Slovenska župnija sv. Gregorija Velikega | St. Gregory the Great Slovenian Church 13/47 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 27.03.2011 3. POSTNA NEDELJA 3rd SUNDAY OF LENT Fr. Drago Gačnik sdb župnik - pastor Naslov - Adress 125 Centennial Pkwy N Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 Telefon - Telephone 905-561-5971 Fax 905-561-5109 E-mail st_gregory_the_great_slovenian _church.htm Samarijanka V današnjem odlomku, ki je eden od najdaljših, nam evangelist Janez opisuje Jezusa v pogovoru z žensko. Srečala sta set ob studencu, kjer je Jezus počival, žena pa je prišla zajemat vodo. Beseda je dala besedo. Pogovor se je spočetka sukal okrog vode, polagoma pa je prešel na bivanjska vprašanja. Ženo je tako prevzel,, da je pustila vrč in vodo in hitela ljudem v I mesto pripovedovat, daje pri studencu Mesija. Učenci, ki so se medtem vrnili, so se čudili, daje govoril z žensko. Evangelisti navajajo še druge ženske, s katerimi se je Jezus srečeval: Petrova tašča, mati Zebedejevih sinov, Sirofeničanka, neimenovana v Simonovi hiši, grešnica, ki so jo hoteli kamnati, Lazarjevi sestri Marija in Marta, Magdalena in druge. Od spočetja do smrti smo vtkani v razmerje moški - ženska. Osebno, družinsko in javno življenje poteka med tema poloma. Tudi Jezus je z učlovečenjem sprejel to našo danost. Evangeliji opisujejo njegova srečanja z ženskami kot po sebi umevna. Posveča jim pozornost kot moškim in jih obravnava povsem enakovredno. Njegovo razmerje do žensk je dostojanstveno ih polno spoštovanja. Posluša jih, jim odgovarja, uslišuje njihove prošnje, sprejema njihove usluge, ceni njihova prizadevanja, hvali njihovo vero in ljubezen, vliva jim zaupanje, zagovarja jih pred tistimi, ki jih obsojajo... Kako spoštujemo materinstvo? Kako vrednotimo žensko delo? Kako priznavamo moško grešnost ob presojanju ženske krhkosti? Kako ... ? Se nam postavljajo mnoga vprašanja, Jezus nam daje zgled. BANKET DRUŠTVA SV. JOŽEFA V nedeljo, 20. marca je bilo v naši cerkvi še posebej slovesno, tako pri maši kot tudi v dvorani. Ob koncu svete maše, pri kateri je pel župnijski mešani zbor, smo blagoslovili novo bandero za društvo sv. Jožefa. Staro bandero je bilo že precej zdelano, zato smo kupili material, naročili oljno sliko na platnu-podoba sv. Jožefa z Jezusom in potem našli mojstra, ki je vse to sešil skupaj in strojno napisal na vrhu bandera: Sv. Jožef, prosi za nas!, spodaj pa: Slovensko društvo sv. Jožefa. Nosilec bandera je, iz nerjavečega železa, zvaril Jože Groznik. Iskrena hvala Jožici Vegelj, ki je povezovala, da je izdelava bandera prišla zaključka. Praznovanje smo nadaljevali v naši dvorani. Po dobrem kosilu, ki ga je pripravila Amalija s pomočnicami in mladimi, ki so postregli, je najprej Matjaž Mramor na harmoniko zaigral nekaj pesmi, potem je nadaljeval župnijski mešani zbor pod vodstvom župnika zapel 7 narodnih pesmi, moški zbor Majolka pa dve in s tem popestrili praznovanje. Sledilo je še žrebanje vstopnic. Hvala vsem, ki so prispevali dobitke. Na koncu smo napravili še sliko odbora društva ob novem banderu. Dober obisk je bil znamenje, da je praznik svetega Jožefa, še posebej za člane društva, res poseben dan v letu. Člani odbora društva St. Jožefa Žrebanje nagrad Sunday's Readings 3rd SUNDAY of LENT First Reading Exodus 17:3-7 The people of the Lord put him to the test to see if he is with them or not. Second Reading Romans 5:1-2.5-8 The greatest sign of God's love for us is that Christ died for us while we were still sinners. Gospel John 4:5-42 Jesus gives living water to those who believe in him. Illustration People tend either to love opera or hate it. There are one or two operas that bridge the gap between the two camps, in particular The Marriage of Figaro by Mozart. It has an accessible, believable story, charming characters, excellent tunes and a good dose of humour. It also dances along at a swift pace. There are plenty of fine moments and no long quarters of an hour! At one level the story, taken from the play of the same name by Beaumarchais, recounts the traditional tale of true love overcoming devious-ness and betrayal, but the underlying theme is that of aristocratic rights being challenged by the middle classes. The count is determined to have his wicked way with Susanna, his wife's maid and fian-cée of his steward Figaro. The countess and Susanna hatch a plot to expose his deviousness and bring him back to the countess. This they do by changing clothes and pretending to be each other, so that the count ends up in a tryst with his wife rather than the maid. The opera ends in reconciliation, but there is a great difference between the play and the opera in how this is achieved. In the play the characters expose the count as though they have been playing a game with him, and he declares that he feels they are treating him like a child. In the opera the musical line given to the countess as she both exposes the count's infidelity and yet forgives him is so sublime that it takes the question of forgiveness into a different dimension. Mozart's music makes the reconciliation possible and credible, for it touches the heart in a way words by themselves would not. Gospel Teaching Women play a major role in the Gospel of John. Mary the mother of Jesus is the one who launches him on his public life at the marriage feast of Cana. Martha will be the one who declares that he is the Christ in a way reserved to Peter in the synoptic Gospels; and the first person to encounter the risen Lord, becoming the apostle of the apostles, is Mary of Magdala. Today we hear of Jesus' transforming encounter with the Samaritan woman. Her role begins as that of the outsider. She is a woman, she is a Samaritan and she has got through five husbands and is now living with someone who is not her husband. She herself does not know why Jesus speaks to her. The Jews and Samaritans had long been in disagreement about their relationship with God and where they should "I who am speaking to you... I am he." worship, but Jesus refuses to be restricted by the adversarial argument she tries to draw him into. Rather, each time she refers to traditional differences, he takes the conversation to a different level. He offers her living water that will turn into a spring inside her, welling up to eternal life. He goes beyond the question of whether it is right to worship in Jerusalem or Samaria, to the declaration that true worshippers will worship in spirit and in truth. He reveals himself to her as the Messiah. He reconciles her to the truth. The woman, the outsider, through her conversation with Jesus has become the insider. Evangelised as it were by Jesus, she goes off to evangelise her fellow townsfolk. Application We too begin as outsiders. In Mozart's opera, the ones who don't count in the corridors of power, namely the countess and Susanna, are the ones who bring the story to its happy conclusion. In the Gospel story the woman from Samaria, a woman and not a Jew, and with a dubious reputation to boot, is the one who becomes the first apostle. In the case of the opera the sheer magnificence of the music makes reconciliation possible and believable. In the Gospel story it is the gift of water springing up into eternal life, the presence of Jesus himself, that transforms the Samaritan woman into becoming a sewer of the seed, the reaper of the new harvest. Our own sense of insignificance does not matter. Each of us, in his or her own way, is called to worship in spirit and truth and carry the gift of God's love to all. From our baptism we receive the gift of the Spirit of life, bubbling up inside as our inspiration. We are already vehicles of that same Spirit. We renew the power of the Spirit within us each time we approach the sacraments. Each encounter with the living Lord strengthens, transforms and renews us. PENNY SALE in TOMBOLA Starši otrok slovenske šole in učitelji organizirajo Penny Sale & Tombolo v torek, 5 aprila v zgornji dvorani. Začne se ob 5 popoldne. Žrebanje dobitkov bo ob 7:30 zvečer. Na razpolago bo veliko dobitkov in bogata tombola. Vse vljudno vabimo. Ta akcija je za pridobitev finančnih sredstev za šolsko ekskurzijo v Slovenijo v juliju 2012. PENNY SALE, RAFFLE & 50/50 DRAW The parents and teachers of Slovenian School are organizing a Penny Sale, Raffle & 50/50 Draw to be held on Tuesday, April 5 in St. Gregory's Upper Hall. Doors open at 5 PM. The Raffle and draws begin at 7:15 PM. Lot's of Penny Sale items, Raffle prizes and refreshments will be available. Come, join us! All the proceeds will go towards the 2012 Slovenian School Excursion to Slovenia. Obvestila - Announcements pevski zbor_ Pevske vaje za zbor bodo v četrtek 31. marca po večerni maši. Pojemo na 4. postno nedeljo, ko je letos tudi naš spomladanski banket. GARAGE SALE - SLOVENSKA ŠOLA Slovenska šola bo imela »Garage Sale« v soboto, 28. maja na cerkvenem parkirišču. Če imate kakšne reči v hiši (hišne stvari, slike, knjige, oblačila, igrače, itd.) katerih bi se radi znebili, vas prosimo, da prispevate v ta namen in jih prinesete v razred za odrom ob sobotah v maju od 9 am-12:30pm. Hvala za sodelovanje! DAROVI_ Za blazine na klopeh so darovali: Blaž in Olga Čulig $100 za blazine in $100 za rože; Max Landscaping $150, John in Marija Krenos $100, Napast Fanika $50, Marija Košir $50, Mihael in Marija Fabina $50, Amalija Štadler $50, Roman in Nadia Štadler $100, Marija Glavač $50 za blazine in $50 za misijone. Namesto cvetja na grob pokojnega Jožeta Kuzimiča sta Ivan in Cecilija Sobočan darovala $100 za cerkev. KANADSKI SLOVENSKI KONGRES_ Kanadski slovenski kongres vabi rojake v soboto 9. aprila 2011 ob 7:00 h zvečer na praznovanje 20. obletnice slovenske samostojnosti, Slovenija - kam, ki bo v župnijski dvorani, 739 Brown's Line, Toronto. Pri programu bodo sodelovali: slavnostni govornik: voditelj opozicije v slovenskem parlamentu in bivši ministerski predsednik Janez Janša, bas-baritonist, član opere Colon v Buenos Airesu, Argentina: Luka Debevec Mayer, duet sester: pianistke Nastasije in violinistke Julije Zibrat, ženski pevski zbor Plamen, recitacije Toneta Kačinika, ter folklorni skupini 102 | VESTNIK 2011 Nagelj in Nageljčki. Vstopnina, vključno prigrizek $20, mladina ima prost vstop. A NOTE FROM THE CATHOLIC CEMETERIES Families are reminded to kindly remove all winter wreaths and decorations from their lots at Holy Sepulchre Cemetery, Gate of Heaven Cemetery, Resurrection Cemetery, Our Lady of the Angels Cemetery, St. Augustine's Cemetery, St. Thomas Cemetery and Our Lady of Mount Carmel Cemetery by April 1, 2011, to facilitate the spring cemetery clean up. Any wreaths or decorations remaining after April 1 will be removed and discarded by cemetery staff. For further information, please call the cemetery office at 905 522-7727 or 1-800-661-5985. »BUTARE«_ We are looking for donations of twigs [particularly willow and coloured dogwood] to help make this year's butare. Anyone that might be able to help, please contact: Dave Antolin [905.664.5980]. BREAKFAST WITH VENEC_ F.S. VENEC is selling tickets for their first annual breakfast on May 1st between 10:3012:30. There are a limited amount of tickets set for this event to ensure everyone has plenty! Come out and enjoy a great breakfast [including eggs and bacon] for $10 with all proceeds going towards acquiring new costumes. We encourage buying these tickets soon as we do not anticipate having any available at the door. Do not be disappointed. Please help promote and support our Slovenian culture! For more information or tickets contact Mateja Mihelcic: 905.692.9679 or KOLEDAR ZA APRIL - MAJ 2011 VEČNA LUČ ❖ 2. april 2011-sobota - ob 6:00 popoldne je pri društvu Bled srečanje predstavnikov Niagar-ske koordinacije glede Slovenskega dneva 2011. Predsedniki društev ne pozabite! ❖ 3. april 2011-nedelja: SPOMLADANSKI ŽUPNIJSKI BANKET - pri mašah in na banketu bo pel operni pevec iz Argentine: Luka Debevec Mayer. Prijavite se čimprej. Samo en teden je še! ❖ 10. april 2011-nedelja: 5. postna - tiha nedelja. Obe maši bosta v angleščini. Maševal Fr. Frank Kelly iz Toronta. Ta vikend bom v Winnipegu - pomoč za velikonočno spoved. ❖ 14. -15. april 2011: četrtek in petek - ob 5:30 popoldne začetek DUHOVNE OBNOVE pred Veliko nočjo. Spovedoval bo lazarist Fr. Boštjan Lenart, pomagal mu bo g. Toni Burja. ❖ 17. april 2011-CVETNA NEDELJA. Procesijo, če bo primerno vreme, bomo začeli ob 9:15 dopoldne pri kipu Marije pomočnice z blagoslovm zelenja. Pri enajsti maši se zberemo za blagoslov zelenja pred cerkvijo. ❖ 18. april 2011-Veliki ponedeljek - zvečer ob 7:00 je maša v katedrali, pri kateri škof posveti sveta olja. V župniji je maša ob 8:15 zjutraj. ❖ 21. april 2011- VELIKI ČETRTEK - spomin zadnje večerje. Po maši molitev. Poje zbor. ❖ 22. april 2011- VELIKI PETEK - Bogoslužje Velikega petka je ob 3:00 popoldne. Slovensko-angleško. Poje moški zbor. ❖ 23. april 2011- VELIKA SOBOTA - zjutraj ob 9:00 začetek molitve pri božjem grobu. Popoldne blagoslovi jedil: ob 3h, 4h in 5h. Zvečer ob 8:00 VELIKONOČNA VIGILIJA s procesijo vstalega Kristusa med mašo. ❖ 24. april 2011- VELIKA NOČ - Mašo začnemo z Alelujo pri božjem grobu in procesijo po cerkvi. Nato redna sveta maša. V mesecu aprilu bo večna luč gorela po namenu Sonje Langenfus za + Jožeta in Tomaža Langenfus. PRVI PETEK IN SOBOTA_ Ta teden bo zopet prvi petek in sobota v mesecu. Dopoldne bom obiskoval bolnike. Popoldne bo prilika za spoved že ob 5:30 naprej, ob 6:30 je pobožnost križevega pota. KONZULARNE URE - MAJ 2011_ The Embassy of the Republic of Slovenia has notified us that there will be NO consular office hours in Toronto (and subsequently Hamilton) during the month of APRIL. Service hours will resume in May - Wednesday 18th, 2-5pm. , torotno Brown's Line. POKOJNI_ 21. marca je v splošni bolnici Hamilton, v starosti 78 let, umrl naš faran JOŽEF KUZMIČ. Kot čevljar je bil dobro poznan. Do zadnjih dni je delal v svoji delavnici. V sredo zvečer smo molili za pokoj njegove duše v Markey Dermody Funeral Home, v petek pa je bila ob desetih dopoldne pogrebna sveta maša pri kateri je pel zbor iz društva Bled. Pokojnega smo pospremili k večnemu počitku na pokopališče Our Lady of the Angels - Mud Street, Stoney Creek. Iskreno sožalje ženi Kristini, hčerki Veri in vnukom. Gospod daj mu večni mir in pokoj. SPOMLADANSKI BANKET - 3. APRIL 2011 Čimprej se prijavite. Dobili ste velikonočno pismo in prijavnico za banket v velikonočni pošti. Prijave sprejemata Terezija Sarjaš /905-560-1218 in Jožica Vegelj /905-664-5240/. Kot veste bomo imeli gosta, basbaritonista iz Argentine Luka Debevca Mayerja. Dobrodošli vsi tako dopoldne pri mašah kot tudi potem v dvorani na banketu. Od 27. 03. 2011 Do 03. 04. 2011 svete maše - masses Masses Monday-Friday 7:00 p.m., Saturday 8:15 a.m. & 5:30 p.m. NEDELJA - SUNDAY 27. Marec 3. Postna Rupert, škof tt tt tt za žive in rajne župljane Štefan, Ana in Štefan Kelenc Anton, Miha, Marija Špiler pokojni iz druzine Muhic 9:30 A.M. Marija Glavač z družino 11:00 a.m. Helen, Miran Špiler NooNSava-Breslav Kitchener Ponedeljek - Monday 28. Marec Bojan, kn. t t t t Jože Kolenko Marjan Pavlič, obl. Štefan Plevel Marija Kolenc 7:00 p.m. Marija Lajnar Maks in Milka Pavlič Slavko Slobodnik z družino Gizella in Štefan Ray Torek - Tuesday 29. Marec Bertold, red. t tt t t Darinka Ferletič iz družine Bohnec Darinka Ferletič Matija Vlašič 7:00 p.m. Elizabeta Farkaš Hčerka Tončka Smodiš z druž. Jože Pust z družino Zlatko in Marija Berkovič Sreda - Wednesday 30. Marec Amadej t tt t tt Franc Antolin Miro in Marija Kolenc Plevel Štefan vsi pokojni Volčanšek 7:00 P.M.Maks in Milka Pavlič Mia Ferkul n.n. Karel Volčanšek Četrtek - Thursday 31. Marec Kornelija, muč. t t tt tt Anton Vengar Štefan Plevel pokojni iz družine Zelko Anton in Alojzija Simčič 7:00 p.m. Marija Košir Družina Mlačak Matilda Bratuž Steve in Vida Sajder Prvi Petek - First Friday 01. April Irena in Agapa, muč. tt Za duše v vicah tt Ivan, Marija in Jože t Štefan Plevel t Ivan Dobršek 7:00 p.m. Tone in Marija Bukvič Brat Štefan Ray z družino Družina Truden Štefan in Gizella Ray z druž. 0 e cd . < m p . o Sobota - Saturday 02. April Frančišek Paolski,red. tt Janez in Pavla Horvat t Stane Napast tt Marko Molec in Branko Šertel t Stane Napast_ 8:15 a.m. Ivan in Veronika Obal 5:30 p.m. Žena Fanika Napast z družino Družina Molec Družina Gomboc za žive in rajne župljane 9:30 a.m. t Janez Horvat Tone in Marija Bukvič tt Teta Štefka Bohte in bratranec Alojz Anica Vidmar tt Marija in Jožef Zelko, obl. 11:00 a.m. Hčerka Roza Kolenko z družino SPOMLADANSKI BANKET Noon Zgornja dvorana NEDELJA - SUNDAY 03. April 4. Postna Sikst I., papež-muč. svete maše - mass times: Ponedeljek/Monday - Petek/Friday: 7:00 p.m. Sobota/Saturday: 8:15 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian 5:30 p.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - Nedelja/Sunday: 9:30 a.m. - slovenska / in Slovenian - 11:00 a.m. -angleška / in English krsti / baptisms: Po dogovoru, prijava 1 mesec prej. - For an app't, call one month before. poroke / marriage: Prijava eno leto prej. / For an app't, call one year before the wedding date. spoved / confessions: Vsak prvi petek ob 6:00 p.m. / First Friday of the month 6-7:00 p.m. (or by appointment) bolniki -Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation (person counselling) with your priest - please call during business hours for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971.