LABOR ■SHY! Iz raznih naselbin Chicago. — Dne 27. avg. je za V pandeljek bomo praznovali največji posvetni praznik "Delavski dan," ki ni bil še nikdar tako značilen, kot je letos. Delo bo namreč pridobilo zmago Združenim narodom. Slava delu! KablogramJugoslovanskivladivLondoiiii Slobodan Jovanovič, predsednik jugoslovanske vlade, Kingston House, Prince Gate, London, England. 2. septembra, J942 Ameriški Slovenci, predstavljani po svojih organizacijah, urgircmo jugoslovansko vlado, da pravično zahtevo po osvoboditvi Slovencev izpod italijanskega, nemškega in madjarskega jarma ter združitev vseh v eni državi odločno poudarja kot cilj jugoslovanske državne politike in da za dosego tega cilja po-krene bolj energično akcijo. Pridružujemo se soglasni zahtevi vseh političnih krogov Slovenije po spremembi enostranske sestave slovenskega predstavništva v vladi v smislu, da pride za dosege, tega namena tako potrebna sloga med političnimi strankami do pravega izraza tudi v vladi. Priznani predstavnik vseh primorskih Slovencev dr. Ivan M. Čok je v emigraciji edini legitimiran, rta iih pndsiqvlju in ga tudi mi priporočamoi Slovenska) narodna podporna jednota, V. Cainkar. Kranjsko-slovenska katoliška jednota, J os. Zalar. Ameriška bratska zveza, Janko N. Rogelj. Slovenska ženska zveza, Marie Prisland. Zapadna slovanska zveza, Leo Jurjovec. Z gornjo izjavo predstavnikov ameriških organizacij se polnem strinja tudi uredništvo brez oklevanja v celoti podpiše. "Ameriške domovine" ter jo James Debevec, urednik. Vesel dogodek Pri družini Mr. Ln Mrs. Stanley Malinski so se ustavile 29. avgusta vile rojenice in jim pustile za spomin zalo hčerko. Oba, oče in mati sta člana društva Clairwoods, št. 40 SDZ. Materino dekliško ime je bilo Julia Keržič. Tako je postala Mrs, Johana Keržič iz 1150 E. 61. St. stara mamica. Čestitamo! Pogreb Josipa Mislaja Pogreb pokojnega Josip Mislaja bo danes popoldne ob dveh iz cerkve sv. Kristine in potem na Kalvarijo pod oskrbo Grdi-novega pogrebnega zavoda, šesta obletnica V nedeljo ob desetih bo darovana v cerkvi Marije Vnebovze-te maša za pokojnim Frank Ma-rinčičem. Sorodniki in prijatelji so vabljeni. Nemci so zopet ustrelili | večje število Čehov, med temi 2 ženski London.—Nemški radio je po-' ročal, da so nemške oblasti izvršile smrtno kazen nad enim češkim škofom in tremi duhovni, katere so obtožili, da se skrivali napadalce na Reiharda Heydricha, Hitlerjevega krvnika. Ti štirje so bili obtoženi, da so skrivali, prehranjevali in faktično pomagali atentatorjem na nemškega krvnika. Dalje so nemške oblasti v Pragi ustrelie 19 drugih Čehov, Nemški naval na Stalingrad ustavljen Rusi poročajo, da so imeli Nemci ogromne izgube. Rusi razbijajo nemške tanke iz skrajne bližine. V Kavkazu so Nemci nekoliko napredovali. NEMŠKA OFENZIVA V EGIPTU SE JE IZJALOVILA p® te Naši vojaki » I* »5 Sylvester Zupan, sin Mr. Ivana Zupana, ki je urednik Glasila KSKJ, je postal v dveh mesecih in pol korporal. Nameščen je v štabni pisarni v taborišču Perry, O. Čestitamo! Dva njegova brata, Lovrenc in John sta pa sarženta. John je sedaj na Severnem Irskem. Četrti brat, Henryy, je pa pri pijonirjih. te te te Družina Mr. in Mrs. Matt No vak, R. D. 3, Geneva, O. ima tudi dva sina pri vojakih. Prvi, Matthew M., je pri inženirjih v Detroitu in ima čin poročnika, drugi, Mirko F., je pa pri letalcih v Santa Ana, Cal. Oba sta bila v civilu inženirja. Tretji sin Novakove družine, Eddie, je pa te dni dobil poziv, da mora v 10 dneh v armado. Starši ga bodo poskusili oprostiti vojaščine, ker je edina pomoč na farmi, te te te. Naborna komisija št. 11 je poklicala sledeče naše fante v armado: William Derganc, Lud-wig Debevec, Albin Pečjak, Paul Zivich, Anton Nahtigal, Paul Kordič. Vso srečo, fantje, in zdravo vrnitev! te ,te te Po šestdnevnem dopustu odide danes nazaj korporal Eme-rich (Sonny) Podpadec, sin Mr. in Mrs. Anton Podpadec, 1944 E. 75. St. Emerich služi pri letalskem koru marinov kot mehanik, v San Diego, Cal. te te te Iz Aberdeen, Maryland, se je oglasil Pvt. Ivan Babnik, ki je bil dozdaj v taborišču Perry, O. Izroča pozdrave vsem prijateljem in znancem. med temi dve ženski, katere so obtožili veleizdajstva. Med ubitimi je 38 letna žurnalistka Irene Bernaskova. --o- 18,000,000 žensk bo do 1943 v industriji Washington. — Paul McNutt, načelnik delovne sile, je izjavil, da bo zaposlenih v vojnemu naporu do leta 1043 najmanj 18,-000,000 žensk. Ena izmed vsakih štirih ali celo ena izmed vsakih treh hišnih gospodinj, v starosti med 18 in 44 leti, bodo poklicane v industrijo, ženske bodo morale nadomestiti moške, ki bodo poklicani v armado. Nov grob Včeraj zjutraj je umrl v St. Alexis bolnišnici Louis Grilc, vdovec, star 70 let. Stanoval Je na 20229 Goller Ave. Doma je bil iz Gorenjskegu. • Ameriki je bil 32 let. Tukaj zapušča nečaka John Železnikarja in dve pranečakinji, Frances Ja-ckomin in Josephine Turk, pra-nečaka Joseph Grilc, v Viden, 111., pa nečakinjo Margaret Stempihar. V stari domovini zapušča več sorodnikov. Bil je član društva Najsvetejšega Imena fare sv. Kristine. Pogreb bo v pondeljek zjutraj ob 9:30 iz Svetkovega pogrebnega zavoda, 478 E. 152. St. v cerkev sv. Kristine in na Kalvarijo. Naj počiva v miru, preostalim sožalje. Ameriška vlada protestira radi selitve Judov Washington. — Pomožni državni tajnik Welles je poslal francoski vladi enega najbolj ostrih protestov radi masne de-portacije Judov iz neokupirane Francije v roke nacijev. Rok za plačevanja davkov Okrajni pomožni blagajnik Frank M. Jakšič nam je povedal, da je zadnji dan za plačevanje zemljiškega davka v pondeljek 14. septembra. Hišni posestniki naj še torej ravnajo po tem. v Vabilo na odprtijo Mary Oblak in Mary Wolf, ki vodita znano gostilno na 15220 Saranac Rd., prijazno vabita na nedeljsko odprtijo. Postregli vam bosta z finim pivom in okusnim prigrizkom. Prva obletnica V pondeljek ob osmih bo darovana v cerkvi sv. Vida maša za pokojnim Anthony Brino-več. Prijatelji in sorodniki so prijazno vabljeni. Zelo važna seja V torek 8. septembra se vrši zelo važna seja društva Blejsko jezero št. 27 SDZ ob osmih zvečer v navadnih prostorih. Na zlet Caroline in Mary Masic iz 1075 E. 68. St. sta se podali na zlet v Nashville, Tenn. želimo jima najboljšo zabavo. pljučnico umrla Uršula Mesec, rojena v Borovnici. V Ameriki je bila 42 let in tukaj zapušča dva sinova in hčer drugo hčer \ ' pa v stari domovini. Waukegan, 111. — Josephine Traven iz North Chicaga se je pred dnevi hudo pobila na glavi in si je zlomila desno roko na počitnicah, ko se je vozila v avtu z neko svojo prijateljico vred. Avto je v megli telebnil ob drevo ob cesti. Nekaj časa je bila v bolnišnici, nakar so jo poslali domov v zdravljenje. Monessen, Pa. — Dne 24. avgusta je tukaj preminula Frančiška Grezuti, stara 64 let in rojena v Iški vasi pri Igu. Tukaj je živela 42 let in zapušča moža, sina in dve omoženi hčeri. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Kramer, po domače Jakopova. Lowber, Pa. — Dne 20. avgusta je bil Jos. Klun, pobit pri delu v jami. Naslednji dan je bil njegov sin Frank J. Klun, korporal v armadi v North Caroli-ni, že doma pri očetu. Priletel je v vojaškem bombniku do Mc-Keesporta in doma se je mudil samo dve uri, nakar je odletel nazaj v vojaško službo. Braddock, Pa. — Matt Junko se nahaja v bolnišnici West Penil v Pittsburghu. Podvreči se mora operaciji na kili. Vandling, Pa. — Dne 29. avgusta je tukaj po dolgi in mučni bolezni umrl star pionir Jernej Cunta v starosti 82 let. Doma je bil iz Dola pri Borovnici in v Ameriko je prišel pred 50 leti, tukaj je pa bival 42 let. Zapušča ženo in dve hčeri, v Washing-tonu, D. C., pa sina. Moskva, 5. sept. — Ruska armada je zaustavila nemško prodiranje proti Stalingradu. Rusi nadaljujejo s pobijanjem nacijev in njih bojne opreme na^vsej črti, tako poročajo vesti iz Moskve danes zjutraj. Sovjetski topničarji dežujejo razstreljive snovi v nemške tanke iz skrajne bližine na vseh potih, ki vodijo v Stalingrad. Na sektorju severozahodno od Sta-lingrada so Rusi potem, ko so odbili nemške napade, prešli ^ protinapad ter zapodili nacije nazaj. t £ Ruska črnomorska mornarica je obstreljavala nemške in romunske čete, ki prodirajo proti zadnjemu ruskemu pristanišču na črnem morju, Novorosisk. Dva sovražna bataljona so Rusi uničili na tej fronti. V Kavkazu, v okolici Mozdok, so Memci nekoliko napredovali Senat bo začel zasliševanje radi vpoklica 18, 19 let starih v armado Washington. — Senatni vojaški odsek bo začel drugi teden najbrže z zaslišanjem glede senatorja Gurneya, da se vpokliče v armado 18 in 19 let stare fante. Zaslišani bodo razni vojaški strokovnjaki, da povedo svoje mnenje o tem. -—o- Poveljnik nemške podmornice je ujetnik v U. S. Boston.—Poveljnik neke nemške podmornice, katero so poškodovale ameriške globočin-ske bombe, je ujetnik v Zed> državah. Tako poroča časopis Boston Globe, ki je to slišal na radiju. Ime ujetnika je poročnik George Stad, ki se je rešil samo s par možmi posadke s podmornice, na kateri je "bila posadka 18* mož. --o- Vrnitev iz bolnišnice Poznani John Terškan iz 968 E. 209. St., Euclid, O., se je po dveh mesecih, katere je prebil v bolnišnici, kjer je prestal tri težke operacije, povrnil na svoj dom. Najlepše se zahvaljuje vsem ki so se spomnili in ga obiskali, posebno pa onim, ki so mu darovali svojo kri. Potre boval je namreč sedem pintov krvi. Bil je v resnici nevarno bolan, toda vse je srečno prestal. Sedaj pa prosi prijatelje, da ga obiščejo ob priliki na domu. proti oljnim poljem v Grozniju, od katerega so oddaljeni še okrog 60 milj. Toda tudi tukaj Rusi dobro bijejo Nemce. Na najbolj kritični točki, ju-žnozahodno od Stalingrada, so Rusi ustavili Nemce ter jim pri- zadjali strašanske izgube. * Kairo, 4. sept. — Na egiptovski fronti se vrše vroči boji in včeraj so tukaj prvič stopili v akcijo Amerikanci s svojimi tan-d. Nemcem so razbili šest tankov. Zavezniški bombniki in topništvo so pa razbili osišču 39 tankov ter prisilili čete generala Rommela dvakrat k umiku v zadnjih 24 urah. Najnovejša poročila zatrjujejo, da so Amerikanci in Angleži na tej fronti onemogočili generalu Rommelu vsako prodiranje proti Aleksandri j i. Vlada bo licenzirala vse velemesnice, da bo tako kontrolirala cene Washington. — Urad za kontrolo cen bo začenši 8. septembra licenziral vso mesno industrijo v Zed. državah, razen trgovcev na drobno. Urad je napravil ta korak, da bo s tem prisilil velemesnice, da se bodo držale cen, kot jih je določil za meso ta urad. V istem času je pa vlada naperila obtožbo proti 115 vele-mesnicam v 18 raznih mestih, ker se niso držale določenih cen. Vse klavnice in mesnice na debelo bodo licenzirane z 8-septembrom in ne bodo smele zahtevati višjih cen, kot so določene od urada za kontrolo cen. -o- Je dobil srp in žanjico .Frank Jakše iz 840 Babbitt Rd. je pred nekaj dnevi oglaševal v našem listu, da bi rad dobil starokrajski srp. Zdaj nam je sporočil, da je srp že dobil, pa ne samo srp, ampak tudi žanjico, ki bo kmalu postala njegova zakonska družica, čestitamo! Vpisovanje novih učencev v 2olo sv. Vida bo v torek šolsko vodstvo farne šole sv. Vida naznanja, da se bo vršilo vpisovanje novih učencev v torek 8. septembra od 10 do 11 dopoldne in od 6 do 7 zvečer. Po tem datumu se pod nobenim pogojem ne bo vpisovalo novih učencev in učenk. Kratke vojne in druge vesti WASHINGTON. — Kot se doznava iz zanesljivih virov bo predsednik Roosevelt v pondeljek naznanil narodu važne odredbe, najbolj drastične v vseh devetih letih njegovega uradovanja. Kot še govori, bodo te odredbe v glavnem te, da bo postavil meje delavskim mezdam in plačam ter cenam poljskim pridelkom. V izvedbo tega bo postavil posebnega ekonomskega administratorja, i » * * BERLIN. — Berlinski radio naznanja, da je dobila Budimpešta prvi zračni napad v tej vojni tekom pretekle noči. Bombe so padale v mesto in v predmestju. Sodi se, da so bombardirali mesto ruski letalci. Mesto je oddaljeno od Londona 900 milj, od Moskve pa 975 milj. * » * CLEVELAND, O. — Mrs. Marie R. Sweeney, žena kongres-nika Martin L. Sweeneya, je včeraj vložila pri volivnem odboru peticije, da bo kandidirala kot neodvisna kandidatinja v kongres iz 20. okraja. Ostala dva kandidata sta Michael A. Feighan in Harry T. Marshall. * * * NEW YORK. — V teh treh letih svetovne vojne je bilo ubitih osem časnikarskih poročevalcev, 17 jih je bilo ranjenih in tri še vedno pogrešajo. Z namenom, da bi dobili najboljše novice, se podajajo poročevalci v najbolj nevarne kraje. » » » KAIRO. — Egiptovski kralj Farouk je sprejel v avdijenci Wendell L. Willkia. Kralj je sprejel Willkia na petek, ki je za Mohamedance praznik in ko so avdijence pri kralju zelo redke. Willkie je izročil kralju pismo od predsednika Roosevelta. * * s. CLEVELAND. — Nadškof Joseph Schrembs je poslal na vse župnije v svoji škofiji pastirsko pismo, v katerem ukazuje, da naj bodo po vseh cerkvah v pondeljek maše za delavce. Pri teh mašah naj duhovniki pridigajo o "pravicah in dolžnostih delavca in delodajalca." ^l-A'j'.' V/iN ; ■ -^ifi 1 ftMERISKftWoOMOVlNA §§ , AMERICAN IN 3MRIT FOREIGN ^ ^ SLOVENIAN MORNING) j'Šf^^SM •riiiii[iMiiiiiiiiiiiiin: " w language ONLY AMERICAN HOME 1 DAILX NEffS?AEER i 2°9 CLEVELAND, O., SATURDAY MORNING, SEPTEMBER 5, 1942 LETO XLV. — VOL. XLV. joncem tedna boje na Solomonskih iN Z manj^m pompom t kot so zaslužili, bo L. V2rok ta, da se uradni P«* boji, da ne bi jav-EtJj- tem Pozabila, kako sla-£ Prav zdajle zavezniška H Nosnem. bodo udarili na Si-|T0' ali pa v Indijo. Tako C pralni opazovalci. Da jV2eniso udarili na Sibiri-K. k ta, ker ne vedo, če Ln Vzela iz Sibirije kak KL el.svojih čet in pa ker ioti pnPravljena za obram- ičasi,USkim bombnikom- V Hbj ^aP°nska premi-I, ne kazalo boljše napa- j I lnaf,iraje k°t Sibirijo. Na'| ■L se bo Japonska v i 0dl°čila v to ali ono , »t. i R^1 letalci, ki se zdaj 1 ■ v u'10 v Zed. državah, se ' i Amat.kem Preselili v Ka- I v l3,!r°dstva za treningo , I 'b letalcev. PC Javil0st prepričana, J cija u°oseveltova admini- Nc0 7Žala kontrolo nad , SČ°mc0' pa k]Jub te- s • Do vol't P°Htikarji trdijo, ' % . .tvah večina zborni- . 4dministraciji v Beli \ ..... j nek uslužbenec v 1 > D^ °d ki so odha- j l ^iko"6 V Severno in Ju" ! ' razna tajna navo- Htj^ lz Evrope vedo po. 1?' nemški propa- C V i ' dr- Goebbels, H%J« Pri Hitlerju. L\ t?1 pr°Pagandist je C8Hiwamovsky>ki je ■ X tJem in daje naro-■ ukazuje Hit" tk^do t i3e baje zmeštral t™ral «ot kar je prej >^ljivi viri iz Ev- V °aiSf ' da bo letošnja : e zelo huda zaradi V\w!na v Nemčiji je -'hS^f*let0-Poleg V* Doli i Se vedno Prl- kHli delavcev, za-08praviti se leti-1 VNčii n<2 bo dala toliko, H,Vf.^čakovala, cen-K ; Cln Balkan pa tudi KStClja in kalija bo-\\S p°rda dovolj zase, rVa't>a lmele Belgija- I bo in Norveška. %Coral Beriin pre_ v r •117 St. Clair Ave. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA" AMERICAN HOME SLOVENIAN DAILY NEWSPAPER JAMES DEBEVEC. Editor i ii m mu iiiiiiiimi rmu ** m it 11141,1,11 Published dally except Sundays and Holidays Cleveland. Ohio, NAROČNINA: Za Ameriko In Kanado na leto $6.50. Za Cleveland po pošti, celo leto $7.60 Za Ameriko In Kanado, pol leta $3.50. Za Cleveland po pošti, pol leta $4.00 Za Ameriko in Kanado, četrt leta $2.00. Za Cleveland po pošti četrt leta $2.25 Za Cleveland In Euclid, po raznašalcih: celo leto $6.50, pol leta $3.50, četrt leta $2.00 Posamezna številka 3c SUBSCRIPTION RATES: United States and Canada $6.50 per year. Cleveland by mall $7.50 per year U. S. and Canada $3 50 for 6 months. Cleveland by mall $4.00 for 6 months U. S. and Canada $2.00 for 3 months. Cleveland by mall $2.25 for 3 months Cleveland and Euclid by carrier $6.50 per year, $3.50 for 6 months. $2.00 for 3 months .__Single copies 3c Entered as second-class matter January 5th, 1909. at the Post Office Cleveland. Ohio, under the Act of March 3d. 1878. at 83 , No. 209 Sat., Sept. 5, 1942 Največji posvetni praznik V pondeljek bomo v Ameriki posvetili svoje misli največjemu prazniku na svetu, prazniku dela. Tudi druge dežele praznujejo delavske dneve, pa ne na isti dan kot v Ameriki, kjer ga praznujemo na prvi pondeljek v mesecu septembru. Priporočljivo bi bilo, da se po tej vojni zedinijo delavci vsega sveta in naj bi praznovali Delavski dan ob istem času. Praznik dela bi res moral biti največji posvetni praznik, saj je delo tisto, ki drži življenje na svetu pokonci in ga omogoča. Lepa je prislovica: kdor ne dela, naj tudi ne je, vendar, če pogledamo okrog sebe, jih je mnogo, ki imajo lepo življenje in najbolj izbrana jedila, dasi niso v vsem svojem življenju prijeli za kako delo, niti z rokami, niti z umom. Ogromna večina človeškega rodu pa dela, mora delati, da se preživi. Nekateri delajo z rokami, v potu svojega obraza, drugi delajo z možgani, katerih delo je celo težje kot ročno delo. Toda roka in um morata delati skupaj, drugače ne gre. v Delo je tista gonilna in ustvarjajoča sila, s katero se tako radi in pogostokrat ponašamo. Praznik dela praznujejo danes na strani svobode in pravice kot tisti odločujoči faktor, ki bo zasužnjenim narodom prinesel svobodo in boljšo bodočnost. V delu je zapopadena naša zmaga, v delu bo za-betonirana naša bodočnost. V deželah diktatorjev ne poznajo praznika dela, ker tam je delavec suženj, navaden del stroja, mesen kos mehanizma, ki dela kot mu ukazuje diktator. V deželah diktatorjev nima delavec pravice misliti;nima pravice zahtevati, nima pravice odločevati. Samo delati mora in molčati. Bolj kot kdaj prej, jei letošnji Delavski praznik važen in značilen. Vojna, v katero so nas prisilili osvojevalci, zahteva od slehernega izmed nas vso našo delovno silo. Zato se na letošnji Delavski praznik vprašajmo: ali smo storili napram narodu in domovini vse, kar je bilo v naših močeh? Ko se bodo naši fantje vrnili domov z bojišč po slavni zmagi, nas bodo vprašali: kaj ste delali v času, ko smo mi nesli svoje življenje na tehtnico na bojno poljano? Delo bo tisti naš zagovornik, ki nas bo opravičil, ali pa nas sodil, ako ne bomo storili svoje dolžnosti na domači fronti. Zate je potrebno, da je vsak posameznik pripravljen storiti in doprinesti svoj delež, ki ga zahteva od nas naša domovina v njenem vojnem naporu. Ako bomo v tem času, ko je na tehtnici naša svoboda in naša demokracija, iskali svojih osebnih dobičkov in koristi, med tem, ko so nesli naši fantje svoje dragoceno življenje v bojno vihro, potem ne vršimo svoje dolžnosti, ki smo jo dolžni domovini, svoji vladi, svoji armadi. Kdor v tem času ne dela, ko je od nas odvisno, da produciramo vse, kar potrebuje naša armada, je prav tako izdajalec, kot je izdajalec vojak, ki pobegne iz boja. Z vojaškim'dezerterjem napravijo kratek proces: kroglo v prsa! Enako bi bilo treba postopati z onim, ki pusti delo, od katerega je odvisna vojna produkcija. Naši fantje so se morali odpovedati vsem udobnostim, dobremu zaslužku in vsakojakemu razvedrilu. Oni ne poznajo drugega kot: smrt sovragu! Vse to za blagor domovino, za boljše življenje nam in zanamcem. Njih uspavalna pesem je grmenje topov in ragljanje strojnic, pa detonacije bomb. Mi, doma, si pa še lahko privoščimo prijetne urice, bolj kot'kdaj prej, ko tako dobro služimo. Zato, ali ni izdajstvo, grdo izdajstvo, napram domovini in našim junakom na bojnem polju, če za vsako malenkost odložimo orodje in pustimo delo v tovarni? Ako bo radi naše nelojalnosti primanjkovalo našim vojakom orožja in mu-nicije, jim bomo težko dajali odgovor, ko bodo prišli nazaj in nas vprašali: kaj ste delali doma, ko smo mi prelivali svojo srčno kri za-vas? Praznik dela naj bo praznik naše končne zmage! Do-zdaj smo praznovali ta dan z nekako mlačnostjo, ker se nismo zavedali velikega pomena dela. Letos, ko smo do vratu v bojnem vrtincu, pa moramo pokazati, da se zavedamo, kaj pomeni beseda DELO in dajmo tej besedi polno veljavo. Bolj kot kdaj velja danes rek: kdor ne dela, naj tudi ne je! Da, še več! Kdor ne dela, ni vreden, da živi pod našo streho, da uživa vse dobrote, ki mu jih nudi naša velika demokracija, ni vreden, da se za njegovo svobodo bijejo naši fantje na krvavih poljanah. Da, tudi /divje prusjaške kohorte praznujejo praznik dela! Toda njihovo delo obstoji v ropu in požigu, umorih in uničevanju. Naciji praznujejo danes praznik največjih zločinov v zgodovini človeštva. Te zločine osišča moramo ustaviti na celi črti in to za vselej. To bomo pa dosegli edino z delom, z delom na obeh frontah, na bojni fronti in na domači fronti. V tem pravcu bomo letos praznovali največji posvetni praznik, praznik dela. Le v delu bomo dosegli zmago in ž njo boljši družabni red. Proč z uživanjem v brezdelju! Brez dela ni jela! Z delom bomo dosegli, da bodo socijalne krivice izginile, na njihovo mesto pa bo stopila pravična razdelitev dobrin in globoka1 socijalna zavest pri vseh narodih za vse čase. Od leta 1882, ko je ameriško delavstvo prvič praznovalo BESEDA IZ NARODA Zahvala Primorski dan, ki se je vršil dne 9. avgusta, je bil za naše naselje in za stvar ogromnega moralnega uspeha. Podpisani odbor si šteje v prijetno dolžnost, da se vsem, ki so sodelovali in primogli do tako velikega us(peh k jim od daleč zvonili zvon1 ca. , Tudi njegovi politik1 in krivice bo kmalu Kakor tudi njegovemu mu vladanju. Pravica i' morata zmagati!" I* .. WluUljouR^ WAR BONI * —> ! Barbed wire used by ^ 'fighting forces Is vasttf from that used on A^Ti Army and Marine barc^ much heavier and the t>8 8 three Inches to length- J vicious than ordinary &ai f'• \ . i ! P^ - fs k • ^^iHrr ,„ !' The Marine Corps pay' 35: lot each twelve yards, this specially manufacture -wire. , The Army and J^i needs thousands upon ^' e, feet for defensive wf^ds purchase of War Bonds »t, •will insure sufficient 1 ^ (their needs. Invest ■ p percent of your wag Bonds every pay day. jrf V šalo pride nadZ^ii nagovori učence, P0^ ^fi ga izmed njih in mu kaj citira iz sv. P' 5 čajno je izbral na večjega nagajivca v s ,(5 Učenec torej vsta"fve5 reže: "In Judež je šei obesil!" Učitelj je kar sleč, da bo nadzoruj, te besede lete nanj-zornik se samo zaST1!e ^ če' učencu: "Pa veš j,0s! "Pojdi in tudi ti reče učenec in nad' vprašal več. * v0jel J Oče je zmerjal s bS? "Da te le ni sram.M Ko je bil George tvojih let, je bil I vedno pri delu." „ .'fj Sinko se pa odrf ' „ 1 bil George Wash"1? -eH let, očka moj Ij^VJ predsednik Zed^^^l Iskrenost Naša postrežba ^vj krene želje, da b| ^ se \ v pomoč onim, k1 ^ >) do nas v uri P°tr ^ druga stvar ne J naše postrežbe bo»J J AUGUST F. JI POGREBNI 1 A 478 E. 152. St. iPCRSOINj^ Na razpolago za financiranje nakupa ^ avtomobila J % gospodarskih predmetov Za: £ družinske in hišne potrebščine 0 popravo posestva • tj 9 plačilo zavarovalninske premije Q poravnavo računov --To je nekaj tipičnih namenov-- b$, A Pridite ij< povejte nam o vaših potrebah. Nitre M da bi bili vlagatelj. - il the north american bank c°:a 6131 St. Clair Ave. 15601 Waterloo * I Cleveland. Ohio Farma naprodaj Naprodaj je farma 30 akrov, 10 akrov sadnega drevja vsake vrste, 6 akrov vinograda, 3 akre malin, 7 akrov orane zemlje in 4 akre gozda. Moderna hiša 7 sob, furnez, plin in elektrika. Zamenja se tudi za dvodružin-sko hišo. Kogar zanima, naj piše na Jerney Mavko Middle Ridge Rd. Madison, O. (Aug. 29. Sept. 5.) ST. CHRISTINE'S (Continued from 4) and Dorothy Lesser sang for us. Then that .lolly quartet, namely, Blondie, Eleanore (Percy), Frances, and Ella performed a little act for us. (They have really something in store for you at the next meeting or so they claim.) Mary will soon be saying "I do" so best of luck, Mary. Don't forget, girls, tomorrow is first Sunday. Remember the 9:45 Mass and wear your uniforms. Have you forgotten the dance, folks, Nov. 8, 1942. Remember you only have two more months left so pick your date and don't hesitate, WHAT THE FOLKS OUT HERE ARE SINGING "This Is Worth Fighting For" Babe Lipovec, who recently joined the Navy. "I'd Love to Know You Better," Ann Sprinzl. For a certain boy who plays in a band. "Do You Miss Your Sweetheart Like Your Sweetheart Misses You," Alberta Yanchar whites to Freddie. "Can't Get Out of This Mood,"— when every boy's with his girl. "Nobody's Darling But Mine," Mary Zdesar's one and only Al. "The Sailor with the Navy Blue Eyes," Let Eleanore Pirc tell you the rest of it. "She'll Always Remember," Jo Ko-vacic and what happened in the fourth grade at St. Mary's School. "Happy Birthday to You," Mildred Stopar, Marilyn and Dick Koss, whose birthdays fall this month. Time to sign off now folks, so "Good Day to You,".and "Especially to You," "That's Sabotage," (just a song). THE SFY. coaching like professionals in the last two games. The crowd could be much bigger and Hhe feminine crowd has dwindled to a mere handful. What's wrong? Let's all be out tomorrow and watch these boys play and pull those fancy plays. New. I'm all set to go, but no Shadow is here to scare me away. I guess I licked that disease so I don't have to worry about it anymore—not until next week when we bring the news again. So until then this is slowly pulling'away reporter saying adios. TONY VALENCIC STEFAN ROBASH, glavni zastopnik wolff heating co How Much Do We Know About Slovenia? vam sporoča, da lahko dobite za vaše hiše furneze boilerje in razne dele za furneze. Dalje vam firma preloži furneze na željo, ali jih zacementira. Očisti vam furneze da bodo zopet fino delali. V zalogi imamo STOKERJE. Zdaj je cas, da si spravite furnez v red, predno nastopi mrzlo vreme. Pri nas dobite hitro in točno postrežbo. wolff heating co. 715 East 103rd St. GLenville 9218 (Continued from page 4) Gradually it became a general conception that the farmer was not a free man, and not a subject of the state, but rather a vassal or bandsman of the Church or the estate. Things did not go so hard for these bondsmen at first. Generally we get the impression that from the 10th to the 13th century, the noblemen treated these bondsmen with fair consideration. The master saw to it that the menial was usually satisfied, so that he did not go off into the city, or to a better and more considerate master. The bondsman was rarely ever driven off the land. If he erred, he was punished by being forced to cultivate poorer ground, thus making him work harder to produce the necessary quantity. When he repented, he was again taken into good graces and given better land. In bad years the master even helped him out. The bondsman, however, could not leave his lands, because he was classified as a possession, as were the animals, the land, etc. It came to such a state that in many instances, the masters sold the bondsmen with th|e land, or they used them as a medium of exchange.. The bondsmen were passed on as pieces of inheritance. If anyone of them attempted to escape, he was hunted down and punished like an animal. Bondsmen could own nothing of 'their own. Whatever they produced belonged to the master. It was not until the 15th and 16th centuries that things began to change fftr the better in this respect, when they began to realize the value of human flesh. At that time the master no longer had the right to the body of his bondsman— only to his work. The duties of the bondsmen were to pay taxes and perform various menial services. On every estate there were also bound handicraftsmen who, first of all, served their master; whatever time remained, they used up'for their own welfare, making things that they could use or sell. Menial work (robota) consisted of various kinds of unpaid assistance which the vassals had to perform about the castle or estate of their master. They had to bring the master necessary lumber and stone, store the wine, and produce of the fields, had to do the repair work around the estate. All the required duties were specifically set and written down in the town records or "urbars." The master could and would at all times expect and demand what was written in these "urbars." Very often they demanded much more. (To be continued.) . Gostilna naprodaj Naprodaj je gostilna, ki ima D-5 licenco. Naslov dobite v uradu tega lista. (209) Hiša naprodaj Proda se hiša za 2 družini. Vsako stanovanje 6 sob, kopalnica, garaža, in za vsako družino še posebej kopališče v kleti. Klet pod vso hišo, 2 furneza, lot 40x140. Hiša je vseskozi v najboljšem stanju. Kogar zanima, naj se zgjasi na 638 E. 101. St. (21'3) Dobra služba Sprejme se takoj moškega ali žensko, ki bi odpiral gostilno zjutraj ob 6:30 bil na delu do dveh popoldne. Njegovo delo bi bilo snažili p0 gostilni in obenem streči gostom. Plača $20 na teden. Stalno delo. Naslov izveste v uradu tega lista. _(211) Hiše naprodaj Naprodaj je hiša 5 sob, vse spodaj, se takoj lahko vselite. Nahaja se na Arrowhead Ave., cena $3,500. Samo $500 takoj, ostalo na lahka odplačila. Hiša 6 sob za 1 družino, hlev, garaža, kokošnjak, 2 akra zem-je, sadno drevje, nekaj trte, v bližini Bishop Road. Cena je $5,500. Za podrobnosti vprašajte M .F. Intihar 630 E. 222. St. IV 2644 ali IV 0678 Naš urad bo zaprt v nedeljo in pondeljek. "T"* (209) NEWBURGH NEWS (Continued from Page 4) * Legan returned to Texas for another school season. Lud Lekan is enrolled at John Carroll. Prances Suhadolnik plans to enter training at Charity School of Nursing. Best wishes for future success to all mentioned and numentioned students, DRAMATICS: The Slovene Club "KRKA" plans to start rehearsals for a "comedy" to be presented in early fall. The St. Lawrence Stage and Curtain Guild, likewise, has plans underway for a grand season of entertainment, More details later. QUIZ BEE: WHY? do Tony Kocianic and Vic Mel.lac enjow the "scenery" of Garfield Heights so much lately? WHO? will all our bowlerettes be this season? I hope to tell you sometime. WHERE? will "those" plans of Tony Valencic. Lud Lekan, Vic Hočevar and Dorothy Strekal materialize? WHAT? local lassie entertained that certain army official at her home last Sunday? WHEN? will I make up my mind not to write any more Newburgh News? THE SHADOW ST. LAWRENCE 2. ST. PAUL CROATIANS 1 Last Sunday before an average crowd the Laurentians again banged out a victory to add to their total. This, one was a pitcher's duel, so the best they could do against the St. Paul Croatians was to win by the score of 2 to 1. A real pitching duel it was from the very beginning to the end. "Chick" Wersylo who was injured in the first game of the season showed up all patched up and s£t to go: Manager Zupančič, having confidence in the kid, let him go on the mound to do the hurling and a well pitched game it was indeed. The Croatians started their half of the second inning by getting a man on first on a walk and later stple second. Then after two outs, their centerfielder hit a single to score the runner from second and they were ahead in the ball game by the score of 1 to 0. In the Laurentian half of the sixth inning the crowd began to hoot and root when Prank Kuhel and Billy Turk walked. Prank Turk sacrificed both runners to scoring positions. Bill Chesnik, up next, hit a grounder that was an out but good enough to tie the score at one-all when Kuhel crossed the plate at the putout. This left Bill Turk on third and two men out. Ray Blatnik came through in the pinch as he singled to right to score Turk and put St. Lawrence ahead 2 to 1. That incidentally was the first hit allowed by the Croatians. In the seventh the St. Paul's third baseman lead off with a triple but was tagged out a moment later when he tried to score on a ground ball to Buddy Derigo. In the Laurentian half after two outs, Paul Yanchar hit a triple but Prank Turk hit a fly ball to right field to end that stanza. And that's all that was done, he both teams collecting two hits apiece, a single and a triple each. Wersylo showed that he is back in form and that's good with playoff series coming up soon. JACKO A. C. 10, RICHMAN BOYSTQWN 3 The Jackos again showed that they really have the hitting power jvhen they licked the Richman Boystown by the score of 10 to 3 at Gordon Park last Sunday. As previously, thfey again scored all their runs in the first few innings. Everyone on the team was up to par as all got a hit at least. Mack Milcinovec, Ray Kresa, and Ralph Hro-vat got three hits apiece. Bill Milcinovec pitched a fijur hitter while striking out 11 Rlchman's. This makes it two on a row for the boys in this Elimination Series. HONORABLE MENTION To "Chick" Wersylo for his two hitter against the St. Paul Croatians. To Bill Milcinovec for his four hitter against Richman Boystown and for whiffing 11 of them. To Ray Blatnik for his hit producing the winning run and two spectacular catches in left field. To Ralph Hrovat for his three hits j and fancy plays against the Richman Boystown. To Jim Russ who pitched his Abel Bod.v tearrv to a 12 to 1 victory allowing, his opponents, the Brawn Painters, I but three hits. I SIDELINES Joe Kastelic worrying about his hitting slump. George Milcinovec and Tony Godec. WHITING COAL STOKERS! Sedaj je čas, da naročite avtomatične stokerje na premog, na katerih boste prihranili en0 tretino premoga. Lahko rabite najcenejši premog*. ___________Inštalacija iz CeneS° r^S^SC/""""^*"^ tovarne, izvež- $159 ** j\ bani delavci, $179 ^ vse popolnoma $195 ^^-vJ I P | avtomatično $230 ^^ | J> Samo za $30 • $425 * l/ En0let° ^ ' . . ^^^^Jf*' garantiran. Vidite ga razstavljenega v našem oknu. Pridite in mi vam bomo razloi-žili, kake dela itd. Naročite ga lahka pri nas. GrdinaHardware6727 ST•CLAIR AVE• POSEBNO! NAŠA,TRGOVINA BO ZAPRTA VES DAN V PONDELJEK 7. SEPTEMBRA IN ODPRTA VES DAN V SREDO, 9. SEPTEMBRA! MALI OGLASI ■ *Sr'Aga misli?" PrihPačev je mož' de-' Si ?V'eduje rad/ Tu-Nai,rok°žec, ki mu bo S \ ' Kw* Hartleya. lovca. Da, H Winnetou sta J** se • majhen l". Sebi 6 ^ zdel yankee * mPll7' Tudi inže- Nvo 0bhaJ'al0 P°- S .'Hartley je pri->oT.01d Firehand *SSTina Dog' MiS , n na But" si je tudi ' Kl so zasledo- Stanovanje v najem Odda se 5 čednih sob, furnez, kopališče, spodaj. Poizve se na 1106 E. 64. St., spredaj (211) Hiše naprodaj Hiša za 1 družino, 6 sob, ves trd les, parna gorkota, garaža. Hiša za 1 družino, 6 sob, tla iz trdega lesa^ garaža. Vsaka hiša na svojem lotu, obe skupaj za $8,800. Hiša za 1 družino, zidana, 6 sob, blizu cerkve Marije Vnebo-vzete; cena $5,200. Hiša za 2 družini, 4 in 4 sobe, v prvovrstnem stanju, v bližini Graphite Bronze Co. Cena $5,-800. Hiša 10 sob, za 2 družini, v bližini Euclid Beach parka, 2 garaži, v prvovrstnem stanju; cena $7,700. Hiša za 2 družini, 4 in 4 sobe, v prvovrstnem stanju; cena $6,200. V bližini Garfield Heights, Turney Rd. & Force Ave., za 2 družini, 4 in 4 sobe, 5 sob zadej. Se mora prodati radi zapuščine. Cena $4,500. Za podrobnosti se oglasite pri Jos. Globokar 986 E. 74. St. He-6607. Mi popravimo fenderje, ogrodje in prebarvamo, da bo avto izgledal kot nov. Superior Body & Paint Co. 6605 St. Clair Ave. EN 1633 FRANK CVELBAR. lastnik i ZA DOBRO PLUMBINGO \ j IN GRETJE POKLIČITE \ \ A. J. .Budnick & CO. \ j PLUMBING & HEATING | 7207 St. Clair Ave. M ! Bus. Tel. HEnderson 3289 = Residence IVanhoe 1889 iiiiiiiiiisiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii; v blag spomin PRVE OBLETNICE SMRTI NAŠEGA LJUBLJENEGA, MOČNO OBŽALOVANEGA IN NIKDAR POZABLJENEGA SINA, BRATA IN STRICA Anthony Brinovec ki nas je tako nepričakovano zapustil v silni žalosti dne 6. septembra 1941. V družinsko grobnico so ga položili 10. septembra 1941 poleg njegove sestre Anne Mae Turney, ki jo je zelo pogrešal in močno žaloval zanjo. Počivajta v miru .drug poleg drugega do vstajenja in dokler se vsi skupaj združimo nad zvezdami. fTniTiimnimiiiimin FRANK KLEMENČIČ 1051 ADDISON ROAD Barvar in dekorator HEnderson 7757 mXXXZIIITXXXIEXXXIXXXXXXl? Nedeljska odprtija Prijazno vabimo vse prijate-je in znance v Clevelandu in okolici, da nas obiščejo ob nedeljah Fino pivo in okusen prigrizek. Mary Oblak in Mary Wolf 15220 Saranac Rd. 1 CERTIFIED 1 TYPEWRITER | SERVICE 1127 East 66th St. 5 Pisalni stroji in seštevalni stroji E E v najem in v popravo. Trakovi in carbon paptr. J. MERHAR | Pokličite HEnderson 9009 ?iiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiii'"'iiiimiiiiinniiiiiiiuT Mesec september je zopet v deželi zgodnje jeseni naznanja nam čas, mi pa ne moremo biti veseli, ker je najtužnejši mesec za nas. Hladna te zemlja že leto dni krije, v tihi gomili pokojno zdaj spiš, sonce jesensko na grob ti zdaj sije, v duhu pa vedno med nami živiš. TAPECIRANJE, POPRAVLJANJE. SliTI ZA PARLOR NAPRAVLJENI PO NAROČILU Se priporoča JOHN J. CERAR 5819 Bonna Ave. HEnderson 2632 Dekle dobi delo Išče se dekleta za hišna opravila in za prodajalno v pekari-ji. Zvečer lahko ostane, ali hodi domov. Vprašajte na 11704 St. Clair Ave. (210) POZOR GOSPODARJI HIŠ Kadar potrebuje vaša streha popravila, kritja z asfaltom ali škrllja, popravo žlebov ali novih, se z vso zanesljivostjo obrnite do nas, ki smo že nad 30 let v tem podjetju in dobro poznani tudi mnogim Slovencem. Plačate lahko na prav lahke obroke. The Elaborated Roofing Co. MElrose 0033 6115 LORAIN AVE. GArfteld 2434 Kadar pokličete, vprašajte za MR. A. LQZ1CH FCmaCTORY Jm buy M) UNITED VffiM STATES Wf WAR 4/Wbonds jyfli STAMPS žalujoči ostali: MARTIN in ANNA BRINOVEC, starši; JOHN, GERALD, FRENCHY, bratje; ROBERT, vnuk, BEVERLY ANNE, MARLENE ROBERTA, vnukinje, ROSE, ELSIE, ANN, VIDA, svakinje. Cleveland, O., 5. sept. 1942. Naročite se na dnevnik "Ameriška Domovina" 0102020002010201020101010102010000020101010001010100010100000001 iaklad v srebrnem jezeru val Hartleya in Hallerja, ter tehtno prikimaval. "Stavim, da je bil rdeči cornel —! Le da si je dal lase spet potemniti. Pobegnil je s farme pa spet zbral svoje ljudi —. Upam, da ga bomo končno prijeli!" Inženjer si je dal še posebej poročati o "delovanju" rdeče-lasca in njegove družbe. "Tudi jaz upam, da mu bo končno minilo veselje do ropa in morenja!" se je jezil. "Nad dve sto trampo\j,—! Kako mo-renje, požiganje in ropanje bi bilo prišlo nad Sheridan —! Gospodje, naši rešitelji ste! Kar ne vem, kako bi se vam zahvalil!" "Sodim, da je napad predvsem namenjen vaši blagajni in ne toliko Sheridanu samemu!" je kimal Old Firehand. "Kako pa je š tisto blagajno?" "Kakor veste," je razlagal inženjer, "se na progi onstran Eagle Taila še dela. Denar za delavce pošiljajo v Sheridan in jaz ga razdelim med gradbene odseke. Trampi so kdo ve kako zvedeli, da je glavna blagajna v Sheridanu, pa si jo mislijo osvojiti. Ampak naj le pridejo! Pripravili se bomo in jim temeljito pregnali poželenje po blagajnah! Prav nič se jih ne bojimo !" Old Firehand je svareče odkimava]. "Nikar ne mislite, da je zadeva s trampi enostavna! Dve sto jih je! In dve sto takih drznih lopovov že nekaj pomeni!" "Že mogoče. Ampak tistim dve sto trampom lahko postavim nasproti v nekaj urah nad tisoč delavcev!" , —**iXZXXXXZXXXX Jlj'e Pravil?" 4111 mi je __ r^olje je, da ti mo- fti * »boiJe žarel od vese" : /mnetoua iznenadil. i ?na vrata. In vsto- je j, lrehand. eto„kZ6njer mislil, da bo se . Kar presenečen vzklije „Zmotil- Ni poznal n- Sk tieraVe' Noben rdeči Si2 6 bo v pričo ijudi HwtifV0Jega veselja se sicer zasvetile * j enje ostal, stopil je ^ mu dal roko. Old ^ Jelokožec, ki mu | čUst ko Premagova- > ga n ev' ga Je Potegnil i ter Potisnil na srce in !i ,Jj ^ Ves gin j en. ■!S moj !jllbi t Se°i se razvese-Vd *agIedal skozi ok-01£° se že nisva vi- Sb ^ sem te videl!" Is WltlMou H,' Se je začudil Old ob Smoky Hill J tnisi Poklical —?" JSp * za*a,val ni. So. o?*® Vlhra S1 ti." Slutil pa sem, !e'trampe Sem stil ^ Pnjezdil?" ^Va fm tovariše na po- %ov VaŽna- Nad dve P Se bliža Sherida- ni razvnel Win- I* moril-^iki » ' ->'? A,- .'. v j^SPoMIN |;%GABLETNICI SMR- 1 "Pokojnega |l | n očeta RMarinčič lNobuet'Uci klečimo na k J" premi- KjaH?ov-s solzo TV ku-. ca Ti mOČ- k\ s°Prog in oče, 1 H- 2Vezdami! t V . |v n otroci 1942. Pozor, hišni gospodarji! DEDICATED TO THE YOUNG AMERICAN SLOVENES newburgh news Our news will no longer reach you via the "air waves"—my sponsor had to keep a date with Uncle Sam; so I naturally must resume my "old" style of writing. COMING ATTRACTIONS: See yourself in the "movies" tomorrow (for only 35 cents)! The Blessed Sacrament Society is sponsoring "a movie" of many recent social and cultural affairs In the St. Lawrence Auditorium tomorrow evening at 8 o'clock. The Pall season will usher in many social functions. To date we mention: Oct. 2: Annual Fall Frolic of the Little Flower Cadets. November: SZZ No. 15—Anniversary Celebration. ECHOES OF PAST EVENTS: S. W. U. FIELD DAV: Saturday night's attractive performance of completitive drills beckoned many of "ours" to Euclid Beach. We are indeed happy to announce that both of our teams received awards. Drill team, No. 47, under the leadership of Mary Skul was awarded pecond prize and drill team No. 15, captained by Elinore Hrovat came in third. Congratulations to the local lassies! 'TILL WE MEET AGAIN: An atmosphere of gaiety prevailed throughout the Burg this past week to "black-out" future days of loneliness. Saturday night we gathered at the home of Victor Kaplan to bid him adieu. We also had chance to say "hello" to Pvt. Frank Kaplan, who is home on furlough. Of course, we must mention the presence of Bernie Lozar and his musical box (the accordian). Immediate relatives and friends honored Benny Godec at the Slovene National Hall with a farewell party that same evening. Here, Eddie Za-bak and his boys were on hand to render musical selections. Tony Zeleznik was guest of honor at a farewell dinner given by his parents:' Saturday night. Monday evening the St. Lawrence Band, of which Tony had been a member, had an informal gathering1 for him in the school hall. Also saying "Good-bye," Johnny Le-kan held "open house" Sunday for all of his pals. To these boys and to all whom we don't have time at present to mention we say: May Lady Luck be your constant escort until we meet again. ANNIVERSARY PARTY: Mrs. Mary Marinclc was honored with a surprise birthday party, by her family and friends Saturday night, Many h^PPy returns of the day. FEATURE PRESENTATION OF THE WEEK: Today we again salute all the nephews of Uncle Sam. Many have already gone—many are going and many will be going. You and X arc present to see them off—maybe for only a short time—maybe forever, don't know how you or yours feel but seeing them leave I was inspired to write "this fitting tribute" to our true and loval sons of America: "I SAW THEM LEAVE" Hundreds stood as one . . . My friends, your brother, your son, Ready to fight and ready to die, They stood, these MEN, with heads held high, As the Star Spangled Banner came in view. Cheering, as one, for the red, white and blue! Their's was no fear, their's was no sorrow. Their's only a hope for a new tomorrow. t With the pledge of Allegiance their battle cry, They turned to their friends for a last "Good-bye" Then falling In ranks they strode away. Looking forward to a happy "Home-ccmlnK Day."# The scene beheld was hard to believe As with misty eyes I saw them leave The train pulled out. the boys were gone They won't be back until we've won. But the spirit with which they said "Good-bye" Will remain with me until I die. military NEWS: Albin Lekan, brother of Pvt. Lou of Hawaii realized his ambition—he's now a member of the Coast Guards. Corporal Johnny Blatnik was promoted to a Sergeant at Selfridge, Mich. Congratulations! Johnny Cergol (98th St.), Louis Hočevar, Stan Skufca and Matt Zakraj-sek are engaged in active service overseas. Pvt. Ralph Bizjak is specializing In radio work at Kansas. Switchboard operator, Andy Rezin of Mississippi signals "hello" to all of his Jjiends. Pvts. Johnny, Lefty Hrovat and Sally Urbancic send military greetings from India, California. Pvt. A1 Zmarzly, a member of the medical corps extends greetings from Camp Pickett, Va. Pvt, Johnny (Šunka) Sustersic still prefers Cleveland to Atlantic City, N. J. Pvt. Anton Kuhel of Miami, Fla., can't find time to visit his pal Pvt. Eddie Planisek in Tampa, Fla. According to recent letters Pvt. Tony Kalpan is all set to really display his ability as "bombadier." Seaman EM Trsinar, Paul Grill and Joe Miklavcic will be home for a short visit after they complete preliminary training at Chicago's Naval Station. Corporal Frankie (Snags) Snyder is in the midst of active duty with the Marines. SCHOOL DAYS: (I Should Say. Daze) The portals of education will once again open to bestow upon our youth of today—KNOWLEDGE: Classes here at St. Lawrence Parish will be resumed on September 8. This is just a reminder to our mothers. Johnny Micklich and Lou Grden.will resume studies at Fort Wayne, Ind. Jerry and Tony Perko and Frankie (Continued on page 3) DEATHNOTICES Krpan, Mary — Wife of Chris, mother of Joseph and Morris Debenjak. Residence at 676 E. 160 St. Mrzek. Frank — Residence at the home of Joseph Bolle of 3508 St. Clair Ave. Nestic, Steve—Husband of Rose, (nee Ravalnak), father of Barbara Major, Diane and Anne. Residence at 443 E. 160 St. -0- LISTEN IN ON Tea Time in Maple Heights ... by THE TEAPOT . . . ST. VITUS HOLY NAME MEETING The regular monthly meeting of the St. Vitus Holy Name Society will be held this coming Tuesday evening in Room 4 of the New St. Vitus School. Members are urged to attend. Up for discussion will be. Our Outing, our October Communion, Our Fall Festival and Our Tenth Anniversary in January. So come down and bring a friend along. SCHOOL ENROLLMENT New pupils for St. Vitus School will be enrolled at the parish house on Tuesday, September 8th, from 10 to 11 a. m. and from 6 to 7 p. m. Positively NO enrollments will be made after this date. BARAGA GLEE CLUB: The outing held at Fell Lake last Sunday was so wonderful that your reporter hasn't fully recuperated—and hence, there is no column this week. Sore muscles, stiff joints, baggy eyes-all the consequences of the grandest picnic this season. Watch for details next week! -O- Skating Party The newly formed SWUA Rollerettes are announcing their coming Skating Party to be held at Skateland on Saturday, September 19. Skating begins at 8:00 p. m. and will last until 11 p. m. All tickets must be purchased in advance: they are being sold by the Rollerettes (most of them are members of the Frances Susel Cadets). The Rollerettes are extending this invitation to all skater's (beginners too) to join them in an evening of fun skating at Skateland. -1-o- Come One! Come All! To a Chicken Supper (and you all know what wonderful cooks we have in Maple Heights —!) given by the SŽZ, No. 42, on Saturday, Sept. 5, at the Sloveniari National Home on Stanley Avenue. These chickens we serve are so wonderful, we even pluck the feathers! Serving starts at 8:00 p. m. so come early for the youngest chickens—and one other thing—dancing begins after the supper. I'm going—how about you TOWN GOSSIP MEETING THURSDAY NIGHT! Thursday, Sept. 10th. the Orels will meet in Room 4 of St. Vitus School. The meeting will prove very interesting in the new business at hand and the Social after the meeting closes. Prospective new members are urged to come down. OREL WIENER ROAST "Last Saturday night, ten Orels started out (kind of late) to Independence, Ohio and for the second time this year, the night was good and mellow. *Ed Kuhel in charge of firing the outdoor fireplace. * Quite a few sleepyheads in the crowd—one slept through to the end. . "Jane Intihar claims she saw ghosts in the night. *The girls doing setting up exercises by the fire. "Tony Dusa trying to knock down a stump the size of a barrel. "The night ended in the quiet glow of the dying embers—another pleasant memory in the book of Orel highlights. "Donft fcrget—Thursday night at 8:30. -0- J O LIE T CADETS—CHAMPS! ARMY NEWS A ten day furlough was granted to Pfc. Jorn A. Sraj, son of Mr', and Mrs. Frank Sraj of 3608- E. 80 St. From Camp Gordon, Ga., Edward F. Ludwig arrived for a ten day furlough. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Ludwig of 1111 E. 72 St. A volunteer who joined the Navy is Raymond Perme, son of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Perme of 19664 Tyronne Ave. His address is A. S. Company 797 U. S. N. T. S„ Great Lakes, 111. Three brothers who became Uncle Sam's nephews last week are: John, Anthony and Joseph Lube, sons of Mr. and Mrs. Urh Lube of 5914 Bonna Ave. A fourth son, Pvt. Ulrich Lube is already in the service of Uncle Sam at New Jersey. Congratulations to John C. Koracin, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Koracin of 1060 E. 222 St.. who was promoted to Sergeant. His address is: Hq. 458, Engr. Depot. Co., Camp Butner, N. C. Among those who left last week are: Charles Widmar of 1158 E. 74 St., Leonard Kastelic. son of Mr. and Mrs. Jce Kastelic of 692 E. 90 St.; and Herman Ogrinc. son of Mr. and Mrs. Anton Ogrinc of 6414 St. Clair Ave. Good luck, boys! Last Saturday, Emil Gornik, son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gornik of 15310 Lucknow Ave., arrived for a one day visit. He returned to New York Sunday. Frank Kraucar, who was born in Yugoslavia 44 years ago and arrived here 29 years ago, left for the service of Uncle Sam. Last Tuesday marked the departure cf the well-known director of the Slovenian radio program, (Heinie) Martin Antoncic. He was also Superintendent of the St. Clair Recreation Center and very active in sport Circles. Good luck, Martin! A cablegram from England sent by Robert L. Bruno reports that he is well and happy. He is the son of Mr-, and Mrs. Joseph Turk of 20440 Fuller Ave., Euclid. Ohio. Robert enlisted voluntarily in 1938. ' Corporal John Blatnik, who is with the Air Force at Selfridge, Mich., has been promoted to Sergeant. Congratulations to John and his parents Mr. and Mrs. George Blatnik of 3622 E. 78 St. Today is the date of promotion for Fred E. Krizman, son of Mr. and Mrs. Matt Krizman of 6030 St. Clair Ave. He is graduating with the rank of Lieutenant, having taken a course in bembing at the Aviation School in Rcswell, New Mexico. Here's hoping he gets his wish to bomb our enemies. The new address of Edward Planisek is: 314 Base Ha.. Air Base Sa.. Howdy, Folks, this is your friendly station EUCLID once again reporting. Our time is short so let's get going. WOLDMAN APPLIANCE, CLASS E Well, lcok at them now. Their game Sunday with Mt. Carmel ended with the score of 18-7. naturally Mt. Car mel's favor. Ed Posch pitched while Jim Braddock was behind the plate. I guess the jinx was with them but maybe if the boys had a better audi ence they could win some of their games. So what do you say we go out and see the boys play Sunday (tomorrow). To find out where the Kame is to be played call Bill Switaj IVanhoe 0975. You all know the boys and they are our boys, so don't forget Sunday. See you all then. BASKETBALL We see St. Mary's girls are trying to stew up a basketball team. Here's some advise girls: Cook under high flame and cook till it over-boils. As the old Kernel says, The fellow who was a forward on the basketball team was also forward on the park bench. SODALITY Last Tuesday, the Sodality Girls gave a shower for our blushing bride, Mary Zdesar. She received many beautiful kitchen gifts and a beautiful cross from the Sodality. Helen Kosten entertained us with a few of her monologues. They were all good but the one most enjoyed by all was: "The Two Lovers," which Mary Zdesar claimed was old to her. Betty Gole Mary Ann Intihar, Frances Yerman • Continued on page 3) NORWOOD LIBRARY NEWS America's Answer! Production! Norwood Library features today: your answer to the Axis in giving the punch that lands the knock-out blow The workers of America who keep 'em rolling are urged to increase their ef ficlency and power by using the books of their trades in order to swell production to record-breaking volume. Since the feature display has appeared in the library's showcase win-dew, many calls for the books advertised there have been filled. Whatever the jcb is the defense plant, there is a book to supplement understanding of it within every worker's reach Euch up-to-date material as: "A Manual cf Engineering Drawing," by French; "The New Encyclopedia of Machine Shop Practice," by Barnwell; "Tool Making," by Cole; "Metal Pro cessing," by Boston; "Metal Spinning," by Reagan; "Blueprint Reading for the Machine Trades," by Weir; just to mention a few are on the library shelves for the asking. With world events at .continual crises. and America's sons in battle all over the face of the globe, there is no time to sDare and no material to waste Joseph Fortuna of Miller Avenue, and Tony Gorenc of Friend Avenue, were home on welcome furloughs. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Simoncic. Mr. Louis Kastelic and Mr. Albert Lipnos, who were delegates to the KSKJ Convention. spent a week in Chicago. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tomsic, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Legan, Mrs. Frank Ko-sack. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Kastelic. Mrs. Frank Mattis. Mrs. Louis Lipnos, Jr. and Herby Legan drove down to Kent. Ohio, on Friday to attend the Commencement Exercises where Miss Anne Legan received a Bachelor's degree. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Jemec and family motored to Geneva, Ohio, last Sunday. Mrs. John Fortuna enjoyed her first visit to Euclid Beach and says the Jack Rabbit is most exciting. The Modern Maidens celebrated their anniversary by having chicken dinners at Hitter's Farm on Saturday nite. the TEAPOT. 'Drew Fi?ld. Tampa, Fla. ! Pic. Stanley F. Majer, son of Mr. and Mrs. F. Majer, 6732 Edna Ave., is , home on a 14 day furlough. He is in the service cf Dale Mabry Field, Tallahassee. Florida. Draft Board No. 10 has called the following: John V. Hochevar, Francis J. Makovec, Michael P. Bcdnar, John J. Pavlic and Edward Zadel. Eddie Verbic, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Verbic of 5107 Luther Ave. is home on furlough till Tuesday. He is in the service with the Coast Guard at Du-luth, Minn. SWUA Field Day was a stupendous success. Details in next English edition. in the war-effort at home. It is the duty as well as the patriotic ambition of every worker to contribute to the making of more tanks, mor6 planes, more guns, more ships to smash the Axis. America's answer: production, is as strong and as fast as the effort of every citizen makes it. Notice the sinews in the muscled arm that holds the tool, as pictured in the Norwood Library display, and mark your place in America's answer by increasing production NOW. Read how tc do it. Stop in and ask for a bjok today, we have it for any job. How Much Do We Know About Slovenia BY DR. JAMES W. MALLY ttUUnwM7Z>v* Resume History up to this time is replete with accounts of battles and strifes of the various German nobility who sought to get control and possession .of the Slovene lands. Very little is written about the lift and state of affairs among the Slovenes themselves. The ancient spirit of communal equality and personal freedom had long ben done away with, though a major portion of the Slovenes in the ninth century were as yet free men. By this time a type of nobility manifested itself among them and along with the free men there were already many who were slaves. The German, Ita ian and Mongolian neighbors lad brought about a change in their civil life. Class distinc-ion began to manifest itself among the Slovenes after their conversion to Christianity. The Catholic clergy was a new class, who succeeded in becoming the "untouchable" — separated from all others in their rights and duties. Civil laws and civil authority had no control over them. The nobility, constituting at one time the "Flower of the Country," made up another class. The domestic Slovene nobility was gradually blotted out by the German rule, either by removal or ihtermarriage Very few of them remained beyond the 13th century. The power of the German nobility in the" Slovene lands grew by leaps and bounds. Besides the old line nobility, there arose a new class of noblemen—in officers of the emperors—who had been rewarded for faithful services by grants of large tracts of lands and titles. The emperors were always rather generous in rewarding their friends with various titles and lands. There was a distinction among the noblemen also, based on the size of the estates anc the age of the lineage. Free-holders made up anoth ergroup. These were owners of small estates or farms, and were direct dependents of the state ruler, duke or king. They had to pay the same taxes as the noblemen and were subject to military duty. These Freeholders were descentents of the one-time communal members, who had divided themselves into separate family units. Strangers, handicraftsmen and merchants also came into this class. The noblemen and possess-sors of extensive estates saw to it that they had sufficient servants and workmen. Whoever made an agreement with them to cultivate their land received a definite section of it. He thus became in a certain sense owner of this land, but he not only had to pay the original donesa tax in the form of produce, but he had to do him definite servile duties or socage. Into this class of vassals usually entered those who had no heredity lands of th'eir own. Thus former empty lands began to sprout settlements, and with this values increased. The noblemen and the Church be came jnore powerful as they in creased the numbers of bound peasants around themselves. The number of bound Slovenes increased and the number of free land owners decreas ed proportionately. The free farmer willingly accepted land for cultivation from the large estate owner, which he cultivated and for which he subjected himself to the same rules as the bassal. Little by little there was no difference between the two groups. It happened also that other free men readily accepted the protection of the no-alemen because they wanted to escape military duties, which as bondslaves or dependents, they were not subjected to, according to the laws of the land. (Continued on sage S). . .... SI. Mary's Spectator and Comment SODALITY NOTICE Communion Sunday, September 6, at the 8 o'clock Mass. WEDDING BELLS Miss Mary Tursic and Mr. Charles Yaeger will be married at the 10 o'clock Mass on Monday, September 7. Sodalists will meet in the Study Club room at 9:30, Monday morning. After the meeting, last Tuesday, a harrkie shower was held for the bride. Refreshments were, also served and a gay time was had by all. Past and Future 1940—Mexican Fiesta. 1941—Gay Nineties Dance. 1942—Call of the Colors. May this year's dance be just as summessful as those of the past. We await the "Call of the Colors," Service men's Benefit Dance, Sunday. September 27, at 8 p. m. Slovenian Home, Holmes Ave. Music by Johnny Pecon and Admission 40 cents. SKATING PARTY The Sodality Skating Party will be held at the Skateland Rollerink on Tuesday, September 8. Friends invited. BASEBALL SEASON CLOSES St. Mary's Sodality lost the City Championship Series to St. Procop's, West Side Champs, the scores were as follows: First game: St. Mary's 4, St. Procop's 13. Second Game: St. Mary's 4, St. Procop's 7. We still hold the CYO East Side Championship Title. Wednesday's game ended after another heated discussion on a decision; Ulil^l 1ICUICU Ul^UOOlUll Ull a U^i^'Ull, it sepms to be the usual way to end a girls' game. Nevertheless, Cabbage and the team parted the best of friends. May the memory of those little spats be worn away as time wears on. Boy! Oh, Boy! We had a swell time at Launch's after the game, sipping sodas and eating sundaes. The treat was on Father Celesnik. Thank you, Father. CHAMPIONSHIP CUP Parish CYO Director, Father Baraga. Coach and Manager John Pinto, and the Sodality team will be invited to attend the CYO Banquet this year. Mr. J. Pinto will be presened the Championship Cup and each player will receive a Sports Medal. MORE NEWS Sodality Prefect. Frances Pirc seen snapping candid shots at Wednesday's gam®* Jennie Sulen is reported ill. Hope to see you soon. Jennie. Ann Wise, our newest candidate attended her first meeting last Tuesday. Glad to have you, Ann. BASEBALL Sunday proved to be one of the most exciting days the boys have had to date. The afternoon started splendidly when St. Mary's Class C tearri trounced the Maple Heights Merchants 7-2. A1 Russ pitched, giving but 3 hits. Behind him were such feats as Frank Tercek's 3 hits. The boys totaled 13 hits at the end of the game. Feeling very courageous, they tackled the undefeated W. 25th Merchants at Brcokside that evening. This hard fought battle, during which St. Mary': outplayed the Merchants, was one of those thrilling, breath-taking affairs which was lost in the 10th inning by a score of 4-3. Marvin Rossa was given the tough assignment. He was in great form allowing but 5 hits and striking out 20 batters. That was a beautiful double Ray Rakar hit with three on which started the scoring in the 4th Frank Fortuna's double in the 9th "al most" ended the game. , This week-end St. Mary's will try to avenge one of those three defeats of the season by playing Moe Roberts' Taverns at Noble Field on Lakeland and Babbit in Euclid at 3:30 p. m. The field is very near our Collinwood settlement so how about getting more fanatics out to root for the boys. ' Monday, Labor Day, at 4:00 St. Mary will play Tomas Cafe on the Woodhiil Grounds on the No. 3 diamond. Tickets are ready for that Baseball benefit card party to be held on Oct 4 at the church hall. Take a look at "Casey" on the tickets—but we are afraid you will be inveigled out of 50 cents if you do. Keep October 4 in mind! AT RANDOM: Detroit scouts looking St. Mary's boys over at the Maple Heights game. . . . ''Casey," St. Mary's mythical 5th baseman, making an appearance on those Card Party tickets just received. . . . Very clever, Mr. Debevec. . . . Mel Riebe's wife being torn between two loves—trying to keep up with the Detroit-New York as well as St. Mary's-Maple Heights games. Mel's brother, Harvey, has become a regular catcher with the Detroit Tigers. . . . Al "Happy" Russ actually breaking out in a smile during the 9th inning. . . . Does Marvin Rossa attract all those beauteous gals? . . . One of the steadiest. least-heard of players—Gus Fortuna . . . does fine around second base, as well as with thfe bat. . . . Midge Miller, left fielder, being called everything from "Tubby" to "Fat DEADLINE FOR AU-jJ WEDNESDAY NI St. Mary's Church, Is V carriage of Miss Ma"? o(l! ter cf Mrs. Agnes Tuis' St., and Mr. Charles Mr. and Mrs. Fran* $ Olrvet Ave. Friends a»t. invited to attend the " rf A pretty wedding " was the uniting of daughter of Mr. and p ver. 825 E. 154 St., t? s * bran, sen of Mr. and bian, 6116 Glass AY6- JM ried in St. Josephs^! wood, the Father * Tne reception and » (ft lowed was held at" Lak Shore Blvd. T'\..le r. gown was Princess s» Marquisette made fJ^J long sleeves and swee^f ed with Alencon ]a°e'rCp » also trimmed with J .,<1 lace. Her knee lenf « 3J elusion was fastened ^ orange blossoms a Male' of honor and\ 0 verf Tuiqucise Marquise" and bishop sleeves. trast. Maid of VJ sephine Lunder ana ^ Bernard Champa. TD _ ~ a trip in the West. \ „e{( graduate of Fenn bride a graduate 01 School. ,aUteM Miss Mary F.. daUi\,j Mrs. Gasper Mlakar ^ will be married jjirS-ric. son of Mr. and j ric on Saturday, S^p-i^i at St. Vitus Churcn- te0i iatives are invited "B A baby girl, Mr. and Mrs. Earl K® makes Mr. and N4.; fK grandparents and ^ s f cf 6304 St. Clair Avc-; j mother. c.f Mrs. Josephine ■ j Rd. and Mrs. Andoie* f(j became grfendmcth®' . ^ time, when a baby /jf Mr\ and Mrs. Stan*'. , Luke's Hospital. w v The stork decided ^th gift to Dr. and Mrs-of 11810 Silmor We„ baby girl weighing ^p, last Monday at P°JL>stf] The family of Grzicnik of 1205 cepted a new nre'1,. i f their first. The ter of Mr. and Mrs- tfljT, A baby girl was b°' g Jj Frank Pohar. oi iffy mother's maiden na» Js y tol. The father. Fr®'5 Sts tcr cf the Texaco " • perior and E. 61 St' leV Mr. and Mrs. 8»» Jt the proud parents o> ^J last Saturday at n,er I The mother is the "V I1 n-^ M K .me mumei 13 ^^ __-o--/ 1 Subscribe J*JJ I BER0SS For FineJ^y^ 6116 ST. CLA^ Call For .An AWj Today— Closed Sundf J Bohar's W^A 6213 ST. CW C/A FOR APPOINTM®^1j)SJ^ (Plenty spaceforP^^ Labor A J ioTam^Maio ^ - J.C ^ [f( GENE K KOPA/ "ffifX Hv^' / ^traMT^SS^ X~K "" /L. Z Tr«v.lBur.«u ot Auto Club i'l^i^M _CEDAR POINT-ON-LAKE ERI ,