ZAPISNIKI "UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA" ANGLESKI IZVIRNIKI ZAPISNIKOV S SEJ "UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA" S SLOVENSKIM KOMENTARJEM 30 Zapisniki "United Americgns for Sioveniq" MINUTES FROM GENERAL MEETING S LOVENIAN NATIONAL HOME - ST. CLAIR AVENUE/EAST 65TH STREET JUNE 30, 1991 Meeting called to order at approximately 7: 40 P.M. Introduction by Mr. Charles Ipavec l Introduction by Yugoslav General Consulate, Matja;; Jancar.2 Mr. JanCar explained his points of view and possible avenues to assist Slovenia due to crisis in Slovenia and Yugoslavia. Mr. Jancar was informed activity has already occurred regarding the following: general listing with telephone/ fax numbers for Executive, State Department, and Congressional branches of government; personalised letters to President Bush,3 Secretary of State James Baker,4 and for U.S. Senator/U.S. Representatives in Congress. All US Representatives and US Senators will also receive a mail-o-gram on July 1, 1991, regarding support for indepe ndent and democratic Slovenia and for their support on this matter; over 1,000 leaflets containing contact persons were also distributed by today; and a news conference had been planned and executed on June 28, 1991. All above activities had been co-ordinated and performed by Slovenian American Council. It was also noted that original elections held in April 1990 were initiated by the SAC,5 in terms of financial and moral support. This paved the way for independence movement. Additional comments were made by many persons. Final proposal initiated by Father Joseph P. Boznar,6 pastor, St.Vitus, was agreed upon in the following manner:one (I) representative from the five (5) fraternal organisations (AMLA,7 * * * 1 Hojen leta 1921 v ClcvcJandu, pravnik in pravni svctoV'.ilec za Charter Onc Uank v Clcvc[andu, dolgolctni prcdsednik Clcvclandskc fedcracijc narodnih domov. Izhaja iz podjcrngke dru?ine, v katcrc Ilitik. Rojcn leta 1940 v Ljubljani, umrlleta 1996. Konwl v ZRN, gener- alni konzul SFRJ v Clevclanduj v 8()-ih Icrih prcdscdnik Slovenske izseljcnske matice. 3 George H. W. Bush; raj. leta 1924 v Miltonu, Massachusetts. Predsednik Zdruzenih drhlv v IClih 1989-1993. 4 Uaker James Addison, Ill; raj. lcul 1930, pravnik; nosilet ~tevilnih drzavnih funkci;, podsekrclar sekrcrarial4l. za rrgovino 1975-76, vodja kampanje l.a izvolitev Gcorgea l1usha za predscdnika Zdruicnih drlav leTa 1988, 0rnocnik urldsednik Kissingcrjcve fondacijc kKissinger Associatcs tncorponucd - v New Yorku. Sodcloval je pri projeklu ~ Yugoamcrica~, ki je n;1 amcrBki trA plasirala aVlomobilc krdgujev~ke kZastavc~. Leta 1991 postal drzavni sekrc- tar (zunanji minister) ZOA. 7 Razprgye in gradivo Ljubljana 1999 st. 34 39 letters were to be signed by all the members of the Committee. Reports from the different representatives followed: SWU - Ann Tercek reported that she has contacted members in West VA, Washington, D.C., etc. Also contacted their President, Victoria Bobence52 and, of course, all the local members are doing their part. ST LAWRENCE - Father Rebol has already asked through the Sunday Bulletin for support and of course, addresses and telephone numbers for all represen tatives were included in the bulletin. 5T VITUS - Father Boznar has written a lengthy article on the work that the Organisation (UAS) is doing. Parishioners need to know. Received communica- tions from the Sloven ian Research Center (Prof. Edward Giles Gobetz53) re: "Myths and Facts about Slovenia". Father Boznar gave the copy to Stan Ziherl who will make copies for the Committee members. USS - John Pestotnik reported that he has been in contact with his daughter who is in Ljubljana. The Federal Army is removing some of the army members and replaced them with M.P.'s. There are 100 M.P.'s in Zadar, one of the many border cities of Slovenia. (sic!) The Chetniks have risen in Croatia and they are fighting again. John feels that the Federal Army will come back into Slovenia. Some would like to give up: however, orders are to kill anyone who wants to leave. There are mine areas around the barracks. We cannot let down on this problem. RADIO - Tony Petkovsek would like to zero in on a particular fund raiser campaign. Perhaps a 4-Hr. stint on the radio within the next two weeks, possibly on a Saturday afternoon. If we want to do this sort of thing, Tony has the accessibility and could handle eight (8) trunk lines for calls. Edmund Turk thought that, although an excellent idea, it should be "on hold" for a bit; perhaps a bit premature until we can sit down with some of our elected officials and see where we are getting resistance in Washington. John Pestotnik agreed it was a good idea; i.e., going ahead with a campaign for a specific purpose; perhaps getting a lobbyist in Washington. SAHF (Slovene American Heritage Foundation op. M. K.) Ann Opeka reported the SAHF issued a letter on information and requesting action and * * * 52 Prcdscdnica knljcvncga drU~lva S[ovenske zenske zveze v Wasbing(ollu. 53 Upokojcni profc.-;Of so<.:io[ogije na Kent State University, aVlOr, urednik in zaloznik stcvilnih knjig 0 prnh- lcmatiki slovcnskih izsc1jcnccv Icr dolgolcfni dircktor Slm'cnian Hcscarch Ins(illllC of America s sede2cIll v ,I 40 ZopjsniKi "United Americans for Sioveniq" strong support for the independence of Slovenia. Letters sent to President Bush, Secretary of State Baker, Congressmen and Senators; also to Nationalities Services of Cleveland and Senior Services. The Foundation has also contributed to the finances for mailing purposes. Also contacting non-Slovenians for their support. The SNPJ Federation of Western PA is printing 5,000 prepaid post- cards, with a message directed to Pres. Bush. These will be available at this week- end's Siovenefest54 in Enon Valley.55 She has also been in touch with the County Auditor's office and they are willing to help. PUBLIC RELATIONS - Joe Valencic requested permission to represent The American Slovenes for Cultural Exchange at the Committee's suggestion. Betty Rotar moved. Stan Ziherl second the motion to have Joe Valencic as their repre- sentative to this Committee. Motion passed. Joe reported he talked to our National President Joe Evanish over this weekend and was informed that the SNPJ has started a Slovenia Relief Fund which has been announced on National Television last week and the information is already printed in this week's Prosveta.56 During our SNPJ Federation Picnic where 700 people were in atten- dance, two bands approached Joe and said if we could find a date, they would be happy to donate their services. We are thinking of Labor Day for this benefit fund-raiser. ASA - Tony Hiti reported he wrote to various representatives and officials in addition to helping at the AMLA office on the 4th of July. Dr. Susel 57 spoke at the Euclid City Council in support of the resolution. Dr. Susel has also brought back the official Flag of Slovenia. Tony feels we have to keep an audit on replies from the different representatives, etc. ST. MARY'S -Father Kumse encouraged parishioners to take petitions and sign them. He turned them in to this SWH tonight. Also announced the Sloven ian American Council Fund raiser as well as asked the people to call their respective Congressmen, etc . • * * 54 Leino drulcnjc clanov SN P) in ()slalih Slovcnccv na podroeju slovenskc farme, na k,ucrcm sc zbcrc v [reb dneh vee kot 30, OO() ljudi. 55 Kr zgodovino 19. slolctja na Univerzi v I~ubljani in "Vlor ~tcvilnih prispcvkov vdomaCih in lujih znansrvcnih rcvijah, znansrvcni svclnik na Institutu za novcjSo zgodovino v ljubljani. 74 UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA AGENDA 9/24/91 Zapisniki "United Americans for Slovenia" 1. READING & APPROVAL OF MINUTES OF 9/12/91 2. NEW MEMBERSHIP 3. TREASURER'S REPORT 4. REPORT ON COMMUNICATIONS & STATUS OF DOLE-PELL AMEND- MENT 5. REPORTS 6. NEW BUSINESS 7. ADJOURNMENT & TIME & PLACE OF NEXT MEETING UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA MINUTES OF SEPTEMBER 24, 1991 The meeting was called to order by Chairman Edmund Turk at 7:40 p.m., at the A.M.L.A. Home Office. The minutes of the previous meeting were read and corrected as follows: Tony Petkovsek name was omitted as an attendee. A remark made by Dr. Bonutti was attributed to Matt Susel, however neither of them thought it important enough to redo. Also, concerning the United Front Against Communism in Yugoslavia there was a question of possible liability if someone is called "communist" and not "we might be called communist". On motion of Stan Ziherl and second by Cirila Kermavner, minutes approved as corrected. Carl Bonutti reported that he called Bishop Pevec about joining this group, and was awaiting a return call from the bishop. Father Kumse sent in a detailed treasurer's report and co-treasurer Stan Ziherl summarised it. Also, Stan Ziherl reported that Fr. Kumse would like to be 7 Razorave in gredivQ Ljubljana 1999 sl. 34 75 relieved of these duties, and since Stan and Fr. Kumse are both the signatories, Stan said that he would be willing to let it remain as such with Stan doing the necessary paper work. John Pestotnik reported that our donations have exceeded $ 30,000.00. An unsolicited donation of $ 500.00 was received from Or. Glavina.l11 This prompt- ed discussion on how to thank persons that sent in the larger donations. Jim Debevec volunteered to print the names, etc in the Domovina112 at no charge. He also suggested that these large donations should be acknowledged with a letter and perhaps a phone call. Joe Valencic will compose such a letter. The treasurer's report referred to earlier was approved on the motion of Ann Opeka and second by John Pestotnik. Chairman Turk reported on various phone calls he made and received. Stan Kuhar called him regarding the activities of Mark Ryavec of California, and no action was taken on a request from Mark Ryavec to be employed to go to Washington to promote the Siovenian cause. Chairman Turk also reported that he has been trying to get more information on the Oole-Pell Ammendment. Carl Bonutti reported that it did pass the Senate and is in Conference now and thought this ammendment has enough support to pass. Ed Turk further reported that Senator Glenn's office has been in touch with him and are impressed by our committee's efforts and that his office is still working for our cause. Jim Oebevec suggested the importance of having a lobbyist in Washington, but agreed that the expense would be prohibitive with OUf current treasury. A detailed discussion on the feasibility of taking an ad in the Washington Post, Wall Street Journal and others - as to which would be most effective and reach the right persons. Costs were given by Joe Valencic. Stan Ziherl suggested an ad in the Washington Post and also another mailing. Joe Valencic pointed out some of our problems with such an ad, such as time required for composition, copy readiness, etc. * * * 111 Sonja Glavinaj rojena leta 1931 v MaribonL Studirala na univerzi v I.jllb!;an! v Icrih 1954-56, na Dunaju II klill 1956-57, na C'I.~C Western UniWfsity v Clevclandu (1962) jc doktorirala iz dent.llne kirurgijc. Dcmisktk:l z zascbno prakso in poucevalka ( "senior clinical il1struc{or~) na Case Western University 112 ArIleri5ka dOrllovina, najs{arej~ i slovcnski etnicni casopis v Clevclandu. Od lela 1899 do 1908 sc ic imcno- "'.II Nova dOIll(}vina. Leta 190M jc touls !lire (solastnik Nove domovinc) uslanovil Clevclandsko Ameriko, ki sc ic po prvi svctovni voini preimcnovala v Amcrgko domovino. Ccprdv jc bi! casopis kat()li~ko orientiran, jc hil po svoji vschini ncodviscl1 od ccrkcvih krogov in jc vcasih priSe! v nasprotjc z njimi. Po drug; svetovni vajni jc postal ludi glasilo slovcnskc politicnc cmigracijc v Clevclandu. 76 Zgpisniki "United Americans for Slovenia" Joe also suggested that the ad has to reach the right people, and that it would be mo re effective in Washington rather than in our Plain Dealer, and gave us some of his ideas of what the copy should contain. ' Senator Glenn's office also informed Chairman Turk that the Senator was in favor of bringing to the attention of the U.N. Security Council the hostilities in Croatia. Stan Ziherl reported that he will be attending the National Fraternal Congress convention in Washington next week and there is a possibility that he may meet Ernest Petrie, the Siovenian representative. Carl Bonutti suggested that we bring Mr. Petrie to Cleveland to lecture again , and Chairman Turk responded that it may be more appropriate for some other organization such as the Heritage foundation to make such arrangements. Ifhe should come here, there is no hesitation to have him meet with OUf committee. Since the Brioni Accord moratorium w ill expire on October 7th, Matt Susel felt that Slovenia will go forward to further implement their independence from Yugoslavia. Chairman Turk thought that this time would be a very propitious date to implement our press releases and letter campaign wi th our own mailings and coverage in the fraternal newspapers regarding the importance of calling the White House com ment line and mailing postcards on and during the week o f October 7th . Stan Ziherl moved that the chair be authorised to implement this program at the most opportune time, however Chairman Turk suggested that those interested could meet again this Thursday at 5:00 p.m. to set the logistics for another mass mailing and forwarding of press releases. Chairman Turk reported that he received a fax from Linda Cimperman regarding the atrocities being committed upon the Croatians. All agreed that we have hear too little from the White House regarding this situation, and are con- cerned why we never hear the President mention Slovenia. The meeting was adjourned at 9:45 p.m. Present at this meeting were: Edmund Turk, John Pestotnik, Ann Opeka, Joseph Valencic, James Debevec, Matt Susel, Cirila Kermavner, Carl Bonutti, Fran Maurie, Stan Ziherl. Ron Maurie, Recording Secy (acting). d z Razprave in gradivo Ljubljana ]999 51. 34 77 UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 2, 1991 The meeting was called to order at 7:38 P.M. by Chairman Edmund Turk. Minutes of the previous meeting were read by Acting Recorder Frances Maurie. Since there were no additions or corrections, the minutes were approved on a motion by Stanley Ziherl , second by Carl Bonutti. Attendees at this meeting were: Edmund Turk, Tony Hiti, Stane Kuhar, Cir ila Kermavner, Frances Mauric, Stanley Ziherl, Joe Valencic, Carl Bonutti, Ann Opeka,jim Debevec, Rudy Susel and Betty Rotar. Relative to the minutes of September 24th, Stane Kuhar asked about Father Kumse's request to be relieved of his duties as Treasurer. Stan Ziher! comment- ed that nothing has changed. The co-signatures on the account will remain the same. Edmund Turk asked is there were any more requests for new membership to the UAS. There were none. On the Treasurer's Report, Stan Ziherl reported an additional $ 2,050 in donations. There are some bills that have to be paid for postage, printing, etc. Fran Mauric moved, second by Ann Opeka all bills presented be paid. Passed. Our balance now stands ;,t $ 24,945.34. Discussed at length was the campaign targeted for October 7th, wherein everyone will be pushing to send postcards and/or call the White House at 1- 202-456-1111 to get the message across to President Bush that we want him to recognise Slovenia as an independent nation. There was an informal meeting on Thursday, September 26th at which time information and press releases were gathered for a mass mailing which took place on Saturday, September 28. About 12 or 13 people helped in this effort; about 1300 le tters were sent out. Edmund Turk thanked the volunteers for the ir work in this behalf. Relative to the same subject, Stane Kuhar reported that both S. VilUS and S. Mary's will print information about calling the While House, etc. in their Sunday bulletins. He is not quite sure about St. Lawrence yeti however, if it is too late to get printed in the Bulletin, he is certain something will be said from the pulpit. Fran Mauric reported that St. Felicitis, as well as St. Noel will be supporting this cause. 78 lopisnjkj "United Americans for Slovenio H Since there will be several social functions this coming week, Edmund Turk asked for volunteers to get the message out at these affairs. They include, "Fantje na Vasi" Concert Saturday night, The SND1l3 Sunday Brunch and George Knaus's Upstairs/Downstairs Dance. Cirila Kermavner will co-ordinate the work. Ann Opeka,)im Debevec and Fran Maurie also volunteered their services. Others will also be asked to help. Cirila also reported that the SWU1l4 will also be doing their part in this effort. We again discussed putting an Lor Pg. Ad in either the Washington Post or the New York Times. We have to be careful that the ad would carry the impact to warrant the cost. We may do something on this after October 7/8. Stan Ziherl reported that he will be in Washington D.C. for the National Fraternal Congress starting tomorrow. He, along with Gene Kogovsek of KSK) and)oseph Evanish of SNP) will try to gettogether with Mr. Petric sometime this weekend. President Bush will be addressing the Congress and, perhaps, they may have some luck with him also. It appears that all of our Congressmen & women in Washington are willing to meet with this committee. Included will be Feighan, L. Stokes, Rosemary Oakar and Sen. Metzenbaum Arrangements will be made. Carl Bonutti remarked on the banquet that was held in honor of the Hungarian Prime Minister. Apparently, the Prime Minister feels his country will support Slovenia in its quest for independence. Edmund Turk reported on Tony's absence, noting that he is in Akron receiving a prestigious award, voting him into the Broadcaster's Hall of Fame and we compliment him on this honor. Since this is his 30th year of Broadcasting, there will be a program book during the Thanksgiving Weekend and we have been asked to take an ad in this book. Taking into account the tremendous job Tony has done for our Radiothon, plus the constant references on his programs to support Slovenia's independence, all agreed we should take out a full page ad for $ 300. Motion by Betty Rotar, second by Cirila Kermavner we purchase ad. Passed. Edmund Turk thanked Cirila for bringing an up-to-the-minute report which she received on a modem in her home giving latest information on Slovenia/Croatia. Rudy Susel also passed around information received from * * * 113 Slovcnski Narodni Dom na St Clair Avenue. 114 Slovene Women 's Union ( - S]ovcnska zcnska zveza) 7 Rozproye in gradjyo Ljubljana 1999 st. 34 79 Ljubljana, re the Siovenian Press Agency which touched on the ending of the moratorium, recognition of Slovenia, etc. Stan Kuhar reported that the Dole-Pell Act is now #1415 State Authorization Bill. The main obstacle is from Indiana. The plans are to put an arms embargo to Serbia. Edmund Turk remarked that he is totally amazed at the concern and responsiveness from Senator Glenn toward Slovenia ever since we met with him. Of course, others have also jumped on the "bandwagon", namely Senator Metzenbaum. Edmund Turk also thanked Rudy Susel and Jim Debevec for keeping Slovenia news on the "front burner". The Prosveta issue this week also devoted a good portion of front page to the October 7th "push" for Slovenia's inde- pendence. The most important function of this committee is to keep the momentum going. We are all anxiously awaiting the October 7/ 8 outcome of responsiveness. Ollr next meeting will be Thursday, October 10th at 7:30 P.M. at the AMLA Home office. Motion to adjourn at 8:35 P.M. by Stan Ziherl, second by Jim Debevec. Motion passed. Respectfully submitted, Betty Rotar, Recording Secretary UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA 80 lopisniki "United Americgns for Slovenia" UNITED AMERICANS FOR SLOVENIA MINUTES OF THE MEETING OF OCTOBER 10, 1991 In the absence of Edmund Turk, the meeting was called to order by acting chairman Stanley Ziherl, at 7: 40 p.m. Acting Recording Secretary, Fran Maurie read the minutes of the previous meeting. Motion to accept these minutes as read was made by Ann Opeka and seconded by John Pestotnik. Approved. Stane Kuhar questioned the status of Father Kumse's position on the Treasury post, Stan Ziherl answered that nothing has been changed. Stan Ziherl gave a verbal report on the treasury. We have an outstanding bill of $ 182.00 which needs approval. Approval to pay made by Gene Kogovsek and seconded by Toni Hiti. Approved. Matt Susel, Gene Kogovsek and Stan Ziherl reported on their trip to Washington DC where they were attending the National Fraternal Congress. President Bush addressed the group one day on the subject of Volunteerism. Senator Dole spoke another day and met with much approval and acclaim as he spoke on Slovenia and Croatia. He strongly feels that these peoples' quest for independence should be recognised by our government. Mr. Petrie who is from Slovenia and representing Slovenia in Washington met with Matt Susel and the presidents of AMLA, KSKJ and SNPJ for dinner and all were impressed by him. He was accompanied by Gregor Zore who is the financial and economic per- son: The three fraternals took care of the expenses of Mr. Petrie and his party. Mr. Petrie was impressed with our work here. He thought our State Department was turning about and would be willing to talk to him. Cyrus Vance1l5 was appointed special envoy from the United Nations to try to resolve the problems in Yugoslavia. Joe Valencic reported on the publicity. Since the middle of the month, some 9,000 names have been sent to Washington on petitions. Ed Turk had spoken on WERE. Channel #3 showed Jim Debevec at work on our issue, of course. *** • Rojen leta 1946 v Washingtonu D. C. M