Also available at ISSN 1855-3966 (printed edn.), ISSN 1855-3974 (electronic edn.) ARS MATHEMATICA CONTEMPORANEA 5 (2012) 355–370 The tomotope Barry Monson ∗ University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, New Brunswick, Canada Daniel Pellicer UNAM Morelia, Morelia, Michoacán, México Gordon Williams University of Alaska Fairbanks, Fairbanks, Alaska, USA Received 24 January 2011, accepted 3 March 2012, published online 8 June 2012 Abstract Every abstract 3-polytopeM, in particular, every polyhedral map, has a unique min- imal regular cover, and the automorphism group of this cover is isomorphic to the mon- odromy group ofM. Here we demonstrate that the situation for polytopes of higher rank must be very different: the tomotope T is a small, highly involved, abstract uniform 4- polytope. It has infinitely many distinct minimal regular covers. Keywords: Abstract regular or uniform polytopes. Math. Subj. Class.: 05C25, 51M20 1 Introduction The monodromy group is a most useful tool when one tries to understand combinatorial properties of maps, such as coverings, automorphism groups, flag orbits, stellations, and so forth; see [10, §3] and [8], for example. Changing our structural viewpoint a little, we may consider polyhedral maps, at least, to be abstract 3-polytopes. This paper arose as a by-product of a wider effort [15] to understand basic combinatorial constructions for abstract polytopes in all ranks. In this setting, the monodromy group already appeared in [5] (as the image of the ‘flag action’). One of our concerns is to understand how an n-polytope P , with no particular attributes of symmetry, can be covered by a regular n-polytope R. When P has rank n = 3, there is ∗Supported by the NSERC of Canada, Discovery Grant A4818. E-mail addresses: (Barry Monson), (Daniel Pellicer), (Gordon Williams) Copyright c© 2012 DMFA Slovenije 356 Ars Math. Contemp. 5 (2012) 355–370 a minimal such regular cover, intimately related to the monodromy group of P . (This fact seems to be well-known, but we must refer to [15] for an easy proof.) On the other hand, our attempts to extend the result to higher ranks are thwarted by that best of all reasons, a counterexample. Thus we come to the tomotope, a most peculiar uniform 4-polytope T , constructed in Section 4 below. We shall prove in Theorem 5.9 that T has infinitely many distinct and ‘incommensurable’ minimal regular covers. We have given T its name as a small, and rather late, birthday present for Tomaž Pisan- ski, in particular gratitude for his insights and enthusiasm. In fact, Tomo himself suggested that Reye’s configuration might be hidden in T (see Section 6). 2 Abstract polytopes and their monodromy groups An abstract n-polytope P has some of the key combinatorial properties of the face lattice of a convex n-polytope; in general, however, P need not be a lattice, need not be finite, need not have any familiar geometric realization. An important example for us will be the familiar tiling U of ordinary space by regular octahedra and tetrahedra, the beginning of which is displayed in Figure 1. An indication that U is indeed an abstract uniform 4-polytope is that each ‘flag’ has four entries, namely a mutually incident vertex, edge, triangle and cell (octahedron or tetrahdron). Next let us review some general definitions and results, referring to [13] for details. An abstract n-polytope P is a partially ordered set with properties A, B and C below. A pre-polytope need only satisfy the first two requirements: A: P has a strictly monotone rank function with range {−1, 0, . . . , n}. An element F ∈ P with rank(F ) = j is called a j-face; typically Fj will indicate a j-face. Moreover, P has a unique least face F−1 and unique greatest face Fn. Each maximal chain or flag in P therefore contains n+ 2 faces. We let F(P) be the set of all flags in P . Naturally, faces of ranks 0, 1 and n−1 are called vertices, edges and facets, respectively. B: Whenever F < G with rank(F ) = j − 1 and rank(G) = j + 1, there are exactly two j-faces H with F < H < G. For 0 ≤ j ≤ n − 1 and any flag Φ, there thus exists a unique adjacent flag Φj , differing from Φ in just the face of rank j . With this notion of adjacency, F(P) becomes the flag graph for P . Whenever F ≤ G are incident faces in P , the section G/F := {H ∈ P |F ≤ H ≤ G} . C: P is strongly flag–connected, that is, the flag graph for each section is connected. It follows that G/F is a (k − j − 1)-polytope in its own right, whenever F ≤ G with rank(F ) = j ≤ k = rank(G). For example, if F is a vertex, then the section Fn/F is called the vertex-figure over F . The automorphism group Γ(P) consists of all order-preserving bijections on P . We say P is regular if Γ(P) is transitive on the flag set F(P). In this case we may choose any one flag Φ ∈ F(P) as base flag, then define ρj to be the (unique) automorphism mapping Φ to Φj , for 0 ≤ j ≤ n − 1. From [13, 2B] we recall that Γ(P) is then a string C-group, meaning that it has the following properties SC1 and SC2: B. Monson, D. Pellicer and G. Williams: The tomotope 357 SC1: Γ(P) is a string group generated by involutions (sggi), that is, it is generated by involutions ρ0, . . . , ρn−1 which satisfy the commutativity relations typical of a Coxeter group with string diagram, namely (ρjρk) pjk = 1, for 0 ≤ j ≤ k ≤ n− 1, (2.1) where pjj = 1 and pjk = 2 whenever |j − k| > 1. SC2: Γ(P) satisfies the intersection condition 〈ρk | k ∈ I〉 ∩ 〈ρk | k ∈ J〉 = 〈ρk | k ∈ I ∩ J〉, for any I, J ⊆ {0, . . . , n− 1} . (2.2) The fact that one can reconstruct a regular polytope in a canonical way from any string C- group Γ is at the heart of the theory [13, 2E]. We will see later that the monodromy group of P is always an sggi but might not be a string C-group. The periods pj := pj−1,j in (2.1) are assembled into the Schläfli symbol {p1, p2, . . . , pn−1} for the regular polytope P . We note that every 2-polytope or polygon {p1} is auto- matically regular; its automorphism group is dihedral of order 2p1. There are various ways to relax symmetry and thereby broaden the class of groups Γ(P). For example, we shall agree that any polytope of rank at most 2 is uniform (as well as regular), then inductively define P to be uniform if its facets are uniform and its symmetry group is transitive on vertices [2, 11]. Thus, the abstract uniform polytopes P form a huge, perhaps untamable, class of mostly unfamiliar objects, though certainly including all regular polytopes. Next we describe some tools for describing how one polytope can cover another. Definition 2.1. [13, 2D] Let R and P be pre-polytopes, both of rank n. A rap-map is a rank and adjacency preserving homomorphism η : R → P . (This means that η induces a mapping F(R) → F(P) which sends any j-adjacent pair of flags in R to another such pair in P .) A surjective rap-map is called a covering; we then say R is a cover of P and write R → P . The cover R is minimal (for P) if R 6= P and R → Q → P implies Q = R or Q = P . Remark 2.2. Note that if P is flag-connected, as is the case for all polytopes, then η : R → P must be surjective, hence a covering.  In order to understand how P arises by identifications in R, we modify Hartley’s ap- proach in [5] and instead exploit the monodromy group. Definition 2.3. Let P be a polytope of rank n ≥ 1. For 0 ≤ j ≤ n − 1, let sj be the bijection on F(P) which maps each flag Φ to the j-adjacent flag Φj . Then the monodromy group for P is Mon(P) = 〈s0, . . . , sn−1〉 (a subgroup of the symmetric group on F(P)). Remark 2.4. It is easy to check that Mon(P) is an sggi. Intuitively speaking, a relation sj1 · · · sjm = 1 in this group forces the corresponding type of flag chain to close, regardless of the initial flag in such a chain. This in turn suggests how P arises by identifications in some cover; we refer to [5] for more details. Here we simply quote some easily proved results from [15]. The first of these is verging on folklore.  358 Ars Math. Contemp. 5 (2012) 355–370 Proposition 2.5. Let R be a regular n-polytope with base flag Φ, automorphism group Γ(R) = 〈ρ0, . . . , ρn−1〉, and monodromy group Mon(R) = 〈s0, . . . , sn−1〉. Then there is an isomorphism Γ(R) ' Mon(R) mapping each ρj to sj . Proposition 2.6. Let Q be an m-polytope whose vertex-figures are all isomorphic to a particular (m − 1)-polytope P; and let Mon(Q) = 〈t0, . . . , tm−1〉. Then Mon(P) ' 〈t1, . . . , tm−1〉. Furthermore, if P is regular, then Mon(Q)is a string C-group. Proposition 2.7. Suppose η : R → P is a covering of n-polytopes (or even pre-polytopes). Then there is an epimorphism η̄ : Mon(R)→ Mon(P) (of sggi’s, i.e. mapping standard generators to standard generators). Suppose also that η maps the flag Λ′ inR to the flag Λ in P . Then (StabMon(R)Λ ′) η̄ ⊆ StabMon(P)Λ . (2.3) Finally we have a converse to the previous result. Proposition 2.8. Suppose thatR and P are n-polytopes and that η̄ : Mon(R)→ Mon(P) is an epimorphism of sggi’s. Suppose also that there are flags Λ′ ofR and Λ of P such that (StabMon(R)Λ ′) η̄ ⊆ StabMon(P)Λ . (2.4) Then there is a covering η : R → P , which induces η̄ as in Proposition 2.7. Remark 2.9. If R is regular, then condition (2.3) or (2.4) is fulfilled automatically, since all flags Λ′ are equivalent, with trivial stabilizer, in Γ(R) ' Mon(R) (see Proposition 2.5). In such cases, a covering η : R → P induces an epimorphism Γ(R) = 〈ρ0, . . . , ρn−1〉 → Mon(P) = 〈t0, . . . , tn−1〉 sending ρi to ti, for 0 ≤ i ≤ n− 1. 3 Geometrical and combinatorial versions of Wythoff’s construction With the above machinery in place, we can take a closer look at the uniform tessellation U mentioned earlier. As a combinatorial object, this tessellation of R3 is an abstract uniform 4-polytope (see Figure 1). A simple way to describe U is to first imagine Euclidean space R3 tiled as usual by unit cubes. (Although this tiling is itself a regular 4-polytope, we use it mainly as scaffolding for U .) Each cube has two inscribed regular tetrahedra. Pick one in each cube, starting with the tetrahedron with vertices O = (0, 0, 0), A = (1, 1, 0), B = (1, 0, 1), C = (0, 1, 1) in the standard unit cube, then alternating thereafter as one passes between adjacent cubes. We B. Monson, D. Pellicer and G. Williams: The tomotope 359 Figure 1: The start of the 4-polytope U , a uniform tessellation of R3. thus get the tetrahedral facets of U ; the octahedral facets tile what is left of R3. Every vertex of U is surrounded by six octahedra and eight tetrahedra; each vertex-figure is a cuboctahe- dron. (Compare [3, §4.7], where Coxeter describes U as a quasiregular tessellation, with modified Schläfli symbol {3, 34}.) Notice that the symmetry group Γ(U) contains the face-centred cubic lattice generated by translations τ1, τ2, τ3 along the edges OA,OB,OC of the base tetrahedron. The point group stabilizing vertex O is the octahedral group of order 48 generated by reflections ρ1, ρ2, ρ3, whose mirrors are indicated in Figure 1, along with the mirror for a fourth re- flection ρ0. These four reflections generate Γ(U), and their mirrors enclose a tetrahedral fundamental region for the action of Γ(U) on R3. In fact, Γ(U) is the (infinite) Coxeter group of type B̃3. It is convenient to blur the distinction between the affine reflections ρj and their abstract counterparts in a presentation of Γ(U), as encoded in the diagram in Figure 2. Figure 2: The affine Coxeter group B̃3 ' Γ(U). Recall [9, §6.5] that Γ(U) has these defining relations on its standard generators: ρ2j = (ρ0ρ2) 2 = (ρ0ρ3) 2 = (ρ2ρ3) 2 = (ρ0ρ1) 3 = (ρ1ρ2) 3 = (ρ1ρ3) 4 = 1 . (3.1) Evidently Γ(U) is not a string C-group. Indeed, U is not regular, for it has two kinds of 360 Ars Math. Contemp. 5 (2012) 355–370 facets and two flag orbits. Even though Γ(U) is not an sggi, it does satisfy (2.2), as does any Coxeter group [9, Theorem 5.5]. This fact appears in Proposition 3.2 below. For future use, here we rewrite the generators of the translation subgroup: τ1 = ρ1ρ3ρ1ρ2ρ1ρ3ρ1ρ0, τ2 = ρ1τ1ρ1, τ3 = ρ2τ2ρ2. (3.2) The ringed node in Figure 2 is an ingenious decoration invented by Coxeter [2] and is meant to encode Wythoff’s construction for U . The essential idea is that each j-face of U lies in the same Γ(U)-orbit as a special j-face Fj , whose stabilizer Σ(Fj) is a certain parabolic subgroup of Γ(U). This Σ(Fj) is generated by the ρk’s corresponding to nodes in a subdiagram, which in turn consists of a connected active part, which has j nodes including the ringed node, and a passive part induced on all nodes not connected to the active part. For example, there is one base vertex F0 = O in Figure 1; it has empty active part and is fixed (passively) by Σ(F0) = 〈ρ1, ρ2, ρ3〉. The base edge F1 has vertices O and A = (O)ρ0; the active part of Σ(F1) = 〈ρ0, ρ2, ρ3〉 is 〈ρ0〉. The base equilateral triangle F2 has vertices OAB and Σ(F2) = 〈ρ0, ρ1〉 is totally active. Finally, there are octahedral facets F3 with Σ(F3) = 〈ρ0, ρ1, ρ3〉, and tetrahedral facets F ′3 with Σ(F ′3) = 〈ρ0, ρ1, ρ2〉. In this ‘geometrical’ version of Wythoff’s construction, each basic face Fj is the convex hull of the Σ(Fj)-orbit of O. Observe that general j-faces in the the Γ(U)-orbit of Fj correspond exactly to right cosets of Σ(Fj). We note that the description above must be adjusted a little to accommodate other sorts of Coxeter diagrams, with arbitrary sets of ringed nodes. However, the regular case works as expected: just ring one terminal node in a string diagram [13, 1B]. We refer to [1] for a much broader look at the concrete geometrical aspects of Wythoff’s construction. Here we pursue instead a more ‘combinatorial’ version of the construction, motivated by our earlier discussion but still tailored to our immediate needs. Definition 3.1. The uniform 4-polytope P = P(Γ) and its vertex-figure. Suppose Γ = 〈ρ0, ρ1, ρ2, ρ3〉 satisfies at least the relations ρ2j = (ρ0ρ2) 2 = (ρ0ρ3) 2 = (ρ2ρ3) 2 = (ρ0ρ1) p = (ρ1ρ2) q = (ρ1ρ3) r = 1 , (3.3) as encoded in Figure 3a. Also suppose that Γ satisfies the intersection condition (2.2) for I, J ⊆ {ρ0, ρ1, ρ2, ρ3}. Subject to verification of details (Proposition 3.2), we define a 4-polytope P as follows. The improper faces of P are two distinguished copies F−1 and F4 of Γ. The proper faces of P are all right cosets of the special subgroups Fj defined here: Rank j Face Type Subgroup 0 vertex F0 := 〈ρ1, ρ2, ρ3〉 1 edge F1 := 〈ρ0, ρ2, ρ3〉 2 p-gon {p} F2 := 〈ρ0, ρ1〉 3 facet of Schläfli type {p, q} F3 := 〈ρ0, ρ1, ρ2〉 3 facet of Schläfli type {p, r} F ′3 := 〈ρ0, ρ1, ρ3〉 Incidence is defined (for faces of unequal rank) by non-empty intersection of cosets. Referring to Figure 3b, we define in similar fashion a 3-polytope Q from the subgroup 〈ρ1, ρ2, ρ3〉. The base vertex and edge of Q are 〈ρ2, ρ3〉 and 〈ρ1〉, respectively. There B. Monson, D. Pellicer and G. Williams: The tomotope 361 are two basic 2-faces: the q-gon corresponding to 〈ρ1, ρ2〉 and the r-gon corresponding to 〈ρ1, ρ3〉. Again faces of unequal rank are incident inQ if they have non-empty intersection as cosets in 〈ρ1, ρ2, ρ3〉. (a) The 4-polytope P . (b) The 3-polytope Q. Figure 3: Wythoff’s contruction for the 4-polytope P and its polyhedral vertex-figure Q. In fact, P and Q really are polytopes. We refer to [16] for a proof of a considerably more general version of Proposition 3.2. Proposition 3.2. Suppose Γ satisfies the requirements of Definition 3.1. Then P = P(Γ) is an abstract uniform 4-polytope with two facets of each type {p, q} and {p, r} arranged alternately around each edge. Γ acts faithfully as a group of automorphisms of P and equals the full automorphism group of P if the two base facets are non-isomorphic. Each vertex-figure of P is a copy of the uniform 3-polytope Q, which has a pair of q-gons and r-gons alternating around each of its vertices. Remark 3.3. Certainly, Γ is the full automorphism group for P when q 6= r. However, this can also be so when q = r. On the other hand, if the mapping (ρ0, ρ1, ρ2, ρ3) → (ρ0, ρ1, ρ3, ρ2) induces an automorphism of Γ, then q = r, and P is regular of type {p, q, 4}. In this case, Γ has index 2 in the full automorphism group of P [16]. Uniform polytopes like these with regular facets are sometimes called semiregular [11].  4 The tomotope T We can now construct the finite uniform 4-polytopes which are our main concern. Each will be covered by the Euclidean tessellation U . The corresponding automorphism groups are quotients of the Coxeter group B̃3, obtained by adjoining certain natural relations to those in (3.1). When applying Proposition 3.2, we therefore take p = q = 3 and r = 4. In each case we have used GAP [4] to verify the intersection condition and other details. Example 4.1. Adjoin to (3.1) the relation which converts the second facet into the hemioc- tahedron: (ρ0ρ1ρ3) 3 = 1 . The resulting group Γ(Ut,ho) has order 192 but still satisfies the intersection condition. The corresponding polytope Ut,ho is universal for assembling tetrahedra and hemioctahedra in this uniform way, two each alternating around edges. It has 4 vertices, 24 edges, 32 triangles, 8 tetrahedra and 8 hemioctahedra. Each vertex figure is a cuboctahedron. The monodromy group Mon(Ut,ho) has order 73728 and is a string C-group of Schläfli type {3, 12, 4}.  362 Ars Math. Contemp. 5 (2012) 355–370 Example 4.2. Adjoin instead the hemicuboctahedron relation (ρ2ρ1ρ3) 3 = 1 to (3.1) to get a new group Γ(Uhc). In fact, Γ(Uhc) is isomorphic to Γ(Ut,ho), where the latter group has new generators ρ0, ρ1, ρ2, ρ0ρ2ρ3. The resulting polytope Uhc has 8 vertices, 24 edges, 32 triangles, 8 tetrahedra and 4 octahedra. The new monodromy group Mon(Uhc) is a string C-group of type {3, 12, 4} and order 73728. However, this group is not isomorphic to Mon(Ut,ho) as an sggi. Indeed, the vertex- figure subgroup for Mon(Ut,ho) has order 2304 and is a double cover of the corresponding subgroup of Mon(Uhc).  Example 4.3. The tomotope. Adjoin to (3.1) the two relations which create hemioctahedra and hemicuboctahedra: (ρ0ρ1ρ3) 3 = (ρ2ρ1ρ3) 3 = 1 . (4.1) The new group Γ(T ) has order 96 and again satisfies the intersection condition. Definition 4.4. We shall call the resulting uniform 4-polytope T the tomotope. The tomotope has 4 vertices, 12 edges, 16 triangles, 4 tetrahedra and 4 hemioctahedra. Each vertex-figure is a hemicuboctahedron. The group Γ(T ) acts faithfully on the edges of T , so we have this permutation representation: ρ0 = (5, 10)(6, 9)(7, 12)(8, 11) ρ1 = (1, 6)(2, 5)(3, 8)(4, 7) ρ2 = (5, 9)(6, 10)(7, 11)(8, 12) ρ3 = (5, 8)(6, 7)(9, 12)(10, 11) The new monodromy group Mon(T ) = 〈s0, s1, s2, s3〉 has order 18432 = 73728/4 and again type {3, 12, 4}. However, the intersection condition on Mon(T ) fails. Indeed, for z = ss1s2s1s2s12 we find that zs0 = zs3s2s3 6∈ 〈s1, s2〉 . The earlier monodromy group Mon(Ut,ho) was a string C-group; we may use its central quotient to manufacture a minimal regular cover for T . Proposition 4.5. Let Z be the centre of Mon(Ut,ho). Then |Z| = 2, and the quotient Γ2 := Mon(Ut,ho)/Z is a string C-group of order 36864 and Schläfli type {3, 12, 4}. The corresponding regular 4-polytope R2 has facet type {3, 12} ∗ 576 and vertex-figure type {12, 4} ∗ 1152b (referring in each case to the census in [6]). Moreover,R2 is a minimal regular cover for the tomotope T . Proof. Using GAP we easily check that there is a 2 : 1 epimorphism Γ2 → Mon(T ) (of sggi’s). But Γ2 = Γ(R2) ' Mon(R2) by Proposition 2.5. This gives a map Mon(R2)→ Mon(T ), which by Proposition 2.8 induces a covering η : R2 → T . On the other hand, any regular cover trapped betweenR2 and T would, by Proposition 2.7, induce a corresponding sequence of maps on the monodromy groups. Since |Γ2| = 2·|Mon(T )|, and Mon(T ) fails the intersection condition, this forces an intermediate 4-polytope to coincide withR2. B. Monson, D. Pellicer and G. Williams: The tomotope 363 4.1 Aside: visualizing the tomotope To visualize the tomotope T imagine a core octahedron with 8 tetrahedra glued to its faces, suggesting the stella octangula. Next imagine this complex inscribed in a 2 × 2 × 2 cube and from that make toroidal-type identifications. Finally, we further identify antipodal faces of all ranks to get T . In Figure 4 you can see the 4 vertices, 4 = 8/2 tetrahedra and 1 hemioctahedron in the core. The other three hemioctahedra are red, yellow and green, and ‘run around’ the belts of those colours. For example, before making identifications, we may split a red octahedron into four sectors around a vertical axis of symmetry, then fit these into four red slots, two of which are visible in Figure 4. In this way we fill out the 2× 2× 2 cube before the final antipodal identifications. 4 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 4 1 3 1 Figure 4: The tomotope T . 5 Toroidal covers of T Since the tomotope T was constructed as a quotient of the uniform Euclidean tessellation U , it is natural to ask whether other quotients of U provide covers of T . Proposition 5.1. Let U be the uniform tessellation of R3 described above; and let Γ = Γ(U) be its symmetry group (see Figure 2). Suppose Σ is a subgroup of the translation group 〈τ1, τ2, τ3〉 of Γ, such that each orbit of Σ meets each proper section of U in at most one face. Then the quotient Q = QΣ := U/Σ is a (toroidal) 4-polytope, still with regular octa- hedral and tetrahedral facets, two each alternating around each edge. Furthermore, the monodromy group Mon(Q) is a string C-group of type {3, 12, 4}. Proof. It is clear on geometrical grounds that Q really is a polytope with the indicated properties, although we should use the modifier ‘toroidal’ only when the generators of Σ span R3. For a more rigorous proof we can refer to Proposition 2D9 in [13]; the indicated restrictions on Σ are exactly what is needed there. 364 Ars Math. Contemp. 5 (2012) 355–370 It remains to verify the intersection condition for Mon(Q) = 〈t0, t1, t2, t3〉. From Proposition 2.6, we have 〈t1, t2, t3〉 ' Mon(P), where the cuboctahedron P is isomorphic to the vertex-figure at each vertex of Q. Applying Proposition 2.6 again to P itself, where every vertex-figure is a 4-gon, we find that 〈t1, t2, t3〉 is a string C-group of type {12, 4} and order 2304. The corresponding regular 3-polytope P̃ is the minimal regular cover of P [7]. The cuboctahedron is, of course, orientable when considered as a spherical map; the triangles in a barycentric subdivision of the surface can be coloured alternately black and white. It follows that any relation tj1 · · · tjm = 1 in the generators t1, t2, t3 must have even length. The words of even length therefore constitute a subgroup of index 2 in 〈t1, t2, t3〉; let us call such elements ‘even’ and those in the other coset ‘odd’. Note that P̃ is itself orientable. To prove that Mon(Q) is a string C-group we need only show for k = 0, 1, 2 that g ∈ 〈t0, . . . , tk〉 ∩ 〈t1, t2, t3〉 implies g ∈ 〈t1, . . . , tk〉 [13, 2E16(b)]. For such g and any flag Φ of Q, both Φ and Φg have the same proper faces of rank j ∈ {0, k + 1, . . . , 3}. If k = 0 this automatically means Φg = Φ for all flags Φ, so g = 1. Suppose then that k = 2 and fix a particular flag Φ, say with an octahedral facet. Without loss of generality we may assume that g is an even element of 〈t1, t2, t3〉; otherwise we could could take gt1 instead. Since Q is strongly flag-connected, we have Φg = Φh for some h ∈ 〈t1, t2〉. Moreover, since g can be written as an even word in {t1, t2, t3}, we have that h = (t1t2)m for some m ∈ {0, 1, 2, 3}. (Note: since g ∈ 〈t1, t2, t3〉, g fixes the vertex in any flag of Q, and in particular must act like a rotation around the vertex of the octahedron.) Let Ψ be another flag of Q whose facet is an octahedron and let η be an isomorphism between the octahedral facet of Φ to that of Ψ. Then Ψg = (Φη)g = Φgη = Φhη = (Φη)h = Ψh. Thus g acts like (t1t2)m on all flags with an octahedral facet. A similar argument will show that there exists m′ ∈ {0, 1, 2} such that for each flag Λ whose facet is a tetrahedron, we have Λg = Λm ′ , where h′ = (t1t2)m ′ . Then g = (t1t2)l ∈ 〈t1, t2〉 on all flags of Q, where l = 4m′ − 3m. (We use the fact that gcd(4, 3) = 1.) The remaining case k = 1 is similar and easier. Remark 5.2. The subgroup 〈t0, t1, t2〉 is also a string C-group and has type {3, 12}. Taking Γ({3, 3}) = 〈α0, α1, α2〉 and Γ({3, 4}) = 〈β0, β1, β2〉, we find that the mapping 〈t0, t1, t2〉 → Γ({3, 3})× Γ({3, 4}) tj 7→ (αj , βj) is a well-defined injection. The image group, which we denote Γ({3, 3})♦Γ({3, 4}), is called the mix, or parallel product, of Γ({3, 3}) and Γ({3, 4}); see [21, 18] or [15]. It has order 576 = 242 and consists of all (α, β) such that α, β are either both even or both odd. We note that the full translation subgroup of Γ(U) = B̃3 can be identified with the group of all integer vectors 〈x, y, z〉 such that x + y + z is even. The condition on the subgroup Σ in Proposition 5.1 is equivalent to demanding that Σ contain none of the vectors 〈±1,±1, 0〉, 〈±2, 0, 0〉 for any choice of sign or permutation of coordinates. In other words, the ball x2 + y2 + z2 ≤ 4 should meet Σ only at 〈0, 0, 0〉. B. Monson, D. Pellicer and G. Williams: The tomotope 365 Referring to Figure 1, we see that the translation τ1τ2τ−13 has vector −−→ OD = 〈2, 0, 0〉. For each integer k ≥ 1, the relation (τ1τ2τ −1 3 ) k = 1 (5.1) and its conjugates in Γ effectively induce toroidal identifications on the opposite faces of a 2k × 2k × 2k block (of unit cubes). This family of toroids will be very useful to us: Definition 5.3. For k ≥ 1, let Σ(k) be the normal subgroup of Γ generated by (τ1τ2τ−13 )k. Let Qk := QΣ(k) be the corresponding uniform toroid, as described in Theorem 5.1. Let Wk := Γ/Σ(k) be the corresponding finite quotient group. Lemma 5.4. For k ≥ 1, the group Wk is presented by adjoining the extra relation (5.1) to those in (3.1), and |Wk| = 24 · (2k)3 . For k > 1, the polytope Qk has 4k3 vertices, 24k3 edges, 32k3 triangles, 8k3 tetrahedra and 4k3 octahedra; and Mon(Qk) is a string C-group. When k = 1, Q1 is merely a pre- polytope and Mon(Q1) is not a string C-group. Moreover, |Mon(Q1)| = 36864, and there is a 2 : 1 epimorphism Mon(Q1)→ Mon(T ) (of sggi’s). Proof. Since B̃3 ' Γ, we may as well reason geometrically. The toroid Qk contains (2k)3 unit cubes, each of which contains 24 = 48/2 copies of the fundamental simplicial domain for B̃3. Each unit cube contains exactly one tetrahedron, as well as half an octahedron. The details concerning Mon(Qk) follow at once from Theorem 5.1, when k > 1, and by explicit calculation in GAP when k = 1. Remark 5.5. With the help of Figure 1, it is easy to check that Σ(k) is generated by (τ1τ2τ −1 3 ) k, (τ2τ3τ−11 ) k and (τ3τ1τ−12 ) k. The above construction of Qk is essentially geometric. On the other hand, when k > 1, the group Wk, with the four induced involutory generators, satisfies (2.2) and hence the requirements of Proposition 3.2 (replacing Γ by Wk). The resulting abstract regular polytope is, of course, isomorphic to Qk. Definition 5.6. For k > 1, let Pk be the regular 4-polytope whose automorphism group is Mon(Qk). In order to connect the regular polytopes Pk to the tomotope T , we shall exploit an element in the monodromy group, which vividly illustrates the difference between mon- odromy and symmetry. Definition 5.7. In any sggi 〈t0, t1, t2, t3〉, let w = t0(t1t2) 6t0t1t3t2t3(t1t2) 6t3t2t3t1(t1t2) 6 . It will be convenient to abuse notation by simultaneously letting w refer to this element in several sggi’s of rank 4. 366 Ars Math. Contemp. 5 (2012) 355–370 Lemma 5.8. (a) In Mon(Qk) = 〈t0, t1, t2, t3〉, the element w fixes each flag containing a tetrahedral facet. On the other hand, if Φ is a flag with an octahedral facet, then w shifts Φ in exactly the same way as the translation from the vertex X of Φ to the opposite vertex Y in that equatorial square of the octahedron which contains the edge of Φ. (b) The element w has period k in Mon(Qk). In particular, w = 1 in Mon(Q1). (c) There is an epimorphism η̄ : Mon(Qk) → Mon(Q1) of sggi’s whose kernel is the elementary abelian group of order k6 generated by w, t0wt0, t1t0wt0t1, t3wt3, t3t0wt0t3, t3t1t0wt0t1t3 . (5.2) (d) The group Mon(Qk) has order 576 · (2k)6 = 36864 · k6. Proof. Ponder a model or Figure 1. Notice that w ‘disconnects’ the octahedral flags and independently maps them in the three orthogonal directions parallel to the diagonals of an octahedron. Now, in the group Mon(Qk), translations still commute and the basic translation −−→ OD from Figure 1 has period k. Thus the elements in (5.2) commute, have period k and generate a subgroup N of order k6 in Mon(Qk). It is clear from our construction that Qk covers Qm whenever m divides k. Proposi- tion 2.7 then gives an epimorphism Mon(Qk)→ Mon(Qm). For η̄ : Mon(Qk) → Mon(Q1), we observe that N ⊆ ker(η̄). To show equality we take f ∈ ker(η̄) and fix a hemioctahedral flag Φ. Since f ∈ ker(η̄), Φ is fixed modulo the action of the translation subgroup Σ(k) on Qk. Thus there exists τ ∈ Σ(k) such that Φf = Φτ . But Φτ = Φh for some h ∈ 〈w, t0wt0, t1t0wt0t1〉, so Φfh −1 = Φ. Notice that we can and do choose an h which fixes all tetrahedral flags Λ′. But the action of Mon(Qk) on flags commutes with that of the automorphism group Wk, so for any hemioctahedral flag Φ′ = Φγ, γ ∈ Wk, we have (Φ′)fh −1 = Φ′ . Sim- ilarly there exists g ∈ 〈t3wt3, t3t0wt0t3, t3t1t0wt0t1t3〉 such that (Λ′)fg −1 = Λ′ for all tetrahedral flags Λ′. Now g fixes all hemioctahedral flags. But gh = hg, so that fh−1g−1 = 1 in Mon(Qk) and f = gh ∈ N . This proves that N = ker(η̄) has order k6. Part (d) follows from Lemma 5.4. Theorem 5.9. Let p, q > 1 be coprime odd integers. Then the tomotope T has minimal regular coversRp andRq , neither of which covers the other or the regular coverR2 from Proposition 4.5. Proof. As in the proof of Lemma 5.8, we have Mon(Qp) → Mon(Q1) → Mon(T ). The string C-group Mon(Qp) ' Γ(Pp) therefore provides a regular cover Pp for T , by Proposition 2.8. Hence there must exist some minimal regular cover, say Rp, satisfying Pp → Rp → T . Likewise we have a minimal regular coverRq . Now supposeRp andRq cover some regular polytopeR, which in turn covers T . Then Mon(Pp) and Mon(Pq) both cover Mon(R) ' Γ(R); since gcd(p, q) = 1, it follows from Lemma 5.8 that the special element w = 1 in Γ(R). From Definition 5.7 we have that t3t2t3(t1t2) 6t3t2t3 = t1t0(t2t1) 6t0(t2t1) 6t1 holds in the string C-group Γ(R). Since the intersection condition holds here, we must have t1t0(t2t1) 6t0(t2t1) 6t1 ∈ 〈t0, t1, t2〉 ∩ 〈t1, t2, t3〉 = 〈t1, t2〉 . B. Monson, D. Pellicer and G. Williams: The tomotope 367 Mapping now to Mon(T ) we conclude that z := t0(t2t1) 6t0 ∈ 〈t1, t2〉 . But this is false by direct calculation. Indeed, z fixes all tetrahedral flags in T , yet acts like the reflection t1t2t1 on any hemioctahedral flag. This is a contradiction, since an element of the dihedral group 〈t1, t2〉 cannot act on different flags of the dodecagon {12} in both even and odd ways. Certainly Rp cannot cover Rq or vice versa. For similar reasons, neither of these regular polytopes can coverR2, since gcd(2, p) = 1 but w 6= 1 in Γ2 = Γ(R2). It is clear now that the tomotope must have infinitely many distinct minimal regular coversRp. In fact, it seems likely from the computational evidence thatRp = Pp, in other words, the regular cover arising from Definition 5.6 is actually minimal. But we conclude our investigations of such covers here. Remark 5.10. It may be that non-uniqueness of minimal regular covers is typical for non- regular abstract polytopes Q of rank n ≥ 4. But this is mere speculation, fueled a little by intuition; at this point we do not want to propose a more precise conjecture. 5.1 Another aside: a brief detour into crystallography We have observed that the Coxeter group B̃3 ' Γ(U) leaves invariant the face-centred cubic lattice and so is rightly called crystallographic. This enables a faithful representation in GL4(Z) in which the generators appear as ρ0 =  −1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 1  ρ1 =  1 1 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 2 0 1  ρ2 =  1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0 0 0 −1 0 0 0 0 1  ρ3 =  1 0 0 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 −1  (see [14] or [9, §6.6]). Now reduce the infinite group B̃3 modulo an integer r ≥ 2 and call the resulting finite group Mr. Since the new generators still have period 2, we keep calling them ρj . Once one has the basic translations τj under control, it is easy to explicitly calculate group orders and other details. For odd k > 1, we find that the earlier group Wk ' M2k; and for even k > 1, Wk is a 2 : 1 cover of M2k. The most pertinent case, however, is r = 2. (Now the ρj are transvections rather than reflections.) We find that M2 has order 96 and is a semidirect product Z42 o S3. In fact, reduction modulo 2 kills most of the translation subgroup of B̃3 and collapses the periods of ρ0ρ1ρ3 and ρ2ρ1ρ3 from 6 to 3. Therefore M2 ' Γ(T ), and we have reconstructed the automorphism group of the tomotope in another natural way. 368 Ars Math. Contemp. 5 (2012) 355–370 6 Reye’s configuration The incidence information for the faces of the tomotope is summarized in Figure 5. The face-numbers for ranks j = −1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 are indicated inside the circular nodes, reading left to right. The subscripts give incidence numbers for faces of adjacent rank. For example, there are 12 edges and 4 vertices; each edge lies on 2 vertices and each vertex on 6 edges (one for each 0-face of the hemicuboctahedron). As a simple check, we note that 4 · 6 = 12 · 2. Figure 5: Incidence diagram for the tomotope T . To understand the finer detail of the incidence structure, we envision the Hasse diagram for T as a graph and take the subgraph Ij,j+1 on faces of ranks j and j+1, for−1 ≤ j ≤ 3. Trivially, I−1,0 = K1,4 (a complete bipartite graph), whereas I3,4 = K4+4,1. For j = 0, we note that each vertex of T is joined by two edges to each other vertex, so that the 1- skeleton of T could be denoted K(2)4 ; thus I0,1 is the subdivision graph of K (2) 4 . Since every triangle lies between a tetrahedron and hemioctahedron, we see that I2,3 is likewise the subdivision graph of K4,4. For j = −1, 0, 2 or 3, it is actually easy to reconstruct the relevant portion of the Hasse diagram from Ij,j+1. It was Tomo who directed our attention to the really interesting case I1,2. Following [17] we can call I1,2 the medial layer graph for T . Tomo noticed that the configuration parameters (124, 163) are exactly those for the well-known Reye’s configuration. Is there a connection? Recall that Reye’s configuration K involves lines and points in ordinary real projective space. (See [19] for pictures and related obstructions to drawing K in the plane.) We may take the 16 lines of K to lie along the 12 edges and 4 diagonals of a cube; the 12 points of K are the vertices and centre of the cube, together with the 3 points at infinity from the parallel classes of edges of the cube. Each point therefore lies on 4 lines, each line on 3 points. To see that the edges and triangles of the tomotope are arranged in exactly the same way, we need some notation. Label the hemioctahedra 1, 2, 3, 4 and the tetrahedra −1,−2,−3, −4. The triangular faces of T can then be identified with the 16 ordered pairs (a,−b), with a, b ∈ J := {1, 2, 3, 4}. After inspecting a model or Figure 4, we find that we can label the edges of T by the symbols Xe, where X is a 2-subset of J and e = + or −. An edge X− is incident with the four triangles in X × (−X); an edge X+ is incident with the triangles in X × (−Xc), where Xc is the complement of X in J . It is easy to check that triangle (a,−b) really is incident with three edges, all with e = − when a = b, otherwise one with e = − and two with e = + when a 6= b. With a little patience, one can label the points and lines of K with the same symbols and according to the same rules. This gives us most of B. Monson, D. Pellicer and G. Williams: The tomotope 369 Proposition 6.1. The medial layer graph I1,2 for T is the Levi graph for Reye’s configu- ration K. The automorphism group K for I1,2 has order 576 and is a split extension of the tomotope group Γ(T ) by a dihedral group of order 6. Proof. We compute the groupK using GAP and the subsidiary packages GRAPE and nauty [20, 12]. Since Γ(T ) acts faithfully on edges of T , it must embed into K. Remark 6.2. Recall that the Levi graph for a point-line configuration is just the incidence graph on the elements of the configuration. The automorphism group of this graph is sometimes called the group of the configuration itself. It would of course be nice to have a more insightful explanation for why the tomotope contains Reye’s configuration. The group K is not isomorphic to the facet group of type {3, 12} and order 576 which appears in the monodromy group Mon(T ). Acknowledgement We want to thank the referee for some useful and thought-provoking comments. References [1] L. Chen, R. Moody and J. Patera, Non-crystallographic root systems, Quasicrystals and dis- crete geometry, Fields Inst. Monogr. 10, AMS, Providence, (1998), 135–178. [2] H. S. M. Coxeter, Wythoff’s construction for uniform polytopes, Proc. London Math. Soc. (2) 38 (1935), 327–339. [3] H. S. M. 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