SLOVENSKA ŽUPNIJA SV. GREGORIJA VELIKEGA | ST. GREGORY THE GREAT SLOVENIAN CHURCH 11/59 Številka - Number / Leto - Year 12.3. 2023 3. POSTNA NEDELJA 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT Fr. Drago Gačnik, SDB ŽUPNIK - PASTOR NASLOV - ADDRESS 125 Centennial Pkwy N. Hamilton, ON L8E 1H8 PHONE: 905-561-5971 CELL: 905-520-2014 E-MAIL gregory_sdb@ HALL RENTALS 905-561-5971, ext. 2 E-MAIL hallrental@ Izvir vode, ki ne pojenja Ko so vprašali mladega Afričana, kaj mu bo najbolj ostalo v spominu po obisku naše dežele, je odgovoril: »Ko smo se v eni gorskih dolin ustavili pod slapom, sem ga opazoval in čakal, kdaj bo vsa voda odtekla.« Pričakoval je, kdaj bo konec izlivanja vode čez rob. Zanj, otroka puščave, je bil tak izvir vode nepojmljiv. Za nas je morda nepojmljivo življenje brez vodovodnih cevi in pip po stanovanju. Zato tudi ne cenimo vrednosti pitne vode. Morda je tudi za nas lahko voda iz pipe ali iz potoka znamenje božje bližine, kot je prikazana v današnji božji besedi. V prvem berilu Izraelci po puščavi romajo iz dežele sužnosti proti obljubljeni deželi in naletijo na marsikatero težavo. Prva težava in preizkušnja je bila žeja, zmanjkovalo jim je vode. Mojzes je vedel, da je še hujše, ker jim je začelo zmanjkovati vere, zaupanja v božje varstvo. »Ali je Gospod med nami ali ga ni?« se sprašujejo? Puščava, v katero jih je Bog peljal, da jim spregovori na srce, jim je že odveč. Svoboda, v katero gredo, terja določen napor in cena za svobodo nikakor ni lahka. Tako kot so Izraelci zahrepeneli po vodi, da se odžejajo, so zahrepeneli tudi po Bogu. Saj je edina rešitev, da je Jahve z njimi in jim preskrbi vode, ker ga potrebujejo. Kako bi bil Mojzes vesel, če bi hrepeneli po njem tudi takrat, ko jim ne bo nič manjkalo, če bi to hrepenenje kazalo na njihovo zaupanje in vero. To se ni zgodilo. Rod sužnjev je moral umreti, da je nova generacija vstopila v deželo obljube. Druga velika žeja se godi ob Siharskem vodnjaku. Tokrat je žejen Jezus. Bog prosi človeka, da mu da piti. On, ki je ustvaril brezmejne oceVESTNIK 2023 | ane, potrebuje človekovo pomoč za nekaj požirkov vode. Kot smo lahko videli že ob Jezusovem krstu, pa tudi ob njegovih skušnjavah, je Jezus popolnoma v vsem solidaren s človekom. Hodi pot človeka. Jezus je žejen in solidaren z vsemi, ki trpijo žejo, ki še danes nimajo pitne vode, ki se obračajo k sočloveku, da jim to žejo ugasi. A Jezusova prošnja ob žeji nas spominja tudi na njegov krik na križu: »Žejen sem.« Kristusa žeja po dušah, žeja ga po človeku, kateremu bi rad dal to moč. V tej ženi z vrčem bi rad vzbudil njeno žejo in vero. Njun pogovor je zelo zanimiv. Je pogovor o dostojanstvu njenega naroda, kajti Jud se še ni nikoli zmenil za manjvrednega Samarijana, za manjvredno žensko. Pogovor teče o pravi molitvi, ker imajo vsak svoj tempelj; o njenem neutešenem življenju, ko svoje ljubezni ne zmore zaupati nikomur; predvsem pa se njun pogovor vrti o skrivnostni živi vodi. Vodi, ki bi odžejala za vedno, ki teče vedno in odteka v večno življenje. Samarijanka zasluti to moč in tudi, da ji Jezus, ki je pred njo, lahko to da. Prej je mislila, da samo on lahko pride do vode, a v pristnem srečanju začuti sprejetost, dobi vero, dobi ljubezen, ki jo je iskala. Pravo živo vodo ji lahko da le Jezus. On je sedmi mož, ki ga je srečala. Sedem - število popolnosti. Samarijanka smo tudi mi sami. Naše srce je ranjeno, žejno, zmožno ljubiti, pa tudi tajiti, grešiti, iti proč od izvira. Mi smo tudi Izraelci sredi puščave. Kaj storimo, ko smo v brezizhodnem položaju, brez vode in hrane ali brez zdravja in sreče? Ali se tudi mi jezimo nanj, kje je? Godrnjamo čez Boga, ki visi pribit na lesu križa? Jezus je pribit na križ, da bi nam dal žive vode v izobilju. Jezus je tista skala, po kateri je udaril Mojzes in je pritekla voda. V Jezusovo stran je udaril vojak s sulico in je pritekla voda milosti. K tej skali po živo vodo se z vero zatekajmo tudi mi. Saj teče na nas in nas očiščuje v studencu sprave. Teče na nas in nas krepi v vseh zakramentih. Teče na nas in naša srečanja dela pristno človeška. Teče na nas kot slap, ki ne pojenja. (Prim.: Oznanjevalec 2, 2008 ) 98 | VESTNIK 2023 3RD SUNDAY OF LENT Response: O that today you would listen to the voice of the Lord. Do not harden your hears. First Reading Exodus 17:3-7 The book of Exodus tells the story of God’s unfailing desire to be in relationship with us. However unfaithful we may be, however many false idols we may turn to in our search for security, God will never fail us and always holds to the covenant promises. Second Reading Romans 5:1-2. 5-8 Paul writes to the Romans, reminding them that through God’s grace they have a reliable hope that cannot be disappointed. This is not cheap and easy grace, but the power, through Christ, to live differently and to trust in his promises. Gospel John 4:5-42 The story of the woman of Samaria is rich with resonance. Jesus comes to meet this woman where she is. He listens to her questions and her struggles with faith, trust and hope. He invites her to change her perception of God and by doing so changes her experience of herself. “Anyone who drinks the water that I shall give will never be thirsty again.” Illustration Throughout the year the Atacama Desert in Chile normally receives less than twelve millimetres of rain. All that can be seen is mile after mile of dust and barren landscape. But if there is a year with unusually high rainfall, the desert blooms and is suddenly filled with flowers in vibrant colours that can be seen throughout the coastal valleys. All of these flowers have lain dormant for months, even for years, but they haven’t died – they are just waiting for the water they need to turn a barren landscape into a lavish garden. If you saw or walked through the desert on a normal day, it would take a considerable act of faith to believe that anything could possibly grow there. The view from the surface is anything but encouraging, but there is potential life hidden beneath the brown dust. Today’s readings suggest that we are like that. To ourselves, and perhaps to others, it may seem that there is no life in us, no potential for growth or change. But God has been a gardener since the beginning, and knows what lies in our fallow ground, just waiting to flower and become fruitful. Gospel Teaching In his encyclical on hope, Spe salvi, Pope Benedict wrote: “the Christian message [is] not only ‘informative’ but ‘performative’. That means: the Gospel is not merely a communication of things that can be known – it is one that makes things happen and is life-changing… The one who has hope lives differently” (2). We see Jesus making things happen in his life -changing encounter with the Samaritan woman. His message is performative, in that it brings something to life in her that has been there potentially, although only he can see it. This woman has been living in shame, avoiding her neighbours. No woman was allowed to divorce her husband in ancient Samaria, so it is likely that she was widowed or abandoned repeatedly. There must have been a lifetime of grief and hurt in her. But Jesus is willing to make himself vulnerable to her, to be dependent on her generosity and willingness to engage, despite all the social taboos against this. He creates what Pope Francis has called “a culture of encounter”, by offering her welcome and listening to her questions. He has hope and trust in her and invites her to hope and trust in his offer of “living water”. His gift of the Spirit to her allows what has been hidden in her to grow and flourish like the desert blooming. Application St Paul tells us that the three cardinal virtues are faith, hope and love, with the greatest being love, but it becomes clear that without faith there can be no genuine hope, and without these two there can be no lasting love. We are challenged by God to have hope not only in God’s saving grace but in our own capacity for leadership, even when we don’t feel equal to the task. Both Moses and the Samaritan woman became leaders when they learned that God’s power can and does overcome our fragility. In God’s eyes, whatever our weaknesses, we are enough. When we open ourselves up to live in intimate relationship with Jesus, nothing can separate us from God’s love. On our own we are powerless, and we know this. With God, all things are possible, and even our poor efforts can make a difference to how the world is and will be. God repeatedly chooses sinners like ourselves to bring about God’s saving purpose. We become people who live differently, knowing that we make a difference. This isn’t done in grand gestures of spectacular sanctity but simply in our capacity to embrace the promise of richness within the present moment, even if that richness is beyond our understanding. In his apostolic exhortation Evangelii Gaudium, “The Joy of the Gospel”, Pope Francis spoke of “the joy which we experience daily, amid the little things of life” (4). When we begin to seek and find God in all the ordinary, daily encounters of life, we become open to the gift that they are to us. This is what turns us into people of hope, capable of giving hope to the world. VESTNIK 2023 | 99 Our Bazaar Sunday started with an inspirational Mass celebrated by both Father Drago Gačnik and Father Štefan Krampač with liturgy and music in both Slovenian and English. We thank our choir led by Ivan Mertuk which includes Jožica Novak, Teresa Farbotko, Sonya Podrebarac, Elka Persin and Francisca D’Costa for their participation. Mass was followed by a tasty luncheon prepared by Nancy Dundek-Taylor and her team. Prior to breaking bread we invited ladies to join our sisterhood, and recited the League prayer. Father Drago also provided us with a blessing. We enjoyed our meal along with the company and fellowship of family and friends. There were opportunities to buy noodles, štrudel and pecivo, various beverages and also handcrafted items. There were also ample choices of tickets available for purchase which included chances to win an assortment of valuable prizes displayed so beautifully by our ladies. Results included an abundance of smiling faces and happy winners! Congratulations! A myriad of activities kept our children entertained at the ‘otroški kotiček.’ Several even went home with a pet fish as a new addition to their family. For some children it was their first time at our bazaar and they’ll look forward to the next one! We had an amazing all ages turnout, about 260 attendees in total. Thank you for supporting us with your presence, active participation and gracious donations. Our bazaar, as you can tell, is steeped in 100 | VESTNIK 2023 cherished Slovenian traditions. It enables us to take pride in our culture and heritage and make positive contributions to our parish and community. Charity, Work, and Loyalty also align closely with our League’s mission. An event like our bazaar is only possible with the help of so many volunteers. Notable volunteers, many of whom assumed multiple roles included: Father Drago Gačnik, Terezija Sarjaš, Pamela and Joe Gosgnach, Sidonia and Bob Poppa, MaryAnn Demšar, Heidy Novak, Nancy and Alyssa Taylor, Tony Horvat, Majda Lukežič, Milena Krušič, Terezija Pučko, Albina and Joe Antolin, Dragica and Lojze Ferenčak, Marianne and Steven Horvat, Milena Volčanšek, Jožica Erzar, Anna Plosinjak, Frances Scarcelli, Elizabeth and Sara Booth, Mary Miklavčič, Marianne Škerl, Sonya Podrebarac, Elka Persin, Štefka Eržen, Jožica Groznik, Francka Antolin, Elizabeth and Kylee Lukežič, Peter and Amanda Novak, Karol Ferko, Marinka Hanc, Sara Miletič, Lucas Tran, Melanie and Alec Marinko, Ava Bosiljevac, Jessica Novak-Pace, Kristen Louch, Jeremy Sobočan and Rosemary Šušteršič. A thank you also goes out to all who joined in the final cleanup. Willingness to give your time and service is greatly appreciated. So many actions were completed with a lot of love. Najlepša in milijonkrat hvala vsem prostovoljcem in udeležencem bazarja! Rosemary Šušteršič, on behalf of and in recognition of our faithful CWL members and supporters VESTNIK 2023 | 101 102 | VESTNIK 2023 VESTNIK 2023 | 103 Baking at our parish made a strong return on Saturday! There were 12 of us who made our Easter Potica and we had a lot of fun doing it! Although this session was announced a little bit on the last minute side of things, it was nice to see so much interest. We had people come from St. Catharines to Toronto and from 11 months to 85 years join in. Although many of us are already friends, I always find it amazing of how new friendships are created in the kitchen. With 5 mixers going steady, the enthusiasm was infectious. Of course there was no shortage of stories about different foods and the memories that come along with this. It is always intriguing to me, how many foods trigger a memory amongst Slovenians. There was a lot of talk about when I would host our next session. If you would like to be added onto the e-mailing list, if you have ideas of recipes you would like us to include, if you would like to lead a cooking or baking session, please join in and email me with your suggestions and information. What a great opportunity for Slovenians of all ages and from the surrounding areas to come together and join in a social and delicious day with friends! - Heidy Novak / 905-317-6002 104 | VESTNIK 2023 SV. KRST - BAPTISM V soboto, 11. marca, 2023, je v naši cerkvi, deklica Brianna Paula Hočevar, prejela zakrament sv. krsta. Starša deklice sta oče Johnny Paul Hočevar in mati Kristina Francesca roj. Kure. Iskrene čestitke staršema ob krstu tretjega otroka. Naj ju spremlja božji blagoslov in priprošnja nebeške Matere Marije. Saturday, March 25, 2023 3-piece Breaded Chicken with Potatoes and Coleslaw OR Meatloaf with Potatoes and Vegetables $25 Also: Apple Strudel $20 and Potica (limited... call for price) Call to place your order from March 13 to 23: Anica Orešar 905-684-0036 Mary Verhovšek 905-682-7055 Pickup time to be advised...come inside to pick up your order Cases of beer available for purchase on pickup day, for details call Frank Chermaz at 905-964-6055 VESTNIK 2023 | 105 O BVESTILA - A NNOUNCEMENTS KOLEDAR DOGODKOV - March 19, 2023 - Društvo sv. Jožefa - Banquet - Mass: 10:00 a.m. - March 26, 2023 - Breslau - Maša za Slovensko skupnost ob 1:00 p.m. READERS - BRALCI BERIL: MARCH 12TH Slovenian Readings - Olga Glavač English Readings - GIFT BEARERS - SLOVENIAN MASS March 12th - Albina in Jože Antolin March 19th - St. Joseph’s Society March 26th - Sam & Elizabeth Petek April 2nd -Jožica Vegelj & Terezija Sarjaš CLEANING OF THE CHURCH - ČIŠČENJE CERKVE March 18th - Jožica Vegelj and team March 25th - Lojzka Novak and team DRUŠTVO SV. JOŽEFA Na mizi v cerkveni veži so kuverte za članarino. V kuverti je članska izkaznica za leto 2023. Dajte denar za članarino ($15) v kuverto in kuverto oddajte v nabiralnik za nedeljsko nabirko. The Annual St. Joseph's Banquet will be held on Sunday March 19th. Please join us for lunch after the 10:00 a.m. Mass. Tickets ($25.00) Students ($10.00) will be available before and after Mass on Sunday March 12, Tuesday nights at Villa Slovenia or call Peter Novak 905-928-9984. Ticket deadline is Thursday March 17th. No sales at the door. - Peter Novak All profits will be donated to St. Gregory the Great Parish. 106 | VESTNIK 2023 Na račun »Eno Srce, Ena Duša« »One Heart, One Soul« ste za našo slovensko župnijo sv. Gregorija Velikega do 3. marca 2023: - $146,620. - Obljubili / Pledged - $140,660. - Vplačali / Paid Hvala vsem, ki ste že prispevali. Naš cilj je, da dosežemo vsoto 200.000,- TURKEY & SYRIA EARTHQUAKE EMERGENCY APP. In response to the recent devastating earthquakes in Turkey and Syria, many of the faithful in the Diocese of Hamilton are anxious to assist their suffering brothers and sisters. Upon the recommendation of the Presbyteral Council, His Excellency Bishop Douglas Crosby, OMI, has authorized a special collection in our Parishes in support of the victims of these recent earthquakes. Special envelopes for this collection you will find at the entrance beside our bulletin-Vestnik. If you write cheque make it payable to the Parish. Funds received in this collection are to be sent subsequently to the Chancery Office. POKOJNI Dobili smo vest, da je v starosti 76 let, umrla Marija Berden, sestra naše faranke Ljudmile Zadravec. Pogreb pokojne je bil v petek, 10. marca pri sv. Juriju (Videm ob Ščavnici). V naši cerkvi smo v petek darovali sveto mašo za pokoj njene duše. Iskreno sožalje Ljudmili in domačim, pokojni Mariji pa večni mir in pokoj v domači zemlji. In celebration of our 20th anniversary, the CSHS is proud to present Life in the Camps – A Luncheon and Short Program. Tickets are on sale now! When: Sunday April 16, 2023. Doors open at 11:00. Where: Our Lady of Miraculous Medal, Church Hall. 739 Brown's Line, Etobicoke, ON Tickets can be purchased by emailing: or by phone at: 647-297-3730 Please note: Tickets can be purchased until April 10. No tickets will be available at the door. Svet e maše - Masses †† † 3. POSTNA NEDELJA † † † RD 3 SUNDAY OF LENT † 12. MAREC † † Gregorjevo † Papeška nedelja † † † DON BOSCO Za žive in rajne župljane Paula in Franc Pelcar Frank Halas Jože Pust Jože Lovšin Neil Lambert Stephanie Lambert Veronika Čurič Frank Gimpelj, obl. Jože Gačnik Ivan Žižek Ivan Doma Susan Gentilcore VELEPOSLANIŠTAVO OTTAWA - KONZULARNE URE V ponedeljek, 3. aprila 2023, bodo zopet konzularne ure v Burlingtonu, 5096 South Service Road, Burlington, ON L7L 5H4. Imel jih bo Blaž Slamič, prvi svetovalec. Pri njem boste lahko uredili, če potrebujete potni list, osebno izkaznico ali druge zadeve. Za vsa vprašanja lahko prej pokličete na: 1-613-565-5781 ali pišete na e-mail: sloembassy.ottawa(at) V tem tednu so naslednje obletnice smrti faranov, ki so zapisani v naših knjigah: De Sarno Urek Miklavčič Booth Štern Gimpelj Ferfolja Rožič Lenart Halas Sabato Anna Florian Steve Slavko Alojz Frank Marko Boris Ana Martina Teresa Sat., March 13, 2010 Fri., March 14, 1986 Mon., March 15, 2004 Tue., March 15, 2011 Fri., March 16, 2012 Sat., March 16, 2013 Thu., March 17, 2016 Mon., March 18, 1996 Tue., March 18, 2014 Wed., March 19, 2008 9:30 A.M. - - - - - - Stan Pelcar & Josie Dubé z druž. Stanko in Elizabeth Petek Družina Pust Družina Pust Družina Pust Družina Pust Marjan in Elizabeth Hozjan Brat Jože Bojan in Terezija Milosavljevič z dr. 11:00 A.M. Žena in družina Rose Žižek Gentilcore & Seguin Family SV. MAŠE - MASSES: Mon. to Fri.: 7:00 P.M.; Saturday: 5:30 P.M. (Slo); Sunday: 9:30 A.M. (Slo); 11:00 A.M (Eng) - From July to Fall Banquet only 10:00 A.M. - KRSTI / BAPTISMS: For an appointment, call one month before. POROKE / MARRIAGE: By appointment, call one year before the wedding date. SPOVED / CONFESSIONS: First Friday of the month 6 to 7:00 P.M. (or by appointment) BOLNIKI - Sporočite, če je kdo bolan ali v bolnišnici, da ga obiščemo. You are welcome to call for a personal conversation with your priest – please call for an appointment. Tel: 905-561-5971 or Cell: 905-520-2014 VESTNIK 2023 | 107 SVETE MAŠE - MASSES 13. 3. 2023 - 19. 3. 2023 PONEDELJEK - MONDAY 13. MAREC † Tilka Vengar † Eileen MacKenzie 7:00 P.M. Jožica Novak N.N. TOREK - TUESDAY 14. MAREC † Tilka Vengar, obl. † Anton Vengar 7:00 P.M. Rose Marie & Tony Vengar z druž. Rose Marie & Tony Vengar z druž. SREDA - WEDNESDAY 15. MAREC †† Kathy & Branko Vidmar † Florian Miklavčič, obl. 7:00 P.M. Sonja Langenfus Štefan & Francka Antolin ČETRTEK - THURSDAY 16. MAREC † Julijana Sagadin † Slavko Štern, obl. 7:00 P.M. Družina Miklavčič Žena z družino Kristina, dev-muč. Matilda, ker. Ludovika, red. Hilarij in Tacijan, muč. PETEK - FRIDAY 17. MAREC Patrik, škof SOBOTA - SATURDAY 18. MAREC Ciril Jeruzalemski, šk.uč. 4. POSTNA NEDELJA 4TH SUNDAY OF LENT 19. MAREC Jožef, Jezusov rednik † †† † † †† † † † † † † †† † † † †† † † †† †† † †† † †† † 108 | VESTNIK 2023 Križev pot Manja Erzetič Pok. iz družine Bunderla Olga Peternel Joe Lackovič Marija in Jože Kuzma Frank Pinter Jože Gačnik Jože Gačnik Jože Gačnik Joe Prša Joe Kolenko Za žive in rajne župljane Teresa in John Halas Jože Gačnik Jože Kolenko Jože Razpotnik Sr. Pok . Iz družine Erzar Cecilia Sobočan Jože Gačnik Jožef in Marija Heric Frank in Mary Hanc Jože Kolenko Jožef in Marija Heric Za duhovne poklice Lojze Prilesnik Pok. iz družine Perko Za zdravje Stane Krampelj 6:30 P.M. Stations of the Cross 7:00 P.M. Milena Pavlič z družino Ana Gergyek 5:30 P.M. Hči Sandra Peternel Žena z družino Hči Jožica Vlašič Ljudmila Pinter z družino Kathy Simončič Jože in Marija Magdič Amalija in Mirko Jože in Marija Magdič Žena in otroci 10:00 A.M. - - - - - - Alojz in Agata Sarjaš z družino Farani Regina Halas Joe in Magda Razpotnik Družina Erzar Slavko Miklavčič z družino Heidy in Adam Novak z družino Hči Annie Miklavčič z družino Toni n Marija Franc Toni in Marija Franc Hči Francka in Štefan Antolin Bojan in Terezija Milosavljevič z druž. Žena Marija z družino Vanda z družino Vanda z družino Žena Elizabeth z družino