Radiol Oncol 2018; 52(2): 213-219. doi: 10.2478/raon-2018-0002 213 research article Ocular changes in metastatic melanoma patients treated with MEK inhibitor cobimetinib and BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib Ana Ursula Gavric1, Janja Ocvirk2,3, Polona Jaki Mekjavic1,3 1 Eye Hospital, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 2 Department of Medical Oncology, Institute of Oncology Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia 3 Faculty of Medicine, University of Ljubljana, Ljubljana, Slovenia Radiol Oncol 2018; 52(2): 213-219. Received 4 October 2017 Accepted 20 November 2017 Correspondence to: Assoc. Prof. Polona Jaki Mekjavić, M.D., Ph.D.; Eye Hospital, University Medical Centre Ljubljana, Grablovičeva 46, 1000 Ljubljana. Phone: +386 1 522 1750; Fax: +386 1 522 1940; E-mail: Disclosure: No potential conflicts of interest were disclosed. Background. Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitor cobimetinib and V-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 (BRAF) inhibitor vemurafenib have significantly improved the prognosis of BRAF-mutated metastatic melanoma. Some ocular symptoms and signs were recently recognized to follow this treatment. The study was aimed to investigate ocular toxicity in patients with metastatic melanoma treated with cobimetinib in combina- tion with vemurafenib. Patients and methods. In the prospective, observational study, patients with BRAF-mutated metastatic melanoma treated with cobimetinib in combination with vemurafenib at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana were asked to par- ticipate. Ophthalmic examination was performed including measurement of visual acuity and intraocular pressure, slit lamp examination, funduscopy (CF), infrared-reflectance (IR) imaging and optical coherence tomography (OCT). Results. Five out of 7 patients noticed changes in vision few days after starting the therapy with cobimetinib. In all patients, small circular lesions, described as MEKAR lesions, were documented in outer retinal layers demonstrated with OCT, IR, and CF. Changes were in the center and/or scattered over the retina almost symmetrical in both eyes in 6 patients, and asymmetrical in one patient, the latter presented also with unilateral anterior uveitis and cystoid macular edema. Conclusions. Multiple bilateral foveal and extrafoveal small retinal lesions in the outer retinal layers develop in patients treated with MEK inhibitor in combination with BRAF inhibitor. Ophthalmologists and oncologists need to be aware of this common, yet relatively benign and often transient ocular side effect to avoid needless intervention, including the discontinuance of a potentially life-prolonging therapy. Key words: metastatic malignant melanoma; eye; MEKAR; MEK inhibitor Introduction Malignant melanoma is a significant health prob- lem, the incidence of melanoma is steadily in- creasing, fastest among all cancers.1 At diagnosis, metastases are present in approximately 2-5% of patients.2 In recent years several new targeted drugs and immunotherapy have been approved for the treat- ment of metastatic melanoma. Mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase (MEK) inhibitors and V-raf murine sarcoma viral oncogene homolog B1 (BRAF) inhibitors are a newer group of drugs that act on the target enzymes of MAPK / ERK sign- aling pathway. The combination treatment with BRAF and MEK inhibitors is amongst the current standard of care for stage IIIC/IV BRAF-mutated melanoma. Combined BRAF and MEK inhibition seems to provide a greater benefit than BRAF or MEK inhibitor monotherapy.3,4 Radiol Oncol 2018; 52(2): 213-219. Gavric AU et al. / Ocular changes during MEK and BRAF inhibitors214 The BRAF protein is a key part of “mitogen-acti- vated protein kinase signaling pathway” (MAPK), which regulates the division and proliferation of cells and plays a central role in the progression of melanoma. MEK inhibitors inhibit the mitogen-ac- tivated protein kinase kinase MEK1 and/or MEK2. A specific mutation in the BRAF gene causes exces- sive activity, leading to uncontrolled growth and cell division. About 50% of melanomas harbors ac- tivating BRAF mutations.5 Therapy with the selec- tive inhibitor of mutant BRAF Val600, vemurafenib in combination with MEK inhibitor cobimetinib showed major tumor responses, resulting in im- proved progression-free and overall survival in patients with metastatic disease, compared with chemotherapy.3,6 MEK inhibitors have been associated with changes in retina by means of small localized se- rous neuroretinal detachments, which have been named MEK inhibitor-associated retinopathy (MEKAR).7,8 The most common ocular side effect associated with BRAF inhibitor vemurafenib in monotherapy are uveitis, conjunctivitis and dry eyes.9 When used cobimetinib in combination with ve- murafenib the most commonly observed adverse effects in the coBRIM phase III trial were rash, photosensitivity, MEKAR, alopecia, hyperkerato- sis, diarrhea, nausea, arthralgia, fatigue, vomiting, blood creatine phosphokinase (CPK) increase and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) increase. Most ad- verse effects occurred within the first treatment cy- cle and decrease substantially over time.10 A pattern of ocular toxicity has followed these drugs through clinical trials and their association with ocular toxicity is only just beginning to be rec- ognized. The aim of our study was to look prospectively at the incidence, symptomatology, course, and revers- ibility of ocular toxicity in patients with BRAFV600 metastatic melanoma treated with MEK/BRAF in- hibitor cobimetinib plus vemurafenib. Patients and methods Patients All patients with BRAFV600 metastatic melano- ma treated at the Institute of Oncology Ljubljana with MEK/BRAF inhibitor cobimetinib and vemu- rafenib from January to June 2017, were offered the chance to be included in the study at Eye Hospital of University Medical Centre Ljubljana. Seven out of eight patients were willing to participate. The TABLE 1. Patient characteristics Patient N° 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Sex M M F M M M M Age (years) 41 58 64 74 71 45 55 No of cycles at first eye exam 2 11 15 3 3 3 6 No of cycles at last eye exam 3 13 24 8 5 4 7 Change in dosage yes* no no no no no no BCVA RE 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 – 0.9 0.8 1.0 1.0 BCVA LE 1.0 1.0 1.0 0.7 – 0.9 0.7 1.0 1.0 Symptoms circle centrally blurred vision no blurred vision floaters in LE, blurred vision circle centrally no Occurrence of symptoms after starting the therapy 1 week 1 week - 1 week 1 month 1 week - Fluctuations of symptoms spontan. resolution no - different spectacles needed better after topical therapy spontan. resolution needs spectacles OCT changes in the fovea elongation of IZ SRF SRF SRF elongation of IZ in RE, SRF in LE SRF SRF Extrafoveal SRF multiple bilateral multiple bilateral multiple bilateral multiple bilateral no no multiple bilateral Other ocular findings - - - incipient senile cataract ou uveitis in LE; incipient cataract ou - dilatated conjuctival vessels in the RE * adjusted dose = lower dose due to the cutaneous side effects; BCVA = best corrected visual acuity; F = female; IZ = interdigitation zone; LE = left eye; M = male, OCT = optical coherence tomography; ou = both eyes; RE = right eye; SRF = subretinal fluid. Radiol Oncol 2018; 52(2): 213-219. Gavric AU et al. / Ocular changes during MEK and BRAF inhibitors 215 study adhered to the tenets of the Declaration of Helsinki and was submitted and approved by The Slovenian National Medical Ethics Committee. All patients signed an informed consent form and all attended the ophthalmology visits. Treatment All patients received BRAF/MEK inhibitor com- bination therapy for metastatic melanoma, vemurafenib (Zelboraf, Roche Products Ltd, Hertfordshire, UK) plus cobimetinib (Cotellic, Roche Products Ltd, Hertfordshire, UK) in the standard doses: cobimetinib 60 mg orally once daily on days 1-21 of an every 28-day cycle and ve- murafenib 960 mg orally twice daily on days 1-28. Doses were reduced in the course of the treatment in one patient due to a severe cutaneous side effect. Outcome measures All patients had undergone a complete ophthalmo- logic examination, including best-corrected visual acuity (BCVA) and intraocular pressure measure- ment, slit-lamp biomicroscopy, funduscopy, and noninvasive imaging: color fundus photography (Topcon Fundus Camera), fundus autofluores- cence (FAF), infrared-reflectance (IR) and spec- tral-domain optical coherent tomography (SD- OCT). Images were obtained with the Heidelberg Spectralis HRA+OCT (Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany). Every patient had at least two examinations in Eye Hospital of University Medical Centre Ljubljana. Information about primary cancer diagnosis, other adjuvant treatments, the number of cycles, and the dosage of chemotherapy was collected from medical charts. Results Patient characteristics There were 7 participants with BRAF mutated met- astatic melanoma. The mean age was 58.3 years (± 9.8 years) with a median age of 58 years (range of 41‒74 years). Time from the beginning of the ther- apy to the last control ranged from 2 to 24 months. Patient characteristics are shown in Table 1. Ophthalmic characteristics Ocular adverse effects were documented in all of the patients, giving an incidence of 100%. Bilateral serous neuroretinal detachments were observed in all 7 patients, additionally, in 1 eye, there was an associated anterior uveitis with cystoid macular edema (CME). Five patients reported eye symptoms, 3 had fluctuations of blurry vision and 2 reported a circle centrally in the visual field. Best corrected visual acuity (BCVA) was 1.0 in 5 patients. Two patients had reduced BCVA; one presented with incipient senile cataract, his BCVA fluctuated from of 0.7 to 0.9 in both eyes, another patient presented with unilateral uveitis and cataract in both eyes, he has FIGURE 1. (A) Discrete bilateral lesions in the fovea seen on fundus photography(blue arrows); (B) Infrared reflectance imaging showing lesions with a hyperreflective center, surrounded by a hyporeflective zone scattered throughout the posterior pole (some are marked with red arrows); (C) Some lesions showed increased signal in autofluorescence imaging (some are marked with yellow arrows). A B C Radiol Oncol 2018; 52(2): 213-219. Gavric AU et al. / Ocular changes during MEK and BRAF inhibitors216 BCVA of 0.6. IOP remained stable in all patients (from 14 to 22 mmHg). Ophthalmoscopy revealed discrete bilateral transparent to yellowish lesions of less than 1/3 of the disc diameter in the fovea and extrafoveally. Not all lesions were seen with ophthalmoscopy (Figure 1A). IR imaging showed lesions with a hyper reflec- tive center, surrounded by a hyporeflective zone and multiple smaller lesions with similar reflec- tance characteristics scattered throughout the pos- terior pole. The location and number of lesions were relatively symmetrical between both eyes (Figure 1B). Some lesions showed increased signal in auto- fluorescence imaging (Figure 1C). Dome-shaped accumulations of subretinal fluid (SRF) with elongation of outer part of the interdigi- tation zone of photoreceptors into hyporeflective SRF were detected on OCT. During the following cycles of therapy, OCT findings showed fluctua- tions (Figure 2). One patient presented with anterior uveitis and cystoid macular edema in the left eye, which re- solved after a 3-week course of topical 0.1% dexa- methasone. Besides noninvasive imaging, fluorescein and indocyanine green (ICG) angiography was per- formed in one patient, showing no vascular abnor- malities, no leakage or staining, only mild masking effect of subretinal fluid on the location of lesions was observed (Figure 3). Discussion We studied the incidence, symptoms and clinical characteristics of ocular toxicity in patients with BRAFV600 metastatic melanoma treated with cobi- metinib in combination with vemurafenib. Our results show 100% incidence of MEKAR in our patients. In contrast, in the coBRIM study patients were receiving the same therapy, but MEKAR was reported in only 26% of patients.11 The authors of this study do not specify the day and hour of the examination, which according to Urner-Bloch is very relevant. On the basis of our observations, we concur with Urner-Bloch that the fluctuations in the MEKAR lesions are also dependent of the day within the treatment cycle.7 In patients that were also examined during the in- ter-treatment interval, we noted a decrease in the magnitude of the lesions. Some patients reported fluctuation of the symptoms, and one of them was able to compensate fluctuated blurry vision with different hyperopic refractive correction. The results of a meta-analysis of the ocular safe- ty of MEK inhibitors reveals an increased risk for ocular problems, particularly disturbed vision, and retinal changes such as “chorioretinopathy and ret- inal detachment”. They did not report any statisti- cally significant increase in the risk for uveitis or eye hemorrhage.12 Similar results to ours were reported in a pro- spective observational study, in which 62 melano- ma patients were treated with MEK inhibitor bini- metinib in monotherapy or in combination with BRAF inhibitor. Bilateral retinopathy was diag- nosed in 92% of patients on monotherapy and 100% in those with combination therapy. Retinopathy was described as dose- and time-dependent and was reversible in all patients.7 There is some confusion regarding the descrip- tion of MEKAR in the literature. Some groups and authors have defined MEKAR as “chorioretin- opathy”, “retinal pigment epitelium detachement (PED)” or “central serous retinopathy-like”.12-15 A A B B C C D D E F FIGURE 2. (A-C) IR imaging of foveal lesion during cycles; (D-F) OCT showed fluctuations of dome-shaped accumulation of subretinal fluid with elongation of interdigitation zone (green arrows) in the foveal region; A+D = imaging during 3rd cycle; B+E = imaging during 6th cycle; C+F = imaging during 8th cycle. FIGURE 3. Fluorescein (A,B) and indocyanine green (C,D) angiography showed only mild masking effect of subretinal fluid on the location of lesions (red arrows). Radiol Oncol 2018; 52(2): 213-219. Gavric AU et al. / Ocular changes during MEK and BRAF inhibitors 217 By means of optical coherent tomography (OCT) which became widely used diagnostic tool for reti- na, the morphology of MEKAR lesions is clarified. Lesions in MEKAR are not PED, because RPE is not detached and the fluid is accumulated above it. It is also not chorioretinopathy, as there are no visible changes in the choroid, no pachycoroid is observed in MEKAR and also no observable changes on ICG angiography. All mentioned changes are typical for central serous chorioretinopathy.8 Characteristically, in MEKAR, the choroidal thickness is normal, and focal lesions in the outer retinal layers are notable. The ellipsoid layer is un- changed and is clearly distinguishable from inter- digital zone (IZ) which has elongations into sub-IZ space. Sub-IZ is filled with hypo reflective fluid (SRF). RPE layer is not disturbed. During the cycles hypo reflective sub-IZ fluid fluctuates, can vanish, but elongations of IZ remain (Figure 2). Previous studies have described similar retinal lesions as- sociated with other MEK inhibitors treatment.7,16,17 If lesion is located in the strict center of the macula, in the foveola, patients can describe symp- toms such as a circle centrally in the visual field or blurred near vision. Accumulation of SRF thickens retina in the place of lesion hence the axial length of the eye is shortened. That results in blurred near vision due to induced hyperopia. Patients com- plain of difficulty reading without or with inappro- priate reading glasses. Because lesions in MEKAR are thin, changes in vision are not dramatic and do not importantly influence patients’ quality of life. If the symptoms are disturbing, they can be corrected with mild hyperopic correction. One patient noticed a circle centrally in the vis- ual field few days after starting the therapy. The therapy was promptly discontinued due to cutane- ous side effects and after cessation of the therapy, the ocular symptoms also disappeared. Two weeks later patient started taking low dose therapy (cobi- metinib 40 mg/day for 3 weeks, and vemurafenib 720 mg/12 h) and the ocular symptoms did not re- appear. Morphological changes were present but barely detectable (Figure 4). It has been reported that patients treated with MEK inhibitor biminetin- ib experience visual disturbances, particularly in the first 4 weeks of treatment. Subsequent treat- ment, initiated after a given interval, causes less pronounced symptoms.7 It has not been reported whether the dosage within a given cycle influences the occurrence of the symptoms or the amount of sub-IZ fluid. The mechanism of MEK inhibitor ocular toxic- ity still remains unresolved. Dysfunction of retinal pigmented epithelium (RPE) may play a major role in pathogenesis.18 Ophthalmoscopy revealed mul- tiple barely noticeable lesions of less than 1/3 of the disc diameter distributed in the posterior part of the both eyes, in the fovea and scattered around it extrafoveally, mainly near the vascular arcades. It is speculated that these are the sites where the concentration of the drug is the highest.8 Prior pre- clinical studies showed that MEK inhibition leads to acute RPE toxicity, which results in RPE hyper permeability and breakdown of the retinal–blood barrier.19,20 RPE is an epithelial barrier that main- tains the outer blood-retinal barrier. Adherent and tight junctions, facilitated and active trans- porters perform important barrier functions in the physiological processes of the retina, by trans- porting nutrients, water, and ions, and removing metabolic wastes. The removal of excessive water from the subretinal space to the choriocapillaris, which is critical to the health of the retina, is regu- lated by the active transport systems in the RPE.21 Inappropriate function of RPE may lead to SRF ac- cumulation observed in MEKAR. Lesions in the fo- veola are observed to be thicker than extrafoveally. The possible explanation for that might be the fact that in the fovea the concentration of photorecep- tors is the greatest, hence this is the region of great- est active transport from the retina to choroid. OCT reveals some changes in outer retinal lay- ers, observed changes are focal: clearly distinguish- able IZ with elongations into sub-IZ space, sub-IZ space can be additionally thickened due to accu- mulation of hyporeflective SRF above RPE layer which remains unchanged. During the subsequent treatment, OCT find- ings showed minimal fluctuations in SRF. In our patients, the follow-up was up to 2 years from the FIGURE 4. Discrete morphological changes with focal elongations of interdgitation zone in the fovea (red arrows) and near the vascular arcades (green arrows) seen on OCT. Radiol Oncol 2018; 52(2): 213-219. Gavric AU et al. / Ocular changes during MEK and BRAF inhibitors218 beginning of the treatment. During this time, le- sions did not completely resolve. Despite persis- tent SRF, no permanent changes in RPE layer were observed in this short-term follow up. Van Dijk et al. analyzed the molecular mechanism and cell pro- liferation using neuroretina and cell models of RPE treated with MEK inhibitor binimetinib in vitro and found that cell proliferation was not inhibited dur- ing treatment and retinal cells were able to regain the activation after binimetinib treatment, mimick- ing the reversibility of the retinopathy.16 The effect on RPE on long-term follow up is to be studied fur- ther. We also observed discrete focal dilatation of conjunctival vessels by slit lamp microscopy in one patient. These changes were not previously report- ed in the literature and could be the result of local irritation due to some other factor. Patient number 5 presented with reduced vi- sion in his left eye. His BCVA was reduced to 0.7, and he observed floaters. We found cells in the an- terior chamber with posterior synechiae as well as slight macular edema. After topical corticosteroid therapy, the signs and symptoms resolved. This is in line with previous case reports of patients with metastatic melanoma and clinical signs of inflam- mation in both eyes. The bilateral uveitis was re- ported as an adverse effect of vemurafenib thera- py, which was treated with topical corticosteroid therapy.22,23 In our patient number 5, MEKAR with lesions in both foveas was observed three weeks after the onset of inflammation in the left eye. Previous studies have reported that the most common ocular toxicity associated with BRAF in- hibitor monotherapy is uveitis, occurring in 2.1% of patients receiving vemurafenib and in 1% of patients treated with dabrafenib across clinical tri- als. Current algorithms suggest management with a temporary dose interruption, ophthalmological review, a course of topical steroids and in most cases a dose reduction.13 We have observed a high incidence of ocular side effects in this small group of patients taking combined cobimetinib and vemurafenib. They were mild and prone to spontaneous resolution. Morphological changes were located in outer reti- nal layers. They did not significantly effect visual function. Overall, we have shown that therapy with MEK/BRAK inhibitor combination therapy is safe with respect to ocular adverse effects, for a duration of up to 2 years. However, the results of the present study must be viewed as a hypothesis- generating pilot study, and the results interpreted with caution, because of the small sample sizes. We would recommend that patients treated with MEK and BRAF inhibitors have regular oph- thalmologic examinations, which include BCVA, slit lamp examination, and OCT of macular region, and when available IR imaging. The long-term fol- low-up of MEK inhibitor therapy is to be studied to evaluate the potential irreversible effects of MEK on outer retinal layers, which could permanently influence visual function. Retinal changes named MEKAR are observed in metastatic melanoma patients treated with MEK inhibitor in combination with BRAF inhibi- tor. Lesions are either solitary or multiple bilateral foveal and extrafoveal serous neurosensory retinal detachments. MEKAR lesions can be recognized and differentiated from serous retinal detachments of other etiology using noninvasive diagnostic im- aging methods such as OCT and IR imaging. They have no, or only mild influence on visual function and are self-limited. 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