_ ro,J.n sobot, nedeU , in prusov. . daily except SsturdajZ, and HoUde*. PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NARODNE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Uredniški in upravntiki prostori: 6667 South Lawndal» Ava. Offtco of Publication: 1667 South Lawndalo Ava. Telephon«, Hock wall 4004 pTEAB Cena lista Ja »0 00 _ M »nal llaai aMOar January U. tast. at Úm »ert-effl» WwJUtawlB. uader tkm Act nt Coo.r— of Mar* i. IMS. CHICAGO. ILLk. SREDA. 1«. JULIJA (JULY II). INI Subscription $6.00 Yearly &TEV.—NUMBER 197 Acceptance for mailing at special rate of postefe provided fir In eection 1106, Act of Oct. 1, 1917, euthorlsed on June 4, 1616. frchill napovedal po-¿rite v letalskega ; bombardiran ja «k francoskih [cet iz sirije h u jul—Ruske arma-"ričele veliko ofenzivo ob jnjeper, katero so preko-t več krajih in vrgle Nem-ij 30 kilometrov. Izvestja, glasilo, so danes objavi-jilo s fronte, da se prodi-lovjetskih čet proti zapa-Jjuje. To pravi, da so nokupirale Rogačev, mesto pdnem bregu reke Dnje-t leži 130 milj južnovzhod-i Minska in je bilo pozo-srditih bitk zadnji teden, rjeti molče o operacijah na mhodni fronti. Vest iz it, Turčija, da so se člani like vlade odločili za umik akve, je bila zanikana, lila, 15. jul.—Napori ruskih É obdrže svoje postojanke ijinah vzhodno od Stali-trdnjavskc črte, katero so d prebili v več krajih, so se pili, poroča DNB, uradna agentura. Prodiranje Leningradu se nadaljuje, iv w bile ruske vojaške eno-;lici ojačene. 15. jul — Angleška s) ila lovit nemške paril bombnike in so jih tudi Rezultat je pet poškodo-nemških parnikov in uni-daetih bombnikov. Masni d napadi so bih izvršeni fccrbourg in Havre, fran-luki v nacijski okupacijski bkor tudi na železniško pri Hazerbroucku. Ud Cherbourg je bil V Londonu so priznali iz dveh bombnikov in štirih r l- —, Ifcier Churchill je včeraj ril da Nemci zdaj čutijo «f letalskega bombardira-TonaŽH bomb, katere so ««Mu letalci na nemška in industrijska središča, je vakrat večja od nemške," 9»' "To je šele začetek, u-ono, kar pr ihaja. Bom-■•"J«* nemških mest se bo »večjem obsegu odšle m}' *o.Eglpi. 15 jul. — Angle-frwcdski uradniki so vče-^Ino podpisali premirje, pet tednov traja-* v Siriji in Lebano-«*ri so se Francozi bori-■ftancozom in zavezniki m ve/, ni kom. Na-0 podpisu premirja je «weral Claude Auchin- Debata o podaljšanju vojaške službe Opozicija proti Rooseveltovemu načrtu Weehington, D. C.. 15. jul. — Predeednik Roosevelt je bil informiran o opoziciji v kongresu proti osnutku, ki mu daje oblast pošiljanja vojaških čet v kraje zunaj zapadne hemisfere, kakor tudi proti podaljšanju vojaške službe. Roosevelt je povedal voditeljem kongresa, da bo vztrajal pri zahtevi glede podaljšanja vojaške službe, toda na kongres ne bo pritiskal za sprejetje zakonskega načrta glede rabe a-meriške oborožene sile zunaj za padne hemisfere. Senator Robert R. Reynolds, demokrat iz Severne Karoline in načelnik odseka za militaristič-ne zadeve, je naznanil, da še bo zaslišanje o načrtu podaljšanja vojaške službe pričelo v četrtek. On je prej konferiral s predsednikom Rooseveltom. Po konferenci je izjavil, da je proti podaljšanju vojaške službe. Sestanka v Beli hiši se je udeležil tudi general George C. Marshall načelnik vrhovnega armadnega štaba. IV. W*>vm povelinik angleft-*»»* aile na Bližnjem Palestina, dva dni po *V| «"vražnosti ¡2 P^irja s,- nier) bill *toda britski krogi so M« J( bria njihova voj-® 0iw«*r»a Arml^ka ar-'^J lahko odbijala o-na prekop i'H-ke. ^ndrtta. Turčija. 15, jul. 1'Vk ''" roških VO-* " boni, proti An-b J>lr'J' bo pn-korečilo V « u- JT0r*<'mko ozemlje, " 'Rešljivega pre koračile To u, f.na Japonska grozi z blokado Hankova Nov incident v francoski koncesiji Tokio. 15. jul. — Poročilo časopisne agenture Domej iz Hankova, mesta, ki ao ga Japonci zasedli, pravi, da je policija v francoski koncesiji ubila enega Japonca, tri pa ranila v strelja-lju, nakar so japonske vojaške oblasti zapretile z blokado te koncesije. Pet japonskih civili stov je bilo aretiranih kot rezultat incidenta. Japonake bojne ladje bodo blokirale koncesijo, če francoske avtoritete ne bodo dale zadoščenja. Poročilo o dogodku je izzvalo ostro kampanjo proti francoskim avtoritetam v tokijskih listih. Ti zahtevajo izročitev tujih koncesij Čingvejevi vladi v Nankin-gu, ki je pod japonsko dominacijo. Časopisje posveča veliko pozornost programu japonske ekspanzije na jug. To zlasti nagla-še protijeponske ektivnosti v francoski Indokini, ki so zavzele velik obseg. Attlee govori o mirovni ofenzivi Anglija m ne ime pogajati • Hitlerjem AMERIKA NAJ GRE V VOJNO ROTI NEMCUI Nemško - ameriški kongres podprl Roose-veltovo politiko ¡OBRAMBA AMERIŠKE DEMOKRACIJE .....r. Chicego. 15. jul.—Dr. Frank Bohn, predsednik Nemško-ame-riškega kongresa za demokracijo, protinacijske organizacije, je pozval Združene države, naj takoj stopijo v vojno proti Nemčiji. "Ako to store, bo borba kratka, zmaga zagotovljena in mir odločilen," je dejal. "Milijoni Nemcev sovražijo zver, ki jih vlada. Te milijone lahko in moramo doseči." Poziv je bil izdan, ko so ee či-kaški Nemci izrekli za ueUnovl-tev podružnice Nemško-ameri-Škega kongresa za demokracijo. Nickolas Pesch je poslal vabila 250 Člkažanom nemškega porekla, naj se pridružijo njegovi grupi, katere geslo je: "Za demokracijo, svobodo, človeške pravice; proti nacizmu, fašizmu in komunizmu." Dr. Bohn, ki je govoril v New Yorku, je izjavil, "da je večina Nemcev na naši strani in le čaka na naš poziv k orožju." On je dejal, da je bil glavni namen njegove organizacije, ki je bila pred nekaj meseci ustanovljena v New Yorku, pobijanje nacij-ske, fašistične in komunistične Domaje vati STAVKA USTAVI- Chicago.—Anton Ravnik in I A H D R A T V 1F- njegov zet N. Bracpginile. obe iz ^ U II fl I ? JIT Kenoshe, W„ ® t „ JflJ^fl XQVARNI štvo Proavete. Naši bolniki ▼ Norih Chicegu North Chicafa-i-Lovrenc Og-rin, član in blagajnik društva 14 SNPJ, si je zednje dni zlomil nogo, ko je padel vlip«- obirajoč lipovo cvetje. John Zelenik je bil operiran na slepiču in sc nahaja v bolnišnici St Theresi; v isti sobi iste bolnišnice ae nahaja Frank Funk, ki je bil operiran na hrbtenici. Francee Štefane, članice društva 14 SN« PJ, je tudi bile v bolnišnici, a zdaj se zdravi doifa Člani žele vsem hitrega adrevja. Poroka v La Sallu La Salle, 111.—Dne 26. julija bosta tukaj poročena Krietine Furar in Kennetl} Weyand it Peruja. Neveate Je najmlajša hči Franka Furarja ln članica društva 98 SNPJ. fcelja je, da bo tudi ženin kmalu v naši jed-noti. Ia Detretta.. ' Detroit, Mich.—John Berič, član društve 518 8NPJ, ee nahaja v bolnišnici Harper. Članstvo mu želi hitrega okrevanje. prušineke SlptJe , La Salle, Ill.-Math Komp, pionir laeallske naselbine, ln njegova žena ete v krogu svojih otrok in prijeteljfv proelavila 40-letnico svojega zekonskege življenja. Čikaške afviee Chicago.—Rojak Louia Volk, doma U Metlike v Bell Krajini, je te dni prišel v čikaške čaao- Unija lad j ograd niikih delavcev namnanila sporazum FEDERALNI ODBOR ZAPOSLEN Weehington. D. C.. 15. jul.— Dva tisoč delavcev, članov jeklenke unije CIO, je einoči za-atavkalo pri Copperweld Steel Co. v Warrenu, O., in kompanlje je morala zapreti tovarno. Harry Wines, organizator te unije, je dejal, da stavka ni bila avto-rizirane. Nastala je, ko je kompenije odbila zahtevo, da more ponovno upoaliti dvanajst delovodij, ki so puatili službo, ko eo dobili od uprave ukaz, de morejo odeloviti 30 delavcev. Kompenije izdeluje orožje in bojno opremo ze ermedo. Preteča stavka unije CIO pri Tenneaaee Coal, Iron št Rellroed Co., Birminghem, Ale., je bile odvmjena, ko je bil konflikt predložen v izravnavo federel-nemu poeredovelnemu odboru. Unije je zapretile z oklicem stevke, ko je kompenije odbile zahtevo glede zvišenja pleče ze deeet centov ne uro. Federelni poaredovalnl odbor skuše končeti stevko pri Oulf States Utilities Co., Beton Rouge, Le., ln pri Seeled Power Corp., Muskegon, Mich., ter odvrniti stavko v jeklamah Seulin Amerika lahko zasede otoke i-™ Welles citiral Roose-veltovo izjavo Weehington. D. C.. 15. jul. — Drševni podtajnik Sumner Wel-ee je ne konferenci z reporterjl jonovno naglaeil, da je America za to, de stretegtčni Azor-ski in Kepeverdijski otoki o-stanejo v prijateljskih rokah in de ne želi v tem momentu iz-»remembe v euvet-eniteti in ju-risdikciji. Ti otoki so portugel-ska posest. Zegotovile, dene Portugalaki, eo bile izrečene s pridržki, kar pomeni, da Amerike ne bo držala svojih rok proč od teh otokov v vseh okolnostih, ki se pojavijo. Wellee je opozoril reporterje na Rooeeveltovo izjavo, katero je podal, ko ao ameriške čete o-tupirele Islandijo, danski otok. Ta se je glasila, da Amerike ne >0 dovolili okupacije strategič-nlh bas na Atlantiku po Nemčiji, katere bi slednja lahko rabile pri eventuelnlh napadih na dežele zepadne hemisfere. Državni podtajnik je dalje o-menil, da je Amerika zagotovila Portugaleko, de nima egreeivnlh namenov proti nji, toda podvze-le bo koreke proti veaki tuji sili, ki bi skušala okupirati Azor-eke in Kepeverdijske otoke. site, leeisucne in numumsvicnc Je te dni prise» v cinasae cbbo- ft . r - - , m sk-wkft vah, ki luže življenjski položa. ljudstev V deželah, ki so prišle pod Hitlerjevo oblast v napačni luči. Peech, na Ogrekem rojeni Ne- m« ki p. ** Fant, ti im.i b.lo ' «kno". mec, Kl pe je emerieai araav t ,,i„y¡in in nnlcai dni ljen, je omenil v inevgurecijsko resolucijo, ki bo tvorba platformo člkalke podružnice Nemško-emeriškege kongreaa za demokracijo. Ta naglaša veestreneko podporo veeh akcij, katere pod-vzamete ameriška vlada in kongres in katerih cilj je poraz to-talitarskih držav, zlasti pa nacij-ske Nemčije. Protinecijske organizacija je odobrila zunanjo politiko predeednike Roosevelta in državnega tajnika Hulla, obenem pa ee je izrekla ze ustavitev izvoza ameriškega bojnega meterlala Japonski, za obrano in reztegnitev načel demokracije, svobode in človeških pravic po veem svetu ter obrembo emeriške demokracije. Cikaška podružnica protine-cijeke orgenizecije bo rezgelje-le reelni življenjski in delovni položej prebivelcev pod vledo diktetorjev ter propagando pete kolone med ameriškimi delavci. elen v tovarni lästern Elec in tam je povedrftbvMrtlefn tiffl Wi^iru, proti Qulf Stetee Utilities Co. je ^ okllcal« unlJ» Apr. Dr.^ H. Ima doma belo vreno, ki ime rdečkeete oči. ToverlŠl mu nieo verjeli in eo brili norce iz njege, To'je Volke ujezilo ln nekaj dni kaeneje je prineeel kletko z belo vrano v tovarno ln pozval neverne Tomeže, naj 0 jo ogledajo. Se nieo mogli verjeti. Neto jih je Volk odpeljel z vreno vred v zverinjak v Brookfieldu in tam je Kari Pleth, kuretor oddelka za ptiče, svečano konsta-tirel, de je Volkova vrana (krstil jo je za Bobby) resnično zelo redek specimen bele vrane rdeč-kestih oči. Tedaj šele eo verjeli. Volk je pe poklonil redko vreno zverinjaku in Um e« zdej dere "ke, ke" in ne kletki Je' neple "Albino crow, presented by Mr. Louie Volk." Lehko še omenimo, de je br. Volk člen društva Narodni vitezi 39 SNPJ.—Dne 12. t. m. Je ne eeverni etreni mesta umrl rojak Ignac Legan, kl je etenovel ne naslovu 1119 N. Paulina et. Podrobnoati nieo epo-ročene.—Poroke. Martin N. Har tenian in Mery Mehnič (27-18), John Jenežič in Merthe Treehel Steelman, načelnik federalnega posredovalnega odbore, je pozval reprezentante obeh strank na konferenco, ki se danes prič ne v Washlngtonu. S posredovanjem federalnega delavskega odbora je bil doaešen sporazum med unijo ledjegrad nišklh delavcev ln Federel Shlp-bullding Co., ki Ime svoje ledje-delnice v Kearneyju, N. J. Unija je potem naznanile odložitev oklice stevke. Konflikt je neetsl, ko je kompanija zavrnila zahteve ze zvišanje pleče ln zaprto Okrog 40,000 delavcev ie Je vrnilo ne delo v toverno Chrye-ler Motor Corp. v Detroitu, ko je bile etevke pri National Au tomotive Fibres Co. končana Slednja kompenije zelega Chrys-ler Motor Corp. s potrebnim-materialom. 1 AníWt te* \ v me-lx> »*ns iz-fl ' pre- kl wi porazili r" k( m« rolo Si- kapitan n «obot( raze 15 jul. — ruk.,.. parnike ♦ bil pri p«. MUcttt na ob- Neeth. Anglije. 15. jul.—Ubo-rit Clefhent R. Attlee, člen Churchillovega kebineU, je ne shodu v tem mestu izjevil, da vidi možnoet, de bo Hitler, če njegove armade zaaedejo Moskvo, začel novo mirovno ofenzivo. "Trdim, da bo mirovna ofenziva, ko se prične, dobile odziv pri neketerih engleških pacifistih,H Je dejal Attlee. "Nekej je le zeelepljenih ljudi, ki le vedno menijo, de mir lahko pride e pogajanji. Hitler bo morda premotil nekaj pacifietov, ki se o-grevejo ze mir za veako ceno. in one. ki poetevljejo svoje boge stvo ned ljudsko bleginjo. Ze-gotevljem vee, da Hitler ne bp premotil nobenega člana sedanje vlade ... Mi ne bomo eklepeli miru z necijskimi gengeži, ker bi bilo to izdajstvo vsega, ze ker se Velike Britanije bori v tej vojni. tožbo eabotaže. Poleg njege bosta morale zagoverjeti dva druge cestnika. Najbolj prominenten člen proti- (26-22), Rudy Zupančič in Wen necijeke orgenizecije Je Thomee da june Dsvis (21-18), Frenk Mann, sloviti nemški pieetelj.j podbreger in Makeine Koehler ki je naiel zevetje v Združenih (26-19)^-Zekonske ločitve: Kle- drževeh, Nacijski teror na Slovenskem Sotrudnik Cankarjevega glasnika v ječi re Kovačevič Je i/.tožlla ločitev od Joe. Kovečevlče; Antoinette Klekovič toži Steveta Klekoviča ze ločitev. Is Penney I venlle Scranton, Pa. — Mrs. Konch-I nik se Je morale podvreči ope ] raciji in zdeJ ee zdravi doma. Člani društva 513 SNPJ naj Jo obiščejo. Poročilo o aretaciji Ji; ^-¡Coenng. fa « potrj.no ako v New Yorku, poroča, de eo| b^, ftvke, 15 Jul. — Poro-fešisti v Ljubljeni vrgli v Ječo. ¿i|o ^ bi| msrlel Hermenn znenege učitelja Antona ' Goering aretiran, ker je svaril IjeJca, ki Je zadnje dve lfti eUlno j mn^ pred nepedom ne Ruei-objavljel evoje peemi in druge io ^ ni wio potrjeno tukej. Ne-apiee v deveUndekem Canker-1 ytralnl opezovalci, katerim je jevem gleenlku Debeljek Je tu- j mi||Urietlčna eituedje v Nem-21 v ljubljenekem Jutru ocenil man», ne verjemejo, de je zednjo knjigo Louise Adamiče Goerjng dobil brco Odgovorno-"From Meny Lands H ! ttl, poverjene Ooerlngu. eo Uko Druge vest v Um Bulletlnu ee vežne In veeetrenske. de bi bile gUei da Je iz Hrvaške pobegnil akcije proti nJemu uvodv dre-rnV« oeter Kazimii Zekrejšek/ stično roorganlzlrsnje nrmšk^ge Kej jr d'UI m Hrveškem ln j vlednegs u^roje in oborožene kam Je pobegnU, ni povedano. ltUe. . ...... Ogromna večina želi zmago Rusiji 72% Američanov, pravi Callup Poli Japonska luka zaprta tujcem Rezervisti pozvani v aktivno sluibo lenghe). 15. Jul.—Zetvoritev Kobeja, japonekege priaUnlščne ge meeU, tujcem, je bila nežna njena poUm, ko eo ee tu pričele Uriti govorice, de ee Japonske priprevlje na nov eunek na Delj-nem vzhodu, nejbrže proti fran-coeki Indokini. Druge veet pravi, de eo japonake mlliUrietične evtoriUU pozvele več tieoč re-zervietov v ektlvno službo. Izglede, de jeponeki mllitorlsti dovoljujejo Urjenje poročil, da Jeponeka namerava na poet i Ru ee v Sibiriji na dan, ko pade Moekva ell prihodnji meear Opezovelci vidijo v teh poročilih živčno vojno proti eovjetom. Med njimi prevleduje mnenje, da bo Indokine poeUle predmet jafvm ekege eunke Govorice, de eo ee Jeponake tn sovjetske ČeU epopadU v več krajih ofemeji Sibirije In Man džurije, eo bile zehikane Poučeni krogi vidijo možnoet jepon ekege vdore v Sibirijo, če ae bo evropska Ruelje zrušila pod U-dercl Hitlerjeve vojne mešine. , N. U IB. Jul. - Ze vod za ameriško Javno mnenje (Gallup Foil) je pravkar objavil rezultat vzorčnega glaeovanja o vprašanju: Kateri strani žellU zmago v sedanji vojni med Nemčijo in Ruaijo? Odgovor je bil: Rusija 72 od stotkov, Nemčija štiri odstotke, "Meni Je vseeno" 17 odstotkov, onih pa, ki ee ne morejo odloči ti, je eedem odstotkov Zanimiva je ekonomeke In ver ske porazdelitev teh glesovel cev. Ruaiji želi zmago 72% vo-1 ilcev vrhnjege eloje (bogatini), 72% prednjega in 72% nižjega sloja (delavci), dočim je za Nem čljo 5% vrhnjega, 4% srednjege in 3% nižjega sloje; onih, katerim je veeeno, nej zmege Rusije ell Nemčije, je 22% vrhnj ge, 23% srednjege in 25% nižje-ge sloji^ Po veri ie pa glasovelci dele tekole: ze Rueijo 65 odetotkov ka till i kov in 74 odetotkov pro-teeUntov, ze Nemčijo pe 8% ke tolikov in V'Á protesUntov; Indi ferentnlh Je 2T/. ketolikov In 23% protestantov. Gellup doeUvlje, de ogromna večina Američanov ze Rueijo ne pomeni, de ee U večine ogreve ze komunizem, pač pe poJ"nJu jejo številni komenterjl gleeo-velcev eemih, zakaj želijo Rueljl zmego, nemreč: Ruelje nI impe-rielletične, Nemčije je; če Ruelje porazi Nemčijo, ne bo nepe die Amerike, eko pe Nemčije porezi Rueijo, bo po veej priliki nepedTe Ameriko. Governor odstavil dva profesorja AtlenU, Oe , 15. Jul. — Governor Eugene Telmedpe Je odete-vil dve promlnentne profesorje ne obtožbo, de ete propegtrele reeno enakopravnost v šolah. Profeeorje ste di. WelUr D. Cocking, deken prosvetrege oddel NACIJSKI KOMENTAR RUSKO-AN-GLESKEGA PAKTA tVemčija ne bo sklepala kompromisov s boljševizmom _ ^ f AMERIKA JE POKAZALA, POT Berlin. 15. jul.-Nacljskl tisk grmi proti pogodbi, ki sU jo podpisali Velika Britanija in eovjet-ske Ruelje glede ekupne akcija iroti Nemčiji. Liat Hamburger rremdenblett piše: "Nemčije glede z naraščajočim gnueom ne Anglijo, ki je pričela koreketi na strani komu-ilatične svetovne revolucija. Pakt, ki sU ga eklenlll, je v očeh Evrope zveza proti zapadni «1* villzecijl. Anglije je potlanlle Ameriko ne UUndijo, zdaj pa je napolnila kupo svoje zlobnoatl 8 deklaracijo, da ae bo borila do konca proti Nemčiji ne strani boljševlške Rusije." Drugi nemški listi tn uradni krogi eo označili sporazum se semomorllakl peki, Na vprašanje, ali bo Nemčija eklenlla mir s Stalinovim rešlmom, če bo u vprašel sa pogoje, kar ja v na-eproUtvu s provizijo, da ne ame Rusije ln ne Anglija aklenlU eo-paratnega miru, je predsUvnlk nacljeke vlade odgovoril, de Nemčija ne bo delale kompromisov z boljševizmom. Ona Ime mandat od Evropa, ki lahteve likvidacijo boljševisms. _________ 19. jul—Londonski čaaopisi še vedno razpravljajo e znečllnoeti pakte a eovjeti, s katerim sta se Anglija ln Rusija obveze 11, de boeU pomagali druga drugi v vojni proti Nemčiji. "Vloga eovjeUke Huaije v sklenjeni kupčiji je Jaano očrUna," piše Evenlng Htanderd. "One ea je obvezala, da ie bo borile za veek čevelj svoje 8,000,000 kve-dratnih milj obeegajoče zemlje. Anglija ln Rusija se bogU odločno borili proti skupnemu sovražniku." Liat SUr pravi, da Je Ruaija poeta le ze veznice Anglije v pravem pomenu U beeede, Angleški vodi Ulj I so potienlli predeod-ke ns stran. Amerika, ki ee je bolj bsls komunizma kot oeUle demokracije, Je pokezele pot. Covernerji norveških provinc rosigtUttali Htockholm, ftvedeka, 18. jul. -Sem doHpela poročila Iz Oele pravijo, de je fietnejet gover-nerjev norveških provinc predložilo reslgnecijo Joeephu Ter-bovenu, nemškemu komleerju. Vel eo izjevill, de ne morejo prenešeti kontrole civilne službe po majorju Vldkunu Qule-lingu, voditelju norveške neclj-ske strsnke. Prej doepele poročile eo ee glasile, da sta blU dva governerje eretirena Hitlerizem mora biti uničen, pravi McNtŠtt Mllweukee, Wla., 15. Jul. — "Amer ike mora pomegatl pri u-nlčevenju hltlerlzme", le dejel p«ul V MeNutt, nečelnlk edml-metra« ije federalne zaščJU, v evojem govoru v tem meetu. "Koeke je pedle ln nihče ee ne ---------------------------more upirati odločitvi. Hltlerl- ke drževne univerze. In dr Mer-; tn demokracije ne moreU o-vin H Pittman, predsednik dr-|rati ghuptj." ževnege učiteljekoge kolegije. Diktator Franco ooéastil potokolonce ne vojne, mi bili uredno počaščeni po diktatorju Francu On Je _________ i/dal posebni dekret, ki deje pe- M.Hrwi tft lui - floenski pe- tokoli.mem lUtue v bitkah pe- Z " 2 m r," prit 4«h povijanju .VU), alutb. In ka- o« k. » t»«U ££ '»J í»rlh .kí.vrw^, « prt^v.U ao umrl r j^ll^fm» íraw b««dnjaku nwdtf-l «»rlavno p<»tojnmu. & VLOGE v tej posojilnici USTAVI SRBECICO TAKOJ! Zdravilo ca srbefe kožo. atletttne noge. U»sJ*. ZSt kožne srbečice. BRAXON PASTE Je tdravilno mar.to pnpr«J Chicaikefa lekarnarja s » letno skušnjo v lekantvu. narn«^ malcem sa efektivno sdravljeaje rasnih kotnih bolernt»"* ^ brei duha se vdnene v koio. brez obveze PeilJ»* » „ COMPANT. »1 S. Clark SL. Chiea«o. I1L Dep». A «n m» Vs»JJ poitnine proato. Val denar vrnjen ako niate popolnoma tmmn JemlJHe nadomestil, sahtevajte pravo BRAXON PASTI VABILO IN NAZNANILO Tam potom namenjam ¿lanom SLOVENSKEGA N IfEOA DOMA V Wauko0an Norih Chkaflo. HL * POL-LETNA SEJA ¿Umov S * Doma v nedeljo dne 20. julija 1941 ob 2. un Udeležite so vsi! frank na*** * naroČiti si ga t Naslov: PR OLETAR EC t»! South ? sanjala Avaa CVfICAGO. ILL. federacije S. N. P. J. a.^lovmsk. federsctte * ^ Pi _ Sledeče je tesnika seje john- EL&jeSNPJ;kise 29. junij, v Slovenskem domu na Mox-Javzoč! so bili vsi urad-i federacije razen br. Hod ' ^seduje br. Kaucich. ijnrSl« sledeča društ-S%«0. 82. 190. 247, 254, « 310 389, 448, 503, 600 in 'tkupaj 15 društev s 25 za-|Tl)ru*tva 168. 345 in 712 fhili zastopana. Vtem za-Ltvu je H delegatov z glav- |odborniki vred...... usmk zadnje seje sprejet s Jíom glede veselice druft-il Slede poročila odbornl-. t se nanašajo največ gležnja za piknike. Bife Epoda finančno stanje: do-od zadnje seje je bilo 25c, v pa $27.66, v blagajni je ■174. Br. Culkar poroča o iki priglašenih je bilo šest «n ki so tekmovale za pr-|¡»o, toda nekatere so prepir/ker menda niso videle Est, na zmago, kar je ne-K, K temu govore še r^holc, Chuchek in drugi, k poročilo vzame na zna- cila zastopnikov: Za dru-J poroča Oreskovich, da je iljen za delegata. Za št. a Vidrich, ki pravi, da ni bilo aktivno glede ja v svrho izvolitve de-Za št. 60 poroča Anton o smrti Stanleyja Kosa-clana mladinskega oddelki je utonil; za delegata je ljen on. Ža št. 82 poroča Bhek o smrti Josepha Zak-i; pridobili so sest novih čla-; za delegata je izvoljen oft'. K. 168 poroča Vidmar, da je za delegata izvoljen Blas Hviek. Za št. 247 poroča b, da so se združili z društ-¡1 in za delegata je bil iz-Ignatz Mihelcic. Za št. nja Vidmar, da je bil za ta izvoljen on. Voljčjak za št. 274, ki se je zdru-z društvom 345 in za dele-je bil izvoljen Frank Kun-Za št. 289 poroča Zupan, ft bil za delegata izvoljen Za 310 poroča Jos. Seli da so izgubili dva člana, tttev z društvi 503 in 389 «uspela. Za društvo 389 po-fJohn Satkovich, da je umrl Cniilogar. Louis Štefancic N.da njih diuštvo 448 gtóla. Za št. 600 poroča Vidrich, da so se zdru-ziruštvom 684 in za delegati izvoljen Culkar. We se na jednotine proble-> Vidrich priporoča, naj član «torti pa delegati sledijo 1am v Prosveti, ker te so vrednosti in informativ-jroznik kot član gl. odbora govori o združenju in pra-K) po njegovem mnenju Vse zapreke; on sam » m združenje. «zpravi o pravilih br. * priporoča vsem dele-zastopnikom, naj pri «Jltvih skušajo, dobiti F clinitva glede zavetiš-• ■«»lerein se „. že veliko Po nJ<''V>vem mne-Pwiuitanova ne bila vzdr-posebnega fonda, v ¡■bi moral»j članstvo je-J***} prispevati. Grozit?*?'/1" v "^racije J® bezgavke (tonsils), ¡fr^ 'J" naj bi se pla-rVna*loK, Xü t0 w . g Plača članst-ker loga, da bi lahko primerjali nakazane vsote s svojimi knjigami; mnogokrat tajnik ne ve, če se je podpora izplačala in ako je bilo vse pravilno. Nadalje naj bi glavni urad obvestil dništve-nega predsednika, ako ni bilo dovolj denarja poslanega za ases-ment, da lahko uvede preiskavo in dožene vzroke. Priporoča se tudi, da se vse tajnike društev stavi pod varščino ne glede na velikost društva. Prav tako je tudi priporočano, da se članu, ki je pustil jednoto in zopet nazaj pristopi, ohrani starostni kredit, zlasti za bolniško podporo; odšteje se mu naj le črs, ko je bil izven jednote. Vsa ta priporočila je seja odobrila. Sledi razprava o letnem pikniku federacije. Po daljši dis-kuziji, katere se udeleže Vidrich, Groznik, Cvetan, Vidmar in drugi, je na predlog bi. Gradnika sklenjeno, da se piknik vrši v nedeljo, 14. septembra. Ta piknik se vrši pod imenom Johnstown SNPJ Day na farmi br. Andyja Dolgana na Tire Hillu. Izvoljen je pikniški odbor petih članov, ki imajo polno moč* da u-rede vse potrebno. V tem odboru so Frank Kaucic, sestra Vidrich, sestra Dimic, Jos. Zupan in John Langerholc. Ker se bo v istem času nahajalo v Pitts-burghu mnogo delegatov in glavnih odbornikov obeh organizacij, naj se jih povabi na poset in ogled našega mesta in naselbine, ki je bila zelo aktivna zlasti ob rojstvu SNPJ. Za sedež prihodnje seje so bili nominirani Tire Hill, Cambria City in St. Michael. Izbran je "Eire Hill s 15 glasovi. Prihodnja seja se vrši v dvorani društva 289 v nedeljo, 31. avgusta, ob 2. popoldne. Sledeča društva so na tej seji priglasila svoje priredbe: Št. 168 (Cortemaugh) piknik v nedeljo, 17. avgusta, na Woodvale Heigh tsu; št. 503 (Hysota-Jerome) piknik 3. avgusta v Hysoti; št. 252 pijcnik 17. avgusta na Bon Airu na starih prostorih. Vsa društva so naprošena. da rezervirajo nedeljo, 14. septembra, za federacijski piknik, o katerem bo več poročeno kakor hitro odbor uredi predpriprave. Frank Kaucic, predsednik,' Andre) Vidrich. ze pisni kar. nam z njihovim posetom omogočijo napraviti mogočno manifestacijo v metropoli srednjega zapada za Slovensko narodno podporno jednoto. Frank Aleeh. tajnik. r ■ r - |HHCa CL ^ fc-zgavkah. ■ugeMij,, kupno za- 'Zupana, p, iporoča u-1 " m bi v ' ' ''' ( za Mporo n. drugo iz raz- Od člkašlce federacije Chicago. 111. — Letos posamezna društva SNPJ ne prirejajo piknikov kot so jih druga leta Da jih ne, ni vzrok da se članstvo ne zanima za piknike, pač pa, ker se vse koncentrira na veliko priredbo, to je na dan S. N. P. J., ki se letos vrši v Chi-cagu, in sicer 30. in 31. avgusta ter i septembra. To bo prva priredba te vrste v našem okrožju. Vršila se bo pod avspicijo federacije SNPJ za čikaško o-krožje, katere zastopniki so s pripravami pridno na delu v nadi, da bo šlo v dnevih priredbe vse gladko. Na tukajšnja društva smo ražposlali pisma, v katerih na člane in članice apeliramo, da se v naprej priglasijo za delo, katero se bo' razdelilo,' tako da bo vsakdo nekaj izvršil. To pa zato, ker se v enakih slučsjih zelo rado dogodi, da se vse delo naprti mali skupini, katers ga ne more pravilno izvršiti, potem pa nastanejo kritike, katere v največjih slučajih pustijo za sabo zelo slabe posledice. Da se temu izognemo, apeliram na člane in članice društev, «padajočih k federaciji, da se odzovejo temu vabilu pri tajniku svoje-ga društva. S tem nam omogočite, da se izognemo vsem nepri-likam. Na člane in članice SNPJ in na prijatelje jednote pa apeliram, da poaetijo to priredbi) in Seja wastmorelandaka Ude-* racije Hermlni«. Pa.—To je zadnji poziv zastopnikom društev west-morelandske federacije SNPJ, da se udeležite seje prihodnjo nedeljo, 20. julija. Vršila se bo v Exportu v Poljski dvorani ob 2. popoldne. Uradniki in nadzorniki naj bodo na mestu uro prej, ob eni (stari čas). Na tej seji bo poleg drugih stvari podano tudi poročilo o pikniku in ste prošeni, da upoštevate ta poziv. Na teji se bo tudi pokazalo, kateri član ali prijatelj je bil najsrečnejši v tem letu. Torej pričakujemo vse zastopnike na tej seji. Anton Zornik. tajnik. * Od tajnika brldgeportske federacije Bellalr«. O.—Kot tajnik okrožne federacije SNPJ naznanjam vsem tukajšnjim društvom in občinstvu od blizu in daleč, da priredi društvo 54 SNPJ na Glencoeu, O., plesno veselico v soboto zvečer, 26. julija. Ker to društvo spada pod okrilje naše federacije, podpira Prosvetno matico JSZ in druge delavstvu koristne ustanove, in ker se članstvo tega društva v večjih ali manjših skupinah udeležuje-tudi priredb drugih bratskih društev in federacijskih, zatorej ni več kot prav, da jim vrnemo poset na tej veselici. S tem bomo storili našo bratsko dolžnost in pripomogli društvu do boljšega uspeha. V imenu federacije apeliram na vsa pridružena kot tudi na nepridružena društva naše jednote, da posetijo zabavo tega društva. Odbor se bo potrudil, da bo dobro postregel gostom. Za plesaželjne bo tudi preskrbljeno. Torej bo zabava za stare in mlade proti majhni vstopnini. V soboto zvečer, 26. julija, torej vsi na Glencoe. Louis Pavltntch. tajnik. Prvi dan SNPJ na sapedu Walsenburg. Colo.—Članstvu SNPJ na zapadu je že znano, da se bo vršil prvi zapadni dan SNPJ v nedeljo, 27. julija, v Rye-ju, Colo. Zastopana bodo vsa društva in obenem pričakujemo veliko udeležbo s strani članstva jednote. Dopoldne istega dne se bo vršila kratka seja okrožne federacije SNPJ, na kateri bomo razpravljali o pravilih Posebno apeliram na vse delegate in namestnike, da pridejo na to sejo, da se medsebojno pogovorimo in spoznamo. Kot že omenjeno, bo to prva proslava te vrste na zapadu pod okriljem jednote. Kot govornik bo nastopil br. Zaitz iz Chicaga; predsednik gl. nadzornega odseka. On je dober govornik, na programu pa bodo tudi druge točke. Kdor torej hoče malo duševnega rszvedrila v teh kritičnih časih, naj torej pride na Prešernovo letovišče v Rye, Colo., kjer boste slišali glas človeka, ki se že leta in leta trudi za napredek delavstva. Ne zamudite te prilike. Pripeljite s sabo tudi svoje prijatelje, ds se skupaj pogovorimo in proslavimo ta pomembni dan. Za postrežbo bo skrbel pripravljalni odbor, namreč članstvo bratskega društva Orel št. 21 v Pueblu. Torej vsi sn proslavo zapadnega dneva SNPJ! Ed Tomaic. predsednik federacije. Seja federacije v sapadnl Pennl Moon Run. Pa^-Federadja društev SNPJ v zapadni Pennl vabi zastopnike in članstvo na veliko udeležbo na prihodnji seji, ki se bo vršila v nedeljo, 27. Julija, v Slovenskem domu v Imperislu, pričetek točno ob 10. dopoldne (DST) Ker bo to zšd-nje zborovanje pred konvencijo, so prošena vsa društva, da šljejo čim več zaitoipnikov. Vfb-ljeni so tudi isvoljeni delegati za prihodnjo konvencijo, da se udeleže te seje Ker se je že veliko čladov udeležilo razprav, se bo tudi na tej safl razpravljalo, Kaj bi koristilo članstvu in jed-noti. Ce razpravljamo temeljito, ni dvoma, da bo s tem skrajšan čas na konvenciji. Podani bodo tudi računi o pennsylvanskem dnevu SNPJ, ki se je vršil 22. junija v Stra-banu in je sijajno uspel v vseh ozirih. Najlepša hvala in priznanje vsem delavcem in delavkam, kakor tudi vsem vam, ki ste se udeležili te slavnosti od blizu in daleč. Dalje bo tudi poročilo o kampanji za nove člane; ki jo vrši federacija. Zastopniki onih dru-Stev, ki so priddbila nove člane, naj prineso njih, imena in cer-tifikatne številke s podpisi uradnikov društev, da se bodo izplačale nagrade, in sicer le za one člane, ki so že tri mesece pri društvu in jednoti. Na zadnji seji se je tudi razpravljalo, kako pritegniti v federacijo nepriključena društva, katerih je Še nekaj v našem okrožju. Apeliramo še enkrat na vsa nepridružena društva, naj se odločijo za pristop v federacijo; prednb to store, lahko pošljejo tudi opazovalce na prihodnjo sejo v i Imperial 27. julija, da se bodo prepričali o delu in koristi federacije. Ker se je zadnje čnse obudilo tudi nekakšno zanimanje za nakup federacijske farme, se bo tudi o tem razpravljalo na prihodnji seji. Zastopniki naj poročajo, kakšnega mišljenja so društva. Z ene strani je ideja dobra, toda treba bo dobro premisliti in preudariti predno se stori kakšen korak; vsled tega je tudi potrebno sodelovanje v razpravi prej kot sp kaj takega izvrši. Torej pridite na sejo z dobro premišljenimi načrti za složno sodelovanje, ^i je garancija za uspeh. Med tygmi bodo tudi zastopniki bratske federacije SSPZ. Anton £lpčtč, predsednik, Jacob Ambrožlč, tajnik. Zaplanlk clevelahdske federacije Cleveland. Seju se .je vršila 22. junija dopolifrie v SND. Ker je predsednik Petrovich odsoten, jo otvorl in vodi podpred sednik br. Božič, Navzoča so sledeča dr\|štva: Stev. 53, 126, 129, 135, 137, 139, 142, 147, 257, 312, 477, 590, 575, 742. Od izvršnega odbora «ta poleg predsed nika odsotna tu<)j, blagajnik Ze-rovnik in zapisnikar Zorko, Predsednik se je oprostil radi odhoda v Pennsylvanijo, Zorko pa je zaposlen s piknikom Can karjeve ustanove. Za začasnega zapisnikarja izvoljen J. F. Durn. Poročila odbornikov. Tajnik poroča, da ga je predsednik te-lefonično obvestil,' da nima posebnega jporočils, glede financ pa omenja, da ni nobenih sprememb od zadnje seje. Durn pravi, da bi morali odsotni odborniki pismeno j^oroČati. Ker od farmskega odbora ni nihče navzoč, poroča tajnik br. Terbižan, kar mu je znano, to je, da je moral direktorij farme doplačati $200 odškodnine farmarjem za postavitev drogov za napeljavo elektrike na izletniške prostore. Nekateri zastopniki so mnenjs, da bi morali biti prostori pokročilo kaj se je napravilo ln kaj je treba, toda finančnega poročila federacija še ni prejela od ustanovitve farme. Terbižan omenja, da je farma samostojno telo, s »vojim odborom, ki ga Izvolijo zastopniki dfliAtev. Mnenje zastopnikov pa je, da je federacija kot matica fa|tne upravičena do šestmeeeč* (tih računov. Dlskuzije «o se udeležili razni zastopniki in končno je sprejet predlog, da želi federacija, da ji v bodoče predloži direktorij farme bolj točna in kompletna finančna~fk>-ročila. Poročila o krožkih. Za eollin-woodski krožek poroča Durn, da je krožek še vedno aktiven in da je prejšnji večer imel "wiener roast". Sedaj, ko so šolake počitnice, so si začrtali razne aktivnosti. Na njih zadnji aeji je bilo tudi sproženo vprašanje, ako bi bilo mogoče organlxlrati skupni izlet krožkov v Cedar Point. Kar se tiče stroškov, bi ne bili tako veliki — vožnja 40c za otroka in $1.10 za odraslo osebo — toda bi bila dobra reklama za krožke in jednoto Poudarja, da smo glede tega mogoče že malo pozni in tudi finance nam za enkrat ne dopuščajo. Zeli pa, da bi imeli skupni mladinski izlet na farmi SNPJ. Od senclairskega krožka ni poročila, ker ni nihče navzoč. . K Durnovemu poročilu in au-gestijam govore razni zastopniki. Terbižan prarvi, da se mu izlet v Cedar Point za letos ne zdi izvedljiv in tudi je vprašanje financiranja; to bi bilo is-vedljivo le, ako bi pomagala kriti del stroškov jednota. Je pa za skupni mladinski piknik na naši farmi. Sklep je, da se o tem razpravlja na prihodnji seji. Preide se na razpravo o ohij-skem dnevu SNPJ, ki se vrši 4. julija v Girardu. Poročano je, da je bus najet, ako pa jih Želimo več, to je ako bo več prijav, jih bomo lahko pa več dobili. Durn in Jankovich sta prepričana, da se bo elevelandsko članstvo udeležilo te slavnosti kot običajno, in sicet večinoma s svojimi avti. Poročila zastopnikov. Od društva 5 ni nihče navzoč. Za društvo 53 poroča Dum, da so sprejeli enega člana v mladinski oddelek in da so v zadnji kampanji dobili 17 članov v oba oddelka; društvo zdaj Šteje 531 Članov v odraslem oddelku, kar je največ v njegovi zgodovini; pripravljajo se tudi na 35-letnico, ki se vrši 9. nov. Za štev. 126 poroča Terbižan, da je njih društvo imelo veselico na farmi SNPJ, ki je dobro uspela. Pri društvih 129, 135, 139, 142, 147 ni nič- poaebnega. .Za društvo 137 poroča Jankovich, da so sprejeli enega Člana v mladinski oddelek in da se udeleže ohlj skega dneva jednote. Za društvo 257 poročajo, da bodo 0. oktobra praznovali 25-letnlco, na katero se že pripravljajo. Za štev. 1.17 poroča Salmič, da bodo imeli vrtno veselico 21. avgusta In va bi na udeležbo. Br. Andriančič pravi, da je treba izčistiti vprašanje, kdo je upravičen do federacijske nu-grade v kampanji za nove člane Durn mu pojasni, da rezultstt kampanj« še niso znani; kadar bodo podatki na rokah, se bodo nagrade pošteno razdelile. Sklep federacije je bil, da se da ena trofeja angleško poelujočemu društvu, ena pa slovenskemu toda tako društvo mora dobiti najmanj petnajst članov — dva mladinska člana štejeta za enega odraslega. On ve, da pri njih društvu niso dobili zadostnega števila članov, da bi bili delež nI te nagrade. Pri društvu 442 nI nič posebnega, za društvo 477 pa poroča Ludvig, da so imeli zadnji me «ec umrlega člana in da je sedaj tajnik kritiziran. Sorodniki umi legs namreč zahtevajo bolniško podporo, ker je bil član bolan 14 dni pred smrtjo, tajnik se ps opira na pravila, ker mu bole zen ni bila naznanjena. Za štev. 590 poroča Cillgoj, da mu je žal, ker ima društvo liti dan svoj bdet na farmi SNPJ kot se vrši ohijaki dan v Girardu, upa ps, da bo obojestranski uspeh, v zadnji kampanji so pridobili II novih članov. Omenja tudi o zapletenem slučaju, ko je pred sedmimi leti utoni! neki njih član, toda smrtnina še ni bila izplačana, ker še nI bil predlo- Od (asa do (asa poroča in komentira MIlan Medvešek Počitnice so končane. Letos si je priborilo počitnice več delavcev kot kdaj poprej. Piaee je omenil svoje počitnice. >Dejal sem, da bom pil, jel, spal in Vi zabil na ves svet. Well, ravn tako ni bilo kot sem mislil, mojo ženo Anno sva najela letno hišico ob Grand Rivcrju v Genevi, O. Prvi dan sem šel spat že ob osmih zvečer ln se pošteno naspal do treh. zjutraj. Nekaj časa sem potem pohajal po gozdovih in ob reki, nato pa mi je postal dolg čas in sem svoj avto enkrat pošteno očistil. Drugi dan nisem vedel, kaj Ifl počel. Naspal sem se do dobrega, nato sem jo pobrisal nazaj v Cleveland po pisalni strojček in jel pisati povest. Kakor hitro povest še malo opilim, jo bom priobčil v dnevniku Prosveti. Prostor, kjer sva z Ano "počivala", se imenuje Clyde Hill Health Camp. Lastnik je mr. O-Neil. Mož je sicer po rtxiu Kanadčan, toda elevelandski Slovenci ga dobro poznamo, kajti svoje čase je imel v Collinwoo-du trgovino z električnimi predmeti, Prostor je lep in primeren za počitnice, mož pa zelo postre-žljiv. Slovenski sodnik Lsusche. kakor je čltttTeljeTn že znano, se Je končno odločil kandidirati za župana mesta Clevelanda. Mnogi so mnenja, da je Luusche storil veliko napako, ket se je odločil podati v politiko, češ, sodnik je imel imenitno službo, ki mu donašala tisoč dolarjev mesečne plače ln s Časom bi dosegel še višjo sodniško čast. Kot sodniku se mu ni bilo treba prepirati s politiki in podobno. Piš-čevo mnenje je drugačno. Mesto kot je Cleveland potrebuje idealnega moža kot je Lausche, da vsaj maio počisti grdo navlako, katere je po vseh mestih veliko. Ako bo Lausche izvoljen, bi l?ilo konec marsikateri lumparljl. Lauscheta tudi ne bo nihče čuka 1 za rokav, kajti mož je pogumen in samostojen, J ' Seveda, sodnik ima veliko nasprotnikov. V prvi vrsti pied pristaši pokojnegu okrajnega šerifu O'Donellu. Lausche je namreč pred meseci vodil velik boj proti raketlrjem in hazardnim igralnicam, katere je v ozadju protektiral sam šerif, Posledipa njegove gonje^roti igralnicam se .je tragične končala. Igralci-ce so vse zaprte, Proti šerifu pa se je pod vzela akcija, da ga vržejo iz urada. In bai, ko je bila ikcija proti šerifu v teku, je šerif nenadoma umrl. Sedaj mnogi trdijo, da je umrl, ker ga je boj proti njemu tuko potrl. Pristaši pokojnega šerifa aedaj na-migujejo, da se bodo zaradi tega maščevali nad Lauschetom. Dobro pa je, da je Šerif malo pred svojo smrtjo izjavil poročevalcem, du nima absolutno nič . proti sddniku Lauschetu. s • Človek Je čudna stvar. Svoje bolečine vidi, bolečine sočloveka navadno ne. Svoje delo vidi in gn povzdiguje, delo svojega bližnjega ne. • Pisec je bil včasih precej občutljiv, če ga je kdo v "cajten-guh" zbadal in mu delal krivico. Danes aem se pa tudi tega pri-lično privadil, zato ae ne bom jezil nad one, ki intrigirajo, da se kar kadi. Dejal pa bi, da ni pravilno ln ne pošteno od onih, ki se neprestano spotikajo ob "večnega zastopnika" Toneta % Jankovieha. Tone je neprestano na delu za naše stvari in ni prav, da ga prav po lumparsko zbada-jo ln sramotijo. Delo, ki ga Jankovich opravlja med nami, nI noben špus. Kolektati za naše nupredno časopiaje je najtežje delo. Kdor tega ne verjame, naj sam poiakusi! ______________________ • Sovjetska RuaUa se hrabro bori proti nemškim Hunom. Mi ji vsi želimo, da zmaga nad največjim krvoločnetem v zgodovini človeštva, nad rlungm vseh Hu- nov, Adolfom Hitlerjem. • Naše privedbe oslroma pikal- kli Posetimo sledeče piknike: Piknik društva Mir št. 141 SNPJ. ki se bo vršil v nedeljo na lslet-niških prostorih SNPJ. Piknik Svobode št. 741 SNPJ» ki se vrši 27. julija na farmi S. N. P. J. Piknik ln clrkua dramakega društva Ivan Cankar, ki ae vrli 3, avgusta na farmi SNPJ. Piknik Slovenske šele SND. ki se vrli 10, avguata na farmi SNPJ. Bratje ln sestre, vsa ta društva so iz naših vrst, zato jih dajmo upoštevati ln kooperiratl s njim I Star Izrek "roka roko umije" je Še vedno v veljavi! Torej, da se gotovo vidimo na piknikih omenjenih droltiv. ¿en mrliški list, katerega zahtevajo v glavnem uradu. Za društvo 312 poroča Božič, namreč o izletu, ki so ga imeli na farmi SNPJ, toda radi slabega vremena nI posebnega finančnega uspeha; zahvali se onim, ki so bili navzoči. Za društvo 742 porpča Zamik, da so na zadnji seji prejeli šest novih članov in izraža upanje, da se Je zadnja kampanja tudi v Cle-velandu dobro obnesla, čeprav so težave z agitacijo. V korist federacije In razno. Ponovno m opozarjajo vsi M-stopniki, naj poročajo na sejah svojih društev in obenem naj tajnik obvesti vse društvene tsjnike, naj poročujo o rezultatu kampanje, da bo federaciji mogoče razdeliti nagrade. Br, Cillgoj meni, da bi biki dobro, če bi federacija kupila nekaj tako zvanih vladnih obrambnih bondov. O tem govore razni zastopniki in končno je sklenjeno, ds se kupijo štiri bondi po $73, v desetih letih, ko dozore, pa bodo vredni po $100. Seja zaključena ob 11:40. Andy Belič, predsednik, J. P. Durn, zapisnikar. Seje gtrardeke federacije Power Petni, O^ Vsi zastopniki društev okrožne federacije SNPJ (Ohlo-Penna) so vabljeni, da se udeleže aeje, ki se vrši 27. julija v Warrenu, pričetek ob 10. dopoldne (kje?). Potem se bo-jnXlal.ko udeležili piknika, ki ga priredi tamkajšnje društvo SNPJ (kažipot bo podal br. Jef, tajnik tamkajšnjega društva), Torej zastopniki, ne prezrite trgu vabila, ker drugih vabil ne bom pošiljal na posamezna društva. Obenem pa vabim tudi ostala društva tega okrožja, ki še niso pri federaciji, naj prfc> stopijo v naš krog, In to posebno še sedaj, ko Je članarina znižana za polovico. Thomaa Meretaa, tajnik. Popravek Mogsdore, O,—V zapisniku aeje barbertonske federacije je zapisano, da je br. Pete Chufar predlagal, da ae ne plača aaea-ment za nobenega člana. Pravilno bi se moralo glasiti, da se ne plača dokludu za nobenega člana, ne pa asesment, Malt PeklaJ. AftVTfltAJTO 7.A PROM VETO I SLOVENSKA NARODNA PODPORNA JEDNOTA -Izdaja avoje publikacije la fte posebno Ust Proeveta aa koristi, ter potrsbao agitacije are Jih društev In ilaaatva la aa »repa gaade svojih Idej. Nlkaker pa ae aa propagando dragih podpornih orgaalaaelj. Vsaka ar« fan Irse I ja Ima obiiajae avoje ftaallo. Torej egftatarfte! deptel la aaznaaffa dragih podpornih '»rganlzarlj la ajlk društev aaj aa ae pošilja je lleta Proeveta. »ga dneva SNPJ, Colorado in New Mexico, w araaaaw w —^ — - a--- fO / * kateri se bo vršU v nedeljo, 27. julija, 1941 v Prešernovem domu, Rye, Colorado ■^ori, # p|eg • Hladna pijača in dobra postrežba, • J Dovolj zabave vsem. govornik bo naš gost br. Frank Zaitz, predtednik nadzornega odbora SNPJ, iz Chicaga, IIL PROSVETA SREDA. 16. PROSVETA THE nfLIOHTEMMEWT fH OI LAfTVWA »LOVEU«M luoon Morom «won , -__Srtov» Uto- t« * bMil M M*' ON M tota. 91 Jt MM àmtrt tota; M ChicMO 1« «otro ri« u cl« M». «3?» u p«l Ma; u tMMBWtvo ta««. «utacrtetta« ratea: lor tto* »«1« •Uta. .«»ta* CW«*» MM p«« yaar. Chtaaco and CIcot* 1741 p« y««. loraJgn couoUtaa •>« par yaar. Caor Mtewv po dogovoru - Hoir optai «toplaov m 4UHiaroéaaih étaokov ae m vrata)« Moa optai U Ur aro* vwrblM Htattaa. povaatt «nun«. pMnl lut) a. vraajo poatUataUu ta v alutaju. te ta prttoCU ^—-- wUl art ba ro- ot ¡¡¡ml ottar-- ■torta* PUT.. po«M. ota. wtll ta. ro. turnad ta ta» ter caüy whan accom-pantad by eelí-^drMWd and stamped PROSVETA An. rSDSBATBD Datum v oklapaju na primar July II, 1M1). pola« vatega Imana na na«lovu pomeni. da vam Ja • tam datumom pótatela narota tna Ponovi u Jo pravoéaano, da m van» liât na uatavt. 1M Urednikove pripombe slavnostni dnevi nate jednote ~ ; | v prvi polovici poletja imo imeli dneve snpj na vzhodu a-merike, v drugi polovici ae pa ti dnevi pomaknejo na arednji in d^ljnjl zspad. Zsdnjs nedeljs meneča julija je dan snpj v Colorsdu in Novi Mehiki. Vrli ae v Pueblu, in si-cer v krsanem letovišču pevske-gs zbora Prešerna v vznožju Skalnatih gora, v "Raju", ki ae v našem Jeziku prav prilega angleškemu imenu enake izgovorjave tega kraja. Tam ae leto« prvič zbere članstvo naših društev pod bande-rom dneva snpj v območju federacija snpf* v južnem Colo-radu ln bližnji Novi Mehiki. Mi upamo, da bo prvi dan te vrste ns daljnjem za padu prinesel našim tamkajšnjim bratom in ss-strsn^ nsjlepši morslni in ms-terialni uspeh Od tega dneva Je samo šs dober messc do glavneps dneve s n. p. j., ki ae letos vrši v centrali naše jednote, v Chicsgu. Ta v Clevelandu. V tej častni službi, ki je bila zanj največji ogenj preizkušnje, je Lauache iskreno pokazal, da mu je v p«Vl vrsti zs pravičnost, kolikor to človeško mogoče; in to Je vi£ kar moraš pričakovati od dobrega sodnika. j- Lauache kot sodnik je v teh letih pokazal pri mnogih spornih zadevah, ki so prišle predenj, da toplo simpatizira z delavskim razredom, iz katerega izhaja on sam; demonstriral Je, da Justica ne sme zamižati, kadar ima o-praviti z delavcem, kakor je to prevečkrat nasada pri mnogih drugih sodnikih. Vsled tega smo prepričani, da bo br. Lauache prav tako dober in pravičen župan kakor je bil dober in pravičen sodnik. Cleveland je velemesto, ki i-ma približno milijon prebivalcev. Razume se, da večina tega prebivalstva so delavci in mali podjetniki. Ako ni v interesu teh delsvcev in mslih podjetnikov — in vsi clevelsndski Slovenci, katerih je malo manj kot je prebivalcev v Ljubljani v starem kraju, spadajo v ta sloj — da je na čelu mesta dober in pravičen župan, ali je morda to v interesu izkoriščevalcev, "gref-tarjev" krukov in kriminalcev, katerih se ne manjka v nobenem velikem ameriškem mestu? Prepričani smo, da velika večina teh delavcev In malih podjetnikov brez razlike glede na- Glasovi iz naselbin K razpravi o šenakak ia Weat Ailis. Wia.—Radi bolezni zadnjih pet let se v Proaveti bolj malo oglašam, ker bolezen človeka spravi ob veselje. Tsko tudi nisem mislil, da bi ksj prispeval k razpravi za dvanajsto konvencijo snpj. Sploh ps se nekateri dopisovalci m posebno še dopisovslke zadnje čase prepogosto oglašajo in preveč prostora porabijo ter premalo povedo. i Jaz mislim, da so bili delegat je enajste konvencije prav tako dobri kot bodo dvanajste konvencije. Če ps kateri ni izvršil fvo-, e dolžnosti, nsj se gs enostavno več ne izvoli in je vse končano. Po toči zvoniti je prepozno, izzivati delegacijo pretekle konvencije pa bi bila le prazna polemika, s katero bi nič ne dosegli. Najbolj je povedati, kar cdo misli, drugi naj pa sodijo. Nikakor nismo zadovoljni, da bi ena oseba imela v vsski uradni zdaji Prosvete po dve in pol ko-one gradiva o preteklosti. Kdor e imel ljubezen do jednote, je delsl zs njen nspredek, In kdor e v resnici pridno delsl In dosegel večje uspehe, se ne bo hvs rodnosti in polltlčrffe pripsdnosti 111 v j«vru»Jl. ker gs bodo že bo hotela imeti Lauacheta za župana in zato bo izvoljen. Informirani smo tudi, da le vsi vodilni časopisi v Clevelandu ogrevajo zanj in to pomeni gotovo zmago. Kdor bo vodil ojozicijo proti Lauschetu, se bgmorsl po-služltl rsznih predsodkov in moral bo biti mojster v zavijanju dejstev in resnice — kar bo nedvomno potrdila bližnja bodočnost. Prepričani smo dalje, da bodo vsi člani snpj v Clevelandu stali z Lauschetom in bodo pojasnili vsem onim volilcem, ki gs še ne poznsjo — če je sploh kdo tamkaj, ki gs Še ne pozns! — o neprekosljlvoati nsšegs kandidata. Lsuschs bo Imel veliko armado agitatorjev, o tem ni dvoma. - Pmsveta bo d svoje strani storila vse, kar bo mogla, da pomore br. Lauachetu do županske časti — in za to ne pričakuje absolutno ničessr razen zadoščenja v obliki njegove zmage. t Čestitamo br. LauscKetu, ker se je odločil zs ts korak In mu kličemo: Le brez skrbi v bitko, Frank! Zmaga ti ja zagotovljena in mi vsi bomo ponosni, ko bomo Imeli svojega brata za član 8npj bodoči župan clevelandai Prijetno nas Je iznensdila vest, da je sodnik br. Frank J. Lausche iz Clevelandu aklenil kandidirati za župana mesta Cle-velanda. Br. Lauache je član angleško poalujocega društva Htruggkrrs št. «14 SNPJ v Col-linwoodu in kadar koli je treba, je vedno zraven, kar apričuje. da je ponoaen na to svoje društvo. r Rr. Lauache, ki izhaja iz stare (¿avSetove družine, ene prvih v naši elevelandaki naselbin», je v politiki demokrat, ampak za na» ni važno, h kateri politični stranki spada u ali oni član SN PJ - za nas je veliko bolj važno, kaj dela javno kot človek Kdor pnzna rojaka Lauacheta o-aebno in ae je seznanil s njegovim javnim življenjem, mora »poznati v njem človeka, čigar značaj je |xtšten in kremenit, da mu lahko popolnoma zaupaš. In to je vue. kar more* zahtevati od človeka, ki ae poda v Javno življenje. Najbolje je br Lauache izpričal svoj kremeniti značaj v zadnjih letih, kar je okrajni aodnik ogledalo hitlerjevega novega reda" dan, ki vsako leto pade na Labor day, obeta biti letos nekaj nove-1 ¿upana velemesta Clevelanda! gs za našo jednoto. Čikaška federacija, katera ima to alav-nost v oskrbi, pripravlja program. ki ae bo močno razlikoval od vseh prejšnjih dnevov, zato pa federacija računa na množice goatov iz Wisconaina, spodnjega Michigana, Indiana, Ohia in zapadnega ter južnega Illinoiaa Uverjeni «no, da bodo bratje in sestre pod okriljem čikaške federacije storili vse. ksr je v njihovi moči. da bo program letošnjega dneva SNPJ v čikaški metropoli isveden stoodstotno v ponos jednote in njih samih. Hitlerjev "novi raci" v Evropi, kolikor je že pod njegovo peto in kolikor še pride, je bil sijajno o-svetljen 13. t. m. v nedeljski številki čikaškega lista Times, ki js objsvil fotogrsflje nscijskegs terorja v raztrgani In poteptani Jugoalaviji. Slike kažejo obešene civiliste, moške 4n ženske ki vise na drevesih. Poročilo ne pove kraja, kje se je to zgodilo domnevamo pa, da js^bilo v sr biji. Ta krasna priča "novega reds", ki ps je stsr kot j< že stars človešks zver, mora ♦ vsekakor navdušiti one ameriške apizarje in fanatične paciflatc, ki še vedno sanjajo, da se je mogoče pogoditi za mir s Hitlerjem in vr- iiti "business" s nJim j Kako se tem ljudem do pade "mir", ki ao ga dobili nesrečniki katere Je posnel fotograf omenjenih «lik? How do they like it? - Takšen "mir" je Hitler pripra- drugi pohvalili in mu dali priznan je—ie ne prej, pa po smrti. Glede enakopravnosti jsz samo to zapišem: Če bi bila naša čikaška članica, ki je to vprašanje sprožila, 15 ali 20 let mlajša, az pa dslegst, bi jsz glssovsl zsnjo s polno psro. Seveds bi hotel vedeti o njenih zmožnostih, ker mi ne gledsmo ssmo ns to, ds bi dobili ženske v glavni odbor smo rsdi enakopravnosti; morale bi imeti sposobnost. Tisti časi so že davno minuli, da bi se učile v glavnem odboru. Pokojni Jože Zavert-nik mi je nekoč rekel, da ml stsrine nismo več zmožni, ker ne storimo več tistsgs dele, ki gs od nss zahteva delo samo. Da bi ml stare delavce jemali v naš urad, kam pa pridemo; mi potrebujemo mladih moči- Govoril sem tudi s drugim glavnim odbornikom* kako bi prihranili tisti densr, ki gre od časa do časa državnim pregledo-valcem. Odgovoril mi je: "Na ti, ne jaz niti nihče od nas, ki smo prišli čez veliko lužo, ne moremo tsgs storiti rsdl pomanjka-njs lzobrszbe." Torej delsjo že prlllčno let in imsjo precejšnje Izkušnje, tods niso zmožni uprsvljsti naše jednote brez posebnih vcSčakov. Sedaj pa naj bi pričeli nastavljati ali voliti na konvenciji stare članice si mo zato, da bomo enakopravni in da bo ustreženo našim članicam. Jaz ne poznam nobene, da bi jo priporočal v Izvršni odsek, kjer je v resnici lep kos kruha Kar se tiče pa podpredsednikov in drugih glavnih odbornikov tam pa tako ni zaalužka ln jaz mlallm, da se poštena članica ne bo pehala za tak urad, doma pa dom ln družino zanemarjala. Skrbna mati ima še doma preveč dela, če hoče imeti dom v rodu. Mi moramo gledati, da dobimo mlade moči v glavni urad po navodilih starih glavnih odbornikov, ki imajo skušnje za aabo. V glavnem uradu je lepo število mladih moči ženakega apo-la, na katere smo ponosni; pa tudi pričakujemo od njih več dela kot bi ga mogla opraviti člani-cs, stara nad 50 let. Čttsli smo žs tudi. ksj pripravi js amertšks vlsds zs vse bratske orgsnizscije in zsvaro-vslne družbe. Bilo je namreč pisano, da Je bil v kongresu predložen oanutek, da vlads prevsa me vse skupaj in bo sama obra voljno delati ob sobotah vssj pol dneva ss isto plačo, ne za plačo in pol, naj pa tudi podajo izjavo, da bomo lahko druge iskali. Mi bi lahko imeli velik list, če bi bili dovolj zavedni. Tsko se ps nekateri ns prša trkajo in bahajo, koliko ao že prepotovali in storili zs list. v resnici imamo vsi skupaj le malo pokazati, dasi nas js veliko. Upam, da ne bo nikake zamere. Jessph Radelj' 686. Sijajen uapeh ohijakega dneva SNPJ Cleveland.—Na praznik ameriške neodvisnosti 4. julijs smo se nekateri metropolčsnl podali z busom, drugi pa s svojimi avti na drugi ohijski dan snpj v Girard, o. Vreme je bilo še pri-lično dobro, aicer bolj senčno, toda brez dežja, ki je padal prejšnji dan po vsej okolici. Iz Clevelanda amo se odpeljali z velikim natlačenim busom malo pred deveto uro zjutraj, ob pol enajstih ps smo že bili ns licu mests. Razume se, da ta krst je bilo še bolj malo ljudi na pikniškem prostoru v Avon parku, toda pričali So prihajati v velikih trumah takoj popoldne in končno se nas je zbralo okrog tri tisoč. Tsko smo cenili število posetni-kov. Ljudje so bili seveds raztreseni po vsem obširnem prostoru in rsdi tega je težko presoditi točno število. Program js bil obširen — po mojem mnenju še preobširen radi biznlss ln se je pričel okrog petih popoldne. Reči moram, ds nsm je pripravljalni odbor pripravil imeniten program in prav rsdi tegs gs je pretežns večina navzočih z zanimanjem poslušala. Tudi govornikov Je bilo dosti, menda kakšnih petnajst. Glsvni govornik ns tej slsvnosti je bil Frank Zaitz, predsednik nadzornega odseka snpj iz Chi-caga. Bili so vsi bolj kratki in smo jih radi tega radi poslušali. Govorili so tudi Matt Pe-trovich, predsednik gospodarskega odseka snpj, Milan Med-vešek, član gl. porotnega obiska m Camilus Zamik, distriktni podpredsednik, seveds iz Clevelanda. Ns mojo sugsstljo, ki sem jo podsl v svojih dopisih v Prosve-tl ln Proletarcu ln pozvsl vse delegate ns udeležbo ter jim priporočal, nsj se vpišejo v knjigo, je to storilo kakih 30 delegatov o-bojega spola Iz Ohla ln Penne. drugikrat. Vaem tem prijateljem in prijateljicam, delegatom in delegatinjam ter namestnikom obojega spola, s katerimi smo ae lepo pomenili, najlepša hvala. Lepa hvala tudi za priznanje za mojih 1360 dopisov. Ako niso bili vsi dobri, so bili ps vssj nekateri koristni, recimo polovics; sploh sem zadovoljen, da niso bili v splošnem škodljivi. Torej pozdravljeni in ne pozabite še naprej delovati za korist snpj in zs druge delsvske ustanove. Lepa hvala tudi za copake, ki ste mi jih darovali v korist Proletarcs. Anton Jankovich, 147, zastopnik. Pogrebni ssvod Arma, Kana. — v Kansas u i- mamo še vedno nekaj dopisni-kpv, ki od časa do časa poročajo o raznih društvenih obletnicah, piknikih in drugib priredbah, malokdaj pa kdo omeni naš slovenski zadružni pogrebni zavod. Vendar je potrebno, da včasih omenimo tudi to nsše podjetje, ki je v kredit kansaš-kim Slovencem. Že dalj časa se pripravljamo na praznovanje 15-letnlce zavoda z javnim shodom in programom, na katerem bi se predo-čilo petnajstletno delovanje tega zavoda. Dasi ima ta zavod svoje potež-koče, kot jih ima vsakdo zadružno podjetje, vendar stoji na trd ni podlagi in uživa, ugled med našimi rojaki. To je. da ima kredit med tistim zavednim ljud stvom, ki razume in ceni zadruž-I no idejo. Obenem pa moramo priznati, da smo marsikaj zamudili, ker nismo znali zadostno pojasniti pomen tegs zsvods tudi naši mlajši generaciji, ki čimda-lje bolj pogosto odloča, kdo bo imel v oskrbi ureditev pogreba njih roditeljev. Zadnje čase je zsvod imel v o-skrbl pogrebe sledečih naših u-mrllh planov snpj: Joseph Zor-dani iz Breezy Hilla, star 66 let, John Hočevar, 57 let, Peregrin Burgar, 54 let, in Anton Zaje, 75 1st; trije od teh so bili člani društva 225 snpj iz Edisons. Prvi trije zapuščajo družine, zadnji pa je bil samec. Družinam in sorodnikom teh umrlih članov gre vse priznanje, ker ao se obrnili na domači zavod za odpravo svojih dragih na zadnji poti. Pri pogrebih^ ki jih ima v o-skrbi naš zavod, je vselej Velika udeležba od strani rojakov, ker čutijo, da jih veže nekaka dvojna dolžnost izkazat svoje simpatije prizadetim družinam; v nasprotnem slučaju je pa večkrat čuti opazko: "Rad bi šel za pogrebom, ker pa ne poznajo našega zavoda, pa ne grem . . Polletna seja zavoda se vrši v Mnogo se jih pa nI udeležilo te, nedeljo, 20. julija, ob 2. uri po-proalave, in to poaebno iz Cleve-! poldne v slovenski dvorani v vil vsem onim, ki ne plešejo po i tova la vse zavarovalnice ln Jed- njegovi muzlkl. glasilo KSKJ je izvzeto Zadnjo sredo smo na tem mestu konstatirsli, da v dveh tednih po 25-let niči dnevnika Prosvete ni noben drugI »loven»ki list v Ameriki omenil tegs dej-stvs. Med tem »mo ps prezrli, ds je Glasilo kskj 1 julijs no-tiralo na i »rebrni juMlej in obenem js ponatianilo is naše jubi- note 30* i ceneje. Tudi naš glavni urednik je že parkrat o stva ri omenil. Torej čemu bi ss mi starokopitneži trudili za kakšno "koritoM, ker bo vse skupaj prišlo v ameriške roke Moje priporočilo je, da bi as raje pogovorili, kako dobiti nazaj aobotnn izdajo Prosvete, sil če bi mogli Prosveto povečstl vssj na Šest sli oaem strani Tiskarna ims nekaj zmožnih moči. Psr copakov več, če je treba, pa puatimo raje angleške, liate. lajn« Hevilke članek o pionirju ki naa stanejo devet dolarjev na nsšsgs losmkarstvs v tej deželi, leto Jsz želim, ds bi bilo o tem Fr. Zafeksrju Vse prtihanjs tO-1 malo več razprave. Ako pe na-mu bratskemu glasilu! , št BMštvo pri Prosvcti nI zsdo- lsnds. Nekateri delegati se v resnici niso mogli udeležiti, tods zdi se mi, ds bi se več izmed njih lshko udeležilo, ampak se ne zanimajo za jednoto in take priredbe, a za delegata pa vseeno kandidirajo. Krivda je vsekakor na članih prizadetih društev, ki takega Izvolijo. Nekateri se veliko zanimajo in žrtvujejo za napredek društva in jednote ter potrošijo veliko čaaa in denarja na prirsdbah, drugi ps prav malo sli nič. In med slednjimi so tudi 4*bfstje in dele-gstinje. o tem ae bomo še pomenili o priliki, ko vidim imena vaeh delegatov in delegatlnj v Proaveti., Nadalje sem videl ln se pozdravil z mnogimi prijatelji 6-bojega spola. Tudi šale ln humorja ni manjkalo. Najbolj smo Imeli na piki našegs starega pri-jatelja in aktivjngs društvenlks Jožeta Ježa i/. Warrena, o., ki je bil tudi i/ voljan zs delegsta. Jože je bil na tej proslavi izvrsten točaj in vsi smo hoteli pijače od njega. Samo njega smo klicali, on pa ss je počasi obračal, delal pazng ln marljivo ter naa tu pa tam bolj jezno pogledal. Ko Je ddlolfl svoje delo, smo se z nJim dobro pomenili in tudi pošalili. On jr Izredno priden in agilen na društvenem polju za snpj, kot tudi ss jsz Po po-stsvt je pravi orjak ln grozno močan. - Ker nam je naš oakrbnik buaa Joe Terbižan strogo za povedal, da moramo biti val pripravljeni, da se odpeljemo s busom točno ob oamih /večer, ni bilo druge poti in treba so je bilo pokoriti ukazu Skoda, ker bi ae bili radi še nadalje zabsvsli s našimi prijatelji No, ss vidimo ps šl Frontenacu. Na dnevnem redu bo polletno poročilo o stanju zavoda in razne druge stvari, ki spadajo na te seje. Člani, pridite na sejo! Anton Shular. tajnik. So malo odgovora Francetu Milwaukee. Wis. — v enem izmed mojih dopisov sem omenile, ds je želeti glede ženske enakopravnosti pri jednoti več stvsrnegs razpravljanja. s tem sem imela v mislih, da aa bi v tem oziru držali predmeta, ker se je pa br. rv Msssks ^rjji v w Virgin«!« * vf0 nirajo rudarje ¡nožema ' J. «t. sprejeli amen* P" rs rszoroienje , ¿IXtXZ*' je gsključen. KREDIT ČLANOM MLADINSKEGA ODDELKA L No. Nam*o(iiwmbm pr. y . Marjom Zganjar Anton Zganjar........ 26.00 180 Anton Groanik 101 Mildred Pus Jernej Verbich ....... 14.00 Louia Varljen ________ 11.00 SSW r1!? atoHi""1 -T" i « K piojalteJnUl Vaote Stoc'y rtfflv» Victor Watenoak I08SM 078 Nanrr A Mahnten I0SSM 870 Aa« epa r et» b tok lOSSte OM Pat/tete A Tanko 108818 BoOart OradtoHar 108818 8M l«naUua Laucar 108810 AMtort P Marold 108010 017 iaaapn K »u* hak 108817 Ml iotoi Notdanratefc 108010 OM ioaap». OfuHn 100881 NovopRurropiLi claw Glasovi is nasolbin Seja doma w Waukegenu Waukegan. III. — Polletna soja SND ao bo vrlila 20 Julija popoldne. Vsbljonl sto, da sa jo gotovo udeležite Ns dnevnem rodu bo voč vaftnih stvari sa ro-11 te v m odbor ioll slllsti mnenje članov Po soji bo prosto pivo in prigrizek. Frank Narode, tajnik. PAGE SIX SNkFS Most Important 1941 Event This is one of the busiest as well as one of the most important years in our Society's history. A number of major activities have been scheduled to take place this year, sorpe of which have already been placed on the record of succeaa. In May we concluded our Anniversary Campaign and in progress is still our Juvenile Campaign which warrants our earnest attention. Two more large-scale events are scheduled to take place in the near future—namely, the First Colorado-New Mexico SNPJ Day at Rye, Colorado, on July 27, and the Seventh National SNPJ Day in Chicago on Labor day. Both of these events as well as all of our minor activities in other sectors merit the united support of all loyal members. However, our most important function this year, one which overshadows all others, will occur in mid-September when the Twelfth Quadrennial Convention of the Slovene National Benefit Society opens in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, on September 15. This will be a momentous occasion in itself. iut In addition, the 1941 convention assumes a new significance in that it will be a merger convention of the Slovene National Benefit Society and the Slovene Progressive Benefit Society. f For the purpose of putting the finishing touches to the merger agreement now pending the official approval of both societies, the delegates of both organizations will meet simultaneously in separate sessions on September 18. In the event that the agreement is given the official sanction by both bodies, which is very likely, the delegates of both will then assemble as a body on September 15, deliberating the problems arising from the merger as a united organization. The convention will open exactly two months hence. Preparations have been in program throughout the jurisdiction by members and lodges as to feasible changes in _ our by-laws and other phases of the Society. Instructions ¡ are being weighed by our membership and given to its delegates. ~. ~ " This preliminary procedure is in full accord with the tenets of our democratic organization. All delegates should be fully acquainted with all major and minor problems of our Society whfich will come up for deliberation on the convention floor* Instructions from members as Well as lodges should be considered by each particular delegate. However, the main thought should always center on the question of what is in the best interest of the organization and its members. We are a democratic organization and as such do business on democratic principles. This has been so since the very inception of our Society 37 years ago. We trust that the delegates representing the younger generation will work together with the delegates of the older generation in the light of our organization's principles. The foremost an fl the most essential prerequisite of a delegate is his or her ability to understand our common problems and to work collectively for the greater progress __ M____n I ■ » 1 ' f of our Society ! For Member» ot Slovene Notional Benefit Society and American Slovenes r WEDNESDAY, JULY 1< WOLVERINE ffflDPfioMer Picnic DAY AT HORVAT'Sl FARM SUN., JUL 20 ** DETROIT.—A« the time for the annus) Wolverine Field Day draws near Sunday, July 30, we notice that everyone 1» concerned with making this a great success, greater even than last year's affair—great as that waa II The Wotverffce field Day is al-waya the "red-letter" day on tha Wolverines' calendar, the one affair for which we all work diligently and enthusiastically—and this is no »•Xrept ion. The committee is busy making arrangements so that there wiH be fun for all; muaic for both the older people and the younger people will be furnished by that popular young band Maestro from Cleveland, Pete Sokaeh. This is his first appearance in Detroit, but having heard him play in Cleveland, we know you will be more than satisfied. Then there is the parade, highlight of each of our Wolverine Field Days, which distinguishes our Field ing with the times—so why not come out to see what we have in store for you. Lefty Kovach and Laddie Zinder, our Goed Will Ambassadors, after visiting the Loyalite Field Day and the Ohio SNPJ'Day over the Fourth, report that a goodly crowd of out-of-towners can be expected. So why not join us all in a grand time on July 20 at Horvat's Farm on Gulley Road about one mile west of Telegraph Road and one mfle north of West Warren avenue. To those of you who have been to one of our Field Days, no other invitation ia needed—to those of you who have never attended, we can only say, "Be sure and attend, a good time will be assured one and T. STEFFLER, Wolverine Lodge 977. CHICAGO.—Thi Pioneer Annual Picnic will be held at Skavich's Red Gate Grove, »7th and Archer Ave., Sunday, August 3. There will be games and races at the picnic during the day. Prists will be awarded to the winners of the different races. In the eaily evening dancing will follow the races and games. Music will be furnished by Gradisek and Omerza. All children at the picnic will receive their usual amount of chipa, but they must be accompanied by their parents. Chips to the children will be awarded in the grand march. Admission to all of this will be twenty cents. There will be busses for those who have no other transportation to and from the ploeic. The bus stops will be at Botftic's Drug Store,'Cer-mak and WolcOtLAvenucs and at the Slovene Centeiv23rd Street and South Lawndale Avenue. You can come to the picnic early and stay with the Pioneers all day and meet other friends whom you do not meet otherwise. The Pioneers have made arrangementa to have plenty of good food and refreshments. You can take Archer Av*nue straight to the grove or Ogden Avenue or Route 00 Day from other picnics. The theme to Willow Storing« Road, then take of this year's parade will be in keep- Willow Springs Road to Archer Avenue, then Archer Avenue to the Grove. ' > COMMITTEE. CLEVELAND —News!—and more news!!—The Strugglers are holding another one of their famous "WIENER ROASTS" on Saturday, August 2, at the SNPJ Recreational Farm on Heath Rd. in Char don, Ohio, A good time is guaranteed to all who come down and attepd this affair. Lou Marolt, our Ent. Committee chairman, has promised that there will be plenty to eat and we won't run short as we did the last time. ________ A capacity crowd was anticipated at our last wiener roast but the way members and their friends responded the crowd proved beyond our expectation, therefore we ran short. "It won't happen again," is the promise of the entire Ent.'Committee and you can rest assured that good music wiil be in evidence National Benefit Society, and the evening will be well] W. Peyn ES SNPJ fji-t m i»» attend the meeting on July 30 ut the Perk's Field House a e ej The Sentinels hold their regular meeting on Monday /evening. July 21. at 7 30 p. m at Use Field Houar All of our members, are urged to attend Ra ports covering our attendance« at Federal urn committee meetings, our partlcipa Hon in joint lodge activities in South Chicago and the semiannual audit will be given. Ltkewiae, we will give attention to our lodgea selling of subscription books for the SNPJ Day program The Sentinels having books out should make prompt returns on books sold by thla date. Alao, more members should accept books to dispose among their friends. Other Chicago lodgea are doing their parta in selling these subs; It is expected that lodge 010 will likewise meet Its quota by dlapoaing of at leaat 100 books Unofficial reports of members selling more than one book are Bro. Melnarich, Sr. with II Ixioka, the Koeelaa with II books, Carl Bosich with I books. Angrllne Kuhel with 3 books. Emll Kuhel with 1 book. Returns from other members will be acknowledged Mr. • a • ALL THAT SORT OF THING. A trip to Ambridge. than on to Washington and Virginia Beech. Va.< with Bill and Leona Towctmak waa the highlight of the Koaeles vacation period this year ... In Ambridgr the Revellers meeting waa attended and the ing waa evident . elected aa the Reveller's delegate I the next SNPJ convention . ton Zlberna delegate . . . S few Amhrtdgt folks for purehaa ing subs , . . There ere nine Kesele Local lodges, don't forget to buy an ad in the convention aouvenir booklet. All lodgea act favorably on thla. From now unUl Scptem ber IS. the convention will keep the local committees busy. All of those who sre interested are invltsd to attend the local convention commit tee meeting* which are held In the Slovene Home. Ptttaburgh. Next meeting of this committee will be Thursday. July 17. ^ Attend the federation meeting on Sunday. July 20. , JAMES M. MAGLICH. Secretary, Boogy-Money talks. I tell you. Woogy—Yes, but It never gives it self sway boys ■ Lom» Joe. Rudy. Frank Clem. Val. Ray. Lennle and Alvin— who. with Mrs. Louis, Mrs. Joe and Mrs. Rudy and Johanna and Dick had s ,reunion dinner in Ambridge And all will be members of one Slovene fraternal itrganiaation when the merger goes thru In Septem ber . . . Louts Gorence of Bessemer Pi., la vacationing in Chicago Rudy gnd Clem Kaerie visited Chi cage ever th« July 4th week-end Mlrko Kuhel. Richard and Artie Kuhel watched the Yankees take over the Sox in two games last Sun day . . . Perhaps this column may in th« future, write of peraonalltlea within the Sentinel lodge The Sentinels have some loyal lodge members and to acknowledge them in Iki Prasvete would not be re-jj. . Smtinela gat In line with ChUngoem Mbard|i|M| long, until «gale , . . I .OUTS KOREl.r. 010 First Colorado-New Mexico SNPJ Dai Eventât Rye, Colorado, Sunday, July21 Stragglers' News WALSENBURG, COLO.—On i numbers ^Sunday, July 27, the Colorado-New Mexico Federation of SNPJ lodges will hold the First SNPJ Day event in this district. It will be the first affair of this type in the history of our organization in this area, and we aim to make it an imposing event. Fraternal Day This in effect will not only be a day of entertainment and recreation; it will be more than that—it will be a Fraternal Day, as well as a day of mutual cooperation and collective spirit. It will be a day which will mark the beginning of redoubled Work and intensive agitation for a greater and bigger Slovene lowanda Boosters' Joint Picnic GOWANDA, N. Y.—It seems that the only time the Boosters get into print lately is when they arc sponsoring an affair, and this article is no exception. What? Where? When? picnic at Mentley's Grove in Go-wanda on Saturday and Sunday, August 2 and 3, Is the answer. It will be sponsored by the SNPJ Dawn of Liberty Lodge and the Gowanda Boosters. In The past the two lodges have put over some grand affairs and we promiae to make this equally so. The committee has selected the popular Wally Waner and his Drums Orchestra for the music. They hail from Buffalo and it Is reported that Wally and his Drums is really some-' thing to see. . TT. The committee are putting the final touches to the various events which are to take place, so follow the Prosveta in the coming weeks for more Information. In the meantime remember w« extend a' very cordial invitation to everyone, near and fSr, old friends and new. What do you say, Ohki, Pennsylvania. Michigan. Western New York, snd others? How about spending the week-end in our fair little town? Our committees promise to show you all the hospitality possible, so let'a see you hem. This and that:. Over the Fourth Gowanda played host to many out-of-town Quests; anions them were visitors from CleWand. Johnstown. Library. Detroit. Flint and many others. A week later our friend Patsy Krall was In town It was pleasure meeting all theer people, so oome again Geo. Samson is still on the sick list, so members, pleaae visit htm and to you, George, wish a apeedy recovery .—Our thanks to Mike Kumer,/that huathng and popular young SNPJer from Uni versa I. Pa. The (Sport la that there la a chance of Mtke'a coming to Gowanda for our picnic in August, which Is good neers. And apeak Ing of visitors, «re «re easered of that hsppy-go-lucky gang from Cleveland We know that quite a few girls will be watting tor certain Ohio lads, ao bars, we «rill. I mean they will be seeing yoe. Until again LOU» KLUCIK. 728 planned with games, refreshments and good old Slovene music! ! How about you old-timers attending? At the last wiener roast our former prexy, namely Johnny Lo-kar, made his appearance and was that a surprise! Even Joe Karlin-ger had a good time; if you do not believe me, ask him. Here is one Struggler member who tries to attend all our affairs arid an a rule usually has a good time (he usually make« it a good time). The Anthony Zamens are another couple you can depend on! The Miklavic family can be depended upon to show up; and not to forget the Fred Peruseks (family and all) are always ready to make merry with the Strugglers. The three Yappels can be seen also while Hermina Zupan-cic and Jo Tomsic are always busy working in the kitchen trying to make the refreshments more tempting for all. * What more could you aSt for? So how about making a date with us for August 2? May we expect you? The Entertainment Committee is hard at work trying to make plans for either a basket picnic or a chicken dinner sometime toward the end of August. Details will appear from time to time in the Prosveta, so watch for it! ANNE ZÈLE, Rec. Sec'y 014. ...» * Comrades' Notes CLEVELAND.—Comrades' first outing will be i Sunday, Jiify 27. Furlan Farm, wHere Comrades have spent many happy hours, is the spot. On the menu is a full course chicken dinner, not forgetting the homemade potica, all for 75c. Games with prizes, swimming, dancing and wiener roast in the evening. Comrades extend an invitation to Beacons. Commodores, Loyalites, New Eras, Progressives and Strugglers to Join us on July 27 for a grand time. For inquiries and reservations call Pauline Spik (He 0780). She must have your reservation by Sunday, July 20. Let's all be there. I Best wishes and lots of luck to newly-weds Max Spik and Katherine Bonchak, Ernest Urbas and Anne Pengov, John Prudiah and Helen Dolantz. New arrivals to Josephine Novak and Anne Skully, each a boy; kfca-tilda Jon lee and Josephine Papes, girls. Congratulations! Vacationing were Jean and Dr. Beljan, Moll le and Joseph Koren with Marge Beljan at Cook Forest in Pa.; Pauline and Frances Spik at Jack and Jill Ranch in Mich. Vera Novak took a boat trip along the Ohio River. John Alden Is back in town, we hope to stay. The largest single contribution to th« Jugoslav Relief was made by John F. Perko, a Com rade. Joaeph Flfolt Is a very busy man these days working in his new ly bought home. New members are: Joseph in« Ve-har and son Raymond Thla makes all the Vehar family members of the SNPJ. Tranafers Justine Chcenlk from Strabane. Alice and Charles Prijetrl from Library. Pa. Edward Zaletel Is back again. Louis Biz** trans ferred back from Milwaukee, only to have Uncle Sam rail him. Trans ferred from juveniles: Otilia Stria nte and Victor Vehar Our sympathy to the Prijatel Most of our members and friends already know that our SNPJ manifestation on July 27 will be held at the New Prešeren Home at Rye, Colorado, which is an ideal place for such large-scale events, capable of offering a variety of out-of-doors facilities to huge gatherings. Day's Program Festivities will open early in the morning—at 7 o'clock. At 10 o'clock we will hold a meeting of all the lodges. All other preparations are in the hands of SNPJ lodge Orel, No. 21, of Pueblo, Colo. Our program includes many interesting features. Several lodge and federation representatives and officials will addrfess the gathering, and the principal speaker will be Frank Zaitz, of Chicago, 111. He is president of SNPJ supervisory committee and well acquainted with our organization's problems as well as with the problems of labor. Four Circles All members and friends from the Colorado-New Mexico district are most cordially invited td attend this event in large to family who recently lost their father Let a not forget Comrades' Out Ing July 27 MARIE J. STEFANÏC, Nrc'y. We appeal to aUU odge secretaries to org« large representations f„ among their members to atti this manifestation in groups. All those who have receii admission tickets are asked kindly dispose of them as a as possible. The awards wh will be given away at tha q bration are worthy of our effi therefore, hurry with your s ing of tickets! And do tht get to bring with you all y relatives and friends. It is with great pleasure t we announce the partkip^ at this celebration of four of Juvenile Circles. Some of i youngsters will add to the in est of the program consider^ and we are certain that you i not want to miss their reprei tations. Welcome On Sunday, July 27, at First Colorado-New Mexico I PJ Day celebration, we expei large number of members i friends. Let us make this initial event of this kind a hi success by attending! Everybi is welcome, both members non-members. There will plenty of entertainment for and good refreshments will served all day. ED TOMSIC, Fed. Presides Meeting of the Westmoreland Fed. HERMINIE, PA.—This a thei call to the delegates of the S] Westmoreland federation cone ing the next meeting which will held on July 20 at Export in W hall at 2 p. m. (EST). Ofiicenj auditors must come one hour eaij —at 1 o'clock. We expect ij representation because at this nK ing it will be demonstrated *M the lucky member or friend; UK tore do not fail to witness tha report will also be given about! picnic. ANTON ZOF"* Universal Comets Datos to Remember UNIVERSAL, PA. —July 18— Fourth Annual Boat Ride sponsored by E. S. Federation of SNPJ Lodges of Western Pennsylvania on Steamer Senator, leaving Pittsburgh at 9 P. M. (dst) and returning at midnight. July 20—Regular meeting of E. S. Federation of SNPJ Lodges of Western Pennsylvania at Slovene Hall. Library, beginning at 2 P. M. (dst). July 27—Picnic by Ramblers Lodge 713 of Harmarvillc, at Rose-dale Sportsmen's Association Grounds (formerly Garibaldi Grove), featuring Martin Serro's orchestra. August 24—Picnic by Comets Lodge 715 at Ivy Park, Universal. Snd Annual Ohio SNPJ Day In attendance at the Second Annual Ohio SNPJ Day held in Girard. Ohio, on Independence Day, there were some who estimated a crowd of 3,000—other» estimated a crowd of 4.000, etc. But regardless of the accuracy of these figures, the event was a colorful and impressive one. It wss a genuine manifestation of loyalty to our Society and the basis of our existence, its ideals and principles. The affair was all the more significant, for it was held on the day when our nation was commemorating the signing of the Declaration of Independence and the freedoms that document guaranteed. Our Society, similarly constructed, provided a twofold reaaon for our celebrating that day. • We departed from home early that day with the thought of arriving there early. With me were Henry Prevfc and his wife Jennie. Ralph Yeveb. and John tyefteh. Our first stop was at the home of Frank Re-aek. but we soon learned that Frank had left for Avon Park at 0 30 a. m. to make all final arrangements. We arrived at the Park at II a m. and to our amazement, there was already a huge crowd there. We disc»*« that Pennsylvanians were well I resented, for a count of the vsri communities reached an even ft The Fradel family of Latrobe 1 eied the greatest distance n Pennsylvania. Universal I resented by eleven members It was learned early that" Shappeck waa in the crowd wiw wife Josephina. He wss taljtf gaged in introducing her ion» ny friend« and it waa agreed! he made an excellent ^ Luke Oroaer came from with them The«- three to Strabane the next day. whm celebrated the 13th AnnivefWO Strabane Pioneers ^ The nice crowd of SNPJ ^ who attended the 2nd Oh» ~ Day came from Chicago. Milwaukee. Mar Wj ous Pa towns, and numerous dMaa. , «trai sd Avon Park proved an tion for the occasion. > vided with a sp'-ru** for dancing freahment* and dining stand« wen- and the crowd had sa Ui fraternal ire " space* amid ^ « The program co*+** ^ events, entcrtainmaot Juvenile Circle*. nt byjg m em Oeoege Ritt* .poru prog--m. ^ 2ay'.,attract »»'«T^ d Frank ** entertainment snd| ^ ^j gram, and he rh.* Sms*. to" Worker. ^'Jffl*** mihaa Ian** 1 LL^ Pre»«h nt d »k. "" ^ u (Cm*'"* m SNPJ m 37th Year ot Contmuotu Servie* 1904 I • - • 1941 ENGLISH SECTION Help to Increau Our Juvenile and Adult Membership «DNKDAyULYJJ^ 3y Week By Lou»» Badger pfUum, foreign editor of ^r^ fr°m •fSL jources", that the Brit-«bmet u convinced the ^fy must win now or be t«* __ ■ substantiate their a, totally new method of They think that L depends on her army s tohoWpre^nt^itionajaiid it b» *i"he"r v«»t hinterland, d,d during the Napoleonic than one hundred more Golden Eagles k true that condition» are en-now from the old also true that up until has proved her ability the German blitzkrieg-!»-Itllematc. The longer Russia *J,b|t to hold back the enemy. Ere time America and Britain have to prepare for the final nt the Nazi war machine whieh be crushed! prejent war situation has t about shortages in many in-j here and more so abroad, r. direct result of this, science oljed upon to furnish substi-Wterials. Today, there is a w of substitutes, or plastics, are replacing natural mate-"flut "plastics" are really not - for they have been in use for 3000 years. Yet "Plastics" J applied to the most novel ^ in a variety of things: in "¿¿rts as well as in women's and in a thousand other are replacing both wood nrul, not only because of but because the plastic j are cheaper, tougher, light-lend themselves to all sorts atibns of color. It is into know that this year's hive more than 80 plastic t my vacation this year I shall | a Wisconsin, in the old home oI Sheboygan, in Madison ! ay little girl will see "where went to school", at Teliesin I ether points pf this beautiful and. We are taking our Hudson, and expect to poke j and into places we've always to see. Which is why this i arill not appear for the Btfj ItMks , 77l ie Field Day H )IT.—ALL roads^ lead to thu week end for the an-Averine Field Day to be I at Horvath's Park on Sunday. Ifcrk will open at noon with i proper starting prompt-I three o'clock. For the benefit Itowners and also localites, consulted astrologers who fine weather and a huge The Park is located on Gul-just north of West Warren. Ill about a mile west of the in-of Telegraph Road (US >eid Warren Road, »k the past the official ceremo-IHI begin With a parade, and M*ar the committee promises to 1 PMt performances in this re-Plans arc being kept very but we guarantee the to be unusual and very en- fy««rly tug-of-war between the 1 men and those not so fortu-'»'ll follow, and there will be novel entertainment be- g hand ^ who K/iV) offer thr opportunity of Ar»dy Klarich and Lef- »" both looking forward of the entire pro- »»»l7y Hup"rt who J™1 '""aferred u, lhe Wo|vrr_ w,«king induBtrloua» f «r.v, . 7'"" flnd take "> the •"' those ' 'ar.t.cp.u? hearing n z w,n~ » •til ,'""""ntaUona. *'«• real enter- A Huge Success I GIRARD, OHIO.—A hasty, preliminary investigation of attendance, financial figures and crowd appeal indicate a heart warming success for the Second Annual Ohio SNPJ Day event, held in Girard, Ohio, on July 4. last. Thousands of people from about' a half-dozen states answered the call to Praternalism. We know that we will omit names, nevertheless we will line-up a few of those who had to eat up many miles to be with us. There were the Marco Shap-pecks from Milwaukee; Bob Trav-nik, Lillian Grum, Ann Bogatay, the Ruperts, "Laddie" Zindar and Frank Kovach from Detroit; Virginia Se-lak from W< Virginia; Luke Groaer, Tony Hrast, Ernest Dreshar, and Julia Bogatay from Chicago; Der-motta, UJcich, Vidrnar, Fradels, Prevics, Fabecs, Yereb, Frances Preseren and Slapnlk from Pa. plus a couple from Buffalo, New York. We are especially grateful to our neighboring state of Pa. which supplied a great deal more than just those mentioned above. Perhaps oujr greatest disappointment was the response of the Cleveland Federation. There are approximately four thousand SNPJ members in that heavily populated Slovene city and when we.say that one hundred were with us, we are afraid we are being very liberal with our estimate. We shall always be among the first to give credit where credit is duC, and on the same standards, we shall always condemn when that is necessary. Dance lovers took full advantage of the fine dancing provisions with the result that about 1000 enjoyed themselves to the music of Joe Umeck and Louis Simoncic. George Rltter, as chairman of the Sports Program, provided fun and recreation for young and old alike. Our principal speakers were Frank Zaitz and Mike Kumer both of whom maintained their reputation as two of the ablest speakers in the SNPJ. Both are intereating men; both are sincere. * Matt Tusek made the welcoming speech on behalf of our local Federation and Mayor Alex Whitford responded on behalf of the City of Girard. Then came the entertainment of the Warren Juvenile Circle. Following this, Augustus J. Tom-linson, newly elected Chairman of the Executive Board and National President of the Leather Division Workers of United States and Canada, made a strong and effective talk on behalf of Labor. Then entertainment by the Salem Circle. With applause still ringing through the crowd, Michael R. Kumer took his place as the first of headquarters-sent speakers. Here followed the introduction of Matt Petrovioh, Milan Medvesek, Camlllus Zarnik, Joseph 8noy and Mary Kroflich as Supreme Board members or as representatives of the Federations. After this came two songs by tho Krizay Sisters and Mitchell from screen am- ** l«-*st partaking of Vp* • Serine /UMU, «77. * Lodge No. 41 Pus^l : July» ♦> la sponeor- Mu* ">«>etw 17 ( lty •ni by ' ""îmandee » » * w P* Ml ""dicllf in- A u /JÎ* P'cnie ****** 4| Salem and this waa followed by two selections by Frances Novak and Rose lilakar from Sharon, Pa. Then programs by the Girard and Sharon Cireles. Rounding out the afternoon's schedule was Frank Zaitz who officially represented our Society. To the many out-of-towners, to the people who worked hard and long, to the Four Federationa who helped out on the publicity and sent along members and to our Eagle and Ljubljana members who devoted several months to this undertaking, we offer our most appreciative thanks. This was our initial attempt at anything so vast and we made mistakes, certainly, but we hope everyone had a good time which was our original aim and purpoae. | OFF THE RECORD—Mrs. Anthony Gore nee of Besaemer, Pa., won the table lamp given away by the Juvenile Cireles and the quilt went to Mrs. G. M. Edwards of 2S05 Burton St., Warren, Ohio. Cards of draftee friends are coming in from all over the country, Frank Previc of Universal, Pa., is at Camp Wheeler, Georgia, and you will find his brother A1 in Camp Qroft, South Carolina. Our former Pres. Ed Prevec was heading for Camp Wolters, Texas, at the time we last heard from him. Frank Zlt nik is coming closer to home what with a transfer to Fort Banning, Georgia. A couple of weeks back the Eagles treated Ed Prevec, Bill Seitl and Frank Racick to a farewell party. Prevec has already left while the other two are awaiting their calls. Our lodge has been hard hit and with these and other energetic men taken, we can expect a consid enable let-down in lodge action and achievements. Mike Kumer, with his committee, Is matching wits with one of the toughest problems In his BNPJ career. His group is to provide entertainment during the Convention period and while the program is to be an excellent one, there doesn't seem to be any promise of a sub stantial income. Every lodge unit and many members should pledge themselves to support the Souvenir Book, not with fine sounding words but with cold, hard cash. Talk and promises remain two items which have not increased in price. A hatful of thanks to the Krvlnas and Bartol Luahina for sheltering the Pittsburgh and Library gangs who went on to Cleveland on Satur If you wj a good time on Saturday, July SO, spend the evening with the Barber-ton Buckeyes who are having ■ dance at the Hopocan Gardens. THE FOLLOWING IS IMPORTANT—The writer has in his possession a pair of glasses which were lost on the picnic grounds on July 4. If you know the owner or his where-abouta. pleaae notify the writer at 167 Trumbull Ave.. Oirard, O. The Social Committee will soon have news about the Eagles' private picnic—be on the look-out for it. FRANK REZEK, 043. ^ROSVITA Juvenile Circles Circle "Young Leaden" to Hold F tret Dance In September STRUTHERS, O.—All members ef Circle 32, members of all nearby Circles and friends are cordially invited to attend our first dance which will be held on Saturday. Sept. 10, at the Croatian Hall, 1M Lowell Road. Struthers, Ohio. Our Circle/ which is called the Young Leaders. No. 32, is still very young, but we have hopes of making It a great success. We would appreciate it, if all who can attend would itlrt making plans to come to our meetings. Plans for the danea have not been competed at this writing, but will be published in a later issue. -— tW' ~ We are holding our meetings on the first Friday of the month at Mrs. Serich's home. AU members of the Cirele aa well as all juvenile members of the SNPJ are urgad to attends ANN GERAK, President. Plenic of Jolly Kanaans MULBERRY, KANS.-JoUy Kan-sans held their regular monthly meeting on July 0 at the Frtfnxlln Hall. The meeting was called to order by our president. Plans were discussed to hold a picnic at Lincoln Park, July 27. The members are to meet at Karlinger'i atore at 1 o'clock p. m. Dorothy Yorger was elected as our new sec retary. Olga Khapleh from Detroit was visiting our circle. She showed a few picturea and made an inter esting speech about their circle In Detroit. The meeting adjourned and refreshments were served. Our next meeting will be on Au gust 3 at Camp SO. Members, don't forget to attend the meeting and also the picnic. FRANCES KUMER. . Circle II, Lodge OS. Spirit- O- Grams By Whoozit ST. LOUIS, MO.—Altho the Anniversary Campaign has concluded May 31, "We" the Spirits will continue our own campaign, by organizing groups as suggested by Bro. J. Buckowitz Sr., Invading every home where there may be a prospect. Spirits, let's season our campaign with a Hltle "time and effort," and "We" will soon hit the Century Mark. Caah awards will be given for new members. Last call to the United Slovene Picnic, July 20, at Hoffman's t^ove on Telegraph and Yeager roads. The first bus leaves 10 a. m. from Slovene Hall, 3331 So. 7th St., and every hour thereafter, with the exception from 5 p. m. to 7 p. m. Members, don't forget your country store articles. Leave them at either Splllers. Kacins, Frank Kokal or Stan Hervatin. Come on, Spirits, let's live up to our reputation and be there in full numbers and work. Our outing at Podesta's Grove in Collinsv 11 le, 111., will probably be about August 17. The committee will arrange to have music for the dance lovers to complete satisfaction, as there are ample tables for luncheons and card games; also a baillna court, ball diamond, horseshoe pitching courts, and a nice lake for you fisherman If it's too much trouble for , you to lug the eats with you. don't bother, as at a nominal price you can purchaae meals at the Grove So reserve our Outing date, and watch Pro-sveta for directions. Local lodges please note that our 13th Birthday celebration will be NOV. IS. Wonder if thare's a feasibility of some out of town (SNPJ) orchestra that could give us a bid. such %s Bergsnt Sisters. Barbie. ete i The Spirits 3rd Anniversary la still Ji| memory, when the Chicago Jntegrtties Red Pep-pars orchestra played tor a breaking crowd. (Our m Kendall St ) TSIa and Thai —Sia Angels Bo-ranieh and St* An torus Harvatln have reported on «he sick list The Spirits wish them the best of health and a speedy recovery. Visit them or mall a cheer card, members — At our August meeting Bro. Frank Kokal will give ua the date for his house warming—the writer would suggest Aug. 28,—We were glad to have John and Josephine Buckowitz back with us at the meeting, after spending several weeks with their son John in San Diego, Calif. They reported an enjoyable trip.— Bro. John Spiller for the third consecutive time has been elected delegate to the SNPJ convention and Sis. Sophie Vertovsek. our active treasurer, as alternate, representing the Lincolnites of Springfield. 111., and the SpiriU —The following By-law review committee was appointed: Bro. Frank Mashak, our attorney, Sis. Mltzl Sveglich and Bro. J. Jurgec. A'ote Members who just come to pay their dues and leave before the meeting commences, are marked absent The vacation bug bit (be Spirits July 4 with Sis. Julia Krai! going (or a week to Gary, Ind.; Frank and Inez Kokal motored to Chicago; Baumgarths and S. Vertovaek were in Livingston. 111.; Odella Markoff on Steamer Admiral; Pete and Anne Kokal enjoyed the Meramar Caverns-Anton, Frances, Stanley and Edward Hervatin motored to Cleveland. Detroit, and Chicago They visited the SNPJ main office and watched the Spirit-O-Grama go to press They extend their thanks to, the officers and crew tor their courtesy, which made them faal right at home—that's what we oall South Fork Invites You All SOUTH FORK, PA.-The SNPJ Lodge No. 346 will sponsor a dance on Saturday, July 10, for the benefit of the mushball team. Music will be furnished by 4n orchestra wall known in this vlelnity and dancing will be from t:30 until 12 (1ST) We'd Ilka to sea members from St. Michael, Ltoydeil, Beaverdate, Dun-lo, Flood City, Trtgtav, Kelao, boring lodges at thts affair Chatter of the1,1Valley:—Lots of luok to George Yaunertdge who la now in the army. He li the first, and so far the only, member to leave our midst. Best wishes to Rudy Chucheck of Johnstown, who will become a soldier in the near future. Frank Kuhfttak will be delegate to the Pittsburgh convention. Ha will represent South Fork and Dunlo. Andy Mrsnik was named alternate. Congratulations to Matt Raaick who has just recently been graduated from collage- Our vice-president, Nick "Sue" Slkora, and Gerakllne Aldridge of Lloydell are to wed In the very near future. Congratulation and beat wishes I The mushball team Is In there trying hard this year, not doing too good, and not doing too bed. Keep up the good spirit, boys. Members, don't forget to attend the regular monthly meeting July 20 at 10:30 a. m. It's about time to make plans for our picnic. Last but not least don't forget our dance July 10 at the Slovenian Hall. MARGE, 34S. FLASHES CHICAGO, ILL. — All Pioneers are urged to attend the next regular monthly meeting which comae this Friday. July IS, 1041V We've got to start working in earnest on our Annual Prize and Juvenile Picnic and devote quite aome time to the National SNPJ Day project We ax pect to Initiate a number of new members so as to keep our total over our 77S mark. The new bowling season which Is not so far away, will alao be given time. It la the opinion of Diak Relabel, who waa Preetdent of last year's Pioneer league, that the new seaaon Will give the Pioneers a larger number of bowlers and a bigger league. A check for eleven dollars will be on hand for some member juat for being preeent and refreshments will be aerved. This will be our last meeting before the Annual Prise and Juvenile Picnic, so we hope many of the members will conu^to the neetlng and lend their asaJitsnoe. We've been having some very mild weather of late and this should bring more ef the members to the meeting Our picnic committee met last Friday night at the Center and went over some of the important items of preparation for the Priae Plenic. The Omeraa-Gradiaek orchestra has been secured, tickets are now being printed and distributed, snd the publicity campaign has been started. Msny prises are needed, so we seek the assistance of every member to help us secure et least seventy-five prises in order to make the contests sttraetive and profitable for tke contestants. U was agreed to give every juvenile member twenty-five cento' worth of chips with which they can secure free refi eahmento. This Is an old Pioneer custom and has proven of value In the years past. It la our aim to get as many youngsters to the picnic as possible, because we believe that the young people should be oared for and Induced to participate in the functions of the 0NPJ. A special bus will be secured for transportation tor those patrons who do not have the means of getting to the grove otherwise. P "t ' ' _Lm ¿1 This yesr's plenic will be held .U Sksvlch's Red Gate Grove on 07th St. and Archer Avenue, the well known snd populsr picnic grounds among our peopled The admission has been set st 10c so as to ensble everyone to oome and a good pro* gram with many contests including dsncing Is being prepared. Ilssnsgs was the tirst to offer s gift for the prise list. Dr. Maektanan, too, has made hia pledge to contribute $6.00 in caah, already. We expect to get many others. Fvaaik Zordsnl. John Simon, Michael Pre sak, Frank Sedrik. Jehu Rak and the Pioneer Secretary have agreed to start a soliciting ccmpsign for prizes. Because conditions sre much Improved snd our people are better employed, we hope they will respond wholehesrtedly to solicits- Michael PrsKuk SO Donald Lotrlch 40 Frank LotWch 27 Julia Bogatay 21 fraternal ism John and Anne Spiller went to Bear Lodge on the Black River to fish. John says he got one "It was that big—hut It got away " They alao stopped §i Lcfce Ktller- "su Sophie Vertovaek will spend a two w«afc vocation with talks In Livingston. Ill Pact carda frCm Frank and Frame Mahnteh In No-kumis. Dl scylng they ere haodtag towards Chicago and vicinity and ftoae Lwnearu are accompany- L'Anss Lodge No. 7S3 SNPJ L'ANSE, MICH -This Is the second nottoe since I am the Secretary for the L'Anse L«»dge No. 7S3 that I will not go around collecting the due money. Dear members,, kindly pay your dues at the meetings or St my home, or st Preaident Paul Shaltz Sr.'s home, or Treasurer Matt Muvrin's heme. All members should attend next meeting en Monday evening. July 21 st 7 p. m st the L'Anse Town Hall, so wo esn alts make plans tor the piente Which Is going to be held on August 3 ct the L'Anee Township 9M Come one, «mm all We will mles two of Our mam bera ct the plank this yecr Joe Muvrin end Jehn Supcnich, hcccu I they ef» In the Army. We hope you win be wMh us at ■ ptsnic again AU«JUST TESTEN ins Merc's hoping you folks have s pleasant vecatm» Anne Splller s mother Jo#ephln< Jerelnorlc of Lodge 100 Is enjoytai S two month vacation In Sen Diego. Cel.. with her son Chsries Pogofelr end wife Geneva. ChaHe. It employed at lhe ConaoUdeted Aircraft Corp. Bf the way. we received news that Sir Stork hss left then» c 1H lbs beby girl Congratulations to Chart*, Oen end "grondms Suggestion Dorothy Rosea why not pkM on the second 4sssg Scribe conference In PittCkur* « >ing Convention? Spirits, afceut reserving lhe data for river CNUee en «earner Admiral to Ht Oenevieve, Mo In September* l>on t forget July SO plenic tlons and thus help make the Pioneer picnic like the Pioneer picnics of some ygsrs bsck. Although some-What lste in getting started on our picnic work, we call oo all our Pioneers to make their contributions and seek pther prises from their fellow businessmen. We will start this week's report nn the Nstional SNPJ Day subscriptions by tolling you that John Thaler of the Cicero Neighbors has turned in forty-three dollars for forty-three subscription books, which is nearly one-third of the quota for that lodg.>. Also, that Ursula Oradiaek. Secretary of Francisco Ferrer lodge, has turned In the initial seven books for her lodge. Among the Pioneers, Michael Prcaik has turned In the largest number since the last report. Mary E. Novak followed with five more to |ctecp the lead, at fifty-five, among the Pioneers. Other Pioneers reporting this week were Ernest Dreshar with two and Freak J. Let* rick with two. These tour Pioneers accounted far fifteen, completed booka this week, to give us a total of 2SS completed books end nearly three-fifths of our quota. The first ten In tht Pioneer Standings are: Msry E. Novak SS Frank Groser 12 Syl. Boxlcnik 0 Ernest Dreshar 0 Erma Vertnlk (I Rose Vugrich S To date, forty-two Pioneers have reported on these subscriptions. We hope the rest of them will get going now snd turn in their reports so thst we can mcke s good account ing before« July is up snd so thst we will hot hsve to put everything into the Isit month before the Ns-tlonal SNPJ Day. LetV g.M| qubtc on timet our Ivan Molek. Editor of Prosvetu, was the |Uest of honor st u surprise psrty In connection with his twenty-five years of service with Prosveta, recently. The Isdies prepared o very goad dinner after which we hsd s few talks snd refreshments Everyone cktcnded the glsd hsnd to Ill-other Molek snd wished him continued energy snd ambition tor many years to oome.—Very little has been said about the SSth Anniversary Issue of Prosveta which wss published c oouple of weeks ego. Some of us would hsve liked to see it reproduce some of the steps snd stagss which ens bled Prosveta to become Sic guiding light among the prosrossivc dements progressive elements among our peopl,- Escei'pts f.o.ii veiy lllipur_-tant Issues snd reproductions of A Column By MARY JUGO Parents snd ths Young Hopeful It Is becoming of more than ocoa-»tonal notice that many parents have transformed the endesrlng term of Young Hopeful for their child (or chlMrfn) to the Young Hopeless. And It Is sometimes even heard thst the Prosveta (or some other publicstion) hss done s poor Job of educsttng" our young people. • It Is observed, too, thst when parents thmw up their hands snd deplore thst the Young Hopeful is not n chip off the old block, they sre thinking in terms of the latter not uccepting their particular life philosophy, and consequently feel that sll Is lost. Tu think In such terms Is to disregard sll the laws of growth. And to sccord one newspaper thst sppesrs once s Week (In English section) and only seldom ex-a definite line of philosophy with the view of Its being accepted (If ever)—to accord it the honor of «educating our second and thlrd gen-rratlon Slovenes, is preiumptuous to the fsrthest Itretchea of thst word. If It were only possible to educate" the Young Hopeless In the manner that the parent thought was possible, or by the appesrance of one newspaper once a week or once a day, how simple the whole Job would he! » But If we remember thut tho youth at twenty or twenty-five, or the adult at fifty or sevonty is made up of all the wsys of behsvlor in whlfh he hss been training himself, we will res Use either Where out In fluenee came to an end in the face of other, ever-present influences or where we failed In our methods when the time was ours to use that influence—or both. In either case, we will remembof that we cannot throw the parcels of our mature (or Immsture) experience at the feet of the twenty-flve-yecr-old and expect him to pick It up as a genuine thing and without question. Each person fills his own parcel, tor good or tor bad, whether he wills It or not, snd it Is his own and no one else's, Snd It cannot come second-hand, tied with ribbons, Snd filled with goodies. And not st sll strangely the things with which one fills his parcel are the things with which he hss hsd experience snd given thought to snd lesrned to sdspt to himself, or vice verse. Of course, some of these sdapta-tlons may have started very, very reproductions whst sll it hss done In a more forceful manner would be dual red .—The Pioneers hsve s Softball team whtoh Is now being equipped with new uniforms. .. They are to ulay against the Badgers In Milwaukee Sunday, Some of the Pioneers sre going slang with the teem to help them win. We got postcards (gsaCessd ea 11 es ids from a number si Sharon Keystoners SHARON, PA.—As I ley here on the hot ssnd, baking in the sun while on my vacation about fifteen miles out of Sharon, I can't help thinking about the two graatast events that just psssed by. Both affairs, I'm sura, were very successful. - The Sixth Annual Pa. SNPJ Dsy held ln*Strabane, reminded me of a big carnival, Arriving there, with oyrjpMNL ss usual, the PsuUtuch trio, and Kisnk Re nek of (in aid first stopped st the Strebane Slovene Dom, seeking to get to the bar, but of course It was almost useless, We could see severcl groups of men vocalizing and ready to sing, cooks busy serving the crowd with their good Slovene cooking. Looking at the new bowling alleys, being well filled with bowlers. . Well, we went down to Drenik's Park. From c distance we could see Johnnie UJcich, c Morning Star, busy as a bar tender, close by, Johnnie's father and mother, then, too, loads of SNPJ friends from every* where. The drinks were on Ujck'h Sr.. with many thanks from us. Wslking down to the dance-floor to hear Taffy and hla boy. It didn't look like the third fUystoner a Anniversary dance in Sharon s night before, I most enjoyed the three singing societies, "PreSercn" of Pittsburgh. Bled" of Library end "Rot-marin" of Ambrldge. Alao the Hrvatln slater end brother ' with their Instruments. I always enjoy hear ing a good C. I. O, speck» r and that was Mayor John Mullen of Clcriton. Alao met for the first time Bro Matt Petrovleh of Clevetcnd. chairman of SNPJ Finance Con.., m. . who was the main speohor, and I should say a wonderful one, So tor I have enjoyed every SNPJ affair I have attended There are two very good boosters I uscslJy glad to see them They era Bros Milan Matfveahak and Mirhoet fcum*r. two wonderful fellows and speakers, as we ell know. The second annual Ohio KNPJ Day In Girard Ohio at Avon Perk. The Scy was acntdial dandy and slightly cod A bus load of Juve- niles end some sduito of Shsron arrived st Avon Park about I:IS P. M.. much to my disappointment, all hoarse from singing We hsd with us s very populsr sccordlonlst Mltaie An*ur, end our songbird Rose Mlakar Talk about the good timet Never to be forgotten day for the Juveniles. Slapping off the bus. we could heer Joe Umeek's orchestra in full swing end' free most of the crowd. The sports program wss wd) mcn-sged by Bro. George Hitter, with prises going to the best. Fun see* Ing Bro. F Resek here snd there trying to get someone to fix the stn-pl ifiers for the Juvenile Cirde program, and speakers. The Circles program seemed very satisfactory to the audience. Bro. Matt Tusek from Power Point made s welcome address. Interesting speeches by Michael S Kumer, Matt Petrovleh, Milan Medvcchek snd the main speaker Frank Zslts of Chtcggo Evening dancing to popular Louia Sinumck'0 orchestra and beautiful singing by populsr Josephine Turk snd Soph le Turkmen nt Clevelsnd. . Side Glcnces Wss glad to see the newly weds Mr. snd Mrs. Henry Rupert of Detroit. Meeting l^eddle Zlndcr also of Ddrdt through Michael Kumer. Might be eeelng you in Detroit July 20. Again seeing Johnnie Ujdeh wiUi s load of Morning Stars of Pittsburgh A very ettrective couple were Mr, end Mrs. Marco Shcp-peck Of Wisconsin You ran surely pick them. Marco Smiling Vtnoent Bogatay and uncle Charlie of Lia-bon. inviting the crowd to their dence July M Well try to see you there. Very populer SNPJ travelers sre Mr. end Mrs John Fradcl of Letrebe. Pa Of eourae, Frank ie Rosman waa ther* with two more bachelor friends, John and Joe Loo-car of Cleveland and Rudy Simla-che. I will to Introduce to you a happy, smiling led from Universe!, Pa. He is none other than Frankle Richer Frenkle Itkee the guts in Sharon Fun watching the Juveniles selling tickets fnmd to ssy that the Sharon Circle No. 21 has early—so early that few parents hsve given sny consideration to how esrly they started. "I'll send htm to school snd lot the teacher do something with him," ssys the psrent. But msny times st the sge of six It Is too lste for the taeeher to do anything with enyone —if ever. Msny timss st the sge of six the child's sdsptations are el-reedy so fixed thst the few hours in school In compariaon to the hours thst he spends outolds of school osn be little ehsnged" by sny toscher or teeohers, snd this, by computation of the educstors, Is nine-tenths of the time eulside of schodt At such times the psrents msy reluctantly snd ruefully remember thst In hsvlng allowed the Child to Mheve everything he wsntad" so thet he could hsve sll the good things they missed In their lives simply resulted In behsvlor thst bore nd the slightest resemblsnce to guidance nor hdpful control. • "He'll go to the army, and they'll teech him how to beheve," hopes the psrent—hopefully. But the boy In the srmy, when he Is outside the strirt discipline that might be imposed for training Crpoaes, will be the same boy that I built himself to be when he csme then twenty yesrs of him, or twenty-five or whstever he wss when he entered. How vlsionsry (or per-hsps something of s less delightful term) to think that in one year he ran throw away the previous eighteen, nineteen, or twenty-six years! • One consolation there Is, however, Apd that is that the Young Hopeless Is not really hopeless He can begin to unlearn his undesirable behavior. What s job! He csn diligently, hour after hour, day after day, change the unwanted habito by actually performing the right ones each time. Long he must work. And herd he must work. But no one under the sun csn dp., the job tor him. And there is hope, the cutest little member, snd also the youngest, none other than Patricia (Malay) O'Korn who sold the most One look ct He toy, would rather make you buy her then the ticket It was sad to see our Keystoner drafo-e* bidding farewdl to their SNPJ friends Boya. I wish you dl the luck, wherever you may journey: They are Rudy l^enlkar, Albert Zager and Andy "Dog" Kvp-cak I know the Keystoners will be mure than missing every one of yod boys Now there Is another big dsy earning to look forwsrd to. The SISPJ Day to be held in Chicago on Lchor Dsy Ld's alt Iry to be FRANCES NOVAK. 7SS. S. N. P. J. Spotlight GIRARD, KANSAS.—Salutations from this sunflower state, the geographical center of the U. 8. A vocation center for our many city friends, who are always more than fled to spend their vacation seeing the familiar sights and visiting old-timers. Not only that, but the true SNPJ spirit prevails in Crawford and Cherokee counties, where picnics are sponsored by individual lodges and Kansas Federation to provide entertainment for everyone. All affair* ore well attended and alweys successful. Large profits are not made, as in our larger cities, since our members sre usually coal miners, farmers or in other occupa-tional jobs, and do not have hig.»' wages end cannot spend much at an affair. While in the towns, people have fine jobs and can easily spend few more dollars than we. But members do the best they can. and many of our affairs and lodges are better off than many others. Our adult members are alwsys eager and reedy to do their part for the good of our organization and enjoy doing the work before them. Our Kansas federation is very fine snd is more sctive than many of our members think. They have good leaders and fine cooperation from all lodges. The Federation holds about three snnual affairs which are alwsys big doings in the state snd every one has special attractions; members from s radius of 5 to 160 miles sttend. What do you think now of our Federation? It's composed of sixteen lodges and really doing a fine job to keep our state as well ss the SNPJ on the map of success. Two of our ever slert members for our lodges snd federation, namely Bro. Anton Shular and Bro. Louis Karlinger, are very hsrd workers snd have put many years in the society's cause. Among our others who sre very helpful in every way are Sis. Anns Jelovchan, Bros. Martin Krusio, John Pecsr, Joe Brstkovich, Paul Kumer, Csrl Ule-pich, snd s score of others. More will be told in other issues of the Prosveta of our Kanaas Federation. While still on the topic of lodge activities, may I stress one point to our friends in the states of Kansas, Missouri, Colorado and New Mexico. Many have asked: Why does our Society spend so much money annually to support athletic tournaments? Therefore, why can't they give lodges, not included in the games or too far away to attend, a sum of We do know, if we are to keep our younger set interested in our organization, we must give them something to work for. Of course, the younger folks are all sport lovers in all fields of sports That's what the society has done by sponsoring bowling and Softball tournaments for our eastern lodges, who are near each other, and money has been set to pay for tournaments. I'm sure the same thing could be worked out for our weetem states. Why couldn't bowling tournaments be held in one state, as well as softball? Then you would get the benefit just as our eastern lodges do, and finally realise that the money put out for such things is fully paid back at a great benefit to your part of the state. Such a plan could be worked out. if there were plenty of young leaders in these states to push this plan through. It would probably have to be brought up at the SNPJ convention this fall for approval. Will something be done? Now to our Kanaas and Colorado delegates and all others: Why not put your bid for the next SNPJ convention to be held in Detroit. Michigan? As has been said. Detroit Is the center of SNPJ activities, many fine SNPJ loaders and hard workers, snd the good Slovene fonpUal-ity everywhere. No doubt, our Ohio, Illinois and Pennay members know and are for the next convention to be in Detroit and now our other members should be thinking likewise. Juvenile Circles. Yes. what about them? With only a half year to go. and the year of IMS will be right upon us Will everybody realise that many circles will be celebrating their fifth anniversary? Our juveniles will know, since they put their heart and soul to keep the circle together Everyone has made some progress, sponsored affairs, held outings. trips snd parties, whore our elders enjoyed themaelvea. There-fore, it's high time we be thinking of holding a National Cirele Day' celebration for our fine leaders of tomorrow. If nothing will be done juveniles will not care to carry on and do their best So what do you s«y, sdult members everywhere? Will you let these SNPJ minded hoys ami girls keep on working oi I'll bet our Kansas friend. Lefiy Ko-voch and his "kuharica" are putting on the works for everything to be in readiness for those who are looking for spills, thrills and chills Through their general cook. Laddie Zindar, we're assured of rare « tortainment. Our dance lovers will certainly welcome Pete Sokach anff the band from Cleveland in their midst and even show the boys grand time. • " All in all, I can say, Out that's one great event everyone is looking forward to seeing everybody; and last but not least, to really portray the four letters. SNPJ, to the entire world. Will we see you July 30 st the Wolverine Field Day, located on Warren and Gulley Eds? Sure we will, so put on your old gray bonnet. with the blue ribbon on it, get the old gray mare hitched and bring out that wagon load of SNPJ spirit from your state. OLGA MARIE KNAPICH, 677. Your Dollar By CONSUMERS UNION Buy the Following New, Anticipating Future Meeds Keep in mind that your buying should be sensibly guided by your needs and income. Avoid reckless or unplanned buying. Stock up, but don't stock up too heavily. Changes in the war situation or government action might change the whole price trend. Supplies of vegetables have been small this year and demand is large. Canned vegetables from the 1940 crop are already higher priced than they were s few months ago snd supplies are dwindling fast enough to make further price Increases in canned goods probable. Farmers turned over a few more acres to vegetables this year, but bad weather has reduced the crop, so far, below 1040*1. The supply of vegetables for use in canning is quite largely controlled by canners themselves, snd canners have not been anxious to expand. Pea canners have just been indicted by the Anti-Trust Division of the Department of Justice. ^Iti is charged that they have engaged since 10S6 in reducing the pea acreage and suppressing competition in the production snd sale of canned peas. Last reports were that supplies of canned-peas were under those of last year. A greet deal of publicity has been given to efforts of the Department of Agriculture to expand tomato production 60% this year (see BREAD * BUTTER for May 1 and June IS). So far. however, indications sre that supplies will be fsr short of this goal. Trade papers run headlines like this: TEXAS CANNER8 TO AVOID INCREASED TOMATO OUTPUT. If you can buy ahead you'll be money ahead in the end. » Vanilla Extract Supplies of vsnilla beans from Madagaacar and the French East Indies are now more or less cut off and other available sources—Mexico, Java and Tahiti—can't supply the usual normal imports for this country. Prices ore likely to be higher. Consumers Union recently tested 37 brands of true vanilla extracts and found a considerable range in price and quality. Tests of nine brands of imitation vanillas showed that some of these might be prefer-able to a true vanilla extract which is off-flavor, as a number were found to be. And the Imitation variety coats only about a fourth of the price for the true. If you are partial to genuine vanilla extract, however, better get some now. Best Buys in true vanilla extracts were Butiev-Nui. Certified and Ma* I tonal all at around 30c for 3 ounces; beet values In imitation vanillas were lens and Richmond at 7c for S ounces. (From CU Reports for March. 1041.) Picnic Jugs and OrUls If you plan to buy a vacuum bottle or picnic jug for the Summer season, buy it soon Stocks are low and a number of the materials used to make these things sre just not a v mlable to manufacturers of consumer goods. The same is true, though probably leas so. of picnic grille. Cast-Iran Wave Wagner Manufacturing Co. and (¡t is wold Manufacturing Co have __PRORVRTA weeks ago did not stop the upward movement of shoe (Micas. As Woman's Wear Daily (a trade paper) pointed out: **. . . pressure by retailers for lower prices on the basis of the announced hide ceiling met with no success because menu facturers had too much Fall business already under their belts to be vulnerable to such appeal Buy now for the Fall and Winter if you can afford to do so I Rayon yarns are going up in price, now that rayon is being used more widely as a substitute for other yarns (wool in particular). And gar ment manufacturers complain that elements in the texUle trade are taking advantage of the situation. Rayon lingerie fabrics, particularly satins, have risen 10% to 30% since last year. Cuts in quality are predicted if prices of rayon lingerie are to remain the same. Stock up on lingerie if you can afford to. But avoid the cheapest goods. Quality in the lowest priced lines is likely to be very low. ClFs recent tests oi women's slips were confined to slips selling at SI.40 and over. Satin was found to be, in general, longer wearing than crepe. Silk is intrinsically a better fiber for slips than rayon, but some rayon and silk combinations sre satisfactory and one ail-rayon slip was s Best Buy. Best Buys in satins were: Barkt-sen Brynrtte (63.35); Radelle Style-fit (S3 98); Barbiaon Kenworth (63.35); and Barbiaon Adrienne (63.50). Best Buys in crepe were: Barbt-son Bitomato"(61.66); Barbison Shelby (63.35); Seers' Cstalog No. 3967 (61.98 plus postage); Ward's Catalog No. 6603 (11.86 plus postage); Cooperative Distributors' Full O Fashion (61-83); and Sean' Catalog No. S819 (61.49 plus postage). (Based on a test of 37 slips; CU Reports for June, 1941.) »lea's Suits "Fortunately, the women's wesr trades do not have to cope with the competition of fixed-price men's wear chains, which will not advance prices next Fsll, but manipulate their standards . . . such ss putting the 635 suit on the 630 rack, but still retaining a 635 rack." (Women's Wesr Daily, May 33, 1941.), Men's Shirts "Severs! manufacturers have been frankly admitting that their $1.85 or 61.66 shirts hsve been chespened in quality in order to continue in their sccustomed price brackets." (Daily News Record, May 16, 1941.) I L_Wash Frocks "Costs of all cotton fabrics used in the manufacture of these dresses have advanced during the last few months, but the increaae has been less severe on the bettor qualities. For this reason, wash frocks sold in the higher price brackets will likely suffer less deterioration in quality during the Fall 1941 season thsn will the cheaper qualities retailing at 61 and less." (Women's Wesr Dally, Msy 6, 1941.) (BREAD A BUTTER hss noted before thst price increases, both hidden snd open, are apparently go- as well. The progress of these af-ing to be more serious in lower- fairs is s credit not only to the local priced goods This means that community and the Society, but to poorer families will bear far more the Individual members as well. So than their proportional share of the wherever you can help, Join in and burden of higher living costs.) make it even more successful be- cause of your participation. Philatelic Truck — The Pioneer Picnic Co/nmittec CHICAGO —Through the courtesy will be meeting Thursday, July 17, snd cooperation of the Chicago Park at the Slovene Labor Center at 8:30 District, the Post Office Department p. m —Singing Society "Preteren" Philatelic Truck, during its visit to will hold its picnic this Sunday at Chicago, will be on display on the Kegl's Grove, and you are asked to Congress Street Plasa, Just eaat of be on hand, too. Michigan Avenue. Thla centrally1 located spot was chosen as It can I easily be reached by all means of! transportation from any part of the city. —- iCaaUtM fm- mt ll of our good friend;» including th? John Raks from Johnstown, from Roy and Anna Cartier who spent some time In Klfbbing. Minnesota, on an assignment, and from the Peters and Sugllck families who are vacationing in Eveleth, Minn.— Sophie Mulholtand is spending her vacation with her parents in We-nona, Illinois.—Dear Brother" is the tiUe of a letter and pamphlet which is being distributed by the UAW Local 683, CIO, In Los Angeles. It tells of the strike at the North American Aircraft Plant and is very Interesting. Things not ordinarily told In newspapers are related in this pamphlet —soke Sofka is now a member of the U. S. Coast Guard, after having volunteered. One of the hardest working families for the SNPJ Is the Dernovsek family of Shelden, Wisconsin. On my recent visit to Shelden, where the local SNPJ lodge celebrated its 35th Anniversary, I had a chance to inspect their Well developed farm. It took them twenty-three years to make It what It Is today, A big portion of the land Is under cultivation. They raise barley, oats and other grain and fodder for their own cattle, and their main source of income Is derived from milk and cattle. This is probably tru/of all other farms in this section of Wisconsin. They have a well conditioned barn and out buildings, produce their own electricity, pump their water electrically, and use an electric milking machine. Farming is not such an intolerable task when the equipment and machinery la available and a city fellow gets a desire to stay on these farms. They do not have to rush about as we do In the city. Life on the farm la much calmer and certainly more bearable. In a large city, a person who wants to be active always has three times more work than he can perform, for (he lodge, the club, and other social and cultural ventures. It is nice to see that our folks get slong so well in these farming communities. 1 *** Reports have reached us that the Ohio SNPJ Day was a big success and we are happy that the work performed by our fellow members waa fruitful and satisfactory. Frank of Gtrard Tfparti that there were upwards of 4fl0Q people In at tendance and that they expect to make some money. These sectional SNPJ Days are a Hjieans of renewing many old acquaintances. We will have other important gatherings this year, including the National SNPJ Day In Chicago on August 30, 31, and September 1, to which we Invite our felloto members, and the National Convention scheduled for Pittsburgh on September 13th. We expect to see many old-timers at theae affairs and many new faces 'drafted into the Army. The Picnic Committee announced a picnic . scheduled for Ivy Park, Universal, for Sunday, August 34th. A motion 1 was passed for a half page ad in the Convention Souvenir booklet. Private Picnic Committee reported progress for an affair on a Sunday in August. Arrangements were made for delegates to attend the next meeting of the E. S. Federation. The application of Phyllis Ann Podobnik was approved, which makes an addition to our juvenile department. Harriot Yearm's application for transfer from Plan No. 1 to Plan No. 3, was also approved. Helen Bergeni and Florence Bro-gani were accepted from the juvenile department to the adult department. News and Views Summer time Is vacation time, as evidenced by greetings received. Mary Apchak of Barberton sends us greetings from Washington, D. C.; the John Raks of the Windy City postcard us from Johnstown; and Frances Preseren of the Silver Stars of Yukon is vacationing in Cleveland. Ann Ksus of Harmarvllle Ramblers 715 has returned from Florida for a short visit, and Angelina Bar-ginc of the same lodge has departed for California for an Indefinite stay. "It Is better to have protection and not need It than to need it and not have it," should be remembered by our solicitors,when seeking new SNPJ members. From reports received, the 30th Anniversary celebration of Lodge 166 of Presto on July 4 was a great success, as was the 15th Anniversary celebration of Strabane Pioneers Lodge 589. We attended the latter celebration on Saturday, July 5, when a huge crowd participated in the festivities. As reported in a recent Issue, letters have been .mailed to SNPJ lodges requesting them to accept advertising space In the Convention Souvenir Booklet. We hope that our request will prove fruitful, since that is our chief source of income for a successful Convention program MICHAEL R. KUMER. Little Fort News ' WAUKEGAN, ILL.—Ah, at last the great day arrived and ia now gone. The Joint picnic of the Wau-kegan lodges'went over with a bang. People here and there renewing old acquaintances and making new ones, children participating in races, men and Women entering the balina tournament and, to top it off, dancing in the evening. Following la the raised wholesale prices on their pre- will you realise that its high tlmr ^^ ironware about 10% You son»« thing tie done about it? Let s >houW gU|| ^ tb|# to gP( Ironware get together for a National cete- , o|d however, in competl- biation for our juveniles. I|lve hr-nd§ lf ^ iB theee makes What are the Wolverinsa cooking up for I he it Field Day? We can be1 ^ sNPI & positive that the treat will be bet The celling on hides belatedly set ter than soup, or what have you. by the Office of Price Adminiatra* as their recipe is kept very secret turn and Civilian Supply a The Truck will be open to the public from 13 o'clock noon until 5 p. m., Tuesday, July 33. and from 8 a. m. to 6 p m., July 33, 34, 35 and 88. It Is especially desired that students, school members of stamp clubs, boy scouts, girl scouts, and other organisations avail themselves of the opportunity of viewing theae interesting exhibits conatatlng of a complete showing of United States postage Stamps, as well aa a miniature of the type of rotary printing press upon which stamps are printed today. Children and Junior members of Stamp Cluba will visit the exhibit on Tuesday Wednesday. Thursday and Friday as it is intended thst Saturday shall be reserved for mem-bars of senior philatelic organisations. All visitor* will receive a souvenir ■tamp No pSBtagr stamps will be sold at the tnick , However, the new and interesting official sump booklet containing illustrations and descriptions of all United States postage stamps will be available for those who may desire to purchase It. Ernest J. krurn;f.n Postmaster, DONALD J. LOTRICH, 559. Universal Comets tOsnUsusa tnm «a«« •» pervising Committee, the principal speaker Frank Zalts. chairman of SNPJ Supervising Committee, and the writer, representing the Society as the English speaker. Brother Zaita was introduced by Brother John Bofatay. Following the program, we visited the home of John Tanoek. where we were treated royally to a delicious dinner, We believe that the entire affair waa ably managed and the committee deserves the c(*iiplunenta of our Society for a Job well done. Need-leas to say. the celebration served to matntan. promote, and create SNPJ fraternal Interest among our members. In closing. I wish to express a personal thanks to all tor really being splendid h<«8a, snd particularly the Raaaks and Tas^aka. It was excellent! Comets Our Com-ts Lodge 715 held their regular monthly mooting on Sunday. July 6th. The attendance was only fair, but the weather waa beautiful. Nevertheless, we hed>n Interesting meeting. Joseph Bevtovtc was elected vice-president, an office that was vacant as a result of Frank Ptevk being of the races: Boys to8 yrs.—Running Raco: 1—Raymond Ark; 3—David StrMar. Girls to 10 yrs.—Shoe Race: 1—Ann Simcic; 3—Marcille Ogrln; 3—Valeria Furlan. Boys to 10 yrs^— Wheelbarrow Race: 1—Joe Dodlch, Joe Scars; 3—Alex Sears, Jack Hodnik. Girls to 16 yrs.—Bail throwing: 1—Rose Znidarsic; 3— Danlella Simcic; 3—Gertrude Znidarsic. Boys to 16 yrs.—Sack race: 1—Daniel Ark; 3—Jack McDowell; 3—Emery Rupnik. Single Girls.— Balloon blowing: 1—Josephine Be-zek; 3—Danlella Simcic. Single Mom—Balloon blowing: 1—Harold Welch; 3—Frank Vidmar. Married Women.—Egg race: 1—Mrs, McDowell; 3—Mrs. Mary Slana. Married Man.—Running Race: 1—Frank Belec; 3—Llovd McDowell. Winners of gifts: 1—Henry Belec —Sunbeam Electric Iron. 3—Mrs. Mary Celarec Sr.—1 ton coal—Mln-iek. 3—Mrs. A. Bruce—electric clock—Kosir Service. 4—Fr. Pet-kovsek—$5.00 trade at No. Chicago Dairy. 5—John Slovnik—$3.50 trade at No. Chicago Co-op. 6—Mrs. Mary Kucler—83.50 trade at No. Chicago Co-op. ———--- —— No official notice of balina winners, so watch next week's Prosveta for them. In behalf of Chairman Tony Celarec, I wish to thank all those members who helped make this affair a success. Those on the committee who worked so hard beforehand really deserve a big hand. And those Juvenile members who worked earnestly selling ice-cream and candy deserve it just as much. Thank you all! Attention, golfers: There Is s possibility of s National Golf Tournament to be told *t the National SNPJ Day. All Little Fort members interested in participating, leave your names with the Secretary. A tournament will be held in Wau-kegan previous to the National Tournament and the winning team will be sent to participate with all expenses paid. See the Secretary at once! Thla 'n' That—Till and Bill Pek-ley are the proud parents of a baby girl born Sunday evening. Congrats to all three! Here's a "thank you" to all out-of-towners who spent Sunday with us. It was so nice having you there. Don't forget the Little Fort meet ing Sunday. July 30. All members please be prooent—important details to be discussed - WEDNESIUv^, Buckeyes' Bits By Oh BARBERTON, . OHIO.—Pennsylvania SNPJ Day was a big day in Strabane and several Buckeye members attended the affair. Taffy's Band went over big with the folks and the program and picnic facilities were tops. Among the SNPJ luminaries present were Petrovich of Cleveland, Medvesek, Luke and Frank Groser of Chicago, Emil Hrast of Washington, and various others from Ohio and Pennsy. The committee was hard at work all day keeping the crowd happy and satisfied. Our Day The gathering of Buckeyes and their families and friends at Rex Lake was an event that should be repeated every so often. For the second year we had rain on our. private picnic day, but this time we outsmarted the weatherman by going to the Park regardless. While the torrents raged we gathered under the pavilion where the table was set for the whole group and a fine lunch was served. Eventually the rain stopped and those who hadn't yet been in the water for a swim went on with the revelry in the brimey deep. The fact that so many of our members showed up and took advantage of this opportunity for fun and frolic makes us feel that it will be worth while planning more things for the future enjoyment of the whole group. Steffie Matozel, with the help of Mary Apchak and Betty Bryant, did yeoman duty by planning and making up the menu, serving, seating and seeing that the group was taken care of. Our appreciation. Humorous happenings: Secretary Mary Apchak telling the swimmers to come duck under the diving board while it was raining, "or you'll get wet"!—The bewildered look on the little girl's face when she fell of the swing and into a pool of water below.—Our group upon being well on their way home, discovering that the picnic paraphernalia was left behind and returning to the scene only to find everything gonet Later It was discovered that the things were carted home by one of the others . . . Ohio SNPJ Day A beautiful day, July 4, and ideal for a picnic so what else to do but hie ourselves to Girard, scene of the Ohio SNPJ day festivities. Avon Park, teeming with folks from outdoors was Mike Kumer. Nice "speeching." Likewise nice MCee-ing by Frank Rezek. Sharon and Girard Juvenile circles outdoing themselves to please the listening crowd. Marco Shappeck introducing wife Josephine around. From Detroit Laddie and Defty talking up the Wolverine FieldyDay scheduled for July 30. Being«j*qualnted with the Wolves and AMlr Field Days, we know the piciije/will be a WOW! Say, the Girard affair was thick with Dctroiters. There were Rupert and Jo, Bob Travnik, E. Grum, Anne Bogotay, Hostniks. Chicago was represented by J. Bogotay, E. Dresher and friend and Luke Gro-From the hills of W. Va. came Visitor» Day Fourth of July W(*k many visitors m ihcJ Valencheck domicuT^ 11 with hilarious folk* unA ? u*«l the Sides too! Ev A ^ most welcome "guest Da?" We, from W VJZ^J, family of Library pm f tun» the Zodniks and ccm^ recent visitors were Luke L * Groser and Tony Hnut al Mary and Julia were nari %extet that week-en^ S 1 ington, D. C. Frank i W" tioned in PhilXu TV¥ W Lukezic honeymooned* * Official Note who have been somewhat S in Davrru>nt nf . SentUinSeCrttary ¿Pchtk J . ln a» appeal to th« at de about'a littk- coopération^«!¡j sane? CU* . H in payment of lodge perai gang? Get your dues 1, Athletics Up' aer. Virginia Selak and the Pennsy people came almost en toto. A pleasant day spent in gabbing, dancing and stuff. Another successful day and event for the Ohio SNPJers. Another Big Day , Plans are now complete for the Buckeyes Moonlite Dance of July 26. Every one will be headed for the Hopocan Gardens. Come that eventful night, for it's a known fact that a groat time Is on tap. The popularity of Taffy 8t His Lads Is well known. Add to that a friendly atmosphere that always prevails at a Buckeye affair and you can be assured that the result will be one that will not be soon forgotten. Many out-of-staters are going to be with us that night and since home reservations for the night are scarce, send yours In PDQ. Our local hotels will accommodate you, too. Happy Day For one glorious week our city' Golf CHICAGO.—There i, a pomJ that the Athletic Board w,^ DU"rict Tournament held to determine the best SN] Golfers, the District winners to2 their train fare paid to ChicaT the Softball players do. Th» " tion will be decided in the 2 week or so. One of the thing, , Athletic Board must know at on is just how many golfers would interested in competing in such tournament. We know the m ment of the Western Pa. lodg where a tournament is sure to i tract a large number of golfers. T Midwest with sure entrants in the Pioneers, Little Forts and Bad ers. Just what the response wou be in Detroit and Cleveland is b known. But we appeal to all i terested golfers to notify the Al letic Board member in their Q trict; this should be done at on Definite plans as to the number golfers from each district to ha their fair paid, where the Distil Tournament would be held, will I determined by the response In those members interested. Soft Ball No definite news has been i ceived recently. We do know th Triglav defeated Friendly City their first game at Johnstown, I No news has been given of thi games the last two weeks. T Midwest League will start thi schedule next Sunday. Lodgn' Detroit and Cleveland should ca tact Joe Flioli so that plans can made fpr that District's play-oi Frank Podboy is handling the We ern Pa. play-offs, details will reported soon. Lodges competing should bf w that no member of their tcaqft pU who did not join the Society I fore July 1, 1941, that is hi* app cation was approved by the Natw Office prior to the above date I have had one' case where a plaj transferred from one team to i other during the same season 11 practice is not allowed by the Al letic Board as much dissention caused and eventually all the !<■ ball players would be with the m nine team and travel to the f« FRANK GROSER. Skj SNPJ Athletic Board "STAND-IN,** 888 Card of Thank» CLEVELAND—It w rather Is but we feel it is our duty to tithe SNPJ Comrades WFj1'* for the lovely gift presented us their banquet which was h*» celebrate the 17th the Lodge Tho Lod* >"v *he RlJr-st.s of hoiHM 111 appr^«^ "he help we extended while J«* of the SNH Whether we this gratitude or not w * ways be ready to help th« t«m Lodge even if we are_asJ -rving as jan.te,s oMhe ^ National Home May * , lodge go forward as it "as ^lANCWjndAHT*** Defense Bond Qui* it I njliM Q. What happen»^ ^ , jj a. You can cssh ^ .i««. yftcr W) day» A was in the spot light because of its | tired the money ■ Golden Anniversary celebration. It fenae Saving« waa also a glorious week for Miss Margaret Okolish and the local Slovenes because, in the spirited contest between 13 different organizations to select their candtdstr for the title, she was named Miss Barberton and rules as "Queen" of the entire celebration. Margaret was presented to those present as well as to the radio audience by the OI' Maestro. Ben Bernle, at the "Queens" Ball. Later she was accorded full honors during the coronation ceremonies at the historical spectacle "On Wings of Progress" and rode In a special float at the big Independence Day parade. Our congratulations to Miss Okolish and alao to the Slovene Drill Team that won first prise in the drill unlta. amount paid phis yQ Do many Bood «r— -their Bonds' * A No. Pe,^ * Ji Amines «""' J „ ^ many cases „to D every cent the,, fenee Bond, and ¡221 or Stamp* tor ^ B-* Note-Tnpu.oh-rl ^ and Stamps t« » £ office or bank « ^ ^ tion to th. TM ^rrr States. Wash»***, jj I'll See You at the Wolverine Field Day, Sunday, July 20 /