INNOVATIONS IN SLOVENIAN ELECTRONICS INDUSTRY Mojca Marc^*, Uroš Cvelbar^, Ljubica Kneževič Cvelbar"' "'Faculty of Economics, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia ^ Jožef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia Key words: Innovations, patents, electronics industry, Slovenia Abstract: We conducted a survey-type research of innovation activity and the use of intellectual property instruments in Slovenian manufacturing companies in the period 2004-2006. The results show/that companies in electronics industry have slightly more active innovation policy than companies in other industries. The electronic Industry companies typically have larger R&D departments, are larger companies, and have on average more new patents and products then other companies in Slovenian economy. Other aspects of innovation characteristics and behavior of Slovene electronics companies are presented and put into broader perspective by comparison to other Slovenian companies. Inovacije v slovenski elektronski industriji KJučne besede: inovacije, patenti, elel