PROSVETA GLASILO SLOVENSKE NAAODNE PODPORNE JEDN07R Chineo. III., sred t, IS avgusta (Auf u*t 13), 193«. Z Izletniki S. N. P. J. v Jugoslaviji * ^rnmmmmmmmmm^mmm Kristast umrl Izletniki u pogrebom. N« Bledu, Brezjah in v Vintgarju. Nate ameriška mladina se dolgočaaij Ivaa Molak V Ljubljani, 20. julija. — V l>etek zjutraj sem izvedel, da je Tone Kristan prejšnji večer u-mrl. Ta vest me je silno potrla. Ako bi biL prišel le en dan prej v Ljubljano, bi ga bil še videl živega. Nesrečno naključje je hotelo; da je mož, ki se je toliko trudil za naš izlet na tej strani, preminul baš v momentu, ko ne je imel izlet uspešno zaključiti v Jugoslaviji. Velika izguba je zadela tudi nas, ne samo zadrugarje v domovini. Na poslopju Zadružne banke in palsči Delavske zbornice je zaplapolala črna zastava. Z bolestjo v srcu so prihajali zaupniki zadrug in drugih delavskih organizacij od vseh strani v Ljubljano. Med nami je vlada- la žalost. V teh turobnih hipih, ja pota po vserp svetu 1 sem se prvič sestal s Cvetkom in Borisom Kristanom, sinovoma velikega pokojnika. S sol--zami v očeh sta mi povedala, da je oče dve uri pred mojim prihodom še vprašal, če sem že prišel. Onih težkih trenutkov sestanka a Kristanovo družino ne morem opisati. Izletni urad je imel sejo in naročil je krasen venec ter pozval izletnike v bližini, naj se u-dcleže pogrebne manifestacije. Prišlo jih je okrog petnajst. 0-pazil sem Stegovca iz Clevelan-da, Brenceta iz Waukegana, Mazzija iz Bradleyja, 111., Ger-zina, Celares hi druge. Pogreb je bil veiičanstven. Okrog 8000 delavcev in delavk je korakalo 1 i\ Vlntgar je deroč potok, ki m žalnem izprevodu od Delavske: «rije med visokimi pečinami in /zbornice po ulicah do pokopali- dela več vodopadov. V steno pe- &a v spremstvu dveh delavskih godb. Prod vratml pokopali«* je prišlo do mučnega prizora, ko je policija ustavila maso žalo-valcev, češ, da je pokopaliiče premajhno za vso množino. Tudi mi Amerikanci smo bili u-«tavljeni. Tedaj je sodrug Ivsn Vuk pojasnil policijskemu načelniku, da smo mi deputacija izletnikov in policija se je takoj razmaknila in nas pustila na grobi je. Kristan ie bil ppkapan civilno. Vsi ljubljanski Iflštf so mu posvetili dolge nekrologe In priznali njegove zasluge sa delavstvo. Celo klerikalni "Slovenec" je pisal, da je pokojnik «toril veliko dobrega za delavce, zato pa "naj mu bo Bog milost-Ijiv, čeprav je umrl kot nepremakljiv materialist ln brezverec." Tako smo v enem letu pokopali dva naša največja bojevnika iz predvojne dobe: Zsvertnl-ka in Antona Kristana. • • a Včeraj me je br. O,lip povabil k seboj ns Gorenjsko, ds si ogls-*kani v Ameriki lagali, da m je preselila v Lemont. Emfa-tično zagotavljam čitatelje Pro-"vete, da je Marija Pomagaj še vedno na Brezjah. NI šla nikamor. In ker aem bil tako blizu, bi bilo res škoda, če ne bi stopil "<*er in pogledal, kako ln kaj. Kasen ene stare šenlce ni bilo nikogar v cerkvi. Z Olipom korakata V kapelo "čudodetes" tarjem. ' Tudi steiia je vsa po» čpčkana z imeni. Pri vhodu v cerkev je napis, da je nespodobno pisati po stenah, a za to določbo se očividno nihče ne zmeni. Videl sem tudi nekaj imen iz Amerike. In kakor Anatole France v Lurdu, tako nisem tu di jas opazil med bergljami niti ene same lesene noge . . . Tega čudeža še ni bilo nikjer. Vse skupaj je grobo malikovalstvo. Jack Grilc mi je pravil, da je letos tudi na Brezjah kriza, ki je odmev ekonomske krke v — Ameriki. Denarja je malo iz Amerike in romarjev je malo. Z največjo propagando komaj apravijo skupaj kako romarsko čredico. Prešmentana Amerika boža in tepe enako božja in vraž- Z Brezij ee odpeljeva z avtom na Bled in kreneva preko polja najprvo v Vintgar. Lazila sva po strmih hribih precej visoko in prilezla do stare in zapuščene cerkvice sv. Katarine. Sprednja stena ob vzhodu je bila vsa popisana z imeni. Zdi se mi, da je tam najmanj milijon podpisov. Uprem oči v maso čečkarij in sagledam: Joško Oven, Sv. Križ pri Litij). Well, well, kdo bi si mislil, da je nsš Joško pustil lani spomin na svoje trudapolno romanje po teh hribih. Brž potegnem svinčnik in pokrijem Joškotov podpis s svojim. Radi tega se bova lahko pobotala. čine je vdelan ozek lesen hodnik. po katerem hodiš in občuduješ to divjo igro narave. Dolgo je treba hoditi prodno prideš na drugi konec, kjer se spet odpre dolina proti Bledu. , Kdor ni videl Vintgarja, ne pozna vseh prirodnih čudes Gorenjske. O Bledu mm v dolgih letih slišal in čital več kot pa sem zdai videl. To se prsvi: okoli-ca in skala s gradom se mi do-pade, prav tako romantičen je tisti otoček s cerkvico, tods letovišče kot cslots js velik plakat bučne reklame. Bled je konier-ciallzlran. Tam je business, ki bi bil veliko boljši, če bi bil v Ameriki; tako pa so ceste za avte preoske in v hotelih In restavracijah je — kakor v ljubljanskih ksvsmsh ln gostilnah — primitiven sistem postrežbe, ki je silno nepraktičen in smešen. O tem bom pisal podrobnejše druglkrst. Z grada je krasen razgled na jezero in okolico. Ta razgled si pošteno zaslužiš s plezanjem na strmi hrib, m nameček pa plačaš če vstopnino. • Na Bledu sem našel izletnika Zakrajška Iz Buffala, ki Je prišel s celo družino v Staro domovino. Zdaj Je rssočsrsn. Nje-govi trije sinovi, mladi fantje, ne znajo nič slovenskega ln se grozno dolgočasijo. Vsak dan silijo nazaj v Ameriko in oče jih ae more pregovoriti, da bi počakali konca izleta; odpotovati mora še te teden, Govoril sem S fanti in potošlli so mi, da to gi dešela sanje. Za našo mladino jo bilo slabo organizirano pri tem Izletu. Mladi fantje In dekleta M ne smeli bili s starši, temveč vsi skupaj pod dobrim voditeljem Tako pa vsi razkropljeni is mesto zsbave pasejo dolg čss. Mami kateremu čitatelju nsj-brft šs al znsno, da je Blejsko Jaeero privatna lastnina. Neki Ivan Keada, ki je bil pred voj-je danes lastnik Je-gradu, več hotelov in ka-zln ter mnogih peresi naokoli. lies, Aat af Oal L 1I1T, aattsrtMd m Jsaa, 14, ISIS Subscription $0.00 __ Pridigar obsojen v zapor Rivsrside, Cal. — Joaeph A. Smlth, župnik cerkvene občine, ki jo je ustanovila aotorič-aa svaagellatinja Aimee Sem-ple McPherson, je bU na tukajšnjem sodišču obeojen na pet let zapora. Smlth je bil obtožen sleparij, ker je prodajal ničvredne delnice Angelus Mines, Inc. svojim vernikom in jih na ta način ogoljufal sa več tisoč do-Isrjev. Ljudem je pripovedoval o bogastvu, ki jih čaka, če kupijo delnice omenjenega podjetje ln jih je tako premotil, da so nssedli ns lima-niče. Ena j stletnica nemške republike Velikanske proelave v Berlinu. Spopadi med republikanci In komunisti. Govori mlaletrov Berlin, 12. avg. — Vzlic dežju, ki je padal ves dan včeraj, se je na stotisoče republikancev zbralo na berlinskih ulicah, da s pohodi in govori proslavijo enajst-letnico ustanovitve nemške republike. Pohod se je vršil po vseh glavnih ulicah in se strnil na Trgu republike, kjer so igrale številne godbe in govorili govorniki. Komunisti ln fašisti so sicer izzivali republikance s petjem svojih pesmi in z vzkliki, da tako povzročijo izgrede. Do prvega spopada je prišlo pred poslopjem parlamenta, toda policija je hitro rasgnala razgrajače in razen malih prask in boja s pestmi nI bilo večjih nesreč. IJossph Wirth, minister za notranje zadeve in kancelar Bru-1 snlng sta bila glavna govornika velikanski mnoiici ljudi, ki se js Zbrala pred parlamentom. Govori So bili potom radia raspo-slsni po vsej Nemčiji. Wirth je poudarjal dejstvo, da je Nemčija postala demokratična država vzlic posledicam, ki jih je prinesla versalllska pogodba. "Ekonomska situscija je sicer akutna", je dejal Wlrth, "toda republika stoji na trdni podlagi kljub ostrim političnim konfliktom, ki se od časa do časa pojavljajo v dešeli in Nemčija se lahko ponaša, da je najsvobodnejša država na svetu." Šolski otroci v Chicagu ob bres- plačno sobosdrsvnlško nego Chicsgo. — Komunslni sistem brezplačne zobozdrsvnilke nege v čiksških šoish Je ukinjen, ker prosvetni biroj in mestna vlada ne moreta preskrbeti potrebnih denarnih sredstev. Sistem je bil v veljavi poldrugo leto in v tem času je sobosdravniški biroj zdravstvenegs departments pretakal sobe nad sto tisoč otrokom in 22,000 od teh Je bilo deležnih brezplačnega zobozdravljenja. Bombni çapad na premogovnik Nesnani letalci vrgli devet bomb, od katerik ao tri eksplodirale ln napravila paniko med prebiva Providence, Ky., 12. avg. — Izgredom; ki so ss ponavljali v prošlih mesecih na premogovnem polju v okraju Webster, jc včeraj sledil napad z bombami, ki so bile vršene iz aeroplana. Premogovniki, ki so dlje časa po> čl vali radi stavke rudarjev, h< bili izročeni obratu 1. julija. ■Napad je prišel nepričakovk-no In napravil veliko zmešnjavo in razburjenje med prebivalstvom. Kompanijeki strešniki niso vedeli, kaj bi počeli in le e-den je imel toliko poguma, da je pričel streljati na letalo, tods streli niso napravili nobenega u-činka. Po konMem napadu je letalo odletelo v kmeri proti drŽavi Illinois, od koder je prišlo. Sinoči je bil sk^can javni ahod v svrho ustsnovltve posebnega denarnegs sklada, Iz katerega se bo plačala nagrada za prijetje iv aretacijo napadlcev. Medtem ao se kompsnljski stražniki založili z municijo sa «u£aj. ds se napad ponovi. Kdo so bili letalci, ki so uprizorili bombni napsd, ni znano. Uradniki premospvne drušbe trdijo, da se Je 7f % stsvkujočih rudarjev vrnilo na delo, dočim so ostali še nadalje vodili agitacijo za nadaljevanja #tavke, vsled tega prevladuje SMMsnje, da so slednji organisirali napad na premogovnik, da tako ostrašijo ru darie. ki so se vrnili ns delo. Od devetih bomb, ki so bile vržene is seroplana, so le tri eksplodirale. Posebne škode niso nsprsvlle in nlhfie ni bil ranjen, tods detonsci jo je bilo sllšsti več milj daleč. - -a- fr'. m Unija sakteva pdsfckavo napada " ■ ^ na eemvce New York.— Unija sa ameri ške civilne svobodščine se Je o-bmils ns newyorškegs pollcij-skegs načelnikn Mulrooneyjs s zahtevo, ds tskoj uvede strogo preisksvo napada policije ns d* Utvce, ki §6 ss vračali z nekega komunističnega proti vojnega zborovanja, . Union tat proti injunkcl jam Chariottevllle, Va. — Victor A. Olander. tajnik-blagajnik De-lavake federacije v Illinoisu, ki Je otvoril program ns letnem zboyovsnju Instituts ljudskih zsdev ns universl v Virgin! J i, se je ob tej priliki izjsvil proti rsW sodnijsklh prspovedl v delavskih sporih ter je urgirsl takojšnjo usskonitev Norrisove pradloge, ki bi preprečile izdajanje Injunkcij proti delavcem. Njegova isjsva Js tembolj vsž-ns. ker Jo js izustil v središču držsve, v kateri industrijski msgnstjs neprcMtano spelirsjo na sodišča sa sodnijske prepovedi, ds lažje pritisksjo delavce ob tla in razbijajo njihove stavke. HUMORIST SE ZABAVA Marije in ogledujeva mnogotere I Čolni, v katerih prevažajo ljudi «rsle in table s zahvalami In po jeseru, so tudi njegovi. Po-Mpiei, ki rise po steni ss ol-jpoien BREZPOSELNOST •EU PREGLAS CELABORITOI 0 problemu os bo razpravljalo na konferenci, ki ae otvort v Londonu. Naseljevanje kolonij ika vlada, ki ee že dolgo ¿asa ba vi s vprašanjem brezposelnosti, azpravlja o načrtu, da se delavce, sa katere ni dela, pošlje v ko-onije in domlnljone, kjer je lomankanje delavskih moči, ds tam rasvljcjo nove Industrije. Načrt bo predložen konferenci. 'va delavca eta bila ubita,'pet dru-glh pa Je bilo ranjenih, ko se je včeraj pripetila eksplozija kemikalij v tovarni United mates Standard Chemical kompanfj» Ruski attlsti ustanavljajo šole Samomori brezpo-Milih naraščajo ' «MM. t- Sestradane žrtve kapltsllstlčaegi industrijskega slstems odhajajo v prostovoljno smrt, med tem pa se dnevno uniči mno žlne živil iNswsrk, N. J. - (F. P.) -Samomori brmposelnih delavnravlsduje nnenje, da bo Allen skoro rotovo smsgsl tudi v sploš-ilh volitvah v novembru, kajti Cansaa navadno vedno soli republikanske kandidate. Demokrat» ki nominiranee, ki bo Okušal po-asiti Allena, je bivši poveljnik Vmerlške legije v Kansasu ln ijsgovov stališče s oslrom na da-svska vprašanja ni snsno. Kljub emu pa so delavske organttnslj* ' Kansasu odločene podpirali de-nokratakega kandidata, daslrat-k> nI gotovo, šs bodo s nJim kaj I dobra ali nič. ttden izmed všrokov neprlča-«ovanemu porazu je bilo prevo-iko samossupanje ostalih kandis a tov, od katerih Je bil vsak prs-»ričan, da bo odnesel amsgo. 'redetavniki Ameriške delgvake ' maameaa •o VHi trije odkfontti in posledice e. da Je nomlnl dri kandidat. PoraS dslat >rgsnisaeij, ki so s gotovostjo >ričakovsle, da bodo poi tooverjevegs kandidata, js sslo msčllen ss politično brmbriš-tost organisiransgs delavstva na •apadu ia vsrjstno je» da je tudi tonovna nomnšeija progrsslvca Vorrisa v Nebraski v nevarnosti )slsvskl zastopniki is Nsbraske »oročsjo, da orftaalsirane pohtl-toe skupine v vssh prseinktih v veČini volilnih okrajev podpiralo Norrlsov,egs protikandidata Stebenss in da Norris nims ss isboj nobene organigasljs* ki bi blls vredns omenjanje, železniški dslsvol sicer sgttirajo sa Nor. riss, tods nimajo nobenih pra-slsktnih odborov. Tako se bo moral boriti Morris popolnoma sam proti močnim skupinam politi* kov, zs ksterimi stoje vsemogočni elektrsrskl interssl, vsndar pa unijskl mcijs kljub tsmu ns-verjsmejo. da bo progresivni se-nstor Izgubil svojo prvo letošnjo volilno bitko. * Spopadi md vslsšl Is it* eloMlitti ss KNakkm Konfliktna poročila govore, da je več t tašč vojakov aa obok straneh padlo v bitki fri Aaataagu sl|s. • Aaflfsj, 12. svg. — Vsllka bitka med rebelnimi šotami In vojaštvom nacionalistične vlade se pripravlja v bližini Santunga, kakor govora nepotrjena poročila, ki so dospela v to mesto. Poročilo Is glavnegs stana vstsškegs generala Ysn Kel-šens prsvi, ds so bili nacionalisti pognani v beg, ko so rebel! pričeli streljati s jopovl In strojnimi aušksmi. To poročilo pobljs vest is Msmutslja, kjer Js glsvnl stan vladnega generala fong Yu-hsi-angs, ki se glasi, da so vladne iste sajele vai tisoč rebelov Ia ss plen i Is velike zaloge orošjs In munlcije. Kitajsko Časopisje V Sangaju piše, da Je v bitkah prešlega tedna med vladnimi šotami In vvta-Šl padlo ofcrog desettisoč vdja-kov, tods to šterilo je najbrž pretirano. , SREDA, IS. AVGUSTA sko ribanje ae daje nobenih inspiracij In mflitentnih »vodito-Ijev, temveč postaja samoglaa- nik veleblzniikih interesov. ZAJCI NA DRUŠTVENE VESTI NAZNANILO m ZAHVALA Na prodaj itBam «CUarhille Rabbits" za rejo, eo prave čiste paeme. Prodam % mesecev stare tri skupaj, dve zajki in onega zajca za vsoto $12.60. Štiri mesece »tare pa po $8.00 za tri zajce. Za večja naročila Nazaaaile in objave kraJavnih droite? SNPJ Ža loot ni m areem niininjino tuino vem t »orodaikom, znancem in prijateljem širom Amerike, Sa Je preminul naš Ijabljeni «in. KONRAD MIVŠEK I mrl je 25. julija 1»M is aker je v Allegheny reki Ulis Oakmouta. Pa. Neerečneš al znal plavati, pa ga je voda prevarala. odšel je predaleč, aa tovaci*«v ae J» spueUl aa ajiai. Sa ga re«, bilo je ie pcepozao, Ml j» mrtev. Rojen ja Ml 24. aov. lim V Tritt« na'Cerenjokem la v Ameriko Je prišel pred U leti k svoji materi na Universal, Pa. Star je Ml 19 lat la S mesecev. Tu za-pulta mater la r%4 111 (.□aaijr- aim druSiaam, Id «o se pogreba udeležili la sicer: John ia Mary Deraač is Preato, Pa, Jan* Äifrsr it Sjrgaa, Pa., Jooeph in M. Mrs. Paulis is PeUaoaU, Pa., Frank Koemač In aoproga, Qoorge Provit in soproga in Mrs. Primožič, val is White Valley. Pa. in Anton Klemene la soproga Is North Beaaemer, Pa. Najlepša hvala vsem, ki sto daN aa raspelago a vt s ms bile la tako povečali sprevod, ter izkazali prijatfljatvo sa našim pokojnim oinom. Iskrens hvala mladenkam, ki af aoaile cvetlice. grčaa hvala vnem, ki ao ga obis-kali ob mrtvaškem odru ia vsem, Id ao ao adeUžili pogreba, le šal. da ao ae moreau» spomniti vaeh imen, ker je bilo aad 10« avtov v sprevoda. Hvala aobrata Anten Erženu za nagrobni govor in vsem, ki 00 nam na kakorše*koli način pomagali in nas tolaiili v ari ftaloat»; najlepša hvala veem skopaj. Tebi. dragi sla in brat. odšel si od aaa v preranl m lad est I ia pustil nas sa vedno, naš spomin aa To bode ostal v naših srcih dokler tudi mi ae pridemo sa Teboj. Počivaj v miru la lahka naj TI bode ameriška zemlja.— ŽaluloČi ostali: Mart RlbUrHč, mati la Frank Bihteršil. očem; Helena, omožena Blhtar, aestra na Universal, Pa.f Cecilija Mivšek, seat r a v New York, N. T.; Mary Veber, omožena v Kranju na Gore* lakom; pola saatea Bosi Bihteriič iS Frank ia Joha Bibter-šlč, pola brata, Univeraal, Pa. 104, Draper, Wis—(Adv.) POZIV IN OPOMIN Tem po to m opominjam John in Frančiiko Kastelic iz Bear Creek, Mont., da bi ae spomnila na dobroto njima storjeno in poravnala isto. Je ie skrajni čas zato. John Lozar Jr., 337—26th Avenue, Milwaukee, Wis. (Adv.) Ali ste Uli že oropani t Na eestm železnici, na vlaku ali drugih javnih proetorih. Ali sta že kdaj IsgnMH denar ali vrednostne papirja? "POCKET PROTECTOR" vam jamči, da na morete ničesar izgubiti. Žepni ropar ne more ničesar izvleči iz vašega žepa brez vaše vednosti. Protshtoi se dene na, žep brez šivanja ali gumbov. Lahko «e prestavi iz enega na drugi žep. Na Ikatljici so vsa' navodila. Frotektor ao lahko porabi aa levo ali deaae stran na 7 ¿epoia^d Sa hlače in tri na suknje. Iznajdba Jo Jsmčs-na in stane samo„ smo dobili razgledniso od našega umetnika, slikarja Porušila, ki pravi, da se mu zelo depade v tej driavi, kjer ¡10 visoka gore in meiniki, sele-ni gozdovi in vse skupsj obsevs-no od prijszilega solnca. na lift, MarcarKh Kočar «I». TkaraM Novak Mf. št. Ml. JomiA KotoV MS Jaha Farllch It«, Kick Babteti »72. C.tkrrin« CMSOVSC »72. Daplat Bieaitiah UtM. Wlllfa» Paealf |»t. Vinaant Ttaak ITS. ' V* t/.', v y -'J št. W7. Anna N. UrUctkt «lt. Isnata Manuak 1101. št. »tt. Marke Btoaanin «7t. in. MU. Jaltua Kasatarlak |IK.M>. št. t4Z. Marko Jure.-v.rh |4l. ' Št. 144. Marr KsSta'|I7.»0, Imata Kopriva '•H.l^M^LJwT'Sairke ^Sf ClfclE «lita ttt. ftt sta. Antoala Wra 117. /aaah Kokaij II«. št. Mt. JomdIiIm Von da Ltndan «lt. št Ml. Joaaph KaMrh IIK. W«lt»r Matko BAD BI IZVEDEL kje aa nahaja John Krac, doma od Bole Cerkve, Hribi št 12 na Dolenjskem, Jugoslavija. Zadnjič so Jo nahajal v letu 192« v Columbia, Utah, ln od tedaj ne vem» kje Je. Cenjena rojake proaim, če kdo ve sa njegovo bivališče, naj mi to naznani, za kar mu povrnem atroške. Ako bo pa sam čitat ta oglas, naj se nemudoma javi in sicer v teku 80 dni, ker drugače bom prisiljen iskati ga sodnijskhn potom. Frank L. Tomšič, 484 W. 7th 8t. Walsenburg, Colo.—(Adv.) V BLAGI SPOMIN OBLETNICE SMRTI . soproga In očeta ' _ Grosgp čin slsboumnežs Vaucouvsr, B. C., Kanada. — Otto Zelmsr je včersj spravil svojs tri mladoistne otroke v votlo drevo, ksmor jim Je sledil tudi sam' ip potem zaigal zaboj dinamita, ki je razpr*n njihova telesa v atome--Zelmer se je po izpovedi aoaedov čudno obna-ftal, ker ga je lena zapustila pred nekaj tedni. POROČILO O NAKAZANI BOLNlfiKI PODPORI kateri aad je nepričakovano nenadoma In brea alavesa sapustil dne IS. avgarta ISIS. ŽrtvovaM M vae, da M Ta ohranili mod aami, ali kruta amrt Te jo nam agvaMla. Nepopisna je bol, ki jo občutijo sais arca, ia kako prazen ia šaloaten Jo aaš dota, »d kar Tebe predragi soprog ia ljubeči oče ve« mod nami al. Oh, kako zelo, selo mi Tebe pogrešamo,, a zadajo mislijo aa Te zaspimo ia sopet prvo, ko ae zbudimo Še vodao v dozdevanju, da ae nekoč vrneš k «am. Prišlo je kar M oakrat moralo priti, ker vemo, da vae, kar ae rodi, mora umreti, toda Žal, vaa prehitro al ao ločil od asa, ter nas zapustil aante v tujini. Ali evež spomin aa T* nenadomestljivi eopreg in oče, je med aamij kot je Ml prod letom dni. ko si nas sapustil, ia tako oatsnMa poslednjega trenutka, dokler se ne snidemo oaatran groba, od koder, ae bo več ločitve. , ... ,ov Oj «aate. U «IvUamJa SparSJ a*n» v taji aa»UI. vaa prahlt r« aassaali. ptsšvael aaproB im U. . m*Ml arfea mm v MPUMgft<, , M« Sni J* i« MlnaU PROLETARRC S slovenske gtaell* soetaMsti 4as stranke v Ameriki Vsal Weeac tat rojak ki so sanlm* «S.*ncialtsam. W ga moral vodn> «Hatl kar rair kale prava allko aoelsHzma , Naročnina znaša M.00 na Vto. 11.75 na pol leU Naslov: PROLETAREC Aspm, C o In. Ha^ ^ IíJíi m nahaja Dominik MelautS. lian dru-itva št. BI. Iššem ga zaradi dru-Iva. Proaim gs, ds se osebne aH Iiameno zglssi pri Ujalku drultva.— ohn Lovshia, Ujnlk, Bos Sit, Aspen, Oolo. Flaming. Kana. _ članom društvr If. M na*nan t«m, da ja doaodanj društveni talnih br. F. Une odlok* •ataiNke slušbo tor as prosoHI v Ohl In do som ios prsvsel tajništvo, ka naj -dloai bUgovoiijo vsoti na snsnje Prosim tudi liane Is članice, naj »' redno udeležijo društvenih meaečnU aal. M ae vršilo vsako tretja nadeli dopoldne od pol deveto uto dalja v Sn*hark*vi dvorani članstvo opo tariani. da ja aodaji dsn sa plačat aaeameiH M. v meseent torej naj vss' lian slada, da bo pravočasno porav aal svoj meaečni asaament. ker ■ te-bo «rihranll maa.lksUro altnost satin asenl —Jebe taaar. tajnik, B. IL » Boa I4S, Plttebeqg, Ho. CHICAGO. ILLINOIS Pilite so sai cenik kaUgl Kocklagkam, Pa. Članstvu društva t. SSV nasnsnjam, da Js dreštvo aa t/ojl zadnji ssjl dn« 20. Julija skis-rilo, da vsak lian prispeva en dolar v društveno blagajno in alllliSc masca avgusta la 10« septembra. Proies, da vpoštevate U društveni sklop. Jeeeph CobrSa, tajnik. v lalevaaja aaa te Jmé. žalujoči Tvoji: 1 in vnuk, ie vedno ft a Šinkovec, soproga; trije siaovi, sinahs Breezy Hill, Kansas. lull Dim Britii) kir jb potion noovvrja OBVESTILO M, -^iii, i n - .A Maiai I pp^^w»*^ w" "t ^wwBm* Mia la mail«.—TrcavtM S SM* lil prosim, da se pelnoštavUno ude leie društvene redne ssja dno T. sap tembra ob dveb popoldne, ns kater bomo sklepali o proslavi dvajsetlet niee našega društva, žalim, da bi s* Haal našega drultvs bolj pogost' odolaševali društvenih sej. Nokate ri HasI se še nI*» udeležili noben' letošnje m je. Obenem oposarjar liane, naj redno plačujejo svoj me sečni sseament, ki mors bM plols do t4. vaakepi meseca, če lulo ao b pravočaano plačol In šs bo potom su spendiraa, noj to pripiše aamemu se M. ker to nI meja krivda. C brat skim posdrsvom! — Frsak Barag« v blagi spomin k obletnici smrti »ravl, ds js Greenovo vabilo, da bi ae predsednik Hoover ade-lotil konvencije AmerRke fein vako federacije v Boatonu, "žaljivka" sa amerlftke delavce ANTON ZORNIK Phone mi—Herminia, Pa. k'^ÉMpÉp mmdmi a Aiorow rinn ZOBOZDRAVNIK kateri asa )e nepričakovano sapaatU dae II avgueU 19» v atareeU 52 let. NI miallo ae io daeva. ae noči, da M aam odšel Ti izpred aH. Oh, kako aaa arce boli, ko Tabo več med aaml al. ■4 , • V 7» ' / '' Oj aofda ti ihrtjeaja LjuM moi, oče la brat, aam prehHro zagreniš , več se čaje ao tvoj glas. radaat arčao aam v trpljenje v rakov eo te položili vee naenkrat Izpremeniš. in odneoU »roč od aaa. * Solze pada io aaitota. Oh, Čemu Avgust meoee tuino Mjo aam nree, • dragi al aam vaol zaklad? amrt edvsela m sls. ofoU. brata Daeve sreče al spremenil aam sa vedno Je. v letovanje aam la jad. ftpevsj mlrao v taji oomip, dragi soprog, oče In bral. r V ra|U veeoljetva duh Tvoj • aatane večno aam v spomia. ialajočl eetaUt Apnlsnls, HodaAk. aoproga; Jaha, Joe, Henrik la Laa, alaovl; IngsHaa. bik v BeSrcreek. brat pa v Mili Iren. M en t. New York. - (F. P.) — A. J. •i ust«, predsednik Kouference m progresivno d«!avsko akcijo, ie trdo udaril po William Cree- 1 »u, ker Je le-tf povabil ifredsed-lika Hooverja, da bi nagovoril lelegate na konvenciji fsdoracl-e, 10 s« bo otvorila v Bostonu nesoca oktobra. Mustc pravi ds io pomeni insult na amerlAko de-avetvtt na katsrsgs ns bo molelo. Hoovsrjevo prizadevanje, la bi spravil zagovornika M?sl-»w dog" pogodbsnsgs sistems 'ar ker J a v vrhbvno sodiičs ln »r< zbriftnost njegove administra-IJe z ozimm na brszix>aelno zl-uscijo ln induatrijako depreeV o. sta navedena kot glavna Is a erja na konvencijo AmeriAks Vlavsks f«doracije. 1 Predsednik Konferenss js o-"«orli ns meadna «nižanja v preteklih mesecih Ur s tem pobil iroonavs trditev, da Js Hoover-eva ladustrijalna konfereaca y '•¿Ism novembru ptsi'ieèllp n. t dna zalianja. Dslje Je utlarll •o I adsmsUi. M. 4a tudi ons sa-"V arja mesdns redukcije, ker » « tujo svojim Člsnom. naj ne ah tavajo meednih povUinJ ln Ver priporoča delavske organlaa-ije is voditelje, ki so preprečili •spore i« sUvke*. Prsvl. da so dels vel oropani, ker Jim delav št. tst. Vrmnk .'H.- IS. Cha rnrMt ii« ■ MT. Jofcn •»♦. rteveland. 0- V..m llanom dru štea št. IZS, kateri Imajo svojo Otro ks aa varovane pri SNPJ t Prlasalt savarovsiainake polise svojih otro' tajniku, ker ao nekstero savarbva' nlnske dnWWbe ss mladinski oddal* s|i rami njena s I. julijem. Nadalje s pel!ramo aa vm tlAe «lana. kateri I niso vpisni i tvojih al rok v mlad. o*4 delek. naj ta llmprej atorijo. ker t tem bo sngfttovljen trden obetaj na ^ jiil^ti, kl |s Mi|H(i||êl di^n^k' podporna jednoU v Ameriki, la pair alte ledi. da t raid ksmpaajs da kar ea l. ieZ0 ln to lato. ker je letos ml nuto JO let, »dkar amn UKtanovlll naš AN 11 .0 enega novega Hane v odraall ali pa v mlad. oddelek. T*» bo njegov da društvu ob njegovi zo letale! Prist« nina ia sdravnišha pretakava proat poleg tega le vel nagrad aa aba o* drfka Upam. da ta nmj spel ae br Miau Zdravo! i. i. (¿ataréala, tajnik Je pripravno ln kartotao sa Vaa, ako aa pools fájete naše baake obrestonoano nalaganje la piljenje denarja v staro doasovine. Pri aaa naloAaal zneski prinašajo obeesti po 4H procentov, m vloge sa ilfftaJM« io a prvim dnem vsoksgs mmta. Naša aakaaila ss Isplašujojo aa aadajih poštah naslevljoaeov toi o polnih zneskih, kakor so lakasaai ao pri nas iadaalk potrdilih Naalovljenci prejmejo toraj denar doma, btoa aamude tasa, b andaljnlk potov la sMkov. • lašaje pravila Tolike da ne bs peaaeje kdo upravitelj I AOITIKAJTC SA ff^PfWWfifflf .Ik SREDA, IS. AVGUSTA. ^^ Ugodnosti in prednosti dvajsetletnega zavarovanja ZVEZDNICA Rott Sajevk, Chicago, $6; Anton Demiar, West Alh . Wis., Il ; dru&tvo it 8, U Salle, 111., $1 ; At. IS, Bridgeport, 0„ «1 ; At. 23, Derragh, Pa.. $2; At. 31. Sharon, Pa., $5; At. 19i>, Aruna, Pa., $8; At. 200, Herminie, Pa., $6; At 227. Mohrland. Utah. $2; At. 240, ßentleyvllle, Pa., $4.26; At. 381, Aguilar, Colo., $2; At. 888, J ere, W. Va., $4; At. 477, Hive-land, 0., $8.7« ; At. ««8, Tay lorvil-le, 111., $2; At. 630, Winton, Wyo., |2. — Skupaj $48.00. Vincent i'alnkar, pred«. S'NPJ. NAZNANILO IN ZAHVALA r mrl j, 7. julij« I sao ob 7. ari avalar. I>»ma j« bil i« J »Uve*, far« Hufcanj ma Itolanjakam. Pagrri» *a J« vréíl li. Julija t. L ob 4. uri p<»poldnr n« Narodno pokopallUr v I'owhatan Paint, t»l«. Hl| ja lian druitva tt. SIS SNPJ ia v* lat prtdatdnlk la tajnik, lar uata. nov liri J društva. Na tam maatu aa najlapta «ah valim vaa« pri-iairljrm In inaittrm, ki at* pokojnika oMakall «a laaa njaiove bolaani v bolnltnlcl. doma, In vaam. ki ata full ob nlagovam mrtva, tkani odru. 8rtaa hvala »r. in aira. Aatoe Vaharju, ki ao liarii po-kojnika na njih domu na mrivalhrm odrti, kar doma al Ml* pri-marnaga proatora. /.ahvallm aa tudi T*ay Htucinu In Maram, ki ao pritll k poerabu la dal|ns«a Md., kakor tedt mr. I« pra. Drila, hi ao priill la Byeavllla, O., in mojima alaovoma, ki aU pritla la Clavalaada, O, Kari ie Joa flturln. In moji Meri Mary Sakrajlak la Varona, P*. lakraaa hvala drultvu ftt. (136 8NPJ ln ¿lanom, ki ae ¿ull ob njtfovaai mrtvaákam odru in vaa«, ki ao ga apramlll k ladnjrmu počitku In mu darovali kraaal vaeer v «adnjl bratakl pe* adrav. Lapa kvala vaam, ki ao dali bresplatne ave|a avtomobila la voalll pri pogrebu. Upa hvala mr. In mra, Magdlrii ia darovani lopat cvatljlr. Najlapta hvala vaam la m vaa. karkoli ata ml dabrrga aterlll la ma telallll v uri áaloatl. Najlapta hvala 8. N. P. Jadnotl aa Iahe hitre Isplalltav poamria** mael le moji hierl. Tabi dragi Mprag le ala pa talimo, počivaj v miru la lahka naj TI boda amarllka aamlja. Žalujoti out ali: Marija Patak, aoproga; Praak Petek, rin, ia julija Doalay. hči. Powhatan Poiat, Oble. v Zahvala Sprlngfleid. III. — Tem potom itrekam zahvalo nailm prijaiel-jem ia Carllnvilla, Springfielda, Taylorvtlla in drugim, ki ao ee udeleiili pikniki, ki ga je priredilo druAtvo Lincolnite dne 8. avgusta v Irwin Parku. Prepričan sem, da bo kooperaciji, ki ste jo pokazali na naiem pikniku, rodila Ae teanejie veai med nami in pripomogla k naiim skupnim interesom.—Joe Urino-car, predsednik Lincolnltov. Anna Harding ta San Antonia, Tax., kl ja v Hollyareodu poanana kot ana naJboljUh flhaSklh igrali. Svatba v Kanadi New Waterford, V Kanada. — Posebnih novic tukaj ni, kajti delamo le pet dni na teden, vča-aih pa ie manj. Omenim naj le, da sta ae dne 30. julija poročila tukaj Willy Walcsak in Gertrude Stepanek, kl sta oba člana druitva At. 658 SNPJ. Svatba je trajala dva dni in vae ae je vrii-lo v najlepšem redu ln zadovoljstvu, k čemur je veliko pripomogla godba "Lavorjev list", ki nam je igrala vesele poakočnice. 2enin in nevesta ae zahvaljujeta druAtvu in drugim, ki so jima na ta dan poslali krasna darila in ju počastili s svojo navsočrfo-1 stjo. NovoporoČenoema telim vse najboljAe v zakonskem stanu in upam, da bosta ia nadalje ostala Člana natega druitva. John Wutej, tajnik. Piknik druitva it. 284 Milwaukee, Wie. — Prijetna poletna doba ee bltta koncu, zato je naie druitvo "Bratoljub" it. 284 SNPJ sklenilo prirediti sadni veliki piknik na 81. avgusta pri dobro posaanem rojaku Vencel Kuimontti, na Beloit in 86. ave. Na programu bodo raznovrstne tekme, tako da bo obilo emeha in zabave sa stare in mlade. Da ustrelemo ptesaielj-nim, smo najsli prvovrstno godbo; Manjkalo ne 1& tudi okrep-čil. Vabimo vsa bratnka društvu 8N1PJ in druga podporna druitva, kakor tudi posamesnike iz Milwaukeeja, West Alllaa in o. kolice, da naa obiAčeJo. Apeliram na članatvo druitva, da se ude-leil tega piknika, M je mends sadnji v tej poletni seaoni, pol-noAtevllao in da vaak pripelje seboj svoje znance in prijatelje. Vel na piknik na omenjeni dani—John Pollak, predsednik. Piknik "Naie Sloge1* Johnatown, Pa. — Sleherni človek si iell hladnega aavetja, kjer lahko vsaj ss nekaj Aasa pozabi na poletna vročino in ee o-benem malo pokrepča. Proti vročini pa nI boljie pomoči kot je hladna drevesna aenea, kjer ee človek lahko ohladi. Zato bo druitvo "Naia Sloga" it. 600 SNPJ priredilo dne 17. avgusta piknik na znanem prostoru (Hill Town), na katerega vabimo vse rojake in rojakinje is tukajinje okolice. Kdor bo priial, mu gotovo ne bo žal, ker poleg hladne sence bo naie! veak tudi dovolj tabave ta tudi okrepčil ne bo manjkalo. Vstopnina prosta. Na veeelo svidenje dne 17. avgusta t—Odbor. Trije ameriikl eenatorjl doepeH v Moakvo Moskva. — Skupina petdesetih prominentnih Američsnov je te dni dospela v Moakvo. Med njimi so s vezni senatorji Wheeler, Berkeley in Cutting. V BLAGI SPOMIN OBLETNICE amrU aatags llubage aiaa la brata Najnovejie slovensks gramofonske kateri naa ja aapuatil IS. avguata ISIS, ka je MI atar Ii lat. Ml ja dober alntek In brat, njageva aadnja haaeda ja Mla, vidita, aaiej bom umrl. Naborno Ta poaaMii, dokler tudi wtl na prUUmo ■a TaboJ. Polivaj v miru bi lahka aaj TI Iwda a mari tka aomlja. talujoll oaiaU: Blarltl In brstja, drutiaa Cankar, /aiglar, III. PNHts la danaa po BRES. PLAHNI iluatrtranl eanik gramofonov la po aovl oaaik gramofonskih ptoM. Vsa vpratanja aaalovlta na t MOMCHILOV1CH BROS. IMS Taaga iL, Toronto, Oat. V BLAGI SPOMIN OBLETNICE 8MRTI mojaga IjaMjaaaga aoproga JOE STEFANČIČA Minulo ja lato dal ti. avguata i. L, ad kar si aaa napritabavsae aapuatil In tal od aaa sa vadee. Nat apomla aa Te itvl v net* arrih. Polivaj v miru la lahka «al Ti hoda aemljlaa. ftalajeta oatala: Mra. Milka Htafančlč, aoproga. Clavriaad. Okle. DOMAČA ZDRAVILA >■—^imot^tolmyjjjwga «aa» domaČi zdravnik math. pezdir toi 771. city Hall Bta* NEW YORK, N. T. V BLAGI SPOMIN OBLETNICE SMRTI RUDOLF J. JINDRA Upoatavlja naprava sa gratja In plumbaraka dala. Nil Booth Clifton Park Ava. Mis a. Hamlin Ave., Cbiaago Talafont Uwndale MM M. or.«f«i ««4 MATTHEW J, TURK Real Eitato, Loani and Inaurane*—Javni notar Mil S. Lawadali Ava* Ckleago, IU. Prodaja poaaatev, Notaraka dale sa te la sa atari kraj. Cane laar ■ JOHN J. ZAWERSCHNIK, INC. « ■ Urad la delavalea 4011 National Ave, vagal 41al Ava. ■ ■ Tal. Mitahall Mil Clan lt. Ii Mlhrsehea, Wis. ■ Frank Ermenc Edini slovanski pogrobnik v drlavi Wbcooaén jai — a* * ajti-----1— TJ ti------ wi ureva ¿traer, eiuwaeaee in» naavvi PRB1C0 CHEB80UB0A i DNI pteke BREMENA Patajú t la le JUGOSLAVIJE Izlet aa Hygaa Morgan, Pa. — Soclallatlčnl klub it. 18 priredi v nedeljo, 17. avgusta, piknik na vrtu druitva tt. 6 SNPJ. Pričetek plknlks ob I, popoldne. V slučaju elabega vremena se bomo zabavali v dru-itveklh prostorih. Vabimo rojake, da nas obiiče-jo na ta dan, ker ielhno videti vse naie etanr znanee in prijatelje. Za dobro poatreibo bo akr-bel.—-Odbor. "J Darovi n Pranreta Bevka Za Mviega člana Franceta Bevka, ki ee sedaj nahaja bolan la v veliki revičini v Dol. Novakih v Italiji (v okupiranem kraju), amo prejeli podporo doee-daj od sledfčlh druttev in poaa-metnikov: Prihodnji ixUti v Jugo*Uv|jo la lutyo to Uto H nUNOCWKI ,r<«l . p.r*lkMi "lUt DE FIAHOI" pnh lami li. aapt*. i. oktekrs la I4> ahtabfe li. daaambra VELIKI EOÍICNI IZLET__ BREMEN EUROPA Pa ( OHUUCH progi pr.ho Trriei aapt., s. |i^aev.>la is. __i_T In pojaanlla aa eajstarajlo «lar. tvrdha, kl paaluja COLUMBUS Sakser State Bank PROSVETA' PROSVETA THE ENLIGHTENMENT GLASILO Df LASTNIMA SLOVBMSCB MAIOfeM WE JIONtfTi tl mi isilil kr nurtm 4rUn ( » «• IMS M M«. SN » H hu. M* W IS« IS»; » hm to OtM H-S* hmKMi, MT» « M •• to». Mladina in jednota Vss delo, podporno* in prosvetno, ksr gs je jednoU te izvržlla in gs is vrli, je pionirsko delo ns podlagi ns p red ne izobrazbe — v delavskem duhu. Vssko izobraževalno delo je pionirsko delo, ki je po svojem bistvu usmerjeno sa tem, ds Žanje plodovs svojega dela žele v bodočnosti. SNPJ je vriils pionirsko delo med naiim narodom od svojegs postanka in vrž! ga med nažo mladino že prožllh petnajst let Rezultat njenega smotrenega dela v obeh je izredno razveseljiv. S svojimi krsjevnimi društvi in publikacijami je jednota največ storila zs-ohranitev naše mladine našemu življu. Bila Je prva, ki Je ustanovila mladinski oddslek, kar Je bilo vsskskor dalekoviden korak. S svojim pionirskim delom Je šla še dalje in Je prva pričela ustanavljati angleško govoreča društvs, okrog ksterlh Je danes osredotočeno vse napredno mladinsko gibanje naše mlade generacije. Dala je naši mladini svobodo Izražanja s tem, da jI Je dala na razpolago v glasilu svoje predale. V svojih lastnih društvih as danes naša napredna mladina akoro v vseh slovenskih nassl-binah čvrsto udejstvuje v našem življenju ter marljivo sodeluje |>ri rsznlh funkcljsh obeh genersclj. Slovenska narodna podporna jednota se Imenuje narodna, ker vrši svojs podporno In prosvetno ter kulturno delo med slovenskimi delsvcl v Ameriki, nikdar pa ne brenka na ne-amlaelnoat narodnjaških strun. Ona vrši svojo organizacijsko misijo tudi med našo mladino na podlagi napredne misli ,1n konstruktivnega dela. To Je jasno. V atfojem delu se jednota ne poslužuje kakšnih Šovinističnih fraz, ne Jokavega ssntlmentsllzms, ker tako početje vselej vodi k fanatizmu, ki Je bolezen. Ako hočemo, ohraniti našo mladino našemu življu, ji moramo dati resničnega vpogleda v naše življenje in težkoče ter racionalne privlačnosti, ki mors temeljiti na evojstvenlh karakteristikah resničnih dejstev. Puhla narodnjaška samohvala, pretirano samoopevanje in brenks-nje na strune šovinistično ssntimentelnlh čustev nlkdsr ne more roditi dobrih posledic. Tak način je napačen, zavajalen ln kvaren, ker Je zgrajen na Jokavi praznoti In prenapetem samoljubju, kl ss slehernemu treznomlslečemu človeku prsj ali slsj priskuti. Nobens druga slovensks orgsnizaclja ni toliko atorila za resnično povzdigo, zbližanje in tesnejšo vez med obema generacijama, kot Je ravno Slovenska narodna podporna jednota a svojim nspredno vzgojevalnim delom. Odkar ao ae pričela snovati angleško poslujoča društva pod okriljem SNPJ, je naša nova generacija dobila tisto skupno vez, potom katere je spoznala, da pripada tiati narodni skupini, ki se naziva za slovensko. Med našo mladino nI več "Auatriana" ali "Orsjnarjev" in "Kran-iah". Z veaeljem vaak mladenič ali mladenka, kl Je član ali članica SNPJP, pove avojo narodno* t, ker se zaveda, da vsak človek že po rojstvu pripada gotovi narodni skupini. 8 svojim glasltom tako v slovenskem kot v angleškem delu Proevete je jedoota veliko storila, da Je mladinsko gibanje nato nove generacije v precej An Jem razmahu — in to brez narodnjaških fraz, jokavih opevanj in šovinističnih zavajanj. Danes Je Prosveta glavni instrument, glavni magnet in tariftče ter glasnik ol>eh generacij. Naša porajajoča mladina je za SNPJ, ker vidi v njenem gibanju dobro delo, ki mora obroditi le dober Kad tako v bo-dočnoet! kot ga je v preteklosti. Ako hočemo, da ostane nana mladina naša, če Interno pridobiti xa naš tivelj Ae ostali del naše nove generacije, da bo i nami čutila In Bi^ielovala, ji moramo pirdveem nuditi res-nično aliko po*tojetlh razmer kakršne ao, ln to v naprednem delavskem duhu. Kajti zavedati ae moramo, da je naša mladina delavska mladina. In kot tako jo moramo vzgajati. V tem »mUlu naj *e našo mladino vzgaja, brez šovinizma in »elitimentalizma. Na ta način bo opravljena glavna naloga, ki jo moremo kot pri deljene i v novi «lomov i ni m i napram naši novi generaciji izvršiti. V tem pravcu koraka naša jednota naprej, širi svoje kieje In principe med našo mladino, ker ae laveda, da edino to Je zdrava in trdna podlaga, na kateri as ds zgraditi motno zgradbo mednebojnosti, sodelovanja, zblHtanJa, spusnavanja razmer in konstruktivnega dela, ki a« je do aadaj na tej podlagi še vaetej izkazalo plodonoano In uspešno. ________, Tudi svoboda lahko poštar* skupinam kot posamezniku pravo zlo, ako se jo Izrabi. Glasovi iz naselbin Zanimive beležke Iz razaih krajev Konferenca ia pikaik Bridgeport, O. — Konferenčni odbor še enkrat poziva vse klube n društva Prosvetne matice, da pošljejo zastopnike in da egiti-rajo za Čim večjo udeležbo na Konferenci in njenem pikniku 24. avg. na Blaine, 0. Konferenca ss prične točno ob 10. dopoldne in piknik popoldne. Odbor ln klub št. 189 se trudita, da bodo vsi zadovoljni, od vas Je pa odvisno, da se stvsr povoljno izteče. Cska nas mnogo dela. Pridite in prinesite dobre nasvete v prid pokretu. Svoboda Js vsem Jam-čena na zborovanju. Slišali boste govornike in govornico prve vrste- O UMW of A bo govoril Frsnk Bender in o kulturi in pokretu pa javnosti dobre znana Ana P. Krašna, ki bo tudi govorila v angleškem jeziku sa mladino. * Naloga konference je, da razširi iuOo misel in delo. Ako ni U odbor dober, bo trebs novegs, da bo delo bolj napredovalo. Ako zdaj depreaijs in korupcija starih strank, katero postno v Belmont okraju lahko vidite, ne odpre nam oči za pošteno delavsko stranko, potem ne vemo, kaj nsm bi prineslo. Rojski delsvcl, pojdimo sku-psj, pripeljite vsše žene in mls-dlno. Niste še imeli prilike sli-šst) gensko govornico in borite-ljico za nafte pravice. Vstopnins bo prosts. Tu se ne gre za nlkak dobiček, ampak edino za v korist vseh nas in naših otrok, da tudi oni dobijo malo pojma o delavskem gibanju. V slučaju dsžja se bo vse vršilo pri rojsku Brsdle-Ju. Drugače bo pa piknik malo proč na farmi L. Androjnata. Torej vsi na plan 24. avgusta. Odbor. Smrt člana | Lincoln, I1L—Brači i sestram SNPJ do znanja, da je neumolji-vs smrt ugrabila is naše srsdins dugogodišnjsga Člana i brata Silvestra Bruketu. Nakon duge i teške bolesti brsts Brukets u-mrlo Js dne 29. julija v dobi od 44 godhi*. v « y Brst Brukets rodlo ss js v mjestu Hreljin, kotsr Sušak, Hrvatska. Od rana mladosti nalezlo ae u ovoj ssmlji* U našoj organizaciji bk> jest več 16 godine, gdje je vtšlo čast društvo-nog tajnike krog 10 godina. Is zs ssbe ostavljs ucvlljsnu aupru-gu, 6 čeri in jednog slns. U sts-roj domovini ostavljs stsre roditelje, 2 brsts i Jsdnu ssstru. Tk-kodjer jednu ifstru u ovoj sem Ui. Društvo "Zsgorskl zvonovi" broj 146 SNPJ priredilo Je u sporazumu sa društvom "Nsprsdak" broj 524 HBZ, kojsg je takodjer bio član, dostojen sprovod. Oba dva društva pološila su krasne vljsnce ns odar pokojnika. Zadnji oproštaj a pokojnim bratom nad otvorenlm grobom izgovo-rio je u Ime obadvs društvs brst Meto Starčevlč, prikazuj uči bla-godatl, koje nam pruža ova naša velika organissoUa Slovenaka narodna podporna jednota. Daje brat Bruketa f^elo ml-silo, vidi ae po tome, što je as vremena atuplo u naše 2 največe organizacije, SNPJ In HBZ, koje če ublažiti bol I tugu njegovim milim I dragim. Qvim slučajem nameče m i se dužnoat opo-menuti bratu Jugoslovane, ko j i Jož nlsu u društvu, ds stupe u redove naše velike organizacije SNPJ. Bratu Bruketl želim, da bude lahka ova zemlja, njegovim milim I dragim naše iakreno aen-tešče.—Geerge Jujevlch. guata oddana se seja vrši v spodnjih prostorih. Priprsvs za jesenske prireditve so že v teku, čet>rav vlada še huda vročiiia. Tukajšnje angleško poslujoče društvo "Jolly Allis" SNPJ je 1 prav pridno ns delu za proslavo prve obletnice. Nameravajo prirediti veselico s programom, ki se vrši dne 20. septembra. Mlado društvo prav dobro napreduje v sedanjih rasmerah. Ni še minulo eno leto odkar je bilo ustanovljeno, a šteje že nad 70 članov in članic.—Čkudca, papeži in škofje — vseh teh oe|«*iru Je, da bi nam nič ne škodi-dobijo slike Um, Piknik Soc. klube št. 27 ia pev. zbora "Zarja" Cleveland, O. — Ker je eeso- na piknikov Še zmeraj v teku, ne moremo drugače kakor da pišemo o tem in se oglašamo, da si dajemo duška za skupno delovanje. S to skupnostjo si ve» drimo naše pojme ter koncentriramo naše misli. V nedeljo Iff. avgusta ae nam bo nudila ta prilika, ko priredita Soc. klub št. 27 in pevski zbor "Zarja" skupen piknik na Močihiikarjevi farmi Ta farma je skoro slehernemu Clevelandčanu znana, in je ena najbolj primernih farm sa naše piknike; tam se nahaja krasno drevje, ki dsje hladno senco, v kateri se človek lepo hladi v tej pasji vročini. Za razvedrilo bor skrbel pev. zbor "Zarja" z lepim petjem, ki bo odmevalo po gozdu, in Spehe-kova godba, ki bo privsdigovala plesalce. Kateri se udelušujejo klubovih in Zarjinih piknikov gotovo vedo, da nimajo nikjer boljšega užitka kakor pri njih. Zato pridite in pripeljite tudi svoje prijatsljs, da se bomo skupno zabavali v naravi. truk odpelje ob 11.30 df-pol. izpred SND, in se ustavi tudi pri Delavskem domu ne Waterloo Rd., da se bodo tudi Col-linwoodčanje lahko peljali. DrugI odpelje ob fcSO popol. izpred SND. Zs vso postrežbo, ki jo potrebuje človek v tej vročini bo poskrbljeno.—Odbor. T Med ■ i ii. n , >*reia i LJUDSKI GLAS Svobodna beeeda članov &N.PJL Nssavedal kritiki Duluth, Mian. — Nekateri dopisniki v koloni Ljudski Glas" se Jako rasburjsjo vsled slik pokojnega Jožeta Zavertnika; nek tak isbruh je dsl objsviti tudi brat Steve Fabjan, član društva št 849 iz Fairmont Citija, III.; v št. 184 Proevete. Radi kritiziramo slabe delsV-ske razmere, majhno plačo, dolge ure, šikane bossov, brezposelnost pomanjkanje, stradanje ia splošno revščino med delavsko maso. Pri tem kritislramo tudi ogromno bogjutvo majhne sk*» pine ljudi, katera je pograbila to bogaetvo, ustvarjeno po delsvski masi, katera trpi pomanjkanje. Zavedam ss, da Je to narobe; da bi delavci morali dobiti večji de-lež svojega dela, to, mislim, da prlsna tudi brst Fabjan in dru* gl, kateri tak« radi kažejo da "petdeaetake , katere je Jožeta tako "lahkoto" dobival in "spi*i vljal" v žepe. Da sem prišel do spoznanja, da je današnji red izkoriščanja kjer bi se Jih morali sramovati: v stanovanjih delavcev! Kaj so oni naredili za delavce? Tirali so Jih v razne klavnice, da so ubijali in bili u-biti, da so poškodovali in bili poškodovani. Jože je učil in akušal privesti msso do spoznanja, da bi ae delavstvo sveta v resnici ljubilo kot bratje. Govoril je, da ae nam dela krivica pod današnjim redom izkoriščanja, učil in kazal Lam je pot, po kateri pridemo do človeških pravic in spoštovanja. Pojdite in poglejte stanovanja vladajočega razreda, ln videli boste slike njih izvoljencev— raznih imperijalistov, kraljev in voditeljev klerikalne hierarhije in drugih, kateri so zvesto služili kapitalističnemu in imperialističnemu razredu. Pojdite v delavska stanovanja in videli boste skoro iste slike, namesto Marksa, Kautskija, Malateete, Llncolna, Debsa, Zavertnika in drugih delavskih pionirjev, Id so se upali povzdigni ti glae proti mogočni oboroženi sili vladajočega razreda. Veliko takih mož Je dalo svoje življenje, za svobodo delavstva, delavstvo pa namesto da bi jih spoštovalo, jih pa graja fe potem, ko se v grobu. Sramota! John Kobi, član št 206. LISTNICA UREDNIŠTVA l ¿¡mmmtmm J. B., Plttaburgh, Pa.: Zapisnik Federacije društev SNPJ za zapadno PennsyIvanijo je bil pri občen v sredini številki 6. avgu sta, zato ss nam ne zdi umestno, da bi priobčili tudi vašega, ki vsebuje enake stvari in zaključke. Fbderacqe SNPJ Dramako društvo Weat AMa. Wle. — Kakor je bilo že enkrat poročeno smo Slovenci v Weat AUIau meseca maja ustanovili dramatični klub. Ker pa Je bilo že vroče, in ni bil čas več primeren sa prirejanje iger in za obdržavanje aej, amo atvar odložili na poznejši čaa. 8klenjeno Je bilo. da ee prva ae» zonaka aeja vrši dne 16. avgusta ob oamih zvečer v Labor dvorani na 65th in National Ave. Vsak rojak in rojakinja, katerega veseli dramatika ln ae zanima za napredek naselbine West Alia, js vsbljen, da ae vdcM seje In pristopi v dramatični klub. Pristopnina ja prosta. V slučaju, da bo dvorana 16. a v- namenih federacij društev SNPJ Plttaburgh, Pa. — Namenil sem se malo opisati namen ki dlj naše Federacije društev SNPJ za sapadno Peimsylvanijo, čeprav niseth član odbora federa cije. Namen federacije je na ka-kršfen koli način pomagati član-etvu v teh kritičnih čaaih, pred vsem pa ga organizirati, ker le organizirano delavstvo se lahko uspešno brni t industrijskimi magneti, kl so ne le dobro organizirani, temveč imajo tudi denar |n moč. Dokler bomo delavci neorganizirani in rasdeljeni ns razne majhne skupine, tako dol go nas bodo oni lahko izkoriščali kl izžemali, kar bi pa prestalo, čim bi se vsi delavci združili i eno močno delavsko organlzacl jo. Potem bi delavcem* ne bilo treba delati tako dolge ure in sa tako majhne plače, kot morajo delati sedaj, ko so vsled svoje brssbrižnoatl prepuščeni kspits-listom na mUost in nemilost. Drug namen federacije je sbi-ranje prispevkov sa podpiranje etavkuječih delavcev. V ta na-mšn je ustanovils poseben fond, v katerega priepeva vaak član federacije pet centov letno. Na brani denar se bo porabil samo v dobre svrhe, in ne bo šel v šope kakih posameznikov, kakor ae je larasil nekdo na sadnji konferenci federacije. Vidi se, da Je medaami vse pr smelo medsebojnega zaupanja; kdo je kriv da je tako, pa sami lahko presodite. , f, \.-.;.< ..•• > Nedelj ni namen federacije je poepsšitl rast naša 6NPJ, ji pridobiti kar največ mogoče novih mase po msjhnl skupini krvoed* ***nov- « boAo ***** sov v človeški družbi napačen, ia vrM"; k»*"* * da bi delavstvo moralo biti da- etarejših članov Ur nadaljevali I M . • .... M >(IL----■ - A . J.l. J. k. _ lo, če bi se organizirali tudi politično. Razni kapiUliatični politiki potrošijo težke milijone ob času volitev in na U način pridejo do sedežev v kongresu ali senatu, kjer potem pobijajo vse predloge, katerih namen je pomagati delavstvu in izboljšati slabe delavske razmere. Zato bi bilo priporočljivo, da bi tudi mi ob času voliUv malo razmišljali o političnih problemih Ur se pogovorili,-kateri kandidatje so priporočljivi. Drugi namen federacije je zbližanje članov in medsebojno spoznavanje, da se sprijaznimo med sdboj in poravnamo razne naše medsebojne spore. TVidi jaz sem mrzli človeka, katerega sploh nisem poznal, čemur pa je kriv nekdo drugi, kJ mi je vedel povedati o njem toliko slabega, da sem mislil, da mora biti zares zloben človek. PoUm pa sem se seznanil z njim in ko sva se malo pogovorila, sem pa spoznal, da je dober ki pošten človek in moja mržnja se Je tisti hip umaknila spoštovanju, ki ga še zdaj občutim do tega moža. Tako, vidite: skupaj je treba priti, se spoznati in se pogovoriti in ljudje spremenijo svoja slaba mnenja, nesoglasja se izravnajo in spori se poravna- Na sej) našega društva sem Čul tudi opazke, da bi se društvo priključilo federaciji, če bi vedelo v kakšnem smislu deluje. Pri-ključiU se federaciji, pošljite zastopnika na njene seje, berite njene zapisnike v Prosveti, pa ee boste kmalu seznanili z njenim delom in z njenimi cilji. Jaz menim, da bi se bilo moralo to že zgoditi, vendar pa če se bomo porodili, bomo lahko popravili vse kar smo zamudillil^H^^HH H koncu naj še povem, da federacija dela v prid in za kpristj Slovenske narodne podporne jednoU, da se mora ravnati po njenih pravilih, katerih ne sme kršiti, prav Uko, kot jih ne smejo kršiti posamezna društva in vsi zaključki se ntarajo strinjat' pravili jednote in z njeno na čelno izjavo. Toliko v pojasnilo da ne bo kdo misjil, da federaci ja vodi kakšno politiko proti jed noti ali da ji želi škodovati. Pri hodnja konferenca federacije se bo vršila meseca oktobra v Can nonsburgu. Ps.,—Joeeph Hrva-tfn, zastopnik društva št. 118. ležno aadu svojsga dale, dajem uslugo le možem Zavertnlkovm ga tipa. Vse dobroU kar Jih I* mamo, smo Ukorekoč dobili na krožniku vsled požrtvovalne agitacije takih mož, kot Je bil J0Š4 Zavertnlk. Da danes še nimamo tega, aa kar so ae borili pionirji zadnjih 60 let, med kaUrimi je bil tudi Joše, pa nI krivda ranj-kega. pač pa nenavadnih delavcev, kateri amo bili naj prvo pr|i pravljenl metati polena pod no» ga, in smo tako zavirali napra-dek. nameetoda bi eo učili apo- eo me vati resnico, katero naa Je a-511 Joše ln drugi v delavekem gibanju. da v slogi je moč. Ko gre človek na obisk aam ali tja. vidi rasne alike, kl "krnetjo" aUns ielavcev. Zakaj U T Kaj je naredila Marija ali drugi "svetal-ki" (katere ubogo "krščansko" delavstvo Uko rado obeša aa stene svojih staaovaaj) aa delavstvo? Cesar Fraac Jožef L, Rudolf Habšburžki, rasni generali. Vabile aa eejo federacije Chlsholm, Mirni. — Naznanjam vsem društvom SNPJ v Min-nesoti, da se bo vršila prihodnja aeja Minnesotske federacije SV PJ dne 24. avgusU 1960 v Eve-lethu, Minn.; začetek ob eni ur popoldan. Na tem zborovanju bodo podana razna poročila, med kaUrimi bo tudi poročilo nadzornega odbdra, kateri nam bo poročal o finančnem sUnju federacije. Bratom in ssstram v železnem okni ju priporočam, da pošljejo svojs zastopnike na sejo federacije, ker kolikor več nas bo, toliko večje uspehe bomo mell pri organizaciji. In upam da bo U zborovanje ato procent-no zastopano, Uko da ne bo nobeno društvo pozabilo poslat svojega sastopnika. Nadzorni odbor, kaUri je izvoljen na zadnji aeji v Elyju, Minn., vas pa prosi, da pridlU eno uro prsdno se bo seja otvo-rila, da bosU pregledali poslovne knjige federacije in potem poročali na seJL—Fr. Klun, tajnik federacije. SREDA, 18. AVGUSTA. MKnssaanlMtoKB. He In rich Cnaow: Izvor vere po njih započeto delo, da bo o-sUla naša jodnoU tudi v bodočnosti Uko velika in močna kot ja sedaj. In prepričan sem, če vsi delali na tem jn pri 1 imeli pred očmi samo koristi ia napredek Jednote, da bo število njenih članov naraatlo ss mnogo tisočev v prihodnjih letih, federacija ima tudi avojo kultur» misijo, ki jo vrši s agiU-ranjem sa dobre delavske knjige la časopise, kot so Proeveta, in Mladinaki lkt ki mmKKtgffM mu d Šla waa v Ameriki, ker mi nudijo tsbrane in sdravs došev-Slovenski deUvec. kl U ttete se adeodkov la atrah pred peklom aa ln človek lažje sa- Na eejl sem čal lajeva. da če bi ea federacij s ae vtikale v po-tJČno sadeve. M ae dnaitvo etri-njalo s njo. Maje mnenje v tam ClMurlaa A. Lindbergh rile Pekel in Kakor preaoja prirodni človek duhove u-mrlih po sebi in jim pripisuje svoje lastnosti, Uko tudi meni, *>£»•> JOHN LOXAR J&« drugo ekroSJa........888 E. lSSpd Bt, Oevalaad, Oble. FRANK KLUN, tretje okrožja...... .........iBos 65S, Chisholm, M fan. JOSEPH BRATKOVICH, ietrto okrožje.. i.....R. B. T, Pittsburg, Kana. FKANK KLOPČIČ, pafco okrožje...................«..P. O. Diaaa, Wfa. NADZORNI ODSEK: PBOBVBTA ft . Vplačila Aaaanaait sa naročnino........................ IsplatUa J Naročnina ...........................5;.,;:.' 24^00.00 UPRAVNI SKLAD Vplačila mmmmn ..•..,............•«%........«.. .. >. s u. Prano« la mladinskega oddelka............ •. l/i 1 HFi , Naročnina na Mladlnaki Hat./.................w< OhrMti % «P Isplačila i m Stroški gosp. odbora—pretakava............... »o Plača gl. odbornikov ...................... Plača stalnih nameščencev ................. Plača is rednih ponoči ........................ Tiskovine ..................................... Pisarnltke potrebščine ..................i.Mf* Poštnina ..«..••.••..........•■•........ Telefon In brzojavi ................... Legalni- stroški ...................... Zdravniške preiskava: Novih Članov mlad. oddelka.......... FRANK ZAITZ, predsednik...........i. m Utti Bt. Chicago, DL Wis. ALBERT B. Plajee Bt, }flh*raukee, Wla. michael p les HE..............610 Madison Ave, B^PUMftasah, Pa. rosoa VSA riaMA. hI ss IZKAZ UPRAVNIH 8TRO&KOV ZA MESEC 'JULIJ 1M0 Plače gl. odbornikov uposlenih v gl. uradu. ........................ Plače uslužbencev .:.....................,...»................. Plače izrednih pomoči ......................................... Tiskovine in druge pisarniike potrebščine...... .................. Poštnina ..................................................... Legalni stroški ............................................... Stroški zdravniške preiskave sumljivih bolnikov..:,............V. Oglasi .....'................................................... National Fraternal Congrese of America....................... Mladinski Hst—tisk ........................................... Pristojbine za izmenjavo čekov.....-<..'......................... Vozni stroški na sušici bolnih članov............................ Stroški gl. odbornikov po uradnih opravkih (preilkave in drugo)... Dnevnice in vozni stroški gl. odbornikov na sejo gL «odbora........ 1,166.08 Pristojbine za državne poslovnice ............................. 28.60 Najemnina tajniškega urada ................................... 2,400.00 .......................................... 271.08 868.00 918.00 13.60 222.28 '¿04.93 2,811.08 97.60 20.00 10.00 808.26 27.91 80.66 108.94 I PROSVETA ...... . RAČUN LISTA "PBQSVKTAH . . 4 »6. junije 1666. W386.60 DOHODKI: Naročnina članstva SNPJ......................................6S6.S88.60 Naročnina aa dnevnik......................................... 10¿86.87 Naročnina aa Mladinski list................................... 16.06 Oglaal ..................................................... 6360.9» 34,26327 Obresti na Čekovnem računu..........,,.,.,..,................ 118.86 10,000.00 Rasni dohodki-^NPJ tiskarna sa U tetara l koateat.........1.000.00 8,608.66 Skupaj dohodki i..•,.•<«.,».,«,••. .$44,70<1 f>7 ••H • ...■ i ^ . 47.20 6J0S.00 6^64.60 968.37 8,002.96 •09.66 1,061.8« SS0.39 9,412.38 i,............. >........ i...... < IZDATKI: SNPJ tiskarni sa tlak....................................88830830 7,478.76 1,723.11 140.77 2,886.04 600.00 178.7S 686.88 21.84 271.48 Plača uradnikov ia »pravnikov.................. [Provlslje tajnikom In sastopnlkom .t.....f**s>** Poštnina, znamke ,.,»..,,«•,•,,,«.<»«.*«•«•,.• Poštnina sa drugi ras red .................. Nsjemnina (rent) SNPJ...................................... j Rasna tiskovine in potrebščina...........r..................... Federated Presa, voAnja, ¿asnikt in spisi. Izmenjava lakov ......t,,«•«.<« •t.......... H Sumljivih bolnikov Plača gl. zdravnika ....«..••.»»••<•••••••..#»•'< Plača nktuerja ln računskih Isvadencav...... Stanarina varnostnih ahramb .................. Oglaal ■ «....,..',..,»...............,. n, • Stroški Mlad. lisU: Uredništvo In tipravntttvo *••.,•••..«« . Tisk ............•...«<>«•........•.....•••. ristojbina aa izmenjavo čekov............... ristojbina sa poroštva gl. odbornikov........... Vosni stroški: planov bolnih na sušlei...................... Preiskave ............. ..................... GL odbornikov «a seja in drugI uradni opravki. Prietojbina na savarovalninski department..... Stroški kampanja ............................ Zamrovalnina poalopja ............,........... Priloga uradnemu glasilu ..........>........ Plača odvetnika ........a«..................... Darila ....................................... Rasno (Miscellaneoos General Eapensea)....... Uredltav članskega Imenika ........r.......... Tlak ln pošiljsnje stenakih koledarjev........ KONVBNČNI SKLAD Vplačila , , Aseiment .....................«....................j Obresti ...................................... SKLAD IZREDNIH PODPOR Vplačila Asaament ............................. Vrnjena lsredna podpora 69840 166.16 600.(X) 1^60.00 160.00 415.10 489.66 BJ08.06 * 111.93 774.00 69.29 • SS8.57 1.788JŽ4 766.00 6,988.61 77.00 1^90 00 160.00 720.00 S64S7 86.00 4,714.31 Znižana vradnoet pohištva in oprave llguba na fglasBi .........................vt..... 146.16 SNPJ naročnina sa Mladinski'ilst........Í...T;*,............... ¡Stroški kampanje aa nove naročnike..........V..'............... Izplačano sa nagrade literarnega kontesta.,..V................. . , i Ji Skupaj MW <•••!,. ,,....•««,.••••. A«....... $44,089.78 16.06 968.76 476.00 RAIDBLBK GOTOVINE: I Vloga na Kaapar American Stota banki...........................|17,780.68 I Dolg na neplačanih oglasih .................i.,"................ 1,128.46 ).ltlllMM>MrillM)ll(IIIMI,ll 48.60 886.60 222.21 ^426.64 I Dolg na naročnini članatva 1SSS IDalg a» natatorial Hanstvn 11114,,,.^»»»»«»»«^ j Preostanek ju pošti sa poštnino aa drugi reavqM Pohištvo ki oprava ,.......•.•,,.•«•.•..«•.,,) ■ < 1, • 1 • 1«• 111 Skupno premoftenje lista Prosveta..... m .186,388.72 DOLGOVI IN OBVEZNOSTI! [fte ne plačani računi ..........................................6 4,769.86 Znižana vrednost pohištva ln oprava.......... v................ 1,574.16 Skupaj . 1 m ... 1 •. 1. h 11.1.1.. 111 ■«1.1 i 'I«' 1. •.. > 11 •. 11 •. 19 I Prebitek prt listu Prósveta a pranoeem..............114,046.41 Prejeli od tiskarne 8NPJ....................0................. 2,000.00 Prajell od Knjlt. Mežice ••...<•• .......••.,«....«,,.. ...•••.., 8,000.00 ■ i' ..... i \ T ' üi 8.060.68 676.04 Skupaj ........... ....... ■ n. mL • *'*lfl ...... ......... 0 ■.i. 1 •.......1 14,897.56 102.39 * 1204.6tl Obresti ...................................«lrl v ^. , r- Isplačila Izredna podpora in asesment.......................6,624.31 ZAVETISČNI SKLAD ? Vplačila Obraatl ............................................................................85.66 ZADRUŽNA BANKA, LJUBLJANA (CLEARING ACfOUNT) Isplačila «Jf DedAčina is zaupnega sklada................iU'í US.68 mar^ B I FINANČNO POROČILO TISKARNE -od 1. Jan. de 86. Junija I960 DOHODKI: Za tiskanja Prosvete in Mladinskega listo.....................$ 81,768.86 Za rasna tlekovtne ss Prosvsto ln Književno mstioo....................606.80 Za rasna tiskovine sa SNPJ urad ....,..,...............8^86.8' Za rasne sunanje tiskovine ..............................................8,669.81 Tiskovine ss tiskamo 68.81 ....... 1 ... 64^629,661.96 $4,899,61 U6 ta isvnšeno delo skupaj Obresti na bondih . Obresti na čekovnem računu .................,.«.«.... Dobili na odstotkih pri nakupu blaga .................... Za prodani stori papir ................................. ....... >8 82^17.44 $ 691,67 167.68 178.06 42.60 Stroški kampanje ................. Podpora "Firemen's S Police Orphan Fmod".,>i\w............ Fraternal Monitor^ 2 tabeli ln S statistik............ Trošarina za vodo .............................k*..........T. * ; , . . , V: -i •:■ v. ■ Skupaj ,............................ 20.00 10.00 9.18 ..................89,718.78 Fred A Vider, gl. tajnik. SLOVENSKA NARODNA PODPORNA JEDNOTA Prealed bilance dne 89. Janlia 1986. Aktiva: Paalva: Gotovina na Kaspar Am. State Banki..........6 61,816.76 Hranilna vloga na Intl. Bldg. t Loan Ass'a., Cleveland, Ohio ..............>...'.......... 11,108.06 Gotovina na rokah............................ Društva dolgujejo na naročenih potrebščinah.... . i Ji. Dozorele zadolžnlce ...»..................... Inventar društvenih potrebščin .............. Obveznico (U. S. Government).../.............. Obveznico (Municipal) ........................ Zlate hipoteke (Gold Mortgage Bonds) ......... Hipoteke (prve vknjižbe) ....................i Posestvo ............................s.......i Pohižtvo ...................................... Oprema za dvorano .......................... Stroji za naslovnik (Addressograph)............ Posmrtnlnskl sklad Bolniški sklad ....... Odškodninski sklad ... upravni sklad ....... Sklad izrednih podpor Neizplačana smrtnine Proeveta ............ Zsv«*iščni aklad ...... Stavbinskl iklad ..... /.adružna banka ..... K on venčni sklad ..... 28,689.66 866.89 14^00.00 3^88.47 10394.18 2,517,801.14 875480.00 840,060.00 i 106^098.17 14386.60 3,666.28 3,800.i»3 mr ....... ^«n»ment ............... Obresti na obveznicah ... ohre«tl čekovnega računa ►breatl hipotek ......... M»re*ti od hranilnih vlog POSMRTNINSKI SKLAD Vplačila 63,481,763.68 168,917.0* 4,987.68 114392.68 11,783.20 '48.50 1,37036 2937836 14838 17,81936 266347.17 7631236 1368.91 437130 279.80 Izplačila Poomrtnlne ................ Napadle obresti kupljenih sadolšnic ............ odškodninski sklad Vplačila. Aseea*ai ................................... Vrniene odškodnine .......................... ...................................... IsplačUa Odpravnine, «odškodnine In operad Je............' bolniAki sklad Vplačila . A^ment .................................... V^Jjja bolnMIca podpar^............. ......I Isplačila 149368.79 136633 6S37636 Obresti 46,184.72 ' 816.00 161 S273.i 1 im m 1.... m 1 •! 88,98237 IZDATKI 1 Za paplr ,...,....«.,..,...»,.•..,«.•....•,.,......8 8.490.72 8a krnila ...«.».,»».».......«,,...«....,..■m,,,•..., Rasna potrebščine ...•....•>«•..«...•.................. Poštnina aa Prolvato ln Ml. liot (prvi reared),,.,*,,,,,,,,.,.,.. Najemnina , 1.»,«.....»•.•».»•.•«•, M • • y • 1......... ¿avaro velnina Znižana vrednost strojev in oprave. .,,.,.......,,.n,,. ,.••.., Plača delavcem v tiskarni ,,..,,,.,,,,,,..,.,1..««,,,.,,,«..,< I Elektrike (power) ..,,..«,«,,,,,<<•>,,.,,..,.<,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 138730 Dozorele sadoUnlee .........................'u 14,00036 I Basni stroški prt strojlk 16,68038 a .98 .90 Inventor .....i........ Stroji sa naslovnik .... Oprema dvorane ....... Dolg druAtov .......... Smrtnfnski sklad ...... Bolniški aklad ........ Upravni sklad ........ Stavbinskl sklad ...... Konvenčni aklad ...... Sklad is rednih podpor . Neizplačane smrtnine ,, Zavet iščni aklad.............Jj Prosveta ........................ Odškodninski sklad (primankljaj) ....... 1 ......... ......... . ,.. tAd.' I .. . M,|l t «....,. fit ......ttf ...... ......... ...... .,,,,,,i,, ......, 8,98837 830938 8386J8 K66.89 Isdstki v poslovaaju skupaj ................ I Odbitek sa delo v proaaau 20, junija........................ , . Tj ' >f •.......$ 883ÜM ,111.19 il •m .M Za IsviSane delo skupaj $8342,548381 Plače in uradni stroški 11663483ft Ipoštnins in oglašanje 10939831 OdMilJalnl stroški •«,. 1 ,,,,••>..,i I .,,,,,,,, TT% ,,I I I,, ,,,,,,, ,',#,,,«,,,, , M , , i.,,,•,,,k 0,e,,4*•,,,,,,,,,, 80,46738 2836838 2038438 130636 884.00 4386.19 Razno • I., I, .!«.•< Vsi Isdatkl skupaj i Cisti prebitek..... ««,,,«i,,.9 8839838 1,777.81 882.88 ,, I , . . . • . , . t.,I.•I M » • , • »» •,I ..... ....... , 80730 . ••» ,,,..,,.»....».•». M,i t,,,-, ••,,,,,,,,,, , __» «Vf i i t' %m .......................r"........ RAZDELEK GOTOVINE IN lWvEMTAR I 88,744.74 ¿ozn Vloga na banki 88366,89638 88,88839838 Bančni lakaa 86. )«n!Js«1999 Bančni Ukas dne 80. junija 1980...¿1...»J.. Nevrnjenl čeki 80. junija 1980.................v*... Izkaz gotovine 80. junija 1980. Viacent Calnkar, Pred A Vider, l" " predsednik. . ; tajnik. ,>....,,, i.,..,,.. I I I I I I I I I I fl I I I I I I I I M I I I I I I Joka VegrUS, blagajnik. ,.«,,»'«< 1,.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Papir la črnilo v salogl ........ .......««....,>... 1,......... II, ,11 7,nvar"valnli|a šipiačana ,,,,.•.<•.,,.,,,,,.,'.••.,*«•....,»... •^J!'^ !® Potrebščine v "Mailing" addelku "'i*4*-*? Znamke v «logi g .$ 61318.761 Delo In blago v procesu Btrojl la oprava 8 29,988J7 $ 1438636 8931838 6388.88 134137 18831 187.84 668.16 Skupaj 1nMMi11tM.11 MLADINSKI ODDBLRK'.ri PREGLED BILANCE DNE 88. JUNUA 1888 ' • h Aktiva 1 Paalva f ...MIMMMM.M« Obvesnice (Municipal Bends) Zlate hipoteke (1st Mortgage Real Batato Gold Bands) Hipoteka (prve vknjižbe) lat Mortgage Real Batato Gotovina na Amalgamated Tnsst A Savings Bank.. Gotovina na rokah ........**»*«•,.».#,»*#. Smrtninskl eMad .......... Nastale emitalne .......... Smrtnlnakl aklad . .888638437 94388.76 V,70030 4,788,18 1,770.76 «.,,,,,,,^11 ,v,.,,,.,.,, ,9108,71837 DOLGOVI iN OBVEZNOSTI Neplačani računi ,,,,,,,••«,,,,,.,•.,,.•.,«..,.,,.,•,«.9 888,18 18138 [Znižana vrednost atrojev In oprave ,,.,,«.,i,................. 27312,74 Vloženi kapital sa tlakarne .......................,,.,.....,, 8038030 IMM.M.MM.MMI ...MM i.*» .......... .....ti ' Vplačila ' l,M.MMMMM.MMIMMMM.M..i•«.•».,«< 96134836 .........,9 6300.00 630030 1038630 2380.00 430030 7,76632 8300.00 I3OO.OO 86,76638 9 77380.74 1 ,M M M M I i,,,*«,,,*• 1, *«««,,,,t i., I ,«,,,,»»,, 1,<•,,,,,,, ^ 8638736 6101,71837 KoIruSka STA V RIMSKI SKLAD Vplačila ^'anarina ad dvorane, tiskarne la Obreeti ....... »623»436 437838 luč, čiščenj« Rd. Popravil* .......7T..... *>a»ek ed vade . /........ na poeeeto*....... ...... .................. 77638 6838 712 20 Smrtnine Pianos V- y I oddelek sa spravne str^i ' It" 638438 SSM388.78 FINANČNO POROČILO DNB 88. JUNUA 1888 i' AktWat Oi)veznice (Municipal Bonds) ................>,..,888638437 Zlate Mpotafca (let Mortgage Baal BetotoOald Beside) 94 368.76 Hlpotefte (prve vknjižbe | let Martgage Bani Batoto 86,76838 Oetoviaa na Amalgamated Trust ft dtevlngs Banki . 4.788.18 Oetavlne na rekah......... ...........1.770.76 Smrtnlnakl sklad ........ .78 POROČILO KNJIŽEVNE MATICE ad I. Jaa. 4« 88. MM 1888 - DOHODKI 1 čekovni račun na Mittard Btou banki I, Jaa...,..... ........,, Za prodane knjiga •«,.,,,.,,.»»»»••»»«•»*«»••*•»•....,..,.. Pasiva 1 1 ...,.,*,.,,....,< .MtMMIMM > , ............ 1374.78 IZDATKI 1 [Poštnina .».,,.,»,...«..,,#»•»•,«.»..»»••»..,' I "EsUe help" (edpošHJalnl la drugi etraškl............. ssne t lake vine ..................................... I Za tlek knjig ............................. IsplaSaao Proevetl ,,,,«,.,,,,.,.«,.•«..»••»•»4»,,» Šmm 8». junija 1»»». tlavrnjsd 88. ISftS,. ....... gotovine junija Fred A Vider, 686.» ^74.78 8866374.78 j 66378.16 64836 U.tÚM ZAKLJUČKI GL. POROTNEGA ODSEKA Zadava društva Al. Slft Seatra France» Gorboe, članica društva At. 816, Cainton, O., e bila pri društvu obtoftsna, d» govorila, da »l j« druAtevnl ajnik Blai Odar prisvojil 93.00 ruAtvonega denarja, bra» vod-uoati društva, sa kar ga ona nI obtoAlla pri druAtvu. Društvena Dorota, kl a» j» vršila dne 1«. junij» t. 1., Jo J» pronaAla krivim, tur jo kssnovala 2 enomesrtno suaponsljo. ■Astra Gerbee je amatrala rss-soUbo društvene porote krivično, Ur J» vložila prialv n» gl. porotni odbor, kateri j» predloženo zadevo vsel na ananje, ter jo pre-h kal. Potom prilakave je gl. po-rotnl odbor ugotovil, da J» bil» seatrs Gerbec pravilno »sallAsns pred društveno poroto, nI p» do-?rln»sl* nobenih dokssov, d» nI »milcs, kar ji oiits obtoinlc». S«»Htra Gerbec tucN v svojem priilvU na gl. porotni odbor nt navedls dokasov sa njeno govorijo, 8 katerim J» obdoltila društvenega Ujnlka, ds »l j» navedeno vsoto društvenegs densrjs )rl!aatll. Ker ses. Gerbec nI svojeg» go-vorsnjs podprl» s dokaal, je gl. porotni odbor sakljuAll, d» ao-glsto s društvom t»r j» aoglssno potrdil rssaodbo društven» poro-^ to. Kssen aea. Gerbec ee priCn» dns 1. aeptembra ln ss konds dne aSptembra 1.1., prvi ln ssdnjl dan všteta. Mori društva ftt. M Pri društvu At. M, Chlcago, III., js bil obtoAen br. John Turk, lož I tel J br. Wsnah»k, oba «lsns iategs društva. Br. Wsn»h»k j» obtožil br. Turka v amlelu 8. točke (g) XVIII. člen* pravil, ns-mreč ds nI vrflll svoj« dottnoatl, kot predaednik nsdsornsgs odbor», t»mveč J» ns n»kl društv». nI «sjl aamo krltlslrsl vssollčnl odbor, t»r predbsclvsl odboru, ds ja Ael v prevlaoke stroška ss vs-sellco, kl »» j» vršila dn» 11. j»-nusrjs 1030. Dn« 18. junljs 1980 ss j» vršila ssrsdl tegs pri društvu porotns obrsvnsvs. Zssllšs-nu sta bila ioiltelj In obtoftsnec, društvena porots j» »sključlls, ds je br. Turk kriv, ter g* kss-novsls 8 ukorom, ^^ Brotl raisodbi društveno porote je bil vloftan |»rlslv ns gl. Kotni odbor, kstorl j» prsdlo-e listin», kl »s nsnsšsjo «is aporno tsd»vo natančno pregledal Ur pronsA»l slsdsAs: Br. Turk, kl js Isvsjsl kritiko ns-prsm veaelltasmu odboru, nI ns« vedel, kj» j» šel v»Mllčnl odbor v previsoke Udstks, tudi pri društveni porotni obrsvnsvl nI tor. Turk Upovsdftl, v e»m »o bHI visoki stroški ns omsnjonl v»»s-llci. NadalJ» gl porotn»mu od-boru nI bilo predloisno, kskšn» sskijučk» j» druAtvo »prejelo ss prireditev veaello», k»r bi gl. porotnemu odboru dslo podl»go ugotoviti, dali j» bil» kritika br. Turka ns m»»tu ln prsvlčns, ka-Uro J» i s v» J si napram veaell6ne-mu odboru. m , Ker br. Turk nI preJMl! nl-ksklh podatkov gl. porotnemu Odboru, o društv»nlh ssključklh v ssdavl veselic», js ns Uj pod* lagl gl. porotni odbor soglssno potrdil rasaodbo druitvsn» porote. Zad»vs društv» ftt. 8f Brat Jo»»ph Koren, člsn društva št. SO, Chlcago, Ill„ ss js v smislu ftft. točk», XXI. člsns pravit pritožil ns gl. porotni odbor. Br. Koren nsvsjs v prltoftbl, ds se mu krlvlcs godi, ksr js prlas-det s kasnljo celeg» društva ln nsvaia, da s« n» Čuti krivega niti prizadetega v »poru, kl j» po-vsročil katon celega društva, Ur Šali, d« s» g» oproetl. Glavni porotni odbor J» vpo-ŠU»val frt-itožiK» br. Kor»ns, Ur n» podlagi njegovega sagovora In podatkov ugotovil, ds br. Koron v r ranici ni nlč»»sr povzročil, zato ae g» amatra nekrlvim. N» UJ podisgl j» bik» aoglasno odgiaaovano, ds s» br. Korona o-proati od kasni, s katero j« celo društvo prizadeto. ' John Gtrftck, predsednik { Frank PodbeJ, porotniki. Vlaga na banki 88. JualJa 188» i..,,,,,,.! 437838 4,116.62 ....t,..*,...'.*,..... NADZORNI ODBOR Jata VagrlA, J (aventar knjig a zalegi I VU»ge ae tenki RAZDELEK OOTOVIMC ..,»,,,.'...».»»♦«..» .d,, 4». • knjige .,.•». »4 •*.<# ...8 81438 ■.., 868.72 • .,,** 43WftB llü'.M .A HK7.NAM DBU8TKV kl sa manea julij ooka aneanoaoiU eb pmveooo AsMil Društvo At. as, 107, SOB, 4B8, CIS, fWH, OEM In 706, Pravila določsjo, d» mora blU oesment društev najkasnej Ojega vsakega we»66S v g du, v nssprt>U»»s6 slučaju ss ps-»top» v smislu pravil, člsn ftft, •UH38 točka 5 T. A. Vlásr, gl tftjBtt. Tka 5ociety «kali _ ENGLISH SECTION__ FOR MEMBERS OF SLOVENE NATIONAL BENEFIT SOCIETY AND AMERICAN SLOVENES WEDNESDAY, AUGUST 18. PAGE SIX It certslMf is encouraging the way Beacon articles have issreSsed in the Pro« vita. Keep the good work up, members, and those of you who have not yet tried your hand st the art of journalism, remember there is no time like the present. Don't you enjoy the Proeveta mors when yon ses S contribution concerning the Beacons? I do. And ef course the writer is wondering who "Zip" snd "Corky" snd "Dodo" are. It appears that play rehearsals henceforth will be mors businesslike due to the fact that s charge for the hall will be impose* each time It is used. Oh, well, cheer up, the first hundred years ere the hardest! By ths way, did you enjoy "Who Wins the Bet?" I bet that you havenl mSde up your mind yft about the winner. Nothing has bees said sboat the Beacon sweaters for s while, bet the secretary has been heftrihg a lot from the agent who sold them to ss. Wake up, members—pay for them! It hss to be dose sooner or later snd it might as well be done now before unpleasant complications • arise about ths debt. A word to ths wise is sufficient. flashes Stalwarts' PROSVETA «holism section) Cleveland, O.—Here we are again—the Beacons, broadcasting from the Slovene metropolis, with more news to hsnd out. The Beacons never tjre of writing, never any dull periods, but filled always with all sorts of activities and always boosting the Society no matter where they are. The Beacons can rightly be called s lively and snappy bunch—always wide awake, thinking up new plans for the betterment of the lodge. That's us %11 over. Our renowned (OMC) have gone modernistic' and so by the rebirth they will be known henceforth as the Jolly Old Maids. All together now, give the girls a big hand. Stragglsrs-Bsacons. On the lips of millions of persons fer the past month wss the ever monotonous question concerning the severity of the torrid westher. As cuitomary, along rolls night fall when old man Morpheas taxes one to the impossible—sleep. Sleeping in s stuffy room while the breeses are away on a vacation b well nigh a physical impossibility. But if one is fortunate to possess an electric fan, then sleep is a luxury and everything is then quiet on the western front and points east. By the way of diversion you can dance to the melodious strains of an accordion. If you dont know what I'm driving at, then let me put you wise, for on the nigty of Aug. 1«, the Stragglers and Beacons will hold S combined wiener roast, larger, noieier and bigger than «Ver. It will be on this night that the nationally known "Quacks" and the peppy "Jolly Old Maids" are to be in thé limelight. Meet the IOOQ and the JOtM and u* tor yourself what a jolly old bunch they are. Meat on Aug. 16 at either place, Slov. Working-men's ome on Waterloo rd. or Slov. Lsbor Auditorium on Prince ave before 8 p. m. "Johnny Aynik Cleveland, ON*—'Toot! Toot! It sMfti;.. '—. ..v A,, won't be long now that the SNPJ the Bachelor limited will pull out of the new Tar- Oaa we hurdle that . "hundred" minal, bound for Chicago snd the membership mark by Sept. 1ft? Boy, Nat'I baseball championship games. nothing tail, if we keep up our "Go- —- get-'em" spirit, which we bf*e shown Ts date fifty members hsvc put Is in the pest We only need If more their reservations for that trip. Ufa members, and well attain our goal, hurry, so that we can notify ths Chi. Let's step out and get them! What cage Federation ss to the number do yos say, brothers sad sisters? going. ■ ' Tj&m E ' --Ths Detroit River csas the scene Again we list the points where tick- of one of the country's greatest com-ots can ljr purchased. Kushlan Cos- motions recently. Boats wese hsmp-fectionery ; Mr. Modvesck, st the M9D ared in their progress, in fact, sll office; Mr. Terbissn, at 14707 Hals river traffic was at a stasdstill. The sve.; John Loksr, at «96 E. 162 st.; season? Tiger Rag, NagodS, Wsuke-the writer, st 18088 Marcella rd., or gan's famous Accordion Man, was on from your local secretary. ' the upper deck of Andy Gum's yacht, —— serenading Pauline Saakovitch, one ' Round trip fare 90.20; children bS- of Detroit'« SNPJ famous sisters, tween ft snd 12 csn ride for half fare. Yes sir, Jsck, your music will make These smounts are to Chicago only, anybody stand at attention. From Chieafo to Waukegan far« will • • • amount to about *1.12 round trip . Our meeting, held Friday, August per person, or perhaps lass if suffl- g, was well sttonded. Pour new "undent number of riders csn be ok- hers ware initiated and 4 more ap-talned. plications for membership were re- --ported. The social following the OM Age Psasies: We wonder if meeting wss s "wow." We're glad such a bill will be introduced in the Waukegan paid us a visit on this Ohio State Legislature. Also if it night. Don't forget our meetings snd will be psssad by the house if Intro- socials held st Robscl's sll on the dueed. A lot of Ifs. Well, Bros, snd Second Friday of each month. Sisters of Ohio, several months sgo • • • sn organisation was formed in Cuya- All roads wiJJ lead to McKeons' hoga county to bring presure on our Grove cm Sunday, August 17. Yes sir, legislative body for peoeegs of such folki, it>g the date of the Stalwarts' a bill. They are seeking aid from Annual Whoopee Picnic. The best of fraternal organisations, unions, ,Verything that goes to make a good churches and other prominent friends time will be on tap. So, come out and of labor. When the Cleveland Feds- celebrate, ration waa approached, we immediat- • • • ely appointed two representatives to The following is the work of our thip grpup. So we ask aU represents- p^, Broth«? Frask Seiberlich. tives of the Federation to make it F m . _?:. - a point to attend our meeting«, to "stalwabtt ship- you ess report the progress and other | S" points of interest to your branches. £ u m ^ u „^i,,. It would be a wis« policy of sll the , Thsoufh briny waters . dorsing candidates, that are favsrable • , ' , V ' to the bill Irrespective of parti afflli- Wendi», always. «.»»rd. atlon. And as we understand it such J £ Zj^Sm- is the plsn of above oegsnisstion. nil our ship 1» «ofaiy th«eush. _Otto Tekauts. vi ^_ 'mtmmmammmm^mmm^rnm Aftd wK#H It OnSf ift ISftkld liCUItly II gm mm jm m mm M To SloWsno's fratoraal Soak. " Chicago's Pioneers have a "Cracker Jsck" of s lodge. They bsre jsst held s "Cracker Jsck" of s picnic. They hsvc s "Cracker Jack" girls' team. They have some "Cracks» Jack" workers. To make it complete their nest meeting, Aug. 18, will be a "Cracker Jsck" meeting. If yoa want to know all sbeut it be present st the SNPjlUll. Visitors welcoslf. Anne Golob writes from Europe that ths numerous Fords out (here reminded her of the Pioneet picnic and the Fsrd wo gsve sway at the picnic. She hopes that our picnic turned out successful. Well, Anne, it did. Wo shall tell yeu all about it when you get bask. We will sise ss-pect you to tall us of the things in Europe. „ It la mighty hard to get over the perfect spirit that prevailed at the Friendly City celebration. The talks that Jane Pradal of Latrobo, Pa., delivered, the beautiful scenery from the hills of Johnstown, etc. Editorial Notes The Slovesa Nstionsl Benefit Society through ita subordinate lodges ssd Ks publications, edited in a spirit of the principles of progressive labor oigsnised politically snd is trade unions, and is s spirit of Its owa principias, hss done more for the advancement, enlightenment snd real swskenisg of our Slovene youth throughout thia country than any other organisation. This has been accomplished not with platitudinous chauvinistic phrases of vainglorious and exaggerated patriotism, which, in the end, is always frf-dcctruciivt, bot rather with sound asd healthy principies of freedom, mutual cooperation and rational dealing as members ef the raes called Slovenes and Jugo. mm-- * Sm-0-VisiMS Among the bale of dippings urging the release of Mooney and Billings from jail are aleo those written snd printed in Prosveta. Anthony Ksstol-lec of San Francisco writes thst so fsr ss he knows clippings of Prosveta, Proleteree snd Glas Naroda are among the thouaasda of others. How many other Slovene papers might have been in favor of the pardon for theee men is hard to say bat the loads of clippings brought to the court room ¿y Mrs. Mooney included the above mentioned. By Gamshoe Slim Over one thousand people attended the Intcgrity-Sunglsro Picnic on August 10 snd found relief from the host amidst the shsdy trees of the Pslos Grove snd refreshed themselves with delicious drinks. Bro. John SpiUer snd his "We Gang" which camé fourteen strong, I all tha way from St. Louis, were "taken for a ride" in the morning and saw the six principal parks in Chicago—Washington, Jackson, Lirv-coln, Humboldt, Gsrfelid and Douglas —and the boulevards which connects them as one link. Their trip was mads more pleasant by having breakfast served at Rak-lios—one of those one-arm-chair joints where the last one who leaves must foot the bill. 8o it happened that "Trailer" and "Dick" acted as hosts to their visiting guests. The "Spirits" were given a4 bottle of real "spirits" so thst their souls would stay full of Spirit snd hope. Ask "Wsller," he knows. One look st Lake Michigan and he passed out. So fsH of spirit) le the water ln old ChL ;•< ' ' As all things that end well must have a pleasant close, so Bro. John S piller on behalf of hie gsng gave a short, snappy closing address in the ParilHen at Palos Grove, before the "Spirits" departed for St. Louis. • e e Four gate »tines, value one hundred dollars, were given away free. The drawing waa under the supervision of judges who were not members of the Sunglaree or Integrity Lodge». Bro. Frank Zavertnik of the Pioneer«, Bro. John Splllcr of the Spirits of St Louis aad Bro. "Swede" Pensa of the stalwarts were selected as judges. The Integrity«Ssnglhre Lodges wish to exprees their thanks to these fraternal Brothers for the services, they rendered to us. 1st Gate Prias-« besutlful bird cage on s stand with a singing canary —was won by Mrs. Theresa Ulek ori( 2142 W. 22nd PL, Chicago—Ticket 888; 2nd Gate Prise-« beautiful aquarium, including gold fishes; was won by F. Unsssi, 1826 Orchard St,, Chicago—Ticket 810; 3rd Gsto Prise —s beautiful tern was Won by Matilda Racich, 2818 Maple Avenue, Ber-wyn, III —Ticket 587;—4th Gsto Prise —« beautiful farn—was won by Charte/Clrar, 2818 8. Lswndate Ave., Chicago—Ticket SSS. Although the holder of the ticket waa net requited to be p rasent at the Ome of the drawing, all the parties were praasnt sad received their prises Ia ptH®n. The ton dollar gold piece of the Sunglare Athletic Beocfit drawing wae won by John Daltevec ef 1S81 W. 22nd PL. Chicago—Ticket No. 871. Pfiti * * The Synglaso Pioneer ««me wae wee by the Pioneers, 14 to S ; the Integrity-Stalwart giria' game was won by the Intogritlee, 18 to S; while the Integrity stalwart *eye' game was won h> the Stalwarte by a score st 8 to ft. So the Ftalwerte are new champions ef the Midweet SNPJ Athl»tir Pi vision More power to yes. Stalwart* and our hearty con- o • • Kansas Federation M u H»ti i y, Ksns.—The chief object of the Ksnsas Federation wss to closely unite sll the SNPJ Lodge» in southeastern part of Kansas. ft can be clearly seen that when sa organisation has a large membership, it can accomplish a great deal more than one with a small membership. With all the Lodges and their members working in unison, a great deal of progress can be attained. During the past years the SNPJ Lodges of Kansas have had no definite place to promote their picnics and dances. It is now getting time for the membership to wake up ,and to arrange some means of securing a place where such social gatherings and entertainments rah be held. Som^ place that we can call our own. Why not build a parillion on some good premises, where if will be suitable tor us to have our dances and picnics? This can be accomplished with the rapport of «he'twenty lodges affiUated with the Federation. Tell your members of our plans, get them interested, and it'Will be but« short time until/our plans will be carried out. 1 By the way, don't fprgct Labor day, >pt. 1. It is the day of the Annual Federation Picnic. Great preparations' are under way to make this picnic the bi^c-st and best in Federation's history. Many prises will be given for the winners of the different races and games. Barbecaed lamb and all kinds of refreshments will be served. Bent forgt Sept. 1 at Coterie's farm, 2% miles north of Rlngo,' Kansas, or 3 mites west and % north of Arms, Ksns., for a good and glorious time. • ! Wm. J. Strah. Pres. of Kans. Federation. ~—r;—;— Oar Youth Movement today is gaisisg momentum. Osr young men ssd women find the Prosveta so the mesas through which they eaprees their decires, their views snd alms. Our youth In the making is rentering around our organisation and they are no longer ashsped te b» celled Slovenes, gjiad petriotlem, be It gl ovens or A merice n, ia detrimental because ^ is basad es sentimentalista which leads to fanaticism and narrow-mindedness. » The Pioneers of Cblcsgo extend their greetings to the Pathfinders of California for their First Anniver-esry celebration on Aug. 16. We greet yes with the spirit of brotherly ss-s latence and wish you every success for the future. To show things as they aw, to point to the conditions as they are and offer a sound substituto as a remedy, is always logical and just. Msny of osr young people ere becoming tonsciose ef the need of s politics! organisation aad ara bmistag activo siembere of «he Bo-delist Pari is ths JBF dabs. They are not hstisfied with the hrrsost conditions under the capitalistic order of things; they wast something mere than the comic strips In the dally sewspspers, snd something mere than the overfed news of the big league gssies, which serve ss opium for the workers to revoit their mlsds from the rael problem ef life. This sew spirit smong osr youth is to be commended, snd they should bo i'".f'hi'htil im ti»i*ir endeavors. Sunflowers, Take Notice! The Pioneer girls will travel to Wsukogsn to plsy their test travel. Ing gsme on Sundsy, Aug. 17. Later they will battle Integrity in the post, poned game. Wo also await thf -re-turn engagement of the Weet Allls girls, so thst we can repay them pert of the hospitality shown us by the Yerein family. ' i' « Announcement of s new Member-ship Campaign wiU be made shortly. Our English speaking ledgee should be prepared to enroll many new members during the fall and .«later season. The Pioneers are piling sp their peospecte. end! With Old Hoi bearing dews upon us with s pressure of 108 in the sbsdo, what could be sweeter than to revert beck to feature aad spegd a day where gentle breeses blow thru thick groves of shade trass, sad pools of cool water Invito us to take a dip. Just imsglne the grounds covered with srmy blsnkets snd nothing to do but steep (I moon, try )o), est, swim, snd eh, yes! dance is the cabins aesrby. Yos sek me where such s paradise could be found is this sun-scorched desert. No ether plseo thsn the eld Sunflower picnic ground st Booth Perk, s few mites west of Glrard. At our test meeting It was decided thst 'twould be wonderful to hove aU the Kunflowega together, enjoying one full dsy without tho necessity of working so hsrd thst it wss s relief whes the day wss over. At this picsic there will be so stands at which Sunflowers must cry, "This for Sale! Thst for Sale! WhoU buyt" It will not be s public picnic, but merely a merry mhi-ep ef sll Sunflowers. Nothing to sell,—nothing to buys—but oodles to est sad plenty with which to white ewsy the dsy. All the sseerdion players of which the gueflowcrs can boast, will be thoce to make the day "graad and glorious." Now you ask me who will bo ss generous ss to supply the whole gsng wKh enough of everything. Bo-member. -the Lord helps thoee who help themselves." Every girl snd woswn will bring some sandwiches raad say esc ef the following thisgat cake, pie, "poti-ca* or salad The b«y. wiU "pitch Hi" and get the Icc rwam sad cold driaks. Easy, lent H? Yeu cant afford to miss all of thia. Read carefully the deuilat All Sunflowers meet Sunday meralag, August 17, st SM sharp at the Ansa Moose He«. < Let's really mess it—S:S0 sharp ) Thoee living around Franklin, meet the caravan st Ksrllnger'o comer st 0:4» a. m. U you hsve s osr, bring it along snd the« ths gaag edict It ran do. If you d"st have s cur, be at the Moooe Halt aad tell theee havii« a car what a -swell Ming machine he hae" and your efforts went be le vain. tl Is understood that osr Sunflower baseball team dees sot keve a game ached«ted for that Sunday, ao lei's ses all of you boy. «ft the picnic. Above alt, ra-member Sunday. August 17. at »40 sharp. This Is an open Invitation to every Sunflower. Publicity Director. Pittsburg, Ksas^—Brothers sad sisters, I guess It's sboat time I bogen to contribute srtktee to the Prosveta after eeverel weeks of abecneo. I reported myself well after 8 weeks of recuperation for appendictomy. I sttended the lsst lodge meeting and wss very happy to see our members ssd my friends, also some sow and transfer members. We have had eov. ersl members chosen for the Publicity Committee, but they hsve left our lodge to seek employment outside of Kansas. Tho members procent at the meeting hsvO chosen mo for the ehstrmsn of this committee. I will spprecisto In etery way possible if yeu, the members, will help ia ooo-tributing theee articles to the Prosveta. MX address 1st Pittsburg, Detroit, Mich.—A great treat is in store for all of ua. Walt a minute! Well tall you all afcpot it. Due to the great euceeae of laat year's picnic, given'by the combined SNPJ lodges of Detroit, snother occasion for colcbratkm Is on tap for tho Slovenes of Detroit. Yen can steo rest essured thst in order to quench your thtrst it won't be necessary to sneak up the back alley or thru the back door. Everything will be out in thd open. Everything will be cool except the music which will be rendered by "The Five Melodiens". This orchestra is one of the best to have ever been engaged for a similar occasion. And if you don't bring your asbestos shoes, remember, we gsve you s fslr warning. All neighboring lodges are cordially invited and as we are sparing no pains to make this a grand finale for the Macon's another entertainment we csn secure everyone s most pleasant and enjoyable afternoon. The location or the picnic grounds—at 11 Mile Road and Dequindre on Travnik's farm, beginning at 10 a.m. OsoMSltftse—(D. O., A. 8.) Beacons Sister Mary Novak, chief for the Pioseera, is cut ia the Alteghentec somewhere. Bob came back home without her. We hope she ensures thst much needed red because eh, well-well not asy. But tho Pioneer Fifth Annual Dance will be held on Saturday evening, October 11, at the Sokol Havlleek Tyrs Hall en Lawndale, between 86th and 27th. Newburgh, O.—The sews thst Sis. tar Frances Mapto Is to resign from tho OMC was rather startling. What's ths msttor, Squirrelie. did thst moonlight walfe home one night Saturday hsve anything to do with it? Yep. I gues they finally decided to heM a 11 ISM i----- August 14. It's to he held la Richmond Heights, with both Stragglers aad Boaccac cooperating to Slake II a success. White tha date last exactly settled now. It will be wh^ ¿sp read this srtlcle ss the time wssSlsHaitoly snnounood st the meeting. August 14. Were yoo NOTIC«, LO PCB NO. 888 New Dutath. Miss.—To the members 'of the Ledge No. 808 ef the SNPJ. At the next meeting to bo held en Aug. 17, we wich to plen e co-eperstion of sll the m&mkmr*o attend thie meeting, every atomber. Joba M. Hör Ich Jr., Secretary Letters from sister Kresna aad Brother Culkar tell us that the folks are juhUlsat over th costeóme of their First Anniversary and add that pee-pie hsve msny nice things to say about Friendly City Lodge, They on-poet to be able to add many new members because of the friendship, good will, asd cooperation displayed at their celebration. We aie glad to Lcrala. Ohio.—Crusaders wiah to announce the coming of an important date—August 17. On this data all the local Slovenian benefit lodges will hold a combined picnic oh the Koe' farm, on Seneca road. A wonderful spirit le ehown by this organised ettempt to enter tain the Slovenes ef Lorain, snd every Slovene, to show hie appreciation of this spirit, will be on the picnic jgroifcmls to help make a sbccesa of the affair-the graatoet event in the history of the Lorain Slovenes. Means of getting to the picnic grounds hsve been arranged. A truck will leave the Slov. Natfl Home at ----*--fa....... La ,„ |i| --.--A — ----- U« 11 regular tniervaia wiui piemcaera. v>onvoeca, racea. dsh gaP". dancing. e»e^ for young sad old, wiU be os the program for the afternoon. In the event ef s rainy dsy, the Slov. Nstl Home will So open for entertainment.—Committee. From three until aoves e*aloek last Saturday afternoon the heavens Anally did deliver that much needs 4 rain. But M nearly spelled things for Sera's Moonlight picnic. Yeu would sever believe thst the big full moon would enthrone from sll the rain. It did. A nice crow >| of people came out and Johnny Koehemr's crew played to the delight ef the dancers. The trucks brought the fe&s home In the woe hours of the morning. Seseaba. Wie. -Oast forget—all yeu -lid Liftera." Dance Uvera." -Thrill Seekers," -Athlctte Marvete," -Prise Seekers.- "Sports Followers." -Dobre pivo drinkers" end Is feuere! ell thoee in «meet of a real good euternbte t Une—thai the Stalwavto* Annual Whoopee Plonk wtO be held at McKoen's Grove en Bondev. April If. Final preparations are la order to make t Me coming su the greeted Plrnte of *«atw*l Rietery Be os -deA and Ime»" ycuraelf Is this fen-lev big u| fbs a ■ i I - -----c---- A__soa. ^a __a w Mere's hoping we aee you aH a» Sate go, dent mtee R. for B's toe — Lodge News Notes (rusadmrs lodge no «64 O—Tkb steamer is «lowly plying up tho river. Deck bonds are seen buaily owifM opening hatch«« and cleaning the dacha. In fact, every-on« U bustling and «hoveling around, for th4 «hip i>'coming into port- go also b the Ship coming in lor all the Slovene benefit lodge« of Lorain. Observing you will find members of all lodgaa concerned, working sad helping to bring in a successful •hip. This ship happens to be a picnic of a number ot lodges combined, which will be held on Kas* farm on August IT. The farm, a vary beautiful «pot, is amply sited to. accommodate half the people of Cleveland including all of Lorain and enough .puce is left for a good dance Doer. Two trucks will ran from and to the farm to carry picnieers, 'if they ire able to stand or not/ Out-of-towners wishing to come to the ptenie and have their own autos can either follow the truck or this direction: One block East on 31 st. from tho SN Home, theft turn to the right towards ths woods. Straight out until yo« hear cheese box, banjo, and the merry-making of a joyous crowd. Entertainment galore! Sports of all kinds, rsfreehmsots, and numerous other thing« which have never been thought of before on tho progrei Local SDK lo%e ie responsible for this oeoperotlon movement; other benefit lodge« joining are as follow* Crusades No. M4, 8NPJ; Bled No. 17, BNPJ; No. 31 SDZi Na. 101 KS-KJ; No. 6 JSKJt No. 86 KSKJ; Sa-mo «to j no, SN Home and S8PZ. We pre inviting all the lodges from Clef eland and vicinity to attend this affair which is given to show the unity, friendship and cooperation among the lodges and their members in this community. Fraternally, < Joseph A. Braaak, See'y Crusaders No. 064, SNPJ... traveler« beak with aa. That ing will be a whopper. And «very-body asast bo peasant. WJist'« the matter ? Area%^?S ing t<> have ear mors aew member« to jola us In our good times and jelly meetings ? Oh boy, our boys at the last meeting had come wonderful pep They meet have gotten seme education during the last month. Because they had aome pretty good atgu menu against the girls. It sure was a swell meeting; even our nowlywed couple were there. We were all glad to see Brother F»nk Vldic with us a-gaia after a long spell of illaos. Atta boy, Frank, keep it up and he at all of our meetings as I like to see every one well and happy. I hear Columbine*, are < going to have a picnic. AUa boy. Columbines, keep It up. Colorado Reekie« will all'bo pre tent. Count on ust Wljat'« the matter, "Beby Breath"? Can't you think of nothing else but love? Well, so long, see you at Colui bines' picnic. ' Jast Mo. .. . ■■ ■ n ' ■ "f • an Invitation to cwicaGoans Chicago, !ll.-f-THe ¿pioneer lodge of snpj, Slavic No. 1, extends to all its friends and members of various English «apeaking lodges la Chicago and vicinity a cordial invitatNm to psrttcipate la its picnic to be held nsat Sunday afternoon, August 17, at Kegel's Oreve, Willow Springs. Wo shall try to provide a wholesome entertainment far all, a major pert of which will be rendered by the orchestra which wlQ give us. among other«, alao merry tunes from the Old World. The admissioa is only 33 cents. The Willow Spring car from Archer Ave. or yoftr own auto will bring you therei This picnic will be an affair where the pioneers of yore, toddy aad tomorrow will gather for s friendly Sunday afternoon. Committee. * PROGRESSIVE BROADCASTER By Dntch Euclid, O.—On July 27 Progres aives added another succeas to their list of outings. Attendance was un usually large, and apirita among all hilarieus. I hope w# will be able to hold another oat soon. Let's all try to make it even bigger and bettor. ♦ » » At last the rumored report of a secret club among the girls haa been verified. It'a called ike Progreeaive "Bachelorettes." Girls who haven't joined as yet and would like to, Plesse see "Colgate," our club president. I think the "Bachelorettes" will glvs the Beacon "Old Maids' quit« a bit of competition. • • i * * s ^r* Progressives send their heertieet rongretalatioaa to the approaching marriage of Bre. Martin Koee (of KHdcaport). He «ura did give aa a rral surprise, I meat any. Sia. "Mol-l>e" Runts, '"Honey" Robert- and Dorothy Zeis, I believe, wiU take P*rt la the beidal party. Juet why Martin picks on the "Bachelorettes," more than any of aa can suliaise I wonder who the ushers will he? Mo«e likely the "Quacks." Oh, well, time wiU Ull. see Now we know why the lake boida *uch a grand attraction for "Honey" *»d "Mollie." It eeema u lace ■took" aad "Joe" there alee. Don't Ml «a it is as serioaa as all that! a • • f>ont forgot U attend oar ,r««ting on Aug. 12, aa we have '•porunt difcuseioaa on hand '»•n't forget to bring la a new remmebor a now member "'«eting. I hope we shall see many '•Hera also. Refresh men U Coring after meeting. IN THE ROOK IBS Denver, Cslsradow—Well, here I am <«nla after a couple of weeks of va-rstiea. It ccsms that the later pert °r July everyone meet have a vece-"en and go U the hill, fer same fen. Gee, I sere enjoyed myself at that we hod an Aug. 3. It seems -njeyod it. Seme of the ■•«or membses participated la t*e The girle I trip to johnstown Latrobe, Pa.—We arrived In Johnstown laU in the evenings after getting lost n few time« we finally found tho MOxham Slov. Hall. We wore welcomed by Thomas Bricely. Afte» being introduced to the officers of Friendly City lodge and the rest of the visitors we flAally went into the ballroom where the dance was In full swing. Then the vieitors went into another room where we enjoyed a good sapper and had a good tlms They also gave ua visitors a chaner to say a few words. Then, at 3 o'clock a. m. the congregation broke up and we went to the places where wo wore sent to. I happened to get a place a* the homo of Mr. and Mrs. A. P. Km sua. They hath are prominent ritlattu of Johnetown. I wish to lake this or portanity to thank them for thai hoapiUiity and tfee good time the: showed me during my stay. Next day, Aag. 3, the dawn wa> breaking slowly and gradually, then the saa began to creep over the hi lie. T^is Already was a good sign, for it showed that the Friendly City pic nic would not be spoiled by any xhowers. ' ' Hf <• When tho Krasna», ths Novaks of Chicago and years truly arrived a Faith's Grove there waa quiu a gathering, but it kept increasing un til we all were called to aaaambla Ir t certain part ef tho Grove; aftei the program of speakers be«an. The following worp on the program: Jo-ssph Culkar, Pres. friendly City l odge; Bros. Novak, Bernlk and Lot-rich from Chicago; "lindy" Lokar from Cleveland and last but not least Mrs. Anna P..Krasna. ; According to my personal opinion Mrs. Kraena and Don Lotrich made the best speeches. They were educational, because they brought fslcta out eo clearly that the result is, "It makes or causes a person to think". After this program Mr. Krasna and yours truly want to different members of Flood and Friendly City lodges about organising a . sob-branch of ths Jugoslav Socialist branch No. 3 of Johnstown. Wa got names of 31 girls and boy». I hope they all come to Franklin Hall, Aug. 17, at 2 o'clock (Daylight Saving). On our way home across tho mountains I MM: " Twas the end of a perfect day." 0 . . Jane Frsdel. them announce quartet is aaat on tha laser heard them eing and they wonderfully To be honest about it. WeVe afraid you know less about who's re-spon Slble and what took place at the picnic than we. Sunflowers, we hope you dont feel offended, for we are aorry that we overlooked those that did ao much to make this picnic a success (for instance Madame X). The appreciation la due U all and Sunflower. * X, why not speak up be-foes ear next program, given on Labor day, and it will probably act bo ncoooaaary to got outside talent to oompleU the program. Je * A an BEACONS WOLVERINES TAKE NOTICE " j -*■ )■ * Detroit.—Dae te th« fact thai Bre. Frank Snyder haa . famed la his se-ai (nation aa Secretory of ike Wolv-I have been elected to fill the Anyone wanting to pay daes eaa So eo at my heme. 1233 Lewe, roes are., Detroit. Phone Coder S237 R. Fraternally, Daalel Obod, See'y. Lodge No. 377. «COLORADO ROCKIES" success; wo all enjoy ad ourselves playing belL We are elowly waklag ap. Come on, and show the spirit. You've got it Tho Auditing Committee met last *t do anything be-d Id n't shew up. What's the matter, Bro. Treasurer? That's the aoeead time yee've held aa back. (Year meeting announcement came tee late for leapo ef Aug. «.— Editor.) "Just Me"—Yee've got the Lodge spirit la yen. Keep H up. Who are you? Lefs get acquainted aad do thine« "Baby ft sunflowers MSftarry, Corky Cleveland, Ohle^Sis. MUkovich and Sis. Brochich were accepted aa members of the Old Maida Club. Tht club now consisU of five brunnetus and one red-head. The Old/ Maids have jaade a slight change ih their name. From now oa they'are known aa the "JoUy Old Maids." A Beaean girl haa tha honor of being apoasor for tha dedication of tha flak oToar senior lodge "Na Ju-troven." She is Sis. Mary Bubnic, 3 charming mica. Well be them witti bells on. The vaudeville U be staged for the second anniversary la progressing in fine style. Do yon know of any talented people? Jfembere tkould attend mecHage. It Is to everybody's intereot. Will you be there? I hope so. After having InUrviewed "Squirrel" I have come to tha conclusion that she has np intention of over resigning the Old Maida even though "Springtlmn la the Rockies" Is one1 »f her favoritea. She is still strongly opposed to the opposite sex. No ¡bailee, Inaeka. GOLDEN EAGLES LODGE Girard, O.—Summer is fast wan-lag away but with ite passing comes the harvest season, and than 'in turn Ola Klag WhiUr. It brings in mine thoughts of indoor sport and social activities. The Golden Essies' sum- with staging of the anneal faly 4 last, which waa ver; 'ul. Both the chairman and mem-wrs of the picnic eonunittoo are in-iced to bo complimented for tho cap-ible manner la which they perform-id the various duties confronting .hem. A very pleasing feature of tho picnic was the large group of >lder folks who attoaded. As a remit It chews what a little co-operation between the younger and older 'olkft moans—and that la SUCCESS Here's hoping that the two groups lot together on any other undertsk-ng sponsored by the Golden Eaglea n tha fbtare. Daft Cupid with his unerring aim taa firfally found his mark among the Golden Eagles. The victim it lone other than Marko Matoklovich whoss marriage to Francis Prevlc was recently solemnised. Congratu ations, folks, may your married life be one of much happiaeea and sue Golden Eaglea Good t i me Outing' Sunday, Aug. 17 at Seae's Farm at Salem, O. Transportation for every oa* All members and their frietfSe and especially Uioee who have aeterno Mio« will meet In from of t Slovenian Hell at 3 o'clock Sunday moraing, for ft day of fan and frolic, doa't misa lt. Carl Swabek. Pros. JOLLY JUNIORS LODGE Bygee, Pit—The Jolly Juniors announce a gag picnic to he held at Sygan Hill on Sendey, Oopt'omber 14. Dancing and outdoor amusements will be offered. We promise a good time aad s chance to make many new friends. We are sure the other young lodge« wlH turn ovt in groat numbers. Requesting all to hold this date open, we ars the Jolly Junior«, Pah. Com. SPECIAL NOTICE Wie.—All yoe "golf ad-dicto" who aes interested la competing for MJd»Mt golf honors of the SNPJ please fill eStry bleak below and send before Sept I to Rudy Fen 1 'WSfar Csnonshftsg. Pa<*~The Pioneers of Washingtqg county are again, en-daaro^ing to entertain our folks of Canensburg and neighboring towns. Again we'are atepplny out with soms real and dean entertainment that will meet your aplRoval; we are positive that you wilTenjoy It. "Go Slow, Mary," a farce comedy in three ao* with a cast of sievaa charaetsre will be Shown at the SNPJ Hall ja Canoaeburg oa August 17. The curtoin will rise at 0 p. m. (Eastern Standard Time). Tickets era now on sale and ean be received from aay Pioneer. We cordially invite our neighboring lodges u attend, and, again. doadge No. 3M0 in this ■ f. üutl. Members ef Chéeage 6NPJ lodges who attoaded oar eoroari anneal #tenia receive our thanks for hetpii« ua make the seeceas abet we did. We heps thet such a favor will aeon bo M-IM.MI , The game« aad races attracted ma-ay people to the sideUas. The gaase between the tSalwarU and the Integrity boyo was started off with a gigantic parade which was led by tho Red Peppers and whisb ended at the baaebaU diamond. A great tome It was, but the Stalwarts won. Dancing followed the gamea, The muak was furnished by the lnugrlty Red Peppers who convinced the people that they have music. Until tho Nickering shadows stoic arrow the walls a merry crowd enjoyed themselves dancing. A regular monthly meeting of the Integrity lodge No. 331 will bo held at 1817 Clybourne eve. on Thuriday evening, August 14. Everyone is urged to attend. . A Challenge t The Integrity girls Invlls Daddy from Kenosha to piek ft team of Waukegan and Kenoche girls and accept the challenge ef the Integrity girls to a game of baashall at Waukegan on Labor day. Let ua know your decision.—The Preeldent. Integrity RaaMhfi Chicago. IH.-—And so the Integrity and Sungiara lodges mark another page with the success of their second annual picnic. Many oetotonding per sons of the SNPJ world were at this affair Suaday, Auguet 10, at Wil low Springe, and reports from them Indleeto that they enjoyed themselves immeneely. The Mgae wUh at this moeseat to thank you for honoring as with yeufpreseneo. Gratitude emst be expressed to the troop ef teirito ef St. Louis who order« of the Sandman to aa. 1403 Washington Bd., Kenoshe. be »Khj*ftt ear nlr^ tt" K»**bU vi, I ef the St. Leni« order ef Spirits were piree ef Ksasshs which is as the Coller. Parodiée of the Weet. A low fee ef two doOers will be charged, each entrant to defray ex-ad to purchase prices for the First place to receive eham-rnp. aeeeed, third and fourth wiU for we heeid DIVISION ENTRY for SNPJ GOLT TOURNAMENT Lodge WTb* tournament wQl toko place ' 9mf «oeftooee In bringing along Sept. d and 7 at the Meoicipal Oelf fM** ^ Chicago with a tired happy smile ead a warm snot In their beerte fer all who entertained them. "Be there StoiwarU," waa the sell and the Stalwart > wees there In foil number, they came to uphold their honor ae Champion» ef baaeball la the SNPJ. They retoraod to Kcne-she with g grestor hener. They ere aew «»captons of (he SNPJ Wool, era SNPJ League ef Indoor Bessfcoll. Congre te 1st Una, KtatoerU. wo hope tkat yea will wie ths Mettons! SNPJ this else. OoegrstuIstleas to ths Stalwart fair maiésne 1er pni lieg np each s geilest fight ageinct the Integrity «Wls.MMÈ Pri. 9m th# gmm0 We ths ah yoe. Htsiwaeto. Šot msk- Ths Piosser boy« had Mttls tceehAe \ to eeeeeemlng the "Big Mae" feem Sta^/thc Seeglere ledge ef CUere. Maay Revtalinj the kRmlimv Am bridge. Pa.—Guess ws will have to take up our pan and let Bro. Ko-sola know that to dftU wo are not married and have ndt gone to Mars. It was simply n case of not writing since he has been doing It. And to think of revealing, the "Unholy Three" did enough of It to loot for a whole year I Well, so muoh for thet. • .0 a Our subject now will be a bit different from thooe appearing la the Proeveta lately ae far as tho Revoli-ore' contributions have been concerned. It amy bo uninteresting to the majority but a few ntay be in-Uraetod. . d,,. ■.■ ■• . There la no doubt that ths greater part of the SNPJ members, living outside of this immediate vicinity, wonder what kind of a place Am> bridge is. Ambridge is a modern, thriving town of approximately 22,out) population. It* name was derived by combining Am with Bridge from the American Bridge Company | the largest brUlg» building plant in ths world. Ths town's early history Is unknown to ths writer, but Ito modern period begftri In 1308. Here arc ftlso other mills such as pipe-mill», wiring mills, structural concerns and a few other«. Bualneas is go««! as far. as msrchai^s ere con cerritC' Employment of men fsft*t In IU best stage at present. at say, Revellers?! e e e Oh boy—e boy—e beg. what hap-peened at out meeting on Aag. 31 Remeone had eeerage enough <« make a motion for a private picnic let Reveller; Should we wriU about Teh being seen quite often with the girl hf prepeeod membership In the SNPJ? tnd Reveller: No, Catherine wouldn't like to have everyone know. Instead let's put in about Louis tralalag to be a sailor by having a girl in evonr part. 3*4 Reveller! No, we dont want to give him away, All 3 Revellers: Welt, what do you say, we close up. r_! The ReveHere* LIBERTY l/HMK 343, MOTH'K IS^gros, Ps. Number 133 won (be five dollsr gold pices at the pienk, Jaly 27. The holder of this ticket please report to Brother Frank Fee-l^ni^l» tiny RMW^^» iM itwlvi tl^ fftMi The picnic held by liberty and tho SSPX ledge was a complete on«*.* Although two ether pirates mere held only a sheet distonos away, a aire twd attoaded ear pienle, had a good time and made the day a one- Vlstfhig WHfi Friendly 3H| There never were bettor, more ac-cumsaodaUitg aad more fslpadly poo pie than our folks in Jehnstown, Pa., and vicinity. From tha moment of arrival until departure thsy wore con ■tantly ready to help aad give. After a laag and tedious hot summer night John Lokar and the undersigned boeed lor the Friendly City, Lodge No. 3S4, SNPJ, anniver sary on August t and 3, arrived at the Johnstown station where we were met by Joseph Culkar, President of Friendly City, Frank Jacoby, Tom Brieety, F^ank Podboy, suprem-beard member, ead a couple of other boye. After the usual grgstlnga they hurried us to Tom Brleely's plaoe, where Mrs. Brleely's lemeaade and a bath rejuvenated ae. Then we wound around a fbw hills to Frank Pod-boy's homo, whore Mrs. Podboy had a table full of the root. Of course, we had to eool off s £t in Podboy'« collar. Then Bias Novak and Mrs. Nevek and Mr. and Mrs. Bernlk had alao arrived. Johnstown and the Allogheni«« look mighty nice to a couple of prairie bred fellewe. We aU "piled" into "Ginger" oar and he drove as over ths winding mountains stopping only for the most noted place«. Frank Podboy being "tire 4itef" of Park Hills, knew where all the spring reservoirs were located and you ean bet all your sliver "car wheels" that the gang nearly dried them up. Podboy often remarked, "You don't get such 8ood water In Chicago or Cleveland. * f course, Undy agreed and so did I —that U must have contained a lot of iron. They told gs thai Pennsylvania had atrict driving regelatieas/; But you would nevqr believe It If you were a passenger in "Ginger's" car, Hs made thoss sharp curves and steep Inclines with no worry, For kin» it was one of his dftlty dosens, evidently, flhst-les Schwab's eetato was viewed from the road. Sehwab, it muot be hnowtt, is one of tho rich steel magnates. Hs has for himself more land than all tha towh« about Jehnstown with thousands ef people. It Is beautifully kept up, And at once the qae«-tlon pepped up, '( tha dangers ef such a dam. Slowly it began to give away. WafSiags wars net heeded, Oae day, aa asddealy as the moment, the dam bwot and the mighty ferae behind the water carried homos, bridges, and what act along with It, A certain stone bridge, a mighty meaarah of Ms hind, withstood the onslaught of the water. The debris blocked tho paeeageways with the re salt that the water was forced through the town and all the houses with some 3,000 people perishedi 773 ef them were never Identified and they ace beried aide by side In the meet statoly manner on top of a mountain kaewe as WestmoeU-Ws psused long eeoagh at the cemetery to pay Poepeet at the grave ef a short time ««a active Friendly City I,sire Member, MUdred Vldrieh. Johnstown la an active town. Oar folk« era included 1a the activities. Oa Saturday, Angnet f Friendly City Lodge cpensored a dance which wae weS attended. After the dance others Vldrieh aad Culkar ergaa-id a pep meeting. A happy, jolly nCh of booster« urged Friendly C4ig Ledge to eontinne with He at-tivenoos aad every apaakor heralded further eneoees for them. A fow aes were mixed in oa the organise the lodge a year age, was back to cheer them further onward. Andrew Vidrich spoke In Slovene about Urn strength el their unhy and Frank Podboy and Bias Novak, two other supreme officers, congratulated the Friftadly Ctty members. Sister Anna Krasna appealed to ths parents to psrmlt their youngsters to join our lod^e and U learn about the cconumie conditions which are holding down the workers. Jane Fradal, our youthful lassie from latrobe, spoke brilliantly en the perable "The Hunter without a Gun." She made s hit with the listeners and tha future haa niefh in store for Jane. Peter Bernlk and youra truly concluded the speakers' prugrem. The large audlqQce waa remarkably oulet and attentive, ¿von for thet out folks ln JohnsUwn deserve credit. Large groups thronged the perk la the evening, which made Joseph Culkar, Mr. aad Mrs. Tom Bricely, Anna Krasna, Anthony Qovansek and at least enothsr twenty folks hustle to arcommodaU the foUts. The lady la ths kltchsn reminded u« so much of our own deer slstsr Mary No^ak, for shs was at her post Saturday night s|l the while and Sunday, too. Many thank« to aU of you, folks, for the great reception accorded me. I hope that Friendly City Lodge will always be an honor to Johnstown's Jugoslavs. Doeald J. Letrieh. Thank Yo«! HprtagfleM, III. On Suftday, Au-gust 3, our picnic went forward as per schedule with almost four hundred people In attendance. And all of us are pleased abnui it and thank our many patron« and liooetors for the co-oporation. , From Carllnrille came Brothers Oriehnlk, Novak and others, and Brothr Orr and other« from Tay-lorvllle. President Malic of the Auburn lodge talked before the membership there (Auburn) urging them to visit ua, end patronise our picnic, and they surely did as usual. Also thanka to Brothers Rudy Praekar, Pinter and Rupnik or Autmrs. MB' Kauclc family and ethers of Vlvden, and alio ths various lodge mcreta-rid* Snd to Brother Tom Volh, Sis-tore Rragar, Patla and Banich, ef Hpniwfleld, who helped In various way«. Really Central Illinois la getting oloaer and clooer together every day. Which Is oertetnly a wonderful thing. Tho hard ball games eame out at follows« LlnooJnlU kiddles heal Auburn In an Interacting 10-innlng game, 34. Hot Weather made swlmmiag In the pool especially attractive to Miy, While dancing to the popular 3-sioea orchestra proved to be a HBlAflftdN^ Ranslim Irs MUm"—fjmUP-ppiwVtHIW • «91 verSIUH Ml winSiB» AIHI last eame the raoe«, and the priaea. I «Mil thrill over the tug-of-war content, married men vereus single j and the married men wen. But how those twenty-four men pulled I (JSr Rngllsk-speaking lodge vieitors were 'RfMSSB H Irhmil /.avert nik, "Trailer" Heindenrich, Louis «avert-nik and hie wife, Sister Kathryn Do-llosk-Zavertnik, all SuBglarae, Also Brothsr Joe Baumblch, Integrity's ereat traveler end evplorar, Also a Young American Brother George Ousec, who helped Auburn defeat the Llsoolnltes. Brother Rak of the Plosears informed «• by wire they poldnt soms. We really missed them, e e e The local picnic aoeeon la and we prepare for the "Grand Reopening" of the Dom. It will he the Officiel opening of the Dom si nee (to enlargement, and entire rebuilding Of th« hall Into a nice soiee auditorium The principal speaker Of tha dey will I»? Brother Gedtne, manager of SNPJ puMleatione. It's to ha • big day m every amy with a t-pleee oreheetra playing for tho eve-ling dan« which eommeaeei àt Si30 e'elecL And the day, Sunday, Au-gum 31, day before Labor day. Rvery Lincoln it-, aad ail oar people la ikie seetion ef the state, some. Yea ace sordidly Invited. IHcheto soS for fifty eenU, gentlemen j twenty-five cento fer the ^edlee. ' Brother Krank Penleolch ¿a* kept boey at the stand handing eat tig-7/Sff, Dials eues, gum aad aandy — to wemea aad children. Ac to the men ito nobody's tmslaessl everybody had oa their very beet Beads/ manners aad behoved nicely. Rellev« it er actt AN members ore roqaoelsd to at-Mad tke next Ledge westing on Fn day, September 13. Dent fall to Her yoe may he sarprtesd. If R were peceltde we weald eend Save eat fer mm messhors end I denkt If thet sraeW bring them eranwdf • It wee eoHy SsndOg ssukf sa Idrich's "Podoma hrambe" (meea-ing f Ire fighters I waded with firs fighters gal lopped up end around the bills to 000 Russell street where Mre. Vidrich mode uc coffee and pel ae Mi case ef ready mahlng their early «erring rRfüidi« "TIMN^® ^WM HäII thet had to be looked ever and ths p rate grove hod to be lepectod," they •eld. To relieve seme of the fetigne Andrew SNffOd ue up the «œatots oa foot to dkwrach'« whore we to- solved ear .....dag*! bUeeiag. We hsd dinner m Mrs. VldrWh'« Then fue the Mg offaaal. Kach member should at least bring one person who Is Interested in eer movement aad Who will probably join It. Remember thet It Is our duty to get our A mericen Slovene« mterestsd In our club, and eeaisnueiily increasing our membership. Let's ell work foe our club by agitating among our people, by en-lurglof It, and last but net least, road boobs end nhsmphteto en «oci^/Uua. Ueton to as many seriellst sas mob» yse waderstaad ly the present evils el the eepltolisii« syctem. The future work ef the SeciaRet Party depends upea us. Let's all week together for ear ae well s« for thooe le ae. »«»tslistk salvation of aH tbe CARRY ON, youth? en s3. They i. . ! S. N. P. J. SPORTS national ATHLETIC MOTU BOARD (Information rwmriiu athletics will bc fad od under Um «W*i bovaflir.) In Um article "Chicago-Waukegan t-.xcurslon" Um writer wishes to know, at well u Um Um« who art to compete in th« national tournament, the /lumber of players that can be carried on the trip. The Board will allow expense« for fifteen men. which Include« managers, coaches and players. The Board will pay for the minima« fare in day coach traveling only and nothing more. t « « Will the torn mitte« In charge of the Cleveland-Wee kegan Excursion and Detrdt-Waukegan Excursion please notify Body Penza before Attract 22 as to how many will attend the National Tournament and Labor day celebration? • a a Election of officer« will take plass soon after Che tonrnaSMat. Have your delegate pick the p+aon heat fitted for Um following office«: pre«., vice pres., sec'y., trees., and chairman of the rales committee. e a a TIM Waahegaa committee ia charge of national tournament la working hard and have mads arrangements oodaeap 0 0 9 ■ Only two more wsek» left befere the tournament An goat SI and all challenges that are ssssplH most bs played off before that date, -a e a Wlaasrs at the Comrades Progree-dve-Loysllte game« and Wolverine-Young American gnaw plea«« notify Rudy Penss the approximate time of arival to Waakegan, so that ached-alini of games caa bs msds accord Ingly. ^ • « « « having I sthhHles submit them te Rady Pansa or hsra them pub-11 shed In the Proevete. , Rudolph Pensa, 14SS Washiagtea National Board gec'y^ Wis. The stars who twinkled for the Stalwart« were Rooe Smith, Rese Pavlic, Evelyn Meissner nad Mary Rap-set The entire Jolly A Ills team put up a nept exhibition, particularly Freda,, their "«tar" t wirier. Boy, she Is some ball player. As usual, n large crowd witnessed the performance. The denn «pqrte-manship that dominated the gnsses "klicked" 100% with the spectator*. Dergaas. GIRLS' IN DOOR BALL GAME a led for Sunday, Asgssl 17, at Um picnic held by the two Socialist clubs, at Nine Mile Rd.. between Dequindrs nd Ryan Rda. Young Americans va. Wolverine girls, last Sunday's gam« was 90t played because ih« Wolverine girls did not show up. Wplverlnss baseball team defeated the Young three gnme «sdss. Ons atere game must be played, before tkq Wolverine« caa claim the ekampfsssbip. das te ths error of the first gams. Fraternally, Andrew Gram Jr. MINUTES OF THE WESTERN ATHLETIC MEETING ll»e follewlng lodgts sf ths Weet-ern d I vi «len were reprsssnted: Stal warte by John Mamer. Športe Club by Frank Pesea, little F orts hy Jake Novak, Pioneer» by Frank Buric, Modom« by Frank Resnlck, nad Jolly AUU by John Podlsgar. ■Maa««aal um t ■ —1 i/iscsssion t»ri jon vournimfrn Motion made by Rudy Peasa and ■scondsd by Jsks Novak tkat K« n«sh« b, the Men« of tke Westem divislon golf touraameut Carrlsd. Cemmlttes on golf: Rudy Peasa and John Podlogar. Dissasslon on baset.all. Motion made hy Rudy ■sfonded by Jak« Novak gams ke played between tke gporta Club aad JoUy A111. te Seddo thr hard hali chsnips. Carrlsd. Ne«trsi umpires srs to bs klrsd hy brother John Msneer snd ton dellera Is the maalmum priče te bo pald for vaetigate the athletic reflation that was adopted at the last regular eon veatfen. Motion made aad carried that the nest meeting of the Wsetern d b« held nt Waukegaa August tl, * P m S T «t th« SNPJ horno. A feeling of resentment was es presaed by th« member« of the West »rn Division towsrds the sstlen snd attitude that th« Supreme takes la athletic«. Meeting adjourned at iStIS p. National Board Sec'y. STALWARTS ATHLETICS ATHLETICS AND CEITICISM Detroit. Mich.—The powerful Wolverine hard ball team has defeated the Young American», who, I know, will win the SNFJ title this your at Waahegaa on Labor day. Any lodge in ths Eastern Division who kas paid the entry fss to the National Athletic board may play the Wolwerinc team for ths Eastern Division Championship Ledges wishing te compete suMt get in teach with President Vincent Straus immediately; game« te he played In Detroit. Young American girls' bpli team played the Wolverine girl« Sunday. August 10, in first of the three game« ssriss for the CRy SNFJ Championship. vObislsnd lodges sre ths only lodg-ss In ths Eaatem Division who play indoor ball and they ara fighting for the Eastern Championship tkera new. The Eastern Division is not functioning as K should, aad I don't know what seems te bs the trouble. Word has come to sss that at the last SnprenM board aseeUng, ths Nations! Athletic Based wss again criticised for spending tee mudt mossy. Borne ens might think tknt ws sre s hunch of grafters or crooks. money only for the following things: Cheap? at transportation of members os hoard |o snd from their meetings, ns wage« are psid t? anyone, though nMmhers1 on hoard have better If lead a Last November the Natisaal Athletic Beard adopted s sot sf which wss« sent te the Supreme for sppveval. Today we ds set If they have bora approved or act. That is what I call tion! At the Inst National Athletic Board meeting I nation, bat was persuaded te stUl go on. U would ho s good idee for hers of dlffstent lodges to cm in the Fresvete whether we should have five members elected from different ledgso te be called the Natiossl Athletic Board, ss now, or should we let H go to the rocks. Beer ia that ia the last few months ship hns been decrsnsing in nil lodges, ssd ws mast find n Hon to keep these members in oar orgsniastksk Instead of criticising the Nstionsl Athletic Boar* it would be better te pot more Ume oa this solution. Being Vice President of the Natio-nsl Athletic Board, this criticising has but« bm, and I will give my office to aayene who ess maka a better sue-m of R than I have nmde. I am not earning my brand aad hotter hy holding aa office hks that, aad anybody Is welcome te it Lfst November I loot two days' work te attend a meeting held by National Board of Athletics. Is that a pnying proposition? To all ledges, all sthletic's good for our organisation. Voice your opinion in the Proevete. Fraternally. Andrew Gram Jr., Vice President Natl Athletic Board. QUE FIRST ANNIVERSARY that came Pa.—On Aug. S the Friendly City Lodge celebrated their first assivssssry, this msrldng one of the grastest events since its organization. A lsrgo crowd attended th« danos which helped to make the affair a big success. Later in th« evening a banquet was prepared for the out-of-door tows visitors thi la big musbsrs, snd, rendered! by "lis guests representing the different lodges throughout the country. This finished the program for ths evening, ss s little rest wss needed for the following day, which wss Sunday and already scheduled, for a good Urns wss awalUng as. This was tpte picnic which also played a big part In marking ths first snnt- jotly AltU Jarred by Stalwarts ken»*hs — Superb hurling by Knud*en, coupled with ■tick work hy his rohort«, Stalwart« to ring up their 17th straight victory at tho áspense of the stmng Jolly A lil« rumbtn« to th« tune of IS u 0 "Knusrn" climated hU great pitch ing perf or menee by breaking into th« -Mall of Kam«.M with « No Hit. No Run U«me Only I man reached l«t base, due to an error. Knodeea alao abided 24 batsman to his long Hot of strikeout viotims Pavlic lead the bat-ting attack on Groi«o, Jolly's t wirier with » kits in as many trips te the plete He was helped along In thia Utting »pqae by Oder. Selhorilch. Kreii and Bad ar« who poled out 4 kite apt ere Th« wh«W Jolly A 111« team foetured some fact field work. They had I double play« te their cru-dK Jolly A lim Girls Baut Stalwart Glri«. Kialwaru were randy te tueh away another game into their victory hag. but a belated »nth tealag rally hy the Jodies »n« t chad Um game from then This spirited batting Attach produced 4 runs, enough te gin the game, by s sei d » to I. ___ of this criticism should be given ths Supreme board for giving turn« of money te different lodge« for athletic*. Tho Supreme hoard has gives s asm of ons hundred dollars (I believe that Is the rtgkt figur«) for baseball equipment te the Pie-of Canoneburg, Fa. Today this has no baseball tem. The Supreme board gave recently te the Sunflower lodge of Kansas I7S.00 for baseball suits. Where will our organisation com« to If ws spend money buying sthletis equipment for nil the English speaking lodges? AU lodges sre «quel and nil ledges caa demand what other lodges get Hera, In our city, twe English speaking 1 mi gee have spent eves six hundred dollars for athletlss, this your, and m cent have we reesivsd from tke preme heard, neither has our «ports committee been criticised for these expenditures At the Inst Nstionsl Basketball Tournament, held In oui city, the Young Americans, sponsor lug It. tho Progressives sf Cleveland snd the Slslwsrts of Kenoehe play ing for the title, this tournamont cost Young American Ledge 100.10 te mahe It s success. No ons sriU clsed the officers for thess expenditures, hut our Supreme hoard, targe aa It ia, eoatinuea te criticise the National Athletic Board for theeo few paltry dollars which have done a let for our organisstiea. The Ship haa been Issteased through ath-letics. Also the Supreme hoard gave IM.00 to a lodge In the Weetern Division for winning ths Wsetern Di-Championship, baseball, and would our organisation come tsfi we won champieaahip? Pretty What could he better than s hot dsy for s picnic? Indeed this was an Ideal day aad all our plans turned out to be a big soscos» Ths sun shining ln nil its glory, members dressed Is white trimmed with red csrrying the colors of the Lodge. About four o'clock In tho sfternoon u sfhtditltd for the I this being opened by our ifreeH'sm Brother Joseph Culksr. He gave s very interesting talk sad then acted as toastmaster throughout the Among tks most Important Isteresting speakers, who was to grart us with a few words, was "Lindy" Lobar, ths organiser sf Um Friendly City ¿odg«. It Indssd was a great piensas» te hear his address and bs can rast sssurod he has t fsms In ths heart« of the He Is csrrying ths honor ssd eredit duo him for his wonder-fglwork. We hsd ths plessure of hearing BroMwr Lotrlch of the Pioneer Lodge of Chicago, 111. ,Hle talk consisted chiefly of the interest takoa ia the tho progress snd other hints Hist will enable to make tke Lodge grow. Hs spoks in behalf of oar lodgf but he did »aproes this deeira to hop« thst our I/odge progresses rapidly but thst ws will nsver out-number the of the Pioneer Lodgs in Chi-ssge, 111. (It indeed would be s hard to do ao but we will try hard, aitho ! gu«ss you do deeerv« th« honor snd credit of being Um first lodge of the SNPJ and therefore you are entitled to outnumber us to certain «xtent). HI« telk touched the hearts of all th« member« present Among ths other speshsrs ws had wltk as Bro. Novak. Bis. Annu F. Krasns, Bm. Vtdrkh, Bro. Podboy and Bis. Jsns FrodsL All geve a brief talk, re: ths organisation, tho different sdventages and the main of being on« of its members. The program was closed by Bro. Lokar who presented Ero. Preeident Culksr an emblem ring, of which, If t can recall ^corrasUy. ho I and honored upon the n that he couldnt find words to eagres, hl« gratitud«. Tke «vsning wns «p«nt ln dancing, the «srnic being furnished hy Krank Kocher (Mb banje player). We had a vietrola for theeo who del red that ■I am sure that all had a for the had was srswdsd ■ \ er « llrf i>rr I rloa* I day. of the of wil aserjr uwtn, ai w*» era that have slipped dently Mitchell Psrk tion as we mot snc of Fri- Kfeas n epssaa, that a eonsiJiiaMsn the ex-It'« a esadsr ssveral I nt puss sat* While As It was. half were tanfigf out of the is as otfort te cool off. Tkoe of yea who werast there certaaity mieoed «omething. Our Vice-Tony Kamaiksr. gave ns as example of ft»» tea S person can by being out In the ran nl-nataatly. If the pain of get-hing a tan weren't «0 great, we'd si-savy Tony—but, thank yon, we prefer te be «pek^aeos." Several of oar prominent member« Tkosr that we reeollect were Johnny OMnck. Mnrge Ohlack, Mary Owen, A1 Ossek, sad a few others that have slipped our minds. Evi-wus the ettrac-of our fair Bndg-tee on Mm way home from meei-aad It sssnM that thsSe few would rather go "dswncing" than bc pres-ent nt something eqqually entertain-Particularly noticeable waa the of our Entortoinassnt Committee. However, irf spits of being left in tks lurch st tks Inst moment, ns H were, we enjoyed ourselves to the nth degree. Preeident Schneider was of r "Master of Ceremonies* nnd ume a credit to the profession. Our evening's entertainment «tart-ad out with some Community Singing, sad K wont bc long before well have our o+n Carusso, Schipas, snd Ttbbeto. We mustnt forget thst well alao have Jeritsas and Bophk Tuckers before long, that is, coming from the girls. During ths evening, we called oa the Mitchell Park Carolers to give os a number, and from the boys, namely Rudy Tssbner, Tex, A! Marn, Tony Kamnlker and Proxy Schneider, with the latter doing the conducting, we had the extreme pleasure dt hearing "There's n Lon, Long Trail A-Winding" rendered (torn apart) and we mult give the artiete credit. Then the sirls decidcd te show the boys how the1 song really should bs sung, and Bubbles. Windy, Molly Fogorelec, Msry Kujan, Jen-hie Owen, Msry Trstnik, Msry Bren- had Just teHB We I give us ( by It's a BTsheask snd then. her articles. H, thst s subscription Ik- ■ amonget the Badgers to furnish Bubbles with all the paraphernalia nor-eeeary ae that shoD writs a nice long article very soon. How about it. Bubbles? . - J, • Windy's hobby eeems to he rock-lee« driving. Om of our beloved •peed-cops told her to "pull over to the curb" the other dsy and took her We think he made a should have ashed for her telephone number, because Windy says he waa—ekl—ao handsome! Try some more reckless driving, Windy. and asayfce hell give you a brepk. A1 Kramer ia a member of "Oh-pone's Gang", but he has s waaknms for the fairer and wcattr sex. He'd better be careful about spilling gang or hell have the bunch on hi« neck for revealing thing« that should be kept in the utmost «ecrocy, and be put on th spot." We toko this occasion to congratulate Tony Verbick on the receipt of hie Embflmers Diploma. This degree was obtained only thru a ntam-*r of years of hard work snd dill-studyiag, and wa*rs proyd of having Tony in our midst Congratulations and lots of suorcusl There «seme to be a mysterious attraction at the New Butler Hotel for Misses Mary Brence nnd Jennie O-wen. Upon inveetigation, we find that they spend their Sundays •slinginK' to all visiting, engineers Snd n. We don't so« heg Mnry and Jennie can fall,for this manly type eI beauty on account of ail the dirt. Oh wail, we all have our whaknesM two fair damsels are no escepUon«. "-a • > • The Naprej Singing Club, of which several of our "Carolers" are members, had their outing at Lake Twelve last Sunday. Those preoent »aid the time was all too short. When will they start yodeling again, we wonder? The Federation of SNPJ lodges of Milwaukee and Weet Allia have S real surprise in store for us. We'll have to get ell the "lowdown" on this yet, but we're giving you advice to keep Sept. 21 re«erved. We know for certain that the Badgers are aping to play a big part ln the ouccess of this undertsking. so raaaember the we will be demanding sem« fend« from tke Sepram« board and later all wiU. The SNPJ «boaId te na] of Athletic« wgl eel y buy pay ih sup sot transports ilea j charges te NeUoaal title gume« /«v limited number of players aaty. and.| also pay traveling expense* te mem-of Um «aid Board, «rtil» at If that laut fair, what Is? Oar National Athletic 1 Our eiMW let W running the way U brought tears {ot joy or ', '• ) * ' OUT WHERE ITS COOL Denver, Color ado.—Our picnic last 8unday was a fairly nloe one. It was very quiet aa far as mast of the weaker sex were concerned. The boys played Indoor baseball all the afternoon. A few of the fair Sex wera Interspersed amopgst them, but they cannot be blamegi for all the sloppy ball-playing. The sedro was not qven kept, so ons can imagine what a wild and woolly gaum It was The lunch was good but t missed the botter part of It - ♦ One surprlss followed another. The first nnd grantor was the fact that Mrs. Rose Lsvnlk, one of the lodge's most ardent supporters, was not present qt the roll call Another surprlss wae ths turning up of our bdligeront treasurer. Rudy Ydeiker. Then, too, Ales Lenich came with h little flivver coupe containing ONLY four ladies and two boys. Hs tainly has a lively young wifs. Sometime In the near future hope to witnoos another hook-up. and ltl not geing to bo nation-wide, either. The keys to the pusale are the initiale T. L. and C. M. * Guess who. First guesser gets ths Uttle brsas monkey SfVtk tie Un shell. What'« Um matter wfth the Papish bunch? They * ha vent been around for a long time. Come on, wak« up) You aro Just aq welcome ns anyous dm.. Jnst emit till tks September meeting. Then well have aomebudy there. Our long leet member», Mr. and Mrs. Tony Oosar will bs back. Well have some life thsa. Here's just n Uttle hint I'm giving you folk« hack East While yen ind MH^MV4Hi l^wporB^uffi of ninety-five aad above, cool Cole* • ado let's a fsilow Bleep et nlghu Every new and then we have a ceding rain snd ens enjoy our summer. i HlflMMM'. tip Um terribly |H\an ¿t 4. Who la he?—A blond drives sn old Fofd coupe, hate« girle, but Ukea his beer stands, If S ft tall and is a painter.—Run at RKO Palace theatre. "AH Quiet on Western Front" is aow showing at Hippodrome at popular prices» V The mystery of "Springtime In the Rockies" and Lindy'« trip to tho mountains, situated in Boa Air, Pa. And the so-called "Sunshine" must havs shlned hard on our Bnchclor Quack; since his return hs is a different man. Why ? If anyone receives definite word please advise me through this paper. Our only clew is "Sunshins", but is it "shs" or "he?" For further details watch this col-yum. s . ♦ Dont forget! Get your tickets now for Chicago SNPJ Excursion, Labor day. - NOTICE, JOHNSTOWN, PA. WEDNESDAY, AUCU8T 13. Being farther acquainted with the >pl«s of what the party «Ui„i for. no doubt our progress will measured by our accomplishment We should show that, as being the first Slovene English flpsaktn* > cislist branch to organise, wc Should be fiyst ss fsr as aeUvences and ccaiplishmsSts sre concerned. We need the cooperation of every member; we need your attendance at meetings; we ask you to Invite your friends. Tuesdsy, • August 10, at 8 p. m. (Daylight Saving) we meet again John Oblack Secretary-Treesuni. (New address: 826 So. 7th St., Mi!, waukec. Wis.) -- THE BIG PICNIC Milwaukee, Wie.—August 17 is on our calendar in red letters for two reasons; one, because it fk s Sunds , and the other Is because It's the day of Slovenski Dom's monster picnic. This year they have something entirely new snd unusual for their special feature—an outdoor museum. Something you've never scon before and will never see again. It took years to gather the collection of freaks and oddities the museum con tans and pco pie have traveled thousands of milei in search at some of the marvels can see a few miles from home, ao let's not lose the opportunity to go. Besides this, there will be loads of games for the kiddies and elders, and the prise« ar« certainly worth competing for, «o let's all arrive early in the afternoon and participate in the games. You not only derive pleasure and entertainment for your money, but every penny spsnt at this picnic is .bringing us closer to the fulfillment of our dreams — a Slovenian Home. Antdndtc Donner. All of the 31 boys and girls who gave their names and promised to come to the meeting of club No. 6 JSF, remember this: Place—Franklin Hall; time—2 o'clock (Daylight Saving); date—August 17 (instead of Aug. 14 as I announced on the Friendly City 1st anniversary picnic). Let's all turn 01ft 81- strong, snd bring along as many friends as possible. Don't forget, August 17. Jsnc Fradel ( Latrobe, Petma<) Important Meeting ) ; Milwaukee, Wis.—I haijUy think it necessary to remind the oomrsdss of our meeting next Tuesday, which will be held at 8 p. m. (Daylight Saving), at South Side Turner Hall. The time is dose at hand when we will heve en opportunity fo prove just what our valuation i«. * - Workers are nseded for ths faU election. t One glanm st th« Socialist tlckrt is enough to know that ws must gst these men elected. We've got to campaign for them. Especially Is this true in our own 5th ward. Our candidate, John Ermenc, will, I hope, be assong us. On him we should doubly show our sfforts. i Our lecture by comrade Landberg, "Industrial Cooperation," wiU, no doubt, be as interesting as we recall his last one waa. This interesting a peak or may be «eon about Milwaukee street corners svsry Saturday nlte, 1 actor!ng before crowd« of people. H« 1« doing wonderful work and wo want to be aura to hear him at the meeting. WHO WILL EXPLAIN? Breughtou, Pa.—Dear Brothers and Sister« of all SNPJ lodges. I have hesitated about writing anything on sodslism, because I wanted to see if anybody could convince mc that I was wrong in thinking the way I do. But after listening to many arguments at home and awsy I still thiak that I am right. So I set about now to' try. and qpnvince you, too. First. I would like to know if sny-onc knows what a Socialist is, whst he stands for, and what he believes in. Ill bet that nine out of ten persons don't know. Still they call themselves Socialists. Now I don't want you to take only my word for this, but I want yon to go down tho street and ask the first ten persons that call themselves Socialist, these before mentioned question«, and I'm sure that from some of these Socialists will sure surprise you, for some of them will say, "I don't know whst a Socialist it, but It's sll right, snd if you want to know more, etc., why you better see so and so; he knows better how to explain it" < Now, can you imagine that?—Another question I would ask is, how would Socialists dsal with the unemployment problem? Isn't it s' fact that all Socialists are out of work most of the time? I would like to say, practice what you advocate in your own home or town first, then, when you succeed (if you ever do), you wiU find that you have done your tountry more good than all the Socialists or socialism in the world. Another question that I would like to have sxplsined is, how would these Socialists settle the marriage question? Your guess is as good ss mins. So, brothers snd sisters, I still urge you to think twice. For socialism may be all right, for some one who la out of work, or sonmone who hasn't got a job. But It is ab solutly no good for a working man; just a waste of valuable time. So if you are not a lasy man, don't bother with socialism, it's toe mdicsl and changeable. Hoping you will not listen to any of thee« so celled Socialists, or smooth dly . talkers, who always refer you to someone elsr. I remain, frattsrnslly, Louis Schema!tser, Member of Lodge No. 70*J. em pity JMS. Cease to cad Thst