TABLE OF CONTENT Meena Gautam (India) ARCHIVAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING IN INDIA - A PROJECT STUDY 8 Živana Heđbeli, Nikola Mokrović (Croatia) SOCIALIST UNDERSTANDING OF ARCHIVAL PROFESSION 28 Pekka Henttonen (Finland) ARCHIVAL EDUCATION IN FINLAND – TRAITS AND DEVELOPMENTS 36 Mikhail V. Larin (Russia) TRANSFORMATION OF THE EDUCATION OF ARCHIVISTS IN THE DIGITAL AGE 43 Grazia Tatò (Italy) THE ARCHIVIST, A SUPERHERO? 49 Jozef Hanus, Michal Hanus (Slovakia) AN ARCHIVIST AND NEW APPROACH TO ELIMINATION OF MICROBIOLOGICAL CONTAMINATION IN PRESERVATION OF CULTURAL HERITAGE 55 NOTES FOR CONTRIBUTORS 66 THOUGHTS FOR ATLANTI + Discussing archival science before archival science is fundamentally wrong. Archival science as an independent, academic, multidisciplinary, and interdisciplinary science is only one. We cannot talk about old or modern archival science because professional work princi- ples do not change due to various forms of archival work. The International Journal of Contemporary Archival Theory and Practice Atlanti has brought a wealth of knowledge and useful insights into national and international set- tings since 1991. Atlanti journals also present study material for students of independent Archival Sci- ence or those who are acquainted with it in addition to other study subjects. The education of independent, highly professionally educated archivists must be the obligation of all countries that want to protect their archives as a memory of nations, regardless of whether the archives are in classical or electronic form. “Archivistica, amor noster, semper et aeternum.” Peter Pavel Klasinc, editor-in-chief of Atlanti + 7TABLE OF CONTENT