UPORABNIKI POTREBUJEJO RELEVANTNE FONDE mag. N ada Češnovar, Centralna tehniška knjižnica Univeze v Ljubljani UDK 027:025.2:024.5/.6 P o v z e te k Uporabnik postaja središče zanimanja knjižnice in zbirke se mu morajo prilaga­ jati. Za bibliotekarstvo, ki se sooča s problemom ponudbe in povpraševanja na tržišču, je pomembna uspešnost knjižnice. Zbirke in uporabniki so med seboj soodvisni. Problemi se pojavijo takrat, ko uporabniki v knjižnici ne dobijo tistega, kar iščejo, ali jim tisto, kar dobijo, ne ustreza. Takrat začnemo govoriti o problemu relevantnih zbirk v knjižnici. Podobno je v primerih, ko uporabniki dobijo ustrezne podatke iz zbirk podatkov, ki jih ima knjižnica, ni pa jim dosegljivo primarno gradivo, ker ga v knjižnici ni, oziroma je potrebno predolgo čakati na njegovo izposojo (3, 7). Ob mnogih različnih opravilih se na to, ali ima knjižnica dovolj relevantnih gradiv, pogosto pozablja. UDC 027:025.2:024.5/.6 Summary Users have become the center of library interests, and collections have to be matched to their needs. For librarianship being faced with the problem of demand and supply on the market, the efficiency of a library is important. Collections and users are mutually dependent on each other. Problems upsurge when users do not get what they want in the library, or are not satisfied with what they have got. At this point, the problem of collections relevancy becomes acute. A similar problem occurs when users get relevant information from databases offered by the library but primary materials are inaccessible, either because they are not available in the library or it takes too long to get them through interlibrary loan (3,7). In the light of many different tasks the libraries are faced with, the relevancy of the collections is often forgotten about. ČEŠNOVAR, Nada: Users Need Relevant Collections. Knjižnica, Ljubljana, 40(1996)3/4,277-291