Introduction to supersymmetry Borut Bajc 2009 CIP - Katalozni zapis o publikaciji Narodna in univerzitetna knjižnica, Ljubljana 539.120.2(0.034.2) BAJC, Borut Introduction to supersymmetry [Elektronski vir] / Borut Bajc. -El. knjiga. - Ljubljana : samozal., 2009 Nacin dostopa (URL): bajc/introsusystalno.pdf ISBN 978-961-92817-2-7 250121472 Introduction to supersymmetry Borut Bajc J. Stefan Institute, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract This is a pedagogical introduction for graduate students to the (minimal) N = 1 supersymmetry in 4 dimensions. It ranges from the supersymmetry algebra, superspace, explicit construction of a general supersymmetric Lagrangian, to the minimal supersymmetric standard model. It discusses various issues like R-parity, the electroweak symmetry breaking, renormalization and spontaneous supersymmetry breaking. Contents 1 Preface 4 2 Notation and conventions 5 3 A supersymmetric free action 7 4 The supersymmetry algebra 10 5 Superspace 12 5.1 Chiral superfields..........................................14 5.2 Vector superfields..........................................17 5.3 Supersymmetry invariants................................18 5.4 The free Lagrangian again................................19 5.5 Explicit formulae..........................................21 6 The Wess-Zumino model 23 7 Gauge theories 26 7.1 The abelian case..........................................26 7.2 The nonabelian case......................................30 8 Renormalization 32 9 The minimal supersymmetric standard model (MSSM) 36 9.1 The supersymmetric Lagrangian ........................37 9.2 R-parity and other symmetries..........................39 9.3 The supersymmetry breaking soft terms................41 9.4 Electroweak symmetry breaking..........................42 10 The mass spectrum in MSSM 45 10.1 Higgs mass ................................................45 10.2 Chargino mass ............................................47 10.3 Neutralino mass ..........................................47 10.4 Sfermion mass ............................................48 10.5 Gluino mass................................................48 11 Possible experimental signatures from supersymmetry 48 12 What is supersymmetry good for? 50 12.1 Gauge coupling unification................................50 12.2 Dark matter................................................51 12.3 The hierarchy problem ....................................52 13 Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking 55 13.1 MSSM is not enough......................................55 13.2 Gravity mediation ........................................57 13.3 Gauge mediation ..........................................59 14 Exercises 61 1 Preface There are many very good reviews and books on supersymmetry, for example, among many others: [1], [2] and [3] are the classical references, [4] is fastly becoming classical and it is continuously updated, [5] is a very useful introduction (which strongly influenced the present notes) with all computational details, [6] is a clear overview of the main features, [7] and [8] are for those who like more formal approach, [9], [10], [11] and [12] are reviews on susy breaking, [13] is part of the Weinberg's famous course on quantum field theory, [14] is for fans of superspace. These notes were written for a 10 lectures course of 45 minutes each. At least the basics of field theory are a requisite, as it is the usual course of particle physics, with the standard model. 2 Notation and conventions We will use almost exclusively the 2 component spinor notation (a very detailed review is found for example in [15]). Let us first see its connection with the 4 component notation. The gamma matrices are Y" = (£ Y5 * .7»Y1yV = (0 -1) - (1) with ^ = (1, -j) , j = (1y) . (2) so that the usual anticommutation relations are satisfied |7^,7v } = 2n^v (3) with the metric tensor = diag (1,-1, -1, -1) (4) As is well known, the Lorentz symmetry algebra SO(1,3) can be equivalently represented by a product SU(2)x SU(2). The spinor indices of the first SU(2) will be denoted by greek letters a, ft, ..., while the dotted indices a, ft, ... will denote the second SU(2). The SU(2) indices in (2) will be kept as KU, fa (5) while a general 4 component Dirac bispinor can be written as =(# = (SO (6) The component S« and xa are representations (1/2,0) and (0,1/2) respectively under the Lorentz SU(2)x SU(2). Bars on spinors denote usually complex conjugates (an exception is FERMION ($) (19) Such symmetries are called supersymmetries. Elements of the group of supersymmetric transformation interchange the bosonic and fermionic components of the supersymmetric multiplet. We expect that the number of degrees of freedom (d.o.f.) for bosons will be the same as for fermions in a supersymmetric multiplet. This is similar to the zero sum of charges in a multiplet (the sum of all third component spin in a multiplet for example). Since the Dirac field has 4 d.o.f. on-shell (i.e. after satisfying the equation of motion - the Dirac equation), we need some invariant projection, since in the bosonic sector with spin 0 fields we can have at most a complex field (2 d.o.f.). There are two types of such projections, i.e. the field can be a Weyl (massless) or a Majorana (neutral). We will stick to the two component notation. In the special case below it will be enough to consider the Majorana case, with the limit m ^ 0 corresponding to the Weyl case. We first start with free massive fields. In this way we will learn all we need about the supersymmetry algebra. Later on we will generalize the situation for the interacting fields. Let us start then with L = d^0td^0 — |mB |2 0^ + —ia^d^ — — 1 mF —— — 1 m F —— (20) We want the Lagrangian to be invariant under infinitesimal su-persymmetry transformations. What could these transformations be? The ansatz 50 = ea—a ; 50t = —a ^ (21) seems reasonable, and tells us, that the mass dimension of the an-ticommuting Grassman parameter e is —1/2. We then write down for 5— just the most general expansion consistent with linearity in e, Lorentz symmetry and dimensionality: 5—a = c K)aa ^ dM0 — Fea, 5—a = c*ea (o^)a& d^0t — F tea (22) At this point we don't yet know what are the complex number c, and a mass dimension 2 object F. To see it, we just plug the above transformations in 5L = dM50tdjU0 + O^0tO^50 — |mB|2 (50t0 + 0t50) mFF—5— (23) A straightforward computation shows that the free Lagrangian is invariant (up to total derivatives) to supersymmetry transformations providing c = —i, mF = mB (= m), Ft = m0 (24) In the derivation we used the relation —a^X = —X^— (25) valid for any spinors —, %. At this point everything seems ok, except for the fact, that it is a bit strange to have parameters of the Lagrangian (the mass m) in the transformation properties. This is connected to the fact that the d.o.f. for a Majorana field and a complex scalar field are the same only on-shell, while off-shell the Majorana field have 4 real d.o.f. It is thus useful to promote the above quantity F to an auxiliary field (2 bosonic d.o.f. off-shell), which equation of motion fixes to (24) (and thus counts zero d.o.f. on-shell). The new Lagrangian can be easily written as L = dM(y) + B9St(y) + C995F (y) = (78) i(ae«d?« + (9aye)dy) (A0(y) + B9t(y) + C99F(y)) To obtain (28)-(30) the following relations must be satisfied: A A - B = —, C = —jt, ab + ba = i (79) ia 2a2 In doing that we used the relation 9«93 = -1 e«399 (80) Similarly an antichiral superfield defined by (73) is a function of only 9« and the combination = xy + ^^ 9ay9 (81) so that it can be expanded as $(y, 9) = A0(y) + B9t + C99F (y) (82) When acting on an antichiral superfield, the supersymmetry generators can be written as Q« - M« dy (83) — d Q« - a— (84) d9 A supersymmetry transformation (66) on a chiral superfield is A*F * — (117) so that the total Lagrangian (107) with the choice (108) coincides with the free (supersymmetry invariant) Lagrangian (26). 5.5 Explicit formulae At this point, after having fixed all the different constants, it is maybe useful to rewrite some of the above formulae. The supersymmetry generators are Q° = — Til + i (ll8) * = ^ 8 and the covariant derivatives Q^ = vil +i (^ (119) d Da = dda d D = dT — iM „ d, (120) (121) ' a T,) >a , A chiral superfield is a function of 0a and yM = xM — ifl^fl (122) and can be expaded as $(y, 0) = 0(y) + V2^(y) — 00F(y) (123) When acting on a chiral superfield the supersymmetry generators becomes i d Q« —------(124) Q« "2 d9« v ; Q — -^2(9ay)«idy (125) so that a general supersymmetry transformation is ) ^ - 2 (p* + 2A V) ^ with p = m + 2Av (154) the common bosonic and fermionic mass. The Lagrangian above has most of the terms a renormalizable (also nonsupersymmetric) field theory would have. What is special in the supersymmetric Lagrangian (153) is that there are relations between different parameters. For example, only two parameters p and A describe the mass, the trilinear and quadrilinear terms of the boson field, as well as the fermion mass and Yukawa couplings. This is special with supersymmetry. These relations get maintained by radiative corrections, which would not be true in nonsupersymmetric models, even if we imposed them at tree order. There are different ways in which the above results can be generalized. We leave it for the exercise. 7 Gauge theories We have already introduced the vector multiplet. It contains a vector field v, which seems a good candidate for a gauge boson. The problem is that the 9999 of just powers of the vector superfield will not give enough structure. For example, we have in the Wess-Zumino gauge [vwzUee = 2 A [VWz]eeTe = 2v,v, [vwz\oooo = 0 for n > 3 (155) This is due to the fact that the fields in v Z are multiplied by already some powers of 9 and/or 9. In practice, what we need, is to reduce their number. We can obtain that by applying the covariant derivative on the vector superfield. This will also introduce automatically the spacetime derivatives, needed for the kinetic terms. Let us concentrate first on the abelian case, i.e. a U(1) gauge theory. 7.1 The abelian case A natural first possibility would be to consider fields like DaV and D«V. This makes things just complicated, because these fields are no more real on one side, i.e. (DaV)t = DaV, and not gauge invariant on the other, i.e. D«($ + $t) = 0for any chiral supermultiplet $. We can solve both problems by introducing a chiral superfield Wa = — 4 (DD) DaV (156) The field is chiral, because D3 = 0 as usual (the operator D is a spinor operator) and so DaWa = 0 (157) and it is gauge invariant because (DD) Da ($ + = e^DaD$D«$ = — 2ie^D (ct^ d,$ = 0 (158) where we used the explicit representations (120) and (121). From the general definition (97) we can now evaluate the chiral superfield W«(y, 9) = -iA«(y) + 9«D(y) + 2 (9aMav)« F^(y) - KdMA(y))a (159) with the usual gauge field strength Fmv = d^Vv - dvvM (160) The kinetic term is obtained from the Lorentz invariant product of two such chiral superfields. Up to a total derivative we get [WaW]ee = 2Aia^A + D2 - -FMVF^ - 7eMvp=(vu), = (*) (238) the potential becomes (with a rotation of H^j we can always make B real and positive, so vM,d will also be positive) g2 I g'2 2 V(vu, Vd) = mUvU + mdv^ - 2Bv«vd + ^^ (vU - vj) (239) where we redefined mu,d = M2 + mHu,d (240) By inspecting the potential in the vu = vd direction we can immediately see that it is bounded from below only if mu + m2 - 2B > 0 (241) The equations of motion are dV «2 + g'2 — = 2muvu - 2Bvj + vu - v^) = 0 (242) dV g2 I g'2 — = 2mjvd - 2Bvu - vd - vj) = 0 (243) From dV , „..dV _o ™2„,2 , o™2„.2 , , g2 + g'2 („, 2 ,v2)2 (244) 0 = vu dT + vd ^ = 2muvu + 2m2vd - 4Bvuvd +-2- (vu - vd) we immediately find out that in the minimum v = -(vu - v2)2 (245) i.e. any minimum will be lower than the one at vu = Vd. Now we write (experimentally v = 174 GeV) vu + vd = v2, (g2 + g'2) v2 = 2M2 (246) and introduce v tan P = -u (247) vd On the one side, from dV dV 0 = vd+ vudV = 2 (mu + md) vuvd - 2B (vu + v*) (248) dvu dvd we get sin p cos p = B mu + md (249) On the other side, from dV dV 0 = vu^ - vd^ = 2 (mu + MZ/2) vu - 2 (md + M2 /2) vd (250) it follows - m* + M2 /2 , x tan2 P = —d-(251) P mu + M2 /2 v ; Comparing now (249) and (251) we obtain a nontrivial relation between the parameters (mu + MZ/2) (md + MZ/2) = B2 (1 + 2 (252) mu md Since the sum of the two factors on the left-handside is positive (see (241) and use the positivity of B) each factor separately must also be positive. A little algebra gives (mmU + ml + M2 )2 [B2 - mlm2) = (mU - ml)2 (mU + m2d + M2/2) M2/2 (253) from which it follows that B2 > mlm2 (254) This inequality means that there is a tachyonic state at vu = vd = 0, and so not even a local minumum is possible at the origin. What would change if we added the Fayet-Iliopoulos term to the MSSM? Effectively this would amount in an extra factor (183) g'2 ( ) SFIV(Hu, Hi) = ^% (|Hu|2 - \Hi\2) (255) The same results as above would still be valid, providing now m2u = M2 + m2Hu + g'2%/2, mil = M2 + m2Hd - g'2%/2 (256) instead of (240). To summarize, the constraints (252) and (241) must be satisfied by the MSSM parameters. 10 The mass spectrum in MSSM As we already saw, there are not many hints on where should the spartners lie. I spite of this we will see that there are some relations among different masses that can represent a test of the MSSM. Let us discuss the different options. 10.1 Higgs mass This can be easily found out from V(Hu, Hi) = mu\Hu|2 + ml\Hi\2 + 2B (HuHi + h.c.) (257) + gd+gd (\Hu\2 -\Hi\2)2 + g2 (HlHi)(HiHu) Then we first explicitly expand in terms of H« (258) Using the obvious notation (259) we can rewrite the Higgs quadratic terms in the form + 2 (0+ .0+) M 1 The matrices M* and M* have one zero eigenvalue each, i.e. due the would-be Goldstones eaten by the Z and W±. The eigenvectors of MR are the two CP even neutral scalars h0 (the lighter) and H0 (the heavier), while the physical remaining eigenvalues of M* and M* are the CP odd neutral scalar A0 and the charged H±. While the masses of H0, A0 and H± can in principle be arbitrary (up to experimental lower limit constraints), it is interesting that there is a theoretical upper bound for the mass of h0. In fact, one finds at tree level This upper limit is unexpected (nothing of this kind happens in the standard model for example), but it gets corrected at 1-loop. The full result is quite complicated but in the large stop mass m^ » mt, At (from the soft term AtHuiic) and large tan ft limit it reduces to [17] The bound now depends on the value of the unknown stop mass, although only logarithmically. It can be further relaxed by a larger At value. For not too large stop mass m^ < 100 TeV), the lightest Higgs boson is still quite light, less that 200 GeV or so. For low tan ft the experimental bound on the Higgs mass can be reached and constitutes a constraint on tan ft. It is often claimed that MSSM predicts for the lightest Higgs to be lighter than 130 GeV or so. Strictly speaking, since the other mho < MZ |cos (2ft) | (261) (262) MSSM parameters (m,, At, etc) are not known, such a statement is not correct, and these type of constraints should actually be interpreted as relations among the (unknown) supersymmetric parameters. 10.2 Chargino mass We have originally four charged massless Weyl spinors, W+, W-, H+, H-, in the supersymmetric Lagrangian with p = 0 and unbroken electroweak symmetry. Notice that their charged conjugated spinors are W+, W-, H+, H-, which are not W-, W+, H-, H+. In fact W+ and W- are two independent spinors, not connected by conjugation, while H- and H+ do not even exist. The charges on a spinor denote a different state, not only a charge. It is more like writing = a ± ib, with a and b complex. Once p, supersymmetry and electroweak symmetry breaking are introduced, the four spinors have a 4 x 4 mass matrix 2 (W + , W - ,H+. H-) M C /W+\ W/ - HH+ H/ d- + h.c. (263) There are only two different eigenvalues, as expected: a charged spinor can be either massless (not our case) or of a Dirac type (i.e. two spinors have the same mass and thus form a massive Dirac field). Only neutral spinors can have Majorana masses. The eigenvectors are called chargini and are conventionally denoted by (//i±, with i = 1 for the lighter, i = 2 for the heavier. 10.3 Neutralino mass The four neutral fermionic spartners B, W0, Majorana mass matrix H/ u0 H0, have a 4 4 2 (B, W0 ,Hu ,H°) MN, B/ W/ 0 H/ u0 Vhh,0/ + h.c. (264) The four linear combinations (mass eigenstates) of the original fields are called neutralini. They are denoted by Ni, i =1 for the lightest, i = 4 for the heaviest. In a generic point of the MSSM parameter space they are massive Majorana particles, although neither a Weyl (one massless eigenvalue) or a Dirac (two equal eigenvalues) possibility is excluded. 10.4 Sfermion mass Finally we have the sfermions, i.e. the spin 0 partners of the SM fermions. They are three generations of q = u or d, charged leptons I and neutral leptons (sneutrinos) V. Every charged sfermion has both the left (f) and right component (fc) and so its mass is a 6 x 6 matrix. Since there is no right-handed neutrino superfield (ec) in the MSSM the mass matrix for the neutral V is only 3 x 3. Notice that the above masses are already Hermitian, so that the eigenvectors are complex fields, as they must, being charged massive bosons. 10.5 Gluino mass There is not much to say here. Gluino cannot mix with any other field due to the unbroken colour SU(3). The Majorana mass term is simply with M- a complex number (not a matrix). 11 Possible experimental signatures from supersymmetry As we have seen the MSSM has more than 100 parameters. Although some combinations of them are actually excluded already by current + (265) (266) data, almost all of the parameter space is still available. So predictions are very model dependent. Essentially there are two ways of constraining the parameter space: one is through rare processes, the other through direct collider searches. This has led so far to various lower limits for the sparticle masses (from LEP II and Tevatron they must be > 100 GeV or so, although exceptions are possible) and small mixings in the sfermion mass matrices. We will assume in the following that the spectrum is low enough to be detectable at the LHC. However, nothing is known about which sparticle is lighter which is heavier (with few exceptions, like the CP even Higgs boson mentioned before), so that a precise prediciton of the processes that will dominate and the decays involved is very difficult. In other words, the super-symmetric spectrum is practically arbitrary. Most of the analysis are done having some particular model in mind, and so the expectations should be taken with care. Anyway, generically sparticles are generated in colliders mostly through the following interactions VVV, Vff, ff*V, ff*VV (267) where V is a gauge boson and f a fermion. Things simplify if R-parity is assumed. Then sparticles are always produced in pairs. The lightest supersymmetric partner (LSP) is stable and escapes the detector (it behaves like a massive neutrino). So large missing energy is a common prediction of R-parity conserving low energy supersymmetry models. If the squarks and gluinos are not too heavy (< 1 TeV), the Large Hadron Collider (pp collider at 14 (10) TeV), will produce them in pairs mainly through strong interactions with gg ^ g g ,qq*, presumably the dominant modes through s-channel gluon and t-channel g ,q exchange, or gq ^ g q through t-channel g exchange. Other possibilities are productions of chargini and/or neutralini through electroweak processes. Of course all these final state sparticles decay into SM particles plus lighter sparticles again, until only jets, leptons and two LSPs are left. In most cases such processes have large SM backgrounds that can hide the signal. This makes some processes that have small SM background particularly interesting. For example, in the SM missing energy comes from neutrini. Since they are mostly produced in combination with charged leptons through W, missing energy without charged leptons is predicted relatively small in the SM, and it is considered one of the golden plates of supersymmetry. On top of the choice of the channel, particular care must be taken to put kinematical cuts, as usual. Notice that due to the non-detectability of the lightest neutralino, finding the masses of the sparticles produced is not so easy. It turns out that careful analysis (through kinematical edges) could give some information on combinations of masses, mainly differences. In any way, even if LHC finds some spartilcles, this will probably be just the beginning of a long search, and other, more precise colliders will have to be used. 12 What is supersymmetry good for? We have seen that supersymmetry is an interesting theoretical construction that could give us a hint of what is the physics beyond the standard model. If MSSM is really realized in nature, then there is a very rich phenomenology waiting us in future. Unfortunately there is no hint of where supersymmetry should be broken, i.e. what are the values of the soft terms. This seems to make our possibility to find supersymmetry in near future colliders wishful thinking, since in principle any scale between MZ and Mplanck looks equally good. We will see in this section that there are actually various arguments of why at least some of the spartners should lie in the TeV region, possibly accessible at the LHC. 12.1 Gauge coupling unification The first hint of why this should happen comes form the possibility of gauge coupling unification. This idea postulates that at some large energy the three gauge interactions of the standard model are described by just one type of gauge interaction, that embodies the known three SM ones. The SM is thus just the low energy approximations of such a grand unified theory (GUT), that unifies not only the gauge interactions, but also the matter fields (leptons and quarks typically behave similarly, although details depend on the choice of the grand unified group and representations). As we know, in the standard model the gauge couplings do not unify, and new physics is needed to change at some point the beta functions and restore running to unification. Such new physics could be supersymmetry. In fact, using (211) it is a simple exercise to show that the beta coefficients in MSSM are bi = (-33/5, —1,3) instead of bi = (—41/10,19/6, 7) in the SM (positive coefficients here mean asymptotic freedom). One knows the experimental values of gi at MZ and can evolve them towards larger scales / using the three equations (215) for the three gauge couplings. Assuming that all the superpart-ners lie at the same scale m, we can find that they unify to a single point at / = Mgut ~ 1016 GeV providing m 1 TeV. I believe this is the best argument for low energy supersymmetry. It has to be stressed however that the solution is not unique. If for example only gauginos and higgsinos lied at TeV, while the sfermions and second Higgs were heavier (such a solution is called split supersym-metry), nothing would really change. But more split supersymmetry is also possibile: a light (TeV) wino, intermediate (w 108 GeV) gluino and heavy rest would also unify. The conclusion is however always similar: at least some partner should be pretty light, although not always in the reach of the LHC. 12.2 Dark matter Another good reason to believe in supersymmetry is the dark matter problem in the universe. As we know, there is no dark matter candidate in the SM (a SM with added three right-handed neutrinos to describe the neutrino mass and mixings have a dark matter candidate [18]). What is missing is essentially a discrete symmetry to make a particle stable. This is provided in MSSM with R-parity. The lightest supersymmetric partner (LSP) is stable due to R-parity. If the spectrum is such that the LSP is neutralino (charged dark matter is not allowed by observation), then it feels weak interactions and is thus a weakly interacting massive particle (WIMP), which is known to be an ideal dar matter candidate. It is important to realize here that strictly speaking supersymmetry is not responsible for that. What is crucial is the R-symmetry, but its conservation has nothing to do with su-persymmetry. Also it is not important whether all sparticles are light (low energy supersymmetry) or we have a kind of split supersymetry: what is important is just a light (TeV) neutralino. It is interesting that supersymmetry provides another candidate on top of the neutralino. As we will se later, the generalization of su-persymmetry to gravity introduces a spin 3/2 partner of the graviton, called gravitino. It turns out that gravitino can also be a dark matter candidate. 12.3 The hierarchy problem Although there are many different ways of describing this problem, one can approxiamtely say, that the issue here is the stability (or better, instability) of the electroweak scale under quantum corrections. This is visible only in the quantum corrections of some lower dimensional operators, more precisely, in the coefficient (mass squared) of the bilinear product of scalar fields. The problem is easily seen using a sharp cutoff regularization. This regularization is however not often used in field theory, on top of this it can give also wrong results, especially because it explicitly breaks Lorentz and gauge invariance. On the contrary, dimensional regularization is the correct tool in the regularization and renormalization procedure, and so we will use it here. To have a feeling of what the hierarchy problems is about, let us consider a simple toy model with a charged scalar field H, which I will call the Higgs boson for future use, another charged boson field 0 and a Dirac fermion field The tree order masses of the three fields will be denoted by mH0, mB0 and mF0, while the interaction terms relevant for our discussion are Lint = -A |H|2 |0|2 - yHV^ + h.c. . (268) Now let us calculate the 1-loop correction to the Higgs mass: there will be one Feynman diagram with the boson 0 and one with the fermion giving after dimensional regularization and MS renormalization 2 2 A 2 I y2 2 I mH = mH0 - CB 16^2 mB0 + CF ^^mF0 + - . (269) where the dots denote the eventual log terms coming after the integration and are not relevant for our discussion. What is relevant is the fact that the second and third terms on the righthandside of (269) are corrections to the mass not proportional to itself, i.e. they correct the mass mH0, but are not dependent on mH0. In particular, they can give a nonzero correction, even if the original mass m^0 were zero. In other words, there is no multiplicative renormalization for the scalar (Higgs) mass. So we have the following two possibilities: (1) mH0 w 100 GeV (electroweak scale); if there are heavy particles, mB0,F0 ^ mH0, it follows that mH » mH0. The Higgs mass got destabilized in this case by quantum corrections. (2) mH w 100 GeV (this is almost an experimental fact, although, admittedly, the Higgs boson has not been found yet). In this case, if mB0,F0 » mH, one needs also a very large tree approximation mH0 » mH to cancel the large contributions due to mB0,F0, again a strange and somewhat unnatural situation. Of course, strictly speaking, in the standard model alone there is no problem at all. In fact: - there is no extra boson; - mF 0 w y < H >= O (mm). However, as soon as we have some new physics (at MgUT, MPlanck), eq. (269) becomes O(MGut or M'lanck) + m2H0 w mH = O((100GeV)2) , (270) which gives 0((1016GeV)2 or (1019GeV)2) + m2H0 w m2H = 0((100GeV)2) . H0 H (271) But now we clearly need to fine-tune mH0! And not only approximately, but all the 16 or so decimal points! This is very unnatural and this is what we call the hierarchy problem. This is typical for scalar (spin=0) fields. In fact for fermions (spin=1/2) one can easily find out that the one-loop correction to the mass is y2 mF = mF0 + c mp0 + ... . (272) So the correction is proportional to the tree order value, i.e. the mass renormalization for fermi fileds is multiplicative. If for example the tree order mass is zero, then no perturbation will ever generate a nonzero mass (this is not necessary for nonperturbative corrections, but these are out of the scope of these lectures and I will not consider them here), i.e. mF0 = 0 ^ mF = 0 . (273) There is a symmetry here that forbids the appearence of a mass term. If mp0 = 0 then the Lagrangian has a U(1)2 chiral symmetry and it is invariant under ^ exp (iaL,R)^L,R, which can not be broken at any perturbative order. Similarly, in the case of spin 1 particles (for example gluons), it is the gauge symmetry that makes the mass renormalization multiplicative. One of the possible solutions to the hierarchy problem is super-symmetry. Essentially what supersymmetry does is to connect the Higgs self-coupling A and the Yukawa coupling y by A = y2 , as well as the boson and fermion masses by mB0 = mF0, so that the particular combination in (269) cancels out. This is equivalent to say that there are no quadratic divergences in supersymmetric models. Of course supersymmetry must be broken. In fact there is no experimental evidence for example for the scalar partner of the electron with the same mass. Although we still need all the superpartners to exist, we will put their mass safely high enough. In doing this we must however be careful not to reintroduce the hierarchy problem. If the masses were too high, we could integrate them out and thus get the standard model back with all its hierarchy problems. In other words, the 1-loop correction to the Higgs mass in a model with Ai = y2 is črn2, = mH - mH0 - £ y? ^. (274) i Naturalness constraint (no fine-tuning) requires that this square mass difference should not exceed too much the Higgs mass itself (the expected one), i.e. (100GeV)2, from which it follows that y?|m|i - mpi|< (1TeV)2 . (275) If we now take the plausible assumption (at least in nature we expect this to hold) that mBi >> mFi, it follows that mBi < (276) yi (but bigger than the experimental lower limit which is approximately 100 GeV). The biggest Yukawa is the top one with yt — 1. This means that the most constrained is the stop t. Also, since we do not want the supersymmetry breaking terms to break the weak SU(2), the sbottom b, superpartner of the lefthanded bottom quark, must also have the same mass as its SU(2) partner t. So this gives approximately mi;b < 1TeV , (277) while for the other sfermions the constraints are milder (i.e. they can be heavier). One comment at the end. Although all these requirements for no fine-tuning are amusing and bring into the game some constraints to the otherwise almost completely free parameters of the theory, one should not take them too seriously. After all, who can say which exactly is an admissible fine-tuning and which not? Is a 40% correction to the Higgs mass ok? Is a 7 times bigger tree order mass compared to the 1-loop mass a sign of fine-tuning? Nobody can give a firm answer, so one should have a common sense in judging these issues. Otherwise there is a danger to end in a paradoxical situation. 13 Spontaneous supersymmetry breaking As we can see, the bad side of the MSSM, even assuming R-parity) is a big proliferation of unknown parameters, something like 100 or so. The desire to simplify things adding a new symmetry (supersymmetry) clashed with the facts of nature, forcing us to add the new terms (232)-(236). Theoretically it would be thus much better to have a model of calculating or deriving the unknown coefficients. This will be studied in detail in the remaining part of this section. We will present two different scenarios. 13.1 MSSM is not enough The best option would be to break supersymmetry spontaneously, as we do for example in gauge theories. We will see that this is not easy to do in two examples. In supersymmetric theories the hamiltonian is proportional to the sum of the squares of the generators of supersymmetry algebra. So the energy is zero iff susy is preserved, and positive if susy is spontaneously broken. We saw in the previous lecture that the potential (energy) is made from two terms, the F-term (198) and the D-term (199). We will consider here only the so called F-term breaking: dW —— = 0 for at least some i . (278) Notice that such a requirement automatically implies a massless fermion. In fact, from the minimization of (198), the second derivative of the superpotential in the field space direction defined by (278) must vanish. This is expected from the Goldstone theorem. In the case of spontaneously broken internal symmetry a massless Goldstone boson appears. Here the spontaneously broken supersymmetry generator is a Grassmann object, thus a fermionic zero mode follows. This object is called the goldstino. Although W is a gauge singlet, in the SM 0i are not. Thus the only field that could break supersymmetry without breaking some unwanted extra gauge symmetry is one of the two Higgses or Hd. Imagine we do it with Hd. Then suppose that we are able to properly change the superpotential so that / dW \ as,) <279> To see why this cannot work, let us concentrate on the mass of a down squark or charged slepton /: W = f /h/ + ... (280) From (198) and (279) the mass terms for the sfermion in the potential are v=(f-yfl) (/•)• (281) where is the vev of . The eigenvalues satisfy the mass sum rule m* + m2c - 2m* = 0 . (282) This is in contradiction with what we know from low energy physics: there is for example no scalar with quantum numbers of the electron and a smaller (or equal) mass. It is possible to show that any spontaneously broken global su-persymmetric model has similar unacceptable mass sum rules at tree order. There are two possible ways out: either one goes local, i.e. to supergravity, or one transmits the information of susy breaking not at tree order, but at one loop. In both cases the mass sum rules change and unwanted constraints get relaxed. Either way, the mechanism should roughly look as follows: a sector with no interaction with the SM fields (and thus called the hidden sector) is responsible for the spontaneous breaking of supersymme-try. The information that susy is broken in this hidden sector gets thus transmitted to our SM sector either by 1/Mpi suppressed higher dimensional terms (as in supergravity) or through an intermediate (messenger) field, that couples to both SM and hidden sector fields. In this scenario loops with external SM fields and internal messenger fields (with susy breaking couplings and/or masses) transmit the information on susy breaking to our sector. Let us see now in more details the above mechanisms of susy breaking mediation. 13.2 Gravity mediation In the case of local supersymmetry (supergravity), one needs to introduce the gravity multiplet, which essentially means the spin 2 graviton (2 d.o.f. on shell) plus the spin 3/2 gravitino (also 2 d.o.f. on shell). Analogous to the case of spontaneously breaking of a local symmetry, where the would-be goldstone boson gets eaten by the longitudinal component of the vector boson, here the gravitino eats the goldstino, acquiring a nonzero mass, m3/2. This mass turns out to be the typical scale, and soft masses will be proportional to it. The potential in the supergravity case becomes (pi, denote both SM fields