3 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 1, February 2019 In Memoriam DOI: 10.2478/orga-2019-0001 In recent weeks, three of our esteemed colleagues, scien- tists, and teachers have passed away. It was with great sad- ness that we received the news that we had lost respected professors and researchers in the international and domes- tic environment in the field of organization and manage- ment. Associate Professor Metod Černetič, has graduated from the Faculty of Arts of the University of Ljubljana with a major in sociology. He earned his master’s degree in 1984 at the Faculty of Social Sciences of the University of Lju- bljana. In 1998, he successfully defended his doctoral dis- sertation titled “Heuristic approach in planning postgradu- ate studies of personnel development in RD – with a focus on Slovenia” at the Faculty of Organizational Sciences of the University of Maribor. As an associate lecturer in organizational sociology, he started to teach in 1972 at the College of Organizational Sciences. In 1975, he became full-time employee and was first a college lecturer at the newly established Faculty of Organizational Science, later a college professor, senior lecturer, assistant professor in the field of organization and education in personnel management, and, finally, in the ti- tle of associate professor for organization and education in personnel management. In 1994–1996, Prof. Černetič attended further ad- vanced scientific studies in the framework of the Tempus programme, at national and international scientific and professional congresses, conferences, symposia, and panel discussions as a researcher as well as a participant in dif- ferent research projects. His scientific activity was as versatile as comprehen- sive – from organizational management (above all, the sociological aspects of organizational relationships), con- temporary forms and approaches in organizing enterprises and other institutional forms (management of non-profit organizations), human resource and entrepreneurship de- velopment, development of postgraduate studies (young researchers), to the economics of education and research. He has worked on many research projects and programmes in the fields of the development of higher education, the development of postgraduate study, and the theory of or- ganization and management. Prof. Metod Černetič was actively participating in work of Slovenian Sociological Association and Soci- ety for Evaluation and Organizational Development. He was a holder of the Organizational Chair, president of the programme and organizational committee of the alumni meetings, member of the expert group for School of Man- agement curricula preparation, and lecturer. Engaged by Slovenian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, he was lecturing managers and directors. He was a member of many educational and research centres and institutions. His pedagogical, professional, and research approach has left an essential imprint on the development of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences at the University of Maribor. Prof. Metod Černetič will remain in fond remem- brance. Dane Melavc, Professor Emeritus at the University of Maribor, Faculty of Economics and Business, was born on July 17, 1932, in Mozirje, Slovenia. After completing his undergraduate studies in 1956 at the University of Ljublja- na, Faculty of Economics, he continued his study at the University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and received his master’s degree in 1972 and his doctoral degree in 1974. The title of his thesis was “Transformation of ac- counting in its incorporation into the business information system of the company”. In 1957, he started his professional career in the Nazarje Forestry in accounting, finance, and management. From 1967 to 1972, he worked as an independent consul- tant at the Development Center in Celje. During his employment in the industry, he started ped- agogical work in higher education. In 1970, he became As- sociate Lecturer of Cost Accounting and Accounting at the Faculty of Economics and Business (EPF), University of Maribor. In 1972, he joined the same faculty as a college professor of bookkeeping. After completing doctoral stud- ies, he was elected Assistant Professor for Accounting, and in 1975, Associate Professor. He was elected full professor of Accounting and Economics in 1980. In addition to teaching and research, Prof Melavc worked on the development and the establishment of other fields, important for the progress of the faculty. From 1978 to 1989, he was the editor-in-chief of the magazine ‘Our Economy’ (Naše gospodarstvo). From 1973 to 1976, he was the head of the Institute of Finance and Banking at the EPF. In 1977, he became vice-dean, and from 1979 to 1983, dean of the EPF. The accomplishments of his work undoubtedly contributed to the trust of the academic com- munity, and in 1983-1987, he was able to confirm his work as rector of the University of Maribor. From 1986 to 1987, he was president of the Presidency of Yugoslav universi- 4 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 1, February 2019 ties. He also left a significant mark in the Slovenian higher education area by acting as president of the Higher Educa- tion Council (his last appointment ended in 2002). In December 1992, he retired after completing four decades of working life. In 1994, he was awarded the ti- tle of Professor Emeritus at the University of Maribor and received the title Honorary Senator in 2000. A comprehensive bibliography demonstrates the achievements of his fundamental research. Throughout his career, he published 35 books (23 in co-authorship), and 233 journal articles and conference papers. More than 30 articles were written on the basis of invitations from Slovenia and abroad. He presented his work at numerous conferences in a range of countries. Prof Melavc published several textbooks for under- graduate, graduate, and postgraduate studies and for sup- plementary education. His publications cover a wide range of topics, from organizing accounting for the needs of various related organizations, through the significance of contemporary methods of cost and managerial accounting, to the integration of accounting and non-financial informa- tion, to mention only a few. In addition to teaching at his home university, he lec- tured at the Johannes Kepler University in Linz, Austria and Hochschule für Ökonomie Bruno Leuschner in Ber- lin and at other several faculties in Slovenia, including the Faculty of Organizational Sciences in Kranj. His publications significantly impacted the develop- ment of the accounting profession in Slovenia and in for- mer Yugoslavia. Among his monographs, we must highlight the book ‘Introduction to the Theory and Technique of Accounting’, which represented, according to reviewers Prof. Ivan Turk and Prof. Radmila Nikolajević, ‘a novelty in the literature on the foundations of accounting in the Slovenian lan- guage’. This initial work subsequently underwent many revisions and supplemented editions, including editions in co-authorship with Prof. Ivan Turk. The first edition of his fundamental book in the area of managerial econom- ics was published in 1977 and was followed by several revised and updated editions. The last edition, entitled ‘How to Manage’, was published in 2000. Several books on controlling and auditing and management and account- ing followed, some of them in co-authorship. In 2016, he published the textbook of Accounting Basics, in co-author- ship with his colleagues from the Accounting and Auditing Chair at the EPF. Prof. Melavc’s main research achievements can be summarized as follows: • developing modern accounting as a whole of analyti- cal and synthetic financial statements, • developing management-managerial economics with a special emphasis on cost theory (the original definition of the causes of the creation of a limited fixed cost), • linked treatment of productivity, economy, profitabil- ity, and monetary indicators, • related treatment of accounting and modern informat- ics, and • addressing the issues of higher education, in particu- lar, the development of an appropriate information system. Prof Dane Melavc transferred his knowledge and ex- perience to the students as a committed pedagogue, and many will remember him as an excellent mentor. He su- pervised nine PhDs, many master and specialist theses, and numerous student assignments. Throughout his career, he was in contact with organizational practice by partici- pating in numerous projects and consultations for various types of organizations, dealing with the organization of their accounting and with other areas of accounting and economics. For his long-standing work in the field of accounting, Prof. Dane Melavc received many awards, such as the Gold Badge of the Federation of Accountants and Finan- cial Workers of Slovenia. The Slovenian Association of Economists awarded him the status of the Expert for lead- ership and management areas, and the Ministry of Finance issued him the status of Certified Auditor. Finally, we must emphasize that the work of the es- teemed Prof. Dane Melavc was always permeated with honesty and a positive attitude, with refinement, and above all with a respectful attitude towards everyone and with his willingness to help. All of us who had the honour to work with Prof Melavc will remember him with great respect – as a teacher, mentor and co-worker, and primarily as an upright man. Prof. Jure Kovač was born in Celje on July 27, 1959. He studied organization, sociology and economy. In 1985, he joined the Faculty of Organizational Sciences as a re- searcher and was engaged in research projects ‘Robotiza- tion in the Republic Slovenia’ and ‘Integration of Informa- tion Technology into the Slovenian Machine-Processing Industry’. Between 1986 and 1988, he was an independent con- sultant working for the Chamber of Commerce, engaged in the organization and implementation of the education of industry managers in the Republic of Slovenia, in par- ticular in the transfer of managerial knowledge into the business practice of economic entities. In the next few years, he was the head of the Department of Organization, responsible for the implementation of strategic manage- ment into the company Konus. Between 1991 and 1993, he was the general manager of the company Aero Celje. Between 1993 and 1995, he worked as a young researcher at the Faculty of Economics and Business at the University of Maribor, participating in several research projects. In 1995, he received a PhD at the same faculty with the dis- sertation ‘Implementing a Company’s Strategy by Project Mode’. In the same year, he joined the team of the Faculty of Organizational Sciences at the University of Maribor. Throughout his academic career, he was teaching courses related to organization and management to un- 5 Organizacija, Volume 52 Issue 1, February 2019 dergraduate and postgraduate and doctoral studies. At the Faculty, among other things, he was the Head of the Chair for Organization and Management, in one of the past man- dates, he was the Vice-Dean for Development. For a long time, he was a member of the Senate of the University of Maribor or Senator of the Faculty of Organizational Sci- ence. He managed the accreditation project for the joint study programme with the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Maribor. He was a member of numerous scientific and profes- sional associations, foundations and editorial boards both at home and abroad, and a member of many programme and organizing committees of the international and nation- al conferences. Through applied research, training and education of managers, Prof Jure Kovač gained understanding of the problems in practice, studied them and – in cooperation with the professionals from industry – proposed solutions that were implemented in various environments. Investi- gating cases from practice and relating them to the theory resulted in outstanding publications which significantly contributed to the theoretical and practical knowledge in the field of organization and management. As it is evident from his bibliography, he researched, in particular, the connection of strategies, projects, networks, and leader- ship related to the trust and values of the organization and its coordinated change in the direction of development. Among other subjects, he investigated transition processes in former Eastern European countries, new forms of orga- nization and change management models, the importance and role of trust in an organization, strategic management and implementation of the company’s strategy through project management. Numerous international and domes- tic awards and recognitions that he has received confirm his research success. Around 1990, at the beginning of the economic and political transition, he was the initiator of the first compre- hensive book on management in the Slovenian language. The book was published in the co-authorship of three au- thors and for years served as a basic textbook in the field of management. In terms of content, it was comparable to US textbooks of that time. In 2012, he co-authored a new, more comprehensive work ‘Sodobne teorije organizacije ‘(Contemporary Theories of Organization), which built on the foundations of a modern organizational theory that separates the organizations from communities and views managerial functions from a different aspect. His last book, co-authored by two experts in health care, entitled ‘Management in health organizations’, will be published this spring. Prof Kovač was a founding member and member of the Executive Board of the society Slovenian Academy of Management. He became editor and later a member of the editorial board of the magazine ‘Izzivi managementa’ (Management Challenges), published by the same acad- emy. He was a member of the Editorial Boards of the in- ternational journals ‘Dynamic Relationships Management Journal’ and ‘Journal of East European Management Stud- ies’. In particular, he was a very active member of the Ed- itorial Board of the journal ‘Organizacija’, always ready to help the editors with his broad overview of the research and practice in the area of organization and management, and with his sound judgement of the relevance of texts submitted for publication. Editors of ‘Organizacija’ highly appreciate his advice and his contribution to the develop- ment and quality of the journal. His sudden farewell, at the peak of his teaching, research and advisory work, is a great loss for the journal. Prof Jure Kovač shared his knowledge and scientific openness with an excellent pedagogical approach, which he unselfishly transferred to his colleagues and students. He was a respected teacher, researcher, mentor, co-worker, and a professor who was able to listen to everyone who turned to him and help with his ideas and solutions. We will remember him as an excellent researcher, teacher, adviser, and colleague with a serious character, and still with somewhat hidden serenity and humour, which he was always able to express in his own way. All of us who have known him and have had the opportunity to work with him will keep him in our lasting memory. Polona Šprajc, Majda Kokotec Novak, Bojana Korošec, Iztok Podbregar