FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 53/1-2, 195–202, LJUBLJANA 2012 A SECOND ILLYRIAN GEOGRAPHIC VARIANT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SESSILE OAK AND SAW-WORT (SERRATULO TINCTORIAE-QUERCETUM PETRAEAE VAR. GEOGR. EPIMEDIUM ALPINUM) DRUGA ILIRSKA GEOGRAFSKA VARIANTA ZDRUŽBE GRADNA IN BARVILNE MAČINE (SERRATULO TINCTORIAE-QUERCETUM PETRAEAE VAR. GEOGR. EPIMEDIUM ALPINUM) Mitja ZUPANČIČ 1 & Vinko ŽAGAR 2 ABSTRACT UDC 582.632.2:581.55(497.4) A second illyrian geographic variant of the association of sessile oak and saw-wort (Serratulo tinctoriae-Quercetum petraeae var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum) A second illyrian geographic variant of Serratulo tinctoriae- -Quercetum petraeae Ht. ex Zupančič & Žagar 2009 var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum var. geogr. nova in the western part of the illyrian floral province (Bela krajina, Poljanska gora, Poljans- ka dolina, Slovenia) is described. Key words: phytocenology, Quercus petraea, Epimedium alpinum, Bela krajina, Slovenia. IZVLEČEK UDK 582.632.2:581.55(497.4) Druga ilirska geografska varianta združbe gradna in bar- vilne mačine (Serratulo tinctoriae-Quercetum petraeae var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum) Opisana je še druga ilirska geografska varianta Serratulo tinctoriae-Quercetum petraeae Ht. ex Zupančič & Žagar 2009 var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum var. geogr. nova v zahodnem delu ilirske f lorne province (Bela krajina, Poljanska gora, Pol- janska dolina, Slovenija). Ključne besede: fitocenologija, Quercus petraea, Epimedium alpinum, Bela krajina, Slovenija. 1 Dr., SAZU, Novi trg 3, SI–1000 Ljubljana. 2 Bevkova cesta 1, SI–1290 Grosuplje. MITJA ZUPANČIČ & VINKO ŽAGAR: A SECOND ILLYRIAN GEOGRAPHIC VARIANT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SESSILE OAK 196 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 53/1-2 – 2012 In the paper on the association Querco-Ostryetum Ht. 1938 (Zupančič , Žagar & Vreš 2009), because of com- parison and relatedness we also discussed the question of the association Serratulo tinctoriae-Quercetum petra- eae Ht. ex Zupančič & Žagar 2009 [= Lathyro nigrae- -Quercetum petraeae Ht. (1938) 1958] (Zupančič , Žagar & Vreš 2009: 139–143, 145–146 in 157–160, 162– 163 in 167–188). We then distinguished from the basic or macroassociation a geographic variant Serratulo- -Quercetum var. geogr. Acer obtusataum Zupančič & Žagar 2009, in the region of Medvednica and Hrvatske Zagorje in Croatia. In Slovenia, only the basic associati- on Serratulo-Quercetum var. geogr. typica (Cimperšek 2008, Zupančič , Žagar & Vreš 2009) has been reco - gnised in Notranska, Kočevje and Štajerska. A later re- view of the phytocenological material of Zupančič and Žagar revealed four phytocenological relevés that relate to the association Serratulo-Quercetum in Bela krajina in the region of Poljanska gora (Poljanska dolina). The relevés were recorded in the vicinity of Delki and Debe- li vrh (865 m). A local warm influence is observable in this envi- ronment, which comes along the River Kolpa from two directions, namely mediterranean (sub-mediterranean) from the southwest and pannonian (sub-pannonian) from the southeast. The region of Bela krajina otherwise has the moderate continental climate of western and southern Slovenia. The average annual temperatures are 8 to 10 °C. Precipitation averages annually from 1200 to 1300 mm. The soils are from dolomite brown rendzina to brown carbonate soils on limestone. The relief is karstic, broken, in places rounded because of the dolo- mite base, elsewhere rocky with 20 and more percentage surface stoniness. Slopes are mild to medium steep, for the most part on warm southern, south-western or west- ern exposures. A geographic variant of sessile oak and saw-wort with alpine barrenwort or barrenwort Serratulo tinctori- ae-Quercetum petraeae var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum appears on these habitats. These sessile oak stands are fairly open in the tree layer, with quite a considerable admixture of turkey oak, which for the most part mod- erately predominates over sessile oak. The openness of the stands inf luences the greater cover value and variety of the shrub layer and the settlement of non-forest herb species. It is actually a specific degradation of the sessile oak stands in question, in which species that indicate the degradation predominate in the shrub and herb layers. Of shrub species, these are: Crataegus monogyna, Pyrus pyraster, Corylus avellana, Rubus caesius and R. hirtus. Of herb species they are: Brachypodium rupestris, Carex flacca, Melampyrum pratense subsp. vulgatum, Pteri- dum aquilinum, Molinia arundinacea and Agrostis ten- uis. Turkey oak – Quercus cerris – is also considered to be among degradation species, which is also frequent in these sessile oak stands as an indicator of the specific thermophilous nature of the association Serratulo- Quercetum s. lat. In connection with the enumerated species, we con- sidered the possibility of the marginal or secondary as- sociation Brachypodio rupestris-Ostryetum carpinifoliae Čarni 1997 or perhaps Melamypro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae Puncer & Zupančič 1979 var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum (Puncer & Zunačič 1979) Zupančič 1994. By comparison, we found that the composition of flora is considerably different, which is also confirmed by Sø- rensen’s (σ s ) and Jaccard’s (σ j ) indices of similarity. Compa rison bet ween t he associat ions Serratulo-Querce- tum and Brachypodio-Ostryetum is σ s = 48.8 or σ j = 32.3 and with the geographic variant Melampyro-Quercetum var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum it is σ s = 33.2 or σ j = 19.9. In the present stands of the phytocenosis Serratulo- Quercetum var. geogr. Epimedim alpinum, it is most confirmed by its characteristic species, which are repre- sented with a high level of permanence and large medi- um cover values. Characteristic species of the order Quercetalia pubescentis-petraeae are also relatively well represented, less the alliance Fraxino orni-Ostryon, in which the association Serratulo-Quercetum s. lat. is clas- sified (see Phytocenological Table). That it is a degradation form of the geographic vari- ant Serratulo-Quercetum var. geogr. Epimedium alpi- num is indicated by species of the classes Erico-Pinetea and partially Vaccinio-Piceetea, the order Prunetalia spinosae and alliance Carpinion, and numerous species of non-forest synsystematic units, above all from the classes Trifolio-Geranietea, Nardo-Callunetea, Festuco- Brometea and Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Occasional species from the classes Epilobietea angustifolii, Sedo- Scleranthetea and Artemisietea vulgaris can also not be neglected. The causes of degradation are for the most part bad silviculture measures by individual owners, the vicinity and easy access to stands, difficult rejuvenation of hardwood deciduous species, above all slow growing sessile oak. Because of the warm inf luences and satisfac- tory wetness, in open stands there is a mass appearance of non-forest species, which successfully overgrow habi- tats of the geographic variant Serratulo-Quercetum var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum and obstruct or even prevent the growth of seeds of tree species. Despite the mentioned degradation influences, stands of sessile oak and barrenwort – Serratulo-Querce- tum var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum have retained their autonomous appearance. This is supported by species of the orders Quercetalia pubescentis-petraeae, Fagetalia MITJA ZUPANČIČ & VINKO ŽAGAR: A SECOND ILLYRIAN GEOGRAPHIC VARIANT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SESSILE OAK 197 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 53/1-2 – 2012 sylvaticae, Quercetalia roboris-petraeae and the class Querco-Fagetea. We also provisionally classify to these synsystematic units the order Prunetalia spinosae, which, despite its degradation character, is an integral part of the thermophilous association Serratulo-Querce- tum s. lat. The majority of the recorded species of the order Prunetalia spinosae in the phytocenosis Serratulo- Quercetum s. lat. are sun-loving and thermophilous. There is a convincing presence of southeast-europe- an characteristic species of the geographic variant Epi- medium alpinum. This is a species which has a narrow area of distribution in the illyrian floral province and is classified among de-montane western-illyrian and east- ern alpine geo-elements. Of southeast european-illyrian species are also present Aremonia agrimonioides, Cycla- men purpurascens and Omphalodes verna from the il- lyrian alliances Aremonio-Fagion and Aposeris foetida from the class Vaccinio-Piceetea. The illyrian geograph- ic variant Serratulo-Quercetum Ht. ex Zupančič & Žagar 2009 var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum var. geogr. nova is well defined. The holotype of the geographic variant is relevé number 1 from the accompanying Phytocenological Table. The article is an addendum to the chapter on the association Serratulo-Quercetum s. lat. from the paper on the association Querco-Ostryetum in Slovenia (Zupančič , Žagar & Vreš 2009: 139–143 and 157–160). POVZETEK Druga ilirska geografska varianta združbe gradna in barvilne mačine (Serratulo tinctoriae-Quercetum petra- eae var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum) V razpravi o asociaciji Querco-Ostryetum Ht. 1938 (Zupančič , Žagar & Vreš 2009) smo zaradi primerjave in sorodnosti obravnavali tudi problematiko asociacije Serratulo tinctoriae-Quercetum petraeae Ht. ex Zupančič & Žagar 2009 [= Lathyro nigrae-Quercetum petraeae Ht. (1938) 1958] (Zupančič , Žagar & Vreš 2009: 139–143, 145–146 in 157–160, 162–163 in 167–188). Tedaj smo od osnovne ali makroasociacije ločili geografsko varianto Serratulo-Quercetum var. geogr. Acer obtusataum Zupančič & Žagar 2009 na območju Medvednice in Hr- vatskega Zagorja na Hrvaškem. V Sloveniji je bila na Notranjskem, Kočevskem in Štajerskem do zdaj poz- nana le osnovna asociacija Serratulo-Quercetum var. geogr. typica (Cimperšek 2008, Zupančič , Žagar & Vreš 2009). Poznejši pregled fitocenološkega gradiva Zupančiča in Žagarja je odkril štiri fitocenološke pop- ise, ki se nanašajo na asociacijo Serratulo-Quercetum v Beli krajini na območju Poljanske gore (Poljanska doli- na). Popisi so bili posneti v okolici Delkov in Debelega vrha (865 m). V tem okolju je opazen lokalni toplotni vpliv, ki pri- haja po reki Kolpi iz dveh smeri, in sicer mediteranski (submediteranski) z jugozahoda ter panonski (sub- panonski) z jugovzhoda. Sicer pa je na območju Bele krajine zmerno kontinentalno podnebje zahodne in južne Slovenije. Povprečne letne temperature so od 8 do 10 °C. Padavin je na leto povprečno od 1200 do 1300 mm. Tla so od dolomitnih rjavih rendzin do rjavih kar- bonatnih tal na apnencu. Relief je kraški, razgiban, ponekod zaobljen zaradi dolomitne podlage, drugod skalovit z 20 in več odstotno površinsko kamnitostjo. Pobočja so blago do srednje strma, večinoma izpostav- ljena toplim južnim, jugozahodnim ali zahodnim legam. Na teh rastiščih se pojavlja geografska varianta gradna in barvilne mačine z alpskim vimčkom ali lipico Serratulo tinctoriae-Quercetum petraeae var. geogr. Epi- medium alpinum. Ti gradnovi sestoji so v drevesni plasti precej odprti, s precejšnjo primesjo cera, ki večinoma zmerno prevladuje nad gradnom. Odprtost sestojev vp- liva na večjo pokrovnost in raznovrstnost grmiščne plasti in naselitev negozdnih zeliščnih vrst. Pravzaprav gre za določeno degradacijo obravna- vanih gradnovih sestojev, kjer v grmovni in zeliščni plasti prevladujejo vrste, ki nakazujejo degradacijo. Od grmovnih vrst so to: Crataegus monogyna, Pyrus pyraster, Corylus avellana, Rubus caesius in R. hirtus. Od zeliščnih vrst pa so: Brachypodium rupestris, Carex flacca, Melampyrum pratense subsp. vulgatum, Pteri- dum aquilinum, Molinia arundinacea in Agrostis tenuis. Tudi cer – Quercus cerris prištevamo k degradacijskim vrstam, ki je tudi sicer pogost v teh gradnovih gozdovih kot znanilec določene termofilnosti asociacije Serratu- lo-Quercetum s. lat. V zvezi z naštetimi vrstami smo pomislili na možnost obrobne ali drugotne združbe Brachypodio rupestris-Os- tryetum carpinifoliae Čarni 1997 ali morda na Melamy- pro vulgati-Quercetum petraeae Puncer & Zupančič 1979 var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum (Puncer & Zunačič 1979) Zupančič 1994. S primerjanji smo ugotovili, da je sestava f lore precej drugačna, kar potrjujejo tudi indeksi podob- nosti Sørensenove (σ s ) in Jaccarda (σ j ). Primerjava med asociacijama Serratulo-Quercetum in Brachypodio-Os- tryetum je σ s = 48,8 oz. σ j = 32,3 in z geografsko varianto Melampyro-Quercetum var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum MITJA ZUPANČIČ & VINKO ŽAGAR: A SECOND ILLYRIAN GEOGRAPHIC VARIANT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SESSILE OAK 198 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 53/1-2 – 2012 je σ s = 33,2 oz. σ j = 19,9. V pričujočih sestojih fitocenoze Serratulo-Quercetum var. geogr. Epimedim alpinum pa jo najbolje potrjujejo njene značilnice, ki so zastopane z ve- liko stopnjo stalnosti in veliko srednjo pokrovno vred- nostjo. Razmeroma dobro so tudi zastopane značilnice reda Quercetalia pubescentis-petraeae, manj zveze Fraxi- no orni-Ostryon, kamor uvrščamo asociacijo Serratulo- Quercetum s. lat. (glej Fitocenološko tabelo). Da gre za degradacijsko obliko geografske variante Serratulo-Quercetum var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum, kažejo vrste razredov Erico-Pinetea in deloma Vaccinio- Piceetea, reda Prunetalia spinosae in zveze Carpinion, ter številne vrste negozdnih sinsistematskih enot, pred- vsem iz razredov Trifolio-Geranietea, Nardo-Callunetea, Festuco-Brometea in Molinio-Arrhenatheretea. Zanemariti ne smemo niti redkih vrst iz razredov Epilobietea angustifolii, Sedo-Scleranthetea in Artemisi- etea vulgaris. Vzroki za degradacijo so večinoma slabi gozdnogojitveni ukrepi posameznih lastnikov, bližina in lahka dostopnost do sestojev, otežena pomladitev vrst trdih listavcev, predvsem počasi rastočega gradna. Zara- di toplotnih vplivov in zadovoljive namočenosti se v odprtih sestojih množično pojavljajo negozdne vrste, ki uspešno preraščajo rastišče geografske variante Serratu- lo-Quercetum var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum in zavi- rajo ali celo onemogočajo rast klicam drevesnih vrst. Kljub omenjenim degradacijskim vplivom so sestoji gradna in barvilne mačine – Serratulo-Quercetum var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum obdržali svoj avtohtoni videz. T emu botrujejo vrste redov Quercetalia pubescen- tis-petraeae, Fagetalia sylvaticae, Quercetalia roboris- petraeae in razreda Querco-Fagetea. K tem sinsistemat- skim enotam pogojno uvrščamo tudi red Prunetalia spinosae, ki je, ne glede na njegov degradacijski značaj, sestavni del toploljubne asociacije Serratulo-Quercetum s. lat. Večina zabeleženih vrst reda Prunetalia spinosae v fitocenozah Serratulo-Quercetum s. lat. je sončnoljubnih in toploljubnih. Prepričljiva je prisotnost jugovzhodnoevropsko-il- irske značilnice geografske variante Epimedium alpi- num. To je vrsta, ki ima v ilirski florni provinci ozek areal in jo uvrščamo med demontanske zahodnoilirske in vzhodnoalpske geoelemente. Od jugovzhodnoevrop- sko-ilirskih vrst so še prisotne Aremonia agrimonioides, Cyclamen purpurascens in Omphalodes verna iz ilirske zveze Aremonio-Fagion ter Aposeris foetida iz razreda Vaccinio-Piceetea. S temi vrstami je ilirska geografska varianta Serratulo-Quercetum Ht. ex Zupančič & Žagar 2009 var. geogr. Epimedium alpinum var. geogr. nova dobro definirana. Holotip geografske variante je popis številka 1 iz pričujoče Fitocenološke tabele. Članek je dopolnilo k poglavju o asociaciji Serratu- lo-Quercetum s. lat. iz razprave o asociaciji Querco-Os- tryetum v Sloveniji (Zupančič , Žagar & Vreš 2009: 139–143 in 157–160). LITERATURA Cimperšek , M., 2008: Kserotermni gozdovi gradna in cera po subpanonskem hribovju Obsotelja in Kozjanskega (vzho- dna Slovenija) ter njihove posebnosti. Gozdarski vestnik (Ljubljana) 66 (3): 187–205. Zupančič , M., V . Žagar & B. Vreš , 2009: The association Querco-Ostryetum Ht. 1938 in Slovenia. Folia biologica et geologica (Ljubljana) 50 (1): 127–188. MITJA ZUPANČIČ & VINKO ŽAGAR: A SECOND ILLYRIAN GEOGRAPHIC VARIANT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SESSILE OAK 199 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 53/1-2 – 2012 PHYTOCOENOLOGICAL TABLE (Fitocenološka tabela) 1: SERRATULO TINCTORIAE-QUERCETUM PETRAEAE (Ht.) ex Zupančič & Žagar 2009 var. geogr. EPIMEDIUM ALPINUM (Lathyro nigrae-Quercetum petraeae Ht. /1938/ 1958) Number of relevé/Author of analitical table (Zaporedna številka popisa/Avtor analitične tab) 1 2 3 4 Zupančič & Žagar Horvat Zupančič & Žagar Cimperšek Altitude in m (Nadmorska višina v m) 680 500 540 550 500-680 245-660 540-750 270-655 Aspect (Nebesna lega) SSW SSW SSW W SSW, W SE-S-SW SE-S-SW SE-S-SW Slope in degrees (Nagib v stopinjah) 10 25 15 15 10-25 10-35 15-30 25-40 Bedrock (Geološka podlaga) dol apn dol dol dol/apn dol dol, apn apn, dol/apn S i n s i s te m a t i c a l c h a r ac te r i s t i c (Sinsistematska pripadnost) Stoniness in % (Kamnitost v %) 0 20 0 0 0-20 0 0-60 0-40 Cover (Pokrovnost) %: Tree layer (Drevesna pl.) I 50 70 60 70 Shrub layer (Grmovna plast) II 20 40 30 30 Herb layer (Zeliščna plast) III 90 90 100 80 Moss layer (Mahovna plast) IV 0 10 0 0 Relevé (Velikost popisne ploskve) m 2 400 400 400 400 Location (Kraj popisov) Bela K raji na – Polja nsk a dol i na Pod Delki in Debelim vrhom BK PD MED HZG NOT KOČ ŠTAJ Country (Država) Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Slovenija Hrvaška Slovenija Slovenija Number of relevé (Število popisov) 4 5 4 14 SERRATULO TINCTORIAE-QUERCETUM PETRAEAE (Ht.) ex Zupančič & Žagar 2009 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI I 1.3 1.1 1.3 2.3 4 5250 V 3 2-3 3357 V F 3 Quercus petraea II + 1.2 1.2 1.2 4 952 IV 3 +-1 36 II III . . + . 1 6 III 3 +-1 . Q 2 Tamus communis + + + + 4 552 V 1 + 4 IV MA Serratula tinctoria 2.2 +.2 + . 3 3002 V 3 +-1 75 V Q 2 Lathyrus niger + + + . 3 1152 V 2 + 134 V Distinguishing species of geographic variant (Razlikovalnica za geografsko varianto) 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI • F 1 Epimedium alpinum III 2.3 1.2 2.2 2.3 4 . . . Q 2 QUERCETALIA PUBESCENTIS Br.-Bl. (1931) 1932 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI I 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 4 1106 I 2 +-1 751 IV OO Quercus cerris II . 1.2 1.2 1.2 3 . 3 + . III . . 1.1 . 1 4 II . . OO Fraxinus ornus II + + 2.3 1.2 4 1000 V 4 2 363 V I . . . . . 754 III 4 2 112 IV Tamus communis III + + + + 4 552 V 1 + 4 IV Lathyrus niger + + + . 3 1152 V 2 + 134 V Melittis melissophyllum + . + + 3 206 V 4 + 6 V Sorbus torminalis II + . + + 3 108 V 1 + 5 IV I . . . . . 4 II 1 + 3 III Hypericum montanum III . + + . 2 4 II 2 + - II Camptothecium lutescens IV . 2.3 . . 1 . 4 +-3 . OO Ostrya carpinifolia I . 2.2 . . 1 204 IV 2 1-4 76 IV II . + . . 1 4 II 3 +-2 . Sorbus aria II . . . + . . . . I . . . . . 102 II 2 +-1 4 IV P PRUNETALIA SPINOSAE R. Tx. 1952 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Crataegus monogyna II 2.2 2.2 1.1 2.2 4 206 V 3 + 43 V Cornus mas + + + . 3 552 IV 2 1 77 V Ligustrum vulgare . . 2.3 1.2 2 302 IV 2 2 6 IV Berberis vulgaris . 1.1 + . 2 6 III 2 + 1 II Rhamnus catharticus . . . 1.1 1 4 II 3 + 3 III Viburnum lantana . +.3 . . 1 204 IV 4 +-1 198 II Juniperus communis . + . . 1 4 II 1 + 1 II MITJA ZUPANČIČ & VINKO ŽAGAR: A SECOND ILLYRIAN GEOGRAPHIC VARIANT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SESSILE OAK 200 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 53/1-2 – 2012 C CARPINION Issler 1931 em. Oberdorfer 1957 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Pyrus pyraster II + 1.2 + 2.3 4 2 I . . Carex montana III +.2 +.2 1.2 1.2 4 . . 13 IV Rosa arvensis II . 1.2 + 1.2 3 . 4 + 4 IV Carpinus betulus . + . +.2 2 202 III 3 +-1 1 I Acer campestre + . . . 1 452 III 1 + 6 V Prunus avium . . . + 1 8 IV 1 + - II • F 1 AREMONIO-FAGION (Ht. 1938) Török, Podani & Borhidi 1989 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Epimedium alpinum III 2.3 1.2 2.3 2.3 4 . . . Aremonia agrimonoides . + + + 3 . 4 + 1 I Cyclamen purpurascens + . + . 2 2 I 4 +-1 5 V Omphalodes verna + . + . 2 . 3 +-1 . F 2 FAGETALIA SYLVATICAE Pawl. 1928 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Salvia glutinosa III 1.2 +.2 +.2 . 3 . 3 + 1 III Euphorbia dulcis + . +.2 +.2 3 6 III . 1 I Fagus sylvatica I 1.2 + . . 2 . 2 +-1 37 II II + . . . 1 4 II 1 + 1 II Euphorbia amygdaloides III . +.2 + . 2 . 2 +-1 3 III Carex sylvatica . . . +.2 1 . . . Cephalanthera damasonium + . . . 1 4 II . . Daphne mezereum II + . . . 1 . 1 + . Epipactis helleborine III + . . . 1 . 2 + - II Galium odoratum + . . . 1 . . - II Helleborus odorus + . . . 1 . . . Polygonatum multiflorum . . + . 1 . . . Prenanthes purpurea + . . . 1 . . . Viola reichenbachiana . . + . 1 . . . RP 2 QUERCETALIA ROBORIS-PETRAEAE R.-Tx. (1931) 1937 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Melampyrum pratense subsp. vulgatum III 1.1 + + + 4 . . 13 IV Pteridium aquilinum 3.4 +.3 . 1.3 3 . 1 + 1 I Festuca heterophylla . +.2 . +.2 2 550 III 1 + 112 V Veronica officinalis + . . + 2 . . . Betula verrucosa I + . . . 1 . . . Hieracium racemosum III . + . . 1 . . . Populus tremula I + . . . 1 . . . Teucrium scorodonia III . . . + 1 . . . F 3 QUERCO-FAGETEA Br.-Bl. & Vlieger in Vlieger 1937 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI I 1.3 1.1 1.3 2.3 4 5250 V 3 2-3 3357 V Quercus petraea II + 1.2 1.2 1.2 4 952 IV 3 +-1 36 II III . . + . 1 6 III 3 +-1 . Corylus avellana II 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 4 2 I 2 +-1 . Hedera helix + . +.2 + 3 104 III . 5 V Clematis vitalba + + +.2 . 3 6 III 3 + 1 IV Ctenidium molluscum IV . +.3 +.3 . 2 . 3 1-2 . Carex digitata III +.2 . . . 1 . 4 +-1 1 II Anemone nemorosa + . . . 1 . . 1 I Convallaria majalis + . . . 1 204 IV 3 +-1 1 III Prunus padus II . . + . 1 . . . MITJA ZUPANČIČ & VINKO ŽAGAR: A SECOND ILLYRIAN GEOGRAPHIC VARIANT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SESSILE OAK 201 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 53/1-2 – 2012 EP 3 ERICO-PINETEA Ht. 1959 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Buphthalmum salicifolium III + + + + 4 100 I 4 + 2 III Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea 2.3 . +.2 +.2 3 . . . Cirsium erisithales + + + . 3 . . . Dorycnium germanicum . + + . 2 . . . Scleropodium purum IV . +.3 . . 1 . . . Pinus sylvestris I . + . . 1 . 1 + . VP 3 VACCINIO-PICEETEA Br.-Bl. in Br.-Bl. et al. 1939 em. Zupančič (1976) 2000 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Solidago virgaurea III + + +.2 + 4 100 I 4 +-1 - II Rubus hirtus II . 1.2 + +.2 3 . . . Calluna vulgaris III +0 . + +0 . . 3 . . . Polytrichum formosum IV +.3 . . +.3 2 . . . Abies alba II . . + + 2 . 2 + . Dicranella heteromalla IV +.3 . . . 1 . . . Grimmia pulvinata . +.3 . . 1 . 2 + . Hypnum cupressiforme . +.3 . . 1 . 2 + . • Aposeris foetida III + . . . 1 1 I . 1 I Hieracium murorum + . . . 1 . . 1 I E EPILOBIETEA ANGUSTIFOLII R. Tx. & Prsg. in R. Tx. 1950 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Fragaria vesca III + . 1.1 + 3 . 3 +-1 - I Verbascum nigrum . . . + 1 . . . TG TRIFOLIO-GERANIETEA SANGUINEI T. Müller 1961 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Geranium sanguineum III + + + + 4 102 II 2 + 1 I Clinopodium vulgare . + + + 3 . . . Cruciata glabra + . + + 3 4 II 2 + 2 II Trifolium medium + + + . 3 . . 1 I Origanum vulgare . + + . 2 . . . Laserpitium latifolium + . . . 1 350 I 1 + . Vincetoxicum hirundinaria . . + . 1 2 I 2 + 4 IV NC NARDO-CALLUNETEA Prsg. 1949 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Potentilla erecta III + + + + 4 . . . Genista germanica + +.2 . + 3 . 1 + - II Chamaecytisus hirsutus + 1.1 . + 3 . 1 1 . SS SEDO-SCLERANTHETEA Br.-Bl. 1955 em. Th. Müller 1961 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Thymus pulegioides III . +.2 . . 1 . . . Allium pulchellum . . . + 1 . . . FB FESTUCO-BROMETEA Br.-Bl. & R. Tx. 1943 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Brachypodium rupestre III +.2 4.4 4.4 3.3 4 . 3 +-4 . Galium verum . +.2 + . 2 . . . Filipendula hexapetala . . + + 2 . . . Sanguisorba minor . + . + 2 . . . Silene italica agg. . + . + 2 2 I . . Teucrium chamaedrys . + + . 2 2 I 4 + . Carex humilis 1.2 . . . 1 . 4 +-2 . Chamaespartium sagittale (Genista sagittalis) . . . +.2 1 . . - I Dianthus hyssopifolius (D. monspessulanus) . + . . 1 . 2 + . Pimpinella saxifraga . . + . 1 . 2 + . Prunella grandiflora + . . . 1 . . . MITJA ZUPANČIČ & VINKO ŽAGAR: A SECOND ILLYRIAN GEOGRAPHIC VARIANT OF THE ASSOCIATION OF SESSILE OAK 202 FOLIA BIOLOGICA ET GEOLOGICA 53/1-2 – 2012 MA MOLINIO-ARRHENATHERETEA R. Tx. 1937 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Carex flacca III 1.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 4 402 V 3 +-1 76 IV Serratula tinctoria 2.2 +.2 + . 3 3002 V 3 +-1 75 V Agrostis tenuis . +.2 1.2 1.2 3 . . . Dactylis glomerata +.2 . 1.2 1.2 3 1102 II 1 + . Centaurea jacea c. f. . 1.1 + + 3 . 2 +-1 1 I Betonica officinalis + . + + 3 4 II 4 + 1 I Achillea millefolium . + + . 2 . . . Galium mollugo . . + + 2 . . 1 I Centaurea fritschii . 1.2 . . 1 . . . Inula salicina + . . . 1 . . . ART ARTEMISIETEA Lohmeyer, Preising & R. Tx. in R. Tx.1950 s. lat. 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Rubus caesius II . 2.2 +.2 +.2 3 . . . Eupatorium cannabinum III . + . . 1 . . . M MOSSES (Mahovi) 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI Fissidens taxifolius IV +.3 . . . 1 . . . Tortella tortuosa . +.3 . . 1 . 3 + . Anomodon viticulosus . +.2 . . 1 . . . DEGRADATION INDICATED SPECIES (Vrste, ki nakazujejo degradacijo) 1 2 3 4 Z & Ž HT Z & Ž CI FB Brachypodium rupestre III +.2 4.4 4.4 3.3 4 . 3 +-4 . I 2.3 2.3 2.3 2.3 4 1106 V 2 +-1 751 IV OO Quercus cerris II . 1.2 1.2 1.2 3 . 3 + . III . . 1.1 . 1 4 II . . P Crataegus monogyna II 2.2 2.2 1.1 2.2 4 286 V 3 + 43 V MA Carex flacca III 1.2 1.2 2.2 1.2 4 402 V 3 +-1 76 IV C Pyrus pyraster II + 1.2 + 2.3 4 2 I . . F 3 Corylus avellana 1.1 1.2 1.1 1.2 4 2 I 2 +-1 . RP 2 Melampyrum pratense subsp. vulgatum III 1.1 + + + 4 . . 13 IV RP 2 Pteridium aquilinum 3.4 1.3 . 1.3 3 . 1 + 1 I EP 3 Molinia caerulea subsp. arundinacea 2.3 . +.2 +.2 3 . . . ART Rubus caesius II . 2.2 +.2 +.2 3 . . . MA Agrostis tenuis III . +.2 1.2 1.2 3 . . . VP 3 Rubus hirtus II . 1.2 + +.2 3 . . . LEGEND (Legenda) Autor of analitical table (Avtor analitične tabele) CI Cimperšek HT Horvat Z & Ž Zupančič & Žagar Bedrock (Geološka podlaga) apn limestone (apnenec) dol dolomíte (dolomit) dol/apn dolomítized limestone (dolomitiziran apnenec) Sinsistematical characteristic (Sinsistematska pripadnost) OO Fraxino orni-Ostryion carpinifoliae Tomažič 1940 • Southeast European-Illyrian species (Jugovzhodno evropsko-ilirske vrste) Location (Kraj popisov) BK Bela Krajina HZG Hrvaško Zagorje KOČ Kočevsko MED Medvednica NOT Notranjska PD Poljanska dolina ŠTAJ Štajerska