SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA Instituted December 19, 1926 in Chicago, III. Incorporated December 14, 1927 in the State of Illinois. SLOVENSKA ŽENSKA ZVEZA V AMERIKI Ustanovljena 19. decembra 1926 ti Chicagu, lil. Inkorporirana 14. decembra 1927 v državi Illinois. MEMBER OF NATIONAL COUNCIL OF CATHOLIC WOMEN Spiritual Advisor—REV. CLAUDE OKORN, O.F.M. 823 W. Mineral St., Milwaukee, Wis. * * * Honorary President—MARIE PRISLAND, Sheboygan, Wis. Honorary Convention Delegate—BARBARA KRAMER, 480 Kansas St., San Francisco, Calif. * * * BOARD OF DIRECTORS. Founder—MARIE PRISLAND, 1034 Dillingham Ave., Sheboygan, Wisconsin President—JOSEPHINE LIVEK, 331 Elm Street, Oglesby, III. Secretary—ALBINA NOVAK, 1937 W. Cermak Road, Chicago S, Illinois Treasurer—JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR, 2C45 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois Auditor—MARY OTONIČAR, 1110 E. 66th Street, Cleveland 3, Ohio Auditor—KATIE TRILLER, 1724 Stanton Ave., Whiting, Indiana Auditor—ANN PODGORŠEK, 301 97th Ave. W., Duluth, Minn. * * * DIRECTORS of Recreational and Sports Activities: IVomen's Division—ELIZABETH ZEFRAN, 1941 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Juvenile Division—CHRISTINE MENART, 741 Main St., Vandling, Pa. * ♦ * Managing Editor—COR INN E LESKOVAR, 2032 W. Cermak, Chicago 8, Illinois Vice-President—FRANCES GLOBOKAR, 19192 Abbey, Euclid 19, Ohio State President of Colorado-Kansas-Missouri— ANNA PACHAK, 2009 Oakland St., Pueblo, Colo. State President of Wisconsin— ROSE KRAEMER, 4304 So. K.K., Cudahy, Wise. State President of Ohio-Michigan— ANTOINETTE TANKO, 6313 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio State President of Pennsylvania-New York— MARY TOMSIC, Box 202, Strabane, Pa. State President of California-Oregon-Washinglon— ROSE SCOFF, 2208 Mariposa, San Francisco, Cal. State President of Illinois-Indiana— MARY MULLER, 1846 W. 23rd St., Chicago 8, Illinois State President of Minnesota— BARBARA ROSANDICH, 1212 Sheridan St., Ely, Minn. * * * Finance Committee: JOSEPHINE LIVEK, MARIE PRISLAND, Sec’y., ALBINA NOVAK, JOSEPHINE ZELEZNIKAR * * * Scholarship and Benefit Committee: MARIE PRISLAND, President; JOSEPHINE LIVEK, ALBINA NOVAK * * * Home Office: 1937 W. CERMAK ROAD, CHICAGO 8, ILLINOIS Tel. Bishop 7-2014 ZARJA — THE DAWN Official Publication of the Slovenian Women’s Union of America Uradno glasilo Slovenske Zenske Zveze v Ameriki Published monthly — Izhaja vsak mesec Annual Subscription $2.00 — Naročnina $2.00 letno For SWU members $1.20 annually - Za članice SŽZ $1.20 letno Publisher: ZARJA, 1937 W. Cermak Rd., Chicago 8, III. Entered as second class matter November 13, 1946, at the Post Office at Chicago, Illinois, under the Act of August 24, 1912. Editorial Office: 1937 W. CERMAK RD., CHICAGO 8, ILL. Tel.: Bishop 7-2014 All communications for the next issue of publication must be in the. hands of the Editor by the tenth of the month. I 'si dopisi za naslednjo izdajo mesečnika morajo biti v rokah urednice do 10. v mesecu. DATES TO REMEMBER . . . April 2-3 — MIDWEST BOWLING TOURNAMENT, Joliet April 3 — Br. 16, So. Chicago, III., Games Party, St. George's Hall, 8 p.m. April 6 Br. 95, So. Chicago, III., Games Party, 8 p.m. Sacred Heart Church Hall April 7 — Br. 100, Fontana, Calif., Covered-dish, 7 p.m. April 9 — Br. 2, Chicago, III., Hat Sale sponsored by Choral Club St. Stephen’s Hall, all day and evening April 10—Br. 45, Portland, Ore., Easter Communion, St. Mary’s Cathedral April 10 — Br. 46, St. Louis, Mo., Easter Communion, 8 am. April 24 — Br. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio, Easter Communion, 9:45 a.m., Anniv. Banquet, 4 p.m. May 4 — Br. 21, Cleveland, Ohio, Chicken Dinner May 5—Br. 13, San Francisco, Calif., Whist Party May 13 — Br. 50, Cleveland, Ohio, Rummage Sale May 15—Br. 17, Misc. Card Party, West Allis, Wise. May 22 — 111.-Ind. State Convention, Br. 16, So. Chicago, III. May 25 — Excursion to Europe, Via ‘‘Queen Elizabeth” June 17 — Excursion to Europe, Via “Air France" jet plane June 6 — Pilgrimage to Shrines in Europe, Via TWA June 12 — Wisconsin State Convention and State Day, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wis. June 26 — Penna. State Convention, Br. 96, Universal, Pa. Oct. 2 — Ohio State Convention, Cleveland, Ohio Oiet. 9 — Br. 17, West Allis, Wise., Misc. Card Party HAPPY HIRTIWAY 1I\ APRIL Supreme Officers: April 4 — Frances Globokar, Supreme Vice-President, Cleveland (Euclid), Ohio Branch Officers: April 1 — Rose Pujzdar, Br. 41, Cleveland, Ohio April 2 — Emma Planinšek, Br. 20, Joliet, 111. April 11 — Johanna Chesnik, Br. 61, Braddoclt, Pa. Api'il l!3 — Josephine Kolar, Br. 43, Milwaukee, Wise. April 15 — Antonia Nemgar, Br. 19, Eveleth, Minn. April 15 — Jennie Zokar, Br. 51, Kenmore, Ohio April 20—Rose Molick, Br. 48, Buhl, Minn. MANY HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY! ZARJA ^DAWN OFFICIAL ORGAN OF THE SLOVENIAN WOMEN’S UNION OF AMERICA VOL. XXXII — NO. 4 APRIL, 1960 LETO XXXII — ŠT. 4 Easter Message Rev. Claude Okorn, O.F.M.: In all ages nations have celebrated their victories of war. Victory always calls for celebration. Easter represents Christ’s victory over sin and death. No wonder then that the whole world celebrates this great victory. During the past Lent we tried to be good, to be nice to our neighbor, to keep out of sin, to strenghten ourselves ^•gainst temptation. We have not been entirely unsuccessful. We may not have come up to our expectations, and we, of course, fell far short of our ideas. But we did try, And we did accomplish something. In fact the very wanting to improve ourselves, even in the face of dubious results, was already quite an accomplishment. It is by such repeated efforts that we finally achieve. On this glorious day when we celebrate the magnificent triumph and victory of Christ, we would do well to celebrate our small victories over our sins, our faults, and Weakness. If we have been able to do something, even if °n>y partial victory, and victory is always something to gladden the heart and give encouragement for yet further conquests. In this spirit: Happy Easter to you all. A Glorious And Joyous Easter To All! Dear officers and members: Spring, the joyous season of the year is here! Of all the old festivals none is joyous as Easter as it celebrates the Resurrection of Christ the King who gave to the world the priceless gift, that of unselfish service to others. Easter is the birthday of vibrant hope for every individual and for all the world. So, may I, imbued with the Christian spirit and softened heart wish you all “A Blessed Easter.” We are approaching the final Membership Campaign and this time the Pre-Convention Campaign which will start May 1, 1960 and close December 31, 1960. All particulars a;bout the Awards are found in the March issue of Zarja. The last campaign just closed has brought fine results. I want to express my gratitude to every participant for the efforts and assistance you gave so generously. We most likely have not solicitated all our friends In this campaign; therefore, we will have the opportunity this summer, and who knows, you might be earning a free trip to the Convention City of Ely, Minnesota for your award. April 2-3, 1960 the two days of our Midwest Bowling Tournament which was held in Joliet, Illinois at the Rivals Park I^anes. Congratulations to the Officers of the Bowling Deague, who have worked very hard with the preparations to make it a success! I wish to extend to each and everyone my heartfelt thanks, and especially to the Wisconsin Bowlers who came fromj so far. Keep it up girls, you are a credit to the organization. Again I say: "A Glorious Easter to All! Yours thankfully, Josephine Livek Pres. Velikonočna Poslanica Vsaka Velika noč je oznanilo novega življenja in nove Pomladi. Veselje in novo upanje vstaja vduši. Vsega tega ne bi bilo, da ni Kristus prišel na svet, trpel in umrl za ^'oveka in tretji dan vstal od mrtvih kakor je napovedal. Primerno je zapisal sveti Pavel: “Če Kristus ni vstal je Prazno naše upanje, je prazna naša vera, je prazno naše °znanjevanje." Toda Kristus je vstal In to je pravi vzrok hašega veselja za Veliko noč. Ljudje danes potrebujejo upanja, upanja v razmerah, 'Jer ne vidijo pravega izhoda, upanja v dušah, ki nočejo 'skati božjega usmiljenja. Nekdo je zapisal sledeče: Ljudje na busih mi pripovedujta svoje težave. Upajo, da se bodo iznebili bremena, ki '"h teži, s tem da ga delijo z drugimi. Mi katoličani dobro Vei»o, da je potrebna dobra spoved, da je človek zopet spodoben sprejeti udarce življenja in jih prav tolmačiti. Mogo-e Je za tiste, ki si hočejo olajšati dušo s tem, da pripovedujejo svoje težave drugim, začetek novega upanja, če naleti-” ha razumevajočega človeka, pripravljenega pomagati 111 sprejeti težave življenja. Naša naloga in pravica je, prinesti drugim upanje s tem, !l -Hm pomagamo olajšati breme, ki jih teži. Pomagajmo prinesti svetlobo v srca, ki kličejo v zbeganosti življenja: Gospod daj da vidim’. V tem smislu veselo Veliko noč v®ein. Blagoslovljene velikonočne praznike! Drage so-sestre! Velika noč je skoraj tukaj. Želim, da bi nam vsem trosila srečo in vzajemnost. Moje tople pozdrave pošiljam vsem glavnim odbornicam, gospodu Claude Okornu, članstvu Zveze in Urednici. Mesec April prinese gorke deževne dneve, zelene travnike, narcise in šmarnice. April je čas obdelovanja vrta. Približuje se predkonvenčna kampanja, katera se začne s prvini marcem 1960 in se zaključi 31. decembra 1960. Zato upam, da bo vsaka podružnica naše Zveze tekom leta tudi obdelovala vrt organizacije in pridobila novih članic, kar bo v veselje in ponos nam vsem. Tistim so-sestram, katere ste se potrudile v zadnji kampanji In dosegle lep uspeh, moja iskrena zahvala za vso velikodušno pomoč. Torej nadaljujemo z našim delom za blagor in porast velike organizacije. Dne 2. in 3. aprila 1960 sta bila dneva Srednje zapadne kegljaške turneje v Joliet .Illinois. Odbornice Kegljaške lige so si zaslužili našo zahvalo in čestitke za svojo trdo delo, da je bila turneja tako uspešna. Svojo iskreno zalivalo želim izraziti vsem in vsaki posebej. Naredile ste lep uspeh. Torej še enkrat, veselo Veliko noč! Josephine Livek, predsednica Activities No. 1, Sheboygan, Wis. — I am introducing myself as the new secretary of Branch #1, for 1960. In the few months that I am in office I have found that we have very fine co-operative officers and wonderful members. The greatest task of any secretary is — collecting the dues. Since I live out of the city of Sheboygan it will be difficult for members to cover the extra distance to my home to pay their assessments. Members who are unable to come to the meeting to pay their dues — meetings are held in the St. Cyril and Methodius Church Hall every second Sunday afternoon of each month — may send their dues to me by mail. I will return the assessments books properly receipted. Mrs. Mary Yertacic, 1814 So. 8th St., our treasurer, is also accepting dues at her home and likewise our former treasurer Mrs. Mary Turk, 1020 Alabama Ave. is being accommodating in this respect. May I take this opportunity to thank the members who so promptly responded to my reminder and paid not only past dues but also for the whole year ahead. In fact we have one member who paid her entire dues for 1961! I also wrote to all the younger members reminding them that they can carry more insurance than they now hold by transferring from Class A to Class B. There is no other organization in business who will give more insurance for so nominal amount. Why not take the advantage? Wish best wishes for a Happy Easter. Sincerely yours, Margaret Fischer, secretary No. 2, Chicago, III. — The main topic ot our March meeting was the participation we hope to have in the Pre-Convention campaign and already we have five new adult members to list. Thanks to sisters Eliz. Zefran and Rose Zalik who each enrolled two and to Jeanne Leben, who has one new member to her credit. It was also suggested that those workers who wish to, may subscribe all their new members to one or two candidates to enable them to reach the quota and be our “honorary delegates”. It was unanimously approved, as was our first chosen candidate, sister, Anna Zorko. Now, everyone to work! And let’s see to it that branch 2 is on top when they introduce the honorary delegates at the convention! Another suggestion made at the meeting was that each member who has moved or wishes to correct her mailing address, would do so immediately. This enables the secretary to keep a good record and we shall all be grateful for that. God bless you at this Eastertide With peace anew, God grant that hope and faith and love May dwell with you, God be your strength, your guiding light Along life's way. And keep you ever in His care Day after day. S.W.U. Directors and Officers In honor of St. Joseph’s day, all our members received gifts of St. Joseph purse-lets with the prayer and also, a St. Joseph Novena book written In Slovenian. These wee gifts of the president, Albina Novak. Those members who contributed to the St. Pat’s party shamrock, again handled in a most lovely way by Stephanie Osterman and Liz Zefran, were: Justine Holezan, Sophie Petrovič, Stephie Osterman, Mrs. Novak and yours truly. Party cakes wre brought by our birthday girls: Mrs. Antolin, Mrs. Gorlds, Mrs. Petrovič, Mrs. Mary Berce Mrs. Adamic, Mrs. Moline, Mrs. Zalik and Mrs. Kitz. Mrs. Tomazin again supplied the wine! Reported ill was Mrs. Magda Haidinyak — our best wishes to her for a quick return to good health. On the subject of the May meeting and program, all members were asked to be sure to attend on May 12th and celebrate this grand occasion. Mothers and grandmothers are asked to bring along their children. It will be at 7:30 p.m. at the usual meeting place, and in charge of arrangements are L. Zefran and A. Zorko and program, by yours truly. Reservations for the banquet at our State Convention on May 22 will be open until May 12th. The reservations are being handled by State President Mary Muller, who is presiding officer for this event to he held in So. Chicago, at St. George’s Hall. All members are also invited to visit the Choral Club’s Hat Sale on April 9th at the St. Stephen’s Hall. Beautiful spring hats will be sold at nominal prices. See you April ]4th; brief meeting but no social because of Holy Thursday. Corinne Leskovar No. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Greetings again from Pueblo! Nine new members were welcomed at the January meeting and at that time, the officers for the ensuing year were installed. Mrs. Klune, the retiring financial secretary, was presented a gift from feliow-officers in recognition and appreciation of her untiring efforts in every phase of lodge work. The February meeting was presided over by our vice-president, Mary Tezak, since pres. Anna Pachak was ill at the time. There was such a small contigent of members present, it was decided to hold the meeting in abeyance until the March session, when all important things would be discussed. At that gathering, the possibility of holding a Zveza Day was the main topic, and it was decided that the Denver branch will be contacted regarding this. If the festivities do take place in Denver, we shall charter a bus to take the Puebloans to that city. In all probability, it will be held in May to coincide with the Silver Jubilee of Denver’s branch, no. 63. If plans are changed to bring Zveza Day to Pueblo, the tentative date will be in August. We wish a very speedy recovery to all our sick members. May the Risen Savior shower blessings upon all! Happy Easter! Katherine Kochevar, Reporter No. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Congratulations to our fine member and her husband, Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Kameen, who celebrated their Silver Wedding anniversary Feb. 14tli with a Mass of Thanksgiving at St. Agnes Church, followed by a family dinner. Mrs. Kameen in daughter-in-law of our charter-president, Mrs. Anna Kameen, who was one of the proudest mothers at the gala affair. The Ka-meens have three children, daughters, Mary and Joann and a son, John. Our best wishes to them and many more years of wonderful family living to the honored couple. Sad news to report is of the death of our member, Ursula Mihevc, who is survived by her husband, Jacob, four sons and eight daughters. She also leaves two sisters, eleven grandchildren and five great-grandchildren. Mrs. Mihevc was a social member of our branch as is her sister, Mrs. Anthony Zagar. May she rest in peace. Our members are asked to please attend our meetings, so much more fun if there are more members present. The weather has been against us, but spring will soon be here, and we are hoping for the best. Welcome to all our new members! — Greetings to one and all, and a very I-Iappy Easter! Christine Menart, secretary S3 Slovenian Women’s Union Scholarship Award The Slovenian Women’s Union and its Scholarship Committee would like to help talented young people who have the necessary ability and perseverance to complete a college education. High school graduates! File your application with the Committee! The Scholarship grant is $200 per year. One of the objects of the grant is academic achievement and not financial assistance only. The applicant — if a girl — must be a member of our organization, if a boy, his mother, grandmother or a sister must be a member of our Union. All applications shall be filed on or before April 30th. For further information and applications write to: MARIE PRISLAND, President Scholarship Committee 1034 Dillingham Ave. Sheboygan, Wis. No. 14, Euclid, Ohio — After our March meeting we celebrated the quarterly birthday party. The refreshments were brought by the following members: Frances Ger-chrnan who celebrated her 75th birthday in March brought potica; Frances Kog brought strudel and a beautiful rosary which brought a nice sum into the treasury; Josephine Blatnik brought a hundred delicious doughnuts; Agatha Zajc, a delicious strudel, and I brought a cake. We also had 'oast beef done by our Pres. Amalia Legat. The best thing about the whole thing was that because it was Shrove 'Tuesday, none of us had to fast. 'f'he good time treasury was remembered by the following members: Anna Snyder, Frances Zuzek, Mary Home, Mary Walter, Anna Hrovat Katherine Tomazin, Tillie Spehar and Pauline Cesar. All of those who joined our sewing club are working very diligently on hnens which are to be given at our May meeting. Get your tickets from our Pres. Amalia Legat or other board member. In early April, vice-president, Mary Stražišar and her husband are leaving tor Yugoslavia. Mary will be very happy to see her mother, whom she has not seen for many years. Many Joyful days and a happy return! Still on the sick list is Sister Anna Zadnik. She sent us a thank you note t°r the pillow cases, and for the visit. Birthdays celebrated in April are the following: Ann Barbish, Justine Cerne, Katherine Cesan, Frances Globokar, Mary Gubane, Frances Chu-Kayne, Jennie Ivancic, Catherine Je-Vgc, Jennie Jevnikar, Alice Rose Kau-Sek, Helen Kaucic, Mary Kircher, A-J*lalia Laurin, Justine Skul'ca, Mary ombry, Anna Tomsic, Mary Tram-Pllsh, Vera Troha, Mary Ucman, Franks Udevich, Helen Urbanic, Helen Somrak, Jean Dragolic, Frances Zu-’ch, Ursula Zak and Mary Grill. Happy Raster to all our members, and please pay your dues early. Pauline Cesar, sec’y. N°. 16, So. Chicago, III. — Since I ''as appointed to the post of reporter o*’ the branch at the January meeting, ,, try to keep you informed of our doings on” to the best of my ability. At the January meeting all of our ’hiding officers were unanimously 6 ®eted to remain in office for the 'oniing year. Pauline Druga — one our auditors, resigned since she vould soon be taking on a full time ob of being a Mother. To Pauline, hanks a million” for a job well done v®r the past years! Marie Cieslik was jpl'ointed to take over the job. I know ai'ie will capably fill her new ap-’ O'ntment. l^ear members, please encircle SUN-AY APRIL 3, on your calendars. That’s the date of our “POPULAR GAMES PARTY.” The place? St. George’s Hall — 96th and Ewing, the time 8 p.m. Admission? $1.00 Let’s all cooperate and make this affair a huge success, both socially and financially. Will you please donate something towards this party? Prizes or bakery will be most appreciated. This is our Branch project and only by complete member co-operation can we say “A job well done.” Make a date with friends and relatives for a most enjoyable evening. Our branch will host the Illinois-Indlana State Convention on Sunday, May 22. The following members were selected to serve as the committee for this special day and also to prepare for our April 3rd Party; Jean Btick-vich, Chairlady and Mary Breberick, Gladys Buck, Marie Cieslik, Rose Sa-lakar, Marge Spretnjak, Ann Springer, and myself. As has been the custom for sometime now, any member that attended six or more meetings a year was treated to a chicken dinner. This dinner will be dispensed with this year, instead the ladies will be guests of the State Convention banquet. There will be more about the above in the next issue. A group of members paid their last respects and prayed the rosary at the bier of our member Mrs. Mary Pushek who passed away on Feb. 20. To her bereaved family our deepest and heartfelt sympathy. May her soul rest in peace. Our best wishes and heartiest congratulations to the proud new parents, Elmer and Pauline Druga on the birth of their first baby — David Elmer. Little David was born on Sunday, March 6th. Congratulations also to the happy Grandparents Mr. and Mrs. Steve Spretnjak. Of course we can’t forget the very proud Aunties, Marge and Sylvia . The grand-aunts of the little fellow are happy1 too, Mrs. Josephine Krai, our vice president, and Mrs. Frances Wine. Welcome to S.W. U. David, God love you! We also received the good news of the birth of Carolyn Marie Banicli. The little lass is the first Great Granddaughter of member Mrs. Rose Skul. Our most sincere congratula- tions on this happy occasion. Grand-aunts Dorothy Banicli and Ann Springer are too in line for best wishes from all of us. To our members who are ailing we wish all of you a speedy recovery. A happy and most blessed birthday to all of our members celebrating a new year this month. Let’s all make a standing date for the second Thursday of each month at St. George’s Hall at 8 p.m. The business end of our meetings is not too time consuming. Then we always have some delicious refreshments served so capably by Mrs. Buck and her volunteer crew. We all look forward to playing sociable games to “cap” off a sociable evening. Won’t you join us? Let’s make BRANCH NO. 16 one of the biggest and best of S.W.U. The officers and members of our branch take this opportunity to wish each and every member of our Union a most joyous and Blessed Easter. May our Risen Saviour bless you and yours and keep you in His care. Sincerely yours, Marge Prebil No. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Because of holy week, our April 13th meeting has been changed to April 20. Please attend as there will be many important things on the agenda. Since we have been chosen to host this year’s Minn. State Day, we have many plans to make. Our meeting in May will be rather special because we will have Miss Mary R. Lushene with us to show the colored movies she took on her recent trip to Europe. We cordially invite all our members to attend, May 11th. Many of our members are recovering from illness and to them we extend our heartfelt wishes for complete and speedy return to good health. The members wish all the best to our president, Antonia Nem-gar, now home from the hospital where she underwent surgery. Also home again is Mathilda Rebetz our recording secretary. At the same time she was hospitalized, her son, Frank was taken ill and spent some time in the same hospital. Other members to whom we extend the same good wishes are, Mary Mihevc, PRE-CONVENTION MEMBERSHIP CAMPAIGN MAY 1st to December 31st, I960 tjjj “Honorary Delegates” will receive free paid round trips to Convention City, Ely Minnesota in May, 1961. You can become an “Honorary Delegate” by reaching this quota of new members: 10 in class A — 10 in class B and 10 in Junior class. (One-way paid trips to those enrolling 5 in each class.) Sign up your relatives and friends and get in on the valuable awards which will bring you to the vacation-land of Minnesota. Albina Novak, secretary Mrs. Kaps, Mrs. Drobnich, Caroline Oberstar, Anna Mrkonic and Mrs. Zadkovich. Belated good wishes to all Josephines on their nameday, March 19th! To all our members celebrating birthdays, happy wishes. And, a joyful Easter to our supreme officers, officers and members all over the country. May you have a pleasant holiday and spring season. See you at the meeting, April 20th! Mary Lenich, sec’y No. 20, Joliet, III. — Our branch extends its heartiest welcome — to all bowling teams who will be our guests during the bowling tournament held here in Joliet at Rival’s — on April 2 and 3rd. We also welcome all our friends and other members who will come to Joliet for this tournament. We hope all of them will have a grand time here, and may their stay while with us be a pleasant one. Within three days in March wre lost two of our good members. First, Mrs. Anna Krall age 78 passed away after a lingering illness. She is survived by four daughters (Mary) Mrs. Anthony Sefčik, (Johanna) Mrs. Joseph Podobnik, Mrs. Anna Jerman and Mrs. Rose Wolfe. One brother, Mr. Mathew Ter-dich of Joliet and one sister Mrs. Joseph Sukle, also survive and numerous relatives. Mrs. Anna Krall joined on Nov. 18, 1928, recommended by our past treasurer, the late Rose Gorsich. Her husband died many years ago, while the husband of her daughter Mrs. Jerman passed away about six months ago. Mrs. Jerman is also our member. Mrs. Krall was well known here and a good mother to her family. Only a few days after Mrs. Krall passed away, another member suddenly was called into eternity, Mrs. Anna Rogel, age 75 years. She became our member Nov. 18th, 1928, bom in Žužemberk June 4th, 1884, recommended by the late Jennie Muster. She will be missed immensely by our members as many a time she attended our meetings bringing along the members in her neighborhood. When Zveza made a tour to Yugoslavia in 1938 she was one of the first ones applying for reservations with her daughter, Mayme, 18 years of age. She was a pleasant co-passenger and we all admired her good disposition and humor. Her maiden name was Gasperich. Her husband Frank passed away in 1923, prior to that she lost two infants. She is survived by daughter Mayme-(Mis. Mavrich) also four sons, Frank who was a township supervisor at one time, and whose wife Jennie is also a long time member of the branch—also Joseph, William and Edward all from Joliet, and nine grandchildren, a sister in Slovenia and many other relatives. As we note, that both members mentioned here, joined our branch Nov. 18, 1928. May they both rest in peace, and our condolences to the surviving families. Members who were on the sick list are Mrs. Jennie Sprengel, Mrs. Frances Pluth, who was confined in the Lying-Inn hospital in Chicago, and Mrs. Jennie Janezich. We wish them all a permanent recovery. Congratulations to our president Mrs. Emma Planinšek who once more became a grandma — Her daughter Mrs. Fred (Bertha) Hofer gave birth to a very darling daughter. They now have the “Hofers” four daughters and one son. Mrs. Geo. Gulash — gave birth to a healthy and bouncing son, two months after her mother Mrs. Mary Turkovich, passed away. She was our first member of the branch also of our parish who passed away in 1960. Mrs. Gulash is remembered as Isabelle Musich, and this is her first child. Our congratulations to both the Hofer and Gulash families, and may their newcomers bring joy and many years of health. “Bon Voyage” to our member Mary and her husband Peter Skoufas from Plainfield Rd. — w'ho sailed Mar. 25th on the Volcania for a trip to Europe, and a stay in Greece and Slovenia. Mrs. Skoufas is remembered as Mary Puncar, her maiden name. May their visit in Europe be a pleasant one. Before closing I take this opportunity to thank, my friends and relatives for their visits gifts, flowers and many get well cards send to me while in the hospital. Especially do I want to thank our officers and members for the flowers, cards and many ways of expressing their good wishes for a recovery, during my stay in the hospital and later at home. I will always remember your thoughtfulness and kindness. Josephine Erjavec No. 21, Cleveland, Ohio — The next event of the branch will be a chicken dinner and social games to take place on the regular meeting day. May 4th, and this, in celebration of Mother’s Day. Instead of the usual business meeting, which will be postponed, we will commence with the fun right at the beginning. The secretary will be on hand, however, to take dues payments. A special happy birthday to Mrs. Josephine Weiss, our treasurer. She is a fine, gracious and loyal member, always ready to help when help is needed and also a diligent worker for the branch! Vacation notes! Greetings to all our members were received from Cecelia Brodnik who is enjoying the balmy weather of sunny Florida. Hope her trip was a pleasant one! While on vacation, she visited Molly Strle, who is still one of our members even she lives in Florida. To all sick members, we send our fond get-well wishes. And a joyous Easter to all. Stella Dancull No. 22, Bradley, III. — Six daring women braved the heavy snow and wintery blasts of the blizfcardy evening of Feb. 25th to join Mrs. Mary Ritt-manic in her home for the regularly scheduled meeting. She was assisted by Miss Mollie Starasinich as co-hostess. A gift of $2.50 was to be presented to our past president who recently became the mother of her third son and fourth child. The new arrival was christened Steven Paul on Feb. 28 at St. Joseph Church. We congratulate the proud and happy parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sebastiani! Our presiding president Antoinette LuBtig closed business session with prayer. The social hour followed with awards going to Anna Lamontagne, Mollie Starasinich, Libby Kinder and Gabrielih Lustig. Refreshments of delicious potica and coffee were served. We must say the good time we had was well worth the venture in the very inclement weather and we trust it should be much more pleasant on Thursday. April 28th, when we meet again on South Wabash Ave. with Mesdames Anna Yakofcich and Helen Sebastian! entertaining. Gabrielle Lustig, reporter No. 23, Ely, Minn. Dawn Club — Recently our city observed the 10th annual Winter Carnival and a free pancake breakfast opened the festivities. Over 1500 people were served at that affair. After noon, there wa3 a skiing, sledding and skating contest for the youngsters with prizes for the winners. Then, the biu; attraction came, a log-sawing contest with vain-able prizes given to the winners! In WISCONSIN STATE CONVENTION AND 30th ANNIVERSARY The activities for 1960 are under-way in the State of Wisconsin and the cooperation from the membership has been excellent. We will have eight teams represented in the Midwest Tourney in Joliet. At this time I wish to thank Marie Floryan, Mary Starich and Mary Ivancic for their great co-operation. On Sunday, June 12th, Wisconsin will celebrate its Second Annual State Convention Day, and with it, Br. 43 will also celebrate its 30th Anniversary. The honored guests at this occasion will be our four charter members, namely our president, Josephine Kolar, Celia Marolt, Christine Rebernisek, and Antonia Velkovrh. In Wisconsin we have five branches. Br. 1, 12, 17, 43, and 102 who will participate in the Wis. State Convention Day. Letters have been sent to your branch delegate in regard to electing a delegate at the April meeting, to represent their branch, officially, at the State Convention. Last year’s convention was exceptionally well attended. New friends and also new ideas were brought forward. In the May issue all details on the Wis. State Convention will be printed. Fraternally yours, _________________________________________Rose Kraemer, State Pres, of Wis. the evening, the Queen’s Ball was held hi the Community Center And. where a Queen was chosen from a list of Reven beautiful girls — the Queen to reign for the year as our Carnival Q’leen. On Sunday, the ever-popular fish-contest attracted over 9000 persons, with a $1,000 bond as first prize for the biggest fish caught. The entire event was wonderful and a great spirit prevailed in our city throughout! Our meeting was opened by Dawn Club president, Ann Miklavsek; and the calling committee for this year be: Molly Richards, Stephanie ^ranesich, Ann Rowe and Mary Vidmar. After the business meeting, our ®xchange of Valentine hankies was held with a games party following at ''"hich various little prizes were given to lucky winners. Delicious and beautifully decorated heart-shaped cakes tor each one present and coffee was served by the committee in charge, ^he April lunch committee will be: Rose Pucel, Molly Richards, Mary ^idmar, Mary Knapp and Patricia “°ftz. The attendance prize went to "ranees Zakrajšek. Congratulations to our officers for ;he year elected at the January meet-nS: president, Ann Miklavsich, vice-president, Emma Pucel, secretary, “arbara Brennan, treasurer, Stephanie Vranesich, reporter Ann Rowe. lhe books were audited at that meet-nS and thanks to our fine auditors, ^■•Helia Mainer and Mary Zgonc. On Jan. 15th, former Ely resident, "ev. Michael Papesh, 51 years of ®jjSe. passed away unexpectedly at he st. Martin’s parish house in o\ver, Minn., shortly after offering J^ornlng mass at the church. Al-hough Fr. Papesh had been ailing °r the past few years, he continued 0 take care of his regular duties as d Driest and pastor. His untimely death as a shock to the community, he bereaved family, father, five 'others and four sisters, are extend-Q sincere condolences. Father Pa-Pesh was bora in Ely on July 30, 9^8 and after completing his ele-entary studies here, attended Cathe-ral High school in Duluth. He stu-ed f01. priesthood at Nazareth n'i of the St. Paul Seminary and ®s ordained on May 30, 1935. He e'ebrated his first Holy Mass at his °me parish church of St. Anthony j^a I’adua in Ely on June 2nd 1935. e served as assistant pastor in 'bbing at Blessed Sacrament church ZaK*1 1941 and was then at st-abeth’s in Duluth until 1954. He was ^stor of St.. Joseph’s in Gilbert from toe» until 1956 when he was appointed St. Martin's in Tower. He would ave celebrated his silver jubilee as Priest this year. D Many distinguished clergy were eSent at his funeral as well as hun- dreds of his former parishioners. May his noble soul rest in peace! A speedy recovery to all who are convalescing. A joyous and blessed Easter to all. Ann Rowe, reporter No. 32, Euclid, Ohio — The March winds howled and with them, came the cold weather and plenty of snow. This was the reason for the poor attendance at the March meeting. Since I did not write last month, I have a few newsy items. The month of February kept the stork busy. Our member, Frances Sokach became greatgrandmother for the first time when her granddaughter had a girl. Sister, Mary Praznovsky became great-grandmother for the fourth time and sister, Marie Koss is grandmother also for the fourth time when sister, Marilyn Lekan was blessed with a girl, who will keep her three brothers company. Congratulations to all and the best of good health to the newborn. Our treasurer, Molly Gregorc’s son was engaged recently. Congratulations! On the sick list is Mary Noda, who underwent surgery and is now on the mend. My mother, Anna Godlar, was also hospitalized and is now well again. To all the sick members, we say, may God grant you good health! Our member sister Caroline Kali-ope and her husband have made California their home. Lots of luck to you In your new location! At this time, I want to cordially invite all of you to the May meeting. The social part of the evening we will celebrate with the birthday observance of the past months, and also to honor all the mothers for Mother’s Day. Do plan to attend, as we will do something different at this meeting! Please remember to bring along tax stamps to help boost our treasury. See you May 3rd! Ann Cooke, reporter No. 34, Soudan, Minn. — A pall of sadness fell over Tower and Soudan when on the morning of January 15th, just around 9 o’clock, our beloved pastor Rev. Michael Papesh left us suddenly for his eternal home. He was stricken with a heart attack as he was making a telephone call to his sister-in-law, Mrs. Frank Papesh, and had just told her he was feeling good. To us who had just returned home from morning Mass which he celebrated, and received Christ in communion from his hands, it was a terrible shock! May God grant him eternal rest! Our meeting a few days later was not too well attended as a majority of our members were sick with the flu. Those of us who were present enjoyed the evening. The meeting was conducted by Mrs. John Pahula in the absence of our president, Mrs. Edward Draga von who was at the bedside of her husband, who was very ill at St. Mary’s Hospital in Duluth — we all hope and pray he recovers soon. Following the business meeting a social hour was held and prize winners at cards were Mmes, Anton Zol-lar and William Lilya. Mrs. Mary Pahula won the attendance prize. The evening was concluded with a luncheon served by the hostesses, Mmes .Victor Chiabotti, Herman Mesojedec and John Pahula. At the last meeting before the Lenten season a large number of members were present February 17th. Plans were made for the reception for Father John J. Golobich which was held on Sunday, Feb. 21. Father Golobich was appointed to take over the duties left vacant by the death of Father Michael Papesh on January 15th. During the business meeting election of officers was held and present officers were unanimously re-elected-these being Mrs. Edward Dragavon, president; Mrs. John Pahula, vice-pres.; Mrs. Mary Pahula, sec.-treasur-er; Mrs. Nick Tekautz, recording sec.; Trustees: Mrs. Frank Planton, Mrs. John Zavodnick and Mrs. Joseph Gor-nick; reporter, Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel. THREE CHEERS FOR OHIO AHD MICHIGAN!!! Ohio and Michigan state branches on top with 107 new members! A great big thank you to all for doing your share, to bring our states to the winners circle! This made me very happy and honored! A new membership campaign Is starting on May 1st and will end, Dec. 3lst. Let’s all get busy a secure at lease 680 new members — the number needed to bring our adult membership total to 10,000 by next May. So, the National Convention is really our goal — and it’s justt a round the corner, so to speak, May, 1961! If we all pitch in and get to work, this quota will 'be easy to achieve. The meeting of Ohio branches on March 9th was well represented. Branches we missed were nos. 10—32—73. Keep the date of May 11th open for the next meeting at 1 p.m. This will be a very important date because we have no meetings in the summer and will recess between May and August 10th. Winners and scores of the Eastern Get-together Bowling Tournament will be in the May issue. The affair was expected to be a fine success! Tickets have been sent to all branches for our Oct. 2nd State Day and Convention. It is up to the officers and members to do their utmost and in this way, to bring success to all the branches. This year, we are not only having a queen, but a princess also, to be the queen’s “lady in waiting”. So, the second highest seller will receive the title princess and be awarded a beautiful prize as well. Who will be the 1960 Queen and the 1960 Princess? Antonia Tanko, State President Following the business meeting a social hour was held and prize winner at Hearts was Mrs. Peter Yapel, and at “500” Mrs. Ramon Berg and Mrs. Frank Planton. Mrs. Edward Draga-von won the attendance prize. The evening was concluded with a delicious lunch served by the hostesses Mmes. Joseph Zupanich, I.ouis Zupan-ich, and Tony Planton. There will be no meetings during Lent, members can pay their dues In person to Mrs. Mary Pahula, so the next meeting will be held on Wednesday April 20th. At that time the hostess committee will be Mmes. Michael Musich, William Vollendorf and John Tekautz. A Happy Easter to all SWU members from Branch 34! Mrs. Anthony F. Yapel, Reporter No. 45, Portland, Oregon — Our condolences to the Lubich family on the loss of their husband and father, Mr. Lubich who passed away recently, may he rest in peace. At the February meeting some decisions were reached on matters coming up during the next months. Mildred Quinn reported about a dance planned for the last part of April. We hope that members will give full cooperation to the social committee, and that the dance will be a huge success. We would like to have a large attendance at the May meeting, as after the business section we will have a party to honor our Mother of the year, Mrs. Cecilia Pezel. During June, July, and August no meetings w'ill be held, so members who are in arrears with their dues please come to the May meeting and pay your dues. March meeting was cancelled on account of bad weather conditions. Wishing you all a Blessed Easter. Louise Struznik, Sec’y. No. 50, Cleveland, Ohio — Our February meeting was not as well attended as we had hoped. The weather has been so bad lately, many do not venture out! Two of our new members, Tillie Moljevac and Christine Duche were present — and it was nice to have them with us. After the meeting, the luncheon served was donated by Cecelia Žnidaršič. It was really delicious! Thank you Cecelia! Afterward, a game was played for the amusement of everyone. Since I hadn’t attended the January meeting, due to my stay at the hospital at the time, this gathering was really a treat, for me. I want to thank all the members who remembered me with cards and prayers during my illness. May God bless you all. One of our faithful members, Ann Dekleva, became a grandmother for the second time when her daughter, Dorothy, presented the Deklevas with a new grandson, Stephen Dominic Tusek. Congratulations to the family! A correction must be made on the wedding anniversary of Tony and Cecelia Žnidaršič as seen in the Feb. Zarja. It was their 40th wedding anniversary and not Silver — making it an even more wonderful observance. One of the "officials” at the mock wedding of Tony and Cecelia was Tony Petkovšek, who is a good family friend. He is the husband of our deceased member, Mary Petkovšek, who passed away in September. It was the last time many of us had seen her alive, that day at Lopp's farm. Since the January meeting, we lost another old-time member, Olga Slapnik. She passed away Jan. 22nd. Olga surely earned a high place in heaven for her suffering before she died. We hope she is resting in peace. Jennie Kepic has been reported ill. We wish her a speedy recovery. Mrs. Frances Mihelich, mother of three of our members, namely, Frances Mace-rol, Mamie Mihelich and Julia Giam-betro, suffered a stroke in January; but, under the loving care of her daughters, she is doing much better. We hope she will soon be up and around. Congratulations to the members celebrating birthdays and anniversaries in the months of February and March. Please let us know of these news items so we can acknowledge them and report in this column. We like to know about our members; it makes interesting reading. Sometimes we find out too late and then the member feels hurt because it wasn’t mentioned. Please call any of the officers for all notifications. A Rummage sale is planned for May 13th. It is a good source of revenue for our branch, so we are asking all the members to collect any clothes or other items they don’t need any longer, and bring them to the Baraga Dom on St. Clair Ave. Or, call us up and we’ll be happy to pick them up. We will have more details a'bout this event in the next issue. Workers will also be needed, so if you can spare a few hours, it will be very appreciated. On Oct. 2nd, the combined branches are having the Ohio State Convention Banquet at the Slov. Home on Waterloo Rd., to which you are all invited. Keep the date in mind. A Queen will be crowned at that time in tribute of her good work in selling tickets. Hope our branch comes out in front! Secret Reporter of the month, signing off! Mary Loushin, secretary No. 52, Kitzville, Minn. — Once again, the month has rolled around and yours truly has a touch #f spring fever. It just seems that 1960 is flying by. We held our meeting at the Little Grove with twenty members present. The business was very brief. Plans were discussed on a bake sale after Easter. And, our white elephant sale was a big success. Sister, Josephine Oswald, our president, led us in pray at the close of the meeting’ No sick members were reported and all the old ones seem to be on the recovery list. Should there be anyone we’ve missed, we extend all the best wishes for a speedy recovery- The social of the evening was hostessed by: sisters, Margaret. Jemllc-Celia Politano, Mary Tocher and Alice Baratto. Participants of soWB wonderful prizes were sisters, Jose-phine Oswald, Angeline I-Irovat, Rose Chiodi, Julia Mancuso, Betty Stra-zishar and Alberta Russo. This brought an enjoyable evening to & close. We hope a lot more members will be present next month, and we wish each and every one, a very Hap" py Easter. Gertrude Kochevar, reporter No. 55, Girard, Ohio — Considering the bad weather we have had, so proud to report that our attendance has been wonderful. At our January meeting Mrs. Christina Cernich, and Miss Christina Cernich, and Mrs. Anna Babich were on the committee and the 'unch they served was so different and so delicious. Mrs. Alice Cernich was the lucky recipient of a nice gift that night. We had two new members with us and they were Mrs. Martin, Proposed by Mrs. Biscan, and Mrs. Pensza, proposed by Mrs. Mary Luhz. It was so nice meeting you ladies and hope you’ll enjoy our meetings. At our February meeting instead °f our annual hanky exchange, we had a cover dish supper which was attended by 30 ladies. The variety of tood was delicious and so excellent. Chairlady was Mrs. Anna Catone assisted by Mrs. Margaret Tripoti, Mrs. Angeline Hlasta, Mre. Anna Kren, and Mrs. Olga Rogel. The tables were set >n form of a T, overlaid with white c'oth and the floral centerpiece was tanked by candelabras holding red candles with cupid resting on the center candle and the favors were red elephant banks. Mrs. Julia Novosel’s letter was welcomed and full of lodge spirit, and °hly sorry to hear of her daughter’s accident. Hope by now that she is "'ell and that we will see Mrs. Novosel soon at our meetings. The ladies sang birthday greetings t° the following members celebrating “Irthdays in the month of February: Mfs. Mary Luhz, Miss Helen Swabek, Mrs. Therese Severenski, Mrs. Anna Catone, Mrs. Sophie Kren, and Mrs. ^hgeline Bernard. It was so much fun doing this, that a motion was made to this every month. So ladies try to j^nie and attend our meeting, especial-y your Birthday Month. Mrs. Marie Cvetnic was a guest of Mrs. Martin and Mrs. Biscan, and so nice again to have Mrs. Florence Luhz attend our Valentine Meeting. It was talking to you Florence and will ave to last until you come back to ^'rard again. Florence has been in Girard a few Months waiting the arrival of a new granddaughter of her daughter Ber-iRe. Congratulations to all of you. Mrs. Margaret Umeck and yours 1 u'y 'vere the two lucky ones to have epeived the prizes in February. Miss Sylvia Copich, a busy school eacher, counted and mailed tax ^ anipSi an(j amount received will °tae in handy for our Treasury. Her 'other, Frances Copich, when living aity; I'lck Th ed up where her mother left off. anks Sylvia. tak ^ rnother and daughter banquet will Mehalco, Mrs. Mary Luhz, or Mrs. Theresa Ix>zier no later than May 5th. Mrs. Anna Kren has been on our Sick list, along with our Slovene Reporter Emma Zore who was hospitalized for a while. Sorry I didn’t get to visit the both of you, but do hope by now you are both well and about. I’ll close with wishes for a “Happy and Blessed Easter” to all the officers, to our officers, and to our dear members. Anna Marie Racick No. 56, Hibbing, Minn. — Our meeting held March 8, 1960 was opened with a recitation of the Rosary. It was gratifying to see the large attendance present, and also that no members were reported on the sick list. Ann Satovich, president, thanked the ladies who assisted in the pastry sale which was a huge success and resulted with a sizeable increase in our Union’s bank fund. The ladies who regularly help make pastries were present as usual. However, some of our senior members, namely: Ursula Zaic, Frances Strojan, Ann Rapinac, Frances Prosnick, Mary Gruden, Anna Staudahar, Caroline Kozina also joined in the hard work. Philomena Sui-cich and Barbara Doshen were present as usual to make the dough. There was much laughter, jokes and all the ladies enjoyed making the pastries — turned out to be a fun fest. Thanks to all the ladies who assisted. Coffee was served after the meeting and followed by card games. Prizes were won by: Canasta — Mary Bissonette, Angela Genac; 500 — Claire Simmons, Theresa Hattam; Popular game — Catherine Muhvich and Mary Massich. We were happy to see Frances Bernard at the meeting — we have missed you. Mary Putzel returned from her trip to California where she visited her daughter and other relatives. She enjoyed her trip very much. Speaking of California, we Minnesotans have been enjoying a wonderful winter — no snow here except for spots here and there — it seems all the bad weather just went around us and missed us. Best Wishes to All for a Very Happy and Blessed Easter. Mary Ayotte, Reporter ays did this job, so now Sylvia £ 6 place at the Mahoning Country ^0 On M 19th of R n rn tion; on May 12th at 6 p.m. Reserva-8 may be made with Mrs. Mary No. 57, Niles, Ohio — Due to the severe cold weather, our meeting for the month of March wasn’t too well attended. There were enough ladies present to have an enjoyable meeting. For the past month, we’ve been trying to dig ourselves out of the deep snow, but ole man winter won’t give us a break. Our section of Ohio has been really hit hard by the severe storm. Our Valentine Party was enjoyed by everyone as we exchanged gifts representing Valentine’s day. The usual lunch was served and games were played. Back from her vacation in sunny Florida is sister Mary Opalka. She says it’s really beautiful down there and the ideal place to spend your vacation. She brought back many souvenirs and loaded down with oranges. At our meeting she gave everyone a gift of a few oranges. Thanks Mary, they were delicious. To our president, she gave a miniature gold bell, which I know she will use at the meetings. Talking about Florida, another one of our members, sister Vera Halko, was vacationing there for two weeks, visiting her son. Early plans for a Mothers’ Day Party were discussed, but more about that will be brought up at our next meeting. Still on the sick list is our very dear loyal member, sister Frances Kosance. See you all at the next meeting. To everyone, a happy and joyous Easter. Frances Hribar, Reporter No. 63, Denver, Colo. — It was a pleasure to see so miany of our members at the January meeting. We had installation of officers and a wonderful time was had by all. Rev. Fr. Mihelich gave a nice talk. I would like to thank all the ladies for the delicious things they donated to make our party so grand and to those who helped serve. A special thanks to Josephine Siegworth who prepared the food. And, sincere thanks to all my officers for the work they so faithfully do throughout the year. With our silver anniversary coming up on May 14th we will need much of your help, so please do not refuse us when we ask. To our sick members, a speedy recovery. Happy Easter to all. Mary Kovac, reporter No. 63, Denver, Colo. — At the first meeting of the year, our good officers were elected to serve this year, and they are: spiritual director, Fr. Leopold Mihelich; president, Mary Kovac: vice-president, Cecelia Kreil-ing; secretary, Mollie Svigel; treasurer, Johana Krasovic; recording secretary, Ellen Nartnik; auditors: Josephine Siegworth, Anna Rzszkow-ski and Frances Graze. Marshall is Anna Mikan. We will still meet on every fourth Sunday of the month at 2 p.m. at the Slovenian Home at 4468 Washington St. In June and July there will be no meetings and on August 28th, we will hold our semiannual meeting. We have so many important things to discuss, it is hoped that many members will try to attend as many meetings this year as possible. Our chosen Mother of the Year was selected and she is Johana Kras-ovic, our treasurer. Congratulations. May 14th is the date of our 25th anniversary celebration. We have planned a baked ham dinner with all the trimmings for G o'clock supper. Afterwards, we will have a few introductions and then, a gala dance. It is hoped that all our members will be present and bring along many friends. Twenty-five years is a memorable length of time and we hope to really celebrate it in the right spirit. I believe the best way to observe this anniversary would be if every member would enroll one new member, as her gift to the branch and our beloved organization. That would be the REAL, LASTING way to celebrate. Good luck to all of you, and let’s hope there will be some new members this year! Speedy recovery to our sick members and may you all be happy and healthy soon again. Best wishes for a Happy Easter to all officers and members. Mollie Svigel, sec’y No. 73, Warrensville Hgts., Ohio — Our March meeting was not held on the regular meeting date due to the bad weather; therefore, no news! Just a reminder to our members a-bout the anniversary dinner to be held on April 24th at Sokol Tyers Hall. Congratulations to Laveme Zbas-nik and her new baby daughter. Also, two of our members became grandmas again: Prances Travnik’s daughter had a baby girl and Sophie Mauer’s daughter-in-law, Donna, also a baby girl. Best wishes to all. Our wishes for a speedy recovery are extended to Angie Ghibas’ husband, Louis, who has been hospitalized at Highland View Hospital following an accident several months ago. To all who may be celebrating their birthdays or anniversaries “Our Very Best Wishes” and to those who are on the sick list “A Very Speedy Recovery”. — I would like to close by wishing each and everyone, “A Very Happy Easter"! Rosemary Mauer, reporter No. 74, Ambridge, Pa. — The month of April is here with Easter just around the corner. Everyone will be getting ready for the Easter Bunny and I hope we'll have a nice turnout for the meeting, so that we can discuss our plans for Mother’s Day. Deepest sympathy to sister Rose Prebeg on the loss of her father. May the perpetual light shine upon him. To all celebrating birthdays and anniversaries this month, wishes for many more years of health and happiness. To all on the sick list, speedy recovery. See you at the meeting. Happy Easter! Mary Habich, president No. 92, Crested Butte, Colo. — For our February meeting held at Prank’s Cafe, hostesses were Mrs. Kochevar and Josephine Kriz.manich. Get well wishes are extended to president, Frances Greenfield who is still on the sick list. In the past few weeks we have had several snow storms and the snow has really piled up! Our meeting March Gth was held at the usual place and both meetings were presided over by Helen Cobai in the absence of Mrs. Greenfield. Hostesses for this meeting were Ann and Margaret Malenšek. Congratulations to sister, Josephine Somrak, chosen as our Mother of the Year! Our two new members, Pauline Stajduhar and Georgia McDaniels were initiated into the fold. We know they both will be very good members. Welcome to them! Let us truly be aware of this holy season of Lent. When you kneel at God’s altar Easter morn, thank Him for His priceless gifts. And, amid the joys of Easter, remember the abandoned, those who are deprived of all knowledge of God. Pray for them and let us all help to bring back the lost sheep. May the risen Savior shower His graces and blessings upon you. Your reporter, Helen Cobai No. 95, So. Chicago, III. — Another event of special interest on April 6th at 8 p m„ will be our Games Party to be held in the lower hall of the Sacred Heart parish at 96th and Exchange. There will be table prizes, door prizes and many beautiful gifts. Tickets are $1.00 and two were mailed to each member so we hope many of you will attend. Should you have failed to receive your tickets, we probably do not have your correct address and to remedy this, please get in touch with our chairlady, Evelyn Ashenbrenner, 9724 Exchange Ave. SO. 8-8190 and she will be happy to take care of it. Won’t you plan on coming and bring along your friends for an enjoyable evening? We hope those who cannot make it will want to donate something towards the treasury and you can rest assured, it will be most appreciated. Also, ladies, your bakery goods have always been an outstanding contribution to the popularity of our events. May we ask you to bring one item of bakery goods, canned goods or a prize gift, whichever you choose will be gratefully accepted. Mary Barcevac and Sylvia Werner will be in charge of the kitchen duties on that night and they will need some assistance, so, we hope for volunteers to help in these duties. At our March meeting, there was a discussion about forming a bowling team. Those interested should get in touch with Mary Barcevac, 9228 Colfax Av. In the absence of Evelyn Ashenbrenner, home with a cold, our recording sercetary’s duties were ably carried out by Louise Dichele, to whom we extend sincere thanks. At this meeting, our auditors, Ann Kompare, Viola Spitz and Mary Kahn checked the books and found them in very good standing. After the business session, our state representative, Nick Svalina and his charming wife, Fedelia, showed colored movies of their trip to Yugoslavia. The ladies were delighted and Impressed by what they saw and heard from Fedelia Svalina’s excellent commentary during the film. We sincerely appreciated their coming out on such a cold night to show the movies and many, many thanks to you, Mr. & Mrs. Svalina. Accept our sincere birthday congratulations to members who celebrated in March: Catherine Alfire-vich, Catherine Banovich, Zorka Beg-ich, Anna Bozich, Ann Buckovac, Manda Dosen, Helen Golleh, Ann Granich, Elaine Grankowski, Cecelia Isek, Margaret Johnson, Mathilda Jones, Mary Karich, Lucy Kopilash, Evelyn Markezich, Helen Mazar, Rose Nowak, Ann Pave, Ann Pearson, Catherine Placzkowski, Helen Rapa-ich, Mathilda Sabljak, Viola Spitz, Eva Starcevich, Marija Udovich, Rose Yergovich, Josephine Zadro and Marie Zeffiro. May good health by yours for many happy years. The following ladies donated cakes and also were our hostesses for the evening: Mary Barcevac, Helen Golitah, Ann Granich, Ann Pave, Viola Spitz, Sylvia Werner, Rose Yergovich and Josephine Zadro. Coffee was donated by Mary Kozul. An important announcement to all members! Since we may not notify you except through the May issue of Zarja, you are requested to attend church on May 4th for the May devotions. We will assemble at 7 p.m. in front of the church before escorting our Mother of the Year, Ljuba Trgovac inside. Afterward, we will all proceed to the lower hall where all the members will be treated to refreshments and share in the joys of the occasion, as well as to congratulate and speak with our chosen mother personally. We would like to extend an invitation to her family and friends to join us for that evening. A speedy recovey to all members who are ill. Also, to each and everyone, a Happy Easter. Mildred Jaimes, Pres. EX. 5-5789 No. 100, Fontana, Calif. — Our March meeting was held at the usual place, but it was wished that there would be more members present. We had the report of the rummage sale and thanks go to each and everyone who worked hard for Its success. We had many donors, and to each themi, many thanks. Without your help we could not have (lone anything. You know, our treasury needs a boost and we must enlist the help of everyone to give us new ideas, how to raise some money. Notice to all members! At the last meeting, it was decided to hold a covered dish supper for our members and families to celebrate our 3rd anniversary. And each niember is asked to bring a covered dish for the table. I am appealing to all of you to come to our meeting and help us plan what to bring. Don’t forget, April 7th at 7 o'clock. We’ll be seeing you all. A surprise birthday party was held at the SNPJ Hall in honor of our member, Mary Lipovec, who really deserves it because she is always willing to help everybody. There were over 100 persons present. A gift from the Ladies Club was presented at their banquet to our Frances Lukan-mh on her 70th birthday. Frances is another wonderful member and always ready to report the news from bere in the Slovenian section of Zarja. A very happy birthday to all of our members. Thanks to Florence Strnad for Presiding at our meeting in the absence of president and vice-president. A speedy recovery to all our sick members, and a very joyful Easter to all our members, supreme officers and members throughout the land! May God bless you. Anna Petrich, reporter No. 105, Detroit, Mich. — First of all, loads of thanks to Julia Panzica for being our wonderful hostess In the month of February. We celebrated her birthday along with St. Valentine’s day with a beautiful pink, heart-shaped cake baked by Pauline Adamic. It was as good as it looked. Pauline does so many nice things for the ladies that it makes it worth while just to meet together once a month. Thanks again, from all the ladies to Julia as well as to Pauline. We just roared at the trick candles Pauline put on the cake. It really made the afternoon very enjoyable. And, Pauline received the hostess’ gift. It's rather late, by we wish a sincere happy birthday to our secretary, Kathryn Musick. We hope these w'ishes bring her more cheer — as we know her birthday was a happy one anyway. We decided to have a card party in March, which we will report on later, to raise some money for our social needs. Let you know in the next issue of Zarja. Rose Jamnik, reporter We regret... that, lack of space has prevented publication of the complete Slovenian translation of the Minutes of the Directors meeting, Jan. 25-26, 1960. The same is true of some reports. They will appear in the May issue. ED. from tlie editor .. . Dear Readers, This month brings us to the most solemn wreeks of Lent and to the joyful season of Easter! Sincere wishes to all of you for a most happy and busy springtime, with many hours of sunshine to brighten the days! We are now preparing for the active month of May, and first of all, I wish to remind all branches that their Mothers of the Year should be in by April 10th. We hope to make it a wonderful issue with many lovely photos and write-ups. To those who haven’t yet selected their chosen mother, do so now and you’ll make some deserving person very happy. Many activities are reported in this issue and you can see by the growing list on our calendar of events (2nd cover page) that our branches are all enthusiastically planning programs, parties and special events. A-gain, let me request that notices be sent to our office of these dates which you want your members to remember, so that they may be included in the calendar. Next month we will have our Reporter’s Honor Roll. There were no names for April. Let’s hope for a better response in May when we have a number of reporters’ birthdays. On the Cover . • . is a typical nature scene found in the first weeks of spring — winter and summer combined. Corinne Leskovar PREDLOGI IN SKLEPI IZ SEJE DIREKTORIC, 25., 26. JAN. 1960 (Poročila Direktoric PRED-KONVENČNA ČLANSKA KAMPANJA se bo pričela dne l. maja I960 in bo zaključena dne 31. dec. tega Jeta. Direktorice so dobro premotrivale izbiro nagrad za to kampanjo, dobro se zavedajoče važnosti vzbuditi čim več zanimanja med pridnimi delavkami, ki bodo pridobivale n°ve članice v času kampanje. Sklenjeno je bilo, da bodo najboljše nagrade v obliki vožnje v konvenčno mesto. Da ae to omogoči več članicam, zato je bilo sklenjeno, da zmagovalke za to nagrado morajo vpisati enako število novih članic v vsak razred. Tako je bilo odobreno naslednje levilo: 10 novih članic v razred A 10 novih članic v razred B 10 novih mladinskih članov Skupno 30 novih članic Pridobitev 30 novih članic, kakor omenjeno v tej Pred-j^onvenčnl kampanji bo upravičilo delavko za BREZPLAČNO VOŽNJO V KONVENČNO MESTO, ELY, MINN. NA NARODNO KONVENCIJO SŽZ V MAJU 1961! Vsaka ^agovalka bo prejela naslov "ČASTNA DELEGATI-NJA” in BO UPRAVIČENA PRISOSTVOVATI KONVENCIJI IN VSEM PRIREDITVAM V ZVEZI Z ISTO. Toda ne ° imela pravice govorov na zasedanju, in ne glasovalne pavice. Direktorice so naznačile, da je to najboljša prl-,Ka za manjše podružnice, ki nimajo redno svojih lastnih 'f'egatinj, da delajo skupno in da združijo svoje nove čla-jce in tako omogočijo eni izmed njihovih lastnih članic ‘U navzoča na konvenciji ter jim nato poročati o poteku ste. Vsaka nova članica PRED-KONVENČNE KAMPANJE ° morala imeti plačano članarino za 12 mesecev v naprej, a se šteje za nagrado. Direktorice upajo, da bo mnogo niagovalk v tej k-impanji, tako, da bo udeležba na kon-6r,ciji večja kot kadarkoli doslej. sledijo prihodnjič) DRŽAVNE KONVENCIJE Tli države so naznanile datume njihovih zasedanj: 22. maja bo Illinois-Indiana slavila z banketom svojo drž. konvencijo pri podr. št. 16, v So. Chicago; 12. junija bo imel Wisconsin svojo prireditev v Milwaukee v oskrbi podr. št. 43; in 26. junija bo drž. konvencija za Pensylvani-jo v Unity, Pa. pod gostiteljstvom podr. št. 96, Universal. Direktorice pozdravljajo te konvencije in jim želijo kar največjega uspeha. Uradno zastopstvo gl. odbora bo poslano na vse tri kraje na podlagi povabil podružnic št. 16, 43 in 96. Direktorice se strinjajo s predlogom urednice, da se prične s častno listo poročevalk. SREČNO POTOVANJE trem gl. odbornicam, ki gredo to poletje v Evropo pod pokroviteljstvom SŽZ. Drž. preds. Ohio, Mrs. Antonia Tanko odide 25. maja z ladjo v Slovenijo; dne 17. junija direktorica A. Novak vodi skupino z letalom v Slovenijo in 6. junija direktorica M. Otoničar potuje z romarji v Lurd in nato izlet v Slovenijo, enako z letalom. To odbornice bodo oproščene službe v času potovanja. Naslednja POL-LETNA SEJA bo dne 11. in 12. avgusta v Gl. uradu v Chicago, Illinois. Direktorice so izrazile svoje iskrene čestitke gl. nadzornici Mary Otoničar, ki je s soprogom Rudolfom dne 10. jan. slavila svojo zlato poroko. V torek zvečer je bila večerja direktoric v njeno počastitev. Predsednica je zaključila zasedanje z molitvijo v sredo 27. jan. ob 6 uri zvečer in želela odbornicam srečen povratek na njihove domove. Josephine Livek, predsednica Albina Novak, tajnica Marie Prisland OB 15-LETNICI SMRTI PRESEDNIKA ROOSEVELTA Dne 12. aprila 1945 je svet pretresla tragična vest, da je za vedno zatisnil oči veliki državnik, prijatelj malega človeka in eden izmed naboljših predsednikov Združenih Držav — Franklin Delano Roosevelt. Predsednik Roosevelt je bil pri pretežni večini naroda globoko priljubljen, med nekaterimi višjimi krogi, čeprav aristokrat, pa silno osovražen. Niti 15 let po njegovi smrti se ta mržnja ni povsem polegla, čeprav so ljudje, ki so ga sovražili, gmotno veliko na boljšem radi ugodnosti, ki jih je za ameriško ljudstvo ustvaril predsednik Roosevelt. Starejši se še spominjamo v kakem stanju je bila Amerika v letih depresije. Navadni ljudje so bili brez sredstev, brez pravic in kar je bilo najhujše — brez dela. Plače so bile sramotno nizke. V tovarnah so delavci garali po 10 ur na dan in prejemali plačo po 20 ali 25 centov na uro. Dežela je stala pred težkimi notranjimi pretresljaji in kdo ve, če bi ne prišlo do revolucije, da nismo izvolili za predsednika Roosevelta, ki je izvedel sicer tiho in nekrvavo, a zato nič manj globoko socialno revolucijo. Ame-rikance je opozoril, da so prešli časi, ko je bila naloga vlade v Washingtonu slična “nočnemu čuvaju”, ki naj skrbi le za red in mir, drugače se pa naj ne briga ali je dežela v blagostanju ali v revščini. Predsednik Roosevelt ni samo veroval v ideale, temveč je delal na tem, da se isti prevedejo v dejstva vsakdanjega ameriškega življenja. Razumel je preprostega človeka in posvetil je vse sile za poglobljenje demokracije v smeri razmer, katere je ustvaril moderni svet s svojo znanostjo in tehniko. Ameriškemu ljudstvu je vrnil vero v samega sebe. Roosevelta bo zgodovina proslavljala kot junaka in rešitelja Amerike, ki je ob nastopu njegovega predsedništva bila skoraj na robu prepada. Rooseveltove zasluge so ogromna javna dela, ki so zmanjšala število brezposelnih; odprava otroškega dela v bombažni industriji, kjer so bili otroci zaposljeni od šestega leta naprej; omogočenje znanstvenih preiskav, ki so dovedle do iznajdbe atomske sile, ki se bo sčasoma izkoriščala v splošen blagor človeštva; podeželske elektrifikacije, ki ljudstvu donašajo ceneno elektriko; umetno namakanje zemlje, zlasti na zapadu; vladna zavarovalnina bančnih vlog, da je ljudski denar varen pred špekulanti; in končno najbolj koristno in dalekosežno — socialno zavarovalnino — velik blagor za starejše ljudi. Predsednik Roosevelt je skušal konservativno Ameriko spraviti v sklad z novimi socialnimi in gospodarskimi strujami po svetu. Z uvedbo umne socialne zakonodaje je hotel dvigniti življenjski standard malega človeka ter ga na ta način napraviti srečnejšega in zadovolnejšega. Podprl je delavsko gibanje. Unijam je dal več prostosti ter družbe z zakonodaji? prisilil, da so se morale pogajati z delavci v slučajih nesporazuma. Ker so stem bile prizadete velike in mogočne kompanije, je med njimi nastala silna mržnja do predsednika Roosevelta, ki se popolnoma niti do danes ni polegla. Mnogi namreč ne verujejo v pravice ljudstva, da bi si samo smelo pomagati do boljših delavskih razmer. Pokojnemu Rooseveltu ni bil nihče prevelik ali premajhen, da ne bi vzbujal njegovega zanimanja. Resnično se je zanimal tako za velik um kot za navadnega človeka. Njegov tajnik je nekoč poročal o nepričakovanih ugodnih komentarjih časniških poročevalcev, ki so njegov program podprli, Roosevelt pa je dejal: ‘‘Komentatorji me ne brigajo, ampak kaj porečejo navadni ljudje, to je važno!” Uboštvo starih farmarjev, ki jih je Roosevelt poznal v okolici Hyde Parka, je užgalo iskro za program socialne zavarovalnine, oziroma starostne pokojnine, ki je najsvetlejša točka njegovega programa. Nad 13 miljonov ljudi točasno prejema pokojnino — $33.00 najnižja, $119.00 najvišja — ki mesečno znaša nad 800 milijonov dolarjev. Kako velika pomoč je to! Prejemniki prejmejo pokojnino brez vsakih prošenj, ne s čutom ponižanja, temveč z zanosom, da je to njihov lastni, v ta sklad delno vplačani denar, ki se vrača z obrestmi. Vse to je za ljudstvo ustvaril pokojni predsednik Roosevelt! Blag spomin nanj bi moral vsak mesec ozeleneti kot trta v gorki pomladi. Pokojni predsednik Roosevelt je v svojem govoru meseca januarja 1941, na poseben način pojasnil smotre in cilje ameriške demokracije. Rekel je: “Temelji zdrave in močne demokracije niso ničesar skrivnostnega. Bistvene stvari, katere pričakuje ljudstvo od našega gospodarskega sistema, so zelo preproste. Te stvari so: enaka prilika za mladino in druge; delo za one, ki so zmožni delati; sigurnost za one, ki jo potrebujejo; konec posebnih privilegijev za nekatere; ohranitev civilnih svobodščin za vse; uživanje sadov znastvenega napredka v obliki stalno se dvigajočega življenjskega standarda.” V svojem: zadnjem spisanem govoru, ki bi ga predsednik Roosevelt imel govoriti po radiju 13. aprila 1945 za obletnico rojstva Thomasa Jeffersona, avtorja Izjave ameriške neodvisnosti, je pokojnik dal svoje poslednje naročilo. Zapisal je: “Danes je znanost razne dele sveta prinesla tako blizu skupaj, da je nemogoče ločiti enega od drugega. Danes stojimo pred velikim in odličnim dejstvom, da civilizacija ne more obstati pri življenju, ako se ne bomo učili negovati medsebojnih odnošajev in sposobnosti vseh ljudstev brez razlike, da v miru in soglasju skupaj živijo in skupaj delajo. Delo, ki ima biti storjeno je bodoči mir in ne samo konec sedanje vojne. Svet mora za vselej napraviti konec tej nesrečni nerealistični izravnavi razlik med vladami a masnim pobijanjem ljudi... Edina zapreka za uspeh jutrišnjega dne so naši današnji dvomi. Zato moramo naprej z močno aktivno vero vase in v bodočnost!” Pred kratkim sem čitala knjigo “Affectionately, F.D.R.”. Spisal jo je Rooseveltov starejši sin James. Med drugim omenja: "Še danes ne morem razumeti zdravnikov, ki so poznali slabo zdravstveno stanje mojega očeta, zakaj mu niso odločno odsvetovali prevzeti nominacijo za četrti termin. Ta nominacija je bila njegova smrtna obsodba. Nedvomno bi živel dalje, če bi mu bile odvzete moreče državne skrbi.” Sin dalje piše: “Zelo zamerim očetovim zdravnikom, ki nas niso obvestili o resnem zdravstvenem, stanju mojega očeta. Če bi znali, da je bil nevarno bolan, ko je odšel se zdravit v Hot Springs, kjer je čez teden dni umrl, bi gotovo bila pri njem naša mati in vsaj eden izmed otrok. Tako očka ob smrti ni imel pri sebi nobehega svojega človeka. Popolnoma osamljen se je poslovil iz tega sveta...” ČLANICE, POZOR! Zveza bo to leto spet poklonila šolnino dvema študentoma; vsakemu 200 dolarjev. Do šolnine je upravičena vsaka deklica, ki je članica Zveze ter vsak fant, katerega mati, stara mati ali sestra je članica Zveze. Prosilci morajo z odliko dopolniti višjo šolo ter imeti namen vpisati se v kreditiran kolegij ali univerzo. Sestre, opozorite svoje nadarjene otroke, da se prijavijo za šolnino. Zadnji čas priglasitve je 30. aprila. Za nadaljna pojasnila se obrnite na: MARIE PRISLAND, predsednica Šolninskega odbora, 1034 Dillingham A ve. Sheboygan, Wis. DOPISI St. 2, Chicago, III. — Seja v marcu je bila zopet zanimiva. Podrobno poročilo je v angleškem dopisu. Aprilska seja pade na Veliki četrtek, zato bomo omejile običajno zabavo. Vljudno ste vabljene na sejo v niaju, ker bomo imele poseben program v počast materam. V nedeljo dne 22 .maja se bo vršila (lrž. konvencija; gostiteljica bo podr. 16. v So. Cliicagi. V teku so priprave z*i poseben bus. Prijave za banket in bus sprejema naša tajnica in drž. Pred s. Mary Muller. V soboto 9. aprila bomo imele razprodajo pomladanskih klobukov v cerkveni dvorani. Izbira bo velika. Vesele velikonočne praznike. Corinne Leskovar Št. 3, Pueblo, Colo. — Prelepa pomlad je tukaj in vem, da vsaka reče: ‘Vesela sem, da sem jo dočakala.” Približali so se prelepi velikonočni Prazniki. Želim vesele praznike Vstajenja Gospodovega. Naj nas tesno objame in bo naš spremljevalec skozi vse leto. Slučajno sem nedavno obiskala invalidno članico Zveze. Razkazovala °1! je svoja krasna ročna dela. “Mudim; se s tem in si preganjam čas osamelosti in dolgočasja.” Tako mi je Potožila Zato je velikega pomena, če bi tudi druge čla. podr. imele v mislih, 'la darujejo ročni in šivalni dar, ker je vedno dobrodošel. Se razume, da so vedno stroški pri rožni blagajni. Bolezen se tudi pridno vrti okrog članic: Mary Pugel je še vedno resno bolana (moja sestra), Tončka Klune si je v rami kost nalomila pri padcu na stopnicah: Anna Tekavec, Christine Bradish, Olga Mesojedec in Molie Globokar so se zdravile v bolnici. Želijo vsem bolnim članicam, da čimprej okrevajo, in da bi jim spomladno sonce okrepilo in pozdravilo bolno stanje. Poročam žalostno vest, da sta umrla dva soseda in prijatelja. Prvi je Jerry Klinc oče naših članic, Daniela Klinc in Irma Drobnič. Mr. Klinc je *elo ljubil našo Zarjo za čitanje. Dru-K1 je bil Jack Jeršin, soprog članice Anna Jeršin. Bog jima daj večni pokoj. — Umrla je Josephine Ogrady dekliško ime Stance, ki zapušča več 8°rodnic, ki so naše članice. Vsem Izrekamo sočutno sožalje. — Soses. Mary Zdravje žaluje za prerano umrlo bčerko Angelo Prijatel. Pokojna je bila rojena v Pueblo, Colo., stanovala J11 umrla pa je v Caliente, Nev. Materi 11 vsem preostalim globoko sožalje; Pokojni pa blag spomin. Vabim vse članice, da pridete na ^eje po stari navadi, kjer se bomo ePo zabavale s pokrivanjem številk. S sprejemom funkcije kot predsedni-°a' obljubim, da bom delovala za na-P''edek podr.. kakor tudi za napredek baše spoštovane S.Ž.Z. Vaša, Anna Pachak, preds. Št. 6, Barberton, O. — V marcu nismo imele seje, ker se je jaz osebno nisem mogla udeležiti zaradi bolezni, in seveda pritisnila je tudi huda zima z obilnim snegom, tako, da bi jih itak malo prišlo. Nujno pa prosim in pozivam prav vse, da se gotovo udeležite seje dne 3. aprila, ker imamo veliko važnega na dnevnem redu, in sicer volitve novega urada in tudi več drugih stvari je na programu. Predvsem tudi prosim vse tiste, ki ste v zaostanku, da pridete in poravnate članarino, saj veste, da je treba urediti in povrniti kar se je plačalo za vas. Še enkrat pozivam, da pridete prav vse. Lepo pozdravljene, Mary Fidel, tajnica Št. 7, Forest City, Pa. — Kadi slabega vremena ni imela naša podružnica februarske seje; pa upamo, da bomo imele lepše vreme za sejo v marcu in da se je članice v velikem številu udeležijo, kajti večja udeležba, živahnejša seja. Po seji pa imamo “družabni sestanek”, kjer imamo tudi dosti zabave, posebno katera je bolj pri “srečnih”. Dne 7. februarja sta obhajala srebrno poroko Mr. in Mrs. Joe Kamin, sin naše dolgoletne predsednice Mrs. Ane Kamin. Poročil ju je sedaj že pokojni brat Rev. John Kamin dne G. febr. 1925, v cerkvi sv. Neže v Forest City, Pa. Mrs. Joe Kamin, dekliško ime O’Neill je bila več let učiteljica na tukajšnji šoli. — Mr. Joe Kamin lastuje tukaj veliko železno trgovino in je tudi lastnik lokalnega časopisa Forest City News ter dobro poznan kot eden vodilnih oseb v našem mestu. Blagoslovljena sta bila s tremi otroci; hči Mary je Representative of the Hell Telephone Co.; hči Joann je učiteljica na Hooper šoli v Endicot, N.Y. in sin John je študent na University of Scranton. — Kosilo za družino in ožje sorodnike so imeli v Castle Restaurant v Scranton. Za 25 letnico sta Mr. in Mrs. šla na vožnjo za dva tedna po Karibejskem morju. Vse članice naše podružnice želimo, da bi dočakala še zlato poroko. Več članic je bolnih; zelo je zbolela naša dolgoletna članica Uršula Mihele, ki se nahaja v bolnici. Tudi Mary Mlinar je bila v bolnici in se sedaj nahaja doma. Več članic nadleguje revmatizem in gripa. Vsem želimo skorajšnjega okrevanja. Mary Kotar Št. 10, Cleveland, O. — Zima nam je dolgo prizanašala in že smo mislili, da je sploh ne bo letos. Toda sedaj je pa prihrumela z vso silo med nas in nas tako zametla, da skoraj ne vidimo čez globoki sneg. Skoraj bi bilo, da bi človek kar ves dan samo sneg odmetal, kar ni prav nič lahko delo. Naša pridna in zelo aktivna članica M. Novak iz 15601 School Ave. je srečno prestala zelo težko operacijo na glavi. Sedaj se zdravi doma. Vse članice in prijateljice ji želimo, da bi se kmalu vrnila med nas popolnoma zdrava, ker jo zelo pogrešamo. Tudi S. Valenčič in S. Trampush, obe iz Holmes Ave. sta bili dalj časa v bolnici; sedaj se zdravita doma. In še več drugih članic je bolnih, pa ne vem za njihova imena. Vsemi želim, da bi jim ljubi Bog povrnil ljubo zdravje, kajti zdravje je največje bogastvo na svetu. Feb. seja je bila še precej dobro obiskana. — V blagajno so darovale: s. Debevec, s. Glavač in s. Kosmerl. Po seji nas je pogostila s. G. Bokal ob priliki praznovanja svojega rojstnega dneva. Prinesla je fino potico in cookis; pa tudi žlahtno kapljico nam je preskrbela, tako da smo bile prav Židane volje In smo veselo zapele: Happy Birthday; nato smo se še pa nekaj časa zabavale s pokrivanjem številk. Prav lepa hvala sestri Bokal za tako fino postrežbo. Bog Vas živi še mnogo let! Ta mesec smo izgubile 2 članici pri naši podr., in sicer: Helen Ahčin in Karolina Vidmar. Naj v miru počivata, prizadetim družinam pa naše sožalje. Lepe pozdrave vsem članicam SŽZ in veselo Velikonoč! Antonia Repic, poroč. Št. 12, Milwaukee, Wis. — Seja v mesecu marcu je bila prav povoljno obiskana. Žal, je manjkalo več vestnih članic, zaradi bolezni. Upamo in želimo, da se na prihodjno sejo vse zdrave vrnejo, da nam bodo delale družbo in bodo z njihovo prisotnostjo pripomogle, da bodo seje bolj zanimive. Na seji smo sklenile, da podpremo kegljačice naše podružnice, katerim želimo najboljši uspeh. Tudi je bilo apelirano vsem članicam, naj se v največjem številu udeleže skupnega obhajila v nedeljo 1. maja. S tem bo opravljena dožnost članic in ponos podružnice. Z veseljem pričakujemo Veliko noč, saj z njo pridejo toplejši dnevi, v katerih se starejši ljudje vedno bolj zdravi počutimo. Vsem članicam po širni Ameriki želim veselo Veliko noč, ki naj bo najsrečnejši in zdravja poln dan, da bi ga še velikokrat doživele ter mnogo sladkih pirhov in pisank sprejele. Bolnim članicam Bog podeli zdravje, najlepše darilo za Veliko noč. Iskren pozdrav vsem članicam pri št. 12. Mary Mesarich, zapis. Št. 14, Euclid, O. — Poročilo seje 1. marca. Imele smo 3-mesečno godo-vanje nekaterih naših članic. Ker pa je bil ta dan tudi god našega Pusta, smo pa še njega malo počastile. Kar luštno je bilo ta večer. Da bi nam ljubi Bog samo naklonil zdravja, pa se bomo rade udeleževale sej. Mnogo ljudi je to leto bolanih. Mrs. Zadnik je kar precej obolela. To je naša več- letna članica. Preds. Mollie Legat in vsem katere so jo obiskale, se je pismeno lepo zahvalila. Želimo ji, da bi se kmalu pozdravila. — V zadnjem mesecu je zopet ena naših članic za vedno zatisnila oči; to jo Mrs. Skul, ki je zadnje čase stanovala na farmi v Ženevi. Drage članice! Danes 2. marca smo nastopili post, ki nas veže, da se po njem ravnamo kot nam zapoveduje naša katoliška cerkev. V toplo Florido sta odpotovala Mr. in Mrs. Mandič. Želimo jima srečen povratek. Dne 5. aprila pa bosta odpotovala v staro domovino naša podpredsednica Mary Stražišar in njen mož Jože, kjer mislita ostati celo poletje in se vrneta šele v jeseni. Želimo jima srečno potovanje. Podpredsednico bo pa nadomestovala Mrs. Tili Špehar. — V spremstvu Prances Globokar je prišla še enkrat njena mama na sejo. Kar čudimo se ji, da tako voljno in dobre volje prenaša svojo nesrečo, ker ne vidi na nobeno oko. Bila je še zelo družabna, toda zdravje se ji vedno slabša. Katere jo poznate se je lahko spomnite s kakšno kartico. Naš šivalni klub kar dobro napreduje. Mnogo dela je že izgotovljenega. Po končani pustni zabavi so darovale v ročno blagajno naslednje članice: Mesdames: Snajder, Zušek, Rome, Valter, Cesar, Horvat, Tomažin, Špehar. — V jestvinah pa so prinesle: Mesdames: Gerčmam, Blatnik, Zajc. Mrs. Kog je darovala lepi rožni venec, ki je bil po sreči prodan za 5 dolarjev. Vsem skupaj Bog povrni pri zdravju in sreči! — Sestrski pozdrav vsem članicam po širni Ameriki! Antonija Šuštar, poroč. Št. 15, Cleveland (Newburgh), O. — Po par tednih hude zime, nam je zopet posijalo toplo sonce kot oznanilo bližajoče se pomladi, katero že vsi težko pričakujemo. Zadnja seja je bila bolj kratka, zato tudi nimam kaj posebnega za poročati. Naša predsednica apelira na vse članice, da bi se potrudile pri prodaji vstopnic za ples, ki se vrši 23. aprila kot je bilo že sporočeno. Pridite in pripeljite svoje družine in prijatelje. Naša dekleta vam bodo postregla z jedačo in pijačo, muzikanti pa bodo igrali tako poskočne polke, da se bo kar samo vrtelo. Naša članica Mrs. Papež iz Union Ave. se še vedno nahaja v St. Vincent bolnišnici, kjer je prestala operacijo. Želimo, da bi se ji kmalu povrnilo zdravje, kakor tudi sestri Prijatelj, ki tudi že dalj časa boleha in se zdravi doma. Blagoslovljeno Veliko noč in dosti domačega žegna, vam želi, Helen Mirtel, poročevalka št. 16, So. Chicago, III. — Sedaj ko imamo stalno poročevalko, bodo novice poročane v angleščini. Tudi jaz se bom od časa do časa oglasila v slovenščini. Marčna seja je bila zelo dobro obiskana. Nadzorni odbor je podal letno poročilo, ki je zelo uspešno. Najbolj vesele smo pa bile, ko je tajnica poročala, da v letu 1959 ni bila niti ena članica suspendirana. Pa naj kdo reče, da pri nas ni dobrih članic, ko se postavljamo, da smo 100 procentne. S tem se ne more vsaka podružnica postavljati. Vsa čast dekleta, le tako naprej, da bomo rajši napredovale kot nazadovale. Izvoljen je bil odbor za našo prireditev 3. aprila, kakor tudi za državno konvencijo 22. maja. Izvoljene so same mlajše članice, kar je zelo lepo, kajti s tem je uspeh zagotovljen ko se mlajše članice zanimajo za društvo. Izvolile smo tudi najbolj zaslužno mater za to leto, to je naša nekdanja kadetka in kegljačica, vedno zelo delavna in ki v resnici zasluži, da jo počastimo, ker je pred kratkim povila prvega sinčka. Naše čestitke Pauline Spretnjak Druga. Blagoslovljene velikonočne praznike celokupnemu članstvu! Katie Št. 18, Cleveland, O. — Zopet se malo oglasim, ker pri nas res noče nobena prijeti za pero. Pa tudi meni ne gre preveč dobro v pisavi. Pozdravljene vse članice. Naša seja ni bila preveč zadovoljivo obiskana zaradi prevelikega snega. Res smo imeli lepo zimo do sedaj, toda naenkrat je padlo preveč snega in ga še obetajo. — Na seji smo se vseeno ddbro zabavale pri naših priljubljenih igrah in tako je še bila seja precej uspešna. Naša sestra Rose Glavic obhaja svoj Birthday IG. t.m. in nas je postregla z dobro pijačo. Bog jo živi še na mnoga leta med nami. — Katere se pa seje niste udeležile pa vam je lahko žal. Rada bi videla, da bi naša sestra, ki je v zaostanku s članarino, brala te vrstice; in da bi prišla v slovenski dom ter poravnala članarino ker me vedno pošiljamo v Chicago za njo in za njeno hčerko. — Sestanke imamo vsak drugi torek v S.N.D. na Waterloo v čitalnici. Lahko piše ali pošlje na mene, ali na tajnico Ana Strukel, 534 E. 143 st., Cleveland, Ohio; ali na moj naslov: 473 E. 142 st., Cleveland 10, Ohio. Pozdravljene vse skupaj, Nettie Strukel, preds. št. 19, Eveleth, Minn. — Drage mi sestre! Naznanjam vam, da se bo naša seja vršila dne 20 aprila namesto 13. aprila Datum je bil preložen zaradi velikega tedna. Prošene ste drage sestre, da se udeležite v polnem številu. Na dnevnem redu bo več važnih stvari za razmotrivati in rešiti. V januarju je bila lepa udeležba, kar je v veselje odboru, ker z vašo navzočnostjo in z vašimi dobrimi nasveti se veliko dobrega napravi za podr. in Zvezo. Ker bo letos naša podružnica po 1!) letih zopet gostiteljica Minnesota zvezinega dneva, zato se moramo že sedaj pripravljati, posebno še, ker v poletnem času nimamo sej. Druga naša seja bo v maju in na tej seji bo nam kazala slike iz potovanja v domovini, naša članica Miss Mary R Loushin. Prinesla je lepe slike, zato vas že sedaj vabim. Velikonočni prazniki se nam približujejo in voščim vsem članicam pri podr. prav vesele, zdrave in zadovoljne praznike. Voščila tudi vsemu članstvu, gl. odbornicam in duhovnemu vodju. V bolnišnici se je nahajala naša preds. ses. Antonija Nemgar, zopet se je morala podati na operacijo, katero je srečno prestala. Vse ji želimo ljubega zdravja. Sedaj se zdravi doma. — V bolnišnici je tudi bila več tednov naša zapisnikarica Matilda Rebetz, ki se sedaj zdravi doma, njen sin Frank pa je že tudi v bolnici več tednov. — Ravno tako je v bolnici že dalje časa članica Mary Mihevc. Sestra Kaps in ses. Drobnich se pa zdravita doma, po povratku iz bolnice, kjer sta bili več mesecev. Enako sta prestali težki operaciji ses. Caroline Oberstar in Anna Mr-konic, ki se sedaj zdravita doma. Ses. Zadlcovich se tudi zdravje vrača. Vsem želimo ljubega zdravja, da bi lahko vse prišle zdrave na naše seje. Čeravno malo pozno pa vseeno voščim vsem Jožefam in Jožefom veseli god. Obenem vsem, ki boste v aprilu obhajale rojstne dneve, pa še na mnoga leta v zdravju in zadovoljnem življenju. V Zarji sem čitala žalostno novico, da je preminula dobro poznana rojakinja in Zvezina zavedna delavka Mrs. Josie Praust. Na njo me vežejo lepi spomini, saj smo več let bile skupaj pri pregledovanju knjig kot gl. nadzornice. Pokojna je večkrat dala modre nasvete za napredek Zveze in v v Zarji smo rade čitale njene lepe in zanimive dopise, ki so nas večkrat spravili tudi v smeh in dobro voljo. Z Bogom nepozabna so-sestra Praust. Upam, da se je tudi naša Albina pozdravila na nogi. Srčno želim, da bo srečna in zdrava vodila svojo skupino v staro domovino in se naužila zasluženega oddiha. Vso priznanje velja naši urednici Corinne, ki tako lepo piše in urejuje Zarjo, da jo je veselje brati in jo vedno komaj pričakujemo. Tudi Mrs. Prlsland lepo opisuje v svoji koloni. Bog daj vsem ljubega zdravja. Na svidenje na seji 20. aprila. Pozdravlja vse skupaj, Mary Lenich, tajnica Št. 20, Joliet, III. — V teku treh dni smo izgubile kar dve dobri članici; prva je bila sestra Anna Krall iz 1022 Summit St., stara 78 let. Bila je dalj časa bolna. Zapušča štiri hčerke, (Mary) Mrs. Anthony Sefčik, (Johanna) Mrs. Joseph Podobnik, Mrs. Anna Jerman, in Mrs. Rose Wolfe, enega brata Mr. Mathew Terdich, v Jolietu, eno sestro Mrs. Joseph Sukle, več vnukov in drugih sorodnikov. K Podružnici je pristopila 18. nov. 1928. Rojena je bila v vasi Gregor v Sloveniji dne 20. avg. 1881. Priporočena je bila po pokojni blagajničarki Rose Gorsich. Pokojna je spadala tudi še k drugim organizacijam. Soprog pokojne Je umrl pred mnogimi leti. Soprog njene hčerke Anna Jerman, katera je naša članica, je umrl pred pol letom. Mrs. Anna Krall je bila poznana med nami kot prijazna in dobra mati. Komaj je bila pokopana sestra Krall, se je že raznesla vest, da je na hitro umrla sestra Anna Rogel, iz 212 Smith Street, stara 75 let. Tukaj je bivala nad 55 let. Njeno dekliško ime je bilo Anna Gasperich, in Je bila rojena v Žužemberku, Pristopila je 18. nov. 1928, predlagana po P°k. Jennie Muster. Rojena je bila junija 1884. Pokojna je zvesto hodila na seje in znjo vred tudi pripeljala svoje sosede. Bila je vesele narave Jer jo bomo zelo pogrešale. Ko je ^veza priredila izlet v domovino leta 1938 je bila ena izmed prvih v Jolietu, katera se je priglasila. Z njo je šla tudi hčerka, takrat stara 18 let, ki je sedaj poročena in se piše Mary Mav-rič. Poleg edine hčerke Mary, zapušča tudi štiri sinove: Frank L., kateri je bil township supervisor, in katerega žena Jennie je naša dolgoletna članica, Joseph, William in Edward, ter devet vnukov. Dalje sestro v Evropi ter več drugih sorodnikov. Njen niož je umrl 1. 1923. Pred njim pa dva otroka v otroški dobi. Kakor je razvidno, sta obe članici Umrli skoraj obenem; tudi obe sta bili na isti seji zapriseženi, to je 18. nov. 1928. Naj počivata v miru, in Bog jima bodi dober plačnik za njih delo na tem 8vetu. Preostalim sorodnikom pa naše sožalje, saj sta obe zelo pogrešani pri svojih družinah. Kolne članice so: Jennie Sprengel, prances Pluth, katera se je mudila v Lying Inn bolnišnici v Chicagi, in pa ^ennie Janezich, katera se je tudi vrnila iz bolnišnice. Želimo jim hitrega okrevanja. Naša predsednica Emma Planinšek ■le postala zopet stara mama. Pri družini Pred (Berta) Hofer so dobili lepo Punčko. Sedaj so pri družini Hofer ®tiri deklice in eden sinček. Pri družni Georga Gulash so dobili prvega sina. Mrs. Gulash je poznana kot Isabelle Musich, kateri je umrla mama 2. jan. Njena mama je bila naža prva Ranica in tudi prva faranka v tem etu, katera je bila poklicana v več-J)”8t. Spominjali se je bomo kot Mary Turkovich, prej Musich. Naše čestitke staršem novo rojen-Cev in želimo, da bi bili vedno zdravi. Kegljaška turneja se bo vršila letos v Jolietu in to dne 2. in 3. aprila. Tem Potom pozdravlja podružnica vse sku- pine, katere pridejo te dni v Joliet, od blizu in daleč. Želim, da bi bile vse kegljačice srečne in odnesle nagrade. Ob koncu si štejem v dolžnost, da se zahvalim vsem našim članicam za obiske, za kartice z željami za zdravje, za darila, cvetljice, posebno pa našim odbornicam in podružnici za cvetljice poslane mi ob času ko sem se nahajala v bolnišnici. Enako, hvala vsem za obiske na domu in pisemska voščila. Vedno se bom spominjala na vas s hvaležnostjo. Josephine Erjavec Št. 21, Cleveland, O. — Zadnja seja je bila bolj pičlo obiskana, ker je pritisnila huda zima in imamo mnogo snega. Sklenile smo, da bomo za materinski dan imele “dinner” in ste vse že sedaj vabljene k številni udeležbi, ker bo vsega dobrega pripravljeno tako za pod zob, kakor tudi za žejna grla. Ker pri nas že dalje časa nismo imele kake prireditve, zato ste vabljene, da za to priliko pripeljete s seboj tudi svoje može. K rojstnemu dnevu naše blagajničarke Josephine Wiess, ji vse želimo ljubega zdravja in mnogo sreče. Enako želimo vsem drugim članicam, ki obhajate svoje rojstne dneve v tem mesecu. Na bolniški listi sta sestri Ivana Zalar in Ana Avguštin. Depo se zahvalim s. Less ln s. Blatnik za tako lepa darila, kakor tudi vsem dragim, ki ste me obiskali v času moje nesreče, ker človek res ne ve, kje ga čaka nesreča. Toplo priporočam knjigo Po Vzhodu in Zapadu, katero je napisal Zvezi n prijatelj, Jože Grdina. Knjiga je nadvse zanimiva in se lepo bere, zato jo kupite, da vam bo delala kratek čas. Vse najlepše pozdravljam, Frances Kave, poročevalka Št. 23, Ely, Minn. — Zopet smo izgubile eno dolgoletno članico, in sicer je preminula Mrs. Mary Šuštaršič. Mož ji je umrl že pred leti. Zapušča 3 sinove. Naše sožalje vsem sorodnikom. — Umrl je tudi dolgoletni Elyški zdravnik dr. Harry Sutherland, ki je bil predvsenu znan kot dober zdravnik za otroške bolezni ter je pomagal pri porodih nad 3 tisoč otrokom na Ely in okolici. Skupno s slovenskim zdravnikom dr. J. P. Grahekom je pomagal ustanoviti sedanjo Ely-Bloomenson bolnišnico. — Umrla je tudi Miss Kathelyn Coffee, tukajšnja učiteljica, ki je tukaj poučevala okrog 50 let. Oba pokojna sta gotovo dobro poznana mnogim Elyškim ljudem, ki so raztreseni po drugih državah. Čeprav nekoliko pozno, naj vendar poročam o sreči v nesreči ,ki je zadela rojaka Joe Mišmaša, ki je bil namreč zasut v rudniku 16 ur, toda k sreči ni bil ranjen in je imel zadosti zraka, dokler niso prišli reševalci do njega. Žal noibeni živci niso Iz železa, in tako je Joe zbolel po nekaj dnevih ter moral v bolnišnico. Sedaj bo sko- raj popolnoma zdrav. Njegova žena Mary in njena mama Mrs. Logar, sta članici naše podružnice. Seja naše podružnice za april bo preložena zaradi 4-tedenske pobožnosti v naši cerkvi. Seja bo enkrat med tednom, točen dan bo sporočen po radio. Vesele praznike! Katherine Slogar, poročevalka Št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio — Vendar ne moremo dovoliti, da bi šla slavnost, ki smo jo praznovali v cerkvi sv. Vida v Clevelandu kar tako hitro v pozabljenost. Želim napisati par vrstic o zlati poroki ali 50-letnici zakonskega življenja, ki sta ga obhajala dne 10. januarja i960, Rudolf in Marija Otoničar. Za družabnika sta jima bila vnuka Rudolf in Marica Otoničar. Ob potrkovanju zvonov sta srečno prikorakala v cerkev in za njima cela vrsta sorodnikov. Tudi mnogo prijateljev se je udeležilo sv. maše, tako da je bila cerkev skoraj polna. Krasno petje je še povečalo slavnost. Popoldne je bilo v novi dvorani sv. Vida veliko slavje. Udeležilo se je mnogo povabljenih gostov, okrog 400. Postrežba je bila izvrstna. Naš gospod župnik Rev. Louis Baznik je zlatopo-ročenca lepo pozdravil in jima želel še mnogo zdravih in milosti polnih let. Drugi govornik je bil naš mestni svetovalec Mr. John Kovačič, ki jima je tudi z lepimi besedami voščil vse najboljše še za naprej. Ko smo se vsi prav dobro okrepčali, se je zaslišal glas harmonike in vodja muzikantov je povedal na glas. Sedaj bosta zlatoporočenca, to je, ženin in nevesta zaplesala “solo” valček. Oh, da bi ju vi videli, kako sta se lepo vrtela, kakor da bi bila na svoji prvi svatbi. Draga zlatoporočenca Rudolf in Mary, srečna sta dočakala 50 let skupnega življenja. Želim Vama iz srca, da bi Vaju Bog in Marija ohranila vsaj še 10 let v miru in zadovoljstvu ter da bi še praznovala biserno poroko. Pozdravljam gla.vni odbor in vse članice S.Ž.Z. Pauline Stampfel, preds. Št. 25, Cleveland, Ohio — Najprej želim vesele velikonočne praznike vsem članicam in gl. uradnicami, našemu duhovnemu svetovalcu Claud Okoren, da bi jih praznovali v ljubezni in božjem blagoslovu. Moram poročati žalostno novico, da se je neizprosna smrt z vso svojo silo zapodila v našo podružnico in pobrala v dveh mesecih deset naših dobrih članic: Margaret Klaus, Mrs. Anna Pajk, dobra, tiha žena in mati gospoda Rev. Frank Pajk, ki je za kaplana v Bedfordu, dalje Josephine Zivo-der, Mary Juratovec, Anna Gradisar, Jennie Laurich, Jennie Cimperman, Christine Hočevar, Frances Pevec, mati Rev. Edward Pevec, ki je za profesorja v Boremero seminišču in Louise Klopčič. Bog jim daj vsem miren počitek. Imamo pa zopet nekaj bolnih že dalje časa. Želimo ljubega zdravja naši dobri članici Annie Smrke, ki je bila že večkrat v bolnici in vsem, katere ste na bolniških listinah. Hočem se zahvaliti vsem, kateri ste nas razveselili ob priliki naše zlate poroke dne 10. jan. v cerkvi sv. Vida. Vsem našim sorodnikom, prijateljem in znancem najlepša hvala, za tako veliko udeležbo in tako velikodušnim darom ter za pismene čestitke; celo brzojav od moje dobre prijatejlice Pauline Ožbolt mi je bil oddan. Zahvala Ameriški Domovini, K.S.K.J. in Glasu za lepo pisanje. Naj prisrčnejša zahvala Father Rev. L. B. Bazniku za lepe cerkvene odrede, kakor tudi pevcem, ki so tako pomenljivo pesem zapeli: Oj večerni zvon zvoni. Posebna zahvala tudi vsem kuharicam, ki so pripravile in postregle z okusnim kosilom. Ostalo nama bo vse v lepem spominu. Sedaj pa še malo o izletu in romanju v staro domovino. Prosim, kateri mislite poromati na lepe božje poti, se takoj prijavite, ker pozneje se bo prostor bolj težko dobil; sedaj nas je že lepo število, pa je vseeno še nekaj prostorov na razpolago. Naš odličen voditelj Rev. Joseph Varga je že dobro poznan, ker je že dve leti vodil romanje. Kateri le morete, pojdite z nami ker družba bo res cela domača. Prijavite se člmiprej na spodaj podpisano pismo: Bled Travel Service, 6113 St. Clair Ave., Cleveland 3, Ohio. Za našo zaslužno mater smo izvolile Mrs. Antonia Brgat, ker ima vseh 11 otrok pri naši Zvezi, kar je res nekaj lepega; koliko potrpljenja je treba pri tako veliki družini, pa sam oče pri zaslužku. Bo že boljše, kadar bodo otroci začeli pomagati, ki so hvala Bogu zdravi. Mary Otoničar Št. 28, Calumet, Mich. — Pozdravljene uradnice in članice Zveze! Najprej moram reči, da imamo lepo zimo. Ni preveč snega. Plugi držijo poti široko odprte, glavne in stranske kar ni vsako zimo. Zato pa imajo drugod več sitnosti s snegonk — Na društvenem polju se še precej dobro gibljemo. Seje so dobro obiskane in zanimive. Po sejah se vedno zabavamo, da dobimo par dolarjev v ročno blagajno. Pa tudi lunch imamo na sejah, katerega prinesejo za to pozvane članice. Seje morajo biti zanimive, če hočemo, da se jih članice rade udeležijo. Dobro bi bilo, da tudi druge poročajo v Zarji, kaj delajo na sejah, da so privlačne, ker tako se lahko od drugih naučimo, kaj je v korist društva in organizacije. Slovenska Ženska Zveza je samo ena, zato jo držimo močno! Ko to pišem radio pravi, da je 17 nad ničlo, toda ker ni vetra je hiše lahko držati tople. Kadar pa mrzla burja piha s severa je težko zagreti domove, ker burja najde najmanjši kotiček in se pri- vleče notri brez vprašanja. V starem kraju so vprašali Cesaričino Kato kam gre, pa je rekla, da je to še doma znala kam gre. Soseda ji reče; “ah ti sirota”, ona pa reče: kakšna sirota, imam vse kar druge ženske imajo. Vstajenje Kristusovo je tukaj. Glejmo, da bomo tudi mi vstali iz grešnega življenja. Za to nam pomagaj Kristus rešitelj sveta. Vsem in tudi tistim, ki so odpadli od cerkve, želim vesele velikonočne praznike. Mary Stefanich, poroč. Št. 30, Aurora, III. — Zopet smo preživeli en Leap Year Day, in naša ženska, za ta dan postavno izvoljena administracija, se je tudi pokazala, da je mehkega srca. Pečlarjem, (samcem, ki so glavna tarča) je naložila samo 3 dolarje kazni. Članice so nabrale in spravile v ječo okrog 200, denarja pa so nabrale 490 dolarjev. Kar jim je pa ostalo pri vseh stroških (banket in drugo), so pa darovale 2a srčno bolezen (Heart fund). Nekaj pečlarjev pa ni hotelo iti v ječo in tako so izdale G poročnih dovoljenj. Imele so še več imen na listi, pa je bil dan prekratek. — Lepo sliko nam je prinesel Beacon News, na kateri županja naroča županu kaj mora delati Listi dan in kot župan ni imel tisti dan nobene pravice kot župan, je moral ubogati kar mu je županja ukazala. Zraven župana in županje stoji dekle za “javni red” ali “dog kečar” z mrežo, ki jo imajo za pse loviti in meni se je zdelo kot bi županja naročala županu naj gre pomagat pse lovit, ha, ha. Smeha na koše, le škoda, da pride “Leap Year Day” samo vsako četrto leto. Težko operacijo je prestala naša blagajničarka Barb Fajfar, kateri se zdravje počasi vrača. Vesele velikonočne praznike želim vsem članicam in njih družinam ter vsem, ki berejo Zarjo. Frances Kranjc Št. 31, Gilbert, Minn. — Zimo smo imeli letos lepo; ni bilo niti mraza, niti snega preveč. Ampak bolezni je pa bilo toliko, da že dolgo ne pomnim. Malo je bilo družin brez španske bolezni. Tudi jaz sem bila bolana tri tedne, soprog je pa celo moral v bolnico, kjer se še nahaja in ne vem kdaj bo prišel domov. Izgubili smo več ljudi in en teden smo imeli 5 mrličev: sestri Mrs. Mary Kralič je umrl soprog in sestra Mary Kern je tudi večno zaspala. Bolana je bila več let. Zapušča sestro Champa, hčer, sina in več sorodnikov. Naše sožalje družini, pokojni pa večni mir. Bila je več let blagajničarka in se je rada udeleževala sej. Draga sestra, prosi za nas pri Bogu, morda se kmalu snidemo. Mr. Anton Lopp in soproga Pauline sta šla v Texas in Californijo za 6 tednov. V Texas je sin Ciril, v Cali- forniji pa bodo obiskali sorodnike. Želimo jima, da se bi dobro imela in srečno vrnila. Sestra Mary Kunstal je šla v bolnico. Želimo, da se kmalu vrne, ker jo vse pogrešamo, ker nikdar ni zamudila seje. Upam, da se na aprilski seji zopet vidimo bolj zdrave in vesele, ker sedaj bo pomlad in se bo vse oživelo ob toplem soncu in svežem zraku. Na svidenje! Tončka, taj. Št. 32, Euclid, O. — Zopet nismo imele seje v marcu, ker je bila premajhna udeležba; upamo pa, da se bodo na spomlad naše članice poživile tudi za našo Zvezo. Influenca ali španska je tudi več naših članic obiskala; v bolnici so pa bile: Mary Noda in Ana Godlar. Bog daj, da bi se te, in vse naše bolne članice pozdravile in da bi se udeležile majske seje, ker bomo obhajale rojstne dni in materinski dan. Vabimo vse članice in kličemo na svidenje! Zopet nam je ena članica odletela v gorke kraje, in sicer Karolina Kaljo-pe, ki se je z možem George nastanila v Californiji. Kot se sliši sta kar zadovoljna tam in se lepo grejeta na soncu, medtem ko mi tukaj sneg od-metujemo, ki ga imamo kar čez mero, in še to 7. marca. Naslov od Kaljope: 8G44, Kaiser, Fontana, Cal. — Sedaj so nam odšle že tri članice v Californijo, poleg omenjene še Kristina Fliips in Antonette Donat. V Floridi se je pa naselila Ana Petrovič. Bodite pozdravljene, pa na nas ne pozabite. Mary Praznovski je postala četrtič prastara mati. Mary Kos pa četrtič stara mati ko so dobili pri Marylin Lekan punčko, da bo delala družbo trem bratcem. Naše čestitke na vse strani. Veselo in blagoslovljeno Veliko noč želi članicam, Frances Perme, poročevalka Št. 41, Cleveland, Ohio — Radi velikega mraza, se je le malo članic udeležilo zadnje seje, ki je bila zelo kratka. Prejele smo vaibdlo in vstopnice od pevskega zbora Jadran, za njihovo 40 letnico. Vstopnice so pokupile naše zavedne članice, za kar jim lepa hvala. Sestra Rose Strumble je ponovno resno zbolela; sestra Mary Plešec se je pa pri padcu na ledu precej poškodovala na glavi. Obema želimo čimprejšnjega okrevanja. Iskreno in globoko sožalje izrekamo sestram: Dorothy Ferra nad izgubo drage mamice Anne Varšek, Caroline Gričar tudi ob izgubi ljube mame Karoline Vidmar, in Anni Videnšek nad izgubo ljubljenega soproga Johna Videnšek. Naj bo blagim pokojnim ohranjen blag spomin. Lepa hvala sestram, Josephine Koželj, Anne Vadnal in Barbara Polovich, ki so darovale v blagajno. Po seji smo imele običajni prigrizek v počastitev rojstnih dnevov ses. Angele Maček in spodaj podpisane. Omenjeni sta prinesli krofe, ker je bil ravno pustni torek Ses. Mary Marcel nam je postregla s kejkom (cake) 'n jabolčnimi zavitkom, ses. Mary Debevec pa s flancati, in ses. Ančka Rebolj je pa preskrbela za kapljico. 1'ako smo bile prav Židane volje. Prisrčna hvala vsem. — V tem mesecu °bhajata rojstne dneve, naša predsednica Rose Pujzdar in blagajničarka Mary Debevec. Obema in vsem, katere °bhajate rojstne dneve v aprilu, želi-nio ge mnogo zdravih in zadovoljnih let. Ker smo že v nastopu pomladi, Upam, da bo ob času prihodnje seje bolj ugodno vreme. Vse članice ste yabljene, da se je udeležite. — Vsem želim* vesele velikonočne praznike! Ella Starin, tajnica Št. 54, Warren, O. — Upam, da kadar boste brale te vrstice, bo že cvetela vesela pomlad. Ko to pišem iz-8'eda, da je še daleč do nje. Danes Je bilo 3 stopinje nad ničlo in snega več kot preveč. Zaradi slabega vremena se seja v marcu ni vršila, kar je vzrok da nimam kaj posebnega podati. Na letni seji smo sklenile, da bomo obhajale materinski dan, na dan naše seje, to je 5. maja s "Cover Dish”. Lahko prinesete kar hočete. Večerja se začne ob C uri zvečer. Če J® katera tako dobra, naj prinese ma- li dar, da bomo imele za darila. Apeliram na vse, da se v lepem številu udeležite, matere in hčerke. Saj to je naš dan. Moje čestitke sestri Elizabeth Persin, ki je bila izvoljena za častno ma-ler- Njene snahe in njihove hčerke so naše članice. Ravno tako več njenih sorodnic. Letos smo imeli mnogo bol-n*kov, zaradi influence, ki je gospodama to zimo. Slabega zdravja so sledeče sestre: Elizabeth Persin, njen soprog je bil tudi dolgo v bolnici, daje Carolyn Smuke, Anna Volk je bila tudi dalje časa v bolnici, ravno tako “ai'olyn Knezevich in Frances Banesh že tudi več let trpi. Vsem bolnim že- no ljubega zdravja. Sestra Carolyn Persin in Anna 'aker sta se podali v sončno Florido "a Počitnice. — Na obisku pri svoji ®yakinji se nahaja Agnes Harris 'Smuke) iz Murray, Utah. Tukaj ima dosti nečakinj in nečakov, ki jih ni Vl(lela dolgo vrsto let. Dobrodošla v naši sredi. Bližajo se velikonoči prazniki, zato Želi žln ® vsem članicam in njihovim dru- . am, glavnemu odboru in vsem pri-‘‘teljicam obilo božjega blagoslova ter Se sestrsko pozdravljam, Rose Racher {j 55, Girard, O. — Zelo mi je žal, ‘l Je zadnji mesec bila naša kolona v jj°Venščini prazna. Usoda je že tako ^ tela. Namreč kakor vam je znano, in sem 22. jan. kar na hitro zbolela. morala sem takoj v bolnico. Nahaja-* sem se v Trumbull Memorial IIos-tal v Warren, O. Imela sem zelo dobro postrežbo, bolničarke so bile zelo prijazne in so mi zelo lepo stregle podnevi in ponoči. Moj zdravnik se je zelo zanimal in trudil, da me je čimprej zopet spravil na noge. Februarska seja se je vršila v slovenskem narodnem domu v veliik dvorani. Poročano mi je bilo, da je bilo navzočih 30 članic in so obhajale Valentine party s "covered dish supper”. Stoloravnateljica je bila Mrs. Anna Catone in njene pomočnice so bile Angeline Hlasta, Margaret Tripoti, Mrs. Anna Kren in Olga Rogel. Miza je bila postavljena v obliki črke T, lepo pogrnjena in okrašena s šopkom cvetljic ter z rdečimi svečkami. Veliko članic je isti dan praznovalo rojstni dan in so jim ostale članice zapele čestitke. Slavljenke so bile: Mary Luks, Helen Swabeck, Theresa Severinski, Anna Catone, Sophie Kren in Angeline Bernard. Tudi jaz se jim pridružim in čestitam, čeravno je že minulo, vendar ni nikoli prepozno želeti dobrim članicam, še na mnoga leta! Mrs. Marie Cvetnic in Florence Luks, katera je še zmiraj naša članica in je trenutno tukaj na počitnicah. sta bili tudi navzoči. To leto bomo imele Mother and Daughter banquet v Mahoning Country Club, dne 12. maja ob G uri zvečer. — Točno! Za rezerviranje tega večera lahko pokličete Mary Mehalko, Mary Luks, ali Theresa Lozier, a ne pozneje kot do 5. maja! Kot vam je že vsem znano in upam, da ne boste pozabile, da bomo imele 9. aprila "bake sale” pri Swabek Flower Shop. Prav vse ste prošene, da bi kaj napekle, ali pa kaj darovale v ta namen, ker naša blagajna gre hudo navzdol. Na boniški listi se nahajajo Mrs. Anna Kren in Guit Hlasta. Želimo jima skorajšnjega zdravja. — Zadnji mesec je umrla po dolgi bolezni Mrs. Jennie Husick. Pokojna je bila doma iz Youngstown, Ohio. Večni mir in pokoj njeni duši, ostali družini naše sožalje. — Zelo žalostna novica je prišla zadnji teden iz Clevelanda in se raznesla takoj po celi Girardi, da je umrl Ivan Ruk, kateri je živel v Girardi 11 let in se je komaj pred 5 meseci preselil nazaj v Cleveland. Za nas tukaj je bilo tako nenadno presenečenje, da nismo mogli verjeti. Pokojni Ivan je bil komaj 32 let star in zapušča sinčka Janeza in soprogo Catherine, katera je v sorodu naše članice Olge Rogel. Ivan, vsem Girarčanom nam je zelo težko, da si moral še tako mlad oditi iz te solzne doline in zapustiti svojo ljubljeno družino. Ostal boš nam vsem v najlepšem spominu in spominjali se te bomo v molitvah. Bog naj ti bo dober plačnik in lahka naj ti bo ameriška zemlja. Družini in sorodnikom izrekamo naše globoko sožalje. S pozdravom Emma Zore ZAHVALA Ne vem kako bi izbrala besede, da bi se čim lepše in iskreno zahvalila za vse, in vsem ob času moje bolezni, v bolnici in na domu. Dolžnost me veže, da se najprej zahvalim naši Materi preblaženi Devici Mariji, ker me je čuvala in prosila pri Bogu zame, da sem se zopet srečno vrnila domov! Nadalje se zahvalim vsem sestram (Nunam) v Pittsburgh, Pa., Du Bois, Pa., in Greenville, Pa., ki so me tolažile In vzpodbujale z lepimi karticami in pismi, skoraj vsak dan, kakor tudi se me spominjale v molitvah skupno s tamkajšnjimi šolskimi otroci. Etoako hvala lepa Father Nally, ki je daroval sveto mašo za moje zdravje. Prisrčna hvala vsem mojim prijateljem, mojim dobrim sosedom in sorodnikom, ki so toliko dobrega storili za mene in mojega Johna. Iskrena hvala prav vsem za toliko poslanih cvetljic, daril, peciva in kartic ter obiskov. Bog naj povrne vsem mojim dobrotnikom za vse kar so za mene storili. Vam vdana, Emma Zore St. 63, Denver, Colo. — Prva seja leta 1960 je bila lepo obiskana. Izvoljen je bil naslednji odbor za to leto: Svetovalec Rev. Leopold Mihelič, predsednica Mary Kovač, podpredsednica Cecelia Kreiling, tajnica Mollie Svigel, blagajničarka Johana Krasovič, zapisnikarica Ellen Nortnik. V nadzornem odboru so: Preds. Josephine Sieg-wardt, Anna Kzszkowski in Frances Graze. Maršalka Anna Mikan. Seje vsako četrto nedeljo v mesecu ob 2 uri popoldan v slovenskem domu, 4468 Washington st. Meseca junija in julija ne bo seje. Dne 28. avgusta bo prva poltna seja in ste že sedaj prošene, da pridete v velikem številu na to sejo, ker bo več važnih stvari za rešiti. Za častno mater je bila izvoljena sestra blagajničarka Johana Krasovic. 14. maja bo naša podr. praznovala 25 letnico ustanovitve. V ta namen bomo priredile večerjo "Bake Ham” in vse kar zraven spada. Večerja bo točno ob 6 uri zvečer; potem bo podan kratek govor, nato pa ples. Drage članice, vljudno vas vabim, da se udeležite te prireditve in pripeljite svoje znance in prijatelje, da nas bo več skupaj. 25 let je lepa doba, zato bi se tudi spodobilo, da bi vsaka izmed nas poklonila eno novo članico Zvezi in podružnici. Lahko bi nas bilo veliko več, če bi se vsaka malo bolj potrudila. Vabim vse, da se udeležite seje v aprilu in maju, ker ne bomo imele sej potem do 25. septembra. Vesele velikonočne praznike želim odbornicam in članicam. Bolnim sestram pa ljubo zdravje. Bodite vse lepo pozdravljene. — Na svidenje na prihodnji seji, Mollie Svigel, tajnica Št. 64, Kansas City, Kans. — Meseca februarja nismo-imele seje, ker je bilo zelo grdo vreme. Že 3 tedne zaporedoma je vsako soboto snežilo, tako, da vsak rajši doma za pečjo sedi. Tudi bolezen zelo razsaja pri nas. Hudo je zbolela čast. ses. Saba, ki poučuje na naši šoli in se je morala podati v bolnico. Želimo ji skorajšnjega okrevanja. Enako željo tudi članici Uršula Kragel, ki še vedno boleha. Po kratki bolezni je preminula Miss Johana Dragoš. Zapušča mater, štiri sestre in enega brata; a en brat je pred leti umrl. Družini naše sožalje, pokojni pa naj sveti večna luč. Mr. in Mrs. Anthony Kostelec sta postala stari oče in mamica, ko so pri hčerki Mr. in Mrs. Herbert Porter dobili hčerko novorojenko. Naše čestitke! Hčerki-novorojenki pa mnogo sreče in zdravja v bodočnosti. Najlepši pozdrav vsej naši organizaciji, Antonia Kostelec, preds. Št. 68, Fairport, O. — Zopet napišem nekaj vrstic v našo priljubljeno Zarjo, da ne hodo članice rekle, kje vendar sem. V zadnji številki Zarje ni bilo nobenega poročila od naše podružnice in tudi seje se nisem udeležila. Pa vam rečem, da nič rada ne izostanemi, ker sem resnično rada z vami. Ker je hči šla s soprogom v Mich. na počitnice na mali oddih, sem bila zadržana pri vnukih. Štirje so in jih je treba dobro držati za vajeti. Tajnica mi je poročala, da je bila seja precej dobro obiskana in da so bile vse članice kar zadovoljne. Tudi prav okusni prigrizek so imele po seji, ki sta ga pripravile Frances Zuzek in Jennie Ls.gina. Tako vidite vedno nekaj zamudim. Dobitka je bila deležna Josie Ulle. Upam, da bo v kratkem prišla, dolgo željena pomlad. Ko to pišem, imamo tukaj precej snega. Že en mesec nam vsak dan ponovno zasuje vrata, da se ga človek končno naveliča odmetavati. V tem mesecu bomo obhajali velikonočne praznike, zato srčno želim vsem članicam in vašim družinam, da bi jih praznovali v veselju in pri najboljšem zdravju. Bog z vami! Angela Lunka, poročevalka Št. 71, Strabane, Pa. — Zima nam nič ne prizanaša to leto. Smo že 6. marca in imamo do 12 inčov snega, in radio napoveduje še več. Veliko šol je zaprtih in mnogo prometa ustavljenega. Kruta smrt je že zopet posegla v družine naših članic. Po dveletni mučni bolezni, ki jo je voljno prenašala, je 10. februarja umrla ustanoviteljica naše podružnice in dobra članica Josephine Kotar. Bila je vesele narave, rada prepevala in ljubila ter negovala cvetljice. Doma je bila iz Kukenberka pri Veliki Loki na Dolenjskem. Zapušča soproga, 4 sinove in 1 hčer ter več vnukov. Članice izrekajo družini globoko sožalje. Pokojni pa večni mir in pokoj! Spavaj mirno! Veliko čla- nic se je udeležilo pogreba in na predvečer pogreba so molile rožni venec za rajno. Hvala vsem, katere ste prišle. Dne 4. marca pa je nagloma umrl soprog naše članice Agnes Boštjančič in sin naše blagajničarke Mary Boštjančič, star komaj 45 let. Prišel je iz službe in po večerji ko je družina sedela v sprejemni sobi, mu je naenkrat postalo slabo in vsa zdravniška pomoč mu ni nič pomagala. Zapušča soprogo, 2 sina, 1 hčerko, mater in sestro Lucy Smith, ki je tudi naša članica. Globoko sožalje družini, pokojnemu pa večni mir; prerano je zapustil ta svet. Pri družini moje vnukinje Margie Valenčič so 19. feb. dobili krepkega sinčka drugo-rojenčka, ki je tudi že postal član naSe podr. Članica Mary Kavšek je prestala težko operacijo in zdravje se ji počasi vrača. Nahaja se v Washington bolnici. Čitala sem v Zarji, da je umrla Mrs. Praust. Zelo bomo pogrešali njene dopise, ki so bili zelo zanimivi. Naj počiva v miru! Lep pozdrav gl. odbornicam in članicam! — Ne pozabite priti na seje. Mary Tomsic, preds. Št. 85, DePue, III. — Izgleda, da letos zime ne bo konec; toda vse enkrat mine in tako bo tudi z letošnjo zimo. Čeprav je grdo vreme, so naše seje polno številno obiskane. Na vsaki seji imamo malo zabave. Malo razvedrila je dobro za zdravje. Na zadnji seji smo sklenile, da bomo naredile kokošjo večerjo (Chicken Supper). To bo 1. maja ob šestih zvečer. Pripeljite svoje družine in prijatelje s seboj. Cena je en dolar na osebo. Bodo tudi priljubljene igre in zabava. Dolg čas vem, da ne bo nikomur. Tikete lahko kupite pri Mrs. Mary Zugic. Prosimo, da se gotovo udeležite aprilove seje, ker bomo imele veliko važnega za razpravljati. lipam, da bomo imele uspeh. Z večjo vnemo in dobro voljo ter s sodelovanjem bomo lahko kaj dosegle za napredek SŽZ. Tukaj nas je malo po številu. Zato ne moremo veliko pomagati. Veseli me pa, ko čitam Zarjo in vidim .koliko nadarjenosti je med s'ovenskimi ženami. Ne zaostajajo za nobenim drugim narodom. Le tako naprej dekleta! — Na naši letni seji smo izvolile ves prejšnji odbor za leto 1960. Seveda smo zadovoljne z njim. Odbor je sledeči: predsednica Mary Stupar, podpredsednica Teresa Grilc, tajnica Mary Jermene, blagajničarka Mary Zobavnilt, ki tako lepo skrbi za našo blagajno in naša izvrstna zapisnikarica Angela Spola. Na vse smo lahko ponosne. Nežika Resetič je prevzela nadzorni odbor; torej je le ona nova. Sestra Annie Križan je izgubila moža zadnji mesec. Naše sožalje Annie. — Nekaj naših članic je bolnih. Obiskujte jih, če je le mogoče; ena dobra beseda včasih veliko pomagai in ena vijolica v življenju je veliko vredna. Torej se vidimo na sejah vsako drugo nedeljo v mesecu ob 2 popoldan. — Pa bodite pridne in zdrave. Na svidenje 1. maja. Pozdrav vsem dopisovalkam in glavnemu odboru. Jennie Blatnik, poroč. Št. 100, Fontana, Cal. — Na seji v marcu smo sklenile, da bomo proslavile 3-letnico naše podružnice, ki je bila ustanovljena na pobudo častne predsednice Marie Prisland, ko se je mudila tukaj na počitnicah. Proslava se bo vršila 5. maja v dvorani K.S.K.J-ob 6 uri zvečer. Imele bomo “Pot Luck” večerjo in tudi muzikanta, da se bomo malo zavrtele. Upam, da se bodo članice s prijatelji udeležile te proslave v polnem številu, kjer se bodo lahko spoznale z domačimi ljudmi’ Tudi bi rade, da bi več mladih deklet pristopilo k Zvezi. Tukajšnje slovensko zavetišče dobi« napreduje in bo gotovo meseca maja-Ob otvoritvi se bo vršila 3-dnevna proslava. Ker je nekaj članic poslalo darila za slovensko zavetišče, naj tukaj poročam, da smo naredili čistega dobička $500.00, kar je lepa vsota-Hvala vsem, kateri ste prispevali ta plemenit namen. Vedno več članic prihaja sem z11 stalno. Vabim vas, da pristopite K naši podružnici. Dobili smo veliko dežja, a sedaj je začelo vse lepo zeleneti po vrtovih-Želim vsem članicam vesele veliko-nočne praznike in mnogo pirhov. Frances Lukanich, poroč. PRVA OBLETNICA SMRTI Katarina Peternel Rojena 30. aprila 1890 — Umrla 3. aprila 1959 Bila je zvesta članica podr. št. 96, Universal, Pa. Poleg hčerke Mary Klemenčič, ki je tajnica podr., je zapustila hčerke: Cecelia, Anna in Frances ter šestnajst vnukov in tri sestre! Blag ji spomin! JUNIOR'S PAGE “around the world with THE CHILDREN” •tear Juniors, This month, let’s hear all about •Hir country, which is part of the continent of North America. On both s*iles of it there are oceans, and ("'er them ships can easily go to the “•her parts of the world. The Unit d •Slates is a big country. It contains ll|niost everything needed for food, shelter and clothing. In the U.S. there d mines in parts of our country ll|rnish the wood and iron that are needed to build homes. It produces s° much that is good for food and sheitei. and clothing that it supports 'Millions of people. In it are many l>ties and villages and railroads from °nH place to another. There are (housands of homes and these are of ni;tiiy different kinds. •-et’s ask some of our boys and girls ,() describe their homes. One boy who L'°ttles from a farm says, “My home is il house made of wood. It is in the Country and is surrounded by green Helds where our horses, cattle and sheep are feeding. There is a big barn near the house with a great h a y m o w where we children sometimes play and there are piles of straw in the barn- yard. T here are fences around the farm and in front ()' a wide road that leads to town ‘"Hi to the school. Much of our food ^°nies from the farm, but, we also bl’y some at the store.” l'he next one to tell us about a '°*Ue is a girl from village. "Our 'oilse has a green yard in front of it a garden behind. The house is jhade of wood. It is painted white and ■as gieen window blinds. A friend of '»ine lives in a brick ’ouse next door and just ilci'°ss the street is a '°Use built of stone. '1 he ,|Ulren who live on our »ti- er 'Uni eet often play togeth- vegetables in our garden and buy some of our food from the farmers, but we get most of it at the store. All our clothing comes from the store.” Now, let’s hear from a boy who lives in the city. He says, “My house has no fields about it. I have to walk or ride a long way through streets lined with houses before I can see gardens or farms. My home is an apartment house. I live high up in a brick building. There are many other families who have their homes in the same building. Some live on our floor — others live above us and still others live below us. Our flat has eight rooms, all on one floor. There is a kitc’.ien, dining room, bedrooms and a j.arlor. There is one little room where we children play. We get everything we eat and wear from the stores. We often ride on the street cars when we go shopping and we play in parks or public playgrounds.” Hope you all like this story of the great country in which we live. Next month, we will move into cold lands, the eskimo land, to learn more about our world brothers and sisters. Your pen pal, DONNA COD'S RAINDROPS I like to hear God’s raindrops Against my windowpane; I know that He has sent them To help the fruit and grain. Without God’s little raindrops This world would really be A barren and ugly place For everyone to see. So thank You, heavenly Father, For raindrops that you send And all the earthly beauties That they in turn do lend. Dear Donna: A VERY HAPPY EASTER TO ALL! My mother read me the January Junior Page and I was so thrilled to see my article and my name printed. 1 brought this Page to school for my teacher to read and she too was pleased to read my article and said she was proud of me. We are learning about science now at school. Last week we cut a carrot top and placed it in water and are watching for the greens to sprout. Our next vegetable will be celery. ho outside the houses yards, but each family has a Use and yard of its own. We raise What is difference between a hungry man and a glutton? One lonRs to eat and the other eats too long. * * * What is the biggest jewel in the world ? A baseball diamond. This bunny picture I am sending you I made and hope you can use it if you like it well enough. Rest wishes for a Happy Easter to everybody! vSif fiscHpf Dear Jane, How suprised I was when I read your letter to learn that you live quite close to my home. I hope I will be able to see you some time. I also attended 3 meetings of branch no. 5(1 and enjoyed them very much. Oct. 2nd my mother is going to help arrange a children’s program. Why not join in the fun? DONNA What is the difference between a busy typist and 16 ounces of flour. One pounds away; the other weighs a pound. * * * Why is it wrong to whisper? Because it isn’t aloud. * * * What is it that a gentleman does not have and yet can give to a lady? A husband. » * * When is a dog’s tail not a tail? When it’s waggin’ (wagon). KATH. SHUSTERSICti 93 6513 FOREST AV BROOKLYN 27, N. y. PATRONIZE OUR ADVERTISERS DR. FRANK T. GRILL PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office 1858 W. Cermak Rd., Phone CAnal 6-4955 Chicago 8, Illinois JOHN ZELEZNIKAR and SONS FUEL OIL 2045 W. 23rd St. VI 7-6891 Chicago 8, 111. We have a home to fit your needs! LUDWIG A. LESKOVAR Real Estate & Insurance 2032 W. Cermak Rd. Chicago 8, 111. VI. 7-6679 JOS. ZELE & SONS, INC. TWO COMPLETE FUNERAL HOMES 452 East 152nd St. 6502 St. Clair Ave. IV. 1-3118 Cleveland, Ohio EN. 1-0583 Ample Parking Facilities Nad pol stoletja že nudi ljubeznivo bratsko pomoč svojim članom in članicam, vdovam in sirotam v slučaju bolezni, nesreče ali smrti KRANJSKO SLOVENSKA KATOLIŠKA JEDNOTA Najstarejša slovenska podporna organizacija v Ameriki Certificates: 48,000 Premoženje: $13,000,000.00 K.S.K. Jednota sprejema moške in ženske od 16. do GO. leta starosti; otroke pa takoj po rojstvu in do 18. leta pod svoje okrilje. K.S.K. Jednota izdaja najmodernejše vrste certifikate za odrasle in mladino od $250.00 do $5,000.00. Če še nisi član ali članica te mogočne katoliške podporne organizacije, potrudi se In pristopi takoj — bolje danes kot jutri! Starši, vpišite svoje otroke v K.S.K. Jednoto! Za pojasnila o zavarovalnini vprašajte tajnike ali tajnice krajevnih društev KSKJ v vaši naselbini, ali pa pišite na: GLAVNI URAD 351-353 No. Chicago Street Joliet, Illinois CENTRAL NATIONAL BANK of CLEVELAND Rendering Sound and Conservative Banking Service Main Office: 6422 St. Clair Ave. Collinwood Office: 15619 Waterloo Rd. East 93 - Union: 3496 East 93rd St. CLEVELAND, Ohio DR. VICTOR R. CERCEK ZOBOZDRAVNIK — DENTIST 1930 West Cermak Rd. Tel.: Bishop 7-7179 CHICAGO 8, III. PARK VIEW LAUNDERERS AND CLEANERS A Service to Fit Every Budget 1727-31 W. 21st Street CAnal 6-7172-73 CHICAGO ZEFRAN FUNERAL HOME 1941-43 WEST CERMAK ROAD LOUIS J. ZEFRAN CHICAGO 8, ILL. ELIZABETH L. ZEFRAN Funeral Director* &. Embalmer« Virginia 7-6688 Ermenc Funeral Home 5325 W. Greenfield Ave. EVergreen 3-5060 Milwaukee, Wisconsin H. GRDIMI & SONS ZA POHIŠTVO IN ZA POGREBE Za vesele in žalostne dneve Nad 56 let že obratujemo naše podjetje v zadovoljnost naših ljudi. To je dokaz da je podjetje iz — naroda za narod. V vsakem slučaju se obrnite do našega podjetja, prihranili si boste denar in dobili stoprocentno postrežbo. Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio Podružnica: 15301-07 Waterloo Rd. Tel.: KEnmore 1-1235 Cleveland 10, Ohio Pogrebni zavod: 1053 E. 62nd Street Tel.: HEnderson 1-2088 Cleveland 3, Ohio 17002-10 Lake Shore Blvd. Tel.: Kenmore 1-6300 Cleveland 10, Ohio