193 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Transfusion associated graft vs. host disease and how to prevent it 1 Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Department of Heamatology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Correspondence/ Korespondenca: Aleksandra Barbarić Kovačić, e: aleksandra. barbaric@ztm.si Key words: TA-GvHD; blood components; irradiation; pathogen inactivation Ključne besede: TA-GvHD; krvni pripravki; obsevanje z ionizirajočimi žarki; patogensko inaktiviranje Received: 21. 11. 2019 Accepted: 31. 12. 2020 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3009 doi 21.11.2019 date-received 31.12.2020 date-accepted Immunology, serology, transplantation Imunologija, selorologija, transplantacija discipline Professional article Strokovni članek article-type Transfusion associated graft vs. host disease and how to prevent it Reakcija presadka proti gostitelju po transfuziji krvi in kako jo preprečimo article-title Transfusion associated graft vs. host disease and how to prevent it Reakcija presadka proti gostitelju po transfuziji krvi in kako jo preprečimo alt-title TA-GvHD, blood components, irradiation, pathogen inactivation TA-GvHD, krvni pripravki, obsevanje z ionizira- jočimi žarki, patogensko inaktiviranje kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2021 90 3 4 193 201 name surname aff email Aleksandra Barbarić Kovačić 1 aleksandra.barbaric@ztm.si name surname aff Slavica Stanišić 1 Samo Zver 2,3 eng slo aff-id Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia Zavod RS za transfuzijsko medicino, Ljubljana, Slovenija 1 Department of Heamatology, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Klinični oddelek za hematologijo, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenija 2 Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Katedra za interno medicino, Medicinska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani, Ljubljana, Slovenija 3 Transfusion associated graft vs. host disease and how to prevent it Reakcija presadka proti gostitelju po transfuziji krvi in kako jo preprečimo Aleksandra Barbarić Kovačić,1 Slavica Stanišić,1 Samo Zver2,3 Abstract Transfusion associated graft versus host disease (TA-GvHD) is a rare but fatal complication of blood components transfusion therapy and has over 90% mortality rate. Transfused donor T lymphocytes react against the recipient’s cellular and tissue antigens. Interaction triggers lym- phocyte activation and, consequently, destruction of target cells in the recipient’s tissues . The reason that immune cells of the recipient do not respond appropriately is an incompetent re- cipient’s immune system and immunodeficiency of the host. Exceptionally, HLA compatibility between the donor and the recipient may cause the same reaction. Most effective way to prevent TA-GvHD is irradiation of the blood components with ionizing ra- diation. UVA psoralen based pathogen inactivation is an equally effective preventive measure of TA-GvHD, but it is applicable only to platelets. For this reason, it is important that physicians identify patients at risk of developing TA-GvHD and consequentially always prescribe irradiat- ed blood units. Blood units that need to be irradiated are erythrocytes and granulocytes, with the mentioned exception of platelets. Fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate, blood derived med- icines, such as albumins, immunoglobulins, blood clotting factors, and erythrocytes after thaw- ing are not irradiated. The recommended central field irradiation dose is 25-50 Gy. Izvleček S transfuzijo povezana reakcija presadka proti gostitelju (angl. Transfusion associated graft versus host disease, TA-GvHD) je redek, vendar resen in življenje ogrožajoč zaplet po transfuziji krvnih pripravkov. Posledica, kolikor do nje pride, je bolnikova smrt v več kot 90 % primerov. Po transfuziji krvi se osebi z imunsko pomanjkljivostjo limfociti T iz darovalčeve krvi odzovejo na celične in tkivne antigene prejemnika krvi. Zato darovalčevi limfociti T aktivirajo in uničijo tarčne celice v tkivih prejemnika. Vzrok, da se imunske celice prejemnika ne odzovejo tako, da bi onemogočile darovalčeve limfocite T, je pomanjkljivost imunskega odziva pri prejemniku in le izjemoma vprašanje skladnosti HLA med prejemnikom in darovalcem. Obsevanje krvnih pripravkov z ionizirajočimi žarki je najbolj učinkovita metoda za preprečevanje TA-GvHD. Patogensko inaktiviranje s psoralenom in UVA-žarki je enakovredno obsevanju, ven- dar se zaenkrat uporablja samo za trombocitne pripravke. Zato je pomembno, da lečeči zdrav- nik prepozna bolnike, pri katerih lahko nastane TA-GvHD in za njih naroča zgolj obsevane krvne pripravke. Obsevamo eritrocite, granulocite ter trombocite, kadar niso patogensko inaktivirani. Sveže zmrznjene plazme, krioprecipitata, zdravil iz krvi, kot so albumin, imunoglobulini, faktorji strjevanja krvi ... ter eritrocitov po odmrzovanju ne obsevamo, ker je vsebnost limfocitov T zane- marljiva. Priporočen osrednji obsevalni odmerek je znotraj 25–50 Gy. Slovenian Medical Journal 194 IMMUNOLOGY, SEROLOGY, TRANSPLANTATION Zdrav Vestn | March – April 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3009 1 Introduction Transfusion-associated graft-versus- host disease (TA-GvHD) is an exception- ally rare but serious complication of the transfusion of various blood components. It mostly appears in immunodeficient patients and only exceptionally in the immunocompetent. When an immunocompetent person receives a blood transfusion, the donor T lymphocytes are only detectable in the recipient’s bloodstream for a few days. They are then removed by the recipient’s immune cells. In patients with weak- ened or immature immune systems or in HLA-homozygous donors and HLA- heterozygous recipients, the allogeneic donor T lymphocytes are not removed from the recipient’s bloodstream; they are activated and multiply instead. Specific cytokines are secreted in multiplication and differentiation of T lymphocytes, in- terferon γ (IFN γ) and interleukin 2 (IL-2) to the greatest extent. This triggers the ac- tivation of natural killer cells (NK), mac- rophages and other lymphocyte subpopu- lations. This then leads to apoptosis of the recipient’s cells and injury of their organs and tissues, which is clinically expressed as TA-GvHD (1,2). TA-GvHD is clinically indistinguish- able from the acute form of GvHD follow- ing haematopoietic stem-cell transplan- tation (HSCT). The difference is only in the time it takes for symptoms to appear; TA-GvHD becomes clinically evident sooner, in only a few days. It is usually not Cite as/Citirajte kot: Barbarić Kovačić A, Stanišić S, Zver S. Transfusion associated graft vs. host disease and how to prevent it. Zdrav Vestn. 2021;90(3–4):193–201. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3009 Copyright (c) 2021 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. recognized and the clinical course is rapid and always leads to bone marrow aplasia (3). As no effective treatment exists for TA-GvHD, prevention is key. Patients at risk of developing TA-GvHD need to be identified. They should only receive irra- diated blood units and platelets, treated with UVA psoralen-based pathogen in- activation. The knowledge, awareness and approach of the attending physician and transfusion medicine specialist is crucial (4). Blood units (erythrocytes, granulo- cytes, platelets that have not been patho- gen inactivated, and fresh blood plasma that has not been frozen) are always irra- diated prior to transfusion. For platelets, the equivalent to irradiation is UVA pso- ralen-based pathogen inactivation. Fresh frozen plasma, cryoprecipitate, blood-derived medicines, such as albu- mins, immunoglobulins, blood clotting factors, and erythrocytes after thawing and washing do not need to be irradiated since their T lymphocyte content is negli- gible (4,5). 2 History In 1955, Shimoda first described cases of so-called postoperative erythroderma (POED) in 12 patients who received fresh blood from their relatives (1,2). All of them became ill with fever and rash 6–13 days following the transfusion and later 195 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Transfusion associated graft vs. host disease and how to prevent it died. At first, the cause was presumed to be an allergic drug reaction. Only later was it recognized that these were the first de- scribed cases of TA-GvHD. The first case of TA-GvHD in an immunocompetent pa- tient was described in Japan in 1984. More than 340 cases have been described in the literature so far. The disease is often not recognized, so the number of published TA-GvHD cases in the literature is cer- tainly lower than the actual number (2). 3 Patient factors important for the development of TA-GvHD • A weakened or immature immune system of the blood unit recipient Patients at highest risk for the devel- opment of TA-GvHD are those with con- genital or acquired immunodeficiency. Because of their weakened immune sys- tems, these patients do not mount an ap- propriate immune response to donor lym- phocytes, which survive in the recipient’s body and multiply in the bone marrow. They cause apoptosis of bone marrow cells and injure the recipient’s tissues. • The recipient is immunocompetent, but there is a partial HLA compatibil- ity between the donor and recipient, which leads to the recipient’s immune system not recognizing the donor T lymphocytes as foreign, so they are not removed from the bloodstream. Partial HLA compatibility between the HLA-homozygous recipient and an HLA-heterozygous volunteer blood do- nor is associated with the highest risk for the development of TA-GvHD in immu- nocompetent patients. The HLA compat- ibility “blinds” the recipient’s otherwise immunocompetent cells to allow implan- tation of donor T lymphocytes, which then trigger TA-GvHD. The HLA immune tolerance of the recipient’s immune system is not welcome in such cases. The risk for patients with a specific HLA haplotype to receive blood from a donor, HLA- homozygous for this haplotype, in a het- erogenous white population in the USA is 1/17,700–39,000. In Germany, the risk for the development of TA-GvHD is 1/6.900– 48.500, and in Japan, the risk is signifi- cantly higher at 1/1,600–7,900. The dif- ferences can be explained by regions with reduced genetic variability (6). For this reason, Japan introduced the irradiation of all blood units in 2000, and since then, no cases of TA-GvHD have been report- ed there (7). In Slovenia, this is a realistic possibility especially for treatment with granulocyte products. Not uncommonly, the donors are relatives of the patient. • The number of viable T lymphocytes in a blood unit Although the smallest number of vi- able T lymphocytes in a blood unit nec- essary for the development of TA-GvHD is not known, the data from the literature show that at least 1x107 of T lymphocytes/ kg of the patient are needed for TA-GvHD to develop after their multiplication, pro- liferation, and apoptosis of the recipient’s tissues. Blood units that meet this “condi- tion” are whole blood (not available any- more in Slovenia), concentrated erythro- cytes (1-2x109 per therapeutic dose, TD); whole blood-derived platelets (4x107 per TD); apheresis platelets (3x108 per TD); granulocyte concentrates (5-10x109 per TD); nonfrozen liquid plasma, which has not been used in Slovenia for several years. Fewer than 1x107/kg of the patient of lymphocytes are present in frozen de- glycerized erythrocytes (5x107 per TD) and fresh frozen plasma (8x104 per TD). Cryoprecipitate, which is also not used in Slovenia anymore, does not contain T lymphocytes. (8). Transfusion centres are responsible for an adequately low content 196 IMMUNOLOGY, SEROLOGY, TRANSPLANTATION Zdrav Vestn | March – April 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3009 of T lymphocytes in blood units, using modern preparation and processing meth- ods to guarantee their quality. • The volume and age of the blood unit The lifespan and activity of lympho- cytes depend on the age of the blood prod- uct. Lymphocytes are most viable in the first three days after blood collection, then their activity falls exponentially. Studies have shown that there are no active T lym- phocytes in erythrocyte products after three weeks. Therefore, the transfusion of fresh blood (not available for treatment in Slovenia) is an additional risk factor for patients already at risk for TA-GvHD (9). 4 Patient groups at risk for the development of TA-GvHD Paediatric patients: In the paediatric population, the most at-risk for TA-GvHD are neonates with a low birth weight and the prematurely born—the latter especial- ly if they previously received intrauterine transfusions (IUT), children with congen- ital deficiencies of cell-mediated immuni- ty (e.g. thymic hypoplasia – DiGeorge syn- drome, Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome, severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID)), and children with severe immunodefi- ciency due to chemotherapy or radiation for the treatment of oncological or auto- immune diseases. All of them should only be treated with irradiated blood units (8). Patients with haematological diseas- es: Adults and children with Hodgkin’s lymphoma; patients with non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and acute leukaemia who re- ceive treatment with nucleoside analogues (clofarabine, cladribine, fludarabine, nelarabine); some believe that irradiated blood units should also be used in pa- tients treated with bendamustine (5); pa- tients treated with anti-lymphocyte glob- ulin (aplastic anaemia, myelodysplastic syndrome); patients with deficiency of cell-mediated immunity. Haematopoietic stem-cell transplan- tation: After allogeneic or autologous HSCT, patients should only be treated with irradiated blood units, without exception. Irradiation begins at the start of condi- tioning for HSCT. To avoid TA-GvHD, pa- tients require irradiated blood units for at least 6 months after allogeneic HSCT and 3 months after autologous HSCT or for as long as the number of lymphocytes is be- low 1x109/L, if the patient is receiving im- munosuppressive drugs. In case of chronic GvHD, only irradiated blood units should be used. Should donors of bone marrow and hematopoietic stem cells from periph- eral blood need a transfusion of allogeneic blood units seven days before or during the harvesting procedure, such blood units should also be irradiated. Solid or- gan transplant recipients do not need irra- diated blood units unless they are treated with immunosuppressive drugs (5,10). The drugs are listed in Table 1. Solid tumours: TA-GvHD is not al- ways associated with the type of tumour but with the type and intensity (degree of immunosuppression) of chemotherapy, which causes immunosuppression and creates the conditions for the growth of donor T lymphocytes. Cases of TA-GvHD in patients with neuroblastoma, rhabdo- myosarcoma, lung cancer, etc., are de- scribed in the literature (2). Indications for irradiation of blood units are listed in Table 2. 5 Clinical features of TA-GvHD The clinical features are varied and only appear with a delay after receiving a blood unit. Establishing a diagnosis is, therefore, often difficult. The first symptoms and Table 1: Generic and brand names of drugs, capable of causing the development of TA-GvHD. Immunosuppressive drugs, capable of causing the development of TA-GvHD Generic name Brand name in Slovenia fludarabine, nelarabine Fludara cladribine (2-CDA) Litak deoxycoformycin Pentostatin alemtuzumab (anti-CD52) Lemtrada, Campath anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) Atgam bendamustine Bendamustine actavis, Levact, Lynetoril clofaribine Evoltra Table 2: Patients with indications for blood unit irradiation. Paediatric patients • Intrauterine transfusions (IUT) • Exchange transfusions (ET) • Neonates with a low birth weight and the prematurely born • Children with congenital deficiencies of cell-mediated immunity (DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott- Aldrich syndrome, severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). All are indications for lifelong blood unit irradiation Haematologic patients (children and adults) • Haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) (autologous for 3 months and allogeneic for 6 months after HSCT) • Acute myeloblastic leukaemia (AML) When treated with purine analogues• Acute and chronic myeloblastic leukaemia (ALL, CLL) • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) • Hodgkin lymphoma Lifelong • Solid organ transplant recipients, when they are treated with alemtuzumab • Recipients of blood units from biological relatives • Recipients of blood units from HLA-compatible donors • Recipients of granulocyte concentrates 197 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Transfusion associated graft vs. host disease and how to prevent it syndrome); patients with deficiency of cell-mediated immunity. Haematopoietic stem-cell transplan- tation: After allogeneic or autologous HSCT, patients should only be treated with irradiated blood units, without exception. Irradiation begins at the start of condi- tioning for HSCT. To avoid TA-GvHD, pa- tients require irradiated blood units for at least 6 months after allogeneic HSCT and 3 months after autologous HSCT or for as long as the number of lymphocytes is be- low 1x109/L, if the patient is receiving im- munosuppressive drugs. In case of chronic GvHD, only irradiated blood units should be used. Should donors of bone marrow and hematopoietic stem cells from periph- eral blood need a transfusion of allogeneic blood units seven days before or during the harvesting procedure, such blood units should also be irradiated. Solid or- gan transplant recipients do not need irra- diated blood units unless they are treated with immunosuppressive drugs (5,10). The drugs are listed in Table 1. Solid tumours: TA-GvHD is not al- ways associated with the type of tumour but with the type and intensity (degree of immunosuppression) of chemotherapy, which causes immunosuppression and creates the conditions for the growth of donor T lymphocytes. Cases of TA-GvHD in patients with neuroblastoma, rhabdo- myosarcoma, lung cancer, etc., are de- scribed in the literature (2). Indications for irradiation of blood units are listed in Table 2. 5 Clinical features of TA-GvHD The clinical features are varied and only appear with a delay after receiving a blood unit. Establishing a diagnosis is, therefore, often difficult. The first symptoms and Table 1: Generic and brand names of drugs, capable of causing the development of TA-GvHD. Immunosuppressive drugs, capable of causing the development of TA-GvHD Generic name Brand name in Slovenia fludarabine, nelarabine Fludara cladribine (2-CDA) Litak deoxycoformycin Pentostatin alemtuzumab (anti-CD52) Lemtrada, Campath anti-thymocyte globulin (ATG) Atgam bendamustine Bendamustine actavis, Levact, Lynetoril clofaribine Evoltra Table 2: Patients with indications for blood unit irradiation. Paediatric patients • Intrauterine transfusions (IUT) • Exchange transfusions (ET) • Neonates with a low birth weight and the prematurely born • Children with congenital deficiencies of cell-mediated immunity (DiGeorge syndrome, Wiskott- Aldrich syndrome, severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID). All are indications for lifelong blood unit irradiation Haematologic patients (children and adults) • Haematopoietic stem-cell transplantation (HSCT) (autologous for 3 months and allogeneic for 6 months after HSCT) • Acute myeloblastic leukaemia (AML) When treated with purine analogues• Acute and chronic myeloblastic leukaemia (ALL, CLL) • Non-Hodgkin lymphoma (NHL) • Hodgkin lymphoma Lifelong • Solid organ transplant recipients, when they are treated with alemtuzumab • Recipients of blood units from biological relatives • Recipients of blood units from HLA-compatible donors • Recipients of granulocyte concentrates signs appear 4–30 days after a blood unit transfusion, which makes it difficult to establish a diagnosis as the link between the transfusion and TA-GvHD is often missed. The clinical features are charac- teristic of acute or chronic GvHD, as is seen with treatment of allogeneic HSCT. The latter, however, does not feature bone marrow aplasia on a bone marrow biopsy, as is characteristic of TA-GvHD. The skin, intestines and liver are primarily affect- ed, but any organ system can also be in- volved. A skin rash is usually the first clin- ical sign, appearing in an erythematous 198 IMMUNOLOGY, SEROLOGY, TRANSPLANTATION Zdrav Vestn | March – April 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3009 or maculopapular form and usually pro- gressing to generalised erythroderma or, in extreme cases, to toxic epidermal necrolysis. The most common intestinal signs and symptoms are anorexia, vomit- ing, elevated transaminases, hepatomega- ly, abdominal pain and profuse diarrhoea (up to 7–8 L/day). Bone marrow involve- ment is manifested by pancytopenia in the peripheral blood, a consequence of bone marrow aplasia. Clinically, such patients may have a fever (febrile neutropenia) and are vulnerable to respiratory and urinary tract infections or they can experience spontaneous bleeding (11). TA-GvHD mortality exceeds 90% due to a lack of effective treatment. Prevention is the only acceptable course. TA-GvHD is confirmed with histological examination of the affected organ or tissue or with con- firmation of lymphocyte chimerism. In neonates, TA-GvHD is overlooked more often than in adults as it appears lat- er; the clinical features are often attributed to prematurity itself and comorbidities. Cutaneous erythema, usually the first clin- ical sign of the disease, is often attributed to incubator use or phototherapy with liv- er immaturity (12). 6 Diagnosis and treatment of TA-GvHD The first and most important step in diagnosing TA-GvHD is to think of the disease in time. It can be easily missed as it can be attributed to general poor con- dition, viral, bacterial or fungal infec- tions, autoimmune diseases or side effects of treatment. A good history, focused on possible immunodeficiency, is key when admitting patients for treatment planning. If pancytopenia, skin rash or intestinal problems appear in the first month follow- ing a blood transfusion, TA-GvHD should always be thought of and a consultation with attending transfusion medicine spe- cialist should be sought. They will check whether the received blood units were ir- radiated or pathogen inactivated (2). TA-GvHD is confirmed with flow cy- tometry, with which we can detect donor lymphocytes in the recipient’s peripheral blood, or histologically with the proof of presence of donor HLA antigens or DNA. Donor T lymphocyte detection tech- niques are HLA typing, variable numbers of tandem repeats (VNTR), karyotyping or analysis of microsatellite DNA loci. Donor DNA can be isolated from blood or cell infiltrations and confirmed with a polymerase chain reaction (PCR). No effective treatment for TA-GvHD is known. Treatment with immunosup- pressive drugs, including corticosteroids, is almost without effect. Trials of treat- ment with cyclosporine, anti-lymphocyte globulin, methotrexate, azathioprine, ser- ine protease inhibitors, chloroquine and OKT3 have been described (13,14). Even treatment with combinations of drugs, for example cyclosporine and anti-CD3 monoclonal antibodies or anti-lympho- cyte globulin and steroids, has not brought the desired results (15). Treatment with extracorporeal photopheresis (ECP) with the aim of triggering donor lymphocyte apoptosis and acting as an anti-inflamma- tory can be tried. Allogeneic HSCT is the only successful treatment method, but it is rarely considered as there is usually not enough time to find for a suitable donor. This could change, however, with the ad- vent of haploidentical HSCT. A poor re- sponse to treatment and high mortality sadly remain characteristic of TA-GvHD. 7 Prevention of TA-GvHD TA-GvHD is an incurable disease with a high mortality rate. Prevention is thus key. Methods of prevention are: blood unit 199 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Transfusion associated graft vs. host disease and how to prevent it irradiation, UVA psoralen-based patho- gen inactivation of platelets and reducing the number of T lymphocytes in a blood unit (4). The most effective method for inac- tivating lymphocytes in a blood unit is with ionizing radiation. With irradiation, the DNA of nucleated cells is denaturat- ed, thus preventing them from dividing, which prevents the multiplication of all lymphocyte subpopulations. At the Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia (BTC), irradiation of blood units has been used since 2007 for all Slovenian patients. The Gammacell 1000 Elite irradiator is used for this purpose. The source of radiation is the Cs-137 isotope. The ordinary radi- ation dose for all blood products is 30 Gy. Since 2020, the new Radgil 2 irradiation has been used and is equally effective as the Gammacell 1000 Elite. Its advantage is greater safety for providers as X-rays are used as the source of radiation. There is no data in the literature on X-rays causing slight damage to blood cell membranes. The British Council for Standards in Haematology (BCSH) recommends a radi- ation dose of 25–50 Gy (5). The American Association of Blood Banks (AABB) rec- ommends a minimal radiation dose of 25 Gy with no part of the blood unit receiv- ing less than 15 Gy, but no more than 50 Gy (16). The same recommendations are in use in Japan (7). With a radiation dose of 30 Gy, we are therefore following the published recommendations in Slovenia. Another effective way to prevent the development of TA-GvHD is pathogen inactivation. A combination of psoralen (amotosalen) and UVA rays is used to prevent the replication of viruses, bacte- ria, parasites and also lymphocyte pro- liferation. Pathogen inactivation with Intercept® (amotosalen/UVA) is used by the BTC. Currently, the method is only suitable for whole blood-derived platelets and apheresis platelets. Irradiation is not needed after platelets have been inactivat- ed with psoralen. The smallest number of T lymphocytes that are capable of causing TA-GvHD has not yet been established. The number of lymphocytes in blood units could be re- duced with filtration or washing. These procedures are not effective enough, however, to prevent the development of TA-GvHD. This is confirmation that TA- GvHD can develop in immunocompetent patients after transfusion of filtered blood units (4). 8 Side effects of irradiation on blood unit quality Irradiation of erythrocyte products damages the erythrocyte membrane by damaging the Na+/K+ pump, reducing erythrocyte viability. This leads to an in- crease in the extracellular concentration of K+ and an influx of Na+ into erythro- cytes as a consequence of ATP depletion in erythrocytes. ATP is, of course, the “fu- el” for the Na+/K+ pump. Conversely, the haemoglobin and lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) levels in the supernatant of the ir- radiated blood unit rise. The changes in the membrane and the impaired opera- tion of the Na+/K+ pump affect the dura- bility of the erythrocyte membrane, which can lead to haemolysis due to lower mem- brane compliance. After erythrocyte irra- diation, the K+ concentration in a stored blood unit rises by 1–2 meQ/day. Caution is therefore recommended in patients with kidney failure, intrauterine transfusion (IUT) and exchange transfusion (ET). The time between irradiation and transfu- sion is limited to 24 hours in such cases (9). Irradiation of platelets does not affect their number, morphology or function. As most platelet products in Slovenia go through UVA psoralen-based pathogen 200 IMMUNOLOGY, SEROLOGY, TRANSPLANTATION Zdrav Vestn | March – April 2021 | Volume 90 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3009 References 1. Naveen KN, Athanker SB, Rajoor U, Sindhoor J. Transfusion associated graft versus host disease. Indian J Dermatol. 2015;60(3):324. DOI: 10.4103/0019-5154.156477 PMID: 26120193 2. Silvergleid AJ, Kleinman S, Tirnauer JS. MD Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease. UptoDate. Alphen aan den Rijn: Wolters Kluwer; 2019 [cited 2019 Sep 3]. Available from: https://www.uptodate.com/ contents/transfusion-associated-graft-versus-host-disease. 3. Dwyre DM, Holland PV. Transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease. Vox Sang. 2008;95(2):85-93. DOI: 10.1111/j.1423-0410.2008.01073.x PMID: 18544121 4. Pritchard AE, Shaz BH. Survey of irradiation practice for the prevention of transfusion-associated graft- versus-host disease. Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2016;140(10):1092-7. 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Arch Pathol Lab Med. 2018;142(5):662-7. DOI: 10.5858/arpa.2016- 0620-RS PMID: 29684286 9. Bojanić I, Cepulić BG. Reakcija transplantata protiv primatelja uzrokovana transfuzijom. Lijec Vjesn. 2004;126(1-2):39-47. PMID: 15526751 10. Australian and New Zealand Society of Blood Transfusion. Guidelines for prevention of transfusion- associated graft-versus-host disease (TA_VGHD). 1th ed, Januray 2011. Sydney: ANZSBT; 2011 [cited 2019 Dec 03]. Available from: https://www.anzsbt.org.au/data/documents/Archived_guidelines/ PreventionofTA-GVHD.pdf. 11. Kopolovic I, Ostro J, Tsubota H, Lin Y, Cserti-Gazdewich CM, Messner HA, et al. A systematic review of transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease. Blood. 2015;126(3):406-14. DOI: 10.1182/ blood-2015-01-620872 PMID: 25931584 inactivation, they do not need additional irradiation. Following irradiation, the ba- sic functions of granulocytes (chemotaxis, phagocytosis and generation of free rad- icals) are not altered, so their function is not impaired. 9 Conclusion TA-GvHD is an extremely rare but life-threatening complication of blood transfusion with a dismal prognosis. Therefore, it is necessary to spread knowl- edge and raise awareness in the profes- sion on how to prevent this complication. Awareness of the disease should reach all healthcare workers, physicians, transfu- sion medicine specialists and the patients themselves. The patients at risk of devel- oping TA-GvHD need to be identified and provided with safe, irradiated blood units. Patients need to be aware of their medication and whether they are immu- nodeficient. Only in this way can they warn their physician of the possible com- plication. Cooperation, dialogue between all involved in the patient’s management, and flow of information between clini- cians and transfusion medicine specialists are key. The responsibility of the transfu- sion medicine specialist lies in ensuring the irradiation of blood products is done in accordance with established standard- ized procedures and that the quality meets the maximum safety requirements for the recipient. 201 PROFESSIONAL ARTICLE Transfusion associated graft vs. host disease and how to prevent it 12. Mori S, Matsushita H, Ozaki K, Ishida A, Tokuhira M, Nakajima H, et al. Spontaneous resolution of transfusion-associated graft-versus-host disease. Transfusion. 1995;35(5):431-5. DOI: 10.1046/j.1537- 2995.1995.35595259155.x PMID: 7740616 13. Nishimura M, Hidaka N, Akaza T, Tadokoro K, Juji T. Immunosuppressive effects of chloroquine: potential effectiveness for treatment of post-transfusion graft-versus-host disease. Transfus Med. 1998;8(3):209-14. DOI: 10.1046/j.1365-3148.1998.00160.x PMID: 9800293 14. Ryo R, Saigo K, Hashimoto M, Kohsaki M, Yasufuku M, Watanabe N, et al. Treatment of post-transfusion graft-versus-host disease with nafmostat mesilate, a serine protease inhibitor. Vox Sang. 1999;76(4):241-6. DOI: 10.1046/j.1423-0410.1999.7640241.x PMID: 10394145 15. Hutchinson K, Kopko PM, Muto KN, Tuscano J, O’Donnell RT, Holland PV, et al. Early diagnosis and successful treatment of a patient with transfusion-associated GVHD with autologous peripheral blood progenitor cell transplantation. Transfusion. 2002;42(12):1567-72. DOI: 10.1046/j.1537-2995.2002.00253.x PMID: 12473136 16. National Advisory Committee on Blood and Blood Products. Recommendations for use of irradiated blood components in Canada. S.l.: NAC; 2012 [cited 2019 Dec 03]. Available from: https://www.nacblood.ca/ resources/guidelines/downloads/Recommendations_Irradiated_Blood_Components.pdf.