REVIEW OF THE SUBGENUS AINOCARABUS MANDL, 1973 OF THE RUSSIAN FAR EAST (COLEOPTERA: CARABIDAE) Dmitry Obydov Timiryazev’s State Museum of Biology, 123242, Malaya Gruzinskaya str. 15, Moscow, Russia; e-mail: Abstract - The two species of the subgenus Ainocarabus Mandl, 1973 are studied. One new subspecies, Carabus (Ainocarabus) kolbei urupiensis ssp. n., is described. Status, type localities and areas of some taxa are specified. A key to all species and subspecies of the group and a distribution map are presented. Color photos of all taxa of the subgenus are added. Key words: Coleoptera, Carabidae, Carabus (Ainocarabulus), taxonomy, distribution, Islands of the Far East Russia, Hokkaido. Izvleœek - PREGLED PODRODU AINOCARABUS MANDL, 1973, RUSKEGA DALJNEGA VZHODA (COLEOPTERA: CARABIDAE) Preuœeni sta obe vrsti podrodu Ainocarabus Mandl, 1973. Opisana je nova podvrsta, Carabus (Ainocarabus) kolbei urupiensis ssp. n. Navedeni so status, tipske lokalitete in razøirjenost nekaj taksonov. Podana sta kljuœ za vse vrste in podvrste te skupine in karta razøirjenosti. Dodane so barvne fotografije vseh taksonov podrodu. Kljuœne besede: Coleoptera, Carabidae, Carabus (Ainocarabulus), taksonomija, razøirjenost, otoki ruskega daljnega vzhoda, Hokaido. Introduction The subgenus Ainocarabus includes two species: C. avinovi Semenov-Tian-Shansky et Znojko, 1932 and C. kolbei Roeschke, 1887; the latter is represented by four subspecies in the fauna of the Russian Far East: C. k. aino Rost, 1908; C. k. chishimanus (Nakane, 1961); C. k. ushishirensis Obydov et Saldaitis, 1996 and C. k. urupiensis ssp. n. 171 Acta entomologica slovenica, 15 (2), 2007 Only the taxa represented in the islands of the Russian Far East and partially from Hokkaido are considered in this work. Distribution records are gained from collected material and partially from publications. Subgenus Ainocarabus Mandl, 1973 Type species C. aino Rost, 1908 (Mandl designation, 1980). Carabus (Ainocarabus) Mandl, 1973: 85. Carabus (Ainocarabus): Lafer, 1989: 107; Shilenkov, 1994: 69; Brezina, 1994: 70; Kryzhanovskij et al., 1995: 49; Obydov et Saldaitis, 1996: 1; Obydov, 1999: 114; Obydov, 2005: 69. Carabus (Megodontus): Deuve, 1994: 250 (part.); Imura et Mizusawa, 1996: 70, 213 (part.); Ghiretti, 1996: 329 (part.); Schütze et Kleinfeld, 1997: 176 (part.); 1999: 214 (part.); Kleinfeld et Schütze, 1998: 39 (part.); 1999: 38 (part.); Brezina, 1999: 73 (part.); Osawa et al., 2002: 112, 221 (part.); Deuve, 2004: 363 (part.). Description: Small- to medium-sized beetles (20.0 - 27.0 mm). Head not thickened; mandibles slightly curved and sharply pointed at the apex; frons usually nearly smooth with few sparse punctures; antennae protruding beyond the base of pronotum by three or four apical joints. Labrum wider than clypeus, moderately notched. Palpi moderately dilated; penultimate joint of labial palpi with 3 to 5 setae. Mentum tooth pointed, narrow, longer or equal to lateral lobes. Submentum without setae. Prothorax usually cordiform, narrow. Pronotum with sparse and coarse punctures; lateral margin with two pairs of setae. Sides of pronotum narrowly margined; lobes of hind angles triangularly protruding, slightly bent downwards; median longitudinal line distinct. Elytra oblong-oval, convex. Elytral sculpture rather variable: primary elytral interspaces integral, keel-shaped; secondaries finely rugged, represented by rows of small tubercles; tertiaries reduced or primary elytral interspaces interrupted into long links by big and coarse foveoles, secondary interrupted into rather short links, tertiaries elytral interspaces represented by rows of small tubercles and partially reduced, all elytral interspaces conjugated transversely. Striae vary from coarsely punctured to transversely-wrinkled. Metepisternum slightly longer than wide; sternal sulci indistinct or absent. Legs of normal length; anterior male tarsi with four dilated segments bearing hairy pads. Apical lamella of aedeagus not dilated; endophallus with unilobate ostium lobe. Pronotum bronze, red, reddish bronze; elytra bronze, red, coppery red, green or greenish bronze, with metallic lustre. Mandibles, palpi, antennae, legs and ventral body surface black or blackish brown. Distribution: South Sakhalin, Moneron Island, Shikotan Island, Hokkaido and Kuril Archipelago: Kunashir, Iturup, Urup, Simushir, Ketoy and Ushishir Islands: Yankicha Island. Key to the subgenus Ainocarabus 1 (2) Elytral sculpture very rough, primary elytral interspaces interrupted into moderately long links by large and coarse foveoles, secondaries interrupted into rather 172 Dmitry Obydov: Review of the subgenus Aìnocarabus Mandl, 1973 of the Russian Far East (Coleoptera: Carabidae) short links, tertiary elytral interspaces represented by rows of small tubercles, partially reduced, all elytral interspaces conjugated transversely; striae coarsely punctured; pronotum bronze or reddish bronze; elytra bronze, green, or greenish bronze, with metallic lustre. South Sakhalin and Moneron Island........................................................ ..........................................C. avinovi Semenov-Tian-Shansky et Znojko 2 (1) Elytral sculpture moderately rough, primary elytral interspaces integral, keel-shaped, interrupted into very long links or sometimes into moderately long links, secondaries finely rugged, represented by rows of small tubercles, tertiaries reduced; striae transversely-wrinkled. Hokkaido and Kuril Archipelago (to the south from Ushishir Islands).........................................................................C. kolbei Roeschke (3) 3 (6) Pronotum cordiform, pronotal hind angles longer; body shorter. 4 (5) Elytra and pronotum narrower; secondary elytral interspaces more distinct, elytral striae less rough; pronotum bronze, reddish bronze, or greenish bronze; elytra green or greenish bronze, with metallic lustre. North-eastern Hokkaido, Kunashir and Shikotan.....................................................................................C. kolbei aino Rost 5 (4) Elytra and pronotum broader, secondary elytral interspaces less distinct, elytral striae more rough; pronotum bronze or reddish-bronze; elytra reddish-bronze, bronze, or green, with metallic lustre. Iturup Island (South Kuril Archipelago)........................... ............................................................C. kolbei chishimanus (Nakane) 6 (3) Pronotum not cordiform or weakly cordiform, pronotal hind angles shorter; body larger and more robust. 7 (8) Pronotum less convex, median longitudinal line distinct; secondary elytral interspaces finely rugged, represented by rows of small tubercles; tertiaries reduced; elytral striae more coarse; sternal sulci shallow, but well market; pronotum red, elytra reddish bronze, bronze, or greenish bronze. Ushishir Islands (Central part of Kuril Archipelago)...........................................C. kolbei ushishirensis Obydov et Saldaitis 8 (7) Pronotum more convex, median longitudinal line usually indistinct; secondary and tertiary elytral interspaces reduced; elytral striae less coarse; sternal sulci absent; pronotum red, elytra reddish bronze, red, bronze, greenish bronze or green. Urup and Simushir Islands (Kuril Archipelago)................................................................................ Carabus (Ainocarabus) avinovi Semenov-Tian-Shansky et Znojko, 1932 (Fig. 1) Carabus (Acoptolabrus) avinovi Semenov-Tian-Shansky et Znojko, 1932: 187 ("Central Sakhalin"). 173 Acta entomologica slovenica, 15 (2), 2007 Carabus (Ainocarabus) avinovi: Lafer, 1989: 107; Brezina, 1994: 70; Shilenkov, 1994: 69; Kryzhanovskij et al., 1995: 49; Obydov, 1999: 115; Obydov, 2005: 70. Carabus (Megodontus) avinovi: Deuve, 1991: 153; Deuve, 1994: 251; Imura et Mizusawa, 1996: 71, 213; Ghiretti, 1996: 330; Schütze et Kleinfeld, 1997: 16, 176; 1999: 214; Kleinfeld et Schütze, 1998: 39; 1999: 39; Brezina, 1999: 73; Osawa et al., 2002: 149, 221; Deuve, 2004: 364 (part.). Type locality: The species has been described from central Sakhalin Island, from the area of the Russian-Japanese border (50°N lat.). Description: Body length 20.0-23.5 mm. Head not thickened or slightly thickened; eyes strongly convex; mandibles elongate, slightly curved; retinaculum of the right and left mandibles triangular, moderately prominent; surface of mandibles smooth. Frontal furrows relatively long and shallow; sometimes conjugated, inside smooth or with sparse coarse punctures. Frons smooth, vertex and neck coarsely-punctured, sometimes with few coarse wrinkles. Labrum much wider than clypeus, slightly notched, without lateral setae. Antennae long, protruding beyond the base of pronotum by 4-5 apical joints; palpi slightly or moderately dilated; penultimate joint of the labial palpi with 4-5 setae. Mentum tooth very narrow, longer than lateral lobes; submentum without setiferous pores. Prothorax narrow, broadest at about middle. Pronotum with coarse punctures and wrinkles. Median longitudinal line distinct; basal foveae oval, deep, inside coarsely-punctured. Sides of pronotum narrowly margined, its margin broader and slightly bent upwards posteriorly; lobes of hind angles very short, slightly bent downwards. Lateral margin with 2 setiferous pores: one pore at about middle and one pore near hind angle. Elytra oblong-oval, moderately convex, widest at about middle; shoulders slightly prominent; sides of elytra broadly margined. Elytral sculpture heterogeneous, very rough: primary elytral interspaces interrupted into long links by big and coarse foveoles, secondary interrupted into rather short links, tertiary elytral interspaces represented by rows of small tubercles and partially reduced, all elytral interspaces conjugated transversely; striae coarsely punctured. Metepisternum smooth, longer than its width. Abdominal sternites smooth; sternal sulci absent. Legs long; fore male tarsi with four dilated segments bearing hairy pads. Aedeagus evenly curved; apical lamella of aedeagus not dilated; endophallus with narrow unilobate ostium lobe. Pronotum bronze, red, or reddish bronze; elytra bronze, green, or greenish bronze, with metallic lustre. Mandibles, palpi, antennae, legs and ventral body surface black or blackish-brown. Distribution: Endemic of South Sakhalin and Moneron Island. The species was not found in the central part of Sakhalin Island (type locality) by recent collectors. Habitat: The species inhabits mixed forests and fir forests at altitudes from 100 to 800 m above sea level, rarely it occurs in dwarf-pine elfin wood and bamboo brakes; it is a rare species. 174 Dmitry Obydov: Review of the subgenus Aìnocarabus Mandl, 1973 of the Russian Far East (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Type material examined: Holotype of Carabus avinovi: female with three labels "Sakhalin, D. Bekendorf", "Carabus (Acoptolabrus) avinovi Sem. et Zn., typ., Semenov-Tian-Shansky et Znojko det., XII.931", "Holotypus" (ZIN). Additional material examined: 3 males, 3 females, South Sakhalin, Chekhova Mt., dwarf-pine elfin wood, VII.1970, L. Molodova leg. (ZIN); female, Sakhalin, Uzhegorsk dist, Igara Mt., Krivolutzkaia leg. (ZIN); male, female, Chekhova Mt., 4.VIII.967 (ZIN); female, Chekhova Mt., bamboo brakes (ZIN); male, Sakhalin, Chekhova Mt, 20.VI.73 (ZMMU); female, Sakhalin, Susunaisky Ridge, Chekhova Mt, 22.VI.84, Klitin leg. (ZMMU); male, female, Sakhalin, Yuzhnosakhalinsk, 15.7.90, Sazonov leg. (CDM); male, Sakhalin, Kholmsky dist, Pozharskoe vil., 14.8.77, V. Kuznetzov leg. (CDM); 2 males, 2 females, South Sakhalin, Chekhova Mt, 450 m, 18.VI. 1990, S. Sharikov leg. (COM); 2 males, female, South Sakhalin, Chekhova Mt, 600 m, 16.VI. 1989, D. Obydov leg. (COM); 2 males, female, Sakhalin, Chekhova Mt, 26.VI-8.VII.1973, A. Sladkov leg. (TMB); male, female, Sakhalin, Chekhova Mt, VI.1974 (TMB); 5 males, 5 females, South Sakhalin, Krilion Peninsula, Kalinino vil. env., VII.1992, A. Plutenko leg. (CPS); 20 males, 24 female, South Sakhalin, Chekhova Mt, 24.VIII-6.IX.1970, Tikhomirova leg. (ZMMU). Carabus (Ainocarabus) kolbei Roeschke, 1897 Carabus kolbei Roeschke, 1897: 116 ("China"). Carabus (?Pseudocoptolabrus) kolbei: Jakobson, 1905: 217. Carabus (Megodontus) kolbei: Breuning, 1935: 1281. Carabus (Ainocarabus) kolbei: Lafer, 1989: 107; Brezina, 1994: 70; Shilenkov, 1994: 69; Kryzhanovskij et al., 1995: 49; Obydov et Saldaitis, 1996: 3; Obydov, 1999: 115; Obydov, 2005: 72. Carabus (Megodontus) kolbei: Deuve, 1991: 153; Deuve, 1994: 250; Imura et Mizusawa, 1996: 71, 214; Ghiretti, 1996: 329; Schütze et Kleinfeld, 1997: 176; 1999: 215; Kleinfeld et Schütze, 1998: 39; 1999: 39; Brezina, 1999: 74; Osawa et al., 2002: 138, 149; Deuve, 2004: 363 (part.). Type locality: Hokkaido. The original reference of the type locality "China" is wrong. The original description was evidently based on specimens from Hokkaido. Description: Body length 20.0-29.2 mm. Head thickened or slightly thickened; eyes strongly convex; mandibles elongate, evenly or slightly curved; retinaculum of the right and left mandibles triangular, strongly prominent; surface of mandibles smooth. Frontal furrows short or long, shallow; inside smooth; sometimes conjugated transversely. Frons smooth, vertex and neck nearly smooth or with sparse punctures, often frons, vertex and neck with few coarse wrinkles; sometimes frons, vertex and neck smooth; rarely vertex and neck with few shallow punctures. Labrum wider than clypeus, slightly or moderately notched, with 2 lateral setae. Antennae long, protruding beyond 175 Acta entomologica slovenica, 15 (2), 2007 the base of pronotum by 4-5 apical joints; palpi moderately or strongly dilated; penultimate joint of the labial palpi with 3-7 setae. Mentum tooth narrow or very narrow, triangular, slightly longer or much longer than lateral lobes; submentum without setiferous pores. Prothorax narrow, cordiform, broadest before middle; sometimes prothorax relatively narrow, convex, not cordiform or weakly cordiform, broadest at about middle. Pronotum with dense or sparse coarse punctures and wrinkles, laterally with more rough sculpture, sometimes posteriorly with short coarse wrinkles. Median longitudinal line distinct, sometimes indistinct; basal foveae deep or shallow, inside coarsely-punctured or coarsely-wrinkled. Sides of pronotum narrowly margined, usually its margin broader and slightly bent upwards posteriorly; lobes of hind angles relatively short, triangular or very short, evenly rounded, slightly bent downwards. Lateral margin with 2-3 setiferous pores. Elytra oblong-oval, narrow, moderately convex or relatively broad, convex, widest at about middle or behind middle; shoulders prominent or slightly prominent; sides of elytra narrowly or broadly margined. Primary elytral interspaces integral, keel-shaped; secondaries finely rugged, represented by rows of small tubercles; tertiaries reduced; striae broad, transversely-wrinkled. Metepisternum smooth, longer than its width. Abdominal sternites smooth; sternal sulci absent. Legs long or relatively long; fore male tarsi with four dilated segments bearing hairy pads. Pronotum usually bronze, reddish bronze, or greenish bronze; elytra green or greenish bronze, with metallic lustre; sometimes pronotum constantly red, elytra reddish bronze or bronze. Mandibles, palpi, antennae, legs and ventral body surface black or blackish-brown. Distribution: Hokkaido and Kuril Archipelago, north to Ushishir Islands. Remark: A considerable number of subspecies of C. kolbei are described, the majority of which occur in Hokkaido, and only four subspecies are known from Russia, namely in the South and Central Kuril Islands. The taxa from Hokkaido are not included in this work. Habitat: The species mostly inhabits montane regions, rarely foothills and plains. The species is represented by four subspecies in the fauna of Russian Far East: C. k. aino Rost, 1908; C. k. chishimanus (Nakane, 1961); C. k. ushishirensis Obydov et Saldaitis, 1996 and C. k. urupiensis ssp. n. Carabus (Ainocarabus) kolbei aino Rost, 1908 (Fig. 2) Carabus aino Rost, 1908: 32 ("Hokkaido"). Carabus (Megodontus) aino: Breuning, 1935: 1282. Procrustes (Megodontus) aino: Ishikawa, 1966: 458. 176 Dmitry Obydov: Review of the subgenus Aìnocarabus Mandl, 1973 of the Russian Far East (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Carabus {Aìnocarabus) kolbei aino: Lafer, 1989: 107 (part.); Brezina, 1994: 70 (part.); Shilenkov, 1994: 69; Kryzhanovskij et al., 1995: 49; Obydov et Saldaitis, 1996: 3; Obydov, 1999: 116; Obydov, 2005: 73. Carabus (Megodontus) kolbei aino: Deuve, 1994: 251; Imura et Mizusawa, 1996: 71, 214; Ghiretti, 1996: 329; Schütze et Kleinfeld, 1997: 176; 1999: 215; Kleinfeld et Schütze, 1998: 40; 1999: 39; Brezina, 1999: 74; Osawa et al., 2002: 83; Deuve, 2004: 363 (part.). Type locality: The species was described from "Hokkaido" (evidently from northeastern Hokkaido Island). Description: Body length 20.0-22.5 mm. Head slightly thickened; eyes strongly convex; mandibles elongate, evenly curved; retinaculum of the right and left mandibles triangular, strongly prominent; surface of mandibles smooth. Frontal furrows long and shallow; inside smooth. Frons smooth, vertex and neck nearly smooth or with sparse punctures, sometimes frons, vertex and neck with few coarse wrinkles. Labrum wider than clypeus, slightly or moderately notched, with 2 lateral setae. Antennae long, protruding beyond the base of pronotum by 5 apical joints; palpi moderately dilated; penultimate joint of the labial palpi with 3-7 setae. Mentum tooth very narrow, triangular, longer than lateral lobes; submentum without setiferous pores. Prothorax narrow, cordiform, broadest before middle. Pronotum with coarse punctures and wrinkles, laterally with more rough sculpture. Median longitudinal line distinct; basal foveae deep, inside coarsely-punctured. Sides of pronotum narrowly margined, its margin broader and slightly bent upwards posteriorly; lobes of hind angles relatively short, triangular, slightly bent downwards. Lateral margin with 2 setiferous pores: one pore at about middle and one pore near hind angle. Elytra oblong-oval, narrow, moderately convex, widest at about middle; shoulders slightly prominent; sides of elytra narrowly margined. Primary elytral interspaces integral, keel-shaped; secondary finely rugged, represented by rows of small tubercles; tertiaries reduced; striae broad, transversely-wrinkled. Metepisternum smooth, longer than its width. Abdominal sternites smooth; sternal sulci absent. Legs long; fore male tarsi with four dilated segments bearing hairy pads. Pronotum bronze, reddish bronze or greenish bronze; elytra green or greenish bronze, with metallic lustre. Mandibles, palpi, antennae, legs and ventral body surface black or blackish-brown. Distribution: North-eastern Hokkaido, Shikotan Island, Kunashir Island (South Kuril Archipelago). Habitat: The species inhabit mountains, foothills and plains; it is relatively rare. Material examined: male, Hokkaido-Japan, Tomamu, 9.VIII.1989, H. Sasaki leg. (COM); male, Kunashir Isl., Alekhino vil. env., 14.VII.1962, Konovalova leg. (ZIN); male, Shikotan Isl., Small Kuril Isl., 10.VI.1946, N. Kononov leg. (ZIN); male, 177 Acta entomologica slovenica, 15 (2), 2007 Kunashir Isl., Sernovodsk env., 9.VIII.1968, Nikolaev leg. (ZIN); female, Kunashir Isl., Kuril Arch., Kurilsk env., IX.1956, Vasiliev leg. (ZIN); female, Kunashir Isl., Alekhino, Dorokhov leg. (ZIN); female, Kuril Arch., Kunashir Isl., Alekhino vil., Anufriev leg. (ZIN); Kuril Arch., Kunashir Isl., Tretiakovo vil., 25.VII.1970, Loktin leg. (ZIN); 2 males, Kunashir Isl., Alekhino vil. env., 18.8.1982, Kuznetzov leg. (CDM); male, Kunashir Isl., to the south from Golovina volc., 24.4.1990 (CDM); female, Kunashir Isl., Tretiakovo, 6.8.1982, Kuznetzov leg. (CDM); male, Kunashir Isl., Tretiakovo, 31.VII.1985, N. Nikitsky leg. (ZMMU); 3 males, female, southern slopes of Golovina volc., 21.VIII-1.X.1990, S. Pushkarev leg. (COM); male, female, Kunashir Isl., 5 km from Yuzhnokurilsk to the north, 26.8.1997, Yu. Marusik leg. (COM); male, Kunashir Isl., Kisly Stream, coniferous forest, 29.VII-6.VIII.1999, A. Klitin leg. (COM). Carabus (Ainocarabus) kolbei chishimanus (Nakane, 1961) (Fig. 3) Procrustes (Megodontus) aino chishimanus Nakane, 1961: 3 ("Iturup"). Carabus (Ainocarabus) kolbei chishimanus: Lafer, 1989: 107 (part.); Brezina, 1994: 70; Shilenkov, 1994: 69; Kryzhanovskij et al., 1995: 49; Obydov et Saldaitis, 1996: 3; Obydov, 1999: 116; Obydov, 2005: 75. Carabus (Megodontus) kolbei chishimanus: Deuve, 1994: 251; Ghiretti, 1996: 330; Schütze et Kleinfeld, 1997: 22, 176; 1999: 215; Kleinfeld et Schütze, 1998: 40; 1999: 39; Brezina, 1999: 74; Deuve, 2004: 363 (part.). Type locality: Iturup Island (South Kuril Archipelago). Description: Body length 20.5-23.0 mm. Head moderately thickened; eyes strongly convex; mandibles elongate, evenly curved; retinaculum of the right and left mandibles triangular, prominent; surface of mandibles smooth. Frontal furrows shallow; inside smooth, conjugated transversely. Frons smooth, vertex and neck nearly smooth, sometimes vertex with few coarse wrinkles, neck with sparse punctures. Labrum wider than clypeus, slightly notched, with 2 lateral setae. Antennae long, protruding beyond the base of pronotum by 5 apical joints; palpi moderately dilated; penultimate joint of the labial palpi with 4 setae. Mentum tooth narrow, triangular, slightly longer than lateral lobes; submentum without setiferous pores. Prothorax relatively narrow, cordiform, broadest before middle. Pronotum with coarse punctures and wrinkles, laterally with more rough sculpture, posteriorly with short coarse wrinkles. Median longitudinal line distinct; basal foveae not deep, inside coarsely-wrinkled. Sides of pronotum narrowly margined; lobes of hind angles relatively short, triangular, slightly bent downwards. Lateral margin with 2 setiferous pores: one pore at about middle and one pore near hind angle. Elytra oblong-oval, relatively narrow, moderately convex, widest at about middle; shoulders slightly prominent; sides of elytra narrowly margined. Primary elytral interspaces integral, keel-shaped; secondary finely rugged, less distinct than in C. 178 Dmitry Obydov: Review of the subgenus Aìnocarabus Mandl, 1973 of the Russian Far East (Coleoptera: Carabidae) kolbei aino; tertiaries reduced; elytral striae broader and more rough than in C. kolbei aino. Metepisternum smooth, longer than its width. Abdominal sternites smooth; sternal sulci absent. Legs long; fore male tarsi with four dilated segments bearing hairy pads. Pronotum bronze or reddish-bronze, elytra green or bronze with metallic lustre; mandibles, palpi, antennae, legs and ventral body surface black. Remark: This subspecies is very close to C. kolbei aino Rost, however it differs from the latter by longer body, slightly broader pronotum and elytra, less distinct secondary elytral interspaces and more rough elytral striae. Distribution: Only one population from Iturup Island is known. Habitat: The species inhabits mountains and foothills; rare. Material examined: 2 males, Iturup Isl., 18.VIII.1975 (COM); male, Iturup Isl., Kurilsk environs, 5.VIII.1973 (CCH). Carabus (Ainocarabus) kolbei ushishirensis Obydov et Saldaitis, 1996 (Figs. 5,6) Carabus (Ainocarabus) kolbei ushishirensis Obydov et Saldaitis, 1996: 1 ("Ushishir Islands: Yankicha Island"); Obydov, 1999: 117; Obydov, 2005: 76. Carabus (Megodontus) kolbei ushishirensis: Ghiretti, 1996: 328 (supplement 2, 1997); Schütze et Kleinfeld, 1997: 68, 176; 1999: 215; Kleinfeld et Schütze, 1998: 40; 1999: 39; Brezina, 1999: 74; Deuve, 2004: 364. Type locality: Ushishir Islands (Central part of Kuril Archipelago): Yankicha Island, northern and south-eastern part of Kraternaya Bight. Description: Body length 21.5-27.0 mm. Head thickened; eyes strongly convex; mandibles narrow, long, slightly curved; retinaculum of the right and left mandibles triangular, strongly prominent; surface of mandibles smooth. Frontal furrows short and shallow; inside smooth. Frons, vertex and neck smooth; rarely vertex and neck with few shallow punctures. Labrum wider than clypeus, slightly or moderately notched, with 2 lateral setae. Antennae protruding beyond the base of pronotum by 4-5 apical joints; palpi strongly dilated; penultimate joint of the labial palpi with 4 setae. Mentum tooth very narrow, much longer than lateral lobes; submentum without setiferous pores. Prothorax convex, not cordiform or weakly cordiform, broadest at about middle. Pronotum with sparse coarse punctures and wrinkles, laterally with more rough sculpture. Median longitudinal line distinct; basal foveae not deep, inside coarsely-punctured. Sides of pronotum narrowly margined, its margin slightly bent upwards; lobes of hind angles very short, evenly rounded, slightly bent downwards. Lateral margin with 2-3 setiferous pores. 179 Acta entomologica slovenica, 15 (2), 2007 Elytra oblong-oval, relatively broad, convex, widest at about middle or behind middle; shoulders prominent; sides of elytra broadly margined. Primary elytral interspaces integral, keel-shaped; secondary finely rugged, represented by rows of small tubercles; tertiaries reduced; striae broad, transversely-wrinkled. Metepisternum smooth, longer than its width. Abdominal sternites smooth; sternal sulci absent. Legs relatively long; fore male tarsi with four dilated segments bearing hairy pads. Body larger and robust; pronotum constantly red, elytra reddish bronze, bronze, rarely greenish bronze. Mandibles, palpi, antennae, legs and ventral body surface black or blackish-brown. Distribution: Ushishir Islands (Yankicha) and Ketoy Island. Habitat: The beetles were collected on grassy slopes. A number of specimens were found in hot springs; very rare. Type material examined: Holotype of Carabus kolbei ushishirensis: male with two labels, "Ushishir Islands, Yankicha, N and SE part of Kraternaya, 47°30'N, 152°48'E, 20.VIII.1995, Yu. Marusik leg." and "Holotypus, Carabus (Ainocarabus) kolbei ushishirensis ssp. n, D. Obydov et A. Saldaitis det., 1996" (COM); Paratypes: 3 males, 2 females, each specimen with two labels, "Ushishir Islands, Yankicha, N and SE part of Kraternaya, 47°30'N, 152°48'E, 20.VIII.1995, Yu. Marusik leg." and "Paratypus, Carabus (Ainocarabus) kolbei ushishirensis ssp. n, D. Obydov et A. Saldaitis det., 1996" (COM, CDM). Carabus (Ainocarabus) kolbei urupiensis ssp. n. (Fig. 4) Holotype: female, South Kuril Islands, Urup Island, north-western coast of Tokotan Lake, 21-29.VII. 2006, A. K. Klitin leg.; Papatypes: 1 female, 21-29.VII. 2006, 1 male (with the deformed elytrae) and 1 female, 29.VII-2.VIII.2006, same locality. Remark: The female is designated as holotype since the single male is a teratological specimen. Description: Body length in male 24.7 mm (including mandibles), width 7.8 mm; body length in females 24.5-29.2 mm, width 8.0-8.6 mm. Head thickened, ratio width of pronotum/width of head 1.95; eyes moderately convex; mandibles narrow, relatively long, slightly incurved; terebral tooth of the right and left mandibles unidentate, moderately prominent; retinaculum of the right and left mandibles slightly prominent; surface of mandibles smooth. Frontal furrows deep and long, inside nearly smooth. Frons and vertex smooth, neck with sparse punctures. Labrum slightly wider than clypeus, very slightly notched, with two lateral setae. Antennae protruding beyond the base of pronotum by 4 apical segments; palpi 180 Dmitry Obydov: Review of the subgenus Aìnocarabus Mandl, 1973 of the Russian Far East (Coleoptera: Carabidae) moderately dilated; penultimate segment of the maxillary palpi equal to the last segment; penultimate segment of the labial palpi with 4 setae. Mentum tooth triangular, narrow, much longer than lateral lobes; submentum without setiferous pores. Prothorax transverse, slightly cordiform, strongly convex, broadest at about middle; ratio width/length 1.28. Pronotum with coarse punctures and wrinkles, its punctation more rough and dense laterally. Median longitudinal line usually indistinct, sometimes distinct; basal foveae triangular, deep, inside with coarse wrinkles. Sides of pronotum narrowly margined, its margin broader and bent upwards posteriorly; lobes of hind angles very short, evenly rounded, bent downwards. Lateral margin with 2 setiferous pores: one pore at about middle and one pore near hind angle. Elytra oval or oblong-oval, broad, convex, widest at about middle or behind middle; shoulders prominent; sides of elytra broadly margined. Ratio length/width 1.87; ratio width of elytrae/width of pronotum 1.43. Primary elytral interspaces integral, keel-shaped; secondaries and tertiaries reduced; striae broad, transversely-wrinkled. Metepisternum smooth, slightly longer than its width. Abdominal sternites smooth; sternal sulci absent. Legs of normal length; anterior male tarsi with four dilated segments bearing hairy pads. Coloration: pronotum red, elytra reddish bronze, red, bronze, greenish bronze or green. Mandibles, palpi, antennae, legs and ventral body surface black. Differential diagnosis The new subspecies is closely related to Carabus (Aìnocarabus) kolbei ushishirensis Obydov et Saldaitis, 1996 but strongly differs from the latter by following features: pronotum more convex, median longitudinal line less distinct; secondary and tertiary elytral interspaces reduced (in C. kolbei ushishirensis secondary elytral interspaces represented by rows of small tubercles); elytral striae less coarse; sternal sulci absent; in general body longer 24.5-29.2 mm (in C. kolbei ushishirensis body length is 21.5-27.0 mm). Distribution: Urup and Simushir Islands. Habitat: The beetles were collected in the thickets of Filipendula camtschatica at the north-western coast of Tokotan Lake. Probably it is a very rare subspecies. Acknowledgements I wish to express my heartily gratitude to Dr. Andrey K. Klitin (South-Sakhalinsk) for providing me the opportunity to study the collection and photos, and for other support. 181 Acta entomologica slovenica, 15 (2), 2007 Fig. 1: Carabus avinovi (South Sakhalin) Fig. 2: Carabus kolbei alno (Kunashir M.) Fig. 3: Carabus kolbei chishimanus Fig. 4: Carabus kolbei urupiensis ssp. n. (Iturup Isl.) (Urup Isl.) (Holotype). 182 Dmitry Obydov: Review of the subgenus Ainocarabus Mandl, 1973 of the Russian Far East (Coleoptera: Carabidae) Fig. 5: Carabus kolbei ushishirensis Fig. 6: Carabus kolbei ushishirensis (Ushishir Islands, Yankicha) (Holotype). (Ketoy Isl.) (Photos 2,3,4,6 by A. Klitin; photos 1,5 by D. Obydov). Fig. 7: Map of Hokkaido, South Sakhalin and the Kuril Archipelago: distribution of C. (Ainocarabus) avinovi (1); C. (Ainocarabus) kolbei aino (2); C. (Ainocarabus) kolbei chishimanus (3); C. (Ainocarabus) kolbei ushishirensis (4) and C. (Ainocarabus) kolbei urupiensis (5). References Breuning S., 1935. Monographie der Gattung Carabus. 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