ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/2 – 2007 344 NADJA ZUPAN HAJNA national and multidisciplinary. It brought together clas- sical karst and cave studies and the exploration of glacier caves. The 25 th Speleological School was a joint meeting of UIS and IGU Commissions and also the 8 th Sympo- sium of GLACKIPR. There is a list of thematic sessions and field trips which were offered by this school: the rela- tionships between glacial and karst systems; glacier caves and karst in recently glaciated areas; drainage systems in glaciers and karst - analogies and differences; cryokarst - definitions, analogies and relationships with carbonate karst; chemical denudation rates in glacier-covered and ice-free karst basins; evolution of karst under glaciation, with special reference to continental glaciations and per- mafrost; hydrothermal activity and its influence on karst evolution in glaciated areas; cave sediments, fossil cave fauna and human traces in caves as records of environ- mental changes in the past, with special reference to the Pleistocene glaciations. Programme of the meeting was separated into three parts. Part A, March 19-21 2007 was organized as a field trip and session in Kraków-Częstochowa Up- land (Częstochowa Plateau) and was dedicated to evo- lution of karst under glaciations, hydrothermal activity f rom 19 th to 26 th March the 25 th Speleological School “Karst and Cryokarst” was organized by the f aculty of Earth Sciences, the Department of Geomorphology of the University of Silesia, Sosnowiec, Poland; the Zoologi- cal Institute, the University of Wrocław, Wrocław, Poland, and the Scientific Committee of the Niedzwiedzia Cave, Kletno, Poland with the scientific support of the Commis- sion on Glacier Caves and Cryokarst in Polar and High Mountain Regions (GLACKIPR) of the UIS Karst Com- mission of the IGU. The Speleological School was estab- lished a few years after the discovery of the Niedzwiedzia (Bear) Cave in Kletno. The 25 th Speleological School was dedicated to Professor Dr. Marian Pulina and Profes- sor Dr. Teresa Wiszniowska, a paleozoologist from the University of Wrocław. During the School there was also unveiling of the commemorative plaque of Prof. Pulina at the Department of Geomorphology of the f aculty of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia in Sosnowiec. Profes- sor Marian Pulina was a founder of Speleological School and co-founder of the Commission on Glacier Caves and Cryokarst in Polar and High Mountain Regions of the UIS and an active member of the Karst Commission of the IGU. f rom the very beginning, the School was inter- THE 25 th SPELEOLOGICAL SCHOOL AND THE 8 th GLACKIPR Sy MPOSIUM “KARST AND CRy OKARST”; SOSNOWIEC- WROCLAW , POLAND (19 th - 26 th MARCH 2007) ACTA CARSOLOGICA 36/2 – 2007 345 THE 25 th SPELEOLOGICAL SCHOOL AND THE 8TH GLACKIPR Sy MPOSIUM “KARST AND CRy OKARST”NEW ZEALAND in the past, cave sediments, fossil cave fauna and traces of man in caves. Excursions visited area of Kroczyce Hills (Podlesice - Łysak Hill - Popielowa Hill - Posrednia Hill - Zborów Hill (Cave in Kroczyce) of the Kroczyce Hills (light is necessary); and the northern part of the Częstochowa Plateau (karst and caves in the contact zone with the Odranian/Saale Glaciation ice-sheet, stops in Siedlec quarry - Towarne Hills - Kusięta - Sokola Hill in the area of Olsztyn). Part B, March 22-23 2007, was dedi- cated to main scientific sessions of the 25 th Speleological School and 8th GLACKIPR Symposium at the f aculty of Earth Sciences, University of Silesia in Sosnowiec. There were lectures and posters of different fields of karst and glaciokarst research. Abstracts and Guidebook for the ex- cursions were published before the meeting; P . Socha, K. Stefaniak and A. Tyc edited publication. Part C, March 24-26 2007, was separated in two parts, to session at the University of Wrocław and to field trip and session in the Niedzwiedzia Cave in Kletno (Sudety Mts.). f ield trip to Kletno and Jaskinia Niedzwiedzia was dedicated to karst phenomena of the Klesnica Valley, karst and caves in marbles, cave climate, fossil fauna with special reference to cave bear, old fluorite and uranium mining area; and field trip to the area of Radochowska Cave to karst hy- drology, cave archaeology and fossil fauna. School was again very successful, there were 132 participants from Canada, China, Czech Republic, f rance, Germany, Italy, Moldova, Norway, Romania, Russia, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Ukraine and Poland. 41 of the participants were PhD and undergraduate students from Poland, Czech Republic, Romania and China. Slo- venia was presented by Andrej Kranjc, also a president of the IGU Karst Commission, Maja Kranjc, Jurij Kunaver, Andrej Mihevc, Tadej Slabe and Nadja Zupan Hajna. A large party of researchers from Slovenia shows the long tradition of collaboration between Poland and Slovenia in the field of karst research. Nadja z upan Hajna