UDK 903.23(498)"634" Documenta Praehistorica XXXV (2008) Archaeological research in Miercurea Sibiului - Petris (Sibiu County, Romania): the Starčevo-Cri§ level during 1997-2005 (a preliminary report) Sabin Adrian Luca1, Dragos Diaconescu2 and Cosmin loan Suciu3 1 Lucian Blaga University Sibiu and National Brukenthal Museum Romania, sabin.luca@brukenthalmuseum.ro 2 National Brukenthal Museum Sibiu Romania, goshu_d@yahoo.com 3 Lucian Blaga University Sibiu Romania, cosmin.suciu@ulbsibiu.ro ABSTRACT - The article presents an archaeological description of the Starčevo-Cris close complexes at Miercurea Sibiului-Petris, one of the Earliest Neolithic settlements in Romania. The site belongs to the early wave of First Temperate Neolithic communities who reached Romania. Each complex is presented through plans, statistical ceramic analyses and some representative materials. White pain- ting is present here in the earlier complexes. IZVLEČEK - Članek predstavlja arheološko obravnavo zaprtih kompleksov kulture Starčevo-Cris na najdišču Miercurea Sbiului-Petris, enem najzgodnejših neolitskih najdišč v Romuniji. Najdišče pri- pada prvemu valu skupin 'prvega neolitika zmernega pasu' (First Temperate Neolithic), ki so doseg- le Romunijo. Vsak kompleks je predstavljen na načrtih, skozi tipološko analizo lončenine in nekate- rimi reprezentativnimi najdbami. V zgodnejših kompleksih se pojavlja tudi belo slikanje. KEY WORDS - Early Neolithic; Starčevo-Cris; white painting; radiocarbon; statistical analyses General context The Petri§ archaeological site is situated 500m east of the Miercurea Bai halt, 50-80m north of the Se- be? Alba-Sibiu highway, along the Seca? river terrace which is 4-5m in height (Plan 1). The archaeological discoveries are over an area of about 300/100m. Systematic research at the site commenced in 1997, and at the moment the excavators comprise resear- chers and representatives of several institutions in Romania and abroad1. The interdisciplinary profile of the accomplished re- search (the statistics on ceramics; the analysis of soil types as rough materials in ceramics processing; the pre-elevation of samples and the 14C data; the desi- gnated analysis of items of flaked obsidian and flint; the zoo-archaeological analysis of the remnants; the analysis of the route attained by the adornments, tools and weapons made of bone, horn and shell; the analysis of seed remnants, etc.), as well as the particularities of the site's settlement, has led to outstanding findings and remarkable conclusions. For a better understanding of the topographical set- ting, detailed measurements were taken (Plan 2), allowing correlation with advanced technology pro- 1 Sabin Adrian LUCA - „Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu and The Brukenthal National Museum of Sibiu, Romania; Drago? DIACO- NESCU, Adrian GEORGESCU, Gheorghe NATEA, Florina Maria NIJU, Anamaria SEULEAN - The Brukenthal National Museum of Si- biu, Romania; Cosmin loan SUCIU, Florian DUMITRESCU CHIOAR - „Lucian Blaga" University of Sibiu, Romania; Paolo BIAGI - Ca'Foscari University of Venice, Italy; Michela SPATARO - British Museum, London, U.K.; Georgeta EL SUSI - Institute of Archaeo- logy of the Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania; Corneliu BELDIMAN - „Dimitrie Cantemir" University of Bucharest, Romania; Diana SZTANCS - teacher; Marius CIUTA- Romanian Police, Alba Iulia; Beatrice CIUTA- „1 Decembrie 1918" University of Alba Iulia, Romania. grammes such as Google Earth. The area in which the site is lo- cated enjoys high quality satellite imagery provided through this particular programme. In the near future, we will be able to publish the results of the topogra- phic data processing, i.e. geogra- phical simulations and mathema- tical processing of data. In order for this to happen, a geo-magne- tic study of the area is still need- ed; the site's stratigraphy promi- ses a particularly relevant geo- magnetic map. Plan 1. The Miercurea Sibiului city map with the archaeological site at Petri§. In the first stage, research at the site was conducted by means of stratigraphic control trenches, for which purpose the eastern zone was chosen (Plan 2); Plan 3 clearly presents the exact positioning (Si/1997 - 20/1.5m; S2/1998 - l6/2m; S3/I998 - 16/2 m; S4/ 1999 - 16/2m and S5/2OOO - 20/1.5 m). In the next stage (begun in 2001) the digging system was changed on the researched surfaces because it was observed that the stratigraphy is extensive and horizontal, in which circumstances the archaeologi- cal complexes rarely intersect and the dwellings, pits and other constructions could be excavated very productively. That is why it was decided to set aside the archaeological material coming from the cultural level, and concentrate efforts on as closely as possi- ble on the architectural remnants, artefacts and bio- logical remnants in the enclosed archaeological com- plexes. The surfaces studied (Plan s2 and 3) have the following measurements and numbers: SI/2001- 2003 - 20/20m; SII/2004-2005 - 15/16m; SIII/ 2006- 2007 - 20/10m; SIV/2006 - 40/40m (no image; it is to be traced out north of the SI-II surfaces; still to be excavated); SV/2007 (still to be excavated). The present article is concerned with the analysis of the Starcevo-Cri§ levels, systematically researched from 1997-2005 in S1-5/1997-2000 sections, and SI-II/2001-2005 surfaces. In brief, the stratigraphy of the site is as follows: I - the first and the oldest dwelling level appertains to the Starcevo-Cri§ culture, presenting several sub- levels: Ia - the deepened dwellings of this sub-level apper- tain to the Starcevo-Cri§ IB phase; Ib - the deepened dwellings of this sub-level apper- tain to the Starcevo-Cri§ IC-IIA phase; Ic - after a hiatus (?), the deepened dwellings of this sub-level appertain to the Starcevo-Cri§ IIB-IIIA phase. II - the second level appertains to the Vinca culture, old phase (A, and evolving to B1): IIa - the dwellings of these sub-levels - dwelling pits - are constructed in two stages: IIai - the dwellings of this stage appertain to the Vinca A2-3 phase (typologically and stylistically); Plan 2. Topographical plan of the terrace and loca- tion of surfaces I and II. Suprafala S I i_r r •5 .yi Suprafala S II \ Miercurea Sibiului - Petrin General plan of excavations (1997-2005) The present article analyses the architec- tural remnants of the oldest first level in Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§, researched be- tween 1997 and 2005. All the dwellings at this level were sunk deep into the ground (Plan 4), the analysis being done in the order of their age. The criteria were a result of a study of the direct stratigra- phic relations, architecture, typological and stylistic examinations, studies in ma- thematics and statistics, and absolute ra- diocarbon chronology. The architecture of the complexes was se- verely damaged - in the upper part of the dwelling pit - the resultant dyke (levee) is earthen, formed by earth and other elements dug out, on the pit's mar- gins, during contemporary agricultural activities and construction enterprises of the inhabitants who have subsequently followed the Starcevo-Cri§ culture. This is why we deal mainly with the lower part of the construction, meaning 50-60 % of it. Saprafala S III Plan 3. The overall plan of the excavations (surfaces I-III) in 2005. IIa2 - the dwellings of this stage appertain to the Vinca A3 phase. IIb - the surfaced dwellings of this sub-level apper- tain to the Vinca A3-B1 phase. II/III level - unpublished research in 2007, led to the discovery of several pits containing archaeologi- cal material from the Vinca Bi phase, yielding paint- ed decorations specific to the Lumea Noua Transyl- vanian culture; future research will reveal more de- tails of this aspect. Considering the fact that the stra- tigraphy of the site was already published, we chose to name this level: II/III, which anyway emerged after Vinča Bi and before Vinča C2. III - this level appertains to the Pe- tre§ti culture; its surfaced dwellings, with massive clay floors, appertain to the AB phase of the culture. IV - the pits at this level were dug by Celto-Dacians in II-I BC. V - the graves and some of the hete- rogeneous archaeological complexes at this level appertain to the Gepid period. VI - this level is represented by a semi-deepened dwelling, with a stone oven that could be dated to the first millennium A.C. The later work determined, in most cases, the destruction of the first (I) Starčevo- Cri§ layer. In its preserved parts (Plan 5 - level num- ber 6) it is no thicker than 0.10m; it is discontinu- ous and presents a yellow-reddish colour, a clay-like consistency mixed with gravel, lying on gravel con- taining sand and loess. The reddish shade of the ar- chaeological layer could indicate the formation of forest soils during the post-Ice Age period. Over the whole region of Transylvania, the first farmers set- tled on this type of soil which, after the sedimenta- tion of vegetal remains resulting from human activi- ties over many generations, evolved into the humus visible in the area of the site. Plan 4. Starčevo-Cris complexes in 2005 (level Ia-c). Plan 5. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. Vertical stratigraphic profile in the zone of the B10 dwelling pit. As could be observed, the vertical stratigraphy of the site is not very well developed (1-1, 20m), this being one of the features of most Transylvanian archaeolo- gical sites. The Ia sub-level Dwelling-pit Bio/2003 - Starcevo-Cri§ Culture (Plan 4, surface I, lower-centre; Plan 5, Plan 6; Fig. 1; Photo 1; Tab. 1) From a chronological and cultural perspective, the oldest dwelling-pit was discovered in Miercurea Si- biului-Petri§, gate number 10. It is rectangular and oriented approximately north-south. Part of the en- trance on its eastern side has survived (Plan 6). The general features of the digging method in prehistory reveals it as a semi-dwelling-pit, the area designed for air circulation being deepened approximately 0.40m in comparison with the lateral part designed as a Plan 6. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. Horizontal plan of the B10 dwelling pit. sleeping area (Plan 5). There is no heating system. Also, there are no elements of a dyke (levee) formed by the earth that was dug out, or pole-pits to indicate its architecture. The pit's filling shows that the dwel- ling was left on purpose and rapidly filled in with the remains of other constructions. The 14C data indicate that the dwelling was in use before 7050 ± 70 calBP (Tab. 2 (see Appen- dix), Fig. 9). The artefacts and biological finds do not indicate disturbances other than those caused by hu- man activity. Some 382 ceramic fragments comprise the B10 com- plex (Fig. 1, Photo 1, Graphic 1, Tab. 1). Fine cera- mics predominate with 47%, closely followed by semi-fine ceramics (41%) and only 17% coarse cera- mics. The colour of the exteriors are mainly shades of red: russet (27%) and cardinal red (7%). Brick re- presents a 19%, followed by shades of brown: dark brown (12%) and light brown (5%). Grey (11%) and yellowish (5%) also occur. The temper consists of sand and husk (86%) or just sand (8%). The exterior surface is polished (49%) and smoothed (48%). 97% of the fragments do not present ornaments. All the above data make the B10 dwelling pit at Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§ one of the oldest archaeological com- plexes of this type north of the Danube. The B19 dwelling-pit (Plan 4, surface II, lower left; Plan 7; Fig. 2) This item is closely connected - chronologically and culturally - to the G26 pit (Plan 4, surface II, next to the B19 to the right; Plan 7 - right). The features of G26 will be described and discussed on another occa- sion. At this point we restrict ourselves to affirming that it indicates a ritual character (related to hunting and success in hunting rituals and practices; the pit contains dozens of pairs of Bos primigenius horns deposited, it seems, at the conclusion of a successful hunt; on this occasion, it is possible that a Neolithic community had been established). The 14C data show that the pit was in use around 7010 ± 40 calBP (Tab. 2, Fig. 9). The B19 dwelling pit is rectangular and is oriented approximately north-south, as B10 is. To the south, the entrance is partially preserved (Plan 7). The ge- neral features of the digging method used reveals it as a semi-dwelling-pit, the part designed for air cir- culation being deepened approximately 0.40m in comparison with the lateral parts designed as slee- Ipii 4. ping area. There is no heating system. Also, there are no elements of a dyke (levee) formed by the earth that was dug out, or pole-pits to indicate its ar- chitecture. The pit's contents show that the dwel- ling was left on purpose and rapidly filled with the remains of other constructions. The artefacts and biological finds do not suggest disturbances other than those resulting from human activity. Stratigra- phic observations show that the B19 dwelling pit was made after the digging of G26. 720 ceramic fragments, comprising the B19 content, have been analysed (Fig. 2, Tab. 1, Graphic 1). The semi-fine ceramics predominate with 45%, followed by coarse ceramics (35%) and fine ceramics (20%). There are mainly shades of brown: brown (21%), dark brown (20%) and light brown (16%). There are presented also reddish brown (9%), russet (6%), greyish-black (5%), brown with flaps (4%), brick- colour (4%) and grey (4%). The other nuances are less than 2% each. In the composition of the paste husk prevails in several combinations: husk and sand (38%), sand and husk (23%), sand, shivers and husk (11%), husk and shivers (8%), husk (8%), sand, husk and small stones (4%). The smoothing of the exterior surface of the fragments is as follows: smooth (30%), detached slip (22%), rough (20%), polished slip (15%), polished (5%), well smoothed (4%), smo- othed slip (3%) and applied barbotine (ledge) (1%). The presence of ornaments is only 6%. In our opinion, at the present moment, the oldest Neolithic horizon is in Miercurea Sibiului-Petri?, indi- cated by the mark Ia and defined by the B10, B19 dwelling pits and the G26 pit (Figs. 1, 2, Tab. 2, Pho- tos 1, 2). These dwellings are not very deep, rectan- gular, with rounded corners. The B10 dwelling pit is partially cut in its north-western corner by the B1 dwelling pit which appertains - as we shall see as follows - to a subsequent phase of the same culture. If we are to compare this type of dwelling with other types at contemporary sites, we notice that the pro- file is identical (regarding shape, depth, the fashion of digging) with the one of the oldest dwellings in Gura Baciului (Lazarovici and Kalmar 1995.63) (a comparison with Ocna Sibiului is not possible yet, due to the lack of complete publication of the plans describing the oldest dwellings). The study of the ceramics in these complexes shows that we are facing some of the oldest dwellings ap- pertaining to farmers domesticating plants and ani- mals during the Neolithic in Romanian areas. Com- paring the categories of the ceramics in the presen- Plan 7. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. The plan of the B19 dwelling pit and of the Gr26pit. ted site with those in Gura Baciului (a compa- rison with Ocna Sibiului is impossible due to the lack of published statistical data) a great many similarities are ascertained. These dwel- ling complexes, completely dug, also have sin- gular characteristics like the presence of cera- mic fragments painted with small spots of white-yellowish colour on a red, polished, glass- like background (Figs. 1, 2). This feature, spe- cific to a technology extent in the very old cul- tural horizon (Gura Baciului I - the dwelling complexes at the inferior part of the level), is also specific to the archaeological complexes studied in Miercurea Sibiului. In this regard, the B10,19 dwelling pits and the G26 pit in Miercurea Sibiului-Petris are to be considered as part of the first migration in the opinion of Gheorghe Lazarovici and Zoia Kal- mar (Lazarovici and Kalmar 1995.199-200), and regarding Gura Baciului I, in Nicolae Vlas- sa's opinion (Vlassa 1976.198-264), or Precri§ Ia in Iuliu Paul's opinion (Paul 1995.30-31, Abb. 2, 5), the cultural horizon of the archaeo- logical complexes being Starcevo-Cri§ IB (La- zarovici 1979.40-41). The Ib sub-level Fig. 2. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. Sherds from the B19 dwel- ling pit and Gr26pit. are G28 and G34 (Plan 8). The depth of the dwelling pit is greater than in the case of the dwelling pits of the Ia level by approximately 0,60m. The dwelling pit has lateral 'beds'. The B17 dwelling-pit (Plan 4, surface II, centre; Plan 8; Fig. 3, Tab. 1) This dwelling pit is round, being interrupted on its southern side by a complex of pits: B20-21; G3135-36. To the south-east, the dwelling pit is disturbed by an oven-hearth at the Vinca level (a surfaced dwelling that appertain to the Vinca level is dated 6359 ± 130 BP). The pits anthropically upsetting the dwelling pit Photo 1. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. Painted sherd from the B10 dwelling pit (no scale). 649 ceramic fragments from the B^'s content have being analyzed (Fig. 3, Graphic 1, Tab. 1). Regarding the categories of ceramic, semi-fine ceramic (44%) predominate, followed by coarse (38%) and fine (18%) ceramic. As for colour, nuances of brown are most common: brown (28%), light brown (19%), dark brown (11%) and brown with flaps (7%). The reddish nuances are: reddish (11%), reddish- brown (11%) and cardinal red (3%). The temper used for the paste is mainly made up by different combinations of husk: husk and sand (64%), sand, husk and small stones (10%), sand and husk (8%) and husk (7%). Regarding the smoothing of the exterior sur- faces, there are to be observed: smoothed slip (29%), detached slip (27%), rough (19%), smoothed (11%), smoothed slip (9%) and barbotine (3%). 89% of the fragments are not decorated, with barbotine (3%), application (3%), application and cell (3%) and finger tip impressions (1%). The pit is dated at 7030 ± 50 BP (Poz-24697 - Thanks to prof. dr. hab. Janusz Kozlowski who kindly accepted the sample in FEPRE project - Tab. 2, Fig. 9). The B20-21 dwelling-pits and the G3135-36 pits (Plan 4, surface II, centre-right; Plan 9; Figs. 4 and 5) The B20-21 dwelling pits and the G3135-36 pits are spe- cial cases in Miercurea Sibiului-Petrig. The five com- plexes are in a very small area. Because they inter- sect in such a manner, we faced difficulties in estab- lishing their stratigraphic succession, considering their chronological succession at the same time. So, we resorted to intermediary stratigrafic profiles (cross-section) in order to establish the succession of these units. It was clear that, from a stratigraphic point of view, B21 is the latest, as it 'cuts up' the fill- ing of B20 and G35 which, in turn, intersects B20. The latter is intersects the G36 pit. The difficulty resided in establishing the stratigraphic position of G31 in re- lation to the other four complexes, due to its eccen- tric position. The dwelling pits were abandoned and corked up at short notice, and a palisade at the Vinca level, as well as other two pits at the same level (in- dicated by the dotted line contours) 'passed' through the middle of the intersection of pits, making more difficult the chronology reading of the complexes. 129 ceramic fragments were recovered from B20. Semi-fine ceramics predominate (41%), followed by coarse ceramics (37%) and fine (22%). The nuances of brown are the most numerous: brown (24%), light Fig. 3. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. Sherds from the B17 dwelling pit. dwelling pit. Plan 8. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. The plan of the B17 dwelling pit. brown (19%), brown with flaps (8%). There are also nuances of red such as reddish-brown (6%), reddish (5%), cardinal red (3%), and nuances of grey: grey (10%), greyish-black (3%), light grey (3%) and grey with black flaps (1%). The temper used for the paste is mainly made up of different combinations of husk: husk and sand (70%), sand and husk (12%) and sand, husk and small stones (12%). The exterior sur- faces are: detached slip (35%), polished slip (33%), rough aspect (17%), applied barbotine (5%) and smo- othed slip (5%). Only 15% of the ceramic fragments are ornamented, with barbotine (5%) and applica- tion (2%) are predominant, and the rest of the deco- ration types being below 1%. From B21, 186 ceramic fragments were analysed (Figs. 4 and 5), with semi-fine ceramic (51%) being the most frequent, followed by fine (25%) and coarse (24%). The exterior colour of the fragments is domi- nated by nuances of brown: brown (25%), light brown (21%), dark brown (20%) and brown with flaps (5%). The nuances of red are: reddish (5%), reddish brown (4%) and cardinal red (2%). Husk prevails in the composition of the paste: husk and sand (62%), sand and husk (17%) and sand, husk and small stones (9%). The exterior surfaces were: detached slip (40%), polished slip (22%), rough (13%) and smoothed (18%). Only 9% of the frag- ments are decorated, the percentage for every type of decoration being below 2%. When analyzing the ceramics in these complexes (which offered enough data for a comparative ana- lysis on typological and stylistic bases) we decided to integrate the complex of pits in the Ib sub-level (even if from a stratigraphic point of view there is a clear chronological difference between the five deep- ened complexes, the ceramic materials discovered here argue for the relative contemporaneity of these pits in the IC-IIA phase of the Starcevo-Cri§ cultural complex). The Bi dwelling pit (Plan 4, surface I, left; Plan 10; Photo 3, Tab. 1) It seems that the initial pit of Bi was round. Unfor- tunately, its initial shape was damaged by the B4 Vinca dwelling pit (which reached the bottom of Bi only here and there, but modified its initial shape) and the M3 grave (level V - a Gepid necropolis). The i4C data for this dwelling complex, 6920 ± 70 calBP, is the base - along with the typological and stylistic characteristics - for the absolute chronology of the Ib horizon here, representing the real time of the complex (the archaeological material discovered here is characteristic of fully functional house-ware). Two pits were preserved in the interior of Bi, name- ly G4a and G4a' (Plan 4, surface I, left; Plan 10). It seems that they were part of this complex as pole- pits (?) of large dimensions. The archaeological ma- Fig. 4. Miercurea Sibiului-Petriv. Sherds from the B21 dwelling pit. Plan 9. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. The plan of the B20 and B21 dwelling pits. terials discovered in the two pits and in the dwelling pit prove that they are contemporaneous. Only 141 ceramic fragments were recovered from Bi (Fig. 6, Graphic 1, Tab.1). Fine ceramic predominates (41%), followed by semi-fine ceramic (37%) and coarse (22%). Brick colour (23%) is followed by the brown (18%), reddish (13%), cardinal red (11%), dark brown (9%), light brown (9%), grey (6%) and yellowish (2%). Husk prevails as a supplement in the composition of the paste: sand and husk (81%), husk and sand (13%) and fine sand (3%). The exterior surface is smoothed (56%) and polished (40%). Un- decorated ceramics predominate (92%), most of the decorative elements being cells (5%). The rest of the ornaments are below 1%. An item of special character was discovered in this dwelling pit. The schematic amulet (Fig. 6/4a-b; Photo 3) represents an 'idol bucranium' or a 'labret' (Karmanski 1986.12, prilog 1) and is made of clay. In Romania, this kind of amulet is to be found in set- tlements that appertain to the Starcevo-Cri§ cultural complex: Cluj-Napoca-Gura Baciului (Vlassa 1976. 211, 230, Fig. 14/3-4; Lazarovici and Kalmar 1995. 155, Fig. 22/6; Brukner 2000.298-299), Dubova- Cuina Turcului (Lazarovici 1979.34; Päunescu 1979. 37, fig. 14/ 11), Foeni-Sala§ (Ciubotaru 1998.75, Pl. III/6-7, 9), Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§ (Luca 2002), The chronological and cultural integration of the Ib sub-level The Bi dwelling pit is contemporary with Starcevo- Cri§ IC-IIA, according to the similartities regarding ceramic and plasters. In the same way, the 14C data and the seriation with other data obtained from the same site clearly indicate a relation with the anterior sub-level and a certain evolution at the same time. The Ic sub-level The B9 dwelling pit (Plan 4, surface I, lower centre; Plan 11; Fig. 8) This deepened dwelling shows - through the crop- ped archaeological material, as well as through archi- tectural characteristics - that we are dealing with a different cultural and chronological horizon, a later one, appertaining to the Starcevo-Cri§ culture. The 14C data for this archaeological complex - 6180 ± 40 BP - reflects an important reality of the stratig- raphy of the site in Miercurea Sibiului - the exis- tence of considerable disturbance due to human ac- tivity, rodents and carnivores. In our case, the dis- turbance was caused by humans - as shown by the stratigraphy. During the 2007 research, we obser- ved that the B9 dwelling pit continues in surface III (no illustration) and is strongly affected by a pit ap- pertaining to the II/III level (Lumea Noua culture), the one which follows here to the II horizon com- plexes, dated Vinca A3-B1. This complex has an ex- tended, oval shape, with a short axis of small dimen- sions (2m), and is ot very deep (see Plan 11). In total, this complex comprises 585 fragments (Fig. 8, Tab. 1, Graphic 1). Rough ceramics predominate Fig. 5. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. Sherds from the B21 dwelling pit. Ocna Sibiului-Triguri (Paul 1995.51, Pl. VIII/5-6; XXX/3 a-b, 4 a-b) and Salcuta (Lazarovici 1979. 34, n. 170). Dumitru Berciu integrates very early the first level of the Piscul Corni§orului (Berciu 1961. 29-30, 160, 161, 162, 167, 185-192), the same per- spective being that in the case of the site at Timi- §oara-Fratelia (Dra§ovean 2001.34, Pl. 4/4-5), ana- logies in South-Eastern Europe being developed with Blagotin (Ciubotaru 1998.75). This author states that the items were discovered in the vicinity of a cultic complex and could have a utilitarian purpose, perhaps in connection with the religious practices, as they have been hypothesised at Divostin (Kar- manski 1988.12), Dobanovici-Ciglana (Karmanski 1988.12), Donja Branjevina (Lazarovici 1979.34, n. 166; Karmanski 1989.Pl. 9/2-6, 10-12, 14; 2000, T. XXII; Brukner 2000.309), Grivac (Lazarovici 1979.34, n. 168), Knjepište (Brukner 2000.309), Kozluk (Srejović 1969.306, Pl. 8; 85/2; Tasić 1973. 90; Lazarovici 1979.34, n. 167), Lepenski Vir (Sre- jović 1969.306, Pl. 8; 85/2; Tasić 1973.90; Lazaro- vici 1979.34, n. 167), Lug-Obrenovac (Jovanović 1967.20; Tasić 1973.90; Lazarovici 1979.34, n. 169) and Rakitovo (Matsanova 1996.105-127). Cultu- rally, these items are to be integrated with the Star- cevo-Cri§ culture, the IC-IIA phase (Lazarovici 1983. 13; Ciubotaru 1998.75; Dra§ovean 2001). Plan 10. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. The plan of the B1 dwelling pit. (43%), followed by semi-fine (37%) and fine (20%). The exterior colour is different from that in earlier com- plexes, where the nuances of red (reddish, cardinal red, reddish brown) played an important role. In this complex, nuances of brown are predominate (brown 18%, light brown 13%, and dark brown 13%), followed by the nuances of grey (grey-9%, whitish grey-6% and gre- yish dark-3%). The nuances of brick colour are almost at the same per- centage (14%). The way that the exterior surfaces were smoothed indicates an affinity for a higher quality of product through the polished (30%) and smoothed (27%) surfaces. In the same context, the barbotine technique can be observed in 25% of the material. The ceramic paste contains sand and husk (45%), or husk and sand (28%) as a de- greaser. The fragments containing sand of various consistencies are not more than 14% of the total of the analyzed fragments. The greater parts of the frag- ments have no decoration (74%). The barbotine (25%) (barbotine is considered to be a technique for treating surfaces, as well as a type of decoration) pre- dominates, while the remainder of decorative types comprise about 1% (applications, pinches, nail im- pressions, incisions and cuts). The chronological and cultural integration of the Ic sub-level The archaeological material discovered in this dwel- ling pit also appertains to the Starcevo-Crig culture. As we could observe from a study of the ceramics, there is a hiatus between the settlements characte- ristic of the Ia-b and sub-levels. The ceramics with barbotine appear in such a great number - being de- corated in the technique of organized barbotine (Fig. Photo 2. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. Painted sherds from the Gr26 pit (no scale). Fig. 6. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. Sherds from the Bi dwelling pit. 8) - that we are led to the opinion that we are dea- ling with a moment of 'starcevisation', integrated after the IIB phase of the Starcevo-Crig culture. The statistics of the analyzed complexes In Table 1 and on the Graphic 1 the materials of the complexes we are concerned with, are analyzed. Thus, B10, B19, G26, B17 were examined almost com- pletely. B1 comprises partial results because of the exterior disturbances which affected its structure. B9 was researched in 2003 and 2007, when the bulk of the ceramic fragments were recovered. The situation is relatively constant regarding the ex- tant relation between the three categories of cera- mics. Thus, for the B10, B19, G26, B17 and B1 complex- es, there is a larger proportion of semi-fine rough ce- ramics, while B9 is the only complex having a higher percentage of rough ceramics. The most substantial differences are registered for the fine category, with B10 and B1 having values over 40%. Apart from the B1 complex (comprising a small number of fragments for each cate- gory), the other complexes yielded a con- stant number of fine ceramic fragments (between 119 and 162 fragments). We believe that the analysis of the degrease of the paste, as one of the most important elements defining the technology of cera- mics, shows small differences between the three sub-levels, constituting, along with the analysis of the categories of ceramics, a ba- Fig. 7. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. Sherds from the B1 dwelling pit. sic argument for 'dividing' the level corresponding to the Upper Neolithic in Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. Thus, in the case of the B10 dwelling pit, we observe a certain prevalence of the combination based on 'sand and husk' (the order is given by the element that predominates) (87%), 'husk and sand' totalling only 4% (the sum of the two categories having val- ues of 91%). We present the combined values for the two types of degreaser 'sand and husk' and 'husk and sand', as the analysis of the ceramics is done macroscopically and could sometimes cause confu- sion regarding the prevalence of one or another component. B19 demonstrates a contrasting situa- tion, favouring degreaser containing 'husk and sand' in 40%, the other combination of 'sand and husk' having a percentage of 24% (the sum of the two ca- tegories having values of 64%). There is to be noted the introduction of 'pounded shivers' in three diffe- rent mixtures, amounting to 21% of the total of ce- ramic fragments in this complex. In which regard, the G26 pit we consider to belong, with the other two units described above, to the Ia sublevel; it presents a slightly different situation: the 'husk and sand' have values of 63%, 'sand and husk' 16% (the total being 79%), while the mixtures with 'pounded shivers' total 8%. The Ib sub-level includes, as the most representative complexes, the B17, B20, B21 and B1 dwelling pits. For B1, the values of the two categories ('sand and husk', 'husk and sand') total 96%; for B17, 74% (this com- plex presents a large range of combinations of diffe- rent materials for a degreaser), for B20, 88%, and for B21, 85%. Up to this moment, B9 is the only identified unit in- tegrated in the Ic sub-level. In our estimation, the percentage of the two categories is 74%. A common element is also to be observed regarding the technological aspect of ceramics processing in the early Neolithic communities, as shown by the site at Petri§: the two types of material used as a supple- ment for the rough material (clay), husk and sand and sand and husk, have a percentage higher than 60% in the case of every unit analyzed, a fact that could indicate a 'rule' through several phases in the evolution of the Starcevo-Cri§ cultural complex at the Miercurea Sibiului site. Conclusions The earliest manifestation of the Neolithic in Transyl- vania is the Starcevo-Cri§ cultural horizon, as defined by most scholars in the specialized literature of the Plan 11. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. The plan of the B9 dwelling pit. last three decades (Vlassa 1966.9-48; Lazarovici 1975.8-12; 1977.34-42; 1979.39-56; 1983.9-34; 1984.49-104; 1992.25-59; 1993; Dumitrescu 1983. 69; Ursulescu 1984.90; Paul 1989.3-28). The mode dissemination by the newcomers was de- termined - to all appearances - by the existence of some areas newly uncovered from under glaciers. This is the only way of explaining the conclusion of Breunig regarding Europe, obtained through the cor- relation of all the 14C data (in the BC period) having a natural and direct relation to the process of Neoli- thisation (Breunig 1987.86). Concerning the terminology for naming the Neolithic newcomers, we are circumspect regarding the accep- tance of the idea that the old phases of the Starcevo- Crig cultural complex must be considered 'a genetic phase of the Starcevo-Crig culture' (Pavük 1993231; Brukner 2000.287). Especially in Transylvania, the defined terminology for the concept of Precrig cul- ture (Paul 1989; 1995; Ciuta1998; 2000; 2001) is based on the scarcity of precise observations, com- plete research of the archaeological complexes, sta- tistics, complete analysis, and horizontal and vertical stratigraphies (Lazarovici 2001.42-45). The existence of a 'first Neolithic wave', represented through the 'aceramic' or 'pre-ceramic' Neolithic ho- rizon, as discovered in Thessaly (Milojčić 1959.230- 232; 1960; Benac 1978.16; Garašanin 1978.34; 1980.58) or in other locations, especially in caves (Benac 1971.98), cannot be a demonstration of the situation in Transylvania. The closest site and asso- ciated assemblage of this cultural and chronological horizon was hypothesised at Därtu-Ceahlau (Pau- nescu 1958.269-271; Berciu 1958. 91-98), which proved to be of later date (Vlassa 1964.463-464). The evolution of the large Carpatho-Balkan cultural complex of the Early Neolithic, Starcevo-Crig - a component of the Balkano-Anatolian complex of the Early Neolithic (Garašanin 1978.32-33, 35-38; 1980) - begins in Transylvania, at least theoretically, at the same time as the 'Frühkeramik' or 'Mono- chrom' phase (Milojčić 1949; 1959; Milojčić-Zum- busch 1971.25). The archaeological materials of this phase are shown hypothetically at Romanian sites (Lazarovici 1977.34; 1979.17; 1984.53-55). The existence of the monochrome, fine and polished ce- ramic, is beyond doubt, present among the other pottery in all the locations yielding early Neolithic ce- ramics in Transylvania (Paul 1989.20). It is enough to mention here the settlements at Gura Baciului I Fig. 8. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§. Sherds from the B9 dwelling pit. (Vlassa 1976.198-264; Lazarovici and Kalmar 1995.199, 201), Ocna Sibiului-Triguri I and II (Paul 1989; 1995.28-68) and Miercurea Sibiului-Petrig Ia- b (Luca 2002; 2004; Luca et ali 1998; 1999; 2000a; 2001; 2002). Perhaps the most important location pertaining to the primary moment of Neolithisation - 'post ace- ramic' is at Cluj-Gura Baciului. The first (I) horizon here (Vlassa 1976.198-264) comprises archaeolo- gical complexes beginning their evolution as early as the IA phase of the Starcevo-Crig cultural complex (Lazarovici and Kalmar 1995.63, 68-79). The most important dwelling complex is the B2A dwelling pit, considered by its discoverers to be the oldest Neoli- thic (Lazarovici and Kalmar 1995.68-69). Other complexes and archaeological materials - along with those in the B1 dwelling pit and G1a pit, the B8 dwelling pit, the B2A1 dwelling pit, the G11 pit, the B9B dwelling pit, the G33 pit, and the B10 and B2B dwelling pits - are part of horizon I at Gura Baciu- lui (Lazarovici and Kalmar 1995.68-79), conside- red by Vlassa to be parallel with the 'Protosesklo' stage (Vlassa 1976.257-260). Photo 3. Miercurea Sibiului-Petti§. The bucranium idol from the B1 dwelling pit (no scale). An important location of the early Neolithic in Tran- sylvania is at Ocna Sibiului-Triguri (Paul 1989; 1995. 28-68), considering its stratigraphy and archaeolo- gical material. The first three successive levels of this site (Ia-IIa) appertain to the 'Protosesklo' hori- zon. The IIb level could appertain to the transit phase to the Cris culture (a synchronic phase with Gura Baciului II); while the last two levels - IIIa-IIIb - appertain to some sequences of the Starcevo-Cri§ cultural complex (Paul 1989.10). He suggested that the 'Protosesklo' horizon appears as a distinct cul- ture, having a relatively long evolution, which he names 'Precri§', two regional aspects of which were noticed north of the Danube: the 'Wallachian aspect' in Carcea (Oltenia) and the 'Transylvanian aspect' in Ocna Sibiului-Gura Baciului, observing the existence of two developing stages as well - I and II (Paul 1989.11). Against a unitary evolution of the early Neolithic in the northern zone of the Balkans, under the name of Starcevo-Cri§ cultural complex (Lazaro- vici 1992.27), Paul is seeking a detailed phase I and partial phase II of this chronological system, which was not confirmed directly in the context of the ne- west discoveries in Transylvania, especially in Gura Baciului or Miercurea Sibiului-Petris. It is to be obser- ved that, no matter in what perspective we consider the development of the first Neolithic phases (such as the Starcevo-Cri§ cultural complex, phase I and partial II, or Precris I-II, or a cultural group - or cul- ture - Gura Baciului-Carcea), the recent discoveries will lead to the required nuances and reconsidera- tions. Finally, we notice that, in the publication of this site, no clear observations were made of the dwellings and the evolution of the ceramics at each successive level of the dwellings. Analysing the published material, we could offer the opinion that - besides the consideration that the author has other data - the oldest dwel- lings here would be a dwelling pit (Paul 1995.30-31, Abb. 2) for Precri§ Ia phase, along other one in SXII (Paul 1995.Abb. 5), and a semi-dwelling pit (Paul 1995.30-31, Abb. 2), dwelling 9 and a pit (Paul 1995. Abb. 5, 6) for the Precri§ Ib phase. Without renouncing to a research system based on the prospect of the stratigraphy in narrow sections, the author remains captive to some theore- tical concepts which are only tangentially based on the data from a thorough analysis of both the archi- tecture and the artefacts (Lazarovici 2001.42). The observations made in Transylvania, as well the latest discoveries, compel us to draw attention to the Early Neolithic cultural penetration along the val- ley of the River Olt to Ocna Sibiului, continuing (Miercurea Sibiului - thermal springs) towards the salt mines at the far north curve of the central stretch of the River Mures and towards the settle- ment at Gura Baciului. It is difficult to consider that we are dealing with migration in the real sense of the word (Lazarovici and Kalmar 1995.42-43), es- pecially because the data relating to ceramic techno- logy do not match those from Thessaly, for example. The ways of diffusions are not clear (Lazarovici and Kalmar 1995.42-43). We have to accept that, for the time being, these remain the only possible defi- nitions if we consider them in succession: migration and diffusion. However, the Ib level is - in the case of the location at Miercurea Sibiului - the associa- tion of a piece of bucranium type with the ceramics of the B1 dwelling pit which compel us to integrate the artefact and the archaeological complex in the IC-IIA phase of the mentioned culture. As a conse- quence, it is contemporary with Gura Baciului I (a part of the complexes: the B8 dwelling pit, B2A1 dwel- ling pit, the G11 pits, the B9B dwelling pit, the G33 pit, the B10 dwelling pit and B2B dwelling pit) (Lazaro- vici and Kalmar 1995.68-79) or with Precri§ Ib - the pit, semi-dwelling pit, dwelling 9 (Paul 1995. 30-31, Abb. 2, 5-6) and dwelling 1/1997 in §eu§a- La cararea morii (Ciuta 1998; 2000). To the same chronological and cultural horizon appertains the ar- chaeological site discovered in Ceri§or-Pe§tera Cauce. A new horizon presenting mainly monochrome ce- ramics could be defined among the latest discoveries at Cerisor-Pestera Cauce, where there is cultural la- yer in which the ceramics are mainly fine and poli- The Stratigraphic Position The Complex Code Rough Semi-fine Fine Sub-level Ia B10 65 155 162 B19 251 322 147 G26 151 233 119 Sub-level Ib B17 246 288 115 B1 31 52 58 Sub-level Ic B9 248 218 119 Tab. 1. Distribution of ceramic fragments from the analysed complexes. shed, but we cannot give it a definite date. We note that no painted ceramic fragments were discovered here. On the other hand, the existence of this kind of settlement in Ro- mania was announced by the discovery in Iosa§-Anele (Luca and Barbu 1992-1994). Some Romanian researchers preferred to integrate the early Neolithic settlements that pre- sented no painting ('Monochrom' in the Dimitrijevic (1974) system), in the IC-IIA phase of this large cul- tural complex, the chronological level at which was stipulated the disappearance - or the very rare ap- pearance - of painting (Lazarovici 1979.43). That is characteristic, however, of the IA phase as well, and it is certain that there are other characteristics which made the period at the beginning of Neolithic a se- parate unit. Considering our knowledge, the paint- ing of white dots develops in the IB and IC phases of the Starcevo-Cri§ cultural complex, while its pre- sence in other periods is rather accidental. As a matter of fact, the ceramics painted in white ap- pear quite rarely in §eu§a-La cararea morii (3-4 frag- ments) (Ciutä 2000.67-68, Fig. 25/1-3), so the au- thor suggests that the ceramic material here is mo- nochrome, chromatically speaking (Ciutä2000.65). The same author though, expresses in other pages of the same work, his doubts about the existence of a 'Monochrom' horizon in Romania (Ciutä 2000. 76). We are to conclude that, until complete research of an old Neolithic site the north of the Danube, we cannot clearly envisage which the characteristics of a possible 'Monochrom' horizon could be (be it the oldest or more recent in the chronological perspec- tive). If so, we must avoid the integration of some dwellings with painted ceramic fragments - a few - in the IA phase of the Starcevo-Cri§ cultural complex! We may hypothesise the 'Monochrom' (in Dimitrijevic's perception), would mark the second migration suggested by Lazarovici and Kalmar (1995.200; Lazarovici 2001. 42). Now, the 'traditional' way of Early Neolithic cultural penetration in Transylvania (via Oltenia) is doubled by another, towards the south-west (Banat), of which vestiges are to be found, most probably, in the karst caves Fig. 9. Miercurea Sibiului-Petri§ - plot with radiocarbon data from Early Neolithic complexes. of Poiana Rusca Mountains, as well, or in the south Apuseni Mountains (Ceri§or-Pe§tera Cauce, see Luca et al. 1997.19, 24, or Craciune§ti-Pe§tera Balogu, see Roman et Diaconescu 2001.7-8). The biggest prob- lem remains the unsatisfactory state of archaeologi- cal research in this area, with many of the karstic for- mations here remaining un-researched or even un- identified. The supposed way of access would have been developed step by step, with the result that, in the period of 'starcevisation' of the communities in southern Transylvania, the way along the valley of the Oltul River was closed for a while. The phenomenon of 'starcevisation' was linked to the end of the second Starcevo-Cri§ phase in Tran- sylvania, (Paul 1989.18). The settlement in Ocna Sibiului-Triguri loses its importance, failing to deve- lop painting in black, characteristic of the late hori- zons of the cited cultural complex (Paul 1989.21). The early Neolithic locations in the valley of the middle Mure§ River develop (Miercurea Sibiului-Pet- ri§ and Pustia, Ora§tie-Dealul Pemilor, point Xs, Lim- ba-Bordane etc.) under the cultural influence of the west and south-west such elements as barbotine, ap- plied ornament, incision or 'impresso' decorative motifs (Paul 1989.21) along with painting in black (Dra§ovean 1981.42), or altars with leg-like posta- ments with eyes marked on them (Luca et al. 1998). All these observations demonstrate that we still can Graphic 1. The distribution of the sherds number through complexes. discuss cultural unity over large areas, a fact that was accepted under the name of the Starcevo-Cri? cultural complex even by Paul (Paul 1989.24). It is possible now to integrate the discoveries in Ocna Sibiului-Triguri IIa and Miercurea Sibiului-Pet- ris, the B9/2003 dwelling-dwelling pit, in the vertical and horizontal stratigraphy here. Even if there are some differences in comparison with the above described complexes, we notice a technological unity, easy to demonstrate, and an evolution having common roots which generated the complexes in Miercurea Sibiului-Petris. The influences generated in Transylvania from the Banat region and the plain of the Tisa River, and from south of the Danube, become more and more visible in the IIIrd phase (Gh. Lazarovici's system) of the Starcevo-Cri? cultural complex. At the same time as the middle of this phase, the appearance of the first Vinca communities in Transylvania is to be ob- served (Luca 1995-1996; Luca et al. 2000; 2000b). The evaluation of the data of absolute chronology in the development area of this cultural complex (see Tab. I) indicates the relative contemporaneity of the Ia sub-level in Miercurea Sibiului with the Ib and II level in Anza, partially with the 'Monochrom' level in Donja Branjevina, with Gura Baciului, Ocna Sibiu- lui (level VIII), §eu§a, Foeni-Sala?. Miercurea Sibiu- lui Ib has the same chronological level as Donja Bra- njevina (the red on white level), Endrod 39, Anza II, Foeni-Gaz, Dude?tii Vechi, Endrod 119, Biserna Oba- la-Nosa, Szarvas 23 etc. The last sub-level of the site in Petri? was wrongly dated to 6180 ± 40 BP, due to its being intersected by a later pit. REFERENCES BENAC A. 1971. Le neolithique dans les Balkans du Nord- Ouest et ses relations avec les regions voisines. In G. No- vak (ed.), Actes du VIIIe Congres International des Scien- ces Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques 1. Union Interna- tionale des Sciences Prehistoriques et Protohistoriques. Beograd: 97-108. 1978. Les theses fondamentales sur l'origine de neoli- thique dans les Balkanes et les regions avoisinantes. 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The absolute chronology data for the Starčevo-Cris cultural complex. Phase Settlement LABNR BP Error Description IA Monochrome Anza Ia LJ-2181 7270 140 unspecified Starčevo, white on red painted Grivac Barice Bln-869 7250 50 Sonda B White on red, IB-IIA? Anza Ib lJ-2341 7230 170 unspecified IA Monochrome Anza Ia LJ-3032 7210 50 unspecified IA Monochrome Anza Ia LJ-2330-31 717° 60 unspecified Monochrome - IA Donja Branjevina GrN-15974 7155 50 layer III, trench V/1986-1987 pit dwel- ling IA Monochrome Anza Ia LJ-3183 7150 50 unspecified IB-IC Gura Baciului GrA-24137 7140 45 structure in trench E-D, square 8 IA Monochrome Anza Ia LJ-3186 7140 70 unspecified Monochrome - IA Donja Branjevina GrN-15976 7140 90 layer III, trench V/1986-1987 outside dwelling pit White painted horizon Magareći Mlin GrN-i5973 7130 60 unspecified White on red, IB—IIA? Anza Ib lJ-2339 7120 80 unspecified Pre-Cris? IB-IC Ocna Sibiului GrN-28110 7120 60 layer VIII White on red, IB-IIA? Anza Ib LJ-2332 7110 120 unspecified White on red, IB-IIA? Anza Ib lJ-2342 7100 80 unspecified Early Körös Gyalaret -Szilagyi Bln-75 7090 100 IB-IIA Anza II lJ-2337 7080 60 unspecified IIA-IIB Foeni Sälas GrN-28454 7080 50 dwelling pit, square 5, level 7, locus 23, Bos sp. Radius Monochrome -IA Donja Branjevina OxA-8557 7080 55 layer III, trench 2/1987 Precris? SCIB-IC §eusa GrN-28114 7070 60 level IB-IC Miercurea Sibiului Petris GrN-28520 7050 70 B^/2003, level Ia IB-IIA Anza II lJ-2351 7040 90 unspecified IB-IC Miercurea Sibiului Petris GrN-29954 29954 7010 40 G26/2005, nivel Ia, ritual pit Linear A Phase, IB-IIA Zadubravlje Z-1 nec 6995 115 pit 10 IIB Dudestii Vechi GrN-28111 6990 50 neolithic ditch, trench 1, sector E4-5, cervus elephus, humerus dx Körös Röszke-Ludvar Deb-2730 6972 59 unspecified mid-late Körös Endrod 39 BM-1668R 6970 110 unspecified IB-IIA, White on red Donja Branjevina GrN-i5975 6955 50 unspecified mid-late Körös Endrod 39 BM-1870R 6950 120 unspecified mid-late Körös Endrod 39 BM-1863R 6950 140 unspecified IB- IIA Anza II lJ-2405 6940 80 unspecified IIB Dudestii Vechi GrN-28113 6930 50 trench 3, sector A2, cm 165, Bos sp. Astragalus IIB Foeni- Gaz GrA-25621 6925 45 dwelling pit 1, cm 125, Long bone flake IC-IIA Miercurea Sibiului Petris GrN-28521 6920 70 B,/2003, level Ib IIIA Dudestii Vechi GrA-24115 6920 80 Trench 3, sector A, cm 75-80, bone perforator IB-IIA, White on red Endro'd 119 OxA-9587 6915 45 unspecified Phase Settlement LABNR BP Error Description II B Magura Wk—14435 6896 61 IB—IIA, White on red Endro'd 119 OxA—9583 6895 45 unspecified IB—IIA, White on red Biserna Obala-Nosa OxA—6875 6875 55 unspecified IB—IIA, White on red Ludoš-Budžak OxA—8554 6875 55 unspecified IIIA Parsta GrN—28460 6860 60 dwelling pit 1, trench 380, Cervus Elaphus, I, square 7—5, cm metatarsal IB—IIA, White on red Szarvas 23 OxA—9375 6855 55 unspecified IB—IIA, White on red Endro'd 119 OxA—9588 6855 45 unspecified IB —IIA Anza II lJ—2409 6850 50 unspecified IB—IIA, White on red Endro'd 119 OxA—9586 6850 45 unspecified Linear Phase, IB—IIA Donja Branjevina OxA—8555 6845 55 Layer III II Dudestii Vechi GrA—26951 6845 40 Acorn (Quercus sp.) White on red, IB—IIA? Anza Ib lJ—2333 6840 100 unspecified Linear Phase, IB—IIA Zadubravlje Z—2 nec 6835 110 unspecified Körös Mehtelek-Nadas Bln—1331 6835 60 pit 1—3/a II B Magura Wk—14436 6833 53 mid-late Körös Endrod 39 BM—1971R 6830 120 unspecified IIB—IIIB linear and spira Soroca II Bln—586 6825 150 unspecified IB—IIA, White on red Endro'd 119 OxA—9584 6825 45 unspecified IB—IIA, White on red Endro'd 119 OxA—9582 6825 45 unspecified IIIA Dudestii Vechi GrN—28876 6815 70 trench 1, sector C, Square 1 and 2, oven, quercus and ulmus charcoal IB—IIA, White on red Endro'd 119 OxA—9590 6815 50 unspecified Protostarčevo, IB—IIA Donja Branjevina GrN—24609 6810 80 layer II IB—IIA Anza II LJ—2338 6800 140 unspecified IB—IIA, White on red Endro'd 119 OxA—9585 6795 50 unspecified II B Magura Wk—14437 6784 56 Early Körös Szarvas 23 BM—1866R 6780 110 unspecified Linear Phase, IB—IIA Donja Branjevina OxA—8556 6775 60 Layer III Starčevo Mostonga III GrN—24117 6750 50 level IB—IIA, White on red Biserna Obala-Nosa OxA—8540 6740 75 unspecified IB—IIA, White on red Biserna Obala-Nosa OxA—8552 6725 60 unspecified IB—IIA, White on red Endro'd 119 OxA—9589 6720 45 unspecified III La Ho|u Cave Sac—2001 6710 80 unspecified Linear Phase, IB—IIA Zadubravlje Z—3 nec 6705 95 unspecified IB—IIA, White on red Biserna Obala-Nosa OxA—8553 6705 55 unspecified IB—IIA Anza II lJ—2345 6600 110 unspecified IIB—IIIB linear Golokut Vizic OxA—8695 6520 50 unspecified IIB—IIIB Anza III LJ—2185 6510 110 unspecified III/IV? Valea Raii-Copacelu KN—I.102 6480 75 Starčevo end Starčevo GrN—9033 6475 60 unspecified Körös Hodmezovasarhely- Kotacpart Bln—115 6450 100 potsherd IV sau Carcea III Carcea Viaduct Bln—1982 6430 60 unspecified IIB—IIIB linear and spira Gura Baciului Lv—2157 6400 90 grave M6 Early Körös Szarvas 23 BM—1865R 6400 170 unspecified IV, Carcea III Carcea Viaduct Bln—1983 6395 60 IIB—IIIB linear and spira Trestiana Lv—2155 6390 100 unspecified IV Limba — Bordane GrN—28112 6290 50 L3 house, square 6— 8, cm 110—130 back to contents 343