Irena Pangersic Paradise land of PreLunar Hyperborean giants Evolution of Humanity is a fractal of the evolution of the Earth Irena Pangersic Paradise land of PreLunar Hyperborean giants Evolution of Humanity is a fractal of the evolution of the Earth Three Carantanian giants [Carantania, the first Slovenian state] appear between a group of knights in armour, while an unidentified knight greets King Arthur Murals. Castel Roncolo - South Tyrol. ts nt n a e r o b r er p y H r a n u _I e r P d n la (Л a r arP >IJ r e g n a n e јдп&шаштпгиччп^г^лп^, ........... „Origin of Giants", God Introducing Adam and Eve, Jean Fouquet Gospel of Thomas, 18 .. For where the beginning is, there will the end be .. Irena Pangersic Paradise land of PreLunar Hyperborean giants Evolution of Humanity is a fractal of the evolution of the Earth Crystal Island N J3>1T' 16" E 46°44'51"N 12° 25' 03" E .,46° 39' 27" N, / Ч13° ;0T- 24" . E' ■. ' \ 46° 32' 52" N 14° 03' 25" E phaeton's area of \ : hollow \ mountains 46° 30' 0" N 14° 46' 47" E 46° 26' 43" N 14° 51 ' 24" E Eternity Gospel of Thomas, 18 .. For where the beginning is, there will the end be .. Kolofon - Metapodatkovna oblika v Dublin Core Atribut Sistem Podatki DC.Naslov DC.Podnaslov DC.Avtor DC.Avtor.Naslov DC.Tema/Gesla DC.Tema/Gesla DC.Tema/Gesla DC.Tema/Gesla DC.Opis DC.Zaloznik DC.Zaloznik.Naslov DC.Datum objave DC.Tip DC.Format DC.Identifikacija DC.Identifikacija DC.Identifikacija DC.Jezik ISO639-1 DC.Dostop DC.Posodobitev ISO8601 IMT PDF CIP/NUK COBISS URL http://gaja ISO8601 Paradise land of PreLunar Hyperborean giants Evolution of humanity is a fractal of the evolution of the earth Irena Pangersic raziskave Geologija & Hidrologija Arheologija & Zgodovina & Mitologija Miti in legende Prostorske znaCilnosti v povezavi s starodavnimi miti in legendami Pangersic, I. december 2012 Tekst/Teze/Raziskave text/pdf format (visina 30 cm, sirina 24 cm)/ foto., ilustr., karte; 200 str. Paradise land of PreLunar Hyperborean giants.pdf slovenski ■ Paradise land of PreLunar Hyperborean giants.pdf 2013-02-05 Giordano Bruno, an Italian philosopher (1548 - 1600) was one of the earliest modern thinkers who contemplated on the existence of a pre-Lunar civilization. In one of his books he wrote: „There are those who have believed that there was a certain time (as our mythology says) when the Moon, which was believed to be younger than the sun, was not yet created. The Arcadians, who dwelt not far from the Po, are believed to have been in existence before it (the moon)." [43] Arcadia was previously named Gigantis, land ofthe giants ... Paradise land of PreLunar Hyperborean giants Evolution of Humanity is a fractal of the evolution of the Earth Silian f^^feo of P^radi^^ .Raufen- > \ X'o vaiu 'X"-^ Würmlach , - a place whe^r«- God ■ , went to heaVen St.Jakob , Wormhole valleX^ . to the Thirteenth ! Dimension forgoten \ underground Most na Soci path of river fri Eridan Cepovan; Skofjeloske and Polhograjske \mountains Mountain Peca Najevska lipa Tilia cordata association of / twelve lime trees / Tree of Life direction of banishment from paradise garden Irena Pangersic MA nad BS in architecure, DipHE in Civil Ingeniring Translated by Brina Beskovnik Hrastar University graduate in translation FOREWORD There are two ways to approach those regions of human knowledge and memory that pulsate beyond the framework of logical reasoning. It is possible for the researcher to identify with the given theme, which means to embody and experience its inner essence, and finally to find the proper way how to convey its message to the logical mind of the modern day reader. Irena Pangersic in her work "Paradise Land of the Hyperborean Giants" has chosen the other possible path. She works hard on finding any possible evidence of phenomena that are strange to the logical mind and foreign to the framework of its reasoning. In most cases she is not trying to interpret the listed phenomena or quotations from various sources. Instead she builds up an astonishing catalogue of data that is by itself represents a challenge to the structure of the modern logical thinking, making clear to the reader that the rational paradigm is far to narrow minded to embrace all the dimensions that constitute the marvel of life on the planet Earth and in the universe. There are two possible reactions to the challenging catalogue published in this book. It is possible to close one's heart and mind and consider all this to be human imaginations, superstitions or mistakes upon the natural evolutionary path. The other possibility is to allow oneself to be surprised and to consider the possibility that there might be dimensions of consciousness, alien to the modern mind and yet inspiring and worth of further exploration. When this step of openness is achieved, then the portal starts to open towards a new paradigm in human thinking, feeling and existence. The regions of consciousness and elemental life that up till now were closed to our exploration and also closed to the direct experience through mind and the heart, become a possibility to transform the human worldview so that it can encompass all the neglected regions of life, spirit and consciousness. Marko PogaCnik, Sempas, December 17'h 2012 Gloria, who has become Gaia, wants me, the human, as her creation, to look again. [Marko Pogacnik „Synchrone Welten", 2011] Table of contents I. Last giants on the earth 1 • The 2.7 m long rib of the Ajdi girl who was approximately 13 m tall from the 13-14 century form Slovenia 1 • Lake Makgadikgadi in the Kalahari Desert [Africa] and giant stone hand axes 2 • Huge double axes at Nirou Hani, Greece 3 • Giants 4 • Traditions drawn from the racial memory of races worldwide state that the very first people on earth were mighty and of immense stature, but that they later degenerated in size and vigour 4 Numbers 13,32-33 4 Judith 16,6-7 5 Wisdom of Solomon 14,6 5 Sirach 16,7 5 3 Maccabees 2,4 5 2 Samuel 21,20 5 Chilam Balam Of Chumayel 5 The Book of Baruch [The Qumran Book of Giants] 5 Hadith 4:543; Narrated Abu Huraira 6 Hadith 4:544; Narrated Abu Huraira 6 Plutarch's parallel lives: Theseus 6 Plutarch Cimon 8.5-6 7 Diodorus Siculus Library 4-62.4 7 Pausanias Description of Greece 1.17.6 7 Pausanias Description of Greece 8.29.1 7 Pausanias Description of Greece 8.32.5 8 Herodotus I, Giant [in Land of Arcadia] 8 Herodotus II, Enormous stone in Latona's temple 8 Herodotus III, Foot-mark of Hercules 9 Flavius Philostratus, On Heroes 8.5-6 10 Solinus Collection of Memorable Things 9.6 10 Homer, the Odyssey 7.59-60 11 Starbo Geography 17.829 [on Antaios, cf.Plutarch Sertorius 9] 11 Suctonius - Divicus Augustus LXXII. 1-3 11 Pliny Natural History 7.16.73 12 Pseudo-Clementine Recognitiones 1.29 -The Giants: the Flood 12 • Plutarch, Life of Sertorius IX. 12 • Philostratus Life of Apollonius 5.16 [ 13 • Flavius Josephus, Book I. From the creation to the death of Isaac • Chapter 3. Concerning the flood 13 • Flavius Josephus, Book I. From the creation to the death of Isaac • Chapter 9. The destruction of the Sodomites by the Assyrian Wall 13 • Flavius Josephus, Book I. From the creation to the death of Isaac • Chapter 14. How Moses sent some persons to search out the land of the Canaanites, and the largeness of their cities 14 • Flavius Josephus, Book V. From the death of Moses to the death of Eli • Chapter 2. How, after the death of Joshua their commander, the Israelites transgressed the laws of their country, and experienced great afflictions 14 • Flavius Josephus, Book VII. From the death of Saul to the death of David • Chapter 4. That when David had conquered the Philistines who made war against him at Jerusalem 14 • Flavius Josephus, Book VII. From the death of Saul to the death of David • Chapter 12. How the Hebrews were delivered from a famine 15 • Myth and Geology [Piccardi&Masse]: Giovanni Boccaccio in Genealogia degli dei 15 • LIBRO QUARTO: I Giganti generati dal sangue de i Titani & della Terra 16 • St. Augustine11, who believed that there were many - giants born of the race of Seth, says 20 • Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine by George M Gould and Walter L Pyle. Original Copyright 1896 by W.B. Saunders 21 • W.A. Seaver in 1869 - Teutobochus 21 II. Gigantic worked stones - enormous stones set into buildings 22 • Baalbek, Lebanon 22 • Sacsayhuamen, Peru 23 • Ollantaytambo, Peru 24 Puma Punku, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia 25 Brittany, France 26 Chan Chan, Peru 27 Stone heads, Easter Island 28 Stonehenge, England 29 El Enladrillado, Chile 30 Tu'I Tonga, Pacific Ocean 30 Nemrud,Turkey 31 Giant statues, in Egypt 32 Statues, Bemian, Afghanistan 33 Giants' Tombs, Sardinia 34 Domus de Janas, Sardinia 35 Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world 36 Giant stone balls all ower the world 38 III. MYTHS from all over the world - Lost World of Giants - Jonathan Gray 39 • EUROPE Nordic Myths, Scandinavia, Germanic Myths, Goths, Celtic Legends, Ireland, British Legends, Claudius Aelianus (2nd Century), Greek Legends, Greek Legends, Sicily 39 • AFRICA Chad 39 • ASIA Chaldea, Babylon, Book Of Enoch, Apocrypha Of Barvch, Indian Records, China, Tibet, Thai Tradition 39 • AUSTRALASIA-PACIFIC Aborigines, Australia, Aborigines, Australia, Maoris, New Zealand, Papua New Guinea 40 • NORTH AMERICA Eskimos, Montagnais Indians-Canada, Usa, Supai Canyon-Arizona 40 • CENTRAL AMERICA Aztecs-Mexico, Toltecs-Mexico, Cholula Indians- Mexico, Maya, Guatemala, Incas-Peru 41 • SOUTH AMERICA Peruvian Tradition, Quichua Indians-Peru, Two Inca Legends-Peru 41 IV. Modern reports of giant remains - Lost World of Giants - Jonathan Gray 42 • NORTH AMERICA Aleutian Islands, Minnesota-Usa, Oregon-Usa, Tennessee River-Usa, North Carolina, WalkertonIndiana, Lake Delavan-Wisconsin, Western Missouri, Ellisburg-Pennsylvania, Tioga Point-Pennsylvania, Florida, Crittendon- Arizona, Winslow-Arizona, Spring Valley-Nevada, Carson City-Nevada, Lovelock-Nevada, White Sands-New Mexico, Paluxy River-Texas, Chalk Mountain-Texas, Colorado Desert, Bear Creek-Montana, Coos Bay-Oregon, Parkersburg-West Virginia, North Alaska, Minnesota, Dresbach-Minnesota, La Crescent-Minnesota, Clearwater-Minnesota, Pine City-Minnesota, Chatfield-Minnesota, Warren-Minnesota, Lompock Rancho-California, Santa Rosa Island-California, Death Valley-California, Bridlevale Falls-California, Cascade Mountains, Santa Barbara-California, Santa Cruz Island-California 42 CENTRAL AMERICA Sayopa, Sonora-Mexico, Tepic-Mexico, Mexico City, El Boquin-Nicaragua 45 SOUTH AMERICA San Julian, South American Coast, Manta, Ecuador, Cuzco-Peru, Tiahuanaco-Bolivia, Patagonia-Argentina 45 ASIA Java-Indonesia, Gargayan-Philippines, South-East China, Hong Kong And China, Lhasa-Tibet, Ceylon, Tura-Assam-India, Simla-Hindostan, Israel, Turkey 46 AFRICA North Of N.Guigmi-Africa, Necropolis In The Sahara, Lake Elyasi-Central Africa, Taungs-Cape Province-South Africa 47 EUROPE Causasus Mountains-U.S.S.R., Norway, France, Valencia-Spain, Italy, Scotland, England 47 AUSTRALIA Upper Macleay River-Nsw, Cowra-Nsw, Bathurst- Nsw, Gympie-Queensland, Blue Mountains-Nsw, Penrith-Nsw, Kempsey, Nsw, Bathurst And Dubbo- Nsw, Gympie-Queensland 49 NEW ZEALAND and PACIFIC North Island-Nz, Nan Madol-Caroline Islands, Kiribati, New Zealand, Fiji, Rotuma 50 • Fossil rests of giants 51 V. Brewer's Giants of Mythology 54 • A-D 54 • D-M 55 • M-Y 56 VI. Gigantism - Extract from Brewer's 'Dictionary of Phrase and Fable' 57 • A-C 57 • E-M 58 • M-S 59 • T 60 VII. Giants On The Earth [By James Donahue] 61 • History of Morrow County and Ohio, 1880 61 • The History of Medina County, 1881 61 • The Conneuat Giants, Harvey Nettleton 61 • The Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee 61 • The Indiana News on Nov. 10, 1975 62 • Review-Miner, June 19, 1931 62 • Obras Historicas, by Fernando Lxtilxochiti 62 • Bernal Diaz del Castillo, Cronica de la Nueva Espana. 62 VIII. Hiding archaeological evidence ? 63 • Bhima's son Godatkach-like skeleton found; Kannada newspaper, 21.june 2007; G.Subramaniam, Chennai Hindu Voice 63 IX. The Pre-lunar Hyperboreans, the All-Seeing Eye and the Tower of Babel 65 Hyperboreans were a race of Titans and Hyperborea was the birthplace of the first giants 65 Arcadia - previously named Gigantis, land of the giants 66 Utopian Land of Cockaigne 67 The town of Babylon with the Tower of Babel was shaped in the form of the "all-seeing eye" 68 Abram with eleven other men, refused to bake bricks for the building of the Tower of Babel 69 The brave decision of twelve men and Remaining memory on long forgotten time of the construction of the Tower of Babel - kept in the Slovenian Ethnograhic Museum 70 • Satellite archaeology reveals a huge triongulor formation in the shape of the "all-seeing eye of God" 71 • The recomposition of the Tower of Babel represented by the EU Parliament building complex - literally recreates all key elements of the archaeological remains of satellite archaeology 73 • Veneti - Eneti - Neneti 73 • 12 giants lived on Crystal Mountain, moved to the Slovenian mountains 74 • Enormous forms, suggesting the archaeological building remains of gigantic proportions, are represented at 'Montaz' alias 'Spik nad Policami' 75 X. King Matthias, mighty gigantic Hyperborean king 78 • The establishment of the new Golden Age 79 • The Ajdi, mythical predecessors 80 XI. Ancient famous Hyperborean rivers Eridan and Ister 81 • Stone caled 'Snake head' [in Slovenia] or 'snake egg' [in Britain] or 'chicken god [in Russia] 81 XII. Thesis as a reconstruction of events elaborated in view of two Slovenian tales regarding the flood myth - that were responsible for the loss of track for "the garden of Eden" 83 • First Tale 83 • Second Tale 84 XIII. Eden 87 • The III. Book of Baruch - Tree of the knowledge of good and evil as a tree of salvation; giants and Babilonian tower of the 'war against God' 87 • The III. Book of Baruch - Heavenly cock, Phoenix 88 XIV. The Pedestal of Gaia's Soul in the Province of Carniola, or The Area of the First and Second Eden in the Synergic Conversion of Duality of the Ducal Throne 91 • The Gaia hypothesis - the planet Earth is a living creature 91 • A third eye - hypophysis - symbolises soul - lost garden of Eden as The Pedestal of Gaia's Soul 91 1.00 Introduction - Gaia's soul, the province of Carniola 92 2.00 The cleansing of Gaia's soul through the metaphysics of the living world 94 3.00 Biblical Flood as the first version of the myth [all- seeing eye or Gaia's soul is crying] 96 3.01 The other three Carniolans who are not mentioned in our story nor in the Bible 98 3.02 The sweet white loaves of bread that grew on trees in the happiest age 99 3.03 Gopher wood (wood of secret origin) is used by Noah to build his ark 101 3.04 Gopher wood as GLTS of Noah's Ark, for which he used a mixture of buckwheat flour and vine waste as gluten 105 4.00 The spilled lake as the second version of the Flood Myth [Gaia's soul is crying - again] 110 4.01 Characteristic toponymy alluding to the parts of the lake, guarding the mountain, the caves beneath the lake, etc. 113 4.02 Boat berth - under the demolished castle at the top of Stuceli 117 4.03 Boulders - the remnants of the demolished cave ceiling structures and the Upper Carniolan conglomerate karst 118 4.04 The black school through the legend - in the caves beneath the lake [the Celts - meaning "hidden" in Greek] 121 4.05 Archaeology - Roman findings placed exclusively around the reconstructed lake after the spill 124 4.06 Bifurcation - ancient rivers, their former river flow and the reconstruction of events 126 5.00 The land of the first and second Eden 128 5.01 The rich Province of Carniola, also known as the Garden of Eden, through ancient written records of the region 1 32 5.02 A ceremony like no other 134 5.03 The trilogy of the throne = the trilogy of the soul = Plato's republic-soul 139 6.00 As a final discussion: Evolution constants of cultural genetic replicators 140 7.00 Anthropoblogy - a joke as the entrance into a culture: Adam and Eve are Slovene 144 8.00 The origins of the 'Slovenian hat', symbolism and practical applicability in the Garden of Eden 145 XV. Bibliography 155 XVI. Sources of images 166 XVII. INDEX 180 I. Last giants on the earth »Science without religion is lame, religion without science is blind.« Einstein, Albert [1] The 2.7 m long rib of the Ajdi1 girl who was approximately 13 m tall from the 1314 century form Slovenia: In the forests of Crnogrob [dispersed settlement in the Municipality of Skofja Loka between the foot of the Krizna-Gora ridge and Sorsko polje in Slovenia] there once lived an Ajdi girl. She was extremely big. Her flock pastured day and night on the meadows of Selscica. There were so many sheep that she was never hungry. And she quenched her thirst by stepping with one leg on the top of Smarna gora and the other on Smarjetna gora, bended down and drank from the Sava River. One day the governor of Loka commanded his serfs to build a church [pic.02]. The more the serfs worked the bigger church he wanted. One day the Ajdi girl visited them and offered to help them. She brought large rocks to the masons in her apron. She scooped water from the Sava River and poured it into the trough where they mixed mortar. The poor girl worked so hard that she caught a bad cold and died. The serfs buried her in the Crngrob forest. Before that, they took one of her ribs [pic.01 ] and to express gratitude, they hung it in the church in her memory. The rib still hangs today next to the altar of St. Martin of Tours. A drop of blood drops from the rib each year. They say that when the last drop falls, the Judgment Day will start. [2] The rib of the Ajdi girl2 [pic.01], the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation [Lady Days Church] at Crnogrob [pic.02]. 1 The story tells of "Ajdi graves" on the Stole Mountain, and Valvasor mentions some 300 graves and tombstones, which are apparently located there. [3] 2 PhD researcher Ivan Rakovec from the Geological-paleontological Institute, University of Ljubljana in 1938: 'after examination the rib was described as a mammoth rib (Proteus 5/1938)', but 'finally defined in 1982 as a non-fossil whale rib (Proteus 2/1982)'. [4] Report of the Diocesan Order. 4th December 1954, NSAL, Stara Loka, Writings, f.2: '"We kindly inform you that the thorough investigation of ribs in the Crngrob church proved, against all expectations, that it was not a fossil. The format of the rib and its dimensions suggest that it originates from a whale. At the end of November, the rib was returned to the Crngrob church. We would like to take this opportunity to thank you for allowing the investigation of the rib at our institute. " [5] Lake Makgadikgadi in the Kalahari Desert [Africa] and giant stone hand axes: Four giant stone hand axes [pic.03] were recovered [Professor David Thomas Oxford team, pic.4] from the dry basin of Lake Makgadikgadi in the Kalahari Desert. A giant African lake basin is providing information about possible migration routes and hunting practices of early humans in the Middle and Late Stone Age periods, between 150,000 and 10,000 years ago. Researchers from the School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford are surveying the now-dry basin of Lake Makgadikgadi in the Kalahari Desert, which at 66,000 square kilometres is about the same size of present day Lake Victoria. Their research was prompted by the discovery of the first of what are believed to be the world's largest stone tools on the bed of the lake. Although the first find was made in the 1990s, the discovery of four giant axes has not been scientifically reported until now. Four giant stone hand axes, measuring over 30 cm long and of uncertain age, were recovered from the lake basin. Professor David Thomas, Head of the School of Geography and the Environment at the University of Oxford, said: 'Many of the tools were found on the dry lake floor, not around its edge, which challenges the view that big lakes were only attractive to humans when they were full of water. 'As water levels in the lake went down, or during times when they fluctuated seasonally, wild animals would have congregated round the resulting watering holes on the lake bed. It's likely that early human populations would have seen this area as a prolific hunting ground when food resources in the region were more concentrated than at times when the regional climate was wetter and food was more plentiful and the lake was full of water.' Co-researcher Dr Sallie Burrough has dated the sediment and shorelines of the lake basin, which has shown that the mega lake was filled with water on multiple occasions in the last 250,000 years. The research team has also investigated islands on the floor of the lake - remnants of former sand dunes - which suggest the region's climate has also been both windier and markedly drier than it is today. Professor Thomas said: 'The interior of southern Africa has usually been seen as being devoid of significant archaeology. Surprisingly, we have found and logged incredibly extensive Middle Stone Age artefacts spread over a vast area of the lake basin.' [6] Stone hand axes [pic.03], Professor David Thomas Oxford team [pic.04] Huge double axes at Nirou Hanl, Greece: The summer resort of Kokk^ni Hani lies in Vathiano Kambo, about 13 km East of Heraklion and Northwest of Gouves. At the spot known as Nirou Hani, archaeologists found a well preserved Minoan villa dating from the New_Palace period. The villa had two storeys, was about 1000 sq. meters large and had all the typical features of the Minoan architecture: two paved courts, connecting corridors, storage rooms, light wells, shrines, etc. About 40 tripods and huge double axes [on display at the Heraklion Archeological Museum in Greece, pic.05] were found in some rooms, suggesting that the owner of the villa might have been a high priest. The house was probably built in the 16th century. C. (MM III period) and, after its destruction by fire in the 15th century BC (LM IB period), was finally abandoned. The "Minoan Megaron" at Nirou was excavated in 1918 by St. Xanthoudides. In 1960, under the supervision of the Ephor of Antiquities N. Platon, the site was fenced and the building restored. The official story re the giant axes (labrys) of Crete: "The term, and the symbol, is most closely associated in historical records with the Minoan civilization, which reached its peak in the 2nd millennium BC. Some Minoan labrys have been found which are taller than a human and which might have been used during sacrifices. The sacrifices would likely have been of bulls. The labrys symbol has been found widely in the Bronze Age archaeological recovery at the Palace of Knossos on Crete. According to archaeological finds on Crete this double-axe was used specifically by Minoan priestesses for ceremonial uses. Of all the Minoan religious symbols, the axe was the holiest. To find such an axe in the hands of a Minoan woman would suggest strongly that she held a powerful position within the Minoan culture."..Wikipedia Were these giant labrys made to be used either in battle or perhaps ceremoniously by men of giant stature? We can only speculate and we have. But we have shown that axes and other "tools" have been found that indicate that such items were built for use by men who could utilize them. [7] Huge bronze double axes [pic.05] from the megaron at Nirou and giant pithos [pic.6] - all form Malia Giants (1.) Heb. nephilim, meaning "violent" or "causing to fall" (Gen. 6:4). These were the violent tyrants of those days, those who fell upon others. The word may also be derived from a root signifying "wonder," and hence "monsters" or "prodigies." In Num. 13:33 this name is given to a Canaanitish tribe, a race of large stature, "the sons of Anak." The Revised Version, in these passages, simply transliterates the original, and reads "Nephilim." (2.) Heb. rephaim, a race of giants (Deut. 3:11) who lived on the east of Jordan, from whom Og was descended. They were probably the original inhabitants of the land before the immigration of the Canaanites. They were conquered by Chedorlaomer (Gen. 14:5), and their territories were promised as a possession to Abraham (15:20). The Anakim, Zuzim, and Emim were branches of this stock. In Job 26:5 (R.V., "they that are deceased;" marg., "the shades," the "Rephaim") and Isa. 14:9 this Hebrew word is rendered (A.V.) "dead." It means here "the shades," the departed spirits in Sheol. In Sam. 21:16, 18, 20, 33, "the giant" is (A.V.) the rendering of the singular form _ha raphah_, which may possibly be the name of the father of the four giants referred to here, or of the founder of the Rephaim. The Vulgate here reads "Arapha," whence Milton (in Samson Agonistes) has borrowed the name "Harapha." (See also 1 Chron. 20:5, 6, 8; Deut. 2:11, 20; 3:13; Josh. 15:8, etc., where the word is similarly rendered "giant.") It is rendered "dead" in (A.V.) Ps. 88:10; Prov. 2:18; 9:18; 21:16: in all these places the Revised Version marg. has "the shades." (See also Isa. 26:14.) (3.) Heb. 'Anakim (Deut. 2:10, 11, 21; Josh. 11:21, 22; 14:12, 15; called "sons of Anak," Num. 13:33; "children of Anak," 13:22; Josh. 15:14), a nomad race of giants descended from Arba (Josh. 14:15), the father of Anak, that dwelt in the south of Palestine near Hebron (Gen. 23:2; Josh. 15:13). They were a Cushite tribe of the same race as the Philistines and the Egyptian shepherd kings. David on several occasions encountered them (2 Sam. 21:15-22). From this race sprung Goliath (1 Sam. 17:4). (4.) Heb. 'emin, a warlike tribe of the ancient Canaanites. They were "great, and many, and tall, as the Anakims" (Gen. 14:5; Deut. 2:10, 11). (5.) Heb. Zamzummim (q.v.), Deut. 2:20 so called by the Amorites. (6.) Heb. gibbor (Job 16:14), a mighty one, i.e., a champion or hero. In its plural form (gibborim) it is rendered "mighty men" (2 Sam. 23:8-39; 1 Kings 1:8; 1 Chr. 11:9-47; 29:24.) The band of six hundred whom David gathered around him when he was a fugitive were so designated. They were divided into three divisions of two hundred each, and thirty divisions of twenty each. The captians of the thirty divisions were called "the thirty," the captains of the two hundred "the three," and the captain over the whole was called "chief among the captains" (2 Sam. 23:8). The sons born of the marriages mentioned in Gen. 6:4 are also called by this Hebrew name. [8] Traditions drawn from the racial memory of races worldwide state that the very first people on earth were mighty and of immense stature, but that they later degenerated in size and vigour. Numbers 13,32-33 [9] Then they started spreading rumors and saying, "We won't be able to grow anything in that soil. And the people are like giants. And there we saw the Nephilim (the sons of Anak, who come from the Nephilim3), and we seemed to ourselves like grasshoppers, and so we seemed to them." Judith 16,6-7 [9] The mighty Assyrian leader wasn't killed by young men or cruel warriors or giants. I, Judith the daughter of Merari, used my charm to strike him dead. For their mighty one did not fall by the hands of the young men, nor did the sons of the Titans smite him, nor did tall giants set upon him; but Judith the daughter of Merari undid him with the beauty of her countenance. Wisdom of Solomon 14,6 [9] When this world was still young, you sent a flood to destroy giants, while at the same time you gave hope for a generation of good people by letting their ancestors find safety in a boat made of wood that God had blessed. Sirach 16,7 [9] Long ago, the Lord refused to forgive the mighty giants who rebelled against him. 3 Maccabees 2,4 [10] You destroyed those who in the past committed injustice, among whom were even mighty giants who trusted in their strength and boldness, whom you destroyed by bringing upon them a boundless flood. 2 Samuel 21,20 [9] There was another war, this time in Gath. One of the enemy soldiers was a descendant of the Rephaim4. He was as big as a giant and had six fingers on each hand and six toes on each foot. Chilam Balam Of Chumayel [11 ] »The lord of the people of the south is the first of the men of the Noh family. Ix-Kantacay is the name of the first of the men of the Puch family. They guard nine rivers; they guard nine mountains5.« ^ Chaac or Bacabs6 were saved when the world was destroyed by a deluge. Chaac »was a gigantic man who taught agriculture and whom they later considered the god of bread, water, thunder and lightning«. The Book of Baruch [The Qumran Book of Giants] [9] 1 Bar 3, 26 There were the giants famous from the beginning, that were of so great stature, and so expert in war. 3:Baruch 4,10: And the angel said, Rightly you ask; when God caused the Flood over the earth and destroyed all flesh and 3 In the film The Devils Tomb, Nephilim are portrayed as corrupted, fallen angels. 4 "Rephaim " an ancient race of giants the residents of the Netherworld (in the Hebrew Bible - Sheol); see: Gen. 14:5, 15:20; Deut. 2:10-1,20, 3:11,13; Josh. 12:4, 13:12, 15:8, 17:15, 18:16; 2Sam. 5:11,22, 23:13; 1Chr. 11:15, 14:9, 20:4 [9] 5 In Slovenia known as the land of the nine mountains and nine rivers = utopian Koromandija, a land flowing with milk and honey 6 They were the advocates or patrons of the bee-keepers 409,000 giants, and the water rose over the heights 15 cubits7, the water entered Paradise and killed every flower, but it removed the sprig of the vine completely and brought it outside." Hadith 4:543; Narrated Abu Huraira [12] The Prophet said, "Allah created Adam, making him 60 cubits tall. When He created him, He said to him, "Go and greet that group of angels, and listen to their reply, for it will be your greeting (salutation) and the greeting (salutations of your offspring." So, Adam said (to the angels), As-Salamu Alaikum (i.e. Peace be upon you). The angels said, "As-salamu Alaika wa Rahmatu-l-lahi" (i.e. Peace and Allah's Mercy be upon you). Thus the angels added to Adam's salutation the expression, 'Wa Rahmatu-l-lahi,' Any person who will enter Paradise will resemble Adam (in appearance and figure). People have been decreasing in stature since Adam's creation. Hadith 4:544; Narrated Abu Huraira [12] Allah's Apostle said, "The first group of people who will enter Paradise, will be glittering like the full moon and those who will follow them, will glitter like the most brilliant star in the sky. They will not urinate, relieve nature, spit, or have any nasal secretions. Their combs will be of gold, and their sweat will smell like musk. The aloes-wood will be used in their centers. Their wives will be houris. All of them will look alike and will resemble their father Adam, 60 cubits tall." Plutarch's parallel lives: Theseus [13] 36. And after the Median wars, in the archonship of Phaedo, when the Athenians were consulting the oracle at Delphi, they were told by the Pythian priestess to take up the bones of Theseus, give them honourable burial at Athens, and guard them there. But it was difficult to find the grave and take up the bones, because of the inhospitable and savage nature of the Dolopians, who then inhabited the island. However, Cimon took the island, as I have related in his Life, l and being ambitious to discover the grave of Theseus, saw an eagle in a place where there was the semblance of a mound, pecking, as they say, and tearing up the ground with his talons. By some divine ordering he comprehended the meaning of this and dug there, and there was found a coffin of a man of extraordinary size, a bronze spear lying by its side, and a sword. When these relics were brought home on his trireme by Cimon, the Athenians were delighted, and received them with splendid processions and sacrifices, as though Theseus himself were returning to his city. And now he lies buried in the heart of the city, near the present gymnasium,1! and his tomb is a sanctuary and place of refuge for runaway slaves and all men of low estate who are afraid of men in power, since Theseus was a champion and helper of such during his life,. and graciously received the supplications of the poor and needy. ' cubit, unit of linear measure used by many ancient and medieval peoples. The cubit, generally taken as equal to 18 inches [457 mm], was based on the length of the arm from the elbow to the tip of the middle finger and was considered the equivalent of 6 palms or 2 spans. In some ancient cultures it was as long as 21 inches [531 mm] or on surviving Ancient Egyptian cubit-rods, the royal cubit is divided into 7 palms or 28 digits = 525 mm E.Britannica, Plutarch Cimon 8.5-6 [14] 5 The robbers, in terror, sent a letter to Cimon, urging him to come with his fleet to seize the city, and they would give it up to him. In this manner Cimon got possession of the island, drove out the Dolopians, and made the Aegean a free sea. On learning that the ancient Theseus, son of Aegeus, had fled in exile from Athens to Scyros, but had been treacherously put to death there, through fear, by Lycomedes the king, Cimon eagerly sought to discover his grave. 6 For the Athenians had once received an oracle bidding them bring back the bones of Theseus to the city and honour him as became a hero, but they knew not where he lay buried, since the Scyrians would not admit the truth of the story, nor permit any search to be made. Now, however, Cimon set to work with great ardour, discovered at last the hallowed spot, had the bones bestowed in his own trireme, and with general pomp and show brought them back to the hero's own country after an absence of about four hundred years. This was the chief reason why the people took kindly to him. Diodorus Siculus Library 4-62.4 [15] Hippolytus, then, since he had ended his life because of his chastity, received at the hands of the Troezenians honours equal to those offered to the gods, but Theseus, when after these happenings he was overpowered by a rival faction and banished from his native land, met his death on foreign soil.9 The Athenians, however, repenting of what they had done, brought back his bones and accorded him honours equal to those offered to the gods, and they set aside in Athens a sacred precinct which enjoyed the right of sanctuary and was called after him the Theseum. Pausanias Description of Greece 1.17.6 [16] Now Menestheus took no account of the children of Theseus, who had secretly withdrawn to Elephenor in Euboea, but he was aware that Theseus, if ever he returned from Thesprotia, would be a doughty antagonist, and so curried favour with his subjects that Theseus on re covering afterwards his liberty was expelled. So Theseus set out to Deucalion in Crete. Being carried out of his course by winds to the island of Scyros he was treated with marked honor by the inhabitants, both for the fame of his family and for the reputation of his own achievements. Accordingly Lycomedes contrived his death. His close was built at Athens after the Persians landed at Marathon, when Cimon, son of Miltiades, ravaged Scyros, thus avenging Theseus' death, and carried his bones to Athens. Pausanias Description of Greece 8.29.1 [17] XXIX. After crossing the Alpheius you come to what is called Trapezuntian territory and to the ruins of a city Trapezus. On the left, as you go down again from Trapezus to the Alpheius, there is, not far from the river, a place called Bathos (Depth), where they celebrate mysteries every other year to the Great Goddesses. Here there is a spring called Olympias which, during every other year, does not flow, and near the spring rises up fire. The Arcadians say that the fabled battle between giants and gods took place here and not at Pellene in Thrace, and at this spot sacrifices are offered to lightnings, hurricanes and thunders. Pausanias Description of Greece 8.32.5 [17] Under this hill there is another sanctuary of Boy Asclepius. His image is upright and about a cubit in height, that of Apollo is seated on a throne and is not less than six feet high. Here are also kept bones, too big for those of a human being, about which the story ran that they were those of one of the giants mustered by Hopladamus to fight for Rhea, as my story will relate hereafter. Near this sanctuary is a spring, the water flowing down from which is received by the Helisson. Herodotus I, Giant [in Land of Arcadia] [18] 68. Lichas, when in this situation, made the wished-for discovery, partly by good fortune and partly by his own sagacity. They had at this time a commercial intercourse with the Tegeans; and Lichas happening to visit a smith at his forge, observed with particular curiosity the process of working iron. The 'man took notice of his attention, and desisted from his labour'. »Stranger of Sparta,« said he, you seem to admire the art which you contemplate; but how much more would your wonder be excited, if you knew all that I am able to communicate! Near this place as I was sinking a well, I found a coffin seven cubits long: I never believed that men were formerly of larger dimensions than at present8; but when I opened it, I discovered a body equal in length to the coffin; I correctly measured it, and placed it where I found it. Lichas, after hearing his relation, was induced to believe, that this might be the body of Orestes, concerning which the oracle had spoken. He was farther convinced, when he recollected, that the bellows of the smith might intimate the two winds; the anvil and the hammer might express one form opposing another; the iron, also, which was beaten, mightl lignify ill succeeding ill, rightly conceiving. That the use of iron operated to the injury of mankind. With these ideas in his mind, he returned to Sparta, and related the matter to his countrymen; who, immediately, under pretence of some imputed crime, sent him into banishment. He returned to Tegea, told his misfortune to the smith, and hired of him the ground, whieh he at first refused positively to part with. He resided there for a certain space of time, when, digging up the body, he collected the bones, and returned with them to Sparta. The Lacedremonians had previously obtained possession of a great part of the Peloponnese; and, after the above-mention event, their contests with the Tegeau were attended with uninterrupted success. Herodotus II, Enormous stone in Latona's temple [19] 155. I have already made mention more than once of the Egyptian oracle; and, as it well deserves notice, I shall now proceed to give an account of it more at length. 8 Larger dimensions than at present.]-- In folklore from all over Europe, giants were believed to have built the remains of previous civilizations. Saxo Grammaticus, for example, argues that giants had to exist, because nothing else would explain the large walls, stone monuments, and statues that we now know were the remains of Roman construction. Similarly, the Old English poem Seafarer speaks of the high stone walls that were the work of giants. Even natural geologic features such as the massive basalt columns of the Giants Causeway on the coast of Northern Ireland were attributed to construction by giants. Giants provided the least complicated explanation for such artifacts. In Hinduism, the giants are called Daityas. The Daityas were the children of Diti and the sage Kashyapa who fought against the gods or Devas because they were jealous of their Deva half-brothers. Since Daityas [Rakshasas] were a power-seeking race, they sometimes allied with other races having similar ideology namely Danavas and Asuras. Wikipedia It is a temple of Latona, situated in the midst of a great city on the Sebennytic mouth of the Nile, at some distance up the river from the sea. The name of the city, as I have before observed, is Buto; and in it are two other temples also, one of Apollo and one of Diana. Latona's temple, which contains the oracle, is a spacious building with a gateway ten fathoms in height. The most wonderful thing that was actually to be seen about this temple was a chapel in the enclosure made of a single stone, the length and height of which were the same, each wall being forty cubits square, and the whole a single block! Another block of stone formed the roof, and projected at the eaves to the extent of four cubits. Herodotus III, Foot-mark of Hercules [20] 82. The country has no marvels except its rivers, which are larger and more numerous than those of any other land. These, and the vastness of the great plain, are worthy of note, and one thing besides, which I am about to mention. They show a footmark of Hercules [pic.08], impressed on a rock, in shape like the print of a man's foot, but two cubits in length. It is in the neighbourhood of the Tyras. Having described this, I return to the subject on which I originally proposed to discourse. Michael Tellinger [21] shows9 [pic.07,08] off what could be one of the best pieces of evidence that there were giants on Earth a long, long time ago. Geologists have marvelled at this giant foot print in rough granite, about 4 feet long. Some still say that it is a natural erosion pattern. It is located in South Africa, near the town of Mpaluzi, close to the Swaziland border. This amazing footprint in granite was discovered in 1912 by a hunter called Stoffel Coetzee, while hunting in the remote area. At the time this was a deeply remote part of South Africa known as the Eastern Transvaal, teeming with wild life, including antelope and lions. It remains in the same condition as it was when first discovered and the possibility that this was a carved hoax is extremely low because of its remote location. Even today, it is difficult to find. It can be desribed as a "phenocrystic" granite, or coarse porphyritic granite, that underwent several different stages of cooling. The result being an interesting mixture of large and small granules. This is why granite companies are keen to mine this area for granite because it will look really "pretty" when polished. In the official Geology Of South Africa, this outcrop is called Mpuluzi Batholith (Granite) and the official dating of this rock produced dates of around 3,1 billion years ' Flavius Philostratus, On Heroes [22] Protesilaos is presented as bringing to light forgotten stories, much as the action of the sea brings to light the buried bones of the giants (Her. 8.5-6). Giant skeleton found in the beach of india after tsunami [pic.09,10,11,12,13] This video was released literally a few weeks after the tsunami. Earthquake occurred at 00:58:53 UTC on Sunday, 26 Dec.2004, its epicentre was between Simeulue and mainland Indonesia. With a magnitude of Mw 9.19.3, it is the third largest earthquake ever recorded on a seismograph. The earthquake had the longest duration of faulting ever observed, between 8.3 and 10 minutes. It caused the entire planet to vibrate as much as 1 centimetre (0.4 inches) and triggered other earthquakes as far away as Alaska. [affected countries pic. 14 and Scale pic. 15 showing the size of the tsunami waves that hit Indonesia.] Solinus Collection of Memorable Things 9.6 [23] De Mirabilibus Mundi Capitula IX: ^ »admonet Phlegra, ubi antequam oppidum fieret rumor est militia mundi dimicatum cum gigantibus, ut penitus persequamur quantis probationibus imperii indicia divinae expeditionis in hoc saeculo perseveraverint. illic si quando (ut accidit) nimbis torrentes excitantur et aucta aquarum pondera ruptis obicibus valentius se in campos ruunt, eluvione ossa etiam nunc ferunt detegi ad instar quae sunt e corporibus humanis sed modo grandiora, quae ob enormem magnitudinem monstrosi exercitus iactant extitisse, idque adiuvatur argumento saxorum inmanium quibus oppugnandum impetitum caelum crediderunt.« ^ Homer, the Odyssey 7.59-60 [24] Who once was king among the haughty giants; But he destroyed the infatuate folk, and was destroyed himself. Starbo Geography 17.829 [on Antaios, cf.Plutarch Sertorius 9] [25] Antaeus (Antaios). 1. A son of Poseidon and Ge, a mighty giant and wrestler in Libya, whose strength was invincible so long as he remained in contact with his mother earth. The strangers who came to his country were compelled to wrestle with him; the conquered were slain, and out of their skulls he built a house to Poseidon. Heracles discovered the source of his strength, lifted him up from the earth, and crushed him in the air. (Apollod. ii. 5. § 11; Hygin. Fab. 31 ; Diod. iv. 17; Pind. Isthm. iv. 87, &c.; Lucan, Pharsal. iv. 590, &c.; Juven. iii. 89; Ov. Ib. 397.) The tomb of Antaeus (Antaei collis), which formed a moderate hill in the shape of a man stretched out at full length, was shewn near the town of Tingis in Mauretania down to a late period (Strab. xvii. p. 829; P. Mela, iii 10. § 35, &c.), and it was believed that whenever a portion of the earth covering it was taken away, it rained until the hole was filled up again. Sertorius is said to have opened the grave, but when he found the skeleton of sixty cubits in length, he was struck with horror and had it covered again immediately. (Strab. l. c.; Plut. Sertor. 9.) Suctonius - Divicus Augustus LXXII. 1-3 [26] In the other details of his life it is generally agreed that he was most temperate and without even the suspicion of any fault. He lived at first near the Forum Romanum, above the Stairs of the Ringmakers, in a house which had belonged to the orator Calvus; afterwards, on the Palatine, but in the no less modest dwelling of Hortensius, which was remarkable neither for size nor elegance, having but short colonnades with columns of Alban stone, and rooms without any marble decorations or handsome pavements. For more than forty years too he used the same bedroom in winter and summer; although he found the city unfavourable to his health in the winter, yet continued to winter there. If ever he planned to do anything in private or without interruption, he had a retired place at the top of the house, which he called "Syracusa" [with reference to the study of Archimedes] and "technyphion" [ "little workshop"]. In this he used to take refuge, or else in the villa of one of his freedmen in the suburbs; but whenever he was not well, he slept at Maecenas' house. For retirement he went most frequently to places by the sea and the islands of Campania, or to the towns near Rome, such as Lanuvium, Praeneste or Tibur, where he very often held court in the colonnades of the Temple of Hercules. He disliked large and sumptuous country palaces, actually razing to the ground one which his granddaughter Julia built on a lavish scale. His own villas, which were modest enough, he decorated not so much with handsome statues and pictures as with terraces, groves, and objects noteworthy for their antiquity and rarity; for example, at Capreae the monstrous bones of huge sea monsters and wild beasts, called the "bones of the giants," and the weapons of the heroes. Pliny Natural History 7.16.73 [27] In Crete, it chaunched that an hill clave asunder in an earthquake, and in the chinke thereof was found a bodie standing, 46 cubits high: some say it was the bodie of Orion: others, of Otus. We find in chronicles and records of good credit, that the bodie of Orestes being taken up, by direction from the Oracles, was seven cubits long. And verily that great and famous poet Homer, who lived almost a thousand yeeres agoe, complained and gave not over, That mens bodies were lesse of stature even then, than in old time. Pseudo-Clementine Recognitiones 1.29 -The Giants: the Flood [28] "All things therefore being completed which are in heaven, and in earth, and in the waters, and the human race also having multiplied, in the eighth generation, righteous men, who had lived the life of angels, being allured by the beauty of women, fell into promiscuous and illicit connections with these; and thenceforth acting in all things without discretion, and disorderly, they changed the state of human affairs and the divinely prescribed order of life, so that either by persuasion or force they compelled all men to sin against God their Creator. "In the ninth generation are born the giants, so called from of old, not dragon-footed, as the fables of the Greeks relate, but men of immense bodies, whose bones, of enormous size, are still shown in some places for confirmation. But against these the righteous providence of God brought a flood upon the world, that the earth might be purified from their pollution, and every place might be turned into a sea by the destruction of the wicked. "Yet there was then found one righteous man, by name Noah, who, being delivered in an ark with his three sons and their wives, became the colonizer of the world after the subsiding of the waters, with those animals and seeds which he had shut up with him." Plutarch, Life of Sertorius IX. [29] Sertorius, hearing this description, was seized with a strong desire to dwell in the islands, and to live in quiet, free from tyranny and never-ending wars. The Cilicians, who did not want peace and leisure, but wealth and spoil, observing this inclination, sailed off to Africa, to restore Ascalis, the son of Iphtha, to the Moorish kingdom. Sertorius, however, did not despond, but he determined to help those who were fighting against Ascalis, in order that his companions, by getting some renewal of hope and opportunity for other deeds, might not disperse through their difficulties. The Moors were well pleased at his arrival, and Sertorius setting himself to work defeated Ascalis, and besieged him. Sulla sent Paccianus to help Ascalis, but Sertorius engaging him with his forces killed Paccianus, and after his victory brought over the army and took Tigennis, to which Ascalis and his brother had fled. It is here that the Libyans say Ant^us is buried. Sertorius dug into the mound, as he did not believe what the barbarians said, so enormous was the size. But, finding the body there, sixty cubits in length, as they say, he was confounded, and, after making a sacrifice, he piled up the earth, and added to the repute and fame of the monument. The people of Tigennis have a mythus, that, on the death of Ant^us his wife Tinge cohabited with Hercules, that Sophax was the issue of their connexion, and became king of the country, and named a city after his mother; they further say that Sophax had a son, Diodorus, whom many of the Libyan nations submitted to, as he had a Greek army of Olbiani and Mycen^i, who were settled in those parts by Hercules. But this may be considered as so much flattery to Juba, of all kings the most devoted to historical inquiry; for they say that Juba's ancestors were the descendants of Diodorus and Sophax. Sertorius, now completely victorious, did no wrong to those who were his suppliants and trusted to him, but he restored to them both property and cities and the administration, receiving only what was fair and just for them to offer. Philostratus Life of Apollonius 5.16 [30] ^ Now I admit that giants have existed, and that gigantic bodies are revealed all over earth when tombs are broken open; nevertheless I deny that they ever came into conflict with the gods; at the most they violated their temples and statues, and to suppose that they scaled the heaven and chased away the gods therefrom - this it is madness to relate and madness to believe. Nor can I any more respect that other story, though it is more reverent in its tone, to the effect that Hephaestus attends to his forge in Etna, and that there is there an anvil on which he smites with his hammer; for there are many other mountains all over the earth that are on fire, and yet we should never be done with it if we assigned to them giants and gods like Hephaestus ^ Flavius Josephus, Book I. From the creation to the death of Isaac Chapter 3. Concerning the flood ^ [31 ] 1. Now this posterity of Seth continued to esteem God as the Lord of the universe, and to have an entire regard to virtue, for seven generations; but in process of time they were perverted, and forsook the practices of their forefathers; and did neither pay those honors to God which were appointed them, nor had they any concern to do justice towards men. But for what degree of zeal they had formerly shown for virtue, they now showed by their actions a double degree of wickedness, whereby they made God to be their enemy. For many angels of God accompanied with women, and begat sons that proved unjust, and despisers of all that was good, on account of the confidence they had in their own strength; for the tradition is, that these men did what resembled the acts of those whom the Grecians call giants ^ Chapter 9. The destruction of the Sodomites by the Assyrian Wall [31] AT this time, when the Assyrians had the dominion over Asia, the people of Sodom were in a flourishing condition, both as to riches and the number of their youth. There were five kings that managed the affairs of this county: Ballas, Barsas, Senabar, and Sumobor, with the king of Bela; and each king led on his own troops: and the Assyrians made war upon them; and, dividing their army into four parts, fought against them. Now every part of the army had its own commander; and when the battle was joined, the Assyrians were conquerors, and imposed a tribute on the kings of the Sodomites, who submitted to this slavery twelve years; and so long they continued to pay their tribute: but on the thirteenth year they rebelled, and then the army of the Assyrians came upon them, under their commanders Amraphel, Arioch, Chodorlaomer, and Tidal. These kings had laid waste all Syria, and overthrown the offspring of the giants ^ Flavius Josephus, Book III. From the exodus out of Egypt, to the rejection of that generation Chapter 14. How Moses sent some persons to search out the land of the Canaanites, and the largeness of their cities ^ [31] 2. When Moses had said thus, the multitude requited him with marks of respect; and chose twelve spies, of the most eminent men, one out of each tribe, who, passing over all the land of Canaan, from the borders of Egypt, came to the city Hamath, and to Mount Lebanon; and having learned the nature of the land, and of its inhabitants, they came home, having spent forty days in the whole work. They also brought with them of the fruits which the land bare; they also showed them the excellency of those fruits, and gave an account of the great quantity of the good things that land afforded, which were motives to the multitude to go to war. But then they terrified them again with the great difficulty there was in obtaining it; that the rivers were so large and deep that they could not be passed over; and that the hills were so high that they could not travel along for them; that the cities were strong with walls, and their firm fortifications round about them. They told them also, that they found at Hebron the posterity of the giants. Accordingly these spies, who had seen the land of Canaan, when they perceived that all these difficulties were greater there than they had met with since they came out of Egypt, they were aftrighted at them themselves, and endeavored to affright the multitude also. Flavius Josephus, Book V. From the death of Moses to the death of Eli Chapter 2. How, after the death of Joshua their commander, the Israelites transgressed the laws of their country, and experienced great afflictions ^ [31 ] 3. For which reason they removed their camp to Hebron; and when they had taken it, they slew all the inhabitants. There were till then left the race of giants, who had bodies so large, and countenances so entirely different from other men, that they were surprising to the sight, and terrible to the hearing. The bones of these men are still shown to this very day, unlike to any credible relations of other men. Now they gave this city to the Levites as an extraordinary reward, with the suburbs of two thousand cities; but the land thereto belonging they gave as a free gift to Caleb, according to the injunctions of Moses. This Caleb was one of the spies which Moses sent into the land of Canaan. They also gave land for habitation to the posterity of Jethro, the Midianite, who was the father-in-law to Moses; for they had left their own country, and followed them, and accompanied them in the wilderness. Flavius Josephus, Book VII. From the death of Saul to the death of David Chapter 4. That when David had conquered the Philistines who made war against him at Jerusalem _ [31] 1. When the Philistines understood that David was made king of the Hebrews, they made war against him at Jerusalem; and when they had seized upon that valley which is called The Valley of the Giants, and is a place not far from the city, they pitched their camp therein; but the king of the Jews, who never permitted himself to do any thing without prophecy ^ Chapter 12. How the Hebrews were delivered from a famine ^ [31] 1. After this, when the country was greatly afflicted with a famine, David besought God to have mercy on the people, and to discover to him what was the cause of it, and how a remedy might be found for that distemper. And when the prophets answered, that God would have the Gibeonites avenged whom Saul the king was so wicked as to betray to slaughter, and had not observed the oath which Joshua the general and the senate had sworn to them: If, therefore, said God, the king would permit such vengeance to be taken for those that were slain as the Gibeonites should desire, he promised that he would be reconciled to them, and free the multitude from their miseries. As soon therefore as the king understood that this it was which God sought, he sent for the Gibeonites, and asked them what it was they should have; and when they desired to have seven sons of Saul delivered to them to be punished, he delivered them up, but spared Mephibosheth the son of Jonathan. So when the Gibeonites had received the men, they punished them as they pleased; upon which God began to send rain, and to recover the earth to bring forth its fruits as usual, and to free it from the foregoing drought, so that the country of the Hebrews flourished again. A little afterward the king made war against the Philistines; and when he had joined battle with them, and put them to flight, he was left alone, as he was in pursuit of them; and when he was quite tired down, he was seen by one of the enemy, his name was Achmon, the son of Araph, he was one of the sons of the giants ^ 2. When the king heard that the Philistines were gathered together at the city Gazara, he sent an army against them, when Sibbechai the Hittite, one of David's most courageous men, behaved himself so as to deserve great commendation, for he slew many of those that bragged they were the posterity of the giants, and vaunted themselves highly on that account, and thereby was the occasion of victory to the Hebrews. After which defeat, the Philistines made war again; and when David had sent an army against them, Nephan his kinsman fought in a single combat with the stoutest of all the Philistines, and slew him, and put the rest to flight. Many of them also were slain in the fight. Now a little while after this, the Philistines pitched their camp at a city which lay not far off the bounds of the country of the Hebrews. They had a man who was six cubits tall, and had on each of his feet and hands one more toe and finger than men naturally have. Now the person who was sent against them by David out of his army was Jonathan, the son of Shimea, who fought this man in a single combat, and slew him; and as he was the person who gave the turn to the battle, he gained the greatest reputation for courage therein. This man also vaunted himself to be of the sons of the giants. But after this fight the Philistines made war no more against the Israelites. Myth and Geology [Piccardi&Masse]: Giovanni Boccaccio in Genealogia degli dei [1365] tell as about some remains dating back to 1342 of a giant found in a cave situated at foot of Mount Erice, overlooking Trapani. Some citizen were astonished by this remains and took up arms at the site of that huge man. Everything turned into dust and everyone belived they were the remains of Polyphemus or the legendary king Erice - and his heigth was 300 feet. [32] Mt.Erice, Sicily - tomb of giant king Eryx or Grotta Gigante e del Toro10, map [pic. 16] Remains of megalitic giant walls on Mt.Erice [pic. 17,18] LIBRO QUARTO: I Giganti generati dal sangue de i Titani & della Terra [33] _ »Many things must be said in addition to this if wish to solve the mysteries of these fictions, but before anything it must be said that it is not altogether fiction that there were giants, that is, men surpassing others exceedingly in form or stature. In 10 e la Grotta di Martogna, alle pendici del Monte Erice (Trapani), legata al ritrovamento di ossa dei "Giganti" e di cui per primo riferisce il Boccaccio [Mannino, 1986]. »It is called La grotta del Toro, and tradition says that it contains a hidden treasure. ... I think the grotto was originally called not del Toro, but del Tesoro ; children corrupted tesoro into toro, and as it was known there was a tesoro in the story somewhere, the toro was made to grind it.« On the Trapanese origin of the Odyssey [142] fact, it is evidnet that it is very much the truth, and in these days a fortuitous event in Trapani, a Sicilian town, clearly demonstrates this: when at the foot of a mountain wich stands above Trapani not far from town some pesants building a rural house were digging its foundations, they came upon the entrance to certain cavern. When the excavators, with their torches lit, eagerly entered this to see what was inside, they discovered a grotto of the greatest height and width. Continuing inside this grotto they saw sitting opposite the entrance a man of huge magnitude. Frightened by him they quickly took flight and left the cave, nor did they stop running until they reached town, where they told those whom they encountered what they had seen. The citizens were in wonder and wanted to see what this evil was, so after lighting torches and arming themselves with weapons, they left the city together, as they would against an enemy; more then three hundred entered the grotto, and, no less astonished, they saw what the workers had reported. Then getting a little closer, after they ascertained that the man was not living, they saw this human form sitting on a seat, resting with his left hand on a staff of such height and mass that it exceedeed the mast of a great ship, and that he was a man of a size not seen or heard of, and nowhere gnawed at or mutilated. When one of them streched out his hand and touched the upright staff, the staff imediately disintegrated and turned to ash, but there remained, as if bared of its vestments, another staff of lead rising toward the hand of the one holding it. They examined this staff closely and found that had been poured into it to increase its weight. Later, after weighing it, those who saw it assert that it weighed fifteen Trapanese hundredweights, one of these being the weight of one hundred coomon pounds. Then, when the body of man was touched, it too fell apart, nearly completly turning into dust. When some of them examined it, they found still intact three teeth of monstrous size, the weight of three rotuli, that is, one hundred common ounces. [33] Found the first tooth of a giant high nine meters? ^ A molar enormous size (pictured), about 12 cm in length, including the root, although incomplete, some dentists have already been identified as a human but "too big to be." Left [pic. 19]; Klaus Dona and Adriano Forgione. Right [pic.20]; In the second volume of Mundus Subterraneus, Kircher treats the creatures that live, or lived, beneath the surface of the earth. In pride of place are the giants, both real and legendary. This plate shows from left to right a giant whose skeleton Boccaccio reports and discovered in Mount Erice; an ordinary man, Goliath, champion of the Philistines who was slain by David; and giants reported from Switzerland and Mauritania [pic.21] To preserve evidnece of the giant they had found and to create an eternal memorial for posterity, the people of Drepanum [Trapani] bound the remains in an iron netting and hung them in a local church sacred to the honor of the Annunciation of the Virgin, and known by that name. [33] 750 metres above the Mediterranean is Erice, the ancient town of Eryx [pic.22,23] one of the oldest cities in Sicily. According to legend the Trojan, Aeneas, son of Aphrodite, established a town here after fleeing from the Greeks. First the goddess of love, Astrarte, was worshipped here followed by the Greek goddess Aphrodite, and then Venus who was worshipped by the Romans. Beneath the walls of the fortress, in the 20th century Erice also became known as a research centre for both meteorology and oceanography; Below la Chiesa Madre di Erice or 'The Mother Church' built in the Gothic style in 1314. It originally featured five altars including the main one, dedicated to San Leonardo Abate (Abbot St. Leonard), the patron saint of the town. [pic.24,25] In addition, they found the front part of the cranium still very solid and large enough to hold several peck of grain. They also found the bone of one leg, even if much of it had rotted on account of its age; nonetheless those who know how to measure the total height of a man from the tiniest bone calculated from this remnant that he was two hundred cubits or more in height. Some of the more lerned med supposed that he was Eryx, a very powerful king of that area, son of Butes and Venus, Killed by Hercules, who in the funeral games given by Aeneas long ago in honor of Anchises had kiled a bull with his fist. Still others thought he was one of the Cyclopes, and quite possibly Polyphemus, abaut whom Homer says much. [33] Th« body оГ the giont iuund in Switzcrlind 9 Th« cxhumcd bod)- of Onratcj (per Pliny) 7 l'hc boJ)- of Astchus, sdo of Aiuciis (per lliny) 10 l'bc bot!)- duf up in the mounuins of Crctc (per lliny) 46 The bot!)- of che Tani^icrt giant, in MauriMnia (per Pliny) AO L«at)', fhc one ihac metch« creilulii)-, (»und «Mtod, in Erice, ол 200 Motint Drcpano [Trapiinil (per Bocncöu) The Fate of the Mammoth: Fossils, Myth, and History, Claudine Cohen [pic.26] St. Augustine11, who believed that there were many - giants born of the race of Seth, says [34] »And if in the more recent times [human bodies were larger than they are today], how much more in the ages before the world-renowned deluge? But the large size of the primitive human body is often proved to the incredulous by the exposure of sepulchres, either through the wear of time or the violence of torrents or some accident, and in which bones of incredible size have been found or have rolled out. I myself, along with some others, saw on the shore at Utica a man's molar tooth of such a size, that if it were cut down into teeth such as we have, a hundred, I fancy, could have been made out of it. But that, I believe, belonged to some giant. For though the bodies of ordinary men were then larger than ours, the giants surpassed all in stature.« Geology and Religion: A History of Harmony and Hostility, Martina Kölbl-Ebert [pic.27] " »Let us, then, omit the conjectures of men who know not what they say, when they speak of the nature and origin of the human race. For some hold the same opinion regarding men that they hold regarding the world itself, that they have always been... They are deceived, too, by those highly mendacious documents which profess to give the history of many thousand years, though, reckoning by the sacred writings, we find that not 6000 years have yet passed.« — Augustine, Of the Falseness of the History Which Allots Many Thousand Years to the Worlds Past, The City of God, Book 12: Chapt. 10 [419]. Anomalies and Curiosities of Medicine by George M Gould and Walter L Pyle. Original Copyright 1896 by W.B. Saunders [35] ^ »The Dominicans had the shin-bone and part of the knee-articulation, which, substantiated by the frescoes and inscriptions in their possession, showed him to be 22 feet high. They claimed to have an os frontis; in the medical school of Leyden measuring 9.1 x 12.2 x .5 inches, which they deduce must have belonged to a man 11 or 12 feet high.« ^ »Near Mezarino in Sicily in 1516 there was found the skeleton of a giant whose height was at least 30 feet; his head was the size of a hogshead, and each tooth weighed 5 ounces; and in 1548 and in 1550 there were others found of the height of 30 feet. The Athenians found near their city skeletons measuring 34 and 36 feet in height. In Bohemia in 758 it is recorded that there was found a human skeleton 26 feet tall, and the leg-bones are still kept in a medieval castle in that country. In September, 1691, there was the skull of a giant found in Macedonia which held 210 pounds of corn.« ^ W.A. Seaver in 1869 wrote [36] "In times more modern (1613), some masons digging near the ruins of a castle in Dauphine, in a field which by tradition had long been called 'The Giant's Field,' at a depth of 18 feet discovered12 a brick tomb 30 feet long, 12 feet wide, and 8 feet high, on which was a gray stone with the words 'Theutobochus Rex' cut thereon [Teutobochus13 was a legendary giant and king of the Teutons. Large bones discovered in 1613 were claimed to be his skeleton]. When the tomb was opened they found a human skeleton entire, 25-1/2 feet long, 10 feet wide across the shoulders, and 5 feet deep from the breast to the back. His teeth were about the size of an ox's foot, and his shin-bone measured 4 feet in length." The migrations of the Teutons from Jutland [pic.28]; Witnesses reported that Teuthbokh king of the Cimbri the invader of Gaul [the Teuton chief slain by Marius] was taller than the insignia of the legions [pic.29] 12 In 1613, huge fossil remains found by a French surgeon, Mazurier at Dauphine. For some time they were shown in the apartments of The Queen Mother Marie de Medici at Fontainebleau. The relics were hotly debated for the next two centuries. These bones are yet preserved in the Museum of Lucerne. [143] 13 The Teuton King, Teutobod, was taken in irons after their defeat. By the conditions of the surrender, three hundred married women were to be handed over in slavery to the Romans. I. Gigantic worked stones - enormous stones set into buildings • Three massive stone block called the trilithon. These three stone blocks are the largest building blocks ever used by any human beings anywhere in the world. Each one is 70 feet long, 14 feet high, 10 feet thick, and weigh around 800 tons - Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, Lebanon [pic.30] • 2000 ton foundation stone, and 1000 ton 180 foot stones fitted 20 feet up in the building at the Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, Lebanon [pic.31] 50 to 300 ton blocks of Sacsayhuamen, Peru, fitted precisely [pic.32,33] • 200 ton blocks at Ollantaytambo, Peru - the stones fit to tolerances sometimes of less than a millimeter [pic.34,35,36,37,38,39] • 100 to 200 ton foundation and wall blocks of Puma Punku, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia [The architectural achievements are striking in light of the presumed level of technological capability available during its construction] [pic.40,41,42,43,44,45] • 340 ton 65 feet high standing stones of Brittany, France [pic.46,47,49]; Menhir du Champ-Dolent [pic.48] Walls 40 feet thick, Chan Chan, Peru [pic.50,51,52,53] with Sculpture details —- — ■ « 11 ■ f ■ t • • л; ' V. *i * W'; 1 Л .4 Stone heads the size of a 7-storey building, on Easter Island [pic.54,55,56,57,58,59] 25 to 50 ton blocks at Stonehenge, England [pic.60,61,62,63] ■ ' V.v b / V % 1 »j / ) • 12 to 16 feet high, 20 to 30 feet long, and weighing several hundred tons geometrically shaped blocks at El Enladrillado, Chile [pic.64] • 170 ton tombs of the dynastic Tu'I Tonga or Sacred Kings of Tonga, Pacific Ocean [pic.65,66,67,68,69] the place where time begins - Ha'amonga (trilithon) stones • huge statues (8-9 ml26-30 ft high) on Nemrut or Nemrud a 2,134 m (7,001 ft) high mountain in southeastern Turkey [pic.70,71,72,73] giant statues, in Egypt [pic.74,75,76,77,78,79] ■ Statues 18 stories high, Bemian, Afghanistan [pic.80,81,82,83] • There are more than 500 Giants' Tombs scattered all over Sardinia. Legend has it that giants with supernatural powers built these structures and buried their dead here. The enormity of the stone slabs: the largest of which measures more than 30 meters or 100 feet in length. [pic.84,85,86,87,88] • Domus de Janas (Sardinian: "House of the Fairies" or of the "Witches") are a type of pre-historic chamber tombs found in the Mediterranean area, but typically in Sardinia. They consist of several chambers quarried out by the Ozieri and Beaker cultures, resembling houses in their layout. Built between 3400 and 2700 BC, more than 1000 of the rock-cut tombs are known on the island. [pic.89,90,91,92,93,94,95,96] • Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world [pic.97,98,99,100,101,102]: Mt.Erice park - Australia, Hyderabad Campus at the University of Hyderabad - India and Arzachena - Sardinia • Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world [pic. 103,104,105,106,107,108]: Vrsno Krn 9 m high -Slovenia, »Mushroom rock state park« - USA, Langenweiher-Neunhoffen - France, Albarca - Spain, Cappadocia - Turkey • Giant stone balls all ower the world [pic.109,110,111,112,113]: Costa rica - Central America, Zavidovici "Archaeological Park of Stone Balls" - Bosnia; Close to the town of Shetpe in Western Kazakhstan lies the Valley of Balls - or Torysh, as it is known in Kazakh. It consists of numerous ball-like rock formations strewn across a wide range of steppe land. The balls range in size from tiny marble-like rocks to huge boulders the size of a car. [Beita Mountain, close to the Chinese -Mongolian border, more than 1,000 stone balls have been found. The smallest ones are the size of a Ping-Pong ball, while the bigger ones are almost 2 m in diameter. Similar stone balls have been also found in Brazil, Mexico, Germany, New Zealand and Egypt] III. MYTHS from all over the world [Lost World of Giants - Jonathan Gray, 2006] [37] EUROPE: 1. NORDIC MYTHS: The Jotunn were great giants. 2. SCANDINAVIA: The first men of creation were as big as mountains. 3. GERMANIC MYTHS: Permanently preoccupied with giants are the myths of the Germanic tribes. 4. GOTHS: The giants were drowned in the Deluge. The survivors fathered a race of giants. 5. CELTIC LEGENDS: The Gargantua giants are spoken of. 6. IRELAND: There are stories of giants called Fomorians. 7. BRITISH LEGENDS: We find Gog and Magog and Albion, the giant-god. 8. CLAUDIUS AELIANUS (2nd century): On Atlantis were "men twice as tall as those common to our climate, and they lived twice as long." 9. GREEK LEGENDS: The Titans, who some said were the first men on earth, were great giants. 10. GREEK LEGENDS: The Cyclopes were of immense stature and said to be the builders of the enormous masonry in Greece, Italy and certain other areas of the globe. 11. SICILY: Enceladus, the giant who warred with Zeus, was buried under Mt Etna. 12. SICILY: Typhoeus, a giant of a mountain chain of Asia Minor, was also buried at Mt Etna. 13. SICILY: The giant Lestrigons were said to have dwelt in Sicily. AFRICA: 14. CHAD: There once lived in the Chad region black giants with smooth hair, from whom the present tribes are descended. (Legends of the present day Kotoko tribe) "The enormous piles of large stone blocks near Goulfei were transported there by the Sao, men so tall that they could look over the trees." (same tribe) ASIA: 15. CHALDEA: The Izdubar were giants. 16. BABYLONIANS: "The ancient Babylon was founded by giants saved from the Deluge." 17. BABYLON: The Babylonian Talmud mentions a prehistoric race of giants who had double rows of teeth. 18. BOOK OF ENOCH: A race of giants dominated the earth before the Flood. 19. APOCRYPHA OF BARVCH: A race of giants dominated the earth before the Flood. 20. INDIAN RECORDS: The Danavas and Daityas were giants, as were the Rakshasas of the Hindu epic. 21. CHINA: "Men twice as tall as us" once inhabited the "realm of delight" but lost it by not living "by laws of virtue." 22. TIBET: Giants play an important part in the mythology of Tibet. 23. TIBET: The medical lamasery in Tibet claims that long ago Tibet was peopled by a giant race (males averaging 15 feet in height; females averaging 12 feet in height). 24. THAI TRADITION: The earliest men were of colossal size. AUSTRALASIA-PACIFIC: 25. ABORIGINES, AUSTRALIA: The secret city of Burrunga in Australia's northern hinterlands was inhabited by gigantic white men with red hair. 26. ABORIGINES, AUSTRALIA: There are many traditions of giant men and women who lived far back in the "dreamtime." 27. MAORIS, NEW ZEALAND: Tamatekapua, lord of the Arawa Maori migration, now buried on Mt Moehau, Coromandel Peninsula, was 9 feet tall. 28. PAPUA NEW GUINEA: Traditional stories of the Vella area of Papua New Guinea tell of a group of Europeans who tried to colonise the area a few centuries ago. They attempted to build a temple up in the hills, but the local giants would go in at night and throw away all the stonework. However, the temple was built, and still exists, made of the most beautiful marble. The skulls of five of the giants (brothers) are also supposed to be up in the bush. These are about a foot (30 centimeters) across. NORTH AMERICA: 29. ESKIMOS: "In those days there were giants on the earth." 30. MONTAGNAIS INDIANS, CANADA: God was angry with the giants and sent a flood upon them. 31. USA: Some Indian tribes worshipped "men of huge stature" who inhabited the region before they arrived. 32. SUPAI CANYON, ARIZONA: A petroglyph depicting a mammoth attacking a man: the man must have been over 10 feet tall, according to the perspective employed by the ancient artist. (Indians in the vicinity stated that the drawings were made by giants of long ago.) CENTRAL AMERICA: 33. AZTECS, MEXICO: Before the Flood, the land was inhabited by the Tzocullixeco, a giant race. 34. AZTECS, MEXICO: Xelua and his brother giants survived the world flood and built a pyramid to reach the clouds. 35. TOLTECS, MEXICO: The "first age" was brought to an end by fearful destruction due to "floods and lightning," while in the "second age" our earth was peopled by giants, the Quinametzin. 36. CHOLULA INDIANS, MEXICO: Before the great Flood which took place 4008 years after the creation of the world, the land was inhabited by giants. 37. MAYA, GUATEMALA; INCAS, PERU: The first race created by the gods before the Flood were giants. Two prominent giants were Atlan [Atlas?] and Theitani [Titan?] SOUTH AMERICA: 38. PERUVIAN TRADITION: The Chavin people, whose civilisation stretched from the Pacific Ocean to the sources of the Amazon, were giants. 39. QUICHUA INDIANS, PERU: Long ago a race of giant men came from the Pacific Ocean in ships, invaded the lowlands of old Peru, forcing the Inca high up into their mountain strongholds in the Andes. These giants were so huge that "from the knee down, they were as tall as a tall man". 40. TWO INCA LEGENDS, PERU: The city of Tiahuanaco in Bolivia was built by survivors of the Flood; it was built by giants. IV. Modern reports of giant remains [Lost World of Giants - Jonathan Gray, 2006] [37] NORTH AMERICA 1. ALEUTIAN ISLANDS: Ivan T. Sanderson, a well-known zoologist and frequent guest on the Johnny Carson Tonight Show, received a letter from an engineer stationed on Shemy Island in the Aleutians during World War II. While building an airstrip, his crew bulldozed a group of hills and discovered under several sedimentary layers what appeared to be human remains. The Alaskan mound was in fact a graveyard of gigantic human remains consisting of crania and long leg bones. The crania measured from 22 to 24 inches from base to crown. Since an adult skull normally measures about 8 inches from back to front, such large crania would imply an immense size for a normally proportioned human. Furthermore, every skull was said to have been neatly trepanned (a process of cutting a hole in the upper portion of the skull). In fact, the habit of flattening the skull of an infant and forcing it to grow in an elongated shape was a practice used by ancient Peruvians, Maya, and the Flathead Indians of Montana, North America. Sanderson tried to gather further proof, eventually receiving a letter from another member of the unit who confirmed the report. The letters both indicated that the Smithsonian Institution had collected the remains, yet nothing else was heard. Sanderson asks: is it that these people cannot face rewriting all the text books?" (David Hatcher Childress, World Explorers Club) 2. MINNESOTA, USA: "Day before yesterday, while the quarrymen, employed by the Sauk Rapids Water Power Company, were engaged in quarrying rock for the dam which is being erected across the Mississippi at this place, they found imbedded in the solid granite rock the remains of a human being of gigantic stature. About seven feet below the surface of the ground, and about three and a half beneath the upper stratum of rock, the remains were found imbedded in the sand, which had evidently been placed in the quadrangular grave which had been dug out of solid rock to receive the last remains of this antediluvian giant. The grave was twelve feet in length, four feet wide, and about three feet in depth, and is to-day at least two feet below the present level of the river. The remains are completely petrified, and are of gigantic dimensions. The head is massive, measures thirty-one and one half inches in circumference, but low in the os frontis, and very flat on the top. The femur measures twenty-six and a quarter inches, and the fibula twenty-five and a half, while the body is equally long in proportion. From the crown of the head to the sole of the foot, the length is ten feet nine and a half inches. The measure around the chest is fifty-nine and a half inches. This giant must have weighed at least nine hundred pounds, when covered with a reasonable amount of flesh." (The Sauk Rapids Sentinel, Minn, USA) 3. OREGON, USA: In Sea Lion Cave, Oregon, USA, the ancient body of a man was found in the fetal position. The remains are of a man who stood 12 feet tall. 4. TENNESSEE RIVER, USA: In one of his books, Harold T. Wilkins quotes excerpts from the publication American Antiquities regarding the finding of human footprints 16 inches long, in solid rock at the headwaters of the Tennessee River near Braystown. The prints are unique in that they contain six toes! One print more pronounced than the rest is of a heel ball measuring 13 inches (33 centimeters) across! U.S.A: 5. NORTH CAROLINA: Remains of 8 foot and 9 foot men - 1874 (Brad Steiger, Worlds Before Our Own, p.108) 6. WALKERTON, INDIANA: Eight giants 8 to 9 feet tall, all in copper armour - 1925 (Frank Edwards, Strange World, p.98) 7. LAKE DELAVAN, WISCONSIN: Skeletons of giant humans in an ancient mound - 1912 (Brad Steiger, Worlds Before Our Own, p.109) 8. WESTERN MISSOURI: Skeletons with headbones of monstrous size and a lower jaw twice the size of modern man. The thigh bone looked like that of the horse, for size. Found in mounds - 1875 (Arnold T. Wilkins, Mysteries of Ancient South America, pp. 33,195) 9. ELLISBURG, PENNSYLVANIA: Human skeleton 8 feet in length - 1886 (Brad Steiger Worlds Before Our Own, p.56) 10. TIOGA POINT, PENNSYLVANIA: Bones of 68 men, 7 feet and taller (Ibid., p.55) Through the bungling of diggers and the complete disinterest of the scientific establishment, many such finds have now been scattered and lost. I also wonder if some of them have ended up in secret vaults of the Smithsonian Institution. 11. FLORIDA: Skeletons 8 feet long, in the sand of an island off Southern Florida - 1936 (Ibid., p.55) 12. CRITTENDON, ARIZONA: A huge stone sarcophagus containing a granite mummy case (carved in the likeness of the body), for the body of a human more than 12 feet tall, who had 6 toes on each foot - 1891 (Frank Edwards, Stranger Than Science, p.78) 13. WINSLOW, ARIZONA: An unbelievably enormous skull contained a gold tooth - confirming it as the skull of a giant man (Brad Steiger Worlds Before Our Own, p.52) 14. SPRING VALLEY, NEVADA: A giant's leg (from knee to heel 39 inches), indicating a man 12 feet tall - 1887 (Peter Kolosimo, Not of This World, p.134) 15. CARSON CITY, NEVADA: Human footprints 18 inches, 19 inches and 21 inches long, indicating heights of up to 12 feet - 1883 (Brad Steiger, Worlds Before Our Own, p.50) 16. LOVELOCK, NEVADA: Skeletons found in the Humboldt lake bed near the Lovelock cave were 8^ feet long and almost 10 feet long (Lovelock Preview-Miner, June 19, 1931) 17. WHITE SANDS, NEW MEXICO: Perfectly imprinted human footprints 22 inches long and 8 to 10 inches wide, in gypsum rock (twice the size of present day prints); the person was wearing a type of moccasin or sandal and appeared to be using a cane - 1932 (U.S. Department of the Interior Booklet, The Story of the Great White Sands) 18. PALUXY RIVER, TEXAS: Human footprints 21 inches long walking with a stride of 7 feet, under a waterfall - 1973 (Brad Steiger, Worlds Before Our Own, pp.49-50; John C. Whitcomb & Henry M. Morris, The Genesis Flood, p.175) 19. CHALK MOUNTAIN, TEXAS: Remains of a 7 foot woman in a cave - 1974 (Brad Steiger, Worlds Before Our Own, p.109) 20. COLORADO DESERT: Relics of a civilisation whose men were 8 or 9 feet tall - 1947 21. BEAR CREEK, MONTANA: Two enormous molars 3 times as large as present day ones, in a coal mine -1926 (Peter Kolosimo, Not of This World, p.134; Frank Edwards, Stranger Than Science, p.77) 22. COOS BAY, OREGON: Human footprint 16 inches long and 7 inches wide - 1976 23. PARKERSBURG, WEST VIRGINIA: Imprint of human foot 14 У^ inches long - 1896 (The American Anthropologist, Vol.IX, 1896) 24. NORTH ALASKA: A ring was taken from a giant frozen man found under the ice by prospectors 25. MINNESOTA: Giant skeleton with double rows of teeth 26. DRESBACH, MINNESOTA: Bones of men over 8 feet tall (Brad Steiger, Worlds Before Our Own, p.53) 27. LA CRESCENT, MINNESOTA: Bones of "men of huge stature" 28. CLEARWATER, MINNESOTA: "Unusually large skeletons" of seven people buried head down (Ibid., p.54) 29. PINE CITY, MINNESOTA: A skeleton of "gigantic size" (Ibid., p.54) 30. CHATFIELD, MINNESOTA: Six skeletons "of enormous size" (Ibid., p.54) 31. WARREN, MINNESOTA: Ten skeletons "of both sexes and of gigantic size" (Ibid., p.54) 32. LOMPOCK RANCHO, CALIFORNIA: Soldiers digging a pit for a powder magazine hacked their way through a layer of cemented gravel, to come upon a skeleton of a man 12 feet (3.6 meters) tall. The skeleton was surrounded by carved shells, huge axes, and stone blocks covered in symbols. The giant had 2 rows of teeth. When local Indians began to attach religious significance to the finds, the authorities ordered it to be secretly buried -1933 (Frank Edwards, Stranger Than Science, p.77) 33. SANTA ROSA ISLAND, CALIFORNIA: Giant man with double rows of teeth (Ibid., p.77) 34. DEATH VALLEY, CALIFORNIA: Fossilised remains of a foot woman - 1898 (Brad Steiger, Worlds Before Our Own, p.107) 35. BRIDLEVALE FALLS, CALIFORNIA: Skeleton of a woman in a tomb, who in life was 7 feet in height. (Her male companion would have been 8 feet tall.) (Ibid., pp.107-108) 36. CASCADE MOUNTAINS: Bones of giant humans on the floor of a copper lined tunnel. We may well wonder what becomes of these remains after they are found. Perhaps the following two incidents are typical. 37. SANTA BARBARA, CALIFORNIA: A cave full of giant skeletons was found by telephone employees near Santa Barbara, California. Unfortunately, the cave entrance was sealed shut before proper excavation could be conducted. 38. SANTA CRUZ ISLAND, CALIFORNIA: A giant skeleton on Santa Cruz Island, California, was sent to the National Science Foundation in Washington, D.C., where it was promptly "misplaced". 39. CALIFORNIA: Austin Cooke of Lillian Rock, N.S.W., Australia, reports having seen a 10 foot human skeleton in a Californian museum. Evolutionary anthropologists generally hate giants, because they upset their pet theories. CENTRAL AMERICA: 40. SAYOPA, SONORA, MEXICO: Old cemetery of humans averaging 8 feet in height - 1930 (Brad Steiger, Worlds Before Our Own, pp.54-55) 41. MEXICO: When the local population showed the Spaniards some monstrous human bones, Hernan Cortes sent one to his sovereign. It was a femur itself as high as a normal man. 42. TEPIC, MEXICO: Seven skeletons of men and women 8 to 9 feet tall - 1938 (Harold T. Wilkins, Mysteries of Ancient South America, p.192) 43. MEXICO CITY: Enormous human bones found - 16th Century (Ibid., p.191) 44. EL BOQUIN, NICARAGUA: Skeleton of a man whose "ribs are a yard long and 4 inches wide and the shin bone is too heavy for one man to carry" - 1936 (Brad Steiger, Worlds Before Our Own, p.55) SOUTH AMERICA: 45. SOUTH AMERICA: Monstrous bones, including a femur as high as a normal present-day man (Peter Kolosimo, Not of This World, p.133) 46. SAN JULIAN: Men over 8 feet tall seen by Drake and later explorers - 1578 onward (Ibid., p.133) 47. SOUTH AMERICAN COAST: Living men up to 11 feet-8 inches encountered by some travellers, and skeletons of similar length seen by others - 1615 (Ibid., p.133) 48. MANTA, ECUADOR: Bones of giants "of huge greatness" - 1560 (Harold T. Wilkins, Mysteries of Ancient South America, pp.191-192) 49. MANTA, ECUADOR: Skeletons of 8 foot giants found in a cave behind great stalagmites - 1928 (Ibid., pp.33,192) 50. CUZCO, PERU: A tomb was found containing huge human bones - 1560 (Ibid., p.191) 51. TIAHUANACO, BOLIVIA: Skulls are on display in the museum between the Puerta del Sol and the templete (half-buried temple). The skulls are of men who were at least 10 feet tall. One skull is 14 inches wide and high. (Robert Charroux, Lost Worlds, p.54) 52. PATAGONIA, ARGENTINA: Men twice the height of todays average humans were seen by Magellan's men -1520 (Peter Kolosimo, Not of This World, p.133) 53. PATAGONIA: A tribe of men up to 9 foot-9 inches was reported in the interior by Spanish authorities (1712) and again by the English Byron (1764) (Ibid.) ASIA: 54. JAVA, INDONESIA: Bones of men who were 9 feet tall and who weighed 600 to 700 pounds (four times as big as modern man) - 1944 55. GARGAYAN, PHILIPPINES: A human skeleton 17 feet tall (Peter Kolosimo, Timeless Earth, p.30) 56. SOUTH-EAST CHINA: Bones of humans over 10 feet tall (Ibid., p.30) 57. HONG KONG and CHINA: Teeth 6 times greater in volume than those of modern man, standing in chemist shops for use as powder aphrodisiacs, indicating giants of 13 feet height - 1937 to 1941. The giant teeth found in China by the German-Dutch palaeontologist G.H.R. von Koenigswald around 1935 in a Chinese herbal shop, were dubbed "dragon's teeth". Various authorities who studied them noticed that they bore a striking resemblance to human teeth, but they were twice as big. The owner of the teeth, they calculated, would have had to have been around 11.8 feet (3.6 meters) tall - and would have weighed in at 694 pounds (315 kilograms). 58. LHASA, TIBET: Three gold figures in open coffins, nude, two males, one female. Every line, every mark faithfully reproduced by the gold. But the size! The female quite 10 feet long, and the larger of the two males not under 15 feet (Serge Hutin, Fantastic Civilizations, p.124) 59. CEYLON: Remains of men who were 13 feet tall (Peter Kolosimo, Timeless Earth, p.30) 60. TURA, ASSAM, INDIA: A human skeleton 11 feet tall (Ibid., p.31) 61. SIMLA, HINDOSTAN: Human footprints 24 inches long and 11 inches wide, suggesting a man 14 feet tall - 1938 (Harold T. Wilkins, Mysteries of Ancient South America, p.194) 62. NORTHERN ISRAEL: Fossilised skeletons of a race of giants found both in strata and in caves 63. TURKEY: I have personally handled a human fingerbone which is twice the length of the average adult bone today. 64. TURKEY: In the Hittite Museum in Ankara, Turkey, I tracked down a report by a museum guide that he had seen an 18 foot granite sarcophagus in a back room of the museum. 65. TURKEY: Some time ago, on the reception counter of the Erzurum Hotel in Dogubayazit, where we stay on trips to Turkey, a giant human skull was put on display. You could insert your whole head inside its jaws! 66. TURKEY: In the late 1950's, during road construction in south-east Turkey (in the Euphrates Valley), many tombs were uncovered, which contained the remains of giant humans. At two sites the leg bones were measured to be about 120 centimeters (47.24 inches). Joe Taylor, Director of the Mt. Blanco Fossil Museum, in Crosbyton, Texas, was commissioned to sculpt an anatomically correct, and to scale, human femur of one of these ancient men. This giant stood some 14-16 feet tall, and had 20-22 inch long feet. His or her finger tips, with arms to their sides, would be about 6 feet above the ground. AFRICA: 67. NORTH OF N.GUIGMI, AFRICA: Skeleton more than 8 feet tall 68. A NECROPOLIS in the SAHARA: Graves 20 feet long containing men 9 to 10 feet in height (Robert Charroux, The Mysterious Unknown, p.107) 69. LAKE ELYASI, CENTRAL AFRICA: Bones of gigantic men - 1936 70. TAUNGS, CAPE PROVINCE, SOUTH AFRICA: Among remains of extinct baboons, antelopes and lizards "larger than any living types" was found a fossil man described as "a near giant" - 1947 EUROPE: 71. CAUSASUS MOUNTAINS, U.S.S.R.: Skeletons of men 9 feet 1 inch to 10 feet 2 inches found by Soviet anthropologists (Peter Kolosimo, Not of This World, pp.134-135) 72. NORWAY: Tremendous human arm, leg and head bones (Harold T. Wilkins, Mysteries of Ancient South America, p.194) 73. FRANCE: Bones found under a dolmen, of men 8 feet 6 inches to 10 feet tall (Peter Kolosimo, Timeless Earth, p.31) 74. SPAIN: A 22 foot skeleton was found in 1705 and the thigh bone preserved at Valencia, Spain (Brad Steiger, Worlds Before Our Own, p.51) 75. VALENCIA, SPAIN: Another skeleton was found, the skull of which allegedly held a bushel of corn (Ibid., p.51) 76. ITALY: A body exhumed in Calabria measured 18 Roman feet. Average weight of the molars was one ounce (Ibid., pp.51-52) 77. SCOTLAND: The bones of a 14 foot man were preserved for many years in Scotland (Ibid., p.52) 78. ENGLAND: The fossilised body of a man 12 feet 2 inches tall was propped up in a London railway station in 1895. We actually have a photograph of this one. It was propped up for viewing against a 19th century railway carriage. It totally dwarfed the back of the railway carriage. An extract and photograph from the British Strand magazine of December 1895, reprinted in W.G. Wood-Martin's book Traces of the Elder Faiths of Ireland, mentions this fossilised giant that had been found during mining operations in County Antrim, Ireland: "Pre-eminent among the most extraordinary articles ever held by a railway company is the fossilised Irish giant, which is at this moment lying at the London and North-Western Railway Company's Broad-street goods depot, and a photograph of which is reproduced here^ "This monstrous figure is reputed to have been dug up by a Mr Dyer whilst prospecting for iron ore in County Antrim. The principal measurements are: entire length, 12 feet 2 inches; girth of chest, 6 feet 6 inches; and length of arms, 4 feet 6 inches. There are six toes on the right foot. The gross weight is 2 tons 15 cwt; so that it took half a dozen men and a powerful crane to place this article of lost property in position for the Strand magazine artist. "Dyer, after showing the giant in Dublin, came to England with his queer find and exhibited it in Liverpool and Manchester at sixpence a head, attracting scientific men as well as gaping sightseers. Business increased and the showman induced a man named Kershaw to purchase a share in the concern. In 1876, Dyer sent his giant from Manchester to London by rail; the sum of £4 2s 6d being charged for carriage by the company, but never paid. "Evidently Kershaw knew nothing of the removal of the 'show', for when he discovered it he followed in hot haste, and, through a firm of London solicitors, moved the Court of Chancery to issue an order restraining the company from parting with the giant, until the action between Dyer and himself to determine the ownership was disposed of. The action was never brought to an issue." Unfortunately we don't know what happened after this. It is unfortunate that such finds often disappear and we never hear of them again. Thankfully, a reporter took a photograph. AUSTRALIA: 79. UPPER MACLEAY RIVER, NSW: Footprint 14^ inches from toe to beginning of instep; another with a 4 inch toe and total toe span of 10 inches, suggesting a body height of 17 feet 80. COWRA, NSW: Fossilised print preserved in mudstone, 2 feet 5 inches in length by 15 inches across the toes 81. BATHURST, NSW: Prospectors working in the Bathurst district in the 1930s frequently reported coming across numerous large human footprints fossilised in shoals of red jasper. 82. BATHURST, NSW: Even more impressive were fossil deposits found by well known naturalist Rex Gilroy around Bathurst. He excavated from a depth of 6 feet (2 meters) below the surface a fossil lower black molar tooth measuring 67 mm In length by 50 mm x 42 mm across the crown. If his measurements are correct, the owner would have been at least 25 feet tall, weighing well over 1,000 lbs! 83. GYMPIE, QUEENSLAND: A farmer, Keith Walker, was ploughing his field when he turned up the large fragment of the back portion of a jaw which still possessed the hollow for a missing lower black molar tooth. This is now in Rex Gilroy's possession. (Rex, by the way, currently operates a butterfly museum near Tamworth, NSW.) The owner of the tooth would have stood at 10 feet tall. 84. BLUE MOUNTAINS, NSW: In the Megalong Valley in the Blue Mountains, a Mr P. Holman found in ironstone protruding from a creek bank the deeply impressed print of a large human-like foot. The print was that of the instep, with all 5 toes clearly shown. This footprint measures 7 inches across the toes. Had the footprint been complete it would have been at least 2 feet (60 centimeters) in length, appropriate to a 12 foot human. However, the largest footprint found on the Blue Mountains could only have belonged to a man 20 feet tall! 85. PENRITH, NSW: A set of 3 huge footprints was discovered near Mulgoa, south of Penrith. These prints, each measuring 2 feet long and 7 inches across the toes, are 6 feet apart, indicating the stride of the 12 foot giant who left them. These prints were preserved by volcanic lava and ash flows which "occurred millions of years" before man is supposed to have appeared on the Australian continent (if one is to believe the evolutionary theory)! 86. KEMPSEY, NSW: Noel Reeves found monstrous footprints near Kempsey, in sandstone beds on the Upper Macleay River. One print shows a toe 4 inches (10 centimeters) long and the total toe-span is 10 inches (25 centimeters) - suggesting that the owner of the print may have been 17 feet tall. 87. BATHURST and DUBBO, NSW: A fossicker searching the Winburndale River north of Bathurst discovered a large quartzitised fossil human molar tooth, far too big for any normal modern man. A similar find was made near Dubbo. 88. GYMPIE, QUEENSLAND: Human jaw, consistent with a body height of 10 feet. NEW ZEALAND and PACIFIC: 89. NORTH ISLAND, NZ: In the Urewera country skulls have been found (in caves) which measure 18 inches (45 centimeters) in width 90. NORTH ISLAND, NZ: Mrs Yvonne Stevens, Auckland, reports that there are graves on the Coromandel Peninsula containing skeletons about 12 feet long. 91. NAN MADOL, CAROLINE ISLANDS: An old Pohnpei native told David Hatcher Childress that he had found a human femur in the jungle that was "twice as big as a normal man's." (David Hatcher Childress, Ancient Micronesia, p.34) 92. KIRIBATI: On 16 islands in the Kiribatis, are human footprints impressed into rock when it was soft. Most have 6 toes on each foot. The largest are up to 3 feet long, and very clear, with the toes, heels and outline distinct, and indicate people up to 12 feet tall. (David Hatcher Childress, Lost Cities of Ancient Lumeria and the Pacific, p.193) 93. NEW ZEALAND: On Waiheke Island, about 1980, Frank Drumm was clearing land for a lifestyle subdivision near the Auckland River flats. He accidentally uncovered human skeletons 9 to 12 feet in length. He hastily "covered them up. I was scared witless," he said. 94. NEW ZEALAND: George Ford of Warkworth reported to me that during a visit to Great Barrier Island he was given the location of a cave near Rangiwhakaea Bay, which contains giant skeletons. I possess a map of the location and hope to organise an expedition. 95. NEW ZEALAND: In the Karangahake George, Rex and Heather Gilroy uncovered human footprints up to 18% inches (46 centimeters) in length by 12 inches (29.5 centimeters) wide across the toes and 9% inches (24 centimeters) wide at the heel. March 2000 96. FIJI: In Fiji, I was told by Vasiti Ritova of the Daily Post that during digging in the Sigatoka sand dunes, there was uncovered a forearm as long as the total length of my arm from fingers to shoulder. Then progressively, remains of men, women and children were found, who were giants. Work continued until 1992. 96. ROTUMA: We are currently preparing for an expedition to the remote, unspoilt Pacific Island of Rotuma. Just 14 kilometers long, and volcanic, this beautiful island was once home to a race of giants. When the only road was built in 1927, the labourers uncovered an old cemetery containing bones of a size that indicated they belonged to bodies at least 12 feet tall. They quickly and fearfully re-buried all the bones and changed the course of the road. Coast guards on top of Mount Sororoa were building a watch house. As they dug holes for the corner posts, they uncovered shin bones over 3 feet (1 meter) long. Again, only a 12 foot man would have leg bones that size. 97. ROTUMA: In 1984, Kijian Taksas was supervising the digging of a new grave. The workers unearthed an ancient shin bone. Kijian placed one end of it on the ground and measured to her hip bone - almost 3 feet long. The other day I received a phone call from a man asking if I could track down a German scientific report of 25 foot human remains having been found in Germany. Frankly, we don't know for sure the size of the largest humans of the past. Remains suggesting 12 to 15 feet are fairly common, but clues suggesting 20 to 25 feet also crop up from time to time. In N.S.W., Australia, museum curator Rex Gilroy has discovered and photographed indisputably human footprints (now fossilized) which would indicate, in proportion, an individual who stood 25 feet tall! RESTS OF GIANTS Fossil rests of giants [pic. 114,115] Fossil rests of giants [pic. 116,117] Fossil rests of giants [pic.118], authenticy certificate [pic.120], size comparison [pic.121,122], G.Spoerri [pic. 119] The photographer Gregory Spoerri (56) [pic.119] is a well-known disco entrepreneur from Basel in Switzerland. His empire included the "Mad Max", a cult-shop, where the celebrated stars of FC Basel, as well as David Beckham and Stephanie of Monaco. His second passion, the Pyramids of Giza in Egypt has changed his life. On the last day of his private investigator, he was given leave in 1988 to contact an old man from a grave robber dynasty. About 100 kilometers northeast of Cairo, the meeting took place in a farm house in Bir Hooker. Against $ 300 Spoerri could take a look at the family treasure of unsold grave robber. Wrapped in old rags was the bone and dermis. Spoerri to "It was an oblong package, smelled musty. I was totally flabbergasted when I saw the dark brown relic was allowed to take it in hand and also take pictures, a bill put next to it to get a size comparison [pic.121,122]. "The bent finger [picture 23] was split open and covered with dried mold. "It was surprisingly easy, maybe a few hundred grams My heart was up to his neck. That was incredible. In size to a matching body should have been about five feet tall ^ " The grave robber showed the Swiss also have a certificate of authenticity and an X-ray image. Both are from the 60s [pic.120]. "The grave robber implored all in the name of Allah. To sell but the finger was not. He appeared to him and his family to be much too important ^ " Today Spoerri regretted that he was then only with the photos flew home. For years he occupied the Fund. Scientists were not interested in the Fund, which should be impossible. "The Relic not fit into their theories," says the discoverer He did not want to make a mockery of the experts, let the story rest. It was not until 2009, he went back to the search for the ancient Arabs and the relic. But the traces in Bir Hooker had come to nothing ^ Spoerri worked intensively with the relic, read myths about giants, are also smuggled back into the pyramids of Giza, among which are huge but unfinished sarcophagi, far too big for people ^ [38] Fossil rests of giants [pic. 123, 124,125,126] »Does this seem far-fetched?« ^ »We have to admit we cannot know. But when we see the size of some fossil animals, in comparison to the same species today, we may well wonder how much we have reduced in size compared with the greatest giants who ever trod this earth. Even today, we have a great difference in size between the tallest living people and pygmies. It may well be asked, if many animals have "devolved" to as much as a quarter of their previous height, might not man? It's an interesting question. As a result, some paleontologists were led to speculate that modern humans might have descended from "giant" ancestors. Modern science, however, was adamant that the teeth were from "giant extinct apes". John Mount, writing in Nexus magazine (August-September, 2001) comments: "Isn't it laughable that, ever since Darwin's time, science has been trying to make a man out of a monkey? Now, faced with the possibility of giant humans, they are trying to make monkeys out of men!" However, the evidence points to physical degeneration, and not evolutionary improvement, as the story of life on Earth. Giants prove that the Bible account of history is the true one. And that's not a popular concept with men whose hearts are at enmity against the idea of God. The Bible theme is that we are a fallen race and lost, with no future -unless we accept our need of God and salvation through His Son.« [Lost World of Giants - Jonathan Gray, 2006] [37] V. Brewer's Giants of Mythology [39] Ac'amas. One of the Cyclops. (Greek fable.) Adamas'tor (q.v.). ^GÄ^'On, the hundred-handed. One of the Titans. (Greek fable.) Ag'rios. One of the Titans. He was killed by the Parc®. (Greek fable.) Alcyoneus [A/'-si-o-nuce], or Al'cion. Jupiter sent Hercule"s against him for stealing some of the Sun's oxen. But Hercule"s could not do anything, for immediately the giant touched the earth he received fresh strength. (See below, Ant^os.) At length Pallas carried him beyond the moon. His seven daughters were metamorphosed into halcyons. (Argonautic Expedition, i. 6.) Al'gebar'. The giant Ori'on is so called by the Arabs. Alifan'faron or Aliphar'non (q.v.). Alo'eos. Son of Poseidon Canäce". Each of his two sons was 27 cubits high. (Greek fable.) Am'erant. A cruel giant slain by Guy of Warwick. (Percy: Reliques.) Angoulaffre (q.v.). (See below 21 feet.) AntÄ^'os (q.v.; see above, Alcyoneus). (See below, 105 feet.) Arges (2 syl.). One of the Cyclops. (Greek fable.) As'capart (q.v.). Atlas (q.v.). Balan (q.v.). Belle (1 syl.) (q.v.). Belle'rus (q.v.). Blunderbore (3 syl.) (q.v.). Briar'eos or Bri'areus (3 syl.) (q.v.). Brobdingnag (q.v.). Brontes (2 syl.) (q.v.). Burlond (q.v.). Ca'cos or Cacus (q.v.). Calig'orant (q.v.). Car'aculiam'bo. The giant that Don Quixote intended should kneel at the feet of Dulcin'ea. (Cervantes: Don Quixote.) Carus. In the Seven Champions. Chalbroth. The stem of all the giant race. (Rabelais: Pantagruel). Christoph'erus. (See Christopher, St.) Clyt'ios (q.v.). C^os. Son of Heaven and Earth. He married Phrebe", and was the father of Latöna. (Greek fable.) Colbrand. (See Colbronde.) Corflam'bo (q.v.). Cormoran (q.v.) Cormorant. A giant discomfited by Sir Brian. (Spenser: Faerie Queene, vi. 4.) Cottas (q.v.). Coulin (q.v.). Cyclops (The) (q.v.). Despair (q.v.). Dondasch (q.v.). Encel'ados (q.v.). Ephlaltes (4 syl.) (q.v.). Erix (q.v.). Eu'rytos. One of the giants that made war with the gods. Bacchus killed him with his thyrsus. (Greek fable.) Ferregus, slain by Orgando, was 28 feet in height. Fer'racute (3 syl.) (q.v.). Fer'ragus (q.v.). Fierabras [Fe-a-ra'-brah] (q.v.). Fion (q.v.). Fior'gwyn, the father of Frigga (Scandinavian mythology). Fracassus (q.v.). Gal'bara. Father of Goliah of Secondille (3 syl.), and inventor of the custom of drinking healths. (Duchat: ^uvres de Rabelais. 1711.) Galapas. The giant slain by King Arthur. (Sir T. Malory: History of Prince Arthur.) Galligantus (q.v.). Garagantua (q.v.). Gargantua (q.v.). Garian. In the Seven Champions. Gemmagog (q.v.). Geryon'eo (q.v.). Giralda (q.v.). Godmer (q.v.). Goemot or Goemagot (q.v.). Gog'magog. King of the giant race of Albion; slain by Cori'neus. Grangousier. The giant king of Utopia, father of Gargantua. (Rabelais: Gargantua.) Grantorto (q.v.). Grim (q.v.). Grumbo (q.v.). Guy of Warwick (q.v.). Gyges (2 syl.). One of the Titans. He had fifty heads and a hundred hands. (Greek fable.) Hap'mouche (2 syl.) (q.v.). Hippol'ytos. One of the giants who made war with the gods. He was killed by Hermes. (Greek fable.) Hrasvelg (q.v.). Hrimthursar (q.v.). Hurtali (q.v.). Indracit'tran (q.v.). Irus (q.v.). Jotun. The giant of Jötunheim or Giant-land. (Scandinavian mythology.) Juliance. A giant of Arthurian romance. Junner (q.v.). Kifri. The giant of atheism and infidelity. Kottos. One of the Titans. He had a hundred hands. (See Briareos.) (Greek fable.) Malambru'no (q.v.). Margutte (q.v.). Maugys (q.v.). Maul (q.v.). Mont-Rognon (q.v.). Morgante (3 syl.) (q.v.). Mugillo. A giant famous for his mace with six balls. Off'erus (q.v.). Ogias (q.v.). Orgoglio (q.v.). Ori'on (q.v.). (See below, 80 1/2 feet.) Otos (q.v.). Pallas (q.v.). Pantag'ruel (q.v.). Phidon. In the Seven Champions. Polybo'tes (4 syl.) (q.v.). Pol'yphe'mus or Polypheme (3 syl.) (q.v.). Porphyr'ion (q.v.). Pyrac'mon. One of the Cyclops. (Greek fable.) Raphsarus. In the Seven Champions. Ritho (q.v.). Ritho. The giant who commanded King Arthur to send him his beard to complete the lining of a robe. In the Arthurian romance. Skrymir. (See Draught of Thor, p. 380.) Slay-good (q.v.). Ster'opes (3 syl.). One of the Cyclops. (Greek fable.) Tartaro. The Cyclops of Basque mythology. Teutoboch'us (King), (See below, 30 feet.) Thaon. One of the giants who made war with the gods. He was killed by the Parc«. (Greek fable.) Titans (The) (q.v.). Tit'yos (q.v.). Treyeagle (q.v.). TyphCTus (q.v.). Typhon (q.v.). Widenostrils (q.v.). Yohak. The giant guardian of the caves of Babylon. (Southey: Thalaba, book v.) VI. Gigantism - Extract from Brewer's 'Dictionary of Phrase and Fable' [39] BAMFORD (Edward) was 7 feet 4 inches. He died in 1768, and was buried in St. Dunstan's churchyard. BATES (Captain) was 7 feet 11 1/2 inches. He was a native of Kentucky, and was exhibited in London in 1871. His wife (Anna Swann) was the same height. BLACKER (Henry) was 7 feet 4 inches, and most symmetrical. He was born at Cuckfield, in Sussex, in 1 724, and was called "The British Giant." BRADLEY (William) was 7 feet 9 inches in height. He was born in 1787, and died 1820. His birth is duly registered in the parish church of Market Weighton, in Yorkshire, and his right hand is preserved in the museum of the College of Surgeons. BRICK (M. J.) exhibited under the name of Anak, was 7 feet 8 inches in height at the age of 26. He was born in 1840 at Ramonchamp, in the Vosges, and visited England 1862-5. His arms had a stretch of 95 1/2 inches, and were therefore 3 1/2 inches too long for symmetry. BRUSTED (Von) was 8 feet in height. This Norway giant was exhibited in London in 1880. BUSBY (John) was 7 feet 9 inches in height, and his brother was about the same. They were natives of Darfield, in Yorkshire. Bao Sisun 2,36 m [pic. 127], Yao Defen 2,33 m [pic. 128], Sandy Allen 2,32 m [pic. 129] CHANG, the Chinese giant, was 8 feet 2 inches in height. The entire name of this Chinese giant was Chang-Woo-Goo. He was exhibited in London in 1865-1866, and again in 1880. He was a native of Fychou. CHARLEMAGNE was nearly 8 feet in height, and was so strong he could squeeze together three horseshoes with his hands. COTTER (Patrick) was 8 feet 7 1/2 inches in height. This Irish giant died at Clifton, Bristol, in 1802. A cast of his hand is preserved in the museum of the College of Surgeons. ELEIZEGUE (Joachim). Was 7 feet 10 inches in height. He was a Spaniard, and exhibited in the Cosmorama, Regent Street, London. EVANS (William) was 8 feet at death. He was a porter of Charles I., and died in 1632. FRANK (Big). Was 7 feet 8 inches in height. He was an Irishman whose name was Francis Sheridan, and died in 1870. FRENZ (Louis) was 7 feet 4 inches in height. He was called "the French giant." FUNNUM (court giant of Eugene II.) was 11 feet 6 inches. GILLY was 8 feet. This Swedish giant was exhibited in the early part of the nineteenth century. GORDON (Alice) was 7 feet in height. She was a native of Essex, and died in 1737, at the age of 19. HALE (Robert) was 7 feet 6 inches in height. He was born at Somerton, in Norfolk, and was called "the Norfolk giant" (1820-1862). HAR'DRADA (Harold) was nearly 8 feet in height ("5 ells of Norway"), and was called "the Norway giant." Snorro Sturleson says he was "about 8 feet in height." HOLMES (Benjamin) was 7 feet 6 inches in height. He was a Northumberland man, and was made sword-bearer of the Corporation of Worcester. He died in 1892. JOHN FREDERICK, Duke of Brunswick, was 8 feet 6 inches in height. LA PIERRE was 7 feet 1 inch in height. He was born at Stratgard, in Denmark. h Sultan Kösen 2,51 m [pic.130], Robert Wadlow 2,72 m [pic. 131], Bao Xishun 2,36 m [pic.132] LOUIS was 7 feet 4 inches in height. Called "the French giant." His left hand is preserved in the museum of the College of Surgeons. LOUISHKIN was 8 feet 5 inches in height. This Russian giant was drum-major of the Imperial Guards. MCDONALD (James) was 7 feet 6 inches in height. He was born in Cork, Ireland, and died in 1760. MCDONALD (Samuel) was 6 feet 10 inches in height. This Scotchman was usually called "Big Sam." He was the Prince of Wales's footman, and died in 1802. MAGRATH (Cornelius) was 7 feet 10 inches in height at the age of 16. He was an orphan reared by Bishop Berkeley, and died at the age of twenty (1740-1760). MAXIMI'NUS was 8 feet 6 inches in height. The Roman emperor, from 235 to 238. MELLON (Edmund) was 7 feet 6 inches in height at the age of nineteen. He was born at Port Leicester, in Ireland (1740-1760). MIDDLETON (John) was 9 feet 3 inches in height. "His hand was 17 inches long and 8 1/2 broad." He was born at Hale, Lancashire, in the reign of James J. Dr. Plott: Natural History of Staffordshire, p. 295.) MILLER (Maximilian Christopher) was 8 feet in height. His hand measured 12 inches, and his forefinger was 9 inches long. This Saxon giant died in London at the age of sixty (1674-1734). MURPHY was 8 feet 10 inches in height. This Irish giant was contemporary with O'Brien (see below), and died at Marseilles. O'BRIEN, or CHARLES BYRNE, was 8 feet 4 inches in height. The skeleton of this Irish giant is preserved in the College of Surgeons. He died in Cockspur Street, London, and was contemporary with Murphy (1761-1783). O'BRIEN (Patrick) was 8 feet 7 inches in height. He died August 3, 1804, aged thirty-nine. OSEN (Heinrich) was 7 feet 6 inches in height at the age of 27, and weighed abvoe 37 stone. He was born in Norway. Leonid Stadnik 2,57 m [pic. 133], Andre Roussimoff 2.24 m and Hulk Hogan 2,01 m [pic. 134] PORUS was "5 cubits in height" (7 feet 6 inches). He was an Indian king who fought against Alexander the Great near the river Hydaspes. (Quintus Curtius: De rebus gestis Alexandri Magni.) RIECHART (J. H.) was 8 feet 4 inches in height. He was a native of Friedberg, and both his father and mother were of gigantic stature. SALMERON (Martin) was 7 feet 4 inches in height. He was called "The Mexican Giant." SWANN (Anne Hanen) was 7 feet 11 1/2 inches in height. She was a native of Nova Scotia. TOLLER (James) was 8 feet at the age of 24. He died in February, 1819. Becanus asserts that he had seen a man nearly 10 feet high, and a woman fully 10 feet. Gasper Bauhin speaks of a Swiss 8 feet in height. Del Rio tells us he himself saw a Piedmontese in 1572 more than 9 feet in height. C. F. S. Warren, M.A. (in Notes and Queries, August 14th, 1875), tells us that his father knew a lady 9 feet in height, and adds "her head touched the ceiling of a good-sized room." Vanderbrook says he saw at Congo a black man 9 feet high. In the museum of Trinity College, Dublin, is a human skeleton 8 feet 6 inches in height. Thomas Hall, of Willingham, was 3 feet 9 inches at the age of 3. A giant was exhibited at Rouen in the early part of the eighteenth century 17 feet 10 inches in height. Gorapus, the surgeon, tells us of a Swedish giantess, who, at the age of 9, was over 10 feet in height. Turner, the naturalist, tells us he saw in Brazil a giant 12 feet in height. M. Thevet published, in 1575, an account of a South American giant, the skeleton of which he measured. It was 11 feet 5 inches. Giants and dwarfs [pic. 135,136,137] Robert Wadlow family and his shoe [pic. 138,139] VII. Giants On The Earth [ßy James Donahue] [40] 'museums and departments of archaeology are hiding fossilized artifacts?' While there is little in the archaeological record, historical material records the discovery of bones of giants throughout the world. Following are excerpts from a few historical documents in Ohio: "In 1829, when the hotel was built in Chesterville, a mound near-by was made to furnish the material for the brick. In digging it away, a large human skeleton was found, but no measurements were made. It is related that the jaw-bone was found to fit easily over that of a citizen of the village, who was remarkable for his large jaw. The local physicians examined the cranium and found it proportionately large, with more teeth than the white race of today: The skeleton was taken to Mansfield, and has been lost sight of entirely." (History of Morrow County and Ohio, 1880) In digging the cellar of the house, nine human skeletons were found, and, like such specimens from other ancient mounds of the country, they showed that the Mound Builders were men of large stature. The skeletons were not found lying in such a manner as would indicate any arrangement of the bodies on the part of the entombers. In describing the tomb, Albert Harris said: "It looked as if the bodies had been dumped into a ditch. Some of them were buried deeper than others, the lower one being about seven feet below the surface. When the skeletons were found." Harris was twenty years of age yet he states that he could put one of the skulls over his head, and let it rest upon his shoulders, while wearing a fur cap at the same time. The large size of all the bones was remarked, and the teeth were described as "double all the way round." (The History of Medina County, 1881) From Ashtabula, Ohio, came the following written description of an ancient four-acre burial ground unearthed at Conneuat in 1844: "The mounds that were situated in the eastern part of what is now the village of Conneaut and the extensive burying ground near the Presbyterian Church, appear to have had no connection with the burying places of the Indians. They doubtless refer to a more remote period and are the relics of an extinct race, of whom the Indians had no knowledge." "These mounds were of comparatively small size, and of the same general character of those that are widely scattered over the country. What is most remarkable concerning them is that among the quantity of human bones they contain, there are found specimens belonging to men of large stature, and who must have been nearly allied to a race of giants. "Skulls were taken from these mounds, the cavities of which were of sufficient capacity to admit the head of an ordinary man, and jaw-bones that might be fitted on over the face with equal facility. The bones of the arms and lower limbs were of the same proportions, exhibiting ocular proof of the degeneracy of the human race since the period in which these men occupied the soil which we now inhabit." (The Conneuat Giants, Harvey Nettleton) Similar records can be found in local libraries all over the American Midwest. In his book, The Natural and Aboriginal History of Tennessee, author John Haywood describes "very large" bones in stone graves found in Williamson County, Tennessee, in 1821. In White County, Tennessee, an "ancient fortification" contained skeletons of gigantic stature averaging at least seven feet in length. The Indiana News on Nov. 10, 1975, reported that a nine-foot, eight-inch long skeleton was removed from a mound near Brewersville, Indiana, in 1879. Skeletons measuring eight and one-half feet and 10-feet in height and wrapped in a "gum-covered fabric" were uncovered in the Humboldt lake bed near Lovelock, Nevada, in 1931, according to the Review-Miner, a local newspaper published on June 19, 1931. Obras Historicas, a treatise of Mexican history written by Fernando Lxtilxochiti, includes a story about how the Chichimec people of north central Mexico battled giants before they could occupy the land. The story also is told by Bernal Diaz del Castillo in his Cronica de la Nueva Espana. Castillo wrote that their ancestors "had shared the land with men and women of very tall bodies and large bones, and since they were very wicked and ill mannered, slew them in combat, and what remained of them died out. In order that we might see how large these men were, they brought us one of their leg bones, which was rough and as long as the height of a normal-sized man. We were stunned upon seeing those bones and believed that there must have been giants in that country." It is well known that there was a time during the early history of the Earth that massive creatures, the dinosaurs, once existed. This was a time when the climate, the rich vegetation, abundance of clean water and perhaps even a different gravitational pull encouraged giantism among both plants and animals. If humanoids appeared during that time, they also may have been very large. The Queen and the skeleton of the Irish Giant in 1962; nephilim?; Mt.Blanco Museum [pic.140,141,142] VIII. Hiding14 archaeological evidence ? Kannada newspaper, 21.june 2007; G.Subramaniam, Chennai Hindu Voice [pic. 143] 14 Washington, Dec. 15 (ANI): A report that suggested that a National Geographic Society team had dug up a giant human skeleton in India, in collaboration with the Indian Army, and linked it to events related to the mythological epic Mahabharatha, has been exposed as a hoax. "Recent exploration activity in the northern region of India uncovered skeletal remains of a human of phenomenal size," a March 2007 article in India's Hindu Voice monthly had claimed. The report went on to say the discovery was made by a "National Geographic Team (India Division) with support from the Indian Army since the area comes under jurisdiction of the Army." The account added that the team also found tablets with inscriptions that suggest the giant belonged to a race of super-humans that are mentioned in the Mahabharata. The hoax began with a doctored photo and later found a receptive online audiencethanks perhaps to the image's unintended religious connotations. A digitally altered photograph created in 2002 shows a reclining giant surrounded by a wooden platformwith a shovel-wielding archaeologist thrown in for scale. By 2004 the "discovery" was being blogged and e-mailed all over the world" Giant Skeleton Unearthed!"And it's been enjoying a revival in 2007. The photo fakery might be obvious to most people. But the tall tale refuses to lie down even five years later, if a continuing flow of emails to National Geographic News is any indication. The messages came from around the globe Portugal, India, El Salvador, Malaysia, Africa, the Dominican Republic, Greece, Egypt, South Africa and Kenya. But they all ask the same question: Is it true? Hindu Voice Editor P. Deivamuthu admitted to National Geographic News that his publication was taken in by the fake reports. The monthly, which is based in Mumbai, published a retraction after readers alerted Deivamuthu to the hoax, he said. "We are against spreading lies and canards. Moreover, our readers are a highly intellectual class and will not brook any nonsense," Deivamuthu added. The recent hoax is reminiscent of the once famous Cardiff Giant myth, involving a ten-foot-tall (three-meter) stone figure dug up in 1869 in Cardiff, New York. Many people believed the figure was a petrified man and claimed he was one of the giants mentioned in the Bible's Book of Genesis. (ANI) December 15th, 2007, Kannada newspaper article 21. june 2007, photo [pic. 144] GOVERNMENT OF INDIA i:-26'Rn/2007/CHD- ДЧ П Го Shn Man Кипгаг i'. TMtox 0172'700339 ЈпАегл ^«тгчВц SupennterK>»>gAt. inrrftn irfcm Л-• -.T'votlnd* TTj^Nn 2909-10 'fl SCO 2909-10 190 022 S«ctorZ2C . t • 3 1 JüL да Subjccl - InformuUon rclulcd lo Ihc rcccnl dincovcry ot (iiani and ЛгкЈсШ :.kclcton in Kunjk^hctra undcr Kighl lo Infonmition Лс(. 200S- rcgarümg. Sir. Ihis ofllcc his rcceivcd youf lener doicd 28'" Muy. 2007 throutih l'.M () and ollice ot ihc Direcior Crencrjil. ArclMwrolojjicol Sur>e> of India. Jnnpath, New Delhi un July. 2007. In thin cnnneciion. I am lo infomi you l]uil üwrrc i.s no such di.scovefy rcpi>ncü from Kuruk^hclru wlKrcin Oianl und Ancieni Skclclon ha.^ becn rcporicd. Mowcvcr this ofllcc nought intimnation lo Ihis »'Ic-i from Dcpuiy Cimimissioncr. Kumkshcira who has infomicd Ihut no such dincovcry ач such hx% hcrn rcportcd in ihv cnlirc diütrii-l of kurukshcim und ihcrc if no oMvyi canionmcnt in KurukshcUa. 11« ПСДГСМ Army c.unionmcnl is locatcd in Ambulu u Districl Mcad Quuricr in ihc Sdic пГ > iary ши You a« a'qiwsicd lo kindly confirm Ihc dulhcntivity ol artjclc / rcport publi»hcd in Künnikda ix*\vs[>upcr on 21** June, 2007 and find oui thc origin of such rcporting. tn casc you find out actual р1лсе ordiscovcry and dclail> uf diM.4ivcr>. kindly Ici Ulis olTlcc know ii so ihui wc supply you ihc dcsircd infomution ai thc carhest Ii 15 to furlhcr inform you thal l^handigarh Circlc ol Archacological Suncy of Indiu ha> ihc jun4liclion m thc slaU^ of Punjab and iluryuiia and inainlainx. conscrvc und rcMorr prulcvtcd niununicnUk шн1 üilcH, I his is for your kind infonmaiion plcasc Youn^ fuithfully Suiwrintcnding Arvl^üiitBKt Letter from the Department of Archaeology, India [pic. 145] IX. The Pre-lunar Hyperboreans, the All-Seeing Eye and the Tower of Babel »Pherecydes of Syros once wrote that the Hyperboreans were a race of Titans and that Hyperborea was the birthplace of the first giants.« H.P. Blavatsky [41] »The giants, in Slovenian called the Ajdi, are believed to be the oldest inhabitants of the Earth. The word Ajd has drawn attention up till now just for its possible indication of the archaeological sites. It is taken for a widely spread motif in folkloristics. The author includes the narratives about the continuity, cohabitation and appearance of the Ajdi from the prehistoric and Roman settlement on Ajdovscina above Rodik in the context of the specific area and time. The paper considers the possibilities of the historical truth of the studied oral tradition, which due to its uncommonness and connection to the specific place seems possible.« Katja Hrobat [42] »Ancient Greek and Roman scholars mention a time when 'the Moon was not near the Earth'. Ancient records refer to people known as the Pelasgians, Proselenes, and the Arcadians. They were beings belonging to a very ancient race that inhabited our planet in times when there was no Moon. According to the Greek philosopher Aristotle, (384 BC - 322 BC), before the Hellenes occupied Arcadia, the land was inhabited by a group of people known as the Pelasgians. They 'occupied the land already before there was moon in the sky above the earth.' Plutarch, the Greek historian (46 - 127) confirmed this in his writings: 'There were Arcadians of Evander's following, the so-called pre-Lunar people.' Also Ovid, a Roman poet (43 BC-17 AD) wrote of the pre-Lunar civilization. From his writings, we learn that 'the Arcadians are said to have possessed the land before the birth of Jove, and the folk is older than the Moon.' Apollonius of Rhodes who lived during the third century BC confirmed the presence of a very ancient pre-Lunar civilization in his writings. He wrote: 'when not all of the orbs were yet in the heavens, before the Danai and the Deukalion races came into existence, and only the Arcadians lived, of whom it is said that they dwelt on mountains and fed on acorns, before there was a moon.' Giordano Bruno, an Italian philosopher (1548 - 1600) was one of the earliest modern thinkers who contemplated on the existence of a pre-Lunar civilization. In one of his books he wrote: 'There are those who have believed that there was a certain time (as our mythology says) when the Moon, which was believed to be younger than the sun, was not yet created. The Arcadians, who dwelt not far from the Po, are believed to have been in existence before it (the moon).'« Ellen Lloyd [43] »Helmolts Weltgeschichte15, notebook nr. 5, chapter »Das Auftreten der Kroaten und Serben«, page 277; »Es muss aber in Erinnerung gebracht werden, dass das ganze, jetzt von den Kroaten beseste und nach ihnen benannte Land früher den Slowenen gehörte und Slowenia hiess...« " and as stated by "Ozbalt Gutsman, Deutsch - windisches Wörterbuch16, Celovec 1 789, p. 284, explanation of the terms Slav - Slovenec, Slavenland - Slovenian land and Slavisch - Slovenian.« Map from the ancient book Starodavni in danasnji Slovenci (Ancient and Modern Slovenians) /Jurij Venelin17; [translaton from Russian by Ana Brvar, translation of Pavel Tulajev by Just Rugel, translation of Ovid from Latin by Barbara Sega-Ceh]. - Ljubljana : Amalietti & Amalietti, 2009 ([Ljubljana] : Schwarz) [pic. 146] and Arcadia was previously named Gigantis, land of the giants ^18 Arcadia remained a beautiful, secluded area, and its inhabitants became proverbial as herdsmen leading simple pastoral unsophisticated yet happy lives, to the point that Arcadia may refer to some imaginary idyllic paradise, immortalized 15 Weltgeschichte/begründet von Hans F. Helmolt ; herausgegeben von Armin Tille. - 2., neubearbeitete und vermehrte Aufl., Neudruck. - Leipzig : Bibliographisches Institut, 1923-1924 16 Deutsch-windisches Wörterbuch mit einer Sammlung der verdeutschten windischen Stammwörter, und einiger vorzüglichem abstammenden Wörter / von Oswald Gutsmann ; auf Slowenisch-Deutsch umgekehrt und bearbeitet von Ludwig Karnicar. - Graz : Institut für Slawistik der Universität, 1999 (Graz : Styria). 17 Venelin was born in 1802 in the Nagy-Tibava village (Velika Tibava) in the Carpathian mountains of Georgius Hutz. This was a Hungarian area, part of the then-Austrian Empire, which is now western Ukraine. The historian regarded himself as Carpatho-Russian. He took the last name Venelin (Venelovic) and the Russian name Jurij as an adult when he moved to Russia. Available at 18 by Virgil's Eclogues, and later by Jacopo Sannazaro in his pastoral masterpiece, Arcadia (1504); see also Arcadia = utopia.19 »A utopian land, known in our narrations as Koromandija, Komandija, Kolovozija, Kolobocija, Korotan, the ninth land, the paradise of loafers, Land of Cockaigne and also the "world upside down," and described also in both our legends about the Flood Myth, i.e. the time when we lost the utopian paradise twice because of reckless decisions and a disrespectful attitude towards nature.« Pangersic Irena [44] [45] "In ancient times there lived giants, the Ajdi. They had a human form, but they were extremely big. The first generation of the giants lived at 'Glass mountain', from where they moved to our highest mountains. If they wanted to talk with each other, they did not go to another village like we do, but they spoke while standing on the mountains. If one of them needed to borrow something from another one, he simply called and the desired object was thrown to him by his neighbour from the other mountain. They did not even go to fetch water with pots like we do, they simply leaned from the mountain and took the water from the river with a bucket ... since they lived for a long time it could happen that the grandfather held his grandchildren's sons in his arms. The ancient generations of the Ajdi were sad when they realised the younger generation was not as largely built as they were. Finally, the youngest generation was born, and this is us, the people." Vinko Möderndorfer [46] And the legend about the beginning of the world says that the Slovenians were, in ancient times when God still lived on earth, giants called Ajdi. The story also says that God, the creator, lived together with these people. However, he abandoned us because the people were afraid of him because of his mightiness and brightness. Kelemina Jakob [47] And in order to remember this and never forget that God went back to heaven, our ancestors carved this into stone and placed it solemnly in the place where God said goodbye to his people. 'BUG OSA SO VISAD' [venetian]= 'Tu je Bog odsel v visave' [slovenian]; This is where God went to great heights; A Venetian inscription [pic.147] from Würmlach [Bumlje in Slovenian], more than 2,500 years old, kept in the Provincial Museum of Carinthia in Klagenfurt. ' Even though the ethnogenesis of the Slovenians , according to the Venetian theory, stems from the basis that they were as much Paphlagonian and Adriatic as they were Baltic, and ancient Armorican inhabitants called Eneti , Veneti , Venedi, or Vends were actually predecessors of the Slavs20 Robert Petric [48] it is forgotten that people on earth only spoke one human language in ancient times, until the collapse of the Tower of Babel. And according to the records: »Abu 'Isa, the astronomer quoted by Abu al-Fida21 [»Historia Anteislamica«, ed. Fleischer, p. 18 in 19]22, also tells the Biblical story of the Tower and the confusion« - he adds that only Eber's23 people were able to maintain the original language of humanity because they did not participate in the construction of the Tower of Babel. [However, Biblical scholars have discovered that Eber24 also means "away" or "outside," out of the region or across, the opposite side, or "the ones who went away."] ... and the composition of the town of Babylon with the Tower of Babel was shaped in the form of the "all-seeing eye", as an idea to enable King Nimrod to carefully follow the happenings on earth from his temple in heaven...25 The giant Nimrod building the Tower of Babel26[pic. 148] 20 INTERNATIONAL Conference - Origin of the Europeans (5; 2007; Ljubljana); Proceedings of the Fifth International Topical Conference entitled Origin of the Europeans, Ljubljana, June 8 and 9, 2007/arranged by [Anton Perdih]. - Ljubljana : Jutro, 2007 - p. 220, illustr.; 24 cm. - (The Origins of Slovenians; 6) 21 The Concise History of Humanity or Chronicles (Arabic: 'Tarikhu 'al-Mukhtasar fi Akhbar al-Bashar i jIJ or Tarikh Abi al-Fida ^ ^ (History of Abu al-Fida), is a history book authored by Abu al-Fida Ismail Ibn Hamwi in 1315 and continued by the author to 1329. (Constantinople, 2 vols. 1869). 22 Abu" al-Fida" Isma''il ibn 'Ali, 1273-1331: Historia anteislamica, arabice e duobus codicibus Bibliothecae regiae Parisiensis, 101 et 615 / Abulfedae ; edidit, versione latina, notis et indicibus auxit Henricus Orthobius Fleischer. [Mukhta.sar fi^ akhba'r al-bashar. Latin & Arabic] Arabic and Latin on facing pages. Includes indexes. Lipsiae : Vogel, 1831. 23 Eber - lingua humana [Latin]= »the human language« ^ according to Hebrew testimony 24 25 Available on August 22, 2012 at: 26 Salerno ivory, 11th cent. However, Pseudo-Philo VI. 5-1827 also quotes Abraham from this period, as well as eleven other men who opposed the construction of the Tower of Babel and thus were the only ones spared when God descended on earth, and the tower collapsed and burned down: »According to this Midrashic account, Abram with eleven other men whose names are given, refused to bake bricks for the building of the Tower of Babel. In consequence, they were seized by the people of the land, and brought before the princes, and on their persistent refusal to take any part in the building of the Tower, were condemned to be burnt. A respite of seven days is given them at the intercession of Jectan, "the first prince of the captains," but at the end of th is time, if they have not already changed their mind, they are to be handed over for execution. Jectan, a secret friend, contrives their escape to the mountains, and eleven of the men do escape, but Abram refuses to flee, and remains behind. At the end of the seven days, the "people of the land" demand that the imprisoned men shall be produced. Jectan explains that eleven of them "have broken prison and fled by night," but Abram is produced, is cast into the fire, but is miraculously delivered by God,28 who causes an earthquake which breaks up the furnace and scatters the fire, which "consumed all them that stood round about in the sight of the furnace; and all they that were burned in that day were 83,500. But upon Abram was there not any the least hurt by the burning of the fire.« The Tower of ßabel29 [pic.149] And despite the long forgotten time of the construction of the Tower of Babel, when we as the only people were spared [ by being able to keep the original language of humanity], here the only remaining memory of these times is the inscription on the beehive panel [pic.150] kept in the Slovenian Ethnograhic Museum and named in the inscription as: The Tower of Babel". : Inv. n. 7288; 13 x 28 cm; upper left corner number 8, and right corner number 88; the beehive panel was found at "Andrejcnik" in Gornji Grad in the Savinjska Dolina. 27 Edited for the first time in English by Dr. M. R. James, and published in this Series 28 According to R. Eliezer b. Jacob it was Michael who delivered Abraham from the fire; but the prevailing view was that it was God Himself; cf. ßereshith rabba xliv. 16. 29 Available on August 25,2012 at The beehive panel [pic. 150] The Tower of Babel = Bab-el30 ^ the Gate of God; and Ezra31 states in his records 8_88: 88 You were so angry at us before, that you could have destroyed as all! 32 89 You didn't, though - you were faithful and allowed some of us to survive. 90 But now we admit that we have sinned and are not fit to worship you. The brave decision of twelve men to no longer participate in the construction [considering that at first the purpose of the tower's construction was to build a structure to worship and honour God - later the builders decided that the tower would be used by priests, because of their haughtiness, so that they could reproach God the creator for his creation] could be compared with the unique law of the Slovenian people [Law of the Twelve], preserved until the French occupation of our regions [1797, 1805-06, 1809-13], when they cut down all of 30 Hebrew: bab-el, from bab "gate" + el "god" - Is it called gate of God because here God "came down" 22.8.2012 on: 31 The name Ezra means "God helps" and his book [regarded by Christianity as apocrypha in some records = i.e. a forged paper] speaks mostly about the departure from Babel and the reconstruction of the eternal city. 32 = 1+Esd + 8&id32=1&pos=1&set=3&l=en 75-76 Since the time of our ancestors, the sins and mistakes of our people have swept over us like a flood that reaches up to the heavens. And we are still committing terrible sins. 77 Thats why we and our relatives, our kings, and our priests have often been defeated by other kings. They have killed some of us and made slaves of others; they have taken our possessions and made us ashamed, just as we are today. 78 And now, Lord, for a short time you have shown kindness to us by letting a few of us settle here and come to your sacred temple, 79 where there is light for our nation once again. All the time we were in slavery, you provided food for us. 80 Even when we were slaves, you never turned your back on us. And because of you, the kings of Persia were kind and gave us food. 81 They have given honor to your temple and are allowing us to rebuild Jerusalem. We can live safely here and in the rest of Judah. 82 Our Lord, what can we say now? Even though you gave us all this, we have disobeyed the commands that were given to us by your servants the prophets. They said 83 that the land you gave us was full of sinful heathens, who never stop doing disgusting things. 84 And we were warned not to let our daughters and sons marry their sons and daughters. 85 Your prophets also told us never to make peace with those foreigners. You wanted us to become strong and to enjoy the good things in the land, then someday to leave it to our children forever. 86 All of our troubles happened because of our terrible sins, but you did not punish us as much as we deserved, 87 and you have brought some of us back to our homeland. But we rejected your laws and married foreigners who do disgusting things. 88 You were so angry at us before, that you could have destroyed us all! 89 You didn t, though—you were faithful and allowed some of us to survive. 90 But now we admit that we have sinned and are not fit to worship you. the lime trees [the Slovenian tree of life] where this legal order had been preserved for centuries - i.e. the so-called "dvanajstija" or "the dozen."33 And the Slovenians, more out of mockery than out of honour, still say about themselves when talking about their decisions that they are "more papal than the Pope himself". "The construction of the high tower progressed gradually. Years had to pass for the ground floor to be completed. Because of the extent of the construction, the area appeared low, not at all grand, resembling more of a sheep barn than a house of God. Some priests already loudly expressed their doubts about the tower ever reaching the 'sky.'"... "The links between individual sites were gradually but completely interrupted. Everyone shaped his own way of life and customs. Years passed, priests died, their successors only accepted their heritage with lenient understanding and dreamed about their own great deeds. They simply did not believe that it could be possible to build a sky-high tower, since they already knew something about the sky, but they still believed they would be able to inhabit these towers." ... And in the land of Shinar, after God had come down from heaven and confused their languages, many different kingdoms were created ... " The priests claimed that the community of people who did not build the tower, are to be blamed for the failure. Should we agree with them? It is known that these people continued visiting that place still for many centuries after that and admiring the great deed of their ancestors. Anyway. A place remained that was intended to become a stairway to the sky, but it only remained a symbol of confusion." Vladimir Kavcic [4934] Satellite archaeology in the area where the Venetians worshiped the place of God's departure back to heaven [A=Würmlach] shows a large triangular formation [pic.151] with a central, partially oval part [] Würmlach Raufen St.jakob Silian 33 Rallies and legal actions took place under the lime trees; historic sources describe this as "institution sclavenica" (Slovenian law) and "consuetudo sclavorum" (Slovenian habit) - in Slovenian regions this task was assigned to the mayor and his "dozen," comprised of twelve men who were at the head of the village community. These assemblies under the lime trees were preserved until the 16'h Century [and ended with the peasants' revolt ], while the mayors with their "dozens" lasted even until 1848. 34 PROBLEMI: magazine for culture and social issues - Year 1, n. 1 (1962) - Ljubljana: Society for theoretical psychoanalysis, 1962- . -24 cm. Even detailed enlargements in the western part of these triangular formation show the shape is correct but unfortunately collapsed [triangular formation = town, and oval formation = parts of the tower] [pic.154] Satellite archaeology also reveals that a huge triangular formation35 really does represent the shape of the "all-seeing eye of God" [pic.152, 153] which was once worshipped by the Egyptian community, while today it is known in Hinduism as the third eye of the god Shiva, worshipped in Christianity as the Holy Trinity, and representing the "Eye of Divine Providence" in freemason societies - which actually represents the seat of the soul and whose first worshipper was Nimrod himself - a great man and hunter before God [adapted from Bible 1 Mz 10,8-10,9 and Ch 1,10] [9] The all-seeing eye <90/ 1'» 120 km Above [Pic. 152 in 153], below [pic. 154] »And they said: come, let us build us a city, and a tower (11:4)« ^ »A third of this tower which they built sank [into the earth], a third was burnt, while a third is still standing. And should you think that it [the remaining third] is small — R. Huna said in R. Idi's name: When one ascends to the top, he sees the trees below him 35 Giovanni Villani (1300) [146]: He relates that '"it measured eighty miles round [129 km], and it was already 4,000 paces high (5,920 m (19,423 ft)) and 1,000 paces thick, and each pace is three of our feet." [14]. Tower and wall of Babylon was began 700 years after the Flood or 2364 years from begining of the world. like grasshoppers.« Midrash Rabbah [50] - 'even after there was only one third left and the trees below still looked like grasshoppers'. The City and the Tower of Babel - The European Parliament [pic. 155, 156] As a curiosity: the recomposition of the Tower of Babel represented by the EU Parliament building complex literally recreates all key elements of the archaeological remains of satellite archaeology: the triangular eye shape = the main building, dome shape = the eyeball, the unfinished shape of the entrance hall = the portal where God left Earth The ancient people - Venetians, who went on a pilgrimage after the collapse of the Tower to the town of Bumlje where God had left them - can be paralleled with the Samoyedic people from Ural who call their language Yenetic [as Slovenian and Venetian, also the Yenetic language knows the dual form, which is basically only found in one other language - the Sanskrit]. Up to the Russian Revolution of 1917, and according to some records even up to 1927, the Samoyedic peoples [those who live on both sides of the Ural Mountains and on numerous islands of the Arctic Ocean] had not been literate 'Slovenec' Newspaper [51]. "The language groups of the Samojedi peoples are known as Neneti, Eneti or Yeneti, Selkupi, Sayani and Nganansani. The term Nenet means 'human beings' or 'Neneti36, these are the real human beings'37 in their language." Barbara A. West [52] The same linguistic structure of the Samoyedi is also comprised of Enets or Yenets [also the term Enets-Yenets in their language 36 The Nents religion is a type of native shamanism in which the natural environment, animals, and plants are all thought to have their own spirits. The earth and all living things were created by the god Num, whose son, Nga, was the god of evil. Num would protect people against Nga only if they asked for help and made the appropriate sacrifices and gestures. These rituals were sent either directly to the spirits or to wooden idols that gave the animal-gods human forms. A second benevolent spirit, Ya-nebya (Mother Earth) was a special friend of women, aiding in childbirth, for example. Worship of certain animals such as the bear was common. Reindeer were considered to represent purity and were accorded great respect. In some areas, elements of Christianity (especially the Eastern Orthodox version) were mixed with the traditional Nentsy gods. Although it was forbidden to conduct Shamanist rituals during the Federovist period, the Nenets religion seems to have survived and is enjoying a strong revival today. 37 means 'Enets-Yenets, 'a true human being'38] Selkups [söl - 'a land', kup - 'a man'], Sayan and Nganansan [Nganasan - 'a real human'39]. Glesaria, also known as 'King's Island' or Thule40 as Tile on the Carta Marina by Olaus Magnus [pic.157,158] A crystal island41 - Hyperborean Thule or the so-called crystal island of Glesia or Glesaria, also known as 'King's Island' or 'Apple Island' [Abalus or Avalon -Celtic term] - referred to as the land of crystal or ice in Lithuanian folk tradition, where mountains consist of copper and silver - this divine dwelling is supposed to be situated somewhere in the Russian North Sea, which was linked with the mainland via the famous crystal or glass bridge. Zmago Smitek [53] Today, few world languages use the grammatical dual. Among those that can boast this language characteristic are all Samoyed languages as well as Slovenian, which developed from the Venetian language. Research shows that Slovenian is the oldest proto-language in Europe. However, the dual is not the only common feature of the Slovenian and Samoyed peoples. They also share a feature called GIANTS, who had supposedly lived on earth [fairy tales, legends, the Bible, Siudbabts42 - the heroic epics of the Nenets about the giants and 38 39 40Julius Evola, the noted Italian metaphysician, explains that at this point the first cycle of history closed, and that of the second, the Atlantean, began: The memory of this Arctic seat is the patrimony of the traditions of many people, in the form either of real geographic allusions, or of symbols of its function and original significance, often transferred to a super-historical significance, or else applied to other centres that may be considered as copies of the original one^ Above all, one will notice the interplay of the Arctic theme with the Atlantic theme^ It is known that the astrophysical phenomenon of the inclination of the earth's axis causes a change of climate from one epoch to another. Moreover, as tradition tells, this inclination took place at a given moment, and in fact through the alignment of a physical and a metaphysical fact, as if a disorder in nature were reflecting a certain situation of a spiritual order^ At any rate, it was only at a certain moment that ice and eternal night descended on the polar region. Then, with the enforced emigration from that seat, the first cycle closed and the second opened, initiating the second great era, the Atlantean Cycle.2 [144] 4' 42 Eneoh's records43]. The legend goes that the original 12 giants lived on Crystal Mountain, from where they moved to the Slovenian mountains and settled. The European amber road44 [pic. 159], through our regions all to Siberia [where the famous Chrystal mountain once stood proudly, the first home of the Hyperboreans called Thula] 43 Noahs great grandfather, whose records are only recognized by the Ethiopian and Eritrean Orthodox Communities, accessed on 25 August 2012 at 44 They have been preserved up to the present time. Stone mushroom [Left pic.45 160] and Tomaz's Table [Right pic.46 161]. Enormous 'tables' or 'mushrooms,' as they were known by the locals in the Slovenian karst region, are the remnants of the ancient, heroic times when the first generations of giants lived. [pic.160,161] Enormous forms, suggesting the archaeological building remains of gigantic proportions, are represented at 'Spik nad Policami' [Jof di Montasio in Italian or 'Montaz' in Slovenian], which is located in the Venetian Alps [now known as the Julian Alps]. Little 'Sphinx' or 'big pussy-cat' [pic.162] [height of approximately 7 m and length of approximately 10 m] and a big 'Window'[pic.163], both on the mountains of 'Spik nad Policami' 45 ID Number: 29 - Nine-meter high giant stone mushroom below the village of Krn [Soca Valley and the hills of Tolmin and Skofja Loka] - also very interesting is the much smaller mushroom in Krizna jama cave. Another stone mushroom is located on Mount Peca [the home of King Matthias]. Stone mushrooms differ from similar stone tables with regard to the height of the lower part, which is larger than the diameter of the upper part - it is the opposite with tables. To mention but a few of the most famous: the stone table in Poljane Valley and Karst stone tables close to Lipica [layered table, northwest of Lipica in SeZana Karst (Identification Number 1137)]. 46 Identification Number: 3 54 - South of Ziri, on the border with the municipality of Idrija, a hamlet of five houses named Ravne is located. The hamlet lies on a shelf at the foot of Kovk Hill (824 m), which is surrounded by the valleys of Zirovnica and Crna. At the end of Ravne, in the hole in the middle of the forest, among yew trees, a mysterious stone table is located. The rocks of the Dolomite and Dolomite limestone are stacked on each other, thus forming the shape of a table, which is approx. 5 m in width and somewhere between 3 and 4 m high. Another 'Double Window' [pic.164]and the presentation of the size of a man against the huge rocks [each stratum is approximately 3-7 m high] - named 'Lego bricks'47 [pic. 165] by the author [Primoz Blaha] of the photo. Both on the mountains of 'Spik nad Policami' Megalits on top of a mountain Spik are overlooking the valley below all on the mountains of 'Spik nad Policami'[pic.166, 167,168] Demolished megalithic temple Metulum [former temple of the sun] and big 'snake head' found also under the mountain Spik by Dimitrij Kebe48 and his relative in August 1999 [pic. 169,170] 47 Primoz Blaha at and Spikomanija at X. King Matthias, mighty gigantic Hyperborean king The version of the tales about King Matthias, who sleeps in Peca, deriving from the Lower Carniola (Dolenjska), talks about the mighty gigantic pagan king (Ajdovski kralj in Slovene)49, who provoked a conflict with God - King Matthias, the ruler of Slovenians50.^ and 'every hundred years the golden bird flies to Sveta Gora [Mount Peca or Kordez's Head] and sings a song. King Matthias wakes up, looks around the world, and goes back to sleep. However, when times will be the worst, the golden bird will sing so sadly that Sveta Gora will open and King Matthias and his warriors will wake up and kill all the tyrants. And again justice will rule the earth'. Do you know who King Matthias is? This is a Slovenian soul who, together with his knights, sleeps in the mountain for centuries because they were captured by the enemies of the Slovenian nation - adapted from Malovrh, Miroslav Kralj Matjaz [54] King Matthias and his knights above [pic. 171] King Matthias and his knights below [pic. 172] According to legend, King Matthias sleeps with his knights51 in the cave on Mount Peca and when his beard will grow nine times around the stone table they will all wake up and take the human race once again to the Golden Age. 48 Magazin Misteriji september 2011 on: 49 Slovene Legends and Signs / [selected and edited by Andrej Sisko; preface written by Andrej Sisko; illustrated by Beata Cop]. - [147] 50 Slovenske pripovedke o kralju Matjazu / Ivan Grafenauer. - Ljubljana : Slovenska akademija znanosti in umetnosti [148] 51 Has King Matthias woken up? ^ King Matthias, the ruler of the Golden Age who has stirred the imagination of Slovenians for centuries, indeed showed up on Mount Peca in 200652- the shape is visible from Topla Dolina Valley53 near 'Crna na Koroskem'54. [pic.173,174] In Greek mythology, is the ruler of mankind in the Golden Age of Titan, Cronus, who ruled the earth along with the other eleven Titans. The establishment of the new Golden Age of Kronos, a time of peace and justice, "when a new generation of humanity is supposed to have come down from heaven to the earth," is also described by the poet Virgil in the fourth Eclogue55. [55] Now the last age by Cumae's Sibyl sung Has come and gone, and the majestic roll Of circling centuries begins anew: Astraea56 returns, Returns old Saturn's57 reign, With a new breed of men sent down from heaven. 52 Accessed 22 Aug. 2012 at 53 Topla is the Alpine valley below the southern walls of Peca near Crna na Koroskem. Being one of the most beautiful and interesting Slovenian valleys, the area, which covers about 1350 hectares, has been protected since 1966 as a natural park and a natural monument. Through the valley, Topla stream runs, which flows into Meza River. 54 On 8 January 2006, Slovenian songwriter Milan Pecovnik Pidi discovered the face of King Matthias in the rocks of Mt Peca - that was just when he thought of writing a song about King Matthias [adapted from the Slovenian news programme 24 ur]. As he said, he first noticed the crown, and then the face and the beard. Although it is easier to find the face if someone shows you, the shape can be immediately recognized when one knows where to look at. The shape has evolved for centuries and it is the work of nature. As explained by the former Mayor of Crna, Janez Svab, the shape is the result of uneven melting of the Dolomite limestone, which forms Mt Peca. Many have previously seen individual shapes in the rocks, but no one has seen such a large and clearly drawn shape before. The locals were enthusiastic about the finding and they joked that perhaps the beard of King Matthias has already wrapped around the table nine times and this figure is foretelling that he will come out of the cave very soon. L.Kosmac, K.Rigler Silc [149] 55 The Eclogues also called the Bucolics, is the first of the three major works of the Latin poet Virgil. 56 Alias Justitia - Personification of justice 57 Cronus In the foreword to a collection of "Volkslieder aus Krain" (Leipzig 1850, p. X), Anastasius Grün wrote that King Matthias was "ein fast fabelhaftes Wesen" (an almost fabulous creature). In a text written by Peterlin from Lower Carniola -Grafenauer No. 41 - King Matthias is a kind of giant, three times bigger than the biggest among the currently living human beings and a modern man does not drink even a half of the measure that was three times a day drunk by the smallest subject of King Matthias. King Matthias considers the people who currently live on the Earth nothing more than weaklings, whom he will get rid of when he wakes up. This is where the tradition of the weakening human race derives from (cf. St. Kuhar, Kaksi so bili lidje prad nrmi pa kaksi do za nrmi? CZN VIII, 1911. 61) [56] King Matthias - IX. Written down by Rok D[rofenik] Gorski in the area around Ptujska gora. Vrtec XVII, 1887, No. 12. 213-214 (hereinafter the publications and reprints of Vrtec from 1884 - therefore No. IX) Varianta h Graph. t. 23-37, »Obisk pri Kralju Matjazu« - 'Visit at King Matthias'; prim. Graph. t. 41 and 42. Contents: the missionary who is sentenced to death (!) is promised to be released, if he goes to the kingdom of King Matthias and inquires about the Judgment Day. On the way there he takes a nap, just for "a few hours" = 300 years. When he arrives to King Matthias, he tries to pull the sword from the scabbard and learns that the Judgment Day will come when the "sword will jump from the scabbard alone." After returning home, the missionary does not die immediately. [56] "The Ajdi, our mythical predecessors, endowed with special powers and size, appear on important, well-recognised archaeological sites, like, for example, Ajdovscina in the Vipava Valley, Ljubljana's Ajdovscina - the cemetery of Emona, Ajdovski gradec in Bohinj, Ajdovski gradec above Vranje pri Sevnici, and Ajdna nad Potoki (Slapsak 1997, 22-23). According to folk tradition, the Ajdi frequently remained bewitched inside ruins. In some spots we can still see the "ribs of the Ajdi girls" this very day (Kropej 2004, 4). In the surroundings of the western Brkini Hills, the Ajdi are supposed to have lived on the following archaeological sites: Ajdovski gradec above Zavrhek, Ajdovscina above Rodik, Njivice above Rodik, the necropolis Za griCi near Skocjan, Bilen vrh near Slope, and behind Zvanova hisa above Nasirec. In all of these cases we are looking at pre-Slavic sites. The Ajdi allegedly built many churches as well. In our close proximity we can notice a similar tradition in Lokva. According to the first version of the tradition, the Chapel of the Holy Mother of the Scapular was built by the Ajdi. They were supposedly so big that they had to cover the roof while kneeling. According to the second version, the church is located on the spot where the Ajdi had their temple (SCek 1937, 60, 65). Among such places there are, for example, Svete gore above Bizeljsko, the old Svete gore above Podsreda, Sveti Primoz above Kamnik, Sveta gora next to Litija and next to Gorica, Stara gora/Castelmonte at the border with the Friuli region, Stalenski vrh/Magdalensberg and Senturska gora in the Koroska region, etc. (Smitek 2005, 57). " ... An understanding of the living space of the Ajdi is also very important," as K. Hrobat states according to Bleiweis' article "Rodik in pa Ajdovscina nad Rodikom" (Rodik and Ajdovscina above Rodik): " 'The peasant (...) collected records about our former town, as if he saw it with his own eyes (...) here the peasant shows us the position of the blacksmith's workshop and proves the truthfulness of his story about the scoria, plenty of which we can find inside and outside the armour' (Bleiweis 1859)." Katja Hrobat [42] XI. Ancient famous Hyperborean rivers Eridan and Ister Mitical Faronika fish - represents fhe Caia's soul [pic. 175] The reconstruction of the name of the fish Faronika [I. Pangersic, SMS 15, 2012] [57], according to the Crngrob legend [in which the Ajdi girl helped to build a church but died because of exhaustion], on the other hand, takes us along the traces of the ancient Eridan, the famous Hyperborean river, which says that the "Faronika fish had lived in the Sava River, until it changed its riverbed"; in 1624 Abraham Ortelius associated on his map the ancient Ister River with the Danube and later on with the Sava River [Pangersic, p. 33[44]]. Whilst the Grecian seamen once proved the bifurcation of the Ister River and the ancient, mysterious circular route from the Black Sea to the Adriatic with the tuna Trichia, which had been spotted in the north of the Adriatic Sea as well as near the mouth of the Ister River next to its outflow into the Black Sea. Linhart, [150]. Even though this very ancient route is lost, we can still say that the Adriatic is a sea in which there is a relatively low number of fish; however, it is an area that interests the tuna, which chose it for an unknown reason as their spawning ground, especially for the giant bluefin tunas that also come from the open seas into gulfs. (Characteristically, tunas are fast swimmers and they always migrate along the same route in both directions.) However, the age-old Ister would have needed to be a saltwater river—and not a freshwater one—for tunas to live in it. To prove this possibility as well, we have to follow the written records of Jordanes, who stated that the Thracian tribe Bessi called the Ister River "Mother" [Jordanes, Getica [111]] or "Mother of the Sea" like the second name for the Eridan River [Strabon V. 1, 8-9[123]], which was once identified as the Ister River (considering the well-known bifurcation). But why would the inhabitants of our territory name the fish, which once swam in our rivers, Faronika? We can search for the answer in the need for land of the pharaoh for the supply of antimony in Egyptian history in 2,500 BC, and in the story about the steersman Khnemhotep from Elephantine, who eleven times with his captain Hwy successfully visited the land called Punt [or Pont, Puant, Puans, Patala, Valhalla] or "the Garden of Eden," "God's Land," "Holy Land," or "Land of Gods -Predecessors," where the expedition went to get antimony, gold, mercury, cinnabar, honey, and amber. The entire course of the path was a secret and was strictly confidential. The secret records of the age-old path were, on the other hand, in the possession of, among other things, one of Jason's seamen, who had sailed through our lands on the Ister and Eridan Rivers. Since the storytellers of the ancient times also exchanged terrible stories from the area of the Alps and Carpathians, this circular route continues to be a secret. Herrmann [151] The theory on the real position of Punt—also known as "the Garden of Eden"— has still not been explained; therefore we can establish our own theory on the Land of the Plenty, which we know as the ninth land or utopian wonderland, by finding on the previous paths of the Ister and Eridan Rivers the places where the pharaoh's messengers could always get the required goods: 1. The biggest European antimony mine was once in Trojane. J. Sorn, Kronika 1 1972 [152] 2. The deposit of mercury and cinnabar in Idrija is still active today, but the quality of the bright red colour of cinnabar has deteriorated. M. VerbiC, Kronika 1971 [153] 3. There was never a lack of apiculture products in our land, for Valvasor also wrote in 'The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola' [68] that there were actually a lot of hardworking flies (as he named the bees) in our land. Thus, sometimes they were a real bother, even though there was a saying that God rewarded everyone for their kindness and diligence with a swarm of bees. Slovenians were the first people who began professional beekeeping. 4. If we place in our territory the location of the Fall of Phaeton [PangersiC, 31 [45]] as well , then in ancient times in our lands we never lacked gold nor precious stones nor amber. In the song "Kaj se po svetu godi" (What Happens in the World), which was written by Matevz Ravnikar - PozenCan from Cerklje na Gorenjskem, a collector of popular material, wonderland is described as a land surrounded by golden hills and covered with golden dust [Grün, [107]]. Mirko KunCiC, on the other hand, wrote that this wonderful land lies right in front of us, but we 'fools cannot see it.' KunCiC, [77] Stone caled 'Snake head' [in Slovenia] or 'snake egg' [in ßritain] or 'chicken god'58 [in Russia]. Such stones have been discovered by archaeologists in ßritain, Egypt and Slovenia. [pic.left 176 - Slovenia, pic.right 177 ßritain] 58 Stones were believed to have magical powers such as protection against eye diseases or evil charms, preventing nightmares, curing whooping cough, the ability to see through fairy or witch disguises and traps if looked at through the middle of the stone, and of course recovery from snakebite. According to popular conception, a true adder stone will float in water. The stone can be any rock with a hole bored through the middle by water. Human intervention is not allowed. Stone was in high esteem amongst the Druids. Kacarstvo (kaca=snake, so litearraly snake-movement) is a XII.Thesis This thesis is a reconstruction of events [elaborated in view of two Slovenian tales regarding the flood myth] that were responsible for the loss of track for "the land of Eden" or "Hyperborea" - the lost land of Eden in this part represents the seat of Gaia's soul. First Tale [47] In ancient times and at the beginning of the world, Slovenians lived in an extremely happy era, when bread grew on trees and when wheat ears were half a fathom long. Happy people were initially good, but soon they were corrupted and became evil. Therefore the ghosts decided to destroy the world. It started to rain heavily and the soil was inundated with water. Almost everyone drowned, but four people managed to save themselves. The story says nothing about the other three, and it tells us only how the fourth one managed to save himself. On a high hill the top of a grapevine touched the sky. The fourth person grasped it and started climbing on it. He was seen by Kurent, a highly-respected god among the ancient Slavs. The latter was pleased that a man searched for help on a grapevine, which was dedicated to him, and showed mercy for the man. The water started to dissipate and the soil dried up. The saved one had to promise Kuret, his rescuer, that he would always respect the plants dedicated to him and enjoy their fruits. These plants were buckwheat and grapevine. The saved man took a grapevine native faith movement from the old days in some parts of western Slovenia. People believed that all the materials in the nature are also living beeings with special powers and they were extremely respecful to nature. The »pre-force« that made the world and took care of the world order was many times thought as a big snake, therefore they made big snake heads from stones, really smooth and carefully made, they made a hole through to look as if the head has eyes and they would put them in very excat places in nature. The making of such head was also a spiritual ritual.They built everything by »frocan« principle. The word cannot really be translated into english, the closest would be simply«tripple« or »trippler«. It combined the force of the earth, force ot watre and the force of fire. So whatever they built, it had to have these elements in balance otherwise it meant bad luck. They built houses like that, seeded the trees and vegetables, sanctuaries combined all three elements. In general balance started to wear off when a railway was built over the big stone near Babja Jama (the sacred cave) and mined it, destroyed it a long time ago and then the destructioion of many places followed during ww1, the western parts of Slovenia were the biggest battle-places here in ww1. Snake heads were made to worship the nature itself and the great force that created the world, and trocan was made out of sacred stones - one (earth) made the land fertile, second(water) protected their homes and fields from flods, the third (fire) protected them from fire. All the traditions were passed on from man to man, only the dying man could pass on all the knowlege to a young one on his death bed, only then. This movement and the native faith was severely prosecuted through centuries and unfortunatelly much of the knowlege is gone. Untill now they discovered 7 big stone snake heads in certain places in western Slovenia, specially at Banjsa Planota and arround the Soca river, the places where heads were doscovered were a natural temples for our ancestors. For centuries men went to these sanctuaries every year at the fool moon in July and made fertility ritual, so that the next year would be fruitful. If anyone dared to move the snakehead - they would gone mad »There is a sort of egg in great repute among the Gauls, of which the Greek writers have made no mention. A vast number of serpents are twisted together in summer, and coiled up in an artificial knot by their saliva and slime; and this is called "the serpent s egg ". The druids say that it is tossed in the air with hissings and must be caught in a cloak before it touches the earth. The person who thus intercepts it, flies on horseback; for the serpents will pursue him until prevented by intervening water. This egg, though bound in gold will swim against the stream. And the magi are cunning to conceal their frauds, they give out that this egg must be obtained at a certain age of the moon.« Pliny's Natural History, bookXIX [82] seedling and a buckwheat straw, and he went around the world to search for his homeland. He stopped on the shores of the Adriatic Sea and planted the buckwheat and grapevine. In Prosecco the wine is still very good this very day and the Carnolians (Kranjci), his descendants, actually still live mostly on buckwheat. The four saved ones were scattered over all four parts of the world and refilled the earth. Noah's sons planfing vines [pic. 178] Second Tale [47] At the beginning of the world, the soil was deserted and there were only rocks around. God felt sorry and so he sent his rooster from Heaven to Earth in order to fertilise it. The celestial rooster came down to the rocks of the earth and laid an egg, which had miraculous powers. Out of the egg came seven rivers, which filled up the landscape with water. Nature started to become greener and everything started to grow without man's help or endeavours. Not only apples and figs, but even white and delicious loaves of bread grew on the trees. People lived in paradise and work was considered only a pastime. High mountains protected them from the strong northern wind ("burja") and violence. The rooster kept an eye on the people as well, and he crowed every morning and in this way reminded them when they were supposed to eat, work, and sleep ... People were happy, but they were soon fed up with his constant reminders. They asked God to remove the rooster, and he granted their wish and chased the rooster away from Eden. Before his departure, the heavenly rooster warned the people to watch out for the lake. It occurred to the people as a good idea to keep watch over the dangerous lake on the other side of the mountain every day. Hence, every single day they would send a man on the hill to see if he could spot anything. However, man's impudence became more obvious each day, because no one limited his liberty anymore. Soon people did not conform to the rules and they did not care about order. Women began making brooms out of wheat ears and men only sat around. They did not feel like climbing the trees to pick the delicious loaves of bread, but they lit a fire under the trunk, so that it fell to the ground and they could pick it up without any effort whatsoever. Illnesses and other discontentment began to emerge. They wanted the rooster back, but it was too late, as he was lost forever. People became lazier and lazier. They spent all of their days doing nothing and destroyed nature. But someone really wanted to know why there was not more or less water. They answered him that it was because of the heavenly rooster. Slovenia The Land of heavenly cock' or 'The Land of Cockaygne' [pic. 179,180,181,182] Three lazy men got into a quarrel because one affirmed that there was too much water, the other that there was not enough water. The third one, on the other hand, thought that both of them were right and they should break the egg of the celestial rooster and direct as much water to each estate as was needed. All of them agreed with the third intellectual. Three lazy men and broken egg [pic. 183,184] Everyone rushed towards the egg to break it. They only felt sorry because the guard already went to the hill and they would not be able to abolish the shameful watch until the next morning. As the wise men smashed the egg with big rocks, there was a loud sound of thunder, and so much water poured out that almost everyone drowned. Only the guard managed to survive the flood. He was a Carniolan by birth, and at the top, where he kept watch over the lake, he grasped a grapevine. The grapevine was the plant that was safeguarded by Kurent. He showed mercy for the Carniolan and extended the grapevine. The guard climbed on it and went into the clouds to wait for the end of the flood. After nine years, the water went away and the soil dried. Kuret wanted an acknowledgement from the Carniolan and demanded that he and his descendants should forever honour the grapevine and drink its wine. And the world's oldest grapevine59 is in Slovenia in the town of Maribor [pic. 185,186,187,188] 59 it is recorded in the Guinness Book of Records [145] . . . the world's oldest grape vine is in Slovenia in the town of Maribor. It is over 400 years old, still bears grapes which are harvested for wine and has many offspring dotted about the globe. The grape vine variety is called Zametovka which is one of the oldest domesticated varieties in Slovenia. The vine grows in Lent, the oldest part of the town down by the river Drava; on the frontage of the Old Vine House. Vine genetics experts in Paris also confirmed the authenticity of the age of the Old Vine, along with precise professional measurements by Slovene experts. The vine was planted at least 400 years ago, probably somewhat earlier. Its Methuselah state is also confirmed in paintings of Maribor dating from the years 1657 and 1681, which are kept in the Stajerska Provincial Museum in Graz. In the pictures the frontage of the house at Vojasniska ulica 8, built in the 16th century, can be clearly seen, and even then it was already lushly overgrown with today's venerated Old Vine. Just as in those days the Old Vine still today clings to the trelliswork or "brajda", as the wooden support is called in Stajerska. Some historical points of interest about wine growing in Stajerska: the wine growing Slovenske Gorice and vineyards on the slopes of Pohorje have a rich past. wine was made here already in antiquity, to which the first written records from approximately 400 years B.C., from the time of the Celts, bear witness. With the arrival of the Romans the vineyards expanded, and then with the fall of the Roman empire the vineyards were also destroyed. Only with the settlement of the Slavs were the fields and vineyards cultivated once again. XIII. Eden The III. Book of Baruch [9] Tree of the knowledge of good and evil as a free of salvation, giants and Babilonian tower of the 'war against God' Chapter two 2 And taking me, he led me up to the first heaven and showed me a very large door. And he said to me, Let us enter through it. And we entered as on wings about the distance of 30 days journey. 3 And he showed me a plain within the heaven. And there were men dwelling on it with faces of cattle and horns of deer and feet of goats and loins of sheep. 7 And I said, I pray you, show me what those men are. And he said to me: These are the ones who built the tower of the war against God, and the Lord removed them." Chapter three 1 And taking me, the angel of the Lord led me to a second heaven, And he showed me there a door similar to the first. And he said, Let us enter through it." 2 And we entered, flying about the distance of 60 days journey. 3 And he showed me there also a plain, and it was full of men, and their appearance was like (that) of dogs, and their feet (like those) of deer. 4 And I asked the angel, I pray you, lord, tell me who these are." 5 And he said, These are the ones who plotted to build the tower. These whom you see forced many men and women to make bricks. Among them one woman was making bricks in the time of her delivery; they did not permit her to be released, but while making bricks she gave birth. And she carried her child in her cloak and continued making bricks. 6 And appearing to them, the Lord changed their languages; by that time they had built the tower60 463 cubits (high). 7 And taking an auger, they attempted to pierce the heaven, saying, Let us see whether the heaven is (made) of clay or copper or iron.' 8 Seeing these things, God did not permit them (to continue), but struck them with blindness and with confusion of tongues, and he made them be as you see." Chapter four 8 And I said, I pray you, show me which is the tree which caused Adam to stray."And the angel said, It is the vine which the angel Samail planted by which the Lord God became angered, and he cursed him and his planting. For this reason he did not permit Adam to touch it. And because of this the devil became envious and tricked him by means of his vine." 9 And I Baruch said, And since the vine became the cause of such evil and was 60 Total height of the tower is in The Book of Jubilees, Chapter 10: 21 [9] comes out of the sea, and out of the fountains of water in the land of Shinar. And they built it: forty and three years were they building it; its breadth was 203 bricks, and the height (of a brick) was the third of one; its height amounted to 5433 cubits and 2 palms, and (the extent of one wall 22 was) thirteen stades (and of the other thirty stades). And the Lord our God said unto us: Behold, they are one people, and (this) they begin to do, and now nothing will be withholden from them. Go to, let us go down and confound their language, that they may not understand one anothers speech, and they may be dispersed into cities and nations, and one purpose will no longer abide with [royal cubit = 525 mm, palm = 75 mm] cursed by God and (was) the destruction of the first formed, how is it now of such great use?" 10 And the angel said, Rightly you ask; when God caused the Flood over the earth and destroyed all flesh and 409,000 giants, and the water rose over the heights 15 cubits, the water entered Paradise and killed every flower, but it removed the sprig of the vine completely and brought it outside." 11 And when the earth appeared from the water and Noah left the ark, he started to plant (some) of the discovered plants. 12 He also found the sprig, and taking it, he considered in his mind what it was. And I came and told him about it. 13 And he said, Should I plant it, or what (should I do with it)? Since Adam was destroyed by means of it, will I also encounter the anger of God through this? And while saying these things, he prayed for God to reveal to him what he should do with this. 14 And in 40 days he completed his prayer and entreating much and crying, he said, Lord, I implore you to reveal to me what I should do with this plant.' 15 And God sent the angel Sarasel, and he said to him, Rise, Noah, plant the sprig, for the Lord says this: Its bitterness will be changed into sweetness, and its curse will become a blessing, and its fruit will become the blood of God, and just as the race of men have been condemned through it, so through Jesus Christ Emmanuel in it (they) will receive a calling and entrance into Paradise." 16 Then know, Baruch, that just as Adam through this tree was condemned and was stripped of the glory of God, thus men now who insatiably drink the wine deriving from it transgress worse than Adam, and become distant from the glory of God, and will secure for themselves eternal fire. 17 For (no) good derives from it. For those who drink excessively do these things: Brother does not have mercy on brother, nor father on son, nor children on parents, but by means of the fall through wine come forth all (these): murder, adultery, fornication, perjury, theft, and similar things. And nothing good is accomplished through it." The III. Book of Baruch [9] Heavenly cock, Phoenix Chapter six: 1 And taking me, he led me where the sun goes forth. 2 And he showed me a chariot drawn by four horses and fire underneath it. And upon the chariot sat a man wearing a fiery crown. The chariot was drawn by forty angels. And behold, a bird runs along before the sun, as large as nine mountains. 3 And I said to the angel, What is this bird? And he said to me, This is the guardian of the world." 4 And I said, Lord how is the guardian of the world? Teach me." 5 And the angel said to me, This bird accompanies the sun and spreading its wings absorbs its fire-shaped rays. 6 For if it did not absorb them none of the race of men would survive, nor anything else that lives, so God appointed this bird." 7 And he unfolded his wings, and I saw on his right wing very large letters like the place of a threshing floor, having the space of 4000 media, and the letters were gold. 8 And the angel said to me, Read them. And I read, and they said thus: Neither earth nor heaven bear me, but the wings of fire bear me." 9 And I said, Lord, what is this bird, and what is its name?" 10 And the angel told me, His name is Phoenix." 11 And what does he eat? And he told me, The manna of heaven and the dew of the earth. 12 And I said, "Does the bird excrete?"And he said to me, He excretes a worm, and from the excretion, the worm, cinnamon comes into existence, which kings and princes use. But wait and you will see the glory of God." 13 And while he was speaking, there was a thunderclap and the place where we stood was shaken. And I asked the angel, My lord, what is this sound? And the angel said to me, The angel are opening the 365 gates of heaven now, and light is separating itself from darkness." 14 And a voice came saying, Light giver, give splendor to the world!" 15 And hearing the sound of the bird, I said, Lord, what is this sound?" 16 And he said, This is what wakens the cocks on earth, for just as articulate beings do, thus also the cock informs those on the earth according to its own tongue. For the sun is being prepared by the angels and the cock is crowing." Chapter seven 1 And I said, And where does the sun begin to work after the cock crows?" 2 And the angel said to me, Listen, Baruch, everything I have shown you is in the first and second heaven; and in the third heaven the sun passes through and gives splendor to the world, But wait and you will see the glory of God." 3 And while I was speaking to him, I saw the bird, and he appeared ahead and grew little by little, and became full sized. 4 And after him (I saw) the sun gleaming and with him angels carrying (him) and a crown on his head; we were not able to look directly into this sight and see.. 5 And at the same time as the sun shone out, the phoenix spread out its wings. Seeing such glory, I became overcome with a great fear and fled and hid in the wings of the angel. 6 And the angel said to me; Do not fear, Baruch, but wait and you will see them setting Chapter eight 1 And taking me, he led me to the west. And when the time of the setting (of the sun) came, I saw again the bird coming in front and the sun coming with the angels. When he came, I saw the angels, and they removed the crown from his head. 2 And the bird was overcome and let his wings droop. 3 And when I saw these things, I said, Why do they remove the crown from his head and why is the bird so overcome?" 4 And the angel said to me, When the day is completed, 4 angels take the crown of the sun and carry it to heaven and renew it because it and its rays are defiled upon earth. And every day it is renewed." 5 And I Baruch said, Lord, by what are its rays defiled upon earth? And the angel said to me, By the sight of the lawlessness and unrighteousness of men committing fornication, adultery, theft, robbery, idol-worship, drunkenness, murder, discord, jealousy, slander, murmuring, gossip, divination, and other things which are unacceptable to God. By means of these it is defiled, and because of this it is renewed. 6 And now, concerning how the bird becomes overcome; It is overcome because it checks the rays of the sun and the fire and burning the whole day. 7 For if its wings did not draw around the rays of the sun as earlier said, no living being would survive." The Firebird is described as a large bird with majestic plumage that glows brightly emitting red, orange, and yellow light, like a bonfire that is just past the turbulent flame. The feathers do not cease glowing if removed, and one feather can light a large room if not concealed. (Slavic folklore) [pic.189] XIV. The Pedestal of Gaia's Soul in the Province of Carniola, or The Area of the First and Second Eden in the Synergic Conversion of Duality of the Ducal Throne The Gaia hypothesis is the first comprehensive scientific expression of the profoundly ancient belief that the planet Earth is a living creature. Joseph, Lawrence E. [58] If a germ cannot be presumed aware of the living state of the body it dwells in, how can man's somewhat similarly circumscribed view afford him much more comprehension of the total aliveness of his planet today .. Murchie, Guy [59] In Greek mythology the soul represents the beginning of life and the beginning of living nature. For Anaxagoras it represents the cause of movement, Thales adds counter pole nature with movement, while according to Aristotle the theory of the soul is in the metaphysics61 of the living world, the highest level of which is the human being. Kalan, Valentin [60] Man's creation according to the Bible places him into Eden, which existed in a material way, considering that it is described as the area of four rivers that watered the garden - the Pishon, the Gihon, the Hiddekel and the Perath. Among other things , there are also the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil growing in the Garden of Eden, standing in opposition - the usefulness of each is to be judged by the human, who is not aware of the consequences that await him. Krause, J.E. and Terrien, S. [61] As a means of global arbitration and just action of the human, according to ancient Egyptian beliefs, it represents the eye of "Udjat"62, which lives its own life and represents the symbol of the soul's wisdom. In Hinduism the nucleus of the soul was represented by a third eye [the seat of the sixth chakra], the main organ of which is the hypophysis, which is functionally divided into adenohypophysis and neurohypophysis; in an anatomical sense it is divided into the anterior lobe, the middle lobe and the posterior lobe. Stiblar-Martincic, D. [62]. Even in the Psyche myth, which symbolises the human soul, there are different feelings, thoughts and inner perceptions of reality; her sisters, however, represent the influence of the physical and animal impulse; there is also Psyche's invisible husband Amor63, acting at all times as her saviour, who represents the impulse of the spiritual world. 61 a philosophy that deals with the principles of reality which are inaccessible and unrecognisable to emotions 62 the eye of Horus (originally the eye of Ra) is the symbol of indestructible royal power. The eye is comprised of six shapes, which match the six senses : touch, taste, hearing, thought, sight and smell. Horus was the ancient Egyptian god of the sky; one of his eyes was the sun , the other one was the moon. Ra (also Raa) in ancient Egyptian mythology is the god of the sun, the creator of people and gods. He is the highest god in ancient Egypt. 63 love in Latin. In Greek mythology he is named Eros, whose golden arrows generate love, while his iron arrows generate hate; also named the "Liberator". As the mediator between earthly and heavenly things, Psyche reaches into the physical and spiritual world, connects them in a dynamic way, and acts as a "crossroad" of impulses or as a "mirror" in which the animal or divine nature is reflected. Joncic Ana [63] Key words: Gaia, soul, hypophysis, Udjat, third eye, Eden, Paradise, golden age, tree of life, Carniola, Carniolans, buckwheat, grapevine, Noah, Flood myth, the Koromandija, Ducal throne, legibility of objectified urban tales 1.0 Introduction - Gaia's soul, the province of Carniola Democritus claimed that the soul is some kind of fire and warmth [Aristotle in Kalan, V.] [60] that is the beginning of life, also described as the oldest belief in the soul in the form of a bird in the myth about Phoenix, the purple firebird made of the force of life which represented the soul in the Egyptian world. The Phoenix -closely resembling an eagle, which is on the top of the cosmic tree with the snake at its foot - represents crowning in alchemist symbolism and is a psycho pomp 64 of red and golden colour, the symbol of divine sublimity, immortality and rebirth. The Yazidi [believers in Kurdistan] say that during the times when the sea flooded the whole world, God took up the form of a bird sitting on a tree, the roots of which sank into the air. This also holds true in the cosmogony65 of the believers in truth: God has the form of a bird with golden wings that watches over primeval waters66 [Stanislav Fortunat] [64] and watches over the Carniolans [pic.190] as the "celestial"rooster from the Slovenian myth about the Flood and the voice of consciousness, and is presented by J. Trdina [47] as the sun from the Kajkavian legend "Sun - God on Earth". Plecniks "Celestial" rooster 67, the so called "Rooster of God" with a celestial egg on the top of the Rooster fountain, Kranj [pic. 190] 64 guide of souls 65 science about space 66 available on May 23, 2012 at ^67 rooster call - it is the voice of conscience - The Fran Ramovs Institute of Slovenian language rooster (49-73) In Japan, the golden firebird from paradise, Phoenix, is represented in the form of a golden rooster as a lieutenant 68 by Kinkaku [pic.191], which in acts as both male and female in a Chinese legend - both of blue colour, facing one another69. [pic.192] The bronze rooster or Pheonix Kinkaku on the top of the zen temple of the golden pavilion in Kyoto from the era between 1337 and 1573 AD. [pic. 191] Byodo-in, a Buddhist temple in the city of Uji (Kyoto) shows the Chinese Phoenix Feng [male] and Huang [female] from 1053 AD. [pic. 192] The two-headed Phoenix, however, as the androgynous freemason symbol of the 32nd and/or 33rd level represents the royal memorial and the messiah from whom the salvation of the world depends on, and whose mission, symbolised by the old coat of arms, is also attributed to the Province of Carniola. [pic.193] 68 deputy commandant 69 available on May 23, 2012 at The two-headed blue and golden Phoenix on the coat of arms of the Province of Carniola and the one-headed red and golden Phoenix on the coat of arms of Kranj in the code: "The Kranj Antiphonary"70 writer and illuminator loannes von Werd de Augusta, August 17, 1491. [pic.193] 2.0 The cleansing of Gaia's soul through the metaphysics of the living world The Vedas71 talk about four ages of the world: the Golden Age, the Silver Age, the Bronze Age and the Iron Age. Each of the ages ends with some kind of geological catastrophe, which characterise Gaia's life throughout her life periods: the Golden Age - Gaia's childhood [naivety]; the Silver Age - Gaia's adolescent years [education]; the Bronze Age - Gaia's period of adult personality [becoming independent]; and the Iron Age - Gaia's old age [independence and wisdom]. The cleansing of Gaia's soul through the metaphysics of the living world, the highest level of which is the human being, is realized through the cataclysms72 of the Flood myths, interpreted as a constant rebirth and transmission of the spiritual world into the physical one, which is deteriorating because of human sin. Despite its travel through space and time by word of mouth or folk tradition through countless unknown carriers, the Flood Myth has been preserved and recorded, and there are more than 500 versions known to this day, 86 of which are geographically and chronologically completely different than the one in the Bible73. And the Slovenian people, about whom F.S. Coppeland [65] rejected the statements about this nation being without history, even have two versions of the Flood Myth. The first version describes the end of the Golden Age [the time when 70 book of choral songs, sung in turn by two choirs or by a solo singer and a choir 71 a very extensive and one of the oldest collection of texts, which represents one of the foundations of Indian philosophy and the religions that originated on its territory. They are approximately six times larger than the Holy Bible. They are also called "the triple sacred science" because the texts are divided into three collections: the Rigveda (the knowledge of verses), consisting of hymns, the Samaveda (the knowledge of songs), consisting liturgical essays, and the Yajurveda (the knowledge of spells), consisting of sacrificial rites. an event in nature which causes extensive changes on the surface of the earth or in space 73 available on May 5, 2012 at God lived among people on Earth and some people were much bigger than others, since at the beginning of the world the Slovenian people were still the giant Ajdi74 [Pegan, A.; Cernigo, F. [66], and Kelemina, J., [47]], which is characterised by an extensive deluge sent by ghosts because of the corruption and malice of people - however, four Carniolans saved themselves, but the story is about one of the Carniolans, remaining silent about the other three. The second version describes the action of the Celestial Rooster75 as the conscience of the Carniolans, who reminded them when to eat, work and sleep. However, the Carniolans grew tired of the rooster's reminders and asked God to save them from the rooster. God granted them their wish and expelled the rooster from the Garden of Eden. Before the rooster took off, it warned them about the lake. The Carniolans did set up a guard and watched over the lake every day, but one day they decided to break the rooster's celestial egg to be able to provide as much water as anyone needed -however, this caused the spilling of the lake and only one of the Carniolans survived; the one who was guarding the lake on the mountain. [47] Sarimanok, Celestial Rooster, Philippines [pic. 194] The first version of the myth characterises the end of the Golden Age - the end of Gaia's childhood naivety; while the second version represents the end of the Silver Age - Gaia's youth characterised by foolishness. 1. The working hypothesis as a methodological treatment: both Slovenian versions of the myth about the Flood as the cleansing of Gaia's soul and the transition from one period of life into another one are placed in our region, the Province of Carniola76- consequently we obtain two chronological periods and two completely different dimensions of cataclysm. 2. The working hypothesis as a discussion: The application of Ra's eye "Udjat" to the symbolism of the Ducal throne in the synergic convergence of Slovenia's operation as the central part of the soul or the hypophysis. ' according to folk tradition, giants who lived before humans 74 , Judgement day would come once this celestial rooster ceased to crow. [Marano people, Philippines] 76 German Krain, Latin Carniola, Slovenian version Karniola; a historical province in Slovenia with its center in Kranj. The name has two origins: named after the ancient people Karni and after the Slovenian expression "krajina" meaning land or province. In 1364 the Province of Carniola became a Duchy (Upper Carniola, Lower Carniola and Inner Carniola), after 1466 it acquired Reka, Kastav, Senozece and Devin, and in 1469 even Trieste for almost a century. In 1947 (as per the Paris Peace Treaty) it became a part of Yugoslavia. 3.0 Biblical Flood as the first version of the myth77 soul is crying] [all-seeing eye or Gaia's The Flood, which is characterised by an extensive deluge and was sent by ghosts because of the corruption and malice of people still in the time of the Golden Age, is a literal version of the Biblical story about Noah. As in the Golden Age, when people lived to be a thousand years old, Noah lived to be 950 [Book of Moses 1, Chapter 9, paragraph 29]. As the legend of the beginning of life says [Kelemina, J. 1997] the Slovenian people were once still the giant Ajdi78 and this clan of giants is also described in the Bible as a clan of heroes from prehistory [Book of Moses 1, Chapter 6, paragraph 4]. [9] Goddess Ishtar and all-seeing eye [pic. 195]; Holy Lady on the ancient cathedral of Carantania, the first Slovenian state - Gosposvetsko polje' [pic. 196] 77 Ancient Slovenians believed, while they were still idealising, that at the beginning of the world there was the happiest age, that bread grew on trees and that the ears of wheat were half a metre long. The happy people were good at first, but became cruel soon after that. The gods then decided to put an end to the world. It started raining heavily and the Earth was covered in water. Everyone died except for four who saved themselves and were not killed by this terrible flood. The story is silent about three of them; it is known how the fourth was saved, though. There was a tall grapevine on the top of a high mountain that touched the sky with its tip. The fourth person grabbed the vine and started climbing towards the sky [ ... ]. The saved person had to promise to the Rooster, his saviour, for himself and for his descendants, that he would always love the herbs sacred to him, and that he would always enjoy their fruits. These were the grapevine and buckwheat. [ ... ] His sons spread around Carniola and to this day the Carniolans mostly subsist on buckwheat and "praise wine" Kelemina, J.,[47] 78 The Ajdi are supposed to be ancient inhabitants of large size, supposedly living on the mountains. The name "Ajd" comes from the German word Heide (pagan) [Kropej, M. 2008]. [67] Our myth about the Flood that was caused by an extensive deluge talks about another four Carniolans who were saved, but our story - as the Bible - is silent about three of them. Kelemina, J. [47] Around Nanos and all the way to AjdovsCina there is also a myth that Noah built his ark here before the Flood took it away. As it is written in V. Valvasor's records [1689], there are three large and strong iron circles in the rocks on Nanos Mountain, each in its own location, similar to those on the berths of boats. However, he was not able to explain what they would be used for in the Nanos area. [adapted from Valvasor, Glory of the Duchy of Carniola - section: LXII.1689] [68] The stories about the construction of Noah's Ark are repeated in as many as four locations in this area [pic.197]; there is a legend still preserved in Veliko Ubeljsko [the legend was recorded by Gabriela BrovC [69]: According to legend, there was supposedly a lake in this valley once upon a time. The story says that in VraniCi (south of Nanos), there was a rock with a ring, where Noah's boat was tied during the Flood. This is supposedly why the village is named Velika Obala [Great Shore].[ The locations are marked with a red circle on the map] The second legend that speaks about the berth of Noah's ark comes from the town of Col [south of Nanos], which says that Noah's Ark was tied at Kovk before it was taken away by the Flood [the location is marked with an orange circle]. There are two more legends circulating among the people about the birth of Noah's Ark in these places - the first one comes from Dolnji Lokovec [marked with a blue circle], while the other comes from Trnovo pri Gorici [marked with a green circle]. According to folk tradition it can be deduced that four arks were built in different locations before the Flood; however, only one of these was Noah's - the four saved Carniolans? So who were the Carniolans who built the other three arks? Four locations where arks were built in Noah's time [the four saved Carniolans, three of whom are not mentioned in the story] [pic. 197] 3.01 The other three Carniolans who are not mentioned in our story nor in the Bible Cessair was the daughter of Noah's son Bith and his wife Birren. According to legend Noah denied his family a place in his ark when the Flood was to arrive. That is why Cessair suggested they should build an idol. The idol advised them to escape the Flood by building a ship and to try to find a land where there were no monsters, evil or other inconveniences that would cause God's wrath and consequently the Deluge. They were also advised by Noah, who told them: "Go west to the westernmost edge of the world, perhaps there will be no floods there." The journey started with three ships: Bith was the helmsman on one of the ships, Ladra was the helmsman on the second ship, and Fintan on the third ship; however, two of the ships sank. They continued the journey on the third and last of the ships and all three of the men—Bith, Ladra and Fintan - survived , in addition to Cessair and fifty more women. With the last ship, the helmsman of which was Fintan, they landed in the Irish Dun nA mBarc [Donemark in Bantry Bay in Cork County] after more than seven years, only forty days before the Flood, in 2242 BC according to the Annals of four helmsmen [70], or 2361 BC according to the chronology of Seathrun Ceitinn'S [71] - Bavcer [72] and Valvasor [68] indicate 2396 BC as the year of the Flood. After they landed, the three men, Bith, Fintan and Ladra, divided both the women and the wives. Cessair and sixteen other women were the wives of Fintan [pic.198], seventeen women together with Birren were the wives of Bith, and the remaining sixteen women were the wives of Ladra. But according to legend Ladra died because his women were sexually violent with him, and who were later divided between Fintan and Bith. After that Bith died, too, and Fintan remained alone with all the wives, but he was afraid of them and ran away. Six days before the great Deluge, Cessair died [or committed suicide?] broken-hearted because she lost her husband and her father at Cuil Ceasrach in Connacht. She is buried on the top of Cnoc Meadha, six miles southwest of Tuam in the Galway district. Lynch [73] Cessair and Fintan before they sailed away [pic. 198] The shore and three ships in the background For Fintan, the legend still says that he lived in the caves known as Fintan's Grave. He was a wise man who could change his appearance into a salamander, an eagle and a falcon, and he reached the age of 5,500 and advised all the rulers in Ireland because of his wisdom - based on these calculations, perhaps he still lives and advises the rulers to this day ... Macalister, R. A. S. [74] 3.02 The sweet white loaves 79 of bread that grew on trees in the happiest age Carniola - the land of the first and second Eden [the Golden and Silver Ages], known in the world under different names, was renowned also for the fact that there was practically no rain in this location during these two periods. As Mile KlopCiC's song says [75] - "le rosica hladna vsako noc prsi iz nebes, da stopinjica vsaka je polna vode cez in cez z leve, z desne pada z drevja na stezice zlati prah Tam cedi se mleko in med." - this is a land where only dew and golden dust fall from the trees, and this is the land of milk and honey. The same is mentioned by Fran Zgur [76] - "lepo je tam, lepo — po fleh cedi se med. In grozdje presladko, —m! Zari izmed bujnih trt, in v usta sadja socnega ponuja ti vrt." - meaning that this is a beautiful place offering honey, sweet grapes, grapevines and juicy fruit. Furthermore, Mile KunCiC [77] adds: "Pa kje ta dezela je dedek? Povej! Pred nosom leZi ti bedacek poglej" - asking his grandfather where this land is, he receives a reply that it is right in front of his nose. The fact that Zeus never allowed rain in this land is also described by Apollonius Rhodius [78] when he describes Jason's journey through these places. Bee on buckwheat [pic. 199] The consequence of such weather conditions was an abundance of apiculture products, about which Valvasor [68] writes even after the end of the Bronze Age, saying that one can see different flies and midges in this land, but among them bees have the priority. There are many of them and they enrich numerous honest masters if God wishes to bless him with them. And in our region there was a ' they are mentioned both in the first and second legend from the Golden and Silver Age multitude of these "hard-working flies," as Valvasor calls them, in the Glory of the Duchy of Carniola, so they were considered to be a real nuisance. And this is how the sweat white loaves of bread [bee honeycombs] grew on trees and on house walls, as they are depicted by Pieter Bruegel the Elder in 1567 when he drew the reconstruction of the lost Koromandija80 [pic.201]. Above - wild bee honeycomb [pic.200] and below - the Koromandija' or The Land of Cockaigne where sweat bread grows also on house walls [pic.201], and where the farmer, the soldier and the nobleman are equal. In order to enable complete nature peristalsis, made possible by bee colonies, and to enable the dripping of milk and honey, buckwheat was of key importance. Buckwheat cleans the soil and is extremely important for bees as well. It encourages the queen bee to lay eggs, which enables the bees to cure all illnesses with buckwheat and obtain complete immunity. Fresh buckwheat herb contains 80 The land of abundance, the land of milk and honey, where large quantities of butter and cheese dumplings were made every day. Life was without worries, there were no illnesses, and people lived for a very long time. The importance of bees in this age is stated already in the title: The Book of the Bee [an old Syrian version of the Bible], which contains all Biblical legends from the Old Testament -it was written by Syrian Nestorian Solomon, Bishop of Bassore [154]. rutin, which acts an anti-bacterial agent and has a soothing effect against radioactive radiation. Buckwheat honey also has a medicinal effect on humans. Vogrincic, M. [79] 3.03 Gopher wood81 (wood of secret origin) is used by Noah to build his ark In the Bible's Book of Genesis we read that God told Noah to build an ark of "gopher wood". God said: "Make thee an ark of gopher wood (Genesis 6:14) [9]. The meaning of the Hebrew word gopher is obscure82" - of obscure83 - secret origin [is this the wood from the tree of knowledge of good and evil [pic.202] or the new tree of life [pic.204]?]. As in Paradise, snakes are most welcome in the vineyard because they catch everything that damages the grapevine [pic.202] The grapevine is like the tree of knowledge of good and evil that has accompanied human kind ever since prehistory. In fact, the tasty fruit from the grapevine, from which wine is made, is something special. It marks the important milestones of our life, meaning the happy ones; when we celebrate important events in our personal or public life, celebrate success, labour victories, etc. Unfortunately, it is also the root of evil, as in accidents and people's suffering. It is truly a tree of knowledge of good and evil. As a Jewish proverb84 about wine says: "If a man drinks moderately, he is mild like a sheep, if he drinks a bit more, he is courageous like a lion, if he drinks too much, he is cruel like a tiger and if drinking becomes his passion, he is like a hog who wallows in mud and makes an ape of himself." 81 Gopher means obscure, or of obscure origin, in Hebrew 82 available on May 27, 2012 at 83 obscure [ebskjue] adjective (~ly adverb) 84 available on May 29, 2012 at [pic.203] And the only surviving Carniolan was saved thanks to the tall grapevine tree - a plant that is dedicated to the ancient god of the Carniolans - the Celestial Rooster [pic.205,206,207] [even the prophets that claimed to be the sons of God were once mocked by the Romans and called roosters, and the symbol of the rooster was attributed also to Jesus]. And Jesus as the true vine in the gospel according to John, chapter 15, verses 1-2 says: 1 "I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. 2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit." [9] The NEW tree of life in the pot of mercy with two panthers, holding the horn of abundance in their paw, Maria Saal [pic.204] The Heavenly Father, disappointed in human kind because they do not appreciate the vine wood and compare it to themselves, also tells humankind that the same fate will befall upon them as on his best wood, Ezekiel85 in chapter 15, verses 1-8 [9]: born approx. 622 BC The Celestial Rooster: the rooster on St. Bartholomew's church from the 14fhcentury [pic.205] Ljubljana; Urn with a rooster, Bela Cerkev, 2"^ century AD [pic.206]; Church of Saint Mohor, Moravce, fresco86 [pic.207] 1 And the word of the LORD came unto me, saying: 2 Son of man, what is the vine tree more than any tree, or than a branch which is among the trees of the forest? 3 Shall wood be taken thereof to do any work? Or will men take a pin of it to hang any vessel thereon? 4 Behold, it is cast into the fire for fuel; the fire devoureth both theends of it, and the midst of it is burned. Is it meet for any work? 5 Behold, when it was whole, it was meet for no work: how much less shall it be meet yet for any work, when the fire hath devoured it, and it is burned? 6 Therefore thus saith the Lord God; As the vine tree among the trees of the forest, which I have given to the fire for fuel, so will I give the inhabitants of Jerusalem. 7 And I will set my face against them; they shall go out from one fire, and another fire shall devour them; and ye shall know that I am the LORD, when I set my face against them; 8 And I will make the land desolate, because they have committed a trespass, saith the Lord God. Vine wood [pic.208] and vine waste in piles [pic.209] The best wood that has ever grown ... but unfortunately it is very hard to work with ' the hand is reaching for the fire of the tree of life, Jesus In the Rooster's honour, the saved Carniolan had to respect the plant dedicated to it - the vine - and promise that his descendants would honour it as well. The lone surviving Carniolan kept his promise. The first plant Noah planted after the salvation was the vine87, and he also made a big toast to celebrate. The ceremonial drinking of wine [pic.210] has been known in our region since prehistory, and has been preserved also in worship [pic.211 ] to this day - and this is everything that remained from the reverence of the vine88. If we take a look at the findings of today's scientists, they only confirm the results of the research throughout the world, considering that the effects of wine on health were known as early as the year 3000 BC. Moderate drinking of wine decreases mortality from cancer and cardiovascular diseases. Data about the mortality of people in the centre of the homeland of Teran wine [Tomaj, Dutovlje] show a significantly lower mortality rate due to the above mentioned diseases compared to the rest of Slovenia. The Karst Plateau is a part of the Mediterranean area. The wine that is grown here is a red wine called Teran, which contains large quantities of iron [it also contains salicylic acid, the derivative of which is the main component of aspirin]. The soil where the Refosk vine grows also contains, aside from iron, large amounts of silicon. Ramovs, J. [80] in Wagner, H. [81] The Vace situla - ceremonial drinking of wine [pic.210], Plecnik's chalice for worship [pic.211] Pliny the Elder also testifies about this excellent wine, describing the dark "negro" wine of Pucinia next to the Timavo river in Duino, Karst [Gaius Plinius Secundus [23-79 AD] also describes the fortress Pucinum next to the Timavo river], and Pliny 87 [I. Moses, ch.9, verses 18-20] : And the sons of Noah, that went forth of the ark, were Shem, and Ham, and Japheth: and Ham is the father of Canaan. 19 These are the three sons of Noah: and of them was the whole earth overspread. 20 And Noah began to be an husbandman, and he planted a vineyard. 21 And he drank of the wine, and was drunken; and he was uncovered within his tent. 22 And Ham, the father of Canaan, saw the nakedness of his father, and told his two brethren without. 23 And Shem and Japheth took a garment, and laid it upon both their shoulders, and went backward, and covered the nakedness of their father; and their faces were backward, and they saw not their fathers nakedness. 24 And Noah awoke from his wine, and knew what his younger son had done unto him, and said 25 Cursed be Canaan; a servant of servants shall he be unto his brethren. [9] 88 Currently, as well as in the past, the vine wood and vine waste were used merely as it is described in Ezekiel, as wood biomass - a source of energy in rural and socially weak areas. says this wine originates from the best sort of vines and that in his opinion it is the best in quality among the wines of those times. He also regards it as the "elixir" of life" and as a medicine. Our Pucinum wine was regularly ordered from these areas and drunk by Augustus's third wife, Livia Drusilla, who was convinced that the wine was the source of life: "Julia Augusta [Livia Drusilla] lived to her 85th year of age by merit of the wine Pucinum; and drinking only that wine, whose grape grows in Hadrian's Bay, not far from the spring of Timavo, on a rocky hill." Pliniy, Natural History, Chapter XVIII. Venetia, the tenth Region [82] 3.04 Gopher wood as GLTS89 of Noah's Ark, for which he used a mixture of buckwheat flour and vine waste90 as gluten The saved Carniolan had to respect the two plants that saved his life, the vine and buckwheat, both of which he could use together to glue the pieces of grapevine wood. It increased the stickiness of the cooked gluey substance of buckwheat91 flour by adding the cellulose of vine waste, in order for the ark to be able to carry the entire weight, pressure, torsion, dimensional stability according to the mass volume and also fire safety, since in the end it landed in the volcanic river of Mount Ararat [pic.212,213,214,215]. [90] A photo of the Turkish rescue airplane of the trapped Noah's Ark in the coagulated volcanic river from a height of 10,000 feet [pic.212] 89 glued laminated timber structures 90 trimmed parts of the grapevine 91buckwheat does not contain gluten - and therefore a different type of treatment is necessary for it to become sticky, thus parboiling and cooking; a natural additive used to make super glue is also the extract from the vine waste cellulose, very useful even as waste material. Fossilised pieces of metal (rivets and thimbles), alloys of aluminium, titanium and other metals, which are tidily placed along the ark final position of Noah's Ark Findings of the remnants of Noah's Ark - Ronald Wyatt 1 960 The journey of Noah's Ark across the volcanic river [pic.213] and the petrified remains [pic.214] on the mountain, and a picture of hand-sized rivets92 from aluminium and titanium [pic.215] The location of Noah's ark remains in Turkey [pic.216] and a laminated deck timber [pic.217] without visible annual rings Despite all the obstacles, he managed to overcome them by using glued laminated timber structures [pic.216,217] that enable fast building, light construction, the bridging of wide spans, innovative solutions, bent structures and effective fire safety [GLTS conduce heat 300-400 times more slowly than steal!]. Despite all the positive aspects of GLTS, the consumption of material and energy is 2.5 times higher than massive wood, and therefore the price is also considerably higher. Frühwald, A. [83]. In addition, by optimisation, tailoring and gluing, the GLTS can be refined, which enables the use of low-quality and already recycled wood. The GLTS parts of the ark [pic.218] and [pic.219] are without annual rings, and based on this Galbraith Labs from Knoxville, Tennessee [USA] establishes [in his reports from February 2 and June 6, 2001] that it never rained in the area where this wood grew; the findings also show that there is an incredibly high percentage of iron and silicone in the remains of the petrified wood (table below) [pic.220] [a large content of silicate and iron is also characteristic for the wine of 92 In this region, which is also the region of the Ajdi, whose descendants forged the finest steel, and to which the people in Gorenjska also added manganese to improve its shiny white quality, and where even in Valvasor's times there were still 13 working mines in Upper Carniola with workshops where they made the biggest "voleks", which are large lumps of iron from which they made 3,000 kg heavy ship anchors. Pangersic, I. [44]. In Lokovec, from where Noah supposedly originates, the blacksmith tradition is so ancient that in the past almost every homestead had its own forge that was passed down from generation to generation. our grapevines and the homeland of the Teran of karst - "Refosk," where this vine grew].93 % Г »jV. »«.t Glued laminated timber structures GLTS [pic.218,219] Table 2 - possible oxide composition location 2 [pic.220]. The contact parts94 were then patched by Noah with an abundance of honey wax,95 [pic.221, 222] which Carniola never ran out of 93 normal values in the ground in the surroundings of the site do not exceed 22,1% of silicone content 107 Glued laminated timber structures [hereinafter GLTS] construct thin laminates in which the grain is generally parallel. The laminates are glued together with adhesive. Glued laminated timber structures GLTS - Vennesla Library and Cultural Centre by Helen & Hard Architects [pic.223, 224] 94 smaller parts of wood glued together with organic glue June 1, 2012 at 95 Miran Hladnik [84] contemplates a silent resentment on the part of the Slovenes because they were "expelled" from the mountain paradise when he makes a concise and terminological analysis of Janez Jalen's tale "Ovcar Marko", written in 1929 [134], in which he also wrote of the legend of the bee that makes the most honey in the world, our Carniolan honey bee, and described why bees swarm -this myth talks precisely about the time when Noah was building his ark. He writes: "When there are so many inhabitants in the hive that half of the animals can laze and there would still be a full hive of honey in autumn, that is when Ambroz commands that one colony has to leave, so that they could bring to their master two hives of wax and honey. And if, still, many of them are left, they need to leave the hive for the second or even the third time," (adapted and translated). And he continues about Noah: "God ordered the ark to be poured over with resin from the inside and the outside. Noah knew that if the bees could not fly out of the beehive, in a month he would only have a powerful stench in his trough instead of a strong stud. And he did not dare ask God what to do with the bees, so that he would not be reproached for having a sweet tooth. In the last log under the roof, he singlehandedly drilled a hole so low and narrow that two bees had difficulties meeting in it. ßehind this narrow crevice he nailed honey and a trough full of animals which he covered with such an abundance of resin that nobody close to him knew that behind that beam there were thousands of animals waiting to sink, a strong colony of bees. Noah thought that God would not even notice such a small hole and that silly trough. When low tide came and Noah left the ark and let the animals go, and the bumblebee, the hornet, the wasp and other flies came from the holes in the attic, only the bees remained in their trough. [^]. Every bee laid eggs then, not only the queen bee, for they all had the same say. [^]. Young Carniolan bees, as if covered in velvet, gathered around the only old one that stood up for them. Even those still in cribs hurried to bite the lids for they saw that nothing good awaits the young generation of bees here at home. [^]. A whoop arose in the trough so the bees no longer understood what the other ones were advising. [^]. When the bee that had hatched before the Flood had enough, she sang, as the queen bee still sings today, to drown out the whoop. The young bees were tipping over as joyfully as children when they hurried out of the hole into a sunny day and danced the mating dance around the ark. They sat on a branch to rest and consult one another. Finally they decided that only the leading bee gives orders and only she is the mother of the entire new generation, so they appointed her as mother and queen. They settled in a hollow dry palm. The first queen bee took the new generations to swarm three more times, and she always took care of new queen bees at home. The fourth time a strong eastern wind caught her along with the whole swarm of bees and carried the whole colony into our mountains, to Carniola; that is why the Carniolans have the best bee (adapted and translated)." [84] And as Joze Ramsak [85] claims, the Holy ßible also speaks about this story, that it was the bees with their wax who patched Noah's ark and prevented the inflow of water, thus saving everyone from the Flood. GLTS enable a practically unlimited choice of dimensions of element cross-cuts, a covering of large surfaces and spans, and are easily adapted to construction requirements, because the cross-sections of the brackets are not increased because of the weight. GLTS are economical even in the pre-production of elements, and they have good strength properties in comparison with other materials and a high load capacity in relation to the mass volume. The GLTS have a higher hardness and rigidity than massive wood. In comparison to massive wood, glued laminated timber has more advantages: dimensional stability, the possibility of various options of cross-cuts [image 33] and larger dimensions compared to sawed wood. Russell C. Moody [86]. PILLAR Typical load: predominantly axial BRACKET Typical load: predominantly flexural Different cross-cuts of brackets and pillars made of glued timber cut [pic.225] In addition, glued laminated timber has a high load capacity considering it weight. They are light construction elements that have only 20% of the weight of reinforced concrete elements at the same volume [pic.223,224]. GLT is dimensionally more resistant and has smaller torsion deformations than massive wood. When drying, there are almost no cracks. One of the big advantages of glued laminated brackets over massive wood is the possibility to shape longitudinal axes of the brackets. Glued laminated timber constructions have a considerably higher fire resistance than we generally attribute to them, exceeding even steal and reinforced concrete. The reason for a good fire resistance of GLTS is their low heat conductivity. The elements carbonise slowly, from the surface towards the interior. This carbonisation decreases heat conductivity and prevents oxygen from reaching the wood. The brackets preserve full load capacity in the non-carbonised cross-section. In a regular fire, massive spruce wood burns with a speed of 0.6 to 1.2 mm/min, while glued timber burns with a speed of 0.1 mm/min. Zbasnik Senegacnik [87]. Furthermore, glued laminated timber structures do not change their form when they burn. Therefore, the brackets do not put pressure on the outer walls and consequently do not cause their collapse. Kitek-Kuzman, M. in Hrovatin, J. in Kusar, J. [88]. Because of the extremely light construction of the ark made of GLTS, Noah had to use drogue or anchor stones [pic.226,227], which were also found 12 miles from the location [pic.216] Anchor stones [pic.226,227] 4.00 The spilled lake as the second version of the Flood Myth The legend recorded in the geographica! and historical description of the school district Naklo from 1939 [Zemljepisni in zgodovinski opis solskega okolisa Naklo -tipkopis hereinafter ZZOSN] [89] says that the whole world as could be seen in the Valley of Naklo from the Castle at Gradisci96 once laid underneath a big lake, which was later spilt, when the Italians dug through the gorge of Temnik [the people blame the Romans for the spilling of the lake]. Unfortunately, the Castle at GradisCi is long gone now because it collapsed when the lake was spilt. Gradisce at Stucelj [pic.228] and the reconstruction of the Roman watchtower, made by Prof. Dr. Peter Fister [pic.229] Upon their arrival in our region, the Romans built a watchtower [images 36 and 37] on the site of this demolished castle, the ruins of which can still be seen today. 96 In Gradisci - this is what they call this town - there was once a castle, the ancient settlement of the Brdo manor, where the inhabitants lacked water and went to the Pivka River to get it. They also took their cattle there to drink water. And the other legend says that people lived and fished97 on the bank of this river. Because they lacked fertile soil for farming, they once prayed to the Mother of God and St. Nicholas98 to help them. Then a man with a halo appeared on a white horse on the edge of the lake and rushed towards Temnik [pic.230,231]. Riding across the narrowest part of Temnik, the horse's hooves sunk into the ground, and into its footsteps the water started to leak. The lake, with a big racket and uproar, flowed away through Temnik. The spilled lake with a swirl is also marked in the Franciscan cadastre 1818-1828 [pic.230] The gorge of Temnik where the Carniolans spilled their lake is visible also in a 3D model [pic.231] 97 ZZOSN [89] also indicates that before the war in Strahinj and Cegelnica they also made gloves for fishermen, which were made of "arovica", a fabric made from cow hair, canopy, etc. Thousands of these were sent to Trieste. 98 His predecessor, Celtic god Latobius, god of the ship [ship sanctuary]; for the Carantanians god Vodin; in Christianity the old gods are replaced by St. Nicholas, protector of fishermen and sailors [the Church, first mentioned in 1391, was completely renovated in the years 1769-1771 (partly preserved walls, bell tower with a gothic fresco of St. Christopher). Today it has baroque church architecture with a rectangular nave. Equipment from the 18'h and 19'h centuries - Heritage ID: 2074]; for the Latobici [fishermen] it is characteristic that they buried the dead in urns with an image of a rooster on it, and the method of burial in Upper Carniola shows the tradition of burials in urns. [Vojakovic, P. 2008] [91] The legend mentions three castles that once stood next to the lake. The first castle stood on the edge of the forest near Strahinj and was called Beli grad [White castle] or Pusti grad [Abandoned castle] near Sentanek. And since the lake was still there at the time, the lords of the castle drove with a boat to St. Nicholas on the isolated hill [image 40] where the shepherds took their flocks to pasture. Later this castle sank into the ground and today it is covered by thicket. The second castle was located between Strahinj and a large road where the fields are expanded in "Dolca". In the castle cellar, which still lays beneath the ground, a barrel of money awaits the lucky seeker. The third castle stood on the bank of the Sava River in Vinice. This one too left no traces behind; only an old grapevine still vegetates among the rocky surroundings - where the remains of the castle garden are left. This is the story the people told. Vrhovnik,I. [92]. The Church of St. Nicholas, patron of fishermen and sailors, on the hill in Strahinj where the lords of the castle once drove with the boat [pic.232] and Pesoglavec99 (human with a dog's head) on a vestry closet [pic.233] from the tragedy that happened at the cave Arneseva luknja (Arnes's hole) 99 The Bessi - the priest of the Thracian people among whom there were also Dionysus's worshippers called "Satrae" or "Pan-i" in Greek. Nicetas, bishop of Dacia, brought to the Bessi tribe, who were also called mountain wolves, a gospel. He reported that his first mission was successful and that the worshipping of Dionysus and other Thracian gods was replaced by Christianity. Jordanes too says about the Bessi tribe that they were called mountain wolves. But Damjan J. Ovsec reveals in his Slavic mythology that the Kiev metropolitan Ivan II reprimanded those who made sacrifices to the demons -the Bessi, springs and lakes. In 1534 the archbishop of Nova Gorica, Macarius, writes to Ivan the Terrible that the people offered to the demons - the Bessi - blood sacrifices, such as oxen and sheep. In Russian sources the plural form Bessi can also be found, and Bessian games, songs and plays are also mentioned. A Byzantine historian Kekaumenos, an aristocrat from Thessaly in the 11th century, described in the Strategikon (IrparnyiKÖv) manual that the Vlachs are descendants of the same ancient tribe of Thracians as the Bessi. Ovsec, J.D. [93] Pavel Josef Safarik [94] reckoned that because of this even the Neuri are descendants of Slovenians. These are a people that lived next to the Ister River and, according to the legend mentioned by Herodotus, changed into wolves for a few days each year [12 wolf nights from December 24 to January 1 - Kunaver, D. and Lipovsek, B. [95]. According to folk etymology, the Kajkavian version of the word "Besenjaki" became "Pesjaniki" and then "Pasjeglavci", meaning people with a dog's head. Vrhovnik [92] too writes about the fear and escape from the Pasjeglavec in the history of the Naklo parish: "At Boltar in Spodnje Duplje there is an antique iron gate; it was used to close the entrance into the hole [Arnes's] upon the arrival of the Even on the other bank of the former lake where Besnica stands, the people remember fearing the overflow of the lake. In 1909, the parish priest of Besnica, Mr Pokorn, wrote in his parish.100 [96] description of the town that out of fear that the lake from the Rovnik mountain would be overflow on them, they organised processions each year against flash floods, in order to avoid this cataclysm. And the people still remember that a part of the lake is trapped inside the mountain to this day. 4.01 Characteristic toponymy41 alluding to the parts of the lake, guarding the mountain, the caves beneath the lake, etc. Names of places from Besnica, Naklo and all the way to Radovljica allude to the presence of the large lake [below which numerous conglomerate caves spread out, whose collapse led to the final effusion of the entire lake] and through toponymy101 depict the shape and elements of the lake with different kinds of water features: 1. Wartenberg Castle [literally - the mountain for waiting and guarding] on Smarjetna gora Hill 2. Struzevo [in some older records also Strizevo - Letopis Matice 1872 in Vrhovnik, I., [92] - i.e. lying in the river bed, formed by the water outflow from the lake [and/or a place where the river separates - location of the bifurcations of the old river] 3. Besnica - the name refers to the ancient evil creatures called Bessi, who were later renamed as the Devil or Satan in times of Christianity. These creatures were supposed to be living in the underwater caves [D. Trstenjak, Sl. Glasni X 1867, 90 in J.Kelemina, [47]. 4. Naklo - the name Naklo refers to the marsh area (called kal in Slovene), or muddy water. This supposedly explains why the former church of Naklo was once called "St. Peter's Church at the Lake". 5. Pivka - supposedly an area where the cattle were brought to drink. Today, this word in the Karst region stands for "a sinkhole or a little lake that is slowly draining". 6. Zeje (literally stands for thirst) is located on a high and steep terrace. The name of the village suggests that the inhabitants of this place often suffered from thirst. Turks. They even escaped from the Pesoglav [pic.233], who is half human, half dog, into this hideaway; and the Pesoglav follows them. He climbed up the Old man's beard; they cut it; the Pesoglav falls and dies." 100 parish: a small administrative district typically having its own church and a priest or pastor. 41 Name of a place or other part of natural surface 7. OtoCe - an area surrounded by water - partly or completely. 8. Okroglo (literally stands for round) - an area surrounded by water - also suggests the original geographical form of the area. 9. Konca ali Nacovka - a raised terrace whose name is linked to the time when the inhabitants of the village made their living by fishing in the lake and knitted or mended (in Slovene colloquially koncati [97]) fishing nets. Konca is supposedly the place where the work was performed. 10. Spodnji Otok (literally lower island) - a small village on the hill which used to be an islet when the lake extended across the area. 11. Zgornii Otok (literally upper island) - a small village on the hill which used to be an islet when the lake extended across the area. 12. Kranj - an area with numerous remains of the collapsed conglomerate cave compositions [and also of the massive conglomerate boulders in the middle of Sava River and Kokra River] which used to form the whole Upper Carniola Region (Slovene: Gorenjska). The name "Kranj" also implies to the root of the word "kara", from which the provincial name for Karst derives. In the pre-Indo-European language [the language of the peoples who inhabited the area] the word meant "stone". The Celts carried the word to Ireland, where the word "carraig" today stands for a stone and the word "cairn" for a pile of stones. What is more, Italians, for example, today refer to Gorenjska as Alta Carniola. Below the town of Kranj many natural cave compositions can be found, which were during WWII supplemented by man-made [concrete] transitions, today one of the main tourist sights of Kranj; 13. Labore - the folk or common name for a conglomerate in Slovenian is labora. Badjura described this in 1953: "labora consists of polished, round-shaped gravel; the conglomerate is sometimes so firm and agglutinated that it is difficult to smash it, even with a hammer". This is the rock which forms the surface where the former village, now part of Kranj, i.e. Labore [Kranjc in 3KCL Kranjc, [98]. 14. Rovnik Mountain - a mountain with a tunnel (in Slovene rov) or several tunnels and/or caves [according to the legend, the mountain also hides a part of the spilled lake]. 15. Duplje - the village is named after nearby caves; words dupa, duplo, duplje, duplina in Slovene stand for a cavity or a hollow. 16. Strahinj - according to Bezlaj the name derives from fear [Kranjc [98]]; perhaps of the evil creatures (Bessi) in the caves or of the cannibals from Pesjonarsko, who also lived in the nearby caves in ancient times. Vrhovnik, I. [92]. 17. Because the shallow part of the lake was drained at Udin Borst (borst in Slovene means forest) the connective tissues of the cave conglomerate composition started to parch. Since the conglomerate compositions in some parts formed two or three floors, this caused static instability of the whole structure. Vrhovnik I. [92]. The domino effect, which led to the collapse of the major part of the conglomerate Karst caves beneath the lake, caused a cataclysmic catastrophe in the area and resulted in the collapse of the larger part of Kranj and the surrounding settlements [pic.234 ]. The entrance into Arneseva luknja (Arnes's Hole), where clematis still grows, and onto which a Cynocephaly once climbed, but then the locals cut it so that the cannibal fell and was killed [pic.235], the height of the cave opening is approximately 2.5 m and the width 16 m. The main tunnel separates into many side tunnels and ends after 800 m. 18. Caves - around the lake and in its nearby surroundings - were formerly linked together beneath the lake [pic.234]. However, over time the connection between them was broken due to poor conglomerate binders: Ciganska jama, Turkovo brezno, BidovCeva luknja, Amesova luknja [pic.235], a cave in the Arhov section, Pekel and KlemenCevo gradisce, Dopulnek, Mala and Velika Lebinca. Tular102 The cave is described even by Valvasor [68]: "In Smarjetna Gora near Kranj a hole can be found in the Sava River, which leads through the mountain to the Skofja Loka area". To avoid any allegations of not speaking the truth, he continues: "But one should not go there wearing white shoes because the soil is wet and muddy". The folk tradition goes that the cave was once connected also with the Sempeter Manor in StrazisCe. AljanCiC, M. [99]. 19. Kokra River Canyon - throughout the entire canyon numerous different sized boulders can be found, which suggests the former presence of a large cave whose ceiling also collapsed, similar to the compositions beneath the lake [pic.236,237]. Over the centuries, water masses have washed away the conglomerate. The Kokra River, which once flowed next to the former northern walls of the town of Kranj and poured into the old river from Jelenov klanec (Deer's Hill), eventually changed its flow into the river bed of the newly created canyon. Zontar, J. [100] -see the drawing of the defensive walls of Kranj, where the Kokra River used to flow [pic.238]. Massive boulders in the Kokra River gorge [pic.236,237] 102 ^ the name of the cave is sometimes spelled also Dular and derives from today almost forgotten, but indeed very beautiful Slovenian colloquial expression "tulav", which means hollow and has the same word root as a quiver (tulec in Slovene). The word suggests a simple, natural mind of men of Gorenjska (Upper Carniola) who were not afraid of the hole, but they simply considered it as a hollow rock. " Aljancic, M. [99] Reconstruction of the northern gate with a double moat, B.Jesenko in Kos, M. [2009] - p.20 [pic.238] 4.02 Boat berth - under the demolished castle at the top of Stucelj In 1759, when priest Blaznik was a mayor in Pivka, Urban Markun (called Lesnikar by the locals) built his house [pic.239] by using the rocks from the ruins of the Stucelj fort103 . When digging for the fort, he also found "an iron berth fixed to the rock" and informed priest Blaznik about his finding. Vrhovnik, I.[92]. The location of Lesnikar Homestead [marked with a black square] in the immediate vicinity of the demolished fort at Stucelj [marked with a red circle] - Franciscan cadastre 1818-1828 [pic.239,240] 103 The first cross at Stucelj was put up in 1935 as a memorial to the Eucharistic Congress in Ljubljana, which was gathered due to a great spiritual and material crisis [the cross was torn up during the war]. A new, 6 m tall cross was erected on May 6, 1996 [on the occasion of the visit of John Paul II]. The reason why the cross was erected on the very spot is that the iron boat berths had been found there. Today, in these turbulent times, people can "tie up their own life ships" there. Next to his home, at the crossroads of the Villach and Klagenfurt roads, Lesnikar built an inn and a stable, which is also recorded in the reviews of the restaurants from 1765. In the review, Lesnikar Inn in Pivka near Naklo is described as follows: Urban Markun (called Lesnikar by the locals) has two rooms and a stable for 14 horses but no shed, although the inn was located next to the crossroads of the Klagenfurt and Villach roads. Sorn, J. [101]. However, since many knew that Lesnikar found iron boat berths and then next to his house also built an inn, the treasure seekers hoped that the legend about the plunged castle which was owned by a wealthy lord who was supposed to own a barrel of gold coins holds true. According to JaneziC Damjan [from Pivka] two woodenware vendors, who were also passionate treasure hunters, once came to the Lesnikar Inn and stayed there late into the night. After all the guests had gone, they killed Lesnikar and his wife and buried them in the garden hoping that they would find the barrel of gold coins in their home. 4.03 Boulders104 - the remnants of the demolished cave ceiling structures and the Upper Carniolan conglomerate karst The Karst landscape and its typical forms that occur due to mechanical and chemical action of water in the limestone, represent 42 % of Slovenian territory. The Karst landscape is primarily characteristic for central, western and northern Slovenia. In Upper Carniola (Gorenjska), on the conglomerate terraces between Kranj and Radovljica, and in the Sava River Valley a special form has developed. P. HabiC in Prelovsek, Slabe [102] named it quaternary conglomerate Karst since the basis is composed of conglomerate rocks. Zlebnik in Prelovsek [102] [pic.236,241,242,243,244] calls it shallow Karst because the water is just slightly below the surface. The first details of the quaternary deposits were already published by Brückner in 1909. KusCer [103] He described four independent types of deposits from four ice ages: Würm, Riss, Mindel and Günz. Only in 1971 did Zlebnik confirm the correctness of his statement [KusCer [103]], which is evidenced also by the difference in the depth of the deposits. Each stage was followed by erosion and the bottom of the valley has deepened more and more into the ground [KusCer [103]]The young and the middle conglomerate deposits can be seen near Radovljica at the crown of frontal moraines. The older conglomerate deposit is already eroded at this spot and can be traced just north of Ljubno. The level on the right side of the Sava River from Cesnjice downwards is broader. The thickness of the conglomerate deposits increases in the direction of the Sava River flow. In the section to Globoko, it is estimated to be between 10 and 25 m, while in Brezje the thickness increases up to 35 to 40 m. However, it is assumed that the surface was at least 10 to 15 m thicker than today, but has got thinner due to weathering and dissolution [KusCer [103]]. The thickness of the shallow quaternary 104 Boulder: a large rounded mass of rock lying on the surface of the ground or embedded in the soil. 118 conglomerate Karst is mostly between 10 to 50 m. However, in some places, the thickness is exceeded. Several caves of the old Carniolan conglomerate Karst, which still collapse105 [pic.241,242] - the rockfall on 4 November 2010, when over 100 cubic metres of conglomerate walls crashed On the left side: the cave whose ceiling has been shaped by human 'Intervention; on the right: bigger boulders in the riverbed [pic.243,244] - Kokra Canyon 105 Records of the rockfalls: in Pecice near Pivka in 1865, when a group of Roma were narrowly saved; 1881 in Cirski most. 1915 in Lajh in "Pece" the rockfall buried the whole mill and the house, three persons were killed; in 1930 a large rock threatened the hydropower plant, but was timely removed. The records are held also of the 1992' rockfall at the time of the bridge construction over Kokra River, of two other: on 1 January 1994 and 22 March 1997 [Ferjan, U. [104]], and of another rockfall in 2004 at Huje. Reconstruction plan after the rockfall in the Kokra River on March 22, 1997, next to the house at Jelenceva Street 37 - next to the parcels 213/8 and 212/4; depicting a large boulder in the riverbed at Primskovo [pic.245,246,247] [Ferjan, U. 1998] The surface is composed mostly of the lime peel, but also of some rare gravel-stones of volcanic rocks. The binder is mostly sand. Sediments, warmer climate and abundance of water are characteristic of the period between 200,000 and 300,000 years ago, of the Mindel-Riss interglacial period, when the karstification of the deposits was in full swing. Different forms of Karst caves, sinkholes, sinks and Karst springs evolved [the sinkholes are used to define the speed of karstification - on high terraces sinkholes are well developed, long and deep, while on the low terraces the sinkholes are in the initial stage] [Zlebnik, 105]. Initially it was believed that the conglomerate Karst developed only in the Sava River Valley. However, excavations of the gravel at JurCkovo polje in Bistrica pit, which was then used for commercial purposes, revealed large steep conglomerate walls and large blocks or boulders. The occurrence is explained as follows: in the last interglacial age the lakes were formed behind the frontal moraines. Then the gravel that the rivers brought from the glacier settled there. The water poured from the lakes and cut deep riverbeds in its own gravel deposits in lower lying areas. Due to the warming and riverbed deepening the groundwater lifted and gravel began to stick together and form the conglomerate. When the climate again cooled down, the groundwater rose and began to dissolve the binder. Thus, some parts of the Pleistocene conglomerate are porous, and in some parts caverns and caves have evolved [T.Subic, 106]. To date, a relatively well-preserved part of the quaternary conglomerate shallow Karst represents a solitary or isolated Karst known as Udin Borst,which is one of the oldest glacial terraces in the Ljubljana Basin. The area is clearly divided from the surroundings and forms a forest, which has acquired the status of regional park due to its botanical, surface and underground natural geomorphological characteristics. It occupies almost the whole area between the Kranj-Golnik Road in the eastern part, the old Kranj-Monfalcone Road on the west and the new highway on the south. It is closed by Kriska Gora and Zaloska Gora mountains on the northern side and covers an area of 1 725 hectares, which are divided between three municipalities [Kranj, Naklo and Golnik]. Wartenberg Castle, where the locals from Carniola used to guard Canyon of Kranj Kbkra River that ^occurred when /thelakespilied be-t cai4^f the giant anbeneath the suri^ v The newifow" new Sava HM The old, buried flow of ^ the old river at Drulovka Reconstruction of the river flows with regard to geological and archaeological findings; today gulches are still visible [pic.248] 4.04 The black school through the legend - in the caves beneath the lake [the Celts - meaning "hidden" in Greek] Near Radovljica [pic.249] a farmer met a young gentleman. The gentleman asks him to take him to the mountain to the lake and promises to pay. The farmer is immediately willing to escort him. Once they get there, the gentleman pays the farmer, as promised. At the same time he tells him to return. The farmer thanks him and goes away. Then he thinks and says, "Sembrej!"106 This man is certainly up to something. He steps aside and hides behind a thick tree so that the gentleman would not be able to see him. When the gentleman loses sight of the farmer, he thinks that he has gone away. He steps to the edge of the lake, takes strange black books from his coat and starts reading. Suddenly, a black goat comes out of the water and towards the gentleman. The gentleman closes the books and places them back into the coat. Then he sits on the goat, which jumps into the water and both disappear. When the farmer sees this, he goes to the lake, but finds nothing. He decides to return home and not to tell anyone about this. A year and a day pass by. Then it happens that the farmer has something to do near that lake. And again he sees the very same gentleman he saw a year ago, when he sank into the lake. The farmer approaches, explains who he is and greets him kindly. Also the gentleman greets him nicely because he was a kind gentleman, not at all arrogant as gentlemen too often are. Reconstruction of the lake from the legend based on the toponymy and seepage of one of the tributaries of Dobrusa near Zgornji Otok [pic.249] The farmer then asks him where he is from and where he is headed. "From the lake, but to you", says the gentleman and continues: "I know you saw me a year ago when I jumped into the lake. I know you were watching me from behind the trees. At that time I went to learn all sorts of useful things. The goat brought me through the water, down into a spacious building, into the black school ["the one ' sembraj - intj.; old-fashioned expresses support to a contention who attends the black school" has learnedwitchcraft or taught magic skills in a school. Witchcraft has often been attributed to redheads, pharmacists, clergy and hermits. Kropej, M. [67]. All sorts of books were brought to me and I had to read them in a year. Woe betide me, if I have not read all, the question is, if I would still be alive. God knows what would have happened to me. I had to read day and night without eating anything since then. Thankfully, I have read everything. Now I am trained in all kinds of learning, I could hardly learn more, and I returned on surface. I know the treasures beneath the earth, I know about ore, gold and silver and I know many other unmentionable things,. However, since you kept the secret and never told anyone what happened to me, I will take you with me and if you want, we can get gold and silver ore. It is close, not far from here". They went and came to the mountain. There they stopped. The gentleman mumbles something and the entrance to the cave opens. In front of it stood a monster, perhaps a scary giant or a strange wild beast. The gentleman pushes away the beast and walks into the cave. In the cave, the ceiling was full of gold and silver, it was nice to see. Too bad, too bad, I do not know what happened then. Kelemina, J. [47]. Schulerloch in the Netherlands, Celtic cave temple [pic.250] Greybeard Celtic priests - druids107 [magicians, healers and holy people] once had their learning centres and temples in the caves [e.g.: "Schulerloch" literally means a hole for the students and represents a 3700 year old, well-preserved Celtic temple in a cave in the Netherlands - [pic.250]], where they thought of different kinds of magic and mysteries, which are also described in the poem talking about the faraway wonderland entitled "Kaj se po svetu godi (What is happening around the world). It was written by PoZencan MatevZ from Cerklje na Gorenjskem. In the poem, he describes that the country is surrounded by golden hills and covered with golden sand and women reign there. The news of this country brings the singing bird which tells also about the greybeard sages, who guess all the secrets and know how to talk nicely, and about the cannibals Cynocephaly who know nothing of humankind." Grün, A. [107] 107 Pompius Mela [Roman geographer] stated in his records that the druids had their shelters in caves and forests. [108] Also the Bessi108, i.e. evil creatures or devils or cannibals from Pesjonarsko [origin of the name Besnica in D. Trstenjak, Sl.Glasni X 1867, 90 and J. Kelemina, Bajke in pripovedke Slovenskega ljudstva, [47] or. Cynocephaly lived beneath the lake. The terrain around Besnica is characterized by a number of basin-shaped pits and dents. In particular around Dobravsko polje, which indicates there are still many caves that collapse even today. This was recorded on Easter Monday, April 15, 1895, after the earthquake, when it collapsed in several spots [Pokorn, FS [96]]. There are also two old healing springs in Besnica [Pokorn, FS [96]], which are today no longer of interest for anyone, although one could potentially earn a lot of money: - The healing spring near Njivice; it was once blessed by a priest who went to visit a patient, and the Holy wafer fell to the ground. In that very moment a water spring appeared, which later on healed many; - The hot and cold springs are not far away, above Sum Waterfall, called "Roman Spa" by the locals. Already in 1618 gout was treated there. 4.05 Archaeology - Roman findings placed exclusively around the reconstructed lake after the spill - ESKD: 10036; Keywords: villa rustica, flat grave, cremation burial, inhumation burial; Type: archaeological heritage; Name: Mosnje - archaeological site under the road; Fields: archaeology; Description: construction remains of Roman rural settlements (villa rustica). Based on long segments of the retaining wall, researched part of the settlement decreases in terraces. Complements to the whole settlement are also skeletal and cremation graves are nearby; Location: the Roman villa was situated on the slope of Upper Sava terrace above the left bank of the Sava River, south of Mosnje. Individual findings suggest that the architectural remains of Mosnje spread north to the lower terrace above Globoko. [pic.251] - ESKD: 17604; Keywords: flat grave; Type: archaeological heritage: Name: OtoCe - Iskra archaeological site; Fields: archaeology; Description: During construction works on the site of Iskra an oil lamp was found, indicating the existence of the Roman cemetery nearby. Location: the archaeological site covers the area around Iskra Factory. [pic.251] - ESKD: 17603; Keywords: plumbing; Type: archaeological heritage: Name: OtoCe - Roman aqueduct Fields: archaeology; Description: remains of the Roman aqueduct were found in the settlement; Location: Roman aqueduct was found in the area west of the Church of St. Anton, on the slope south-west of the village of OtoCe. [pic.251] - ESKD: 1 7608; Keywords: cave outpost; Type: archaeological heritage: Name: Zalose - archaeological site Jama pod Stolcem; Description: a rock shelter where a bronze -probably Roman or medieval- necklace was found. The cave is suitable for a temporary shelter, but not for a longer stay; Location: The entrance to the cave is in the conglomerate walls south of the railway line in Zalosa. [pic.251 ] - ESKD: 16550; Keywords: cave outpost; Type: archaeological heritage: Name: Gobovce - archaeological site Ciganska Jama; Fields: archeology; Description: 108 Herodotus stated that the Bessi were some sort of priests, which is also mentioned by Jordanes. Deep rock shelter in the conglomerate wall, coins from 134-395 AD were found (the majority from the 4th century). There are some other rock shelters in the area, which could occasionally serve for sheltering; Location: The entrance to the cave lies in the conglomerate wall which gradually descends towards the left bank of Sava River in Podnart, east of the branch road from Podbrezje in direction of Podnart and Kropa. [pic.251] НТч M / /vv.-. 1.-Џ O archaeological sites O natural attractions Reconstruction of the lake on a 3D relief map of the area [pic.251] - ESKD: 28772; Keywords: villa rustica; Type: archaeological heritage: Name: Strahinj - villa rustica Fields: archaeology; Description: the remains of the Roman country villas, which have been identified through analysis of aerial photographs and through an archaeological field survey; Location: the archaeological site lies on an elevated plateau (the rest of the conglomerate terrace of TrZiska Bistrica), east of Zeje and northwest of Strahinj. [pic.251] - ESKD: 5149; Keywords: ancient fort; Type: archaeological heritage: Name: Naklo - fort on Stucelj above Pivka; Fields: archaeology; Description: conglomerate pier, from three sides surrounded by precipice, while the east part is protected with a defensive ditch and embankment. In the southern part the remains of a square tower have been preserved, the line in the wall indicates an entrance (6th - 7th centuries); Prof. Dr. Peter Fister finds in his research that this was a Roman watch tower; Location: a fort is located on the pier on the western edge of Udin Borst, east of Naklo, above Pivka and Malo Naklo. [pic.251 ] - ESKD: 12632; Keywords: archaeological site; Type: archaeological heritage, Name: Zgornja Besnica near Kranj - the location of the Roman baths; Fields: archaeology; Description: most likely the Roman baths had been located in the same location as the medieval spa; Location: the right bank of NemilisCica, above the waterfall near Zgornja Besnica, [pic.251] - ESKD: 16382; Keywords: archaeological site, ash container; Type: archaeological heritage: Name: Naklo - Pivka archaeological area; Field: archaeology; Description: The site of a Roman stone ash container, possibly a part of a larger cemetery. Location: the archaeological area occupies the courtyards of the farms Pivka 11, 13 and 15 [pic.251 ] 4.06 Bifurcation - ancient rivers, their former river flow and the reconstruction of events In our Old World, [as described by Vuga, [109], cartographer Wolfgang Lanz in 1545 and also Sebastjan Münster in 1550 published in Zupanek, B. [110], Abraham Ortelius in 1624 in PangersiC, [44]] two magnificent rivers used to flow: Ister109, which joined the Danube towards the Black Sea, and the second stream of the river called Eridan110, which flowed in the direction of Trieste into the Adriatic Sea - as witnessed by the line in the territory, which divides the territory into the Adriatic and the Black Sea catchment area111. Bifurcation of the old river stream of the Sava River was also noticed by geologist Ljubo Zlebnik in his geological research of the former Sava stream in the area of Temnik. However, the idea was later abandoned since he thought that all this did not make much sense; he thought it is strange that one part of the watershed ran in the opposite direction -i.e. up, although the inclination of the terrain was bigger and the current in the opposite direction was stronger than downwards - therefore, he was not able to define where the riverbed should continue because of the large debris in the Sava River. KusCer, D. [103]. Furthermore, the old underground riverbed of the Eradin River through Rovnik Mountain broke after the outflow of the lake because the cataclysm with the conglomerate sludge of the former cave assemblies beneath the lake closed a part of the lake in the mountain. The consequences of the spilled lake, which bumped into the underground stream of the Eridan River with great force, were also felt in Poljane Valley (Poljanska dolina), when once high waters hit through the mountain in the Skofja Loka range. That is how the lake in the Poljane 109 Jordanes (in his "Getica", 522 AD) claims that the Ister River was named by the "Bessi", an independent Thracian tribe that once lived in Bulgaria. The river was named after their goddess Eastar, the so-called Great Mother. Therefore, the Ister River was sometimes simply referred to as a mother. The original pronunciation of word Istar was "Easter". Herodotus described the river Easter as the only river that can compete with the Nile. Regarding its flow, he states that it is high and steady regardless of the season. [111] 110 Eridan flows into Rodanus - Soca? [in Ajshil at Plinij NH 37, 11, 31-32] Vuga [109]; Apollonius, R. [78] 111 The catchment area is the whole area from which the rivers flow into the same sea. It consists of several sub-basins and bears the name of the sea into which rivers flow. In Slovenia, there are many river basins, but only two catchment areas (the Adriatic and Black Seas). A minor Adriatic catchment basin covers the basin of the Soca and other coastal rivers, while the greater Black Sea basin includes all other rivers [Sava, Drava, Mura, Kupa]. Valley, which was once more closed, was formed. Stanonik, M. [112] Vlahi -aboriginal people dug the part towards the old bed of the Ister River, which flowed past Skofja Loka, and the water of the newly dug lake drained away. Due to 9 years of flooding, the conglomerate river barrier and buried riverbed that once flowed past Crngrob towards Skofja, thelster River simply died at Drulovka. TfMka i«nrn A ipot wher , lithing nel( X , The locotiont oi Nvo Castles, whose remoirts can be itiO teen lockiy Tht locollon oi fhe »hlfd coftle. wh«h link «nlo greund. hci no» bMn öefin«d yfi The vtlloge o4 Okrogio vos th« lost «loie o«med by ibe bohofii d Fretsmg (Dommotttn o( loko) ond the only one shelchmg btyond Sovo R>v«r. In 1263, th« t«rniorv wos glv*n to Btthop Konrod II by Oed) Kinq Onokor II The Bishop« ol Fre« colon.sed tht etioi«. bu« the villoge oi Okrogio hod olr«odr b««fl ипМ. 8r 1786 .t hod been [oirwd lo the pansh oi NoUo. bui belonged lo the porlih o» Smoftin in SrrotiKt. Hcfik croiied Sovo Rivtf ond otiended the p.tgr.rT>aoe to the hollr dturch of Sl. Jotl. Alreody back .n the 13' CtmwOf 0 iormtr by thf nom« Svnoh took thf p«opl« ifom on« f«d« oi Sovo River to or>ofher by boot. lote« on, this right woi given to the church d Okrogio ond in th« »«»od hoH of th, 19" ceniwry to o miller who owned 0 mill oo Sovo River The tocolion vrhere Leunkur iound the rtioocing d boat The locolion o> the g«rit rock ts dettroyed fhe c Ч cov« fo«T\Ctioni. whv Irom ^0f|0 loko, the newty iormed loke droinj towo'd» ihe riv«rbed of newly iormed Sovo River. Th« «ntronc« into th« und«rground ''V,,^"»"?' ^ of the con9lon>erote Korii begon In Bejnico ond fhen splrt into hvo bronchM - one poii stretched beneort) the loke to Ud«n borft. wh.le the othe» potted th/owgh Rovmk ond iurthef to Skoito Loko Hill» Smorietno go'o \ Qt. Wörenberg whore the mhobitontj oi Comlolo uted to the loke The otd riverbed of Eoster River flon«d ihrough Drvlovko ond Kirther on towords Ortgrob, oll th« woy to »he $po» wher« ikoi|o Loko •» $itwo»ed todoy. Howe««». « ii impouible Knee «f becow» »he wne-yeor coftglomyof rubble filied «t completely (the woter ut«d to Aow over Sorlko polj« towordt Ltubljono. bii«>g>ng the 9«o*«l with >») • Reconstruction of the lake according to written records and toponymy [pic.252] Only the lower stream of the confluence of the Danube in Belgrade kept the river alive. Therefore, the lower part of the Danube was sometimes called Easter/Ister at the times of Jordanes. The Sava River, to which Italians built a new bed but only after nine years of flooding, was as grand as Easter/Ister used to be [for which it was considered that its current was always the same regardless of the season; Herodotus Book 4, chapters 48 and 49] [113]. An attempt to create the plumbing for the Carniola region, depending on the cataclysmic outcome, came to a very miserable conclusion. Not only were several people killed [the bodies of the inhabitants of Kranj which were ground into the conglomerate literally created the so-called Bloody Sea throughout the whole central part of the Ljubljana Basin -Sora Field], also the larger part of the old settlement of Kranj112, under which conglomerate caves were interwoven, was carried away by the current of the spilled lake. High walls of this sink are still visible in Kranj today. Because of these disasters, the inhabitants of Kranj started building defensive walls around the northern side of the town [where once a lake rushed into the town], with the walls 112 Recent archaeological findings reported at the time of the excavations in Kranj show evidence that the town was inhabited already more than 7,000 years ago and that it lost 7 m of pier only in the last 300 years. It is thus assumed that in the past 5,000 years many ancient settlements in the area of Kranj were buried. Sagadin, M. [114] up to 10 m thick. However, since not all the water from the old lake was completely drained, the Romans in Stucelj [at the location of the demolished castle, whose owners built a new one in Brdo near Kranj [Vrhovnik, [92]] built the watch towers, which held a similar role to the guard led by the Carniolans at Smarjetna gora [which is also the location of Wartenberg Castle]. The lake [pic.252], which was once simply called "murje" [sea in Slovene because the water of the lake was once salty, then brackish, and finally fresh] has got a new name, i.e. Mursa or the lake above the caves [Epirus word "cave" named Mursa in the survey of Berlin linguist Vasmer in A. Mayer,[115]; Epirus is the historical northern Greek historical landscape, which lies next to the Albanian border and borders on the Thessaly region, the native country of traveller and hero Jason, who travelled through the country with the Argonauts more than 800 years before the disaster of spilled lake]. The glacier, which once stretched all the way to Radovljica, eventually disappeared and no longer filled the lake [the remains of the lake water which had not spilled eventually dried up, the remaining caves kept collapsing] and only two rivers remained that previously flowed together in the lake, i.e. the Sava and TrZiska Bistrica Rivers. The event has never been forgotten among the people, it has been passed from generation to generation and from mouth to mouth until the day when an unknown teacher of the grammar school in Naklo in 1939 also wrote it down [ZZOSN, [89]]. The rest of the lake was preserved in this place due to constant inflow of numerous springs from Udin Borsta113. The spot where the inhabitants of Kranj drained the lake in 1828 was marked even in the Franciscan cadastre [the vortex in the area of Temnik] - the spot in the 3D model is visible even today. The last remnants of the broken egg - a huge rock [KoZuh, [116]], which was demolished by the inhabitants of Kranj, was removed in 1908, when the railway through Temnik to Monfalcone was finally built [although the railway was brought to Carniola by 1870 and the last 15 kilometres were upgraded only 38 years later when nobody believed that the railway would really be constructed, as the route had been laid out several times but nothing had happened [ZZOSN, [89]]. The reconstruction of the lakes and two ancient rivers is captured by the recorded historical facts fromthe village of Okroglo, which was under Smartin parish in Skofja Loka Dominion constantly until 1786, when it was finally connected to the parish of Naklo. The connection to Smartin was interrupted when the chaplain of Naklo had the confirmation in Okroglo in 1853 [the blessing to the inhabitants of Okroglo was brought when the bridge was built in 1936, because they did not have any connection with the rest of the world - with a new bridge, also the value of their land was higher by100 % [ZZOSN, [89]]. 5.0 The land of the first and second Eden The stories of the first and second Eden are bound together by the architect JoZe PleCnik into a common composition of the land with "the Rooster Fountain" [pic.253], whereby the first Eden is represented by four vessels through which the water flows and which imply the four rivers, parted from the Garden of Eden river: 113 The data about the hydrological structure of Udin Borst show that as many as 35 permanent springs, 6 of which are extremely rich with water, once represented the only source of drinking water for the surrounding areas. Today, according to the EIONET only the sprinf od Strahinj is registered as having a really powerful source of 8 l/s. Petric, M. [117]. Pishon, Gihon, Hiddekel and Phrath. The Second Eden, on the other hand, is symbolized by the rooster on top of the obelisk, holding a celestial egg in its claws. The passage between the first and second is characterised by the transition element, indicating the cardinal points of the sky (N, S, E and W), whereby the course and position of the river of Eden is directed towards SE. It is also the direction towards which Adam was exiled, when his residence in Eden was no longer permitted114. However, we witness the actual exile from Eden only during the Flood, when the trace of the four rivers is blurred and Noah symbolically leaves the Garden of Eden on the ark, built right from the wood of the tree of knowledge of good and evil. Plecnik's Rooster Fountain next to the Rosary church's arcades and the one-time city centre of Kranj's main entrance. 1952-59 [pic.253] According to Herodotus [4th book, chapters 48, 49] the Eden River called Ister [river called after goddess Ishtar], which was still known in the Silver Age, was the most prominent river in the Old World and following its passage into the present area of the Black Sea it ramified. While in Herodotus' time it had a five-branch river mouth, it currently has only a three-branch one [and an artificial river bed]; in the period before the Flood it probably had a four-branch mouth [pic.254,255]. 114 "Exile from Eden [First ßook of Moses, ch. 3, par. 24]: He drove out the man, and at the east of the garden of Eden he placed the cherubim and a flaming sword that turned every way to guard the way to the tree of life." The Holy ßible [118] Reconstruction of the Garden of Eden according to the record in the Bible115 [pic.254] Ister, also known as Savus, on Abraham Ortelius' map from 1624 [pic.255]. Easter/Ister is the second name for Ishtar or Astarte, "the Queen of Heaven or Eden Queen." 115 "8 And the LORD God planted a garden eastward in Eden; and there he put the man whom he had formed. 9 And out of the ground made the LORD God to grow every tree that is pleasant to the sight, and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of knowledge of good and evil. 10 And a river went out of Eden to water the garden; and from thence it was parted, and became into four heads. 11 The name of the first is Pison: that is it which compasseth the whole land of Havilah, where there is gold; 12 and the gold of that land is good: there is bdellium and the onyx stone. 13 And the name of the second river is Gihon: the same is it that compasseth the whole land of Ethiopia. 14 And the name of the third river is Hid'dekel: that is it which goeth toward the east of Assyria. And the fourth river is Euphra'tes." The Holy Bible [118] The changes on the earth's surface in the area of the Black Sea were major after the Flood [pic.256,257,258,259]. As William Ryan and Walter Pitman from Columbia University established in 1997, the common theory of the formation of the Black Sea indicates that a massive amount of water flowed through the Bosphorus Strait [present Istanbul], where the water from the Mediterranean flooded and filled a smaller freshwater lake. This catastrophe irreversibly changed the history of the people living in this area, as well as the life of animals and plants. According to the theory, before that date the glacial melt water that once supplied the coasts of the Black and Caspian Sea, and the freshwater lakesthat occupied vast areas, emptied into the Aegean Sea. As the glaciers retreated, the water level was reduced [...]116 William Ryan and Walter Pitman [119]. Yet the colossal changes led also to the loss of any trace of the four rivers that once flowed from Eden. The deep bed of the former river under the Black Sea from the Mediterranean through the Bosphorus [pic.256] and part of the structure of large settlements under the Black Sea [pic.257] The findings of Russian scientists in the depths of the Black Sea [pic.258,259] 116 Accessible on 30 May 2012 at: 5.01 The rich Province of Carniola, also known as the Garden of Eden, through ancient written records of our region Hecataeus of Miletus (560 - 480 BC) is the first author who described our territory and whose statements were preserved in the opus of Stephanus of Byzantium from 6th century AD: "The land is suitable for stock breeding, so that livestock gives birth twice a year and the births are even double, often even three or four offsprings are born, and sometimes even five or more. Hens lay eggs twice a day, even though amongst all birds they are rather small." Zlobec, B. [120] Between the years 519 - 512 BC Pseudo-Scylax described our territory by listing nations that live in the northern Adriatic: 18. Celts: "After the Tyrrheni come the Celts (the remnants of an invasion); they extend on the narrow part as far as the Adriatic Sea. It is the inmost recess of the Adriatic Sea. 19. Veneti: After the Celts, come the Veneti, in whose territory is the Eridanus River." [The Catholic University Bulletin. Vol. XIII, January, 1907] "Here the sailing along the shore lasts one day. 20. Histri: Beyond the Veneti, is the nation of Histri, and the river Hister. This river outflows into the Pont [...] The sailing along the Istrian coast lasts for one day and one night. 21. Liburnians: After the Histri, is the nation of Liburnians. On the land of the aforesaid nation there are the coastal towns Lias, Idasa, Atienites, Diita ... Women are the rulers, and they are wives of liberals, and they also have intercourse with their slaves and men from neighbouring towns. Alongside this land we find the following islands: Istris, with 310 stadia of length and 120 stadia of width, Electrides, Mentorides. These are large islands." Zlobec, B. [120] Apollonius Rhodius (300 - 246 BC) was a poet and librarian in Alexandria, and with Timagetus as his source, gave a more detailed though geographic - epic illustration of this area from the times, around 1200 BC: "For there is another course, signified by those priests of the immortal gods from [...] Thebes [...]" At that time Eeria, a land rich in harvesting, was called "mother of Egyptians," a young nation at that time, "and the fair-flowing river by which all the Morning-land is watered was called Triton; and never does the rain from Zeus moisten the earth; but from the flooding of the river abundant crops spring up [...] There is a river, the uttermost horn of Ocean, broad and exceedingly deep, that a merchant ship may traverse; they call it Ister and have marked it far off; and for a while it cleaves the boundless tilth alone in one stream; for beyond the blasts of the north wind, far off in the Rhipaean mountains, its springs burst forth with a roar. But when it enters the boundaries of the Thracians and Scythians, here, dividing its stream into two, it sends its waters partly into the sea on the east, and partly to the south into a deep gulf that bends upwards from the Trinaerian sea [...] For a certain island is enclosed by Ister, by name Peuee117, three-cornered, its base stretching along the coast, and with a sharp angle towards the river; and round it the outfall is cleft in two. One mouth they call the mouth of Narex, and the other, at the lower end, the Fair mouth. And through this Apsyrtus and his Colchians rushed with all speed; but the heroes went upwards far away towards "7 this island of triangular shape could easily be the Sava Island, which with its present triangular shape and its base stretching along the bank of the river bed still divides the river into two branches. the highest part of the island. And in the meadows the country shepherds left their countless flocks for dread of the ships, for they deemed that they were beasts coming forth from the monster-teeming sea. [...] But when they had passed near the mount Angurum, and the cliff of Cauliacus118, far from the mount Angurum, round which Ister, dividing its stream119, falls into the sea on this side and on that, and the Laurian plain, then indeed the Colchians went forth into the Cronian sea and cut off all the ways, to prevent their foes' escape. And the heroes came down the river behind and reached the two Brygean isles of Artemis near at hand. Now in one of them was a sacred temple120; and on the other they landed, avoiding the host of Apsyrtus; for the Colchians had left these islands out of many within the river, just as they were, through reverence for the daughter of Zeus; but the rest, thronged by the Colchians, barred the ways to the sea. And so on other islands too, close by, Apsyrtus left his host as far as the river Salangon and the Nestian land. [...] And quickly they entered the ship, and toiled at their oars unceasingly until they reached the sacred isle of Electra, the highest of them all, near the river Eridanus. But when the Colchians learnt of the death of their prince, verily they were eager to pursue Argo and the Minyans through all the Cronian sea. But Hera restrained them by terrible lightnings from the sky. [...] Thus Argo cried through the darkness; [...] And far on sped Argo under sail, and entered deep into the stream of Eridanus; where once, smitten on the breast by the blazing bolt, Phaethon, half-consumed, fell from the chariot of Helios into the opening of that deep lake; and even now it belcheth up heavy steam clouds from the smouldering wound. And no bird spreading its light wings can cross that water; but in mid-course it plunges into the flame, fluttering. And all around the maidens, the daughters of Helios, enclosed in tall poplars, wretchedly wail a piteous plaint; and from their eyes they shed on the ground bright drops of amber. These are dried by the sun upon the sand; but whenever the waters of the dark lake flow over the strand before the blast of the wailing wind, thenthey roll on in a mass into Eridanus with swelling tide. But the Celts have attached this story to them, that these are the tears of Leto's son, Apollo, [...] the countless tears that he shed aforetime when he came to the sacred race of the Hyperboreans and left shining heaven at the chiding of his father adapted from Appolonius Rhodius; Translation by R.C. Seaton [121] Pomponius Mela (43 BC - 45 AD) elaborafed in his individual work Chorographia, which is neither a literary work nor a carfographic record (since it does not include data on distances or winds). He describes the Northern Adriatic region as: II 55-57: "This Sea, which is deeply indented into the concave coast and extends extremely in width, is populated in its upmost area (gulf) by Illyrian people up until the Cauliacus denotes a form of a big round pumpkin, which could also be the island Okroglo ("Round"), which was covered with conglomerate deposits of ruined cave structures in such dimension that nowadays it is completely unrecognizable in relation to its shape - only the name reminds us that this place was once round in shape. 119 Apollonius refers to the bifurcation of the river Ister, and its geological structure had been noticed already, as abovementioned, by Zlebnik [105][122] 120 The triangle-shaped island that we now call Konca or Nacovka was once a space where people knitted and patched (i.e. "koncali") fishing nets - however, it may have also been a "trocan" (three points of worship) temple dedicated to the goddess Mokosh, who is the patroness of spinning and weaving. Trieste ... After that there is Apollonia, Salona (Split), Iader (Zadar), Narona (Vid), Traugurium (Trogir), the Pula Bay and Pola (Pula), in which, as the story goes, lived the Colchians - however, everything comes to an end - and which today is a Roman colony. And the rivers are Ajas (Vijose), Nar (Neretva) and Danube, which in past has been called Ister; however, the Ajas flows next to Apollonia, Nar between the Pleraei and Liburnians, Ister over the Histri territory. Trieste, located inside the Adriatic gulf, concludes the Illyricum." And II 61-63: "Concordia (Concordia Sagittaria) is the closest to Trieste on the coast. Between them flows the Timavo River, which has ten sources, but outflows only through one mouth. The following is the Natizion (NadiZa; Natisone), which close to the sea reaches the wealthy Aquileia. On the coast of the upper Adriatic the river Po extends widely ... From there it flows so rapidly, chasing the waves, that it maintains for long the water such as at its outflow and it preserves its bed even in the sea, until it unites with Ister, that on the opposite side flows from the Istrian coast with the exact same rush." adapted from Zlobec, B. [120] His contemporary Strabo (64 ßC - 24 AD), on the other hand, points out other data regarding our lands. He decisively denies the theory on the bifurcation of the river Ister between the Adriatic and ßlack Sea and the traditiona/ notion that this river outflows into the Adriatic Sea as well: V. 1, 8-9: "This place (Aquileia) contains fine stations for gold washing and iron-works. At the very head of the Adriatic is the Timavum, a temple consecrated to Diomede, worthy of notice. For it contains a harbour and a fine grove, with seven springs of fresh water, which fall into the sea in a broad, deep river. Polybius (200 - 120 BC), however, says that, with the exception of one, they are all salt springs, and that it is on this account the place is called by the inhabitants — the source and mother of the sea. Posidonius (144-85 BC), on the other hand, tells us that the river Timavo, after flowing from the mountains, precipitates itself into a chasm, and after flowing underground about 130 stadia, discharges itself into the sea. That Diomedes did hold sovereignty over the country around this sea, is proved both by the Diomedean Islands, and the traditions concerning the Daunii and Argos-Hippium. Of these we shall narrate as much as may be serviceable to history, and shall leave alone the numerous falsehoods and myths; such, for instance, as those concerning Phaethon and the Heliades changed into alders near the [river] Eridanus, which exists nowhere, although said to be near the Po; of the islands Electrides, opposite the mouths of the Po, and the Meleagrides, found in them; none of which things exist in these localities. However, some have narrated that honours are paid to Diomedes amongst the Heneti, and that they sacrifice to him a white horse; two groves are likewise pointed out, one [sacred] to the Argian Juno, and the other to the Aetolian Diana.« [123] 5.02 A ceremony like no other Thrones highlight and elevate the personality sitting on them as the first among peers, as the most extreme, mighty, highly regarded and wise. And based on the ceremony, which you never hear about elsewhere, and the unparalleled ritualthat influenced even the framer of the American Constitution T. Jefferson, the double throne from Gosposvetsko polje can throw out its chest. Felicijan, J. in Kumar, A. [124]. For the peasant [as the voice of the people, which is like the voice of God -vox Populi, vox Dei] provided the prince during peaceful times and the duke during war with the authority accompanied with a promise, that as a just judge they will take care of the homeland and that they will be content with what their home soil presents them. For more than 3,000,000 years DNA has been the sole significant evolution replicator, and the thingthat makes man different from any other creature can be defined by only one word - culture. However, like genes, culture can also be passed down from generation to generation, where one can notice a similar biologically-centred development like in evolution. Popper, K. in Dawkins, R. [125]. In his research Dawkins names these cultural replicators "memes", which are passed on via imitation. Thus, as various genes are unsuccessfully replicated, the same applies to memes. The process is similar to natural selection. However, everything becomes more complex when memes compete between each other or even become adversaries. During the transmission from generation to generation memes are gradually reduced so that eventually they become completely negligible. Only the immortal memes stay alive. Dawkins, R. [125] And in this 'primordial soup' of immortal cultural genes the double correlation of the Slovenian cultural tradition of enthronement with the Irish one is put alight. Based on the genetic transmission of memes, it goes back with its tradition to the time of the four ancient Carniolans, i.e. Noah, Bith, Ladra and Fintan from the tale about the Flood Myth, when the culture of Carniolans was transmitted to Ireland as well [as an interesting detail: the meme of this ritual did not genetically transfer in its entirety into the new land where Noah landed - the other "selfish" culture genes of this area were stronger; the transmission of Bith's, Ladra's, and Fintan's memes on the cultural territory of Ireland was, on the other hand, quite preserved, due to a higher number of people in the community, especially women]. As Pleterski [126] primarily discovered, the sole scheme of the throne was also completed by two Roman milestones, which were found in 1855 with the inscriptions CIL III 5709 and CIL III 5719. The mortal NE pillar [pic.260] represents the underworld, or the region where the sun does not shine; the immortal SE pillar [pic.260], on the other hand, represents the region where the sun always shines; later in the Middle East and Egypt these pillars unite into one single torso with two heads looking in opposite directions [one head is female and the other male or perhaps both are male]. In Roman mythology both pillars represent Janus; in our mythology, on the contrary, Perun, whose characteristics, together with his axe, are later assumed by Svetovid. In the Ducal Throne their role is assumed by the pillars [marked with number 6] that delimit the eastern and western seat [pic.262]. The throne primarily represented the heavenly marriage between the prince candidate and priestess - virgin [due to the increasing rate of violence towards the female priestesses during the rite, gradually a strong resistance takes place; the priestesses withstand the violent method of public insemination, therefore later on they are replaced by a mare; however, due to the immorality, shamefulness, and the general disgust over this sodomizing ritual, which is literally imbecility, it is eventually completely discarded]. The NE and SE pillars121 of Janus - above [pic.260, 261], belowe - The Ducal Throne [pic.262] For in the land of our ancestors the priestesses, who were chosen this way, once ruled - because, if we repeat what the folklore, left to us by PoZenCan MatevZ from Cerklje na Gorenjskem, states: "the land is surrounded by golden hills, and covered with golden sand, and it is ruled by women122. The news of this nation was brought with a songbird's song, which talks about grey-bearded wise men, who solve all secrets and easily know how to speak, and about dog-heads, who do not know anything human." Grün, A. [107] The palatine (western) throne was therefore occupied by the newly elected prince, i.e. God's substitute; next to him stood his well-tamed companion, who performed the triple123 authority like a saddled mare [but as aforesaid throughout the centuries the ritual completely changed and the virgin was replaced by a mare and with that the wife as the executor of power completely lost her role]. In the year 1360 the old inscription on the eastern throne was carved over with the inscription RVDOLPHUSDUX. It phonologically means: One can reach his/her Soul through complete self- 121 Accessible on 10 June 2012 at: 122 The reign of women in our country is dealt with by Pseudo-Scylax as well, for he states that these are the wives of liberals [he copes with the debauchery of these women, as if "they have intercourse with everyone, even with slaves", a similar case of feminine depravity is registered also with the arrival of Bith, Ladra and Fintan to the new territory of Ireland] 123 Executive, legislative and judicial annulment. [Stres, V. 124], therefore the Anima becomes entirely complete only when it entirely surrenders to its master and is guidable and obedient like a saddled mare. Regarding a particular ritual of male supremacy over the female, William Rice from the University of California stated [in Ridley, M. [128]] "that seminal fluids of fruit flies and of human beings have a special task. The fluid in which the spermatozoa float is composed by proteins, a product of the genes, which during mating are transferred into the female's blood system and among other things reach her brain as well. It causes a decrease of the female's sexual instinct, and increases the frequency of ovulation. The female stops looking for a mate and finds herself a nest. The male seminal fluid changes her behaviour, because in this way the male tries to manipulate the female to prevent her from mating with other males and therefore she can lay more eggs with his sperm; she does it on command of antagonistic genes, probably from the Y chromosome [or the genes on the Y chromosome include them]. Due to the pressure of selection the female becomes gradually more resistant to this sort of manipulation. At last both sexes restore balance [Ridley, M. [128]]." For this reason we can deduct why nowadays this particular meme of social norms pertaining to orthodox-oriented communities of "defloration" is still maintained as the preference for the preservation of a particular cultural order, however, only in the partthat maintains the supremacy over the female population - and not in the part that gives them authority, which the man confers with each and every sexual act in a regulated way. The Ducal throne: eastern seat, left [pic.263] and western seat, right [pic.264] with the visible two pillars The higher eastern [Ducal] throne with the inscription = HERE IS WHERE MY SOUL ECHOES [the seat where the voice of the people echoes like the voice of God] [pic.263] 4 Accessible on 8 June 2012 at: The lower western [Palatine] throne with the inscription: SWEAR BY THE HOLY FAITH AND YOU WILL RISE FROM THE DEAD [the seat for the supreme judge, commander-in-chief and God's substitute] [pic.264] [Bor, M. in Kumar, A. [124]] In the ritual, when the untamed black - white mare [Otokar in Pleterski, [126]] is replaced by a priestess, the black colour represents the tamelessness and the white colour tameness - similarity: as the soul gains wisdom through leaning, so is the transformation represented by the colour metamorphosis or, in other words, if the white mare is used during the ritual, it has to be a specific breed - the grey horse, which is born black; on the left two horses of the "lion king" breed [pic.265] and on the right two "Lipizzaners," the black is the stallion, the white is the mare [pic.266] In his debate On the Soul, Aristotle broadly defines the senses, but in other words125: "Know the atman (soul) to be the master of the chariot; the body, chariot; the intellect, the charioteer; and the mind, the reins [image 73]. The senses, they say, are the horses [image 71 and 72]; the objects, the roads. The wise call the atman-united with the body, the senses and the mind-the enjoyer." Soul on a chariot and senses like unbridled horses [pic.267] 125 English translation of Katha Upanishad by Swami Nikhilananda; Accessible on 18 August 2012: 5.03 The trilogy of the throne = the trilogy of the soul= Plato's republic-soul The trilogy of the imperial Ducal throne is divided into: - the Eastern seat [Vox Populi, Vox Dei] - the voice of the people as the voice of God who "judges" - the central pillar part [NE and SE pillars] - [execution] - the Western seat [legislation] With the ritual and the writing on the thrones it is possible to divide the soul -republic metaphysically and comparatively, as Plato writes and teaches, into: - bravery - courage [guardians] - passion - moderation [teachers] - reason126 - wisdom [wise men] and only if all the three parts work uniformly, the fourth, justice, is present. But since for Plato gender is an unimportant category, Socrates asks himself in this part if such republic-soul even exists. Is this a place that is ideal, or a place that does not exist? adapted from Plato, Socrates in Velikanje, M. [128] Because in such a harmonic republic, it would be possible to live in peace, harmony and prosperity. Utopia and anti-utopia would reflect as the state of the spirit which is reflected onto the entire society. Or as Thomas wrote in his gospel: "When you make the two one, and when you make the inside like the outside and the outside like the inside, and the above like the below, and when you make the male and the female one and the same, so that the male not be male nor the female female; and when you fashion eyes in the place of an eye, [...], and a foot in place of a foot, and a likeness in place of a likeness then will you enter the Kingdom." [adapted from The Gospel of Thomas Saying 22] [129] Because: "Human beings are continually faced with the task of identifying around themselves phenomena and relations that did not exist before, which they created alone or they received from the older generations in the past [adapted from Trstenjak, A. [130]]." The establishment of the perfect republic would return hope to humanity for the long forgotten story of the Holy Grail127, which is a sort of doctrine on the fall of 126 The reason or intellect directly translated; the philosopher and hermeneutics expert Franci Zore [131] systematically warns us about its polysemy: account(ing), valuation; measure, size; relation, harmony, relationship; interpretation; statement, proof; logical proposition; law, principle, rule; thesis, hypothesis; cause; internal conversation of the soul; thinking, reasoning, reflection, theory; the reason as an ability; continuous statement, narrative (facts or fiction), speech; fable, legend, narrative, story; speech before a court or at an assembly; verbal expression or theorem, rarely separate word; everyday speech, report, tradition; rumour; mentioning, label, description; reputation, praise, honour; discussion, conversation; right of speech; dialogue (philosophical); part, fragment of dialogue, discussion; branch, area (phil. of the system); plus literature; specific theorem, phrase; divine theorem, oracle; proverb, maxim; statement (opposite oaths); expression of decisions, purpose; command, order; the subject we are talking about, theme, object, event; complication of the narrative or dramatic poem; in art the theme of a painting; expression, theorem, speech, rational theorem; also referring to the different ways of expression, particularly artistic and literary, the components of lyrical and dramatic poetry; text, dramatic dialogue; grammatical phrase, composed term, sentence, the entire statement; language; Word or Wisdom of God, embodied as a divine contractor for creating and ruling the world. humanity with the loss of the Golden Age and Eden, the so-called time when the world was still operating as it should. The Grail, which became the myth of Eden and redemption, also represents to some authors a saucer or tray [adapted from Kenda, M. [132]] or pedestal, which is like a "blissful body," or a transformed individual to whom is given eternal life with the alchemical transformation and rebirth. Rebis - Androgyne [pic.268], which contains the characteristics in which the state of the spirit represents an important part and gender is unimportant 6.0 As a final discussion: Evolution constants of cultural genetic replicators "The scientific challenge is therefore in establishing critical analysis and classification of urban characteristics for the purpose of defining.... It would be wrong to claim that there is a unified opinion on this. Undoubtedly, we should recognize that there are differences and that the precise nature of this distinction represents a problem. The difference between the various concepts is more a difference between various types of entry and views of the urban, rather than a difference between assumptions with regards to the content. Descriptions often become urban interpretations but without a context, which would allow the project of criteria for its definition. The individual's own interpretation can therefore very quickly turn into a selection of those criteria, which derive from the individual's "power". The scientific challenge is therefore in establishing a critical analysis and classification of urban characteristics with the intention of identifying common characteristics and differences. Already in the introductory chapters, Giedion [adapted from Giedion, 1997] asks himself which are the real sources of efficient urban forms and which are^ the true forces that shaped urban growth and development." adapted from Cerne, A. in Cerpes, I. & Desman, M. [133] 127 Irish mythical legends are the main source of the legend of the Grail, which, according to earlier versions, represented a magical cauldron, which all gods envied and tried to steal from one other. It appeared in the form of a rebirth cauldron, a cauldron of inspiration and a cauldron of abundance. "Memes" as cultural genetic replicators are transmitted from generation to generation and from place to place with the spoken and written word, by personal patterns and through many other types of influences. They do not differ from the chromosome records in our genes. Space through time and the development of an organism defines through time in its development 22 constants plus the XX or XY genes for determining sex. For the very explanation of the urban we need first to define space with the characteristics that define it in its geographical infinity with all geomorphological changes as well as with the space that has borders and defines the settlement space. Because, in the end, the variability of both together defines a unique cultural landscape. In search of the meanings of settlement space, Alenka Fikfak [adapted from Fikfak, [136]], in relation to the research of Goriska brda, provides 20 evolutionary constants that ensure the stability system: 1. SPATIAL - Terrain - Water - Light - Climate - Vegetation - Settlement - Construction 2. TECHNOLOGICAL - Technology 3. ECONOMIC - Infrastructure - Connections - Market - Activities 4. SOCIAL - Demography - Culture 5. SOCIO-POLITICAL - Socio-political framework - Normative and administrative criteria 6. ECOLOGICAL - Environmental protection 7. CULTURAL AND AESTHETIC - Environmental influence - Building style - House forms and culture For the possibility of determining the methodological criteria of urban space, these 20 already defined constants are complemented with the eighth group that contains the EVOLUTIONARY-CONCEPT CONSTANT, i.e.: - Conceptualization of spatial organization - anthropomorphic personification of "animus" - Sampling of spatial organization - anthropomorphic personification of "anima" and as the last genetic evolutionary doubling constant, which defines the "pole" or orientation, which we complement with the ninth group that defines the NUCLEATING-DISPERSION CONSTANT, with which we determine the sex of the spirit of a place "genius loci", i.e.: - Nucleation - "genius loci" determines the XY chromosome constant of the space - Dispersion - "genius loci" determines the XX chromosome constant of the Space Electron Eve Adam [nukleus] Adam's rib Application of Christaller's cell structure to the hydrogen atom [pic.269] Adam and Eve [pic.270], the rib is in Hebrew called "CELA" [cell? structure] Christaller [adapted from Fikfak, A. [136]] draws closer the stratification of the space, which is divided into the centre and the margin [pic.271], or core and periphery, with the nucleating-dispersion polarity [pic.272] with the language of the mindset of the cellular hexagonal structure [pic.273,274]. And just as the complete examples of Christaller are not detected in the real world, the same case occurs in cellular structures. Christaller's cellular network, examples of polarity of spatial structures [pic.271,272] Example of epithelial cells - quite correct [pic.273] and incorrect [pic.274] hexagonal structure Example of use of Christaller's cell models on the European space [adapted from Urban Studies, 47 (13), (2010), 2803 - 2818 published on the internet 20.02.2008 with final corrections on 25.11.2009], which does not take into account the evolutionary genetic constants that determine the readability of the space [pic.275]: Application of Christaller's cell structures to the European space [pic.275] 7.0 Anthropoblogy - a joke as the entrance into a culture: Adam and Eve are Slovene128 After the last meeting of the European Community, some politicians decide to visit the Louvre, to relieve some stress. They stop in front of a painting of Adam and Eve in Eden and admire it. Angela Merkel says: "Look at this bodily perfection: she is tall and thin, he has an athletic, muscular body... Wunderbar! They are surely German!" Sarkozy immediately answers: "Ce n'est pas possible! You can see from far away the erotic charge in both characters ... she is so feminine ... He is so masculin .... they know that the ordeal will come soon, and ... Mais oui, they must be French!" Gordon Brown shakes his head: "Look it better! Serenity on their faces, how sophisticatedly they stand, what royal movements, they seem so restrained, like the British... They may only be English, of course!" After a few moments Pahor utters: "I do not agree! Kindly look at them a little more closely: they are naked, barefoot, they don't have a house... all they have is an apple... they don't complain, and, above all, they believe they're in Eden ... There is no doubt that they are Slovene!" Adam and Eve in Paradise with God [pic.276] 8 Available on 10.06.2012 at 8.0 The origins of the 'Slovenian hat', symbolism and practical applicability in the Garden of Eden As previously mentioned, there were giants living in ancient times who are nowadays in our region remembered as the Ajdi or the Gejdi or the Jejdi, in Croatia referred to as »Kranjac129« or Kranjec [the Carniolan]. They looked like humans but were awfully big [20 and more metres high]. The first generation of the giants lived on the Glass Mountain [Russia] from where they moved to our highest mountains and highlands for an unknown reason. Based on a Russian legend, these giants were called the Samoyeds130 and they spoke the Enets or the Nenets language. The incredible heroic actions of the Samoyeds are described in long heroic poems called siudbabts'3', preserved by the Nenets people from Ural in Russia in their tradition. Based on a local legend, the Pechoro-Ilychsky reserve was a holy place and the crossing of it was prohibited, but six giants did not respect this prohibition. Their shaman cast a spell on them and the giants turned into six high monadnocks. The seventh monadnock, that stays significantly behind the 129 The Ajdovska or Roman girls. The Greek. No.:170, Kelemina, [47] 130 131^ay-to-Russia/Nentsy.html others, represents the shaman who was a victim of his own spell as well132 [monadnocks from 30 to 42 m high]. The monadnocks are called Man Pupu Nyor Russia Ural - the krivopjetas133 and the Ajdovska girls have the shamanistic power of turning people into stone on top of the mountains, according to our tales [pic.277]. The petrified Ajdovska girl tale: One night the Ajdovska girl visited a dairymaid in Trenta who had just given birth to a son. The Ajdovska girl foretold that thechild would shoot the Goldhorn and gain a fabulous treasure with his horns. The sisters of the Ajdovska girl heard the prophecy and cursed her, so she became petrified after she returned under the Prisojnik Mountain [pic.278,279]. Blood is thicker than water, genes have been passed from generation to generation and the Ajdi tradition, which has been preserved to today, says that every following generation shall be smaller and gradually become as big as humans in order to survive. Their species kept on diminishing and gaining wisdom until our species arrived - the humans. The old generations that lived unusually long were sad and angry because of that and declared war against people. But as the humans were very clever they tricked the Ajdi and always won. Möderndorfer [46] The genetic memory on the Ajdi species has not yet become extinct completely. Furthermore, some of the Ajdi's genes have been transmitted on those descendants mentioned in the tale and they have become human. Our Slovenian genus still remembers the strong Peter Klepec from Osilnica, Martin Krpan from Vrh pri Sveti Trojici, Löl Kotlic Osojcan from Rezija, Veli JoZa from Motovun and the Carniolan Hercules JoZe Stempihar from Olsevek. But this is not all, there is a famous tale witnessed by Johann Weikhard von Valvasor thirteen years before he started writing The Glory of the Duchy of Carniola. We could say it is man's power against nature's power on the researched territory of the overflown lake, precisely in Bistrica [in the valley between Naklo and Besnica]. This is what Valvasor says [adapted from XV. Rivers and streams in Carniola, [68]]: "If you travel from Kranj to Radovljica, halfway you have to ride on horseback across the Bistrica river; if the water is high the horse cannot pass it as the current overturns it immediately. But near the river live people who are accustomed to 132 133 Wild women who lived in mountain caves and knew the various secrets of nature passing the water although it reaches their chest; they transfer the horse and carry over other people on their shoulders. It is very peculiar that the horse cannot withstand the power of the rushing river easier than a man and that it cannot cross the river but we shall believe firmly as these people are unbelievably strong and they defeat the power of the rushing current not only with a powerful body but with exercise and habit as well. To my great surprise, thirteen years ago I saw a big and tall man who carried various wooden vessels such as buckets, tubs and similar things on his shoulder according to the local tradition and the burden stretched up to five inches above his head and weighed more than one hundred pounds. He demanded a local man to carry him across the water. He wanted to put down the vessel thinking that someone else would carry it separately. The local man laughed and said: 'Do you think that I cannot carry you with your vessel? Just sit on me and you will see quickly. You only have to give me a penny.' The tall man stepped on a rock and sat on his shoulder. The local man was walking as easily as if he were carrying feathers, although the water reached his chest and the legs of the man sitting on his shoulder were knee-high in water. People here do not withstand wading and carrying burden, not even in the worst winter, as the habit made them stronger... " The giants of our region, the Kranjci or the Carniolans as already mentioned, knew the secret of a very long life offered by nature with its herbs and apiculture products. Lime tree leaves with manna [pic.280] and a bee on lime blossoms [pic.281] And our paradise region once populated with numerous bee families that caused a great deal of trouble to the local people [adapted from Valvasor, [68]] was populated by lime trees in enormous number in ancient times as well [lime [Tilia platyphillos Scop.]; small-leaved lime [Tilia cordata Mill.]; small-leaved lime [Tilia parvifolia Ehrh.]; large-leaved lime [Tilia grandifolia Ehrh.]]. Our ancestors established that the only part where the bees were not irritated and combative were the places under the lime trees with their surroundings. The honeydew-flow from lime trees was always rich for the bees because of the many inflorescences, and besides that it calmed the bees with its sedative properties. Near the lime trees the bees were not combative even during the time when the lime trees did not bloom [pic.281]. Only the presence of the trees could calm them with the scent and heart-shaped leaves always full of intoxicating and calming manna134 [pic.280] produced by numerous hard working ants. Because of this sedative effect on the bees the lime tree was always the centre of village life in the region of Carniola. Under the lime always stood a stone table and stones as simple seats for the village masters [as the ancient Ajdi-Carniolan once sat near the stone tables135, today known as the first ancient megalithic architectural monument named 'dolmen136' [pic.282] but these monuments were later used for tombs by the succeeding younger and smaller generations]. Poulnabrone dolmen in Ireland [pic.282] and the Ajdovska table standing south of Ziri on the border with the Idrija municipality in a small village called Ravne N46.011058 E14.117336 [pic.283] Nowadays we are reminded of these gatherings by the sixteen stone seats under a lime tree in Vrba [pic.284]. Even in the Middle Ages in Slovenia there was no church, castle, village, square or town without a lime tree. The lime tree always enjoyed great respect from the peasants, aristocracy and citizens. Under the lime tree various meetings and law suits were performed, as mentioned in such historic sources as the "institutio sclavenica" [Slovenian law] and »consuetudo sclavorum« [Slovenian habit] - in the Slovenian provinces this task was assigned to the mayor with his "dozen"—made up of twelve men at the head of the village community. The people's meetings under the lime tree were preserved up to the 16th century 134 Manna is secreted by insects [plant lice, scale insects, flatid plant hopper] who feed on the phloem juices of trees. Their alimentary tract transforms the sugars and proteins of the plant juice with enzymes. These insects' organism absorbs only a small part of the necessary substance, mostly sugars (5-10 %), and releases from the abdomen the remaining part in the shape of a sweet drop. Manna is mostly composed of carbohydrates (90-95 % dry substance) and water (up to 50 %), and it contains also nitric compounds and other substances that the plant phloem does not contain at all [a consequence of the functioning of endosymbionts [microorganisms] in the mediators of honeydew production]. 135 Mythological elements of Saint Hilary: A chair and table are two big rocks on the terrace above the Natisone River, where the very big people ate and drank or washed their feet in the Natisone. They were so big that they could make a step from the Stol Mountain to the Mija Mountain and from the Mija to the Matajur Mountain. [Kravanja, [136]; Lavrencic, [137]] 136 The term dolmen originates from the Breton word taol maen, meaning "stone table", which was first used for archaeological purposes by the French officer and explorer Theophile Corret de la Tour dAuvergne. [and were concluded with the peasant uprisings], while the mayors with their dozen remained up to the year 1848. There were also meetings of the viniCarji [wine growers and wine producers] under the lime, the so-called mountain law suits. The purpose of the law suits was to reach an agreement on regular cultivation, path maintenance, vineyard boundaries, and to make sure that the cattle did not do damage in the vineyards [pic.285]. Even the most heated disputes between neighbours were solved under the lime trees. Unfortunately, a large number of lime trees were cut down during the French occupation, because the Slovenian legal order was not consistent with the French constitution. Savli J. [138] The lime tree in Vrba surrounded by sixteen stone seats [pic.284] and the stone table near the small-leaved lime in the village Tatre in Brkini [pic.285] The lime tree leaves and branches were frequently used by people when they went to the field or to another village or town because of their calming and sedative properties on bees. And that is where the typical hat of the Carniola region originates [pic.286]. Its main components were: - Grey pointed137 hat, the non-truncated high pointed crown of the hat represented the erect, proud and unbending posture of the Carniolan man [for there was always a belief that the Carniolans as descendants of the ancient Ajdi and Enets were a bigger nation than all others and this was shown by a very high hat that was not taken off even in the presence of the king or emperor and the big Slovenians were even bigger than all the others]; the stony grey colour indicated independence, self-criticism, autonomy, freedom and nobleness - Wide brim protected from sunburn [for there was awfully little rain in this paradise region, we could say 'actually NOTHING', the harvest was watered with morning dew every day] - Lime leaves hung on strings from the wide brim [were meant for calming the bees in order not to sting them during their everyday work] and 137 Wide-brimmed black hat with a high crown, named the kalabrezar, is the giant and the glory of all hats, once the sign of revolutionaries - Two blackcock's feathers or two rooster feathers138 stuck behind the hat ribbon [in a sign of respect towards the Kuret, Celestial Rooster - their guardian] - this was worn by the most brave, combative and proud Carniolans The grey Slovenian hat with a pointed crown and wide brim on which there were attached strings with lime leaves for calming bees [pic.286] and for comparison the typical Australian hat with strings and cork attached to the wide brim [the wide brim of the Australian hat protects from sunburn and the swinging strings with cork turn away the annoying flies] [pic.287] The most distinctive part of the Slovenian Carniolan peasant clothes, to which even the emperor showed respect by wearing, is the hat in historic writings denoted as the "Slovenian hat" [windischer hut]. The Slovenian hat [pic.286] is mentioned by the chronicler Otokar in his rhymed Styrian chronicle from the years 1306 and 1308 describing the enthronement of Majnard Goriski [1286]; [Savli, 138] saying: He is also allowed to wear on his head a hat, pointed, of grey exterior, on it four tablets are set - one part of the string shall hang freely. then in the same clothes the emperor shall let him come close. And no one shall hate him if he refuses to take off his hat: he is not doing this out of arrogance, but he takes himself the right. 138 A rooster feather was a sign of rebellion during the uprisings in memory of "Celestial" rooster, the so called "Rooster of God" The hat of the Komandija region originates after the Carniolans started cutting down trees on which grew the bread loaves from the Flood Myth [because as the story tells, the Carniolans were too lazy to climb the trees and pick the loaves -they rather cut down the trees so they could pick the loaves more easily]. The story is described by MahniC as well: particularly strange will be the hat, the brim will be very small as in those worn by your Carniolan peasants, but it will be very high, more tight at the top with a pointed top; on the hat, that is expected, will be a national feather from the rooster's tail [pic.288]. As I have written to you before, the Komandis are very tall, what is going to happen when they will wear this hat and the feather on top of it!" [VIII. letter. In Koludrovica, 25 of Winduary ...9. Indija Komandija, MahniC, A., [139] As one can understand, the conditions in Carniola changed a great deal: the region was no longer watered by the dew, the sun did not burn as strongly anymore and the bees resented the Carniolans because of their mean behaviour [cutting down lime trees, for bees it was also the tree of life], and besides that the buckwheat dew, awfully important for the bees, was abandoned. The changes in the way the Carniolans treated nature contributed to the fact that there were less bees from year to year. All this influenced the shape of the Slovenian hat that did not need a wide brim nor hung lime leaves anymore. It was decorated only by a rooster feather in memory of the Celestial Rooster - the Kuret. The Slovenian hat adapted to the changes in nature and it did not need a wide brim nor hung lime leaves anymore [pic.288] and to the right the seal of Henrik Gorisko-Tirolski, representing the hat with a wide brim and hung lime leaves and rooster tuft of feathers, for the first time in a document in 1297 [pic.289] With the cutting down of numerous lime trees, not only has Slovenian law died out, but also the so-called peak of people's joy, dancing under the lime, called "the dance under the lime" or "the high dance." Fireman celebrations are frequent events in the Gorenjska region still today, but the celebration under the lime tree is organised every year only in Podkoren. And the folklore of the celebration was not just the dance , but also the traditional fighting to prove whowas stronger and better. And if there was not at least one dead or if there was no bloodshed, it was not a real celebration at all. The boys were always fighting amongst themselves as roosters for the manure heap in the courtyard. The celebration under the lime tree called "the high dance" or "the first dance" [pic.290,291] with "stehvanje139" was awoken again in 1936 in JeZica on the initiative of France Marolt. After the Second World War the stehvanje has been organised in the cultural society Savlje-KleCe, and it is being preserved even currently (the celebration also comprises the "Ljubljana peasant wedding"). On this occasion the unmarried boys act like roosters and compete to see who will be the stehvanec, the one who will break the barrel called barig/a^^0 with an iron club [stehvanj] on an unsaddled mare in gallop. Manfreda, [140]. "The high dance"or "the first dance" under the lime tree illustrated in a book of J. H. G. Schlegl [pic.290] and to the right "the dance under the lime" Zahomec [pic.291] Although the habit of the dance under the lime was preserved in the Carniola region until the French occupation, it died away almost entirely with the cutting down of innumerable lime trees. The custom of "dancing under the lime tree" is 139 The stehvanje has been preserved to today in the suburbs of Ljubljana. The inhabitants of Savlje, Klece and JeZica have adopted this celebrationdespite its origin in the Ziljska valley, and they experience it as a part of their tradition that represents the most important local event that has become a part of the cultural identity. The high dance under the lime is considered to be something elevated - something resembling a religious ceremony. Aside from the parish day and fireman celebrations, it is the most important local event that has become a part of their local identity. 140 ßarigla is a barrel made from wooden stave and tied with 14 hazel tree hoops. It is helved on a wooden pole [stebeh]. It is helved only just before the start of the game. There is a hole bored in the pole, in which a small wooden pole is stuck in order to keep the barrel standing at the height of two metres. The barrel hung like this represents the head of a Turkish commander. People used to hang the Turks on the poles and smash their heads with clubs when they invaded our region several centuries ago. The Christian Age also gave this custom a more or less Christian side. This is shown in the fact that the stehvanje begins with Gods service, with a wine blessing and a religious poem. The second part of the solemn ceremony, the dance under the lime tree, begins with a ceremonial poem of religious content. For as the aetiological tale says: "A long time ago during the dance under the lime tree, a foreigner of handsome figure and attractive behaviour approached the dancers. The dancing girls were crazy about him. He was dancing so fast that his dancers remained breathless and one of them collapsed dead in his arms. Next year on Zegeno' when the stranger returned and the dance under the lime claimed another victim, the parish priest suggested that the dance should always start with a religious poem in the future. Then a poem arose: ßuah nan dej an duber ces ... (God give us a good time)'. And from then on there were no more accidents on the dance floor." described in a poem of France Preseren [141] about 'the River Man' that mentions a brave dancer as does a tale from Ziljska valley, but in this case the event takes place on the Stari trg square near the Ljubljanica river. The dance under the lime tree is mentioned in the fourth verse. There is a green lime tree on the Stari trg square where a dance is going on and all the young girls from Ljubljana are dancing, except the most beautiful girl, called Urska. The eighth verse is describing the dance that lasts only as long as the sun shines and Urska finally accepts the invitation to dance with the River Man. The presence of a Turk at the dance under the lime is described in the thirteenth verse. Urska is already tired of dancing and she is begging the River Man to stop but in a wild dance he leads her into the storm-tossed waves of the Ljubljanica River, never to be seen again. Ursika and The Water Man [pic.292] Although the tradition of the lime as a tree of peace and life has been passed along to this day, the tradition of why it was like this has been completely lost, similar to the two legends about the Flood that bear witness of our truly very distant history. And above all, another legend has been forgotten, that is the legend about the Slovenians who once were the Ajdi and at that time God lived among them and fed them with manna [the legend of the beginning of the world; Kelemina, [47] - i.e. when he lived as the divinity Kresnik on the Crystal Mountain. The lime tree appears as a holy tree in the tradition of all the ancient Slavs, but only in the Slovenian tradition is it respected as the tree of life. The 'typical' lime leaves that do not fade on the tree of life and represent health for the people appear in the tuft of feathers on helmets [seal of the marshal of Styria, 1278]. Savli [138]. According to common belief the lime tree has magical properties because it protects from lightning, various accidents, diseases, evil spirits and witchcraft. And the lime tree under which the final peace will be made has 'seven' peaks. Pliny the Elder mentions that the lime tree leaves help against a thousand cases of illness, while the lime tree wood does not get eaten by worms. Above all, the abundant lime tree inflorescence is excellent and the most rich honey chamber. The Book of Revelation [22, 1 and 2] foretells that the tree of life will be a reward to the righteous for their good works at the end of the world. Quote: 1 And he shewed me a pure river of water of life, clear as crystal, proceeding out of the throne of God and of the Lamb. 2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations. The Holy Bible: King James Version [118] There are only three things commanded to the soul that represent something divine: to love God with all your heart, mind and feeling. Therefore, my dear Slovenians, plant again numerous lime trees, sow buckwheat and THE HEAVENLY PARADISE WILL RETURN TO YOU. And let me greet YOU at the end, as it should be OSTI JAREJ141 [remain young and healthy forever] [pic.293] 141 "Osti jarej" is a short inscription on an ancient jug for pouring drinks. It was found in the modern-day Slovenian territory near Skocjan in the Kras region in 1911. The 2,500 year old jug is being preserved in a museum in Trieste. XV. Bibliography: [1 ] Einstein, Albert [1950]: Out of My Later Years Science and Religion, II (p. 26) Thames & Hudson. London, England; in Gaither's Dictionary of Scientific Quotations [2012], Gaither, Carl C. and Cavazos-Gaither, Alma E. / Boston, MA : Springer US; 2nd ed. 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Sources of images: [pic. 01] The rib of the Ajdi girl 700?1268310391 [pic.02] the Franciscan Church of the Annunciation [Lady Days Church] at Crnogrob buvs2k4mgikpk8esatkb71v3vgfpfn3j.jpg [pic. 03] Stone hand axes [pic.04] Professor David Thomas Oxford team [pic.05] Huge bronze double axes 7w7R0/Iraklion%252520arch%252520museum%252520Alan%252520with%25252 0giant%252520axes.JPG [pic. 06] Giant pithos [pic. 07] Michael Tellinger show a footmark of Hercules [pic. 08] Michael Tellinger show a footmark of Hercules [pic.09] Giant skeleton found in the beach of india after tsunami [pic. 10] Giant skeleton found in the beach of india after tsunami [pic. 11] Giant skeleton found in the beach of india after tsunami [pic. 12] Giant skeleton found in the beach of india after tsunami [pic. 13] Giant skeleton found in the beach of india after tsunami [pic. 14] 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami [pic. 15] 2004 Indian Ocean earthquake and tsunami [pic. 16] Mt.Erice, Sicily - tomb of giant king Eryx or Grotta Gigante e del Toro [pic. 17] Remains of megalitic giant walls on Mt.Erice 19300.jpg [pic. 18] Remains of megalitic giant walls on Mt.Erice [pic. 19] Found the first tooth of a giant high nine meters? ^ A molar enormous size (pictured), about 12 cm in length, including the root, although incomplete, some dentists have already been identified as a human but "too big to be." 9fb37dd20db4ee6ced0dcc4bb9dc7840.jpg [pic.20] Klaus Dona and Adriano Forgione 6b3406f0d32238fc87df50525785ec11.jpg [pic.21] This plate shows from left to right a giant whose skeleton Boccaccio reports and discovered in Mount Erice; an ordinary man, Goliath, champion of the Philistines who was slain by David; and giants reported from Switzerland and Mauritania [pic.22] The ancient town of Eryx - one of the oldest cities in Sicily bL0nUb7U2CQ/s1600/P1070401.JPG [pic.23] The ancient town of Eryx - one of the oldest cities in Sicily [pic.24] La Chiesa Madre di Erice or The Mother Church' [pic.25] La Chiesa Madre di Erice or The Mother Church' [pic.26] The Fate of the Mammoth: Fossils, Myth, and History [2004], Claudine Cohen [pic.27] Geology and Religion: A History of Harmony and Hostility [2009], Martina Kölbl- Ebert [pic.28] The migrations of the Teutons from Jutland Cimbrians_and_Teutons_invasions.svg [pic.29] Witnesses reported that Teuthbokh king the invader of Gaul taller than the insignia of the legions [pic.30] Three massive stone block called the trilithon https://f12d7c58-a-62cb3a1a-s- jpg?attachauth=ANoY 7covKTBoL9FrE5ueSSuk4lNqT3Sl1fbui76WIEAdS3Vx1oAH_7cIaInSd0yz7HwBDc6CC ZThgH5KSUPihZKp6hhkJacvN0QUTqoMH00Sj_0kWyRIRAKJjVHoUgwgnHkgHXhkk jcKmfLbakxY- K6HB3fPlFBA8_8_ijFWkVsSE2Woaf5M2lE40y6wEham523EmNHY70o12r1hVHjN7 50cAmI4D3h038mxGxEcdqYn6bZPdlwLyvU%3D&attredirects=0 [pic.31] 2000 ton foundation stone, Temple of Jupiter, Baalbek, Lebanon http://files.abovetopsecret. com/images/member/de472d2a2a8f.jpg [pic.32] 50 to 300 ton blocks of Sacsayhuamen, Peru, fitted precisely [pic.33] 50 to 300 ton blocks of Sacsayhuamen, Peru, fitted precisely SAcsayh uaman .JPG [pic.34] 200 ton blocks at Ollantaytambo, Peru [pic.35] 200 ton blocks at Ollantaytambo, Peru http://www. [pic.36] 200 ton blocks at Ollantaytambo, Peru [pic.37] 200 ton blocks at Ollantaytambo, Peru [pic.38] 200 ton blocks at Ollantaytambo, Peru [pic.39] 200 ton blocks at Ollantaytambo, Peru content/uploads/2012/03/Ollantaytambo_Monolithen.jpg [pic.40] 100 to 200 ton foundation and wall blocks of Puma Punku, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia http://www. content/uploads/2011/01/010911_1032_PumaPunku18.jpg [pic.41] 100 to 200 ton foundation and wall blocks of Puma Punku, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia [pic.42] 100 to 200 ton foundation and wall blocks of Puma Punku, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia [pic.43] 100 to 200 ton foundation and wall blocks of Puma Punku, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia [pic.44] 100 to 200 ton foundation and wall blocks of Puma Punku, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia X-mWnPxg3P_76uZsDz7RfK&t= 1 [pic.45] 100 to 200 ton foundation and wall blocks of Puma Punku, Tiahuanaco, Bolivia content/uploads/2011/01/010911_1032_PumaPunku8.jpg [pic.46] 340 ton 65 feet high standing stones of Brittany, France—un-site-exceptionnel-3909.gif [pic.47] 340 ton 65 feet high standing stones of Brittany, France 8TE/T89bhFcwkjI/AAAAAAAAE0w/pZJTRQXwOzk/s1600/carnac-plouharnel-dolmen-de-crucuno.jpg [pic.48] Menhir du Champ-Dolent [pic.49] 340 ton 65 feet high standing stones of Brittany, France [pic.50] Walls 40 feet thick, Chan Chan, Peru with Sculpture details [pic.51] Walls 40 feet thick, Chan Chan, Peru with Sculpture details [pic.52] Walls 40 feet thick, Chan Chan, Peru with Sculpture details [pic.53] Walls 40 feet thick, Chan Chan, Peru with Sculpture details on-Tours/trujillo%20chan%20chan%2002.jpg [pic.54] Stone heads the size of a 7-storey building, on Easter Island [pic.55] Stone heads the size of a 7-storey building, on Easter Island 05/12_1_0505_j_768.jpg [pic.56] Stone heads the size of a 7-storey building, on Easter Island 1341244210 [pic.57] Stone heads the size of a 7-storey building, on Easter Island http://www. [pic.58] Stone heads the size of a 7-storey building, on Easter Island http://md .jpg [pic.59] Stone heads the size of a 7-storey building, on Easter Island 102908734.jpg?w=420&h=278 [pic.60] 25 to 50 ton blocks at Stonehenge, England [pic.61] 25 to 50 ton blocks at Stonehenge, England 1600/x3GuIhTjRxk.jpg [pic.62] 25 to 50 ton blocks at Stonehenge, England [pic.63] 25 to 50 ton blocks at Stonehenge, England [pic.64] geometrically shaped blocks at El Enladrillado, Chile http://1.bp. a6hHM/s1600/100_0638.JPG [pic.65] stone tomb on Tonga Tabu, Pacific Ocean [pic.66] stone tomb on Tonga Tabu, Pacific Ocean [pic.67] stone tomb on Tonga Tabu, Pacific Ocean [pic.68] stone tomb on Tonga Tabu, Pacific Ocean jpg [pic.69] stone tomb on Tonga Tabu, Pacific Ocean _Cs1LQTrYOw/T_5FwV4oUMI/AAAAAAAAA2w/NLMA3X60kw8/s1600/ha%255C% 2527amonga-140506-%25285%2529.jpeg [pic.70] huge statues on Nemrut, Turkey [pic.71] huge statues on Nemrut, Turkey [pic.72] huge statues on Nemrut, Turkey content/uploads/2012/06/tumblr_m42h095W0H1qggdq1.jpg [pic.73] huge statues on Nemrut, Turkey [pic. 74] giant statues, in Egypt WMag4PuHhs4/T7fxRWS4kYI/AAAAAAAADkk/RKex2Y5CIAM/s1600/Memnon.png [pic. 75] giant statues, in Egypt uk/assets/0812/0000/0143/egypt_ 172.jpg [pic. 76] giant statues, in Egypt [pic. 77] giant statues, in Egypt i5LmrVIKpzo/TbbCKnB2WfI/AAAAAAAAERU/ZsWpWZAnnvA/s 1600/Egypt-Memphis-Giant-Ramses-II.jpg [pic. 78] giant statues, in Egypt memphis%202.jpg? 1303426250 [pic. 79] giant statues, in Egypt 8LnxfYObf4Q/s1600/IMG_7010.JPG [pic.80] Statues, Bemian, Afghanistan [pic.81] Statues, Bemian, Afghanistan [pic.82] Statues, Bemian, Afghanistan [pic.83] Statues, Bemian, Afghanistan [pic.84] 500 Giants' Tombs scattered all over Sardinia dei_Giganti_Coddu_Vecchju.jpg/450px-Arzachena_Tomba_dei_Giganti_Coddu_Vecchju.jpg [pic.85] 500 Giants' Tombs scattered all over Sardinia mw-panoramio/photos/medium/11463364.jpg [pic.86] 500 Giants' Tombs scattered all over Sardinia [pic.87] 500 Giants' Tombs scattered all over Sardinia jpg [pic.88] 500 Giants' Tombs scattered all over Sardinia [pic.89] Domus de Janas (Sardinian: "House of the Fairies" or of the "Witches") hPXtu9VNUYc/s1600/gigante+tumbulu.JPG [pic.90] Domus de Janas (Sardinian: "House of the Fairies" or of the '"Witches'") [pic.91] Domus de Janas (Sardinian: "House of the Fairies" or of the '"Witches'") [pic.92] Domus de Janas (Sardinian: "House of the Fairies" or of the '"Witches'") %20Irgoli,%20Domus%20de%20Janas% 20Sa%20conca%20%27e%20mortu.jpg?u=/en/point-of-interest/irgoli [pic.93] Domus de Janas (Sardinian: "House of the Fairies " or of the '"Witches'") domus-de-janas.jpg [pic.94] Domus de Janas (Sardinian: "House of the Fairies " or of the '"Witches'") ogliastra/images/Domus%20de%20Janas%20Sceri%20a%20Ilbono.jpg [pic.95] Domus de Janas (Sardinian: "House of the Fairies " or of the '"Witches'") [pic.96] Domus de Janas (Sardinian: "House of the Fairies " or of the '"Witches'") DOMUS%20DE%20JANAS%20BUDDUSO.jpg [pic.97] Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world [pic.98] Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world [pic.99] Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world [pic. 100] Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world [pic. 101] Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world /4/daniele-1 _530207.jpg [pic. 102] Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world roccia-il-fungo3.jpg [pic. 103] Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world http://1.bp. 1600/IMG_6298.JPG [pic. 104] Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world http://farm 1 [pic. 105] Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world [pic. 106] Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world [pic. 107] Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world 1 .jpg [pic. 108] Giant stone Mushrooms all ower the world [pic. 109] Giant stone balls all ower the world 1254596416_2007-1-14-prehist-09.jpg [pic. 110] Giant stone balls all ower the world 2007/12/8020960.jpg [pic. 111] Giant stone balls all ower the world bosnia_runde_steiner_fra_pyramidene_226.jpg [pic. 112] Giant stone balls all ower the world http://static. [pic. 113] Giant stone balls all ower the world 1 -1 .jpg [pic. 114] Fossil rests of giants [pic. 115] Fossil rests of giants [pic. 116] Fossil rests of giants yg/ s1600/Imagen6.jpg [pic. 117] Fossil rests of giants http://i906.photobucket. com/albums/ac263/noorman_bay/image004.jpg [pic. 118] Fossil rests of giants [pic.119] G.Spoerri,w=840.bild.jpeg [pic. 120] authenticy certificate [pic. 121] size comparison http://www. [pic. 122] size comparison http://e-allmoney. com/banknotes/afr/img/egipet2.jpg [pic. 123] Fossil rests of giants! [pic. 124] Fossil rests of giants [pic. 125] Fossil rests of giants! [pic. 126] Fossil rests of giants [pic. 127] Bao Sisun [pic. 128] Yao Defen o8c/s1600-h/1.jpg [pic.129] Sandy Allen nWrhGGaB1Vw/s1600/2.jpg [pic. 130] Sultan Kösen _in_the_World.jpg [pic.131] Robert Wadlow [pic.132] Bao Xishun [pic.133] Leonid Stadnik [pic. 134] Andre Roussimoff and Hulk Hogan [pic.135] Giants and dwarfs [pic.136] Giants and dwarfs BnBWyjA6jvA/Tfg49z6pk3I/AAAAAAAAAA0/9Q4S2l6FU8w/s1600/N5140010-Composite_image_of_gigantism_and_dwarfism-SPL.jpg [pic.137] Giants and dwarfs [pic. 138] Robert Wadlow family jpg [pic. 139] Robert Wadlow and his shoe http://you-should. com/wp-content/uploads/2012/08/tallest_man_shoes1.jpg [pic. 140] The Queen and the skeleton of the Irish Giant' in 1962 [pic. 141] nephilim? [pic. 142] Mt.Blanco Museum [pic. 143] Kannada newspaper, 21.june 2007; G.Subramaniam, Chennai Hindu Voice http://i711 .photobucket. com/albums/ww114/unfathomable_album/orgone/ orgone%20experiments/t1/t1/t2/giant-skeleton006-1.jpg [pic. 144] Kannada newspaper article 21.june 2007, photo [pic. 145] Letter from the Department of Archaeology, India gtWRIN5DDLg/T103jaqsHEI/AAAAAAAARJg/QuEPfJYoiUI/s1600/Gigantes+docu mento+en+la+India+asi_giant_inquiry_response.jpg [pic. 146] Map from the ancient book Starodavni in danasnji Slovenci' [pic. 147] A Venetian inscription from Würmlach [pic. 148] The giant Nimrod building the Tower of Babel [pic.149] Tower of Babel [pic. 150] The beehive panel [pic. 151] The place of God's departure back to heaven [A=Würmlach] - a large triangular formation [pic.152] All seeing eye all_seeing_eye_by_ifinch-d4u 758z.jpg [pic. 153] Measurements of satellite images [pic. 154] Satellite image [pic. 155] The City and the Tower of Babel - The European Parliament [pic. 156] The City and the Tower of Babel - The European Parliament [pic.157] Glesaria [pic. 158] Thule as Tile on the Carta Marina by Olaus Magnus Thule_carta_marina_0laus_Magnus.jpg [pic. 159] The European amber road [pic. 115] [pic. 160] Stone mushroom [pic. 161] Tomaz's Table [pic. 162] Little 'Sphinx' or 'big pussy-cat' [pic. 163] A big 'Window' [pic. 164] 'Double Window' [pic.165] 'Lego bricks' 1200&h = [pic. 166] Megalits on top of a mountain Spik [pic. 167] Megalits on top of a mountain Spik [pic. 168] Megalits on top of a mountain Spikß_7065.jpg [pic. 169] Demolished megalithic temple Metulum Page 19 on [pic. 170] Demolished megalithic temple Metulum Page 21 on [pic. 171] King Matthias and his knights on the beehive panel [pic. 172] King Matthias and his knights PR_SL0_Kralj-Matjaz-%20big.jpg [pic. 173] King Matthias, the ruler of the Golden Age indeed showed up on Mount Peca in 2006 [pic. 174] King Matthias, the ruler of the Golden Age indeed showed up on Mount Peca in 2006 jpg?d41d [pic. 175] Mitical Faronika fish [pic. 176] Stone caled 'Snake head' [in Slovenia] or 'snake egg' [in ßritain] or 'chicken god' [in Russia] http://www. af323d01db3d784f5d7d8f8ca74a69ab.jpeg [pic. 177] Stone caled 'Snake head' [in Slovenia] or 'snake egg' [in ßritain] or 'chicken god' [in Russia] -Huehnergott.jpg/684px-Feuerstein_mit_Loch-Huehnergott.jpg [pic. 133] [pic. 178] Noah s sons planting vines [pic. 179] Slovenia as Mat Kurja [Mother hen]ßy30ßs5Fg/TAßR2NHFgYI/AAAAAAAAAMc/d5CgqHS Lbvs/s1600/Kura.jpg [pic.180] Slovenia as Mother hen [pic.181] Mating [pic.182] Rooster [pic.183] Three lazy men nedetail.jpg?w=600 [pic. 184] Broken egg _Kush_Sunrise_by_the_Ocean.jpg [pic. 185] The world's oldest grapevine is in Slovenia in the town of Maribor 8k/s1600/Stara_trta_pomlad_05_Slovenia_Slovenija_Maribor_Pohorje_Ljubomir_M ajninger_05_obd.jpg [pic. 186] The world's oldest grapevine is in Slovenia in the town of Maribor http://www. [pic. 187] The world's oldest grapevine is in Slovenia in the town of Maribor [pic.188] Vine 124817178503946328j5nun%281%29.jpg [pic.189] Firebird Phoenix [pic. 190] Plecnik's "Celestial" rooster, the so called "Rooster of God" with a celestial egg on the top of the Rooster fountain, Kranj [pic. 191] The bronze rooster or Pheonix Kinkaku on the top of the zen temple of the golden pavilion in Kyoto from the era between 1337 and 1573 AD. [pic. 192] Byödö-in, a Buddhist temple in the city of Uji (Kyoto) shows the Chinese Phoenix Feng [male] and Huang [female] from 1053 AD. _phoenix-byodo-in-1053AD-Heian-in.jpg [pic. 193] The two-headed blue and golden Phoenix on the coat of arms of the Province of Carniola and the one-headed red and golden Phoenix on the coat of arms of Kranj in the code: "The Kranj Antiphonary" writer and illuminator Ioannes von Werd de Augusta, August 17, 1491. [pic. 194] Sarimanok, Celestial Rooster, Philippines [pic. 195] Goddess Ishtar and all-seeing eye [pic. 196] Holy Lady on the ancient cathedral of Carantania, the first Slovenian state - Gosposvetsko polje' [pic. 197] Four locations where arks were built in Noah's time [the four saved Carniolans, three of whom are not mentioned in the story] [pic. 198] Cessair and Fintan before they sailed away The shore and three ships in the background jpg [pic. 199] Bee on buckwheat jpg [pic.200] Wild bee honeycomb [pic.201] The Koromandija' or The Land of Cockaigne where sweat bread grows also on house walls [pic.202] As in Paradise, snakes are most welcome in the vineyard because they catch everything that damages the grapevine [pic.203] A Bottle of Wine [pic.204] The NEW tree of life in the pot of mercy with two panthers, holding the horn of abundance in their paw, Maria Saal [pic.205] The rooster on St. Bartholomew's church from the 14"hcentury, Ljubljana _ 14st_slo_lj%20%281%29.JPG [pic.206] Urn with a rooster, Bela Cerkev, 2"d century AD jpg [pic.207] Church of Saint Mohor, Moravce, fresco cerkev_sv_mohor/sv_mohor_1852_moravce_fra_mason.JPG [pic.208] Vine wood http://www.cedarmountainwinery. com/GRAPEVINE_PILE.jpg [pic.209] Vine waste in piles ht'p:// rez-vinske-trte-2-2010/ rozje-v-kupih_z.jpg [pic.210] The Vace situla - ceremonial drinking of wine [pic.211] Plecnik's chalice for worship [pic.212] A photo of the Turkish rescue airplane of the trapped Noah's Ark in the coagulated volcanic river from a height of 10,000 feet GALERIJA/g-noe/Life1.gif [pic.213] The journey of Noah's Ark across the volcanic river [pic.214] Hand-sized rivet from aluminium and titanium [pic.215] The petrified remains on the mountain [pic.216] The location of Noah's ark remains in Turkey [pic.217] Laminated deck timber without visible annual rings [pic.218] Glued laminated timber structures GLTS [pic.219] Glued laminated timber structures GLTS [pic.220] Table 2 - possible oxide composition location 2 gif [pic.221] The contact parts were then patched by Noah with an abundance of honey wax which Carniola never ran out of [pic.222] The contact parts were then patched by Noah with an abundance of honey wax which Carniola never ran out of 00688731photo_4_1273883233hollow_petrified_tree_bark_cover.jpg [pic.223] Glued laminated timber structures GLTS - Vennesla Library and Cultural Centre by Helen & Hard Architects HH_Vennesla_Library_HuftonCrow_29.jpg [pic.224] Glued laminated timber structures GLTS - Vennesla Library and Cultural Centre by Helen & Hard Architects http://www. Vanessla-Library-Norwat-07.jpg [pic.225] Different cross-cuts of brackets and pillars made of glued timber cut KITEK Kuzman, Manja: Leseni lepljeni lamelirani konstrukcijski elementi = Glued laminated timber construction elements / avtorji Manja Kitek Kuzman, Jasna Hrovatin, Joze Kusar. - ilustr. - Bibliografija: str. 114 V: Les. - ISSN 0024-1067. -Letn. 58, st. 4 (4. apr. 2006), str. 106-114. [pic.226] Anchor stones http://www.arkdiscovery. com/mjanchstone.jpg [pic.227] Anchor stones http://www.arkdiscovery. com/P1050077.JPG [pic.228] Gradisce at Stucelj Valic, A^., (1968): Gradisce nad Pivko, str.485-508, v: Arheoloski vestnik, Znanstveno raziskovalni center SAZU. [pic.229] The reconstruction of the Roman watchtower, made by Prof. Dr. Peter Fister Fister, P., (1986): Umetnost stavbarstva na slovenskem. Cankarjeva zalozba: Ljubljana [pic.230] The spilled lake with a swirl is also marked in the Franciscan cadastre 1818-1828 [pic.231] The gorge of Temnik where the Carniolans spilled their lake is visible also in a 3D Hafner, P. (2007): Zgradba in razvoj gozdnih ekotopov v Udin borstu, diplomska naloga [pic.232] The Church of St. Nicholas, patron of fishermen and sailors, on the hill in Strahinj where the lords of the castle once drove with the boat [pic.233] Pesoglavec (human with a dog's head) on a vestry closet from the tragedy that happened at the cave Arneseva luknja (Arnes's hole) jpg [pic.234] Because the shallow part of the lake was drained at Udin Borst (borst in Slovene means forest) the connective tissues of the cave conglomerate composition started to parch. Since the conglomerate compositions in some parts formed two or three floors, this caused static instability of the whole structure [Vrhovnik 1885]. The domino effect, which led to the collapse of the major part of the conglomerate Karst caves beneath the lake, caused a cataclysmic catastrophe in the area and resulted in the collapse of the larger part of Kranj and the surrounding settlements The copyright work of Irena Pangersic [pic.235] The entrance into Arneseva luknja (Arnes's Hole), where clematis still grows, and onto which a Cynocephaly once climbed, but then the locals cut it so that the cannibal fell and was killed, the height of the cave opening is approximately 2.5 m and the width 16 m. The main tunnel separates into many side tunnels and ends after 800 m [pic.236] Massive boulders in the Kokra River gorge http://www.ofek-olami. [pic.237] Massive boulders in the Kokra River gorge Mestna obcina Kranj: Ucna pot: Kanjon reke Kokre, 11-5-2011 na: [pic.238] Reconstruction of the northern gate with a double moat, B.Jesenko in Kos, M. [2009] - p.20 [pic.239] The location of Lesnikar Homestead [marked with a black square] in the immediate vicinity of the demolished fort at Stucelj [marked with a red circle] - Franciscan cadastre 1818-1828 [pic.240] The location of Lesnikar Homestead [marked with a black square] in the immediate vicinity of the demolished fort at Stucelj [marked with a red circle] - Franciscan cadastre 1818-1828 [pic.241] Several caves of the old Carniolan conglomerate Karst, which still collapse - the rockfall on 4 November 2010, when over 100 cubic metres of conglomerate walls crashed. -51558.jpg [pic.242] Several caves of the old Carniolan conglomerate Karst, which still collapse - the rockfall on 4 November 2010, when over 100 cubic metres of conglomerate walls crashed. IMG_1225_kran j_ko krabig. jpg [pic.243] Bigger boulders in the riverbed; Kokra Canyon IMG_ 1225_kranj_kokra_big.jpg [pic.244] The cave whose ceiling has been shaped by human Intervention; Kokra Canyon kolesarski-projekti/13115389.jpg [pic.245] Reconstruction plan after the rockfall in the Kokra River on March 22, 1997, next to the house at Jelenceva Street 37 - next to the parcels 213/8 and 212/4; depicting a large boulder in the riverbed at Primskovo [Ferjan, U. 1998] Ferjan, Uros: Sanacija podorov v kanjonu reke Kokre, v Misicev vodarski dan 1998, str.76-83 [pic.246] Reconstruction plan after the rockfall in the Kokra River on March 22, 1997, next to the house at Jelenceva Street 37 - next to the parcels 213/8 and 212/4; depicting a large boulder in the riverbed at Primskovo [Ferjan, U. 1998] Ferjan, Uros: Sanacija podorov v kanjonu reke Kokre, v Misicev vodarski dan 1998, str.76-83 [pic.247] Reconstruction plan after the rockfall in the Kokra River on March 22, 1997, next to the house at Jelenceva Street 37 - next to the parcels 213/8 and 212/4; depicting a large boulder in the riverbed at Primskovo [Ferjan, U. 1998] Ferjan, Uros: Sanacija podorov v kanjonu reke Kokre, v Misicev vodarski dan 1998, str.76-83 [pic.248] Reconstruction of the river flows with regard to geological and archaeological findings; today gulches are still visible The copyright work of Irena Pangersic [pic.249] Reconstruction of the lake from the legend based on the toponymy and seepage of one of the tributaries of Dobrusa near Zgornji Otok The copyright work of Irena Pangersic [pic.250] Schulerloch in the Netherlands, Celtic cave temple [pic.251] Reconstruction of the lake on a 3D relief map of the area The copyright work of Irena Pangersic [pic.252] Reconstruction of the lake according to written records and toponymy The copyright work of Irena Pangersic [pic.253] Plecnik's Rooster Fountain next to the Rosary church's arcades and the one-time city centre of Kranj's main entrance. 1952-59, archive [pic.254] Reconstruction of the Garden of Eden according to the record in the Bible The copyright work of Irena Pangersic [pic.255] Ister, also known as Savus, on Abraham Ortelius' map from 1624. Easter/Ister is the second name for Ishtar or Astarte, "the Queen of Heaven or Eden Queen." MapoftheVoyageoftheArgonauts.jpg [pic.256] The deep bed of the former river under the Black Sea from the Mediterranean through the Bosphorus [pic.257] Part of the structure of large settlements under the Black Sea [pic.258] The findings of Russian scientists in the depths of the Black Sea /08/20110817Phanagoria07.jpg [pic.259] The findings of Russian scientists in the depths of the Black Sea 283511948539.jpg [pic.260] The NE and SE pillars "Mitska stvarnost in Pleterski, Andrej: Mitska stvarnost koroskih knezjih kamnov / [izdala] Zveza zgodovinskih drustev Slovenije [in] Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti; [spremna beseda Irena Mirnik Prezelj; prevod angleskega povzetka Nives Sulic Dular]. - 1. natis. - Ljubljana : Zveza zgodovinskih drustev Slovenije, 1997 (Ljubljana : Littera scripta). [pic.261] Janus [pic.262] The Ducal Throne "Mitska stvarnost in Pleterski, Andrej: Mitska stvarnost koroskih knezjih kamnov / [izdala] Zveza zgodovinskih drustev Slovenije [in] Znanstvenoraziskovalni center Slovenske akademije znanosti in umetnosti; [spremna beseda Irena Mirnik Prezelj; prevod angleskega povzetka Nives Sulic Dular]. - 1. natis. - Ljubljana : Zveza zgodovinskih drustev Slovenije, 1997 (Ljubljana : Littera scripta). [pic.263] The Ducal throne: eastern seat Kumar, Alojz [2006]: Analiza in razlaga napisov na vojvodskem stolu [str.183-193] v Zbornik cetrte mednarodne konference EVROPSKI STAROSELCI, ZALOZNISTVO JUTRO, Jutro d.o.o., Ljubljana [2006] [pic.264] The Ducal throne: western seat, with the visible two pillars Kumar, Alojz [2006]: Analiza in razlaga napisov na vojvodskem stolu [str.183-193] v Zbornik cetrte mednarodne konference EVROPSKI STAROSELCI, ZALOZNISTVO JUTRO, Jutro d.o.o., Ljubljana [2006] [pic.265] Two horses of the "lion king" breed [pic.266] Two "Lipizzaners," the black is the stallion, the white is the mare [pic.267] Soul on a chariot and senses like unbridled horses [pic.268] Rebis - Androgin jpg [pic.269] Application of Christaller's cell structure to the hydrogen atom The copyright work of Irena Pangersic [pic.270] Adam and Eve, the rib is in Hebrew called "CELA" [cell? structure] mIHyXG_7B7E/s1600/adam+and+eve.jpg [pic.271] Christaller's cellular network gif [pic.272] Polarity of spatial structures [pic.273] Example of epithelial cells - quite correct 1000,1000&url=http%3A%2F%2 cells.jpg [pic.274] Incorrect hexagonal structure of epithelial cells [pic.275] Application of Christaller's cell structures to the European space http://www. [pic.276] Adam and Eve in Paradise with God [pic.277] The monadnocks called Man Pupu Nyor Russia, Ural Man_Pupu_nyor_3-russia.jpg [pic.278] The petrified Ajdovska girl [pic.279] The petrified Ajdovska girl 1 [pic.280] Lime tree leaves with manna [pic.281] A bee on lime blossoms [pic.282] Poulnabrone dolmen in Ireland http://www.megalithicireland. com/Clare/Poulnabrone%20003s.jpg [pic.283] The Ajdovska table [pic.284] The lime tree in Vrba surrounded by sixteen stone seats [pic.285] The stone table near the small-leaved lime in the village Tatre in Brkini [pic.286] The grey Slovenian hat with a pointed crown and wide brim on which there were attached strings with lime leaves for calming bees The copyright work of Irena Pangersic [pic.287] The Australian hat protects from sunburn and the swinging strings with cork turn away the annoying flies http://www. cork-hat.jpg [pic.288] The Slovenian hat adapted to the changes in nature The copyright work of Irena Pangersic [pic.289] The seal of Henrik Gorisko-Tirolski, representing the hat with a wide brim and hung lime leaves and rooster tuft of feathers, for the first time in a document in 1297; J.Savli 1994 [pic.290] "The high dance"or "the first dance" under the lime tree illustrated in a book of J. H. G. Schlegl; J.Savli 1994 [pic.291] "The dance under the lime" Zahomec [pic.292] Ursika and The Water Man , Nives Stahler [pic.293] OSTI JAREJ - remain young and healthy forever, Misteriji 2011, avgust str.26 XVII.INDEX: A Adam _ 6, 87, 88, 129, 142, 144, 178; Ajd _ 1, 65, 67, 78, 80, 81, 95, 96, 106, 145, 146, 148, 149, 153, 155, 157, 159, 166, 174, 178, 179; Androgin ^ 178; Arcadia _ 7, 8, 65, 66, 67, 156; B Babel _ 65, 68, 69, 70, 73, 172; Babilon _ 87, 158; Babylon _ 39, 40, 56, 68, 72; bee, bees _ 5, 82, 99, 100, 108, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 165, 174, 179; big ^ 1, 2, 5, 8, 17, 38, 39, 46, 49, 50, 52, 58, 67, 76, 77, 78, 80, 82, 83, 86, 95, 104, 106, 109, 110, 111, 119, 126, 133, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 166, 168, 173, 176, 177, 178; buckwheat _ 83, 84, 92, 96, 99, 100, 101, 105, 151, 154, 174; C Carniola _ 78, 80, 82, 86, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 99, 100, 102, 104, 105, 106, 107, 108, 111, 114, 116, 118, 119, 127, 128, 132, 135, 145, 146, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 174, 175, 176, 177; chicken _ 82, 173; cock _ 85, 88, 89, 100, 150, 174; Cockaigne _ 67, 100, 174; colossal _ 40, 131; Cynocephaly [dog-headed] ^ 115, 123, 124, 176; D dog [dog-headed] _ 87, 112, 113, 136, 176; ducal ^ 91, 92, 95, 135, 136, 137, 139, 178; E Eden _ 81, 82, 83, 84, 87, 91, 92, 95, 99, 128, 129, 130, 131, 132, 140, 144, 145, 177; egg _ 82, 83, 84, 85, 86, 92, 95, 100, 108, 128, 129, 132, 137, 173, 174; enormous _ 8, 11, 12, 17, 22, 34, 39, 34, 44, 45, 76, 147, 166; Eridan _ 81, 82, 126, 132, 133, 134; evil ^ 5, 17, 73, 82, 83, 87, 91, 96, 101, 113,114, 124, 129, 130, 153; eye _ 65, 68, 70, 72, 73, 80, 82, 83, 84, 91, 92, 95, 96, 133, 139, 172, 174; evolution _ 45, 49, 53, 73, 135, 140, 141,142, 143, 149; F H flood ^ 5, 12, 13, 40, 41, 44, 67, 70, 72, 83, 86, 88, 92, 92, 94, 95, 96, 97, 98, 108, 110, 113, 127, 129, 131, 132, 135, 151, 153, 163; G Gaia _ 81, 83, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 159; giant _ 1, 2, 3, 11, 12, 13, 14, 21, 32, 34, 36, 42, 43, 44, 45, 51, 52, 53, 54, 60, 61, 62, 63, 75, 76, 80, 81, 145, 147, 149, 169, 170, 171, , 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 65, 66, 67, 68, 74, 87, 88, 95, 96, 123, 155, 157, 166, 167, 172; God ^ 5, 7, 8, 12, 39, 40, 41, 53, 55, 71, 72, 73, 78, 81, 88, 89, 90, 91, 92, 10, 102, 103, 108, 123, 126, 129, 130, 136, 137, 138, 139, 152, 153, 154, 156, 174, 175, 178; 13, 15, 19, 20, 56, 67, 69, 70, 82, 83, 84, 87, 95, 96, 98, 99, 111, 112, 123, 132, 133, 135, 140, 144, 150, 157, 172, 173, good _ 5, 8, 12, 13, 14, 48, 56, 60, 70, 83, 84, 87, 88, 91, 96, 101, 108, 109, 129, 130, 152, 154; golden ^ 78, 79, 82, 91, 92, 93, 94, 95, 96, 99, 123, 136, 140, 173, 174; grapevine _ 83, 94, 96, 92, 96, 99, 101, 102, 105, 107, 112, 174, 175; honey ^ 5, 81, 99, 100, 101, 107, 108, 147,148, 154, 174, 175; hypophysis _ 91, 92, 95; huge _ 3, 12, 15, 17, 21, 31, 38, 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 49, 52, 72, 77, 128, 166, 169; human _ 2, 3, 8, 11, 12, 17, 20, 21, 22, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 49, 50, 51, 53, 60, 61, 62, 63, 67, 68, 69, 73, 74, 78, 79, 80, 82, 91, 94, 95, 101, 102, 112, 113, 119, 123, 136, 137, 139, 140, 145, 146, 166, 169, 171, 176, 177; I immense _ 4, 12, 39, 42; Ister _ 81, 82, 112, 126, 127, 129, 130, 132, 133, 134, 177; J Janus ^ 135, 136, 178; K King _ 4, 7, 11, 13, 14, 15, 16, 19, 21, 30, 55, 56, 59, 68, 70, 74, 76, 78, 79, 80, 89, 138, 149, 154, 166, 167, 173, 178; Kolobocija ^ 67; Komandija _ 67, 151, 159, 160, 164; Koromandija _ 5, 67, 92, 100, 158, 174; Kuret [cock] _ 83, 86, 150, 151; L lake ^ 2, 43, 47, 62, 84, 86, 95, 97, 110, 111, 112, 113, 114, 115, 116, 121, 122, 124, 125, 126, 127, 128, 131, 133, 146, 176, 177; life _ 6, 7, 9, 11, 12, 13, 45, 52, 53, 71, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 100, 101, 102, 103, 105, 117, 129, 130, 131, 140, 147, 148, 151, 153, 154, 157, 159, 175; lime ^ 71, 147, 148, 149, 150, 151, 152, 153, 154, 179; M man _ 5, 6, 9, 11, 12, 15, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 58, 60, 61, 62, 63, 72, 74, 77, 80, 83, 84, 88, 91, 99, 101, 103, 111, 113, 114, 122, 129, 130, 135, 137, 146, 147, 149, 153, 161, 167, 171, 172, 178, 179; N Noah ^ 12, 75, 84, 88, 92, 96, 97, 98, 101, 104, 105 106, 107, 108, 109, 129, 135, 161, 163, 173, 174, 175; P paradise _ 6, 66, 67, 84, 88, 92, 93, 101, 108, 144, 147, 149, 154, 174, 178; Pesoglav _ 112, 113, 176; Phoenix ^ 88, 89, 92, 93, 94, 174; Rebis ^ 140, 178; rooster _ 84, 85, 92, 93, 95, 96, 102, 103, 104, 111, 128, 129, 150, 151, 152, 173, 174, 175, 177, 179; S Sloven ^ 1, 5, 69, 70, 71, 73, 82, 83, 85, 86, 108, 112, 113, 124, 126, 128, 148, 149, 150, 158, 159, 160, 165, 172, 173, 37, 65, 66, 67, 68, 74, 75, 76, 78, 79, 92, 94, 95, 96, 104, 114, 115, 116, 118, 135, 144, 145, 146, 151, 153, 154, 155, 161, 162, 163, 164, 174, 176, 178, 179; soul _ 72, 78, 81, 83, 91, 92, 94, 95, 96, 136, 137, 138, 139, 154, 178; statue, stature _ 3, 4, 5, 6, 8, 11, 12, 13, 16, 20, 31, 32, 33, 39, 40, 42, 44, 59, 61, 62, 169; T throne ^ 8, 91, 92, 95, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138, 139, 154, 178; tree _ 39, 71, 72, 73, 76, 83, 84, 87, 88, 91, 92, 96, 99, 100, 101, 102, 103, 120, 122, 129, 130, 147, 148, 149, 151, 152, 153, 154,175, 179; tomb ^ 1, 5, 6, 11, 13, 16, 21, 30, 34, 35, 45, 46, 47, 61, 148, 166, 169, 170; R tower ^ 65, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 87, 110, 111, 125, 126, 128, 172, 176; U udjat ^ 91, 92, 95; utopia _ 5, 55, 67, 82, 139; V Venet ^ 67, 68, 71, 73, 74, 76, 105, 132, 158, 172; vine _ 84, 86, 87, 88, 96, 101, 102, 103, 104, 105, 107, 149, 173, 174, 175; W woman _ 3, 44, 45, 60, 87; NEW GOLDEN AGE A folk tale says that he there shall be a decisive battle at the Sora plain in which seven kings shall compete. A "spruce with seven peaks" sprung at the Sora plain, causing the beginning of harsh times. Seven large armies come to the plain, where it is decided who shall be the lord of the world. The war is ended with the signing of a peace treaty by the seven kings under the storm-weathered three [with seven tops], after which the Golden Age follows. [3] According to the folk song, the marvellous rays of a Golden Age shall glow from the sky and calm the whole world. Different nations shall celebrate together, everyone shall be their own lord, and the most beautiful day shall come for the Slovenian nation. [3] „Zlata doba zasvetila Bode z jasnih se nebes, Z zarki divnimi oblila Svet pomirjen cez in cez. Z narodom bo narod rajal, Ker bo vsak sam svoj gospod; Dan najlepsi pak obhajal Bodes ti, slovanski rod!" [3] The storm-weathered three op. op. The storm-weathered three is a tree that grows in extreme habitats and has a characteristic shape of a crown that adapts to specific types of strain. 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