57 CASE REPORT Cervical endometriosis Copyright (c) 2022 Slovenian Medical Journal. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License. Cervical endometriosis – a case report and review of literature Cervikalna endometrioza – prikaz primera in pregled literature Aleksandra Pečovnik,1 Simona Šramek Zatler,1 Uršula Salobir Gajšek,2 Alenka Repše Fokter1 Abstract Endometriosis is a disease in which endometrial glandular cells and stroma are present outside the uterine cavity. When the endometrial glands and stroma are located in the cervix, this is called cervical endometriosis. Clinically, cervical en- dometriosis most commonly presents as bloody vaginal discharge or extra cyclic bleeding. On cervical smears (CS), endo- metriosis may look like normal endometrial gland cells or atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance (AGUS), including adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS). We report a case of a 32-year-old woman who was admitted to the gynaecology department due to contact bleeding and a pathological colposcopy result. Izvleček Endometrioza je bolezen, pri kateri so endometrijske žlezne celice in stroma prisotni zunaj maternične votline. Kadar se endometrijske žleze in stroma nahajajo v materničnem vratu, govorimo o cervikalni endometriozi. Klinično se cervikal- na endometrioza najpogosteje kaže kot krvav vaginalni izcedek ali izvenciklična krvavitev. Na brisih materničnega vratu (BMV) lahko endometrioza izgleda, kot da bi šlo za normalne endometrijske žlezne celice ali kot atipične neopredeljene žlezne celice (AŽC-N), vključno z adenokarcinomom in situ (AIS). Članek predstavi primer 32-letne ženske, ki je bila sprejeta na oddelek za ginekologijo zaradi kontaktnih krvavitev in patološkega izvida kolposkopije. 1 Department for Pathology and Cytology, Celje General Hospital, Celje, Slovenia 2 Department for Gynecology and Obstetrics, Celje General Hospital, Celje, Slovenia Correspondence / Korespondenca: Aleksandra Pečovnik, e: aleksandra.pecovnik@guest.arnes.si Key words: endometrial cells; cervicovaginal smear; atypical glandular cells of undetermined significance; cytology; histology Ključne besede: endometrijske celice; bris materničnega vratu; atipične žlezne celice; citologija; histologija Received / Prispelo: 8. 3. 2021 | Accepted / Sprejeto: 20. 9. 2021 Cite as / Citirajte kot: Pečovnik A, Šramek Zatler S, Salobir Gajšek U, Repše Fokter A. Cervical endometriosis – a case report and review of literature. Zdrav Vestn. 2022;91(1–2):57–60. DOI: https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3238 eng slo element en article-lang 10.6016/ZdravVestn.3238 doi 8.3.2021 date-received 20.9.2021 date-accepted Diagnostics Diagnostika discipline Case report Klinični primer article-type Cervical endometriosis – a case report and review of literature Cervikalna endometrioza – prikaz primera in pregled literature article-title Cervical endometriosis Cervikalna endometrioza alt-title endometrial cells, cervicovaginal smear, atyp- ical glandular cells of undetermined signifi- cance, cytology, histology endometrijske celice, bris materničnega vratu, atipične žlezne celice, citologija, histologija kwd-group The authors declare that there are no conflicts of interest present. Avtorji so izjavili, da ne obstajajo nobeni konkurenčni interesi. conflict year volume first month last month first page last page 2022 91 1 2 57 60 name surname aff email Aleksandra Pečovnik 1 aleksandra.pecovnik@guest.arnes.si name surname aff Simona Šramek Zatler 1 Uršula Salobir Gajšek 2 Alenka Repše Fokter 1 eng slo aff-id Department for Pathology and Cytology, Celje General Hospital, Celje, Slovenia Oddelek za patologijo in citologijo, Splošna bolnišnica Celje, Celje, Slovenija 1 Department for Gynecology and Obstetrics, Celje General Hospital, Celje, Slovenia Ginekološko-porodniški oddelek, Splošna bolnišnica Celje, Slovenija 2 Slovenian Medical Journallovenian Medical Journal 58 DIAGNOSTICS Zdrav Vestn | January – February 2022 | Volume 91 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3238 1 Introduction Endometriosis is a benign disease, defined as the presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity, frequently with associated bleeding and macrophages. The most commonly affected areas are the ovaries, uterine ligaments, recto- and vesicovaginal sep- tum, peritoneum, pelvic cavity, umbilicus, inguinal and perianal regions; the cervix is less commonly affected (1). The lungs, brain and eyes can also be affected but rare- ly are (2). It is most common in women of childbearing age. The cause of endometriosis is explained by several theories. The in-situ theory advocates that endometriosis originates in extrauterine tissues, most commonly as a result of metaplastic changes, associated hormonal influ- ences, inflammation or other biochemical or immuno- logical factors; the transplantation theory is based on the concept of migration of normal endometrium (»benign metastases«) to extrauterine areas (3). Often, endometri- osis is also associated with scars that occur after surgery on the uterus, including the cervix, fallopian tubes or af- ter an episiotomy (1). The most common symptoms and signs of endo- metriosis are dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, pelvic pain, infertility and lower back pain that worsens during the menstrual cycle. In rare cases (<1%), malignant transfor- mation of endometriosis may also occur (1,2,4). Cervical endometriosis is present in 0.7–2.4% of pa- tients (2,5,6). The prevalence of endometriosis is higher is patients with prior cervical procedures, such as a bi- opsy or conization (2,7). Vaginal delivery is also a risk factor for cervical endometriosis (8). Clinically, cervical endometriosis may be completely asymptomatic or pres- ent as bloody vaginal discharge and / or bleeding after sexual intercourse, less frequently as metrorrhagia or se- vere vaginal bleeding (5,7). Medical history, various imaging methods (ultra- sound – US, magnetic resonance imaging – MRI) and cytological examination of various types of samples (fine needle aspiration biopsy – FNAB, fluid cytology, cervi- cal screening test) are all important for the diagnosis of endometriosis with histopathological examination being the final confirmation (9-12). 2 Case report A 32-year-old patient was admitted to the Depart- ment of Gynaecology of our institution for diagnostic evaluation of extracyclic and contact bleeding and cer- vical erythroplakia. She had given birth three times, had had two miscarriages and regularly participated in the screening program for early detection of cervical cancer (ZORA). She was first invited for a cervical screening test in 2009; the result was normal. The first pathologic result was noted in 2012 as low-grade squamous intraepitheli- al lesion (LSIL). The control cervical screening test after one year was normal. After two years (2015) we again evaluated the cervical screening test as LSIL. The HPV test was positive. After surgery (large loop excision of the transformation zone - LLETZ), the histopathologic diagnosis was high-grade squamous intraepithelial le- sion (HSIL; CIN3); the surgical margins were clear. All subsequent cervical screening tests were negative. At the last gynaecological examination in 2020 the patient reported contact bleeding; the gynaecologist described erythroplakia of the uterine portion of the cervix. A swab was taken and was negative. Due to contact and extra- cyclic bleeding the patient was referred to our institu- tion, where an atypical transformation zone (ATZ) at 12 o’clock and erosions at 12, 7 and 5 o’clock were described on colposcopy. We repeated the cervical screening test, which was negative (Figure 1), however, based on the clinical presentation, we recommended an HPV test and follow-up according to accepted guidelines (13). Due to the previously described problems, we performed anoth- er cervical conization with an electric loop (re-LLETZ) and hysteroscopic endometrial biopsy. We performed the histopathological analysis of the cervical cone sample, obtained with re-LLETZ, and the endometrial sample. The cone was by agreement marked at 12 o’clock. During the macroscopic examination, the samples were measured and described. The cone was Figure 1: The last cervical screening test before re-LLETZ, Papanicolaou, 40x magnification. 59 CASE REPORT Cervical endometriosis round in shape and measured 2.1x2.1 cm at the base. It was 1.1 cm tall from the base to the top. The external uterine orifice was positioned centrally. It was irregular in shape with the mucosa at the entrance of the orifice deeply wrinkled; it was smooth and shiny at the cervi- cal portion. The cone was fixed in 10% neutral formalin. For histopathological examination, it was sampled in its entirety and cut into 7 consecutive tissue slices about 3-4 mm thick. The endometrial biopsy specimen consisted of solid pink-black tissue samples up to 1.7 cm long and up to 0.5 cm in diameter. After pre-fixation in 10% neutral forma- lin, they were sampled in their entirety for histopatholog- ical examination. After standard processing in a tissue processor, the slices were stained with haematoxylin-eosin. With a light microscope, we found foci of glands with elongated nuclei surrounded by an endometrial stroma in the transitional zone in the cervical portion slices (Fig- ure 2). There was bleeding in the stroma. The findings were consistent with a diagnosis of endometriosis in the cervical transition zone. A surface squamous epithelium ulceration and a scar after the previous procedure were also visible. The surgical margins were clear. The histo- logical diagnosis of hysteroscopic biopsy of the uterine cavity was simple endometrial hyperplasia without atyp- ia of the glandular epithelium. 3 Discussion Cervical endometriosis is one of the rare types of en- dometrioses. In the literature, the prevalence is 0.7–2.4%, but no precise data are available for Slovenia (2,5,6). The most common problems reported by patients are Figure 2: Focus of endometriosis with stromal bleeding in the transitional zone, HE, 10x magnification. bloody vaginal discharge and/or bleeding after sexual intercourse, less often metrorrhagia or severe vaginal bleeding. Deep cervical endometriosis may present with symptoms similar to endometriosis in general, such as dysmenorrhea, dyspareunia, pelvic pain, infertility, and lower back pain that worsens during the menstrual cy- cle (14). A serious but fortunately rare complication is extensive bleeding due to rupture of an endometrial cyst (15). Very frequently, however, endocervical endometri- osis in particular can be completely asymptomatic. For the diagnosis of endometriosis, at least two of the three listed criteria must be met - the presence of endometri- al cells, stromal cells and areas of bleeding with foamy macrophages (11). Although the histological diagnosis is normally simple, in rare cases only a stromal component may be present in the sample, mainly due to a poor sam- ple (16). The diagnosis of cervical endometriosis based on a cervical screening test is frequently unreliable and can lead to misdiagnosis (14). With an incomplete histo- ry and absence of endometrial cells or stroma, the cervi- cal screening test can be defined as normal. Sometimes, cervical endometriosis in a cervical screening test can be similar to tubal metaplasia, which is also a benign cervi- cal lesion. An important criterion is the presence of cilia in glandular cells found in tubal metaplasia but not in endometriosis. Stromal cells usually occur in syncytial groups with oval and spindle nuclei and can be misiden- tified with elements of the lower uterine segment. With conventional cervical screening tests, additional staining can be difficult to perform due to only a single sample being taken. In our case, there were no clearly visible en- dometrial cells in the sample from the cervical screening test, but we did find some foamy macrophages (Figure 1). Following the diagnosis of cervical endometriosis, Figure 3: The last cervical screening test before re-LLETZ, positive CD10 reaction in stromal cells, 40x magnification. 60 DIAGNOSTICS Zdrav Vestn | January – February 2022 | Volume 91 | https://doi.org/10.6016/ZdravVestn.3238 the stromal component was identified retrospectively by cervical screening test sample decolorization and immu- nocytochemical staining for CD 10, which was positive (Figure 3). An even greater danger is to overestimate the cervi- cal screening test. The hyperchromatic crowded groups (HCG) with linear edges can be incorrectly identified as HSIL with endocervical gland invasion; an even more common differential diagnosis is glandular atypia of all grades, from atypical glandular cells, not otherwise spec- ified (AGC-NOS) to severe atypical of high grade AGC, adenocarcinoma in situ (AIS) or even invasive adenocar- cinoma (8,12,17). The reasons for this can be found in cy- tomorphological changes of glandular cells and stroma, which depend on hormonal fluctuations during the men- strual cycle (2,16). In glandular atypia, particularly se- vere, there is cell palisading, nuclear pseudostratification, rosette formation and feathering in the cervical screening test, possibly mitosis and apoptosis as well, and not only mild atypia or the presence of hyperchromatic crowded groups (6). In our experience, cytological diagnosis of endometriosis is easier and more reliable in other areas with a typical history and clinical presentation (pain and increased changes related to the menstrual cycle). 4 Conclusion Cervical endometriosis can present in a variety of ways, from a completely asymptomatic form to a form with severe vaginal bleeding. In cervical screening tests, the samples usually do not cover all morphological el- ements for a reliable cytological diagnosis of cervical endometriosis, and due to the small number of cases, we also do not have enough experience. Therefore, it is usually found subsequently after a known histopatho- logical diagnosis. An accurate medical history, clinical presentation and information on previous operations are extremely important. Conflict of interest None declared. Inform consent of the patient The patient gave informed consent for the publication of her case. References 1. Agarwal N, Subramanian A. 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