HACQUETIA 3/1 • 2004, 93–97 REAL CONDITION OF STENOENDEMIC SPECIES ARISTOLOCHIA MERXMUELLERI GREUTER ET E. MAYER 1985 AFTER NATO BOMBING IN KOSOVO WAR OF 1999 Ferat REXHEPI* & Elez KRASNIQI** Izvleček V članku je predstavljeno dejansko stanje stenoendemične vrste Aristolochia merxmuelleri Greuter & Mayer 1985 ki raste na Kosovu blizu gore Koznik, na levem bregu reke Mirusha (med krajema Llapçeva in Mrasor), na območju, kjer uspevajo grmišča na serpentinski matični podlagi na nadmorskih višinah med 400 in 600 m. Po vojni na Kosovu (1999) se pojavljajo mnenja, da je vrsta Aristolochia merxmuelleri zaradi vojne ogrožena na območju Malisheva in Drenice (www.ecology.co.yu/ecology/ebiljke.htm). Raziskava je pokazala dejansko stanje stenoendemične vrste Aristolochia merxmuelleri v obdobju med aprilom 2000 in aprilom 2003. Obenem so predstavljeni podatki, ki zanikajo vpliv na vrsto kot NATO ekocid. Abstract In this paper is presented the real situation of steno-endemic species Aristolochia merxmuelleri Greuter & Mayer 1985. This species is found in Kosovo near Koznik Mountain, on the left side of Mirusha river (between Llapçeva and Mrasor) in lands with bushes, with serpentine base and at altitudes of 400 – 660 m. After the war in Kosovo (1999) there were some opinions that Aristolochia merxmuelleri had been threatened by the war in the region of Malisheva and Drenica (www.ecology.co.yu/ecology/ebiljke.htm). Our research represents the real situation of steno-endemic species Aristolochia merxmuelleri in the period from April 2000 to April 2003. At the same time here we represent the data which deny the claims of war effects on the species Aristolochia merxmuelleri as NATO ecocide. Ključne besede: Aristolochia merxmuelleri Greuter & E. Mayer, stenoendemične vrste Key words: Aristolochia merxmuelleri Greuter & E. Mayer, steno-endemic species, serpentine species 1. INTRODUCTION 2. METHODS The steno-endemic species Aristolochia merxmuelleri The research of this Aristolochia merxmuelleri spe- Greuter et E. Mayer is the species of serpentine, cies was performed during these three years (April which grows in Kosovo in a very limited area. It can 2000 – April 2003). During the research the combe found at the foot of Koznik Mountain between mon fields methods were used, which are being the localities of Llapçevë and Mrasor, on the left practiced in floristic research. For determining side of the river Mirusha, in bushy places with a and verifying of this kind we have relied on the rocky serpentine base at altitudes of 400–660 m. scientific work of Greuter & E. Mayer (1985). Also It was concluded by Greuter and Mayer in 1985, we have used different floras where the genus Arisin the same locality as it has been found nowadays tolochia is described (Paparisto & al. 1988; Tutin & (Mayer & Greuter 1985). al. 1964; Polunin 1997). In these papers the spe * University of Prishtina, Faculty of Natural Sciences and Mathematics, Department of Biology, 38 000 Prishtina, Kosovo ** Ministry of the Environment and Spatial Planning, Institute for Nature Protection of Kosovo, Bill Clinton Bulevard 8, 38 000 Prishtina, Kosovo 93 HACQUETIA 3/1 • 2004 cies of Aristolochia merxmuelleri is not described at all. In Rexhepi (1999), the Aristolochia merxmuelleri is mentioned in the frame of Aristolochiaceae family and there is presented as an endemic plant of Kosovo. While in paper The Endemic Plants of Kosovo (Rexhepi 2000), this Aristolochia merxmuelleri species has been described in full detail but without details about the real condition and vitality of this species in thefield. Krasniqi (2003), presents completely the real condition of the species Aristolochia merxmuelleri, and describes all the characteristics and its actual condition in the field. In this paper, apart from some already known characteristics, a presentation is given of the actual state of this kind in the field. Herbarizing is done very carefully and according to the standard methods of herbarizing the vascular flora. In general in relation to the Aristolochia merxmuelleri species, data from the Internet areused.Thisdeterminationofcoordinatesisdone by the apparatus GPS 12 (GARMIN’S GPS Personal Navigator 1997), so according to these measures the area is determined and the surface calculation area of Aristolochia merxmuelleri species is also given. 3. AREA DESCRIPTION The area of species Aristolochia merxmuelleri is in the region of Mirusha, at the foot of Koznik Mountain, between the localities of Llapçevë and Mrasor. The area has a very small surface. The substratum is rocky serpentine, while vegetation is bushy. In the same localities where this kind grows there are also some species endemic to Balkans or Kosovo, such as: Aster albanicus subsp. albanicus, Centaurea albertii, Centaurea kosaninii, Forsythia europaea, Fumana bonapartei, Genista hassertiana, Halacsya sendtneri, Linum elegans, Malus florentina, Moltkia doerfleri, Polygala doerfleri, Pinguicula hirtiflora, Potentilla visianii, Sanguisorba albanica, Sedum serpentinii, Stipa mayeri and Veronica andrasovszkyi. Within this area there some other species growing, such as: Prunus mahaleb, Aethionema saxatile, Tulipa scardica, Iris reichenbachii, Euphorbia glabriflora, Salvia ringens var. baldacciana, Quercus pubescens, Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. oxycedrus, Acer tataricum, Alyssum markgrafi, Cheilanthes maranthae, Asplenium cuneifolium, Pinguicula hirtiflora, etc. Figure 1: Distribution map of species Aristolochia merxmuelleri Slika 1: Karta razširjenosti vrste Aristolochia merxmuelleri 94 FERAT REXHEPI, ELEZ KRASNIQI: ARISTOLOCHIA MERXMUELLERI GREUTER ET E. MAYER 1985 AFTER NATO BOMBING IN KOSOVO WAR OF 1999 Plants species dominating there include: Forsythia europaea, Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. oxycedrus and Quercus pubescens. The center area of species Aristolochia merxmuelleri is at these coordinates X = 0464387 and Y = 4706324, while the altitude of the area is about 400 – 660 m. The condition of species Aristolochia merxmuelleri in the area where it grows and lives is quite good, the individuals of the kinds prefer to live in groups, around and in bushes. 4. RESULTS The species Aristolochia merxmuelleri are vegetable perennials, geophytes with a round tuber 1–2 cm in diameter. Its underground stalk is thin with rare removable covering layers, non-ramate or ramate. The whole plant is grayish – green; in its lower part almost bared, in the upper part it has rare hairs turned upside down and almost folded. Figure 2: Region of Mirusha, area between localities of Llapçevë and Mrasor, 15. 05. 2003 Slika 2: Območje Mirusha med krajema Llapçevë in Mrasor, 15. 05. 2003 The leaves in the middle part of the stalk are wide and triangular – like a heart cut at its base, the cut is wide, the lobes of the side leaves sometimes have a renal form, with a thick hair, from the back of the leaf with more distinguished nerves, across bared nerves, while the parts between are nerves covered by strong hairs, the lips with transparent parts. Each flower is settled under the axil of leaves, with very short stems. Perianth is 21–28 mm long, the lower part is dark-gray and is 11–15 mm long, on its base it is narrowed from the top, widened and pressed and wide up to 5 mm, its top is of a yellow – green color and across the nerves dark violet. It blossoms in April and bears fruits during May – June It is spread: in Kosovo. It is spread in Kosovo only in Koznik (at the foot of Koznik Mountain between the localities of Llapçevë and Mrasor) (Rexhepi 2000, Krasniqi 2003). It is an endemic plant of Kosovo. A German botanist W. Greuter and Slovenian botanist E. Mayer discovered it in 1985 from the collected material in Koznik. It grows in sandy – stony places near bushes in areas with serpentine geological contains. In Kosovo up to now, it has been concluded only in the region of Mirusha, exactly at the foot of Koznik Mountain, in mountain – bushy vegetation in trowels and hill slopes between Llapçeva and Mrasor, and has a very narrowed area. But even though the area of this species is narrow, its population is in a very good condition. This species can be in danger, or destroyed, if the bushy vegetation from its location is degraded, yet there is no possibility of its being threatened and disappearing as a result of NATO bombing, as is presented in some web- sites on the Internet (www.ecology.co.yu/ecology/ ebiljke.htm). The Aristolochia merxmuelleri species can be threatened only if these spaces are damaged directly by turning them into lands that will be used to produce grains. Then degradation of flora and spontaneous actual vegetation could occur. But the land in the area of Aristolochia merxmuelleri species is mostly rocky serpentine and is not of high quality. (Krasniqi 2003). Figure 3: Species Aristolochia merxmuelleri Slika 3: Vrsta Aristolochia merxmuelleri 95 HACQUETIA 3/1 • 2004 Figure 4: Genista hassertiana, region of Mirusha between lo- calities of Llapçevë and Mrasor, 15. 05. 2003 Slika 4: Vrsta Genista hassertiana, območje Mirusha med kra- jema Llapçevë in Mrasor, 15. 05. 2003 Figure 5: Moltkia doerfleri, region of Mirusha between locali- ties of Llapçevë and Mrasor, 15. 05. 2003 Slika 5: Vrsta Moltkia doerfleri, območje Mirusha med kra- jema Llapçevë in Mrasor, 15. 05. 2003 5. CONCLUSIONS • The steno-endemic species Aristolochia merxmuelleri can be found in Kosovo, at the foot of the Koznik Mountains (between localities Llapçevë and Mrasor). It grows very near bushes, mainly together with species of Forsythia europaea and Juniperus oxycedrus. The substratum is rocky serpentine, and the altitude is about 400 – 660 m. • The species Aristolochia merxmuelleri has a narrow area, but the general state of its population in the area is very good. • The species Aristolochia merxmuelleri was not threatened during the war in Kosovo, especially not during NATO bombing, because the fighting and bombardment took place very far from the area of Aristolochia merxmuelleri. • The species Aristolochia merxmuelleri can be threatened only if the soil in its area can be turned into lands that would produce grains. However, no attempts have ben made to do so, because the land where this kind grows is a rocky serpentine substratum, and at present there is no interest in using it for cultivation (Krasniqi, 2003). 6. SUMMARY This paper includes floristic research and the real condition of steno-endemic species Aristolochia merxmuelleri Greuter et E. Mayer. Greuter W. and Mayer E. ascertain this steno – endemic kind at the foot of Koznik Mountains in 1985. The kind nowadays can be found in the same area, and the natural state of its population is very good. In the same localities where it grows can be found other species endemic to the Balkans or Kosovo, such as Aster albanicus subsp. albanicus, Centaurea albertii, Centaurea kosaninii, Forsythia europaea, Fumana bonapartei, Genista hassertiana, Halacsya sendtneri, Linum elegans, Malus florentina, Moltkia doerfleri, Polygala doerfleri, Potentilla visianii, Sanguisorba albanica, Sedum serpentinii, Stipa mayeri and Veronica andrasovszkyi. Within this area and other kinds also grow, e.g.: Prunus mahaleb, Aethionema saxatile, Tulipa scardica, Iris reichenbachii, Euphorbia glabriflora, Salvia ringens var. baldacciana, Quercus pubescens, Juniperus oxycedrus subsp. oxycedrus, Acer tataricum, Alyssum markgrafi, Cheilanthes maranthae, Asplenium cuneifolium, Pinguicula hirtiflora etc. 7. ACKNOWLEDGEMENT We are grateful to Prof. Dr. Ernest Mayer for collaboration and for sending the holotypus exemplars of species Aristolochia merxmuelleri from the herbarium in Ljubljana. 8. REFERENCES Mayer, E. & Greuter, W. (1985): Aristolochia merxmuelleri, ein neue Serpentin – Endemit aus Sudwest – Serbien. Bot. Jahr. Syst. 107: 321–327. Krasniqi, E. (2003): Flora vaskulare e rajonit të Mirushës. UP, Fakulteti i Shkencave Matematike 96 FERAT REXHEPI, ELEZ KRASNIQI: ARISTOLOCHIA MERXMUELLERI GREUTER ET E. MAYER 1985 AFTER NATO BOMBING IN KOSOVO WAR OF 1999 – Natyrore, Departamenti i Biologjisë, Prishtinë. Punim i magjistraturës. 29–204. Paparisto, K. & al. (1988): Flora e Shqipërisë 1. Lycopodiaceae – Platanaceae. Akademia e Shkencave të RPSSH, Qendra e Kërkimeve Biologjike. Tiranë. 137–139. Polunin, O. (1997): Flowers of Greece and the Balkans (a field guide), Oxford University Press, Oxford, New York, Tokyo. Rexhepi, F. (1999): Botanika II. University press, Prishtinë. 139. Rexhepi, F. (2000): Bimët endemike të Kosovës. Universiteti i Prishtinës. Prishtinë. 5. Tutin, T. G., Heywood, V. H., Burges, N. A., Valentine, D. H., Walters, S. M. & Webb, D. A. (ed.). 1964: Flora europaea. Volume 1. Lycopodiaceae to Platanaceae. – Cambridge. Recieved 30. 5. 2003 Revision recieved 2. 2. 2004 Accepted 6. 2. 2004 97