ANNALES 1l/'97 original scientific paper UD C 595.796(497.4-14) 595.79(497.4 Podpec) CONTRIBUTIO N T O THE ANT FAUNA OF SLOVENIA WITH SPECIAL REFERENCE T O THE SUBMEDITERRANEAN AN D EUDINARIC REGIONS László CALLÉ Department of Ecology, Attila józsef University, HU-6722 Szeged, figyetem u 2 ABSTRACT In a preliminary study of the ant fauna of Slovenia, 45 species were recorded at 15 sites, 12 of which are situated in the southwestern part of the country. Keywords: Hymenoptera: Formicidae, fauna, Slovenia: Submediterranean and Eudinaric regions INTRODUCTION The basic faunistic research is especially important in those regions, which are threatened and/or represent biodiversity "hot spots". Both criteria are valid for Slovenia; the fast social and industrial development po­tentially influences the country's natural or quasi-natural landscapes, which represent a high biogeographical di­versity from the high Alps to the Pannonic, the Dinaric and the Submediterranean regions, which means that there are several potential "hot spots" in this country. In a careful analysis on the red wood ants, TitovSek (1994) recorded 8 species from the subgenera of For­mica, Coptoformica and Raptiformica. Despite his pa­per, no other publications are known on the ants of Slovenia. In this report, the results of the ant samples collected in the summer of 1996 are given as the first and prelimi­nary list of ants from the southwestern part of Slovenia. The list of species is far from complete and final one, for which more intensive sampling effort should be made at many more sites. METHODS AND COLLECTION SITES ants from the remaining three sites, too, which are situ­ated in the Alpine region (the zoogeographical division is after Novak et al., 1995). The individual collecting sites were as follows: (1) KamniSko-Savinjske Alpe: L.ogarski Kot (near the hostel, 10.07.1996); (2)-(3) KamniSko-Savinjske Alpe: OkreSelj (at two localities, 11-12.07.1996); (4) Trnovski Gozd: Mala Lazna (13.07.1996); (5) Trnovski Gozd: Paradana (in close and wider vicinity of the ice cave, 13.07.1996); (6) Trnovski Go2d: Smrekova Draga (in the dolina and the neighbouring forests, 13.07.1996); (7) Trnovski Gozd: Predmeja-Caven, forest (different forests and forest edges by the path between the hostel at Predmeja and Caven, 14.07.1996); (8) Trnovski Gozd: Predmeja, grassland (near the hostel at Predmeja, 14.07. 1996); (9) Trnovski Gozd: Caven, Kucelj (mountain-sides at Kucelj, 14.07.1996); (10) Kozina: Camping (15.07.1996); (11) Podpec. (a slope by the seashore, 15.07.1996); (12) Pod­peL: hill (15.07.1996); (13) Podpec: roadside (16.07. 1996); (14) Strunjan: cliffs (17.07.1996); (15) Osp: lime­stone hill (19.07.1996) (Fig. 1). Ants from different nests were treated separately and were preserved in 70% ethanol. 1094 ant individuals were collected as a sample. The ants were collected between 91,1 and 19t!l july 1996 during a field trip with Slovene and Hungarian students. They were obtained at 15 sites by hand col­lecting, mostly based on the sampling of the colonies. 12 sites are situated in those (Submediterranean or Eudi­naric) regions of Slovenia, from where Mediterranean elements were expected. For comparison, 1 included the As the majority of the collections were probably far from complete, it was necessary to compute the com­pleteness of the sampling. I computed the completeness of the collections as follows. The sample number - spe­cies number relation was investigated by the means of linear, log-linear and log-log functions. Since the slopes of these functions (bjin, biog-fin, and blog-log, respec­tively) depends on the sequence of the collections, I used ANNALES 11/"97 laszí ó CALLÉ : CONTRIBUTIO N T O TH E AN T FAUN A O F 5 L O VEN ! A WIT H SPECIA L 209-214 Fig. 1: Collec tion localities (see text for a detailed list of sites). A: sites 1-3, B: sites 4-9 and C: sites 10-15. Si. 1: Vzorcevalne lokalitete (natanCen seznam fokalitet je v tekstu). A: iokalitete 1-3, 8: lokalitete 4-9 in C: loka­litete 10-15. the average ot' SO repetition of random sequences of the original sample units for each site. The slopes of these functions can be considered useful tools in the as­sessment of the completeness of sampling (i.e. the suffi­ciency of the collection of the whole fauna), if they are in correlation with the number of sample units. In the cases of the linear and log-log transformed functions (b|in and blog-log), the correlation coefficients were significant (p<0.01 in both cases), which means that these data can be taken into account for consecutive analyses. The completeness of the sampling is a negative function of the slopes mentioned above, therefore it is given as t­blin and 1-blog-log- The products nbiin and nb|og-log (where n is the number of sample units) are obviously the measures of the diversity of the ant fauna in question. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION The ant species Altogether 45 species were collected at the 15 sites. The list of species with their localities is as follows: Fam. Formicidae Subfam. Myrmicinae Tribe Myrmicini 1. Manica rubida (Latreille 1802). KarnniSko-Savinj­ske Alpe: Logarski kot; Trnovski Cozd : Paradana. A well known species of high mountain regions, its presence in Trnovski Cozd shows the alpine biogeog­raphica! influence on this region. 2. Myrmica rubra (Linnaeus 1758). Trnovski Gozd: Maia Lazna. This species is known as euryfrequent and eury­potent one, typical to meadows of mesophiiic and moist character. 3. Myrmica ruginodis Nylander 1846 Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe: Logarski kot; Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe: Okreselj; Trnovski Gozd: Paradana; Trnovski Gozd: Smrekova Draga; Trnovski Gozd: Pred­me ja, grassland; Trnovski Gozd: Predmeja-Čaven, forest. Being the least thermophilous Myrmica species in Europe (Seifert, 1988), its occurrence in the mountain areas meets the expectations. 4. Myrmica scabrinodis Nylander 1846. Trnovski Gozd: Maia Lazna. This is a moderately thermophilous and hygrophilous species. Since its southern distribution boundaries are not exactly known, this occurrence in Slovenia is a contribution to the knowledge regarding the distribution of this species in Europe (see Seifert, 1988). 5. Myrmica schencki Emery 1895. Trnovski Gozd: Predmeja-Čaven, forest; Trnovski Gozd: Čaven, Kucelj. A species of open areas with most thermophilous character among European Myrmica species, i collected it in Trnovski Gozd at a forest edge and in grassland. 6. Myrmica lobicornis Nyiander 1846. Trnovski Gozd: Mala Lazna. This is less thermophilous then the species above. I have found it in Hungary, mainly in mountain meadows and lowland grasslands of wet character. 210 ANNALES 11/'9 7 Liszi ö GALLE : CONTRIBUTIO N T O TH E AN T FAUN A O F SLOVENI A WIT H SPECIA L 209-214 Tribe Pheidolini 7. Aphaenogaster (Attomyrma) subterranea (Latreille 1798). Trnovski Gozd: Paradana; Podpei: roadside; Strunjan: cliffs; Osp: limestone hill. A species of Southern and Central Europe, Asia Mi­nor and Caucasia, occurring at dry, warm Mediterra­nean and Submediterranean localities. 8. Messorsfrucfor (Latreille 1798). Strunjan: cliffs. Widely distributed thermophilous species at Mediter­ranean and Submediterranean localities. In the southern part of Central Europe it is well associated with weedy habitats. 9. Pheidole pailidula {Nylander 1849). PodpeC: road­side. A typical Mediterranean species in Europe, but can be also found in Central Asia, In South Europe it is also known as a house ant. Tribe Crematogastrini 10. Crematogaster (Acrocoelia) schmidti fMayr 1852). Podpei: hill; Podpec: roadside; Osp: limestone hill. A typical ant of the Mediterranean and Submediter­ranean regions. Sometimes referred to as a synonimic species of C, scuteliaris (Olivier 1791). Tribe Solenopsidini 11. Solenopsis (Diplorhoptrum) fugax (Latreille 1798). PodpeC: hill; Osp! limestone hill. Widely distributed species in North Africa, Europe and Asia to japan. Very abundant in Central European grasslands. The collected material consists of typical fu­gax specimens according to Bernard (1968). Tribe Leptothoracini 12. Leptothorax (Mycbotorax) acervorum (Fabric!us 1793). KamniSko-Savinjske Alpe: Logarski kot; Kam­niSko-Savinjske Alpe: OkreSelj. A cold tolerant species, which is common in moun­tain habitats in Central and South Europe, and in low­lands of the northern regions. The only ant species in the open tundra habitats in Fennoscandia. 13. Leptothorax (Mycbotorax) muscorum (Nylander 1846). KamniSko-Savinjske Alpe: OkreSelj. Usually rarer species than L. acervorum, their habitat requirements are similar. 14. Leptothorax (Myrafant) nigriceps Mayr 1855. Trnovski Gozd: Caven, Kucelj. The only worker individual I collected at Kucelj most probably belongs to this taxon. Tribe Tetramorimi 15. Tetramorium caespitum (Linnaeus 1758). Trnov­ski Gozd: Caven, Kucelj; PodpeC; Strunjan: cliffs; Osp: limestone hill. A thermophilous ant, which is very common in the majority of dry and weedy habitats in Europe, in Asia and also occurs in the northern parts of Africa. 16. Tetramorium impurum Förster 1850. KamniSko-Savinjske Alpe: Logarski kot; Kamnisko-Savinjske Alpe: OkreSelj. A species which is rather difficult to distinguish from T, caespitum. It occurs in high mountain habitats. Tetramorium sp. Trnovski Gozd: Paradana The only individual I collected could not be identified. Subfam. Dolichoderinae Tribe Tapinomini 17. Tapinoma erraticum (Latreille 1798). Podpec: hill. A thermophilous species commonly occurring in South and Central Europe to Central Asia. Subfam. Formicinae Tribe Plagiolepidini 18. Plagioiepis pygmaea (Latreille 1798). PodpeC: hill; Strunjan: cliffs. The only Plagioiepis species collected during the trip. At least two other species of this genus are ex­pected in the southern part of Slovenia. Tribe Lasiini 19. Lasius (L.) n/ger (Linnaeus 1758). Trnovski Gozd: Mala Lazna; Trnovski Gozd: Predmeja, grassland. On the basis of the PDCL (pilosity distance on the clypeus) values (between 13.3 and 16.1) and other traits, the individuals collected at the two localities belong to niger in the sense of Seifert (1992). Since in a recent re­vision Seifert (1992) split the European ant species, for­merly classified as niger; into two species, the distribu­tion and the ecology of this species should be revised. 20. Lasius (L.) platythorax Seifert 1991. KamniSko-Savinjske Alpe: OkreSelj; Trnovski Gozd: Mala Lazna; Trnovski Gozd: Paradana. Recently described species, its distribution and ecol­ogy not known. From the available data it seems that platythorax prefers woodland habitats. 21. Lasius (L.) alienus (Förster 1850). Trnovski Gozd: Smrekova Draga; Trnovski Gozd: .aven, Kucelj. The individuals from Smrekova Draga have larger PDCL as given by Seifert (1992) for alienus. The speci­mens from Kucelj have a scape pilosity, which is more similar to L. paralienus Seifert 1992. The habitat is not typical of either species. 22. Lasius (L.) psammophilus Seifert 1992. Trnovski Gozd: Caven, Kucelj. O n the basis of the five workers collected from Kucelj, it is the most probable species, although the soil in habitat is not sand. 23. Lasius (L.) paralienus Seifert 1992. Trnovski Gozd: Smrekova Draga; PodpeC: hill. Typical specimens were collected from both localities. 211 ANNALES 11/'97 László CALLÉ : CONTRIBUTIO N T O TH E AN T FAUN A O F SLOVENI A WIT H SPECIAL 209-214 24. Lasius (L.) emarginatus (Olivier 1791). PodpeC: hill; Strunjan: cliffs; Osp: limestone hill. A thermophilous species with its northernmost distri­bution limits in Central Europe. 25. Lasius (Cautolasiusj flavus (Fabricius 1781). Tr­novski Gozd: Mala Lazna. A common species in open habitats of Europe, with a distribution range from North America to Japan and from North Africa to Arctic (see Collingwood, 1979). 26. Lasius (Chthonoiasius) meridionaiis {Bondroit 1919)/ balcanicus Seifert 1988. Trnovski Gozd: Para­dana. The only female collected has a transitional charac­ter between the two species (six traits indicate me­ridionalis and six balcanicus). More individuals would have been necessary for positive identification. 27. Lasius (Dendrolasius) fuiiginosus (Latreille 1798). Trnovski Gozd: Paradana. A species with wide distribution range in Europe and Asia. In the majority of cases, this ant is nesting in trees. Tribe Camponotini 28. Camponotus (C.) herculeanus (Linnaeus 1758). Kamni§ko-Savinjske Alpe: Logarski Kot; Trnovski Gozd: Smrekova Draga; Trnovski Gozd: Predmeja-Caven, for­est; Trnovski Gozd: grassland. This typical Central European mountain species oc­curs also in the lowlands of northern regions. 29. Camponotus (C.) ligniperdus (Latreille 1802). Trnovski Gozd: Predmeja-Caven, forest. This species has a more southern range than C. her­culeanus. Fairly common in Central European mountain forests. 30. Camponotus (C.) vagus (Scopoli 1763). PodpeC: roadside; Strunjan: cliffs. A South European species, common also in dry, lowland forests in Central Europe. 31. Camponotus (Tanaemyrmex) aethiops (Latreille 1798). Podpec; Strunjan: cliffs; Osp: limestone hill. A southern species, with the northernmost limits of its distribution in Hungary and in Slovakia. 32. Camponotus (Myrmentoma) piceus (Leach 1825). Kozina: Camping; PodpeC: hill; Strunjan: cliffs; Osp: limestone hill. A thermophilous species, common in South Europe and in closed grasslands in Central Europe. 33. Camponotus (Colobopsis) truncatus (Spiniola 1808). PodpeC: hill. A rather common species in South and Central Europe, but absent in Poland (Pssarskt, 1975). Tribe Formicini 34. Formica (Serviformica) gagates Latreille 1798. Trnovski Gozd: Smrekova Draga. South and Central European species, its presence in Trnovski Gozd shows Mediterranean influence of the region's fauna. 35. Formica (Serviformica) fusca Linnaeus 1758. Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe: Okrešelj; Trnovski Gozd: Sm­rekova Draga; Trnovski Gozd: Predmeja-Čaven, forest; Trnovski Gozd: grassland. A common ant in the whole of Europe, with its dis­tribution range over the entire Palearctic region. 36. Formica (Serviformica) lemani Bondroit 1917. KammSko-Savtnjske Alpe: OkreSelj; Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe: Okrešelj; Trnovski Gozd: Mala Lazna; Trnovski Gozd: Paradana; Trnovski Gozd: grassland. This is a typical upland species, rare under 1000 m in Centra! and South Europe. 37. Formica (Serviformica) cunicularia Latreille 1798. Trnovski Go2d: Caven, Kucelj; Kozina: campsite; Podpeč: roadside; Strunjan: cliffs; Osp: limestone hill. One of the most common Serviformica species in Europe, occurring in open areas. More thermophilous than F. rufibarbis. 38. Formica (Serviformica) rufibarbis Fabricius 1793. Trnovski Gozd: Smrekova Draga; Kozina: campsite. Similar species to F. cunicularia, but usually more common in wetter and urban habitats. 39. Formica {Serviformica) balcanina Petrov & Coll­ingwood 1993. Kozina; campsite. This species has been recently described from Del­iblatska Peščara, near Belgrade, Yugoslavia {Petrov & Collingwood, 1993). Since then it has been found also in Rumania (Marko, 1997). 40. Formica (F.) aquilonia Yarrow 1955. Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe: Logarski kot; Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe: Okrešelj; Trnovski Gozd: Mala Lazna(?); Trnovski Gozd: Paradana; Trnovski Gozd: Smrekova Draga. This is a common species in North Europe, in south­ern localities, however, it is restricted to high mountains. In the majority of cases, the collected specimens are typical aquilonia, but the Logarski kot materia! contains workers with poor pilosity on the eyes and gula, and in some cases the pilosity is too dense (e.g. Paradana col­lection). In Mala Lazna no nest was found, and as only one female was collected there is no proof that F. aquilonia is a constant member of the fauna. Titovšek (1994) found the species at several localities in the northern part of Slovenia. 41. Formica (F.) pratensis Retzius 1783. Trnovski Gozd: Smrekova Draga; Trnovski Gozd: Paradana; Trnovski Gozd: grassland; Kozina: campsite. A typical species of woodland margins and open ar­eas. It is the most thermophilous rufa group species. Af­ter Titovšek (1994) its distribution range is similar to that of F. rufa L. and F. polyctena, but its habitat require­ments are different. 42. Formica (F.) rufa Linnaeus 1758. Trnovski Go2d: grassland. A typical woodland species, which prefers open for­ests and is not common in very dense, closed woods. 212 ANNALES 1 t/'97 Lásíl ó GALLÉ : CONTRIBUTIO N T O TH E AN T FAUN A O f SLOVENI A WIT H SPECIAL ..., 209-25-Í 43. Formica (F.) truncorum Fabricius 1804. Trnovski Cozd: Smrekova Draga; Trnovski Gozd: grassland. In Central Europe it had been regarded as an ant of high mountains (see also TitovSek, 1994). Some recent data from very dry sandy forests in the Hungarian Great Plain (Gallé, 1986; Gallé & Szonyi, 1988) modified our knowledge of its habitat requirements. 44. Formica (Coptoformica) exsecta Nylander 1846. Kamnisko-Savínjske Alpe: OkreSelj. This species has a distribution range from centra! Spain to North Europe and to Ural. More common in northern areas. 45. Formica (Raptlformlca) sanguínea Latreiile 1798. Trnovski Gozd: Predmeja-Cavert, forest. Widely distributed species in Europe and Asia; ex­pected from many more localities in Slovenia. 46. Poiyergus rufescens (Latreilie 1798). Kozina: campsite. An obligate slave-making ant, with European distri-bution, but more common at southern localities. Locality s n blin Logarski Ko! 6 8 0.64 Okreselj 9 26 0.26 Mala Lazna 5 6 0.81 Pa radana 8 9 0.86 Smrekova Draga 9 9 0.96 P red mej a-Ča ven forest 8 8 0.99 Predme;a:prass!and 6 7 0.80 Kucelj 7 7 0.95 Pocipefi (all habitats) 13 13 0.95 Strunjan: mountain 9 9 0.93 Osp: mountain 8 14 0.52 Collection completeness and species diversity The two measures (1-b|in and 1-b|og-log) of the perfection of the ant inventory of the sampled localities (Table 1) are closely correlated (r = 0.86, p< 0.001). On the basis of the values in Table 1, the Okreselj collec­tion is the most complete, whereas Smrekova Draga and Predmeja-Laven Forest are the least sufficiently sampled sites. The diversity metrics used in this study (nblin and nb|og-log) are loosely correlated (r = 0.504, p<0.1) and both of them are correlated with the number of recorded ant species (r = 0.965, p<0.001 and r = 0.674, p<0.02S respectively). On the basis of the linear ones (nb(in), the ant species diversity is higher in those areas, which are under Mediterranean faunistical influence (Submediter­ranean sites and Trnovski Gozd), than in the Alps. The values of nblog-log are not so unequivocal. 1-biin nblin bloe-bs 1-b[o2-|o2 nblog4og 0.36 5.09 0,71 0.29 5.70 0.73 6.89 0.54 0.46 14.12 0.19 4.85 0.90 0.1 5.42 0.14 7.76 0.90 0.10 8.07 0.04 8.67 0.90 0.01 8.11 0.01 7.90 0.96 0.04 7.67 0.20 5.58 0.83 0.17 5.84 0.05 6.62 0.83 0.17 5.80 0.05 12.36 0.87 0.13 11.27 0.07 8.39 0.78 0.22 7.06 0.48 7.32 0.77 0.22 10.85 Tab. 1: The slope of the linear s ~ f(n) regression function (blin), its log-log transformation (blog-log) and two measures of the diversity (nblin and nblog-log respectively) of the local ant faunas, s - number of collected species, n = number of collections. Tab. 1; Smerni koeficienti linearne regresije (blin), njihove logaritemske transformacije (blog-log) in dva izračuna vrstne diverzitete (nblin and nblog-log) lokalne mravljinčje favne, s = število vrst, n ~ število zbirk. Comparison with surrounding areas Comparing the collected Slovene ants species with the available data from the neighbouring countries and regions, this fauna seems to be most similar to the Bal­kan ants (Agosti & Coltingwood, 1987), as more than 91% of the present collection is represented by the Balkan species. As Agosti & Collingwood (1987) could not consider the ants described since then, this similarity could be even greater. The similarity with Hungary is also great, since no less than 86% of the ants listed in this paper have been also found in Hungary (Somfai, 1959; Gallé, 1979; 1981; 1986; 1993 and unpublished data; Gallé & Szonyi, 1988). The similarity with the Swiss fauna (Kutter, 1977) is at the same level. For Yu­goslavia (80%, after Petrov, 1995) and Italy (84%, spe­cies list after Baroni Urbani, 1971) we have very similar results, it is interesting that there is an unexpectedly high similarity with North European ant fauna (Collingwood, 1979), 65%. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS The expedition to Slovenia was organized by Katalin Margoczi (Deparment of Ecology, jozsef Attila Univer­sity, Szeged). Mitja Kaligaric (University of Maribor) took care of our stay in Slovenia. He and Tone Novak (University of Maribor) were excellent guides during our field work. In the Mediterranean regions, Lovrenc Lipej's (Marine Biological Station, Piran) guidance and hospi­tality were essential. Our students, especially Attila Sza­bo and Ferenc Bojtos, helped in our field collections. 213 ANNALES 11/'97 Uszl o GALLE : CONTRIBUTIO N T O TH E AN T FAUN A O F SLOVENI A WIT H SPECIA L ..., 209-214 PRISPEVE K K SLOVENSK I MRAVLJINČJ I FAVN I S POSEBNI M POUDARKO M N A SUBMEDiTERANSKE M I N EVDiNARSKE M OBMOČJ U Laszlo CALLE Department of Ecology, Attita jozsef University, H U-672 2 Szeged, Egyetem u 2 POVZETEK Preliminarna študija slovenske mravljinčje favne je temeljila na preučevanju mravelj julija 1996 na 15 lokalitetah, od katerih jih 12 leži v jugozahodni Sloveniji. Raziskave so bile opravljene v Kamniško-Savinjskih Alpah (3 lokalitete), Trnovskem gozdu (6 lokalitet), Kozini (1 lokaliteta), Podpeči (3 lokalitete), Strunjanu (1 lokaliteta) in Ospu (1 lokaliteta). Odkritih je bilo 45 vrst. Uporabljeni so bili posebni indeksi, da bi ocenili popolnost vzorcev in raznovrstnost favne. Na tej osnovi je bil najnatančneje raziskan Okrešelj (Kamniško-Savinjske Alpe), medtem ko je bila največja raznovrstnost mravljinčje favne zabeležena v Podpeči. Sicer pa je raznovrstnost mravljinčje favne za spoznanje večja v območjih s sredozemskim favnističnim vplivom. Ključne besede: Hymenoptera, Formicidae, favna, Slovenija: submediteransko in evdinarsko območje REFERENCES Agosti, D. & Collingwood, C.A. (1987): A provisional list of the Balkan ants (Hym. Formicidae) with a key to the worker caste. II. Key to the worker caste, including the European species without the Iberian. Mitt. Schw. Ent. Ges. 60: 261-293. Baroni Urbaní, C. (1971): Catalogo delie specie di For­micidae d'ltalia. Mem. Soc. Entomol. Italiana, 50:5-287. Bernard, F. (1968): Les fourmis (Hymenoptera Formi­cidae) d'Europe occidentale et septentrionale. Masson, Paris, 411 pp. Collingwood, C.A. (1979): The Formicidae (Hymeno­ptera) of Fenoscandia and Denmark. Scandinavian Science Press, Klanpenborg. 174 pp. Gallé, L. 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(1992): A taxonomic revision of the Palearctic members of the ant subgenus Lasius s. str. (Hymeno­ptera: Formicidae). Abh. Ber. Naturkundemus 66: 1-67. Somfai, E. (1959): Hangya alkatüak Formicoidea. Fauna Hungariae, 13, 4:1-79. Titovšek, J, (1994): Rdeče gozdne mravlje v Sloveniji. Zbornik gozdarstva in lesarstva 43: 77-107. 214