50 Zabukovec,V.,CecićErpič,S.,Boben,D.&Škof,B.(2002).Competitivenessanddifficultyduringphysical… KinSI8(2),50–58 COMPETITIVENESS AND DIFFICULTY DURING PHYSICAL EDUCATION CLASSES TEKMOVALNOST IN TEŽAVNOST PRI URAH ŠPORTNE VZGOJE Vlasta Zabukovec 1 Saša Cecić Erpič 2 Dušica Boben 3 Branko Škof 2 Abstract In this article the perceived competitiveness and difficulty du- ring physical education classes will be introduced. Previous re- searches have confirmed that the perception of classroom cli- mate, and thus also that of competitiveness and difficulty, changes from primary to secondary school, and that gender differences occur as well. In this research we tried to establish which variables significantly differentiate groups of pupils who perceive low or high competitiveness and difficulty. The se- cond goal was practical application of the findings. We used questionnaires for measuring classroom climate, motivation and attitudes in the sample of 1152 pupils from primary and secondary schools. The discriminant analysis was used. Con- sidering the mentioned variables, it confirmed two groups of pupils. The group which perceives a high level of competitive- ness and difficulty can be described with the motivational-at- titudinal function, which offers the teacher relatively precise guidelines for the work in physical education classes. Compe- titiveness is related to extrinsic motivation, while difficulty with the intrinsic one. At the same time a new question arises, na- mely, which pedagogical methods a physical education teac- her should employ with the pupils who perceive a lower level of competitiveness and difficulty, since this group does not sufficiently relate to the selected variables. Key words: competitiveness, difficulty, motivation, attitudes, pupils, physical education 1 Faculty of Arts, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Faculty of Sport, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 Center for Psycho-diagnostic Resources, Ljubljana, Slovenia Contact address: University of Ljubljana Faculty of Arts Aškerčeva 2 SI – 1000 Ljubljana Slovenia Tel.: + 386 1 241-1376 Fax.: +386 1 425-9337 E-mail: Vlasta.Zabukovec@ff.uni-lj.si Izvleček V tem prispevku bo predstavljena zaznana tekmovalnost in te- žavnost pri urah športne vzgoje. Raziskave so potrdile, da se zaznavanje razredne klime in s tem v zvezi tudi tekmovalno- sti in težavnosti spreminja iz osnovne v srednjo šolo in da raz- like nastopajo tudi med spoloma. V raziskavi smo ugotavljali, katere spremenljivke pomembno razlikujejo med skupinami učencev, ki zaznavajo nizko oz. visoko tekmovalnost in težav- nost. Drugi cilj raziskave pa je praktična aplikacija dobljenih re- zultatov v prakso.Uporabljeni so bili vprašalniki za merjenje razredne klime, motivacije in stališč. V raziskavo je bilo vključenih 1152 učencev osnovnih in gimnazij, petih, sedmih razredov ter prvih in tretjih letnikov. Uporabljena je bila diskri- minantna analiza, ki je potrdila dve skupini učencev glede na vključene spremenljivke. Skupino, ki zaznava visoko stopnjo tekmovalnosti in težavnosti, opisuje motivacijsko-stališčna funkcija, ki daje učitelju relativno natančne napotke za delo pri urah športne vzgoje. Tekmovalnost je povezana z zunanjo motivacijo, težavnost pa z notranjo. Hkrati pa se pojavlja še no- vo vprašanje, kakšno pa naj bo delo s tistimi učenci, ki zazna- vajo nižjo tekmovalnost in težavnost, saj ta skupina ni v za- dostni meri povezana z izbranimi spremenljivkami. Ključne besede: tekmovalnost, težavnost, motivacija, stališča, učenci, športna vzgoja (Received: 29. 5. 2002 – Accepted: 15. 12. 2002) 51 Zabukovec,V.,CecićErpič,S.,Boben,D.&Škof,B.(2002).Competitivenessanddifficultyduringphysical… KinSI8(2),50–58 INTRODUCTION The article deals with the perception of competiti- veness and difficulty in physical education. Previous studies (Zabukovec, Škof, Boben, Cecić Erpič, & To- mažin, 2001a) have confirmed the differences in the perception of the actual and the preferred clas- sroom climate in physical education classes, among both teachers and pupils. As a rule, teachers achie- ve higher scores, meaning that compared with pu- pils they rate the classroom climate in physical edu- cation classes as better. Primary school pupils achieve higher scores than secondary school pupils regarding both the actual and the preferred clas- sroom climate. The study of motivation in physical education clas- ses involved 5 th and 7 th grade primary school pu- pils, 1 st and 3 rd year secondary school pupil and physical education teachers. It yielded the following conclusions: • The level of motivation in physical education clas- ses declines as the pupils progress from primary school to secondary school; • Boys have a higher level of motivation than girls; • All pupils show a stronger intrinsic than extrinsic motivation; • Physical education teachers also have a stronger intrinsic motivation for work, particularly those with a longer teaching career. A few studies about pupils’ and teachers’ attitudes towards the subject of physical education and to- wards specific contents have been conducted in Slovenia as well. Škof, Zabukovec, Boben, Cecić Erpič and Tomažin (2000; Škof, Cecić Erpič, Zabu- kovec, Boben, & Tomažin, 2001), for example, stu- died the attitudes of pupils and teachers towards endurance contents. They discovered that teachers with a longer teaching career (over 20 years) rate pupils’ attitudes towards running higher than teac- hers with a shorter career. There were also diffe- rences between teachers and pupils, as teachers rated the endurance contents lower than pupils. Pu- pils’ positive attitude towards endurance contents declines at the transition from primary to secon- dary school. They have a particularly negative atti- tude towards the competitive forms of endurance contents. There are also differences between pu- pils and teachers regarding the evaluation of teac- hing methods employed by the teachers. The overwhelming majority of teachers are convinced that theoretical awareness of the importance of en- durance activities for the quality of life, clear and precise instructions and their own active and healthy lifestyle have an important influence on pu- pils’ attitude towards running. Only about half of the pupils agree with this conviction. Although the school and the teacher play an im- portant role in discovering the value of sports acti- vity, the teacher’s socialising role is limited (John- son, & Johnson, 1995). The family and the social environment with a more or less sports-oriented cli- mate are equally important to the process of socia- lisation in the area of sports. The social factors of the educational process are specifically explained by the sociopsychological theory of teaching, which emphasises the importance of the commu- nication process enabling the teachers to pass on their knowledge to pupils (Johnson, & Johnson, 1995). This process is basically about the exchan- ge of ideas, convictions and attitudes. Cankar (1994) established that schoolgirls in particular sta- te open communication as the most important at- tribute of a physical education teacher, while schoolboys consider class management and the choice of teaching methods as the most important criteria in evaluating a teacher. The same study re- vealed that the 7th grade primary school pupils emphasise the following qualities of a physical edu- cation teacher: ability to involve pupils in the orga- nisation and execution of classwork and acknow- ledge their interests. In short, the educational process is the result of the efforts of pupils and teachers alike and of their co- operation. According to Grossman (1995), the ef- fectiveness of a teacher in the educational process depends on six factors: 1. His or her expert knowledge, both general and specific, as well as the knowledge of methodo- logy, which is specifically connected with the chosen subject; 2. A more detailed knowledge of pupils and teac- hing than the knowledge of the theories of teac- hing, the developmental characteristics of pu- pils and the theories of motivation; 3. His or her pedagogical knowledge, which inc- ludes a general pedagogical knowledge of class management, methods and approaches; 4. His or her curricular knowledge, which encom- passes the knowledge of the development of curriculum and more specifically the curriculum of individual classes; 52 Zabukovec,V.,CecićErpič,S.,Boben,D.&Škof,B.(2002).Competitivenessanddifficultyduringphysical… KinSI8(2),50–58 5. His or her contextual knowledge, which inclu- des the knowledge of the functioning and the influence of the social environment; 6. The awareness of his or her own convictions, values, personal goals and motives for teaching. The aim of this research was to determine the fol- lowing: 1. The level of the perceived competitiveness and difficulty in physical education classes. 2. Which variables (motivation, attitudes) signifi- cantly discriminate between groups of pupils with a low level of perceived competitiveness and difficulty and those with a high level of per- ceived competitiveness and difficulty? 3. The practical application of research results. METHODS Subjects The study involved 1,152 pupils from 21 Slovene primary and secondary schools. The sample was composed of 5 th and 7 th grade pupils from primary schools and 1 st and 3 rd year pupils from secondary schools. 5 primary schools were chosen from ur- ban environments and 7 from the provinces (from settlements with less than 6,000 inhabitants). Se- condary schools were chosen according to the same regional criterion. 4 secondary schools were chosen from urban environments and 5 from the provinces. Table 1: Characteristics of the sample Instruments The pupils filled in the Classroom climate in physi- cal education classes questionnaire (Zabukovec et al., 2001a), which consists of the actual and the pre- ferred form. It pertains to the perception of clas- sroom climate in physical education classes. The form about the actual classroom climate refers to the perception of the actual physical education classes and the preferred one refers to the prefer- red physical education classes. Both forms consist of 50 items encompassing seven dimensions of classroom climate: satisfaction, teaching methods, pupils’ activity, appropriateness of classes, perso- nal relationships, competitiveness and difficulty. This article will mainly focus on pupils’ answers in the dimensions of competitiveness and difficulty of the actual classroom climate form. The dimension of competitiveness refers to competition between individuals in physical education classes and the desire to be better than others, to group competi- tion, to competition in terms of encouragement and to competition with oneself. The dimension of difficulty refers to the perceived difficulty of physi- cal education classes and to strategies that pupils employ to surmount it (mutual help, teacher’s help, appropriate goals, more difficult contents as a fac- tor of progress). The pupils rated the items on a four-point scale, on which 4 represents strong agreement, 3 agreement, 2 disagreement and 1 strong disagreement. The reliability of the dimen- sion of competitiveness (Cronbach alpha) is 0.78, while that of the dimension of difficulty is 0.66. Another instrument was Motivation in physical edu- cation questionnaire, which consists of two factors: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation (Cecić Erpič, Škof, Boben, Zabukovec, & Marcina, in press; Zabuko- vec, Boben, Škof, Cecić Erpič, & Tomažin, 2001b). The first factor consists of 8 items and the second one of 7 items. A four-point scale was used, on which 4 means always, 3 often, 2 sometimes and 1 never. The reliability of the intrinsic motivation fac- tor is 0.85, while that of the extrinsic motivation is 0.81 (Cronbach alpha). The third questionnaire used refers to the attitudes towards physical education classes (Attitude to- ward physical education questionnaire – enduran- ce activities; Škof, Zabukovec, Boben, Cecić Erpič, & Zabukovec, 2000) and consists of three factors: cognitive component (9 items), affective compo- nent (13 items) and pedagogical approach (5 items). The cognitive factor includes the knowled- ge and awareness of the positive effects of sports activity, the affective factor indicates the attitude towards physical education and its contents, and the pedagogical approach factor includes teaching methods and pupils’ opinion about the motivatio- nal methods of the physical education teacher. A five point Likert scale was used, on which 5 repre- sents strong agreement and 1 strong disagreement. Male 521 schoolboys Female 627 schoolgirls 5 th grade 313 pupils 7 th grade 285 pupils 1 st year 301 pupils 3 rd year 253 pupils 53 Zabukovec,V.,CecićErpič,S.,Boben,D.&Škof,B.(2002).Competitivenessanddifficultyduringphysical… KinSI8(2),50–58 The average reliability of factors is 0.87 (Cronbach alpha). Procedures The pupils filled in all the aforementioned question- naires during physical education classes. RESULTS 1. The perceived competitiveness and difficulty in physical education classes Pupils perceive competitiveness and difficulty as fairly high (Mcom=22.44 and Mdif=16.61), consi- dering the highest possible values (max.com=32 and max.dif=24). In both dimensions, the values fall into the last third. A more detailed distribution of answers can be found in the table below. It illustra- tes the fact that a great majority of pupils’ answers had a high value, which means they perceive a high level of competitiveness and difficulty. Table 2: The distribution of pupils’ answers in the dimen- sions of competitiveness and difficulty The comparison between boys and girls regarding their perception of competitiveness and difficulty in physical education classes showed that boys per- ceive a higher level of competitiveness and diffi- culty than girls. In spite of the statistical significan- ce of the differences in the dimension of difficulty, the actual differences (considering the scale) are not that great, since both boys and girls mostly ans- wered »I agree«. The fact that there are 8 items in the dimension of competitiveness and 6 in the di- mension of difficulty has to be taken into account. The comparison between primary and secondary school pupils showed that younger pupils perceive a higher level of competitiveness and difficulty in physical education classes. Taking into account the scale and the number of items in an individual di- mension, we could say that primary school pupils more often answered »I agree«, while the answers of secondary school pupils fall somewhere bet- ween »I agree« and »I disagree«. A closer inspection of the results reveals that the perception of com- petitiveness and difficulty gradually decreases as the pupils progress from the 5 th to the 7 th grade of primary school and then to the 1 st and the 3 rd year of secondary school. A more detailed account of the results is shown in the figure below. Table 4: The differences in the perception of competitive- ness and difficulty in physical education classes between primary school and secondary school pupils Competitiveness Number f cum f % cum % of points 5-10 1 1 0.08 0.08 11-15 55 56 4.77 4.86 16-20 300 356 26.04 30.9 21-25 428 784 37.15 68.05 26-30 220 1004 19.09 87.15 31-35 31 1035 2.69 89.84 missing 117 1152 10.16 100 Difficulty 5-10 17 17 1.47 1.47 11-15 348 365 30.21 31.68 16-20 609 974 52.86 84.55 21-25 95 1069 8.25 92.79 missing 83 1152 7.22 100 Dimension M SD t- df p of classroom value climate Boys Girls Boys Girls Competi- tiveness 23.33 21.73 4.31 4.19 5.99 1031 0.000 Difficulty 16.87 16.41 3.04 2.64 2.64 1065 0.008 Dimension M SD t- df p of classroom value climate Primary Secon- PrimarySecon- school daryschooldary school school Competi- tiveness 24.63 20.28 3.86 3.6 18.73 1033 0.000 Difficulty 17.5 15.69 2.96 2.35 11.04 1067 0.000 Table 3: The differences in the perception of competitive- ness and difficulty in physical education classes between boys and girls Figure 1: The dynamics of the perception of competitive- ness and difficulty 54 Zabukovec,V.,CecićErpič,S.,Boben,D.&Škof,B.(2002).Competitivenessanddifficultyduringphysical… KinSI8(2),50–58 The differences between the decrease in the per- ception of competitiveness and of difficulty are very small, if the number of items in the individual dimensions is taken into account, as the transforma- tion of scores will show. 2. The differences between pupils regarding the low or high perception of competitiveness and difficulty in physical education classes Pupils were further divided into two groups, a hig- her and a lower one, depending on the perceived competitiveness and difficulty. The so-called hig- her group consists of approximately 20% of pupils with a high score in the dimension of competitive- ness. The so-called lower group consists of appro- ximately 20% of pupils with a lower score in the di- mension of competitiveness. The same division into two groups was implemented in the dimension of difficulty. The lower group, i.e. the one with low scores in the dimension of competitiveness, consists mostly of secondary school pupils, particularly from the 3 rd year. There is a prevalence of girls in this group. The limits are from 8 to 19 points. The group of high 20% in terms of the number of points consists mostly of primary school pupils with a predominan- ce of boys. The limits are from 26 to 32 points. The group of low 20 % in the dimension of diffi- culty consists of secondary school pupils, in which there are more girls than boys. Pupils in this group have scored between 6 and 14 points in this dimen- sion. The group of high 20% consists of primary school pupils with a slight predominance of boys. The limits are from 19 to 24 points. Because the goal of this study was to discover in what way the lower and the higher group differ in the dimensions of competitiveness and difficulty regarding the level and type of motivation and the prominence of attitudes towards physical educa- tion, a discriminant analysis was used, which inclu- ded the following variables: 1. Two factors of motivation: intrinsic and extrinsic motivation; 2. Three factors of attitudes: cognitive factor, af- fective factor and the factor of pedagogical ac- tions. 2.1. The differences between the groups of pupils that perceive a low and a high level of compe- titiveness in physical education classes The group with higher scores in the dimension of competitiveness displayed higher values in all va- riables. A statistical analysis has confirmed signifi- cant differences between these two groups at p=0.000. The group with high scores in the dimen- sion of competitiveness therefore achieved higher values in all the variables included in the study, as is evident from the table 5. Table 5: Means and standard deviations in the dimension of competitiveness for the lower and the higher group of pupils The discriminant analysis has shown that four va- riables significantly discriminate between the lower and the higher group, while one variable, i.e. the factor of pedagogical actions, was eliminated as ir- relevant. Table 6: Discriminant analysis of the variables included in the study The discriminant function has a significant discri- minatory power between the group of pupils who achieved low scores in the dimension of competi- tiveness and those who achieved high scores. Table 7: The discriminatory significance of the discriminant function The standardised coefficients point to the fact that the greatest difference between the lower and the higher group is the factor of extrinsic motivation, Variable Lower Higher MS DMS D Intrinsic motivation 18.59 4.32 25.76 4.03 Extrinsic motivation 10.63 3.64 18.2 5.43 Cognitive factor 33.67 5.87 38.91 4.23 Affective factor 32.02 11.21 47.34 10.97 Factor of pedagogical actions 14.49 4.49 18.37 4.17 Variables Wilks' Partial F- p lambda lambda remove Intrinsic motivation 0.51 0.906 21.189 0.000 Extrinsic motivation 0.55 0.885 66.92 0.000 Attitudes – affective 0.51 0.960 21.146 0.000 Attitudes – cognitive 0.5 0.984 8.22 0.004 Function Eigen Canonical Wilks' Chi- df p value correlation lambda square 1 1.053 0.72 0.487 370.47 4 0.00 55 Zabukovec,V.,CecićErpič,S.,Boben,D.&Škof,B.(2002).Competitivenessanddifficultyduringphysical… KinSI8(2),50–58 which pertains mainly to the tendency to compare oneself with others or to be better than others in physical education classes and to achieve impor- tant results (see table 8). The factor of intrinsic mo- tivation and the affective factor also discriminate between the groups. The cognitive factor of attitu- des partly contributes to the differences between them. In view of the variables that the analysis con- firmed, the discriminant function can be called the motivational-attitudinal function (see tables 8, 9, 10). Table 8: Standardised coefficients of the canonical discri- minant function Table 9: Coefficients of factor saturation, correlations bet- ween discriminant variables and the canonical discriminant function Table 10: Canonical discriminant function, determined by group centroids Figure 2: Centroids and standardised coefficients of the dis- criminant function The motivational-attitudinal function, which discri- minates between the two groups of pupils, has con- firmed that discriminant variables are more con- nected with the group of pupils who perceive a higher level of competitiveness. This group is best described by a pronounced extrinsic motivation, intrinsic motivation and both attitudinal factors. In general, the discriminant function is more connec- ted with the group of pupils who perceive a higher level of competitiveness in physical education clas- ses. 2. 2. The differences between the groups of pupils that perceive a low and a high level of difficulty in physical education classes The higher group has displayed higher values in all variables. The statistical analysis has confirmed sig- nificant differences between these two groups at p=0.000. The group with high scores in the dimen- sion of difficulty therefore achieved higher values in all the variables included in the study. Table 11: Means and standard deviations in the dimension of difficulty for the lower and the higher group of pupils The discriminant analysis has shown that four va- riables significantly discriminate between the lower and the higher group, while one variable, the atti- tudinal factor of negative elements, was eliminated as irrelevant. Table 12: Discriminant analysis of the variables included in the study The discriminant function has a significant discri- minatory power between the group of pupils who achieved low scores in the dimension of difficulty and those who achieved high scores. Table 13: Discriminatory significance of the discriminant function Variable Function 1 Intrinsic motivation 0.34 Extrinsic motivation 0.53 Affective factor of attitudes 0.33 Cognitive factor of attitudes 0.20 Variable Function 1 Intrinsic motivation 0.79 Extrinsic motivation 0.77 Affective factor of attitudes 0.67 Cognitive factor of attitudes 0.49 Group Function 1 Lower – group 1 -0.991 Higher – group 2 1.058 Variable Lower Higher MS DMS D Intrinsic motivation 18.63 4.47 25.29 4.24 Extrinsic motivation 11.8 4.25 16.84 5.72 Cognitive factor of attitudes 33.3 6.15 38.81 4.74 Affective factor of attitudes 32.43 12.49 47.04 11.75 Factor of pedagogical actions 14.45 4.84 17.99 4.05 Variables Wilks' Partial F- p lambda lambda remove Intrinsic motivation 0.65 0.92 40.8 0.000 Attitudes – affective 0.62 0.97 15.83 0.000 Attitudes – cognitive 0.61 0.99 5.78 0.01 Extrinsic motivation 0.61 0.99 5.09 0.02 Function Eigen Canonical Wilks' Chi- df p value correlation lambda square 1 0.66 0.63 0.6 239.86 4 0.00 56 Zabukovec,V.,CecićErpič,S.,Boben,D.&Škof,B.(2002).Competitivenessanddifficultyduringphysical… KinSI8(2),50–58 The standardised coefficients point to the fact that the greatest difference between the two groups is the factor of intrinsic motivation. The affective fac- tor of attitudes also contributes to the differences, while the cognitive factor and the factor of extrin- sic motivation are less significant. The discriminant function can again be called the motivational-atti- tudinal function. Table 14: Standardised coefficients of the canonical discri- minant function Table 15: Coefficients of factor saturation, correlations bet- ween discriminant variables and the canonical discriminant function Table 16: Canonical discriminant function, determined by group centroids Figure 3: Centroids and standardised coefficients of the discriminant function The motivational-attitudinal function which discri- minates between the lower and the higher group of pupils has confirmed that the group of pupils who perceive a higher level of difficulty in physical edu- cation classes is characterised by higher values re- garding the factor of intrinsic motivation and the affective factor of attitudes. While it is true that this group is also characterised by higher values regar- ding the cognitive factor of attitudes and extrinsic motivation, these characteristics are not very pro- nounced. In conclusion, the motivational-attitudi- nal function is more prominent in the group of pu- pils who perceive a higher level of difficulty in physical education classes. DISCUSSION Pupils perceive a relatively high level of competiti- veness and difficulty in physical education classes, which can be attributed to the often competitive contents of physical education classes and to physi- cal exertion needed to master more demanding tasks requiring mutual help or the help of the teac- her. This induces the pupils to perceive the level of difficulty as high. The fact that boys perceive a hig- her level of competitiveness and difficulty in physi- cal education classes than girls can be explained by the process of socialisation and the process of accepting gender roles. Cankar (1994) has confir- med that boys perceive physical education diffe- rently from girls. The fact that there is a steady dec- line in the perceived level of competitiveness and difficulty in physical education classes from the 5 th grade of primary school to the 3 rd year of secon- dary school is to a great extent connected with the period of adolescence, the changes in physical ap- pearance and the changes in adolescents’ values and goals. At the same time, there are also changes in physical education classes themselves, especially at the transition from primary to secondary school. Numerous authors (Martens, 1975; Schutz, Smoll, Carre, & Mosher, 1985) consider the period of middle childhood as the period when attitudes to- wards individual phenomena, including sports ac- tivity, begin to take shape. The middle years of schooling (from 10 to 15) mark the period of inten- se transformation of attitudes towards sports acti- vity (DeMarco, & Sidney, 1989). These findings concur with the observations of Smoll and Schutz (1980), who believe that the attitudes of primary school pupils are still very changeable and that the attitudes towards sports activity do not stabilise un- til the period of late adolescence (after 15). The realisation that, given the results in the dimen- sions of competitiveness and difficulty, a cluster of motivational-attitudinal variables significantly dis- criminates between pupils is also very important. Competitiveness, which is defined as competition between individuals and groups as well as with one- self, is more pronounced in primary school boys, which means they have a clear desire to improve their achievements. As the discriminant analysis has shown, however, this group is characterised by a Variable Function 1 Intrinsic motivation 0.57 Affective factor of attitudes 0.35 Cognitive factor of attitudes 0.21 Extrinsic motivation 0.19 Variable Function 1 Intrinsic motivation 0.89 Affective factor 0.74 Cognitive factor 0.62 Extrinsic motivation 0.59 Group Function 1 Lower – group 1 -0.87 Higher – group 2 0.76 57 Zabukovec,V.,CecićErpič,S.,Boben,D.&Škof,B.(2002).Competitivenessanddifficultyduringphysical… KinSI8(2),50–58 higher level of extrinsic motivation, which means that in the group of primary school boys, the desi- re for external encouragement and the comparison with the established standards are predominant. This group is also characterised by high scores in the factor of intrinsic motivation and both affective and cognitive attitudinal factors, although to a les- ser extent. The primary school boys therefore have a desire to further their own interests, a positive at- titude towards physical education and a sound knowledge of the positive effects of sport. It is also interesting that pupils’ attitudes towards physical education are changing. While they remain positi- ve, their scores decline at the transition from pri- mary to secondary school (Škof et al., 2000). Boc- ket (1994) and Schutz with his colleagues (1985) have reached a similar conclusion. Škof et al. (2000) have confirmed the tenet that pupils dislike compe- titive contents of physical education. This is particu- larly important for the development of physical education, as it encourages the teachers to include not only competitive contents, but also contents that emphasise co-operation between pupils and teachers. Physical education classes would also be- nefit from approaches which would enable the pu- pils to monitor their own progress. Other results (Zabukovec et al, 2001a) have also confirmed that pupils do not want a higher level of competitive- ness. A valid conclusion would be that, if the teac- her encourages competitiveness, this creates an increase in the pupils’ extrinsic motivation. Nevert- heless, the teacher can also encourage co-opera- tion or perhaps competition between groups. The ideal solution is to find a suitable balance between different methods. Special attention should be paid to the group of girls, particularly from the 3 rd year of secondary school, who perceive a lower level of competitiveness, which could mean that they are less committed in physical education classes (their attitudes towards physical education are lower), es- pecially in terms of achieving good results, compa- rable with other pupils’ results or with previously established standards. Furthermore, this group does not want a higher level of competitiveness and the abovementioned factors do not represent an important goal for them. Competitions and stre- nuous endurance tests are not the best course of action for them. Difficulty in physical education classes was rated as high mainly by primary school boys. The discri- minant analysis has confirmed that the motivatio- nal-attitudinal function discriminates this group from the one that perceives a lower level of diffi- culty in physical education classes. The group that views physical education classes as more deman- ding is characterised by a high intrinsic motivation, which means that these pupils want to realise abo- ve all their own sports ambitions and they achieve their goals with persistence and hard work. Alt- hough the dimension of difficulty primarily descri- bes the perceived difficulty in physical education classes, it also includes strategies to overcome dif- ficulties, such as mutual help, the help of the teac- her, appropriate goals and the ability to progress by tackling more difficult contents. This group is characterised by a positive attitude towards physi- cal education, although not very pronounced, and by knowledge of physical education and its effects on an individual. It is also characterised by a ten- dency towards extrinsic motivation, but again not very pronounced. The results of the same study confirm that pupils want a higher level of difficulty, which means more demanding contents of physi- cal education. In this way, they could further their own interests and achieve realistic goals with effort and persistence. Therefore, the teacher should abo- ve all be aware of the pupils’ wishes and interests, so he or she can set appropriate goals and thus en- courage a more positive attitude towards the con- tents of physical education. To increase the level of difficulty, the teacher should use methods that en- courage intrinsic motivation. The development of a positive attitude towards physical education (af- fective factor of attitudes) and the construction of knowledge which would provide an insight into the area of physical education and its effects on an in- dividual (cognitive factor of attitudes) should cer- tainly not be overlooked, especially since it is evi- dent that these attitudes are significantly lower in secondary school than in primary school. In this case, special attention should again be paid to se- condary school girls, who perceive a lower level of difficulty, which means that they do not have the necessary strategies to cope with difficult contents and their goals are not set in this direction, becau- se they want a lower level of difficulty than boys. But the variables that would describe this group of pupils have not yet been determined. The demands and goals should be adapted to their needs in terms of lower and above all more realistic goals. In conclusion, pupils can be divided into two groups regarding the perception of competitive- ness and difficulty in physical education classes. The group that perceives a high level of competiti- 58 Zabukovec,V.,CecićErpič,S.,Boben,D.&Škof,B.(2002).Competitivenessanddifficultyduringphysical… KinSI8(2),50–58 veness and difficulty can be described with the mo- tivational-attitudinal function, which offers the teac- her relatively precise guidelines for his or her work in physical education classes. Competitiveness is mostly connected with extrinsic motivation, while difficulty is mostly connected with intrinsic motiva- tion. Yet at the same time, a new question arises as to what pedagogical methods a teacher of physical education should employ for pupils who perceive a lower level of competitiveness and difficulty, sin- ce this group cannot be described by the chosen variables. REFERENCES 1. Bocket, T.J. (1994). Differences in physical activity attitudes and fitness knowledge between health fitness standard, sex, and gra- de groups. Unpublished doctoral dissertation. Springfield: Spring- field College. 2. Cankar, F. (1994). 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