PROSVETA Issued daily accept 8un4ajrs and Uoilidajrs. OfftM of PsblioatlMi: 2067 South LawadaU At*. Toltphooo, Rockwall 4904 SLOVENSKE BE PODPORNE JEDNOTE Chfeftfo, m., sreda, 26. marca (March 1930. $TEV.—NUMBER 72 Zaanatvonik ustvaril umetno živo bitje? Barkeley, ciu-Dr.Charl« & profesor fialologi- je M kalifornijski bniveni, J« t« dni presenetil smvtvt* nI iwt i naznanlkan, da je razvil iz kemičnih elementov kristalno organftčno snov, ki ima vse znake najprimitiv-nejšega življenja. Pojav te snovi, ki ukljočuje ogljik, vodik, kisik in duUk, je prišel slučajno. Intenzivno eksperimentiranje je zdaj v toku. Procea ta pridobivan}« cenenega radia 8an Francisco, Cal—Infte-nirji v laboratorijih Marjekn Mines družbe so Iznašli nov proces za bloševanje dragocenega radija. Proeoa obeta pridobivanje radija v veliko večji množini In z manjšimi stroški, kar pomeni, da ee mora radij aconitl. V novem procesu izločevanja radija uporabljajo katodne žarite In Hasssl-Marov tok dinamične elektrike. Zdravilo zoper brezposelnost Skrajšanje deiovnika je edina odporno«, Je dejal uradnik delavske unijo Boston, Mass. — (F. P.) — Skrajšanje delovnih ur je edina remedura za odpravo brezposelnosti, je dejal Roland D. Sawyer, predsednik Bostonskega delavskega sveta na shodu, ki so gs priredile delavske organizacije v Labor templu. Na delavcih samih je le*eče, da protektirajo svoje interese, ne da bi čakali na delodajalce, da jim izboljšajo položaj. Masna produkcija, ki jo omogočujejo novi stroji in tehnične iznajdbe, je dovolj razvita, da lahko prodne i ra vse potrebščine, ako delavci delajo le pet ur na dan in pet dni v tednu. Ljudje so zgradidi šole, je nadaljeval Sawyer, v tekstilnih mestih in potem so' tovarnarji pričeli preseljevati svoje tovarne v južne države, v katerih so videlo boljšo priliko ža izkoriščanje delavcev. Domovi, katere so si delavci gzradili s težldm delom, so postali brez vrednosti radi izseljevanja industrij. V takih slučajih bi bila dolžnost vlade, da skrbi za delavce in jih protekti-ra proti samovoljnemu ravnanju od strani delodajalcev. Govornici so kritizirali pošto, panje governerja Allena, ker nc izvaja programa konstrukcijskih del, za katorb je bila določena vsota $32*000,000/ Jeklarski trust Ima svoje špione povsod, da prepreči unijonizi-ranje delavcev Prišle so aa dan, ko je delavski tajnik Davis naznanil, da be kandidiral za zveznega senatorja Washington. D. C. — (F. P.) — Z naznanilom delavskega taj-nika Daviaa. da bo kandidiral aa ivetnega senatorja pri prihodnjih primarnih volitvah v državi Pennay Ivani jI proti sedanjemu senatorju Grundyju, so prišle na dan stvari, ki tvorijo predmet Intrigam in vročemu političnemu boju, ki spominja na čaae, ko je bil Wood row Wilson predsednik Združenih držav. Te dni Je bilo namreč odkrito, da Je bil senator Grundy tinti, ki je prisilil predsednika Hooverja, da je obdržal sedanjega delavskega tajnika v kabinetu. V1 tedne prej, prodno Je bil Hoover ustoličen, Je Grun* dy prtyel v Washington t ultimatom. Narodnemu odboru r» publikanake stranke je dejal, da je njegova maši na sbrala vsoto 11,500,000 v kampanji ta izvolitev Hooverja in da Ja sedaj prišel v glavno mesto, da zahteva proti usluge od ,republikanske stranke. Prva stvar, ki Je Je zahteval, Je bila, da Hoover obdr^V kabinetu Andrew Mel- Davisa kot načelnika Ivinega delavskega departmenta«vHoover je bil v istem času le obvestil W. N. Doaka, podpredsednika šelesnitke bratovščine strojnikom da ga bo Imenoval Mfcvfkga tajnikom v mm Wmm Zmagal Je Oruedr la Doak tt bil imenoval lir H vedno čaka. (fcdobl posteljo v Hoover J s vem kabinetu. Davis Je te dni ponovno ifljnvil, da n« bo reeignlral, ko aa bodo vršile primarne volitve. Ako ga bo Grundy porasli v politični bitki, bo ostal na svojsm mestu v kabinetu. Medtem ko je sešel upravitelj Davlsove volilne kšmpenje širiti govorice, da be Mellon nevtralen v pri maral politični bitki in da Grundy ne bo uspel, da dobi pod svojo kontrolo politično malino, stari lisjaki v po-lltlčnl smešnjavi, ki karakteri-sira državo Pennaylvaaljo, napovedujejo, da sa bo Y*rnjeva mašlna vrgla v boj la svojega governrrnkega kandidata Brow-na in bo pustila Davifla na oedi-lu. Ver« hoče na vsak način dobiti pod kontrolo ditavno administracijo, v katero namerava spraviti svoje privržence; da to doseše Je Vara pripravljen žr-tvovati Davlsa, akoprav mu Je pred nekaj tedni obljubil pomoč v boju proti Grundyju. Omedleva politična organlsaeija bo prUilJena končno sprejeti Browns za governerakega kandidata, da tako ohrani harmonijo v republikanski stranki vzlle OrundyJevim grošnjam, da bo šel v boj proti veem kandidatom, ki JIH bo Vere priporočal. Pittsburgh, Pa. — (F. P.) — Med jeklarskimi delavci je pričelo gibanje za organizacijo in v nekaterih krajih je dobilo že priličen zamah. Tako poroča W. E. Chalmers, profesor ekonomije na Pittsburški univerzi, ki je več mesecev študiral položaj delavcev v tem jeklarskem kraljestvu. Od zadnje velike stavke, jek-klarakih delavcev je trust izpopolnil svoj špionažni sistem, da tako prepreči unijsko gibanje. The Amalgamated Assn. of Iron, Steel and Tin Workers, nad katero ima jurisdikcijo A-meriška delavska federacija, se ne zanima, da bi organizirala druge delavce v jeklarski industriji. V akcijo, da popravi, kar je zamudila ta delavska unija, je stopila Metal Trades Industrial, unija, ki vodi na skrivaj agitacijo za pristop v unijo, toda do sedaj še ni dosegla posebnih uspehov, je dejal Chalmers. Uvajanje novih tehniških iznajdb v jeklarne gre bolj hitro naprej kot v vseh drugih industrijah. V treh letih Se je število jeklarskih delavcev zmanjšalo za 25% v raznih department^,'a kljub temu je produkcija narastla za več odstotkov. Jeklarska industrija ni Še nikdar uživala tako prosperiteto kot v zadnjih par letih. Akoprav so skoro vse industrije v zadnjem četrtletju občutile de-presij* >e korpehu cija napravila največje **Gflte v svoji zgodovini. Kljub visokim profltom, Je trust Tedoma znižaval mezde svojim delavcem. ' V nekaterih departmentih jeklarske industrije Je v veljavi osemnrnik, v drugih pa Še vedno prevladuje deeeturnik; celo dvanajst ur dela na dan in sedem dni v tednu ni nič nenavadnega. Poizkusi za organiziranje jeklarskih delavcev bodo naleteli na odpor, je dejal Chalmers. Jeklarski trust in njemu sorodne korporacije so od časa zadnje stavke jeklarskih delavcev organizirali uspešno špionažo. Kompanijske vasi in mesta so pod kontrolo družbinih agentov. Svoboda govora in zborovanja jo nepoznana, kajti jeklarski trust ima povsod nautav-Ijane avoje vohune. Edino tajne organizatorično delo, kot ga vrši Industrijska kovinska liga, bo rodilo uspeh, ako se razmere v iloglednem času ne Izpremene. Pariška policija obtožuje čeko, ; da je odvedla generala Katje- pova v Rusijo • • ' Pariz, 26. marca.—francoska tajna policija Surete Generale je sinoči poročala, da je po dolgi preiskavi dognala, da so tajni agentje sovjetske čeke ugrabili generala Aleksandra Kutjepo-va dne 26. januarja na pariški ulici in ga na skrivnem odvedli v Rusije. Kutjepov je bil vodja ruskih caristov v inozemstvu, odkar je umrl veliki knsfc Nikolaj. Policija pravi, da je Kutjepov zdaj jetnik v ječi Ljubljenki v Moskvi, kjer čaka smrti. Fran-oosko buržujsko časopisje je vsled te vesti zagnalo nov krik, da mora Francija takoj prelomiti etike e sovjeti in lavržiti preiskavo v sovjetskem poslaništvu v Parizu. Prelom se najbrž že pripravlja, kajti francoski poslanik v Rusiji, Jean Herbette. je prišel domov še peed enim P&ifcija )e razodela le toliko, da ima priče, ki so videle, ko je bil Kutjepov pripeljan na obrežje V Normandiji in tamkaj odveden v čolnu na sovjetski tovora! parnik, ki je stal nedaleč od brega. Sovjetski diplomati v Parizu odločno zanikajo vsako vednoat v tej aferi. Napetost je zelo velika. Bati se js, da ruski caristi, katerih kar mrgoli v Franciji, v družbi s francoskimi fašisti napadejo sovjetsko poslaništvo. Izvoljevali no štirideset ar dels v tednu ARETACIJE RADIKAL-CEV NA KUBI »elavci no odgovorili z generalno etavko Washington, D. C (F. P ) — W«t i t Kube, da je dal predalnik Machado v strahu pred revolto aretirati radikalne voditelje delavstva in par konservativcev, ki so nasprotni njego-vi Nladi, je dospela v Washington. Strokovne unije so pozval* - pravilih KNPJ. Nafte drufttvo ja o venskega delavskega doma.—Isvrfte-tem vpraftanju razpravljalo na ftirok>| ^»'»1 odbor, na teji dne 10. marca in fitali smo pravila. Razvila se le obširna diskusija o ravnanju gl. odbora v SlfrJ. Po rsiprsvi v smisla pravil , Men. 10.. točka 1, 2, 3, 4 in 6. ja na- ^^talSKZkH* ^ _ . ft. drufttvo tog las no sklenilo, da aa Lawrence, priredi veselico dne 29. 246 0BVETX zabava CkfWM, ©.—Dne 15. ieb. le drufttvo Vipavski raj i domačo zabavo, ki je bila res zabava. .Največ zasluge za u speh gre naiim kuharicam, ki •o tak« okusno via preskrbele posebne-«. Mary Belko, ki je vselej pripravljena pomagati. Nafte druitvo bo poleti imelo piknik. Treba bo spet pomoči! od strani- na&ih marljivih članic In takrat vse na noge, da ne preveč dala odpadlo samo nekaterim članicam. Skrbimo, da bo-4o v«? nafte bodoče prireditve napeti na. A. Mravlja. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA 8 taftaJm arceai naznanjamo sorodaikem, zaaacem la prijateljem Šaloeteo vest, da nam Je smrt vsela aadaga llabega sina in brata. FRANK KOZLEVČARJA U»r| |a d. marca ItM ob 2:16 v jutro po teden dal dolgi bolezni zaatrupjjenje krvi v glavi Rojen Je bil 21. jan. 1914 Petreb — Je vriil dne 7. marca t. I., ob dve ari popoldae aa North Shore PjtopalUde In ti en po dvllnem obredu. Bil j. *|«„ drufttvs it. »4 J8KJ. lM|fa««t nas veie, da aa prav lepo nhvhlhne rsom znan-"m In prijateljem za dano nam- pomot v ari ftaftaeti brala aa lasa ajefove butezai in ob mrtvaške« odr..' p___ Tlasllu protestira proti temukorakn in rojakinje, da pri gl odbors^katerega bi ne .me. izvr- ^ ^r^To^i lil i, ako ga celokupno članstvo »9» Jpostraftb* bo dovolj odobri. 8 Um je gl. odbor ikodll or. ganlaaciji. Prvld, ka** ne ne mene Je i n> orgs ni* sel je J" P-u| HmMc, tajnik, predsednik, Store Kemufovil, tajnik Jeba Mestnik, blagajnik. * Richmond, Calif.—DrdKvo dt. M flSPJ Je bilo uatanovtjeno dna 19, fob. 19211, po imenu Delavska tioga. Petnajst nas Je- Mlo novih,in starih llanov na prvi- sejL Napredujemo polagoma, kaiti tukaj nat ni veliko slovenskih naseljencev. Neketerl flani niso marali prittopiti k nadomo drudtvu, ker je bilo novo in to se bali strotkov. Teh pa nI bilo. ftedaj imamo nad sto dolarjev v blagajni Hlkdi so, da nskateri napadajo nado droitvo, To si lepo In ne podtono. Pravijo, da aprajsmamo nesposobne j lane v drufttvo. To ni ras, ampak so samo ftkodofteljn* govorice. Nam so znana pravila #NPJ in imamo drufttvensga sdrsvniks, kateri pra^ | lifts vsakega proslka, predno je do-ti^ni tprsjet v na*e drufttvo. Hoje naftega drufttva se vrfte vsako tretjo tredo v mesecu v Rtchmondu V WOW dvorani na 7. cesti In McDonald. Vra ta k naftlm tajam to odprta vsem tla-nom KNPJ in se sami lahko prepri čajo kako s« nafte seja vrfte. rim izvemo, da ni kaj prav s katerim tlanom, atvar takoj prelttemo in jo isravnamo, da je v koriat drudtva J or Malaar, blagajnik. Nemaeolin, T»a. Dru*tvo it. A54 poziva svoje liane, da so vsi zagotovo u delete redne mesedno soje dne 6. sprils t o/no ob 2. pop. Druitvo Je dobilo novo ssslsvo, sato Ja vsakegs ( lana dolinost, da pride na ssjo in si Jo ogleds. Hlehernemu dlanu nadere druitvs Js gotovo fte znano, da Je bilo na proill seji t k len je no, da aa mrw april vtak lian plada «1.60 val. Ta doklada gre v druitveno blagajno. Opuaarjam liane, da vsamejo pre-ttopne liste, ako live bllftje kakine. mu drugemu druitvu nafte Jed"nte kakor naftemu. rpofttevajte ta na snanila in poiljlte s rednim aaasnit n tom za april ftl.ftU vel.—To« Itare tajnik. f?amaHt, III.—Pozivam liane in dla nice drufttva ftt. 707, da se polnoftto-vilno udelefte prihodnjo rodne sejs dne 20. aprila, ker imamo nekaj vei-nega ukreniti v korist druitvs ne blagajne. Ker ja nafta tapisnikarica se stra Kolarlch odstopila, Ja bil na nje no mesto lavoljen brat Frank Hrovat. Apeliram ns vas, da se vsi udelefttts soje dne 20. aprila.—Martin Htrukel, tajnik. _ Union town, Ps.—Opozarjam lian atvo drufttva ftt. 140 v Continental, da prihodnja seja aa vrli dna 9. aprila, to je drugo nadaljo v mesecu, to pa radi praanika vaHka nadalje, ki prida lotoa na 20. aprila. • Tudi asaamenta ne bom pobiral dne 20. aprila. To valja samo ta april, potem pa so bodo vriils nafte tej« spet vsako tretjo nedsljo v mesecu. Pridite vsi na sojo dne 9. aprila.—Mar*in Zakftek, taj. Maaailloa. O.—Druitvo ftt. 610 bo obdrtavalo svoje redne meselne sojo vsako tretjo nedsljo v mesecu toino ob 9. dopoldne v Klmplanovl dvorani na 1.137 K. Walnut rd. Prihodnji mesec se bo seja vrftila dne 12. aprila ob 9. dopoldne radi valikonodne node* I je, ki pade ietot na tretjo nedeljo 4 aprilu. Proalm vee llsnstvo, da upo iteva to nasnanilo Ur d« se udelofti te je—Steve Komuirovil, tajnik. * Kogar ae tile #21.—Ker si nekatere be mnogo prkadevajo, da bi me dis-kreditirata, ko iirijo govorice, da sem ttavkokasila, naj jim povem, da bi se deda mojegs dela morali obr niti direktno na glavni stan unije, tatera bi Jim dala vse informed, rlede mojega dela, mesto da so raz urjali bolnike. Osganiftatorica mi .. Isvojelaario rekle, naj kar delam, ako >me ne bo nihle nadlegoval a pod-piti, lo me bodo, pa ia vem, kaj mi Je ttorHJ. Kar me nihle ni nadlegoval s podpiai, tem oaUU na delu in *e par drugih, katerih pa moji naaprotaUtl nito videli, ampak imo mana, ki bi me bili dne 9. feb. na Nadini maskeradl najrajfte i o-dra vrgli. Upam, da ae Jim J« Jeza ie ohladila, rtemu tako zahrbtno ravnanje? Zakaj mi niate toga povedali v obraz? Govori se tudi, da Ja« ne bi aaaluftila $40 na teden, ako ne bi atavkokazila. »meino. Zakaj pa tlaii dotllna, kater« Je govori la, skosi vse leto isto vsoto? Nekatero saalužijo ie celo val. Da nisem ponovno govorila t organizatorko, bi akoro aama verjela, da aem to, kar mi narodnjaikl elementi predbaoivajo. Gotove ossbe od cetw kvenega Ubora, ki so uposlene prt Llpmati Bros, in Mercantile Co., pa naj si sapomnijo tole: Najprej odi-ttlte okrog sebe, potem iele pridlto k meni. Mene ni nihle duval, ko som hodila na in s dela, kot se je to godilo s neko njihovo pristaiinjo, katero Jo spremljal moi postave, pa ie celo stanovanjo Je najela drugje. Anha David A Co. so podpisala papirje proti vsaki uniji, predno sem aa tam vpraftala za dalo, in te so iz vrat, h katerim pripada ena od Mercantile Co. Da tte aolldne * naiih vrstah, na bilo bi treba toliko boja in na delati ta vsako ceno kot te godi danes. K polno obloftsnl mizi bi se pad,w*k rad vsedel. In ca te naj garamo drugi in pripravljamo pot ti atlm, kateri nam melejo polena pod noge. Vtem tlttim, ki govorite, da atavkokazlm, klllem: dokaiite! Mary Kovach. , __ sa . . - -------- ob mrtvaikem odru. Poeebno 94 * «> m pomol tTvte T*? k r*d8i'n,u Aa. NaT lepta hvala vsem, ki se s rov sli vence in cvetlice v radttli sixnaln nafta^u sin.: Svak In mrskinj. mr. i„ mrs. Covrmic Ogria mTta mra. Math Oblak, mr. la mrs. Math Ogria. miadenlllTdak^ T Mf!,H'trr Mr ^ordsn and boy. from ComuLl-U^i ackool. Lucille Qaimby and Mabel Calrna, miadenill i/dekle ta la Mia. C-rry^.M^Carry std FalUard, McAllster 8Ag£ ustee Jaaaary 19M boy frlenda, mr. In mrs. John Butcher mr In Podboj In -inori r mf. ^^ .r Aaol Oh I ton, mr. In mrs. Chas. Kckerstrom, K Kcheenke H Kli. ~rt M. Eckerttrom. mr. in mrs. Jack Krana, «rT .r"' £tt'r OWak, mr. In mrs. Lesnjak 8rlM hval. v^m, kl «u daU .v£ ■obile no xszpolsgo. Torej ie enkrat najlepia hvala vsem In m vse karkoli .te nam dobrega atorill. TeW, IjJbl aj„ ™ fJ^TJi," podlval v plru In lahka naj TI befe am^iJm",. v epamiaa^—Žslujoli ostsU: Karol ia Karaliaa KaeUvder TtLw&T Aaaa, seetrs; Ksrol Jr., John in Victor, bratje, v.i v WMuk^Tni ia ljubljeni Slovan, Pa.—Druitvo it. 241 Je na redni seji marca meseca sklenilo, da vtak Uan In llanica plada sa mesec april 50c v druitveno blagajno, katera je sedaj skoro prstna. Do klado bom pobiral s s seem en tonu brez do-kla. M aprila' In rojakinje ter vs, cenjeno «blln.tverran »pomiaaka plo- ft^a". Uprizoritev ta operete ol»e. Na t viden je dne, ta biti dobra, kajti vlngr ao v dobrih rokah. — Dne 6. aprila *sr«eed. W. Va^-I»ns I. t. m Je !>M na n»* ***r "Haroll preminul br, Andrej 1'rrtil, lian dni- čevljar", tudi Z godbo in pet-Mvs it. Sftl, star no wt. i * m <1<*,*vakam domu. oddaljeni In bllinjl ^Isnl ter nej ae V aobot«K dnr 29. marca V SSCVllJlr " • priredi po v- »^kl zlior "Zarja" prijetno i.u«. Federacije SNPJ Centralnollllnolaka federacija Auburn, 111. — Prollega novembra «em bil priporočal v Proavctl, da bi bilo potrebno in korlatno za SNPJ in njeno član-■tvo v tej okolici, ako bi se ustanovila Federacija druitev SNPJ za centralni IllinoU. Kot mi Je do danen znano, »e Je več zavednih drufttev odzvalo za *o delovanje pri tej prekori«tn! idaji. Ker pu me je več bratov od aaznih prizadetih drufttev vpraftttlo, kaj je nafte drufttvo Št. R35 Mtorilo v tem ozlru, moram, Žal, povedati, da nič. Sicer smo na decambernkl In Ja-nuamki »eji razpravljali mo*no«tl Federacije. Predlog, da naftf drufttvo utopi v Fed< racijo, ni bil podpiran, kar jc pač znamenje, da naftf drufttvo ni ta federacijo. Izgledu, I članstvo naftega drufttva ne ver jame, du v slogi in združenju fedaranji je moč. lOfttalim drufttvom v central-■am delu d rta ve pa priporočam, sa (Taksi) Beagle, jaz bi ga zelo rada kupila. Kdor ga ima, naj mi ptte in pove ceno zanj. Piftite na naslov: Olga Pacak. P. 0 West Willington, Conn.—(Adv.) ^ 7| PARMA NA PRODAJ fa^Aoie akr°V ob8*S*jočal 'arma, 25 »krov je izčiičenega, ostalo je hosta In dosti lesa, ter pašnik fitlri sobna hi&a, klet, fttala in druga poslopja. 4 kra-ve, 1 telica, 1 konj, 60 kokoši in potrebno orodje. Oddaljeno le 4 milje od mesta, eno miljo do šole ali do cerkve. Cena za vse 'e W30XK), polovica je Plačati takoj, ostalo pa na lahke obroke. Sosedje Slovenci. Dobra Pitna voda. Farmo zamenjam tudi za kaj prida 4 do 6 sobno hišo v Milwaukee, Wis. Ako katerega veseli kupiti to pose-Htvo, naj pride osebno sem si ogledati. Prodam zato, ker se bom šalila v mesto. Barbara Kocan, . Route 2, Millston, Wis. - _ (Ad», POSR8TVO NA PRODAJ Prodam en aker zemlje in dva ruma šendo in dva mala kokoš-njaka, klavnica in prostor za kajenje mesa, 15 kokofti. Tukaj ■o tri premogove jame, dve delati vsak dan in od moje hišo do rova je le 10 minut hoda. Kdor ieli kupiti to, dam za nizko SREDA, 26. MARCA. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA 8 talnim sreem assnanjamo ftaloetao vest, da Je nemil. KB,rt pretrgala alt iieljeaj. mojem. IJabemu soprogu i. ZZ FRANK BURSIČU \ Umrl Je K. februarja IfMO ob lft:IS mia. sveter. Peereb h.. , V™ ^ P« katollftkom obredu aa tukaji.j. Hftle. Ho,« Je Idi leia lftftd ob mnrtl rt«, V a^ rlko J. prlftel Ima 1 MI. TakaJ »en« w i?' ^ Mri nedorsstleom**, .trle. Tetr. Bur.liTl„ . 41 216 8NPJ V P*' i" Metropolitan Insurance to. Najlepfte hval« «an.tYu drrtto. it 11« LOOM U| « duri vali krasne vence L«ar la Štefanij^, Carlor«, «r. |B Mr.. ComUkTfSS akovT šellsCIevelsnda. O. k pogreba hi as darovani reaec. Lopa k^U. ■wo Htefaadidu sa tolsibo t urah ftalosti in ki I« m* m« uredil na domu. Srfna hval. kamu In kumi Ja^v^ T* ^ XT' t r •P™lh P0fc0,,lllu, k ^»i*«« pod " ur Ani Stiviaaa, ki Je vae uredila v Mftl; lepa hvala ms ki , /„, ob njegove« mrtv.ftk.m odru in v^m, kl L ga ^"«11 k 'd nJemu počitku, ter lop. hvala za nsgrobni govor In Z.L ki t dali avte In vozili brespl^no pri poir^m. Najlepi kTb LZ S bij:, izt^: 1 ** S- Krti. Fr„k ta A.J. .i..,. v7v7, J7.^r5« W. it ^ NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA | JOHN ŠUBIC, Jr. El*11, tli? fr Brighton, h. Bil Je vp^len la ao mu na Ilea meet, povzročili •mrt. Bil Je pomagad motormana pri prevaiaaju premoR. po Ž2Ž^le,7b ^ Vr4i' U Ulmtl ^ Jam,, f! CaUey dne d. marca na pokopali«. Bi. Anne, Caatle Shannon. Pa.. !**%$? t"*"' 8P m'* ren počitek v hladni amortftkl zemlji. Sadili bomo evetljlee o. tvoj ta Teboj. Ž«J-^ «rtall: JUn^aUc Sr., ode; Prances Subic, mati. Ivana, omoft,JjUkk. seetrs; Anale, omoieo. Luznar, polaeetrs; Rosie, omoi Slfrer, polaaatra; Prancee, omoi. Keriiinik, polsestra; Mory, omoft. Dollaar, poleeetra.—Broughto«, P.., if. mar. 19S0. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA Žalostnim srcem naznanjam sorodnikom, znancem in prijateljem ilrom Amerike in v stari domovini, da Je pa fttiri dnevni bolezni *a pljučnico preminula nafta ljuba hetrka, PAULINE SENKINC Umrla Je 8. februarja 1989 ob 2. url in 20 minut popoldne. Po-grob ae Je vrMI po civilnem obredu na Oak Spring pekopejjičr v Canmi^urg, Pa ob veliki udeloftbi prijateljev in anancev. RojVif. 1* n' «27. V dolinost al iteje^o, da se prav lepo jahvalimo vae«, ki m, Jo obiskali ob ajenem mrtvaftkmn odru in ^ " io ■l*rMn,,i »» pokopsliiče. Srčna hvala za darovane vence In alcer: Botru in botri mr. in mra. Barbiah, ki sta priils nem iz Cleveland« Oblo. k pegrebu. mr. In mra. Slmahek in druži- AnH m m0i'"U br,tu ,B »J«*^ soprogi, John M i"?, «2: "0UBtOn' Pa- In tijfgovl ženi Jo« in Msry Senklnc ia Strabane^ Pa. in vaem dragim, kj ao darovali vence in X. aJir*1?" P^i"1" )• Wla članica drufttva it. 138 SNPJ v Canonaburg, Pa. Tebi, draga hčerka naia, odils .i riisi ^'n* tt°j ***boBM> »dm ^^ 9» T«?/" i" "'o P.°?,V*J T m,ru' hčerka.—ŽslaJočj oatali: Tony i« Franc« Senkinc, etarifta; Prances Jr., Mrtrlca. vs» v Strs- PRODAJAM 2ago (pilano), mline in zidano poslopje vae pod enim krovom, poleg Je tudi 5 zobna stanovanjska hifta in 14 laneov zemlje in vse je ob reki Kupi ceno, vse skupaj za $460.00. Severin na Kupi blito Kariovca. Prodam, ker jaz ne morem več Za ceno to d**«««* obrnite ae na delati v rovu. Anton Kvas, Box "»"lov: Drafutln Caani, 8817 Powhatan Point, Ohio. Edsel Street, Detroit, Mich. —(Adv.) V NAJEM RE ODDA HfflA i vsem pohlfttvom za malo druli. no. Oglasite se na naslov: 7227 Roland at., Detroit, Mich. ■ ZOBOCMAVNTK MM I Crawford la fliieaga, miaots Oeedse «r«, m t a n l •> S^OSMM aatbt 4 » a u e> tw ouni ami M se mm« BiO s RAD BI IZVEDEL za naslov mojega prijatelja Louis Znidarftiča, s katerim sva bila sktipaj v Huntington, Ark., leta 1913-1*14, od Um je Ael v Kansas. Ako kateri rojak ve njegov naalov, prosim, da mi to javi, ako bo'pa čital on sam ta oglas naj se mi javi na naslov: Rudolf Sile, 511 Summit nt., Joliet, 111. (Adv.) V JUGOSLAVIJO Z VELIKIM IZLETOM S.N.P.J. NA CUNAftDOVIH BRZOPARNIKJH ' CUNA,U) "EA-8HIP 00. bUtalki bodo ^ AQUITANIA M. MAJA M AURETANIA AQUITANIA ft. JUNIJA i JULIJA Lahko petajeu naravaoot v Jufojaeije. aH p. rf 0fWdaU vmH Parla. in-ako Psri« tUdI slikovito Švico. Na pomikih izvrstna domaČa hrana, artvatns kabine, prostorni sabavnt prostori, vtjadaa poatrolba. Celo pet vas spremljs iskeften vodnik. ObrniU se sa aadaljaa pe|atnlls aa blMnjeca aastopnlks. ali pa pifttte aa: JUGOSLAV DEPARTMENT CUNARD UNE ALI S4< N. Micklfaa Ave. (3ileaf% DL M VELETVI URAD SLOVENSKE NAROD. PODPOR. JEDNOTE MS7 Sa. Ijnmšak Ai . Okleafo, I*. eafift SREDA, 26. MARCA. v SPREMEMBE pri krajevnih druitvih mesec« februarja 1930. štev. 1 Črtan »opet »prejet: J. Banich, c. 10870. Črtani: Edw. Sifron, c. 68957; S. Bronecky, c. 77976; A. Golob, c. 48192. Novopri»to-pili: Christine Sernel, c. 79218; J. Tercek, c. 79217. 3 črtani »opet »prejeti: S. Banda, c. 59272; G. Banda, c. 26731; M. TuffOvic, c. 61718. Novopristo-pUa: Antonia Cipoth, c. 79697. 5 Črtan »opet aprajet: Jo«. Zaje, «. 26910. Črtan: Julius Jančin, c. C3952. Novopristopili: F. Pohar, o. 79221; P. Vidrich, c. 79222. 8 Črtani topet »prejeti: John Me-dovich, c. 58210; Steve Nakarada, c. $0423. črtani; Loui« Kosic, c. 9849; Jakob Radan, c. 67607. Novopristopili: D. Golt*, c. 79599; A. Golt*, c. 79698; W. Kunta-rich, c. 79226; C. Kui\i, c. 79225; M. Gorenc, c. 79224. 10 Umrli: Ana Tomitich, c. 10308; Rade Skorup, c. 1041. 12 Črtan: A. Blatnik, c. 77579. No-vopristopili: V. Samec, c. 79228; J. Cufar, c. 79227. 13 Črtan: M. Subic, c. 38030. No-vopristopili: W. Viflmar, c. 79600; Fred Koas, c. 79601. 14 Umrl: Emil Podboj, c. 75573. Novopriitopil: Frank Miv&ck, c. 79229. 16 Črtani »opet »prejeti: Fr. Zemljan, c. 25415; Fr. Sancar. c. 54OHO; F. Rkhtar, c. 40844. črtani: E. Krevl, c. 70956; Ig. Re-peniek, c. 72795; M. Repeniek, c. 72796; J. Otanosoff, c. 78848. Umrli: Jack Beta j, c. 49883; John Juvanc, c. 14407. NovoprU stopili: Mary Narat, c. 79232; Mary Kramer, c. 79231; John Pe-čovnik, c. 79233; Valentin Ko-fiitsch, c. 79230. 17 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Jacob Hlepcar, c. 1053; Johanna Hlep-car, c. 40656; John Hlepcar, c. o7251; Frank Hlepcar, c. 68682; Joseph Hlepcar, c. 78001; Joseph Mavrin, c. 66413. Črtani: John Bombac, t. 24478; Johanna Bom-bac, c. 24474; Jos. Bombac, c. 73910; Jo«. Reinhardt, c. 15949; Anton Frekovic, c. 73049; Mary Frekovic, c. 78048. NOvopr i »topil: Vincent Udovie, c. 79234. 19 Novopriatopil: Matthew Propot-nik, c. 79602. 20 Novopristopili: Jo«eph Pirt«, c. 79237; Margaret Urma«, c. 79286; John Pucel, c. 79235. * 22 Novopri»topil: Paul Ocarrich, c. 79676. 23 Črtan: F. Bregar, c. 46196. Novopristopili: Jennie Lave, c. 79238; Fred Mohar, c. 79239. 27 Črtan; L. Miklsvc,#1838. UmrL Blaž Mary, c. 420m. - ' SI NdvopriRtopile G vzela Kfcrich, t. 79240. 33 Črtani: F. Jakte, c. 6303; B. Jak-*e, c. 26399; F. Jakše, c. 67458; G. Kalin, c. 64801. Novopriirto-pili: Marian Petrichevich, c. 79608; Nicholas Pavlic, c. 79604; Rudolph Kuhel, c. 79677. 34 Črtani: E. Mergole, c. 38270; A. Mergole, c. 54491; M. Bisjak, c. 40204; J. Peternel, c. 25376. •16 Novopristopil: John Kikel, c. 79241. 37 Črtani: John Kottak, c. 7945; Andria Markata, c. 23209. 39 Črtan »opet sprejet: A. Gerlovich, c. 70569. Črtani: J. Gertel, c. 15942; L. Gertel, c. 68970; A. Miesgeier, c. 26057. Novopriato-pil: Frank Šetinc, c. 79242. 44 Novopristopila: Mollie Mele, c. 79243. 47 Novopriatopili: Antonia Golob, c. 79606; Rudolph Kirar, c. 79245; Frank Preael, c. 79244. 48 Črtan: Jo«eph Ma*erol, c. 52403. r>2 Novopristopil: John Simoni«, c. 79246. 53 Črtani: V. Boncar, c. 46120; M. Bobnar, c. 65468; Josephine Kni-fic, c. 76708; Frank Bojtel, c. 44984; John Knific, c. 76706; Ja-oob Bobnar, c. 2766. Novopristopili: Louise Reja, c. 7?247; Antonia Kovači*. c. 79250; Mary Dacar, c. 79251; Augusts Koiich, c. 79252; Frank Kosich, c. 7i»253; Jennis Zupsntit, e. 79249; John Fende, c. 79248; Harry Kobal, c. 79255; Christine Zupane, c. 79256; Frances Blumel, c. 79254. 64 Novopristopil: Georg« Miller, c. 79257. 55 Novopristopil: Vincent Trobec, c. 79258. M Novopristopil: Anthony Stefa- nkh, c. 79259. 5» Črtan: M. Msrsntit, c. 6465.1. Novopristopila: Anna Vilcnek, c. 79260. 61 Novopristopila: Mary Kern, e. 792(51. 15 črtani rope t sprejeti: Mike Felle, c. 15791; Katie Kosnts*. e. 48022; Jaeob Kosma«, c. 36871. Novo-prirtapilt Jo« Gratner, e. 75*2« «6 Novopristopila: Milena Trinaj- •t«, c. 7*606. « Novopristopil: Jos Umek, e. "9263/ <">ta»: J. Fiushuk. e. 74198. "4 Črtan: John Gnrttan. er 40898. Stav. i. 78 Novopristopil: David Nickl«, «. 79264. 79 Črtan: J. Widaa, c. 64915. Novopristopili: Eva Yacinich, c. 79679; Annie Cerniek, c. 79678. 80 Novopristopili: Mary Maček, e. 79265; Frank Kuhar«, c. 79266. 81 Novopristopila: Mar/ Chefren, c. 79267. 82 Novopristopil: Charles Kennfcy, c. 79607, 83 Črtan: Geo. Sumans, c. 74762. Umrl: Vaso Cudich, c. 62418. 85 Črtan: Pete Stancic, c. 53016. Novopristopili: Frank Bonnett, c. 79269; Joseph Polacek, e. • 79268; Anna Erjavec, c. 79270; Frank Grantz, c. 79271. 86 Črtan *op«t sprejet: Mike Jano-levic, c, 31790. Črtani: Vine Go-milsek, c. 9769; Albert Parkely, c. 70423. Novopristopila: Jennie Stone, c. 79674. 87 Novopristopili: Mary Rleber, c. 79272; Rudolph Arnold, c. 79608; Joe Sadoski, c. 79609. 88 Črtan: John Maček, c. 61643. 89 Črtan: John Baron, -c. 70588. Novopristopili; Albert Spiesi, e. 79274; Josephine Spfesx, c. 79273. 91 Novopristopila: Albina Stritsel, c. 79275. 92 Novopri»topil: Frank Volk, c. 79273. 94 Novopristopil: William Zobec, c. 79277. 95 Črtani r.opct sprejeti: Karol i. Perh» e. 58548; Karol Perh, c. 79; Anna Perh, c. 59661; Jo« , Perh, c. 70868. 96 Novojpristopili: Anton Cirar, e, 79280; Arthur Sievers, c. 79279; Tom Segan, 79278. 97 Črtan: John BelaAic, c. 67591. 98 Črtan zopet »prejet: J. Ocepek. <-. 6480. Črtani: Ida Mre«), c. 53549; Martin Marzel, c. 24515. 101 Novopristopil: John Ko», c. 79680. 102 Črtani: Katy Marvin, c. 44782; Frances Rlgler, c. 36124. 104 Črtani zopet »prejeti: M. Stan-car, c. 12569; F. Močnik, c. 31270; R. Zidar, c. 50499. Črtan: A. Je vtič, c. 51928. Novopri»topil: Charles Demshar, c. 79281. 106 Umrl: Joseph Yerman, c. 33834. 107 Novopristopili: John Skubi», e. 79283; Mamie L Dolenc, c. 79681; Anna Skerjanc, c. 79282. 108 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Mary Ed-wards, e. 49156; Anna Grahek, c. 16424. Umrl: T. Mule, c. 47434. 109 Novopristopili: Mary Grill, c. 7928«; Anna C. Bo. c. 79285; Matija Grill, c. 79284. 110 Črtane J. Misii, c. 40617. 111 Novopristopili: Stanley Muhich, e. 79287; Silvester Smolich, c. 79288. 112 Umrli: Nick Thomas, o. 56016} Jerry Sudar, c. 7283. NoveprU 11$.Novopristopil:. John ICo«, c. 79290. 115 Črtani: John Simoni*, c. 66288; A. PetoVfak,' C. 28780; Martin / ,Ivec, c. 61657; John Plefce, c. 66391. Novopristopil: John Sierk. c. 79291. 118 Črtan zopet »prejet: T. Gingic, c. 55804. Črtani: J. Cirar, c. 14448: R. Mesna r, c. 69112. Novopristo* pil: Ludwig Erlark, c. 79610. 120 Črtani; John Keielick, c. 67983; Tony Kezelick, c. 74781. Novo. pristopili: Frank Hren, c. 79284: Barbara Miklatrfi*, c. 79293; Josephine Hren, c. 79292. 121 črtani zopet sprejeti: P. Koko-vich, c. 49151; M. Cetinski, c. 12373; G. Viskovich, c. 61279. Črtani: C. Pcmshek, c. 40108; M. Muhar, c. 61615; T. Biozoney, c. 49211; J. Stefanaki, c. 48594. 122 Črtani zopet sprejeti: Frank Ml-chic, c. 51050; G. Kokaleča, c. 60952. Črtani: Peter Karaš,, c. 20191; Anna Karaš, c. 70999; Michael Karaš, e. 35236; Medi« Kara«, c. 55640. 124 Črtani: Jack Mlinar,*. 63997; A. Mlinar, c. 38853. Novopristopili: Joseph Zigon, c. 79301; William V«rttoj», c. 79300; Paul Dushak, t. 79299; Rudolph Raunlkar, c. 79298. 125 Novopristopil: Anton Kapla, c. 79302. 126 Črtani: Victor Vovh, c. 31542; J. Pluth, c. 62373. Novopristopila: Mary Jerman, c. 79692. 129 Črtan zopet »prejet: J. Saurkh, c. 61909. Črtani: M. Mrvar, c. 10461; F. Trebech, c. 66666. 180 Umrl: R. Dro»kovieh, c. 87082. 131 črtani »opet »prejeti: Math Ma« rentlch, c. 1863M; Jo«. More, c. 16258. črtani: Edward Delles, e. 19518; Anna Hare j, e. 37W4; P«, ter Mots, e. 44072. NovoprUlo. pill: Jacob Novak. e. 79304; Josephine Link. c. 79303. 182 črtani: Nick Burija, e. 47454; Albert Goril*, c. 75662. Umrl: M. Dolhiar. e. r»2406. Novopri »topila: Dolly Lončar, e. 79306. 135 črtan »opet sprejst: John Jase-novec. C. 13426. Črtan: Mik« Ru»tjs, e. 72978. Novopristopili: Vines«* Zaje. e. 79807» Alber* Kolene. e. 79806 137 črtani: Rese Gomirh. e. 46171; M. Kemc. e. 46440: R. Lenarsle. e. 76464; K. Msrtina. e. 26966 Novopr i »topila: Pauline Potun. t 7980«. 138 Umrl: Jo«. Osenik. c. 40703. No-vopristopili: Joaeph Jamka, c. 79311; Joseph Knaus, e. 79310: James Orsini, e. 79309. 139 Novopristopili: Sophia Magda-lenee, c. 79315; Frances Rotanc, c. 79314; L ana Tomaii«, c. 79682 140 Črtan: Anton Jedriska, e. 57318. 141 črtan: M. Rihtrsic, e. 55573. No-vopristopil: Paul Kokel, c. 79611. 142 črtani: M., Wienszkovaki, c. 69144; F. Koiec, e. 41961; E. Wiarsakovski. c. 78057; F. Koiec, c. 42055; F. Boldin, c. 25460. Novopristopili: Paul Erien, c. 79320; Jos. Mausar, c. 79319; Ro»e Ka> »telle, c. 79818; John Spilar, e. 79317; Anton Csrnigoj, c. 7931«, 117 črtan »opet »prejet: J. Jenicb, e. 63657. Črtani: F. Oolob, c. 24203; J. Unel, c. 36436. Novo pristopil: Emil Kobal, e. 79321. 149 črtan »opet sprejet: H. Scholar, c. 56586. 153 Črtan; D. Chafa, c. 47821. Novopristopili: Michael BarkoVich, c. 79612; Mary Barkovkh, «. 79613. 154 Novopristopila: Mary Borga, e. 79822. 155 Novopristopili: Mary Kemc, c. 79324; Agnes Senica, c. 79823. 158 Črtani: Jacob Cie, c. 12938; France« Cic, c. 78356; Anton Ku-helj, c. 9639; Mike Ipavec, c. 14276. Novopristopil: Frank L Clark, c. 79325. 162 Črtani: Elni* Shidetor, te. «191*j A. M. Shidelef, c. 70692; Andrew Vojtilla, c. 76393. 165 Črtan: P. Slobodnik, c. 76340. 170 Črtani »opet sprejeti: Mary Mrk-va. c. 61281; John Mrkva, c. 61282. črtani: Mary R«y*, c. | I 71677; Živo Radovi*, c. 76248; Alex Rey*, c. 62618. 171 črtani zopet »prejeti: S. Malgaj, c. 74827; M. Planine, c. 70980. 172 Črtani: Anton GroU, c. 57997; Ella Grott, c. 61126. Umrl: An-dy Manarich, c. 60373. 178 Novopristopila: Jennie Thomas, c. 7932«. 174 črtani: Matilda Rudolf, c. 86045; Mary Rudolf, c. 58498. Novopristopila: Angela Ilersic, c. 79327. 175 Novopristopil: John Krall, c. 79328. 176 Novopristopila: M"y Lesjak, c. 79329. 183 Novopristopil: W. D. Chettert>ack, / c. 79691. 190 Novopristopil: Alois Kastelic, c. 79330. 191 Črtan: M. Ceilna, c. 46170. 192 Umrla: Frances Kokotec, c. 14535. 194 črtani zopet »prejeti: A. Turk, c. 80413; J. Turk, c. 67501. 201 Novopristopili: Charlea Healey, c. 79332; Mary Kemprls, c. 79834; Frames,Healey, Ct 79338; Frank IV»ftl*T*r*e. 7M31; Joe Solina, t. 79683. 204 Novopristopili: Frank Osolnik, c. 79339; Roue Rogulj, c. 79338; Vinko Polash, c. 79337; Marica Gucanac, c. 79380; Peter Čeak, c. 79335, 205 Črtan: Jos. Kerwina, c. 9050. 207 črtani: F. Smith, c. 78083; J. Badavina, c. 77675; J. Chebul Jr., c. 73606; J. Chebul Sr., c. 78606; J. Chesnik, c. 9677; M. Mlhailo. vleh, c. 69012, 210 Črtan: K. Markan, c. 78602. 214 Črtan »opet »prejet: M. Riffero, c. 57349. Novopristopili: Louii Tok In, e. 79341; Peter Yankar, c. 79342; J. Troshen, c. 79340, 217 Novopristopila: Sophia Sluffer, c. 79343. 218 Novopristopili: Ursula Shosma* ker, c. 79344; Tony Rozman, c. 79346. 220 NovoprUtopil: Arthur Mastno, c. 79346. 221 Črtan: J. Zalvin, c. 32706. 222 Črtanr F. Zdek, c. 40971. 223 Črtan: M. Hutarac. c. 50363. 227 Črtani: John Smody, c. 73610; J. Vukovic, c. 52110. Novopristo« pila: Barbara Martinko, c. 79614. 230 črtan: Ivan Juratovič, c. 65042. 233 Novopristopila: Josephine Floys, c. 79847. 234 črtani zopet »prejeti: L. Klop« rich, c. 92420; L Žlindra, c. 70423; K. Žlindra, c. 76726. Črtani: F. Uh, c. 39420; L. Rapu-star, c. 47210; F. Mrsze, e. 68271J L. Stout, c. 76259; F. Pfefer, e. 47914. 235 Novopristopil: Jo« Pi«totnik, e. 79348. 236 Črtan: N. Blaiemin, e. 49766. NovoprUtopil: John Htemplhar, c. 79349. 237 Novopristopil: Pster Vignijevi*, c. 79.150. 240 črtan: J. DragilU, c. 67019. 244 črtani »opet sprejeti: J. Kv«n korie, e. 38874; A. HabHah, e. 46167; G. Dvsti*. e. 67296. No-vopristopil«: Josephine Hratko-vir, e. 79852. 26.1 Novopristopil: WaSil Caper, e. 79853. 264 Novopristopili: Mary Medte, t 79*6*1 Kisle Medle, (. 79864. 217 Novopristopil: John Znidarsi*, c. 7 MM. 258 črtan: Frank Urleh, e. 10064. 269 Novopristopil Edward Tomasln, • r. 79867. St dr. 262 črtani: Mary " Hatl, c. 7M16; s John Kolar, na I. strani ) Skupna potovanja Vabljml ste, d« M prkMUtt enemu od sledečih potOTmaJi 88. Marca.—Velikonočno potovanj« na impoaantnem francoskem brsopar-niku a neprekaaljivim 111. raaredoai —lile de Franca, Irt j« is radi BToja vsestranske popolnosti »sslovel pri potnikih vssh rairedov. III. raired do Ljubljane. ...$117Jt III. rasred do TrsU......... 108.50 Retum-karta do Ljubljane... 810XM Keturn-karta do Trata..,.., lVt.00 N« odlaftajte i priglasitvijo »a potovanj«. t. maja.—Majsko potovanje na snanem priljubljenem in sedaj Aa pre* novljenem francoskem brioparnlku— Paris, kojsffa tretji rasred je nekaJ posebnega. Priglasite »e ti m prej in al aagotovite mesto, kolikor prej, toliko bolje »a vas. 111. reared do Ljubljana... .$114.78 III. reared do trata......... 108.10 Rcturn-karta do Ljubljen«.... 106.00 Rerun-karta do Trata.......,.177.00 15. maja.—Potovanje direktne V Trat na novi veliki in hitro moteml ladji - Vulruui«. ki ima najnuder-nejto naprave tudi v tretj«ra raire-du. Samo 12 dni do Tr»U. To peto-venje je priporočljivo »lasti ae av-tomobillate, ki lahko vaameje svoj« "kare" »«boj. dalje ae v«like drull-ne i malimi otroci, In »ploh aa vse, ki ljubijo daljto voftnjo ia »llkovl-tost Bredo«, morja. Priglasilo te i« fte več avtomobilistov. Priglasite m le VI. I i* NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA 15. meje e« nudi potnikom sope* slavni lie de France. 6. junije. Neie glavne poleUe pa tovanje M vrli sopet ne brsoperniki ■ neprekoaljivim tretjina raaredom na lie de Frenee. Že sedaj Je prlgla lenih valje Itevilo rojakov »a to po tovanj«, V Valem Interesu Je, de s« priglasite tudi VI. 19. junija^—Draga petorae|e direktno ne Trat, sopet na hitri, udobni in modami Vuleanlji, sopet se avto-mobillato, velika druline. . 80. JanJJe.—Bredeaemsko potovanje na priljubljenem Perlen. V »adnjih • letih eme Imeli N »kupnih potovanj s nad Ušel pet al ki. Nala »kupna potovanja torej eleoe na mnogoletnlk iskulnjak. V Vele korist bo, ako to epoltevato, Ze via nadaljna pojasnile pilite ne LEO ZAKRAJ8BK of MidtownBaikifNtwYirk 630—9th Ave., Now York, N. Y. RADA BI IZVEDELA KJE HE NAHAJA ' moj mo*, Anton AIumU. Mrs«* maje Imm1<< ic leto dni kur je od-M v drf.«vo Kunan«, po opravkih, in od takrat ni vet notie-nege tflesu od nJega, kaj je vzrok, ne vem. HHka predstav ija kak len flovek Jo. Rojake proNim, fe kdo ve xa njegov ne «lov, naj mi to naznani, za kar bom zelo hvaleftna. Ali pa na «e «am prijavi na moj na«lov: Kma ftkoda, Route 16, Hunker Ifill, III. ~(AiJv.) --I— PAHMK! PARMKf Inward Mine« Farm Lend Co.! je xnatno xnHtala evoja wmlji-kčM v alovcnaki naeolbinl Drainer, Wla., i togo j i ix red no lahki, plllto po hrexiflo^no knjigo In izjasnila na John Goorhol, Hox 104, I Proper, Wla. (Adv.), S tuinlm »reem nssnanjamu Morodalkem, saaerem la prijateljem Krom Amerike ia v atari demeviai leleetao veat, da Je seeds narave »aMevala nalete IJubeaa sina In bests, ALBERT POTOKARJA Smrtno Je ponearelll v avtomobiUU koliaiji dne N. feOmarJa 1880, okrog 11. are »veter. Hi I J« ne mestu mrtev. Ob smrti Je bil star I« 1st. NaJIskreneJle ss lakvallmo »orodnikom, ananeem In prijateljem 1» ( kiraga, Cirera, llerwjraa, Arge. U H«lie. Aero-ra le Ottewe. Milwaukee. Kreo«h« In Meboygea. Wis. la ad drugod. kl at e^ prill I nas teieiiti »b «ase lajoeti ie aearetae «mrti as-lega sina Alberta. Vrtne hvala vaem. kl ste dsrovall krasne sen-ee In sv«to evetllee, katerih Je bilo toliko, ds so sekrtts prostor dvsli nob uh mrtvaikem odru. Popisati Imeae vseli possmeinlkev hi vaelo prevet proatera In nam« tudl nl mogote lavedeti t^jtno Imen vseli darovalcev. Nsjlepls hvala vsem. kl ste prišli k pa-grebu In s svojimi avtomobili, katerih J« bilo nad dve sto, spremili natega dragega atna v povorki na ml rod ver. Nikdar nisva verjele, da Je Imel aa! dragi Albert toliko prijateljev in snaneev med sva-J i tu i kakor tadl med drugorodrl, v »lavoreku nl najti dovolj »impa-tWnlh besed. » katerimi naj bi »e vaem akupaj aaJprUrtneJle ss-hvalila, torej »prejmite nato »ahvalo In obljubljava vam, da nam ne bodete nikdar pessMJeni. Upa hvale le enkrat vsem le se vse, karstekoli nam dobrega ntorlll In naa tolallll. TI pa, dragi sle. nal Albert, potivej v miru in lahka naj Ti bode rodaa gruda na For sel llome mlredvaru. Odlel «1 od naa v preranl mladosti le pustil nas v boli Jsdnl. a na! apomln na Te bode ostal »a vedno v natlh ureih,—ŽSluJetl ostali i Merile In Rose Petokar, atarllai Mertle ml., Rdward. Walter In Kalph, brat Jet Virginia, asatrleai vsi e Lyons. 111. Ako imato loto «tavbUte plačano v Youngatown, Warren, Girard, Sharon, Cleveland ali Lorain, Ohio, vam mi tgradU mo hilo ta vaa, ali pa jp vaamemo ml v oakrbo, dm jo prodamo ali damo v najem xa vaa. Spremenita vašo pruno poaoatvo v posestvo, ki vam bo prlnaAalo denar. Voa denar, kl ga potrebujote, jo le fftOO.OO, ml vam proakrbimo vse oetalo. Dajte nam kontrakt sodaj In tako al prihranita denar. Mi tydt zamenjamo vaAo prazno Joto za zgrajeno hilo. Imamo tudi nekaj farm bliao mesta, kjer lahko delate v tovarni in ob i«tem fesu ftivlto In skrbite xa valo farmo. PRILIKA Farma 128 akrov xemlj*, § aobna lx opeke ildana hlla. v dobrem atanju, druga poalopja, I tal«, 14 krav, 2 konja, dohodki z mlekom prinašajo 9800.00 mesečno, bllao me«ta, mlekarski stroji In drugo potrebno orodje, vso akupaj stan« samo $16,500.00, Imamo tudi nekaj farm bllzo mesta, malih in velikih, na prodaj. Moderno vrejena 6 aobna hlla In en aker zemlje v Warwood, W. Va. Be zamenja za poslopje v mestu, Kakorftnakoli pojasnila telite, pilite nam: / 912 3-4 City Dank Bldg. Youngetown, Ohio e L. $ r HARMONIKE mojega Udelka so pri po« na ne od Igraleev kol najbolj trpe« ne In flae I »delane, ladelujem harmonika Js pravega eellulolda v ras lite Ik iMitM. f^^llgl M se vsi eedefol, biams. katera sem do sedsj nad IS00 harmonik v Ameriki la Canada le feljnl kateri eo neretlll od nune, kar dekaaejeje aakvalna plans, katera vsdne dobivam. Kdor hale Imeti fino harmoelko, ee bre« Arbi obrne neme. Mite pa breeplefnl eeelk. ga vem prt por oda m (levelaod, O. •121 St. Clair Ave. CHICAGO, ILL DVORANI C. S. 112« W. 181 h St. Vdova Rošlinka Komedija r treh dejanjih v prizori Dramski odsek kluba štev. 1, J. S. Z. v nedeljo popoldne 30. marca 1930 ■ ' « « ---1 rrveiM oo i, en Vstopnina 76c Igrt latefrity M Pff" OHWhr PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT GLASILO IN LASTNINA SLOtKNMKB NAIODMB rObPVK. NS JKDKOTS Org m W m4 hMUM kr tW IUwm K«UmmI Ihm(U Mitr ' NarctniM: m Zdruten« drt»»» in«n OiUa—) I« Ktw H Ot M Wto. M M « »odar večini; namesto, da bi vsi ljudje imeli korist od stroja, ima večina ljudi škodo in nesrečo. Stroj Aikanira in terorizira milijone ljudi. Zakaj je tako? Zato, ker jc stroj pri-vatna lastnina posameznikov in privatnih organizacij. V tem Je glavni vzrok. Človek Ae ni spoznal, da staro lastninsko pravo, ki je veljalo za človeAkega sužnja, zerjjljo, živino in orodje primitivne produkcije, ne more veljati ta stroj. Ker hoče jhj vsej sili obdržati st.tro pravo, je potisnil ljudi v uovo formo sužnosti: mezdno sužnost. To je velika napaka in velika nesreča ta milijone ljudi. Stroji se lxpo|Mi)njujeJo. Vs« produkcija postaja mehanizirana. Vse delo prehaja ua stroje. Za bodočnost obetajo stroje, ki bodo na enem koncu j jemali železno rudo iz zemlje In na drugem koncu bodo metali ixgoto\ljeno orodje na dan; obetajo stroje, ki bodo požirali tkanino in dajali iz sebe aešito obleko; strojn, ki bodo proizvajali živila direktno iz mM lin in avtomatično »ervirall topla jedila. Itd., Itd. Možnosti so nepopisne. Stroji IhhIo delali stroje! Kaj pa bodo delali ljudje, ic ne bodo \*i gospodarji strojev ? VpraAanje bo rešeno. 'kadar IhmIo vsi gospodarji vseh strojev z enakimi pravicami! Stroj mora biti suženj, ne pa go*i»odar človeka! Tedaj AH« bo človek svoboden, neodviaen, zdrav, lA »rečen. ■lOBiio SREDA, 26. MARCA. Glasovi iz naselbin Pojasnilo Pueblo, Colo.—Dobil nem več piiem od naAih članov, kateri vpraAujejo, kakAne delavske razmere so v Pueblu. Odgovarjam vsem skupaj, da tudi tu na za-padu smo delavci prizadeti, kakor po drugih Industrijskih me-stih. Delavce odpuAčajo povsod in zelo veliko je brezposelnih. Je že tako, večina ameriAkega delavstva je za danaAnji sistem, pa se moramo tudi mi pokoriti, ki smo v manjšini, bati nam, ki jih dele naAi delodajalci. Tudi tega bo enkrat konec, kadar se prebude delavske armade. Svetujem torej, da sem ni treba ho* d iti za delom, ker je na stotine domačinov brez dela; radi bi de lali za vsako plačo, pa ne dobe dela, ako. bi ga hoteli kupiti. Toliko v pojasnilo. Opozarjam člane druAtva At. 21, da sq udeležijo prihodnje seje 13. aprila, ker pride več važnih stvari v razmotrivanje, v prvi vrsti zaradi proslave 25 letnice društvenega obstanka. Je dolžnost vsakega lojalnega člana, da se vsaj vsake tri mesece udeleži seje. Pokažimo, da smo v resnici bratje. Naša jednota je ustanova, .na katero je lahko vsak člati ponosen. Večkrat slišim, da ni drugega kot kreg na fcejah. To so same kaprice in prazni fzgovori. KakAne seje bi pa bile, ako bi tajnik pobral ases-ment, pa bi šli domov? Jaz bi rekel takim sejam mrtvilo, pa ne zborovanje. Ker smo enakopravni v vseh Ja bo pa nastopila ta veder z iz ozirih, bodimo te toliko pravič4branlm pevsklm Programom, v ni In pr(poznamo, da je ravno druAtvo Orel med prvimi v Pueblu, katero j € ukrenilo že marsikaj dobrega v korist članov. Kritike in debate so umestne, ako imajo zdravo podlago. Vzrok med nami, da se ne razumemo, je, kakor hitro pride kakšna debata, jo vzamejo za prepir, ker ne znamo soditi, kaj je prepir ali diskusija. Cjanl, kateri redno obiskujejo seje, znajo soditi vse drugače, kot pa člani, kateri pri dejo komaj enkrat v letu na sejo. Tudi prepiri imajo dobre lastnosti, to so, da se še bolj spoznamo In trdnejše zvešemo med seboj. Prosim članstvo društva Orel, da pridno prodaja vstopnice za proslavo 25 letnice, ker dolžnost nas vseh je, da se vsi malo potrudimo, pa bo gotovo rezultat, da bomo vsi ponosni na uspeh, katerega bomo dosegli z združenimi močmi. Frank Boltezar. Sklep dlrektorija Milwaukee, Wis. — Z ozirom na rovanjc v Prosvetl In Prole-tarcu, lz|Kxl peresa Frank Novaka v Milwaukee, je sklenil di-rektorij Slovenskega doma na redni seji 21. marca, da se ne bo spuAčal v nikaka razmotri-vanja z osebo, katera nima pokazati drugega kot zmerjanje, razdiranje in kameleonsko preteklost. Vsem drugim Slovencem v naselbini se pa tem potom na-znanja, da se je direktorij in stavbinski odbor Že mnogo ba-vil s proračuni in drugimi okoliščinami tikajočih se stavbiAča In Doma. Vsem dobro stoječim delničarjem in delničarkam, ki tele' predčasna pojasnila o tem, se Jim to rade volje ustreže, ako pridejo na pristojno mesto. V celotnem pa se bodo podala jas-na in natančna poročila in pojasnila na delnlAki seji. Za dlfektorlj Slovenskega Doma, Joh. Matoh, tajnik. Peruaek razMavl v Waukeganu Waukegan, III. — Slovenci v Waukeganu in No. Chictgu so napravili velik kulturni korak, ko so na domovi seji odglasova- 11, da »e naprosi umetnika' IV-ruška,' da razstavi svoje slike v domu in mu dali veliko dvorano zastonj na razpolago. Umetnik se je odzval povabilu in Im> II., 12. in II. aprila, to je v petek, soboto in nedeljo v veliki dvorani razstavil svoje slike, okrog 50 po številu. Slike ImkIo vse v olj. natih barvah. Med drugimi bodo tu <11 kompozicije Iz starega kra-ja, ki bodo prvič na razstavi. Tudi sliko, ki je dobila nagrado v Chicago Art Institutu, bom« V ldrli. Tukajšnji Slovenci in Slovenke bomo Ali vsi na razstavo, da MiiiOto Irpoto narave, ki jo j« naslikal na platno umetnik. Zakaj ne bi šil? Vsi ljubimo lepo petje, glasbo in lepe slike. Nikomur ne bo žal, če bo uporabil par ur in se zamislil v boljši svet, v katerega nas upeljujejo umetniki, slikarji, kiparji, glasbeniki, pisatelji in drugI. Vstopnina na razstavo bo malenkostna vsled želje umetnika, to je, 25 centov za osebo. S tem denarjem, ki ga bo dobil Narodni dom, se bodo pokrili stroški, ki bodo nastali z razstavo. Tudi rojaki iz bližnjih naselbin so vabljeni, da posetijo to razstavo. V nedeljo 18. aprila bo prav lepa prilika pohiteti v Waukegan. Ako bi kdo rad kupil sliko, naj vpraša za ceno pri odboru 6ND. Na svidenje na razstavi! Rudolf Skala, tajnik SND. Pevski večer "Zarje" Cleveland, O. — Zelo prijeten in zabaven večer se obeta prihodnjo soboto zvečer, dne 29. marca, ko priredi znani pevski zbor Zarja "domači pevski večer" v spodnji dvorani S. N. doma. To bo večer za mlade in stare. Ta večer se bomo zavrteli prav po domače po godbi starih valčkov in polk, kot smo se leta nazaj. ko Še nismo poznali "šimija" In jazz muzike. Za ta dan je arenžirana fina domaČa godba, katera bo igrala stare, domače komade, da bo imela užitek od večera tudi starejša generacija, katera se drži zadnja leta bolj ob strani. Zar- skočne godbe "Integrity Red Peppers," ki se dobro razumejo na razne poskočne polke in valč-ke. (Vstopnina je samo 75c, in pričetA predstave je ob treh popoldne. Ako še nimate vstopnic^ kupite jib; dobite jih pri članih » članicah kluba št. 1 in v uraduj Proletarca.—P. O. Napre jev koncert Milwaukee.—Dne 6. aprila bomo zopet imeli priliko nasmejati se od srca. Bilo je že pocečano, da priredi soc. pev. zbor "Naprej" omenjeni dan svoj pomladanski koncert z igro. Kot po navadi, bo nudil popoldanski koncert veliko užitka ljubiteljem petja. Nepotrebno bi bilo naštevati posamezne točke, ker bodo priobčene v programih. Zvečer bo uprizorjena igra "Moč uniforme." Igra ni nova na našem odru, marsikomu je ostala v spominu vsled obilo zdravega humorja in krasnega petja, ki ga vsebuje. Mislim, da bo zanimalo tojake v naši in v sosednjih naselbinah, da sodelujejo pri tej i-gri izvežbane moči in dobri pevci. Posebno veliko smeha bo povzročil Cviren, krojač po poklicu, pokoren svoji ženi Agati, in tudi drugače v škripcih: kuha in pomiva in peče in niti toliko nima svobode, da bi šel na občinsko sejo. Njegova ljuba ženica A-gata, ki mora toliko pretrpeti, ni zadovoljna z ničemer, kar Cviren naredi. Cmoki (prismojeni, čaj prismojen, vina nI več In žiganja tudi ne, denarja ni za novo Mu-zo in seveda, Payel Cviren je vsega kriv. Zid Mayer gk prevari in mu vsili šivalni stroj, plačati mora 20 kron, a denarja ni. Kaj če o tem zve Agata? Brihtni po-magač Milek, katerega je prej "našuntal" Zigon, kakšne so ženske, mu skuša pomagati iz zadrege in pri tem sam zaide v nesporazum s svojim dekletom Li-zo. Liza mu z ljubko pesmijo razodene njeno hrepenenje, a Mi-I Iek se ddrež: "Ali ste jo slišali ? Možila bi se rada, za fanta gre, a fant pa ji pravi: Ne, ne, to ne gre!" Čemu bi vam opisoval več ? Pisatelj je dal v to igro pravo re- mešanih in moških zborih, kvartetih In dvospevlh. Prvič bo mešani zbor Zarja nastopil v pesmi "Svoboda", katero je mr. Iva-nuš, učitelj Zarje, priredil za mešani zbor. Moški zbor se bo pa postavil z novo Pavčičevo skladbo "Bala", ki je zelo pri-jetna. Zarja vabi vse prijatelje in4 obširno občinstvo iz Clevelanda in okolice na to prireditev. Vstopnina Je zelo nizka, samo 50c za osebo. Kot je že ome* . ... .... .. njeno, ta večer je večer sUrihl; 00 * vljenje naših vaških lju- > A i »f alaKAm l/ rti 111 MlAaaar na in mladih. Leo Poljšak. Nasi odri Vdova Rošlinka Ima snubače (Nadaljevanj«, konec prihodnjo nedeljo nm odru.) Chicago, III.—Iz zgodbe, kako se je vdova Rošlinka možila, smo dosedaj povedali, koliko si je prizadevala dobiti Rožmanovega Janeza za moža. Po svoji najboljši moči ji pomaga BalantaČ, ki se je zaobljubil na božjo pot nu sv. VlAarje k Mariji Pomagaj in celo k Mariji Celjski; šel jc k sv. Joštu In po golih kolenih pc "sv. Atengah" prosil svojega patrona sv. Bolantina, in tudi na Kurentu ni pozabil. Tako se je zgodilo, da so prišli Rošlinko snubit. Bilo jc lepega jesenskega dne. Rošlinka je že naprej dobila "l>oAto," kdaj bodo prišli. Prejšnji dan je samo kuhala, cvrla in pekla, da je bilo ja vse priprav, ijeno za "snubače." Saj vesta, kadar pridejo snubači, takrat jc se večji praznik v hiii kot na božič ali velikonoč. Vse je nekako veselo-razburjeno, in dotlčna, ki pričakuje snubce, je zelo nemirna. Tako je bila tudi Rošlinka— (in na skrivaj tudi Manica, zakaj. boste že videli iz Igre). Ponoči je imela čudne sanje, in oh-kako čudne; kaj takega se jI Šini sanjalo nikdar, da bi "bosa od pete do temena" prišla v popolnoma tujo hiAo, da bi jI pajk ravno pred nosom padel s stropa na tla. in noč je bila tako dolga, kot je pripovedovala, ko bi zvečer vsadila krompir, bi bil zjutraj Že zrel. SnubatM res pridejo in snubijo .. . Kako Je snubitev izpadla (naj povemo A*, da je imela kar dve partiji snubcev), boete pa videli prihodnjo nedeljo popoldne na odru v dvorani CSPS. Videli tMNite, koliko je pomagalo vse romanje Halantača. njegovi zagovori in Kolomanov že-gen. Vsled tega nikar ne pozabite priti k tej igri. ki jc v res-nUi tako zanimiva, da že dolg«) niste videli tako zabavne predstave. Po "snubitvi" ho "ohcet" \ dvorani, kajti plesalo ho vse — btaro )u mladu — ob iYvtib di v starem kraju. Ničesar ne pogrešamo od zveste« dekle vaškega titacunarja, hlapca, premožnega posestnika, modrega občinskega odbora z županom na čelu, ki so možje in znajo besedo držati. Vloge so v dobrih rokah, kar nam je porok, da bo igra fatfpadla dobro. Nihče naj ne manjka na tej prireditvi, zabave bo dovolj, •meha toliko, da se boste Še drugi dan držali na emer. Najboljša postrežba vsem ia vsakemu. Ne posablte 6. aprila v South Side Turner dvorano P. O. ' Dve igri Johnstown, Pa. — Rojaki iz Johnstowna in bližnjih naselbin, ali se Še spominjate zadnje svetovne vojne, ki je povzročila neznosno, gorje v vseh prizadetih deželah? Nekateri ste dobili poročila Iz starega kraja od sorodnikov, kako žalostne razmere so bile vsepovsod. Dobili ste poročila, kako je vojna uničila ta dom, razbila to in ono družino in koliko je bilo gorja v marsikateri družini, da je vaA prijatelj prišel ic vojne za vse življenje pohabljen in slep. Tukaj boste videli sliko: družina vaa obupana, ko privedejo dom slepega alna. Dne 31. maja uprizori ženak odruštvo "Naša Sloga" dramo "Mrak." Ta drama da sliko vsega gorja, neznosnih razmer, trpljenja. Društvo "Friendly City" št. 684 bo uprizorilo igro "Trije ptički," v kateri je polno humor-ia. Torej ne zamudite teh dveh predstav, ki bosta zadnja v tej seaoni.—Jennie Dimac. Ršdiopro^ršm m SNPJ Ideja jc dobra Auburn, IU. — pa bi bilo velikega pomena za našo jednoto in njena društva ter članstvo, ako bi SNPJ tedensko po eno uro raspošiljala svoj radio-pro-gram s kakAne močne oddajne postaje, čije valovi dosežejo sleherno amerlAko mestece, o tem smo lahko vsi prepričani. Brat Peter Bernik ima v Pro-sveti z dm* 12. marca o tem stvarna priporočila. Seveda, največje potežkoče bi bile s financiranjem, da bi se ta preko-tistna Ideja uresničila. Moje mnenje je, da je stvar lahko izvedljiva. Prvič, SNPJ izda letno precejšnjo vsoto za oglase, v kampanjah za pridobivanje novih članov tef za razširjanje glasila. To vsoto naj bi se obrnilo v "Radio-Fond SNPJ." To bi bila ena najboljših reklam za jednoto pod ' današnjim sistemom. ' Drugo priporočilo je, da bi vsak Član plačal 10c letno v ra-dio-fond. 40 tisoč članov pomeni štiri tisoč dolarjev. Tretjič, pobirali naj bi se prostovoljni prispevki med vsemi rojaki. Jaz dam $1, kdo da več? Četrtič, oglaševalo naj bi se slovenske trgovce, kar bi prineslo tudi nekaj dohodka, da se bi krilo vsaj delno stroške za rabo postaje. Omenil sem štiri različne načine, .kako financirati radio-program, ki naj ga upostavi naša jednota. Treba je začeti, treba je složnega dela in finančne podpore. Želeti je, da bi gl. odbor SNPJ podvzel takojšnje korake, akcijo, ki bi čimprej uresničila to prekrasno idejo. Dne 6. aprila bo 26 let, odkar je bila ustanovljena naša jednota. Ako mogoče, naj bi se vršil na ta dan prvi radio-program SNPJ. Želeti je, da vZamejo v razpravo to važno vprašanje vsa krajevna društva SNPJ, v kolikor so pripravljena pomagati tej stvari. Radio-programska ura naj bi bila ob nedeljah med 8. in 4. uro, nikakor pa ne med 6. in 10. zvečer, kajti takrat je vse preveč radio-programov in eden drugega ubijejo. Najbolj Ae oddajne postaje so: v Chica-gu, WJBT, WBBM„ WGN in WENR, v Clevelandu je WT-AM, v Pittsburghu KDKA. S teh postaj se sliši širom Amerike, z ostalih pa le na par milj, ker so lokalnega pomena. Take postaje, če potrebno, naj bi se porabilo v večjih mestih za društva SNPJ. Radioprograme SNPJ bi se lahko prirejalo fn pošiljalo v zrak v Chicagu, Cle-velandu, Pittsburglhu, Denver-ju, San Franclscu itd. Na ta način bi se ustreglo vsej slovenski javnosti, za našo jednoto pa bi bila to izvrstna reklama. Naprej za radioprogram SN-n John Homez. PJ"! Uresničimo radio-prognun! Butte, Mont. — V Prosveti z dne 12. marca sem čital br. P. Bernikov članek, v katerem pri poroča, da bi bilo velikega pomena za jednoto in njeno članstvo, če bi se ustanovilo radioprogram SNPJ, kateri bi ji iz-bomo služil v razširjanju njenih idej in še bolj povzdignil njen vpliv. Predno grem naprej, kličem: Živijo Bernik in slovenski radio-program SNPJ! Moje mnenje je, da bi bil radio-program velike koristi za jednoto in njeno članstvo ter slovensko ljudstvo sploh. Siguren sem, da se ne bo noben zaveden član proti vil tej ideji, a-koravno bo treba izdati nekaj denarja, da se stvar začne. Posebno tukaj na zapadu, kjer naAi rojaki tako streme za slovenskim radio-programom. Pripomniti pa moram, da bi bilo potrebno, da se dobi močno oddajno postajo ali pa da se nai-me eno na vzhodu, eno pa kje na zapadu, drf bi slišali naš slovenski radio-program, pod pokroviteljstvom SNPJ, vsi rojaki živeči v Ameriki in Canadi. Su-gestiram, da prva postaja naj bi bila v Chicagu, druga pa v San Franclscu; prva bi služila vzhodnim krajem, druga pa za-padnim. Le v slučaju, da bi sc v Chicagu dobilo močno oddajno postajo, da bi lahko slišali pro-rram na vseh prejemnikih v v ceh državah, potem bi seveda ne bilo treba dveh postaj. Najboljše ure bi bile med 9. in 11. zvečer, kajti takrat že večina postaj preneha z oddajanjem. Vsekakor pa vsi delujmo nato, da se Ideja čimprej uresniči. Glavni odbor SNPJ in članstvo naj takoj pod vzame akcijo, da se Izve podrobnosti, ki »o v zvezi a tem delom. Članstvo pa prosim, da piše in pove svoje mnenje glede tega vprašanja, ki ga Je infciatiral br. Bernik. da tako vidimo, koliko jc zanimanja za stvar. Ideja j« Izvedljiva. Zato pa naprej za naš radio-program! __ An t os F. Motafc. Pros veta in klerikalci Naši slovenski klerikalci v Ameriki, katerih glasilo je "Amerikanaki Slovenec", imajo med vsemi nasprotnimi jim listi Prosveto najbolj na piki. Prosveta jim je največji trn 7 peti, ki jih strašno bode. To je razumljivo Prosveta je glasilo največje slovenske podporne organizacije, katera jih tudi strašno boli Za zlodja je ne morejo niti dohiteti, a kam prehiteti! To je .vzrok, da naši dragi bratje pri A. S. j-eriodično izlijejo na Prosveto na škafe svoje "olike". Pred nekaj dnevi so izlili tri škafe. Jeza Je bila toliko večja, ker je Prosveta pred kratkim razkrinkala A. S., ko je hotel potegniti javnost z "radio družbo", pod krinko katere je rešil svoj radioprogram za svojo reklamo potem, ko mu je Cikaika dejavska federacija odpovedala radiopostajo, ker ni unijaki list. Program je bil rešen z lažjo in slepomišenjem-In v odgovor na Prosvetino razkrinkanje nji-hove laži in slepomišenja so katoliški možje prav po jezuitsko nakidali cel kup novih laži in zavijanj; pisali so o vsem, le o tem ne, kar bi bili morali, če hočejo biti čisti: &kaj so bluf-fali slovenske liste v'Chicagu z "radio družbo". V napadu na Prosveto se obnašajo kakor otročaji, ki kažejo jezik in pačijo obraz, če jim prjsoliš zaušnico. O stvarnosti, dejstvih in dokazih nimajo pojma. Ker oni lažejo, slepomišijo in bluffajo — kaj- jim je tudi dokazano v vsakem slučaju — pride od njih odgovor, edini odgovor, ki so ga zmožni dajati, da tudi Prosveta laže, slepomiši in bluffa. , < » Pri tepcih, ki nič ne mislijo, to lahko vleče, toda Prosveta smatra, da niso vsi rojaki, ki čitajo "Amer. Slovenca", tako zabiti, da bi požrli vse, kar jim nalije kak Jeričev Janez, ki je podpisal zadnji napad na Prosveto. Marsikdo dvomi in pričakuje pojizsnila. Saj ga je lahko prepričalo to, ker g. Jerič ni dal nobenega pojasnila, zakaj je čez noč organiziral "radio družbo" in zakaj je hotel nabluffati Prosveto, da bi mu pomagala delati reklamo za njegov list. V interesu vseh onih, ki ljubijo resnico in hočejo vedeti dejstva, bo Prosveta v prihodnjih številkah razgalila še ostane laži v omenjenem napadu "Amer. Slovenca". Citatelji, ki hočejo biti dobro informirani, morajo čitati naš dnevnik, ne samo tednik. Boj za novo rudarsko unijo 1 _— • ^^ A. Garden Upor rudarjev proti Lewisovemu režimu odpira novo pogiavje v ameriškem delavskem gibanju in zna imeti dalekosežne posledice za vso deželo. Ta' uper je predzadnji teden obrnil pozornost precejšnjega števila ljudi vseh krogov v Springfield, kjer se je vršila reorganizacij ska konvencija upornih rudarjev in v manjšem obsegu v Indianapolis, kjer je Lewis hitroma zbral skupaj tisoč "delegatov" z namenom, da se obdrži v sedlu in še neksj časa igra svojo vlogo. Gotovo je to, da bi Lewis ne bil obdržaval svoje konvencije, ako bi ne bil videl nevarnost v skupini, ki je odgovorna za sprlngfieldsko konvencijo. In da se je zadnja vršila, oziroma, da je prišlo do definitivnega upora rudarjev, ima zasluge v prvi vrsti Oscar Ameringer, bojeviti urednik "Illinois Minerja'', ki je uradnike illinolskega distrikta privede! v situacijo, da so morali pristati v sklicanje reorganizacij-ske konvencije. V to svrho je zbral skupaj progresivne voditelje — Howata, Brophija, Hapgooda, Germerja, Walkerja in A. J. Mu-steja, ki jc načelnik progresivnega gibanja v unijah. Namen, za katerega je bila springfield-ska konvencija sklicana, je dosežen: ustanovljena je nova unija, oziroma novo gibanje, ki si je postavilo glavno točko v programu, re-organiziranje rudarjev in zgraditev močne organizacije. Konvencija je sestojala iz zastopnikov "rank and file" v pravem pomenu besede, katere so krajevne unije poslale v Sprlng-fiel£ z namenom, da deflnitivno pomedejo z Lewi so vi m režimom in iztrgajo - United Mine Workers of America iz njegovih krempljev. Iz tega razloga In ker je ime UMW of A. veČini ameriških rudarjev sveto, ker simbolizira njihove bojevno in bopate tradicije ter aspiraclje, je springfieldska konvencija to ime tudi osvojilo z namenom, da s tem osvoji ostanke nekdaj ponosne organizacije. • -t. • Lewis je prišel na krmilo rudarske orgs-nizacije pred enajstimi leti. Unija Je takrat štela blizu pol milijona članov. Na krmilo je prišel potom zvijač In zarote, s katero se mu jc )»osrečilo izigrati in odstraniti svojega prednika, kateri mu je par let prej preskrbel poučijo statistlčarja v glavnem uradu unije. Ker je Lewis po naravi voditelj in ambiciozne* prve vrste, je med člani glavnega odbora pridobil dovolj pristašev, ki so odstavili prejšnjega predsednika Whiteja in njega izvolili predsednikom. V par letih si je Lewis zgradil mašlno. » katero se je obdržal na krmilu In s katero J« uničil unijo. Z ielezno pestjo, fromovitostj< In z impozantnimi nastopi si Je pridobil " upanje In oboževanje rudarjev, katere je izrabljal z vso skrupuloznostjo neskrupuloznrfi in tiranskega človeka v svpje name*. Do ga so ga gonile nenaaitne strasti po noči, osebni časti in bogastvu. ______ (Dalje v 4p»Ptk»-> ----—- SREDA. 36. MARCA. liŠTotsBki Nirodat Podporna Jidioti U»taoovU«aa •• aprila 1M4 lakorp. 17. J«u4a 1S07 vdrtari UHaeis 2657-5» So. LawudaU Ave„ Chicago. Illinois TcL Rockwell 4104 GLAVNI ODBOR a N.P.J. UPEAVNI ODBEK: VINCENT CAIN KAR, predsednik... .2667 8. Lawndale A v«., Chicaco, m. FRED A. VIDER. «1. tajnik.........2687 S. Lawndale At«., Chicago, III BUS NOVAK, tajnik boL oddelka....2667 S. Lawndale Are., Chicago, HI. JOHN VOGRICH, gL- blagajnik......2667 S. Lawndale At«., Chicago, III FlUP GODINA, upravitelj glasila... .2607 8. Lawndale At*, Chicago. 111. JOHN MOLEK, urednik glasila......2667 8. Lawndtla At«l, Chicago, Dl ODBORNIKI ANDREW VIDRICH, prrl podpredsednik, 669 Ruieall Are., Johnstown, Pa. DONALD J. LOTRICH, drugi podpreds., 1287 8. Trumbull At«., Chicago, III JOHN J. ZAVEBTNIK, gL cdrarnik........8724 W. 26th 8t^ Chicago. Ill GOSPODARSKI ODSRK: FRANK ALESH, predsednik..........2124 S. Crawford Atc, Chicago, IH JOHN OLIP............................,..8624 W. 27th 8t., Chicago, III JOSEPH SISKOVICH**..............1009 E. 74th 8tM«t, Cleveland, Ohio. POROTNI ODSEK: JOHN GORSEK. predsednik......v.......414 W. Hay St., Springfield, III ANTON ŠULAR....................................Box 27, Anna, Kana JOHN TRČELJ................................Box 267, Strabana, Pa. FRANK PODBOJ.............................v..Box 61. Park HiU, Pa. FRANCES ZAK0VŠEK...........1016 Adams 8L. No. Chicago, III OKROŽNI ZASTOPNIKI? GEORGE SMREKAR, prro okroije.......127 Main At«., W. Allqulppa, Pa. JOHN LOKAR JR^ drugo okroije........696 E. 162nd St, Cleveland, Ohio. FRANK LEKSA, tretje okroije............P. O. Box 684, Mulberry, Kans. FRANK KLUN, ftetrto okroije...............4.Box 668, Chisholm, Minn. FRANK KLOPClC, peto okroije......................P. 0. Din««, Wyo. NADZORNI ODSEK: FRANK ZAITZ, predsednik.................8689 W. 26th St., Chicago. Ill ALBERT HRAST.............v........666 S. Pferce St., Milwaukee, Wis. MICHAEL PLESHE.........»....610 Madison Ave, N. 8., Pittsburgh, Pa. POZOBI—KmmomSmms s gtantal tftinfti, M MJi * sL ante. ss vHI t*k*bi VSA PISMA. M m MMlih ee pmU gL mtniifci. aa| m udm m »nfeOaUtm VSI D EN AX NX »ailtjat*« tm Nnil, ki m flto* rt unritft t4Mk> ie MmU nbk Mj m ».UlfeW M sL tejalitv*. Tm h4m, UbaM* a* MMib >.<>.», aaj m »»ilUaJ* as M. tahdltT*. Tm iuUt* t mri ■ Hm^bUUbI »mU. aaj m p*IHJ«J« aa Mw^Oltw. TSB PRITOŽB« |M« mliwili * gL vntMi iftm aaj es hIIM* Prask Sejea. HWMJnUi. M4MTMO (Ami. TSI PRI7JVI ae sL Hntad iM ss asi eaJSJaJ* as J«fca Omika, T SI DOM* le trad •— NhH asi m aOilia aa TXOSTXTO/ NOT! 1 CtrrapariaM with Iks Sap««— OMm ■ tm. hat |s t m« tMT 8. UnUib in. CM««. DL haalI Is litoaM es ftOmi It AD toarflt stoaU to Matters *f S la Iks sasesianr'a afflaa. to iHnml to Iks •I Iks UIU. cfcalraaa at tto tod «1 CtortM. CmbmIMM. ArtidM (M Htm Mtalalag to tto aCfMal avgaa to "PXOSTXTA." TAJNIKOM V NAZNANJE! Dne 31. marcem se »ključi naaa jubilejna kampanja. Na vsa društva smo razposlali potrebne pole, na katerih naj se sporoči rezultat. Opozarjamo tiste društvene tajnike, kateri nam do sedaj še niso poslali o-menjenih*.liotfeaiter .vse one^rt katerih društvih se je od lasa zadnjega poslanega obvestila pridobilo kaj novih članov, naj v najkrajšem času izpolnijo ter nam vrnejo zadevne listine, da nam bo mogoče razposlati darilu, do katerih so člani-agitatorji u-pravičenl. Kred A. Vider, gl. tajnik. SPREMEMBE (Nadaljevanje 1 3. strani.) Štev. 351 Črtan: K. Putnar, c. 7151. •ir>2 Črtan: I. Deželak, c. 69563. 363 Novopristopil!: William Plisko, c. 71)619; Anna Mihaljavic, c. 79410. 350 Črtan: Geo. Chcbra, c. 66449. 357 Novopristopila: Mildred Blanish, c. 79411. •M Umrl: John Rahilc, c. 78134. Novopristopil: Tony Zele, c. 79412. «74 Črtana stopet »prejeta: Mary To-mič, c. 39784. Novopristopil: John Pungercar, c. 79418. 374 Črtan: M. Mataruga, c. 76191. •'17K Novopriutopili: Amelia Uljan, c. 7941»; Henry Jano«, c. 79414. 379 Novopristopil: D o m i n i c k De Franci«, c. 79410. 3H2 Črtan: Frank Novak, c. 78644. Novopristopila: Agues Mikolich, e. 794IT. •>3 ( rtanl: I. Puhalo, e. 63905; F. Kosin, c. 30660; Nick PavlUevich, 02203; V. Jovetlch. e. 02269. 387 Nnvnpristopil: Anton Mslnsr, c. 79418. :;hm Črtan sopet »prejet: P« Fla»e-l»ch. c. 72193. Črtan: N. Zurich, <•• 74266. >9 Črtani xopet sprejeti: M. Mecho-nich, c. 76792; J. Kasky. e. 72743. 'I 'rtnn: Frank Vldmsr, c. 33021. '' Črtsn: L. Raven, e. 76310. vopriiiopili: Theodore Vodspivc, e. TJM26; Joseph Vodapive, e. ' ►024; Frenk Milave, c. 7W23; J« me« M i lave. c. 79622; Mary Milsvec. c. 79021; Anton Milsvc, e. 7W20. ■•4 Črtsn: V. J. Norbut, t. 72041. Črtan: P. Vryovich, c. 69661. ■i * Novopri»topil: Tony Plntar, c. 7:»4J9. '« Novffpri«u,pili: Caroline Teiak, \ 7U420; Rcmu* plut, c. 79421. ' :' rtan sopet sprejet: RI«t# An-'ahakf, C. 31723. Črtani: Henry WVinher*. e. 74948; Andy Ma-' ieh. e. 74314. No«roprist«piH; •'"M-ph Ranick. «. 7M24; Mike 'Vnsnski. c. 79423; Mildred Wekiafc, e. 79422. 1 [ mri: J. Rart«. c. 340*6. Noro-nn.upila: Franres Kukljan, t. 7''426. ' rUn: K 1'rebevsak. e. MS07. N 'vnprteteyila: Christine Krtn. -9426. c. fltev. 408 Črtan: John James, c. 78649. 409 Novoprislqpjla: Sava Koatic, c. 79686. 411 Novopristopil: Martin Dernovsek, c. 79427. 412 Črtan: Pet Milanovich, c. 73636. 414 Črtani zopet sprejeti: A. Pin ta ric, c. 36361); E. Pintark, c. 69183. I , 416 Črtan ropet »prejet: A. Segotta, 421 6rtan: P. SUsany, c. 18911. 422 Novopristopila: Annie Mismash, c. 79626. i , : 426 Črtani: Jvan Erdelj, c. 77742; R. Tomich, c. 66692. Novopristopil: S, Med.vedovich, e. 79627. 427 Črtani zopet sprejeti: K. Maso loški, c. 74381; J. Maeoloski, c. 53896. * 434 Črtani zopet sprejeti: F. Podobnik, e. 11621; Mary Podobnik, c. 19716. 436 Črtani: Matt Vukarovieh, 67671; Boh Robert, c. 66784. 438 Črtan zopet sprejet: L. Slcik, c. 68800. Novopristopil: John Chesnik, c. 79429. 439 Novopriatepil: Miko Obrodovich c. 79628. 442 Črtan: A. Vadnal, c. 41617. 448 Umrla: Tere«ia Golob, c. 48093 460 Črtani: Angela Kmet, c. 30482; Anton Kmet, c. 22872. 450 Novoprtstopili: Eva Troyer, c. 79434; Samuel Morgan, c. 79430 462 Črtan: M. Bogdan, c. 65312. U mrl: S. Shalfer, c. 7817. 464 Črtan: J. Librich, c. 79436. No vopristopili: Kata Vukasovich, c. 7'.♦629; Mary Vuicich, c. 79487; Jovo Marincich, c. 79436; Pavao Varati«, e. 79434; Milka MeikHn- 621 Črta« sprejet: P Prpan, c. 27208. &TJ črtani: Mikr Dragieevlrh. c. - M398; Teta Krn k-k, c. 6*412. 630 črta a aopet sprejet' T. PsUrkk. e. 66782. črtani: Mike Radorich. e. M4t*i A. r 7 W32. Stav. r f L • ^ 631 črtan sopet sprejet: G. Obre-novic, c. 62261. Črtsni: M. Stip-nar, c. 48198; D. Bankovich, c. 69801. Novopristopil!: Eli Ro-zon, c. 79449; Kolo Angeloff, c. 79448; Stefanla Pasalich, e. 79447. 532 Črtani: M. Jenlkar, c. 36466; J. Brenc, c. 9122; J. Jenikar, c. 20661. " 533 Umrl: M. Turkovkh, e. 74280. 534 Črtan: G. Gjermanovkh, e. 66840. 635 Novoprtstopili: Louis Meser, c. 79633; Joseph Thomas, e. 79450. 540 Črtan sopet sprejet: M. Zimon-sky, e. 76143. 542 črtani: J. Vitkovic, «. 71706; S. Brossnk, c. 36194. , 543 Črtan: Nick Zirk, c. 70660. 561 Novopristopil: Jim Bodi, c. 79451. 563 črtan: Mirko Lukich, 0. 70663. 554 Črtani sopet sprejeti: Anton Cin-dric, c. 61696;..Agnes Cfndric, c. 76003. Črtani: Jos. Balsnt, c. 78024; Mica Todorovic, c.> 77492; Luka Ycrbtf, c. 02269. 556 Črtani: Mike Basar, c. 76903; Anna Basar, c. 70962. 558 Črtani zopet sprejeti: L. Holton, c. 66893; T. Kajda, c. 70451; J. Poljak, c. 69624; T. T. Holton, c. 06607; V. White, c. 76905. Čr tani: M. E. Shrage, c. 06791; R. Hrivar, c. 04997; L. Franzois, c. 77500; R. D. Rostek, c. 69421; F. Darlin, c. 75524; A. Svihla, c. 72759; J. Bulina, c. 74092. N0V0 pristopili: Herman Heinckamp, c. 79454; Charles vSchima, c. 79463; Elisa Blsdin, c. 79465; Rosa Ba-chion, c. 79456: Joseph Kmet, c. 79467; Rudolph Rataolini, e. 79458; Sophia Heinckamp, o. 79459; Berths Detrhayes, c. 79460;. Emil Vandenabue. c. 79461; B«rt Rope rt, c. 79462; Siro Moro, c. ! 79463; Umbcrt Gardonl, c. 79464 Joe Rainko, e. 79406; Maria Fav retto, c. 79406; Dmytro Kastooky, c. 79467; Luigi Carias, c. 79408; Miko Stefura, c. 79469; Giuseppe Cardoni, c. 79470; Antony Rudyn* sky, c. 79477; Joe Bladin, c. 79475; Peter Favretto, c. 79474; fiantti Rachion, c. 79473; Peter PolČak, c. 79472; Emidio Mat-tachinl, c. 79471; Sam Kalowks, c. 79470; Zuzana Kunds, c. 79452. 659 črtani zopet sprejeti: Leo Bue-kovitz e. 74104; H. Mssilunas, e. 77938; M. Hayes, c. 68287; M. Sotosek, c. 55699; J. Znidarshich, c. 70934. Črtsni: A. Baskovits, c. 78446; Jos. Hltti, c. 69741; John Kochevar, c. 73266; J. Kovach, c. 75007: G. Prpltch, c. 62024. Novopristopil!: James Jachinp, c. 79479; Frank Jsnc, c. 79478. 564 Novopristopil!: John Lacknerr*. 79480; Alvena H. Kaltner, c. 79481. 565 Črtan: Mi jo Marinko, c. 55779. ' Novopristopil: Anton PavidiC, e, ...i 7*86. . .i 566 črtani: Anna Stevens, c. 55460; Mae Butala, c. 73036; Joe Kris-man, c. 68454. 568 Novopristopila: Mary Ogrin, c. 79482. 669 Novopristopil: Robert Hochevar, c. 79483. 576 Črtan: Anton Ule, c. 73273. 677 črtan: A. Blazina, c. 70335. No-vopristopil: Lawrence Stewart, c. 79484. 681 črtani sopet sprejeti: M. Belicle, c. 68689; A. Bellcic, c. 69866. Črtani: M. Urbantlc, c. 70353; L. Uri>an2ic, c. 70830. 582 Črtan: S. Milo«evlch, e. 71207. 683 črtan! J. Cupar, c. 70802. 584 črtani zopet sprejeti: M. Kun-ljsn, e. 77939; M. Zakrajiek, c. 71799; F. Zakrajftek, e. 73128. Črtani: J. Levstick, c. 08340; E. Levstiek, e. 78200; V. Petelinsek, c. 78948; M. Kajfe«, c. 77118. Novopristopil!: Mary Gradislrer, c, 79486; Frances Gradlsher, c. 79487; Frank Erchul, c. 79485. 685 Umrl: L. Gorencic, r. 29690. <587 Novoprlstoplllr Joseph K<#>«', e. 71*687; Peter Kobetlch, c. 79030; Milo Donovioh, c. 79036; Peter Zalac, e. 79634. 588 črtani: J. Starirh, c. 72582; K. Magdle, c. 74126. Novopristopil; Andrej Perko, sar, c. 79497; Jimmy Valentine, e. 7V4'^6; Nick Ovanln, e. 79495; I/hi Is ftimoi*!*, c. 79494; lsw-r*nrm Hevartno, e. 79493; Ros« Zott. c. 79492. 618 črtani: F. V able. e. 78218; V able, e. 7N2l9. 619 Črtani: P«Ur Usalee, t. T. JeiMk4i, c. 78607. NovoprtaU-ptl: Anton Golob, e. 79499. 820 črtan sopet spr«)rt: F. P«>je, c. »aiVKT 6uv. 627 Novopristopil: John Livaich, c. 79500. 628 Novoprtstopili: Anton Herenda, c. 79502; Mate Utrosa, e. 79601. 630 Črtani: Retoert Pezelij, c. 77133; Mary Pvellj. e. 70204; Robert Peseli|» «. 70203. Novopristopil i: Mile BaaariA, c. 78*41; John Nosich, c. 79508. 635 Novoprtstopili: Rosa Piovcson, e. 79642; Umherto Rudolf o, c. 79646; Elvira Del Borba. c. 79645; FsfWy Yunace, c. 79043* 638 Črtan:/Tliante Bosich, c. 76918. 640 Črtan: Frsnk Shutty, c. 70161. 641 črtani zopet sprejeti: Helen Kin-koff, 'ti 75283; Joseph Grill, e. 74678. Novopristopili: Joseph St urna, c. 795Q8; Stanley Intihar, c. 79507. 042 Črtani: Jos. Klopach, e. 71042; Tony Ilunburger, e. 74316. 643 Črtan sopet sprejet: J. Kromer, c. 77947. Novapri 089 Novopristopil: Ceerge Yack, c 79050. ' 093 Novoprtstopili < 79661; Frank ton Kelpec, c. c. 79054j Jpsephj Frank Rile, , c. 71*062; An 68; John Žalec idmar, e. 79656; Louis Hosts, c.' 19650; Peter P« vlinte, c. 70657 \ Joseph Bauer c. 79658; Joseph Tome, 4. 79669 Mirko Mal«f, c. J79660; John Gr blc, to, 79661; i"ony Strumbel, c. 79662; Ignatz M«rhsr, c. 79663; John Ztekar, c. |79664; 1'aul Ba ... bie c. 79606S, .John Vertln, 79666; Ludwlk Strah, c. 79667 John GvozdanovjČ, c. 79668; A lols Zevnlk, e. 70669. 697 črtani: Frank F»lta, c. 78618; Joseph Lozsr, c.t 78616. Novopri stopili: Floyd Uu/fer, e. 79574; George Stankowich, e. 79673. 698 črtan t M. Salle, c. 78994. 701 Novopristopil!: Louls Kravear, e 79073; Ralph U»"k, e. 79672; Joo Peskar. c. 79071; Louls Jaklič c. 79670. 703 Črtani: John K692j Nollle Krovat e. 78601; Jon Borga. e.. 796M9 Frank J. Cfwat, c. 705R8; SUn ley Smolensk 1, e. 79587. VtfA A. Vider, g), tajnik Jitfiitica urednttiva TaJniSlvo Jugoslov. Matica v Clevelandu: Članek prejeli, toda kdo ya pošilja? Kdo je odgovoren za tajnittvo? Pošljite podpis, da vemo, kdo je odgovoren ia vse skupaj. M. F. R., San Francisco: Ivala ta iiretke. PROLETARECl j« slovensko glasilo soelallsU* £&e stranke v Ameriki. Vsak delavee ia rojak ki ae ssnlma ta soetslizem, bi ga moral redno dltatl, kar vam kal« pravo aliko socializma. Naročnina znaAa $3.00 na leto, $1.75 na pol leta. Naslov: PROLETARBC, 8639 W. S6U1 St. CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Pilite po aai cenik knjig! NA 1'KODAJ J K pet sobna hita, elektrika, plin in voda, pet lotov semlje sasajeno s rasnim sadnim drevjem in (rto, ki le vse rodi in se nahaja v slovenski naselbl nI Kast Canon«burg, lep kraj, 10 mi> nut do Standard Tin Tlate Co, tovarne, ki stalno obratuje, jas delam v nji 1« Iliri leta, pa le nisem iagubil vitega dneva. Prodata pu selo nlski veni, vsled selitve na'farmo, radi mo e)ga rahlega idravjs na nasvet,sdrav nlKa. Prldltp 'oscino all j>a pU'lte sa pojasnila na naslov: frank Samsa, Bok 084, Canonsburg, Pa., Wush. Co. ^_:, 1 (A4v.) Richard j. Zavartnik LAWYER 1551 a. Central Pk. Av«. (■« MIh BO Ohlaae*. llllnoU riMMi CrvwUH SIN nouasi • a. M. *• • P. M. HMft W«4*n«u s «4 Sslarisr loop omox> lit S. Doarbora 8L-R00« 71« 1 ▲Mmms far Ms iaemlav SuliSUs u< POT nadih dramskih društev je trnjeva. Oni, ki se tega zavedajo, redno obiskujejo njih predstave ter jim nudijo finančno in moralno pomoč. Slov. Dram. društvo "Ivan Cankar" snkljuOi letošnjo igralno aezijo a jako fino komedijo v treh dejunjih "Kdo je mrtev?" v nedeljo, 30. mana 1930 v Slov. Nar. Domu, 6117 St. Clair Ave. l< Cleveland, Ohio Predstava |>opoklne in aveOor po običajnih cenah, IMija je v zmožnih rokah Mr. Louis F. Trugerja. Vstopnice pri Mrs. Kuahlan v S. N. D. PRALNI I>AN nI vej dan trdega dvla, Torent avto-matični pralni stroj je reill lenske te suftnostl na dsn perila. Nob«nlh sltposti p strojem, da bi trgsl obleko, ne plina, ne električne nevarnosti, nobene posebne sile. TorentoV avtomatični pralnfck s« p rile t« v vsak pralni kotel in t«Aa le sedem funtov. N« vssme skoro nič prostora. Cena Je aamo $».76. Polljlte nam ta oglas in omenjeno vsoto ▼ poAtnem ali ekspresnem Money Order* ali pa gotov denar v priporočenem pismu na naslov: Torent Kales Co., Room 316, Lyceum Bldg., 811 Penn ave., Pittsburgh, Pa. Potrebujemo sofltopnlke, agente.—(Adv.) TeL Clear« «10 CUmf 4484 Or. FRMK PAUUON Slovenski soboadravmik 1113 15 Sa. Btad Avh Clawe, I1L Uradne are t Od 0 do II šop;, od 14 pop. in od OtSO do 9 •večer. Ob sredah ia nedeljah od 9 11 dopoldne. VABILO K IGRI katero priredi SLOVENSKI DOM v nedeljo, 13. april« 1030 v Collinsburg-Weat Newton, Pa. (»rltetek točno ob t. uri popoldne. Vstopnina k igrii Motkl 7ftc, lenske 50r, otroci lOc "Baron čevljar" ialolgra v treh dejanjih. OHKHK; Hsroiiira Ostrovrčka, vdova,,,........................KaUtie Kralj Dr. Kralj, sdravnik............................................Frank Kupnik Orof K odliki, polkovnik...........................NUfan Retonlja AraMla, njiju hči..................................Mtevi« Doiono Korinakl! mor. kapitan..,..............................4 * * Btrelaj pri liaronicl..................................Anton Celin Podplat, čevljarski kojster,..,,..................Leopold Prijatelj Cila, njegova lena,.......,,,.......................Vera ()eop«k 2ajb«lnovka; njegova sestra......................................Ang«ls Ocepek Nace, čaVIJarski vajenec (baron).,. ...............Feliks Ju rje v le P*tur ........T portiočnlfti' 1 .........Prank Ambrolič Mihec .................. j pri } ..........August KavčM Juro ............................j Podplatu j,,,.,.....Jaeob Zupančič Msrička, kuharica pri Podplatu......................Milka Trillor Rafael, baron (ssmenjanl sin).........i............Anton H k rab« Policaj.................................i.....r,Martin Oaterman Urban Rlbenlan, popotni krolnjar .,..................John OosolJ Uljudno, vabimo idičlnstvo domače In Is vse blilnje In oddaljeno okolice, tla nss pos«tit« n« ti prireditvi v ribllnem čtevllu. Torej na Svidenj« 18. aprila, kliče in vsbl • • • ODBOR. ItomuvM letita soja SprinRffald, III. — Iklničar-j< m SlovannkfKM doma s« nasna nja, da -s« letna domt»va wj« \mi dno 1. aprils ob 2. popoldne v domovHi prostorih. Vabljen Ktc vsi delničarji, da sc sejo tu tfotovo ud«'let i U*. Na dnevnem redu bo ^mleg drugih vprašanj tudi poročilo di rek torija o is-datkit) in dohinlkih v pmAlem letu. Poročal Ih> tudi ]K>aebni odbor, ki Je bil izvoljen, da t>o-Izve, kako bi se dalo preurediti dom. Seja Je vatua in potrobno j«, da «p*v vsi nav^ičl ker pri tem Rre za na^< in terene. Jon. Ovra, tajnik. IIITltO ZDItAVIJKNJE KKV-MATIZMA Kateri trpi na revmatizmu, naj si naroči Kerunt Liniment, ki mora po|M)lnoma ozdraviti to bolezen v 48 urah. To adravilo Je ie na tinoče ozdravilo in bo tudi vas, Je edino gdravilo, ki mora popolnoma psdravetl. Ta zdravila so Jamčerui od Julien Korit n t, under the food and drug art June S0( l!Klfl. Cena stskleni-cl |2.r>4). V*a nsročila naj so ^ ft I Jo jo na: John DHtelak, »01 Lincoln Hi., Nokomls, III. (Adv.) N« proda) Mit la poMilva za trgovin •< ti< it r čo imata prašno loto In Jo telite samenjatl sa hilo, oglasite sa pri nas. Imamo sledeča posestva na prodaji Na drsen Avh.-B sobna hlla s kopsllftčem, vellks klet in fumsss gor« kota sa $5MA0, takoj Ja pUčati fllOO.OO, Na Heard Ave., bliso Ko K Ht. - U sobna hite, gorkota na paro, od sadaj jo 6 sobna hlla, lota meri .'MslttA, cena $V,000.00, damo pogoje. Is opeke sldana, sa dve druftlnl, dve fi sobns hite, tri lota stara, tlaklrana ulice, vs« moderno vrejeno. (Vna Je |10,S00.00, takoj Je plačati samo IMftOO.OO. Na Watannan Avn. 1* o|ieke sldano poslopje, narejeno sa trgovino, *P4> •taj in »goraJ O sobno stanovanje. To s« semenja sa loU ali sa resid«nčno hite. * Na lleistimn Ave. (to J« ulica, kj«r live Nlovvnci), S sobna hite, vse* skosi klet, (tarna gorkota, kopalnic«, garate ss dvs kari. Cona samo 000.00, na Ishke obroke, Vsa ta posestva SS nahajajo na West Hid«, iMroit, M lob., bliso Woven, »kega Doma, kjer Jo n«*elJ«i>lb skupno n«Jve4 Klovvnt-ev. Imamo Uidl nekaj dobrih farm bliso D«troita s vsem orodjem Is oprsvo, ali pa bt«s orodja In oprav«, kakor kdo teli. Oglasit« so osebno ali p« plSiU v sloveiuk«*m J«slku n* naslovi FKKI> (J. ACKLKY COMPANY, «440 W. Fort Mirti, iMroil, Mlrh. Phoae t rdac StAl. Ml emo t« 20 ]«t na «n»m In Istem prostoru. r lanom dnaUva 4t. I IM IMIUhurgh. Pa^-CUnoni HS V J naznanjam, da se vrfti Mnn neja Slov. d«mia dm* H. aprila. Hoja lxi zelo va^.na. Na dnevnem rodu bodo volitve odbora, določitev članarine za prihodnje I«, to Itd. To ae tudi van tič< /a|»1 K. pa Je tudi vaaa dolf.noat, da vs| pridete na aejo, na kateri čas in proaUtr za bate In sklemt. Le tiatl, ki so bo izkazal s člansko izkaznico, bo imel vstop. Juha Ban član drufctva 11». IZLET V JUGOSLAVIJO N- na 9. nisja tega Ista z rknpreanim parnikom OLYMPIC g IxvnHnim voditsljem. Originalne rrno bras posebnih zaračunani. Najbolj*i prostori t vaeh razredih ao U sedaj zajamčeni sa naa. NIC P O ZA I« I T K v N A VELIKONOČNI IZLET Najtelji pamlk na svetu MAJESTIC xapuali New York mm 4. aprila tega leta g nekoliko voditelji, ki ao vsfttekl v trm poalu. Na vodi aamo 6 In pol dni Prijave sa te, kakor tudi sa v«t drug« izleta v junij« In juliju prejoma KASPAK AMERICAN STATE MIK im IHw UUnd csati'.iv r cuicaoo, iuu Thm Society »lull fa«rt to ita member* personal heoAotn of r^ So^iShM^e*!, ethical and political creed*. SNPJ Bp-Urn*. Tboee who would fire up i liberty to p arc h Me a little raiy safety nor safety. ■tempo-neither liberty Bm. Franklin, Motto to Historical Rmv,* u ENGLISH SECTION PAGE 811 SNPJ EXCURSIONS "go yoe'fe going to Kuroee this seme**!" Wouldn't you lik« II if your friends greeted you with word., and you could ssy, "Yea, I'm golag wllb the HNPJ Kscursion, and I'm -aMag from New York oa May MT (Or June 28 or July 8). It he« been your ambition to travel Mm* day, at • U I« everyone'«. Why not make that Indefinite "»o®e day" definite thl« su«mer by deciding that you will join on« of th« HNPJ conducted tour« which ar« scheduled to leave N«w York on May U, Juno 28 •nd July «T . . . _., Th*r» are about on« hundred member« from an part* of the country who have already made that daemon, and Are now looking forward to a pleasant summer .pent in comfortable and profitable trav.U Comfortable becaum the tiresome detslls of th« lone journ«y arc being tak«n car« of by the 8NPJ Excursion Bureau, and profitable in the sense of new know-ledge raided a. well as "something for nothlnf obtained. By the latter w. r«fer to the on« week'« Free Tour of Jugoslavia which is th« big future of the HN'pJ Kscdrslons. AH thoa« who buy round trip tick-•to from th« Bureau or Its representatives ar« entitled to free transportation, on thla trip, the schedule of which i. as follows: Sunday, July 27 will be celebrated as American day la Ljubljana. Bpeclal program, July 28—From Ljubljana to Split, In Dalmatla. Stopping at several point« along the route. July 29—Sifhtseelnf In Split and vielnlty. -4- July 80—By Steamer along the coast to Kotor. July—By steamer U» Dubrovnik, and thence by rail to Sarajevo. August 1—At Sarajevo, where the World War aterted. August 2—At Zagreb. * If possible, the tour will be extended from Sarajevo to Belgrade, to Zagreb. Complete detail« of thla tour as w«U aa all Information and prl«ea of the entire excursion are given In a booklet which will b« *«nt to you If you desire FOR MEMBERS OF SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY AND AMERICAN SLOVENES Comrades Clevelaad, Ohft^-The Comrade play, "Color Blind," will go down in th« history of the lodge as another Muccesaful affair. The attendance wat large and voiced it. approval of the manner in which the caat enacted the play. The only thing which put a damper on th« affair, as far aa th* fast was concerned at the time, wai the news of the low condition of Joe Jarc's mother who died early Monday mornifg. We extend our most heartfelt sympathy to Joe and his brother and sisters. The Comrades were ona of thu many lodge« and individuals who took advantage of the exhibition of Božidar Jakac and went to nee his paint-ings, graphics, and wood cuts. The exhibition was colorful and allowed those who attended a chance to im the works of one of our leading Slovene artists. The Comrades were one of the many who purchased one of Mr. Jekac's painting*. The members will have a chance to see the paiting at the next monthly meeting. by entertainment. A new member of an hour won the roofer riven away, Sister Theresa Resek. Four people were initiated. Onwardf «.. • * And we certainly are proud to toll of our Sister Mollie Furlich. She was elected to - represent the Illinois Power Company in a state-wide public speaking contest. Sponsored by the electric association. Only winners of each utility company In state, of which there are eight I believe, spoke in finals before utility convention in The Abraham Lincoln Hotel. While Sister Mollie did not win the coveted prixes, we boast she represented thousands of employees of hep own company, which is d'oing aplenty. • « e • t . * Football! We too extend heartfelt congratulations to Bro. John Dreshar of Irwin, Pa., on his election to captaincy of Carnegie Tech 1U30 football team. Honor indeed. Next season I can sec I'll neglect local teams and Illini, long enojigh) to read about Carnegie Hfech, and say I hope, "Gol-fy, they won again." e « « Perhaps we shall meet LIndy. Cleveland Is far off, but so Is Labor day. The boys' bowling teum has been struggling hard throughout the sea-eon to gain a position at the top of the Intor-Lodge Bowling Leagu? standings and has finally come up to within four games of first place. At the present time they are in a tie with the Collinwood Booetors for third place by virtue of their victory over the Koxan Shoe Repairs last - ............._ _ .. . Sunday. In the remaining fames to Address the SNPJ Excursion | U play9ii th,y h.Vt. only on. danger- ...------------- til HNPJ Kieuraloa Bureau. | ^ ^ ^ ^^ ^ ^ ^ tana. If they win over the Spartan i they have a splendid chance to finish up in third place. Good luck, boys. The girls' basketball team finished its season with an easy triumph over the Spartans and gained fourth place in the standing. Considering that this is ths first season in which they played they have done very well and should rive their opponents a tougher battle next season. They are to be congratulated on their showing and have our best wishes for success this coming fall and winter. »UUTU« Ilir * • - — ------_----- , _ dale avenue, Chicago, 1H.-BNPJ Bxcersloa Ben THE MERRY (WIDOW" IN CHICAGO This Sunday at CSPS hall. W. 18th st. and May, an interesting Slovens com«dy will be presented by the Dramatic Section of the Club No. I, JSF, at three o'clock In the afternoon, being a three-ect staffs production celled "The Widow of Roslln"—or "Th. Mer-v- ry Widow." It Is a rlp-roerinff, hllarloui dramatisation of a story wherein a "well preserved" peasant widow nstvely falls in lovs with her dsughter'« "boy friend" who promises to marry th«m both. "1>e Merry Widow" is a comedy portraying ths real Slovene peasant life as Is Ns Gorenj«k«m, having for It« bero s Jsnet, young snd strong ... The rest you'll see and find out this Sunday, March 80. Admlseion tickets only 78c. Oanee after the comedy for which The Integrity Red Peppers will play. ' Do not miaa this piogrsm, if you do, you'll mi«« a really ffood time......Plh. Cess. _ INCOGNITO'S FLASHES • Chicago'* Pioneers Initiated ten new member, and accepted eix transfer'cards at Ust Friday's meeting. This brings th« total membership to 461. Our Jubilee Csmpslffn thereby closed In the manner beflttlnff the Pioneer workers. Altoffether 126 m«mbers wsrs pres. •nt at the meeting. Four prominent m«n w«re smong th« n«w member«. Deneing followed the meeting, snd«nts were served. Uulse Zele was ths recipient of s 68 00 ImN. She was present for the ususl drswing. Most of th« new members enjoyed the meeting. A number of importsnt questions wsre discussed, e e e Hail, hall! We want the whole gang out for the next Pioneer game, Saturday, March 20. All kinds of rumors have been heard Shout this gams. If only hslf of these sr« true, our folk« will se« a ffood ffame. It I« to be plsyed at the Frsnklln psrk ffym at 14th ami K Udare. The Pioneer fflrle preliminary ffame will be played at 7:16 p. m. • « e Our boy. plsyed a most thrilling game against the Trotans last Saturday night! Of course th«y won the game, but It was nip and tuck all the way after ♦he first quarter. With the soccea.ive baskets our boy. took a comfortable lead. Thla was thinned down st the quarter to 6 snd 8. At the hslf the score stood 10 aoiece. After the third quarter II was 16 all. Th«n the Trojan, forged ahead IS to 16. Our boy« tied It up in the la.t fAur minuto« of the plav and made an extra basket to win the game S6 to 28. • e e last Thor«iay night the Pioneer, defeated Ihe Waco Pine, for the aeeond time within a week. Every member ' of the team participated in the winning. With thl. Saturday', game affaln.t the Gophers our team will end this year's basketball »eaaon. « e e Indoor baMdtall is already on the card. Jack Groaaer, chairman of the Pioneer athletic committee, reports progrea« in the forewtion of the 10.10 team. Several of the old players will be back with the team so that our boys can evpeet to have a formidable combination which should give even the mpre ex-teem, a lot of competition. Newe reaches us of the second anniversary of the Proffressives and of the third anniversary of the Struggled to be celebrated in the very near future. The Comrades wish both of their neighbors continued success and growth and hope that they may continue to prosper In the future. Ths Htrugglers' second anniversary celebration last year has not been IntftprBv Ramhliifft ■■IvglllJ iMMiiviing« Chlcsgo.—Little by little and the Integrity Lodge No. <131 is reaching a point of prominence among the SNPJ lodges of the United States and Canada. The lodge itself ifc reaching the hundred mark gradually. We hope that the Integrity lodge may be able to Itoast of twice the total increase of the past in the year of 1030. You can do it. Get your members now. Ths Integrity Red Peppers composed exlusively of Integrity Ramblers are making great headway l,n boosting the Intoffrity Ramblers throuffhout the country. As a bit of information at this point take out your date books and see if you can possibly make it with the Red Peppere at the > following places: On April 20 when the "Epst-er bunny" will hop around the Iw-teffrity Red Peppers will be administering their "Special" and "Kranjski Tiger Rag" tp the Spirits in St. Ix>uis in man-size doses. A woe k Inter they will help you pick Mar flowers in Vacek's hall with ths SyiVr glares of Cicero, at their "May day dance." On May 10 the VRambling Intoffrity Red Peppers will sppear in Milwsukee at the MHwauke^ Gophers' mammouth May Ball. Follow the Intoffrity Red Peppers and always assure yourself a ffood time On Saturday evenlnff, March 20, at aeven-thirty the .Gophers of Chi-caffo will meet the quintette repres forgotten and we wouldn't mind en , - . Joking ourselves aa much again this ont,n* th* Pioneer lodffe of Chicago. The Intoffrity Ramblers should tw ysar. Members who still have dance and play tlcksts in their possea.ion are requested to return them at once. Return« may be left at Ku.hlan's or sent to John Spech, 1042 K. (11 St. Please ffive this matter your immediate attention, thereby helping us to keep our hooka up to date. John J. Allch, President. Beacons By Johnny Aynik screenings Even if you have .ome other place to go Sunday, yoa ran still msnage to attend th. "Widow Roslinka" Which will be produced on the OSPS .tage. You must laugh even if it's not yaer hstou. when you heer the folk. In this cumedy. Tickets are 76 rente. Thl. Sen-day, Msrrh .10 is the dale and CSPS Hall. 1134 W. 16th «1. the place« OFFICIAL NOTICE Tb# SNPJ JuMlee member.*.,. rampalge elaaea March St. AH local secretaries were far elated with the nsressery bleak* m »hteh Ihe reeaha of Ihe drive ■haaM he made and releread to Ihe Mala office at Ihe earlleal eoevemieeae. We erg v .H ■ecreteriee to rem ply wMh this iwllee preeipH> m thai wo will he ahte to compile end pobMah the final rfi.Ni el the eerltoal dale pawSde. Fred A. Videf, HapeeaM iee'y Springfield, Ill.—Leat Sunday the noonday sun beckoned warmly to Central Illlnoisian. to ffo place., with the results that a nice crowd was on hand to listen to R. Banovec at the local II iff h School. His tenor voice and his personal Ity proved entirety pleasing to the appreciative audience. He made a decided hit. Wa join other cities In nayinff that "You should hear him." We saw present beaide the Spring fieldlsns, people from Lincoln and Vlrden, and Auburn was eery well repreeented. From a comical point of view, the (oiks liked "The nwoet voire of my wife," women applaudinff generous ly, while hubbies applauded more generously, all the while trying to keep straiffht fares, but everything was evened up .by his renderlnff of romantk "I come under the window. Altogether it was a secern* with Mrs. C«mster taklne a big part In her selling more tickfta than anyone, and eetablishing a new local record. • e e The concert caused also lodge talk. I heard a Central llllnoi* HNPJ Federation conference on the aide-walks. Now let'a have a "rank and file" conference. Organise now! We've talked king enough al«wt It. While tinmlnitee are not represented rlth you now, and we're certainly not against you, and do not let us aay to you, "You ran not gel akmg with out u»." for that Is what w*1l be saytng shortly. particularly intoreetod in thl« game because three of the Gopher regulars sre member of the Intoffrity lodge A particular feature of the evenlnff will be a bottle of Centora. Brother Eugene Godlna, All-City star of ths Pioneers, will oppose Brother John Raumbich of the Gophers. A thrilling spectacle Is assyrcd to all that attend the game at Franklin Park Gym at 14th and Klldarc. Get your tickets from any member of the either club before the game because admission Is by ticket only.. Follow Badgers we are asking your »assistance in Indetlfyinff the siffntftcence of the hurried trip to your fair City on Saturday, March 22, by Lonesome Luke and Rambling .1. <•. Any Information whatover will be greatly appreciated. Baseball Baseball I The whoto town Is talking baseball, why shouldn't the Integrity lodge do the same? Now Is your chance to create a burning seal in all the Ramblers' hesrts fox tmseball. A Rsmbliag Booster. Cleveland, Ohio.—Congratulations, Progressives, upon yodr fine showing in the basketball racket. Now that you possess the city SNPJ title, v/e hgpe (he Progressives basketoers will follow last year's Strugglsrs footsteps by knocking all the remaining foes left and right and keep the national SNPJ title in Cleveland an& other year. . / e • Spring is here. The willy Dan Cupid once again redoubles his efforts and begins to flit hither and thither shooting his pesky arrows at innocent v victims. Johnny Grahek stated at th« last meeting that he could not find sufficient time to perform the various duties of a secretary, so h|s reason for resigning. Of course we're Xorryr you resigned, Johnny, for wc appreciated your work of the past v*ry much. Josephine Metko was then elected sec retary for the remainder of the year. Which leavea us poor unfortunate males entirely at the mercy of the girls, who are now in control of every office in the Beacon camp. Ohl woe poor me now. e « ' As sn added attraction to further induce members to attend the meetings in greater numbers, Frances Matko has made special arranffe-ments with a local orchestra to have them perform durrinff our social period following each meeting1. So, member*, if you are the proud possessor of s shuffling pair of feet, whose behavior cannot be controlled whenever the sliffhteet strains of music ars within ears, your presence hereafter will only be at the Slovenian Labor Auditorium on meetinffs night«. * * The Beacons believe in keepinff within the pace set by other leading: lodffcs and to entertain the members as muchp as possible. So we take this opportunity to introduce the Reacon dramatists. Their productions for the beffinninff will consist chiefly 6{ the short one act comedy varifty which are to be produced following: our monthly meetings, in turn to be followed with dsncinff also, including rsfreshments. If snything will, this certainly ought to bring about that 100% attendance. Any other members having any ability along this line or wish to receive a tryout please Inform the writer. • » The Beacons certainly have a wonderful taste for color when they i picked green and white for their color of the lodge sweaters. Ssy— are the sweaters hot—just wait till you see us promenading about. The other lodges will certainly gnash their teeth with envy., • selves and learn to understand and appreciate each other which produces a congenial and agreeable crowd. To thoae who are athletically Inclined, the Sunglare Lodge offers you an opportunity to diaplay your talents as we are now organising teams in the various sports. This policy on our part ought to strengthen athletic« in Chicago as in the near future there will be three SNPJ lodges directly interested and engaged in sport activities which will make possible the scheduling of many inter-lodge games. The Caddalac Squad was certainly busy looking for the "sponge squad, Lonesome Luke, Trailer, Smiling Gus and Ankle Blanketa, bodyguards of "A1 Capone" at 3 o'clock Sunday morning, after the Integrity dance. The Caddalac Squad turned up one street and down ths other anxiously, sleuthing and endeavoring to apprehend tfee "runners,'* but the surpris ing 4hing was that during the entire chase ip the wee hours of the morn' the Caddalac Squad wee acting as the escort of the florist bus. ' About twenty-five Sunglares attended the Integrity dance, and after the dance what a time Sweet Sue, Lonesome Luke, Trailer, Marty, and we might add Gumshoe Slim, who is everywhere, and other Sunglarps had at that certain cafe on Madison street? All of these shall be sum moned to appear at the next regular meeting of the Sunglare Lodge for trial and^we can predict the jury will return a verdict "that they are Q (bunch of regular fellows and know how to enjoy themaelves." Spring has arrived, and along with Stragglers By Uly Collinwood.—lest we forffet, broth ers and slstera. It is* only hours now that separates u« from th« clos-Ing of th« membership drive. Have you done your shsre? If not, do it today. Bring In a new member be fore the next meeting. • According to rumors, our Cleveland 8NPJ Federation rep re »entotive« »ure enjoy attending their monthly meet Ing«. In each locality, some kind hearted member or repreeeatot lee puts on a big treat for the English speaking members. The first one was Sister Matko. Another ene Mrs. Roberts. Sometime« I wish our representative, would let us In the«« affaire. < a Our third anniversary promise, to he a huge «eeee... Tickets are la demand already. a efficient causes, I soon worked my way from an ong>-pure monistic and reallattc phlloeophy: In so doing m decisive Influence In the earlier stages were the writ-ings of Goethe, and later (aince I860) those of Darwm. fl. The fundamental lines (Grundauge) of a strictu monistic, actually unifying (integrating) philosophy which gave itself to me eapeclelly from the teaching of evolution, I have firstly outlined In my "Genera Morphology of organisms'-my Introductory work. 18M; and lster. in a more popular form, large y from that work, in my "Natural History of Creation, t" 18418. 7. Next followed In naturel order. "The Confess!«, of en Inquirer Into Nature," growing out of that W* ura I Htotery. Thla Confeealon. given as my ed*re' at Altonburg in 18W. entitled "Monism." deflnilH> formulated MONISM, as the Bond of Union hetw^ science and religion: and thereby was especially phaslsed the utter impossibility reconc.linf t * Christian belief* about "creation," etc. with the imported fart« of evolution aa new eetaMUhed. 8. In November, 1808. at Jena, the Germ.r Mor-latir Union (Bund) was founded by the adherent. «t a strongly ealtory view of the world, reeling only • the reeults of a «rlentlfir knowledge ef Nature: at the wish ef msny friends end .tedent. I berir* ita hoeorarv president: and thereby we. al«o accef^ by es es Bond ef Union and role of -Thlrtv Tbeeee" »hleb bed been pebllehed in "The Free Word" et Frankfart. (Te be eoetlneed.) WEDNESDAY. MARCH 28. Voice of the Members telrm U >M « iS. Miter will te nuMmil a* m lull vitk »triclly T"1'*"'* U .f Ut Me.W-r." .».t c.fln. tk.m- (•nirikvtUa* «< U«. (M ..r*. »Ul h. .cc*,US .nd * *kNl Umsi, MUr. »Ill n*l c.lHk«lten. W "ten* i »II typ««ritun l.ll.r. Must U aoS lafc ghimg Mi. •Ifiltetu« Tkta r»i. wlbi u ail will k« VI S—LET THE MEMBERS JUDGE < hlcsgo.—Bro. Vider, in hit article which appeared in laat Wednesday's issue, desires that I answer statement«—four of them—which he is able and willing to prove and which are contrary to my statements which appeared in the iaaue of March 12. Ali I ask of Bro. Vider and his private secretary is that they read my article over VERY CAREFULLY und demand proof of only those statements which are written, and not to TWIST (as Bro. Novak states) statements in order that he may bu more at ease in answering them. Answering his first question about closing trial balance. I just wish to inform him that trial balances are nevef cloaed. There is no such thing as closing a trial balance, and NEVER since books have been kept for the SNPJ has a trial balance been closed. You ean't do it and the lx>oks of accounting have never taught closing trial balance. How can Bro. Vider state that I didn't clcae a trial balance, WHEN THERE'S NO SUCH THING AS (LOSING A TRIAL BALANCE. As for number two, I never stated that auditors made out the statements to the insurance departments, but did state that it was rumored that auditors did the work. Bro. Vider also stated that the auditors were asked to correct the statement for 1928 which was made by me. If the report for 1920 was made by "ourselves" (as Bro. Vider writes), why couldn't they correct my mistakes (if there were any) instead of going to the expense of paying professional auditors to do the work. WHERE DOES ECONOMY COME IN HERE! The 1929 statement is similar to the report of 1928 and if anyone made out a state report for a certain yenr correctly, he certainly will not have uny trouble correcting any previous reports. Furthermore 1 demand of Bro. Vider to tell me my mistakes, if any, to which the insurance department of New York has inquired about. Thero are certain parts of the state reports that have to be guessed at because of i f cords in the secretarial department, and if an error is made in guessing, how in the world can they make the bookkeeper guilty. It is here where Bro. Vider had and has a chance to show his MANAGEMENT AND ABILITY by doing away with aH"gueasing< nag report only correct figures. Answering the third fact, I just wish Bro. Vider would not twist my article. I did not state t^at extra help was never hired for copying k ports. My statement plainly read that while I was with the BNPJ, insurance reports were made without the aid of extra help, but he can't prove that extra help was had for that purpose while I was working lor the SJfPJ. I didn't state that I asked the Su-prime Board for |40, but I told Bro. Vider at the time I resigned, that I felt I was worth $40 and received no encouragement to stay. Auguat Krsmsrsic, Member Lodge No. 631. it that in case if some member was present at the meeting and he wjrote up the facts in "Voice of the Mem. bers," that you could accuse him that he stated a lot of bunk? Or was it, that if your statement uppeared in Prosvsta that you were afraid thait you would lose your entire following among the youths because of your hostile views against athletics? Why, Bro. Ix>kar, did ypu vote for Bro. Godina's motion that the |600 which is coming to the National Ath-letic Board can only be spent by the Administrative Committee of the SNPJ which is in direct conflict with the athletic policy as adopted by 9th Regular Convention in its resolution which Is published on page 50 of the Convention Proceedings? Richsrd J. Zavertnik, Member of Lodge 032. directed ad, the Prosveta is sorry to say that Bro. G rum instructed the editor only to print it in large letters, which Is very seldom complied with, but Bro. Grum failed to slat* in hia letter whether those lines should sppear as a paid ad, or merely as news item. The editor has absolutely nothing to do with ads, but in spite of thst fsct very generously whenever such occasion arises hand i all misdirected and specified ads to the manager, which fact the manager can verify to the great rejoicing of the editor, of course. AU report« should be specific, clear iu their es-sense, devoid of petty details and should st sll times contain at least the main facts. By so doing the Pro svet a assures Bro. Grum thst he, too, drill always get "the break.") RSOSVSVB — Tn stalwarts Canonaburg, Ps. — The "expected reply' 'to my article from Bro. John Kutch was read and contained all statements which were expected. Knowing Bro. Kutch from past experience, I knew that he would not try to prove that the statements which I made were not true, but would rave about something that wn not at issue at this time. Why didn't Bro. Kutch state that our branch No. 589 SNPJ instructed him to ask the supreme uthletic board to pay our branch No. 589, $145.00 for the trip to Cleveland in September 1929? Why didn't he state that it was not true that he told the supreme athletic board that our branch would be unable to stand the additional expense on the trip to Cleve-land? I will tell why Bro. Johnny Kutch didn't do this. For the simple reason that he cannot produce minute* of our meetings showing where our branch was asking for $146.00, and he does not want our members here to know that he really did tell the supreme, athletic board that our branch would go on the "rocks" or into bankruptcy, whichever ho vishe* to call it. As he has stated that we should not believe all that was in the minutes of the supreme athletic board meeting and thpt the article which Bro. A. Grum of Detroit wrote at that time was not true. Let Bro. Johnny Kutch tell us if it is not true that our membership has decreased from the time that he was out to get mn with tne, for not removing a member from the entertainment committee to satisfy his wish in 1928? August H. Riska. Member Lodge 6K9. Chicago.—Bro. "Llndy" Loljar who told us "Just imagine, I try to dispose athletics, I, who hsve worked h i nee I was able to back athletics to the limit. I helped organize National Hoard of Athletics, was Chairman for practically two years till I rein jened." The facta show that this m.mber whose motto is: "Equalise uthletics from coast to coaat, and onward with the SNPJ sports, the builder of our young generation in Rood, clean sports," had his opportunity to put into practise his ideas while he was Chairman of the National Athletic Board and Chslrman of the Eastern Athfctlc Division snd we may safely say that during his administration he has done such as effective Job of disposing athletics »hsl to-day you have tt» competitive M"*!* |a the Raster* Athletic Divl-wo* of the SNPJ. During his sdminlstrstion the: greatest disoutas srose among the! various subordinate lodges because lie promulgated no standsrd rules or trulstions to govern sthletic ques-t>ons such as "what constitutes s| nrofeuionsl plsysr?" What should, the standard ball used in thej • NPJ league? How athletics should t" financed? etc. Also, he was rHairman of the National Athletic Hoard when the Waukegan Sport f lub was scheduled to ploy the Pio-"••ersj»f Pennsylvania snd we sll renumber the wonderful arrangement« ttiat he made to have this gas* Mftyed which reeultsd in the greatest SNPJ athletk fiasco. Yes. s thirties * »v# not yet i »covered from the "knockout- blows which he delivered ^ring his sdminlstrstion to dispose 'f athletics in the BNPJ. Now corning to the January Su-' '»me Board Meeting. Isn't it a fart, l^ker, that you made the potion oppress from pabtiehlng In Prosta sll the statements snd dkm»-on the sthletlr gaeetion »»ode •« 'he As preme BoaM by the various ""»bars so thst the *ew*ershipj d no« hsve snv en lights Went oa this question? What Wa» pour mo-t v* for mak ine this motion? Was THE PARTIAL EDITOR Detroit. Mich.—It seems to me thst there is s lot of psrtislity with the editor of the English section and some of the contributors of this psge. Art ides sre getting In the page every week of certain contributors, snd of some thst sre important do not get in. I have been a victim of getting my articles cut up and only part of them printed, and also have sent them in and they never get in th<» print. In the l«st week's issue I wrote sn article on the basketball game between "Young Americans" sift the "Wolverines." I nen( in th" scores of both tesms. This article wis cut out snd by the article that wss printed you could not tell who won the game. I waa appointed by both teams to put the score in thn issue, which I did, but it was not in. My last article was signed "Reporter." I am getting a lot of criticism from both teams on account of this Incident. I am NOT getting the break others are, who write a lot of buhl: snd It gets in every week. Read R, members, snd see if you csn tell who won the gsme. Also in the month of Februsry, 1930, I sent in an advertisement for our dance to the editot, which I wanted printed In large letters. This advertisement was not printed and I asked why, and he said, because it wasn't sent to the manegei This meant from $3.00 to $6.00 to the SNPJ. How much troubl.r was it to hand this letter to the manager and have the ad printed. It was news to me that all ads must be addreeed to the manager. I sent them In before, and they got in sll-right. I have been critldxad by tlx* entertainment committee about this ad. I am getting disgusted about contributing to this page. Andrew Grum. Jr., Member Ixtdge No. M4. (Editor's Note:—All bo* score« were omitted from last week's Pro-sveta, whkh fact proves that tlx-Milter's "partiality" was administered eriually to all concerned, not only the "Reporter"—due to lack of space. Gram's failure to stat* the outcome sf the game in his news item, whieh fact to make p report complete should never be »verlooked, was not th-editor's fault. Any and all report* must be written with the primary por poo* to tell the story, regard!«*« of the ho* score Which Is more Important, the actual outcome of a yarn*, or some petty detail, such a. Bro. Oram narrate*? Why Brr. ft ram should resort to tartle. of "paastng the hue*," »• «•«** than wo san comprehend. The ludigaswHy Mated Incident rtmcemlag hit mkf Friendly City Lodge 684 Park liill, Ps.—Some people have been prophesying ever since our lodge wus organised last August, that we will not attain much success. Some of them were mean enough to say that they will not allow their children to Join such a "wild" crowd of young people. It is very rude to say such u thing of our respectful group of young boys and girls. I dare say right here that young people who wish to join our lodge, will soon find out that we have some of the best Slovene youth of Johnstown and vicinity In our Friendly City lodgf- And there are more coming! Perhaps It would be a good idea for some qf those who are against our lodge to come and sco how we behave at our meetings and social affairs. I am positive that they would soon change their opinions. Of course, our young folks ure jolly and like to sing and dance and play games. But who wants to see a youth that doesn't care to have some fun? It has also been said that we have politic« in our lodge. That is not true. We don't know of any such things as politics in our lodge. We are holding our meetings in the Frnnklln hall now, because lodge Da nica 44 of SNPJ has given ua privi lege to hold our meetings In their hall free of charge. Wo will remem ber Danica's members for their kindness and will pay for any expenses thut Danica may have because of our meetings or other social affairs that we may hold in Danica's hall. Even if young, yet we know that v/e should turn for help and in return try to help those who are with us. Why shouldn't we be friendly with a sen-lor lodge of SNPJ, of which many of us were members? Wo shall be glad to have those who do not trust their children with 41 s, come and see for yourstlves that we csn be as sensible a« we can be jolly and happy. Let's ull be friendly Instead of trying to sow seed of hatred among our youth. Older folks should be glad to see young Slovene« getting interested in the SNPJ; It will bring close together the two generations, and other nstlonalltie« will have more re»pect for us if they will see that we are not a nation unworthy to stand among thofo that claim to be the mosl civilised and cultured. Our young people are not ashamed of any Slovene who can show them that even a Slovene can be Intelligent and modern regardless of hi« place of birth. Thi» planet of our« i« getting very small in this age of automobilea, airplane«, etc. It will «oon be «o that people will not care to know where one or another waa born. So, why bother If one was born, say, "na Dolenjskem, Gorenjskem," or some other part of Slovenia? Our young American born Slovenes know very little about those things. To them we are all. Slovene« and we should sot try to put "fence«" around American born Dolenjce, Notranjce, Sta-jrrce, and «o forth. P Just join our hands ami work together for the good of all of us and for the good of working people the world oter. The more we scrap am-ong ourselves the better for those who live In luxury and idleness from our sweat and blistered hands, . . Our last regular meeting was very well attended. We got a new member, and eight transfers from senior lodges. All we welcome into our lodge. It was not as lively at our meeting this time. There was a vacant seat on president's left—and we sll remdmbered with r.adness the happy girl who dccupied thst seat, our rec. sec'y. Mildred VUWch, who is no mere. Everybody stood up in respect for our dead sister. She will be very much missed smong us. Our Sae'y. reported that Hie. Anns Bricely Is in hospital. We sll hope that she will soon he smong us sg a in. She is a good worker for the lodge. ~*ister Anna P. Krssns was elected ss the now rar. soe'y. of Friendly City lodge. A« I happen to be the said A. P. K„ I "i«h to thenk our young member« for their trust In me. I know that most of you sre well sv s re of the fart that I never attended English school, and yet you picked me out to be your rar. sae'y. M say thank* for ear h a compliment. It is indeed an honor and joy to be trusted so hy suet* s fine group of young folk«. I sseure you sll that t will do the Wet I can for the good of oar ledge. Ill keep la step with orery member of Oie ledge te help to make Friend!* City a h g anl honor Sble lodge of our N. N. P. J. Aaae P. Krsaaa. Roe. decretory By the bachelor Kenosha - The "Bachelor" leaving town, Slater Helen Rodemond will handle the publicity affairs starting i next woek—concerning the StalwsrU. She's a talented writer, and she rhould hsve some "real stuff in Iter forthcoming srticlcs. see' Wo have a large number of Slovenes willing, to join our Stalwart Ixtdgc, but due to Hoover snd Prosperity— they Isck the necessary funds to join. The Supreme board nhould give these future member« a bresl; by extending the free initiation a while lonter—at least until Ume.t are better. Our "sure fire" prospect s - -when that time comes— will lie mere than pleased to join, seeing that the free initiation offer waa extended for their benefit, • • • Although It's tough sailing in bringing new members into our Stalwart Port—doe to the bad waves of Hoover Prosperity, let's not give up the ship. Stalwarts, just keep plugging aloQg—we'll soon have smooth water«, and then we can make "double time" in our full apeed ahead memliershlp drive. L-y • ♦ • The "Social" following our meeting was s "wow." A Waukegan delegation of about thiity. headed by the "Big Shota" Jake Novak and J. Ko-vach came and helped ntuko merry with us. And how w*> celebrated. The dsnce music by the inter-lodge trio— Nsgode see accordionist, T. Msuser, stalwart« Plecolo Pete, and J. Kasin, Slain Usng Banjo Artlet— wn« so hot thst it scorched the rsftcrs. They're the hottest thing this side of Hedes. Bro. Pink, king pin of Slovenian Songsters and Ann Hlavscek, Stal-warta' nightingale, received a big hand for their wonderful duet«. And to Complete the program, France« Čuden« popularity and beauty contest winner, in a beautiful datsllng Spanish costume, put on a alxxling danco, that kind of awe struck the brother revellers. She jure is winaome. Last, but not least, were the delicious eats und sparkling drinks furnhhod by the girls' Sewing Club. We're ali waiting fur the next meeting, so we can once again mingle plcusurc with bu«i-ness. e • • r Our meeting Fridsy, March 14, waa again attended 100'/,. The meeting always a smooth running affair, Is the reason why Rose Pavlic, our res pectfui President is so popular. She sure knows how to make a meeting an affair that makes it a pleasure for the membera to attend. That-a-girl, Rose. Wait for you. "Nsia Micks," Sister Uorsk, ami our Babe Ruth, TiMe Rodemond, are getting in trim for the coming indoor liaseball season. 'They were picked on the girls' all star team laat year and sre out to topest this «es«on. Hope you hsve s big seaiion, Sisters. « e e The Stalwart« rooting ilub will I« 100'/, strong St the High School, March 27, when our Stalwart girl* engage the Ke-na«h-a C iris in the f lrat of the series for the (iirls* basketball championship of Kenosha. So, girl«, do your stuff, show them you're "champs" as well as our boys. • » They come from near and far to join our Stalwarts. The latest is Sister Remlce Orth, formerly of Hart ford, Wis. Her wonderful personal ity with her great In lodge affairs make» her an ideal meml»er to have around when it conies to "pushing our Stalwarts to the front." Welcome, Sister Orth, may you find happinoas here. • • • John Mausor, our moat ardent lodge booster, with his marvelous dancing partner ^Ellxal*eth Schan tek-recently "copped first honors" at Kcnosht'* Sloven* Zabevs for the best Interpretations of the Slovene dances. Why not enter our Waltx Contest, you champions? * e e Stalwarts, keep the evening of Friday* March 2*. open. Bros. I'esdli and Kolar asamtod by Sinters Kuni-ill and Yorki will "buck snd wing dance" aa it ahould lie done st Ke noshs's leading theatre. They're featured on the sll city's amateur program. So, hu on deck and give our members s greet hsnd. • * e Practice for the play Safety First —will lie held on every Tuesday and Thursday evonings at M at Robert's Hall, All participants ploaae take notice of the rheng* of schedule. Louis 1 Itibsel snd Ri«ter Ros« I'svllr will have all the "props" nmdy fnr dress rehearsal Sundsy. April T\. —----------T » e .............. Sister Rose Korea—Pioneers—promised our flChlwart boys armrdlng to Arnold Pensa, S big rake for winning the SNPJ Basket be 11 Tournament. Our Bachelor Hub Hold« s WM.^t t ng on Monday, Msreh SI, snd your cake would eome In bandy u fill out our menu of oats, Nlst»r Koran, So, get out the fflovene Cake book ready. Now. Jolly Allis Stopped off and visited the Stalwarts <*g their way to the coast. They're a wonder pair of boys and should reach Qteir "ohjsctive," the talkies in Hollywood. • • • • Do you know what would be a "treat" In the line of entertainment? Have the Badger and Stalwart Boys und Stalwart and Pioneors girls en-pugt in a basketball tussle, top it off with s rip rosring Domsts Ksbsvs, featuring music from the aceordiona of Obluek, Martinsek, Nsgodo and Dedlch. This Inter-lodge-four would be an attraction in itself. The Stalwarts have the eats, drinks, place and the time. So, let's hear from all SNPJ tnt mher*. • • • It looks like our Waukegap brothers will cop this year's track meet of the SNPJ. The first work-out of the boys showed Bro. J. Kovach, of the Sports t.lub'a brilliant array of speeders as the Charlie Paddock. In his dashea he fairly burned up the track with his record breaking speed, being clocked in championship time by chief docker, tripple threat Troha. Lodge News Notes YOING AMERICANS BROADCAST! NCi "COLOR-BUND" Cleveland, Ohio. --After intensive preparation and many hours of personal sacrifice on the part of the players, Sunday, March 10, at 8 p. m„ the curtain wrnt up for the presentation of ''Color-Blind" wiih the following cast, directed by Vatro Or 111 i Joe Jarc, John Alich, John tipeh, John Stritof, Otto Tekuuli, Rudy i.isoh, Mae Vidmar, Vida Belinger, Mljly Tomsic, Alice Belinger and Matilda Yammlck. Slight delay was encountered when the main fuse blew out in the hall andt he players and audience had to wait until it had been repaired. The performance as a whole was very, very excellent, all the players going thru their parts In the. most creditable manner and leaving nothing to be ilestred. Milly Tomsic as Marija was a scream; Johnny A Itch personified hi.« character to a teej Otto Teksuti ss the tough guy; Johnny Stritof as Mini jo's sweetheart; Vid« Belinger as the bowery girl; Julia Mrnmor and Matilda ss the wives of Joe Jarc. and Rudy Lisch; and Alice Belinger plsying the wife of Johnny Speh; performed so splendidly under sdverse conditions thst praise snd credit would not suffice. Comrsdss appreciate the hard work and earnest effort« of the performers and extend Crtngratulatlons to them snd to Vatro Grill, the director, for his patience and helpfulness, also to O. Tekautr Chairman of the Play Committee, On account of the delay in start ing and the unruly behavior of a few in (he uudlrnce, the advertised dance after performance was not staged. We certainly were sorry to disappoint our msny friends, but con difions were of such s nsture thst it just couldn't be helped. While Comedy wss presented on the stage, tragedy lurked behind the scenes, although the sudlsnce did not know thin. One viewing Joe Jsrc one of the principal characters In the plsy, would not hsvs detected anything unu«usl about him, but deep in hi« heart he was fighting down his emotions, He left horn* thst evening leaving his mother on her death bod and did not know how long she would live. As It was, he left immediately after the performance arriving home in time for the la«t recognition, Hi« mother died shortly afterwards, To Joe and his brother, we extend our deepest sympathy in their bereavement. "Greater loyalty hath no man for his lodge." Jae Fit oil. The Mg American Plsg msde by our Betey Roes, Bister rose Robsel, snd Elisabeth Pavlie will he displayed, at Kenosha's Art Shop during th» first woek in Apfil. It's s marvelous pioee of work snd should lie a prise winner far our talented snd popular Sirters lie* s bout making a baniur fat our StalwsrU, Klisabeth snd Rose? • e e Brother« Msrtmaek snd Rrmsn of Torriits of Progress By "IJsdy" Later. Collinwood.- It's sll over now -that big gsme wss won by the Pro grossive« who downed our Ktruglger boys for our city SNPJ title, but a« the ssying goes'," "You csn't win all the time. The Progressives hsve tho honor of being the first SNPJ tesm to beet the Stragglers, Wish you luck in the Nstional title, • • • A large amount of the credit goe< to their gallant rooters, Mater Kant* and "Torpedo" Rrrtierta, who eheored not only for their boys, but also for the Ktrsgglers. • e e Ciaan siit/r'MusnshJp prevailed throughout the entire battle. • e e Napredne Slovenke's Dsnce went over with s bsng snd Jftrugglers' llsrmony Aces lad the wsy, e e • Stragglers, give s« your ro-opors-i Is under way and the fttrug glers will try to their color* Billy Ant irk, uncrowned tartherwrtgV rhsmploa. will, rest ear eel or» e e e Mote! Rsstem states, are you In the market fer a new BagtWh loml? If you have the material, We furnish tho labor Write i/nkSr, 11704 Waterloo Rd Grasp the task as It's open far you Detroit.--Biff, bang, boom! What is all this racket about? 11a, ha! Why, don't-yuu know? The Young Americans l>odge ftiU are giving a dance on April tfd at 1.14:1 Kast Fvrry ave., near Russell, at 7.H0 p. m. Th» Jolly Melodians are going to entertain us on this occasion. We want everybody to comet There is s surprise in store for everyone, l/mdi of fun arid everyone is going to ha v» a grand and glorious time. Also bear In mind, April 13, the Woman's Club of SND are giving n dance at the Slovene Workers Home, 437 Artillery sve. Station Y. A. now signing off. See you all st tho dance. Isay * Dissy. SIN PLOW KRS' ANNIVERSARY DANCK Mulberry, Ksnsaa.~.Oh yeh! Gon» but not forgotten, the Sunflower Third Anniversary Dance. March 1A. It seem«, in fact, that the whole Crawford county attended. Kven the Rangers from Cherokee, the KSTC, snd the llesrts from Kan«aa City. Yes, and also the Rosea. So many pt*ople are rarely s««em-bled aa there wsre st our Annlvsr-ssry Dance, It looked ss though every SNPJ member U< Kansas wia present. Old I »sme FORTH N K cer tslnly wss generouH to the Sunflowers when she led the populsce on the road tu hatminess snd suecess. First, ws turn to our lovely Hearts who arrived a little behind schedule, on account of the "Drlve-lt-yourself-automobiles," The Rangers arriving with a slkltng-holt with their Pint-O-Steeds. The Ruaes bloomed In on their thorny-briars. As our dance only lasted until twelve, sleeping quarters wsre arranged fur the parties that wanted to sign off. The remainder were escorted to Kurent'a Home and madu Whoopee fur the real of the night. (Tbari>s for the accommodations, Mr. Kurent.) On Sunday we started to make whoopee afcout noon at the Country Club White House; some hadn't got-ten over the effects of the night he-fore but joined In again. Hsrs we hsd refreshment« of all kind«, snd dsnced to the tunes of Bro, Kesir of the Sunflowers. This little MEsbsvs'' Issted until six, as the Hegrta had to propsrs their pssssngsra for the trip bsflk to K. C. He set*' President, don't forget the Msyor for his sblllty to turn off ths lights. An Active Member, J.KT'H GO. VKKONIANRt Verons, Ps.—A dancing we will go, to Costa's Jlall, you all know, un April »6. When you hear me say, "the Dials Dudes will be Uisre thai day," I know yuu won't bs smong the missing, -The bowling bsnqust will bs hskl st the AmerlU Dance Hell on Sat., April ft, at M p. m. All members who were not in the bowling lesgue, get in twucii with Kstls Zo-let, Stella Uoskoakle, Vlek Jackovsc, or Rod HUfsncle, for srrsngements to the bsiiqust. All members belonging on the bowling committee will meet st Sister Jennie Kern's house Sun,, Marsh HO. Matters concerning the bsnquet will be discussed, so be there st M p. m. Now thst ths bowling season is over snd baseball I« here agsin, let'« get together st the nest inset ing on April N and or-gsnlse s tesm. Mithsel Idpssly, Member I*dge SHU. HKMK'0 TIIK NEWS YOU WAI/TJ&. KRN HAVK HKKN WAITING POM Kenoahs.- On Sundsy, April t7. the StalwsrU third snnlverssry st the Gewisn American Home, the grest Old-Fashioned Walts Contest will lis held. The winner« of this contest will receive s highly vslued engrsved Uvlng Cup, whleh is now displayed at C, 14. Hubbard's, Ke nooba'a loading Jeweller ahop. The winners will also be featured on the Getaway's thestre "All Stsr prog« ram Act" sometime In April, The entree« muet be sent to J K. Mauser, fill« ~Mnd svsnue, before April Itf. By the wsy, entree« sre free. Come, wgHseri, bring fsms to your I * Mesto, driava...................... No. Chicago.—All of the committees that were chosen on the last 8NPJ Sports Club meeting are requested to be present at the next mooting to further develop our project for the coming Anniversary Dance. The meeting to be held at tho Hlovenlc National Home on March 27 at 7:30 o'clock. This will be the most Important committee meeting for this dance, and all thoae not present will have difficulties to overcome as a result of not attending. As for those who want to be on a committee we still have a few openings for proper people, and they may appear on this Msrch 27 meetings • NCPONfc'l.' COLORADO ROCKIES LODGE 82 Cortlandt Street New York, N. Y. Ml imaato mated« ss ( kontroliranja naduha In telimo, da Ja paskufite aa nala stroiks. Brssljsass, Ja II vala naduha stara all ravnali sr nastals, vas prldb la vtaafk all 6« is krttnilna naduha. morsll bi pisati po halo brsapladno matedo. Nbkans raallks kja ti* vite na kolika ste stsri in kaj daiat«. ako trj'lts vslsd naduha nate mstoda vam po> ms (s. ia possbno telimo poslati onim. ki Imajo la takorakad ukupno staaja naduha, kjar so la vsi vdihovakl, duvll. aphim umsI, dimi. patsnUrana kajeaja itd. In nil pamapalo. Ml telimo dokasatl na nate strolha. da na. la mstoda vas rs*I, tsdksea dihanja, evils-njs In takih muk In slutejsv. Ta brasplslna ponudba Ja pravalna, ds hI Jo prssrll sn sam dan. Pllits takoj (h «*• Inlte ■ nslo mstodo. Na poliljajte dsnarja. rolljlte Ispolnjsn spodnji kupon. dni na oceanu DO CHERBOUBGA—4 DNI DO BREMSNA i* ' f 'nji Potujte v in iz jugoslavije NA NOVIH, OGROMNIH EKSPREBNIH PARNIKIH Denver, Colo.—The Colorado Rockies Lodge No. «46 will observe their 2nd anniversary on May 3 in Slovene Hall, 4464 Washington St., at 8 p. m. Admission Is 60c for genta and 36c for ladles. Got your tickets from Bis. Pauline Marinsek. Let's sell them all, and help put this over big. Everybody sell ticket«, not only a few members. Bring your relatives and friends, because they'll have the time of their lives.• Our next meeting is to be held April 8. Don't forget the date. We • re still trying for the 100% attendance. Cecilia Marlnaek. Tudi redna tedenska odplutja na slavni skupini kabinskih parnikov. PRIPRAVNA IN DIREKTNA ZVEZA Z VSEMI DELI EVROPE 1 •42 Penil Ar«. Pittsburgh, Pa. JM^ Bonn SLOVENSKO GOVOUCl SOKAVNU IraCUAUST solus aouwa Maja stroka Ja admsljsaje akatelh la krsollalk bolsaal. Jaa sa« Is i*t> Ha nsd II M. ter tea* skslnjs t 111 W. RaaMph tt, CHICAGO RUDOLF J. JINDRA PLUMBAR s' U postavlja parno In drugo napravo sa gretj» lil vsa druga plumbarska dela. Pre vsa me delo tudi n* mesečno IspWllo od •naga do dveh let« Vse delo jsmteno. IsvrAuJe plumbarsko delo v poslopju S. N. P. J. 1431 Booth Clirtea Park Ave. 1428 B. Hamlln Avo^ Ckleogo Telefon: LaWndalo 0486 Pittaburgh, Pa.—Members, have you ever read Theodore Drelsser's books? U you have, good and well, but K you haven't, go to your nee rent library aad get one of his books. Home years ago I have read his "American Tragedy" and other books by hiin. Some time ago I read a book "Drels-ser Looks At Russia." I have read all kinds of "truth and reports'* about this vast Slav country, but none can write TRUTH as Dreiaeer can. Read it and you will know Russia, Its people, past and present. Michael Pleehe. SOLIDNOST Slovenska hranilnica se jo baft letos dobro iakasala. Napredovali smo sa četrt milijona dolarjev. Plačali smo rodu dividende po b% na hranilne vloge. t Vedno več rojakov is sunanjih naselbin vlaga novee v naš savod. Slovencem in Jugoslovanom imamo posojenega denarja okoli aa milijon osemstotisoč na prve vknjiibo na njih 4emfk. Pridružite so la Vi in pričnite novo loto t vlogami, od katerih dobite po 8 odstotkov. . / . ANNOUNCEMENT Clovelaad, Ohio Premoženje: Dvs mlHJona h pol — radi mokrih mg Melin čevlji, mokro oblačtlo ... ta Ja nevarno? Va ijte ae prehladov » prah. Oni tesnobni, duU>vi ■txHrtafc nahodd sc daje oi«£ay ... poskusa« Daring the moiitk of April, the Baaglaro l>o4ge ia order U promote ■acceeafaUjr the May Day Daaee at Vaeok*a IU JI oa Batarday, April 84th. will puMUh a Bulletin known as "THK FRATERN AL APPRAU" Ono th«« ne ad eoptea ef tllia HaHetia ahall be dlolritoted free«. It will bo pahlUhrd from time to time U promele the varied* affairs aad aHiviUea of the Manila re l*dge. aad dlelribated free to He mentors aad BNPi memtora Mho the Pioneer BolMla aad ahall to stoat the sea»e alse. Members ore arged Is mall la ttolr eon t rito H o« n te oer Bee ret a ry an this paper will is le press atoat April the Sth. Moil la Jokea. ertielea aad feeler*«. Oaly the beet will to ae- t * t i € tola o^rrfe Mst telnim* isefioto Od;«.). Kol. Olajla nahod. Rabi sa v I) m.ljooih druita. Kup*«a $*ti* Msklsano 1» danes. IV. SLOAN'S Liniment r • S. N. P. J. SPORTS CHAMPIONSHIP RESULTS Progressive« First Tea« to Defeat Btrugglers' Quintet Natioaal Chstops Amid cheers that rocked the vast auditorium of Roosevelt high school, the Strugglers basketball shooters v were drowned by Progresii^es by a score of 21 to 11. The second tilt brought together our Progressive girls' team vs. Spar^ tans. This game was a whis of an affair. The Progresisves' girU were first to score when Dorothy Zele sunk a beautiful shot from the cen-ter of the floor followed by the Stellar shooting of "Lil" Emma Se« ton who paved the wey to the Progressives' 2 to V victory. Her shooting wss remarkable and »he is responsible for tho msjority of points. She played the game like a pro. Just a week previously the Progrea-elvcs' girls played the Blepp Knit Girls a tussle, but lost fiercely.— The headline for the evening was the defest of Strugglers and the rise to glory for the Progresses, ss the Progressives hold the honor of being first SNPJ Quinted to give the Strug-glera a setback. Although the Strugglers national title holder haven't lost a game this season, they worn crushed in defeat. (We have no alibis to offer as the game was played equare and good sportsmanship prevailed throughout, the best team won that night). The Strugglers lead throughout the first half, but weakened. Dolsak and Starman starred for tho Strugglers but services of our two boys who were III were badly missed. Renner starred for the Progressives. This closed the Strugglers 2nd successful basketball season with only one defeat. The feature of the carnival was the loyal support rendered by the Progreslvo girls who have followed and cheered their team to its sue-ceaa end glory. Their loysl support waa appreciated by the Straggler boys also. What matters as to who wlna if victory and loss can be taken in a sportsmanlike way. The Strugglers wish and hope that in tho National play-off with the Kenosha Stalwarts that the Prog-reesivee return the bacon to our fightin' ground and the Strugglers' slogan will also be: Bring home tho bacon, boy s I Onward for clean aportal They are our builders of health and future progress of your lodge depends on them.—Johnnie Lokar. YOUNG AMERICANS ARE . CHAMPS Detroit, Mich.—The Young American IxKlge 544 SNPJ clinched the BNPJ championship of Detroit by defeating the Wolverine Lodge 677 SNPJ last Thursday night at the Nordstrum gym, tho final score being U— li. The game waa featured by the fine shooting of Boslch, Geo. Mihellch and Nagel. Boaioh dropped five fietd goals with Goo. Mihellch and Nagel getting four apiece. Floor running honors were shared by Be bleh and Koshak both doing spendid work. Th* Young Americans had the better sld* of the argument through out the entire gem*, never seriously being threatened to sny great extend. The game was witnessed by a large crowd of specators, most of them being Young Americans, and the cheering waa so loud that there was a ringing sound in my ears the day after. Th* final gam* of the series will b* played Thursday night, March >7, at 9:|& p. m. at th* N'nrdatrum gym on Port and Waterman streets. last's all to out 100", and ch**r our team to victory s> they play ttolr final game of ih* year. The Young Am erlrans had previously defeated the Wolves (the first game) by th* scor* of 33—12. Raymond Travnik. Member Ied at the Franklin Park gym on 14th St. and K Udare ave. on Mai Marrh Pie Piomer girls play e T:!S and th* Goplter —Pioneer geme Is aeh«dul*- Weather Forecast:^ Thursday generally fair, 'probably followed by Friday.—Tho Pioneers are still hard at-work bringing In new members aa was shown by the lest meeting. Remember 600 by 1931, The Pioneer girls are still bowling. Ann Bernik, Antoinette Bernlk and Sylvia Homes bowled at one of our previous practices. I^ouis Zele also has bowled Ann Bernik, one of our aewcom* ers, while bowling for the second time had a very astonishing score of ttl. Thst's sure some score for a beginner. Com* out to practice more often, Ann. You're sure to hove a hundred plus average by the end of the season If you keep up. Helen Arko, our star bowler, has not been to practice for the last f«w weeks. She has promised to to there this Wednesday. The Girl Bowlers have a match game scheduled egalnst the Pin Poppers on Wednesday evening, March 2(1. All out to root for our girls. I#ouls Zele of Cleveland, who waa studying in Chicago, has returned to Cleveland. Au Revoir, but not good bye, Ix>uls. HIGH SPOTS M l»«iis. M«. Th« result* for Sunday, Marrh 14, In th* mia*d double leogu« are: The Kleins won tw« from C. Kar in and M. Yanko, while H t raka and M. Kacin won th* -id from Koahel and tto writer. Th* mautoa of Sunday. Marrh 23. proved U to tto m««t asritlng AT the m. Is ttoy decided o ha ehould have their n*mes engraved on tto trophy. Mere are th* reeuHsi Irses ly eud Pair« k ann two games from »vetoI aud the w;ito» thereby caus- Chicago.— Say folks, for twenty odd years I had l»*en contemplating on what my life work ought t« to. and a* a final result, it suddenly damped upon me to l*cotn* a raal " ho neat-to good-mu" druggist. So high were my ambitions, that my very first esperl-ment proved to to a woadotful and quite temarkahle dlsrovory In the I or m of a TONIC, It was hnitled and labeled "Blu* Tonic"; a sure cur* for blues Only for tto oole. honest, purpose of la-tiering mankind will I reveal Its a*rfWt formula. Before | go any further, I muat assure ye« that tto moat important factor is that jmu carefully and faithfully follow th* Inscription given yeu. la «Nsr to derive tto moat astounding reauHe from It- la the way of hevtng a Jol-ly good Um* in tto a*ar future Kurt. It Is naers—ry to atUnd* tto Firet May Daaee given by tto U yel Order of llomhon* Chewert lub on May SI at tto BNPJ llall. ?7th and U»i»dale, where nine I s n*Hit Doctors, noted for rurlng t'ura, will be at haog to auto tto