T. SKALAR et al.: NOVEL MATERIALS BASED ON La0.75SrxA0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (A=Ba, Ca, Mg) AS FULL-CERAMICS ... 51–58 NOVEL MATERIALS BASED ON La0.75SrxA0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (A=Ba, Ca, Mg) AS FULL-CERAMICS ANODES IN HIGH-TEMPERATURE FUEL CELLS NOVI MATERIALI NA OSNOVI La0.75SrxA0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (A=Ba, Ca, Mg) KOT KERAMI^NE ANODE V VISOKOTEMPERATURNIH GORIVNIH CELICAH Tina Skalar, Marjan Marin{ek, Klementina Zupan Faculty of Chemistry and Chemical Technology, Ve~na pot 113, 1000 Ljubljana klementina.zupan@fkkt.uni-lj.si Prejem rokopisa – received: 2017-07-17; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2017-09-08 doi:10.17222/mit.2017.120 Among alternative anode materials for high-temperature fuel cells, the complex ceramic oxide La0,75Sr0,25Mn0,5Cr0,5O3 (LSCM) has recently shown good catalytic activity regarding fuel oxidation and sufficient stability in reductive environments at relatively low steam-to-carbon ratios. However, the electrical and ionic conductivities of LSCM are lower compared to some other perovskite materials. One of the possibilities to improve the conductivity of LSCM is in its composition variations, i.e., altering the Sr-content, doping on the A-site of the perovskite with other ions (Ba, Ca and Mg), and varying the Mn-to-Cr ratio on the B-site of the perovskite. In this paper, systems with the general formula La0.75SrxA0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (A = Ba, Ca, Mg, x varies between 0 and 0.25) are described. Within the investigated system, prepared materials after synthesis contain the perovskite structure as a main crystallographic phase with relatively low additions of secondary phases. Any secondary phases are undesired, because they may substantially influence the electrical properties of the final materials. In samples with relatively high Sr-additions, a secondary Sr-rich phase Sr2CrO4 is also identified. Ca-doping may result in traces of CaCr2O4 phase in as-synthesized samples, while Ba-doping may lead to BaCrO4 or BaCO3 phases with higher Ba-additions. The quantity of the secondary phases may be controlled by calcination program or sintering conditions. Secondary phases, which may form additional grains or liquid phase, also influence the development of microstructures during sintering. Within the investigated compositions, the most promising materials are La0.75SrxCa0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (x = 0.05–0.15), because they exhibit single-phase microstructure with fine grains after sintering at 1200 °C. Materials with Ba- or Mg-additions form precipitates of secondary phases at 1200 °C, which also remain present after sintering at higher temperatures. Keywords: combustion synthesis, perovskite, thermal analysis, x-ray powder diffraction, quantitative microstructure analysis La0,75Sr0,25Mn0,5Cr0,5O3 (LSCM) je med alternativnimi anodnimi materiali za visokotemperaturne gorivne celice pokazal dobro katalitsko aktivnost za oksidacijo goriva ter zadovoljivo stabilnost v reduktivnih okoljih z relativno nizkim razmerjem med vodno paro in ogljikom. Vendar pa ima LSCM v primerjavi z nekaterimi drugimi perovskiti nekoliko ni`jo elektri~no in ionsko prevodnost. Ena od mo`nosti za izbolj{anje njegove prevodnosti je v variacijah sestave, npr. sprememba koncentracije Sr, dopiranje na A mestu v perovskitu z drugimi ioni (Ba, Ca in Mg), variiranje razmerja med Mn in Cr na B mestu v perovskitu. V prispevku obravnavamo sistem s splo{no formulo La0.75SrxA0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (A = Ba, Ca, Mg, x variira med 0 in 0,25). Materiali v preiskovanem sistemu po sintezi kot glavno fazo vsebujejo perovskit z relativno nizko vsebnostjo sekundarnih faz. Kakr{nekoli sekundarne faze so neza`elene, ker lahko bistveno vplivajo na elektri~ne lastnosti kon~nih materialov. V vzorcih z relativno visokim dodatkom stroncija smo identificirali s stroncijem bogato fazo Sr2CrO4. Dopiranje s kalcijem se v vzorcih po sintezi lahko odrazi v nastanku faze CaCr2O4, medtem ko dopiranje z barijem pri vi{jih koncentracijah lahko vodi v nastanek BaCrO4 ali BaCO3. Na vsebnost sekundarnih faz lahko vplivamo s pogoji kalcinacije oziroma sintranja. Sekundarne faze, ki med toplotno obdelavo vzorca tvorijo dodatna zrna ali teko~o fazo, vplivajo na razvoj mikrostrukture med sintranjem. Med preiskovanimi sestavami, so najbolj perspektivni materiali La0.75SrxCa0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (x = 0,05 – 0,15), ker imajo enofazno mikrostrukturo `e po sintranju pri 1200 °C. Sestave z dodatki Ba ali Mg pa pri 1200 °C vsebujejo izlo~ke sekundarnih faz, ki v mikrostrukturi ostanejo tudi po sintranju pri vi{jih temperaturah. Klju~ne besede: analiza zgorevanja, perovskit, termi~na analiza, rentgenska difrakcija prahu, kvantitativna analiza mikrostruk- ture 1 INTRODUCTION Among fuel cells, their high-temperature form is the most efficient (>70 % with fuel regeneration) for gaseous fuels’ conversion directly into electrical power and one of the cleanest way to produce electricity due to their low greenhouse-gas emissions.1–3 However, the perfor- mance and stability of a SOFC are critically dependent on the activity and structural stability of various cell components, including the electrolyte, anode, cathode, and interconnect. The most significant technical barriers currently addressed relate to anode and cathode.4 Conventionally used materials for the anodes in ceramic fuel cells are Ni/YSZ composite materials, due to their high electrical conductivity and electro-chemical activity for fuel oxidation reaction. Nevertheless, Ni has several weaknesses, among others a tendency to coke in a hydrocarbon environment and irreversible poisoning of the catalyst by sulphur.5 The major challenges in the selection of these types of fuel-cell anodes include the poisoning issue and carbon deposition,6 surface diffusion of adsorbed reactant gases and charge transfer at the Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 1, 51–58 51 UDK 67.017:544.344.016.2:549.641 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 52(1)51(2018) electrode-pore phase boundary. Regarding the develop- ment of the anode material, it is essential to be able to engineer the mass and charge-transfer through the bulk through the development of appropriate, efficient pro- cessing and fabrication techniques. Conductive oxides including perovskites with nomi- nal formula LaxSr1-xMn0,5Cr0,5O3- (LSCM) are known to have reasonable catalytic activity towards the oxidation of hydrogen and methane, in addition to the good coke tolerance and improved sulphur-poisoning resistance.7 Lanthanum substitution in lanthanum chromite oxides by alkali earth elements (specifically Ca, Sr, and Ba) signi- ficantly affects their electrochemical performance.8,9 The redox stability of doped chromites is probably due to the high chemical stability of Cr3+ at the B-site of the perov- skite among the first-row transition-metal system (Cr3+>Fe3+>Mn3+>Co3+).10,11 According to Deleebeeck and co-authors, the elimination of Sr in La1-xSrxMn1-yCryO3± improves electronic conductivity in a wet hydrogen atmosphere and also enhances thermo- chemical stability.12 Relatively high strontium content (x = 0.2) also results in poorer catalytic activity, while catalytic activity towards hydrogen oxidation improves with increasing manganese content (y = 0.4 – 0.6).13 Therefore, the question of an optimal perovskite material composition remains open. Microstructure development and final electrical properties strongly depend on the presence of isolative secondary phases formed in perov- skite during the preparation process and/or subsequent sintering. Several routes are possible to prepare complex oxide powders, including solid-state reaction,14 the chelating method,15 gel casting,16 and co-precipitation17. Among the various preparation techniques, combustion synthesis18–21 enables the preparation of ultrafine soft agglomerated metal oxide powder. The secondary phase present after synthesis can be controlled by subsequent calcination. In the present contribution, materials with mixed doping at the A site of the perovskite by earth alkali elements were prepared for the first time. A series of complex metal oxide materials with general formula La0.75SrxA0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (A = Ba, Ca, Mg, x varies between 0 and 0.25) were prepared by combustion syn- thesis. The thermal behaviour of the citrate-nitrate gels was determined with thermogravimetric analyses. After synthesis, samples were pressed into pellets and sintered at different temperatures. The crystalline phase forma- tion was followed by X-ray powder diffraction and the relationship between the presence of the secondary phase in the complex metal oxide and microstructure deve- lopment was studied in relation to output chemical composition. 2 EXPERIMENTAL PART Samples with the nominal composition La0.75SrxA0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (A = Ba, Ca, Mg, x varies between 0 and 0.25) were prepared by modified citrate- nitrate combustion reaction (Table 1). Stoichiometric amounts of metal nitrates La(NO3)3⋅6H2O, Sr(NO3)2, Ca(NO3)2, Mg(NO3)2, Ba(NO3)2, Cr(NO3)3⋅9H2O and Mn(NO3)2⋅4H2O and citric acid (analytical reagent grade) were dissolved with minimum quantities of water. Five or six reactant solutions were mixed to form a reac- tion solution and then preserved at 60 °C under vacuum (p = 5–7 mbar) until it transformed into a gel reactive mixture (at least 6 hours). The citrate/nitrate molar ratios in the starting solutions were 0.18, respectively. After water evaporation, the gel was then slightly crushed in an agate mortar and uni-axially pressed into pellets ( = 12 mm, h = 30 mm, p = 17 MPa). These samples were placed on a corundum plate and ignited at the top of the pellet with a hot tip to start an auto-ignition reaction that travels as a reaction zone throughout the pellet. During the exothermic combustion reaction, high temperatures are reached in a very short reaction time, yielding a fine-powdered product. Table 1: Compositions, sample notations and secondary phase present in as prepared samples Sample composition Sample name Secondary phase in as prepared sample La0.75Mg0.25Sr0Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Mg25Sr0 / La0.75Mg0.20Sr0.05Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Mg20Sr5 Sr2CrO4 La0.75Mg0.15Sr0.10Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Mg15Sr10 Sr2CrO4 La0.75Mg0.10Sr0.15Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Mg10Sr15 Sr2CrO4 La0.75Mg0.05Sr0.2Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Mg5Sr20 Sr2CrO4 La0.75Ca0.25Sr0Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Ca25Sr0 CaCrO4 La0.75Ca0.20Sr0.05Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Ca20Sr5 / La0.75Ca0.15Sr0.10Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Ca15Sr10 / La0.75Ca0.10Sr0.15Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Ca10Sr15 Sr2CrO4 La0.75Ca0.05Sr0.20Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Ca5Sr20 Sr2CrO4 La0.75Ba0.25Sr0Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Ba25Sr0 BaCrO4, La0.75Ba0.20Sr0.05Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Ba20Sr5 BaCO3 La0.75Ba0.15Sr0.10Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Ba15Sr10 Sr2CrO4 La0.75Ba0.10Sr0.15Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Ba10Sr15 Sr2CrO4 La0.75Ba0.05Sr0.20Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Ba5Sr20 Sr2CrO4 La0.75Sr0.25Cr0.5Mn0.5O3 Sr25 Sr2CrO4 The thermal behaviour (TG, DTG) of the reactive gels prior to the combustion was followed by thermo- gravimetric analyses (Netzsch STA 449 F3) at a heating rate of 10 K min–1. The synthesized powders were milled in an agate mortar, un-axially pressed into pellets (100 MPa), and sintered at various temperatures (1200 °C, 1300 °C, 1400 °C and 1500 °C) for 1 h. The calcined and sintered samples were analysed with a PANalytical X’Pert PRO MPD apparatus. Data were collected in the range 2 from 20° to 90° in steps of 0.033°. For the determination of the microstructure, the sintered tablets were polished (diamond pastes 3 μm and 0.25 μm), thermally etched, and subsequently analysed with an FE-SEM Zeiss ULTRA plus. The quantitative analyses of the microstructures were performed on digital images (the images were digitized into pixels with T. SKALAR et al.: NOVEL MATERIALS BASED ON La0.75SrxA0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (A=Ba, Ca, Mg) AS FULL-CERAMICS ... 52 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 1, 51–58 255 different grey values) using Axiovision4.8 image- analysis software. 3 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The citrate-nitrate gel combustion described above is used as a technique for the preparation of complex metal oxides La1-xSrxA0,25-xMn0,5Cr0,5O3±, in which the stron- tium at the A site is partly substituted by Ba, Ca, or Mg, and x varies between 0 and 0.25. To obtain a better insight into the course of the citrate-nitrate combustion reaction of various reactive gels, a series of thermo-analytical tests is conducted (Figure 1). TG in combination with EGA may be used to study thermal stabilities of the reactive gel precursors and to unveil the reaction mechanism by determining volatile products of the citrate-nitrate combustion. It is evident that the citrate-nitrate combustion reaction proceeds over several consecutive steps. The first two intervals of mass losses (150–180 °C and 200–300 °C, respectively) are directly related to the citrate-nitrate combustion itself, as described in the literature.22,23 This citrate-nitrate combustion is accompanied by the release of volatile products H2O, CO2, CO and NO and is very similar in all investigated systems. The third step of mass loss (300–380 °C) is a consequence of the so-called citrate after-burning, where some residual citrate reacts with oxygen from surrounding atmosphere. Peak tempe- ratures of the first two intervals of mass losses differ slightly if Ba2+, Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions are added to the original mixture of metal nitrates (La, Sr, Cr, and Mn) and citrate. It is well known from the literature that some metal ions (especially transition elements) exhibit a catalytic effect towards the citrate-nitrate combustion.24,25 However, by comparing the TG curves of the investi- gated systems it appears that slight substitution of original metal ions with Ba2+, Ca2+ or Mg2+ hinder the combustion reaction meaning that these three ions do not act catalytically. Solid residue (ash) above the citrate after-burning temperature is a mixture of nano-sized particles predominantly of the perovskite phase with minor additions of some secondary phases. These secon- dary phases (normally unreacted nitrates, formed carbo- nates or mixed oxides) are further decomposed or trans- formed during subsequent heating. In a combustion system, the subsequent heating occurs inside the com- bustion wave since citrate-nitrate combustion reaction provides temperatures around 1000 °C. During the investigated LSCM synthesis, very few secondary phases are formed. In contrast, additions of Ba2+, Ca2+ or Mg2+ always resulted in the formation of secondary phases. After the addition of Ba2+ into the reactive precursor, the decomposition of a secondary phase may be found in temperature ranges 560–580 °C and 695–715 °C. Decomposition between 560–580 °C is accompanied by NO release, implying that some Ba2+ ions are not com- pletely chelated with citrate but rather partially remain in the reactive gel as Ba(NO3)2. Subsequent decomposition between 695–715 °C is accompanied by O2 release, which suggests that Ba-containing Ruddlesden–Popper phases are also formed during the combustion reaction. The addition of Ca2+ or Mg2+ ions into initial precursor mixtures after citrate-nitrate combustion causes the for- mation of some undesired Ca-containing or Mg-contain- T. SKALAR et al.: NOVEL MATERIALS BASED ON La0.75SrxA0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (A=Ba, Ca, Mg) AS FULL-CERAMICS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 1, 51–58 53 Figure 1: Thermal analysis of reactive gels (Ba25Sr0, Ca25Sr0, Mg25Sr0 and Sr25). Large graph represents mass losses; small graph inserts are QMS signals for 30, 32, and 44 fragments ing carbonates, which are decomposed through CO2 release into mixed oxides at 595–630 °C or 655–675 °C, respectively. Thus, final as prepared ashes do not include metal nitrates or metal carbonates. Instead, other than the predominantly present perovskite phase, the as prepared samples may contain minor amounts of Ba-, Ca- or Mg-rich mixed oxides. Some of these secondary oxides are subsequently dissolved in the main perovskite phase during material sintering (LSMC or LSCCM systems); however, in the case of Ba- or Mg-doping inclusions of secondary phases are present also after sintering. As-synthesized samples are not well crystalized and the main phase corresponded to perovskite crystal struc- ture. In samples with relatively higher strontium content (x = 0.15 to 0.25), one of so-called Ruddlesden Popper phases Sr2CrO4 was detected. The formation of a stron- T. SKALAR et al.: NOVEL MATERIALS BASED ON La0.75SrxA0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (A=Ba, Ca, Mg) AS FULL-CERAMICS ... 54 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 1, 51–58 Figure 3: SEM micrographs of Mg15Sr10 and Ba15Sr10 after sintering at 1200 °C (left column) and after sintering at 1500 °C (right column) Figure 2: X-ray powder diffraction patterns of all samples after sintering at 1200 °C and 1500 °C tium-rich secondary phase may be expected during syn- thesis in an oxygen-deficient atmosphere.26 In samples Ba25Sr0 (x = 0) and Ba20Sr5 (x = 0.05), BaCrO4, and BaCO3 were identified respectively, while in sample Ca25Sr0 traces of CaCrO4 were found. In samples con- taining magnesium, no secondary magnesium phases were detected after the synthesis. After 1-hour sintering at various temperatures (in the range from 1200 °C to 1500 °C) in all samples, the perovskite phase turns out to be well crystallized. In all compositions containing magnesium (x = 0 to 0.20) after sintering at 1200 °C there are two possible secondary phases Mg2MnO4 and/or Mn2CrO4, and they remain in the samples after sintering as high as 1500 °C. In sam- ples containing barium (x = 0 to 0.10) barium secondary phases BaMnO4 and BaCrO4 were found, indicating that higher calcination temperatures do not increase the solubility of Ba in LaCrO3.27 In samples with higher strontium content (x = 0.20), traces of La2O3 appear after sintering at higher temperatures (1300 °C to 1500 °C). In samples containing calcium (x = 0 to 0.15), no particular calcium or strontium secondary phases were found after sintering at 1200 °C and also at higher sintering tempera- tures. In samples with calcium, the presence of secon- dary phases was negligible after the sintering at 1200 °C, which makes compositions in which strontium is partly substituted with calcium favourable in comparison to compositions containing magnesium or barium. One of the crucial tasks in the preparation of complex oxide material as an anode in high-temperature fuel cells is to achieve good connections among solid perovskite grains without the appearance of secondary phases. At the same time, pores in the electrode should be conti- nuous. Consistent with the results of powder diffraction in samples containing magnesium and barium grains of secondary phases based on magnesium and barium were observed in the microstructure after sintering at 1200 °C and above (Figure 3). In Mg-containing samples, smaller dark grains were ascribed to Mg-Mn and/or Mn-Cr phase, while larger bright grains were ascribed to perovskite. After sintering at 1500 °C, perovskite grains formed dense regions with inclusions of secondary phases. In Ba-containing samples after sintering at 1200 °C, a secondary liquid phase was present between light grey perovskite round grains, while after sintering at 1500 °C the morphology of perovskite grains is changed significantly. The microstructure of sintered samples consists mainly of cubic grains, surrounded by a thin layer of secondary liquid phase, as it was described in the literature for the case of La0.7Ba0.3Cr0.5Mn0.5O3- after sintering at 1650 °C for five hours in air.28 The microstructures of the samples in which stron- tium is partly replaced with calcium (Ca10Sr15 and T. SKALAR et al.: NOVEL MATERIALS BASED ON La0.75SrxA0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (A=Ba, Ca, Mg) AS FULL-CERAMICS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 1, 51–58 55 Figure 4: SEM micrographs of Ca15Sr10 (left column) and Ca10Sr15 (right column) samples sintered at 1200 °C, 1300 °C, 1400 °C, and 1500 °C Ca15Cr10) after sintering at temperatures from 1200 °C to 1500 °C are presented in Figure 4. These samples were selected since no secondary crystal phases were identified by X-ray analysis after sintering at 1200 °C. After sintering at 1200 °C for both samples, a homo- genous microstructure was formed in which grains were well connected to each other. At the same time, pores are uniformly distributed in the microstructure and remain opened to the surface allowing gaseous reactants to enter and product to leave the reaction site at the potential anode. After sintering at 1300 °C, porosity is apparently reduced, and pores started to close. In Ca10Sr15 after heating at 1400 °C, inhomogeneous microstructures with dense areas of fine grains and dense areas of coarse grains together with separate large pores can be observed. In sample Ca15Sr10 the size of the grains is much more uniform, and the sample is rather dense. After sintering at 1500 °C, the microstructure of Ca10Sr15 consisted of large grains and some pores at grain borders, while sample Ca15Sr10 is fully dense and some small grains of the secondary phase are present. From these observations, it may be assumed that Sr sub- stitution with Ca to some amount (x = 0.10, 0.15) accelerates sintering at lower temperatures (1200 °C), due to the low-temperature liquid phase formation. Adding Ca to perovskite above or below certain concen- trations (x = 0, 0.05, 0.20 and 0.25) does not work on the densifying process in the same way. It is expected that in mixed CaO-SrO-Cr2O3 system liquid phase forms at lower temperatures than in specific CaO-Cr2O3 29 and SrO-Cr2O3 19 systems. Quantitative analysis of microstructures in all sin- tered samples after sintering was also performed, while only those results of samples containing calcium are summarized in Table 2. Parameters dmax, dmin,  and d are represented as maximum and minimum intercept lengths in one direction, shape factor, and the diameter of the area-analogue circle, respectively. As expected, the green density of the samples containing Ca is decreasing with a gradual strontium replacement at the A site in the perovskite, since calcium has a lower molecular mass than strontium. Sintered den- sity depends greatly on the strontium substitution with calcium as well as the sintering temperature. The highest density (3.00 g cm–3) after sintering at 1200 °C achieved sample with medium calcium content (Ca15Sr10), while at the densification process of this sample is not so pro- nounced higher sintering temperatures. After sintering at temperatures above 1200 °C, the sintered density increases faster in samples with strontium content higher than calcium. Thus, in samples (x = 0.15 and 0.20), after sintering at 1300 °C and 1400 °C, considerable increase in density was noticed. After sintering at 1500 °C in samples containing both calcium and strontium (x = 0 to 0.20). densities are rather high, and they are increasing with strontium content (from 6.26 g cm–3 to 6.65 g cm–3). Exceptions are the samples with no Ca (Ca25Sr0) or no Sr (Sr25), where intensive densification starts as high as 1500 °C, meaning that liquid phase, which is formed in the specific systems of CaO-Cr2O3 and SrO-Cr2O3, does not accelerate sintering. Thus, final densities reached in Ca25Sr0 or Sr25 are only 5.43 g cm–3 and 6.10 g cm–3, respectively. Table 2: Average values selected microstructure parameters, green and sintering density for La0,75CaxSryCr0,5Mn0,5O3 sintered at 1200 °C, 1300 °C, 1400 °C, and 1500 °C. sample dmax /μm dmin / μm Ngrains Sgrain / μm2 d / μm  sinter/ g cm–3 12 00 °C Ca25Sr0 0.90 0.02 2223 0.09 0.31 0.80 2.21 Ca20Sr5 0.67 0.02 3290 0.05 0.23 0.82 2.45 Ca15Sr10 0.56 0.01 1736 0.04 0.20 0.82 3.00 Ca10Sr15 0.60 0.01 1097 0.04 0.21 0.82 2.70 Ca5Sr20 0.82 0.01 1018 0.07 0.27 0.80 2.74 Ca0Sr25 0.47 0.01 1419 0.01 0.10 0.83 2.55 13 00 °C Ca25Sr0 1.11 0.02 1455 0.14 0.41 0.81 2.72 Ca20Sr5 0.99 0.01 677 0.13 0.37 0.79 3.27 Ca15Sr10 0.85 0.01 351 0.14 0.39 0.82 3.80 Ca10Sr15 0.86 0.01 143 0.15 0.39 0.81 4.11 Ca5Sr20 1.52 0.02 500 0.41 0.62 0.81 4.47 Ca0Sr25 0.76 0.01 291 0.07 0.26 0.80 3.40 14 00 °C Ca25Sr0 1.42 0.02 525 0.33 0.57 0.82 3.59 Ca20Sr5 1.35 0.01 183 0.28 0.51 0.80 3.63 Ca15Sr10 1.73 0.02 756 0.38 0.62 0.81 5.26 Ca10Sr15 2.19 0.02 395 0.69 0.80 0.81 6.18 Ca5Sr20 3.28 0.03 340 1.66 1.23 0.82 6.68 Ca0Sr25 1.37 0.01 414 0.25 0.46 0.68 3.89 15 00 °C Ca25Sr0 3.02 0.02 195 1.12 1.03 0.81 5.43 Ca20Sr5 2.50 0.01 72 0.80 0.81 0.78 6.26 Ca15Sr10 2.55 0.02 42 2.01 1.27 0.77 6.57 Ca10Sr15 2.65 0.03 36 2.07 1.25 0.80 6.60 Ca5Sr20 3.74 0.03 330 2.09 1.36 0.77 6.65 Ca0Sr25 1.75 0.01 80 0.49 0.53 0.84 6.10 Results of the quantitative microstructural analysis are in good agreement with optical observations. Si- ntered density increases and optically determined poro- sity decreases with the increasing sintering temperature. After sintering at 1200 °C samples Ca20Sr5, Ca15Sr10, Ca10Sr15, and Ca5Sr20 also form relatively small average grain sizes of 0.23, 0.20 μm, 0.21 μm 0.27 μm, respectively. The fine-grained microstructure is favour- able for ensuring good catalytic activity of the electrode. Partial strontium substitution with calcium in sam- ples with x = 0.05 to 0.20 resulted in moderate average grain growth from 0.20 μm to 1.36 μm. In the sample containing only calcium Ca25Sr0, average grain size grows from 0.31 μm to 1.03 μm and in the sample with no calcium Sr25 grains grow from 0.10 μm to 0.53 μm. From these data, we may assume that only Sr or Ca additions to LCM perovskite do not accelerate sintering to a level as in the case in which both elements Ca and Sr are added. According to the phase diagram, the SrO–Cr2O3 secondary phase SrCrO4 forms a liquid phase T. SKALAR et al.: NOVEL MATERIALS BASED ON La0.75SrxA0.25-xCr0.5Mn0.5O3 (A=Ba, Ca, Mg) AS FULL-CERAMICS ... 56 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 52 (2018) 1, 51–58 due to eutectic and peritectic reactions that promote sintering, but only by adding Sr to perovskite under cer- tain concentration x = 0.20.19,30 The Sr2CrO4-rich phase presence in the as prepared materials was confirmed in samples with higher Sr content (x = 0.15, 0.20 and 0.25), which at higher temperatures first turns to SrCrO4 and later forms a liquid phase to promote perovskite sin- tering.20 With noticeable grain growth, the slightly de- creased shape factor  indicates that grains become diverse to ideal spheres, as already observed in the case of combustion-derived LSCM ceramics.21 4 CONCLUSIONS La0.75SrxA1-xMn0.5Cr0.5O3 perovskite materials in which Sr was replaced with alkali earth ions Mg, Ca and Ba (x = 0 to 0.25) were prepared using citrate-nitrate combustion synthesis. The solid residue in the as-synthe- sized samples contains the main perovskite phase with some minor additions of secondary phases (formed car- bonates or mixed oxides). In sintered samples at 1200 °C containing magne- sium (x = 0 to 0.20), there are two possible secondary phases Mg2MnO4 and/or Mn2CrO4. These two secondary phases are also present after sintering as high as 1500 °C. In samples containing barium (x = 0 to 0.10), the secondary phases BaMnO4 and BaCrO4 are found, indicating their relatively poor solubility in LaCrO3. In Ca-doped samples in which calcium content is higher than strontium (x = 0.05 to 0.10), the presence of secondary phases after the sintering was negligible. This makes Ca-doped LSCM compositions favourable, in comparison to Mg-doped or Ba-doped LSCMs. After sintering at 1200 °C in Ca-doped LSCMs, relatively small grains of the main perovskite phase are formed. At the same time, the LSCCM phase is conti- nuous, and the pores remain open to the surface. 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