Prof. dr. Franz PIRCHNER petinosemdesetletnik Uredniški odbor Acte agriculturae Slovenice (AAS) se pridružuje čestitkam ob 85. rojstnem dnevu prof. dr. Franza Pirchnerja. Zahvaljujemo se mu za pomoč in podporo v vlogi člana Uredniškega odbora AAS od leta 1990 naprej. Prof. Pirchner je bil rojen v Imstu pri Innsbrucku na Tirolskem, kjer se je s kmetijstvom prvič srečal na domači kmetiji. Po diplomah na Veterinarski fakulteti (1950) in Kmetijski univerzi (1952) na Dunaju, je pod vodstvom J.L. Lush-a doktoriral na Iowa State University leta 1957. Po nekajletnem delu na raziskovalni postaji Wieselburg in v perutninarski firmi v ZDA je sprejel profesuro na veterinarski fakulteti na Dunaju (1964), nato pa na Tehniški univerzi v Münchnu, Weihenstephan (1970-1995). Prof. Pirchner je bil mentor številnim doktorandom, med katerimi so danes tudi univerzitetni profesorji na področju genetike in živinoreje. Njegovo izredno široko poznavanje strokovne literature je spodbujalo poglobljene in plodne diskusije, ki so pogosto pomenile začetek novih trendov v živinoreji. Prof. Pirchner je bil član odbora za genetsko statistične metode pri nemškem živinorejskem društvu, odgovorni urednik Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics med leti 1975 in 1998, predsedoval je Komisiji za genetiko pri EAAP (1966-1972), Mednarodnemu stalnemu odboru WCGALP (1988-1992) in nemškemu društvu za znanost o živalih (1984-1988). Za njegov znanstveni doprinos na področju znanosti o živalih je prejel častna doktorata Univerze v Ghentu, Belgija in ETH v Zurichu, Švica. Nemško živinorejsko združenje mu je leta 1998 podelilo medaljo Hermanna Nathusiusa. Ob več kot sto znanstvenih člankih predstavlja standardni učbenik populacijske genetike v živinoreji - Population Genetics in Animal Breeding njegov najpomembnejši prispevek k razvoju genetike v živinoreji. Prof. Dr. Franz PIRCHNER celebrated his 85th anniversary The Editorial Board of Acta agriculturae Slovenica (AAS) congratulates Prof. Dr Franz Pirchner for his 85th birthday. We appreciate his help and support as a member of the Editorial Board of AAS since 1990. Prof. Pirchner was born in Imst, Innsbruck, Tirol. After obtaining degrees at Veterinary School (1950) and Agricultural University (1952) of Vienna, he joined J.L.Lush at Iowa State University and received his PhD in 1957. After few years of work at research station Wieselburg and in a poultry breeding company in USA he has held a professorship in genetics and animal breeding at Veterinary School of Vienna (from 1964 to 1970) and at Technical University of Munich, Weihenstephan (from 1970 to 1995). Prof. Pirchner was a mentor to a large number of doctoral students. Several of them later successfully entered the academic career and are today professors in the field of genetics and animal breeding. His enormous knowledge inspired profound and fruitful discussions often setting new trends in animal breeding. He was a member of the Committee for Genetical-Statis-tical Methods of the German Society of Animal Breeding, the Executive Editor of the Journal of Animal Breeding and Genetics between (1975-1998), he chaired the Genetics Comission of the EAAP (1966-1972), International Permanent Committee of WCGALP (1988-1992) and German Society of Animal Science (1984-1988). For his scientific contribution to the field he obtained doctor honnoris causa from the University of Ghent, Belgium and from ETH Zürich, Switzerland. From the German Society of Animal Breeding he received the Herman Nathusius Medal in 1998. In addition to more than hundred scientific papers his most significant contribution to the field is standard text book Population Genetics in Animal Breeding. Prof. dr. Peter Dovč