https://doi.or g/10.31449/inf.v47i1.4421 Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 21 On Integrating Multiple Restriction Domain s to Automatically Generate T est Cases of Model T ransformations Thi-Hanh Nguyen and Duc-Hanh Dang ∗ Department of Software Engineering, VNU University of Engineering and T echnology , Hanoi, V ietnam E-mail: , ∗ Corresponding author Keywords: transformation testing, black-box testing, classifying term, model finding, OCL Received: September 24, 2022 T esting model transformations poses several challenges, one of which is how to automatically generate effective test suites. A pr omising appr oach for this is to employ equivalence partitioning, a well-known technique for softwar e testing. Specifically , in or der to generate effective test suites, curr ent works in literatur e often focus on exploiting either the structural aspects of models or transformation contracts for partition analysis. However , for the aim, they focus on only a single r estriction sour ce such as metamodels, contracts of the transformation, and domain-expert knowledge. T o incr ease the effectiveness of generated test suites, partitioning techniques should be performed on a combination of various r estriction sour ces. This paper intr oduces a method to generate test models on such a multi-domain of r estrictions. The method also allows the tester to flexibly select and combine constraints to cr eate a unified r estriction for differ ent strategies and objectives in model transformation testing. W e developed a support tool based on the UML- based Specification Envir onment (USE) and performed experiments on several transformations to point out the effectiveness of our method. Povzetek: Opisana je metoda pr everjanja pr ogramske kode na osnovi multi-modalnih omejitev posameznih delov . 1 Intr oduction Model transformations are the pillars of Model-Driven En- gineering (MDE). T esting has been an ef fective technique to ensure the quality of model transformations which is the key to successfully realizing MDE in practice. This dis- cipline consists of the following main tasks: synthesizing models as test data that are referred to as test models , per - forming the transformation, and verifying the output re- sults. Until now , how to synthesize automatically and ef- fectively test models for model transformations is still chal- lenging. The test model generation is the synthesis of models from dif ferent restriction sources including syntactic and seman- tic domains of source and tar get models. Such restriction domains often have complex structures and semantics that make it dif ficult to automate the generation. T o the best of our knowledge, there are typical restriction domains in the context of MDE as follows. First, for a so-called sour ce metamodel coverage , as explained in [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], test models could be generated by applying the well-known testing technique equivalence partitioning that splits the in- put metamodel into equivalence partitions for selecting rep- resentative test models. Second, for a so-called transforma- tion specification coverage , as proposed in [7, 8, 1 1], addi- tional restrictions on source models could be derived from a transformation specification and taken as input contracts to generate test models. W ithin the works, input contracts of the transformation specification often are expressed as OCL conditions. Third, following the white-box testing approach, the works in [12, 13, 14, 15] focus on analyz- ing a model transformation implementation to build test suites using the notion of transformation implementation coverage . In addition, in interactive approaches, domain knowledge can support the test model selection. For ex- ample, based on the test objective, domain experts could choose representative values for the partition testing tech- nique [1, 4, 16], or directly create examples for test models within test-driven development approaches, as explained in [18, 19]. Generating test models based on the analysis and synthe- sis of each single particular restriction domain can lead to a lar ge duplication of test models, wasting testing time and ef fort. This highlights the need to generate test models from multiple restriction domains. However , realizing this need presents several challenges: (1) Constraints from multiple domains expressed in heterogeneous formalism need to be translated into a consistent and unified formalism to enable model synthesis. (2) The partition analysis technique is of- ten employed to obtain representative test models since ex- haustive testing is a non-trivial task, but defining a suitable partition on multiple restriction domains for dif ferent test strategies can be challenging. (3) The automatic generation of test models often requires manually defining (as input of 22 Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 N. Hanh et al. the solver) parameters for the testing environment as well as the other configuration information. This is challenging to automate this task. This paper proposes a mechanism based on an integra- tion of multiple restriction domains for a black-box testing approach to automatic generation of test models. Specifi- cally , multi-domain restrictions that include (1) conditions for partitioning the metamodel and (2) transformation con- tracts are first translated into OCL conditions; and then taken as the input of a constraint solver for generating test models. For each common test strategy , a mechanism of combining OCL conditions should be established to define combinatorial partitions using logical operators. Moreover , a scope-value searching method needs to be incorporated to solve constraints and so that the set of generated test models has a reasonable size. The main contributions of this paper are summarized as follows: – A method to automatically generate test models with multi-domain restrictions for ef fective model transfor - mation testing. – A mechanism to define suitable partitions for dif ferent test strategies. – An OCL-based support tool and experimental results to show the ef fectiveness of the proposed method. The rest of this paper is or ganized as follows. Section 2 surveys related works. Section 3 motivates this work with a transformation example. Section 4 outlines our approach. Section 5 explains restriction domains as a basis for a parti- tion analysis and automatic generation of test models. Sec- tion 6 introduces several strategies to combine partitions in order to generate test models for dif ferent test objectives. Section 7 shows our tool support. Section 8 illustrates our testing method with several transformations and points out the ef fectiveness of our method. Section 9 explains threats to the validity of this work and discusses the results. This paper is closed with a conclusion and a discussion of future work. 2 Related work In this section, we provide an overview of black-box testing approaches for model transformations and address the fol- lowing research questions: (1) how to automatically gen- erate test models using the partition analysis technique in a black-box testing approach, (2) how to construct test oracles that check test outputs to ensure quality proper - ties; and (3) how to evaluate the quality of test suites in terms of one or more test objectives. First, a common basic idea of black-box testing approaches for transfor - mations is to use metamodel and requirements specifica- tion as test basis, i.e., they are independent of transforma- tion implementations. W ithin these approaches, the well- known testing technique equivalence partition [20] often is used to split the input data domain into equivalence partitions based on the test basis analysis and then to se- lect a representative model for each partition. Fleurey et al. [1, 24] have proposed a partitioning technique based on the datatype of class attributes and the association end mul- tiplicity within a UML class diagram representing the meta- model. Several other partitioning techniques for generat- ing test models that conform to a metamodel as introduced in [2, 21, 4, 23, 5, 22, 6, 39, 9]. One of the main limita- tions of the metamodel-based partitioning approach is that the technique often generates a lar ge number of test models, and generated test models tend to correspond to just only a subfragment of the source metamodel instead of the whole metamodel. T o overcome this limitation, Fleurey intro- duces the notion of a so-called ef fective metamodel as the fragment of the source metamodel that is actually manip- ulated by the transformation. An ef fective metamodel can be defined by either examining the specification of transfor - mations as explained in [1, 3] or statically analyzing their implementation as shown in [21]. The partitioning technique, as shown in [7, 10, 8, 9], can also be employed to specify requirements of model transformations. Following the research line, the works in [9, 39, 8] propose to derive partitioning conditions from a contract-based specification of the transformation. The specification of transformations within these approaches often includes preconditions and invariants as contracts on the input data domain of the transformation (i.e., cor - responding to restrictions on source models). Partition- ing conditions are then translated into either OCL con- straints [7] or other first-order logic languages like Al- loy [4, 23] for the automatic generation of test models us- ing the model finding technique. For dif ferent test objec- tives, the works in [1, 6, 8, 4, 36] have proposed suitable techniques to improve the quality of test cases. Fleurey et al. [1] proposed the use of the Bacteriologic algorithm to op- timize test suites. On analyzing metamodel-based partition- ing, Fleurey et al. [1], Janabin et al. [6], Gogolla et al. [8], and Sen et al. [4] proposed using representative values pro- vided by domain experts or testers. Similarly , Sen et al. [4] proposed combining dif ferent knowledge domains and uni- formly representing them as constraints in Alloy . Cabot et al. [36] proposed a similar technique in which combinato- rial partitioning conditions are represented in OCL. Second, another major challenge for model transforma- tion testing is how to predict desired expected outputs [1]. This research line can be divided into two groups: The first aims to predict the whole output model, i.e., making use of a complete oracle function , and the other aims to pre- dict just part of desired tar get model, i.e., using a partial oracle function . The first approach (with complete ora- cle functions) would take the expected output model as a reference model and check if the actual output model con- forms to this reference model, e.g., using model comparison as regarded in [32, 15, 17, 30, 34, 35]. For this aim, Ad- dazi et al. [35] employs EMFCompare, whereas the works in [17, 15] design specific algorithms to compare models. Besides, Kolovos [33] employs the Epsilon Comparison On Integrating Multiple Restriction Domains… Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 23 T able 1: Black-box approaches for test model generation ( MP=> Metamodel-based Partitioning; SP => Specification- based Partitioning; MF=> Model Finding; Al=> Algorithm) Reference T est Model Generation Restriction domains T est adequacy Partitioning Representing patterns Generating models Metamodel Specification T ransformation implementation Domain Expert Metamodel coverage Specification coverage Fleurey et al. [1] MP Pattern AL * * W ang et al. [2, 21] MP Pattern * * * W u et al. [5, 22] MP OCL AL * * * Lamari [3] MP , SP Pattern * * * Jahanbin et al. [6] MP Pattern AL * * * Sen et al. [4, 23] MP , SP Alloy MF * * * * Guerra et al. [7] SP Pattern, OCL MF * * * Bur gueño et al. [9, 39] MP OCL MF * * Gogolla et al. [10, 27] SP OCL MF * * * Language (ECL), a task-specific model management lan- guage, in order to define language-specific algorithms for model matching. The second approach (with partial oracle functions) aims to ensure certain properties of a transfor - mation using the partial oracle functions. It is no need to manually define a whole expected tar get model within the approach. The works in [8, 28, 7] employ OCL contracts or OCL assertions as partial test oracles to express the ex- pected properties of generated models and to automatically verify them. Contracts and assertions can be represented in the form of visual graph patterns as explained in [7, 31]. T esting is an informal approach for verifying the quality properties of model transformations. Depending on a given test objective, partial oracle functions aim to check whether the functional behavior of a transformation system fulfills such following properties: (1) confluence , applicability and termination which are called general properties; (2) cor - r ectness including syntactic and semantics correctness (for both information preservation and behavior preservation) and the completeness which are called specific properties. A specific property is often specific to a certain transforma- tion specification. The analysis of general properties such as termination, determinism, rule independence, rule appli- cability , or reachability of system states requires to perform on a set of given transformation rules. This task is out of the scope of this paper . The works in [28, 15, 7, 17, 1] propose to verify the syntactical correctness of transformations using test oracles captured from the tar get model’ s contracts. T o check the source-tar get correspondence property [29], also known as the information preservation property , current approaches often employ source-tar get contracts represented either by OCL conditions [8, 7] or graph patterns [36] to consistently specify input test conditions and output test oracles. This work focuses on analyzing the impact of constraints used for test model generation on dif ferent transformation prop- erties. T est adequacy criteria measure the quality of a test suite regarding to several objectives. T est adequacy criteria help define testing goals to be achieved. In transformation test- ing, test adequacy criteria can be based on how well the test basis (e.g., the input metamodel and the transformation specification) is covered by the test models, or how ef fec- tive the oracle functions are to identify synthetic bugs (so- called mutants) injected into the under -test transformation. As shown in the two last columns of T able 1, coverage- based approaches propose to measure the ef fectiveness of a black-box testing approach by evaluating how the in- put/output metamodels and/or the transformation specifica- tion are covered by the testing technique. Fleurey et al. [1] propose to measure the quality of a set of test models by measuring how much they cover the input metamodel. A measurement technique is defined in terms of class cov- erage, attribute coverage, and association coverage. The metamodel-coverage or ef fective metamodel-coverage are also introduced in several other works [2, 21, 5, 22, 6, 9, 39]. The notion of transformation specification coverage is in- troduced in [7, 8]. W ithin contract-based specifications, transformation contracts can be analyzed to define test con- ditions. For example, Guerra et al. [7] take preconditions and invariants as transformation properties and define test criteria that could cover these properties for generating test models. T est criteria could also be defined based on the combination of these properties within a combined testing strategy like t-way testing. Additionally , mutation analysis approaches aim to mea- sure the ef fectiveness of test cases based on their ability to detect bugs. Mottu et al. [50] propose exploring muta- tion analysis for model transformations. They study po- tential bugs that developers may bring into model trans- formations to define a set of generic mutation operators for model transformations. The mutation analysis tech- nique is commonly used by current works in literature to ef fectively show the test case generated by proposed meth- 24 Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 N. Hanh et al. T able 2: Approaches for oracle function definition ( PO=> Partial Oracle; CO => Complete Oracle; SC => T ype Correctness/ Syntactic Correctness; IP=> Information Preservation) Refer ence Oracle type Repr esenting expected outputs Automated MT Pr operties Guerra et al. [7] PO Pattern, OCL * SC, IP Fleurey et al. [1] PO OCL * Mottu el al. [31] CO Pattern SC W ieber et al. [15] CO Model SC Lano et al. [28] PO OCL * SC Hilken et al. [8] PO OCL * SC Lin et al. [17] PO Model * SC, IP T roya et al. [30] PO Model SC Orejas et al. [34] PO Model SC ods [24, 7, 15]. 3 Running example This section motivates our work with the CD2RDBM model transformation between class diagrams (CD) and re- lational database models (RDBM). This transformation ex- ample is introduced in [46]. This paper focuses on its sim- plified version for common transformation situations as re- garded in [25]. Metamodels specifying the input and out- put modeling spaces of the CD2RDBM transformations are shown in Fig. 1 and Fig. 2, respectively . Requirements of the CD2RDBM transformation contain constraints as re- strictions on input/output models and the relationship be- tween pairs of them. At the specification level, the require- ments are independent of implementation language and of- ten specified in the form of transformation contracts . Figure 1: The simplified metamodel of class diagrams. A transformation contract allows a designer to specify what a transformation does, under which conditions it can be applied to a model, and what its excepted result is. Such information is also helpful for choosing and applying the proper transformation in the context of of f-the-shelf trans- formations. A contract-based model transformation speci- Figure 2: The simplified metamodel of relational database schema. fication typically consists of three sets of constraints corre- sponding to preconditions, postconditions, and invariants. First, Pr econditions include constraints defining a set of models, each of which is a candidate as the source model. Positive pr econditions state the expected properties on valid source models; Negative pr econditions define source mod- els that fulfill several forbidden properties, i.e., the source ones are invalid. For example, the CD2RDBM transforma- tion includes the following precondition constraints: – A class does not inherit itself; – The name of a class is unique; – Attributes of a class must have distinctive names – The child class does not redefine attributes of its parent class; – The name of an association does not coincide with a class’ s name. Second, Postconditions define a set of models produced by the transformation: Positive postconditions state the ex- pected properties of valid tar get models; Negative postcon- ditions define tar get models that satisfy several forbidden properties, i.e., the tar get ones are invalid. For example, On Integrating Multiple Restriction Domains… Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 25 the CD2RDBM transformation includes the following post- conditions: – A table name is unique; – T wo columns of a table must have distinct names; – A table cannot have more than one primary key col- umn. Third, Invariants specify the correspondence between pair of source and tar get models, denoted by ps =⇒ pt . A positive (negative) invariant has the expressing structure: If the source model satisfies the propertyps then the tar get model (does not) satisfies the property pt . As discussed in [26, 27, 7], the structure of each transformation rule also can be represented by a positive invariant that must hold between the source and tar get models to satisfy the trans- formation definition. The CD2RDBM transformation spec- ification contains the following negative invariants: – If the CD model has two classes with an inheritance re- lationship, the corresponding RDBM model could not have two distinction tables mapping to these classes. – If the CD model has two mutually inherited classes, then the corresponding RDMB model could not only have the mapping table to the parent class while there is no mapping table to the child class. – If the CD model has a class, the corresponding RDBM model could not have two distinction tables mapping to this class. In addition, the CD2RDBM transformation has six map- ping rules that define how a CD model is mapped to a cor - responding RDBM model: – A class must be mapped to a same-name table; – The name and data type of a non-primary attribute co- incides with the ones of a corresponding column; – A primary attribute is mapped to a column played as the primary key; – A multi-valued aggregation and association between two classes is mapped to a new associative table that relates the two corresponding tables; – An aggregation/association relationship between two classes is characterized by a single-valued end and a multi-valued end (0..*, 1..*) is mapped to a foreign key that relates two corresponding tables; – A child and its parent class are mapped to the same table. T esting is required to find out if a model transformation is implemented and executed as expected for all possible in- puts, or if there are bugs in the transformation leading to un- intended output models for certain input models [29]. This model transformation can be realized using dif ferent trans- formation implementation languages. T o test the quality of a model transformation captured from multiple restriction domains, a black-box testing approach is often employed. Since exhausting testing is impossible, testing criteria are proposed to select representative test models to achieve the source metamodel coverage and the specification coverage. Depending on the test objective, either the positive test- ing strategy or the negative testing strategy will be used to navigate the test case design and test execution process. The analysis of information on a test basis allows testers to determine test conditions in both negative testing and pos- itive testing strategies. 4 Overview of the appr oach Figure 3 overviews our approach to testing model transfor - mations. The basic idea is to synthesize test models based on an integration of multiple restriction domains. Figure 3: An integration of multiple restriction domains for model transformation testing. First, the partitioning technique is employed to define test models that cover the source metamodel. The partition- ing criteria that are either restrictions on the source meta- model or contracts of the transformation specification are expressed in the form of boolean OCL expressions, referred to as so-called classifying terms (CT s) [8]. In this way , the underlying conditions which are used in characterizing test models also can be flexibly combined to generate ef fective test suites. Second, test criteria could be defined for both positive and negative testing strategies. T o generate test models that 26 Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 N. Hanh et al. satisfy a test criterion, input test conditions captured from each restriction domain are expressed by classifying terms. The classifying terms are then combined and taken as the input of constraint solvers, including the SA T solver , in or - der to automatically generate test models. Finally , to check test oracles, classifying terms derived from the tar get metamodel and the transformation spec- ification are defined to ensure that (1) the output model conforms to the tar get metamodel, (2) the output model satisfies the postcondition, and (3) the output model must also comply with invariants that describe the transforma- tion relationship between valid or invalid pairs of source and tar get models. Such test output evaluation conditions are then combined to evaluate expected properties on the output model using model validator tools, including OCL tools like USE. 5 Synthesizing test models fr om r estriction domains T est model selection involves finding valid and invalid in- put models within positive and negative testing strategies, respectively . T est models are generated by synthesizing models from dif ferent restriction sources. This section ex- plains combining knowledge sources to generate valid and invalid models within the positive and negative test strate- gies based on the proposed covered criteria. 5.1 Metamodel coverage In MDE, a metamodel is often represented in the form of a UML class diagram with the key meta-concepts of MOF [37] including classes, attributes, generalization, and associations. Therefore, test models, that conform to the source metamodel, can be defined by an equivalence parti- tioning on the class diagram [38] for the source metamodel with the two following criteria [1]: – AEM (Association End Multiplicities): For each asso- ciation end, each representative multiplicity must be covered. For instance, if an association end has the multiplicity [0..*], then it should be instantiated with the multiplicity 0, 1, and N (N is greater than 1). – CA (Class Attribute): For each attribute, each repre- sentative value must be covered. For instance, rep- resentative values of a boolean attribute are true and false that define two corresponding partitions. These criteria AEM and CA, as illustrated in T able 3, could be expressed in terms of representative values [1, 21, 4]. Representative multiplicity pairs can then be computed for an association by taking the Cartesian product of the possible multiplicities of each of its two ends. The rep- resentative values of each attribute can be computed from the typical data types of class attributes such as Integer , String , and Boolean . T able 3: Representative values for multiplicities Multiplicity property Representative values 0..1 0, 1 1 1 0..* 0, 1, [>1] 1..* 1, 2, [>2] N..* N, N+1, [ >(N+1)] N..M N, N+1, M-1, M Boolean classifying terms (CT s) [39] are used to repre- sent equivalence partitions for test models as follows. For each direction of an association between two classes, the name of the first class, the role name of the second class, and the multiplicity of the association ending at the second class are parameterized by variables fClass , dClassRole and sizeNumber , respectively . Note that the sizeNumber corresponds to the representative multiplicity value (as de- picted in T able 3) at the second class. The parameter fClass1 is to define an arbitrary variant of instances of the first class. Using these parameters as input of the fol- lowing OCL template, boolean CT s are generated from the metamodel. fClass.allInstances -> exi sts( fClass1 | fClass1.dClassRole -> size() = sizeNumber ) Figure 4 shows a set of CT s for the simplified class dia- gram metamodel. Figure 5 demonstrates the partition anal- ysis based on CT s captured from multiplicity values. T est suites with test models generated by the CT set would sat- isfy the association coverage. This partitioning approach also includes the restriction on the data type of class attributes. Thus, generated test models could ensure the attribute coverage criterion [44, 2, 4, 3], i.e., each representative value of an attribute must be covered in at least one test model. The following example illustrates how representative values could be defined by analyzing the data range of primitive data types. – The representative values for Boolean attributes are { true,false} ; – The representative values for String attributes: { null, ′′ , ′ something ′ } ; – The representative values for Integer attributes: { 0, 1,> 1} . The following OCL template is proposed to generate CT s for the attribute coverage criterion. clsName.allInstances -> exists( varCls | varCls.attrName = rprValue ) In this OCL template, the parameterattrName defines the attribute name, the clsName defines the class name, the rprValue defines the chosen representative value for the attribute data type, and thevarCls is to define an arbitrary variant of instances of the class. Figure 6 demonstrates the On Integrating Multiple Restriction Domains… Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 27 Figure 4: CT s coverage representative values of association’ s multiplicities. Figure 5: Partition analysis based on CT s captured from multiplicity values. partition analysis based on CT s captured from the attribute’ s data type. Figure 6: Partition analysis based on CT s captured from attribute’ s datatype. There are two basic approaches to select representative values of equivalence partitions. The first, default parti- tioning chooses representative values using the boundary value analysis or the data random generation. The sec- ond, knowledge-based partitioning, representative values are provided by domain experts for various test objectives. This technique also allows the tester to flexibly adjust the configuration to narrow the searching space of constraint solving for a better test model generation. Figure 7 shows a configuration file defined by the do- main expert for the CD2RDBM transformation. Figure 8 shows classifying terms that partition source models based on the properties of the class Class . 5.2 T ransformation specification coverage A contract-based specification of a model transformation, brings benefits for debugging, testing, and, more gener - ally , quality assurance. The partition analysis technique can be applied to contracts of a transformation specification to generate the test models that cover the transformation spec- ification’ s requirements as regarded in [8, 36, 7]. This sec- tion explains a partition analysis technique based on classi- fier terms for model transformations. First, the underlying transformation will be captured by our TC4MT specifica- tion language [40]. The language TC4MT employs typed graph patterns in the form of a UML class added with OCL constraints to express transformation contracts. T ransfor - mation contracts can be either positive or negative. Figure 9 shows a negative precondition specified in the TC4MT language. The precondition states that the CD2RDBM transformation rejects any input model in which a child class redefines an attribute of the parent class. Figure 10 shows a negative postcondition for the generated RDBM models. The example postcondition states a restric- tion on the output models that the column names of a table must be distinct. Invariants within a transformation contract state how cer - tain structures of an input model should be transformed. An invariant often consists of a source graph, a tar get graph, and an optional corresponding graph to connect them. A positive invariant that holds on a pair of source and tar get models would ensure there exists a tar get graph for each given source graph. W ith negative invariants, such a tar get graph should not be found from the tar get model domain. Figures 1 1 and 12 show a positive invariant and a negative invariant of the CD2RDBM transformation, respectively . Considering each input condition on the input model- ing space as a testing property , representative values of the property are defined for a testing partition. Then, graph patterns of representing input conditions are translated into boolean OCL expressions using the template as illustrated 28 Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 N. Hanh et al. Figure 7: The configuration file for constructing source CT s. in Fig. 13. T o translate graph patterns into OCL constraints, this schema will iterate over all objects of each contract (lines 2,3). In the case of negative contracts, i.e., the attribute status of all objects equals to− 2 , the negation operator not appears at the first line of the schema. The function conditions is to check a constraint on the underlying ob- jects and their properties. If there exist two objects oi and oj with the same type (type oi = type oj ) then the condi- tion oi <> oj will be added. The association between two objects will be translated into a corresponding con- dition, either oi.role j → includes(oj) or oj.role i → includes(oi) . The condition function omits the checking of attributes with undefined value. Other OCL constraints of the graph pattern will be included in the function condi- tions . Figure 14 shows an OCL condition translated from the precondition shown in Fig. 9: Ther e does not exist any r edefined attribute in the child class . A boolean OCL expression can be assigned to one of two values{ true,false} to specify a corresponding equiv- alence partition of the input model set. Models that violate a negative precondition will belong to an invalid equivalence partition of the input model set, while the other models will belong to the remaining partition of the input model set. Figure 15 illustrates the result of the partition analysis on preconditions. Similarly , postcondition contracts as well as invariant contracts could also be translated into boolean OCL expres- sions to partition the output model set. These OCL expres- sions will be taken as OCL assertions playing the oracle function to verify actual output models. 6 Generating test models in differ ent test strategies Model transformation testing aims to ensure a transforma- tion fulfills its requirements (i.e., validation testing) and to discover defects in the transformation (i.e., defect testing). For a certain test objective, the tester would follow a suit- able test strategy . This section explains how test models are generated in such dif ferent test strategies. Figure 16 depicts the workflow for test model genera- tion. First, a test basic, including a transformation spec- ification and a configuration of the test model domain, is analyzed and translated into boolean OCL expressions as classifying terms [8] to define partitioning information sets. Second, depending on dif ferent testing strategies, partition- ing information sets and test criteria describe how the parti- tions are combined and selected to design test cases. Here, composite partitions are built according to certain specifi- cation coverage criteria. The test conditions in both test strategies are defined by combining single partitions using the relational operators{ and,or,not } . Finally , these par - tition combinations are then taken as the input of an SA T solver [41] to automatically generate test models. For a par - ticular OCL condition, the solver might not find any valid model since the given scope is too narrow , or there is in- consistency in the specification. In such cases, the search scope can be extended interactively by adjusting the solver parameters. There are two main test strategies for model transforma- tions: (1) A positive testing strategy aims to ensure cor - rectness. This strategy focuses on generating valid input models. The tester could combine restriction domains cor - On Integrating Multiple Restriction Domains… Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 29 Figure 8: Some source CT s generated from the partition analysis on the classClass . Figure 9: A negative precondition of the CD2RDBM trans- formation. responding to dif ferent aspects of the correctness property (including syntax correctness, semantic correctness, infor - mation preservation, and behavior preservation) to select relevant input models together with OCL assertions. (2) A negative testing strategy is applied to ensure safety and re- liability . The strategy focuses on generating invalid input models so that transformation’ s defects might be detected. 6.1 Negative testing Negative testing ensures that a model transformation can gracefully handle invalid input or unexpected execution scenarios. An input model is invalid if it violates at least one negative precondition. The equivalence partition tech- Figure 10: A negative postcondition of the CD2RDBM transformation. nique is applied to preconditions of the transformation to identify various invalid partitions of input models. T o illustrate the negative testing approach, testers focus on the following typical situation. From a given nega- tive precondition, two equivalence partitions are defined: a set of invalid input models that violate this precondi- tion (false ) and a set of the remaining models that ful- fill this precondition (true ). A model of the second set can be valid or invalid due to other remaining constraint conditions. Such a negative test case aims to discover de- fects when robustness testing. By combining many nega- tive preconditions, a smaller partition of invalid input mod- els would be defined. T o automate the generation of test inputs, a combina- tion strategy is defined that describes how values (true or false ) for negative preconditions are selected such that the underlying coverage criterion is satisfied. The t-wise cov- erage criterion tends to be chosen for the negative testing approach. The coverage criterion is satisfied if any value combinations of t parameters, i.e., negative preconditions, 30 Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 N. Hanh et al. Figure 1 1: A positive invariant of the CD2RDBM transfor - mation. Figure 12: A negative invariant of the CD2RDBM trans- formation. in this case, appear in at least one test input. As a spe- cial case of this, the following criteria are determined: each choice (t = 1 ), pair -wise (t = 2 ), and exhaustive (t = n ). Based on the combinatorial testing with negative test cases for software testing as explained in [42], dif ferent lev- els of specification coverage are defined for the negative test case generation as follows (see Fig. 17 for an illustra- tion). – NP coverage: For each negative precondition (the t- wise coverage with t = 1 ) at least one input model is selected. – 2NP coverage: For each negative precondition (t = 1 ) and each pair of negative preconditions (t = 2 ), at least one input model is selected. – Combinatorial NP coverage: For each combination of t negative precondition (t >= 1) , at least one test input model is selected. For instance, with the case Figure 13: The OCL schema for the precondition compila- tion. Figure 14: The OCL expression translated from the nega- tive precondition shown in Figure 9. Figure 15: Partition analysis based on CT s captured from preconditions. t = 4 , test input models would be generated for each negative precondition and each combination from 2 to 4 negative preconditions. Figure 18 shows four test models generated by solving source classifying terms of the CD2RDBM transformation. These classifying terms are defined as a combination of negative preconditions. The first test model (M1) plays the role of a negative test case violating the negative pre- condition NoSelfInheritance . The remaining test models (M2,M3, and M4) are generated by the classifying term, defined by combining the two negative preconditions No- SelfInheritance and NoDuplicateClassName . Linking negative test cases with test oracles. Nega- tive testing ensures that a model transformation can grace- fully handle invalid input data or unexpected user behav- ior . The purpose of negative testing is to prevent the system from crashing due to negative inputs and improve its qual- ity and stability . The completeness property requires that the transformation refuses invalid input data and does not contain any incomplete execution. The syntactical correct- ness property requires that any output model produced from an invalid input model needs to be invalid, i.e., it violates at least one negative postcondition. The completeness of a transformation could be checked by performing negative On Integrating Multiple Restriction Domains… Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 31 Figure 16: A test model generation process in dif ferent test strategies. Figure 17: Partition analysis based on CT s captured from preconditions. test cases and observing manually the execution process. The expected output of the execution is either an invalid in- put warning or a non-terminating state of the transformation system. Similarly , the syntactical correctness of the trans- formation also can be checked. The output model is now checked using the oracle function as shown in Fig. 19. 6.2 Positive testing Positive testing verifies how the application behaves for the positive set of data. In positive transformation testing, single partitions are combined to select valid input mod- els, representing composite partitions of the input model domain. Because valid input models must satisfy without violating any negative preconditions, all classifying terms translated from negative preconditions will be pushed into the SA T solver when solving constraints to generate valid input models. A strategy to combine partition information in terms of classifying terms is defined to avoid duplication and re- duce the number of test models. This strategy also ensures both the source metamodel coverage and the transformation specification coverage. The concept Range is denoted to a set of equivalent values of a class property and a Partition contains one and more Range . The following coverage cri- teria are proposed for the positive testing approach. The allRanges coverage. The representative value of each range must be implemented in at least one test model. The following examples are model fragments of the meta- model( MF ). MF{ Class.allInstances → exists(c|’’)} MF{ Class.allInstances → exists(c|’var’)} MF{ Class.allInstances → exists(c|c.childClass → size()=0)} The allPartitions coverage. The set of representative values of each Partition must appear in at least one test model. The following example model fragments are gen- erated from this fragmentation criterion. MF{ Class.allInstances → exists(c|’’) ∧ Class.allInstances → exists(c|’var’)} MF{ Class.allInstances → exists(c| c.childClass → size()=0) ∧ Class.allInstances → exists(c| c.childClass → size()=0) ∧ Class.allInstances → exists(c| c.childClass → size()>1)} A test model based on this coverage criterion can repre- sent more constructs to be tested in the source metamodel than the allRanges coverage criterion. If an area is divided into three ranges, the tester can create a test model that cor - responds to the three instances of the test model set in the allRanges criterion. Therefore, creating a suitable allParti- tions coverage for a test model set can reduce the test case size while ensuring the metamodel coverage criterion. The allClassProperties coverage. Each value association representing the partition of each class’ attribute values must be implemented in at least one test model. The fol- lowing example fragment models are generated from this 32 Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 N. Hanh et al. Figure 18: Four negative test cases generated from source CT s. criterion. MF{ Class.allInstances → exists(c|’var’ ∧ c.childClass → size()=0 ∧ c.parentClass → size()=0 ∧ c.ownedAtt → size()=0 ∧ c.srcAss → size()=0 ∧ c.destAss → size()=0)} MF{ Attribute.AllInstances → exists(a1| = 'attname') ∧ Attribute.AllInstances → exists (a1| a1.datatype = 'atttype') ∧ Attribute.AllInstances → exists(a1| a1.isPrimary = false)} While the test coverage criteria allRanges, allPartitions, allClassPr operties allow us to achieve the source meta- model coverage, specification-based test coverage criteria aim at the requirement coverage. A valid input model needs to fulfill all negative preconditions, therefore, test models generated by the positive testing strategy ensure the precon- dition coverage. In order to achieve the invariant coverage and to navigate the test input model selection, the following test coverage criterion is defined. The invariant coverage. Each source pattern of invari- ants (consisting of both negative and positive invariants) needs to be implemented in at least one test model. Positive w .r .t. negative invariants describe valid w .r .t. invalid pairs of source and tar get models. Therefore, the source graphs as part of an invariant can be used as tem- plates, i.e., positive patterns, to generate test models in the positive testing strategy . The invariant coverage cri- terion requires that each source graph of invariants (includ- ing transformation rules) appears as a restriction on at least one test model. Considering the CD2RDBM transforma- tion, with three negative invariants and six transformation rules, nine test models are required to satisfy the coverage invariant criterion. Linking positive test cases with test oracles. The com- pleteness property of a model transformation requires any valid input model also to be accepted as the input data and then transformed into an output model. In case all generated output models are valid tar get models satisfying all nega- tive postconditions, the syntactical correctness property of a model transformation is ensured. A model transformation is correct only if both input and output models are valid. In other words, the output model must preserve the information as well as the behavior of the input model through the transformation program. The correspondence between source (input) models and tar get (output) models can be captured by invariants. Therefore, invariants should be ef fective knowledge sources to check information preservation. Therefore, positive test cases including valid input models should be used as test data for checking the syntactical correctness and information preservation as shown in Fig. 20 and Fig. 21. On Integrating Multiple Restriction Domains… Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 33 Figure 19: Oracle function for the syntactical correctness in the negative testing strategy . Figure 20: Oracle function for the syntactical correctness in the positive testing strategy . 7 T ool support The USE (UML-based Specification Environment) [43] is the execution environment of the support tool of. The tool includes three main functional components as fol- lows: (1) TC4MT specification tool; (2) T est generator; and (3) T est bench. As shown in Fig. 22, the first component allows build- ing the TC4MT transformation specification using the USE editor . In this component, the metamodel of a transforma- tion specification is represented by a UML class diagram added with OCL constraints. Patterns of a specification are represented by object diagrams conforming to the meta- model. For example, the class diagram in Fig. 22 shows the metamodel of the CD2RDBM transformation specification while preconditions, postconditions, invariants, and trans- formation rules are represented by object diagrams created by using the graphical window interface or the scripting lan- guage SOIL of the USE editor . The second component is a USE plugin that performs the specification analysis to define test conditions. Fig- ure 23 shows the GUI of this component. The plugin is activated by loading a triple-type graph. The window Meta- modelAnalysis (red label 1 ) is used to automatically gen- erate source classifying terms from the partition analysis on the source metamodel. An optional configuration file containing information provided by the domain expert can Figure 21: Oracle function for the information preservation in the positive testing strategy . be loaded to increase the expressiveness of the source CT s. The window SpecificationAnalysis (red label 2 ) is used to load patterns of preconditions, postconditions, and invari- ants (including transformation rules playing positive invari- ants) and translate them into CT s using the OCL schemes introduced in Section 5.2. The last component, as shown in Fig. 24, is also a USE plugin playing the test bench. T est bench-related tasks are to use the Kodkod engine to solve OCL constraints for find- ing model instances playing test models, invoke the system under test (SUT) with the test models, and pass resulting output models to the oracle function for evaluation. This plugin is activated by loading the source metamodel. It takes as input the specification files of metamodels, trans- formation definition, source CT s, tar get CT s, and the Model V alidator configuration, all of which are plain text files. The transformation definition including a set of TGG- based rules is written in the R TL language [45] that can run on the USE tool. The configuration file (including value op- tions for links, attributes, and size of elements) is required to restrict object models. The source CT s file is used to gen- 34 Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 N. Hanh et al. Figure 22: A transformation specification in the language TC4MT . erate input models of test cases, the tar get CT s file is used to validate output models. The mapping file contains a list of patterns in the format of ”sourceCT s –> tar getCT s”, in which each side specifies a list of expected Boolean values of CT s corresponding to passed test cases. The list of source CT s that are combined to represent the input test specifica- tion based on the selected test coverage criteria while corre- sponding tar get CT s are combined to represent the expected output property that defines the partial oracle function. The test report obtained from the test bench is shown in Fig. 25. Finally , as shown in Fig. 25, when executing the test suite, each solution generated by SA T solver will be taken as input for the model transformation. The tool then reports whether the output model satisfies predefined OCL asser - tions. The partition information of each solution is pre- sented in the panel Sour ce Classifying T erms , as shown in Fig. 25. The validation result of the corresponding output model against OCL assertions is shown in the panel T ar - get Classifying T erms . The oracle function that is prede- fined in the mapping file will check whether the test case is passed. The test result will be depicted in the panel V ali- dation r esult . The transformation execution script is shown in the panel Executed transformations . The debugging of transformation execution scenarios is performed by invok- ing each rule application, step b y step. The current state of the transformation system after each transformation step could be checked. 8 Experimental r esults In this section, several experiments are performed to evalu- ate the ef fectiveness of generated input models for detecting transformation failures. The objective of the experiment is to evaluate the error detection ability of the designed test cases in both positive and negative testing strategies. 8.1 T ested setup For the evaluation, the paper focuses on four model trans- formations written in the R TL implementation language, the Restricted graph T ransformations Language, as pro- posed in [45]. The purpose of the transformation examples is as follows. C2R. The CD2RDBM transformation [46] is implemented for the running example which includes six rules, five negative preconditions, three negative invariants, and three negative postconditions; B2D. The BibT eX2DocBook transformation [47] trans- forms the BibT eX model into the XML-based format for document composition DocBook. However , in this paper , we are only interested in converting the infor - mation about proceedings of conferences presented in BibT eX models into corresponding information pre- sented in DocBook models. The version of the trans- formation BibT eX2DocBook includes six rules, four On Integrating Multiple Restriction Domains… Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 35 Figure 23: The GUI for the function to analyze transformation specifications. negative preconditions, two negative invariants, and three negative postconditions; F2P . The Families2Persons transformation [48] is part of the A TL transformation zoo and was created as part of the “Usine Logicielle” project. This transformation includes four rules, two negative preconditions, two negative postconditions, and no negative invariant; B2P . The BPMN2PetriNet transformation [49] transforms BPMN models at the Computational Independent Model (CIM) level to PetriNet models at the Platform Independent Model (PIM) level. This model transfor - mation includes twelve rules, five negative precondi- tions, two negative postconditions, and no negative in- variant. It is important to note here that the specification language TC4MT is independent of transformation implementation platforms. The transformation implementations need to conform to the transformation specification but are not de- rived from the TC4MT specifications automatically . Gen- erated test suites can be used for verification and validation model transformation implementations using the black-box testing approach. T able 4 gathers the number of contracts of e ach transfor - mation example, as well a s the size of its input metamodel. In our specification-based testing approach, we focus on negative preconditions, negative postconditions as well as negative invariants. Besides, transformation rules specify expected corresponding mappings between source models and tar get models so they can be considered as positive in- variants of the source-tar get contracts. The BPMN2PetriNet transformation is the most complex in terms of the size of specification as well as the input metamodel. The Families2Persons transformation is a sim- ple transformation with few invariants, rules and classes. 8.2 T est suite generation From the TC4MT specification, a test suite is derived based on each selected coverage criterion. The test suites were au- tomatically generated by using the tool presented in Sect. 7. The numbers in side cell of T able 5 show the number of gen- erated test models corresponding to a particular coverage criterion. In general, the lar ger the size of the specification is specified, the lar ger the test size is generated. 8.3 Efficacy of generated test suites T o measure the ef fectiveness of a test suite and help im- prove it, the common technique mutation testing [50] is em- ployed. In mutation testing, faults are injected into a pro- gram to produce erroneous versions of it, which are called mutants. Then each mutant is tested with the test suite. Once the test suite could detect the error , the mutant is killed. Otherwise, the mutant remains alive. The mutant score, which is the number of killed mutants divided by the total number of mutants, gives a measure of the quality of the test suite. The mutation testing technique is performed as follows. First, mutants of each transformation implementation are created manually by injecting faults by using systematic classification of mutation operators of model transforma- tion regarded in [50]. Navigation. The model has navigated thanks to the rela- tions defined on its metamodel and a set of elements is obtained. Therefore, navigation mutations replace the navigation towards a class with the navigation towards another , remove the last step of a chain of navigation, or add the last step of navigation in a navigation chain. Filtering. A rule application is usually performed on a lim- ited set of input and output model elements described by the filter conditions. Filtering mutations introduce 36 Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 N. Hanh et al. Figure 24: The GUI for the functions: test implementation, execution, and reporting. T able 4: T est setup Examples Specification Sour ce Metamodel Pr econd Postcond Inv+Rule Class Assoc Inheritance CD2RDBM 5 3 9 3 4 0 BibT eX2DocBook 4 3 8 5 3 2 Families2Persons 2 2 4 2 4 0 BPMN2PetriNet 5 2 12 15 2 14 disturbances in the filters of a collection, either by modifying the attributes used in the filter or by select- ing only some instance types when the collection is defined with a generic class. Cr eation. Output model elements are created by the exe- cution of transformation rules. The creation mutations replace the creation of an object with another compat- ible type, delete the creation of a relation between two objects, or add a useless relation between two objects in the transformation rules of a transformation imple- mentation. Figure 26 shows an example of mutants. Here, the rule is specified in the R TL transformation language. The injected fault is highlighted in a colored square. In particular , the class Column is related to the class Table by two associ- ations corresponding to the role names ownPkey and own- Col . This mutant aims to replacec.ownPkey of the column c with thec.ownCol so that the cardinality is modified. T able 6 shows the mutation operators used to create the mutants in the experiment, which altogether belong to all possible mutation types (navigation, filtering, and cre- ation). Each mutant was created by applying a mutation operator to the original transformation one time. Thus, each cell in the table corresponds to the number of mutants cre- ated using a particular mutation operator . The last column in the table summarizes the number of mutants created for each transformation. T able 7 shows the number of mutants created from each transformation as well as the mutation score of the gener - ated test suites using the negative testing strategy . T able 8 shows the number of mutants created from each transformation using the positive testing approach. On Integrating Multiple Restriction Domains… Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 37 Figure 25: T est report with some partition information. T able 5: The number of test models in test suites for coverage criteria Negative testing Positive testing Examples 1NP 2NP 3NP Ranges Partitions ClassProperties Invariants CD2RDBM 5 35 63 34 14 3 9 BibT eX2DocBook 4 22 50 24 12 5 8 Families2Persons 2 5 - 10 2 2 4 BPMN2PetriNet 5 35 63 53 30 15 12 T able 6: Number of mutants on the transformations CD2RDBM (C2R), BibT eX2DocBook (B2D), Fami- lies2Persons (F2P), and BPMN2PetriNet (B2P) Navigation Filtering Creation T otal C2R 9 28 21 58 B2D 6 12 7 25 F2P 12 16 4 32 B2P 13 36 20 69 9 Thr eats to V alidity Although we performed the experiments with utmost care, some underlying parameters potentially threaten the valid- ity of the obtained results: T able 7: Mutation scores of the generated test suites in the negative testing strategy Mutants 1NP 2NP 3NP C2R 58 0.90 0.90 0.90 B2D 25 0.84 0.84 0.88 F2P 32 0.81 0.81 - B2P 69 0.62 0.62 0.81 i) W e experimented with common transformation ex- amples that are available in related works. How- ever , we only specify and implement these transfor - mation examples with simplified requirements and particular fragments of input/output metamodels in- 38 Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 N. Hanh et al. T able 8: Mutation scores of the generated test suites in the positive testing strategy Mutants allRanges allPartitions allClassProperties allInvariants CD2RDBM 58 0.90 0.90 0.90 0.90 BibT eX2DocBook 25 0.72 0.80 0.80 0.72 Families2Persons 32 0.75 0.75 0.75 0.75 BPMN2PetriNet 69 0.65 0.70 0.70 0.65 Figure 26: An example for the mutation operator naviga- tion . stead of whole metamodels. For example, in the Bib- T eX2DocBook transformation, we only work on Bib- T eX files representing the conference proceedings. Mutation scores of generated test suites generally are dependent on specific factors such as the way to cre- ate mutants, the size of test suites, and the quality of the under -test transformation implementation. There- fore, the obtained experimental results only point out the error -detection ef ficiency of generated test suites for typical semantic faults of transformations. Our mutation-based evaluation method is inapplicable for the other specific faults. ii) W e empirically evaluate transformation examples re- alized by the R TL bidirectional transformation lan- guage designed based on the integration of TGG and OCL [45]. Because of the flexibility of the OCL lan- guage, there can be dif ferent implementations for the transformation from a specification. Therefore, the number of created mutants for each dif ferent imple- mentation does not coincide with each other . Note that the R TL implementation currently is not de- rived automatically from the TC4MT specification al- though it also has the TGG-based semantics. Even in the case of the automatically generated implementa- tion, testing such an implementation would af fect the evaluation results. This makes R TL implementations more objective assessment. iii) In the workflow of our proposed approach, several steps are still performed manually and interactively , such as the step to create configuration files contain- ing representative values of partitions, the one to cre- ate mutant sets, and the one to select the solver con- figuration. Therefore, the quality of the tester ’ s work and their decisions should have more or less an impact on the experimental results. Discussion. As surveyed in Sect. 2, current black-box test- ing approaches often employ meta-model coverage crite- ria to ensure that the set of generated input models con- tains at least one instance of any class or association of the meta-model. They also refer to extreme values for the at- tributes. However , a limitation of the approaches is that a very lar ge number of test models, including unrelated or duplicated test models, are generated, and the completely generated test model is often not related to the test output evaluation. Several testing approaches focus on contract- based model transformation specification analysis to gen- erate smaller test model sets using the specification-based coverage criteria. An advantage of these approaches is that the test models remain intentional: They are generated for testing a particular combination of transformation require- ments so that they can be checked by the oracle function more ef ficiently . In this paper , a testing approach is proposed that com- bines dif ferent knowledge sources to generate smaller , more ef ficient test model suites with dif ferent t est objec- tives. This combination reduces test model duplication while still ensuring ef ficient metamodel coverage and spec- ification coverage. In our approach, the use of environment configuration parameters provided by domain knowledge makes generated test suites more ef ficient. T est models are designed by using both negative testing and positive testing strategies. The approach allows us to verify further qual- ity properties of a model transformation. Some test oracle functions also are defined for verifying quality properties against appropriate test suites generated by dif ferent testing strategies. T o show the ef fectiveness of the generated test cases in detecting common semantic errors, some experi- ments are performed on dif ferent transformation examples as regarded in Sect. 8. On Integrating Multiple Restriction Domains… Informatica 47 (2023) 21–42 39 10 Conclusion and futur e work This paper proposes a specification-driven testing approach for test data selection. The basic idea is to leverage dif ferent sources of knowledge that can be produced during the trans- formation specification development and to utilize them for automatic generation of test suites. Dif ferent sources of knowledge as restriction domains are translated into OCL conditions to facilitate the partitioning testing. The exper - iments show that boolean OCL expressions could be com- bined to synthesize test models. Based on the character - istics of knowledge sources and selected testing strategies, input model conditions would be linked with output model assertions to check dif ferent quality properties. The proposal testing framework, named TC4MT , em- ploys SA T solver for finding test models automatically . The TC4MT framework is installed to support automated test- ing of R TL transformation implementation on USE envi- ronments. Several experiments are conducted in which test suites are automatically generated from several transforma- tion specifications. W e then measured the ef ficacy of the generated tests using the mutation analysis. The quality of the generated test set highly relies on how complete a spec- ification is. If a specification only covers part of the trans- formation requirements, then the generated models may not enable the testing of the underspecified parts. The performance and scope of test model searching re- main a challenge for the proposed approach, we plan to con- duct further experiments to improve performance and test coverage. Acknowledgements This work has been supported by V ietnam National Univer - sity , Hanoi under Project No. QG.20.54. W e wish to thank the anonymous reviewers for numerous insightful feedback on the first version of this paper . Refer ences [1] F . Fleurey , J. Steel, and B. Baudry (2004). V alidation in Model-Driven Engineering: T esting Model T rans- formation. 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