c e p s Journal | V ol.10 | N o 3 | Y ear 2020 145 Development of an Albanian Version of the Questionnaire on Teacher-Student Interaction Edona Berisha Kida* 1 and Theodhori Karaj 2 • A questionnaire for studying teacher-student interaction in Albanian contexts was developed with extensive coverage in the field of educa - tional psychology. The purpose was to adapt and develop an Albanian version of the widely used tool, the Questionnaire on Teacher-Student Interaction. The teacher-student relationship has been found to be very significant in many studies. Students’ academic achievements, emo - tional and social development, classroom group dynamics, and school dropouts are just some of the issues to be influenced by the nature of the established teacher-student relationship. To better measure students’ perceptions of teachers, clinical scientific data on personality interac - tions have been adapted and transferred to the contexts of education. With a sample of 300 subjects, the Questionnaire on Teacher-Student Interaction underwent necessary procedures and statistical analyses. Consequently, the original American version of 64 items resulted in 54 items in the Albanian version. Results confirm the reliability and valid - ity of the questionnaire in the Albanian language and reconfirm its gen - eral usage for diverse cultures and contexts. Finally, through this study, the dimensions of teacher-student interactions were also measured and documented in the Kosovo context. Keywords: Albanian version of the QTSI, dynamics of human interac - tion, students’ perceptions of teachers in primary schools, validity of the QTSI, psychometric approach to measuring circular data 1 *Corresponding Author. Faculty of Education/Pristine University, Kosovo; edona.berisha-kida@uni-pr.edu. 2 Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana, Albania. doi: 10.26529/cepsj.451 146 development of an albanian version of the questionnaire on teacher-student ... Razvoj albanske različice vprašalnika o interakciji med učiteljem in učencem Edona Berisha Kida in Theodhori Karaj • Oblikovan je bil vprašalnik za preučevanje interakcij med učiteljem in učencem v albanskih kontekstih z obsežnim pokrivanjem na podro - čju pedagoške psihologije. Namen je bil prilagoditi in razviti albansko različico široko uporabljenega orodja, t. i. vprašalnika o interakciji uči - telja in učenca (QTSI). V veliko raziskavah je bila ugotovljena ključna vloga odnosa med učiteljem in učencem. Akademski dosežki učencev, čustveni in socialni razvoj, skupinska dinamika v razredu in osip so le nekatera vprašanja, na katera vpliva narava vzpostavljenega odnosa med učiteljem in učencem. Da lahko bolje izmerimo, kako učenci dojemajo učitelje, so klinični znanstveni podatki o osebnostnih interakcijah pri - lagojeni in preneseni v kontekst izobraževanja. Na vzorcu 300 učencev je vprašalnik o interakciji učitelja in učenca prestal potrebne postopke in statistične analize. Posledično se je izvirna ameriška različica, ki sicer vsebuje 64 elementov, izražala v 54 elementih albanske različice. Rezul - tati kažejo na zanesljivost in veljavnost vprašalnika v albanskem jeziku ter ponovno potrjujejo njegovo splošno uporabo v različnih kulturah in kontekstih. S to študijo smo tudi merili in dokumentirali dimenzije interakcij med učitelji in učenci v kosovskem kontekstu. Ključne besede: albanska različica QTSI, dinamika človekove interakcije, dojemanja učiteljev z vidika učencev v osnovnih šolah, veljavnost QTSI, psihometrični pristop k merjenju krožnih podatkov c e p s Journal | V ol.10 | N o 3 | Y ear 2020 147 Introduction Human interaction The effect of social interaction on the development and dynamics of per - sonality has become an area of interest that is addressed by many disciplines of psychology such as behavioural, social, organisational, educational psychology, the psychology of communication, among others. Social interaction is essential for the development of basic cognitive con - cepts to the more complex ones such as the development of self-concept. The mu - tual relationship of human interaction, the way individual psychology is socially influenced, and the way human behaviour further influences the social context are explained through different theories. For example, theories of psycho-social devel - opment (led by Erikson, 1959, 1963) have explained the development of personal - ity at different stages by overcoming psycho-social crises; psychodynamic theories have explained how social interaction influences emotional development; behav - iourism and social learning theories (including the cognitive perspective in educa - tion) have explained how individuals develop the cognition and learning processes through social context interaction; systemic theories involving the ecological and family perspectives have explained the dependency of behaviour on macro and mi - crosystems, among others. (Ginsburg & Opper, 1969; Vata, Haith, & Miller, 2007). Later, social psychologists addressed research issues related to the way how the social context and inner experiences, such as thoughts (cognition) and emotions (affective domain), predict individual behaviour (Fisher, Fraser, & Cresswell, 1995). The impact of interpersonal relationships on the individual’s psyche is also addressed in the field of clinical psychology. Leary’s interpersonal relation - ship model (1957) is perhaps the most accepted and proven to be effective in the clinical field (Strack, 1996). This model introduces two-dimensional dynamics of human interaction, one of the domination/control and the other of proxim - ity/love. Studies show that this model is applicable on the intercultural basis (Wubbels, Den Brok, Van Tartwijk, & Levy, 2012). The importance of knowing the teacher-student relationships Through his experiments Norman Triplet (1897) documented that as a result of competitive drives, the individual’s efforts increase by the presence of another person (but decreases by the group growth and responsibility shar - ing); the impact of human interaction as a promoter or deprivation of success became a reference focal point for studies (Fisher et al., 1995). 148 development of an albanian version of the questionnaire on teacher-student ... Given the fact that social interaction affects the development of person - ality in different forms, while personal traits and concepts affect the individual’s performance, educational psychology began to study the influence of social contexts and, in particular, the impact of teacher-student relationships and other classroom dynamics on cognitive and emotional processes (Fisher et al., 1995; Den Brok, 2001; Den Brok, Fisher, & Rickards, 2006). The social comparison theory states that depending on personal experi - ences, an individual forms thoughts of self (self-concept), according to which he/she develops certain positive or negative feelings toward him/herself. Self- concept and self-esteem are formed by psychic responses to interpersonal, de - velopmental experiences, to further directly influence the behaviour and suc - cess of the individual (Fisher & Richards, 1998; Frenzel, Goetz, Lüdtke, Pekrun, & Sutton, 2009). Therefore, the learning process that is part of various develop - mental phases has started to be elaborated through an interpersonal perspec - tive. This perspective addresses communication systems and teacher-student relationships that have been shown to influence not only cognitive but emo - tional processes as well (Frenzel et al., 2009; Fried, Mansfield, & Dobozy, 2015). Academic achievements, emotional, and social development, and the number of school dropouts are just some of the issues shown to be influenced by the nature of established relationships between students and teachers (Den Brok, 2001; Fisher & Rickards, 1998; Frenzel et al., 2009; Fraser et al., 2010; Fried et al., 2015; Muller, Katz, & Dance, 1999). The students’ cognitive results proved to be closely related to the friend - ly, supportive, leading, and strict behaviour of teachers. The more friendly, sup - portive, leading and strict the behaviour of the teacher is, the greater the stu - dents’ success and vice versa (Fisher et al., 1995; Fisher & Rickards, 1998). Thus, interpersonal behaviour has been shown to be a strong aspect of the learning environment, and it is akin to the academic achievements of students. Psychological Model of Human Interaction in the Educational Context and Development of the Questionnaire for Teacher- Student Interaction (QTSI) Wubbels, Creton, and Hooymayers in 1985 laid the foundations of the Teacher Interpersonal Behaviour Model (TIBM) (Wubbels et al., 1985). They ex - panded Leary’s (1957) idea of a clinical model for personality diagnosis based on interpersonal behaviour. The TIBM is built on two dimensions of interpersonal interaction between teachers and students. This model is presented in Figure 1. Its dimensions are 1) the proximity dimension that varies between cooperative and c e p s Journal | V ol.10 | N o 3 | Y ear 2020 149 opposite behaviour, and 2) the influence dimension that varies between domi - nant and submissive behaviour. These dimensions are placed within a coordinate axis: the influence dimension as the dominant-submissive (DS) line is placed in the vertical axis while the proximity dimension as the cooperative-opposition (CO) line on the horizontal axis (Fisher & Rickards, 1998; Wubbels et al., 2012). Figure 1. TIBM Model within the Coordinate Axis Different sectors exhibiting specific behaviour conform to the variabil - ity within the coordinate axis are set and form a circle (circular) presented in Figure 2. The variable behaviours on the coordinate axis are Leader, Support - ive/Friendly, Understanding, Student’s Responsibility, Uncertain, Unsatisfied, Admonishing, and Strict Behaviour (Den Brok, Fisher, & Rickards, 2006, 1998; Wubbles & Brekelmans, 2005). Figure 2: Interaction model in the educational context. Model for interpersonal teacher behaviour. Adapted from Wubbles & Brekelmans, 2005, p. 9. Dominance Submission Cooperation Proximity Influence Opposition 150 development of an albanian version of the questionnaire on teacher-student ... As can be seen in Figure 2, the two dimensions are presented through two axes, which extend the eight types of teacher behaviour. The characteristics of this model are eight sectors of behaviour that are presented in two dimen - sions; the two dimensions are negatively correlated; sectors can be equally dis - tributed in the circumplex. One sector has the highest correlation with the nearest sector within the circumplex and the lowest correlation with the reverse ones. Sectors are named depending on the position within the coordinate axis. For example: being a leader and supportive/cooperative; both types of these behaviours are characterised by dominance (D) and cooperation (C), but in the first case (being a leader) domi - nance predominates cooperation (DC), while in the second case (being support - ive/cooperative) the opposite occurs (CD) (Den Brok et al., 2006). To accurately measure students’ perceptions of teachers and the develop - ment of their interpersonal relationships, Wubbles and his colleagues developed the Questionnaire on Teacher-Student Interaction (QTSI), which further sup - ported the TIBM model (Wubbels et al., 2012). The TIBM model is well reflected in the questionnaire, with which certain types of interaction are measured under different subtests. Despite representing students’ perceptions of teachers’ interac - tion habits, QTSI is also useful to enable teachers’ to reflect upon their classroom behaviours and to use its findings as a basis for behavioural modification. Com - parison of the results on the Ideal Self (which can be presented if the teacher fills out the questionnaire by alluding to what he/she would like his/her professional performance to be), the Real Self (filling out the questionnaire on a maximum realistic way by the teachers) and the Self perceived by students (when the QTSI is filled out by the students) would further support reflection on the dynamics of teachers’ interactive habits and professional work (Fisher & Rickards, 1995, 1998). Adaptations of the QTSI Questionnaire Following the initial QTSI application in the Netherlands, it was sup - ported and adapted from many countries such as Australia, Canada, Greece, Is - rael, Slovenia, Serbia, Turkey, Korea, Taiwan, Indonesia, Singapore and United States (Den Brok et al., 2006). The Dutch, American, and Australian versions of QTSI were developed after several pilot administrations and statistical analysis to achieve satisfactory psychometric traits (Wubbles & Brekelmans, 2005; Wubbles et al., 2012). The Dutch version, as the first and the original one, possessed 77 questions; the American one was reduced to 64 while the Australian version to 48 questions (Wubbels, Brekelmans, & Hermans, 1987; Wubbels & Levy, 1991). c e p s Journal | V ol.10 | N o 3 | Y ear 2020 151 QTSI has eight sub-tests. Answers are designed according to the Likert scale, from ‘Never’ to ‘ Always’ . Several studies have been conducted on the reliability and validity of the QTSI, where Cronbach’s Alpha was always higher than .70. The intercul - tural validity of the questionnaire (of the American version) was confirmed by Wubbles and Levy (1991) in a sample involving over 1600 students and approxi - mately 100 teachers (Fisher & Rickards, 1998; Wubbels et al., 2012). For more than 20 years, QTSI has been consistently reported to be an effective instrument for measuring teacher-student relationships (Den Brok et al., 2006; Passini, Molinari, & Speltini, 2015; Wubbels et al., 2012). Passini et al. documented QTSI’ s validity and reliability in different adaptations. This is sum - marised in Table 1 below. Table 1 Psychometric properties of QTSI in different versions and adaptations. Language Version N References Cronbach Individual (from-to) Cronbach Class Mean (from-to) Ability to differentiate between class Circumplex structure Dutch 77 Items 1105 Wubbles and Levy (1993) .74-.85 - - - English (Australian) 48 Items 3215 Richards and Fisher (1999) .62-.88 .72-.92 .17-.31 - English (Australian) 64 Items 726 Den Brok et al. (2006) .56-.86 .76-.96 .22-.35 Partially confirmed English (Australian) 64 Items 3994 Fisher et al. (1997) .63-.88 - .22-.35 - English (Singapore) 48 Items (primary) 1512 Chiew Goh and Fraser (1998) .50-.78 .73-.96 .13-.38 - English (US) 64 Items 1606 Wubbels and Levy (1991) .76-.84 - - - French 64 Items 799 Lapointe and Legauk (1999) .68-.93 - - Partially confirmed French 32 Items 1764 Lapointe and Legauk (1999) .62-.85 .89-.98 - Partially confirmed Greek 64 Items (primary) 1973 Kyriakides (2005) - .84-.94 - Confirmed Greek 48 Items 273 Kokkimos et al. (2009) .36-.76 - .12-.44 Confirmed Hebrew 64 Items 113 Kremer-Hayon and Wubbles (1993) .57-.83 - - - Malay 64 Items 2357 Den Brok et al. (2006) .57-.83 .75-.95 - Partially confirmed Malay 48 Items (primary) 3104 Scott and Fisher (2004) - .62-.86 .14-.24 Partially confirmed Korean 48 Items 543 Kim et al. (2000) .61-.83 - .14-.25 Confirmed Turkish 64 Items 674 Telli et al. (2007) .74-.97 - .24-.45 - Note. Adapted from Passini et al., 2015. 152 development of an albanian version of the questionnaire on teacher-student ... Current study objectives The main objective of this study is: 1. To adapt the American version of QTSI to the Albanian language. The further supporting objective is: 2. To apply the QTSI-Albanian version and represent an overview of stu - dents’ perceptions of teachers’ interaction habits in elementary schools of Kosovo. Research questions 1. To what extent does the construction of the QTSI Albanian version fit with the American version? 2. What are the elementary school students’ perceptions of their teachers’ interaction habits in Kosovo? Method Characteristics of Sample The data collection was a sample of 300 students with the following de - mographic characteristics: 145 females and 155 males, ranging from the 1 st to the 5 th grade (approx. 6-10 years old), coming from five municipalities, 10 different schools (see Tables 3) and 49 different classes (49 different teachers). The mu - nicipalities were: Prishtina, Fushë-Kosova, Obilic, Podujeva, and Drenas. For convenience in the application procedure and greater accuracy in the results, the sample had more students from the 3 rd , the 4 th , and the 5 th grades (see Tables 2). During the administration of the questionnaire, direct support was offered to all respondents in need. c e p s Journal | V ol.10 | N o 3 | Y ear 2020 153 Table 2 Sample distribution by class Class Frequency I 36 II 40 III 81 IV 82 V 61 Total 300 Table 3 Sample distribution by schools No. School Frequency 1 Xhemail Mustafa 30 2 Pavaresia 30 3 Meto Bajraktari 29 4 Iliria 36 5 Daut Bogujevci 30 6 Dëshmoret e Kombit 33 7 Kadri Kadriu 19 8 Mihal Grameno 30 9 Pandeli Sotiri 23 10 Xheladin Rekaliu 40 Total 300 Research Design and Procedure The following points summarise the procedural steps and the research’s design: 1. First, a draft research proposal was submitted to the Ministry of Educa - tion, Science, and Technology (MEST) in Kosovo to obtain their agree - ment and official approval regarding the application of the questionnaire in schools. 2. The authors‘ permissions were requested from the authors, including the representative author of QTSI and the professor of education at the Fac - ulty of Social and Behavioral Sciences at Utrecht University in Holland. 3. After obtaining an official permit from Prof. Wubbles, the translation process was started. The content validity of the questionnaire (Fraser, Aldridge, & Soerjaningsih, 2010) was achieved through an interdisci - plinary evaluation committee consisting of linguists, pedagogues, and psychologists in the Faculty of Education of the University of Prishtina. The commission revised and adapted the first version translated into Albanian. Then the questionnaire was submitted for back translation procedure. 4. The construct validity and reliability of the questionnaire (Fraser et al., 2010) were achieved through statistical procedures. 5. The questionnaire was conducted in two phases: 1) the pilot phase (con - sisting of 50 respondents), and 2) the total administration phase (con - sisting of up to 300 subjects involved). 154 development of an albanian version of the questionnaire on teacher-student ... 6. Particular attention was paid to the words used, as the answers depend on how the questions are understood (Fraser et al., 2010). After the pi - lot phase, the commission revised the questionnaire and consequently modified some of the questions, as the pilot results indicated that stu - dents found it difficult to understand the questions in which advanced expressions were used relative to their age and cognitive development. 7. The design of the study was completely randomised, and subjects were randomly selected (Fraser et al., 2010; Trochim, 2002). 8. The application procedure was conducted by previously trained students from the Faculty of Education. 9. The study procedure lasted six intensive months (November 2016–April 2017). Data analysis For the statistical data processing and analyses, the SPSS 22, AMOS 24 and Oriana 4 software were used. The following analyses were conducted: 1. First, the distribution of data was checked to determine which statisti - cal analysis are the most appropriate. The data distribution was analysed through measures of Skewness and Kurtosis. The normality or symmet - ric distribution was determined by calculating z-values for each sub- test. Shapiro-Wilk and Kolmogorov-Smirnov tests were also taken into account. 2. Factor analysis with Barlett and KaiserMeyer-Oltkin tests (KMO) to measure the internal validity of the instrument. 3. Alpha Cronbach to measure the reliability of the instrument. 4. Pearson’s linear bivariate correlation to measure the correlation be - tween sub-tests. 5. Kuiper Test to measure circumplex distribution. 6. Inferential A N O VA and Eta squared statistics to measure perception differences between classes. 7. Univariate analysis was used to generate an overview of students’ per - ceptions of teachers’ interaction habits. c e p s Journal | V ol.10 | N o 3 | Y ear 2020 155 Results Normal Distribution The sample consisted of 300 students divided by the age groups from the 1 st to the 5 th grades. They came from 10 different schools and had 49 different teachers (49 classes in total). Therefore, the data distribution of QTSI subtests was done by selecting each age group in relation to the respective teacher. These data turned out to be normally distributed. It is noteworthy that the Shapiro- Wilk test was more frequently taken into consideration since it appeared to be statistically more sensitive and more appropriate to the current sample size (Statistical Solutions, 2017). To increase the quality of the data, data cleansing and transformation was conducted. Data cleansing was done by identifying outliers by following the z-values of ± 3. To exclude outliers, they were transformed into missing values, and then all the missing values were transformed to the mean series’ values. In this case, the criteria that the frequency of transformed values to the mean series should not be greater than 5% was taken into account (Hinton, Brownlow, McMurray, & Cozens, 2004). After this data rearrangement, further data transformation was done through the Box-Cox method. With reference to this, traditional arithmetic methods such as ‘square root sqr’ and ‘log10’ , among others, were excluded. Thus, the Box-Cox method was selected as a more ad - vanced one (Osborne, 2010). After this transformation process, the subtests as holistic ones (i.e., the level of study not based on different teachers) resulted in being normally distributed. Factor analysis with Barlett and Kaiser Meyer-Oltkin tests Before starting factor analyses, Barlett’ s test for sphericity was conducted to determine whether there is a correlation between variables. The test result turned out to be of statistical significance. It was like a green light for continu - ing the factorial analysis since variables could be attributed to particular fac - tors. The value of p≤.05 in the Barlett test indicates that the responses collected about the issue being addressed are adequate. To further confirm the goodness of fit of the sample in order to use the factor analysis, the Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin test was applied. In general, small test values always indicate problems related to the sample; since the correct values should be above .5 (Kaiser, 1974). Thus, the result shown in Table 4 indicates that the sample was appropriate; therefore, the factor analysis could be applied. 156 development of an albanian version of the questionnaire on teacher-student ... Table 4 Results from KMO the Bartlett tests Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin Measure of Sampling Adequacy. .73 Bartlett’s Test of Sphericity Approx. Chi-Square 5789.596 DF2016 Sig. .00 There are two types of factorial analysis: exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analysis. The analysis offered by SPSS software is EFA. Since an instrument is being adopted but not constructed, CFA had to be used in this study. This analysis presents a more complex approach by testing the hy - pothesis that questions/items are related to particular factors (Pallant, 2013). So it tends to confirm an already developed model. This analysis should use the struc - tural equation modelling that is not provided with the SPSS program. Therefore, AMOS 24.0 software was used. This is added to SPSS and is particularly suitable for modelling structural equations; calculations can also be done by manually drawing graphical models (Statistical Solutions, 2017). For the use of this analysis in the current study, it is ensured that the variables are of continuous-scale and that the sample size is appropriate. Since the population of ‘The Low Primary School Students’ in Kosovo is 273,649 (Mekolli et al., 2017), then according to online software for sample size calculation, the sample of 259 subjects was shown to be adequate with 95% confidence level and interval 6 (Survey Systems, 2017). However, in the AMOS software, within the Input’s Covariance Matrix, the Boot - strap option was used to increase the measuring accuracy (Arbuckle, 2013). The Boots Factor increased from 1 to 4, which enabled the software to quadruple the sample size by using every observation four times. This was done due to the Chi- square Model Fit Analysis that requires a large number of subjects (mainly over 1000 subjects) (Arbuckle, 2013). Figures 3, 4, and 5 present an example of the model charts for some of the sub-tests and total QTSI-Albanian version. Figure 3. Sub-test ‘Understanding’ Figure 4. Sub-test ‘Uncertain’ c e p s Journal | V ol.10 | N o 3 | Y ear 2020 157 Figure 5. QTSI test with its sub-tests In all results, the links between the indicator and latent variables can be noticed, and regression weights are always high and/or moderate. Similarly, the covariance between items is addressed. On this basis, some modifications have been made. Ten (10) items/questions were removed as they were considered un - necessary due to their high covariance with other ones. These items were con - sidered adequately represented through other similar questions. The removed questions/items were 9, 10, 24, 27, 41, 42, 46, 59, 61, and 62. Thus, the QTSI- Albanian version remains with 54 items/questions in contrast to the original version’s 64. The following statistical tests/analyses are conducted to verify the good - ness of fit for each sub-test and for the entire instrument: 1. Chi-Square tests, 2. The Goodness of Fit (GFI), 3. Adjusted Goodness of Fit (AGFI), 4. Comparative Fit Index (CFI), 5. Less frequent root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA), and 6. Tucker and Lewis Index (TLI). All results from these analyses show maximum adaptability/suitability between the Albanian version of QTSI and the original one. Table 5 presents the results of the above-mentioned analyses for each subtest and for the whole instrument. 158 development of an albanian version of the questionnaire on teacher-student ... Table 5 Goodness of Fit indexes for the QTSI Albanian version Model Fit Analyses Prop. level Strict Leader Helping- Friendly Understanding Student Responsibility Uncertain Dissatisfied Admonishing Total QTSI Standard Values Chi-Square .10 .12 .81 .97 .83 .69 .74 .96 .35 ≥.05 GFI .99 .98 .99 .99 .99 .99 .99 1.00 .99 ≥.90 AGFI .97 .95 .97 .98 .99 .98 .97 .99 .96 ≥.90 RMSEA .00 .04 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .00 .02 ≤.05 CFI 1.00 .96 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 1.00 .99 ≥.90 TLI 1.07 .93 1.06 1.07 1.11 1.02 1.02 1.04 .93 ≥.90 It is noteworthy that the high Goodness of Fit values on the entire QTSI- Albanian version also confirm the circumplex nature/model of the instrument (Tinsley & Brown, 2000; Tracey, 2000). Reliability of the QTSI-Albanian version It should be noted that the reliability of an instrument is closely related to its validity (Tavakol & Dennick, 2011). Therefore, the factor analysis was first completed with a view to the model’s goodness of fit to be then followed by the reliability analysis. To verify the instrument’s reliability, the standard analysis developed by Lee Cronbach (1951) was used. The Alpha Cronbach coefficient indicates the extent to which (0 to 1) there is internal consistency within the instrument. So, this analysis measures the link between items/questions and how these items consistently measure the same topic (Tavakol & Dennick, 2011). The Alpha Cronbach coefficients shown in Table 6 meets the acceptance criteria for each sub-test (ranging from about .6 to .7) and are at a satisfac - tory level for the entire instrument (over .7) (Hair, Anderson, Tatham, & Black, 2006; Hinton, Brownlow, McMurray, & Cozens, 2004). c e p s Journal | V ol.10 | N o 3 | Y ear 2020 159 Table 6 Alpha Cronbach results for all sub-tests and the entire test Subtest Item number Alpha ( α) Cronbach Strict 8 .55~.60 Leader 7 .59~.60 Helpful-friendly 8 .60 Understanding 8 .67~.70 Student responsible 6 .56~.60 Uncertain 5 .55~.60 Dissatisfied 7 .69~.70 Admonishing 5 .67~.70 Total QTSI 54 .74 Generally, in cases in which the test consists of few items (usually less than 10), the Alpha Cronbach (α) results are low and, in these cases, it is bet - ter to prove the reliability of the test through the inter-item correlation matrix (Pallant, 2011). This analysis was done for all sub-tests of the QTSI-Albanian version, and no negative values were found. Positive values indicate that questions measure the characteristics for which they are designed. The inter-item correlation means for each subtest in the Summary Item Statistics Table were shown to be within normal limits of .2 to .4 (Briggs & Cheek, 1986). Linear bivariate correlation Since the beginning, the QTSI instrument has had eight sub-tests to meas - ure the teacher-student interaction, and these sub-tests function in circumplex in the clockwise direction. Related subtests have a higher correlation with each other, and this correlation is relative to the distance that the subtests are from each other (Den Brok et al., 2006). In this case, Pearson’s linear bivariate correla - tion was applied to measure and prove the correlation between sub-tests. Correlation results indicate that the QTSI-Albanian version also has a circular nature. The results are as follows: 1. Positive correlation between ‘Leader’ – ’Supportive/Friendly’ sub-tests (n = 250, r = .804, critical value for sample ± .124). 2. Positive correlation ‘Supportive/Friendly’ – ‘Understandable’ (n = 250, r = .700, critical value ± .124). 3. Positive correlation ‘Leader’ – ’Understandable’ (n = 250, r = .650, criti - cal value ± .124). 160 development of an albanian version of the questionnaire on teacher-student ... 4. Positive correlation ‘Understandable’ – ‘Responsible’ (n = 250, r = .605, critical value ± .124), 5. Positive correlation ‘Uncertain’ – ‘Unsatisfied’ (n = 250, r = .590, critical value ± .124), 6. Positive correlation ‘Unsatisfied’ – ’ Admonishing’ (n = 250, r = .560, critical value ± .124), 7. Positive correlation ‘Admonishing’ – ‘Strict’ (n = 250, r = .650, critical value ± .124), 8. Negative correlation ‘Understandable’ vs. ‘Unsatisfied’ sub-tests, (n = 250, r = –.900, critical value ± .124). Furthermore, there is no correlation between more distant sub-tests since the correlation value (r) is lower than the critical value for the current sample (Fortlewis Faculty, 2017), which indicates that the correlation scores are not significant. The following sub-tests have shown these results: 1. ‘Understandable’ - ‘Unsatisfied’ (n = 250, r = .100, critical value ± .124), 2. ‘Uncertain’ – ‘Leader’ (n = 250, r = -.030, critical value ± .124), 3. ‘Unsatisfied’ – ‘Supportive/friendly’ (n = 250, r = .010, critical value ± .124). The circular flow of correlations between the subtests is shown in Figure 6 below. Figure 6. Correlations between subtests as evidence of circular form. c e p s Journal | V ol.10 | N o 3 | Y ear 2020 161 Tests for Measuring Circularity Circumplex models are widely applied in many psychological fields, in - cluding those of interpersonal behaviour, personality traits, emotional/affective domain, and others (Tracey, 2000). Therefore, a special psychometric approach has been developed for measuring those models. Two main approaches for the description and analysis of circular data are found in the literature: a descriptive approach for evaluating the circular models and a confirmatory approach for evaluating the circumplex models. The first approach uses two types of meth - ods: visual inspection (Visualization of Correlation’ Matrices and Plotted Factor Scores charts, such as PFA, CFA) and statistical analyses (Kuiper Test, Rayleigh, Selkirk-NeaveGap, etc.), while the second approach uses: constrained multi-di - mensional scaling (MDS) and structural equation modelling (eligibility indexes, such as RMSEA, GFI, TLI, etc.) (Tinsley & Brown, 2000; Tracey, 2000). The circumplex nature of the QTSI-Albanian version was verified through the analysis following the confirmatory approach and presented above. Thus, the circumplex nature is confirmed by the GFI, RMSEA, TLI, CFI good - ness of fit to the model indexes, as well as by the matrix correlation data (pre - sented in Table 5 and Figure 6). To validate even statistically this circular flow, the Kuiper’s statistical test was used. Since the formula of this test was inapplicable within the SPSS 22 pro - gram, version 4 of the Oriana statistical program was used. Oriana is a program designed for Microsoft Windows that primarily addresses the orientations as well as other circular data (Oriana, User’s Manual, 2011). For example, unlike regular factor load models, in which the sub-tests are designed to rely on only one factor; in the case of QTSI, the different sub-tests of the X-Y axes (Prox - imity and Impact) are calculated by being linearly transformed depending on their interpersonal position under the coordinate axis (Wubbels et al., 2012). The Oriana software provides statistical tests, such as the Rayleigh and Kuiper tests, which are highly sensitive to the data characteristics that have a circular flow. Kuiper’s test is one kind of test that measures the distribution similar to that of Komorglav-Smirnov, but Kuiper has incorporated into its formula the measure of the inconsistency values that represent the absolute values of the extreme positive and negative differences; so as a result, this test is sensitive to the edges of distribution (unlike that of Komorglav-Smirnov) (Arsham, 1988). Thus, Kuiper is based on the largest vertical deviations above and below the diagonal line (representing the desired distribution). That is why the Kuiper test is irreplaceable in circular measurements as it can detect the data value extensions (Arsham, 1988; Oriana User’s Manual, 2011). 162 development of an albanian version of the questionnaire on teacher-student ... The results of this test for all sub-tests are as follows: ‘Strict’ (n = 250, k = 1.70, p≤ .065), ‘Leader’ (n = 250, k = 1.68, p≤ .073), ‘Supportive/Friendly’ (n = 250, k = 1.74, p≤ .052), ‘Understandable’ (n = 250, k = 1.72, p≤ .058), ‘Re - sponsible’ (N = 250, k = 1.66, p <.081), ‘Uncertain’ (n = 250, k = 1.68, p≤ .073), ‘Unsatisfied’ (n = 250, k = 1.72, p≤ .058), and ‘ Admonishing’ (n=250, k=1.66, p≤ .081). These results show that there is a tendency of uniform data flow, some - how evidencing the circular data flow. Inferential ANOV A and Eta squared statistics Another essential characteristic of the QTSI instrument is its ability to differentiate between perceptions of students in different classes. Students within the same class should perceive approximately the same interpersonal re - lationships with their teacher, while the mean of these perceptions should vary from class to class as the teacher is different (Fisher & Rickards, 1998; Richards & Fisher, 2000). One-Way ANOVA with the class as the main effect was applied to vali - date the differences between the groups’ means (in total, 48 different classes), while Eta Squared was used to prove that the class is the indicator that repre - sents the difference between these means, by verifying first that the sample size is adequate. Table 7 of the One-Way ANOVA shows that in each sub-test of the QTSI, the result (p <.001) significantly differentiates between the classes, while the Eta Squared results (shown in Table 8) varied from 0.35 to 0.54, showing the proportion of the variance, based on classes is under the acceptable limits of sample size effect (Preacher & Kelley, 2011). Table 7 One-Way ANOVA results of all subtest Subtests with the class as the main effect ANOVA Results Strict * Class F (48, 210)=4,44; p=.00 Leader * Class F (48, 210)=2,71; p=.00 Friendly/ Supportive * Class F (48, 210)=3,25; p=.00 Understanding * Class F (48, 210)=5,24; p=.00 Responsible * Class F (48, 210)=2,94; p=.00 Uncertain * Class F (48, 210)=3,93; p=.00 Dissatisfied * Class F (48, 210)=3,97; p=.00 Admonishing * Class F (48, 210)=2,33; p=.00 c e p s Journal | V ol.10 | N o 3 | Y ear 2020 163 Table 8 Eta and Eta Squared results Subtests with class as a main effect Eta Eta Squared Strict * Class .71 .50 Leader * Class .61 .38 Friendly/ Supportive * Class .65 .42 Understanding* Class .73 .54 Responsible * Class .63 .40 Uncertain * Class .68 .47 Dissatisfied * Class .69 .47 Admonishing * Class .58 .34 The Albanian version of QTSI and perception of teachers by primary school students in Kosovo Results related to the perception of teacher-student relationships were generated through univariate analysis: Central Tendency (Mean) and Disper - sion (Standard Deviation). Table 9 below shows the results for each subtest. The results demonstrate that the students perceive their teachers more as leaders (μ = 4.4), understandable (μ = 4.1), supportive and friendly (μ = 3.9) and less unsatisfied (μ = 1.8), uncertain (μ = 1.4) and Admonishing (μ = 1.7). However, teachers are largely perceived as responsible (μ = 2.6) and with strict behaviours (μ = 2.4). Table 9 Descriptive statistics upon the perception of student-teacher relationships N Min. Max (µ) (σ) Strict 258 1.10 3.80 2.45 .47 Leader 259 1.00 5.00 4.40 .56 Friendly/Supportive 259 1.00 5.20 3.98 .62 Understanding 259 1.00 5.00 4.13 .67 Responsible 259 1.00 4.75 2.64 .61 Uncertain 259 1.00 5.00 1.48 .49 Dissatisfied 259 1.00 3.78 1.80 .58 Admonishing 259 1.00 3.75 1.78 .54 Valid N (listwise) 258 164 development of an albanian version of the questionnaire on teacher-student ... Discussion of the results and conclusion The purpose of this study was primarily to adopt the American version of QTSI in Albanian language and the provision of the general overview of the perceptions of teachers by elementary school students in Kosovo. Permission to adapt this instrument was granted by the QTSI’s author, while the approval for its application was granted by MEST in Kosovo. The translation of the ques - tionnaire passed through several stages: a professional translation was conduct - ed, and the verification of questionnaire’s content validity was done through a professional commission as well as the back translation and other necessary statistical procedures. Intensive support was provided to students during the administration of the questionnaire to ensure that the questions were well understood; all ques - tions that were not sufficiently understandable due to linguistic, cultural, or even certain developmental periods were identified during the administration phases. The goal was an instrument that satisfies psychometric expectations re - garding questionnaires’ adaptation. In addition to the application of Goodness of Fit Indexes through CFA and the Alpha Cronbach reliability, correlations between the sub-tests and the Kuiper test were also required to confirm the circumplex nature of the instrument. All Goodness of Fit to the model indexes were shown within the acceptable limits. Acceptable results on Goodness of Fit indexes were also indicators to confirm the original circumplex nature of the instrument. However, its circumplex nature was also verified by proving inter-scale correlations through Pearson’s bivariate correlation analysis and the Kuiper statistical test. During the factorial analysis procedure, it was decided that ten (10) items should be excluded from the adopted Albanian instrument as they were presented sufficiently through other similar questions having covariance to a great extent. Thus, the Albanian version of the QTSI was reduced to 54 ques - tions. However, the alpha reliability coefficient at sub-tests level did not often prove to be of high value, but moderately acceptable. It is worth mentioning that the alpha coefficient is sensitive to the number of the items in the instru - ment (Pallant, 2011, 2013; Tavakol & Dennick, 2011), whereas the assumption behind the alpha equation is that the specific variance within the variables (s²) should be smaller than the inter-item variance in the instrument (Cov) in order to present a high internal consistency (Cortina, 1993). As the ten questions with high covariance values were removed from the Albanian version of the instru - ment, this should be the main reason that Alfa Cronbach results of QTSI sub- tests in Albanian were higher before excluding those 10 questions identified c e p s Journal | V ol.10 | N o 3 | Y ear 2020 165 with the Confirmatory Factor Analysis. However, based on: the fact that a good instrument (including its administrative aspect) is one that has a small num - ber of questions but sufficiently measures what it is designed for (Wubbles & Brekelmans, 2005; Wubbels et al., 2012) and the general tendency to reduce questions from the QTSI questionnaire (Fisher & Richards, 1998), it was de - cided that the items to be excluded. Again, Alpha Cronbach coefficients were in the eligibility criteria for all sub-tests. Also, the inter-item correlation matrix proved that the inter-item correlation means were within the acceptable limits (Briggs & Cheek, 1986; Pallant, 2011). The application of QTSI-Albanian version in the current sample of Ko - sovo primary school students once again proves that the students perceive their teachers differently. This perception depends on the nature of interpersonal re - lationships developed by teachers (Fisher & Rickards, 1998; Richards & Fisher, 2000). One-Way ANOVA and Eta Squared analysis has shown a significant statistical difference between perceptions of teachers by students of different classrooms. The ability to differentiate between classrooms is again in line with the original research and previous validation studies of QTSI (Passini et al., 2015; Wubbles et al., 2005). In general, students in Kosovo perceive their teachers as leaders who are understandable, supportive, and friendly. Teachers are seen as less unsatisfied, uncertain, and admonishing. However, they are largely perceived as responsible and with strict behavior. In this direction, according to the results from uni - variate analyses, we may conclude that students perceive their teachers more in the dimensions of dominance (e.g., leader, strict) and cooperation (e.g., un - derstandable, supportive-friendly). It can be interpreted so that teachers imply influence on their students, but, at the same time, they establish an amount of cooperation. Regardless, our study presented merely superficial results of this nature since its primary purpose was to properly adapt the questionnaire. We recommend that student-teacher interaction in Kosovo schools should be further studied in order to better explore the nature of this interaction and to evaluate scientifically the students’ academic achievements and motivation. From what has been presented thus far through this paper, it can be concluded that the QTSI-Albanian version is valid and reliable. This instru - ment is an additional asset in the Albanian language since it is the first validated one that measures teacher-student interaction. In general, the instrument can contribute to a deeper understanding of the teacher-student relationships and the impact they have on different educational and developmental areas within Albanian samples. It can be used by teachers, specifically as a tool for help - ing reflective thinking related to classroom practice improvements. 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International Journal of Educational Research , 43(1), 6–24. c e p s Journal | V ol.10 | N o 3 | Y ear 2020 169 Biographical note Edona Berisha Kida has a PhD in psychology, finished in Tirana University-Albania. Her research interests are mainly in the field of clinical and educational psychology with current research focusing on trauma transmission through education system. Prior to her PhD, she studied at Pristine University, where she completed a M.Sc. degree in Child/School Clinical Psychology. Her main orientation is in cognitive behavioural therapy. She lectures psychology subjects at Faculty of Education/Pristine University. During 2008-2009 she has successfully finished one-year training on Higher Education Academic Practice at University of Bedfordshire/England. She was also actively involved in estab - lishing national policies for preventing and eliminating worst forms of child labour (including trafficking) in Kosovo. Theodhori Karaj, PhD, is a full professor at the Department of Psychology and Education, Faculty of Social Sciences, University of Tirana, Albania. His main areas of research are: teachers’ job stress, job burnout, job satisfaction, stresses coping strategies and motivation; mobbing, peer bullying, cyber bullying and professor bulling in higher education.