar-kowsky; Mrs. Mehltabel McCann, Jennie TerceiJ; Sellna McCana. Margaret Driest; Miss Juliet 8nobbs, Angelina Frankovltcht Mile. Mlml Fleurette. Mary Maurlc; Salamanca Splvlna, Helen Graytock. The program: At 7:15 p. m.—introduction, at 7180 p. m —Act I, Bootlea' lat wife; 8:15 -Ballet by Anne Klapkoweki. Trumpet solo, Mr. Delcorso with plsno accompaniment, Mias Davlee'. 8:30— Act II. Booties' 2nd wife. BtSS—Piano solo by Mias Marlon Davtea. Trumpet solo, Mr. Deoorso. 0:16 -Aet III. Booties' 3rd snd legal wife. Nick Blandine's Hsrmony Aeea will furniah the muaic. Don't mlaa this program, Sunday, Feb. 18, at SNPJ Hall In Csnonsburg. John F. Kutch, Pres. Lodge 580. To th* "Contributor ' ' The Vagabond (Dedicated to the llMterele.) MOT so many years sgo four young men, namely. Jehn Skup, Matthew Terlep, Ignac ShoSti and Anton Janes set out from Trieste to the United Sthtes. They were four greet pals snd sll set out to seek their fortune in the spacious areas of Am-ertcs. All had relatives of some sort or other there snd thought they had nothing to worry about. Everything went all right for the but the only thing the tiefcet agent would do was to push the money back snd say a few words in Rnglish. Of course, he didn't understand what was said to him, but he thought that he hsd to hsve still more money than he had, and the only thing he could do was to go bsck to work for more money, but to no avail. He had enough money the first ttine, but what he didn't have was a medical report from the doctor before he could young men until they came to London 1 cross into the United States end that Among the Rocky Mountaineers — Reck Springs, Wyo, -Some of the Rocky Mountaineers have eurely taken the hint to make some new year's resolutions. Tks first meeting of the year. January I, turned out several new faces that haven't appeared for some time. Along with attendance of our regular meetings the past two months, members have been demanding more action. Bro. Frank Klopclc oame in to aee how we were getting aloag. Bro. Matt Batleh aaked him to speak. He talked about the greatness, of our organlaa-tlon, its benefits and objects, and also offered seme constructive criticism. That set the members afire. A special meeting was called and the Publicity Committee la "angling" around for news to put in the Prosveta. Sla. Ann Volrfc has resigned as our Recording Secretary because she is going to Denver to attend school. Sis. Julia Yugovlch was elected to take her place. We feel aa if we have loat a very good Secretary, but we dont begrudge anybody the aa»a< la tale tbe feetlvMiee. aroBT NKWS Harfe*» baeliatSafl N affair ia a »t la SOTfgTV < OMUM I AramU Paaaa, freafc (Mar Mau«" IratMa ft>*aall a*4 Alee e*sl tbe aoMea Sea <¡jm .im Mifcea«h~ e«ta*4ias *M Sa4f*r. Wltaufma osief islns^pl ^ W^C f^SfSkiiig MM la SitMMfa mmí raeSea etataMsi Alea SMM (he hsel 4$hfef lsiM>Bl4% ffftmh pf$. Í09S illmfi lis iM atéd fer Us» Semwer We Stalwart« M"r ' What we wwa'l Se «a BsasSMi M where everyone was given s thorough medical examination. Three of the fellows passed the examination and were allowed to go on, but the fourth one, Anton Janes, had a large seer on the side of his hesd where he hsd fsllen several years sgo. The exam-iners would not listen to his pleas, but immediately topk it for granted that he murt have been fighting In his country and that he must be a trouble msker. Surely they didn't wsnt anyone like this in the United States of America,' as this wss a year of much hatred among the different countries and just before the World War, so thoy separated the four gentlemen, putting three of them on tho ship bound directly for the U. S. A. For a while they didn't knuw what' to do with Anton Janes. Flnslly they decided to let him cross the ocean. No, not to the United States, hut to Montresl, Canada, snd there, If he could get ths permission to go to the U. S. A„ he could go, If not, he could atay in Cansda, or go bsck to the country thst he came from. Anton Janes hadn't realised what distress hs wss coming to, as he didn't know how to read nor write was whst the ticket sgent was trying to tell Anton and he couldnt understand. It was almost six months now thst he had been in this strange God forsaken country and he had given up all hopes and decided to end It all. He thought that he was so far from people of his nationality that he wouldn't get there anyway, so one Sunday morning he took a walk to the dreaded river. Anton was walking very slowly and decided that he wanted a glass of beer before he died. He went Into a nearby saloon and sat down at a tsble. At another tablv a well dreesed gentleman was seated with aomethlng familiar In the lapel of hla coat. He got up and walked towarda thla table. Right then he tecollected aomethlng. It was an emblem In the lapel of this man's ooat and It wss just like the one Anton's brother wore when he was on s visit from the United States to Europe. He couldnt read the letters on the emblem, of course, but the oolors un It were so fsmlllar, Anion put himself to courage and asked this msn, In Slovene, AU STE VI BLOVENEC? (are you even In his own language and when s Slovene?). For s while the msn heeitated aad acted very surprised to hear anyone speak In this Isnguage at this time, then he snswered In a very nice way. JA, KAJ PA HOCK-TR? (Yes, what do you want?! From thsn on everything went great for Anton Janes, for the man with the emblem took him to tte doctor and had him examined en) now he was all ready to gel Into the United Stltes and to his relatives and friends. This was no other but sn S. N. P. i. emblem that caught the eye of Anton. - Before these two men ported they had a long talk about the S. N. P. J. snd how It saved him from going to the river bottom. Anton also pram* ised that he wae going to belong to this organlsatloa as soon as he geU to his destlnstlon. Thus, The Canadian Vagabond reached his brother ami other relatives In the United Statee safely. To this day he ia living somewhere In New Mexico and Is strongly In favor of the S. If. P. 9. and Ha growth, bet today he can read and write In several different languages. By Sylvia M. Homes. A Mail Order Valentin By Ksthrya R. Doticck THIRU.flour. btek, wss the busleet 1 depart msnt in the Uleseafeld IShlrt Factory. Hers there wss s "^stesdy Has, of sewing machines as nimble fingers msnlpulaled the thousands of narmeats, which psssed through thk department daily. Work began et * la the morning and the tired and drooping women slowly walked oat at 8 in the evening. Tired women seme were, telUaS* ever toiling in ths sweet-shops so that their loved ones might hevc food. Others jast drlftwe$i_ east on tho The af ma Arn« st. news flare, era—ataS a MgSi» am-M aiamêf faeee "Whea a fat-S retawS ' tbe elae wae ««■*••* wNh «h« ase »ae» le M I at (Mr a. « TS» aMe« Mb* ha«e «<4aa Ost shn e at teta We* be erwaaataS a#4 aa U laabe ma. 1st rc»m of life, and the few paltry dollars msaat esisteeec far their es* hausted bodies. , Just seeh s place of driftwood wss Msry Seehe, ths product ef a love less marriage. Her father had been a drunken brate and her mother, s frell Utile women, who early gave up the straggle of llvtag and duietly passed nn to a happier ellme la the Maternity Ward of Rcllcvue Hospital, with a dead baby clutched in her srms. Rarly recollections of Msry*s life embraced the stern face of a matron, who wss eentlnuslly finding faelt and molding the helpless ehergee she was bringing up. There was a vogue period of seheeliag and then after het twelfth yaar, life wae Joel a continuous washing of dirty children and the earing of crying habiee. After her eisteenth year, equipped with a Sot ton dress, ehoes, hat sad eosi and with five dollars in her hand, Msry was left to face the world alone. She had often been told at the Heme that her perents had been Hlo vanes, se after leaving the orphan age, ehe msde her way Into the Slovene settlement la New York, truck hed bees with her and for the price of two dallera per week, she received room end beard with a kindly, bet slovenly Slovene woman. Of course she wae asked to help wKh the work end the taking care ef the numerous youngsters In the femlly. After being settled, Mary wenl to week la Gieecnfeld'e sweat shop Oa this particular day ia eerly lie-eemher, Mary's eyee were f*tled with het. smelting leers Another dull holiday aee sac wee approarhlng with another period ef leneliaees snd heertoehpa Why. eh why. had Mfe bear ee creel? Ae Mary's fingers sewed the but-teas on Bie shirts, an Idea dawned r* her and *ulrkly glancing te see •bather the fere lady wae wetshtof, aha tore s sheet of paper frnm the Checkup pad on the table and hastily •crawled, "Lonesome snd heartbroken. Looking for love. Mary Soeha, e/o Olesenfeld Shirt Factory, New York city." This she placed In the pocket of the shirt..... Weeks stretched Into months and Mary forgot the incident of the nete, until on the morning of February 1« the furelsdy brought to her deek a letter postmarked from Subieso, Arkansas Wonderingly she opened It end read: "Dear Maryi "I bought a shirt st the General Store ia Subleeo and found your nete. I think you ere Slovenian from your name. I am Slovenian too. I have a nice ferm, but am all alone ae my perente are both dead. I think I would like to meet you, 1 am moiling this letter st the station as I am coming to New York right away. ' "Sincerely, — "Valentine Hkolnlk." "Mary's got a VaUitlne!" shouted one of the girls and then at every apportunity the girls In her department teased her sbout It. But Mary didn't care. Somehow or other, her heart wes siaging and her hands trembled se that she dropped more buttons thsn she sewed on the shirts. Soon s thousand doubts assailed her mind. Maybe she wouldn't like Mm, as he might he oM or he might he crippled When the whistle blew at *uU0n«rU4e. so nerv* oas she rould ««orraly walk. It took her ao long te get her mat and hat en, that everybody hen left the build* Ing before she was ready. As Mary reeehed the etraet, a tell, dark helred, young man deffed hie hat and In a very quiet vetee asked i "I beg your pardon Ma'am, but da you know Mary Secha?" "Why, I am Mary Sesha" "I am se glad." the man replied. "I think you are very lovely. My eemc Is VsienMae Valentine St »I-aik I wrote you a letter.1* A deep blush covered the girl's face and for s moment her voice was paralysed, Thus they etocd there, each epprailing the ether, each ecu-seieus ef sn „inner working around the region ef the heart finally Mary found her velaa sad epebe: "I am glad te meet yen. I— I--eh. I didn't expect yea ee seen, yea see I, I juet g<«t your letter thla morning §et. went yon rr*ne to my home with me?" (Ccatinned ee page 8.) e DR. KOLER 141 Liberty Ivi. PftUbsrgh, h, I AthUtlc A ssorietion of the S Ii in « d oían other sthUtlc > tlon».—O. M«r«k has Had Ml ie vedno razpošiljamo v vse kraje garantirane staro-krajake kose, motike in bakrene kotle. Imamo na zalogi razno pohištvo, peči in železnino. nas lahko kupite tudi na lahka mesečna odplačila. S. N. P. J. ŠPORTS BLANK 'em-out" affair with all th« thrill« added in conta* of this aort. 1 *—'— ---- fivo field goeU r-urrn Diviaioa Bur-. Oov.n. EtUMUty <* Batraata wb8tkkn division sow uno and basketball cmanmonshir bowling bntbv. m kac« bvent rkb individual W^Jutai. Marak l-b-ims r¡» Taaar.. 1 ..... t ..,. S ..... I • ..... Captain CHy T»o mm CooUat .........4".................... individual Cootaat Traoaoror SNW for .Stalwart« '/hiI for tho Bak< ^ . -- after his operation. PriemIs srs p« Mittod to yieit him. lo Biaupre aunk re. f t. r. .............s • .............I s ..........1 « s fl » • Total* re. r.T. r, ..............« s ............ f . e ...... .......a • ..............t< • ..............• i ..............• • ...........* tu I r Radio Dorf am. BOWLING Tho Golden Eagles' first match ffsmo turned out to ho a complete «oss. It lookod rsther bad for the Golden Eagles in the first frame, but efter the fellows «toadied their arms a little it turned out to be a thrilling same. V. Cokuta led the way for the Golden tifin with a count of 490, snd Sehonts with 408 for the Sanitary Milks. iimi i Vaaaer ............IM a Kanali Ik ...........IM W. Prarac ............IM T. YaUnaa ............IM W. Čokato ............M» S Tato! Ml 4M 117 41« IM 4M I» MS IM 4M .m rit «ti sert Sanitary MUka (MM) I S S Total ...............IM IM III 111 ...............lit IM II« m ...............¡40 144 IM 4M ...............IM III IU Ml ...............Ill IM VI 4M Wood rtiak 7M MS MS MM BUI Ceksts* WOLVERINE SPORTS DStfgfcU-The Wolverine basketball has sdded another to their string of victorlos by defeating ths Broadway Market team, 47-17. Besieh, the trsst forward, lead ths •♦coring with ST points. Coley, the St Lotila. Mo^The mised double | Z^f^STrnM out* ths Imw eontinue. to „me wit«, s slight injury, but will em and .«eh week onemay find* ^ ^ Jn ^ Mstt sad 2? ¿LH. i ^i^ tiTtil' ^ ,n best of «hapo could have the Pro«v.U It continue, to bet he tb# uUtit worM, ^ a i . »I like to tell you a**!, but It t^rit would take s whole pt^Tl dont Si' StLi*iS^LieeTSSL'»,lkoto W N**' X W sooner have i?* i i! J?«f ? i ** eom* ^ for We tag and rootina fer th. ^ playing the Bengals nest Thur. TU.h th. Norrirum gym, Fort st snd Wstermsn st 0 «harp. Lake sad Mnee. The girls' bowhng team is whlp-piBg itself la place. Wont be before they defeat the Straggler«. With the hope of «eeing you all at the meeting we three will now be on our way. Throe Unknown. YOUNG AMERICANS Detroit. Mtefc.—Everybody 1« requeued to UU every one they got in touch with that The Young American« M4 SNPJ will hold their next dance February 16, Saturday night. Door« open 7:60. Dancing from 6 till midnight. Music furnished by one of the beet colored orchestra in town. They are union players, and have played at many of the leading hotels downtown, and also broadesstod over many radio stations. This time the Young Americans are going through the biggest expense ever, so ss to give our friends a real treat. Don't forget there le s big time in store for tho ones that sttend this sffair. this Daase will be held at the Workers' Home, 1642 East Ferry Ave., near Bpssel, instead of at tho Slovenian Workers' Home, 467 Artillery, because of «ome misunderstanding. Bring your friends and come. Spend the «venlng with the Young American. and dance to* Bob Creset's Cotton Chib orchestra featuring the Plantation Boys, in one of the finest tad largest halls the Young Amer-Icsn« ever rented. Fraternally—Andrew Gram, Sec'y. "THB BYSTANDER" Detroit, II iofc,—Three cheers for the " By stender" who has opened tho eyes of other SNPJ members in Detroit. You have said something that should have been known three year* ago concerning the athletics snd other doings | but someone always kill* the joy out of writing. You are a mystery to most of us. Your article* were very Interesting, so continue on regsrdlcM of whst some have said sgsinst you. You hsvs written the truth. There are great number of members very interested in you. Wi all ere pstiently waiting for tho weekly paper to come just to read those wonderful articles that yov have written so fsr. Hoping to see great number of srtkles In the future from you, "Bystander. I - , at Slov. Um 6, whan Ms 17 reported a H08VBTA rn^—ammmmmmmm* ee St Clair Sun., Feb. branch No. breaking crowd. • # * Martin goes» Pres. sf Bridgeport Cardinals, sends in application to the Bachelors' dub. Will be considered st the next meeting e a . Dont forget to come end help us peek our auditorium Sat., Feb. 16, Stragglers' Valentine Frolic. The hotteet raueic in the state by Carpet aad 6 Bags," the boys with the reputation. \ a a . Stragglers and the rest of Clove-ad SNPJ lodgee are requeued to attend the Booster.' Denes in Now burg, Set., Feb. 22. Come on, gang, let's give them a hand. a *'e a 1, Wishing Bros. Msrolt, Ipsvec and 81a Hefner a speedy recovery. • a » Lodi Mandel, please note: Have letter stating yqpr long lost monkey found in St. Louis. Straggler., our goal is 400 bers for 1980. Come on, bring them in. Esch ono bring ono and well be the largest of them sll. a e a Senior lodges In Esstern district whore your field Is good for an Eng lish local, pleeee advise us. We sre st your service. member Lodge 677. epirlted competition. The next will be bowled on Feb. IS which is the dep before the meeting. The pelriags are as follows: Anns-belle KU In and Harold Klein vs. Ms-ry Keein end William Strsks. Csth erine Roshel snd Leo Kraus vs. Ber ■9Mm JOLLY ALUS SPOBTS West A Ills, Wis^-Jolly Alii, is Mary Yanko and ChsrUs Ksdn drew JHjjJs. ¿be the bye. The reeults for Findey*.1 J1** ^ ^ game« wrre .« follows: C. Kaela end ^ <* to9 m+jf* M. y-nko won «wo thrilling game.^ "" ■ from Bro. and Sis. Klein while Str.- lot' Vj* T®JJf • 'OJtlT « fca and M. Karin won two game, from' bU«¡j! Boehel and the writer. The former* out.rnnding ruaH ln the SNPJ games proved to be the meet exctt-i th* »Weet Ing of the .hort season that has been bowled. The scores were some ef the In the second game of the Strake and I ^ WS W M. Karin and Roshel and the writer t0 match, the writer beet his opponent« ' ",rd r,f1htln,l eingtohended by bowling his highest game of his career, It being a 247) game. (The writer isnt brsgginir about winning the gerne aingMiend od. either.) The wore. wer. as fol- snd s never-die sthlete. Mary Vaako..............M Sa.: a ............IS I II« IM Ml MS IM MS Ml MS ml SM AaaeSatW KW4e ..........IIS S lala .............147 II» IM lit f. tst MS SM «IS 7S4 Mort Baato ... WUUaw Stroka SM «M IM M« Laa Bro«• Total. ,, im IS4 M «47 IM Ml Sil Im Kraua. EXTRA NOTICE Renoehe. Wie.—TW Stalwarts will play the Badgers of MIL at Keneehe Sot. Fob. 16, et 7 p m., in the Wash-iftglon gym. Game will start at 7 o'clock aherp—becauee of the dene», which U achedulad at S p. m. at the Gormen A ma rimu F HT AI WARTS' ATM LR TICS Keaeaha After a iUm bang af fair con .i at Ing of some uncanny efeootlng. foot end furtoua floor work, our Stelwaru finally pet up "the old victory fiag" by trouncing the Be BADGER HPORTS Milwaukee, WU.-The B.dg.rn were d6festel in a herd fought bes> ketbsll gam. bv the Ksnoeha 8tel. warts, 20-10. In two game, played in the Milwaukee Amateur Loop last week the Badgers emerged victor! • ous in both. In tho first game they defected the WU. Vebrnllthics. 44-66 Joe Pugorelc end Erehul led the has. kyteers with 12 and 12 prists, respectively. "Brownie" Glevsn nice hud sn sye for the basket putting Ir 0 out of 10 fowl shot*. In Hie other game they defeated the Wehde Drag outfit. 63-19. Erehul again led the offensive pley with 12 points to hi. credit. The rest of the boys alee played well. Let's have a lelfcar following at the gemes. Everybody come out and lend your moral support to tho loom. Tony "Bomb" OKwh. GOPHER CLUB NEWS Weal Allie. WIb.—We w\«h to make e correction on the article published in last week's Pro.veta cpnctming the dometa sal«eva which Is la be given by the Gopher Club of Milwaukee February 22. There will be s beaketboll flret. and after It all «rill return to TomM's Hall for a eajoyablo «venlng. V* See nMk pN y» PROGRESSIVES' MAILBOX "SPIRIT OF ST. LOUIS" St. Lepia.—I see where the S.N.H. Is gelng to givo us, the "Spirits," sn opportunity to have mors privilege, at the Home. A. I understand, ws will be e.soeMd the .um of twenty-five seat, per month, which will entitle us to full privilege, in the Horn.. By giving u. such en opportunity It I. up to u. to Uke sdvsnUgs of U by creating It into sn ideal Slovene community ctnUr. I feel thst our prcsont need Is s gymnssium. this developea the body snd mind, thereby keeping us fit for a greater SNPJ. This occurs to us a number of times when we have Idlo evenings | wherees hsving such a community conUr, we may spend our Idle evenings there, Also those who are In thrir teens and are still ln need ef the guidance of a mother's hand, should by sll meens Uke sdvsntage ef such clean and wholesome recr.s-tion. Th. writer feels that by having .uch center, the spirit among the JugoiUva would bo more exquisite. ThU is one of the subjects to bo die-cussed et our meeting Feb. 14. I see where the Pathfinders are on the peth of progreu again. Keep up the good writing, Pethflnders. John Bplller, Sec'y. DANCE AT MIDWAY Mldwsy. Ps—Now thst sll preparations are made and we are all set, Ready-To-Go to the Big Dance that U going to be heM"~tifr the Slovene Auditorium at Midway on Fsbraary 16, the directors of this Dance kindly request thst all member, of the SNPJ Lodge, friend, and neighbors, be preMi\t. We have scheduled thU Dance to be one of the beat that haa ever been sponsored by our Lodge for three i*e«ons. Pint, becauM we are going to have the best mu.ic that Is poulbU to obtain, "The Nomads" of a nearby vicinity. They have an excellent reputation and their mnelc U up to tho mlnuU. The second reason for your good oajeyment will he "delirious re-ftoehment«" (eomething no one overtook«) which will be aerved at lUUe cost. Third and the main reaeen. yuu will all have an opportunity to make now friend, and. also, become better acquainted with the member, of our fraternity. We again extend our cordial invitation U one end ell for we can ensure you a very pleasant and enjoy-able evenlnr. WIU see vou sll Seturdav evening. February 16. Mary A. Nagode. Koelid. O. -The news of all 1« aboat oar moat _ "' ' TORO H RH OF PROT. REUS which korita. "Uedem of the city Loop." by, ts to he given Feb. 22. h'e going ta of 21 to 1ft. The »OS rabid fana «ho pecked the gym for Hit* great betkHbell tilt will never fargot the greet be'Ue theee two rival« had In the high arhool erena. It wea aori pf a "kourk-'am-down" and - "drag- he . Mystieal denre. «o If to know what It's going yea had bettor attend, i« m atoro for everyone. Oar Proa. U roc u peralto« at time By J. I CelMuwood. a- -A Urge crowd wo« nt U«t Sand, y cve., Feb. 2, et Slov. Home en Waterloo ed., where Soc. cUh No. 40 hold Ha Mg Vaude villa show. The crowd Urxeet In club's bletorv. wo* well pUas.d. Idea- thUg was wittaeoeed VsUaUa*.' . LODGE KBYSTON1ANS Hormiuie, Pay—Many complaint, have boon forwarded to us besause of our Lodge's sleepiness, ss they say, because they never see snythlng la the Procveta from our Lodge. Unless we sticK together and work hard for our lodge, there wont be any résulU.. Let our motto be: "One for all, and all for one." We have something to work for. The 8NPJ U the biggest and ths beet Slovene benefit organisation in t)ie world. Why not work for it, since we belong to it? At our Ust meeting we bed a die-cuMlon to arrange an entertainment with the senior lodge at Mm school, but postponed thf idc till next meeting. Let u. be all present the next meeting. Let ùf work for the advancement of oar, local Slovenes snd Jugoslavs in general. PUns are under, way to bring here sn opera singer who can sing In Slovene, Croatian and BnglUh. T%U will bo a great advsrtlaement lea jour lodge. Come to the meeting and bring new mem bers. Let us be active IS our lodge for our own iatevest snd benefit. See you st the meeting. John Stebaa, member Lodge 613 . h.l.'i a ■ .o. , A REMINDER NlflrfBBfr iliiifcftlm" mil ^^ ^ Wsukogss, HL4kA' series of slides, whUh sre bring used in connection with the edusrtietag of the tour of fe," "Mo*ka enakoprarvnost" and mer, depicting conditions in the Ju gosUvla of todap. will be shown at the SlovsnU National Home ln tfall No. 2 (downstaU.) on Sunday, February 16, at 7:30t p. m. sharp. Bro. John OUp, a member of the committee making pUfta.for ths excursion, will lecture. . ... » The UttU Fort lodge hss under-Uksn to bring the slides and Bro. Ollp to Waukegan, and urges "Slogs," "Moftks Enakopravnost" and members of other lodge, meeting In the Slovénie Hell to attend. Because of unavoidable delay, the committee in ohsrgs wss unable to communlcaU directly with the «ecretarUs ef theee organtsstlons, but take, this msans to extend an inviUtlon. Admission U twenty five cenU, to be pstd at the door. At the completion of the lecture, refreshments will be served and ample time will remain for diwru.-.ion—The Committee. CHOCOLATE O.—Chocolate U known to all of ua, yet not many of u. know from whore and how It i. produced. Cocoa I. the product from which chocoUte ia made. This la obuined from a fndt, a Urge, red, woody nut resembling our buckeye only that the former contains as many as 70 Mod.. The seed, sre collected and put in a bos, then buried. It Is in this burying procoM Where partial fermentation takes place. The nut U then dried and washed. The process next consists of roasting, and now wo have our eoeoa. Chocolate I. made from cocoa by grinding the roasted seed. Sweet ChocoUte U made by mixing the chocoUte with sugar aad having cocoa butter and «piece added. Milk ChocoUte is made by adding powdered milk to sweet chocolate. Lodi Mendel Straggler. A MAIL ORDBR VALENTINE (Continued from pa go 7.t "Yes, snd aay I call you Mary?" Then, after a pauae, "Will you call me Valentine?" A weak little "yee"—a yee which I nd ton tod surrender peeeed from the lipe of the girl. As they walked down the street together, each aware ef a secret hep-plneee. there came to their ears from a neerty musk store: "... Two by two They go marrhlng through The iweetheart« on Parade. . Three days later. Mary Secha Shot-nik waa bor.od for NubUro. Arkeneas. ber erm catwlaod la that of "ber sprememba lM)o4oo WEDNESDAY, FEÈ. r> ANTON ZORNIK 2221—Hermialo. Pa. HBSisI fcajefao M ao*H Satino. BRYANT A LOWRY CM WASB1NGTON. B. O KLOBASE Jejte kar M« Vp-j«M4lj Poekuslte Gaetric No. 41, tadi ¿e ste Ugubill ie vse upnaja de bedeu ie kedej jedli kar ftelite. No. 41 se a porablja seda) v Evropi od tieeis sdravnikov s dobrim uspebem. Bres-Isjeme kaj ste ie pssharih. N.rorito No. 41. io denea. Ako vsi lekarnar tega ni me e sa> togi naročite si sd Udelovetelje Lasal Med. Ce. 1H. Lsxsl Bldg^ Bex 962, PltUburgb, Ps. Ne jemljite nadomestil. Id vem lahko ikodujeje. Velik zavoj dovolj ta mecar dni. 66.35. zavoje xa iest meeecev 610.60. NI enakega — VI hodete prcecacioal. Zopet ao tu prave domače klobase, ravnotako kakor sta jih oče in mati doma delala. Cena je 138c funt. Denar se nsj pošlje i naročnino. Poitnina plačana. Pišite na: JOSEPH UBSKOVAR 632 High Street, Racine, Wis. proletarec je slovensko gU.llo McisU.ti-ine .tränke v Ameriki. Vuk deUvec in rojak Id m aanim« sa .ocialiaem, bi ga moral redno fitati, kar vam kale pravo aliko ooeialixma. . Npročnina znaša $3.00 aa *eto, $1.75 na pol leta. Naalov: PEOLETAHEC. 2666 W. 26 th gt. CHICAGO, ILUN018 FBSto po aeieeaik kajig! RUDOLF J. J INDRA PLUMEAR Upoatavlja parne ia - druge tv naduho ko k nraa ia Vlataa. ako vaa du*i pri dlh.»]^ UdaJ P'*'ta po SraapUloo n^tod» n. tiar Aathaia Ca MoUoo roallk.. kJa SJ in U varujata i «dravlla ali aa. Tudi ^ trplu vaa tivljenjo in ako ato poakuiili k - Ta Ji edini aalia da m propritau kaki«, pomol to dateoto |a to m vaa. loravM „ doaodaj alate »osli oavoboditi te aaaioiM naduka kljub vaoaa adravUom. Uto Pmu U danaa pa to kroaplatao poakutnlo. T» oelaa J« priobloa s nSmaoe«. da aa mk trpali ae tej botoaal aaaaaal a aoviai n,ii. nom adravljonja. to da praj Waa .troiko. poakoai to eeadstoe. katera ja tlaodim uum kot nejbaljfta pomol, kar ao Jo aplob aocU dobiti v li v! Jon ju. Poiljite »a danaa «odnji kupon. Nikar aa edtolate. BBBSrLAČNI roSKUSMl KUPON rao.NTuca asnuu 00.. M1J. Prontior Blde.. 4M Nlagara It. Bufffelo. N. T. DA SKUHAŠ DOBRO VI-VO, PISI PO NASE PRODUKTE Imamo v zalogi sled, hmelj, sladkor I In vse druge potrebščine. Poskusite In se prepričajte, da je doma pri nas [ kuhani vedno le najboljM in naj« noji!. Grocerijam, sladičičarjem in v pro-1 d.jalne f.eleznine demo primeren popust pri večjih naročilih. Piiite Informacije na: FRANK OGLAR MSI Etiporior Avenue. ClevrUad. O. I OTVORITEV "TEDDYS-FARr North Royalton, Ohio—Ridge Rd. H. W. 8 Cenj. drufitvam in ljubiteljem narave priporočam za piknike ali party z vsemi udobnosti, kod pokrito plesišče, rusko kegliide, balincanje in gugalnice. Gozd na željo razsvetljen. Oglasite se za dogovore pravočasno. 124« Addison Rd. Florida 7908 R CLEVELAND, OHIO ^ ; .V ' - SLOVENSKE MATERE ki ielite povečati vale snaaje ia 11U č i tati koristno knjigo, si nsročite Slovensko tdrsvnilko knjigo] sa lanske. Ta knjiga opUuJe Člove-Ikj iivot In delovanje rasnih orfaaov.l o nosečnost^, porodih in o raznih bo-1 lesnih, kdu> sdravlti in veliko drugih stvari. VMbujo veliko rasnih slik. Vsaka Slovenke morsU bi ioseti to knjigo. Cena je 66.26. Naročite takoj. Paslev: Mrs. M. Soukup, 21171 So. Centrsl Park A ve., Chicago, m. aa. arfcoStoo. Ikvoflja to loaoi kl aadtavke * hi Mali. Makatert draet aiseoalkl raMJa tol-•oa Cs «e« Mnanji. Jaa aaaai Is to •taroka kraja. Edina agentuta za Ameriko in Kanado » i . V zalogi imam vseh vrst harmonike, kakor tudi krasne novovrstne imenovane KRALJICA harmonike, okrašene z belim celuloidom. Piiite po cenik. ** Naslov samo: STEPHEN ST0NICN w b bi nan wswapsjspt -7—1 ——r—— • -J» . fc *' T T,- .1 * t-,' r f».. f; f ,>'■ < ■ Bos 368, Chisholm, Minn. 8OLIDNO8T Slovonsks hranilnica se je bel letos dobro Ukasala. Napredovali smo sa četrt milijona dolarjev. Plačali amo redne dlvidsnds po I* aa hranilne riogs. Vedno več rojakov U zunanjih naeoMa vlsgs novce v nsi ssvod. Slovencem In Jugoslovanom imamo posojenega denarja okoli so milijon osemstotUoč na prve vknjift» na njfli desrik Pridružite se ie VI In pričnite nove Uto s vlogami, od katerih dobite po 6 ' ~ - Dr. Lortiz •41 Pena Am Plttnbargk, Pr, 6226 «t Clelr A 616 l Ohle t Dva mlBJoaa te psi TeL Crawford 44S6 ■âTTKW J. TURK JAVNI NOTAI MSI ft. Lawadale Ava^ Predaje pooeetov, somljiM In spUh vsegi____ sa takoj U sa stari lomi. DeUmo prednje se - kraja» kupne pogodbo In isvrtajsa» vs deU tedne In prevflno. Zedovolfane pe