Kaja Troha1, Saba Battelino2 Primary Cholesteatoma of the external auditory Canal with adjacent structure invasion: a report of three Cases and literature review Primarni holesteatom zunanjega sluhovoda s širjenjem v sosednje strukture: trije klinični primeri in pregled literature aBstraCt KEY WORDS: cholesteatoma, external auditory canal, tissue invasion, imaging, otoscopy, mastoidectomy, comorbidities External auditory canal cholesteatoma is a rare condition. In persons with no significant history of trauma, surgery or pre-existing ear canal stenosis of the affected ear, it is ter- med primary/idiopathic/spontaneous. While the majority of outer ear canal cholestea- tomas are limited to the external ear canal itself, the masses have the potential to spread and destroy adjacent tissues. The aim of our study is to present clinical findings in three patients with primary external auditory canal cholesteatoma spreading to the surroun- ding structures. This clinical entity is often misdiagnosed, which leads to a delay in ade- quate treatment and possible complications. External auditory canal cholesteatoma should be considered as a differential diagnosis by otorhinolaryngologists in any case of otitis externa maligna, otomycosis non-responsive to medication, keratosis obturans, neoplasm of the outer ear canal etc. In patients with prolonged non-specific symptoms (such as otorrhea and otalgia), thorough otoscopic examination and appropriate imaging are cru- cial for a timely diagnosis. Tissue biopsy is necessary, especially in advanced stages of the disease, to exclude malignancies and to plan surgical treatment accordingly. The dis- crepancy between symptom severity and local extent of the disease in our patients stres- ses the importance of early recognition and regular follow-up, especially in persons with associated risk factors (advanced age and comorbidities). 1 Kaja Troha, dr. med., Klinika za otorinolaringologijo in cervikofacialno kirurgijo, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Zaloška cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana; kaja.troha@gmail.com 2 Izr.prof. dr. Saba Battelino, dr. med., Klinika za otorinolaringologijo in cervikofacialno kirurgijo, Univerzitetni klinični center Ljubljana, Zaloška cesta 2, 1000 Ljubljana 427Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: 427–441 ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 427 less common than middle ear cholesteato- ma (5, 6). It is classified as primary or idiopathic or spontaneous when no signi- ficant history of trauma, surgery, radiation or other causes of priorly present ear canal stenosis of the affected ear are found. The pathogenesis of the disease is poorly under- stood. Potential risk factors for its deve- lopment have been proposed, including microangiopathy (nicotine abuse, diabetes), microtrauma, remnants of the first branc- hial cleft, and age-related changes in epit- helial migration (9, 10). The symptoms are non-specific, otorrhea and otalgia being the most common ones (7). The majority of EACCs are limited to the outer ear canal. Still, the disease has the ability to spread and destroy adjacent structures – the tem- poromandibular joint (TMJ), hypotympa- num, mastoid cavity, facial nerve, skull base etc. (8). Several staging systems of EACCs are available (11). The diagnosis lar- 428 Kaja Troha, Saba Battelino Primary Cholesteatoma of the external auditory Canal with adjacent … iZvleČek KLJUČNE BESEDE: holesteatom, zunanji sluhovod, destrukcija tkiv, slikovna diagnostika, otoskopija, mastoidektomija, komorbidnosti Holesteatom zunanjega sluhovoda je redka klinična najdba. Pri bolnikih brez poškodbe, operacije, obsevanja ali iz drugih vzrokov znane prisotne zožitve sluhovoda na prizade- tem ušesu gre za primarni/idiopatski/spontani holesteatom zunanjega sluhovoda. Kljub temu da je večina holesteatomov te vrste omejena na sam zunanji sluhovod, imajo lezije potencial k širjenju in uničenju priležnih tkiv. V prispevku smo želeli predstaviti klinične značilnosti in obravnavo treh bolnikov s primarnim holesteatomom zunanjega sluhovoda, ki se širi v sosednje strukture. Ta klinična entiteta je pogosto napačno diagnosticirana, kar vodi v zamudo z ustreznim zdravljenjem in poveča možnosti za področne ali sistemske zaple- te. Otorinolaringologi naj na primarni holesteatom zunanjega sluhovoda posumijo pri vsa- kem primeru malignega vnetja zunanjega sluhovoda, Otomikoze, neodzivne na zdravljenje, primerih keratosis obturans-a in neoplazmah zunanjega sluhovoda. Pri bolnikih z vztra- jajočimi nespecifičnimi simptomi (bolečina in izcedek iz ušesa) sta natančen otoskopski pregled in slikovna diagnostika ključna za optimalno obravnavo. Pred načrtovanjem ope- rativnega posega je predvsem pri razširjenih oblikah bolezni za izključitev malignih tvorb pomembna biopsija tkiva. Nesorazmerje med stopnjo težav in razširjenostjo holesteato- mov pri preučevanih bolnikih poudarja pomen zgodnjega prepoznavanja in rednih kon- trolnih pregledov, še posebej pri osebah z večjim tveganjem (starost, pridružene bolezni). introDUCtion External auditory canal (EAC) cholestea- toma is a non-neoplastic formation in the outer ear canal. It is histologically consi- dered an epidermoid cyst. It causes osteo- necrosis and sequester formation in the bony EAC with its invasion of the kerati- nizing squamous epithelium. The first researcher to describe this entity was Toynbee in 1850, using the term »speci- mens of molluscum contagiosum« in the EAC. In 1893, Scholefield described it more accurately as »epithelial debris in the ear canal«. It was defined and distinguished from keratosis obturans, which is the most similar differential, by Piepergerdes in 1980. Researchers Naiberg et al. were the first to describe the disease histopatholo- gically in 1984 (1–4). External auditory canal cholesteatoma (EACC) is a rare con- dition with an incidence rate of around 0.30/100.000 per year, making it 60 times ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 428 gely relies on recognition upon clinical exa- mination by the otorhinolaryngologist and on appropriate imaging. Tissue biopsy is essential in advanced lesions before defi- nitive surgical treatment to exclude mali- gnancies. Apart from keratosis obturans, the most common diseases mimicking EACC are otitis externa maligna and squamous cell carcinoma (8, 9). Treatment is not stan- dardised, as it depends on the extent of the disease and most commonly includes ear canal curettage (11). Our study aims to describe the symp- toms, clinical findings, and disease mana- gement in three patients with primary EACC spreading to adjacent structures. MetHoDs Medical documentation of three patients (Patient A, B and C) was reviewed. Medical Cases All our patients were males over 65 years of age. Patient A presented with progres- sive otorrhea and ear canal pruritus, per- sisting for two months. Patient B and C experienced hearing loss and otalgia for three and four weeks, respectively. Patient B also reported aural fullness. All com- plaints were unilateral, two on the right side and one on the left. All three patients had a positive medical history for comorbidi- ties – arterial hypertension (all patients), diabetes and transitory ischemic attack with neck artery stent placement (patient B), and smoking habit (patient A). Otoscopy and CT scans performed in all patients revealed characteristic lesions in EAC, rai- sing suspicion of cholesteatoma. In patient A, the masses were occupying the inferior anterior portion of the EAC, spreading to the TMJ area and posterior canal wall. In Patient B, the mass invaded the mastoid cavity and the hypo- and mesotympanum. Cholesteatoma in patient C was expan- ding from the posterior canal wall into the mastoid cavity. All patients underwent sur- gical treatment under general anaesthesia. Modified canal wall down (CWD) mastoi- dectomy was performed in patient A. In patients B and C, ear canal curettage was performed to remove cholesteatoma tissue and serve as tissue biopsy, as it was impos- sible to differentiate between cholesteato- ma and possible malignancies with the CT scan alone. With malignancies excluded, patient C, due to mastoid invasion, under- went a CWD mastoidectomy in a separate procedure. All cholesteatomas were remo- ved in total. Histopathological examination confirmed the diagnosis of cholesteatoma in all patients. Pre- and postoperative audio- metric testing revealed only minor addi- tional conductive hearing loss in patients with mastoidectomy after surgery, with Patient C already having a known combi- ned hearing loss before surgery. In patient B, a residuum of the disease was found six months after initial treatment, requiring re- curettage of the EAC, which was success- fully performed. The patients are monitored during regular follow-ups, which periodi- cally include imaging (high resolution com- puter tomography (HRCT) or MRI), and haven’t shown any signs of disease so far (all more than 4 years after surgery). Detailed clinical presentation and mana- gement are described below. Patient a  A 71-year-old male patient presented to the tertiary ENT centre with progressive wor- sening of otorrhea and external ear canal pruritus on the right ear persisting for two months. The symptoms were not responding to treatment with oral anti- biotics, and thorough local cleansing had been performed every second day in the secondary outpatient clinic. The patient’s past medical history was significant for tobacco use and allergic rhinitis. There was no history of trauma, stenosis or pre- vious surgery performed on the affected ear. Otoscopic examination revealed a chole- 429Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 429 steatoma-like mass occupying the inferior anterior portion of the right external audi- tory canal spreading to the temporomandi- bular joint area and into the posterior canal wall. A fibrose pocket was present laterally to the cholesteatoma. Medially, an intact tympanic membrane was seen. The CT scan demonstrated a cholesteatoma of the outer ear canal with possible growth into the middle ear cavity (figure 1). Microbiological swab testing of the ear discharge was nega- tive for pathogens. Preoperative pure tone audiometry revealed bilateral sensorineu- ral hearing loss in high frequencies without conductive hearing loss. A modified CWD mastoidectomy was performed in general anaesthesia. The posterior upper ear canal was drilled, and the ear canal dilated. The tympanum was left intact, without entry through the atticus, to affect the patient’s hearing as little as possible. The TMJ area was affected just up to the capsule, with no 430 Kaja Troha, Saba Battelino Primary Cholesteatoma of the external auditory Canal with adjacent … direct invasion to the joint. The cholestea- toma mass was removed in total (figure 2). The ear canal was packed with gel foam soa- ked with antibiotics. A temporalis fascia graft was used to cover the exposed bone before repositioning the meatal skin in the area and below the lifted tympano-mea- tal flap. Pure tone audiometry postopera- tively revealed only minor additional conductive hearing loss (figure 3). An intra- venous antibiotic was administered posto- peratively on the ward. During regular follow-ups, the denuded bone in front of the TMJ and in the inferior part of the EAC was carefully monitored for appropriate healing. After 15 months, a platelet-rich plasma treatment was administered to aid re-epit- helisation, which was visibly improving on every examination. No signs of disease recurrence were evident during follow- ups, four years after initial treatment for the time of this article. a) b) Figure 1. Preoperative CT scan in patient A, both sections showing soft tissue mass in the right EAC with middle ear invasion. A) axial view, B) coronal view. Figure 2. Postoperative CT scan in patient A, coronal view, post-canal wall down mastoidectomy showing no cholesteatoma on the right ear. ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 430 Patient B A 67-year-old man presented to the tertia- ry centre due to persistent otalgia and hearing loss on the left ear starting three weeks before referral. His comorbidities were diabetes mellitus on metformin and hypertension. His past medical history was significant for a transitory ischemic attack 20 years prior, along with the placement of a stent in the right neck artery. No evidence of trauma or previous surgery on the affec- ted ear was reported. An expanded left external ear canal was evident upon otos- copic examination. In the inferior canal, wall granulations and sequesters of dead bone were seen. The diagnosis of EACC was suggested. Audiometric testing revealed a symmetrical sensory-neural loss bilate- rally. Microbiological swab samples were obtained prior to intravenous antibiotic administration (Ciprofloxacin) on the ward. They were positive for Turicella otidis, sen- sitive to the selected antibiotic. The CT scan demonstrated demineralization and a defect of the bony area of left ear canal, filled with accumulated bone spurs and dense tissue (figure 4). The mass undermined the lower part of the tympanic membrane, and local- ly invaded the tympanic cavity into the hypo- and mesotympanic area, cranially up to the epitympanum and minimally inva- ded the latter as well. The auditory ossic- les were not destructed, only mildly demineralized due to associated inflam- mation. The mastoid cells contained a thick collection without significant changes of the mastoid cell walls. External ear canal curettage and biopsy were performed in general anaesthesia. Histopathological exa- mination confirmed the diagnosis of cho- lesteatoma – fragments of necrotic bone tissue and keratin scales. Postoperatively, an MRI was performed, showing no rem- nants of the cholesteatoma. After six weeks of parenteral antibiotics and meticulous cleansing of the EAC, the patient was disc- harged. The inflammation was in regres- sion, and an intact tympanic membrane was seen with no signs of epithelium growth. Appropriate healing of the ear canal was 431Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: Figure 3. Postoperative pure tone audiometry testing in patient A, two months after surgery (image of preoperative testing is not available, based on written documentation, the test revealed sensorineural hea- ring loss up to 55 dB at 4000 Hz on the right ear, and sensorineural hearing loss up to 60 dB at 4000 Hz, 30 dB at 6000 Hz and 65 dB at 8000 Hz on the left ear, with no conductive hearing loss bilaterally). ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 431 evident. Antibiotic treatment for another four weeks after discharge was prescribed. The patient had regular check-ups posto- peratively. A control MRI after two months revealed no cholesteatoma masses. Contrast build-up superficially in the medial EAC and the inferior part of tympanic membrane was observed, possibly due to inflammation or postoperatively. Careful observation was indicated. Another MRI was later obtained in four months, which showed new unspe- cific thickening in the lower and anterior portion of the ear canal. Accumulation of epithelium debris towards the anterior canal wall was seen otoscopically. The patient was admitted for re-curettage in general anaesthesia. The cholesteatoma recurrence was removed in total along with the cholesteatoma sac. The tympanic mem- brane was unchanged, as well as the midd- le ear. No remnants of cholesteatoma or epithelium debris were seen postoperatively. 432 Kaja Troha, Saba Battelino Primary Cholesteatoma of the external auditory Canal with adjacent … a) b) Figure 4. Preoperative CT scans in patient B, axial view, showing: A) bone erosion of the left external auditory canal; B) a soft tissue mass in the left external auditory canal. Figure 5. Postoperative MRI in patient B, T2-weighted sequence, axial view, upon follow-up (five years after treatment) without a cholesteatoma mass in the left external auditory canal. a) b) Figure 6. A) preoperative pure tone audiometry testing; B) postoperative pure tone audiometry testing in patient B. ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 432 A postoperative MRI showed diminished contrast build-up in the area where it was previously described. During follow- ups, appropriate reepithelization of the exposed bone was seen. The patient repor- ted unchanged hearing postoperatively. No changes in hearing were observed during audiometric testing (figure 6). Regular cleansing was necessary postoperatively with regular follow-up MRI, which showed no cholesteatoma recurrence up to this point, over five years after surgical treat- ment. Patient C 81-year-old male presented with otalgia and hearing loss of the right ear gradually worsening in the past month. He had a known bilateral symmetric combined hea- ring loss for 15 years and was wearing a hearing aid on the left ear. His comorbi- dities were arterial hypertension, clinical depression and prostate enlargement. No history of trauma, surgery or prolonged infection of the affected ear was reported. Otoscopy revealed an obstructed right outer ear canal in two-thirds with white epithelial masses, which were removed by aspiration. Dry and hardened cerumen was seen behind the masses with only partially removable granulated epithelium. Suspicion of possi- ble bone sequestra and outer ear canal cho- lesteatoma was raised. In the microbiological swab, Escherichia coli was isolated and trea- ted accordingly. A CT scan demonstrated osteomyelitis of the temporal bone. Bone fragments and cholesteatoma masses were seen in the right EAC with the destruction of the posterior ear canal wall and a defec- tive bone barrier between the EAC and the mastoid (figure 7). The tympanic membra- ne was intact. An ear canal curettage and biopsy were performed under general ana- esthesia. Using the endaural approach, the EAC was dilated, and bone fragments with the cholesteatoma sac were removed. The sac was present inferiorly to the tympanic mem- brane. No invasion of the middle ear was evi- dent, however, the invasion in the mastoid could not be assessed. The posterior canal wall and the area below the tympanic mem- brane were drilled. The removed tissue was sent for pathological examination, confirming the cholesteatoma diagnosis. Osteomyelitic bone fragments were micro- biologically inspected, demonstrating seve- ral pathogens. Targeted antibiotic treatment was administered in the ward. Due to the poor visibility of the mastoid and the suspec- ted invasion of the cells, a CWD mastoi- dectomy was performed in another surgery under general anaesthesia with lat. n. facia- lis monitoring. Retroauricularly. The mastoid was trepanned, demonstrating dense liquid in the mastoid cells. The cholesteatoma sac along with thick mucosa were removed 433Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: Figure 7. Preoperative CT scans in patient C, axial view, showing a soft tissue mass in the right EAC with destruction of the posterior ear canal wall. ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 433 entirely. Less than expected post-CWD con- ductive hearing loss in high frequencies was documented with audiometric testing posto- peratively (figure 8). After six weeks of intravenous antibiotic application, the patient was discharged and regularly exa- mined during follow-ups at the outpatient clinic. Successful epithelisation of the radi- cal cavity was observed. No cholesteato- ma recurrence was seen upon regular examinations four years after cholestea- toma removal. DisCUssion incidence and Demographics EACC is a term describing a cystic lesion lined by keratinizing stratified squamous epithelium in the external auditory canal. It is a rare finding, accounting for 1/1000 otological patients (12). The annual inci- dence rate of EACC in the general popula- tion is between 0.19 and 0.3 per 100,000 inhabitants in Switzerland, and Denmark and Greenland (5, 15). In comparison, the annual incidence of middle ear cholestea- toma is around 9.2/100,000 individuals (8). In a study in 2018, Herz et al. described a significantly higher incidence in Europe than previously reported: 0.97 per year per 100,000 inhabitants. The researchers assumed that previous studies only inclu- ded patients treated in tertiary centres, without mild cases treated by general prac- titioners and without possible asympto- matic cases (14). In another recent Chinese study by He et al. in 2021, an even higher incidence was reported, 23.2 per one mil- lion residents. Underestimating the inci- dence in previous studies was similarly attributed to only taking into account inter- mediate, advanced, or surgically treated lesions. The study could not exclude regio- nal or ethnic specificity of the incidence (11). EACC has been described in all age groups, but more commonly occurs in older patients with comorbidities. No una- nimous gender predilection of the disease has been concluded, however, in our study the patients were all males (5, 6, 13, 14). Pathogenetics and Predisposing Factors Embryologically, the EAC is formed from the pharyngeal groove between the first and 434 Kaja Troha, Saba Battelino Primary Cholesteatoma of the external auditory Canal with adjacent … Figure 8. Postoperative pure tone audiometry testing in patient C, four months after surgery – priorly known bilateral combined sensory loss (preoperative testing picture is not available, based on written documentation). ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 434 second branchial arches, i. e. ectoderm, lined by the squamous epithelium. Epithelial skin from the tympanic membrane (TM) migra- tes towards the ear canal and carries kera- tin debris for removal. The basic mechanical characteristic of the EACC is found to be the narrowing or obstruction in the outer ear canal that blocks this epithelium migration. The obstruction contributes to cholestea- toma formation by creating an entrapment or isolation pockets of keratin debris (8, 9). Bunting et al. proposed that the close con- tact between the skin and the bone of the canal leads to epithelial abnormality with increased keratotic activity, which can result in cholesteatoma (20). According to the study by Brookes and Graham, the obstruction of the EAC causes cholestea- toma through its involvement in epithelial desquamation, which leads to a collection of squamous epithelial debris (21). This close contact or obstruction may occur in the ear canal caused by surgery, trauma, radiation, stenosis following osteo- ma, exostosis, congenitally, inflammation or years of bisphosphonate treatment. In those cases, it is termed secondary EACC (14). In 1992, Holt divided EACCs in five categories based on different aetiologies − congenital, posttraumatic, iatrogenic, spon- taneous, post-obstructive or post-inflam- matory (10). The simple division into primary/idiopathic/spontaneous EACC and secondary EACC has later been well esta- blished and most commonly used. Primary EACC therefore develops in the absence of known prior processes occurring in the affected ear. According to recent studies, it may be more common than secondary EACC (5, 22). None of our patients had any known identifiable aetiological factors and were therefore considered primary EACCs. The etiopathogenetic events of primary EACC are unclear, as well as the predispo- sing factors for its development. It has been priorly suggested that underlying local periosteitis causes the stenosis in primary EACC through the mechanisms of a reacti- ve process (12). More recently, the hypothesis of abnormal epithelium migration and pro- liferation in individuals developing prima- ry EACC has been proposed by Makino and Amatsu. Their study has shown that the migratory rate of the epithelium in the infe- rior wall of the external ear canal is slower in patients with primary EACC than in those without EACC (18). This theory is debatable, since it has recently been challenged by a study, which showed no difference in the rate of epithelial migration between normal ears and those affected by EACC (32). This reduction or loss of normal epithelial migra- tion, however, does occur in the aging pro- cess, which is probably the reason for higher EACC occurrence rates in the elderly (19). Other predisposing factors have been sugge- sted, such as the disruption of local micro- circulation due to repeated microtrauma from the use of cotton swabs, smoking, diabetes mellitus, hearing aids etc. The dehiscence of the petrotympanic fissure, the persistence of first branchial cleft epithelium and other branchial arch anomalies also result in the retention of epithelial masses and are pos- sible risk factors for EACC (13−17, 23). Recent immunohistochemical studies have given researchers additional insight into EACC development. Increased levels of various growth factors in patients with EACC have been reported, such as an ele- vated vascular endothelial growth factor and hepatocyte growth factor. These indi- cate tissue hypoxia and increased apopto- sis of epithelial cells and debris formation, respectively, and are a step further in under- standing this clinical entity (24, 25). In our study, the patients were all over 65 years old and had a positive medical history for comorbidities, one of the patients was wearing a hearing aid. These anamne- stic facts are consistent with the literature describing the EACC risk factors and could contribute to disease development in our patients. 435Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 435 location in the ear canal and extension to the surrounding tissues The most common location of idiopathic EACC is known to be the posterior inferior canal wall. Relatively poor blood supply to the skin along the inferior aspect of the canal, the effect of gravity and chewing movements have all been found to promote the invasion of cholesteatoma in this part of the EAC (11, 13). While most EACCs remain limited to the external canal, the disease can spread to surrounding structures. Cholesteatoma extension is often larger than suggested by clinical examination (26). It can invade the structures anteriorly to the TMJ, inferior- ly to the hypotympanum, posteriorly to the mastoid, where it can cause damage to the facial canal, semicircular canals, or sigmoid sinus. The mass can spread superiorly to the facial nerve or to the base of the skull. The tympanum and the TM are usually not affected, except in advanced lesions of middle ear invasion, when it is difficult to differentiate it from middle ear cholestea- toma. However, the TM may be inflamed and sometimes perforated. In less extended lesions of the middle ear, the distinction between middle and external ear chole- steatoma can be made based on the loca- tion of the main body of the lesion and the direction of TM destruction (inside out). (8, 22, 27). According to He et al., EACCs have five direction of expansion pathways: lesions can spread downward or forward within the temporal bone adjacent to the inferior or anterior wall of the EAC and are found to be less destructive. The other two invasion pathways are backward or upward. These invade into the mastoid air cells or through the lateral attic wall upward into the epitympanum. They can invade the temporal bone air cells and can spread rapidly. The last pathway is the inward inva- sion, which means lesions extend medial- ly to the TM, resulting in invagination, ischemia, or perforation. These can invade through the TM into the tympanic cavity (11). Owen et. al reported that the most common adjacent structure involvement of the EACC is the fibrous capsule of the TMJ, followed by the mastoid and the middle ear (5). In a study by Heilbrun et al., disease extension was found in all their 13 subjects; in five cases, into the middle ear, in four cases, as erosion of mastoid air cells, and in two cases, erosion of the facial nerve canal. Consistently with similar studies, they reported it was rare for lesions them- selves to break inward through the TM into the tympanic cavity. Shadows on CT scans around the ossicular chain were common according to their study, which they attri- buted to infections rather than EACC invol- vement. They concluded that the TM appeared to be a resilient natural barrier to cholesteatoma invasion. As the disease seems to easily destroy bone structures, TM tissues are more difficultly impacted by cholesteatoma destructive mechanisms (14, 17, 22). The invasion of the EAC can result in complications, such as facial palsy, ossi- cular erosion, or labyrinthine fistula. A case of EACC presenting as a cerebellar abscess has been reported, despite the extremely rare occurrence of intracranial complica- tions (8, 28). Consistent with the recent literature, in all our cases the inferior portion of the EAC was involved, which is the most common- ly described location. In the first patient, the mass was occupying the anterior inferior portion of the right EAC spreading to the TMJ area and into the posterior canal wall. The cholesteatoma and dead bone tissue in the second patient undermined the lower part of the TM and locally invaded the tym- panic cavity into the hypo- and mesotym- panic areas, cranially up to the epitympanum and minimally invaded the latter. In the last patient, cholesteatoma with osteomyelitis and destruction of the posterior ear canal 436 Kaja Troha, Saba Battelino Primary Cholesteatoma of the external auditory Canal with adjacent … ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 436 wall was described. The mass was spreading from the posterior canal wall into the mastoid cavity. The mild and unspecific cli- nical signs and symptoms may explain the reason our patients presented in the ter- tiary centre relatively late after the disea- se onset (three weeks minimum), when the cholesteatoma had already invaded the neighbouring structures. Clinical Presentation EACC usually presents with non-specific symptoms. The most common symptoms reported in the literature are otalgia and otorrhea. Otalgia has not been consistent- ly described, ranging from cases of vague, mild discomfort to chronic dull pain and severe pain (9, 10, 12). Owen et al. propose that otalgia is a symptom already related to advanced cases of cholesteatoma with the invasion of surrounding structures, as it was significantly present only in patients with EACC invading the TMJ and the mastoid. Otorrhea is another symptom they found inconsistently described and were unable to relate it to the extension of the EACC or coexisting symptoms. Subjective symptoms such as »fullness« or »occlusion feeling«, which diminishes after ear clean- sing, were found to be more consistently reported by patients. Researchers in the study also found a relatively large share of patients presenting as asymptomatic: 24% of all patients. This is consistent with the previously reported rate in literature, bet- ween 25 and 31% (5). Hearing loss is tra- ditionally not a common symptom in EACC, unless described as a blockage of the ear canal or in cases of middle ear invasion (5, 6). In a study by Vrabec and Chaljub, they reported cases of 12 patients with sponta- neous EACC and no hearing loss until late in the course of the disease (29). Conversely, in a study by He et al., the most common symptom they found was hearing loss, or sense of blockage, in 78.7%, followed by acute or chronic otalgia in 73.4% and otorr- hea in 28.2%, others being tinnitus, pruri- tus; in one case, they also found facial paralysis. They proposed the patients most- ly seek treatment with acute symptoms, such as otalgia or otorrhea, whereas hearing loss described as blockage is also present in this disease before, tracing retrospectively (11). It can be proposed that these additio- nal unspecific symptoms are often not reported as the main complaints as they develop more gradually and are, therefore, noted to a lesser extent. In this paper, we only report advanced cases of EACC. Our findings are consistent with the existing literature, which descri- be additional symptoms in advanced lesions, apart from the most common ones. Two of our cases reported hearing loss and otalgia, while the other presented with otorrhea and ear canal pruritus. All the symptoms persisted for minimally 3 weeks and were unspecific for this disease. The patients’ complaints were subjectively not as severe as one would have expected in an advanced stage of the disease. These facts stress the importance of early suspicion of EACC in patients with prolonged unspeci- fic symptoms. importance of imaging To obtain more information about a mass presenting in the EAC following thorough clinical examination and suspicion of EACC raised in otoscopy, appropriate imaging is essential. Often the extent of the disease is clinically underestimated. To delineate any soft tissue in the temporal bone, HRCT is the imaging modality of choice when suspecting cholesteatoma. A CT scan aids to confirm the diagnosis to assess the extension of the disease and to plan the treatment. In 50% of cases, it usually shows eroded contact surface between the chole- steatoma and the ear canal and osteolysis. A soft tissue mass in the absence of osteo- lysis, however, is unspecific on HRCT to exclude other differentials. An MRI with 437Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 437 diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) should be conducted in that case. An MRI without DWI is non-specific as granulation tissue (otitis maligna externa) and shows similar patterns of signal through this imaging modality (13, 17, 22, 27). Differential Diagnosis Especially in the early stages of the disea- se, EACCs are often misdiagnosed. This is due to their unspecific clinical appearance with erosions, inflammation and keratin accumulation, while yielding non-specific complaints from patients. Physicians need to differentiate EACC from conditions such as malignant otitis externa, keratosis obtu- rans, post-inflammatory medial canal fibro- sis, Langerhans’ acromegalic disorder, malignant tumours and otomycosis non- responsive to medication (9). A soft tissue plug in the EAC is seen in keratosis obtu- rans and in post-inflammatory medial canal fibrosis. The latter is usually differentiated by patient history of recent EAC inflam- mation (8). Keratosis obturans (KO) is a disease, where the accumulation of desquamated keratin in the external canal without bone erosion occurs. KO is more commonly observed in younger individuals and pre- sents bilaterally with acute severe pain with conductive hearing loss. Otorrhea is rare- ly reported. On imaging, smooth enlarge- ment of the ear canal is observed without bone destruction or sequestrum forma- tion. The TM is usually affected by the pat- hological process, contrary to EACC, where it is mostly normal. The differentiation between the two entities is clinically impor- tant because the management of KO is usually conservative (4, 5, 8, 27). Malignancies must also be ruled out in cases of EACC. On imaging, malignant otitis externa and squamous cell carcino- ma (SCC) of the EAC both show osteolysis and can appear as EACC. Clinical features usually distinguish these entities from one another. Malignant otitis externa is an infec- tion of the EAC that typically affects older diabetic patients. It is a rapidly progressing disease with observable granulation tissue with diffuse osteolysis in the EAC presen- ting with severe otalgia, otorrhea and hea- ring loss. On the contrary, EACC progresses in a slower manner. In SCC, the lesions usually involve the ear canal as part of tumour dissemination, rather than being the originating location. Despite this fact, biopsy is usually the only definite distinc- tion tool to differentiate the two conditions (12–14, 17). Another differential is an EAC osteoma, which is a rare benign tumour. It usually starts at the tympanomastoid or tympanosquamous suture near the osteo- cartilaginous junction as a small bony mass. Patients remain asymptomatic unless there is obstruction of the EAC (30). Langerhans acromegalic disorder is also a disease with similar manifestations in the ear canal, especially due to the most com- mon symptom of otorrhea. It is a condition that occurs in children; retroauricular edema in the mastoid is additionally seen with a typical laboratory finding of an increased erythrocyte sedimentation rate, which is usually normal in younger patients with EACC (17, 30). In our patients, CT scans demonstrated an extended disease pattern guiding the cli- nician to the diagnosis of EACC, but biopsy was necessary to undoubtedly differentiate lesions from malignant conditions. staging and treatment Several staging systems are available for EACC. On the basis of histopathology and clinical symptoms, Naim (2005) classified EACC into four stages: Stage I meaning canal epithelium hyperplasia, stage II mea- ning periosteitis, Stage III meaning canal erosion, and Stage IV meaning erosion of the adjacent structure (31). The Shin (2010) staging system, based on both clinical and imaging findings, is more convenient for 438 Kaja Troha, Saba Battelino Primary Cholesteatoma of the external auditory Canal with adjacent … ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 438 clinical application. It differentiates bet- ween four stages. Stage I indicates that the EACC lesion is limited to the external audi- tory canal, stage II means that the EACC lesion invades the tympanic membrane and middle ear, in stage III the cholestea- toma creates a defect of the EAC and invol- ves the mastoid air cells, and stage IV indicates that the EACC lesion is in the TMJ and beyond the temporal bone. This staging system describes treatment used in their study for each stage. In stage I, they recom- mend local care or canaloplasty, stage II recommends canaloplasty and tympano- plasty, stage III canaloplasty with mastoi- dectomy with or without tympanoplasty, and removal of mass by various approac- hes is recommended for stage 4 (32). A newer staging system has been proposed in 2021 by He at al. as the Shin system for them fails to illustrate the severity of the disease in more advanced lesions. Stage I contains invasion without bony lesions, stage II invasion within the EAC and pos- sible bone erosion seen as a rough edge or localized defect of the bone, Stage III inva- sion beyond the EAC involving the mastoid air cells or tympanic cavity but within the temporal bone, with subtypes A: backward invasion into the mastoid air cells, B: inward or upward invasion into the tym- panic cavity, C: invasion into the tympanic cavity and mastoid air cells. Stage IV means invasion beyond the temporal bone or complications caused by the involvement of structures adjacent to the temporal bone. They suggest treatment plans for separa- te stages as follows: conservative treatment with ear canal curettage of the EAC for stage I. For Stage II lesions, which are limi- ted to the EAC and do not invade the tym- panic cavity or mastoid cells, curettage with additional canaloplasty, or EAC wall recon- struction in larger defects. In lesions that involve the mastoid (IIIA), a mastoidecto- my or partial mastoidectomy may be the treatment of choice. If the lesion invades the tympanic cavity (IIIB), tympanoplasty may be necessary in large TM perforations. For Stage IV lesions, the surgical approach and technique depend on the extent of the invasion (11). All of our patients underwent surgical treatment under general anaesthesia. In patient A, a canal wall down (CWD) modi- fied mastoidectomy was performed due to disease extension. Ear canal curettage was performed in patients B and C to confirm the diagnosis prior to extensive surgical treatment in patient C and as a removal tool in patient B. In a separate further procedure, Patient C had a modified CWD mastoidec- tomy performed due to mastoid invasion. The posterior canal was removed, but the tympanic cavity was not punctured or alte- red. All cholesteatomas were removed in total, and histopathology confirmed the dia- gnosis of cholesteatoma in all patients. Pre- and postoperative audiometric testing was conducted, showing only minor additional conductive hearing loss in patients with a CWD mastoidectomy. This can be attri- buted to the mentioned surgical modifi- cation, which left the patients without significant conductive hearing loss. It needs to be noted that Patient C had severe bila- teral combined hearing loss prior to sur- gery. The treatment of EACC is, therefore, not standardized and depends on the extent of the condition. This needs to be assessed cli- nically, by biopsy and imaging modalities. To prevent further disease progression and restore normal epithelial migration in the EAC, the lesions as well as necrosed bone tissue must be fully removed, leaving the canal wall as smooth as possible. Regular follow up with debris cleansing is important to prevent the re-accumulation of keratin. There is little known information on the recurrence rates in patients with EACS. In one of our patients, a residuum of the disea- se was found 6 months after initial treat- ment, requiring re-curettage of the EAC, 439Med Razgl. 2022; 61 Suppl 2: ORL 2022_Mr10_2.qxd 2.9.2022 13:00 Page 439 440 Kaja Troha, Saba Battelino Primary Cholesteatoma of the external auditory Canal with adjacent … which was successfully performed. After surgery, a DWI is the most appropriate ima- ging option to exclude disease recurrence even in asymptomatic patients with fully removed lesions (13). Our patients are monitored during regular follow-ups and have not shown any signs of disease for at least 4 years. ConClUsion Despite recent reports of a higher incidence of EACC cases, EACC remains a rare disea- se. Most lesions are limited to the ear canal, but can invade the surrounding tissues. Clinical examination usually underesti- mates the disease progression. Apart from thorough otoscopic examination, appropri- ate imaging is crucial for a timely and cor- rect diagnosis. Tissue biopsy is necessary in surgical planning to exclude malignancies. In our patients, the discrepancy between symptom severity and local extent of the disease was evident. This stresses the importance of early disease recognition, especially in persons with associated risk factors, such as advanced age and other comorbidities. Recognizing it as a distinct entity is important as its management is dif- ferent from that of its differential diagnoses. 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