HACQUETIA DOI: 10.2478/v10028-009-0003-1 VEGETATION OF THE ŽALE CEMETERY (LJUBLJANA) Urban ŠILC1 Abstract The paper presents results of a vegetation survey of the cemetery of Ljubljana as a specific urban habitat with a high diversity of vegetation types. Seventeen different plant communities were found, mostly weed (hoe weed and garden communities), trampled and ruderal communities. This indicates frequently disturbed habitat with different microclimatic conditions than those in the surroundings. Key words: synathropic vegetation, plant sociology, urban habitat, Slovenia. Izvleček Članek predstavlja rezultate proučevanja vegetacije ljubljanskega pokopališča, ki je poseben urbani habitat z veliko diverziteto vegetacijskih tipov. Našli smo sedemnajst različnih rastlinskih združb, večinoma plevelnih (okopavinskih in vrtnih), pohojenih in ruderalnih sintaksonov. To nakazuje rastišče s pogostimi motnjami z drugačnimi mikroklimatskimi razmerami kot v okolici. Ključne besede: sinantropna vegetacija, fitosociologija, urbani habitat, Slovenija. INTRODUCTION The cemetery is special habitat in the frame of urban environment. Therefore we could treat the cemetery as an ecosystem characterized by its history, structure and function, including both biotic and abiotic components (cf. Sukopp 2002). This reflects in many different ways: intensity and frequency of anthropogenic disturbances, heterogeneity of sites, introduction of alien species, higher temperature and lower humidity. Consequently this is visible in specific species composition of vegetation. Systematic research of the vegetation of cemeteries is rare, usually flora were studied, while vegetation was sampled only sporadically. Generally only ornamental plants were collected, spontaneous flora has been an object of research for the last 25 years (Sukopp 2002). A survey of ecological studies of cemeteries was made by Graf (1986), a larger study after that was done also by Pyšek (1988). Flora of the cemetery of Žale in Ljubljana was published by Babij (1998). RESEARCH AREA The researched area comprises the main cemetery of Ljubljana (Žale) (Figure 1), that spreads over approx. 26 ha and is sourrounded by a 2-metre-high wall. The climate is mildly warm and perhumid, average temperature is 9.7 °C and precipitation 1400 mm. The microclimate is probably modified by reduced extremes (Babij 1998), although higher temperatures could be expected due to the openness of the space and to the asphalt and stone material used. A particularity of cemeteries are soils with strong human influence (according to WRB- World Reference Base for Soil Resources). The first group are Technosols whose properties and pedogenesis are dominated by their technical origin. They are sealed by technic hard rock (material created by humans, 1 Institute of Biology, Scientific Research Centre of the Slovenian Academy of Sciences and Arts, Novi trg 2, SI-Ljubljana, urban@zrc-sazu.si. 1 Hacqüetia having properties unlike natural rock) - here we refer to pavements with their underlying unconsolidated materials. A smaller part is covered by Anthrosols, a soil type where cultivation is practised (this could be classified as Hortisols- garden soil) (WRB). A special subtype for cemeteries was introduced as necrosol (Graf 1986). METHODS Vegetation was sampled according to the standard Central European method (Braun-Blanquet 1964, Westhoff & van der Maarel 1973). Phytosociological nomenclature is according to JaroKmek et al. (1997), nomenclature of mosses follows Urban Šilc: Vegetation of the Žale Cemetery (Ljubljana) Martinčič (2003) and of plants Martinčič et al. (2007), except for species Eschscholtzia californica Cham. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Syntaxonomical scheme of researched syntaxa presented in Table 1: Asplenietea trichomanis (Br.-Bl. in Meier et Br.-Bl. 1934) Oberd. 1977 Tortulo-Cymbalarietalia Segal 1969 Cymbalario-Asplenion Segal 1969 em. Mucina 1993 Asplenietum ruta-murariae-trichomanis Kuhn 1937 - relevé 1 Cymbalarietum muralis Görs in Oberd. 1967 - relevés 2-3 Polygono arenastri-Poetea annuae Rivas-Martmez 1975 corr. Rivas-Martmez et al. 1991 Polygono arenastri-Poetalia annuae R. Tx. in Géhu et al. Saginion procumbentis R. Tx. et Ohba in Géhu et al. 1972 Sagino procumbentis-Bryetum argentei Diemont et al. 1940 - relevé 4 Herniarietum glabrae (Hohenester 1960) JehHk et Hejny 1975 - relevé 5 Stellarietea mediae R. Tx., Lohm. et Preising in R. Tx. ex von Rochow 1951 Centaureetalia cyani R. Tx., Lohmeyer et Preising in R. Tx. ex von Rochow 1951 Veronico-Euphorbion Sissingh ex Passarge 1964 Mercurialietum annuae Kruseman et Vlie-ger 1939 - relevés 6-10 Sherardion arvensis Kropač et Hejny in Kropač 1978 Aethuso-Galeopsietum G. Müller 1964 - relevé 11 Atriplici-Chenopodietalia albi R. Tx. (1937) Nordhagen 1940 Panico-Setarion Sissingh in Westhoff et al. 1946 Echinochloo-Setarietum pumilae Felföldy 1942 corr. Mucina 1993 - relevé 12 Sisymbrietalia J. Tx. in Lohm. et al. 1962 Sisymbrion officinalis R. Tx., Lohm. et Preising in R. Tx Erigeronto-Lactucetum serriolae Lohm. in Oberd. 1957 em. Mucina 1978 - relevé 13 Eragrostietalia J. Tx. ex Poli 1966 Eragrostion R. Tx. ex Oberd. 1954 Portulacetum oleraceae Felföldy 1942 - relevé 14 Salsolion ruthenicae Philippi 1971 Panicetum capillaris Mititelu et Roman 1988 - relevés 15-17 Eragrostio-Polygonion arenastri Couderc et Izco ex Čarni et Mucina 1997 Eragrostio-Polygonetum arenastri Oberd. 1954 corr. Mucina 1993 - relevé 18 Portulaco-Euphorbietum maculatae (Brandes 1993) Čarni et Mucina 1998- relevés 19-22 Chamaesyco humifusae-Oxalidetum cornic-ulatae Forstner in Mucina 1993- relevés 23-25 Artemisietea vulgaris Lohmeyer, Preising et R. Tx. ex von Rochow 1951 Onopordetalia Br.-Bl. et R. Tx. ex Klika et Hadač 1944 Dauco-Melilotion Görs 1966 Dauco-Picridetum Görs 1966- relevé 26 Odontio-Ambrosietum artemisiifoliae Jaro-Hmek et al. 1997- relevés 27-29 Equisetum arvense-\Onopordetalia\ - relevé 30 Galio-Urticetea Passarge ex Kopecky 1969 Lamio albi-Chenopodietalia boni-henrici Kopecky 1969 Galio-Alliarion (Oberd. 1957) Lohmeyer et Oberd. in Oberd. et al. 1967 Impatiens parviflora-\Galio-Alliarion\ - relevé 31 Communities of the alliance Cymbalario-Asple-nion thrive on walls or at their foot. Stands where Asplenium trichomanes dominates are found on dry, sunny walls, while the association Cymbalarietum muralis is found on more shaded and nitrate rich sites. Trampled habitats are frequent in the cemetery, but moist and nutrient poor communities that are classified into the alliance Saginion procumbentis are not so frequent as more ther-mophilous trampled communities. The association Sagino-Bryetum is characterized by moss Bry-um argenteum and prostrate Sagina procumbens, that are found as a mosaic between shaded paving stones. Hernarietum glabrae thrives on drier and sandy ground than the previous community 3 Hacqüetia and is a monodominant community of Herniaria glabra. Most frequent communities found in the cemetery are mostly annual segetal and ruderal communities classified into the class Stellarietea mediae. This is consistent as there is strong anthropo-geneous pressure, considering hoeing, planting of ornamental plants and weeding (on the path also mechanically). The association Mercurialietum annuae is monodominant, extremly thermophilous and is usually found on sand on graves, where there are better, nutrient rich soils. The Aethuso-Galeopsietum has not yet been described in Slovenia. On the cemetery it is only fragmetarily developed, characterised by diagnostic species Aethusa cynapium, Medicago lupulina and Galeopsis tetrahit (sensu Mucina 1993). Holzner (1973) mentions occurrence of the community on permeable, sandy, skeletal soils. The association Echinochloo-Setari-etum pumilae is one of the most widespread associations of segetal communities, but is only fragmentarily developed on the cemetery and is dominated by C4 grasses. The association Erigeronto-Lactucetum comprises stands of biannual weeds and represents a transition between syntaxa of annual and perennial weeds. Species composition depends on the time since the last disturbance (cultivation, weeding). As disturbances are extremely frequent and intensive in the cemetery there are found numerous species of the class Stellarietea mediae. The association Portulacetum oleraceae thrives on the cultivated part of the grave (planted by ornamental flowers), where the soil is fertile. Optimum development of the community is in the late summer. Panicetum capillaris is a typical railroad plant community. A similar warm and dry habitat on sand is found in the cemetery. Dominant species Panicum capillare is regularly accompanied by Se-taria viridis. For Slovenia the association has not been yet recorded. Into the alliance Eragrostio-Polygonion arenas-tri we classify communities of trampled habitats, and it is characterized by C4 species (Mucina 1993). Eragrostio-Polygonetum is the central association of the alliance without any character species. The association Portulaco-Euphorbietum maculatae is characterized by the neophyte species Euphorbia maculata that dominates in the stands and by Arenaria serpyllifolia as differental species (Brandes 1993). The association Chamae-syco humifusae-Oxalidetum corniculatae is recorded for the first time for Slovenia. It is indicated by dominant species Euphorbia humifusa and Oxalis corniculata and is an extremely warm community on trampled sites (sand and paved paths). Dauco-Picridetum develops on abandoned graves, but it is rare. Ambrosia artemisiifolia dominated communities are on the expansion in Slovenia (it expands from ruderal to cultivated sites), but it is only fragmentarily developed in the cemetery; above all species of the class Artemisietea are missing. The community of species Equisetum arvense is frequent; similar stands are also found on the railroads. We classify it only to the level of the association according to Mucina (1993). Communities of the class Galio-Urticetea are rare as the habitat is too warm and dry. Impatiens parvijlora dominated stands thrive on shaded sites. The vegetation of cemeteries is specific due to the uniqueness of the environment. It is extremly thermophilous, disturbances are frequent and intensive. Therefore communities of the class Stellarietea mediae prevail, thus hoe weed communities as thermophilous communities of trampled soil. Most communities are fragmentarily developed (less character species, above all of higher syn-taxa) and are poor in species number. Compared to the syntaxa list from Central and North European cemeteries (Graf 1986, Pyšek 1988), in our case Galio-Urticetea communities are lacking, indicating a more warm and dry habitat although this could be also explained by history, cemetery type and land use. REFERENCES Babij, V. 1998: Flora ljubljanskih Žal. Scopolia 39: 1-39. Brandes, D. 1993: Eisenbahnanlagen als Untersuchungsgegenstand der Geobotanik. Tuexenia 13: 415-444. Braun-Blanquet, J. 1964: Pflanzensoziologie. Grundzüge der Vegetationskunde. Springer Verlag, Wien, 865 pp. Graf, A. 1986: Flora und Vegetation der Friedhöfe in Berlin (West). Verhandlungen des Berliner Botanischen Vereins 5: 1-210. Holzner, W.,1973: Ackerunkrautvegetation Niederösterreichs. Mitt. bot. Arb. gem. Oberoesterr. 5 (1): 1-157. 4 Urban Šilc: Vegetation of the Žale Cemetery (Ljubljana) JaroHmek, I., Zaliberovâ, M., Mucina, L., Moch-nacky, S. 1997: Rastlinné spoločenstvâ Slovenska, 2. Synantropnâ vegetacia. Bratislava: Veda vydavatelstvo slovenskej akadémie vied, Bratislava, 416 pp. Martinčič, A. 2003: Seznam listnatih mahov (Bry- opsida) Slovenije. Hacquetia 2 (1): 91-166. Martinčič, A., Wraber, T., Jogan, N., Podobnik, A., Ravnik, V., Turk, B., Vreš, B., Frajman, B., Strgulc-Krajšek, S., Trčak, B., Bačič, T., Fischer, M. A., Eler, K. & Surina, B. 2007: Mala flora Slovenije: ključ za določanje praprotnic in semenk. Tehniška založba Slovenije, Ljubljana, 845 pp. Mucina, L., Grabherr, G. & Ellmauer, T. 1993: Die Pflanzengesellschaften Österreichs. An-thropogene Vegetation. Gustav Fisher Verlag, Jena, 578 pp. Pyšek, P. 1988: Floristisch - und Vegetationsverhältnisse des Zentralen Friedhofs in der Stadt Plzen. Folia Musei rerum naturalium Bohe-miae occidentalis 25: 1-46. Sukopp, H. 2002: On the early history of urban ecology in Europe. Preslia 74 (4): 373-393. Westhoff, V. & Van Der Maarel, E. 1978: The Braun-Blanquet approach. In: Whittaker, R. H. (eds.): Ordination and Classification of Communities. Dr. W. Junk Publishers, The Hague, 617-727 pp. World reference base for soil resources 2006, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome, 2006, World Soil Resources Report 103, 128 p. APPENDIX (date, location, coordinates) 1. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, staircase of ossuary of I. WW, wall, 102910, 464247; 2. 5.9.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave Slapšakovi, rocky tombstone, 102848, 464227; 3. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, wall of monument of Salesians of Don Bosco, 102900, 464057; 4. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, paved path between paving stones, shaded under pine and spruce in front of grave Dekvalovi, heavily trampled, 102983, 464090; 5. 5.9.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave Borčič, near entrance to the cemetery of Italian soldiers, paved, trampled, 103089, 464224; 6. 2.9.2008, Ljubljana: Žale, grave Kocmur, sandy path between graves, shaded, 103076, 464123; 7. 2.9.2008, Ljubljana: Žale, graves Krainer Viktor, sand in front of grave, shaded, 103140, 464252; 8. 2.9.2008, Ljubljana: Žale, Erženovi (Eržen Franko), on the grave, sand, of ossuary of I. WW, 102930, 464266; 9. 5.9.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave of Gorup, sand, 102858, 464218; 10. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave of family Vozelj, sand, 103271, 464196; 11. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave of family Trapetovi, sand, 103170, 464133; 12. 5.9.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave Klembas, sand, 102773, 464131; 13. 5.9.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave Požlep, in front of ossuary of I. WW, sand, 102901, 464253; 14. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave of family Šprohar, fertile garden soil, 103280, 464192; 15. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, near vault Wagner, behind vault Koll-man, sandy path, 102948, 464088; 16. 5.9.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave Hažič Alojz, sand, path between graves, less trampled, 102901, 464253; 17. 5.9.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave Purič, sandy path in front of the grave, poorly trampled, 103144, 464338; 18. 2.9.2008, Ljubljana: Žale, paved footpath, partly shaded, 103075, 464139; 19. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, paved main road, 103170, 464002; 20. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, near grave of family Šilc, sandy path, 102858, 464052; 21. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, paved path, near grave Orehek, 103061, 464109; 22. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, near monk's grave, at vault Koll-man, paved path, 102930, 464071; 23. 5.9.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave Leon Šporšič, path between graves, shaded, trampled, 102878, 464239; 24. 2.9.2008, Ljubljana: Žale, grave Koštomaj Gabrijela, footpath, paved, sunny, 103052, 464095; 25. 2.9.2008, Ljubljana: Žale, opposite to grave Jakša Frančiška, abandoned grave, better sandy soil, 103361, 464475; 26. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, end of cemetery of Žale, sand between graves Kačičnik and Štajdohar, 103336, 464517; 27. 5.9.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave of family Logar, grave, 102870, 464231; 28. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, near sign 23, sandy path, 102957, 464095; 29. 5.9.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, grave of family Adamič, sand on the grave, 103182, 464030; 30. 2.9.2008, Ljubljana: Žale, grave Gmeiner Josipina, sandy footpath, 103270, 464282; 31. 9.8.2006, Ljubljana: Žale, near rubbish dump on the new part of Žale, 103317, 464508. Recieved 15. 1. 2009 Revision recieved 23. 2. 2009 Accepted 25. 2. 2009 5 Hacquetia Table 1: Phytosociological table of vegetation of the cemetery Žale (Ljubljana). Tabela 1: Fitocenološka tabela vegetacije pokopališča Žale (Ljubljana). Releve number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Relevé area (m2) 4 2 2 5 4 2 3 3 3 3 1 2 5 2 3 3 1 2 5 2 5 5 0,5 1 2 10 2 3 3 1 3 Altitude (m) 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 297 Aspect (degrees) NENW S Slope (degrees) 90 90 90 Cover herb layer (%) 40 20 70 20 30 40 80 70 70 50 70 40 80 70 80 80 90 30 50 50 30 80 80 30 50 100 80 90 100 80 100 Cover moss layer (%) 2 2 1 2 50 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Number of species 4 5 4 8 9 8 7 7 7 7 11 8 10 6 8 11 14 9 10 6 8 13 9 5 7 11 7 14 10 5 6 Character and differential species of the associations Asplenium trichomanes C 3 1........ Cymbalaria muralis . 2 4......1 Asplenium ruta-muraria . +........ Tortula muralis D + . +....... Sagina procumbens C . . . 2...... Bryum argenteum D .. . 1 2..... Herniaria glabra C . . . . 2 . . . . . Mercurialis annua . . . . . 3 4 3 3 2 Aethusa cynapium . . . . . . . . . . Galeopsis tetrahit . . . . . . . . . . Lactuca serriola .....+ . . . . Portulaca oleracea . . . . . . . . . . Panicum capillare . . . . . . . . . . Eragrostis minor . . . . . . . . . . Euphorbia maculata . . . . . . . . . . Euphorbia humifusa .... 1..... Oxalis corniculata . . . . 1 . . . . . Daucus carota . . . . . . . . . . Picris hieracioides . . . . . . . . . . Ambrosia artemisiifolia . . . . . . . . . . Equisetum arvense . . . . . . . . . . Impatiens parviflora ......+ . . . 444 3333 211 3 + 2 435 Polygono-Poetea Plantago major C Polygonum aviculare agg. Poa annua Stellarietea mediae Setaria viridis C Digitaria sanguinalis Oxalis fontana Sonchus oleraceus Anagallis arvensis Fallopia convolvulus Cerastium glomeratum Eschscholtzia californica Euphorbia peplus Chenopodium album Diplotaxis muralis Stellaria media Sonchus arvensis + + 1. + + 1112 2 . . . . 2 . . . + 1 + 1 + 1 + . . + 1 . . + + + + + 2 + . + . + .1 + + + + 21 1. 111 + + + + . . + + + + . + 1 + + + + . 1 + . . . + . + + . + 2 + + + + + + . + . + + 3 3 + 11 3 2 4 + + + 2 2 + + + 1 + + + + + + + + + 6 Urban Šilc: Vegetation of the Žale Cemetery (Ljubljana) Releve number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Artemisietea Silene vulgaris C Erigeron annuus Convolvulus arvensis Conyza canadensis Linaria vulgaris Elytrigia repens Galio-Urticetea Calystegia sepium C Lapsana communis Glechoma hederacea Rubus caesius Molinio-Arrhenatheretea Medicago lupulina C Taraxacum officinale Trifolium pratense Vicia cracca Pastinaca sativa Leontodon autumnalis Plantago lanceolata Achillea millefolium Festuca rubra agg. Poa pratensis Trifolium repens Potentilla reptans Dactylis glomerata Ranunculus repens Rumex obtusifolius Other taxa Microrrhinum minus Viola reichenbachiana Arenaria serpyllifolia Sedum sexangulare Bryum sp. Didymodon vinealis Hedera helix C . + Homalothecium sericeum D . + Pimpinella saxifraga C . . Acer pseudoplatanus . Pimpinella anisum . Leontodon sp. . Silene sp. . Mahonia aquifolium . Hypericum perforatum . Verbascum nigrum . C D + + C . + . + + 2 + + + + + . . 2 1 + 11+ + 112 + . . 1 . 1+ . + + . ++ 1+ 3 + 1+ + + + + + + 2 + + + 2 + + + + + + 2 + + + + + + + + + 2 + + + + + + + + r + + 7