Review Fused 1,5-Benzothiazepines from 0-Aminothiophenol and its Derivatives as Versatile Synthons1 Batchu Chandra Sekhar* Process Research and Development, Vindhya Pharma (I) Pvt. Ltd., IDA, Bollaram, Hyderabad-502325, Andhra Pradesh, India. * Corresponding author: E-mail: Received: 03-03-2014 Abstract This review describes the reactions of o-aminothiophenol and its derivatives as building blocks for the synthesis of poly-functionalised 1,5-benzothiazepines with pharmacological interest. Annelated 1,5-benzothiazepines were prepared by a cyclocondensation reaction of o-aminothiophenol and its derivatives with carbonyl and other functionalities. In case of carbonyl function this reaction takes place by a nucleophilic addition, followed by a cyclisation and concomitant elimination of water. The objective of this survey is to provide a comprehensive account of the synthesis of various 1,5-ben-zothiazepines derivatives and their potential to develop better chemotherapeutic agents. Keywords: o-aminothiophenol, chalcones, cyclocondensation, green synthesis, 1,3-dipolar cycloadditions. 1. Introduction The hybrid nature of the o-aminothiophenol motif (1) containing two different donor functions within the same molecule, highlights its usefulness as a ligand in coordination chemistry. In addition, o-aminothiophenol-con-taining compounds have been used as ligands for biomi-metic models of the active sites of enzymes such as Fe and Ni based oxidases.1,2 Applications of o-aminothiophenol and its derivatives include antitrypanosomal, antimalarial treatments3 (Figure 1a, b) and in the synthesis of GW 7647 as an agonist of PPAR a (Figure 1c).4 Surprisingly, 0 R (b) Antitrypanosomal agents Antimalarial agents Figure 1. Examples of o-aminothiophenol derivatives with interesting biological properties. 1 This article is dedicated to my beloved teacher and researcher Dr Y. D. Reddy, Retired Professor of Chemistry, NIT-Warangal, India who left for his heavenly abode on 9th November 2013. very little has been reviewed5 on the versatility of o-ami-nothiophenols and its derivatives as fundamental synthetic building blocks in heterocyclic synthesis. In spite of the fact that there appeared voluminous literature on the synthesis,6 toxicity,7 occupational health hazards,8 industrial9 and environmental pollution10 of o-aminothiophenol and its derivatives, in recent times a detailed account on the reactions with carbonyl group and other functionalities is not reported till now. This necessitated us to review and highlight the current reactions in the field of 1,5-benzot-hiazepines. Consequently, this review attempts to present the work encompassing synthetic versatility of o-aminot-hiophenol and its derivatives 1 as building blocks for the preparation of a wide range of 1,5-benzothiazepines. 2. Methods of the Preparation of 1,5-Benzothiazepine System and Its Related Derivatives The present review summarizes the methods for preparing benzothiazepines and related annulated thiazepi-nes. The preparative methods include ring closure reactions, aromatizations and ring transformations. Several reviews have focused on the synthesis,1113 reactions,14 medicinal chemistry, 15 biological properties16,17 of 1,5-ben- zothiazepines as they are privileged scaffolds in drug discovery. The presence of benzodiazepines moiety in natural products and pharmaceuticals determines their potential use as antipsychotic agents, for example quetiapine (trade name, seroquel)18 (Figure 2a), the angina relieving calcium channel blocker diltiazem19 (Figure 2b), the inhibitor of the lipoprotein disorders GW 57720 (Figure 2c), the hypertensive agent clentiazem21 (Figure 2d) and the GABA blocker thiazesim22 (Figure 2e). Recently, a family of 1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives has been reported as potent and selective bradykinin receptor antagonists as JMV 164523 (Figure 2f). The present review is divided into 7 sections based on the type of reaction or nature of benzothiazepine formed or employed. 1. 1,5-Benzothiazepines based on bielectrophiles 2. Chalcones based synthesis 3. Green synthesis 4. Mannich Base derivatives 5. 1,3-Dipolar cycloaddition 6. Flurobenzothiazepines 7. Miscellaneous One of the most widely employed methods for the preparation of 1,5-benzothiazepines involves the reaction of o-aminothiophenol (o-ATP, 1) with a,P-unsaturated esters, a,P-unsaturated ketones or chalcones24 both under acidic and basic conditions. Although in all reactions between a dinucleophile (o-aminothiophenol) with a dielectrophile Clentiazem OMe GW577 Diltiazem OMe Figure 2. Examples of 1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives with interesting biological properties. of the type discussed in scheme, two compounds can be formed;25 since only benzodiazepines were isolated it was assumed that the reaction starts by the 1,4-Michael addition of the SH on the -C=C- double bond followed by the condensation of the NH2 on the carbonyl group. 2. 1. 1,5-Benzothiazepines Based on Bielectrophiles 2. 2. Baylis-Hillman Derivatives The Baylis-Hillmann adducts are utilized very well as building blocks for the synthesis of natural products and biologically active molecules.26 Murugan et al?1 reported the synthesis of dihydro-benzothiazepin-4-ones using Bay-lis-Hillman chemistry. A variety of (2Z)-2-(bromomethyl)-3-arylprop-2-enaoates (2a-j) prepared from the corresponding Baylis-Hillman adduct were treated with o-aminot-hiophenol (1) in the presence of potassium t-butoxide in THF at r.t. giving S-alkylated acrylates 3a-j in good yields. The crude intermediates 3a-j were treated with p-toluene-sulfonic acid in xylene under reflux conditions to give the (Z)-3-arylidene-2,3-dihydrobenzo[b][1,4]thiazepin-4-(5H)-ones (4a-j) in 65-11% yield. The formation of seven-mem-bered benzothiazepinone can be rationalized by selectively tethering the sulfur atom of the o-aminothiophenol (1) with allylic carbon, which is attached to the bromine atom of the compound 2, at one end and at the other end by tethering the nitrogen atom of the o-aminothiophenol with carbonyl carbon present in the bromo derivative of the Baylis-Hill-man adducts 228 as shown in Scheme 1. 2. 3. Allene-1,3-dicarboxylates-cyclophilic Reactions o-Aminothiophenol (1) reacts with dimethyl allen-1,3-dicarboxylate (5) to give first the Michael adduct 6. The cyclization reaction of thioenol ether 6 at 200 °C gave the 1,5-benzothiazepinone 7 in 48% yield.29 A consideration of Baldwin's rules30 and vector analysis suggests that the 1-exo-trig cyclization is favored over 5-exo-trig process for the formation of thiazepines in preference to thiazoles (Scheme 2). 2. 4. P-Propiolactone / P-Butyrolactone as a Precursor 4,5-Differently substituted / o-aminothiophe-nols (1) are conveniently converted into 2,3-dihydro-1,5-benzothiazepin-4(5H)-ones (8a-l) by a reaction with P-propiolactone or P-butyrolactone in anhydrous pyridine followed by the treatment with Ac2O. The lower reactivity of P-butyrolactone results in the poorer yields of benzothiazepines 8a-l (30-80%).31 The yields of 1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives depend also upon both the nature and position of the substituent. The electron withdrawing substituents were also found to decrease the yield to some extent, which could be attributed to the retarded formation of the amino acid intermediate due to the decreased nuc-leophilicity of the sulfur atom. The presence of an electron releasing group at 5-position affects the reactivity of 1 in agreement with previous observa- (i)' BuOK, THF, r.t,, 1h : (ii)p-TSA, p-xylene, reflux, 12 h 4 (a) R = H (71%); (b) R = 4-N02 (67%); (C) R =2, 4-CI2 (67%); (d) R = 4-Et (68%); (o) R = 4^Pr (66%); (f) R = 2-CI (67%); (fl) R = 3-CI (65%); (h) R = 4-CI (71%); (I) R = 2-Me (67%); (j) R = 4-Me (70%) Scheme 1. Synthesis of dihydrobenzothiazepin-4-ones 4a-j. (i) MeOH, 20 °C, 8h; {ii)200 °C, 60 min Scheme 2. Synthesis of 1,5-benzothiazepinone 7. tions on similar reactions.32 When 4-methoxy-2-ami-nobenzenethiol was used, the lowest yields of the corresponding benzothiazepinones 8c,8k were obtained (Scheme 3). 2. 5. n Acceptors as Reactants The condensation of o-aminothiophenol (1) with n acceptors such as tetracyanoethylene (9) in ethyl acetate at r.t. furnishes 4-aminobenzo[fc][1,4]thiazepine-2,3-di-carbonitrile (10) in 77% yield.33 Interestingly, upon the reaction of 1 with 1-(dicyanomethylen)acenapthen-2-one (11) in acetonitrile under reflux conditions for 5 h benzot-hiazepine derivative 12 was obtained in 70% yield34 (Scheme 4). 2. 6. Thiazepinopyridazine Derivatives The reaction of 4-benzoyl-5,6-diphenylpyridazine-3-(2H)-one (13) with POCl3 at 100 °C gave the chlorinated product 4-benzoyl-3-chloro-5,6-diphenylpyridazine (14). The condensation of chloro derivative 14 with o-aminothiophenol (1) in ethanol gave thiazepinopyridazine derivative 15 in 85% yield35 (Scheme 5). Ri"m •-a 1 SH 2 NH2 1 (i). (ii) o 9 S-YR2 7 6 trs> 8a-l (17-90%) (i) pyridine,70 °C, 5 h; (ii) Ac2Or 60 °C, 30 min (a) Rt = H, R2 = H (90%);(b)R1 = 7-CI,R2= H (76%); (c) R, = 7-MeO,R2= H (20%); (d)R1=7-CF3 R2= H f57%);(e)R1 = 8-CI, R2 = H (76%); (f) Ri = 8-Br, R2 = H (52%); (g)Rl = 8-Me, R2 = H (59%); (h) Rt = 8-MeO, R2 = H (52%); (i) Ri = H, R2 = Me (80%); (j) R1 = 7-Ct, R2 = Me (68%); (k) R-, = 7-MeO, R2 = Me (17%); (I) Ep 7-CF3 R2 = Me (46%) Scheme 3. Synthesis of 2,3-dihydro-1,5-benzothiazepin-4-ones 8a-l. Scheme 4. Synthesis of benzothiazepine derivatives 10,12. 15 (85%) (i)POCb, 100 °C ;(ii) EiOH, AcOH, reflux, 3 h Scheme 5. Synthesis of thiazepinopyridazine derivative 15. 2. 7. Sonogashira Coupling-isomerization Reaction The reaction of 1-phenylpropynol (16) and electron poor (hetero) aryl halides 17a-d under reaction conditions of the Sonogashira coupling in a boiling mixture of THF and Et3N gave the in situ generated enone as Michael acceptor. The subsequent addition of 5-trifluoromethyl / o-aminothiophenol (1) as a suitable 1,4-dinucleophile component and acetic acid to the reaction mass, gave the beige to yellow 2,3-dihydro[b]1,4]thiazepines,36 18a-f in 38-85% yield (Scheme 6). 2. 8. Heterocyclization of 4-Aryl-3 -nitrobut-3-en-2-ones Reaction of 4-aryl-3-nitrobut-3-en-2-ones37 (19) with o-aminothiophenol (1) occurred at 18-20 °C in methanol to give crystalline 2-aryl-4-methyl-3-nitro-2,3-dihydro-1,5-benzothiazepines (22a-c) in 81-98% yield.38 The process may follow nucleophilic addition pattern with a subsequent heterocyclization of S-adducts 20,21 (Scheme 7). ] Pd(PPh3)2CI2 Scheme 6. Synthesis of 2,3-dihydro[b]1,4-thiazepines 18 a-f. \ MeOH, 4-MeOC6H4 (98%; Scheme 7. Synthesis of 2-aryl-4-methyl-3-nitro-1,5-benzothiazepines 22a-c. 2. 9. Phenylazo-benzothiazepines Abd ElLatif et al.39 have reported the synthesis of polysubstituted-1,5-benzothiazepine using as the key intermediates hydrazono derivatives 23 and 30. Phenylhy-drazono-malononitrile (23a) and phenylhydrazono ethyl cyanoacetate (23b) reacted with o-aminothiophenol (1) in the presence of piperidine in ethanol under reflux conditions to give 2-amino-3-phenylazo-1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives 26 and 28 in 62-85% yield. The 4-amino-2-imino-3-phenyl-hydrazo-1,5-benzothiazepine (25a) seems to be formed via a nucleophilic addition of the -SH function of 1 to the -CN function of 23a (Y = CN) to yield the intermediate similar to 24 (Scheme 8). Further cy-clization through a similar addition of the NH2 to the second -CN function finally yielded 25a which could isomerise to 2,4-diamino-3-phenylazo-1,5-benzothiazepine (26a) in 85% yield. In the case of 23b (Y = CO2Et), it seems that the reaction proceeds via elimination of water from the intermediate 24 resulting in the formation of 4-ethoxy-2-imino-3-phenylhydrazo-1,5-benzothiazepine (27) which might be present as 2-amino-4-ethoxy-3-phenylazo-1,5-benzothiazepine (28). The formation of compound 29 was ruled out based on spectral and elemental analytical data. However, the phenylhydrazonoacetyla-cetone (30a) underwent condensation with o-aminothiop-henol (1) in the presence of piperidine in ethanol very easily to yield the key intermediate 31 (Y = COMe), which in turn loses another molecule of water from the intermediate 32 to yield 2,4-dimethyl-3-phenylazo-1,5-benzothia-zepine (33) in 70% yield. On the other hand, phenyl hydrazonoethylacetoacetate (30b) (Y = CO2Et) condensed with 1 to yield the corresponding 2-hydroxy-4-met-hoxy-3-phenylazo-1,5-benzothiazepine (34) via loss of ethanol directly from the intermediate 31 (Y = CO2Et) (Scheme 8). 2. 10. 3-Ethoxycarbonyl-1,5-benzothiazepine Derivatives The Knoevenagel condensation of aromatic aldehydes 35 with ethyl acetoacetate (36) in dry benzene catalysed by piperidine under reflux conditions gave 3-benzyli-dene ethyl acetoacetate (37). The Michael addition of o-aminothiophenol (1) to the compound 37 yielded the corresponding ethyl acetoacetate derivative 38. The intramo- (i) EtOH, piperidine(cat), reflux Scheme 8. Synthesis of 3-phenylazo-1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives 25-34. Scheme 9. Synthesis of 2-aryl-3-ethoxycarbonyl-1,5-benzothiazepines 39a-e. lecular cyclization of 38 followed by a dehydration at pH 3-4 in acetic acid / methanol provided 2,3/2,5-dihydro-4-methyl-2-aryl-3-ethoxycarbonyl-1,5-benzothiazepines (39a-e) in 20-33% yield.40 The synthesized compounds were tested for their antimicrobial activities by standard disc diffusion method. The assayed collection included the following microorganisms: C. albicans (ATCC 10231), S. aureus (ATCC 25923), S. epidermidis (ATCC 26069) and E. coli (ATCC 44753) using disk diffusion methods. Fluconazole was used as a standard drug against fungi and vancomycin against bacteria. In the disc diffusion method, sterile paper discs (ç 6 mm) impregnated with compounds dissolved in DMSO at conc. of 12.5, 50, 100, 200 / disc were used. Preliminary study of the assay revealed41 that substituent on the phenyl rings had a large effect on the antimicrobial activity; compound 39e exhibited the greatest antimicrobial activity (Scheme 9). 2. 11. 3-Hydroxy-tetrahydro -1,5-benzothiazepines The reaction of o-aminothiophenol (1) with various 2-(1-haloalkyl)oxiranes (40)42 provides cis and trans isomers of 1,5-benzothiazepines 42. The stereochemical outcome of these reactions depends on the configuration of the starting oxirane 40. The oxiranes were first reacted with o-aminothiophenol (1) in the presence of triethylami-ne to give the hydroxy precursors 41. The cyclization of the precursor occurred in the presence of KOH to give benzodiazepines 43. The alkyl or aryl substitution can be Substrate Product 40 Config R1 R2 X 43 Config % Y a - H H Cl a - 90 b - H H Br a - 87 c - H Me Br b - 72 d syn Me H Br c cis 87 e syn Pr H Br d cis 78 f anti Pr H Br e trans 59 g anti Ph H Br f trans 51 Scheme 10. Synthesis of 3-hydroxytetrahydro-1,5-benzothiazepines 43a-f. introduced at the position 3 (R2) and 4 (R1) by properly choosing starting 2-(1-haloalkyl)oxiranes 40. The stereochemistry at C-4 and C-3 was confirmed by NOESY spectroscopy and analysis of the vicinal coupling constants.43 It is noteworthy that the reaction proceeded in a stereospe-cific manner (i.e., syn 40 gave cis 43 and anti 40 gave trans 43). These results suggest the reaction proceeded via the oxirane interemediate 42 (Scheme 10). 2. 12. Quinobenzothiazepines One-pot synthesis of quino[2,3-b][1,5]benzothiaze-pines was described44 by the condensation of 2-chloroqui-noline-3-carboxaldehydes 44a-d with o-aminothiophenol (1) in DMF and in the presence of dry potassium carbonate at r.t. in 40-81% yield. The intermediary imines could not be isolated45 and the reduction of benzothiazepines 45a-c with lithium aluminum hydride in ether gave the corresponding 11,12-dihydro derivatives 46a-c in 80-90% yield.44 The tetracyclic derivative 45 could derive from the base promoted formation of a Schiff base. The probable driving force for the reaction which leads to 45 is the base catalysed displacement of the chlorine in 44 by the sulfur atom of 1, although the initial formation of an imine cannot be ruled out (Scheme 11). 2. 13. a-Oxoketene / a-Cyanoketene Thioace-tals as Synthons The reaction of a-oxo / cyanoketene S,S-acetals46 47,48 with o-aminothiophenol (1) in the presence of etha-nol and triethylamine as a catalyst under reflux conditions gave 1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives 49,50. The reaction of benzothiazepine 49 with hydrazine, phenylhydrazine or hydroxylamine in ethanol gave the corresponding azolo-benzodiazepines 51a-c in 66-85% yield.47 Reaction of compound 49 with malononitrile afforded pyrano[4,3-b]benzothiazepines 52, which underwent cyclization into pyrido[4,3-b][1,5]benzothiazepine 53. Also reaction of compound 49 with ethyl cyanoacetate afforded pyra-no[4,3-b][1,5]benzothiazepin-3-one 54. The reaction pathway was assumed to proceed via a nucleophilic addition of an active methylene at the ethylenic bond of the thiazepine ring with an elimination of the MeSH molecule followed by the enolization and cyclization to the desired pyrano-benzothiazepine derivatives (Scheme 12). Scheme 11. Synthesis of quino2,3-b1,5benzothiazepine derivatives 45,46a-c. (i) EtOH, TEA, reflux, 8 h; (i) + (a) N2H4 ; (b) PhNHNH2; (c) NH2OH ; (ii) CH2(CNfe. EtOH, piperidine,reflux {¡¡¡)AcOH, AcONH4: reflux; (iv) CNCH2C02Et, EtOH, piperidne,reflux Scheme 12. Synthesis of azolo / pyrano / pyridobenzothiazepines 51a-c,52-54. 3. Preparation of 1,5-Benzothiazepines from Chalcones Chalcones are the principal precursors for the biosynthesis of flavonoids and isoflavonoids. A three carbon a,P-unsaturated carbonyl system constitutes chalcones. Chalcones are the condensation products of aromatic aldehydes with acetophenones in the presence of a catalyst. These compounds are of high interest,48 due to their use as intermediates49 in the synthesis of a series of heterocyclic compounds, such as benzodiazepines,50 the pyrazolines51 and flavones.52 Although there are several methods available for the synthesis of chalcones the most important of them is by Claisen-Schmidt condensation performed in an acidic or basic medium under homogeneous conditions.53 The various types of benzothiazepines synthesized by employing chalcones are illustrated in Schemes 13-15 and are summarized56-59 in Table 1 (Schemes 16-19). 3. 1. 2,4-Diaryl-1,5-benzothiazepines The Claisen-Schmidt condensation of various substituted acetophenones 55 with aromatic aldehydes in the presence of ethanol and KOH gave (E)-1-(5-substituted-2-hydroxyphenyl)-3-(4-substituted phenyl)prop-2-en-1-ones (chalcones) (57a-h). The chalcones on reaction with o-ami-nothiophenol (1) under reflux conditions in ethanol in the presence of glacial AcOH gave 1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives 58a-h in 58-71% yield54 (Scheme 13). All the synthesized compounds were screened for their in vitro antimicrobial activity against Gram-positive organisms P. aeruginosa and S. aureus and Gram-negative organism E. coli using Gentamicin and Cefixime as a reference standard by paper disc diffusion method. All the tested compounds were evaluated at 50-100 |^g/mL concentration. The microbial data revealed that 58e has shown better activity for Gram positive bacteria S. aureus ATCC 259223 (13-17 mm) (Scheme 13). 58 R1 R2 R3 R4 R5 % Y a H H H H F 70 b H H Me H F 63 c H H Cl H F 66 d Cl H Cl H F 71 e H Me Cl H F 69 f H H H MeO- MeO- 70 g H H Me MeO- MeO- 58 h H H Cl MeO- MeO- 62 Scheme 13. Synthesis of 2,4-diaryl-1,5-benzothiazepines 58a-h. , MeCN Scheme 14. Synthesis of 1,5-benzothiazepine derivative 62. 3. 2. a-Substituted a,p-Enone as a Reactant The reaction of cyclopropyl phenyl ketone (59), 4-chlorobenzaldehyde (60) and diethylamine in the presence of diethylaluminium iodide as the Lewis acid followed by Hofmann elimination of the formed intermediate pyr-rolidinium salt with KOi-Bu gave the a-substituted-a,P-enone in 60% yield with E/Z ratio of 85:15.55 The reaction of a,P-enone 61 with o-aminothiophenol (1) in toluene in the presence of p-TSA gave the 1,5-benzothiazepine scaf- Table 1. Examples of 1,5-benzthiazepine derivatives by chalcones fold 62 in 45% yield. LC/MS analysis and NMR experiments indicated the formation of only one diastereoiso-mer, which was determined by NOESY experiments to be anti (Scheme 14). 3. 3. ci's-(±)-1,5-Benzothiazepines Rao et al.56 have reported the synthesis of 1,5-ben-zothiazepines by cyclocondensation reaction of o-aminot- Ref Scheme 16: 2,3-Diaryl-1,5-Benzothiazepines: (i) DMF, Al2O3 (basic), MWI, 90 °C, 7 min 68 (a) Rj= R2 = R3 = R4 = H (78%); (b) Rj = Cl, R2 = R3 = R4 =3 H (82%); (c) (d) R1= F,R2 = R3 = R4 = H (83%); (e) R1= R2 = R4 = H, R3 = F (86%); (f) R1 (g) R1= R2 = R4 =3 H, R3 = MeO (89%); (h) R1 = R2 = R4 = Cl, R2 = R4 : H (84%); R2 = R4 = H, R3 = MeO (89%); (h) R1 = R2 = R4 = H, R3 = Cl (80%); H, R3 = MeO (81%); (i) R1 = R2 = R4 = H, R3 = Br (89%) Scheme 17: Microwave mediated synthesis: (i) Benzene, AcOH(cat), MWI, 6 min 69 (a) R1= R2 = R3 = H ; (b) R1 = MeO,R2 = R3 = H ; (c) R1= R = MeO, R = H; (d) R1 R2 = R3 = MeO ; (e) R1 = Cl, R2 = R3 = H ; (f) R1 : : R2 = MeO, R3 = : Me2N R2 = R33 H Scheme 18: Benzoimidazolyl-benzothiazepines: (i) MeOH, AcOH (cat), reflux, 4 h Scheme 19: Piperazinyl-diazenyl-1,5-benzothiazepines: (i) DMF, AcOH, reflux, 9 h 74 R = (a) H (67%); (b) MeO (61%); (c) 4-MeO (58%); (d) 3-Br (66%); (e) 2-Cl (61%); (f) Me2N (58%); (g) 3-NO2 (65%); (h) 2-OH (66%); (i) 3-OH-4-MeO (63%); (j) 3,4-(MeO)2 (69%) (57) (58) (59) (60) Scheme 15. Synthesis of cis-(±)-2,4-diaryl-3-(4-nitrophenoxy)-1,5-benzothiazepines 66a-f. hiophenol (1) with Michael acceptors. The Friedel-Crafts acylation of benzene / substituted benzene with chloroa-cetyl chloride in the presence of aluminium chloride gave the phenacyl chloride 63 which underwent etherification with 4-nitrophenol in the presence of sodium carbonate in ethanol medium to give nitroether derivative 64. a-(4-Nitrophenoxy)chalcones 65 were obtained by a condensation reaction of 64 with arylaldehydes in the presence of NH4OAc in EtOH. The cyclocondensation of chalcones 65 with o-aminothiophenol (1) in the presence of piperidi-ne and dry toluene under reflux conditions gave the cis-(±)-2-aryl-3-(4-nitrophenoxy)-4-phenyl-1,5-benzothiaze-pines (66) in 50-70% yield (Scheme 15). 4. Green Synthesis Green chemistry with its twelve principles would like to increases the efficiency of synthetic methods, to use less toxic solvents, reduce the number of the stages of the synthetic routes and minimize waste as far as practically possible. In this way, organic synthesis will be part of the effort for sustainable development.61,62 Green chemistry is also interested for research and alternative innovations on many practical aspects of organic synthesis.63,64 The various types of benzothiazepines synthesized by employing the green principles are illustrated in Schemes 20-24 and summarized in Table 2 (Schemes 25-30). 4. 1. Ionic Liquid Mediated Regioselective Synthesis The reaction between o-aminothiophenol (1) and methyl-(±)-trans-3-(4-methoxy / benzyloxyphenyl)glyci-date (75a,b) under N2 atmosphere at 60 °C in the presence of ionic liquid 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium bromide ([BMIM]Br) gave (+)/(±)-cis-2-(4-methoxy/benzyloxyp-henyl)-3-hydroxy-2,3-dihydro-1,5-benzothiazepin-4[5#]-ones (78a-h) as major products.65 The corresponding trans stereoisomer 81a-h were obtained as minor products in each case (Scheme 20). The stereochemistry (i.e. cis and trans) of compounds 78a-h and 81a-h was determined from the 1H NMR vicinal coupling constant data. In the ionic liquid, the oxirane opens stereoselecti-vely, followed by a subsequent cyclization resulting in the formation of products. The stereoselectivity and overall yield with glycidate 75b is better than with glycidate 75a because of the better electron donating ability of 75b (due to benzyloxy substitutent), thereby resulting in increased carbocationic character of the benzylic carbon in the transition state. This observation is in agreement with an earlier report.66 The total yields of compounds 78 and 81 and the cisltrans ratio were dependent on the electron withdrawing effect of the substituents attached to o-aminothiop-henols 1. The total yields of compounds 78 and 81 follow the order 7-CF3 > 9-Cl > 8-Cl > 7-Cl > H and 7-CF3 > 8-Cl > H when the reaction was carried out with the corresponding substituted o-aminothiophenol (1) and glycidates 75a and 75b, respectively. 4. 2. Microwave Irradiation The reaction of chalcones 82a-c with o-aminothiop-henol (1) in the presence of silica-sulfuric acid without solvent under microwave irradiation for 1-2 min at 105-110 °C (2450 MHz, 800 W modified Amana domestic microwave oven) afforded 2-aryl-2,3-dihydro-4-(thiophen-2-yl)-1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives (85a-c) in 82-89% yield.69 The reaction may involve two pathways: (a) conjugate addition of the sulfhydryl to the a,0-unsaturated carbonyl group of 82a-c leading to the intermediate formation of the thia-Michael adduct 83, which upon a subsequent intramolecular nucleophilic attack by the NH2 group on the carbonyl carbon followed by the dehydration forms the 2,3-dihydro-1,5-benzothiazepine 85a-c (path a) or (b) condensation of the amino group of 1 with carbonyl group of 82a-c leading to the intermediate formation of aza-diene 86, which upon a subsequent intramolecular conjugate addition by the sulfhydryl group forms the isomeric 2,5-dihydro-1,5-benzothiazepines 88a-c (path b).70 The reaction products 85a-c that are assumed to be formed via path a were identified by their 78 X R %Y Cis / Trans 78 X R %Y Cis / Trans a H MeO 12 16/24 e 1-CF3 MeO 86 90/10 b 1-Cl MeO 80 82/18 f H BzO 16 82/18 c 8-Cl MeO 82 84/16 g 8-Cl BzO 82 86/14 d 9-Cl MeO 84 86/14 h 1-CF3 BzO 88 90/14 Scheme 20. Ionic liquid mediated regioselective synthesis of 1,5-benzothiazepines 78,81a-h. 85 Ar = (a) p-F-C6H4 (85%) (b) p-CN-C6H4 (82%) (c) 2-Thienyl (89%) (i) silica sulfuric acid, MW1, 1-2 min Scheme 21. Synthesis of 4-thiophenyl-1,5-benzothiazepines 85a-c. analytical and spectral data. The other possible isomeric structures 88a-c were excluded based on their IR and 1H NMR spectral data (Scheme 21). 4. 3. Solid Phase Synthesis Approach The reaction of Wang bromide resin 89 and ketone 90 in the presence of Cs2CO3 and Nal in DMF at 50 °C for 5 h gave the corresponding anchored ketone 91 in a quantitative yield. In the next step the formation of chalcone 92 was readily achieved by adding an excess of the desired ketone 91 to the anchored aldehyde (or vice versa) in THF / MeOH and using freshly prepared NaOMe as a base at r.t. The resin supported chalcone 92 was reacted with o-aminothiophenol in ethanol or THF in the presence of a few drops of AcOH at 60 °C for 5 h giving the resin bound 1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives. TFA cleavage in DCM at r.t. for 1 h gave the 1,5-benzothiazepine 93 in a total yield of 60-80 % (Scheme 22).69 The synthesis of 1,5-benzothiazepines using tetra-butylammonium tribromide [TBATB] as a phase transfer catalyst (PTC) in water,76 sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS) in water,77 Al2O3 nano particles as inorganic solid support,79 microwave irradiation in the presence of 2-methoxyetha-nol,80 DMF81 as examples of alternative and environmentally benign reaction conditions are summarized in Schemes 23-27 (Table 2).70-74 5. Mannich Base Derivatives Mannich bases were at first used to improve water solubility of compounds currently in use, but later they were used to enhance the activity of some compounds with dialkylamino methyl groups.75 The Mannich reac- tion plays a key role in synthesis giving easy access to nitrogen containing compounds. Their functionalization towards various possible activities is still under investigation. Since numerous heterocyclic aromatic tricyclics, including pyrrolobenzodiazepines76 and pyrrolobenzoxa-zepines77 bearing a basic side chain have been found to possess psychotropic activity, Kumar and Kaur et al.78,79 aimed at the synthesis of 3-(dimethylamino)methyl derivatives of 1,5-benzothiazepines in order to assess if any biological property could be ascribed to this series of compounds. 5. 1. Benzthiazepine Derivatives as Anticonvulsant Agents The reaction of 4-hydroxyacetophenones and substituted benzaldehyde in the presence of KOH in methanol gave the corresponding substituted 4-hydroxy chal-cones 102a-e in 80-90% yield. The cyclization of chalcones 102a-e with o-aminothiophenol (1) in the presence of glacial acetic acid in methanol under reflux conditions gave 4-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)-2-(substituted phenyl)-2,3-dihydro-1,5-benzothiazepines (103a-e) in 68-78% yield. The Mannich reaction of 1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives 103 with various substituted anilines in the presence of formaldehyde in methanol under reflux conditions gave a series of 4-(4'-hydroxyphenyl)-2-(3-substi-tuted phenyl)-3-(4-substituted phenylaminomethylene)-2,3-dihydro-1,5-benzothiazepines (104a-i) in 68-78% yield.78 All the synthesized compounds 104a-i were screened in vivo for their anticonvulsant activity against maximal electroshock induced seizures at a dose of 30 mg / kg i.p.; All compounds 104a-i exhibited potent anticonvulsant activity 40-90 %. However, compound 104f (having 4-methoxy-phenylaminomethylene substitution Scheme 22. Solid phase synthesis of 1,5-benzothiazepines 93a-e. Table 2. Examples of 1,5-benzthiazepine derivatives by green synthesis Schme 23: Water, tetrabutylammonium tribromide (TBATB), 80 oC, 5-8 h 95 (a) Rj = R2 = H (87%); (b) Rj = 4-MeO, R2 =H (84%); (c) Rj = H, R2 = 4'-MeO (90%); (d) Rj = H, R2 =3'-NO2 (94%); (e) Rj = 4-OH, R2 = H (80%); (f) Rj = H, R2 = 4'-Cl (88%); (g) Rj = 2-OH, R2 = H (84%); (h) Rj = 4-Cl, R2 = 4'-MeO (87%); (i) Rj = 2-OH, R2 = 4'-OH (80%) Scheme 24: Water, sodium dodecylsulfate (SDS), 110 *C, 8-16 h 4'-Cl (72%); (c) Rj = 4-Cl, R2 = H (76%); (d) Rj = 4-Cl, R2 = 4'-MeO (74%); R2 = 4 4'-MeO (66%); (g) R1 = H, R2 = 4'-MeS (65%); MeS (73%); (j) R1 = 4-CF3, R2 = 4'-SO2Me (75%) 95 (a) Rj = R2 = H (65%); (b) Rj = H, R2 = (e) Rj = 4-Me, R2 = 4'-MeO (61'%); (f) Rj = 4-NO2, (h) R1 = 4-MeS, R2 = 4'-Me (71%); (i) R1 = 4-CF3, Scheme 25: Al2O3 (basic), microwave irradiation, 5-7 min 97 (a) R1 = R2 = R3 = R4 = H (78%); (b) R1 = Cl, R2 = R3 = R4 = H (82%); (c) R1 = F, R2 = R3 (d) R1 = R2 = H, R3 = F, R4 = H (86%); (e) R1 = R2 = H, R3 = Cl, R4 = H (80%); (f) R1 = R2 = (g) R1 = Cl, R2 = H, R3 = Cl, R4 = H (84%); (h) R1 = R2 = H, R3 = MeO, R4 = H (89%) Scheme 26: 2-Methoxy ethanol, piperidine, microwave irradiation, 4-5 min 101 R = (a) H (82%); (b) 2-NO2 (80%); (c) 3-NO2 (82%); (d) 2-Cl (85%); (e) 4-Cl (90%); (f) 4-Me2N (79%); (g) 4-MeO, 3-OH (75%); (h) 3,4,5-(MeO) 3 (85%); (i) 4-MeO (89%) Scheme 27: Microwave irradiation, DMF, AcOH (cat), 2-3 min = R4 = H (83%) H, R3 = Me, R4 = H (81%) Ref (70) (71) (72) (73) (73) at the third position of benzothiazepine ring) have shown most potent activity of 90% against MES test which is more potent than the standard drug phenytoin sodium (Scheme 28). 5. 2. Benzothiazepinylpyridine Derivatives 2-Acetylpyridine was reacted with various substituted aromatic aldehydes to yield 2-(substituted benzylidenechal-conyl)pyridines (105a-c), which on cyclisation with o-ami- (i)AcOH (cat), MeOH, reflux, 5 h; {¡¡)MeOH, reflux, 6 h 122 (a) R = 3-MeO, R, = 4'-CI(42%); {b)R=2-CI, R, = 4'-CI (70%); (c) R=4-CI, R1 = 4'-CI (68%); (d) R = 2-0H, Ri = 4"-CI (54%); (e) R = 4-OH, Ri = 4'-CI (52%); (f) R = 3-MeO, Ri = 4'-MeO (67%); (g) R = 2-CI, R1 = 4'-MeO (53%); (h) R = 4-CI, R, = 4'-MeO (44%); (i) R = 2-OH, R, = 4'-MeO (55%) Scheme 28. Synthesis of 2,4-diaryl-3-(4-substituted phenylaminomethylene)-1,5-enzothiazepines 104a-i. nothiophenol (1) in the presence of glacial AcOH gave 2-[(2-substituted phenyl)-2,3-dihydro-1,5-benzothiazepin-4-yl]pyridines (106a-c) in 76-82% yield.79 Compounds 106a-c further undergo Mannich reaction with various substituted anilines in methanol to afford 2-[2-(substituted phenyl)-3-(substituted phenylamino)methyl-2,3-dihydro-1,5-benzothiazepin-4-yl]pyridines (107a-h) in 68-85% yield (Scheme 29). All the synthesized compounds 106a-c and 107a-h were tested for their anticonvulsant activity. Anticonvulsant activity was determined by supramaximal elec-troshock seizure pattern tests (SMES). This activity was performed by following the method of Toman et al.80 in albino rats. The effect of unknown compounds was compared with the standard drug phenytoin sodium and the LD50 was determined in albino rats weighing 100-120 g of either sex by the method of Smith.81 The results show that compounds having 2,3-dichlorophenyl moiety at the 3rd position of benzothia-zepine ring (i.e. compounds 107e and 107h) exhibited more potent anticonvulsant activity than the reference drug. Some more examples of this category of 1,5-benzot-hiazepine derivatives synthesized using the methodology discussed in reaction Schemes 28 and 29 are summarized in the Table 3 (Schemes 30-33).82-84 6. 1,3-Dipolar Cycloaddition Reactions The field of 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition chemistry developed dramatically during the past twenty-five years turning out to be a general method for the synthesis of five membered heterocyclic rings containing the pyrrolidi-ne structural unit.85'86 Recently, a lot of new compounds containing various heterocyclic rings, such as oxadiazole, imidazole and triazole annelated to the 1,5-benzothiazepi-ne ring were synthesized by numerous research groups.14 It is well documented that the pharmacological activity could be increased when an additional heterocyclic ring is fused to the heptatomic nucleus.87 Taking this into con- (i)EtOH, AcOH; (¡¡)MeOH, HCHO 107 (a) R = 4-OH, R1 = H (70%); (b) R = 4-OH, R1 = 2'-CI (68%); (c) R - 4-OH, R! - 2'-MeO (69%); (d) R - 4-MeO, R-, = H (76%); (e) R = 4-MeO, R= 2,3-CI2 (70%); (f) R = 4-MeO, R, = 2-MeO (73%); (g) R = 4-OH, R, = 3-MeO, 2-CI (71%); (h) R = 4-OH, R^ = 3-MeO, 2,3-CI2 (85%) Scheme 29. Synthesis of 1,5-benzothiazepinyl pyridine derivatives 107a-h. Table 3. Examples of 1,5-benzthiazepine derivatives by Mannich reaction 109a-d (42-65%) 110a-g (55-68%) 110 (a) R = H, R, = H (60%); (b) R = H, R-, = 2 -CI (55%); (c) R = 4-MeO, Rt = H (63%): (d) R = 4-MeO, R, = 2'-CI (58%); (e) R = 4-Me2N, Rt = H (65%); (f) R = 4-Me2N, Ri = 3'-CI (60%); (9) R = 3-MeO-4-OH, R-, = 3'-CI (65%) Scheme 31: ^-substituted benzothiazepinylphenothiazepines 113a-m (i) MeOH, AcOH, reflux, 8 h; (ii) MeOH, HCHO, reflux, 6 h. (83) Scheme 32: 4-Methyl-1,5-benzothiazepinyl derivatives 116a-h: (i) AcOH, reflux, 4 h; (ii) MeOH, HCHO, RNH2, reflux, 6 h. 0 Me 0 F 114 115 Me 116 (a) R1 = H, R = Me (37%); (b) R1 = 4-CI, R = Me (35%); (c) R1 = 2-CI, R = Me (49%); N"-\ 0 Me 116a-h {d)R =2-N02, R1 = Me (51%); (e) R1 = H, R = Et (36%); (f) R1 = 4-CI, R = Et (38%); (g) R1 = 2-CI, R = Et (37%); (h) R = 2-N02, Ri = Et (35%) (84) sideration, the synthesis of 1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives containing quinoline, 1,2,4-oxadiazoline or 1,2,4-tria-zole moieties via 1,3-dipolar cycloaddition reaction was reported recently by various research groups.89,93 103 6. 1. Oxadiazolo-benzothiazepines The 1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives 117a-i were synthesized according to the previously reported metho-dology.88 The reaction between 1,5-benzothiazepine derivatives 117a-i and benzonitrile oxide 118 generated in situ from benzohydroximinoyl chloride (119) and Et3N in DCM leads to 3a,4-dihydro-1-phenyl-5#-[1,2,4]oxadia-zolo[5,4-d][1,5]benzothiazepines (120a-i) in 37-68% yield.89 The oxadiazole ring is fused at the "d" edge of the heptatomic nucleus and the cycloaddition reaction has been found to be regiospecific and affords a single regioi-somer according to the FMO approach. The stereochemistry of the synthesized compounds was unambiguously determined by NOE measurements in combination with the analysis of proton coupling constants and previous studies.88 The 5-substituent occupies a quasi-equatorial position in the predominant confirmation and the substituent at C-3a occupies a nearly axial position. The anticonvulsant properties of these derivatives 120a-i were evaluated in DBA/2 mice, which were genetically susceptible to sound-induced seizures.90 DBA/2 mice were exposed to auditory stimulation following intraperitonial administration of drugs at the concentration of 0.1 mL / 10 g body weight of mouse. Auditory stimulation (12-16 kHz, 109 dB) was applied for 60 s or until tonic extension occurred. The results were compared with the activity shown by clinically useful anticonvulsant 1,5-benzothiazepines such as clobazam and desmethylclobazam, ED50 values were calculated by the method of probits analysis.91 The 5-(4-bromophenyl)-1,3-diphenyl derivative 120b, the most active compound of the series, is over 20 times more active than the parent benzodiazepine 117b and shows an activity comparable to clobazam and is better than de-smethylclobazam (Scheme 33). Scheme 33. Synthesis of oxadiazolo-benzothiazepines 120a-i,121. (i) MeOH, piperidine,reflux, 30min; (¡i)PhCOC(N2)COPh, xylene, 100 °C, 15min 127 (a) An = Ph (93%); (b) Ar1= o-CIC6H4 (92%); (c) Ar-,= m-CIC6H4(88%); {d)Ari = p-CIC6H4 (88%);