ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 15 • 2002 • 1 original scientific paper UDC 597.3(262-11) received: 8. 1. 2002 ELASMOBRANCH SPECIES OF THE SEAS OF TURKEY Hakan KABASAKAL Ichthyological Research Society, Atatiirk rrtóhílíesi, Mentejoglu caddeii, ¡di! apt., No 30, D 4, TP.Omwniye 31230 Istanbul E-mail: ABSTRACT Field surveys and review of the available literature have revealed the presence of 69 elasmobranch species representing 21 families from the seas of Turkey. Ten of the 69 species are still questionable and require confirmation. Key words: Seas of Turkey, elasmobranchs, distribution, species list SPECIE Dl ELASMOBRANCHI NEi MARS DELLATURCHIA SINTESI NeH'articolo I'autore presents una revisione dei dati di letteratura che, completa di nuove indagini sperimentali, rivela nei mar/ della Turchia la presenza di 69 specie di elasmobranchi appartenenti a 21 famiglie. Died delle 69 specie sono tuttora contestabili e richiedono conferma. Parole chiave: mari della Turchia, elasmobranchi, distribuzione, lista delle specie ANNALES • Ser. Iiist. nat. ■ 12 • 2002 • 1 Ha&aii KABASAkAl*. KLASMOBRANCH SI'FOf.S OF 7HI-Sf AS Of liJRKSV, 15-22 INTRODUCTION The group of sharks, rays and skates is considered poorly known as far as the fish fauna of the Turkish seas is concerned. Cartilaginous fishes have not been commercially important in the Turkish sea fishery for a number of years, which is the reason why most of the ichthyological research has been focused on commercially important fish species. As a consequence of this circumstance, very limited data have been available concerning the elasmo-branch species of the Turkish seas until the last two decades of the 20"' century. During She mentioned period, elasmobranch species have been superficially researched only in general ichthyological studies {Aksiray, 1987; Devedjian, 1926; Erazi, 1942; Mater & Meric, 19%). However, the recent drastic reduction in stocks of the traditional commercially important sea fishes means that choncfnchtbyan fishes are now considered new opportunities for sustaining the fisheries. Due to the highly increased catch of sharks and rays in Turkey within the last few years, a more thorough research into Chondrichthyan fauna in the seas of Turkey would be required. However, with the exception of some pioneering studies (e.g. Basusta eta!., 1998a, 1998b; Benli et ai, 1993; Kabasa-kal, 1995, 1998a, 1998b, 1998c; Kabasakal & Unsal, 1999; Kutaygil & Bilecik, 1977, 1979; Okus et a/., 1996; Uysal et a); ¡996) no extensive investigations have been carried out on this subject so far. The present paper aims to provide detailed information on the actual status of elasmobranch species occurring in the seas of Turkey. MATERIAL AND METHODS An extensive field survey was carried out between 1995 and 1999, and a total of 23 fishing ports along the Turkish coast were visited to collect or examine the specimens of elasmobranch species (Fig. 1). Whenever possible, the author joined to the fishermen (mostly ot-ler-trawlers, purse-seiners, giil-nctfers and bottom- and pelagic-long liners) for collecting samples. Furthermore, the available literature of elasmobranchs of the Turkish seas was critically reviewed. In every case the following data were recorded: total length in cm, weight (W) in kg, and sex of the animal, date and location of capture. Whenever possible, individual specimens together with teeth and skin samples were collected. Formalin fixed specimens, including skin samples, were preserved at the Faculty of Fisheries of the University of Istanbul; jaws are preserved in the author's personal collection, Identification of the species follows CI..OFNAM (Whitehead ef a/., 1984); taxonomic nomenclature follows the check-list proposed by the European Register of Marine Species: ( Fig. 1: Fishing ports visited during the field surveys along the coast of Turkey; names of the fishing ports are as follows: (1) Eregli, (2) Akcakoca, (3) Karasu, (4) $ile, (5) Kiyikoy, (6) Kü$ük$ekmece, (7) $arkóy, (8) Erdek, (9) Gókceada, (10) Bozcaada, (11) Ayvahk, (12) foca, (13) (¡e^me, (14) Ku$adasi, (15) Bodrum, (16) Marmaris, (17) Fethiye, (18) Kemer, (19) Manavgat, (20) Gazipasa, (21) Anamur, (22) Erdemli, (23) Iskenderun. 51. 1: imena ribiških pristanišč vzdolž turške obale, obiskanih med terenskimi raziskavami. 16 ANNALES • Ser. Iiist. nat. ■ 12 • 2002 • 1 Hakaij KAlíASAKAL; EEASMOBFW-tCU SPECIES OP 1 ML 5IA5 OF TURKEY. 1 S-2J For an easier understanding, actual status of elasmo-branch species occurring in the seas of Turkey was classified under the following three categories: A) species examined in the present study; 8) species cited by other researchers but not examined in the present study; and Q questionable species. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION Following the field surveys and the review of the available literature, a total of 69 elasmobranch species representing 21 families were recorded from the seas of Turkey. Forty-eight of the 69 species were captured during the present study, and these species, their examined numbers and sampling stations are listed in Table 1. Eleven of the remaining 21 species have been reported by other authors, while the last 10 elasmo-branchs ate represented by the species with a questionable occurrence in the area. Therefore, it should be understood that the total species number reported here is an estimated value and only 59 of them with a verified occurrence in the seas of Turkey. Classification of the actual status, zoogeographical characterisation and distribution in Turkish seas of this 69 species are summarised in Tables 2 and Í. Zoogeographically, 34 (20.06%) of the 59 confirmed species are of Atlanta-Mediterranean origin, 19 (11.21%) are of cosmopolitan distribution, 4 (2.36%) of the Indo-Padfic origin are the so-called "lessepsian" immigrants, arid 2 (1.18%) are Mediterranean endemics. Before the present study, Akjiray (1987) recorded [¡9, Bauchot (1987) 50 and Mater & Merit; (1996) 53 elasmobranch species from the Turkish seas. These are the best literature on the chondrichthyan fauna of the seas of Turkey. Although these 10 questionable elasino-branchs, Carcharías taunts, Carcharhinus limbatus, C. longimanus, C. obscuras, Sphyma lewini, S. tudes, Echinorhinus brucus, Somniosus roslratus, Prist is pecti-nata and P. pnstis, have been recorded from the Turkish seas by Akjiray (1987) and Bauchot (1987), no information is available on these species in the most recent lis! of the Turkish sea fishes by Mater & Merig (1996). However, with the exception of C. longimanus, C. obscuros. Sphyma lewini, P. pectinata and P. pristis, the remaining questionable elasmobranchs (C. taurus, C. limbatus, S. ludes, E. brucus and 5. rostratas) have been recorded from localities adjacent to Turkey by Ben-Tuvia (19~1), Papaconstantinou (1988) and Papaconstantinou (1990). It could be assumed., therefore, that the species in the parenthesis may exist in the seas of Turkey. The former five sharks have only been reported by Akjiray (1987) without giving any information on the sampling location or where these species rite kept for inspection. All the 59 confirmed elasmobrarn h spec ies are present in the Mediterranean and Aegean Seas, while only 27 of them have been recorded in the Sea of Marmara and 8 in the Black Sea. A clear decrease in the species number is observed from the Mediterranean to the 13lack Sea. Generally speaking, the main reason for this decrease lies in the interactions between the bio-ecological characteristics of chondrichthyans and the oceanographical peculiarities of the Turkish seas. After the opening of the Suez Channel in 1869, as well as due to the general heating of the world oceans, many extra-Mediterranean species have entered the area (the phenomenon known as the "tropica lisation" of the Mediterranean). In this context, the Mediterranean coast of Turkey lias been subjected to a remarkable migration of Lessepsian fishes for many years (Gflcii el a/., 1994). During the present study, the Lessepsian elasmobranchs, Carcharhinus melanopterus, C. altimus, Himantura uar-nak and Taeniura grabata, have only been recorded along the eastern Mediterranean coast of Turkey (Bafusta el a!., 1998a, 1998b). The Aegean Sea ts topographically divided into two bastns by (approximately) the 38" parallel, i.e. into the North arid South Aegean (Papaconstantinou, 1992). I3y taking in consideration the spreading of the Lessepsian immigrants, Papaconstantinou (1987) characterised the North Aegean Sea as an area of cold-water fauna and the South Aegean as the sea of warm-water fauna. Although a number of Lessepsian teleosts have been recorded from the South Aegean (Papaconstantinou, 1987), none of the mentioned Lc-ssepsian elasmobranchs have been recorded in the same area. In comparison with the south part, the north Aegean Sea is characterised by the extended continental shelf and a constant annual water temperature range U3.5°C to 14"C) below 250 m (Papaconstantinou, 1992). Due to the steady environmental conditions and the presence of the considerable amount of juveniles and subadults of Scyliorhinus canicula below 200 m, D'Onghia ef al. (1995) considered the bathyal grounds of the North Aegean Sea as an important spawning and nursery area of the lesser-spotted catshark. In the light of this result, catches of the otter-trawlers operated on the bathyal grounds of the mentioned area have been carefully examined, and not only the juveniles and subadults of S. canicula, but those of Hexanchus griseus, Caieus me-lastomas, dimopterus spinax, Da I ali as licha, Centropho-rus granulosus, C. uyato and Dipturus oxyrinchus, and the holocephalan Chimaera monstrosa that have also been captured in the same area in considerable numbers. Therefore, the bathyal grounds of the North Aegean Sea could be considered as a breeding area for the mentioned species. According to C)2turk & Ozturk (1996), the Sea of Marmara is an ecological barrier, a transition zone or an acclimatisation area, influencing the dispersal of the species between the Mediterranean and Black Seas. Twenty-five (92.59%) of the 27 recorded elasmobranchs from the Sea of Marmara are demersal fishes. The 17 ANNALES • Ser. hist. nat. • 18 • 2002 • 1 Hakan KABASAKAl: ELASMOBRANCH SPFCIliS OP THf SIAS Ot ÍUKkEY. 1S-J2 Tab. 1: Elasmobrancb species captured or examined during the field surveys. Tab. 1: Morski psi in skati, ujeti ali pregledani med terenskimi raziskavami. SPECIES SPECIMENS STATIONS Hexanchus griseus (Bonnaterre, 1788) (20) 6,7,9 Carcharodon carcharías {Linnaeus, 1750! (2) 12,18 Isurus oxynnchus Rafinesque, 1610 (5) 18,19,20 Cetorhinus maximus (Gunnerus. 1765! (2) 19,23 Alopias vulpinas (Bonnaterre, 1788) (3) 4,6,9,12,15,18,20 Caleus meiastomus Rafinesque, 1810 (650) 6,7,9,10,13,14,16,23 Scyliorhintis canícula (Linnaeus, 1758) (1200) 6,7,8,9,10,14,15,20,21.23 Scyliorhinus slellaris (Linnaeus, 1758) (85) 8.9,10,1 1,13,15,19,20 Carcharbinus brevipiniia (Müller & Henle, 1839) (3) 14,16,23 Carcharhinus plúmbeas (Nardo, 1827) (2) 9,15,23 Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758) (6) 9,13,18,19,20 Caleorhinus galeus (Linnaeus, 1758) (2! 9,17 Mus lelilí asterias Cloquet, 1821 (152) 6,7,9,11,17,18 Mustelus musielus (Linnaeus, 1 ?58) (68) 6,7.8,9,10,11,12,21,22 Musielus punclulatus Risso, 1827 (19) 9,10,17 Spbyma zygaena (Linnaeus, 1758) (3) 9,16 Etmoplerus spinax (Linnaeus, 1758) (97) 9,17 Oxynotus centrina (Linnaeus, 1758) (6) 6,9,17 Oalatias ¡icha ¡Bonnaterre, 1 786) (8) 6,9,17 Centrophorus granulosus (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) (6) 6,9,18 Centrophorus uyato (Raíinesque, 1810) (4) 6,7,15,16 Squahis acanthias Linnaeus, 175B (540) 1,2,3,4,5,7,9,10,12,18,22 Sqiialus blainvillei (Risso, 1827) (64) 3,4,9,10,17 Squatina aculeata Cuvier (ex Dumérill, 1823 (1) 20 Squatina ocu/ata Bonaparte, 1840 (3) 9,16,23 Squatina squatina (Linnaeus, 1758) (51) 4,9,10,14,15,20,22 Rhinobatos rhinobatos (Linnaeus, 1758) (4) 9,13.20,23 Torpedo (Tetronarce) nobiliaria Bonaparte, 1835 (9) 7,9,10,12,18 Torpedo f Torpedo) maimoraia Risso, 1810 (54) 7,9,10,11,20,23 Torpedo (Torpedo) torpedo (Linnaeus, 1758) (2) 8,10,14,21 Dipturus batis (Linnaeus, 1758) (9) 9,10,15,17 Dipturus oxyrirtchus (Linnaeus, 1758) (84) 6,9,14,20 Leu tura ¡a naevus (Müller & Henle, 1841) (9) 9,10 Raja asterias Oelaroche, 1809 (65) 9,10,16 Raja clavata Linnaeus, 1758 (850) 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,14,18,22 Kaja miralelus Linnaeus, 1 758 (156) 9,tO,15 Raja tnontagui Fowler, 1910 (6) 9,10,13,18 Raja polystigma Regan, 1923 (2) 10 Raja radtila Delaroche, 1809 (96) 6,9,10,14,19 Ra/a undii/ata Lacepéde, 1802 (3) 9,10,15 Rostroraja alba (Lacepede, 1803) (2) 9,10 Dasyatis pastinaca (Linnaeus, 1758) (175) 2,5,6,8,9,10,16,22 Dasyatis tortonesei Capapé, 1977 (6) 15,17 Cymnura altavela (Linnaeus, 1 758) (9) 9,23 Myliobatis aquila (Linnaeus, 1758) (43) 8,9,10,15,18,19 Plerornyiaeus bovinus (Geoffroy Sairit-Hilaire, 1817) (36) 9,10,15,20,22 Rhinoptera margínala (Geoffroy Saint-Hilaire, 1817) (8) 9,14,23 Mobula rnobular (Bonnaterre, 1788) (2) 9,10,18,19 ANIMALES • Ser. hist. nat. ■ 12 ■ 2002 • 1 [ UUi, KABA-sak'AL: lusmobra^CH ŠPEOB OF THE sfas of TURKEY, 1 S-Ti ~~~ Tab. 2: Ust of the sharks recorded from the seas of Turkey up to date (list also includes the questionable species): (A) species examined during the present study; (B) species cited by other researchers but not examined during the present study; (C) questionable species; (*) denotes the presence and (-) the absence of species; (?) also denotes the questionable species; (+) previous recordings of the species; (Cos.) cosmopolitan; (Atl.M.) Atlanto-Mediterranean; and (Ind.P.) Indo-Pacific. Tab. 2: Seznam morskih psov do zdaj ugotovljenih v turških morjih (vključuje tudi vprašljive vrste); (A) vrste, pregledane med pričujočo študijo; (B) vrste, ki jih navajajo drugi avtorji, a niso bile raziskane med pričujočo študijo; (C) vprašljive vrste; (*) označuje pojavljanje in (-) odsotnost vrst v območju; (?) ponazarja tudi vprašljive vrste; (+) prejšnji zapisi o vrstah; (Cos.) kozmopolitska vrsta; (Atl.M.) atlantsko-mediteranska vrsta; in (Ind.P.) indo-pacifiška vrsta. I ^ ;. ■i' i; ¥ » % ï l ! S V: SPECIES MEDITERRANEAN SEA < S i UJ O SEA OF MARMARA £ 5 ..o n o-. i rN TT ? LU iS lA LT! CT-. J n. CO si 1 il-, 2 1 I I o n t I 3 ra' « S S i n3 IS5 Cr, ffi t i %' DD i K) 1 ai Classification & Zoogeographie Characterization Heptrandvas perlo * * - - + + B/Cos. Hexanchus gríseas * * * - + + + + + + Aß/cos. Odontaspis ferox * * _ .... •t S/Cos. Carcharías taurus ? ? - - + C/Cos. Carcharodon carcharías * * ? - i + + Aß/Cos. hunts oxyrinchus * * ... + + Aß/Cos. Latma nasus * * * - + + + + B/Cos. Cetorhinus máximas * * ... ... + + + + AB/Cos. Alopias vulpinas * * * * + + + + + + + AB/Cos. Galeas nlelastomus * * * - + + + + + + AB/Atl.M. ScvUorhihus canícula * * * * + + + -1- + + + + Aß/All.M. Scyííorhitfus stellarís * * * ... + + + + AB/Atl.M. Carcharhinus brevipinna * * - - + 4 + AB/Cos. Carcharhinus melanopterus * - - - + 4 4 8/lnd.P. Carcharhinus plúmbeas * * ... ... + 4 + + Aß/Cos. Carcharhinus altltmis * - + B/lnd.P. Carcharhinus limbatus ? - - - 4 C/Cos. Carcharhinus longimanus ? - - - 4 C/Cos. Carcharhinus obscuras ? -, - - + acos. Prionace glauca * * ... ... + + + + AB/Cos. Caleorhinus ffaleus * * — _ 4 4 + AB/Cos. Mustelus asterias * * * _ + 4 + + Aß Atl.M. Mustelus mustelus * * * - + + + + + + + + + AB/Atl.M Mustelus punctulatus * * - - 4 4 + A El Atl.M. Sphyma lewmi ? ... ..... + C/Cos. Sphyma ludes ? _ „ ..... M C/Atl.M. Sphyma zyzaena * * - _ 4 + + AB/Cos. Echinorhinus brucus ? ? - - 4 4 C/Cos. Etmopterus spinax + * .... .... + 4 + + AB/Atl.M. Somniosus rostratas 2 ? _ _ 4 C/Atl,M. Oxvnotus centrina * * * _ + + + + AB/Atl.M. Dalatias licha * * * — + 4 + AB/Cos. Centrophorus granulosus * * * - + 4 + + AB/Atl.M. Centronhorus uyato * * * _ 4 + AB/Atl.M. Squálus acantinas * * * * + + + + 4 + + + AB/Cos. Squalus bluinviliei * * * * + + + + + + + + AB/Cos. i Squatina jculeata * _ _ - A'Atl.M, Squatina oculata * * - _ + + + AB/Atl.M. Squatina squatina * * * * + + + + + + A8/Atl.M. 19 ANNALES • Ser. Iiist. nat. ■ 12 • 2002 • 1 Miki» KA8ASAKAL: ELASM08RANC1 i SI'tCiES OF THE SFAS or TURKEY, 15-22 Tab, 3: List of rays and skates recorded in the seas of Turkey up to date (list also includes the questionable species): A) species examined in the present study; (B) species cited by other researchers but not examined in the present study; (C) questionable species; (#) denotes the presence and (-) the absence of species; (?) also denotes the questionable species; (+) previous recordings of the species; (Cos.) cosmopolitan; (AtlM.) Atlanto-Mediterranean; and (Ind.P.) Indo-Pacific. Tab. 3: Seznam skatov do zdaj ugotovljenih v turških morjih (vključuje tudi vprašljive vrste): (A) vrste, pregledane med pričujočo študijo; (B) vrste, ki jih navajajo drugi ax'iorji, a niso bile raziskane med pričujočo študijo; (C) vprašljive vrste; (*) označuje pojavljanje in (-) odsotnost vrst v območju; (i) ponazarja tudi vprašljive vrste; (+) prejšnji zapisi o vrstah; (Cos.) kozmopolitska vrsta; (Atl.M.) atlantsko-mediteranska vrsta; in (Ind.P.) indo-pacifiška SPECIES MEDITERRANEAN SEA lj < üj CO Z < d < SEA OF MARMARA < LU tO u < rr~. O rvt c, Io a> > a> O ÍN «S" Ñ 2 tO LO üH LO en O jxí oj o to CT> CT. Jj « Sb 3 i".. IX. ¡T->- ¡/U < K CO C. o ID s P3 Cû cl Ol G--% iS « u o LO m ^ H in <5 Ol ra i¿ a-. v—• ÍJ O . CO o-. 01 iS Í7Í ^ i/V m in CO CTl Oi Hi ra "S D ra ca u CO OI C-. ra i/i TJ <>3 y c o % g 5 & •y o tj 4) m £ O ro J3 o -:= UNU Pristis pectinate ? - - - + C/Atl.M. Pristis pristis ? - — - + C/Atl.M. Rhinobatos cemiculus * * - - + + + B/Atl.M. Rhinobatos rhinobatos * * - - + + + + AB/Atl-M- Torpedo fictronarce) nobiliana * * * - + + + AB/AtLM. Torpedo (Torpedo) marmorata * * * - + + + + AB/Atl,M. Torpedo (Torpedo) torpedo * * * - + + AB/Atl.M. Dipturus batís * * - ... + + AB/Ati.M. Dipnirus oxvrinchus * * * T + + + AB Leucoraia fullonica - * + B/Atl.M. Leucoraja naevus * * — + + + AB/Atl.M. Raja asterias * * * - J. + + AB/Atl.M. Raja clavara * * * * + + + + + + + + + + AB/Cos. Raja miraletus * * * - + + + AB/Cos. Raja montagui * * * - + A8/At!.M. Raja polystifíma - * - - + + AB/E. Raja radula * * * „ -J. T + + AB/Atl.M. Raja undtilata * * „ ... + + AB/Atl.M. Rostroraja alba - * - ... + AB/Atl.M. Dasyatis centroura * * - + + + B/Atl.M. Dasyatis pastinaca * * * * + + + + + + + AB/Atl.M. Dasyatis tononesei * * - - + AB/E. Dasyatis violacea - * - - + B/Cos. Himantura uarnak * - - - + + B/Ind.P. Taeniura grabata * - - + + B/ind.P. Cymnura altavela * * * * + + + AB/Atl.M. Myliobatis aquila * * * _ + + + + + + AB/Atl.M. Pteromylaeus bovinus * * - ... + + + AB/Atl.M. 1 Rhinoptera marginata * * - - + + + AB/Atl.M. ; Mobula mobular * * - - + + AB/Atl.M. i 20 ANNALES • Ser. Iiist. nat. ■ 12 • 2002 • 1 l-takan KASA5AKA!: ELASMOBRANCH SPtiCILS OF T ML StAS OF TURKEY. (5-22 presence of pelagic sharks in this sea has always been considered a point of discussion. The earliest records of pelagic sharks from the Sea of Marmara have been reported by Devedjian (1926). He stated that Carcharodon carcliarias (- Carcharodon Rondeletii in Devedjian), Lamna nasus != Larnna cornubica) and Alopias vulpinus (= Alopias vulpes) occurred in the Sea of Marmara and that these sharks seldom landed at the Istanbul Fish Market as by-catches. Among these pelagic sharks, occurrence of Alopias vulpinus in the Sea of Marmara has been well documented (Erazi, 1942; Kocataj et a/., 1993), as well as a juvenile male thresher shark (190 cm TL) caught in this sea on April i 2th 1997 and examined during the present study. On the other hand, Lamna na-sus lias been recorded in the Sea of Marmara by Aksiray (1987), Bauchot (1987) and Mater & Meric (1996), although the most recent record of the porbeagle shark is probably based on the former two recordings. Furthermore, no specimens of this shark was captured during the present study. Devedjian (1926) recorded the great white shark in the Sea of Marmara, and more recently, Fergusson £1996) reported 3 records of the great white shark in the Bosporus. Further research is therefore required for confirm the presence of Lamnoid sharks in this sea. The Black Sea has a very poor chondrichthyan fauna and only 8 species were recorded during the present study. Pelagic sharks, following the schools of pelagic tefeosts, rarely enter the Black Sea (Kabasakal, 1998b). The high hydrogen sulphide concentration prevailing below 150 to 200 m in the Black Sea is an important factor preventing the dispersal of fishes in the deep zones of this sea (Kutaygil & Bilecik, 1976). In the Sea of Marmara, some of the eiasmobranch species, H. griseus, G. melastomus, C. granulosus, C uyato, D. licha, O. centrina and Isurus oxyrinchos, have also been recorded on bathyal grounds (Benli et a!., 1993; Merit;, 1995; LJysal et al., 1996; Kabasakal, 1998a). Due to above reason, it is very clear that in the Black Sea a similar bathymetric distribution of fishes is not possible. Although the present study presents the most extensive research on shark and ray species from the seas of Turkey up to date, the list given here is far from complete, but it is hoped that it may soon increase with new records of elasmobranchs occurring in the Turkish seas. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The author wishes to thank all the fishermen for their help during the field surveys. MORSKI P Si IN SKATI (ELASMOBRANCHIl) TURŠKIH MORIJ Hakan KABASAKAL Idithyological Research Society, Alaturk malialleai, Menlesoglu caddeii, idiS apt., No 30, D 4, TR-Umraniye 81230 Istanbul E-mail: hakankabasakal ©hotmail.coin POVZETEK Pričujoča študija je bila izdelana z namenom zagotovili nove podatke o trenutnem statusu morskih psov in škafov, pojavljajočih se v turških morjih. Avtorje med letoma 1995 in 1999 obiskal 23 ribiških pristanišč vzdolž turške obale, da bi zbral ali preučil ujete primerke iz podrazreda EJasmobranchii. S terenskimi raziskavami in pregledom obstajajoče literature je ugotovil, da v turških morjih živi ali se pojavlja 69 vrst morskih psov in skatov iz 21 različnih družin. Deset od 69 vrst je še vedno vprašljivih in jih je treba še potrdili. Zoogeografsko je 34 (20,06%) od 59 potrjenih vrst atlantsko-mediteranskega, 19 (11,21%) kozmopolitskega in 4 (2,36%) indo-pacitiškega izvora, medtem ko sta 2 vrsti (1,8%) mediteranska endemita. Vseh 59 potrjenih vrst se pojavlja v Sredozemskem in Egej-skem morju, 27 vrst v Marmarskem in 8 v Črnem morju. Ključne besede: turška morja, hrustančnice, razširjenost, popis vrst REFERENCES Ak§iray, F. (1987): Turkiye Deniz Baliklan ve Tayin Anahtan. 2nd Edition, Publications of Istanbul University, no. 3490, Istanbul, 811 pp. Ba$usta, N., U. Erdem & C. Cevil; (1998a): An investigation on chondrichthyes in Iskenderun Bay. Celai Ba-yar University, journal of Science and Arts Faculty, The Series of Natural Sciences (Biology), 1, 63-69. 21 ANNALES • Ser. Iiist. nat. ■ 12 • 2002 • 1 Htkan KABASAKAL; EIA5M08RANCH SPECIES Of THE SEAS Oi TURKEY, 15-22 Basusta, N., U. Erdem & M. Kumlu (1998b): Two new fish records for the Turkish seas: Round stingray Taeni-ura grabata and skate stingray Himantuia uarnak (Da-syatidae), Israel Journal of Zoology, 44, 65-66. Bauchot, M.-L. (1987): Requins. In: W. Fischer, M. Schneider, & M.-L. Bauchot (Eds.) 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