54 Iz ornitolo{ke bele`nice / From the ornithological notebook Presene~enje naju je ~akalo na Krimu, saj sva v eni izmed gnezdilnic za koza~o Strix uralensis naletela na koza~ina peresa, medtem ko je vhod druge, ta je bila namenjena koconogemu ~uku, zazidal brglez Sitta europaea. Med pregledovanjem gnezdilnic sva na dveh mestih spla{ila sloko. Prvi~ na nadmorski vi{ini 760 m, drugi~ na 940 m, obakrat v strnjenem bukovem gozdu z jelko Omphalodo-Fagetum s. lat. Sloke, ki jih poznamo kot gnezdilko vla`nih gozdov [Geister, I. (1995): Ornitolo{ki atlas Slovenije. DZS, Ljubljana], na seltvi o~itno zaidejo tudi v vi{e le`e~e dinarske gozdove, kjer je prst dovolj mehka za njihov na~in prehranjevanja. Ali v tem okolju tudi gnezdi, pa ni znano. V tej povezavi je zanimiv tudi podatek o ve~ernem opazovanju sloke 29.3.1997, ko se je osebek spreletel nad manj{o poseko v bli`ini hriba Strmec na nadmorski vi{ini okoli 780 m. Sklepam, da je Krim pomembna postaja tudi na spomladanski selitvi teh ptic. Al Vrezec, Pra`akova 11, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, e-mail: al.vrezec@uni-lj.si Rjavi galeb Larus fuscus Lesser Black–backed Gull – 1 ad. at Medvedce reservoir on May 1st 2002 SE of Pragersko (NE Slovenia) Skupaj z Nado Labus in Cvetko Markholt smo se dne 1.5.2002 odpeljali na Medvedce JV od Pragerskega pre{tevat vodne ptice. Bili smo sredi pogovora, ko sem v zraku opazil nekaj ve~jega in svetlega. V pri~akovanju rumenonogega galeba sem pogledal proti ptici. Galeb je vsekakor bil, vendar je imel zgornjo stran peruti skoraj ~rno in glede na velikost ni mogel biti kaj drugega kot odrasel osebek rjavega galeba. Vsi smo ga tega dne prvi~ videli, zato smo si ga ogledali {e posebej natan~no. Galeb je samo zdolgo~aseno dvakrat zakro`il nad nami in odjadral proti jugu. Dejan Bordjan, Ul.8.februarja 50, SI-2204 Miklav`, Slovenija, e-mail: dejanonih@email.si Ural Owl Strix uralensis Koza~a – v gnezdilnici na Krimu smo 11.6.2002 na{li vale~o samico na treh jajcih. Z metodo 24-urnega snemanja z IR kamero smo `eleli registrirali prinose hrane mladi~em. Opravili smo dva snemalna dneva. 1.7.2002 je okoli 21.40 priletela samica, 4.7.2002 pa je gnezdilnico ob 21.00 obiskal par. Obakrat je bila gnezdilnica obiskana le enkrat v no~i. 8.7.2002 smo pogledali vanjo in ugotovili, da je gnezdo propadlo. Kljub temu pa je par {e vedno obiskoval in nadzoroval gnezdilni prostor. In Slovenia, the Ural Owl breeds in nest boxes very rarely, for in spite of a number of boxes placed in the forests in which this species breeds with certainty, only a single case of box nesting has been established so far, i.e. on Mt. Kum [Bo`i~, I.A. (2000): Ural Owl Strix uralensis. Acrocephalus 21 (98-99): 95]. In 1997, three nest boxes were placed on Mt. Krim near Ljubljana for this bird. Although periodically checked, no breeding was confirmed in them. In 2002, however, a Ural Owl’s nest was discovered in a nest box near Srednji hrib on Mt. Krim at an altitude of 800 m in the standing growth of Omphalodo-Fagetum s. lat. within otherwise dominant forest association. In the box placed on a beech Fagus sylvatica some eight metres from the ground we found, on June 11th 2002, a female sitting on three eggs. Towards the evening of the same day, a male and a female were heard calling near the box, which is quite characteristic of these birds during the incubation period [Lundberg, A. (1980): Vocalizations and courtship feeding of the Ural Owl Strix uralensis. Ornis Scandinavica 11: 65-70]. In the next 10 days, we periodically monitored the events in the box without disturbing the brooding female. The eggs and the female were observed for the last time on June 24th 2002. In order to evaluate the Ural Owl’s activities, we wished to monitor the events around the nest box and to register the male and the female bringing food to their young. To avoid the disturbing factor of human presence, which could possibly affect the birds’ activities, we opted for the method of 24hour shooting with IR film camera, placing it some six metres from the box to cover its entrance as well as the nearest branch (see photograph). The first trial shooting took place on June 27th 2002, but to our surprise no Ural Owl appeared at the nest box. At 21.40 hrs of July 1st, however, the female landed on the box’s opening, stuck her head inside for some 10 seconds, continuously calling at the same time. We were surprised, however, that in the ensuing hours the box was not revisited. On July 7th 2002, the shooting was repeated, and at about 21.00 hrs the male and the female appeared at the box. The female again stuck her head into the opening and then flew away, and a few minutes later the male looked into it as well (see photograph). The entire visit lasted about five minutes, the only one in that particular night. We presumed that there were just hatched young in the box, which would mean that the frequency of food being brought to the box Acrocephalus 110 - 111.qxd 19.12.2002 11:02 Page 54