https://doi.or g/10.31449/inf.v47i3.4736 Informatica 47 (2023) 303–314 303 Lightweight Multi-Objective and Many-Object ive Pr oblem Formulations for Evolutionary Neural Ar chitectur e Sear ch with the T raining-Fr ee Performance Metric Synaptic Flow An V o, T an Ngoc Pham, V an Bich Nguyen and Ngoc Hoang Luong University of Information T echnology , Ho Chi Minh City , V ietnam V ietnam National University , Ho Chi Minh City , V ietnam E-mail:,,, Keywords: neural architecture search, evolutionary algorithms, multi-objective optimization Received: March 1 1, 2023 Neural ar chitectur e sear ch (NAS) with naïve pr oblem formulations and applications of conventional sear ch algorithms often incur pr ohibitive sear ch costs due to the evaluations of many candidate ar chitectur es. For each ar chitectur e, its accuracy performance can be pr operly evaluated after hundr eds (or thousands) of computationally expensive training epochs ar e performed to achieve pr oper network weights. A so-called zer o-cost metric, Synaptic Flow , computed based on random network weight values at initialization, is found to exhibit certain corr elations with the neural network test accuracy and can thus be used as an efficient pr oxy performance metric during the sear ch. Besides, NAS in practice often involves not only optimizing for network accuracy performance but also optimizing for network complexity , such as model size, number of floating point operations, or latency , as well. In this article, we study various NAS pr oblem formulations in which multiple aspects of deep neural networks ar e tr eated as multiple optimization ob- jectives. W e employ a widely-used multi-objective evolutionary algorithm, i.e., the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA-II), to appr oximate the optimal Par eto-optimal fr onts for these NAS pr oblem formulations. Experimental r esults on the NAS benchmark NA TS-Bench show the advantages and disad- vantages of each formulation. Povzetek: Uporabljen je algoritem NSGA-II za analizo NAS pr oblemov , tj. za iskanje primerne nevr onske ar hitektur e. 1 Intr oduction The goal of Neural Architecture Search (NAS) is to acceler - ate the design process of high-performing deep neural net- work architectures by exploring the vast space of possible network configurations and selecting the most promising ones. This process typically involves searching over a lar ge number of potential architectures, evaluating their perfor - mance, and iteratively refining the algorithm to conver ge on the best-performing architectures [ 12 ]. However , many state-of-the-art NAS methods require substantial computa- tional resources. For example, Zoph et al. [ 30 ] employed 800 GPUs over 28 days to solve NAS using a reinforcement earning algorithm, whereas Real et al. [ 27 ] proposed an evolution-based technique (AmoebaNet-A) that took 7 days to execute on 450 K40 GPUs. T o reduce such heavy com- putation costs, current NAS ef ficiency research proposes the adoption of training-fr ee performance metrics [ 1 ] as a performance objective rather than network accuracy . These metrics can be computed using network weights at initial- ization and do not require any training epochs, thus primar - ily involving network designs. Several such training-free metrics have been shown to be correlated with actual net- work accuracy to some extent [ 1 ]. Hence, optimizing these metrics potentially leads to promising architectures. While most studies focus on optimizing network archi- tectures for a single objective, such as network accuracy , real-world neural network deployments frequently neces- sitate the consideration of other important factors, such as FLOPs, number of parameters, and latency . NAS archi- tectures that are optimized just for accuracy may be too cumbersome for resource-constrained embedded devices. Moreover , by solving multi-objective problems, a trade-of f front between performance and complexity can be obtained, which provides decision-makers with the necessary infor - mation to select an appropriate network. Several research has presented multi-objective NAS (MONAS) formula- tions that take into consideration important aspects. For example, Lu et al. [ 20 ] presented NSGA-Net, which used the non-dominated sorting genetic algorithm II (NSGA- II) [ 6 ] to solve an MONAS problem with two conflicting objectives, i.e., the classification error and the number of floating-point operations (FLOPs). In another work [ 19 ], NSGA-II was also used to solve a many-objective prob- lem formulation with five optimization objectives, includ- ing ImageNet accuracy , number of parameters, number of multiply-add operations, CPU and GPU latency . Lu et al. [ 19 ] also developed a surrogate model to fore- 304 Informatica 47 (2023) 303–314 V o et al. cast the accuracy of candidate architectures and the predic- tor was refined during the search process to enhance the performance of NSGA-II in solving MONAS. T o build the predictor , a limited number of architectures were sampled from the search space at first. Following that, NSGA-II was used to search for architectures, treating the accuracy predictor as an objective alongside other complexity objec- tives. Despite the fact that they employed a surrogate model as an objective for NSGA-II to discover architectures, they still trained these architectures and used them as training samples to refine the accuracy predictor . Using complex- ity metrics and training-free performance metric Synaptic Flow ( synflow ) simultaneously , Phan et al. [ 25 ] randomly choose a wide variety of architectures and evaluate their complexity and performance. Non-dominated architectures with high performance and low complexity are then utilized to initialize the population for a bi-objective evolutionary NAS process where network accuracy is used as the pri- mary performance metric. The training-free synflow met- ric is only employed during the warm-up phase. During the search phase, candidate architectures still need to be trained and evaluated for their performance. It’ s also possible to use synflow metric to enhance the performance of NSGA- II in solving multi-objective NAS problems as in [ 26 ], by developing a training-free multi-objective local search. In each generation, a subset of potential architectures under - goes a local search process that uses synflow for improve- ment checks, eliminating the need for training epochs. In contrast to these w orks, our approach does not rely on any training process. Instead, we use the training-free perfor - mance metric synflow to evaluate all candidate architec- tures during the search. This eliminates the need for train- ing and allows us to search for high-quality architectures more ef ficiently . Do et al. [ 7 ] also propose a completely training-free multi-objective evolutionary NAS framework that employs the number of linear regionsR N and the con- dition number of the neural tangent kernelκ N to evaluate candidate architectures, which are data-dependent metrics computed using mini-batches from a training dataset. In our work, we use the data-agnostic metric synflow as our performance objective. The resulting architectures are thus potentially applicable to a wider range of tasks and datasets. This article extends our SoICT 2022 conference paper on training-free multi-objective and many-objective evo- lutionary NAS [ 29 ]. In [ 29 ], we discussed several multi- objective and many-objective NAS problem formulations and employed the well-known multi-objective evolution- ary algorithm NSGA-II to solve these formulations. More- over , we exclusively used the data-agnostic training-free metric synflow to evaluate candidate architecture perfor - mance without any training. In this article, we extend the analysis in our preliminary work by adding the hypervol- ume performance indicator results instead of only Inverted Generational Distance (IGD). While IGD exhibits the con- ver gence behavior of a multi-objective algorithm, it c annot be used in real-world situations due to its requirement of the Pareto-optimal front (see Sections 2.1 and 4.2.1 ). The hypervolume, which requires only a reference nadir point, is a more practical performance indicator for evaluating and comparing multi-objective NAS approaches (see Sec- tion 4.2.2 ). Employing both IGD and hypervolume thus yields more detailed investigations into the ef fectiveness of dif ferent NAS problem formulations. W e present the IGD and hypervolume results in terms of GPU hours rather than the number of generations, which allows us to better assess the ef ficiency of our approaches. Our experimen- tal results demonstrate that T raining-Free Many-Objective Evolutionary NAS (TF-MaOENAS) provides several ad- vantages when achieving competitive results while taking only 3 GPU hours. 2 Backgr ounds 2.1 Multi-objective neural ar chitectur e sear ch Multi-Objective NAS (MONAS) [ 20 , 26 ] can be formu- lated as searching for high-quality architectures in a search space Ω wherem dif ferent aspects (e.g., error rate, model size, or latency) are optimized simultaneously . Each aspect is modeled as a separate objective f i (x), i ∈ { 1,...,m } , and each candidate architecture x ∈ Ω thus has a corresponding vector of objective values f(x) = (f 1 (x),...,f m (x)) . All objectives, without loss of gen- erality , are assumed to be minimized. An architecturex dominates another architecturey if and only ifx strictly outperformsy in at least one aspect andx is never outperformed byy in any aspects: x≺ y ⇐⇒ ∀ i,f i (x)≤ f i (y)∧∃ i,f i (x) Hypervolume(S 2 ) , thenS 1 is a better approximation front compared toS 2 . 4.3 Result analysis IGD Hypervolume T est accuracy Search cost (hours) Space: T est accuracy - FLOPs (1)0. 0198± 0. 01711. 0332± 0. 001394. 28± 0. 17 53. 7 (2)0. 0250± 0. 01331. 0223± 0. 002794. 29± 0. 17 0. 7 (3)0. 0308± 0. 01771. 0334± 0. 001194. 27± 0. 13 54. 8 (4)0. 0096± 0. 00211. 0298± 0. 002294. 37± 0. 00 2. 7 Space: T est accuracy - Latency (1) 0. 0228± 0. 0019 1. 0050± 0. 0006 94. 30± 0. 09 54. 1 (2)0. 0532± 0. 00560. 9431± 0. 020094. 29± 0. 14 1. 1 (3)0. 0277± 0. 00600. 9967± 0. 016894. 27± 0. 13 54. 8 (4)0. 0412± 0. 00600. 9581± 0. 009894. 37± 0. 00 2. 7 Space: T est accuracy - #Parameters (1)0. 0180± 0. 01381. 0332± 0. 001494. 27± 0. 18 53. 8 (2)0. 0314± 0. 01701. 0233± 0. 002794. 24± 0. 22 0. 8 (3)0. 0309± 0. 01761. 0334± 0. 001194. 27± 0. 13 54. 8 (4)0. 0098± 0. 00221. 0296± 0. 002394. 37± 0. 00 2. 7 Space: T est accuracy - #MACs (1)0. 0195± 0. 01311. 0331± 0. 001794. 24± 0. 22 53. 8 (2)0. 0189± 0. 00691. 0280± 0. 003494. 35± 0. 03 0. 8 (3)0. 0266± 0. 01501. 0333± 0. 001194. 27± 0. 13 54. 8 (4) 0. 0104± 0. 0023 1. 0292± 0. 002594. 37± 0. 00 2. 7 T able 1: Results of search and evaluation directly on CIF AR-10: (1) MOENAS, (2) TF-MOENAS, (3) MaOE- NAS, (4) TF-MaOENAS. Results that are underlined indi- cate t he best method and results that are bolded denote the best method with statistical significance (p-value< 0.01) Figure 2 demonstrates that TF-MaOENAS achieves su- perior IGD conver gence results compared to other ap- proaches while taking just 3 GPU hours in most cases, with the exception of test accuracy versus latency space. However , in terms of hypervolume, MaOENAS and MOE- NAS alternatively surpass other approaches on CIF AR- 10 and ImageNet16-120. T able 1 , T able 2 , and T able 3 show comprehensive results on CIF AR-10, CIF AR-100 and ImageNet16-120. It is noted that the hypervolume of TF- MaOENAS still outperforms other methods in the major - ity of cases on CIF AR-100, and its hypervolume is only slightly lower than that of other training-based methods on IGD Hypervolume T est accuracy Search cost (hours) Space: T est accuracy - FLOPs (1)0. 0384± 0. 00860. 7958± 0. 001572. 39± 0. 21 53. 8 (2)0. 0493± 0. 01760. 7851± 0. 003672. 56± 0. 44 0. 8 (3)0. 0334± 0. 01280. 7964± 0. 001972. 40± 0. 30 54. 8 (4) 0. 0122± 0. 0045 0. 7993± 0. 0019 73. 49± 0. 07 2. 7 Space: T est accuracy - Latency (1)0. 0318± 0. 00700. 7960± 0. 001372. 68± 0. 68 54. 0 (2)0. 1182± 0. 01390. 7460± 0. 014973. 51± 0. 00 1. 0 (3)0. 0352± 0. 00840. 7701± 0. 005772. 40± 0. 30 54. 8 (4)0. 0446± 0. 00570. 7539± 0. 007673. 49± 0. 07 2. 7 Space: T est accuracy - #Parameters (1)0. 0369± 0. 00290. 7960± 0. 001372. 47± 0. 23 53. 8 (2)0. 0189± 0. 00380. 7883± 0. 002573. 47± 0. 11 0. 8 (3)0. 0335± 0. 01270. 7963± 0. 001972. 40± 0. 30 54. 8 (4) 0. 0123± 0. 0045 0. 7990± 0. 0020 73. 49± 0. 07 2. 7 Space: T est accuracy - #MACs (1)0. 0313± 0. 00940. 7956± 0. 002172. 39± 0. 36 53. 8 (2)0. 0156± 0. 00250. 7941± 0. 004173. 51± 0. 00 0. 8 (3)0. 0270± 0. 00960. 7961± 0. 001872. 40± 0. 30 54. 8 (4) 0. 0126± 0. 0041 0. 7985± 0. 002173. 49± 0. 07 2. 7 T able 2: Results of search and evaluation directly on CIF AR-100: (1) MOENAS, (2) TF-MOENAS, (3) MaOE- NAS, (4) TF-MaOENAS. Results that are underlined indi- cate the best method and results that are bolded denote the best method with statistical significance (p-value< 0.01) CIF AR-10 and ImageNet16-120. Furthermore, because it is a training-free approach, it only requires 3 GPU hours as opposed to dozens to hundreds of GPU hours for training- based methods like MOENAS and MaOENAS. Regarding test accuracy , TF-MaOENAS discovers top-performing ar - chitectures on NA TS-Bench and outperforms other meth- ods in the majority of situations. The experimental results also show that TF-MaOENAS and TF-MOENAS (using synflow ) perform better than MaOENAS and MOENAS (using validation accuracy af- ter 12 training epochs), respectively . This indicates that us- ing synflow is more ef fective at optimizing for multiple objectives simultaneously than using the validation accu- racy after 12 training epochs. This might reflect that the training-free synflow metric is more capable of measuring and balancing between optimizing for accuracy and other complexity objectives. Moreover , synflow is a training- free metric, it just takes a few seconds to compute, result- ing in a lower computing cost than a training-based met- ric. On the other hand, TF-MaOENAS, which employs five objectives concurrently , outperforms TF-MOENAS, which employs only two objectives. This is due to the ad- dition of MACs, the number of parameters, and latency as complexity objectives in addition to synflow and FLOPs. Most of the time, optimizing more objectives is favor - able while not incurring considerably more computing ex- penses. This will provide a fuller picture of the complexity of achieved architectures, enabling a more precise evalua- tion of the trade-of fs between performance and complex- ity . Additionally , the penta-objective approximation fronts obtained by TF-MaOENAS can be projected into dif fer - ent bi-objective spaces (i.e., test accuracy versus one com- plexity metric) and still achieve better results than the cor - responding TF-MOENAS variants. This means that run- ning TF-MaOENAS once in the penta-objective space can obtain good approximation fronts in dif ferent bi-objective Lightweight Multi-Objective and Many-Objective Problem Formulations… Informatica 47 (2023) 303–314 309 Figure 2: IGD and hypervolume comparisons in terms of GPU hours (log scale) on four dif ferent bi-objective spaces (plot title) across CIF AR-10 (top two rows), CIF AR-100 (middle two rows) and ImageNet16-120 (bottom two rows). The figures depict the mean values with lines and the standard deviation with shaded areas over 21 runs. 310 Informatica 47 (2023) 303–314 V o et al. IGD Hypervolume T est accuracy Search cost (hours) Space: T est accuracy - FLOPs (1) 0. 0217± 0. 0087 0. 5165± 0. 002646. 34± 0. 35 161. 8 (2) 0. 0296± 0. 0089 0. 5062± 0. 006246. 25± 0. 15 0. 6 (3) 0. 0192± 0. 0165 0. 5193± 0. 003246. 41± 0. 43 163. 7 (4) 0. 0151± 0. 0019 0. 5189± 0. 001746. 57± 0. 05 2. 3 Space: T est accuracy - Latency (1) 0. 0281± 0. 0047 0. 5171± 0. 001946. 62± 0. 52 162. 2 (2) 0. 0543± 0. 0112 0. 4852± 0. 011846. 52± 0. 17 1. 1 (3) 0. 0192± 0. 0165 0. 5012± 0. 005946. 41± 0. 43 163. 7 (4)0. 04428± 0. 00620. 4922± 0. 008646. 57± 0. 05 2. 3 Space: T est accuracy - #Parameters (1) 0. 0194± 0. 0067 0. 5171± 0. 001946. 46± 0. 24 161. 8 (2) 0. 0264± 0. 0114 0. 5092± 0. 004746. 40± 0. 18 0. 8 (3) 0. 0194± 0. 0165 0. 5191± 0. 003246. 41± 0. 43 163. 7 (4) 0. 0153± 0. 0019 0. 5186± 0. 001746. 57± 0. 05 2. 3 Space: T est accuracy - #MACs (1) 0. 0198± 0. 0073 0. 5153± 0. 003946. 17± 0. 46 161. 8 (2) 0. 0188± 0. 0020 0. 5161± 0. 002046. 57± 0. 02 0. 6 (3) 0. 0156± 0. 0107 0. 5188± 0. 003246. 41± 0. 43 163. 7 (4) 0. 0148± 0. 0022 0. 5181± 0. 001746. 57± 0. 05 2. 3 T able 3: Results of search and evaluation directly on ImageNet16-120: (1) MOENAS, (2) TF-MOENAS, (3) MaOENAS, (4) TF-MaOENAS. Results that are underlined indicate the best method and results that are bolded de- note the best method with statistical significance (p-value < 0.01) Alg. CIF AR-10 (direct) CIF AR-100 (transfer) ImageNet16-120 (transfer) Search cost (hours) Space: T est accuracy - FLOPs (1) 0. 0198± 0. 01710. 0465± 0. 0183 0. 0316± 0. 0147 53. 7 (2) 0. 0250± 0. 01330. 0322± 0. 0103 0. 0400± 0. 0145 0. 7 (3) 0. 0308± 0. 01770. 0299± 0. 0106 0. 0230± 0. 0091 54. 8 (4) 0. 0096± 0. 0021 0. 0125± 0. 0017 0. 0161± 0. 0016 2. 7 Space: T est accuracy - Latency (1) 0. 0228± 0. 0019 0. 0419± 0. 0056 0. 0416± 0. 0103 54. 1 (2) 0. 0532± 0. 00560. 0932± 0. 0100 0. 0841± 0. 0175 1. 1 (3) 0. 0277± 0. 00600. 0390± 0. 0093 0. 0369± 0. 0049 54. 8 (4) 0. 0412± 0. 00600. 0612± 0. 0091 0. 0577± 0. 0097 2. 7 Space: T est accuracy - #Parameters (1) 0. 0180± 0. 01380. 0413± 0. 0171 0. 0342± 0. 0139 53. 8 (2) 0. 0314± 0. 01700. 0502± 0. 0144 0. 0306± 0. 0092 0. 8 (3) 0. 0309± 0. 01760. 0300± 0. 0106 0. 0231± 0. 0090 54. 8 (4) 0. 0098± 0. 0022 0. 0124± 0. 0017 0. 0164± 0. 0017 2. 7 Space: T est accuracy - #MACs (1) 0. 0195± 0. 01310. 0348± 0. 0129 0. 0250± 0. 0069 53. 8 (2) 0. 0189± 0. 00690. 0322± 0. 0085 0. 0197± 0. 0036 0. 8 (3) 0. 0266± 0. 01500. 0247± 0. 0083 0. 0188± 0. 0060 54. 8 (4) 0. 0104± 0. 0023 0. 0137± 0. 0024 0. 0163± 0. 0022 2. 7 T able 4: IGD on transfer learning task: (1) MOENAS, (2) TF-MOENAS, (3) MaOENAS, (4) TF-MaOENAS. Results that are underlined indicate the best method and results that are bolded denote the best method with statistical signifi- cance (p-value< 0.01) spaces simultaneously , rather than having to run separately TF-MOENAS many times for each bi-objective space. W e note that the variation in the obtained results across the datasets (see T ables 1 , 2 , 3 ) can be attributed to the following reasons. First, the performance metrics (i.e., ac- curacy or synflow ) and some complexity metrics (e.g., la- tency or FLOPs) of each candidate architecture vary across the datasets (e.g., the accuracy of an architecture on CIF AR- 10 is dif ferent from its accuracy on ImagetNet16-120). Therefore, the IGD and hypervolume results of each NAS method are dif ferent from one dataset to another . Second, we assess the ef fectiveness of NAS methods using the test accuracy after 200 training epochs but, during the search process of each NAS algorithm, the validation accuracy af- ter 12 training epochs (for training-based approaches) or Alg. CIF AR-10 (direct) CIF AR-100 (transfer) ImageNet16-120 (transfer) Search cost (hours) Space: T est accuracy - FLOPs (1) 1. 0332± 0. 00130. 7962± 0. 00430. 5167± 0. 0051 53. 7 (2) 1. 0223± 0. 00270. 7830± 0. 00540. 5061± 0. 0057 0. 7 (3) 1. 0334± 0. 00110. 7996± 0. 00230. 5191± 0. 0028 54. 8 (4) 1. 0298± 0. 00220. 7958± 0. 00390. 5169± 0. 0015 2. 7 Space: T est accuracy - Latency (1) 1. 0050± 0. 00060. 7589± 0. 00280. 4861± 0. 0056 54. 1 (2) 0. 9431± 0. 02000. 6425± 0. 02840. 4164± 0. 0179 1. 1 (3) 0. 9967± 0. 01680. 7545± 0. 01590. 4897± 0. 0067 54. 8 (4) 0. 9581± 0. 00980. 7234± 0. 01400. 4710± 0. 0055 2. 7 Space: T est accuracy - #Parameters (1) 1. 0332± 0. 00140. 7963± 0. 00440. 5155± 0. 0055 53. 8 (2) 1. 0233± 0. 00270. 7824± 0. 00540. 5056± 0. 0057 0. 8 (3) 1. 0334± 0. 0011 0. 7995± 0. 0023 0. 5189± 0. 0028 54. 8 (4) 1. 0296± 0. 00230. 7954± 0. 00400. 5166± 0. 0016 2. 7 Space: T est accuracy - #MACs (1) 1. 0331± 0. 00170. 7964± 0. 00480. 5165± 0. 0055 53. 8 (2) 1. 0280± 0. 00340. 7803± 0. 00580. 5042± 0. 0060 0. 8 (3) 1. 0333± 0. 00110. 7992± 0. 00230. 5186± 0. 0028 54. 8 (4) 1. 0292± 0. 00250. 7947± 0. 00420. 5160± 0. 0016 2. 7 T able 5: Hypervolume on transfer learning task: (1) MOENAS, (2) TF-MOENAS, (3) MaOENAS, (4) TF- MaOENAS. Results that are underlined indicate the best method and results that are bolded denote the best method with statistical significance (p-value< 0.01) synflow (for training-free approaches) are employed as the performance objective (see experimental details in Sec- tion 4.1 ). The correlation of 12-epoch validation accuracy or synflow with the final test accuracy (after 200 epochs) varies per dataset [ 1 ] (e.g., the correlation coef ficients of synflow for CIF AR-10, CIF AR-100, and ImageNet16-120 are 0.74, 0.76, and 0.75, respectively). Therefore, the rank- ings of the considered NAS methods might dif fer across the datasets. 4.4 T ranferability This section explores the potential of transfer learning in NAS by evaluating the transferability of architectures dis- covered through multi-objective and many-objective NAS problem formulations. The final approximation front (i.e., the elitist archive) of architectures on CIF AR-10 is re- evaluated on CIF AR-100 and ImageNet16-120 for their performance and complexity . T ransfer learning in NAS of- fers several benefits, including the reduced computational cost and the potential for faster deployment of deep learn- ing models in real-world applications by identifying archi- tectures that are highly transferable across datasets. T able 4 and T able 5 show that TF-MaOENAS yields better IGD compared to other methods, whereas MaOE- NAS outperforms other methods in hypervolume in most cases. In terms of test accuracy , TF-MaOENAS also com- pletely surpasses most of the approaches in T able 6 , with better accuracy and lower search costs. It indicates that TF-MaOENAS using the training-free performance met- ric synflow are more ef fective at transferring knowledge from one dataset to another . Besides, both penta-objective approaches TF-MaOENAS and MaOENAS give better IGD and hypervolume, respectively , than bi-objective ap- proaches. Although the four TF-MOENAS approaches have lower computing time, the optimization result of TF- MaOENAS is a penta-objective approximation front that Lightweight Multi-Objective and Many-Objective Problem Formulations… Informatica 47 (2023) 303–314 31 1 CIF AR-10 (direct) CIF AR-100 (transfer) ImageNet16-120 (transfer) Search cost (hours) Manually designed ResNet [ 14 ] 93. 97 70. 86 43. 63 - W eight sharing RSPS [ 16 ] 87. 66± 1. 69 58. 33± 4. 34 31. 14± 3. 88 2. 1 DAR TS [ 17 ] 54. 30± 0. 00 15. 61± 0. 00 16. 32± 0. 00 3. 0 GDAS [ 10 ] 93. 51± 0. 13 70. 61± 0. 26 41. 84± 0. 90 8. 0 SETN [ 9 ] 86. 19± 4. 63 56. 87± 7. 77 31. 90± 4. 07 8. 6 ENAS [ 24 ] 54. 30± 0. 00 15. 61± 0. 00 16. 32± 0. 00 3. 6 Non-weight sharing RS [ 2 ] 93. 70± 0. 36 71. 04± 1. 07 44. 57± 1. 25 3. 3 BOHB [ 13 ] 93. 61± 0. 52 70. 85± 1. 28 44. 42± 1. 49 3. 3 NASWOT ∗ [ 22 ] 93. 84± 0. 23 71. 56± 0. 78 45. 67± 0. 64 - Evolution REA [ 27 ] 93. 92± 0. 30 71. 84± 0. 99 45. 54± 1. 03 3. 3 TF-MOENAS ∗ † [ 7 ] 94. 16± 0. 22 72. 75± 0. 63 46. 61± 0. 46 2. 87 MOENAS ( valacc - FLOPs) † 94. 28± 0. 17 72. 68± 0. 71 46. 50± 0. 68 53. 7 TF-MOENAS ( synflow - FLOPs) ∗ † 94. 29± 0. 17 73. 22± 0. 71 46. 31± 0. 40 0. 7 MOENAS ( valacc - Latency) † 94. 30± 0. 09 73. 00± 0. 32 46. 35± 0. 43 54. 1 TF-MOENAS ( synflow - Latency) ∗ † 94. 29± 0. 14 73. 17± 0. 25 46. 28± 0. 31 1. 1 MOENAS ( valacc - #Parameters) † 94. 27± 0. 18 72. 72± 0. 69 46. 31± 0. 68 53. 8 TF-MOENAS ( synflow - #Paramters) ∗ † 94. 24± 0. 22 72. 81± 0. 76 46. 31± 0. 32 0. 8 MOENAS ( valacc - #MACs) † 94. 24± 0. 22 72. 60± 0. 77 46. 37± 0. 74 53. 8 TF-MOENAS ( synflow - #MACs) ∗ † 94. 35± 0. 03 73. 15± 0. 07 46. 47± 0. 00 0. 8 MaOENAS † 94. 27± 0. 13 72. 94± 0. 33 46. 53± 0. 27 54. 8 TF-MaOENAS ∗ † 94. 37± 0. 00 73. 51± 0. 00 46. 51± 0. 04 2. 7 Optimal 94. 37 73. 51 47. 31 - * T raining-Free †Multi-Objective/Many-Objective T able 6: Accuracy on the transfer learning task. Previous studies’ results are adopted from [ 1 1 , 22 ]. Results that are underlined indicate the best method contains much more insightful information, which can be obtained in one run and easily projected into any lower - dimensional objective spaces for intuitive Pareto front in- vestigations. 5 Conclusions This paper described dif ferent multi-objective and many- objective problem formulations for NAS, i.e., MONAS and MaONAS, which can be solved by multi-objective evolu- tionary algorithms, such as NSGA-II. W e showed that the training-free metric synflow can be used as a proxy metric for the network accuracy performance during NAS, without requiring any training epochs. Experimental results demon- strated the benefits of using training-free approaches, espe- cially the many-objective TF-MaOENAS, including com- putational ef ficiency , search ef fectiveness and insightful decision-making capabilities. 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