GAJDOŠ A., BABELA M.: SHORT HISTORICAL NOTES XXIII Vol. 14 Issue 1: 131-133 Science of Gymnastics Journal 131 Science of Gymnastics Journal SHORT HISTORICAL NOTES XXIII Anton Gajdoš, Bratislava, Slovakia Michal Bábela, Faculty of Physical Education and Sports, Bratislava, Slovakia Ph.D. Anton Gajdoš born on 1.6.1940 in Dubriniči (today Ukraine) lives most of his life in Bratislava (ex TCH, nowadays SVK). He comes from gymnastics family (his brother Pavel have world championship medals) and he devoted his life to gymnastics. His last achievement is establishment of Narodna encyklopedia športu Slovenska ( Among his passion is collecting photos and signatures of gymnasts. As we tend to forget old champions and important gymnasts, judges and coaches, we decided to publish part of his archive under title Short historical notes. All information on these pages is from Anton’s archives and collected through years. Short historical Notes XXIII were written in collaboration with Michal Bábela, PhD. Szilveszter CSOLLÁNY (April, 13, 1970 Sopron – January, 24, 2022 Budapest, Hungary) Szilveszter Csollany was known for his extraordinary strength from his childhood. He had not a typical body of a gymnast as his curved legs did not match the aesthetic requirements of gymnastics. He knew that, but reckoned he would still have a chance to became succesfull gymnast if he managed to execute his routines reliably and without mistakes. It is usual that the talented men are autonomus and have their own ways. He was one of those gymnasts who can be difficult to work with. He was helped by several coaches both in his club and on the national selected team during his career, notably by Nándor Szólás in Gyõr. (from book Rings by Ivan Čuk and István Karácsony). He lived in Budapest with Szilvia and daugther Szimona. The first gymnastics competition was at 1983 and soon showed his great potential, especially on rings. The first international debut was in Korea in 1988, where he placed 3rd on rings. Same year at Junior European Championship in Avignon he took bronze medal on rings. As senior his achievements are: European Championship 1990 Lausanne (SUI) Rings 3. 1992 Budapest (HUN) Rings 3. 1994 Prague (CZE) Rings 3. 1998 St.Petersburg (RUS) Rings 1. 2000 Bremen (GER) Rings 2. 2002 Patras (GRE Rings 3. GAJDOŠ A., BABELA M.: SHORT HISTORICAL NOTES XXIII Vol. 14 Issue 1: 131-133 Science of Gymnastics Journal 132 Science of Gymnastics Journal World Cup 1997 Zurich (SUI) Rings 1. 1998 Sabae (JPN) Rings 1. 2000 Glasgow (UK) Rings 1. World Championships 1992 Paris (FRA) Rings 2. 1994 Brisbane (AUS) Rings 7. 1996 San Juan (PUR) Rings 2. 1997 Lausanne (SUI) Rings 2. 1999 Tianjin (CHN) Rings 2. 2001 Ghent (BEL) Rings 2. 2002 Debrecen (HUN) Rings 1. Olympic Games 1992 Barcelona (ESO) Rings 6. 1996 Atlanta (USA) Rings 2. 2000 Sydney (AUS) Rings 1. Long he was in shadow of another excellent gymnast on rings Yuri Chechi (ITA), but he managed to overcome it and won European, World and Olympic title. His excellency and creativity is also in FIG Code of Points, where he has his name under two elements (Figure right) The happiest moment at competitions – Sydney OG 2000 (from the book István Karácsony A Magyar Tornasport Kronikaja, 2002). GAJDOŠ A., BABELA M.: SHORT HISTORICAL NOTES XXIII Vol. 14 Issue 1: 131-133 Science of Gymnastics Journal 133 Science of Gymnastics Journal Exercise from OG 2000 (from the book István Karácsony A Magyar Tornasport Kronikaja, 2002).