K. DVOØÁK et al.: EVALUATION OF THE GRINDABILITY OF RECYCLED GLASS ... 729–734 EVALUATION OF THE GRINDABILITY OF RECYCLED GLASS IN THE PRODUCTION OF BLENDED CEMENTS OCENA SPOSOBNOSTI DROBLJENJA RECIKLIRANEGA STEKLA PRI PROIZVODNJI ME[ANIH CEMENTOV Karel Dvoøák1, Du{an Dolák1, Dalibor V{ianský2, Petr Dobrovolný1 1Brno University of Technology, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Veveøí 331/95, 602 00 Brno, Czech Republic 2Masaryk University, Faculty of Science, Kotláøská 267/2, 611 37 Brno, Czech Republic dolak.d@fce.vutbr.cz Prejem rokopisa – received: 2015-07-01; sprejem za objavo – accepted for publication: 2015-09-14 doi:10.17222/mit.2015.184 The replacement of primary raw materials in cement production is a current topic. Potentially usable raw materials include recy- cled glass. The disadvantage of glass is its tendency to aggregate. The conventional method for the production of blended ce- ment is separate grinding and then homogenizing the components. However, in this case aggregated fine glass in the cement composites acts only physically and mechanically as a filler rather than as an active pozzolan. An interesting option to prevent the formation of aggregates formed from glass is co-grinding. This procedure is not very common in practice. Various ingredi- ents of blended cements have widely different grindabilities, and it is therefore better to grind them separately. The aim is to compare the co-grinding and separate grinding of a combination of Portland clinker and recycled glass. The grindability was tested on clinker, glass, and blended cements prepared by co-grinding and by separate grinding. The results of the experiment show that by co-grinding the components of blended cement with the addition of 20 % of recycled glass as a pozzolan, a syn- ergy effect caused by the various mechanical properties of the components occurs. The aggregation of grains is less significant than during separate grinding and it leads to a better grinding effect. This knowledge can by utilized in the design and process- ing of new blended cements. Also, co-milling the glass-cement system can eliminate the stage of homogenization, and, therefore save energy. Keywords: grindability, Portland clinker, recycled glass Tema ~lanka je nadome{~anje primarnih surovin pri proizvodnji cementa. Potencialno uporabno surovino predstavlja reciklirano steklo. Pomanjkljivost stekla je, da ima nagnjenost k sprijemanju. Obi~ajna metoda proizvodnje me{anega cementa je lo~eno drobljenje in homogenizacija sestavin. V tem primeru drobnozrnato steklo v cementnih me{anicah deluje samo fizikalno in mehansko kot polnilo in ne kot aktiven pozolan. Dodatno mletje je pomembno za prepre~evanje nastanka skupkov stekla. Vendar pa ta postopek ni tako pogost v praksi. Razli~ne sestavine cementne me{anice se razli~no drobijo in je zato bolje, da se jih drobi lo~eno. Namen {tudije je primerjati dodatno mletje in lo~eno mletje kombinacije Portland klinkerja in recikliranega stekla. Mletje je bilo preizku{eno na klinkerju, steklu in me{anici cementov, pripravljenih z dodatnim mletjem in z lo~enim mletjem. Rezultati preizkusov so pokazali, da se pri isto~asnem mletju me{anic cementov z dodatkom 20 % recikliranega stekla kot pozolana, pojavi sinergijski pojav zaradi razli~nih mehanskih lastnosti sestavin. Zdru`evanje zrn je manj izrazito kot pa pri lo~enem mletju in povzro~i bolj{i u~inek mletja. To dejstvo je mogo~e uporabiti pri na~rtovanju in izdelavi novih me{anic cementov. Torej se lahko z isto~asnim mletjem sistema steklo-cement, odpravi fazo homogenizacije in s tem prihrani energijo. Klju~ne besede: sposobnost mletja, portlandski klinker, reciklirano steklo 1 INTRODUCTION Secondary raw materials represent an ever more fre- quent replacement for primary raw materials in the pro- duction of building materials. The area of cement pro- duction is no exception. In current practice, blended cements are applied increasingly more often. In these ce- ments, the Portland clinker is replaced by hydraulically active compounds or agents with pozzolanic proper- ties.1–3 Glass is chemically and mineralogically very close to traditional pozzolans. Therefore, various types of recycled glass may be potentially interesting raw ma- terials for the production of blended cements. Various authors have described the behavior of finely ground glass in cement composites.4,5 However, due to a consid- erable ability to agglomerate, the recycled glass used as an additive for the cement composite is not reactive enough and acts only physically-mechanically as a filler.4 The common production process for blended cements is separate grinding of the individual components and their subsequent homogenization. This procedure is common in the production of blast-furnace slag cements. In this case the procedure is advantageous because Portland ce- ment clinker and blast-furnace slag have very different grindabilities and it is therefore preferable to grind them separately, and subsequently to homogenize.6 As noted above, fine glass powder exhibits a significant ability for aggregation, which greatly complicates the homogeniza- tion with Portland cement. Therefore, the traditional ap- proach of separate grinding and subsequent homogeniza- tion seems to be less suitable in the case of a glass-cement system. An interesting option to prevent the formation of agglomerates with pure glass is co-grinding of the glass and clinker. The content of SiO2 in recycled glass is only in amorphous form and the hardness is 7 on the Mohs scale. The standard alite Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 729–734 729 UDK 620.1:621.926:621.315.612:621.742.48 ISSN 1580-2949 Original scientific article/Izvirni znanstveni ~lanek MTAEC9, 50(5)729(2016) clinker contains four main minerals, and their weighted average hardness is between 6 and 7 on the Mohs scale.7 However, the recycled glass is much more fragile, which means the grindability of both components could be very similar. Various authors have chosen different methods to assess grindability. Most methods are based on an evalu- ation of the ratio of the energy consumption and refine- ment of the material.8–12 An interesting approach is to evaluate the grindability by using particle size distribu- tion curves.6 The aim was to assess whether in the case of a cement-glass system, co-grinding of the component is more advantageous than separate grinding with subse- quent homogenization. The selected approach was to monitor and compare the grindability of the individual components as well as the mix. The method of monitor- ing the impact of the constant grinding time on the parti- cle size distribution curves and specific surface area was chosen for the experiment. 2 MATERIALS AND METHODS For monitoring the grindability, recycled glass and Portland cement were used. The chemical composition of the recycled glass was determined by traditional chemical analysis. The modified Chapelle test method13 was used for the pozzolanic activity determination. The modified Chapelle test consists of the reaction of pozzolan and freshly annealed CaO in an aquatic envi- ronment at 93 °C for 24 h. The reaction takes place in a tightly sealed stainless-steel vessel and the suspension is stirred by an electromagnetic stirrer. The result is expressed as the amount of Ca(OH)2 bound in mg per 1 g of pozzolan. The density of the recycled glass was deter- mined by automatic pycnometer Micromeritics AccuPyc II 1340. For the measurement of the specific surface according to Blaine, an automatic PC-Blaine-Star device was used to measure the cell capacity of 7.95 cm3. The determination was performed three times to eliminate errors. The morphology of the particles was determined by scanning electron microscope (SEM). A Tescan MIRA 3 XMU SEM with a secondary-electron detector was used. The Portland cement was prepared in a labo- ratory ball mill by co-grinding of the Portland clinker from cement plant Hranice and the chemo-gypsum Pregips in the ratio 95/5. Milling was carried out to the same specific surface area that was measured on the recycled glass. The chemical composition, the density, the specific surface area, and morphology of the particles were also determined. The blended cement was prepared by co-milling Portland clinker, gypsum and recycled glass in the ratio 76/4/20. Milling was carried out to the same specific surface area that was measured on the recycled glass. As in the previous case, chemical compo- sition, density, specific surface area and morphology of the particles were also determined. The milling in this phase of the experiment was always carried out at a total dose of 5 kg in a Brio OM 20 ball mill at a speed of 40 min–1. The grinding of the recycled glass, the Portland cement and the blended cement for determining the grindability was performed in a Fritsch Pulverisette 6 planetary mill at 500 min–1. A steel vessel of 500 mL and 25 steel grinding balls of 20 mm diameter and a mass of 180 g of material were always used. The grinding times were (1, 2, 3 and 5) min. Then, the particle size distribution was performed on each of these samples using a Matest Air jet sieve. The sieves mesh size were (0.010, 0.020, 0.041, 0.063, 0.090 and 0.125) mm. The Blaine specific surface area and morphology of the particles by SEM were determined on all the samples ground for 5 min. A simple calculation using weighted- average values of the surface areas separately milled components was made to facilitate the grindability com- parison, Equation (1): SBC = 0.8 · SPC + 0.2 · SGR (1) Where SBC is the theoretical specific surface area of the blended cement, SPC is the specific surface area of the Portland cement and SRG is the specific surface area of the recycled glass. Subsequently, a sample of the blended cement was prepared by homogenization of the sepa- rately ground components in the same proportions. Ho- mogenization of the sample was performed using a labo- ratory homogenizer for 1 h. On the resulting samples the specific surface area according to Blaine was deter- mined. The results were compared with the calculation. 3 RESULTS Chemical compositions of the clinker and gypsum are summarized in Tables 1 and 2. Table 1: Partial chemical composition of clinker Tabela 1: Parcialna kemijska sestava klinkerja Component SiO2 CaO Al2O3 Fe2O3 SO3 Others Content (%) 20.29 65.33 5.21 5.04 0.79 3.34 Table 2: Partial chemical composition of gypsum Tabela 2: Parcialna kemijska sestava mavca Component CaSO4·2H2O H2O CaSO4 Others Content (%) 84.00 11.00 2.40 2.60 The chemical composition of the selected clinker is typical for Portland clinkers. In the case of gypsum, it is highly pure with a relatively high humidity; therefore, it should be dried for the cement preparation to reduce the humidity to under 5 % according to ^SN 721206. Chemical composition of the recycled glass is sum- marized in Table 3 and its pozzolanic activity is indi- cated in Table 4. Table 3: Partial chemical composition of the recycled glass Tabela 3: Parcialna kemijska sestava recikliranega stekla Component SiO2 CaO Al2O3 K2O Na2O Others Content (%) 69.25 8.09 0.83 0.41 16.44 4.98 K. DVOØÁK et al.: EVALUATION OF THE GRINDABILITY OF RECYCLED GLASS ... 730 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 729–734 Table 4: Pozzolanic activity of recycled glass with different specific surface area Tabela 4: Pozolanska aktivnost recikliranega stekla z razli~no specifi~no povr{ino Specific surface area (m2 kg–1) 244 Pozzolanic activity (mg Ca(OH)2/g pozzolan) 1112 The chemical and mineralogical compositions of the recycled glass resemble a classic pozzolan. The sample of recycled glass with a specific surface area of 244 m2 kg–1 reached a pozzolanic activity of 1112 mg Ca(OH)2/1 g in a modified Chapelle test. An overview of the properties of the raw materials on the grindability are included in Table 5. All the pre-grinding was made on a ball mill to ensure roughly the same surface area as the recycled glass. Table 5: Overview of input materials Tabela 5: Pregled vhodnih materialov Material Compo-nents (%) Pre- ground Density (kg/m3) Specific surface area (m2 kg–1) Portland cement Clinker 95 Yes 3081 250 Gypsum 5 Glass Glass 100 No 2458 244 Blended cement Clinker 76 Yes 2952 247Gypsum 4 Glass 20 All the input materials were then ground in a planetary mill for (1, 2, 3 and 5) min with a rotational speed of 500 min–1. Each sample was then examined with a sieve analysis. The results are summarized in Fig- ures 1 to 5. From the size distribution curves of the input materi- als it is evident that although the specific surface area is similar, the recycled glass is much coarser. This is caused by the different shapes of the grains in the recy- K. DVOØÁK et al.: EVALUATION OF THE GRINDABILITY OF RECYCLED GLASS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 729–734 731 Figure 4: Size distribution after 3 min Slika 4: Razporeditev velikosti po 3 min Figure 1: Size distribution of input materials Slika 1: Razporeditev velikosti vhodnih materialov Figure 2: Size distribution after 1 min Slika 2: Razporeditev velikosti po1 min Figure 3: Size distribution after 2 min Slika 3: Razporeditev velikosti po 2 min cled glass, Portland cement and blended cement, as seen in Figures 6 to 8. The curves of the particle size distribu- tion of the grinded materials indicate that the grindability of the recycled glass and the Portland cement is similar for selected time intervals. However, by co-grinding these materials, the grinding effect was stronger. The images taken by scanning electron microscopy before and after the grinding of the components are K. DVOØÁK et al.: EVALUATION OF THE GRINDABILITY OF RECYCLED GLASS ... 732 Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 729–734 Figure 8: SEM image of RG: a) before and b) after grinding Slika 8: SEM-posnetek RG: a) pred in b) po mletju Figure 6: SEM image of BC: a) before and b) after grinding Slika 6: SEM-posnetek BC: a) pred in b) po mletju Figure 5: Size distribution after 5 min Slika 5: Razporeditev velikosti po 5 min Figure 7: SEM image of PC: a) before and b) after grinding Slika 7: SEM-posnetek PC: a) pred in b) po mletju shown in Figures 6 to 8. BC is an abbreviation for blended cement, PC for Portland cement and RG for re- cycled glass. The Blaine specific surface area was determined on all the samples ground for 5 min. The results of the mea- surement and the calculated specific surface area are summarized in Table 6. SBC = 0.8 · SPC + 0.2 · SGR SBC = 0.8 · 500 + 0.2 ·517 = 503.4 Table 6: Change of specific surface area before and after 5 min of grinding Tabela 6: Sprememba specifi~ne povr{ine, pred in po 5 min mletju Component Cement Glass Blended c (to- gether) Blended c (sepa- rate) Blended c (calcu- lation) Specific sur- face area be- fore g (m2/kg) 250 244 247 – – Specific sur- face area after g (m2/kg) 500 517 532 504 503.4 Specific surface area of separate grinded blended ce- ment corresponds with the calculation. In the case of co-grinded blended cement the specific surface area is considerably higher. 4 DISCUSSION The chemical and mineralogical compositions of the recycled glass resemble a classic pozzolan. The sample of recycled glass with a specific surface area of 244 m2 kg–1 reached a pozzolanic activity of 1112 mg Ca(OH)2/1 g in a modified Chapelle test. The pozzolan activity of the chosen recycled material can be rated as high, because classic pozzolans such as fly ash reach values of 700 mg to 850 mg.14 Therefore, it can be stated that this is a pro- mising pozzolanic material. The chemical composition of the selected clinker is typical for Portland clinkers with a large amount of tricalcium silicate.7 In the case of gypsum, it is a highly pure by-product gypsum from the production of titanium dioxide. The grain morphology of the Portland cement and glass, which were adjusted to the same initial surface area and were used as the input for the grindability tests, are significantly different. Unlike Portland cement, recy- cled glass consists of grains with a substantially sharp- edged morphology. This grain shape can be explained by the high fragility and amorphous structure of the glass.15 From the measured values of the balances of the raw ma- terials on the sieves, the statement can be made that with a low surface area and larger grain size, Portland cement is milled the best. Glass is indeed fragile, but has a higher tendency to aggregate the particles.15,16 This phe- nomenon can affect the outcome of the determination of the particle size distribution during the early stages of grinding. As shown in Figures 2 to 5, with increasing surface area, blended cement is ground more intensively than recycled glass or Portland cement. Increased effi- ciency co-milling is caused by the different mechanical properties of the clinker and the glass.7,15 When recycled glass is milled separately, it preserves the delicate char- acter and this leads to its rapid disintegration. Neverthe- less, the distinctive ability of aggregation and agglomera- tion negatively affects the final particle size distribution, as evidenced in Figure 8. In the case of clinker, the abil- ity to aggregate and agglomerate is lower.17 Because of the chemical and mineralogical compositions of the grains they are more able to compensate for the impacts of the grinding elements. This affects the particle size distribution. The co-milling of cement and recycled glass leads to a better milling effect, since the above-described phenomena are compensated, plus the clinker grains are functioning as an additional grinding medium. This is re- flected not only in the resulting particle size distribution obtained on specific surfaces, but also in a better homo- geneity of mixed cement. The synergistic effect of co-milling in the case of cement glass was proved by the simple calculation model of weighted averages for the results of the separately ground materials’ surface areas. The result of the calculation, 503.4 m2 kg–1, correlated well with the experimentally measured value of the spe- cific surface area of the blended cement composed of separately milled components, i.e., 504 m2 kg–1. By joint grinding of the blended cement in same grinding condi- tions, a much larger specific surface area has been achieved, i.e., 532 m2 kg–1. 5 CONCLUSION The pozzolanic activity of the fine recycled glass is relatively high. It reaches higher levels of pozzolanic ac- tivity than traditional ash, and on a significantly lower surface area. The distribution of particles of recycled glass and Portland cement measured by sieve analysis with separate grinding is similar. The synergistic effect of co-milling was demonstrated in comparison with a blended cement prepared by the homogenization of sepa- rately ground materials. This phenomenon is caused by the fact that the negatives associated with separate grind- ing of the individual materials are suppressed. Another advantage of co-milling the glass-cement system is en- ergy saving, by eliminating the stage of homogenization. Based on the results obtained, recycled glass appears as a potentially useful pozzolan for the preparation of blended cements by co-milling with cement. Acknowledgment This work was financially supported by project num- ber: 15-08755S "Study of effects of samples preparation on inorganic binders final properties" and project No. LO1408 "AdMaS UP – Advanced Materials, Structures and Technologies", supported by Ministry of Education, K. DVOØÁK et al.: EVALUATION OF THE GRINDABILITY OF RECYCLED GLASS ... Materiali in tehnologije / Materials and technology 50 (2016) 5, 729–734 733 Youth and Sports under the National Sustainability Programme I. 5 REFERENCES 1 C. Meyer, Y. Xi, Use of recycled glass and fly ash for precast con- crete, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 11 (1999), 89–90, doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0899-1561(1999)11:2(89) 2 D. 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