NO. 45 Ameriška Domovina k Ti i a »i AMERICAN IN SPIRIT FOREIGN IN LANGUAGE ONLY AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) Friday, June 6, 1 986 LXXXVIII Doma in po svetu - PREGLED NAJVAŽNEJŠIH DOGODKOV - Zvezni senat podprl Reagana glede prodaje orožja Saudski Arabiji — En sam glas prinesel zmago predsedniku WASHINGTON, D.C. — Včeraj je zvezni senat potrdil veljavnost veta predsednika Reagana resolucije, ki sta jo bila odobrila oba .kongresna domova, in je prepovedala prodajo Saudski Arabiji protiletalskih raket. Reagan je sicer odobril prodajo, po veljavnem zakonu pa imata oba domova zveznega kongresa pravico s posebno resolucijo takšno prodajo preprečiti. Na ločenem glasovanju sta bila oba domova tako resolucijo odobrila in jo poslala predsedniku. Reagan pa je imel kot predsednik pravico resolucijo vetirati, kar je tudi storil. Da bi bil veto razveljavljen, bi morala oba domova Kongresa, na ločenih glasovanjih, resolucijo zopet odobriti, vendar tokrat z dvotretjinsko večino. Na prvem glasovanju je bila namreč Potrebna le večina. Ker ni bilo nobenega dvoma, da bodo Prijatelji Izraela z lahkoto dobili dvotretjinsko večino v spodnjem domu, je Reagan že-Jel glasovanje v zveznem senatu, v katerem imajo republikanci večino. Dejstvo je tudi, da na letošnjih novembrskih volitvah kandidira le tretjino zveznih senatorjev. Tisti, ki ictos ne kandidirajo, torej niso pod tako močnim neposrednim pritiskom dobro organizirane židovske skupnosti v ZDA, ki igra nadpovprečno vlogo v političnem sistemu ZDA zaradi pripravljenosti prispevati veliko denarja politikom in političnim kandidatom, naklonjenim Izraelu in izraelski politiki. Predsednik Reagan sam je bil zelo aktiven v kampanji za potrditev njegovega Veta. Osebno se je srečal s člani senata, z mnogimi je govoril po telefonu ali v Beli hiši. Njegovo Prizadevanje mu je prineslo uspeh. Na vče-rajšnjem glasovanju se je 66 senatorjev opredelilo proti predsedniku, njegovo stališče pa Je podprlo 34, kar je bilo z enim glasom dovolj. Predsednik je bil vesel zmage, vendar tudi nasprotniki niso bili dosti užaljeni. Trdijo, da so Saudci in tudi Reagan dejansko dobili le 10 odstotkov tistega orožja, kar so sprva želeli nabaviti v ZDA. Znova potrjen Je tudi bil obseg izraelskega vpliva na ameriš-kt Kongres in ameriško zunanjo politiko. Ronald Pelton obsojen radi vohunjenja za ZSSR — Jonathan Pollard priznal, da je vohunil za Izrael Baltimore, Md. — včeraj je z\ Porota ugotovila, da je Ronald W. P res vohunil za Sovjetsko zvezo ter posi Val sovjetskim agentom veliko najbolj 2 'Jfga gradiva. Tožilec je bil med razpra\ d. da je Pelton storil neprecenljivo š druženim državam. Pelton je bil zapi 4 let pri Nacionalni varnostni agenciji, ‘Ped drugim dešifrira z najsodobnejšim Pravami in metodami komunikacije tuji av, predvsem seveda Sovjetske zveze ir nih zaveznic. Zvezni sodnik Herbert F. I b° izrekel kazen 28. julija, Pelton ahko čaka dosmrtna ječa. Svojo krivdo kot izraelski vohun je nal Jonathan Pollard. Pollard je bil ci s užbenec ameriške mornarice, ko se je °tiudil izraelskim agentom in jim deja 111 je pripravljen posredovati zaupne pc e' V tej vohunski zadevi je bilo vplel .e izraelskih obveščevalnih agentov, rad priznava. Izraelska vlada pa trd .. r° 0rTlenjeni agenti kršili pooblastila in d v ■ nima vohunov v ZDA. Pollard j v ^^Pda povedal zasliševalcem, da njegov mer ni osamljen. Preiskava zveznih agencij o obsegu izraelskega vohunjenja se bo torej nadaljevala in dobro obveščeni viri vedo povedati, da bo menda odkritih več primerov, podobnih Pollardovemu. Filipinski komunisli privolili v pogajanja z Aquinovo vlado — Cilj pogajanj je premirje — O koalicijski vladi ni govora MANILA, Fil. Filipinska predsednica Corazon Aquino je dejala včeraj, da je komunistična partija pristala na neposredna pogajanja .z vladnimi predstavniki, katerih namen bi bil doseči prčmirje. Tudi po prihodu Aquinove na oblast februarja letos so komunistične gverilske enote nadaljevali s svojimi napadi. Komunistično partijo naj bi na pogajanjih zastopal Satur Ocampo. Ustanovitelj partije Jose Maria Sison, ki ga je bila Aquinova izpustila na svobodo, je pa dejal, da zahteva partija koalicijsko vlado, v kateri bo zastopana. Kot kaže, se Aquinova za tako koalicijo ne zanima. Sovjeti evakuirali dodatnih 20.000 oseb iz okolice Černobila — Dva černobilska reaktorja bosta obratovala do konca leta MOSKVA, ZSSR — Sovjetska zveza je priznala, da je moralo biti evakuiranih iz okolice Gomela v južni Bjelorusiji 20.000 oseb in sicer zato, ker so strokovnjaki našli večjo koncentracijo jedrskih snovi v zemlji. Gomel je kakih 40 milj severozahodno od Černobilske elektrarne. Namestnik predsednika sovjetske vlada Jurij Batalin je dejal v intervjuju, da se je že vrnilo domov nekaj tistih oseb, evakuiranih iz černobilske okolice, da pa bo moralo veliko drugih evakuirancev še dolgo čakati, predno se bddo mogli vrniti domov. Nekateri sovjetski predstavniki trdijo, da bo mogoče znova začeti z obratovanjem dveh nepoškodovanih reaktorjev v černobilskem kompleksu do konca leta. Sovjetska sredstva javnega obveščanja zadnji čas bolj obširno poročajo o razmerah v Černobilu. — Kratke vesti — Dunaj, Avstrija — To nedeljo bodo zaključne volitve za mesto predsednika Avstrije. Javna povpraševanja kažejo, da zanesljivo vodi Kurt Waldheim, bivši generalni sekretar Združenih narodov, ki je menda premagal dvome glede njegovega obnašanja, ko je bil častnik nemške vojske v okupirani Jugoslaviji in Grčiji v zadnji vojni. Mexico City, Meh. — Mehika je zopet v težavah zaradi plačevanja obresti in glavnine svojega zunanjega dolga, ki znaša 97 milijard dolarjev. Nižja cena nafte je hudo prizadela Mehiko, ki dobiva kar 70 odstotkov vsega dohodka od uvoza preko prodaje nafte. Port-au-Prince, Hajti — Gen. Henri Namphy, ki vodi hajtijsko vlado, je dejal, da je dežela, ena najrevnejših in gospodarsko najzaostalih na svetu, v stanju skoro popolne anarhije. Amritsar, Indija — Policija v državi Pundžab išče tri vodilne Sikhe, med njimi vdovo enega atentatorjev, ki je ubil Indiro Gandhi. Sikhski skrajneži ta teden obhajajo drugo obletnico indijske zasedbe Zlatega templja v tem mestu. Ta tempelj je najsvetejše svetišče za Sikhe, v njem pa so bili imeli Sikhi veliko orožja. Več sto oseb je bilo takrat ubitih, Sikhi pa še vedno zahtevajo avtonomno državno tvorbo. Iz Clevelanda in okolice Krofi— Oltarno društvo pri Sv. Vidu bo imelo prodajo krofov to soboto in sicer ob običajnem času v društveni sobi šolskega avditorija. Pridite! Seji— Redna mesečna seja društva Kristusa Kralja št. 226 KSKJ se bo vršila to nedeljo opoldne v običajnih prostorih SND, 6417 St. Clair Ave. Pol ure pred sejo bo tajnik pobiral asesment. Podr. št. 25 SŽZ ima sejo v torek, 10. junija, ob 1.30 pop. v društveni sobi avditorija pri Sv. Vidu. Članice vabljene! Romanje v Lemont— Kakor vsako leto, tako tudi letos pripravlja Slomškov krožek romanje na ameriške Brezje v Lemont in sicer 28. junija. Cena, v katero je vključena vožnja, prenočišče in hrana, stane $75. Odhod bo v soboto, 28. junija, ob 6h zjutraj od cerkve Marije Vnebovzete, ob 6.30 pa izpred Baragovega doma na St. Clairju. Iz Lemoma bodo romarji odpeljali v nedeljo, 29. junija, pop. ob 3.30. V Cleveland se bodo vrnili nekako ob 10. zvečer. Prisrčno ste vabljeni, da se temu romanju pridružite. Prijave sprejemajo: Manca Miklavčič 486-4627 Vinko Rozman 881-2852 Frank Urankar 531-8982 Janez Prosen 486-2394 Janez Petrič 481-3762 J ulka Smole 391 -6547 Novi grobovi John Vehar Umrl je 72 let stari John Vehar, mož Josephine, roj. Opa-lek, oče Raymonda, Thomasa in Johna ml., 6-krat stari oče, brat Lillian Obed (pok.), Olge Leskovec, Harrya (Jack), Albine Zupon, Victorja in Mary Samsa (Fla.). Pogreb bo iz Grdinovega pogrebnega zavoda na Lake Shore Blvd. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev Naše Gospe Pomočnice dop. ob 9.30 in od tam na pokopališče Vernih duš. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Pauline Ann Zak (Zakrajšek) Umrla je Pauline Ann Zak (Zakrajšek), rojena Jernejčič, žena Josepha, mati Rogerja, Mercedes Williams, Nadine Doll in Renee (pok.), 5-krat stara mati, hčerka Johna in Mary (Maver) Jernejčič (oba že pok.), sestra Frances Kan-drac ter že pok. Mary Zabak (Zabukovec) in Vere Lesnak. Pogreb bo iz Fortunovega pogrebnega zavoda na 5316 Fleet Ave. jutri, v soboto, v cerkev sv. Tereze dop. ob 9.30 in od tam na Kalvarijo. Na mrtvaškem odru bo danes pop. od 2. do 4. in zv. od 7. do 9. Lovci vabijo— St. Clair lovsko društvo vabi na štej k večerjo to nedeljo na Lovski farmi, 6599 Ravenna Rd. Pridite! Sv. maša— V četrtek, 12. junija, ob pol 7h zvečer bo v cerkvi sv. Vida sv. maša za zdravje za M.S., članico Slomškovega krožka. Člani in članice vabljeni! Nov odbor— Na svoji prvi seji po letnem občnem zboru, je direktorij Slovenskega doma za ostarele izvolil sledeči izvršni odbor za leto 1986/87: Predsednica, Marie Shaver, podpreds. Rudy Kozan, blagajničarka Alma Lazar, kores. tajnica Vida Kalin, zapisnikar Rudolph M. Susel. Nova zobozdravnica— Iz zobozdravstvene fakultete univerze Case Western Reserve je graduirala Linda Ca-napa, žena zobozdravnika dr. Charlesa P. Canapa in hčerka dr. in ge. Maks Rak. Nova zobozdravnica bo nadaljevala kot »resident« pri Metropolitan General bolnišnici. Prejela je diplomo z visoko odliko. Ob lepem uspehu ji čestitajo mož, vesela starša in vsi pri AD! Nova zdravnica— Dne 31. maja je iz medicinske fakultete Northeastern Ohio univerz graduirala Michelle Spech Holderbaum, žena dr. Daniela, mati 9-letne Lise in 4-letnega Christophera ter hčerka dr. in ge. Anthony-ja Specha. Julija meseca bo nastopila službo kot »resident« na Cleveland Clinic bolnišnici. Tudi njej čestitajo mož, starši in vsi pri AD! Piknik na ADZ letovišču— V soboto, 21. junija, bo prvi piknik sezone na ADZ letovišču v Leroyu. Večerjo bodo delili med 4. in 6. pop., od 6. do 10. zv. bo igral Joey Tomsick orkester. Vstopnice so po $6 in jih dobite, če pokličete tel.-531-1900 med 8.30 zj. in 5. pop. od ponedeljka do petka. Odbojka— V torek, 10. junija, ob 6. zv. se bodo pričele vaje za zunanjo odbojko in sicer na 18010 Nottingham Rd. Tisti, ki obiskujejo »high school« ali starejše, ki se resno zanimajo za odbojko, so vabljeni. Za več informacije, lahko pokličete Polonco ali Jožeta Žakelj na 486-5378. VREME Pretežno oblačno danes z verjetnostjo dežja. Najvišja temperatura okoli 71° F. Oblačno z verjetnostjo dežja tudi jutri, z najvišjo temperaturo okoli 80° F. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA 6117 St. Clair Ave. - 431-0628 - Cleveland, OH 44103 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA (USPS 024100) James V. Debevec - Publisher, English editor Dr. Rudolph M. Susel - Slovenian Editor Ameriška Domovina Permanent Scroll of Distinguished Persons: Rt. Rev. Msgr. Louis B. Baznik, Mike and IrmaTelich, Frank J. Lausche NAROČNINA: Združene države: $33 na leto; $1 8 za 6 mesecev; $1 5 za 3 mesece Kanada: $42 na leto; $27 za 6 mesecev; $17 za 3 mesece Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $45 na leto; za petkovo izdajo $25 Petkova AD (letna): ZDA: $18; Kanada: $22; Dežele izven ZDA in Kanade: $25 SUBSCRIPTION RATES United States: $33.00 — year; $ 1 8.00 — 6 mos.; $ 1 5.00 — 3 mos. Canada: $42.00 - year; $27.00 - 6 mos.; $17.00 - 3 mos. Foreign: $45.00 per year; $25 per year Fridays only Fridays: U.S.: - $18.00-year; Canada: $22.00 - year Second Class Postage Paid at Cleveland, Ohio POSTMASTER: Send address change to American Home 6117 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland, OH 44103 Published every Tuesday and Friday except the first 2 weeks in July and the week after Christmas. No. 45 Friday, June 6, 1986 ®a^|^t>83 Ne bomo jih pozabili! Tudi letos se bomo 14. in 1 5. junija s posebno svečanostjo na Slovenski pristavi spomnili vseh žrtev komunističnega terorja in sovražne okupacije Slovenije med zadnjo vojno. Prav posebej pa se bomo spominjali tiste zločinske morije, ki je v maju in juniju pred 41 leti pokončala na tisoče mladih življenj. V slovenski zgodovini ji ni primere, po svoji krutosti pa bi tudi v svetovni zgodovini komaj r^šli kaj podobnega. Včasih se zdi, da smo še Navodila za spominsko proslavo vsem udeležencem avtomobilske povorke iz Clevelanda na Slovensko pristavo v nedeljo, 15. junija, sporočamo, da bo zbirališče v Gordon Parku kot vedno doslej, na E. 72 cesti. Točno ob 9. uri bo povorka krenila po že ustaljeni poti in se ji bodo pridružili oni, ki se bodo zbrali na Lakeland Blvd., med Babbit Rd. in E. 260. cesto, nato pa vsi ostali na običajnih mestih, kot vsa prejšnja leta. Ameriške in slovenske zastavice boste dobili na zbirališčih. BELA KNJIA bo na razpolago na Pristavi ob priliki proslave. Pošiljke Tolstojeve knjige »The Minister and the Massacres«, v kateri je opisana Vetrinjska tragedija, še prav po-j sebej pa Kočevje, kateremu je > avtor posvetil 30 str. dolgo poglavje »The Pit of Kočevje«; j žal še nismo dobili. Narodne noše obogatijo | vsako svečanost! Vsi, ki jih imate, ste vabljeni, da se nam pridružite pri spominski kape-' lici. TABOR preblizu teh dogodkov, da bi mogli premeriti strahoto tega zločina. Toda čas, ta največji zaveznik pravice in maščevalec obenem, gre nevzdržno naprej in odkriva resnico. Prav te dni je izšlo v Londonu zgodovinsko delo angleškega pisatelja in zgodovinarja Nikolaja Tolstoja pod naslovom »The Minister and the Massacres«. Avtor je potomec slavnega ruskega pisatelja Leva Tolstoja in je napisal že več knjig, med katerimi je najbolj znana »Victims of Yalta«. Knjiga »The Minister and the Massacres« obširno opisuje in podrobno analizira dogodke okoli vračanja domobrancev in drugih protikomunističnih borcev s Koroškega v Jugoslavijo v maju in juniju 1 945. Osnovna trditev avtorja je, da je izročanje vseh protikomunističnih enot Titovcem bila v nasprotju s tozadevnimi navodili ameriške in angleške vlade. Tudi izročitev ruskih Kozakov, ki niso bili sovjetski državljani, v Sovjetijo ni bila v skladu z določili v Jalti. Tolstoj je zbiral gradivo za knjigo 1 2 let in je svoje trditve temeljito in izčrpno podprl z dokumenti in pričevanji še živečih udelpžencev. Dokazno gradivo močno obremenjuje Harolda Macmi-llana, ministra v Churchillovi vladi in poznejšega ministrskega predsednika, ki je bil proti koncu vojne dodeljen štabu generala Alexandra v Italiji, in njegove neznane sodelavce. Izročitev je bila izvršena tajno in brez vednosti Alexandra in drugih nadrejenih organov vlade. Dokumentacija potrjuje, da so se pri tem posluževali prevare in laži. Značilno in na žalost nepojasnjeno je izginotje cele vrste dokumentov iz britanskih državnih arhivov, ki jih avtor tudi navaja. To pa dokazuje, da so še vedno na delu sile, ki hočejo izbrisati sled za seboj, ki morda nekoga ščitijo in zato ne dovolijo, da bi resnica prišla na dan. Nobenega dvoma ni, da bo knjiga močno odjeknila predvsem v Angliji, verjetno pa tudi drugod po svetu. Seveda tudi v Jugoslaviji in posebno v Sloveniji ne bodo mogli dolgo molčati, kot da je ni. Predvsem pa je upati, da bo morda tudi tukaj v svobodnem svetu marsikomu pokazala pravo podobo sistema in ljudi, ki so ta podli zločin zagrešili in ki so še danes na krmilu, čeprav se zelo trudijo, da bi predvsem v zahodnem svetu pokazali bolj kulturen in človeški obraz. Poglavje »Pit of Kočevje« je pretresljiv opis te nečloveške morije, ki v marsičem presega vse grozote, ki so v človeški zgodovini poznane. Temelji na pričevanjih preživelih žrtev pa tudi krvnikov, ki so pri tem pokolu sodelovali. Tolstoj zaključuje to poglavje z mislijo, da bo brez dvoma prišel čas, ko bo tem žrtvam postavljen obelisk ne samo v Ljubljani, ampak tudi na grobu v Kočevskem rogu. In če naj bo pravici zadoščeno, bodo poleg Titovega imena zapisana tudi imena tistih britanskih sodelavcev, brez katerih skrite pomoči ne bi moglo priti do tega pokola. Tabor DSPB vabi vse, da v dneh 14. in 15. junija pri kapelici na Slovenski pristavi v zbranosti počastimo naše mučeniške žrtve. Zdaj, ko jim je pisatelj Tolstoj s svojo knjigo postavil trajen spomenik, naj bo to tujčevo priznanje spodbuda tistim, ki so doslej stali ob strani, in tistim, ki se v »politiko« ne mešajo, in predvsem tistim, ki želijo, da se vse to pozabi, da bodo zbrali toliko moralnega poguma in s svojo navzočnostjo izpričali, da se je tem žrtvam zgodila v nebo vpijoča krivica, da so to naši mučenci, ki so v obrambi osnovnih moralnih vrednot slovenskega naroda izgubili svoje življenje. Ob tej priliki bomo obudili tudi spomin na generala Rupnika, na moža, ki je bil duša in srce našega protikomunističnega odpora, in ki je pred štiridesetimi leti hote in zavestno daroval svoje življenje, da bi mi mogli živeti. Pridimo, da se poklonimo njegovemu spominu in spominu naših bratov ter da se mu po 40 letih znova zahvalimo za njegov zgled in za naše življenje. TABOR Rojaki! Priporočajte Ameriško Domovino svojim slovenskim prijateljem in znancem! Mimogrede iz Milwaukeeja MILWAUKEE, Wis. - Prijadrali smo v mesec junij, ki nam bo, vsaj upajmo po mrzlem maju, končno s poletjem prinesel tudi lepše, toplejše vreme. Na dan 21. junija nastopi poletje, najdaljši dan in najkrajša noč. Kljub temu pa se je s tem dnem hkrati začel že krajšati dan. V starih časih niso bili tako natančni in so začetek poletja praznovali na dan Janeza Krstnika, 24. junija. To je bil tudi edini večji poletni praznik, zato so mu pripisovali čudežno moč kot, na primer: Nasloni uho na zemljo in praprotna semena, pa boš izvedel, kje izvira zlato in kje se preliva srebro. V lepem Triglavskem parku je dosti lepega praprotja in semena. Naša Trnovčanka Dari sicer preizkuša to čudežno moč že par let, a brez uspeha. (Seveda to drži samo v »starem kraju«!) Spominjam se tudi, da se je v Triglavskem parku, danes že pokojni štajerski rojak Toni Strmšek (ta mesec mineva že eno leto, odkar nas je zapustil) v rosi kresnega jutra umival svoj obraz, trdeč, da mu čista rosa daje zdravilno moč in odpornost pred boleznimi — a zopet, na žalost, samo v stari domovini. Stara slovenska imena za junij so rožnik, mesec, ko vse cvete, bobov cvet, kresnik, krstnik, šestnik, ranoleten, prašnik in senovjak. Potrpimo še malo, da se nam poletje uravnovesi in pokaže, kaj zna o soncu, simbolu poletnega časa: Pred zoro ni sonca. — Naj bo hiša še tako srečna, vedno ji sonce ne sije. — Sonce vzhaja in zahaja dobrim in zlim. — Če sonce sije, je še na pokopališču prijetno. — Sonce je univerzalno zdravilo iz nebesne lekarne. — Dokler bo sonce sijalo, bo tudi grelo. — Ne žali in ne izkoriščaj sonca, da te ne opeče. — Kdor ima maslo na glavi, naj ne hodi na sonce. — Tudi če sveti sonce še tako lepo, enkrat mora zaiti. V tem mesecu je veliko znanih svetnikov in zato vsem, ki imajo v tem mesecu svoje godove, ali so rojeni, imejte sonce v svojem srcu in vse najboljše želje, s pripombo, da je Levstik dejal: »Težko je prav slišati, še težje prav videti, najtežje pa je prav umeti!« Milwauski Triglavski kotiček: Društvo Triglav prijateljsko vabi vse naše rojake in rojakinje ter prijatelje na prvi letošnji piknik, ki se bo vršil v nedeljo, 15. junija, v lepo urejenem Triglavskem parku. Ob 11. uri dopoldne bo v Parku, v kapelici sv. Cirila in Metoda, sv. maša, takoj po opravilu pa bodo društveni člani in članice servirali okusno kosilo s pecivom ter vročo in hladno pijačo. Za ples in prijateljsko zabavo bo tudi preskrbljeno. Torej pridite, ne bo Vam žal! V časi društvenim materam: Predzadnjo nedeljo prete- klega meseca je društvo Triglav pripravilo mamicam in starim materam lep materinski popoldan pri kapelici, ob lepo z rožami okrašenem kipu sv. Marije, v Triglavskem parku. Predsednik Triglava Jože Ku-novar je v blagodoneči ljubljanščini pozdravil vse navzoče, poseben pozdrav pa je izrekel vsem društvenim mamicam in materam, ter se istočasno zahvalil za njihovo nesebično delo v korist Triglava. Ob tej priliki je g. Kunovar presenečeni voditeljici triglav' ske kuhinje Loni Limonijevi iskreno čestital, ker jo je društvo Triglav izbralo in počastilo za društveno mater 1986. Pre' jela je topel aplavz od vseh navzočih. Sledile so pete litanije, katere sta radi zadržanega društvenega duhovnega vodje rev-Jožeta Goleta vodila člana Janez Limoni in Jože Ornik, ter pevski zbor pod vodstvom Mare Kolmanove. Po litanijah je Jože Kunovar obdaroval vsako mamico in članico z lepim rdečim nageljem, kar je povzročilo med njimi veliko smehljajočih obrazov. Naj omenim še, da si je društvo nabavilo nove električne naprave za pečenje kokoši, ki so se to pot po izjavi strokovnjaka Janeza Bambiča odlično obnesle. Po kosilu in programu se je v Domu razvila prijateljska zabava, v veseli družbi pa smo zapeli na čast rojstnemu dnevu upravniku Parka Francu Me' jaču in njegovi boljši polovici Minki (oba imata rojstni dan 19. maja!) ameriško čestitko »Happy Birthday«. Obema še mnogo let zdravega in zadovoljnega življenja. Skratka, bil je lep, prijateljski materinski praznik. Poroka in ohcet v Hinsdalu> Illinois: V soboto, 24. maja, se je oženil sin Triglavana in Pre sednik SPB Tabora Ludviga Kolmana in žene Mare, John s simpatično Connie Jo ^*'neb Ohcet in veselo svatovanje o veliki udeležbi prijateljev i^ znancev ter Triglavanov se vršilo v Katherine Legg Memorial Lodge v Hinsdat - 111. Novoporočencema isk1"6 . čestitke in vse najboljše že J [)min mrtvim:* j različne misli navdajaj ka, ko se pripelje in/sto :račni in gozdnati Trig >ark na Spominski ^ ko se spominjam v- ih. >vensko društvo Trig )ominja in prireja z nosti na ta ameriš i ki dan že od ustanov va leta 1950, torej vse^ njega 36. SP0™1 u uri a, ki se je pričel ob i Idne z žalno sv. mas » je daroval rev. dr’ nC , služila pa sta mU Fdelo-č in Jože Ornik, . a tudi pevski zbor, k labožne pesmi Pod * e n pevovodkinje , Str- 4) TABOR DSPB V CLEVELANDU Vas vljudno vabi na Spominsko proslavo — Na Orlovem vrhu Slovenske pristave Sobota, 14. junija: 1. Popoldne - Prihajanje gostov. 2. Od šeste ure dalje bo na voljo večerja. 3. Ob zatonu sonca komemoracija ob štiridesetletnici smrti generala Leona Rupnika, za vse žrtve revolucije, združena z baklado. 4. Kres Nedelja, 15. junija: 1. Ob deveti uri dopoldne avtomobilska povorka iz Clevelanda na Slovensko pristavo. 2. Ob enajsti uri sv. maša. 3. Govor predsednika TABORA ZDSPB, soborca — Ludvika Kolmana. 4. Takoj po končani proslavi bo na voljo kosilo. Misijonska srečanja in pomenki 688. SESTRA MOJCA KARNIČNIK Se je kratko oglasila 4. marca: »Najprej sprejmite iz osrčja Afrike lepe slovenske pozdra-Ve- Vaše božično pismo s če-k°m sem prejela šele pred tednom dni. Da ne boste mislili, je izgubilo, ko je tako dolgo potovalo, Vam hitim odgovarjati. Dragi prijatelji, kako naj se Vam zahvalim? Resnično sem ganjena nad Vašo veliko dobroto. Rečem Vam pa lahko samo: HVALA! In svojo molitev Vam lahko obljubim. Plačilo pa prepuščam Njemu, ki zna stotero poplačati že kozarec hladne vode... Prav imate, zelo dolgo se Vam nisem oglasila. V času ^ojega dvoletnega študija v “elgiji smo nekako izgubili ffik. Zdaj je pa že dobro leto In pol, kar sem se vrnila. Rada bi se na dolgo razpisa-a> Pa mi je to danes, žal, ne- mogoče. Obljubljam pa, da bom to storila, ko bom malo manj na tesnem s časom. Po dvoletnem teološkem in pastoralnem študiju sem v vrnila v škofijo Kole, v pragozd na ekvatorju. Nadaljujem z nekaterimi prejšnjimi aktivnostmi kot je delo z mladino, poučevanje svetega pisma za izobražence itd. Nekaj je pa novih obveznosti. Največ časa mi vzame pouk v noviciatu škofijske redovne družbe, ustanovljene pred dobrimi dvemi leti. Pa o tem več drugič. Vesele, zdrave in blagoslovljene praznike Gospodovega Vstajenja Vam želi Mojca Karničnik.« Sestra Karničnik deluje spet v Zairu, bivšem Belgijskem Kongu, kjer deluje že leta br. Marcel Kerševan in nanovo zadnja leta g. Pačnik. Omenja, da čaka na priliko, da Kako živo si še Tned nami, Kot nekdaj smo s teboj še vsi. Ljubezen večna nas združuje, solze rosijo na tvoj grob. ^ blag spomin ob osmi žalostni obletnici smrti ljubljenega sina, brata in strica JOŠKO KRISTANC ML. Ki mu je kruta roka vzela mlado življenje 6. junija 1978. Let osem, ljubljeni oče, sin, brat, oh, srce naših bolečin, vse prezgodaj si odšel, vse prezgodaj si zapustil nas, vse prezgodaj je usoda kruta vzela mlado ti življenje. Srca naša trepetajo, v bolečini za teboj, obiski, solze, prošnje in molitve ne izpremene, ne prebude v življenje te nazaj. Ljubi oče, sin, brat in stric! Počivaj mirno v tihem grobu, pri Bogu večno veseli se! V 'iubezni žalujoči: ata, mama, hčerka Angelca, brat Mirko, Sestre Marjetka, Jožica, Fanika z družinami, 0stali sorodniki v Clevelandu, Girardu in Sloveniji. Uclid. Ohio, 6. junija 1986. pošlje MZA ček v glavno mesto Kinshaso v zamenjavo in upa, da ne bo težav. Molimo zanjo. Brat Ludvik Zabret za Veliko noč piše predsednici Tušarjevi, »da je v Indiji že kar toplo in da povsod manjka vode. Vodnjaki so naenkrat prazni. Kleriki so odšli na razne misijone in zavode, da vodijo »summer clubs«, kot lansko leto med šolskimi počitnicami. Izpite so vsi končali pred Veliko nočjo. V njegovi redovni hiši, ki je sedaj trenutno prazna, bodo imeli tak poletni klub. Program bo pester, da se lahko fantje kaj več naučijo in se med počitnicami ne potepajo po cestah. Tako je vedno več kot dovolj dela. Zahvalim se za Vaše pismo in vsej MZA za Vašo stalno pomoč pri vzdrževanju naših misijonskih poklicev. Pozdrav in voščila! Vedno Vaš hvaležni Ludvik.« Lazarist Janez Puhan je 21. aprila razposlal o-krožnico iz Manambondro na Madagaskarju. Zanimivo je: »Najprej se Vam moram mnogim opravičiti, ker Vam nisem voščil velikonočnih praznikov. Opravičiti se moram tudi tistim, ki že dolgo čakate odgovor na Vaše pismo. Vsaj 50 je takih in ne morem vsega napisati trenutno na roko. Zato tokrat okrožnica vsem. Vseeno upam, da boste tako, kot do Vas pride, z veseljem sprejeli. Velikonočne praznike si tukaj prav iz srca voščimo, saj je to tudi čas, ko smo odrešeni ciklonov in povodnji. Podnebje postaja bolj usmiljeno in raznih epidemij je manj. No, eno sem srečal na podružnici prejšnjo nedeljo. Gripa je v dveh tednih pobrala 17 otrok. Skoraj pri vsaki hiši so imeli koga na ležišču. V par minutah so razgrabili zdravila, ki jih imamo navadno vedno nekaj s seboj, ko gremo na pot. Bolničarja imajo v vasi, zdravil pa celo leto nič. Vzpodbujam jih, da spet začno uporabljati zdravilna zelišča, kot so jih nekoč njihovi predniki (vrači). Več knjig, kjer so opisana zdravilna zelišča in bolezni, katere ta zelišča zdravijo, sem jim prinesel. Pred leti, ko je še bilo nekaj »belskih« (kemičnih) zdravil, so se nanje navadili in opustili zdravljenje z zelišči. Danes, ko je zdravila vedno težje dobiti, so pa v stiski. Kot zanimivost naj Vam povem, da sva s protestantskim pastorjem pred Veliko nočjo poslala dve odprti pismi. Eno vsem vaškim poglavarjem (nad 50 jih je), drugo pa civilnim oblastem v kraju. Povabila sva jih, da bi skupaj razmislili in poiskali rešitve nekaterim problemom, ki kvarijo vaško življenje. Spregovorila sva o narodnih običajih, katerih se še na zunaj zelo držijo. Mladi pa ne vedo več njihovega smisla in zavračajo površno vse, tudi tisto, kar je dobro, kar so narodne vrednote. Pretirano zapravljanje ob raznih običajih (pogreb, spomin pokojnih, obreza) vodi v obubožanje. Kako ohraniti dobre običaje in jih posodobiti ali celo pokristjaniti? Veliko je nezakonskih otrok. Včasih, ko je bilo klansko življenje še zelo močno, to ni bil nobeden problem. Za vsakega otroka so enako skrbeli. Bil je last celega klana. Vedno težje življenje je zelo zrahljalo klansko povezanost. Zato morajo skoraj vedno le matere skrbeti za nezakonskega otroka. Potem ni čudno, da ne zmorejo bremena vzgoje. Kaj storiti, da bo vsak oče sprejel, priznal za svojega, otroka? Kako pomagati mladim k odgovornemu starše-stvu? Kako preprečiti, da ne bodo mamila povsem uničila našo mladino in potomstvo? Kako stopiti na prste tistim, ki prinašajo in prodajajo mamila in se na ta račun brezvestno bogatijo s tem, da na moderen način zastrupljajo ljudi? Obstoji vaški zakon, po katerem mora vsak odrasel moški obdelovati zemljo in vsako leto pokazati sad svojega dela. Tisti, ki naj bi kontrolirali spoštovanje tega zakona iz strahu ne upajo ukrepati. Kako tudi temu odpomoči? Kaj pravzaprav hočemo s Srednjo šolo, ki je v našem kraju? Vsako leto manjka učiteljev. Uro ali dve pouka vsak dan. Otroci se ne učijo, niti ne pomagajo staršem pri delu. Navajajo se k brezdelju in postopanju. Tka in še mnoga druga vprašanja sva zastavila in tudi nakazala nekatere rešitve. Obe pismi sta vzbudili veliko zanimanja in debatiranja. Že so se sestali vsi odrasli moški in razmišljali, iskali. V sredo se bodo zbrale vse ženske, nato še mladina posebej. Kristjani — katoličani in protestanti bomo vsak posebej razmišljali in pripravili predloge, potem se bomo sestali in skupno nastopili pred vaško občino, ki je v večini nekrščanska, pa z zaupanjem pričakuje našo krščansko pomoč za izboljšanje vaškega življenja. Mislim, da imamo tu kristjani čudovito priložnost in obenem odgovornost, da se izkažemo kot ‘luč in sol zemlje’. Še ena posebnost: Halleyev komet smo nekaj časa lahko občudovali. Danes zjutraj ob štirih sem se od njega poslovil, saj se, vsaj uradno, ne bo več videl. Vsak večer, pozno v noč, je bilo moje dvorišče polno otrok in odraslih, ki so skozi daljnogled iskali po nebu in s prav otroškim veseljem vpili: »Vidim ga, vidim ga!« Slovencev nas je na Madagaskarju 18. Dela imamo vsi dovolj in nihče nas zaenkrat ne ovira pri delu. Gotovo, da so razmere precej težke in je potrebna precejšnja mera optimizma in potrpežljivosti, posebno nam duhovnikom, ki ne žanjemo vedno, čeprav vztrajno sejemo. Verjetno imajo naši laični misijonarji pri tem več zadovoljstva, pa zato morda več fizičnega napora. Okrog dispanzerjev se vsak dan zbirajo trume bolnih, ki potrpežljivo sedijo po tleh in čakajo na vrsto. Veselite se z menoj, ker se božje kraljestvo na Madagaskarju vztrajno širi, in to tudi po moji in Vaši zaslugi. Vsem in vsakemu moj lep pozdrav. Janez Puhan.« (Konec v 2 odstavskih prihodnjič) Rev. Charles Wolbang CM 131 Birchmount Road Scarborough, Ontario Canada MIN 3J7 Anton M. Lavrisha ATTORNEY-AT-LAW (Odvetnik) Complete Legal Services Income Tax-Notary Public 18975 Villaview Road at Neff 692-1172 Prijat el's Pharmacy St. Clair Ave. & E. 68 St. 361-4212 IZDAJAMO TUDI ZDRAVILA ZA RAČUN POMOČI DRŽAVE OHIO. — AID FOR AGED PRESCRIPTIONS Maksimilijan Milanez: Ob koncertu »Slovenske pesmi« v Chicagu Mimogrede iz Milwaukeeja (Nadaljevanje s str. 2) (II. del) — Zbor Gallus, univerza Wisconsin v Milwaukeeju — Zbor Gallus je delo in skrb prof. Leona Muškatevca, korenjaka, ki se mu vidi, da je naše gore list. Naše tradicije globoko zadevajo njegovo dejavnost. V primerjavi z gibčno in vidno niansirano go. M. Bregantov©, je prof. Muškatevec manj »uren«, toda globok in tiho preudaren pevovodja. Z vso resnobo izbira program in samo najboljše daje na oder. Nima priložnosti za utrjevanje pevske kvalitete (zgolj) pri sv. mašah, marveč v žrtvovanih urah privatnih odpovedi. Pevke in pevci so mu zanesljivi, dasi ne mnogoštevilni. Rad bi uresničeval svoje ideale s širšo udeležbo, kar bi brez dvoma zagotovilo gromovito celoto. Poslušalec Gallusovega petja ima stalen vtis, da resnoba vodje prehaja na pevce, na harmonijo, dinamiko in, končno, tudi nanj, v sleherno klop. Vsi se združujejo v eno, v duh in namen pesnitve. Tihota vlada, dih je zadržan, ker tako zahteva to spajanje odra s publiko. »Mirabile Mysterium« je peteroglasni sklad melodije in verskega občutka, ki veje skozi skrivnosti notranjega doživetja in zaniha naše misli na valove večnosti. »Očenaš«, nam znano molitev, pretopi iz vsakdanjega besedila v zanosno počastitev in prošnjo in sicer na način, ki podvoji učinek in nujnost pogovora z Gospodom. Pesem »Smeji se maj« je na videz sproščena, a v resnici globoka prispodoba majniškega češče-nja. Splet glasov nam dočara številne, med seboj povezane odtenke*prazničnega ugodja. Naslednja točka, »Spevi najlepši«, je zamisel našega p. Vendelina, kot kombinacija poezije in vere, kar je on že tolikokrat uspešno zedinil v en dehteči šopek. Hvaležni smo Gallusu, da je to pesem vključil v svoj program; saj je to poroštvo, da bo odpeto kvalitetno, na željeni višini. Vendar je to bila edina pesem, kateri g. pater — edini — ni ploskal! Kolika intimna skromnost! »Mati«, pesem Lojzeta Mava, nas je spomnila tistih mater, ki na majniško pobožnost gledajo kot na blesteče priznanje in vdanost, česar pa one niso deležne v vsakdanjem življenju. Gotski sklad, ki je tudi sicer prevejal Gallusovo prireditev, je dal takim izbranim materam posebno zadoščenje. Zadnja njihova točka, »Zdaj je pomlad«, delo Franceta Cigana, naj bi nas spomnila cvetočih poljan, ob vrnitvi v vsakdanje povprečje. S tem je epopeja dragih gostov zaključena, ob vidnem zadoščenju občinstva in ob splošni želji, da bi oba zbora ostala prepojena z ljubeznijo do naših del in da bi še naprej koristila vse možnosti za vzdrževanje in stopnjevanje ugleda naši glasbeni omiki. Pevski zbor Slovenska Pesem, Chicago—Joliet Ta zbor je bil nosilec in glavni organizator prireditve. Prevzel je tudi pretežni del programa, s posvetitvijo celokupnega večera slovenskemu velikanu na področju glasbe, prof. Matiju Tomcu. Vendar se p. Vendelin ni mogel ustaviti na samo eni zvezdi, zato je dodal še druge pesmi, domače in tuje, vse pa opremil z orkestrom, ki ga sestavljajo študentje univerze Roosevelt. To je dvignilo raven nastopa zelo visoko. Najprvo je p. Vendelin izvabil iz orkestra venček mikavnih, zelo priljubljenih slovenskih melodij, ki jih je on sam priredil in zaokrožil po svojem prikupnem okusu. Med igranjem so se zbrali pevci. Sledila je pestra kombinacija uma in srca, molitve in zanosa ter pozdrava materam, vse v enem sproščenem vencu. Vedrina je je vendarle pokazala samo dvakrat in sicer pri pesmih »Vrabček, mlad lenuh« in »Kaj pa delajo ptički«. Vse ostalo je imelo resnejši pomen. Poslušali smo mogočno, harmonično bogato Tomčevo pesnitev »Križev pot — Osma postaja«. Otvoritev je v razpetem sedmeroglasnem duru, ki se proti koncu razvije v potresni mol, spremljaje Gospoda iz rane v rano, ob krčevitem joku jeruzalemskih žena. V tem se zrcali tudi naša življenjska pot. Solo je pel basist Gregor Rožman. Drugo barvo Tomčevih melodij, sanjavo in zaverovano obenem, smo srečali koj v naslednji pesmi »Majska noč«, z dehtečo liriko in svežostjo. Nato so na vrsti naše matere, ki jim skladatelj Lojze Mav plete nežen venec. Pevci se zavedajo vseh namenskih motivov in jih prenašajo na poslušalce brez izgub. Občuti se, da oni prejemajo s pritrjevanjem in da se ta val prenaša še daleč naprej. Združevanje prehaja v amalgamirano enoto. »Mati moja, venec pletem«, je tak mehak izraz vdanosti, človeški in nebeški Materi hkrati. Do vrhunca stapljanja in vdiranja v publiko pride ob celotnem izvajanju mogočne Gounodove kantate »Lamen-tationes«, svarilne žalostinke, ki roti izraelsko ljudstvo, naj se vrne Gospodu, ker bo spreobrnitev spet oživela Jeruzalemu nekdanji sloves. Sprva je stvaritev le rahla in dopovedljiva, vendar že vzvišena. Lorraine Gornick nam je z izredno glasovno barvo in z nujnim poudarkom docela izrazila skladateljevo čuvstvo in zasluženo požela izjemno priznanje. Ko se temu pridruži zbor, doživlja opus svoj maksimum in potresno-veličanstveno zajame vso publiko. To je vrhunec koncerta, tako za pevce in orkester kot prevzeto občinstvo, ki je vstalo, da bi očitneje izkazalo ganjenost in zanos. Do podobnega stika s publiko je prišlo trenutek pozneje, ob mogočni izvedbi »Battle Hymn of the Republic«, ki kraljuje nad koralnimi himnami. Dasi je ta pesem bojevita, se čuvstveno združuje z zaupanjem v resnico in Boga ter upravičenost spopada. Le-to se z glasbenimi efekti preliva v naraščajočo glorifikacijo božje pravičnosti: Boj se vije za obrambo resnice in je božja pomoč neodložljiva; vstajenje (Aleluja) je na obzorju... Melodija je toliko skladna s tem besedilom in hkrati tako topla, da prevzema ne le malo-dušne, marveč tudi neomahlji-ve. Povsem preprosti glasbeni motivi v mikavnem preoblikovanju vžgejo veličasten in nepretrgan učinek. Občinstvo je sprejelo to himno s takšno vnemo, da je bila ponovitev neizogibna. Orkester je s čistimi zvoki (zlasti tu trobenta in klarinet) darežljivo oplemenil ritem in barvo ubrane celote. Konec koncerta je bil izveden v skupnem nastopu vseh treh skupin z orkestrom vred. Spet dve zanosni skladbi: »Pozdravljena Kraljica« in »Stvarniku«, obe izpod peresa vrlega vodje p. Vendelina. Prva je namenjena Materi božji, njenem češčenju in prošnji za varstvo. Pestra je v motivih ter razvedena v lirkse in epske odtenke, ki se naposled zlijejo v svoj »magnificum« in izpolnijo hrepenenje po totalni utehi. Zadnje takte preveva plamen upanja in vdanosti. Zaključna skupna točka je bila oda »Stvarniku«, ki je obudil življenje, zasejal puščave in sprostil ptice pevke. Baritonski solist dr. Vidmar in solistka Dawn Vidmar, mezzosopran, sta skladno izpolnjevala Vreme za letošnji spominski praznik je bilo bolj oblačno, po Parku je med drevesi pihal hladen vetrič. Listi na visokih hrastih in lističi na nežnih lipi-cah in grmičevju so ob vetrcu na lahko drsteli v skrivnostnem šuštenju, kot nekak znak globokega žalovanja, žalovanja, ker v zadnjih letih v Parku ni več videti in slišati Ludvig Veselovega vriskanaj, ni več videti in slišati po triglavskih potkah vojaškega koraka smehljajočega Tonija Strmška, in ni več videti in slišati koraka postavnega in elegantnega Franca Rozine. V mali Triglavski cerkvici na zidu je postavljenih še devet imen društvenih članov in članic: Marjan Zovič, župnik in duhovni vodja rev. Klavdij Okorn, Marija Kunovar, Rok in Antonija Kunovar, Herta in Ernest Majhenič, Lojze Jaklič in Anton Prah. Vseh teh pokojnih članov in članic, kateri počivajo v večnem spanju že dolgo vrsto let, smo se pri sv. maši v kapelici sv. Cirila in Metoda spominjali z vsem spoštovanjem. Ker je ta kapelica posvečena tudi našim padlim antikomu-nističnim borcem, je na koncu žalne maše spregovoril Trigla-van in predsednik SPB Tabor Ludvik Kolman, ki je v svojem jedrnatem govoru med drugim omenil, da letos poteka 40 let od nasilne smrti poveljnika domobrancev gen. Leona Rupnika. Govoril je in počastil tudi spomin ameriških padlih vojakih, ki so se borili proti komunizmu na vseh delih zemeljske oble. Opisal je nato komunistična grozodejstva v drugi svetovni vojni in junaštvo domobrancev ter polagal na srce mlajšim ljudem, naj ne nasedajo brezbožni, lažni komunistični propagandi. Govor so sprejeli člani in članice ter prijatelji, ki so se udeležili letošnjega spominskega praznika v velikem številu, v globokem razumevanju in odobravanju. Spominsko svečanost je zaključil pevski zbor z domobransko pesmijo Bog-Mati-Domovina. to vmesno fazo z vso natančnostjo, ko sta iznašala Stvarnikove darove pred človeka, da bi ga zadolžila in privolila k izpovedi. Do izpovedi pride v močnem, enotnem klicu: »Verujem — vate in v neumr-jočo dušo«, kar pomeni popolno spra\*> človeka z Bogom. Imenitnejšega zaključka pač ne bi mogli najti za to svečano uprizoritev, saj so to le sinonimi preroške Resnice, ki pravi: »Jaz sem začetek in konec«. Opombe Vsebinsko in oblikovno je ta koncert prekašal vse dosedanje. Vendar je še ostalo prostora za zboljšave, tako v organizaciji kot v umetniški kvaliteti. Današnje doživetje bo bržkone k temu prispevalo. (Dalje na str. 5) “SLOVENIA RADIO PROGRAM” HEARD COAST TO COAST 6 to 7 on Saturday evening E.S.T. on N.B.N. Cable TV systems. PAUL M. LAVRISHA 1004 Dillewood Rd. Cleveland, Ohio 44119 Bilo je že okrog 1. popoldne, ko so v Triglavskem domu pridne kuharice in točaji postregli z okusnim kosilom in hladno pijačo. Razvil se je prijateljski razgovor. V zavesti, da smo se tudi letos na ta dan z vsem spoštovanjem spomnili naših dragih, smo se zadovoljni vračali na svoje domove. Umetnost na odru Kulturna sezona 1985/86 se v juniju konča. Ker sva bila z žeoo še kar pri dobrem zdravju in (udi zima ni bila preveč slaba, sva lahko prisostvovala slovenskemu pevskemu koncertu zbora Gallus in zboru Uspeh. Uživala sva klasično glasbo na 14 koncertih mil-wauškega simfoničnega orkestra, na enem katerih je januarja letos gostoval svetovno znani jugoslovanski pianist Ivo Pogorelič. Bila sva navzoča tudi na 7 koncertih čikaškega simfoničnega orkestra. Zadnji je bil 2. junija. Bila sva tudi pn tre baletnih večerih in treh opernih predstavah. Balet Čajkovskega »Labodje jezero« in Pa Verdijeva »Rigoletto« bosta ostala v posebno lepem spominu. Tudi slikarske in kiparske razstave v raznih galerijah so vredne obiska. Vsako leto v poletnih mesecih se pričenjajo razni pikniki, zabave na prostem in tudi pev ski in glasbeni koncerti v raznih parkih. Naj bo nam vsem prijetno v poletnih mesecih! Republikanska državna konvencija V dneh od 30. maja do 1-junija se je vršila v Milwaukee ju državna republikanska kon vencija, katere se je udeleži 0 čez 2000 delegatov in names -nikov ter povabljenih gostov-Govoril je wisconsinški sena tor Robert Kasten, ki je predstavil glavnega govorni a, sen. Roberta Dole-a. Govoru' so tudi georgijski kongresni Newt Gingrich ter pet *c°n®r snikov iz Wisconsina. ^sl.® • vori so bili navdušeno spre)6 Za guvernerja bodo tekmo vali trije kandidati, se Kasten je brez strankinega n sprotnika, veliko pa je kan datov za druga politična mes v Wisconsinu. V juliju bo Convened3 demokratske stranke, na ri bodo izbrali svoje kan ' te. Potem se bo začela p° 1 na borba vseh kandidatov, _ do prvega torka v novem ko bodo imeli zadnjo bese k v nede- dian im1-h pa ima 5 julij3’ Misij°n' KOLEDAR PRIREDITEV V »Koledar« pridejo prireditve društev in drugih organizacij, ki objavljajo v »Imeniku društev« vsak mesec. Vključene so tudi prireditve, ki so v urednikovem mnenju koristne za našo skupnost. JUNIJ — St. Clair lovsko društvo Priredi stejk večerjo na Lovski farmi, 6599 Ravenna Rd. 14. in is. — Tabor, DSPB Cleveland poda spominsko Proslavo na Orlovem vrhu Slov. pristave za vse slovenske domobrance in vse žrtve ko-JPunistične revolucije ter ob-naja 40-letnico umora gen. Leona Rupnika. 1S- — S.K.D. Triglav, Milwaukee priredi prvi piknik. W^etek ob 11. s sv. mašo pri aPeli v Parku Triglava. V“ Slov. šola pri Mariji nebovzeti priredi piknik na Slovenski pristavi. JULIJ Dramsko društvo Lilija Priredi predstavo »Pri belem 0lViiČku« na prostem na Slo-^nski pristavi, v proslavo 25-letnice SP. V slučaju s abega vremena, bo prireditev Prestavljena na 12. julija zv. aV~~ Misijonska Znamkarska AkcUa priredi piknik na Slo-Venski pristavi. y' 12. in 13. — Župnija sv. ‘da priredi poletni festival. i*1 20. — St. Clair lovsko ^tvo priredi skupno z lov- tel'01* ^ru^tv' ‘z Toronta prija-.e Jske tekme na glinaste golo-e’ na Lovski farmi, 6599 Ra-Venna Rd. 'n 20. — Balincarski krotek ^0Venske pristave priredi me z ekipami iz Chicaga in Mll*aukeeja. y." ~~ Slovenska šola pri Sv. ’ 11 Priredi piknik na Sloven-Skl Pristavi. ke. MZA krožek v Milvvau- s e-lu Priredi Misijonski piknik in V nia^0 ob 11. Kosilo, igre ‘n srečolov. avgust 9. _____ §1 Balincarski krožek dn *enske Pristave priredi 10 Zabni Piknik na SP. Wa,||~~ S-K*D. Triglav, Mil-Sv Poredi drugi piknik. ‘n Pl1113^3 °b ^ sledita kosilo 2^ es- Igra Amonov orkester. Sl0 ~~ Slovenski dan na 25.1 ensk' pristavi, v proslavo vensktni?e SP' Sode,ujej° sl°-Vefand kullurna društva v Cle- stet<( Ansambel »Alpski sek-‘tico Praznuje svojo desetlet-Si0v ■)avnega nastopanja na enski pristavi. SEPTEMBER 12. — Ženski odsek pri Slovenskem domu za ostarele priredi kartno zabavo v šolski dvorani pri Mariji Vnebovzeti. 13. — Fantje na vasi priredijo koncert v Slov. nar. domu na St. Clair Ave. Po koncertu ples. Igra Alpski sekstet. 14. — Vinska trgatev na Slovenski pristavi. 21. — Društvo SPD Cleveland priredi romanje v Frank, Ohio. 28. — Oltarno drušvto pri Sv. Vidu priredi kosilo v avditoriju. 28. — St. Clair lovsko društvo priredi pečenje školjk na Lovski farmi, 6599 Ravenna Rd. 28. — S.K.D. Triglav, Milwaukee priredi Vinsko trgatev. Kosilo opoldne, sledi veselica. OKTOBER 18. — Tabor, DSPB Cleveland priredi svoj jesenski družabni večer v Slov. domu na Holmes Ave. Igrajo Veseli Slovenci. 18. — Glasbena Matica poda večerjo, koncert in ples v SND na St. Clair Ave. Igra Don Slogar orkester. 26. — Slomškov krožek priredi kosilo v dvorani pri Sv. Vidu. Serviranje od 11.30 do 1.30 pop. 26. — Občni zbor Slovenske pristave. NOVEMBER 8. — Belokranjski klub priredi martinovanje v Slov. nar. domu na St. Clair Ave. Igra orkester Veseli Slovenci. 9. — Pevski zbor Jadran priredi koncert z večerjo in plesom v SDD na Waterloo Rd. 15. — Štajerski klub priredi martinovanje v dvorani pri Sv. Vidu. Igrajo Veseli Slovenci. DECEMBER 6. — Slovenski Dom št 6 ADZ praznuje 75-letnico z večerjo in plesom v SDD na Recher Ave. Igra Joe Fedor-chak orkester. - 1987 -JANUAR 31. — Tradicionalna »Pri- stavska noč« v Slov. nar. domu na St. Clair Ave. FEBRUAR 21. — St. Clair lovsko društvo priredi Lovsko večerjo v Slov. nar. domu na St. Clairju. ISKRICE Starost ne varuje pred ljubeznijo, ljubezen pa do neke mere varuje j'red starostjo. N J. Moreau Ob koncertu Slovenske pesmi... (Nadaljevanje s str. 4) Ena pripomba prihaja od poslušalcev iz zadnjih klopi: Cerkev ni dovolj akustična! Če bi se pelo s prižnice, bi bila razlika, saj so cerkve zgrajene za takšno reciprociteto. Razmerje med ladjo in oltarjem ne more nuditi enakega ugodja. O tem bodo premišljevali za bodoča srečanja s poslušalci. Odmev tudi delno vpliva na čistost zvoka. Uspeh se zvišuje tudi s pripravami. Mišljene tu so skupne vaje, ki naj vtirijo prizadevanja čim natančneje. Ovire so tehnične, zato teže premostljive. Izbira datuma ima večji pomen, kot se navadno predvideva. Potrebna so tudi pogostejša srečanja med nastopajočimi in občinstvom. Tokrat se je udeležencem koncerta nudil prijazen sprejem s prigrizkom v dvorani Sv. Štefana. Nastale so sproščene debate med manjšimi skupinami, na katerih je beseda tekla o marsičem, tudi o glasbeni kulturi teh krajev. Taka srečanja bi lahko služila tudi kot prilika za rahlo vabljenje dosedaj neaktivne mladine in tistih, ki čutijo, da jim tli pod srcem želja za sodelovanje. Dejal bi, da takih ni malo, ki se brez pravega vzroka obotavljaljo pristopiti. Ob koncu naj izrazim priznanje in hvaležnost vsem, ki so blagohotno prispevali k uspehu prireditve s svojim delom, s pecivom, oglasi, reklamo in na drugih načinih. To je seme, ki bo obrodilo s stoterimi sadovi. (Konec) Knjiga o Ušeničniku (Po Mladiki) — Mladi asistent za ekleziologijo na papeški univerzi Urbaniani v Rimu Jožko Pirc je pri Družini v Ljubljani izdal svojo doktorsko disertacijo Aleš Ušeničnik in znamenje časov. Na 463 straneh razčlenjuje delo slovenskega filozofa in teologa, a tudi njegov čas in prostor. Poleg tega prvič objavlja popolno bibliografijo Aleša Ušeničnika. Izredno bogate opombe in bibliografi- ja suvereno obvladujejo tuje in domače avtorje, ne glede na državne in ideološke meje. Maistrov spomenik (Po Mladiki) — V Mariboru že dalj časa na veliko razpravljajo o postavitvi spomenika generalu Rudolfu Maistru. Za tak spomenik je zelo veliko ljudi in ustanov, določeni krogi pa so proti, predvsem radi ideoloških vzrokov. MALI OGLASI HIŠA NAPRODAJ 31325 Eddy Rd., Will. Hills Na 2.32 akrski gozdnati parceli. Zidan bungalov. Tudi naprodaj: 1.62 akrska parcela s sadovnjakom. 943-4933. __________ • __ HOUSE FOR SALE 31325 Eddy Rd., Will. Hills 2.32 acre wooded lot. Brick bungalow. 1.62 acre lot with fruit trees also available. Call 943-4933. (45,46) For Rent 5 fully carpeted rooms, up. Bonna Ave. Adults only. Call 881-6853. (45, 47) FOR SALE THOMAS ORGAN Color - Glow lighted. Dble. keyboard, animation & rhy-them tabs & other features. Walnut finish, excellent condition $850. Call 289-9611. Apt. for Rent St. Vitus area. 1 bdrm. 531-1 799 after 6. p.m. (44-47) Houses for Sale 5 room duplex, 5 room »single on 1 lot. Holmes Ave. Call 382-7829. (44-47) FOR SALE Euclid. 4 bdrms., 2’A baths, full basement, enclosed sun porch, 2'/i car garage, large lot. $53,900. Call 943-4336. (44-45) For Sale Tavern with 5 apts. 6400 St. Clair Ave. Call 486-4491. (43-46) Paul Construction Company Experienced, insured, bonded. — Izvršuje vsa tesarska dela, dimnike, kopalnice, porče. Za brezplačen ogled kličite 944-1470 ali 486-5545. (FX) Office for Rent Beachland Medical Bldg. E. 200 St. & Lake Shore Blvd. Call John E. Lokar evenings: 731-5515 (39-50) For your problem home, roof, porch, steps, paint (exterior, interior), and chimney repair. Call 881-0683 any time. Free estitnates. (FX) QUALITY REPAIRS on all makes of garage doors, door openers, and radio controls. Also all electrical repairs. Call 268-0100. (FX) FENCES — OGRAJE Postavljam n^ve ograje in popravljam stare. Prodajam po zmerni ceni potrebni material za ograje in ga dostavljam brezplačno. Imam geometra za merjenje vrta. Pokličite vsaki čas na 391-0533. (FX) KVALITETNA POPRAVILA Vseh vrst garažnih vrat, odpiralcev in radijskih kontrol. Popravljam tudi električno napeljavo in naprave. Kličite 268-0100. (X) Hiše barvamo zunaj in znotraj Tapeciramo (We wallpaper). Popravljamo in delamo nove kuhinje in kopalnice ter tudi druga zidarska in mizarska dela. Lastnik TONY KRISTAVNIK Pokličite 423-4444 ali 729-1023 (x) TRIANGLE CLEANERS ' Expert Tailoring and Alterations Phone 432-1350 1136 E. 71 St. ROSIE JAKLIČ, lastnica FOR ALL YOUR CHRISTENING NEEDS ANZLU VAR’S DEPT STORE Carst Memorials Kraška kamneseška obrt 15425 Waterloo Rd. 481-2237 Edina Slovenska izdelovalnica nagrobnih spominikov Joseph L. FORTUNA POGREBNI ZAVOD 5316 Fleet Ave. 641-0046 Moderni pogrebni zavod Ambulanca na razpolago podnevi in ponoči CENE H\ZKE PO VAŠI ŽELJI! Attention All Brides The American Home Publishing Co. offers a complete line of Wedding Invitations and Accessories for the bride-to-be. Several books are available to choose from and all at a 20% discount for Ameriška Domovina subscribers. Shop around and compare prices. You will agree the American Home offers the BEST IN QUALITY AND PRICES. 6117 St. Clair Ave. Cleveland, OH 44103 Tel. 361-4088 Vladimir M. Rus Attorney - Odvetnik 6411 St. Clair (Slovenian National Home) 391-4000 (FX) AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 6, 1986 The Rojškova family comes to America By John Nielsen (Continued from past issue) The eldest daughter of Frank and Grace, Elizabeth has raised a family of her own. Her eldest daughter is in turn raising a family, so that Elizabeth is already a grandmother. The two unmarried children are aspiring to professional careers, Connie attending Cleveland State, and Christopher is at Case Western, where he is a top student. (I hope he knows about the Nielsen Trust.) Gale pursued a religious career and is now a nun in the Ursuline Order. She is an ambitious lady,, having already earned two master’s degrees: one from John Carroll, and one from St. John’s College, and she also holds a certificate as Pastoral Counselor from Case Western. Currently, she is the pastoral minister at the Holy Martyrs Church in Medina, Ohio. Donald, the second son of Frank, Jr. is a Cathedral Latin graduate and holds degrees from John Carroll. With all this academic work he and his wife still have managed to raise quite a large family of their own, six children. Michael, the youngest member of the Frank and Grace family attended Northwestern, and shows considerable promise in the field of advertising. His wife is a teacher of retarded children in a private school. Recalling the keen desire of Frank, Jr. to get his high school diploma, it is nice to know that his own family now bristles with academic degrees. As to Grace, it should be mentioned that her children liken her to Roza, her mother-in-law. As Rosa, Grace was dedicated to her family, caring little for her personal comforts and pleasures, and determined that her children grow up in good health, both in body and in spirit. Phillip Marn, the third son of Frank, Sr., also left high school before finishing to go into the grocery business to help the family. The first chance he got he bought a store in Euclid on East 222nd Street. The depression of the ’30s however dampened its growth and he had to give up the grocery business. He was naturally bright and so he quickly got a job at Eaton Axle as a comptroller. This yielded him a steady and fairly good income, enough to insure raising a large family which he and Phyllis, his wife wanted. There were eight children, the largest second generation family of the Ro-jsheks in the States. Phil liked Collinwood and the family lived in a house he and Phyllis bought near his work. He was most loyal to his family and unlike his father ran his household perhaps firmly but with kindness, as did his wife. He was highly regarded at Eaton and this assured him the security he needed for raising his large family, a sense of security which he transferred to his children. They were all raised as good churchgoers, there was always ample food on the table, and adequate clothing for all. Phil and Phyllis raised five girls and three boys, seven of whom married, and six of them raising their own families today. There are now numerous grandchildren, and even two great grandchildren, with more on the way (17th generation Rojsheks). Theresa, the youngest daughter of Phil and Phyllis, married Jim Polšak of a musically talented family, the grandfather, Leo Polšak, having been president of Zarja, the largest Singing Slovenian Society of Cleveland, and now Jim’s father, Edwin Polšak, is currently president, and has also been for 45 years the piano accompanyist for Zarja. The Phil-Phyllis Marn family has dispersed itself widely across the United States. Marlene married Bob Suhadolnik and they are raising a family in the Los Angeles area, while Lillian married Charles Steele, and living in Florida, raising a family of two children, both promising students. Frank, Jr. married Grace Calhoun, and they had six children, five of them still living, and three of whom have raised families of their own, as can be seen by the accompanying chart. The eldest son of Frank and Grace, William, graduated as a chemical engineer and now works at General Electric. Bill has raised a family, and the children, now grown up, have entered various professions, of which Frank, Jr. would have been most proud. Bill’s oldest daughter Kathy is married to a Steve Croche and they are expecting their first child shortly. Jane, the second daughter in the family has a degree in biology from Hiram College. Bill, Jr. is following his father, studying chemical engineering at Edinborough University. Willie, the fourth son of Frank, Sr., married Mary Kos and had two boys, John Phillip and Joseph, and a daughter, Jean. Willie also worked in the family store, bu. he did not take to business as a career, and he opted for employment at Eaton Axle where his brother Phil was influential'in getting Willie on the company rolls. His wife Mary was to die young, 44, when the children were still in school and he carried on as best as he could without remarrying. His eldest son, John Phillip married Joyce Palikowski and is raising two children, Lisa and Stacy. Joseph married Cecilia Lam, but sometime after a daughter. Cecilia Marina, was born, they were divorced. Joan is now married, her second marriage, to Zachary Franklin, a veterinarian. Both are now in Florida, having moved from Columbus, Ohio, where Zak will pursue his veterinary practice, and Joan has already become chief clinical dietician at Doctor’s Hospital in Coral Gables. Joan worked her way through college at Ohio State, doing work as a departmental secretary, got her B.S. in Nutrition and is now a registered Dietician (R.D.). She is still pursuing higher education and hopes in due course to obtain a masters degree in her field. She is most active in the American Dietetic Association, being chairperson of one committee or another from time to time. (I personally consult Joan concerning my diet for cholesterol control.) Joan has an athletic side: she water skiis, plays tennis, jogs, and has been recently certified as a scuba diver. Rose, the only daughter of Frank, Sr. and Roza, has been married and widowed twice. She had four children by her first marriage, three sons and one daughter. Her son Harold is on the coast and is a successful restaurant manager. This newsletter began with a discussion about the evolution of the peasant class. It will close with a discussion of the question of the fundamental motivation behind the emigration of the peasant to America, what happened to that class, and some comments on the ones who stayed behind in Europe. As mentioned earlier the serf peasant was freed in Slovenia in the March 1848 revolt, as part of the series of peasant revolts taking place all over Europe as a consequence of the French revolution. Yet vestiges of this class system was sufficiently embedded in the social web of Europe to remain a part of the culture. And indeed these vestiges even had their traces in this country brought over by the immigrants. Lord Calvert had every intention of adopting the Holmes Pensioners visit their money in Fed. Bank by Joseph Gornick A busload of Holmes Slovenian Club Pensioners visited the Federal Reserve Bank of Cleveland, Superior and East 6th Street on Monday, May 19. It is the Fourth District Headquarters of our Nation’s Central Bank, one of the 12 District Banks established in 1913 by the Federal Reserve Act. The 30th story building was built in 1923 and employs 750 persons. Entry to the bank lobby is through heavy bronze doors flanked by classical statues representing security and integrity. Black wrought iron screens decorate as well as protect the rows of banking windows. The main vaults are housed in a free standing two story structure* within the bank. Entrance is through a massive steel door that weighs 100 tons, but is so delicately balanced, it can be opened and closed manually. Currency, coins and securities are stored in the vaults. The largest operation is nationwide check clearing service. Nine out of ten dollars spent by Americans is spent in a form of a check. Every day over one million checks are cleared, sorted and tabulated, and credited and debited to the proper depository institutions account. Money is put into circulation that is minted or printed by the U.S. Treasury Department. Damaged and worn bills are taken out of circulation. Bills which look counterfeit are send to the Secret Service. During the year over $220 billion bills are examined. Of this amount, about 35*70 is shredded. This is also a bank for the U.S. government, the world’s largest. Most federal tax (payroll withholdings and checks to the Internal Revenue Service) eventually are deposited in the Government’s account at a Federal Reserve Bank. Government agencies draw checks on these accounts to pay for everything from Social Security to torpedoes. This bank holds no accounts for individuals, but only for depository institutions and for the U.S. Government. This concluded our exciting and educational tour which was enjoyed by all. We were bused to the Collinwood Slovenian Home and were served a delicious meal. Many, thanks to our member John Habat who supervised this tour. Our next tour is booked for Monday, June 16. All passengers are to be at the hall by 9 a.m. We will board Lolly the Trolley for a Downtown Trolley tour. We will venture into the flats area, see University Circle, the main streets and much more. This tour made Mary Mary’s column in the Plain Dealer last week when an automobile was blocking the trolley path and five persons walking by picked up the errant car and moved it to the side so Barbara Pangonis, the tour guide, could continue. John Habat’s motto is, “See Cleveland First.” He’s quite a guy, always promoting the city and its environments even though he spent a good part of his life in the Bahamas and Florida teaching waterskiing. TV.e annual picnic of the Holmes Slovenian Pensioners Club will be held July 9 at 1 p.m. at St. Joseph Picnic Grove, 29412 White Rd. All pensioners and friends are cordially invited. There is free admission with ample parking. Refreshments will be available at moderate prices. Music for dancing. Enjoy yourself, it’s later than you think. —TlffH—1 CLEANING, CHECK UP i X-RAYS Rec. $35 Kxp. dale June 30 No charoo toi contullaHon COMPLETE DENTISTRY "A Privof rroctlcm with RmoionabU f##*" DR. ROBERT J PRUATEl D.D S SS4$ Wiltoo Mill« Rd Highland Mu Ohio (1.5 ml. W. Ol 1-271 461-8490 V.iXV.’Sii rjTlUWTJ feudal system of England in the colonization of Maryland, But it did not stick. The tie line to the mother country was much too long. And then there was the Age of Enlightenment emerging, and the ideas of the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights were too stimulating to pass up. And so those first immigrants, pioneers, really, look advantage of the new events and opted for individual freedom. There was land here, lots of it, quite different from what they left behind in Europe, and so what stabs there were to set up the peasant indentured to the land owner just never got anywhere. The peasant class of Europe supplied the new wave of immigration to America in the late 1800s and the first part o the 1900s with some acceptance of the vestiges of the European class system. They came from Germany, Poland, Italy, Czechoslovakia, the Scandinavian countries and elsewhere, mostly from the country side, not from the cities. They came here not so much for freedom as did the Pilgrims, Puritans, and the Huguenots, but simply for the jobs in the mines, factories, and railroads that were becoming available in tne surge of the industrial revolution here. The immigrant s thinking was that once he accumulated some cash, a fc^j thousand dollars, he cou consider himself “rich”, an then he would see what to do—go back and buy t*1^ neighbor’s farm, or simp y start a farm here in America. The factory was not going 10 be his destiny—just a means to in end. f He had no illusions o jecoming an American, vas quite willing to accep ;econd-class citizenship status-Te did not take advantage o lis voting right, and he did noi ;eek social mobility by trying o get all the education night have gotten. He 0 preserve the cultures he e ichind—which he hoped ^reserve by erecting et , locial centers. Indeed, he pa 1 price for all of this, in tna he ethnic community lecame ghettos, and ooked down upon by onger established American ^ Another price was paid by econd generation of these am naoe 7) BACK HOME Last Saturday night th«* was a wreck--in sleet and rain-The driver of one car was tcr ribly injured, couldn t moved and called f°r minister. Bellows drove nut fast as he could. . After administering the a rites--the man was dying" asked about the man’s churchy The victim said he was Jrw'S and named his temple- ^tl did you call for a minister-Bellows asked. “You don’t think I’d the rabbi come out on a nig like this?” the dying man gasped. The Rojškova family comes to America 7 (Continued from last page) Migrants. They were expected to preserve the nostalgic culture of the homeland. The second generation, usually in arge families, were urged to Marry within the ethnic group, earn the trades of the parent, °n a higher level to be sure, uy a house, and revel in the Merican gimmicks: cars, gashing machines, ‘Mrigerators, etc. Getting an education was not too much ucouraged, because this was a e raying of his class, the pea-nt class. What the peasant " Ming here did not realized fas l”at there was a powerful hjrce> a deep motivation for coming here. Hemingway’s *n loopard high up in the Pcs of Mount Kilimanjaro nat Pte^ one °f the climbing leo y t0 ask “Why was that h°Pard there”? It was a re .0rica* Question, left for the But ^t0 answer as ho wished, the | 'mPhcation was clear: in„ eoPard was there explor-h; ’ s®e*ciug that new niche for rf’ his mat^ and the pro-did^ t0 follow. This leopard i make it. But this was the 1S Sacr'f'ce for preserving rea^SPeC’es' There was no We i/11118—^ust the instinct. stinctbW UtUe about this in' ful n but 's father power-first parted with that very lv . mo‘ecule of life in the ear-sun Wn tbe earth with the ladenWarm’nB UP the carbon-trib ' atmosphere, and con- fr°m which afrimofc?ial S£,VP emerged life. The pearpH0,ecule that first ap-t° See.a ready had the instinct When th 3 new ouviroument ho present one became depleted of nutrients, daring to venture forth to further reaches of the warm seas. Later when biological evolution produced animals, they, too, roamed the surface of the land mass, staying close to the waters, but seeking ever new niches for a better survival probability. And when man came on the scene some three-eight million years ago, probably in the tundra and forests of Africa, he too fanned out, first to Asia, then to what is now Europe, and eventually across the Bering straits, down into the new American continents, all the way to the tip of South America. And so the same evolutionary laws were behind to a great degree in the epic emigration of the Europeans to America. Some 70 million made it here since Columbus. Did they do the right thing? Of course they did, or rather, they did the natural thing, which was the right thing. Yes, they came here but quite willing to make sacrifices, undergoing hardships that may have been spared, had they stayed home — hardships which they bore willingly, not so much just for themselves, but for the children to come. This was not all thought out in advance, it just happened. It is an interesting question on just how much is built into man genetically to make this sacrifice for the future progeny. I read once that in Poland the government imposed sacrifices on the people with the lure that there was a good future in store—not so much for those who are . Cancer Answers chal' *S ’s true incfeas °f dying froni ^eas»g in the US. States Yes‘ In th( Cond LC;ncer is no Fr°m S"8 cause death * p t0 1979’1 faster ttte lncreased death 3n tbe f163 cancerr,ar,te'. The inc as the ef>ned by j cancernUrnber of ne! the n Per 100,000 0r>e-thiP?lation) inci *960. rd between are dug dlScouragin£ (1)thea?ainly to tw (older gln8ofourp todeveu°ple are m lun8 ca Pln8cancer] by8ciancer epidem Crease in canCe ln the Q S chi,dr< breaSt My mot <^er- SI 4. terUing Xen^Ven P< tviii eyn *n the >er ^ally c Shter °!e b .Vs) 'I' s,ste 'ents ar f brea! dtore n.e tWo c ,his ^ "'other, monthly breast selfexaminations, but women like yourself with a family history of breast cancer should be religious about it. Q. I have heard that cancer of the stomach is now rare in this country. Can this be explained? A. There has been a remarkable decline in the incidence of cancer of the stomach in the United States during the past 40 years, and it now accounts for less than 4 percent of all cancers. It remains very common in Japan; and Japanese people living in the Western United States and Hawaii have a higher incidence than other racial groups. However, this incidence is higher in Japanese immigrants than in their American-born offspring, suggesting that as the generation adapts a more American lifestyle the risks of stomach cancer are reduced. The decline of stomach cancer in this country still remains unexplained, and medical science cannot take credit for it. The most likely explanation is that there has been a decline in something in the environment which causes this form of cancer. The substance was probably something in food which is still present in the diet preferred by native Japanese. among the living today, but for future generations. Yes, how much is built into our genetic code to sacrifice the individual for the community, for the people for a nation for future generations? The lemmings run headlong into the sea, committing mass suicide but not all perish. There are a few that survive, and this seems to be satisfactory. There is this marvelous Swiss story of a famous hero. A battalion is confronted by an enemy bat-• talion. The weapon is the onlyspear. One brave soldier breaks rank and runs forward, grabbing to himself all the spears directed toward him. At this moment there is the open opportunity to attack and attack they do, as the opposing spears are all occupied with this one soldier who sacrificed himself for the battalion. And it is this question that one ^ asks:whether the sacrifices made by those early Slovenes coming to Cleveland were sacrificies for families still to come— an instinctive desire to preserve the human species? But what of the stay-at-homes? Are they any lesser members of the species in evolutionary terms? Not really. They march to the beat of a more distant drummer, to quote Thoreau’s observation of the odd man out. Man is not an animal, but a sublime product of evolutionary biology, with cultures that he has created and which he wants to preserve. Those who remained behind were keepers of the flame of Slovenia, preserving the self-esteem that a culture gives to a fine people, living on a beautiful land. It seems that preserving the culture of one’s forbears is worth making sacrifices for, indeed worth fighting for, as Slovenians must have many times in their past history. So we must bow to both noble souls: the peasant who came to the States following the instinct to fine better niches for the survival of his family, and in the long run, for the human species, sacrificing the old culture of his forbears, but acquiring a new one; and to the souls who stayed behind to keep Slovenian consciousness alive. Both are noble causes. Each individual should be free to choose what he wishes to be, wht he wants to struggle for. Newsbils John Nielsen, your faithful editor, is presenting two papers this May at the American Association for the Advancement of Science convention in Philadelphia. His topics are in the area of molecular biology, in particular, on the sequence of steps that lead to the life “molecule”. He is also presenting a paper in Amsterdam, Holland, in June on the subject of dental casting technology. He plans to go on to Ljubljana while in Europe this summer. David Larsen was recently interviewed on Cleveland TV on the subject of family violence (wife beating and child abuse) a field of his expertise, professionally, that is. News of Rojshek-Nielsen Trusts Grantees Mateja Dimnik spent her summer vacation in London last year, a city she has become fond of. She hobnobs with an art group there. Manca Sesek is now the proud possessor of a Commodore 64 computer, and also a 175-power zoom bilogical microscope. She is aspiring to enter the medical research field. Recently, she was on Ljubljana TV getting some kind of award for her winning in a nation-wide ping-pong tournament. She won as the best of her age class (to 15 years old), although Manca is only 12. John Gasiewski spent last year in West Germany, attending the University of Munich among other things. He is a German literature scholar at the University of Chicago. He and his brother Albin, a graduate student at MIT, visited the editor in New York over the Christmas holidays. John Sesek, Wendel Cerne, Jay Mocilnikar, and Albin Gasiewski, all of the Nielsen Trust talent search committee, have come up with four prospective Nielsen Trust grantees for the coming year. Majda Dimnik, Tomi Mihelich, Marko Plevnik and Mateja Dimnik have reported three new potential grantees for the Rojshek Trust. ABORTION MEANS NO JUDGE NO JURY NO TRIAL NO APPEAL Amazing isn't it? i.mi a criminai caught in the most horrible nf'crittws fui* the right to a tUfenst /anjer, a judge, a jun’/ind due f tixu'css ofhm. In Ameruvi tInn's IxtsU and right. Hut it is not the right of oil /xxi/rtc in the United Stines. lA-ery day thou-sands of unhorn children atse killed. Killed* not Iwause they lune In-en itmricUrtl of any crime but beiviuse the United States Suprtrm Ctn/rj has remmtd all legal prolctrtUmfrwn the unborn child thtxmghoui the nine months of pregnatuy. There are alternatives to abortion. There have to be. AND NO STAT OF EXECUTION ess£h PHARMACISTS FOR UF£ TUX Choose y?«i, Mot Abortion P.O.Box 381 <^^3 Frsmont, OH 43420 uxiire; AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 6, 198« AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 6, 1986 8 Deaths FRIDA GRČAR Frida Grčar (nee Rantasa) 12 year resident of Willoughby Hills age 42, beloved wife of Frank, dear mother of Frank, Denise, Daniel, Nadine, Stacy, Sally and Cynthia, loved daughter of Frank (dec.) and Maria (nee Furst), sister of Cecila Švigelj (Willoughby Hills), member of Slovene Folklore Institute, KSKJ No. 172. Funeral mass Wed. June 4 at 9:30 A.M. St. Felicitas Church. Interment All Souls Cemetery. FRANK TURK Frank Turk, 69, of East 200 St., Euclid passed away in Hillcrest Hospital on Tuesday, May 27 after a long illness. Mr. Turk was born in Mononogah, West Virginia. He came to Cleveland in 1928. A former resident of East 73 St and St. Clair, he lived at his present address for 30 years. He retired in 1981 after 22 years as a meat cutter at Euclid Provision. He was a member of SNPJ No. 5. Mr. Turk was the husband of Agnes (nee Shega) and the father of Karen Tomsk and Barbara Elersich, grandfather of five and brother of Angela Cestarsic and Jean Bryan and the deceased: Joseph, Mary Potsch, Tony and Ann Truden. Friends called at Zele Funeral Home, 452 E. 152 St. where services were held Friday, May 30. Interment at All Souls Cemetery. Family suggests donations to the Slovene Home for the Aged or Holy Family Home in his memory. Joseph Lozar Joseph Lozar, age 75, of Clarke Dr. Wickliffe passed away in University Hospitals on Friday, May 30 after a lengthy illness. Joseph was born in Cleveland. He was at his present address for over 30 years. He was employed at Steel Improvement as a tool and diemaker and the foreman in the trimmer dept. He retired in 1973 after 35 years. Joseph was the beloved husband of Josephine (nee Sustar) and uncle and great uncle of many. Visitation was Sunday 2-9 pm with services on Monday at 11:30am. at Zele Funeral Home 452 East 152 St. Interment in All Souls Cemetery. Louise Snyder Louise Snyder, age 69, of Morley Road in Concord Township died June 1 after a long illness. She was born in* Cleveland and lived on East 61 st Street for many years before moving to Euclid where she resided for 28 years. She and her husband, Joseph, lived at their current residence for 15 years. She had been a member of . Woodfnen of the World. She was the mother of Louise Ruckholdt (La Mirada, California) and Barbara Leskovec (Concord). She was the grandmother of 5 and great-grandmother of 4; the sister of Rose Novsak (Cleveland) and the following deceased: Matthew Ivons, Leo Ivons and Mary Ivons, all of Cleveland. Friends were received of Zele Funeral Home 452 East 152nd Street on Tuesday where services were held Wednesday at 10:00 AM and at St. Gabriel church at 11:00 AM. Interment All Souls cemetery. Waterloo Pensioners On May 13 President Bittenc called the meeting to order at 1:03 p.m. Vice Pres. Louis Jartz urged all to come to the SNPJ grounds and see the way the kitchen is shaping up. On the sick list is Lou Bencin, Joe Plemel and Antonia Novak. Hope you are all feeling better soon. Mary Strancar has passed away. Ten names on the waiting list were read. Present was new member Anton Sadar. Welcome. Steve Shimits and Joe Matejka kept us informed of Zele Funeral Home Memorial Chapel 452 E. 152 St. Phone 481-31181 Addison Road Chapel 6502 St. Clair Avenue Phone 361-05831 edno pripravljeni z najboljšo postrežbb GRDINA ____ Funeral Homes 17010 Lake Shore Blvd 1053 E. 62 St. 531-6300 431-2088 A trusted tradition for 82 years. Slovenian Workmen’s Home Marks 60 Years July 17-20 One of the most exciting events of 1986 will be the 60th anniversary celebration of Slovenian Workmen’s Home which will be held in conjunction with the Waterloo Trade Association Festival July 17 thru July 20. This promises to be one of the biggest and best events ever promoted by the businessmen and members of the various clubs and organizations headquartered in the Waterloo area. Cleveland Mayor Voinovich and other dignitaries have been invited to attend the opening ceremonies Thursday pveninp Inlv 17. All the popular bands and button-box players including Yankovic, Pecon, Kuhar, Wojtilla, Benda, Polantz, Perko, Stamphl, Faint, Vadnal, Rodick and Markič groups will be there for your listening and dancing pleasure. There will be plenty of fun, good food and refreshments plus a variety of games and activities along the full length of Waterloo Road from E. 152nd Street to E. 161 Street so there will be something for everything. Tony Sturm Board of Directors Slovenian Workmen’s Home Parade on Waterloo Avenue On Sunday, July 20 at 12:30 p.m. there will be a parade in conjunction with the four-day festival sponsored by the Waterloo Area Businesses and organizations. The parade will assemble at Memorial School parking lot on E. 152 St. All interested lodges, organizations, businesses or individuals wishing to take part in the parade call Tony Sturm at 481-5378 or submit a parade entry form (below) and mail to Slovenian Workmen’s Home, 15335 Waterloo Rd., Cleveland, OH 44110. Prizes for the best float. Mail Parade Entry July 20th, 1986 Mail Waterloo S.W.H. Assembly at Memorial Parking Lot Name of Organization, Eye June 18 Picnic all news of interest to senior citizens. Our annual picnic will be Wednesday, June 18 at the SNPJ grounds. We will be serving lunch for $6.00. Serving will be at 1 p.m. Music for dancing is by Frank Barbie Orchestra from 3 to 7 p.m. The $6.00 includes dinner, dancing and admission. Everyone is welcome. Celebrating anniversaries last May were Pete and Emma Shimits — 46 years, Lou and Mary Prebvesek 52 years, Stanley and Mitzi Vesel, 47 years, Eddy Marolts 49 years, Frank and Julia Sadar — 43, Carl Commenchecks — 18 and John and Hermine Strancar, 47. Helen Vukčevič Ethnic Crimes Bill Passes Senate Amended Senate Bill 316, introduced by State Senator Lee I. Fisher (D-Shaker Heights) passed the Ohio Senate by a vote of 32-0. The legislation will increase criminal and civil penalties for persons who commit acts of vandalism, intimidation, or violence motivated by ethnic or religious bias. “This bill addressed the serious and growing problem Ohio is facing with regard to ethnic vandalism and intimidation. We have seen crosses burned recently in front of the homes of black families, and the vandalism, assaults and harassment of Jewish citizens went up last year in Ohio, even though there was a decrease nationally,” says Senatcrr Fisher. ZAK-ZAKRAJSEK Funeral Home 6016 St. Clair Ave. Phone 361 - 3112 — tel. št. 361-3112 • A'o Branches nor Affiliations 9 Zachary A. Zak, fehl. an—i licensed funeral director Recipes CONGO BARS 2‘A cups all-purpose flour 2 A teaspoons baking PoW '/2 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup butter, softened zizirSw*«' sugar 1 teaspoon vanilla extract l cup chopped Pefans ■ „eet 1 cup (6 oz.) se chocolate chips Preheat oven to 350°F. Grease a 13x9 inch baking pan:5 “'fn' medium bowl »mbi”' flour, baking powder a salt;ket aside. In large irn bowl cream butter a shortening. Add sugar beat until light and u Add eggs, one at a t.m ; beating well after each tion. Add vanilla. With at low speed, mix in dry mg dients. Stir in pecans chocolate chips. Spread ev^ ^ into prepared pan. Bake. nic|( 45 minutes or until too inserted in center corne:! te|y fairly clearr: Cool c0tn^ l {la. on wire rack before cu »M Makes 48 .bars, 125 ca m Hines Pa ,.8 ellow Cake W g- cream 7 1/3 cup sugar,* ke mix, 1 eg® jay; il until crumb* “p-pai r'ms3 Uymanungrea ^ inch pan. Ba* 350o. Beat ch >n iuice Spread nd smooth. bP le j layer. Spn . olunteers ics Dept- of d, e f°r the ^ wiH I., Cleveland . three stud^^ Angfor’ ^ mre ^ eariy „relv missed 3e sorely . s will be va / ^"helpibS rested m he P ^ e some a ^ could help , ‘und'rVj d. so p'^ ce,J» ju^ 0 0 h1' 7 edit' Mac Macerol marks Mr- Frank “Mac” Macerol Marked his 80th birthday on ay 25, 1986, in grand style. A tantalizing lobster tails din-jter at his home was enjoyed Jey and his lovely wife, For the well-known oc-08enerian, it was a time to reminisce about his past years m‘he St.Clair community. rank has witnessed many aPPy occasions and also ^°me tragic ones, too. he V| ly remembers the terrible ]92^e'anc* Clinic holocaust in • He also was at his home, * "‘"8 Prepared for the se-°nd shift, when the East Ohio s ^Plosion occurred on Oct. 20, 1944. h„u !^ac" also watched the Qa’Hg Pr°gress of the St' n'r hath-house, a much alJ? facility in 1919- He at th n^W ^am Damm, who CouatUme Was the 23rd Ward ofthnc'lman- Franl< also tells Ave 6 Car*y days when Schade ^ nue and Bliss (Addison to ^fre aapaved dirt streets, nu relatives are ^^^*5/at one time^he had counted 113 counsins! Of course that high number has been somewhat lowered by the Grim Reaper. Frank’s immediate family includes sisters Molly Skrajner and Dorothy Horvatich. Sadly four siblings have gone to their heavenly reward, in Lorain, Rosie Oerne and Albina Korab, and James Macerol (Whitehouse Cafe Owner) and Louis Urbančič of Euclid. Our 80 year celebrant first saw the light of day on May 25, 1906. He was born on East 54th St. formerly Keiper St. which was north of St. Clair Avenue. The street no longer exists as the land was converted to industrial use. His proud parents, Frank and his wife Rose (nee Jančar) carried him to Our Sorrowful Mother church located in Ulman’s Hall (now Hofbrau Haus). There he was christened by the Pastor Rev. Kazimer Zakrajšek, OEM, who later founded Lemont Monastery. In 1907 the Sorrowful Mother church was disbanded and members of the church joined St. Vitus parish. SPECIAL OFFER The American Home ethnic newspaper is com-®ncin9 a special promotion seeking new scribers to the Ameriška Domovina newspaper uriri9 the first half of 1986. Wi L?etween now and June 30, 1986 persons ^ j!n9 to subscribe to the Ameriška Domovina for I , * time (or have not been a subscriber for the loj 'Ve years)can '■eceiv’e the paper at a ridiculously $in nr'Ce ~ ^ust $15-00 a year f°r the twice weekly or ■00 a year for the Friday (halt English) edition, the l^.AC:)Dl^,ON> any college student or person in tio military service may receive the twice weekly edi-(haii^0r ~ 0®t this — just $10 a year, or the Friday or more English) for — $5.00 a year. s REMEMBER: This is for FIRST TIME a BRIBERS ONLY and does not apply to renewals or year9e who has dropped their subscription in the last five Su. ^ Person may give a GIFT subscription for a new Criber at this fantastic low price for any occasion ni Father’s Day, an- with Sary’ 8raduat'on — you name't — and tell us about it t0 ^ y°Ur remittance, and we’ll send an appropriate card y0u e recipient indicating what the gift is and from whom, exc w’s^ to send a 8ift subscription for no occasion nj Pfy°u think it’s a good idea to see the written Slove-Hew her'ta®e and culture continued and absorbed. The anioSpaPer contains the latest Slovenian news, happenings abo ^ t^le et^nics, recipes, calendar of events, and facts ut the Slovenian heritage. This is too good an offer to be passed up. Please [ s*nd own subscription i t0 Aincr‘can ^ Oa/Zy at sis.00 cieveland’ °vl Fridays at $10.00 college or military daily at $10 eollege or mnitary Friday at $5.00 for one year to: Name City. State, Zip Name. Address. MVCj dy, State, Zip. Opl ease send a_ offer expires on June 30, 1986. . card indicating my gift. 80th birthday by reminiscing Tragedy entered into his family when his father was run over by a train while taking a short-cut walk to his factory. The widowed mother was forced to take the reins of the family and did her best to take care of her three youngsters. In time she remarried, her second husband being Louis Urbančič. The family grew three to seven with the passing years and in 1927, the operation of milk dairy, Willow Farm was bflgun at 1172 Norwood. The dairy prospered and in a short time gained the reputation of the best chocolate milk in the city in addition to its fine milk products. Frank was the manager of the Willow Farm Dairy. World War II forced the closing of the dairy when its workers were drafted into service and in 1942 Frank was compelled to work in a war plant. A few years earlier Frank married his pretty sweetheart, Frank “Mac” Macerol Jean Hlad in St. Vitus church. Monsignor B.J. Ponikvar performed the wedding ceremony, the date was October 15, 1938. The new employment was at the Marquette Metal Division of Curtiss-Wright in Collin-wood near Five Points. Frank was also the plant’s union local NO. 527 UAW president and soon established the pension plan for the employees. In 1962, the factory closed its doors and Frank retired, but two years later he went back to work for McDowell Engineer- ing until he retired permanently in 1972. Mac is a lifelong parishioner of St. Vitus church, and is also a member of No. 25 KSKJ St. Vitus Lodge and AMLA No. 40, Clairwoods, for over sixty years. In his younger days, Frank attended St. Vitus grade school and also furthered his education at Ohio Business Institute and Central Institute. Frank along with his wife Jean always make sure their home on Norwood Rd. is surrounded by beautiful roses, geraniums, and impatiens flowers. A few years ago, Frank and Jean received a special commendation from the City of Cleveland for their colorful floral display. We wish, along with his many friends, a sincere hope that Frank will continue for many more years since such a wonderful person as Frank enriches every human being that meets him along the road of life. Slomšek Circle to Lemont June 28 by Joseph Zelle Every year, the Slomšek Circle of Cleveland sponsors a pilgrimage to the Franciscan monastery in Lemont, II. This year the trip is scheduled for the week-end of June 28th. The chartered bus will leave from St. Mary’s in Collin-wood at 6 a.m. on Saturday, June 28. It will make a stop at the Baraga home on St. Clair Ave. and E. 63rd St. and depart at 7:00 a.m. The bus will return to Cleveland on Sunday night arriving at Baraga Home about 10:30 p.m. and at St. Mary’s on Holmes Ave. at about 11:00 p.m. A package price of $75:00 includes the bus fare, meals and rooms at the monastery, and other minor incidentals. Reservations can be made with Mr. Miklavčič in the St. Christine area; Mr. John Pro-sen in the St. Mary’s Collin-wood area (486-2394) as well as Mr. John Petrič at (481-3762); and Ms. Julka Smole (391-6547) or Mr. Vinko Rožman (881-2852) for St. Vitus. Those Slovenian Catholics who have attended this pilgrimage in past years already know what a rich religious experience it is. A lighted candle procession on Saturday evening highlights the evening services. Then on Sunday morning, a visit is made to the grave of our saintly exiled Slovenian bishop, Gregory Rožman. Likewise Madam Jul (Continued from page 12) Jul also has a dating service. The Madam was on the cover of Industry Magazine on Feb. 25, 1974 during oil crisis, and did two commercials for C. Miller Chevrolet. Dorothy Fuldheim once told her to keep doing her thing, as she is doing a lot of good for people. Chief Prosecutor Craig Albert of Geauga County also praised her for her work especially with teenage girls. Julia Adamic Jarmusch formerly lived on East 66th Street, and is the widow of Thomas, who died two years ago. Her parents were John and Julia Adamic, deceased, and she graduated from St. Vitus School in the Class of 1928. Jul has two daughters who are dance teachers, Vivian Thomas of Las Vegas, and Sharon Fleming of Mentor, Ohio. Some of Madam Jul’s upcon-ing performances include: Lakeland College Benefit for Muscular Dystrophy, June7, SNPJ Farm, June 29; Divine Word Church Festival, Kirtland, Ohio, July 12, and 13; and AMLA Family Day, Aug. 17,1986. the executed 12,000 Slovenes, during the post-war revolution, are remembered in prayer. Everyone is wecomed to join in the pilgrimage. However, only 45 seats are available on the chartered bus. Area Eligible for $5 million for sewers Ohio Representative Ronald Šuster (D-Euclid) announced the Northeast Regional Sewer District is eligible for $5,521,462 in federal Construction grant funds to help fund the design of a sewage treatment plant. The Construction Grants Program, authorized under the Clean Water Act hnd administered by the Ohio EPA, provides funding to Ohio municipalities for a portion of the cost of waste water treatment systems. The Construc-ton Grants program has made major contributions to improving the quality of Ohio’s waterways, including Lake Erie, by helping to provide sewage collection and treatment facilities at a cost affordable to local communities. “Ohio communities benefit from the Construction Grants program by getting improved waste water treatment without having to pay the total cost themselves,” noted Warren Tyler, Director, Ohio EPA. SAINT VITUS PARISH Summerfest Patron/Sponsor Four Page Tabloid Publication Donation: Five Dollars ($5) Per Line. Name: _______________ NOTE: Return with Sunday envelope or mail to Parish Rectory. Pay by check only if sending by mail. 9 AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 6, 1986 RIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 6, 1986 'i 1 I j* 500 at Shrine for Holy Mother Service / Rev. Joseph Boznar, Rev. Urbanija, Bishop Edward Pevec, and Rev. John Kumse recite the Litanies while Rudolph Knez (at organ) leads the combined St. Vitus and St. Mary choir. KSKJ National Office Joseph S. Baškovič (right) and Glasilo Slovenian editor, Joseph Melaher, take part in the Slomšek organized devotions to the Blessed Mother at the Shrine. The procession came down the hill and ended at the Grotto where the Slovenian Litany was sung. by Joseph Zelle Some 300 Slovenian men and women gathered last Saturday evening on Providence Heights for a Marian devotion. The event was sponsored by the Slomšek Circle of Cleveland under the direction and supervision of Messers Vinko Rožman and Frank Urankar. The occasion was in celebration of May 23rd, first begun in 1976 at the Eucharistic Congress in Philadelphia. The idea was to light one or more candles in the window of each Christian home participating in the affair that night. At the Shrine of our Lady of Lourdes, at dusk, a procession with lighted candles was held through the Stations of the Cross. The rosary was recited in Slovenian and English, as the procession wound its way through the stations. Participating in the procession and the services were the Right Reverend Bishop, Dr. Edward Pevec, Rev. Joseph Božnar, pastor of St. Vitus Church and his assistants, the Revs. John M. Kumše and Joseph Simčič, S.D.B. Also present was the Rev. F. Urbanija of Argentina, who is staying at St. Mary’s in Collin-wood. After the stations, Bishop Pevec delivered the homily and Father Božnar gave a brief talk on the meaning and purpose of the religious devotion. The 12,000 treacherously slaughtered Slovenes were remembered. The services ended with Benediction. Then the singing of the litany of our Lady took place, sung in Slovenian. Mr. Rudi Knez was the organist. What an inspirational sight and sound the evening was. In the quiet cool evening dusk of the wooded grove, high above the boisterous wicked city, what a contrast. And some of these peaceful devout Slovenes, perhaps your own fathers and mothers, sisters and brothers, and considered traitors in Slovenia and are unwelcomed to return to their native country. If everybody lived and behaved as these gentle people, there would be no crime and no wars. This religious ceremony should become an annual affair. One of the youngest persons in attendance was ,*,ree'^®ar-Hs t] V/llv iji niv pvioviu ■■■ cauviiuttiivv - — Teja Petelin who holds a candle very carefully with both han (Photos by Jim and Madeline D. Debevec) The procession passes a crucifixion replica. The candlelight procession winds up the hill in ^ggtuf' the grotto at Our Lady of Lourdes Shrine in Euclid on day. May 31. FORMER JUDGE EDMUND J. TURK Attomey-at-Law (ODVETNIK) Total Legal Services Slovenian National Home E. 65th & St. Clair 391-4000 THOMAS G. LOBE Attorney-at-law — Odvetnik 833 Leader Building Cleveland, Ohio 44114 (216) 621-2158 Wills — Probate — Real E5tate .jon Auto Accidents and Workers Compen (Initial consultation ■ No Charge) There were 500 persons in attendance last Saturday at the Shrine. Jim 's Journal A backyard full of gold awaiting for the pickings by James V. Debevec p*11 one of our favorite Edna er er s novels Giant a young ra.ncher (played in the movie ° *he same name by James ean) discovers oil on his pro-Pehy and he puts up oil wells , bec°mes disgustingly rich. L°w and behold we have also educed that we are sitting on 'reasure in our yard and we dld" t even realize it. e read in last Saturdays ewspapers that it is a com-" Practice for certain Nor*15 'n tl1e sout*1 to eat ^‘rt- C] JUst anV brand of dirt, but Practice5 h °f faCt *he mn ,C ^as become so com- day if. f°lks are d>gging UP the v ^ lmporting it north for sum ^l466 rednecks to con-thet^ vvbenever the urge hits no ^’ ^°ll(s’ y°u need to look Driv Unher. than Bmshview tye h ln ^ici1mond Heights. , ave Plenty of clay in our WooH yTd’ back yard> in rbe and 5 eac*'ng to the creek, bot,^ Cleaner variety on the A ^^ihe creek. up with56 years we had to put Clair u rfsidents along St. dy about their san- Pound' wbich produces five Wide t0matoes or 10-inch had t 8eranium Bowers. We the len ta*Ce 3 back seat to al* ubout m6 that was 8rown Just rich soji Cf year through in the of I n, /,rom near the shores Cf e- out m nends’ eat your hearts We h e have struck it rich. tonsoM t0nS 3ncl tons and down C 3y'n 0ur yard. As far as you can dig, there is down „ ■ *j««Xpr'ci0“' S'cledishC*ay consumers desire; have - t0 tbeir repast, wi serve a their repast, we e 0rne 'ovely stones to d’oeUvS aPPetizers. For ScrumreS. there are Crabgrass°US • 3reas edelw„- ’ cbic-weed dJWei^. For hors some of and the discrJ'58; For the I 0^er dF ajln8 dirt gourmet we | dead opij aPPle tree leaves, the Piece H'ee.branches’ and Up grass nr resistance, dried What a 'PP'ngs- Emmmm, 3 ^i for the discerning dirt devotee. Yes sir, we have it all. — And it’s real dirt cheap! □ While on the subject, John Oster of the St. Clair area spoke to us last weekend to exclaim about his garden. He says he has beaten Charlie Tercek’s early lettuce arrival. He said his leafy vegetable was on the dinner table by the end of April. Looks like your tops, John. □ Did you ever wonder if the word gray should be spelled grey? We looked it up in the Doubleday Dictionary and grey is defined as gray but British. So if- you want to sound sophisticated and high-class, you can spell it grey, but if you feel down-to-earth, gray is proper. It’s sort of a gray area there. (I’m just a down to earth guy.) □ Did you ever notice how many animals there are in the comic pages. Dagwood has a dog, Ziggy has one, Sarge in Beetle Bailey keeps a look-alike, Charley Brown has a philosopher beagle named Snoopy, and so on and so forth. We wonder what it all 18 subscribers added in May The campaign for new subscribers to the American Home newspaper has netted 18 new readers during the month of May. The total includes 5 twice a week, and 13 Friday only. The 18 added to the year total of 88 brings the grand total to 117 new subscribers. Welcome to all the new readers and we hope you will find something of interest in the paper and we encourage you to send us your news and let us know what you prefer and what you don’t like. We hope to make you proud to be Slovenian. Look for the discount coupon in this issue for all NEW subscribers. Hickman & sons funeral home 21900 Euclid Ave. 481-5277 Bet'Veen Chardon & E. 222nd St, — Euclid, Ohio ROY g. SANKOVIČ funeral home .. Sonkovic-Johnston Funeral Home 1S3i4 v.tWLY rEMODEUED AND EXPANDED ^»cauley Ave (Cor of E 152 S(< & Lake Shore) Funerl 531-3600 a sto meet the financial status oj alt families. R°Y G. SANKOVIČ, DIRECTOR means. Some have other animals besides dogs like Garfield the cat and a duck belonging to Hagar the Horrible. There is a cartoon devoted entirely to animals by the title of “Animal Crackers.” And it’s amazing how we all take for granted that the animals can speak or think. It must have come from Walt Disney and his talking mouse which eventually lost its tail. Are there any non-continuing cartoons that do not have animals in them? The drawing which is really difficult for us to comprehend is “Marmaduke.” Some people laugh and laugh at the great dane dog until tears roll down their cheeks. We have difficulty understanding what’s so funny about a dog sleeping on the owner’s favorite rocking chair and the owner trying to trick him to get off. Must be something to it, though, because a large number of persons really love it. □ Eleanor Cerne Pavey has submitted the first part of her detailed article about her trip to Europe during the height of the terrorist crisis. On one WHO KNOWS 1. Who discovered the Hawaiian Islands? 2. Name the eighth President of the U.S. 3. How long is the Golden Gate Bridge at San Francisco? 4. Pugilism is referred with which art? 5. To what does Antho-graphy refer? Answers to Who Knows 1. John Cook. 2. Martin Van Buren. 3. 4,200 feet 4. The art of boxing. 5. Description of flowers. plane she sat next to a fellow Clevelander who was one seat over from the one which was blown out of the side of the TWA airliner when a bomb exploded on board which claimed three lives over Athens. The passenger saved himself by hanging on to his wife for dear life. by Lena Siewiorek Congratulations to Linda Canapa, daughter of Dr. and Mrs. Max Rak who recently graduated from Case Western Reserve School of Dentistry with high honors. Her class consisted of 102 students of which 28 were female. The award read as follows, “American Association of Women Dentists Award to the Jemale senior student for academic excellence and outstanding leadership.” Linda will be in residency at Metropolitan General Hospital. She is the wife of Dr. Charles P. Canapa, D.D.S. Congratulations, Linda, for an outstanding job. We are all proud of you, especially Mom and Dad. □ Congratulations to two of our area young ladies who have graduated from Erieview High School with Honors. Kristina Merdita was Valedictorian and Bridget Mivsek as Salutatorian. Both are graduates of St. Vitus school. We are all proud of you. Best of luck in your future endeavors. □ Mrs. Josephine (Jo) Godic was given a surprise party by the St. Vitus school children in honor of her 25 years as a cook. The auditorium was beautifully decorated and the Eleanor was a business teacher at Shaw High School in East Cleve., and was able to write down a good amount of details in shorthand so our readers will feel just as if they were on the trip with her. Watch for her exciting account beginning next week. youngsters performed on stage. Mrs. Godic was presented with a silver tray. Goodnight, Sweetheart Editor: On May 30 I read a newspaper obituary on the death of Lurene Tuttle, 79, an old time radio star. She appeared as Lela Ransom on “The Great Gildersleeve,” as “Mean Widdle Kid’s” mother on the Red Skelton Comedy Show, and she was best remembered as Sam Spade’s secretary, Effie. The program always ended with her saying, “Goodnight, Sam,” and he then replied, “Goodnight Sweetheart.” Howard Duff was Sam Spade. Miss Tuttle also played on many other radio shows such as Suspense, Grand Central Station, Lux Radio Theatre, etc. Old time radio buffs will remember her as a very versatile actress. F. Z. Krofe Sale St. Vitus Altar Society will have a krofe sale at the usual time and place. Lena Sees IT PAYS TO BE INDEPENDENT’ sP NDEPENDENT ►/WINGS BANK 6 Month to 36 Month Certificates $1,000.00 Minimum. High Rates. Variable Rate Checking* $100.00 Minimum to Open Account. $500.00 Waives Monthly Service Charge. ‘Balances $1,000 and greater earn variable rate Balances $100.00 thru $999.99 earn 5.25% Computed daily, Compounded monthly 5.50% Passbook $10.00 Minimum. No Service Charge. Computed daily, Compounded quarterly FSLIC Fed«'*' 4 lo»n xitwianc* Coip Your S»vmg* lmur#d lo tlOO 000 1515 E. 260th, Euclid, Ohio 44132 731-8865 920 E. 185th, Cleveland, Ohio 44119 486-4100 2765 Som Ctr. Rd„ Willoughby HIHs, Ohio 44094 944-3400 27100 Chardon Rd^ Richmond Hts., Ohio 44143 944-5500 6650 Pearl Rd., Parma Ht»„ Ohio 44130 845-8200 A Subsidiary of Independent Share Corp. AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 6, 1986 Let Not The Light Of Freedom Be Extinguished! American Home •Ameriška domovina SLOVENIAN MORNING NEWSPAPER AMERIŠKA DOMOVINA, JUNE 6, 1986 Madam Jul Will Read Your Lifeline by Dan J. Postotnik Sunday May 4,1986 was a rather special day for me, for it was on this day that I was reunited with a person from the old St. Vitus area, and had my fortune told for the first time in my life. I had not seen her to talk to in some 40 years or more. Since that time, she has taken on an unusual profession - the art of palm reading and fortune telling. She is JULIA JARMUSCH, the former Julia Adamic, and her professional name is MADAM JUL. Julia is probably the only Slovenian woman anywhere who plys this trade. I felt very comfortable with her, talking about old times in her neat bungalow in Euclid, Ohio. She “hit the nail on the head” on several things, with a couple predictions still hanging in the balance. I sure hope and pray these will come true. although only God has them in His hands. Madam Jul is a very honest and forthright person. “I am a poor man’s psychiatrist and Dear Abby all rolled into one”, said the genial Madam, who has spent most of the last 17 years reading palms, giving advice to the depressed and lonely, and also playing matchmaker to the younger set. The 73 year old widow and grandmother cautions: “It is a sin to take fortune telling seriously. If I knew the future, I would be in Vegas or Washington.” Many mothers whose children have drug problems, seek her advice. “They want me to scare them. But I tell the kids the real truth, that if they do not quit using drugs, they certainly will not live long.” Madam Jul is a tee-totaler, a non smoker, and is very high on good nutrition. She has a lot of fun in her life, and is proving to everyone that one can enjoy life to its fullest without all those harmful things including drugs. The TV newscaster Virgil Dominic has his lifeline checked by Madam Jul way you live today is how happy you will be tomorrow, she says. If a woman is too serious when she visits her, she tells her: “You should go to a convent, kid, the nuns have more fun than you do.” Madam Jul clearly enjoys getting involved in the lives of others. The purpose of her work, she says, is to bring happiness, not to fleece people. She won’t take money from the poor, but for “those who want to throw away their money, I figure fortune telling is a lot better than spending it on booze.” Madam Jul is not a mystic, or a spiritualist, does not take herself seriously, and you should not either. “I work on depressed people”, she continued, “people on dope, marijuana; I get them off of it. I try my best”. She calls herself a cheap psychiatrist, willing to listen and help people with all types of problems, from health and marriage to financial and social. She does not claim to know the future, only a little about the person whose hand she is holding and pointing a finger at. “Nobody knows the future, only God”, she often says, “If I knew I would be in Las Vegas, a wealthy woman.” A former cleaning woman, Madam Jul was a typical housewife. That was before she performed a gypsy dance at a company Christmas party. Encouraged by husband and daughters, she threw in the mop and picked up her tambourine for good. “It sure beats scrubbing floors”, she said. Today, she reads hundreds of palms a week, and has met many famous personalities, such as, Carol Channing, Don Rickies, Tom Jones, Tony Randall, Anthony Newley, Vic Damone, Liberace, Michael Stanley, Beverly Sills, et cetera. She has read two former Cleveland Indian baseball players, Mike Stanton Sid Monge. Calls for advice from US Senate aides. Appearing on a Jerry Lewis Telethon eight years ago. Madam Jul told Mac Davis he was going to get a divorce some day, have two children, and become a big star. She was right on all counts. Another correct prediction was the end of the baseball strike in July /e&. She also performed at a Birthday Party for Art Modeli some years ago, and has appeared at many Greater Cleveland restaurants, area hospitals, senior citizen homes, schools, and private parties. “Anyone who wants to raise money for a good cause, I will go there and help them. I run especially if you are Slovenian,” she said. Madam Jul works free at nursing homes, church festivals, and fund raisers. Parties are her specialty, and she loves to “ham it up” whenever the party gets a little dull. She puts her knowledge of dancing which she gained at the St. Clair Recreation many years ago, to good use, an entertains with gypsy, and soft shoe dancing. Mada (Continued on page Coming Events Sunday, June 8 St. Clair Hunting & Rifle Club Steak Dinner at Club’s farm at 6599 Ravenna Road. Sunday, June 8 West Park Slovene Home Booster Club Dance, 4583 W. 130 St. from 4 to 9 p.m. with Al Markič Oreh., West Park Button Box Club, West Park Diatonic Accordionists. Saturday, June 21 American Home Publishing goes on vacation. Saturday, June 21 Chicken Barbecue dinner, 4 to 6 p.m. at AMLA Recreation Center. Dance music by Joey Tomsick Orchestra. For tickets see any lodge secretary or AMLA Office 531-1900. Sunday, June 29 KSKJ Picnic on White Road St. Joseph Picnic Grounds from 1 p.m. until 9 p.m. with plenty of refreshments and music. Everyone invited. Wednesday, July 2 American Home Publishing returns from vacation. July 11, 12, 13 St. Vitus Summer Festival. Fri., Sat., Sun., July 11 - 13 Three days of Slovenian musical entertainment at SNPJ Recreation Center, Boro of SNPJ Pa. Wednesday, July 16 Slovenian Pensioners Club of Euclid annual picnic at SNPJ Farm on Heath Road from 1 p.m. until 7 p.m. Music, refreshments, cash prizes. Everyone welcome. July 17, 18, 19, 20 60th Anniversary Celebration of Slovenian Workmen’s Home in conjunction with Waterloo Trade Association. Sat., Sun., July 19-20 St. Clair Rifle Club — and Hunting Clubs from Toronto sponsor joint competition in clay pigeon shooting at farm on Ravenna Rd. Sunday, July 27 St. Ann Lodge No. 150 KSKJ Annual Feast Day Mass at St. Lawrence Church at 11:00 a.m. Dinner follows for all members at St. Lawrence Church Hall. Friday, Sat., Aug. 1, 2 Dedication to Slovenian Miners and Laborers at Iron World, Chisholm, Minnesota. Sunday, Aug. 24 Holmes Ave. Slovenian Home will honor Ed Bucar as Musician of the Year at t e nual Home Coming w parade and activities out o and inside from 1 p.m-°n-Saturday, Sept- 6 Annual AMLA Clam & Stea Bake at AMLA Recreate Center, Leroy, Ohio. Friday, Sept. 12 Card Party sponsorea Slovene Home for the ™ Auxiliary at St. Mary Auditorium on Holmes Sunday, Sept- 28 St. Clair Rifle Club Cla bake at farm on Ravenna Sunday, Sept. 28 S<. Vitus Altar S«.«; Chicken or Roast Beef^11 in St. Vitus Auditorium- Saturday, Oct. . P.S.W.A. Circle Three j ^ Anniversary dinner d^n e) Slovenian Society 20713 Recher Ave. Saturday, Oct. «8 r Glasbena Matica ^ Dance and Concert. jC Slogar Orchestra play5 111 for dancing. Sunday, Nov. 2 ^ Slovenian Symphony .n chestra tentatively Per ,orrivic Shore Center Euclid Center. Saturday, Nov. 8 iety Jadran Singing at Concert-Dinner-Da Waterloo Hall. Sunday, Nov. 9 ^ Fall Program sponsor Circle No. 2, SNPJ- Thursday, No^' h p0P Tony Petkovsek’s 25t show featuring 25 ban $ Joseph High School on and Lake Shore Blvd _ Friday, Nov. z” ivin& 4th Annual Thanhe im1’ Dinner Reunion o sloVe-Range at Co\\in*°od nian Home. „ ?8 Friday, No*'glovenia. Dinner-Dance at ^ National Home on 5 sponsored hy ga£ji0 Cleveland Slovenian CIUb Sunday, ^-^ven^ Show in fcuc,,u. . un'ie, cooperation W1 be^'. Slovenian Society f0( P of the Slovene Home Aged. Saturday, DeC’No. Slovenski Dorll y AMLA 75th Ann.ver|aoJ> ner Dance at t ^ ^er Av Society Music by Joe Fe