doi:10.14720/aas.2020.116.1.1552 Original research article / izvirni znanstveni članek Genetic variability and selection criteria of some sunflower genotypes under different pollination methods Mohamed Ali ABDELSATAR 1 2, Asmaa Abd-EL-Halime AHMED \ Suzan Abd El-Latif Kamel IBRAHIM 1 Received March 5, 2020; accepted June 13, 2020. Delo je prispelo 05. marec 2020, sprejeto 13. junij 2020 Genetic variability and selection criteria of some sunflower genotypes under different pollination methods Abstract: To determinate self-compatible genotypes for increasing autogamy yielded, the ten sunflower genotypes were sown under four pollination methods i.e., open-, self-, hand-and sib-pollinations in a randomized complete block design replicated thrice at Kafr-El-Hamam Agricultural research Station, Sharkia Governorate, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt during 2018 and 2019 summer seasons. Significant variation existed for different pollination treatments, genotypes and their interactions for all studied traits. Among the treatments, open pollination followed by sibbing one was regarded as the best pollination treatment for head diameter, number of filled seeds per head, percentage of seed setting , kernel to hull ratio, seed mass per plant, seed yield per fed and seed oil content. Autogamy studies revealed that 'L120' followed by 'L92' and 'L880' recorded higher proportion of autogamy and self-compatibility. Preferred improvement of seed mass per plant may be achieved through selecting genotypes having the largest head diameter, bigger number of filled seeds per head, the highest proportion of seed setting and the heaviest seed, kernel and hull mass as proven by high phenotypic and genotypic coefficient of variation and high heritability coupled with high genetic advance (as % of mean) as well as correlation and path analyses at both phenotypic and genotypic levels. Key words: autogamy; heritability; path analysis; sunflower Genetska variabilnost in selekcijski kriteriji nekaterih genotipov sončnice pri različnih metodah opraševanja Izvleček: Za določitev samokompatibilnih genotipov in povečanje samooploditve je bilo posejanih deset genotipov sončnice z različnimi načini opraševanja in sicer: navskrižno opraševanje, samoopraševanje, ročno opraševanje in opraševa-nje znotraj starševskih linij. Poskus je bil zasnovan kot naključni popolni bločni poskus s tremi ponovitvami na Kafr-El-Hamam Agricultural research Station, Sharkia Governorate, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt, v poletnih rastnih sezonah 2018 in 2019. Za vse preučevane lastnosti so se pokazale značilne razlike glede na način opraševanja, izbrane genotype in njihove interakcije. Med obravnavanji sta se navskrižno opraševanje in opraševanje znotraj starševskih linij izkazali kot najboljši način opraševanja glede na premer koška (glave) sončnic, število polnih zrn na košek, odstotek nastavka semen, razmerja med jedrci in luščinami, maso semen na rastlino, pridelek semena na fedan in vsebnost olja v semenu. Preučevanje avtogamije je odkrilo, da so imeli genotipi po vrstnem redu 'L120', 'L92' in 'L880' največji delež samooplodnje in samokompatibilnosti. Zaželjeno izboljšanje mase semena na rastlino bi lahko dosegli z izborom genotipov, ki imajo največji premer koška, večje število polnih semen na košek, največji nastavek semen, največjo maso semen, jedrc in luščin kot je bilo dokazano z velikim fe-notipskim in genotipskim koeficientom variabilnosti in velike dednosti povezano z velikim napredkom v dedovanju (kot poprečni odstotek) kot tudi z analizami korelacije med preučevanimi lastnostmi na fenotipski in genotipski ravni. Ključne besede: avtogamija; dednost; analiza povezanih znakov; sončnica 1 Oil Crops Research Department, Field Crops Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Giza, Egypt 2 Corresponding author, e-mail: Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/1, 93-105, Ljubljana 2020 M. A. ABDELSATAR et al. 1 introduction sunflower is a major oilseed crop in the world after soybean and groundnut. sunflower as cross-pollinated crops, which almost dependent on pollinating insects and wind for increasing seed yield. However, only pollinating insects and winds are not sufficient to cause maximum seed yield and quality. Thus, the major challenge of plant breeder is to determinate self-compatible genotypes for increasing autogamy or selfing yielded in the absence of pollinating insects. self-compatible genotypes have higher yields than self-incompatible ones, when bees are not abundant. Consequently, cultivating self-compatible genotypes with high yielding ability offer a great opportunity to improve seed yield and oil quality of sunflower. Pollination methods are important factor for identifying self-compatible genotypes with high yielding ability. In this concern, seed set under self-pollination conditions is strongly correlated with self-compatibility degree (Beg et al., 1987). Earlier findings of sameena (2003) indicated that pollen blend treatment was the best one followed by open pollination, geitonogamy and autogamy, due to its enhanced seed setting rate, higher number of filled seeds per head, kernel to hull ratio and hence seed mass per plant as well as higher seed oil content. In the same context, maximum head diameter with less empty diameter, seed setting percentage, number of filled seed per head, 100 seed mass, seed yield per plant, per plot and per ha was obtained by combination of bee pollination and hand pollination methods than that of other pollination ones as recorded by Talele (2011) and osman and siham (2015). successful sunflower breeding program depends on magnitude of genetic variability in the breeding material and knowledge of selection criteria would be effective in improving seed yield. In this respect, considerable amount of genetic variability might be affect days to first flowering, days to full flowering, plant height, stem diameter, autogamy percentage, self-compatibility percentage, head diameter, number of filled seeds per head, number of unfilled seeds per head, total number of seeds per head, seed setting percentage, 100-seed mass, kernel mass (mg), hull mass (mg), hull content (%), kernel to hull ratio, seed mass per plant, seed yield per fed and seed oil content as reported by sameena (2003), supriya et al. (2016), Neelima et al. (2016) and supriya et al. (2017). High heritability coupled with high percentage of genetic advance were observed for head diameter, seed mass per plant, 100-seed mass, pollen production per plant, plant height and percentage of hull mass as reported by by Khan and Muhammad (2007), Kalukhe et al. (2010), sudrik et al. (2014) and seyed et al. (2014), sheshaiah and shankargoud (2015), supriya et al. (2016), Dudhe et al. (2017) and baraiya et al. (2018). Moreover, the selection criteria of correlation and path analyses at phenotypic and genotypic levels play a vital role in selected the best traits to improve seed mass per plant. seed mass per plant highly significant and positively correlated with 100-seed mass, head diameter and number of filled seeds were reported by sowmya et al. (2010), Neelima et al. (2012), Prabhakaran et al. (2013), Deengra et al. (2013) and Venkanna et al. (2014). seed filling percentage, head diameter and hull content percentage exhibited good amount of direct effect on seed mass per plant and its correlation with these traits were also positively significant at both genotypic and pheno-typic levels and it is indicated that these traits should be considered as selection criteria for higher seed yield as reported by sowmya et al. (2010), Neelima et al. (2012), Tyagi and Khan (2013), Deengra et al. (2013) and sanju et al. (2018). Therefore, the present study aimed to find out the impact of pollination methods on seed yield and its attributes of some sunflower genotypes, to determinate self-compatible genotypes for increasing autogamy or selfing yielded in the absence of pollinating insects and to identify genetic variability among sunflower genotypes and selection criteria for improving yield. 2. materials and methods 2.1 sITE DEsCRIPTIoN Four field experiments was conducted at the experimental Farm of Kafr-El-Hamam Research station, Zaga-zig, sharkia Governorate, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt (30\ 580 N, 31\ 500E) during the two successive summer seasons of 2018 and 2019. 2.2 experimental design The experiment was laid out in randomized complete block design for each pollination method with three replications. Pollination methods details were practiced as follow; open pollination (oP) was done by left head of plant for open pollination without bagging to allow self and cross-pollination, self-pollination (sP) was done by bagging sunflower heads before commencement of flowering to harvesting time, hand pollination (HP) was done by gently rubbing the heads with the help of muslin cloth at flowering duration and sib-pollination (sIP) was done by collecting pollen from males plants of the same geno- 46 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/1 - 2020 Genetic variability and selection criteria of some sunflower genotypes under different pollination methods type and mixed to dust on sunflower heads of receiver female plants of the same one. Each genotype was sown, after harvesting wheat in both seasons, in five ridges with a ridge length of 4 m spaced at 60 cm between ridges and 30 cm apart. Tested sunflower genotypes as open pollinated genotypes i.e. L125, Sakha53 L235, L880, L770, L92, L120, L167, L460 and L355 were received from Oil Crops Research Department, Field Crop Research Institute, Agricultural Research Center, Egypt. 2.3 AGRICULTURAL PRACTICES lination. Self-compatibility % = percent seed set under hand pollination/ percent seed set under open pollination. The mass of hulls and kernels recorded by drawing 100-seeds at random, and then their kernels and hulls were separated to record the mass of the separated hundred hulls and kernels. Hull percent was calculated by the following formula, Hull % = (Mass of hull / Total mass of seeds) x 100. Kernel to hull (K/H) ratio was calculated by dividing the kernel mass of hundred seed by their hull mass. Plants of central ridge from each plot were harvested for determining seed yield per m2 and converted to seed yield in kg per fed. Seed oil content was determined according to AOAC, (1990). Sunflower genotypes seeds were hand-planted on ridges, 60 cm as well as 30 cm apart between hills, during the first week of June in both seasons. Plants were thinned at 15 days after sowing to secure one plant per hill. Fertilizer was added in two equal portions prior to the first and the second irrigations in the form of urea (46.6 % N). All other cultural practices were applied as recommended. 2.4 DATA COLLECTED At harvest, five guarded plants were randomly selected from the 2nd and 4th ridges, harvested, tied and left to dry to determine yield and yield attributes viz., head diameter, number of filled seeds per head, number of unfilled seeds per head, total number of seeds per head, 100-seed mass and seed mass per plant. The seed set percent was calculated by the formula given by Roath and Miller (1982) as, seed setting percentage = (number of filled seeds/ total seeds) x 100. Autogamy and self-compatibility percent was calculated by formulae given by George et al. (1980) as, autogamy % = percent seed set under self-pollination/ percent seed set under open pol- 2.5 STATISTICAL ANALYSIS Analysis of variance according to Gomez and Gomez (1984) for each variable was done using randomized complete block design for all studied traits. Combined analysis of variance across the two seasons was done after confirmation of homogenous (Table 1) for all studied traits using F. max test method of Hartley (1950). Genotypic and phenotypic coefficients of variation (Burton and DeVane 1953), estimation of broad sense heritability (H2b) (Hansen et al., 1956), genetic advance as percent of the mean (Johnson et al., 1955) were estimated. Phenotypic (rp) and genotypic (rg) correlation coefficients between two traits such as X and Y were calculated using formula of Weber and Moorthy (1952): r = Covp (X, Y) / (Vp (X) x Vp (Y))05, where Cov P (X, Y) = Phenotypic covariance of traits X and Y. Vp (X) and VP (Y) = Phenotypic variance of trait X and Y, respectively. And rg = Covg (X, Y) / (Vg (X) x Vg (Y))0 5, where Covg (X, Y) = Genotypic covariance of traits X and Y. Vg (X) and Vp (Y) = Genotypic variance of trait X and Y, respectively. Moreover, phenotypic and genotypic path analysis (Dewey and Lu 1959) was also done. Table 1: Seasonal Hartley tests (F. max) of error variances for all studied traits Item head diameter Number of filled seeds per head Number of unfilled seeds per head Total number of seeds per head Seed setting percentage 100.seed mass kernel mass F. max 1.46 1.13 1.07 1.08 1.07 1.24 1.03 F. tabulated 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 Significance NS NS NS NS NS NS NS Item Hull mass Hull content Kernel to hull ratio Seed mass per plant Seed yield per fed Seed oil content F. max 1.18 1.24 1.12 1.24 1.11 1.43 F. tabulated 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 1.48 Significance NS NS NS NS NS NS Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/1 - 2020 37 M. A. ABDELSATAR et al. 3 results and discussion 3.1 analysis of variance The combined analyses of variance for all studied traits of 10 sunflower genotypes over years and pollination methods are presented in Table 2. In this respect, the main effects of years, pollination methods and genotypes were highly significant for all studied traits, indicating that significant effect of these main effects on the performance of all studied traits. The interactions of year with pollination methods and with genotypes had insignificant effect on the performance of all studied traits. This indicated that the pollination methods and tested sunflower genotypes had the same ranks from year to another. Moreover, the insignificant triple interaction among year, pollination methods and genotypes was observed for all studied traits. This indicated that climatic conditions of two years had the same effect on pollination methods and tested sunflower genotypes, hence it was ignored in discussion. However, the interaction of pollination methods with tested sunflower genotypes was highly significant for all studied traits. This indicated that tested sunflower genotypes significantly differed from pollination method to another for all studied traits, hence it was considered as important interaction to discussion. similar significant interactive effect of pollination methods with sunflower genotypes were reported by supriya et al. (2016), Neelima et al. (2016) and supriya et al. (2017). 3.2 pollination methods effects The results of pollination methods in Table (3) revealed that there were significant differences between various pollination treatments for all studied traits. similar significant effects of pollination methods were reported by Talele (2011) and osman and siham (2015). As shown in the combined analysis, obviously, open pollination gave the highest values for head diameter, number of filled seeds per head, percentage of seed setting, kernel to hull ratio, seed mass per plant, seed yield per fed and seed oil content. It exceeds self-pollination by 25.10 %, 41.45 %, 44.03 %, 3.55 %, 56.68 %, 57.25 %, 15.16 %, respectively. This may be due to the effective transfer of foreign pollens by pollinating insects to the Table 2: Combined analysis of variance for all studied traits of 10 sunflower genotypes over two years and four pollination methods sov df Head diameter Number of filled seeds per head Number of Total number unfilled seedsof seeds per Seed setting per head head percentage 100.seed mass Kernel mass Year (Y) 1 ** ** ** ** * ** ** Pollination methods (P) 3 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Y x P 3 ns ns ns ns NS Ns Ns Reps in Y x P 2 ns ns ns ns NS Ns Ns Genotypes (G) 9 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** P x G 27 ** ** ** ** ** ** ** Y x G 9 ns ns ns ns NS Ns Ns Y x P x G 27 ns ns ns ns NS Ns Ns Error 237 sov df Hull mass Hull content Kernel to hull ratio Seed mass per plant Seed yield per fed seed oil content Year (Y) 1 ** ** ** ** ** ** Pollination methods (P) 3 ** ** ** ** ** ** Y x P 3 ns ns Ns NS NS Ns Reps in Y x P 2 ns ns Ns NS NS Ns Genotypes (G) 9 ** ** ** ** ** ** P x G 27 ** ** ** ** ** ** Y x G 9 ns ns Ns NS NS Ns Y x P x G 27 ns ns Ns NS NS Ns Error 237 46 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/1 - 2020 Genetic variability and selection criteria of some sunflower genotypes under different pollination methods Table 3: Comparison of means of pollination methods for all studied traits across 2018 and 2019 seasons Number of Number of Pollination methods Head diameter (cm) filled seeds per head unfilled seeds per head Total number of Seed setting seeds per head percentage 100-Seed mass (g) Kernel mass (mg) Open 19.54 471.92 101.99 573.91 81.52 6.07 483.92 Selfing 14.63 276.32 316.72 593.03 45.63 6.66 552.33 Hand 17.48 340.78 201.15 541.93 62.00 6.52 535.63 Sibbing 18.95 444.22 132.72 576.93 76.41 6.26 505.03 LSD5% 0.24 1.55 1.55 2.28 0.21 0.05 1.46 Pollination methods Hull mass (mg) Hull content (%) Kernel to hull ratio Seed mass per plant (g) Seed yield per fed (kg) Seed oil content (%) Open 172.99 0.39 2.80 42.62 1112.22 42.08 Selfing 204.40 0.89 2.70 18.46 475.44 35.70 Hand 189.05 0.60 2.84 25.27 773.90 37.49 Sibbing 183.71 0.44 2.75 35.42 953.64 39.96 LSD5% 1.20 0.01 0.02 0.51 10.38 0.36 receptive stigma, thereby increasing percentage of seed setting and gave higher number of filled seeds per head. The reverse was true, with selfing, which pollination had the highest values of number of unfilled seeds per head, total number of seeds per head, 100-seed mass (g), kernel mass (mg), hull mass (mg) and percentage of hull content. It exceeds open pollination by 210.53 %, 3.33 %, 9.78 %, 14.14 %, 18.16 %and 129.63 % in the respective order. Other methods, hand and sib-pollination had the moderate effect on most of studied traits. 3.3 GENOTYPIC EFFECTS It is apparent from the pooled data in Table (4) that significant differences were detected among the ten tested sunflower genotypes for all studied traits, indicated that there is valuable genetic variation in these genotypes to warrant selection for improvement sunflower crop. similar significant genotypic effects for all studied traits were reported by supriya et al. (2016), Neelima et al. (2016) and Supriya et al. (2017). Irrespective of pollination methods imposed, 'Sakha 53' (21.55 cm) followed by 'L120' (19.83 cm) behaved as the largest head diameter; 'L120' (534.95) followed by 'L880' (503.37) gave more filled seeds per head; 'L120' (80.07 %) followed by 'L92' (76.59 %) had the highest proportion of seed setting; 'L355' (6.76 g) followed by 'L167' (6.73 g) possessed the biggest mass of 100-seed; 'L355' (538.58 mg) followed by ''L880 (535.33 mg) had the biggest mass of kernel; 'L880' (199.71 mg) followed by 'L355' (198.61 mg) expressed the highest mass of hull; the highest proportion of hull was detected in 'L355' (1.07 %) followed by 'L167' (0.82 %); 'L120' (2.98 %, 37.28 g, 1022.95 kg and 42.86 %) followed by 'L92' (2.83 %, 33.83 g, 890.05 kg and 40.21 %) behaved as the largest ratio of Kernel to hull, seed mass per plant, seed yield per fed and seed oil content, respectively. Hence, these genotypes are the best stock for improving sunflower crop in terms of most studied traits. 3.4 PERCENTAGE OF AUTOGAMY AND SELF- COMPATIBILITY A genotype is considered self-fertile if the maximum percentage of seed setting takes place under self-pollination. Among the ten sunflower genotypes as shown in Fig. (1), L120 recorded the highest proportion of autogamy on one hand (0.664 %) followed by L92 (0.636 %) and L880 (0.618 %). On the other hand, L120 (0.839 %), L880 (0.807 %) and L92 (0.806 %) behaved as self-compatible sunflower genotypes. This may be due to these genotypes possessed a high number of florets per unit area, a random orientation of stigmas, and the stigma receptive surface vertically presented. Thus, these genotypes can be used in sunflower breeding program to increasing proportion of self-compatibility. 3.5 INTERACTION EFFECTS The interactive effect of pollination methods with ten sunflower genotypes was significant for all studied traits, as combined analysis shown in Table (5), indicated that traits of sunflower genotypes especially yield and yield-components varied according to pollination meth- Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/1 - 2020 37 M. A. ABDELSATAR et al. Table 4: Comparison of means of ten sunflower genotypes for all studied traits across 2018 and 2019 seasons Sunflower genotypes Head diameter (cm) Number of filled seeds per head Number of unfilled seeds per head Total number of seeds per head Seed setting percentage 100-Seed mass (g) Kernel mass (mg) L125 16.45 349.12 173.17 522.28 66.82 6.55 522.50 Sakha 53 21.55 379.45 206.02 585.47 64.66 6.04 506.42 L235 17.21 376.61 171.39 548.00 69.05 6.51 518.21 L880 18.60 503.37 198.52 701.89 71.99 6.16 535.33 L770 16.08 321.95 180.00 501.95 64.32 6.59 528.33 L92 18.26 452.70 139.17 591.87 76.59 6.28 506.75 L120 19.83 534.95 131.83 666.78 80.07 5.70 492.83 L167 15.79 264.95 245.50 510.45 51.97 6.73 532.50 L460 17.68 420.20 154.50 574.70 73.23 6.42 510.83 L355 15.06 229.78 281.33 511.12 45.19 6.76 538.58 LSD 5% 0.37 2.45 2.46 3.60 0.33 0.07 2.31 Sunflower genotypes Hull mass (mg) Hull content (%) Kernel to hull ratio Seed mass per plant (g) Seed yield per fed (kg) Seed oil content (%) L125 188.58 0.58 2.77 30.96 795.79 38.32 Sakha53 190.30 0.54 2.66 28.48 849.66 40.06 L235 186.70 0.52 2.78 31.54 822.01 39.14 L880 199.71 0.41 2.68 28.45 824.84 38.48 L770 190.43 0.64 2.78 29.61 770.06 37.77 L92 178.80 0.41 2.83 33.83 890.05 40.21 L120 166.05 0.32 2.98 37.28 1022.95 42.86 L167 191.89 0.82 2.78 26.75 746.59 36.51 L460 184.30 0.46 2.78 32.36 842.15 39.69 L355 198.61 1.07 2.71 25.14 723.89 35.04 LSD 5% 1.90 0.02 0.03 0.81 16.42 0.57 0.900 O.BOO ■ 0.740 0.764 0.807 0.752 m 0.738 0.806 0839 0.806 0,700 saei3 0.600 0.500 0 400 ■ 0 557 0.569 0.609 0.618 OSOS ■' 0.636 066'1\ yoei^í 0 300 - 0.415 0.200 - 0.306 0.100 ■ 0.000 1 l L125 Sakha53 L235 L880 L 770 L 92 L120 L167 L 460 L355 • AutOEamy% LSD 5% 0.008 Sehf-compatibility % - LSD 5% 0.013 Figure 1: Autogamy percentage and self-compatibility percentage of ten sunflower genotypes across 2018 and 2019 summer seasons 40 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/1 - 2020 Genetic variability and selection criteria of some sunflower genotypes under different pollination methods Table 5: Comparison of means of pollination methods interaction with ten sunflower genotypes across 2018 and 2019 summer seasons Number of Number of un- interaction Head diameter (cm) filled seeds per head filled seeds per head Total number of seeds per head seed setting percentage 100-seed mass (g) Kernel mass (mg) oP x L125 17.67 428.12 93.25 521.37 82.12 6.20 489.83 oP x sakha 53 25.67 459.78 125.33 585.12 78.58 5.72 467.50 oP x L235 18.63 449.10 88.81 537.91 83.49 6.18 478.33 oP x L880 20.10 608.12 95.68 703.79 86.41 5.97 507.50 oP x L770 17.42 422.45 97.92 520.37 81.18 6.21 494.17 oP x L92 19.87 534.45 58.93 593.38 90.07 6.02 473.83 oP x L120 22.35 626.45 50.92 677.37 92.49 5.55 458.83 oP x L167 17.38 356.45 155.58 512.03 69.61 6.35 496.17 oP x L460 19.10 517.45 77.92 595.37 86.91 6.08 475.50 oP x L355 17.17 316.78 175.58 492.37 64.34 6.38 497.50 sPxL125 13.67 247.12 293.25 540.37 45.73 6.81 551.17 sP x sakha 53 17.88 266.12 328.92 595.03 44.72 6.41 540.83 sP x L235 14.47 302.12 292.25 594.37 50.83 6.76 548.50 sP x L880 15.53 394.12 344.25 738.37 53.38 6.37 567.50 sP x L770 13.23 214.12 308.58 522.70 40.96 6.90 565.17 sP x L92 15.38 356.12 265.58 621.70 57.28 6.54 538.50 sPxL120 17.10 409.12 257.25 666.37 61.41 6.01 523.83 sP x L167 12.87 152.12 374.25 526.37 28.90 7.04 567.50 sP x L460 14.73 318.12 277.58 595.70 53.40 6.71 545.50 sP x L355 11.45 104.12 425.25 529.37 19.66 7.07 574.83 HP x L125 16.68 295.12 190.58 485.70 60.76 6.65 536.17 HP x sakha 53 20.07 325.78 216.58 542.37 60.07 6.19 531.83 HP x L235 17.40 319.12 189.25 508.37 62.77 6.63 535.17 HP x L880 18.55 478.12 207.92 686.03 69.69 6.64 549.17 HP x L770 16.03 291.12 194.58 485.70 59.94 6.68 539.17 HP x L92 18.17 397.12 149.92 547.03 72.60 6.43 529.17 HP x L120 19.33 491.12 141.92 633.03 77.59 5.79 515.83 HP x L167 15.77 228.12 257.25 485.37 47.00 6.81 541.50 HP x L460 17.90 388.12 165.58 553.70 70.09 6.53 533.17 HP x L1250 14.93 194.12 297.92 492.03 39.45 6.84 545.17 siP x L355 17.80 426.12 115.58 541.70 78.66 6.55 512.83 siP x sakha 53 22.57 466.12 153.25 619.37 75.26 5.86 485.50 siP x L235 18.33 436.12 115.25 551.37 79.10 6.49 510.83 siP x L880 20.20 533.12 146.25 679.37 78.47 5.64 517.17 siP x L770 17.63 360.12 118.92 479.03 75.18 6.59 514.83 siP x L92 19.63 523.12 82.25 605.37 86.41 6.13 485.50 siP x L120 20.53 613.12 77.25 690.37 88.81 5.46 472.83 siP x L167 17.13 323.12 194.92 518.03 62.37 6.72 524.83 siP x L460 19.00 457.12 96.92 554.03 82.51 6.37 489.17 siP x L355 16.70 304.12 226.58 530.70 57.30 6.75 536.83 LsD 5% 0.74 4.90 4.91 7.20 0.66 0.15 4.61 oP: open pollination, sP: self-pollination, HP: hand-pollination and siP: sib-pollination Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/1 - 2020 37 M. A. ABDELSATAR et al. Table 5: Continued Interaction Hull mass (mg) Hull content (%) Kernel to hull ratio Seed mass per plant (g) Seed yield per fed (kg) Seed oil content (%) OP x L125 174.97 0.41 2.80 42.77 1058.32 41.60 OP x Sakha 53 171.23 0.37 2.73 41.51 1183.29 42.79 OP x L235 170.52 0.38 2.81 43.54 1103.32 43.12 OP x L880 180.80 0.30 2.81 39.64 1147.50 41.72 OP x L770 178.63 0.42 2.77 42.17 1025.86 40.25 OP x L92 164.73 0.31 2.88 46.50 1176.32 44.11 OP x L120 149.53 0.24 3.07 48.98 1352.95 45.15 OP x L167 180.80 0.51 2.75 39.50 995.90 39.36 OP x L460 167.60 0.32 2.84 43.72 1119.19 43.56 OP x L355 191.07 0.60 2.60 37.86 959.51 39.13 SPxL125 208.00 0.84 2.65 19.20 466.24 34.72 sP x sakha 53 209.67 0.79 2.58 17.11 466.93 38.24 SP x L235 206.80 0.68 2.65 19.80 479.53 35.64 SP x L880 209.20 0.53 2.71 14.65 404.00 35.57 SP x L770 208.93 0.98 2.71 17.18 446.16 34.67 SP x L92 191.11 0.54 2.82 21.17 493.70 36.61 SP x L120 185.13 0.45 2.83 24.20 642.11 42.00 SP x L167 209.67 1.38 2.71 16.06 441.73 33.05 SP x L460 203.53 0.64 2.68 20.09 484.64 35.86 SP x L355 212.00 2.04 2.71 15.17 429.33 30.61 HP x L125 186.67 0.63 2.87 25.48 724.45 37.18 HP x Sakha 53 197.47 0.61 2.69 24.64 794.77 39.55 HP x L235 185.93 0.58 2.88 26.11 761.40 37.69 HP x L880 210.33 0.44 2.61 25.82 799.93 37.92 HP x L770 187.17 0.64 2.88 24.06 695.90 36.77 HP x L92 183.90 0.46 2.88 29.20 840.51 39.24 HP x L120 171.03 0.35 3.02 34.16 974.37 41.20 HP x L167 188.68 0.83 2.87 18.68 685.58 34.52 HP x L460 185.33 0.48 2.88 27.62 785.18 38.87 HP x L1250 193.95 1.00 2.81 16.93 676.94 31.98 SIP x L355 184.70 0.43 2.78 36.41 934.14 39.78 SIP x Sakha 53 182.83 0.39 2.66 30.67 953.63 39.66 SIP x L235 183.57 0.42 2.78 36.72 943.80 40.12 SIP x L880 198.50 0.37 2.61 33.70 947.93 38.72 SIP x L770 187.00 0.52 2.75 35.02 912.33 39.38 SIP x L92 175.47 0.34 2.77 38.46 1049.67 40.88 SIP x L120 158.50 0.26 2.98 41.79 1122.37 43.09 SIPxL167 188.40 0.58 2.79 32.77 863.13 39.09 SIP x L460 180.73 0.40 2.71 38.02 979.57 40.47 SIP x L355 197.43 0.65 2.72 30.59 829.78 38.43 LSD 5% 3.79 0.03 0.07 1.61 32.83 1.13 OP: open pollination, SP: self-pollination, HP: hand-pollination and SIP: sib-pollination 42 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/1 - 2020 Genetic variability and selection criteria of some sunflower genotypes under different pollination methods ods. Similar significant interactive effect of pollination methods with sunflower genotypes were reported by Su-priya et al. (2016), Neelima et al. (2016) and Supriya et al. (2017). As shown in pooled data of pollination methods interaction with ten sunflower genotypes, the largest head diameter (25.67) was recorded by 'Sakha 53' under open pollination, the highest number of filled seeds per head (626.45), percentage of seed setting (92.49 %), kernel to hull ratio (3.07), seed mass per plant (48.98 g), seed yield per fed (1352.95 kg) and seed oil content (45.15 %) was recorded by 'L120' under open pollination. Conversely, the biggest mass of 100-seed (7.07), kernel (574.83), hull (212.00) and hull content (2.04) was detected in 'L355' with self-pollination. This indicated that possibility selection of genotypes on pollination methods, where performance of genotypes varied according to pollination method used. 3.6 GENETIC VARIABILITY To have better understanding of the extent of genetic variability for the ten sunflower genotypes, phenotypic (PCV)and genotypic (GCV) coefficient of variation, heritability in broad sense (H2b) and expected genetic advance as percent mean were computed for all studied traits as presented in Table (6). Phenotypic coefficient of variation (PCV) was slightly higher than genotypic coefficient of variation (GCV) for all studied traits, indicating negligible influence of environmental conditions on the expression of all traits. Consequently, the selection would be effective to genetic improvement of the studied traits for these materials. High PCV and GCV as shown in combined analysis, were observed for head diameter, number of filled seeds per head, number of unfilled seeds per head, total number of seeds per head, percentage of seed setting, percentage of hull content , seed mass per plant and seed yield per fed, and dropped to moderate for 100-seed mass, hull mass and seed oil content, while drastically reduced for kernel mass and kernel to hull ratio. High heritability in broad sense was recorded for all studied traits, indicates a genotype can be identified by its phenotypic performance, thus making the selection more effective for improving these traits. That has been observed in earlier studies by Neelima et al. (2012), Tyagi and Khan (2013), Deengra et al. (2013) and Sanju et al. (2018). Heritability in broad sense along with expected genetic advance as percent mean, as shown in Table (6), is normally more useful in predicting the genetic gain under selection than heritability estimates alone as confirmed by Johnson et al. (1955). High values of heritabil-ity coupled with high values of genetic advance percentage (more than 20 %) were detected for head diameter, number of filled seeds per head, number of unfilled seeds per head, total number of seeds per head, percentage of seed setting , hull content percentage, seed mass per plant and seed yield per fed, indicating the importance of additive gene effects in the inheritance of these traits, thus, selection for these traits would be effective for improving seed mass per plant. High heritability coupled with moderate expected percentage of genetic advance (10-20 %) were recorded for 100-seed mass, hull mass and seed oil content, indicated that these traits appear to be controlled by both additive and non-additive gene action. However high heritability coupled with low expected percentage of Table 6: Pooled analysis of genetic parameters for all studied traits across 2018 and 2019 seasons Genetic parameter Head diameter Number of filled seeds per head Number of unfilled seeds per head Total number of seeds per head Seed setting percentage 100-Seed mass Kernel mass GCV 11.10 25.43 24.75 11.84 16.12 5.10 2.80 PCV 11.24 25.53 24.85 11.94 16.20 5.20 2.87 H2 bs 97.40 99.25 99.22 98.43 98.91 96.17 95.55 GV % 22.56 52.19 50.79 24.21 33.02 10.31 5.64 Genetic parameter Hull mass Hull content Kernel to hull ratio Seed mass per plant Seed yield per fed Seed oil content GCV 5.07 35.30 2.92 11.43 10.00 5.38 PCV 5.20 38.67 3.14 11.68 10.21 5.55 H2 bs 94.87 83.33 86.58 95.86 95.93 93.83 GV % 10.16 66.39 5.59 23.06 20.17 10.73 GCV: Genotypic coefficient of variation, PCV: Phenotypic coefficient of variation, H2bs: Broad-sense heritability and GV %: Expected genetic advance as percent of mean Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/1 - 2020 37 M. A. ABDELSATAR et al. genetic advance (less than 10 %) were recorded for kernel mass and kernel to hull ratio, indicated that an increased influence of environmental conditions on this character. Thus selection procedure involving progeny testing are recommended for this trait. 3.7 AssoCIATioN oF TRAITs AND PATH ANALysis (as selection criteria) Phenotypic and genotypic correlation were estimated between seed mass per plant and its attributes for the 10 sunflower genotypes based on average of 2018 and 2019 summer seasons as presented in Table (7). seed mass per plant was positively and significant or highly significant correlated with head diameter, number of filled seeds per head, total number of seeds per head, percentage of seed setting and kernel to hull ratio at pheno-typic and genotypic levels, indicating that selection will be more effective for the largest head diameter, more of filled seeds, the highest proportion of seed setting and kernel to hull ratio. These findings are confirmed by those of Tyagi and Khan (2013), Deengra et al. (2013) and sanju et al. (2018). Furthermore, positive and significant or highly significant phenotypic and genotypic correlation was detected among the previous traits i.e. head diameter, number of filled seeds per head, total number of seeds per head, percentage of seed setting and kernel to hull ratio at phenotypic and genotypic levels, indicated that selection practiced for any one of the previous traits would improve the other ones, especially seed mass per plant. Therefore, these traits could be considered as indi- cators to achieve desirable genetic improvement for seed mass per plant of sunflower. For further clarification about interrelationships between seed mass per plant and its attributes, the phe-notypic and genotypic path analysis divided phenotypic and genotypic correlation into direct and joint effects, where seed mass per plant was considered a dependent variable and yield attributes were independent variables as shown in Table (8) and Fig.(2). A critical perusal of phenotypic and genotypic path analysis revealed that seed setting percentage had the highest positive direct effects (p = 0.598, G = 1.759) on seed mass per plant, followed by kernel mass only at genotypic level (1.122). The highest positive direct effects of the two previous mentioned traits in addition to their highly significant correlation coefficient with seed mass per plant indicated that the direct selection through these two traits would be effective for sunflower improvement. Conversely, the direct effects of head diameter, number of filled seeds per head, 100-seed mass and hull mass on seed mass per plant were negative and negligible, although their phenotypic and genotypic correlation with seed mass per plant were positive and highly significant. Consequently, the indirect effects of the previous mentioned traits would be more effective to improve seed mass per plant of these materials than direct ones. The highest positive phenotypic and genotypic indirect effects on seed mass per plant were detected for head diameter (p = 0.367, G = 1.102) through seed setting percentage followed by 100-seed mass (p = 0.303, G = 1.232), kernel mass only at phenotypic level (0.322) and hull mass (p = 0.081, G = 0.458); number of filled seeds per head via seed setting percentage (p = 0.554, G = Table 7: The pooled phenotypic (above diagonal) and genotypic (below diagonal) correlations of seed mass per plant and its attributes across 2018 and 2019 summer seasons Traits HD fs ufs ts ss hsm KM HM HC KHR smp HD 1 0.70** -0.46** 0.69** 0.61** -0.89** -0.73** -0.41** -0.70** 0.07 0.45** fs 0.72** 1 -0.78** 0.90** 0.93** -0.87** -0.64** -0.58** -0.93** 0.44** 0.76** ufs -0.47** -0.78** 1 -0.43** -0.95** 0.59** 0.76** 0.78** 0.90** -0.63** -0.93** ts 0.71** 0.90** -0.44** 1 0.68** -0.84** -0.40* -0.30 -0.72** 0.20 0.46** ss 0.63** 0.93** -0.96** 0.68** 1 -0.74** -0.73** -0.69** -0.98** 0.52** 0.88** hsw -0.92** -0.89** 0.61** -0.87** -0.76** 1 0.76** 0.62** 0.77** -0.41** -0.66** KW -0.74** -0.66** 0.78** -0.41** -0.76** 0.78** 1 0.89** 0.70** -0.63** -0.85** HW -0.42** -0.59** 0.81** -0.30 -0.72** 0.64** 0.92** 1 0.61** -0.91** -0.93** HC -0.76** -1.01** 0.98** -0.78** -1.04** 0.86** 0.78** 0.70** 1 -0.41** -0.81** KHR 0.08 0.47** -0.70** 0.20 0.58** -0.45** -0.71** -0.92** -0.53** 1 0.83** smp 0.46** 0.79** -0.96** 0.48** 0.91** -0.70** -0.91** -1.01** -0.93** 0.94** 1 HD-head diameter, Fs-number of filled seeds per head, UNs-number of filled seeds per head, Ts-Total number of seeds per head, ss-seed setting percentage, HsM-100-seed mass, KM-kernel mass, HM-hull mass, HC-hull content, KHR-kernel to hull ratio and sMP-seed mass per plant 46 Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/1 - 2020 Genetic variability and selection criteria of some sunflower genotypes under different pollination methods Table 8: Pooled phenotypic (P) and genotypic (G) path analysis of seed mass per plant and its attributes traits across 2018 and 2019 summer seasons Traits P1 P2 P3 P4 P5 P6 Correlation Head diameter (P1) P -0.571 -0.056 0.367 0.303 0.322 0.081 0.446 G -0.216 -1.279 1.102 1.232 -0.834 0.458 0.462 Filled seeds per head (P2) P -0.402 -0.080 0.554 0.294 0.285 0.113 0.763 G -0.155 -1.786 1.637 1.188 -0.738 0.640 0.787 Seed setting percentage (P3) P -0.351 -0.074 0.598 0.251 0.326 0.134 0.884 G -0.135 -1.662 1.759 1.018 -0.848 0.774 0.906 100.seed mass (P4) P 0.510 0.069 -0.443 -0.339 -0.339 -0.121 -0.662 G 0.200 1.589 -1.342 -1.334 0.874 -0.689 -0.703 Kernel mass (P5) P 0.414 0.051 -0.438 -0.258 -0.445 -0.174 -0.850 G 0.161 1.175 -1.329 -1.040 1.122 -0.997 -0.909 Hull mass (P6) P 0.237 0.046 -0.410 -0.210 -0.397 -0.195 -0.930 G 0.092 1.059 -1.262 -0.853 1.037 -1.079 -1.006 Residual effect P 0.057 G 0.305 Figure 2a: Phenotypic path diagram for seed mass per plant 1.637), followed by 100-seed mass (p = 0.294, G = 1.188), kernel mass only at phenotypic level (0.285) and hull mass (p = 0.113, G = 0.640); seed setting percentage via 100-seed mass (p = 0.251, G = 1.018), followed by kernel mass at only phenotypic level (0.326) and hull mass (p = 0.134, G = 0.774); 100-seed mass (p = 0.510, G = 0.200) followed by number of filled seeds per head (p = 0.069, G = 1.589) followed kernel mass at only genotypic level (0.874); kernel mass via head diameter (p = 0.414, G = 0.161) followed number of filled seeds per head (p = 0.051, G = 1.175) and hull mass via head diameter (p = 0.237, G = 0.092) followed by number of filled seeds per head(p = 0.046, G = 1.059). It is apparent from the above-mentioned results, it can be concluded that preferred improvement of seed mass per plant may be achieved through selecting genotypes having the biggest head diameter, more number of filled seeds per head, the highest proportion of seed setting and the heaviest seed, kernel and hull mass. These results agreed with those of Tyagi and Khan (2013), Deengra et al. (2013) and Sanju et al. (2018). The residual effect being 0.057 and 0.305 at phenotypic and genotypic levels, respectively indicated that independent traits which are included at the phenotypic and genotypic path analysis, explained 94.3 and 69.5 % of the total variation, respectively in seed mass per plant. The highest residual effects of phenotypic and genotypic path analyses, indicated that the presence of other traits that are not included in the present study were associated with the highest effect on seed mass per plant. Acta agriculturae Slovenica, 116/1 - 2020 37 M. A. ABDELSATAR et al. Figure 2b: Genotypic path diagram for seed mass per plant 4 conclusion From above-mentioned results, it can be concluded that open pollination followed by sibbing one was superior to other pollination methods and leading to high seed mass per plant and higher accumulation of oil content. Higher seed yield was achieved due to high seed set percent, number of filled seeds per head, high kernel to hull ratio and higher kernel proportion in seed. Genotypes L120 followed by L92 and L880 behaved as self-compatible sunflower genotypes. 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