i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 157 — #173 i i i i i i BLED WORKSHOPS IN PHYSICS VOL. 21, NO. 1 Proceedings to the 23rd [Virtual] Workshop, Volume 1 What Comes Beyond . . . (p. 157) Bled, Slovenia, July 4–12, 2020 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions in Clifford and in Grassmann Space, New Way of Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II N.S. Mankoč Borštnik1 and H.B.F. Nielsen2 1University of Ljubljana, Slovenia 2Niels Bohr Institute, Denmark Abstract. We present in Part II the description of the internal degrees of freedom of fermions by the superposition of odd products of the Clifford algebra elements, either γa’s or γ̃a’s [1–3], which determine with their oddness the anticommuting properties of the creation and annihilation operators of the second quantized fermion fields in even d-dimensional space-time, as we do in Part I of this paper by the Grassmann algebra of θa’s and ∂ ∂θa ’s. We discuss: i. The properties of the two kinds of the odd Clifford algebras, forming two independent spaces, both expressible with the Grassmann coordinates θa’s and their derivatives ∂ ∂θa ’s [2,7,8]. ii. The freezing out procedure of one of the two kinds of the odd Clifford objects, enabling that the remaining Clifford objects determine with their oddness in the tensor products of the finite number of the Clifford basis vectors and the infinite number of momentum basis, the creation and annihilation operators carrying the family quantum numbers and fulfilling the anticommutation relations of the second quan- tized fermions: on the vacuum state, and on the whole Hilbert space defined by the sum of infinite number of ”Slater determinants” of empty and occupied single fermion states. iii. The relation between the second quantized fermions as postulated by Dirac [19–21] and the ones following from our Clifford algebra creation and annihilation operators, what offers the explanation for the Dirac postulates. Povzetek. V drugem delu prispevka predstavita avtorja opis notranjega prostora fermionov v sodo razsežnih prostorih s superpozicijo lihih produktov elementov Cliffordove alge- bre, bodisi γa ali γ̃a [1–3]. Lihi značaj teh produktov določa antikomutacijske lastnosti kreacijskih in anihilacijskih operatorjev fermionskih stanj v drugi kvantizaciji brez Dira- covih postulatov. (V prvem delu prispevka sta predstavila fermionske prostotne stopnje z Grassmannovimi koordinatami θa in ∂ ∂θa ). Obravnavata: i. Lastnosti dveh vrst lihih Clif- fordovih objektov, ki tvorita neodvisna prostora. Obe Cliffordovi algebri sta izrazljivi z Grassmannovimi koordinatami θa in njihovimi odvodi ∂ ∂θa [2, 7, 8]. ii. Pokaěta, da četudi imajo vektorski produkti končnega števila lihih Cliffordovih produktov in (zvezno) neskončnega števila bazičnih vektorjev v običajnem prostoru antikomutacijski značaj kot ga Dirac predpiše za fermione v drugi kvantizaciji v vsaki od Cliffordih algeber posebej, pa ustreže predlagani opis fermionov opazljivim lastnostim fermionov šele, ko s postulatom zagotovita, da samo ena od algeber opiše notranji prostor fermionov, operatorji preostale algebre pa določajo kvantna števila družin — na vakuumskem stanju in na celem Hilber- tovem prostoru, ki ga določa vsota neskočnega števila “Slaterjevih determinant” praznih in zasedenih enofermionskih stanj, ki imajo vsa lihi značaj. iii. Relacijo med Diracovimi postu- i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 158 — #174 i i i i i i 158 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen lati za fermione v drugi kvantizaciji [19–21] in obravnavano potjo do drude kvantizacije, ki pojasni Diracove privzetke. Keywords: Second quantization of fermion fields in Clifford and in Grassmann space, Spinor representations in Clifford and in Grassmann space, Explanation of the Dirac postulates, Kaluza-Klein-like theories, Higher dimensional spaces, Beyond the standard model 9.1 Introduction In a long series of works we, mainly one of us N.S.M.B. ( [1–3, 10–15] and the references therein), have found phenomenological success with the model named by N.S.M.B the spin-charge-family theory, with fermions, the internal space of which is describable as superposition of odd products of the Clifford algebra elements γa’s in d = (13 + 1) (may be with d infinity), interacting with only gravity. The spins of fermions from higher dimensions, d > (3 + 1), manifest in d = (3 + 1) as charges of the standard model, the gravity originating in higher dimensions manifest as the standard model vector gauge fields and the scalar Higgs explaining the Yukawa couplings. There are two kinds of anticommuting algebras, the Grassmann algebra and the Clifford algebra, the later with two independent subalgebras. The Grassmann algebra, with elements θa, and their Hermitian conjugated partners ∂ ∂θa [3], de- scribes fermions with the integer spins and charges in the adjoint representations, the two Clifford algebras, we call their elements γa and γ̃a, can each of them be used to describe half integer spins and charges in the fundamental representations. The Grassmann algebra is expressible with the two Clifford algebras and opposite. The two papers explain how do the oddness of the internal space of fermions manifests in the single particle wave functions, relating the oddness of the wave functions to the corresponding creation and annihilation operators of the to the sec- ond quantized fermions, in the Grassmann case and in the Clifford case, explaining therefore the postulates of Dirac for the second quantized fermions. We learn in Part I of this paper, that in d-dimensional space 2d−1 superposition of odd products of d θa’s exist, chosen to be the eigenvectors of the Cartan subalgebra, Eq. (4) of Part I, and arranged in tensor products with the momentum space to be solutions of the equation of motion for free massless “fermions”, Eq. (21) of Part I. The creation operators, defined as the tensor products of the superposition of the finite number of ”basis vectors” in Grassmann space, guaranteeing the oddness of operators, and of the infinite basis in momentum space, form — applied on the vacuum state — the second quantized states of integer spin ”Grassmann fermions”. The creation operators fulfill together with their Hermitian conjugated partners annihilation operators (based on the internal space of odd products of ∂ ∂θa ’s) all the requirements of the anticommutation relations postulated by Dirac for fermions: i. on the simple vacuum state | 1 > (Eqs. (7,11) of Part I), ii. on the Hilbert spaceH (= ∏∞ ~p ⊗NH~p, with the number of empty and occupied single fermion states for i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 159 — #175 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 159 particular ~p equal to 22 d−1 ) of infinite many ”Slater determinants” of all possible empty and occupied single fermion states (with the infinite number of possibilities of moments for each of 2d−1 internal degrees of freedom), Eqs. (25, 34) of Part I. While the creation and annihilation operators, which are superposition of odd products of θa’s and ∂ ∂θa ’s, respectively, anticommute on the vacuum state |φo >= | 1 >, Eq. (7,11), the superposition of even products of θa’s and ∂∂θa ’s, respectively, commute, Eq. (16) of Part I. The superposition of odd products of γa’s and their Hermitian conjugated partners, as well as of odd products of γ̃a’s and their Hermitian conjugated part- ners, on the corresponding vacuum states, Eq. (9.18), anticommute. Since the tensor products of the ”basis vectors” determining the internal space of Clifford fermions and of the basis in momentum space manifest oddness of the internal space, no postulates of anticommutation relations as in the Dirac second quantiza- tion proposal is needed also for Clifford fermions with the internal space described by one of the two Clifford objects (in Subsect. 9.2.2 we make a choice of γa’s). The oddness of the ” basis vectors”, defining the internal space of fermions, transfers to the creation and annihilation operators forming the second quantized single fermion states in the Clifford and the Grassmann space. The ”Grassmann fermions” have integer spins, and spins in the part with d ≥ 5 manifesting as charges in d = (3+ 1), in adjoint representations, Table I in Part I. There is no operator which would connect different irreducible representations of the corresponding Lorentz group. There are no elementary fermions with integer spin observed so far either. The Clifford fermions, describing the internal space with γa’s, have half integer spins and spins in the part with d ≥ 5manifesting as charges in d = (3+1) in fundamental representations [10–12, 15, 17, 18]. The operators S̃ab (= i 4 {γ̃aγ̃b − γ̃bγ̃a)}−) connect, after the reduction of the Clifford algebra degrees of freedom by a factor of 2, Subsect. 9.2.2, different irreducible representations of the Lorentz group Sab (= i 4 {γaγb − γbγa}−) and determine “family” quantum numbers. All in agreement with the observed families of quarks and leptons. In Part II the properties of the two kinds of the Clifford algebras objects, γa’s and γ̃a’s, are discussed. Both are expressible with θa’s and ∂ ∂θa ’s (γa = (θa+ ∂ ∂θa ), γ̃a = i (θa− ∂ ∂θa ) [2,7,8]), and both are, up to a constant ηaa = (1,−1,−1, . . . ,−1), Hermitian operators. Each of these two kinds of the Clifford algebra objects of an odd Clifford character (superposition of odd number of products of either γa’s or γ̃a’s, respectively) has 2d−1 members, together again 2 · 2d−1 members, the same as in the case of ”Grassmann fermions”. These two internal spaces, described by the two Clifford algebras, are inde- pendent, each of them with their own generators of the Lorentz transformations, Eq. (9.3), and their corresponding Cartan subalgebras, Eq. (9.4). In each of these two internal spaces there exist 2 d 2 −1 ”basis vectors” in 2 d 2 −1 irreducible representations, chosen to be ‘’eigenvectors” of the corresponding Cartan subalgebra elements, Eq. (9.5), and having the properties of creation and annihilation operators (the Hermitian conjugated partners of the creation oper- ators) on the vacuum state: i. The application of any creation operator on the vacuum state, Eq. (9.18), gives nonzero contribution, while the application of any i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 160 — #176 i i i i i i 160 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen annihilation operator on the vacuum state gives zero contribution. ii. Within each of these two spaces all the annihilation operators anticommute among themselves and all the creation operators anticommute among themselves. iii. The vacuum state is a superposition of products of the annihilation operators with their Her- mitian conjugated partners creation operators, like in the Grassmann case. The Clifford vacuum states, Eq. (9.18), are not the identity like in the Grassmann case, Eq. (19) in Part I. However, there is not only the anticommutator of the creation operator and its Hermitian conjugated partner, which gives the nonzero contribution on the vacuum state in each of the two spaces — what in the Grassmann algebra is the case, and what the postulates of Dirac require. There are, namely, the additional (2 d 2 −1−1) members of the same irreducible representation, to which the Hermitian conjugated partner of the creation operator belongs, giving the nonzero anticom- mutator with this creation operator on the vacuum state (Eq. (9.11) in Subsect. 9.2.1 illustrates such a case). And, there is no operators, which would connect different irreducible rep- resentations in each of the two Clifford algebras and correspondingly there is no “family” quantum number for each irreducible representation, needed to de- scribe the observed quarks and leptons. (Let the reader be reminded that also the Grassmann algebra has no operators, which would connect different irreducible representations. The Dirac’s second quantization postulates do not take care of charges and families of fermions, both can be treated and incorporated into the second quantization postulates as quantum numbers of additional groups as proposed by the standard model.) We solve these problems with the requirement, presented in Eq. (9.12): γ̃aB = (−)B i Bγa, with (−)B = −1, if B is (a function of) an odd product of γa’s, otherwise (−)B = 1 [8]. We present in the subsection 9.1.1 of this section a short overview of steps, which lead to the second quantized fermions in the Clifford space, offering the explanation for the Dirac’s postulates. In the subsection 9.1.2 we discuss our assumption, that the oddness of the ”basis vectors” in the internal space transfer to the corresponding creation and annihilation operators determining the second quantized single fermion states and correspondingly the Hilbert space of the second quantized fermions, in a generalized way. We present in Sect. 9.2 the properties of the Clifford algebra ”basis vectors” in the space of d γa’s and in the space of d γ̃a’s. In Subsect. 9.2.1 we discuss properties of the ”basis vectors” of half integer spin. In Subsect. 9.2.2 we discuss conditions, under which operators of one of these two kinds of the Clifford algebra objects demonstrate by themselves the anticommutation relations required for the second quantized ”fermions”, manifesting the half integer spins, offering the explanation for the spin and charges of the observed quarks and leptons and anti-quarks and anti-leptons and also for their families [1–3, 10–15, 17]. In Subsect. 9.2.3 we generate the basis states manifesting the family quantum numbers. In Subsect. 9.2.4 the superposition of ”basis vectors”, solving the Weyl equa- tion, are constructed, forming creation operators depending on the momenta and i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 161 — #177 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 161 fulfilling with their Hermitian conjugated partners the anticommutation relations for the second quantized fermions. We illustrate in Sect. 9.2.5 properties of the Clifford odd ”basis vectors” in d = (5+1)-dimensional space, and extending the internal space in a tensor product to momentum space, we present also the superposition solving the Weyl equation, and correspondingly present creation and annihilation operators depending on the momentum ~p. We present in Sect. 9.3 the Hilbert space H~p of particular momentum ~p as ”Slater determinants”: i. with no ”fermions” occupying any of the 2d−2 fermion states, ii. with one ”fermion” occupying one of the 2d−2 fermion states, iii. with two ”fermions” occupying the 2d−2 fermion states,..., up to the ”Slater determinant” with all possible fermion states of a particular ~p occupied by ”fermions”. The total Hilbert spaceH is then the tensor product∏∞⊗N of infinite number ofH~p. OnH the tensor products of creation and annihilation operators (solving the equations of motion for free massless fermions) manifest the anticommutation relations of second quantized ”fermions” without any postulates. We also illustrate the application of the tensor products of creation and annihillation operators onH in a simple toy model. In Subsect. 9.3.4 the correspondence between our way and the Dirac way of second quantized fermions is presented, demonstrating that our way does explain the Dirac’s postulates. In Sect. 9.4 we note that the present work is the part of the project named the spin-charge-family theory of one of the two authors of this paper (N.S.M.B.). In Sect. 9.5 we comment on what we have learned from the second quantized integer spins ”fermions”, with the internal degrees of freedom described with Grassmann algebra, manifesting (from the point of view of d = (3+ 1)) charges in the adjoint representations and compare these recognitions with the recognitions, which the Clifford algebra is offering for the description of fermions, appearing in families of the irreducible representations of the Lorentz group in the internal — Clifford — space, with half integer spins and charges and family quantum numbers in the fundamental representations [1–3, 10–15]. 9.1.1 Steps leading to second quantized Clifford fermions We claim that when the internal part of the single particle wave functions anticom- mute under the Clifford algebra product ∗A, then the wave functions with such internal part, extended with a tensor product to momentum space, anticommute as well, and so do anticommute the creation and annihillation operators, creating and annihilating the extended fermion states, assuming that the oddness of the algebra of the wave function extends to the creation and annihilation operators as presented in Subsect. 9.1.2. If the internal part commute with respect to ∗A then the corresponding wave functions and the creation operators commute as well. Let us present steps which lead to the second quantized Clifford fermions, when using the odd Clifford algebra objects to define their internal space: i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 162 — #178 i i i i i i 162 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen i. The superposition of an odd number of the Clifford algebra elements, either of γa’s or of γ̃a, each with 2 · (2d2−1)2 degrees of freedom, is used to describe the internal space of fermions in even dimensional spaces. ii. The ”basis vectors” — the superposition of an odd number of Clifford algebra elements — are chosen to be the ”eigenvectors” of the Cartan subalgebras, Eq. (9.4), of the corresponding Lorentz algebras, Eq. (9.3), in each of the two algebras. iii. There are two groups of 2 d 2 −1 members of 2 d 2 −1 irreducible representa- tions of the corresponding Lorentz group, for either γa’s or for γ̃a algebras, each member of one group has its Hermitian conjugated partner in another group. Making a choice of one group of ”basis vectors” (for either γa’s or for γ̃a) to be creation operators, the other group of ”basis vectors” represents the annihilation operators. The creation operators anticommute among themselves and so do anticommute annihilation operators. iv. The vacuum state is then (for either γa’s or for γ̃a’s algebras) the super- position of products of annihilation × their Hermitian conjugated partners the creation operators. The application of the creation operators on the vacuum state forms the ”basis states” in each of the two spaces. The application of the annihilation operators on the vacuum state gives zero, Subsect. 9.1.2. v. The requirement that application of γ̃a on γa gives −iηaa, and the appli- cation of γ̃a on identity gives iηaa and that only γa’s are used to determine the internal space of half integer fermions, Eq. (9.2.2), reduces the dimension of the Clifford algebra for a factor of two, enabling that the Cartan subalgebra of S̃ab’s determines the ”family” quantum numbers of each irreducible representation of Sab’s, Eq. (9.3), and correspondingly also of their Hermitian conjugated partners. vi. The tensor products of superposition of the finite number of members of the ”basis vectors” and the infinite dimensional momentum basis, chosen to solve the Weyl equations for free massless half integer spin fermions, determine the creation and (their Hermitian conjugated partners) annihilation operators, which depend on the momenta ~p, while |p0| = |~p| (pa = (p0, p1, p2, p3, p5, . . . , pd)), man- ifesting the properties of the observed fermions. These creation and annihilation operators fulfill on the Hilbert space all the requirements for the second quantized fermions, postulated by Dirac, Eq. (9.28) [19–21]. vii. The second quantized Hilbert space H~p of a particular ~p is a tensor product of creation operators of a particular ~p, defining ”Slater determinants” with no single particle state occupied (with no creation operators applying on the vacuum state), with one single particle state occupied (with one creation operator applying on the vacuum state), with two single particle states occupied, and so on, defining in d-dimensional space 2(2 d 2 −1)2 dimensional space for each ~p. viii. Total Hilbert space is the infinite product (⊗N) ofH~p : H = ∏∞ ~p ⊗NH~p. The notation ⊗N is to point out that odd algebraic products of the Clifford γa’s operators anticommute no matter for which ~p they define the orthonormalized su- perposition of ”basis vectors”, solving the equations of motion as the orthonormal- ized plane wave solutions with p0 = |~p| and that the anticommutation character keeps also in the tensor product of internal basis and momentum basis. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 163 — #179 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 163 Since the momentum space belonging to different ~p satisfy the ”orthogonality” relations, the creation and annihilation operators determined by ~p anticommute with the creation and annihilation operators determined by any other ~p ′. This means that in what ever way the Hilbert spaceH is arranged, the sign is changed whenever a creation or an annihilation operator, applying on the Hilbert spaceH, jumps over odd number of occupied states. No postulates for the second quantized fermions are needed in our odd Clifford space with creation and annihilation operators carrying the family quantum numbers. x. Correspondingly the creation and annihilation operators with the internal space described by either odd Clifford or odd Grassmann algebra, since fulfilling the anticommutation relations required for the second quantized fermions without postulates, explain the Dirac’s postulates for the second quantized fermions. 9.1.2 Our main assumption and definitions (This subsection is the same as the one of Part I.) In this subsection we clarify how does the main assumption of Part I and Part II: the decision to describe the internal space of fermions with the ”basis vectors” expressed with the superposition of odd products of the anticommuting members of the algebra, either the Clifford one or the Grassmann one, acting algebraically, ∗A, on the internal vacuum state |ψo >, relate to the creation and annihilation anticommuting operators of the second quantized fermion fields. To appreciate the need for this kind of assumption, let us first have in mind that algebra with the product ∗A is only present in our work, usually not in other works, and thus has no well known physical meaning. It is at first a product by which you can multiply two internal wave functions Bi and Bj with each other, Ck = Bi ∗A Bj , Bi ∗A Bj = ∓Bj ∗A Bi , the sign ∓ depends on whether Bi and Bj are products of odd or even number of algebra elements: The sign is − if both are (superposition of) odd products of algebra elements, in all other cases the sign is +. Let Rd−1 define the external spatial or momentum space. Then the tensor product ∗T extends the internal wave functions into the wave functions C~p, i defined in both spaces C~p, i = |~p > ∗T |Bi > , where again Bi represent the superposition of products of elements of the anti- commuting algebras, in our case either θa or γa or γ̃a, used in this paper. We can make a choice of the orthogonal and normalized basis so that < C~p,i|C ~p ′,j >= δ(~p ~p ′) δij. Let us point out that either Bi or C~p, i apply algebraically on the vacuum state, Bi ∗A |ψo > and C~p, i ∗A |ψo >. Usually a product of single particle wave functions is not taken to have any physical meaning in as far as most physicists simply do not work with such products at all. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 164 — #180 i i i i i i 164 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen To give to the algebraic product, ∗A, and to the tensor product, ∗T , defined on the space of single particle wave functions, the physical meaning, we postulate the connection between the anticommuting/commuting properties of the ”basis vectors”, expressed with the odd/even products of the anticommuting algebra elements and the corresponding creation operators, creating second quantized single fermion/boson states b̂†C~p,i ∗A |ψo > = |ψ~p,i > , b̂†C~p,i ∗T |ψ ~p ′,j > = 0 , if~p = ~p ′ and i = j , in all other cases it follows b̂†C~p,i ∗T b̂ † C ~p ′,j ∗A |ψo > = ∓ b̂†C ~p ′,j ∗T b̂ † C~p,i ∗A |ψo > , with the sign ± depending on whether b̂†C~p,i have both an odd character, the sign is −, or not, then the sign is +. To each creation operator b̂†C~p,i its Hermitian conjugated partner represents the annihilation operator b̂C~p,i b̂C~p,i = (b̂ † C~p,i )† , with the property b̂C~p,i ∗A |ψo > = 0 , defining the vacuum state as |ψo >: = ∑ i (Bi) † ∗A Bi | I > where summation i runs over all different products of annihilation operator × its Hermitian conjugated creation operator, no matter for what ~p , and | I > represents the identity, (Bi)† represents the Hermitian conjugated wave function to Bi. Let the tensor multiplication ∗T denotes also the multiplication of any number of single particle states, and correspondingly of any number of creation operators. What further means that to each single particle wave function we define the creation operator b̂†C~p,i , applying in a tensor product from the left hand side on the second quantized Hilbert space — consisting of all possible products of any number of the single particle wave functions — adding to the Hilbert space the single particle wave function created by this particular creation operator. In the case of the second quantized fermions, if this particular wave function with the quantum numbers and ~p of b̂†C~p,i is already among the single fermion wave functions of a particular product of fermion wave functions, the action of the creation operator gives zero, otherwise the number of the fermion wave functions increases for one. In the boson case the number of boson second quantized wave functions increases always for one. If we apply with the annihilation operator b̂C~p,i on the second quantized Hilbert space, then the application gives a nonzero contribution only if the partic- ular products of the single particle wave functions do include the wave function with the quantum number i and ~p. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 165 — #181 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 165 In a Slater determinant formalism the single particle wave functions define the empty or occupied places of any of infinite numbers of Slater determinants. The creation operator b̂†C~p,i applies on a particular Slater determinant from the left hand side. Jumping over occupied states to the place with its i and ~p. If this state is occupied, the application gives in the fermion case zero, in the boson case the number of particles increase for one. The particular Slater determinant changes sign in the fermion case if b̂†C~p,i jumps over odd numbers of occupied states. In the boson case the sign of the Slater determinant does not change. When annihilation operator b̂C~p,i applies on particular Slater determinant, it is jumping over occupied states to its own place, giving zero, if this space is empty and decreasing the number of occupied states, if this space is occupied. The Slater determinant changes sign in the fermion case, if the number of occupied states before its own space is odd. In the boson case the sign does not change. Let us stress that choosing antisymmetry or symmetry is a choice which we make when treating fermions or bosons, respectively, namely the choice of using oddness or evenness of basis vectors, that is the choice of using odd products or even products of algebra anticummuting elements. To describe the second quantized fermion states we make a choice of the basis vectors, which are the superposition of the odd numbers of algebra elements, of both Clifford and Grassmann algebras. The creation operators and their Hermitian conjugation partners annihilation operators therefore in the fermion case anticommute. The single fermion states, which are the application of the creation operators on the vacuum state |ψo >, manifest correspondingly as well the oddness. The vacuum state, defined as the sum over all different products of annihilation × the corresponding creation operators, have an even character. Let us end up with the recognition: One usually means antisymmetry when talking about Slater-determinants because otherwise one would not get determinants. In the present paper [1,2,7,10] the choice of the symmetrizing versus antisym- metrizing relates indeed the commutation versus anticommutation with respect to the a priori completely different product ∗A, of anticommuting members of the Clifford or Grassmann algebra. The oddness or evenness of these products transfer to quantities to which these algebras extend. 9.2 Properties of Clifford algebra in even dimensional spaces We can learn in Part I that in d-dimensional space of anticommuting Grassmann coordinates (and of their Hermitian conjugated partners — derivatives), Eqs. (2,6) of Part I, there exist two kinds of the Clifford coordinates (operators) — γa and γ̃a — both are expressible in terms of θa and their conjugate momenta pθa = i ∂ ∂θa [2]. γa = (θa + ∂ ∂θa ) , γ̃a = i (θa − ∂ ∂θa ) , θa = 1 2 (γa − iγ̃a) , ∂ ∂θa = 1 2 (γa + iγ̃a) , (9.1) i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 166 — #182 i i i i i i 166 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen offering together 2 · 2d operators: 2d of those which are products of γa and 2d of those which are products of γ̃a. Taking into account Eqs. (1,2) of Part I ({θa, θb}+ = 0, { ∂∂θa , ∂ ∂θb }+ = 0, {θa, ∂ ∂θb }+ = δab, θa† = ηaa ∂∂θa and ( ∂ ∂θa )† = ηaaθa) one finds {γa, γb}+ = 2η ab = {γ̃a, γ̃b}+ , {γa, γ̃b}+ = 0 , (a, b) = (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, · · · , d) , (γa)† = ηaa γa , (γ̃a)† = ηaa γ̃a , (9.2) with ηab = diag{1,−1,−1, · · · ,−1}. It follows for the generators of the Lorentz algebra of each of the two kinds of the Clifford algebra operators, Sab and S̃ab, that: Sab = i 4 (γaγb − γbγa) , S̃ab = i 4 (γ̃aγ̃b − γ̃bγ̃a) , Sab = Sab + S̃ab , {Sab, S̃ab}− = 0 , {Sab, γc}− = i(η bcγa − ηacγb) , {S̃ab, γ̃c}− = i(η bcγ̃a − ηacγ̃b) , {Sab, γ̃c}− = 0 , {S̃ ab, γc}− = 0 , (9.3) where Sab = i (θa ∂ ∂θb − θb ∂ ∂θa ), Eq. (3) of Part I. Let us make a choice of the Cartan subalgebra of the commuting operators of the Lorentz algebra for each of the two kinds of the operators of the Clifford algebra, Sab and S̃ab, equivalent to the choice of Cartan subalgebra of Sab in the Grassmann case, Eq. (4) in Part I, S03, S12, S56, · · · , Sd−1 d , S̃03, S̃12, S̃56, · · · , S̃d−1 d . (9.4) Representations of γa and representations of γ̃a are independent, each with twice 2 d 2 −1 members in 2 d 2 −1 irreducible representations of an odd Clifford char- acter and with twice 2 d 2 −1 members in 2 d 2 −1irreducible representations of an even Clifford character in even dimensional spaces. We make a choice for the members of the irreducible representations of the two Lorentz groups to be the ”eigenvectors” of the corresponding Cartan subalgebra of Eq. (9.4), taking into account Eq. (9.2), Sab 1 2 (γa + ηaa ik γb) = k 2 1 2 (γa + ηaa ik γb) , Sab 1 2 (1+ i k γaγb) = k 2 1 2 (1+ i k γaγb) , S̃ab 1 2 (γ̃a + ηaa ik γ̃b) = k 2 1 2 (γ̃a + ηaa ik γ̃b) , S̃ab 1 2 (1+ i k γ̃aγ̃b) = k 2 1 2 (1+ i k γ̃aγ̃b) . (9.5) The Clifford ”vectors” — nilpotents and projectors — of both algebras are normal- ized, up to a phase, with respect to Eq. (9.45) of 9.6. Both have half integer spins. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 167 — #183 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 167 The ”eigenvalues” of the operator S03, for example, for the ”vector” 1 2 (γ0 ∓ γ3) are equal to ± i 2 , respectively, for the ”vector” 1 2 (1± γ0γ3) are ± i 2 , respectively, while all the rest ”vectors” have ”eigenvalues” ± 1 2 . One finds equivalently for the ”eigenvectors” of the operator S̃03: for 1 2 (γ̃0 ∓ γ̃3) the ”eigenvalues” ± i 2 , respectively, and for the ”eigenvectors” 1 2 (1± γ̃0γ̃3) the ”eigenvalues” k = ± i 2 , respectively, while all the rest ”vectors” have k = ± 1 2 . To make discussions easier let us introduce the notation for the ”eigenvectors” of the two Cartan subalgebras, Eq. (9.4), Ref. [2, 7]. ab (k): = 1 2 (γa + ηaa ik γb) , ab (k) † = ηaa ab (−k) , ( ab (k))2 = 0 , ab [k]: = 1 2 (1+ i k γaγb) , ab [k] † = ab [k] , ( ab [k])2 = ab [k] , ab ˜(k): = 1 2 (γ̃a + ηaa ik γ̃b) , ab ˜(k) † = ηaa ab ˜(−k) , ( ab ˜(k))2 = 0 , ab ˜[k]: = 1 2 (1+ i k γ̃aγ̃b) , ab ˜[k] † = ab ˜[k] , ( ab ˜[k])2 = ab ˜[k] , (9.6) with k2 = ηaaηbb. Let us notice that the “eigenvectors” of the Cartan subalgebras are either projectors ( ab [k])2 = ab [k] , ( ab ˜[k])2 = ab ˜[k] , or nilpotents ( ab (k))2 = 0 , ( ab ˜(k))2 = 0 . We pay attention on even dimensional spaces, d = 2(2n+ 1) or d = 4n, n ≥ 0. The ”basis vectors”, which are products of d 2 either of nilpotents or of pro- jectors or of both, are “eigenstates‘’ of all the members of the Cartan subalgebra, Eq. (9.4), of the corresponding Lorentz algebra, forming 2 d 2 −1 irreducible repre- sentations with 2 d 2 −1 members in each of the two Clifford algebras cases. The ”basis vectors” of Eq. (9.7) are ”eigenvectors” of all the Cartan subalgebra members, Eq. (9.4), in d = 2(2n + 1)-dimensional space of γa’s. The first one is the product of nilpotents only and correspondingly a superposition of an odd products of γa’s. The second one belongs to the same irreducible representation as the first one, if it follows from the first one by the application of S01, for example. 03 (+i) 12 (+) · · · d−1d (+) , 03 [−i] 12 [−i] 56 (+) · · · d−1d (+) , 03 [−i] 12 [−] · · · d−1d [−] . (9.7) One finds for their Hermitian conjugated partners, up to a sign, 03 (−i) 12 (−) · · · d−1d (−) , 03 [−i] 12 [−i] 56 (−) · · · d−1d (−) , 03 [−i] 12 [−] · · · · · · d−1d [−] . i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 168 — #184 i i i i i i 168 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen The ”basis vectors” form an orthonormal basis within each of the irreducible representations or among irreducible representations, like the product of the following annihilation and the corresponding creation operator: d−1d (−) · · · 12 (−) 03 (−i) ∗A 03 (+i) 12 (+) · · · d−1d (+) = 1, while all the algebraic products, which do not relate the annihilation operators with their Hermitian conjugated creation operators, give zero. Usually the operators γa’s are represented as matrices. We use γa’s here to form the basis. One can find in Ref. [9] how does the application of γa’s on the basis defined in d = (3+ 1) look like. 9.2.1 Clifford “basis vectors” with half integer spin In the Grassmann case the 2d−1 odd and 2d−1 even Grassmann operators, which are superposition of either odd or even products of θa’s, are well distinguishable from their 2d−1 odd and 2d−1 even Hermitian conjugated operators, which are superposition of odd and even products of ∂ ∂θa ’s, Eq. (6) in Part I. In the Clifford case the relation between ”basis vectors” and their Hermitian conjugated partners (made of products of nilpotents ( ab (k) or ab ˜(k)) and projectors ( ab [k] or ab ˜[k]), Eq. (9.6), are less transparent (although still easy to be evaluated). This can be noticed in Eq. (9.6), since 1√ 2 (γa + η aa i k γb)† is ηaa 1√ 2 (γa + η aa i (−k)γ b), while ( 1√ 2 (1+ i k γaγb))† = 1√ 2 (1+ i k γaγb) is self adjoint. (This is the case also for representations in the sector of γ̃a’s.) One easily sees that in even dimensional spaces, either in d = 2(2n+ 1) or in d = 4n, the Clifford odd ”basis vectors” (they are products of an odd number of nilpotents and an even number of projectors) have their Hermitian conjugated part- ners in another irreducible representation, since Hermitian conjugation changes an odd number of nilpotents (changing at the same time the handedness of the ”basis vectors”), while the generators of the Lorentz transformations change two nilpotents at the same time (keeping the handedness unchanged). The Clifford even ”basis vectors” have an even number of nilpotents and can have an odd or an even number of projectors. Correspondingly an irreducible representation of an even ”basis vector” can be a product of projectors only and therefore is self adjoint. Let us recognize the properties of the nilpotents and projectors. The relations are taken from Ref. [10]. ab (k) ab (k) = 0 , ab (k) ab (−k)= ηaa ab [k] , ab [k] ab [k] = ab [k] , ab [k] ab [−k]= 0 , ab (k) ab [k] = 0 , ab [k] ab (k)= ab (k) , ab (k) ab [−k] = ab (k) , ab [k] ab (−k)= 0 . (9.8) The same relations are valid also if one replaces ab (k) with ab ˜(k) and ab [k] with ab ˜[k], Eq. (9.6). i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 169 — #185 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 169 Taking into account Eq. (9.8) one recognizes that the product of annihilation and the creation operator from Eq. (9.7), 03 (−i) 12 (−) · · · d−1d (−) ∗A 03 (+i) 12 (+) · · · d−1d (+) , ap- plied on a vacuum state — defined as a sum of products of all annihilation × their Hermitian conjugated partner creation operators from all irreducible represen- tations, 03 [−i] 12 [−] 56 [−] · · · d−1d [−] + 03 [+i] 12 [+] 56 [−] · · · d−1d [−] + 03 [+i] 12 [−] 56 [+] 78 [−] · · · d−1d [−] + · · · , Eq. (9.18), gives a nonzero contribution, but is not the only one for a chosen creation operator. There are several other choices, like 03 [+i] 12 [+] · · · d−1d (−) ∗A 03 (+i) 12 (+) · · · d−1d (+) , 03 [+i] 12 (−) 56 [+] · · · d−1d (−) ∗A 03 (+i) 12 (+) · · · d−1d (+) , which also give nonzero contributions. Let us recognize: i. The two Clifford spaces, the one spanned by γa’s and the second one spanned by γ̃a’s, are independent vector spaces, each with 2d ”vectors”. ii. The Clifford odd ”vectors” (the superposition of products of odd numbers of γa’s or γ̃a’s, respectively) can be arranged for each kind of the Clifford algebras into two groups of 2 d 2 −1 members of 2 d 2 −1 irreducible representations of the corresponding Lorentz group. The two groups are Hermitian conjugated to each other. iii. Different irreducible representations are indistinguishable with respect to the ”eigenvalues” of the corresponding Cartan subalgebra members. iv. The Clifford even part (made of superposition of products of even numbers of γa’s and γ̃a’s, respectively) splits as well into twice 2 d 2 −1 · 2d2−1 irreducible representations of the Lorentz group. One member of each Clifford even represen- tation, the one which is the product of projectors only, is self adjoint. Members of one irreducible representation are with respect to the Cartan subalgebra indistin- guishable from all the other irreducible representations. v. The 2 d 2 −1 members of each of the 2 d 2 −1 irreducible representations are orthogonal to one another and so are orthogonal their corresponding Hermitian conjugated partners. For illustration of the orthogonality one can look at Table 9.1, and recognize that any ”basis vector” of the first four multiplets of odd I, if mul- tiplied from the left hand side or from the right hand side with any other ”basis vector” from the rest three ”families” of odd I get zero when taking into account Eq. (9.8). One can repeat this also for any ”basis vectors” of all the “families” of odd I, as well as among all the “basis vectors” within odd II. Generalization to any even dimension d is straightforward. vi. Denoting ”basis vectors” by b̂m†f , (where f defines different irreducible representations and m a member in the representation f), and their Hermitian conjugate partners by b̂mf = (b̂ m† f ) †, let us start for d = 2(2n+ 1) with b̂m=1†f=1 : = 03 (+i) 12 (+) · · · d−1d (+) , (b̂m=1†f=1 ) † = b̂m=1f=1 : = d−1d (−) · · · 12 (−) 03 (−i) , (9.9) i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 170 — #186 i i i i i i 170 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen and making a choice of the vacuum state |ψoc > as a sum of all the products of b̂mf · b̂m†f for all f = (1, 2, · · · , 2 d 2 −1), one recognizes for the ”basis vectors” of an odd Clifford character for each of the two Clifford algebras the properties b̂mf ∗A |ψoc > = 0 |ψoc > , b̂m†f ∗A |ψoc > = |ψ m f > , {b̂mf , b̂ m ′ f ′ }∗A+|ψoc > = 0 |ψoc > , {b̂m†f , b̂ m† f }∗A+|ψoc > = |ψoc > . (9.10) ∗A represents the algebraic multiplication of b̂m†f and b̂m ′ f ′ among themselves and with the vacuum state |ψoc > of Eq.(9.18), which takes into account Eq. (9.2). All the products of Clifford algebra elements are up to now the algebraic ones and so are also the products in Eq. (9.10). Since we use here anticommutation relations, we pointed out with ∗A this algebraic character of the products, to be later distinguished from the tensor product ∗T , when the creation and annihilattion operators are defined on an extended basis, which is the tensor product of the superposition of the ”basis vectors” of the Clifford space and of the momentum basis, applying on the Hilbert space of ”Slater determinants”. The tensor product ∗T is used as well as the product mapping a pair of the fermion wave functions in to two fermion wave functions and further to many fermion wave functions — that is to the extended algebra of many fermion system. Obviously, b̂m†f and b̂ m f have on the level of the algebraic products, when applying on the vacuum state |ψoc >, almost the properties of creation and annihi- lation operators of the second quantized fermions in the postulates of Dirac, as it is discussed in the next items. We illustrate properties of ”basis vectors” and their Hermitian conjugated partners on the example of d = (5+ 1)-dimensional space in Subsect. 9.2.5. vii. a. There is, namely, the property, which the second quantized fermions should fulfill in addition to the relations of Eq. (9.10). The anticommutation rela- tions of creation and annihilation operators should be: {b̂mf , b̂ m ′† f ′ }∗A+|ψoc > = δ mm ′δff ′ |ψoc > . (9.11) For any b̂mf and any b̂ m ′† f ′ this is not the case; besides b̂ m=1 f=1 = d−1d (−) · · · 56 (−) 12 (−) 03 (−i), for example, also b̂m ′ f ′ = d−1d (−) · · · 56 (−) 12 [+] 03 [+i] , and several others give, when applied on b̂m=1†f=1 , nonzero contributions. There are namely 2 d 2 −1 − 1 too many annihilation operators for each creation operator, which give, applied on the creation operator, nonzero contribution. vii. b. To use the Clifford algebra objects to describe second quantized fermions, representing the observed quarks and leptons as well as the antiquarks and antileptons [3, 10–15, 17], the families should exist. vii. c. The operators should exist, which connect one irreducible represen- tation of fermions with all the other irreducible representations. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 171 — #187 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 171 vii. d. Two independent choices for describing the internal degrees of free- dom of the observed quarks and leptons are not in agreement with the observed properties of fermions. We solve these problems, cited in vii. a., vii. b., vii. c. and vii. d., by reducing the degrees of freedom offered by the two kinds of the Clifford algebras, γa’s and γ̃a’s, making a choice of one — γa’s — to describe the internal space of fermions, and using the other one — γ̃a’s — to describe the ”family” quantum number of each irreducible representation of Sab’s in space defined by γa’s. 9.2.2 Reduction of the Clifford space by the postulate The creation and annihilation operators of an odd Clifford algebra of both kinds, of either γa’s or γ̃a’s, would obviously obey the anticommutation relations for the second quantized fermions, postulated by Dirac, at least on the vacuum state, which is a sum of all the products of annihilation times, ∗A, the corresponding creation operators, provided that each of the irreducible representations would carry a different quantum number. But we know that a particular memberm has for all the irreducible represen- tations the same quantum numbers, that is the same ”eigenvalues” of the Cartan subalgebra (for the vector space of either γa’s or γ̃a’s), Eq. (9.6). The only possibility to ”dress” each irreducible representation of one kind of the two independent vector spaces with a new, let us say ”family” quantum number, is that we ”sacrifice” one of the two vector spaces, let us make a choice of γ̃a’s, and use γ̃a’s to define the ”family” quantum number for each irreducible representation of the vector space of γa’s, while keeping the relations of Eq. (9.2) unchanged: {γa, γb}+ = 2ηab = {γ̃a, γ̃b}+, {γa, γ̃b}+ = 0, (γa)† = ηaa γa, (γ̃a)† = ηaa γ̃a, (a, b) = (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, · · · , d). We therefore postulate: Let γ̃a’s operate on γa’s as follows [2, 3, 8, 14, 15] γ̃aB = (−)B i Bγa , (9.12) with (−)B = −1, if B is (a function of) an odd product of γa’s, otherwise (−)B = 1 [8]. After this postulate the vector space of γ̃a’s is correspondingly ”frozen out”. No vector space of γ̃a’s needs to be taken into account any longer, in agreement with the observed properties of fermions. This solves the problems vii.a - vii. d. of Subsect. 9.2.1. Taking into account Eq. (9.12) we can check that: a. Relations of Eq. (9.2) remain unchanged 1. b. Relations of Eq. (9.3) remain unchanged 2. 1 Let us show that the relation {γ̃a, γ̃b}+ = 2ηab remains valid when applied on B, if B is either an odd or an even product of γa’s: {γ̃a, γ̃b}+ γc = −i (γ̃aγcγb + γ̃bγcγa) = −i i γc(γbγa + γaγb) = 2ηabγc, while {γ̃a, γ̃b}+ γcγd = i (γ̃aγcγdγb + γ̃bγcγdγa) = i(−i)γcγd(γbγa + γaγb) = 2ηabγcγd. The relation is valid for any γc and γd, even if c = d. 2 One easily checks that γ̃a†γc = −iγcγa† = −iηaaγcγa = ηaaγ̃aγc = −iηaaγcγa. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 172 — #188 i i i i i i 172 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen c. The eigenvalues of the operators Sab and S̃ab on nilpotents and projectors of γa’s are after the reduction of Clifford space Sab ab (k)= k 2 ab (k) , S̃ab ab (k)= k 2 ab (k) , Sab ab [k]= k 2 ab [k] , S̃ab ab [k]= − k 2 ab [k] , (9.13) demonstrating that the eigenvalues of Sab on nilpotents and projectors of γa’s differ from the eigenvalues of S̃ab, so that S̃ab can be used to denote irreducible representations of Sab with the ”family” quantum number, what solves the prob- lems vii. b. and vii. c. of Subsect. 9.2.1. d. We further recognize that γa transform ab (k) into ab [−k], never to ab [k], while γ̃a transform ab (k) into ab [k], never to ab [−k] γa ab (k)= ηaa ab [−k], γb ab (k)= −ik ab [−k], γa ab [k]= ab (−k), γb ab [k]= −ikηaa ab (−k) , γ̃a ab (k)= −iηaa ab [k], γ̃b ab (k)= −k ab [k], γ̃a ab [k]= i ab (k), γ̃b ab [k]= −kηaa ab (k) . (9.14) e. One finds, using Eq. (9.12), ab ˜(k) ab (k) = 0 , ab ˜(−k) ab (k)= −i ηaa ab [k] , ab ˜(k) ab [k] = i ab (k) , ab ˜(k) ab [−k]= 0 , ab ˜[k] ab (k) = ab (k) , ab ˜[−k] ab (k)= 0 , ab ˜[k] ab [k] = 0 , ab ˜[−k] ab [k]= ab [k] . (9.15) i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 173 — #189 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 173 f. From Eq. (9.14) it follows Sac ab (k) cd (k) = − i 2 ηaaηcc ab [−k] cd [−k] , S̃ac ab (k) cd (k) = i 2 ηaaηcc ab [k] cd [k] , Sac ab [k] cd [k] = i 2 ab (−k) cd (−k) , S̃ac ab [k] cd [k] = − i 2 ab (k) cd (k) , Sac ab (k) cd [k] = − i 2 ηaa ab [−k] cd (−k) , S̃ac ab (k) cd [k] = − i 2 ηaa ab [k] cd (k) , Sac ab [k] cd (k) = i 2 ηcc ab (−k) cd [−k] , S̃ac ab [k] cd (k) = i 2 ηcc ab (k) cd [k] . (9.16) g. Each irreducible representation has now the ”family” quantum number, deter- mined by S̃ab of the Cartan subalgebra of Eq. (9.4). Correspondingly the creation and annihilation operators fulfill algebraically the anticommutation relations of Dirac second quantized fermions: Different irreducible representations carry dif- ferent ”family” quantum numbers and to each ”family” quantum member only one Hermitian conjugated partner with the same ”family” quantum number be- long. Also each summand of the vacuum state, Eq. (9.18), belongs to a particular ”family”. This solves the problem vii. a. of Subsect. 9.2.1. The anticommutation relations of Dirac fermions are therefore fulfilled on the vacuum state, Eq. (9.18), on the algebraic level, without postulating them. They follow by themselves from the fact that the creation and annihilation operators are superposition of odd products of γa’s. Statement 1: The oddness of the products of γa’s guarantees the anticom- muting properties of all objects which include odd number of γa’s. We shall show in Subsect. 9.2.4 of this section, and in Sect. 9.3, that the same relations are valid also on the Hilbert space of all the second quantized fermions states, with the creation operators defined on the tensor product of ”basis vectors” of the Clifford algebra and on the basis of the momentum space, where the Hilbert space is defined with the creation operators of all possible momenta of all possible ”Slater determinants” applying on |ψoc >. Let us write down the anticommutation relations of Clifford odd ”basic vectors”, representing the creation operators and of the corresponding annihilation i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 174 — #190 i i i i i i 174 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen operators again. {b̂mf , b̂ m ′† f ′ }∗A+ |ψoc > = δ mm ′ δff ′ |ψoc > , {b̂mf , b̂ m ′ f ′ }∗A+ |ψoc > = 0 · |ψoc > , {b̂m†f , b̂ m ′† f ′ }∗A+ |ψoc > = 0 · |ψoc > , b̂m†f ∗A |ψoc > = |ψ m f > , b̂mf ∗A|ψoc > = 0 · |ψoc > , (9.17) with (m,m ′) denoting the ”family” members and (f, f ′) denoting ”families”, ∗A represents the algebraic multiplication of b̂mf with the vacuum state |ψoc > of Eq.(9.18) and among themselves, taking into account Eq. (9.2). h. The vacuum state for the vector space determined by γa’s remains un- changed |ψoc >, Eq. (80) of Ref. [3], it is a sum of the products of any annihilation operator with its Hermitian conjugated partner of any family. |ψoc > = 03 [−i] 12 [−] 56 [−] · · · d−1 d [−] + 03 [+i] 12 [+] 56 [−] · · · d−1 d [−] + 03 [+i] 12 [−] 56 [+] · · · d−1 d [−] + · · · |1 > , for d = 2(2n+ 1) , |ψoc > = 03 [−i] 12 [−] 35 [−] · · · d−3 d−2 [−] d−1 d [+] + 03 [+i] 12 [+] 56 [−] · · · d−3 d−2 [−] d−1 d [+] + · · · |1 > , for d = 4n , (9.18) n is a positive integer. i. Taking into account the relation among θa in Eq. (9.1) and Eq. (9.12), requir- ing that γ̃aa0 = ia0γa, leads to ∂∂θa = 0, and further to θa = γa . (9.19) Eq. (9.12)) namely requires: γ̃a(a0+abγb+abcγbγc+· · · ) = (ia0γa+(−i)abγbγa+ iabcγ bγcγa + · · · ), what means that Eq. (9.19) is only one of the relations 3 The application of γ̃a depends on the space on which it applies. The Hermitian conjugated part of the space in the Grassmann case is ”freezed out” together with the ”vector” space of γ̃a’s. 9.2.3 Clifford fermions with families Let us make a choice of the starting creation operator b̂1†1 of an odd Clifford character and of its Hermitian conjugated partner in d = 2(2n + 1) and d = 4n, 3 Another relation, for example, is γ̃aγa = (−i)γaγa = −iηaa. One also has {γ̃a, γ̃b}+ = 2ηab = γ̃aγ̃b+γ̃bγ̃a = γ̃aiγb+γ̃biγa = iγb(−i)γa+iγa(−i)γb = 2ηab. {γ̃a, γb}+ = 0 = γ̃aγb + γbγ̃a = γb(−i)γa + γbiγa = 0. {γ̃a, γa}+ = 0 = γ̃aγa + γaγ̃a = γa(−iγa + γaiγa = 0. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 175 — #191 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 175 respectively, as follows b̂1†1 : = 03 (+i) 12 (+) 56 (+) · · · d−3 d−2 (+) d−1 d (+) , (b̂1†1 ) † = b̂11 : = d−1 d (−) d−3 d−2 (−) · · · 56 (−) 12 (−) 01 (−i) , d = 2(2n+ 1) , b̂1†1 : = 03 (+i) 12 (+) 56 (+) · · · d−3 d−2 (+) d−1 d [+] , (b̂1†1 ) † = b̂11 : = d−1 d [+] d−3 d−2 (−) · · · 56 (−) 12 (−) 01 (−i) , d = 4n . (9.20) All the rest ”vectors”, belonging to the same Lorentz representation, follow by the application of the Lorentz generators Sab’s. The representations with different ”family” quantum numbers are reachable by S̃ab, since, according to Eq. (9.16), we recognize that S̃ac transforms two nilpo- tents ab (k) cd (k) into two projectors ab [k] cd [k], without changing k (S̃ac transforms ab [k] cd [k] into ab (k) cd (k), as well as ab [k] cd (k) into ab (k) cd [k]). All the ”family” members are reachable from one member of a new family by the application of Sab’s. In this way, by starting with the creation operator b̂1†1 , Eq. (9.20), 2 d 2 −1 ”fami- lies”, each with 2 d 2 −1 ”family” members follow. Let us find the starting member of the next ”family” to the ”family” of Eq. (9.20) by the application of S̃01 b̂1†2 : = 03 [+i] 12 [+] 56 (+) · · · d−3 d−2 (+) d−1 d (+) , b̂12 : = d−1 d (−) d−3 d−2 (−) · · · 56 (−) 12 [+] 01 [+i] . (9.21) The corresponding annihilation operators, that is the Hermitian conjugated partners of 2 d 2 −1 ”families”, each with 2 d 2 −1 ”family” members, following from the starting creation operator b̂1†1 by the application of S ab’s — the family members — and the application of S̃ab — the same family member of another family — can be obtained by Hermitian conjugation. The creation and annihilation operators of an odd Clifford character, expressed by nilpotents and projectors of γa’s, obey anticommutation relations of Eq. (9.17), without postulating the second quantized anticommutation relations as we explain in Sub- sect. 9.2.2. The even partners of the Clifford odd creation and annihilation operators follow by either the application of γa on the creation operators, leading to 2 d 2 −1 ”families”, each with 2 d 2 −1 members, or with the application of γ̃a on the creation operators, leading to another group of the Clifford even operators, again with the 2 d 2 −1 ”families”, each with 2 d 2 −1 members. It is not difficult to recognize, that each of the Clifford even ”families”, ob- tained by the application of γa or by γ̃a on the creation operators, contains one selfadjoint operator, which is the product of projectors only, contributing as a summand to the vacuum state, Eq. (9.18). i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 176 — #192 i i i i i i 176 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen 9.2.4 Action for free massless Clifford fermions with half integer spin and solutions of Weyl equations To relate the creation operators, expressed with the Clifford odd ”basis vectors”, and the creation operators, creating the second quantized fermions, we define the tensor products of the finite number of odd Clifford ”basis vectors” and infinite basis of momentum space. To compare properties of our creation operators of the second quantized fermions with those of Dirac, the solution of the equations of motion of the Weyl (for massless free fermions) or of the Dirac equations are appropriate. The Lorentz invariant action for a free massless fermion in Clifford space is well known A = ∫ ddx 1 2 (ψ†γ0 γapaψ) + h.c. , (9.22) pa = i ∂ ∂xa , leading to the equation of motion γapa|ψ > = 0 , (9.23) and to the Klein-Gordon equation γapaγ bpb|ψ > = p apa|ψ >= 0 , γ0 appears in the action to take care of the Lorentz invariance of the action. Our Clifford algebra ”basis vectors” offer the description of only the internal degrees of freedom of fermions (in d = (3 + 1) the ”basis vectors” offers the description of only the spin and family degrees of freedom, in d ≥ 5 also of the charges [4, 10, 11, 15] and the references therein). We need to extend the internal degrees of freedom (offering final number — 2 d 2 −1 × 2d2−1 — of basis vectors of the odd products of γa) to the momentum or coordinate space with (infinite number of) basis. Statement 2: For deriving the anticommutation relations for the Clifford fermions, to be compared with the anticommutation relations of the second quan- tized fermions, we need to define the tensor product of the Clifford odd ”basis vectors” and the momentum space basis(pa,γa) = |pa > ∗T |γa > . The new state vector space is the tensor product of the internal space of fermions and the space of momenta or coordinates. All states have an odd Clifford character due to oddness of the internal space. Solutions of Eq. (9.23) for free massless fermions of momentum pa, a = (0, 1, 2, 3, 5, . . . , d) are superposition of ”basis vectors” b̂m†f , expressed by operators γa, where f denotes a ”family” and m a ”family” member quantum number, Eqs. (9.20, 9.21), and of plane waves in the case of free, in our case, massless fermions. The equations of motion require that |p0| = |~p|. Correspondingly it i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 177 — #193 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 177 follows < x|ψsf(p̃,p0) > |p0=|p̃| = ∫ dp0δ(p0 − |~p|) b̂sf†(~p) e−ipax a ∗A |ψoc > = (b̂sf†(~p) · e−i(p0x0−ε~p·~x))|p0=|~p| ∗A |ψoc > , where we define , b̂sf†(~p)|p0=|~p| def = ∑ m csfm (~p, |p 0| = |~p|) b̂m†f , |ψsf(x̃, x0) > = ∫+∞ −∞ dd−1p ( √ 2π)d−1 (b̂sf†(~p) e−i(p 0x0−ε~p·~x)|p0=|~p| ∗A |ψoc > , (9.24) s represents different orthonormalized solutions of the equations of motion, ε = ±1, depending on handedness and spin of solutions, csfm(~p, |p0| = |~p|) are coefficients, depending on momentum |~p| with |p0| = |~p|, while ∗A denotes the algebraic multiplication of the ”basis vectors” b̂m†f on the vacuum state |ψoc >, Eq. (9.17). An illustration of b̂sf†(~p) is presented in Subsect. 9.2.5. Since the “basis vectors” in internal space of fermions are orthogonal accord- ing to Eq. (9.10) ({b̂mf ∗A , b̂ m ′† f ′ ∗A }+|ψoc >= b̂ m f ∗A b̂ m ′† f ′ ∗A |ψoc >), b̂mf ∗A b̂ m ′† f ′ ∗A |ψoc >= δ mm ′δff ′ |ψoc > , it follows for particular ~p , p0 = |~p|, that∑ m csf∗m(~p, |p 0| = |~p|) cs ′f ′ m(~p, |p 0| = |~p|) = δss ′ δff ′ , leading to∫ dd−1x ( √ 2π)d−1 < ψs ′f ′( ~p ′, p ′0 = | ~p ′|)|x >< x||ψsf(~p, p0 = |~p|) >=∫ dd−1x ( √ 2π)d−1 eip ′ ax a |p ′0=| ~p ′| e −ipax a |p0|=|~p| · < ψoc| (b̂s ′f ′( ~p ′) b̂sf†(~p)) ∗A |ψoc >= δss ′δff ′ δ(~p− ~p ′) , (9.25) while we take into account that ∫ dd−1x ( √ 2π)d−1 eip ′ ax a e−ipax a = δ(~p− ~p ′). Let us now evaluate the scalar product < ψsf(~x, x0) |ψs ′f ′(~x ′, x0) >, taking into account that the scalar product is evaluated at a time x0 and correspondingly using the relation < ψsf(~x, x0)|ψs ′f ′(~x ′, x0) >= δss ′ δff ′ δ(~x− ~x ′) =∫ dp0√ 2π ∫ dp ′0√ 2π δ(p0 − p ′0) ∫+∞ −∞ dd−1p ′ ( √ 2π)d−1 ∫+∞ −∞ dd−1p ( √ 2π)d−1 δ(p0 − |~p|) δ(p ′0 − | ~p ′|) < ψoc|(b̂s ′f ′( ~p ′, p ′0) b̂sf†(~p, p0)) ∗A |ψoc > e ip ′ax ′a e−ipax a =∫ dp0√ 2π ∫+∞ −∞ dd−1p ′ ( √ 2π)d−1 δ(p0 − | ~p ′|) ∫+∞ −∞ dd−1p ( √ 2π)d−1 δ(p0 − |~p|) < ψoc|(b̂sf(~p, p0) b̂s ′f ′†( ~p ′, p0)) ∗A |ψoc > e i(p0x0−~p·~x) e−i(p 0x ′0− ~p ′·~x) . (9.26) i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 178 — #194 i i i i i i 178 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen The scalar product < ψsf(~x, x0) |ψs ′f ′(~x ′, x0) > has obviously the desired proper- ties of the second quantized states. Let us define the creation operators b̂ sf† tot(~p), which determine, when applying on the vacuum state, the fermion states, Eq. (9.24), b̂ sf† tot(~p) def = b̂sf†(~p) e−i(p 0x0−~p·~x) , b̂ sf tot(~p) = (b̂ sf† tot(~p)) † = b̂sf(~p) ei(p 0x0−~p·~x) , b̂ sf† tot(~p) |ψoc > = |ψ sf(~p, p0 = |~p|) > . (9.27) In Eq. (9.27) b̂ sf† tot(~p) creates on the vacuum state |ψoc > the single fermion states. We can multiply, using the tensor product ∗T multiplication this time, an arbitrary number of such single particle states, what means that we multiply an arbitrary number of creation operators b̂ sf† tot(~p)∗T b̂ s ′f ′† tot ( ~p ′) ∗T · · · ∗T b̂ s ′′f ′′† tot ( ~p ′′), applying on |ψoc >, which gives nonzero contributions, provided that they distinguish among themselves in at least one of the properties (s, f,~p), in the internal space quantum numbers (s, f) or in momentum part ~p, due to the orthonormal property of plane waves. The space of all such functions, which one can form - including the identity - represents the second quantized Hilbert space. We present these tensor products as ”Slater determinants” of occupied and empty states in Section 9.3. Due to anticommutation relations of any two of creation operators {b̂sf†(~p) , b̂s ′f ′(~p)}+ |ψoc >= δ ff ′δss ′ |ψoc >, Eqs. (9.17, 9.24), while plane waves form the orthonormal basis in the momentum representation, Eq. (9.25), the new creation operators b̂ sf† tot(~p), which are are gen- erated on the tensor products of both spaces, internal and momentum, fulfill the anticommutation relations when applied on |ψoc >. {b̂ sf tot(~p) , b̂ sf† tot(~p ′)}+ ∗T |ψoc > = δ ss ′ δff ′ δ(~p− ~p ′) |ψoc > , {b̂ sf tot(~p) , b̂ s ′f ′ tot ( ~p ′)}+ ∗T |ψoc > = 0 · |ψoc > , {b̂ sf† tot(~p) , b̂ s ′f ′† tot (~p ′)}+ ∗T |ψoc > = 0 · |ψoc > , b̂ sf† tot(~p) ∗T |ψoc> = |ψ sf(~p) > , b̂ sf tot(~p) ∗T |ψoc > = 0 · |ψoc > , |p0| = |~p| . (9.28) It is not difficult to show that b̂ sf tot(~p) and b̂ sf† tot(~p) manifest the same anticommu- tation relations also on tensor products of an arbitrary chosen set of single fermion states, what we discuss in Sect. 9.3. Therefore, with the choice of the Clifford odd ”basis states” to describe the in- ternal space of fermions (we can proceed equivalently in the Grassmann case) and using the tensor product of the internal space and the momentum or coordinate space to solve the equations of motion, we derive the anticommutation relations i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 179 — #195 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 179 among creation operators b̂ sf† tot(~p) and their Hermitian conjugated partners annihi- lation operators (b̂ sf† tot(~p)) † = b̂sf(~p) ei(p 0x0− ~p,·~x) = b̂ sf tot(~p), with |p 0| = |~p|. While application of b̂ sf† tot(~p) on |ψoc > generates the single fermion state, the application of b̂ sf tot(~p) gives zero. We shall demonstrate in Sect. 9.3 that there is {b̂ s ′f ′ tot ( ~p ′) , b̂ sf† tot(~p)}+, which when applied on the Hilbert space of the second quantized fermions (that is on tensor products of all single fermion states, or equivalently on all possible ”Slater determinants”), gives zero when at least one of (s ′, f ′, ~p ′) differ from (s, f,~p), while {b̂ sf tot(~p) , b̂ sf† tot(~p)}+ applied on the Hilbert space, gives the whole Hilbert space back. Taking into account the last line of Eq. (9.24) and Eqs. (9.26,9.27), the creation operators Ψ† follow, which determine, when applying on the vacuum state |ψoc >, the fermion fields |ψsf(x̃, x0) >, depending on coordinates at particular time x0 Ψsf†(~x, x0) def = ∫+∞ −∞ dd−1p ( √ 2π)d−1 b̂ sf† tot(~p)|p0|=|~p| , Ψsf†(~x, x0) |ψoc > = |ψ sf(~x, x0) > , {Ψsf†(~x, x0) , Ψs ′f ′(~x ′, x0)}+ |ψoc > = δ ss ′δff ′ δ(~x− ~x ′)|ψoc > , {Ψsf(~x, x0) , Ψs ′f ′(~x ′, x0)}+ |ψoc > = 0 . {Ψsf†(~x, x0) , Ψs ′f ′†(~x ′, x0)}+ |ψoc > = 0 , (9.29) where Ψ†(~x, x0) and Ψsf(~x, x0) are creation and annihilation partners, respectively, Hermitian conjugated to each other, in the coordinate representation, presenting the creation and annihilation operators of the second quantized fields. The application of the creation operators b̂ sf† tot(~p)|p0|=|~p| and Ψ †(~x, x0) and their Hermitian conjugated partners on the Hilbert space of fermion fields will be discussed in Sect. 9.3. Dirac uses the Lagrange and Hamilton formalism for fermion fields and as- suming that the second quantized states should anticommute to describe fermions, he derives the anticommuting creation and annihillation operators. In Subsect. 9.3.4 we compare the Dirac anticommutation relations with our way of deriving anti- commutation relations for second quantized fields in details. In Subsect. 9.2.5 the properties of creation and annihilation operators, b̂ sf† tot(~p) and b̂ sf tot(~p), respectively, described by the odd Clifford algebra objects in d = (5+ 1)-dimensional space are discussed. 9.2.5 Illustration of Clifford fermions with families in d = (5 + 1)- dimensional space We illustrate properties of the Clifford odd, and correspondingly anticommuting, creation and their Hermitian conjugated partners annihilation operators, belonging to 2 6 2 −1 = 4 ”families”, each with 2 6 2 −1 = 4members in d = (5 + 1)-dimensional space. The spin in the fifth and the sixth dimension manifests as the charge in d = (3 + 1). i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 180 — #196 i i i i i i 180 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen In Table 9.1 the ”basis vectors” of odd and even Clifford character are presented. They are ”eigenvectors” of the Cartan subalgebras, Eq. (9.4). Half of the Clifford odd ”basis vectors” are (chosen to be) creation operators b̂m†f , denoted in table by odd I, appearing in four ”families”, f = (1(a), 2(b), 3(c), 4(d)). The rest half of the Clifford odd ”basis vectors” are their Hermitian conjugated partners b̂mf , presented in odd II part and denoted with the corresponding ”family” and family members (am, bm, cm, dm) quantum numbers. The normalized vacuum state is the product of b̂mf · b̂m†f — this product is the same for each member of a particular family and different for different families — summed over four families |ψoc > = 1√ 2 6 2 −1 ( 03 [−i] 12 [−1] 56 [−1] + 03 [+i] 12 [+1] 56 [−1] + 03 [+i] 12 [−1] 56 [+1] + 03 [−i] 12 [+1] 56 [+1]). (9.30) One easily checks, by taking into account Eq. (9.15), that the creation operators b̂m†f and the annihilation operators b̂mf fulfill the anticommutation relations of Eq (9.17). The summands of the vacuum state |ψoc > appear among selfadjoint members of even I part of Table 9.1, each of summands belong to different ”family” 4. All the Clifford even ”families” with ”family” members of Table 9.1 can be obtained as algebraic products, ∗A, of the Clifford odd ”vectors” of the same table. Let us find the solutions of the Weyl equation, Eq. (9.23), taking into account four basis creation operators of the first family, f = 1(a), in Table 9.1. Assuming that moments in the fifth and the sixth dimensions are zero, pa = (p0, p1, p2, p3, 0, 0), the following four plane wave solutions for positive energy, p0 = |~p|, can be found, two with the positive charge 1 2 and with spin S12 either equal to 1 2 or to − 1 2 , and two with the negative charge − 1 2 and again with S12 either 1 2 or − 1 2 . Clifford odd creation operators in d = (5 + 1) p0 = |p0| , S56 = 1 2 , Γ (3+1) = 1 ,( b̂ 11† tot(~p) = β ( 03 (+i) 12 (+) | 56 (+) + p1 + ip2 |p0| + |p3| 03 [−i] 12 [−] | 56 (+) )) · e−i(|p 0|x0−~p·~x) ,( b̂ 21† tot(~p) = β ∗ ( 03 [−i] 12 [−] | 56 (+) − p1 − ip2 |p0| + |p3| 03 (+i) 12 (+) | 56 (+) )) · e−i(|p 0|x0+~p·~x) , 4 If we would make a choice for creation operators the ”families” with the “family” mem- bers of odd II of Table 9.1, instead of ”families” with the “family” members of odd I, then their Hermitian conjugated partners would be the ”families” with the “family” members in odd I. The vacuum state would be the sum of products of annihilation operators of odd I times the creation operators of odd II and would be the sum of selfadjoint members appearing in even II. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 181 — #197 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 181 odd I m f = 1(a) f = 2(b) f = 3(c) f = 4(d) S03 S12 S56 Γ(5+1) Γ(3+1) ( i 2 , 1 2 , 1 2 ) (− i 2 ,− 1 2 , 1 2 ) (− i 2 , 1 2 ,− 1 2 ) ( i 2 ,− 1 2 ,− 1 2 ) 03 12 56 03 12 56 03 12 56 03 12 56 1 03 (+i) 12 (+) 56 (+) 03 [+i] 12 [+] 56 (+) 03 [+i] 12 (+) 56 [+] 03 (+i) 12 [+] 56 [+] i 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 [−i][−](+) (−i)(−)(+) (−i)[−][+] [−i](−)[+] − i 2 − 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 [−i](+)[−] (−i)[+][−] (−i)(+)(−) [−i][+](−) − i 2 1 2 − 1 2 1 −1 4 (+i)[−][−] [+i](−)[−] [+i][−](−) (+i)(−)(−) i 2 − 1 2 − 1 2 1 −1 odd II S03 S12 S56 Γ(5+1) Γ(3+1) 03 12 56 fm 03 12 56 fm 03 12 56 fm 03 12 56 fm (−i)(+)(+)d4 [−i][+](+)d3 [−i](+)[+]d2 (−i)[+][+]d1 − i 2 1 2 1 2 −1 −1 [+i][−](+)c4 (+i)(−)(+)c3 (+i)[−][+]c2 [+i](−)[+]c1 i 2 − 1 2 1 2 −1 −1 [+i](+)[−]b4 (+i)[+][−]b3 (+i)(+)(−)b2 [+i][+](−)b1 i 2 1 2 − 1 2 −1 1 (−i)[−][−]a4 [−i](−)[−]a3 [−i][−](−)a2 (−i)(−)(−)a1 − i 2 − 1 2 − 1 2 −1 1 even I m S03 S12 S56 Γ(5+1) Γ(3+1) ( i 2 , 1 2 , 1 2 ) (− i 2 ,− 1 2 , 1 2 ) ( i 2 ,− 1 2 ,− 1 2 ) (− i 2 , 1 2 ,− 1 2 ) 03 12 56 03 12 56 03 12 56 03 12 56 1 [−i](+)(+) (−i)[+](+) [−i][+][+] (−i)(+)[+] − i 2 1 2 1 2 −1 −1 2 (+i)[−](+) [+i](−)(+) (+i)(−)[+] [+i][−][+] i 2 − 1 2 1 2 −1 −1 3 (+i)(+)[−] [+i][+][−] (+i)[+](−) [+i](+)(−) i 2 1 2 − 1 2 −1 1 4 [−i][−][−] (−i)(−)[−] [−i](−)(−) (−i)[−](−) − i 2 − 1 2 − 1 2 −1 1 even II m S03 S12 S56 Γ(5+1) Γ(3+1) (− i 2 , 1 2 , 1 2 ) ( i 2 ,− 1 2 , 1 2 ) (− i 2 ,− 1 2 ,− 1 2 ) ( i 2 , 1 2 ,− 1 2 ) 03 12 56 03 12 56 03 12 56 03 12 56 1 [+i](+)(+) (+i)[+](+) [+i][+][+] (+i)(+)[+] i 2 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 (−i)[−](+) [−i](−)(+) (−i)(−)[+] [−i][−][+] − i 2 − 1 2 1 2 1 1 3 (−i)(+)[−] [−i][+][−] (−i)[+](−) [−i](+)(−) − i 2 1 2 − 1 2 1 −1 4 [+i][−][−] (+i)(−)[−] [+i](−)(−) (+i)[−](−) i 2 − 1 2 − 1 2 1 −1 Table 9.1. 2d = 64 ”eigenvectors” of the Cartan subalgebra, Eq. (9.4), of the Clifford odd and even algebras in d = (5 + 1) are presented, divided into four groups, each group with four ”families”, each ”family” with four ”family” members. Two of four groups are sums of an odd number of γa’s. The ”basis vectors”, b̂m†f , Eqs. (9.20, 9.21), in odd I group, belong to four ”families” (f = 1(a), 2(b), 3(c), 4(d)) with four members (m = 1, 2, 3, 4), having their Hermitian conjugated partners, b̂mf , among ”basis vectors” of the odd II part, denoted by the corresponding ”family” and ”family” members (am, bm, cm, dm) quantum numbers. The ”family” quantum numbers, the eigenvalue of (S̃03, S̃12, S̃56), of b̂m†f are written above each ”family”. The two groups with the even number of γa’s, even I and even II, have their Hermitian conjugated partners within their own group each. There are members in each group, which are products of projectors only. Numbers — 03 12 56 — denote the indexes of the corresponding Cartan subalgebra members (S̃03, S̃12, S̃56), Eq. (9.4). In the columns (7, 8, 9) the eigenvalues of the Cartan subalgebra members (S03, S12, S56), Eq. (9.4), are presented. The last two columns tell the handedness of d = (5 + 1), Γ (5+1), and of d = (3 + 1), Γ (3+1), respectively, defined in Eq.(9.48). Clifford odd creation operators in d = (5 + 1) p0 = |p0| , S56 = − 1 2 , Γ (3+1) = −1 ,( b̂ 31† tot(~p) = −β ( 03 [−i] 12 (+) | 56 [−] + p1 + ip2 |p0| + |p3| 03 (+i) 12 [−] | 56 [−] )) · e−i(|p 0|x0+~p·~x) ,( b̂ 41† tot(~p) = −β ∗ ( 03 (+i) 12 [−] | 56 [−] − p1 − ip2 |p0| + |p3| 03 [−i] 12 (+) | 56 [−] )) · e−i(|p 0|x0−~p·~x) , (9.31) i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 182 — #198 i i i i i i 182 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen Index s=(1,2,3,4) counts different solutions of the Weyl equations, index f=1 denotes the family quantum number, all solutions belong to the same family, while β∗β = |p 0|+|p3| 2|p0| takes care that the corresponding states are normalized. All four superposition of b̂ sf† tot(~p)|p0=|~p| = ∑ m c sf=1 m(~p, |p 0| = |~p|) b̂m†f=1 e −i(p0x0−ε~p·~x), with m = (1, 2) for the first two states, and with m = (3, 4) for the second two states, Ta- ble 9.1, s = (1, 2, 3, 4), are orthogonal and correspondingly normalized, fulfilling Eq. (9.25). 9.3 Hilbert space of Clifford fermions The Clifford odd creation operators b̂ sf† tot(~p), with |p 0| = |~p|, are defined in Eq. (9.27) on the tensor products of the (2 d 2 −1)2 ”basis vectors” (describing the internal space of fermion fields) and of the (continuously) infinite number of basis in the momentum space. The solutions of the Weyl equation, Eq. (9.23), are plane waves of particular momentum ~p and with energy related to momentum, |p0| = |~p|. The creation operator b̂ sf† tot(~p) defines, when applied on the vacuum state |ψoc >, the sth of the 2 d 2 −1 plane wave solutions of a particular momentum ~p be- longing to the fth of the 2 d 2 −1 ”families”. They fulfill together with the Hermitian conjugated partners annihilation operators b̂ sf tot(~p) the anticommutation relations of Eq. (9.28). These creation operators form the Hilbert space of ”Slater determinants”, defining for each ”Slater determinant” the ”space” for any of the single particle fermion states of an odd Clifford character, due to the oddness of the ”basis vector” of an odd Clifford character. Each of these ”spaces” can be empty or occupied. Correspondingly there is the ”Slater determinant” with all the ”spaces” empty, the ”Slater determinants” with only one of the ”spaces” occupied, any one, and all the rest empty, the ”Slater determinants” with two ”spaces” occupied, any two, and all the rest empty, and so on. These ”Slater determinant” of all possible occupied and empty states can be explained as well if introducing the tensor multiplication of single fermion states of any quantum number and any momentum, with the constant included. Statement 3: Introducing the tensor product multiplication ∗T of any number of Clifford odd fermion states of all possible internal quantum numbers and all possible momenta (that is of any number of b̂ s f † tot (~p)) of any (s, f,~p) we generate the Hilbert space of Clifford fermions. The Hilbert space of a particular momentum ~p,H~p, contains the finite number of ”Slater determinants”. The number of ”Slater determinants” is in d-dimensional space equal to NH~p = 2 2d−2 . (9.32) The total Hilbert space of anticommuting fermions is the product⊗N of the Hilbert spaces of particular ~p H = ∞∏ ~p ⊗NH~p . (9.33) i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 183 — #199 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 183 The total Hilbert space H is correspondingly infinite and contains NH ”Slater determinants” NH = ∞∏ ~p 22 d−2 . (9.34) Before starting to comment the application of the creation operators b̂ sf† tot(~p) and annihilation b̂ sf tot(~p) operators on the Hilbert space H (described with all possible ”Slater determinants” of all possible occupied and empty fermion states of all possible (s, f,~p), or by the tensor products of all possible single fermion states of all possible (s, f,~p), with the identity included) let us discuss properties of creation and annihilation operators, the anticommutation relations of which are presented in Eq. (9.28). The creation operators b̂ sf† tot(~p) and the annihilation operators b̂ s ′f ′ tot ( ~p ′), hav- ing an odd Clifford character, anticommute, manifesting the properties as follows b̂ sf† tot(~p) ∗T b̂ s ′f ′† tot (~p ′) = −b̂ s ′f ′† tot (~p ′) ∗T b̂ sf† tot(~p) , b̂ sf tot(~p) ∗T b̂ s ′f ′ tot (~p ′) = −b̂ s ′f ′ tot (~p ′) ∗T b̂ sf tot(~p) , b̂ sf tot(~p) ∗T b̂ s ′f ′† tot (~p ′) = −b̂ s ′f ′† tot (~p ′) ∗T b̂ sf tot(~p) , if at least one of (s, f,~p) is different from (s ′, f ′,~p ′) , b̂ sf† tot(~p) ∗T b̂ sf† tot(~p) = 0 , b̂ sf tot(~p) ∗T b̂ sf tot(~p) = 0 , b̂ sf tot(~p) ∗T b̂ sf† tot(~p) = 1 (identity) , b̂ sf tot(~p)|ψoc > = 0 . (9.35) The above relations, leading from the commutation relations of Eq. (9.28), deter- mine the rules of the application of creation and annihilation operators on ”Slater determinants”: i. The creation operator b̂ sf† tot(~p) jumps over the creation operators determining the occupied state of another kind (that is over the occupied state distinguishing from the jumping creation one in any of the internal quantum numbers (s, f) or in ~p) up to the last step when it comes to its own empty state with the quantum numbers (f, s) and ~p, occupying this empty state, or, if this state is already occupied, gives zero. Whenever b̂ sf† tot(~p) jumps over an occupied state changes the sign of the ”Slater determinant”. ii. The annihilation operator changes the sign whenever jumping over the occupied state carrying different internal quantum numbers (s, f) or ~p, unless it comes to the occupied state with its own internal quantum numbers (s, f) and its own ~p, emptying this state, or, if this state is empty, gives zero. Let us point out that the Clifford odd creation operators, b̂ sf† tot(~p), and annihi- lation operators, b̂ s ′f ′ tot ( ~p ′), fulfill the anticommutation relations of Eq. (9.28) for any ~p and any (s, f) due to the anticommuting character (the Clifford oddness) of i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 184 — #200 i i i i i i 184 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen the ”basis vectors”, b̂m†f and their Hermitian conjugated partners b̂ m f , Eqs. (9.20, 9.21), what means that the anticommuting character of creation and annihilation operators is not postulated. The total Hilbert space H has infinite number of degrees of freedom (of ”Slater determinants”) due to the infinite number of Hilbert spacesH~p of particular ~p,H =∏∞~p ⊗NH~p, while the Hilbert spaceH~p of particular momentum ~p has the finite dimension 22 d−2 . In Subsects. 9.3.1, 9.3.2, 9.3.3 the properties of Hilbert spaces are discussed in more details. 9.3.1 Application of b̂ sf† tot(~p) and b̂ sf tot(~p) on Hilbert space of Clifford fermions of particular ~p The 2d−2 Clifford odd creation operators of particular momentum ~p, b̂ sf† tot(~p, p 0), with the property |p0| = |~p|, each representing the sth solution of Eq. (9.23) for a particular family f, fulfill together with the (Hermitian conjugated partners) annihilation operators b̂ sf tot(~p) the anticommutation relations of Eq. (9.28), the application of which on the Hilbert space of ”Slater determinants” are discussed in Eq. (9.35) and in the text below this equation. The Hilbert spaceH~p of a particular momentum ~p consists correspondingly of 22 d−2 “Slater determinants”. Let us write down explicitly these 22 d−2 contributions to the Hilbert spaceH~p of a particular momentum ~p, using the notation that 0sf~p represents the unoccupied state |ψsf(~p, p0) > ||p0|=|~p| = b̂ sf† tot(~p)||p0|=|~p| |ψoc > of the sth solution of the equations of motion for the fth family and the momentum |p0| = |~p|), Eq. (9.24), while 1sf~p represents the corresponding occupied state. The number operator is defined as Nsf~p = b̂ sf† tot(~p) ∗T b̂ sf tot(~p) , Nsf~p |ψoc > = 0 · |ψoc > , Nsf~p ∗T 0sf~p = 0 , Nsf~p ∗T 1sf~p = 1 · 1sf~p , Nsf~p ∗T Nsf~p ∗T 1sf~p = 1 · 1sf~p . (9.36) One can check the above relations on the example of d = (5+ 1), with the ”basis vectors” for f = 1 presented in Table 9.2 and with the solution for Weyl equation, Eq. (9.23), presented in Eq. (9.31). i f = 1(a) Her. con. f = 1(a) 1 03 (+i) 12 (+) 56 (+) 03 (−i) 12 (−) 56 (−) 2 03 [−i] 12 [−] 56 (+) 03 [−i] 12 [−] 56 (−) 3 03 [−i] 12 (+) 56 [−] 03 [−i] 12 (−) 56 [−] 4 03 (+i) 12 [−] 56 [−] 03 (−i) 12 [−] 56 [−] Table 9.2. The four creation operators of the irreducible representation odd I from Table 9.1, d = (5+ 1), f = 1(a). together with their Hermitian conjugated partners are presented (up to a phase). i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 185 — #201 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 185 Let us write down the Hilbert space of second quantized fermionsH~p, using the simplified notation as in Part I, Sect. III.A., counting for f = 1 empty states as 0rp, and occupied states as 1rp, with r = (1, . . . , 2 d 2 −1), for f = 2 we count r = 2 d 2 −1 + 1, · · · , 2d−2. Correspondingly we can representH~p as follows |01p, 02p, 03p, . . . , 02d−2p > |1 , |11p, 02p, 03p, . . . , 02d−2p > |2 , |01p, 12p, 03p, . . . , 02d−2p > |3 , |01p, 02p, 13p, . . . , 02d−2p > |4 , ... |11p, 12p, 03p, . . . , 02d−2p > |2d−2+2 , ... |11p, 12p, 13p, . . . , 12d−2p > |22d−2 , (9.37) with a part with none of states occupied (Nrp = 0 for all r = 1, . . . , 2d−2), with a part with only one of states occupied (Nrp = 1 for a particular r = (1, . . . , 2d−2), while Nr ′p = 0 for all the others r ′ 6= r), with a part with only two of states occupied (Nrp = 1 andNr ′p = 1, where r and r ′ run from (1, . . . , 2d−2), and so on. The last part has all the states occupied. It is not difficult to see that the creation and annihilation operators, when applied on this Hilbert space H~p, fulfill the anticommutation relations for the second quantized Clifford fermions. {b̂ sf tot(~p) , b̂ s ′f ′† tot (~p)}∗T+H~p = δss ′ δff ′H~p , {b̂ sf tot(~p), b̂ s ′f ′ tot (~p)}∗T+ H~p = 0 · H~p , {b̂ sf† tot(~p) , b̂ s ′f ′† tot (~p)}∗T+ H~p = 0 · H~p . (9.38) The proof for the above relations easily follows if one takes into account that whenever the creation or annihilation operator jumps over an odd products of occupied states the sign of the ”Slater determinant” changes due to the oddness of the occupied states, while states, belonging to different ~p are orthogonal 5, see Eq. (9.35) and the text below this equation. Then one sees that the contribution of the application of b̂ sf† tot(~p) ∗T b̂ s ′f ′ tot (~p) ∗T onH~p has the opposite sign than the contribution of b̂ s ′f ′ tot (~p) ∗T b̂ sf† tot(~p) ∗T onH~p. If the creation and annihilation operators are Hermitian conjugated to each other, the result follows ( b̂ sf tot(~p) ∗T b̂ sf† tot(~p) + b̂ sf† tot(~p) ∗T b̂ sf tot(~p) ) ∗T H~p = H~p , manifesting that this application ofH~p gives the wholeH~p back. Each of the two summands operates on their own half of H~p. Jumping together over an even 5 The orthogonality of the states are even easier to be visualized since the two delta functions at ~x and at ~x ′, ~x 6= ~x ′ are obviously orthogonal. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 186 — #202 i i i i i i 186 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen number of occupied states, b̂ sf tot(~p) and b̂ sf† tot(~p) do not change the sign of the particular “Slater determinant”. (Let us add that b̂ sf tot(~p) reduces for the particular s and f the Hilbert spaceH~p for the factor 12 , and so does b̂ sf† tot(~p). The sum of both, applied onH~p, reproduces the wholeH~p.) Let us repeat that the number of ”Slater determinants” in the Hilbert space of particular momentum ~p, H~p, in d-dimensional space is finite and equal to NH~p = 2 2d−2 . 9.3.2 Application of b̂ sf† tot(~p) and b̂ sf tot(~p) on total Hilbert space H of Clifford fermions The total Hilbert space of anticommuting fermions is the infinite product of the Hilbert spaces of particular ~p, Eq. (9.33),H =∏∞~p ⊗NH~p . Due to the Clifford odd character of creation and annihilation operators, Eq. (9.28), and the orthogonality of the plane waves belonging to different mo- menta ~p , it follows that b̂ sf† tot(~p) ∗T b̂ sf† tot(~p ′) ∗T H 6= 0, ~p 6= ~p ′, while { b̂ sf† tot(~p) ∗T b̂ sf† tot(~p ′)+ b̂ sf† tot(~p ′) ∗T b̂ sf† tot(~p) } ∗T H = 0, ~p 6= ~p ′. This can be proven if taking into account Eq. (9.35). For “plane wave solutions” of equations of motion in a box the momentum ~p is discretized, otherwise is continuous. The number of “Slater determinants” in the Hilbert spaceH in d-dimensional space is infinite (in both cases) NH = ∏∞ ~p 2 2d−2 . Since the creation operators b̂ sf† tot(~p) and the annihilation operators b̂ s ′f ′ tot (~p ′) fulfill for particular ~p the anticommutation relations onH~p, Eq. (9.38), and since the momentum states, the plane wave solutions, are orthogonal, and correspondingly the creation and annihilation operators defined on the tensor products of the internal basis and the momentum basis, representing fermions, anticommute, Eq. (9.28) (the Clifford odd objects b̂ sf† tot(~p) demonstrate their oddness also with respect to b̂ sf† tot(~p ′)), the anticommutation relations follow also for the application of b̂ sf† tot(~p) and b̂ sf tot(~p) onH {b̂ sf tot(~p) , b̂ s ′f ′† tot (~p ′)}∗T+H = δss ′ δff ′ δ(~p− ~p ′) H , {b̂ sf† tot(~p), b̂ s ′f ′† tot (~p ′)}∗T+ H = 0 · H , {b̂ sf† tot(~p), b̂ s ′f ′† tot (~p ′)}∗T+ H = 0 · H . (9.39) 9.3.3 Illustration of H in d = (1+ 1) Let us illustrate the properties of H and the application of the creation operators on H in d = (1 + 1) dimensional space in a toy model with two discrete momenta (p11, p 1 2). Generalization to many momenta is straightforward. The internal space of fermions contains only one creation operator, one “basis vector” b̂11 = 01 (+i), one family memberm = 1 of the only family f = 1. Correspondingly the creation operators b̂ 11† tot( ~p1i )||p0|=|p1 i | : = 01 (+i) e−i(p 0x0−p1i x 1)||p1 i |=|p0 i | distinguish only in momentum i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 187 — #203 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 187 space of the fermion degrees of freedom. Their Hermitian conjugated annihilation operators are b̂ 11 tot( ~p1i )|p0|=|p1 i |, while the vacuum state is |ψoc > = 01 (−i) · 01 (+i)= 01 [−i]. The whole Hilbert space for this toy model has correspondingly four ”Slater determi- nants”, numerated by | >i, i = (1, 2, 3, 4) (|0p1 0p2 > |1 , |1p1 0p2 > |2 , |0p1 1p2 > |3 , |1p1 1p2 > |4) , 0p1i represents an empty state and 1p1i the occupied state. Let us evaluate the application of {b̂ 11 tot( ~p11) , b̂ 11† tot( ~p12)}∗T+ on the Hilbert spaceH. It follows {b̂ 11 tot(~p 1 1) , b̂ 11† tot(~p 1 2)}∗T+H = b̂ 11 tot(~p 1 1) ∗T (|0p1 1p2 > |1→3 , −|1p1 1p2 > |2→4) + b̂ 11† tot(~p 1 2) ∗T (|0p1 0p2 >2→1 , +|0p1 1p2 >4→3) = (−|0p1 1p2 >2→4→3 + |0p1 1p2 >2→1→3) = 0 . 9.3.4 Relation between second quantized fermions of Dirac and second quantized fermions originated in odd Clifford algebra The Clifford odd creation operators b̂ sf† tot(~p) and their Hermitian conjugated partners annihilation operators b̂ sf tot(~p) obey the anticommutation relations of Eq. (9.39) — on the vacuum state |ψoc >, Eq. (9.18), and on the whole Hilbert spaceH, Eq. (9.39). Creation operators, b̂sf†tot(~p), operating on a vacuum state, as well as on the whole Hilbert space, define second quantized fermion states. Let us relate here the Dirac’s second quantization relations and the relations between creation operators b̂ sf tot(~p) and their Hermitian conjugated partners anni- hilation operators, without paying attention on the charges and family quantum numbers, since Dirac’s creation operators do not pay attention on these two kinds of quantum numbers. We shall relate vectors in d = (3+ 1) of both origins. In the Dirac case the second quantized field operators are in d = (3 + 1) dimensions postulated as follows Ψhs†(~x, x0) = ∑ m,~pk âh†m (~pk) v hs m (~pk) . (9.40) vhsm (~pk) = u hs m ( ~pk) e −i(p0x0−ε~pk·~x) are the two left handed (Γ (3+1) = −1 = h) and the two right handed (Γ (3+1) = 1 = h, Eq. (B.3)) two-component column matrices, m = (1, 2), representing the twice two solutions s of the Weyl equation for free massless fermions of particular momentum |~pk| = |p0k| ( [20], Eqs. (20-49) - (20-51)), the factor ε = ±1 depends on the product of handedness and spin. âh†m (~pk) are by Dirac postulated creation operators, which together with the annihilation operators âhm(~pk), fulfill the anticommutation relations ( [20], Eqs. (20- 49) - (20-51)) {âh†m (~pk), â h ′† n (~pl)}∗T+ = 0 = {â h m(~pk), â h ′ n (~pl)}∗T+ , {âhm(~pk), â h ′† n (~pl)}∗T+ = δmnδ hh ′δ~pk~pl (9.41) i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 188 — #204 i i i i i i 188 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen in the case of discretized momenta for a fermion in a box. (Massive fermions are represented by four vectors which are the superposition of both handedness.) Let us present the two ”basis vectors” b̂h†m ,m = (1, 2), h representing left and right handedness, in the internal space of fermions in d = (3+ 1), described by the Clifford odd algebra, representing the creation operators of one particular family (f not shown in this case), without charges, of one handedness and with spins ±1 2 , respectively, operating on the vacuum state |ψoc >= 03 [+i] 12 [−]: b̂h†1 = 03 [+i] 12 (+) and b̂h†2 = 03 (−i) 12 [−], Eq. (9.20, 9.21) 6, with h = 1, representing the right handed- ness. These two ”basis vectors” should be compared with the two vectors, one corresponding to the spin 1 2 and the other to the spin −1 2 in the Dirac case. Since Dirac did not postulate such creation operators on the level of b̂h†m , let us postulate them now on the level of b̂h†m , to be able to compare in this paper presented creation operators for this particular case, âh†↑ and âh†↓ , of right handedness h and spin up and down (↑, ↓) as follows b̂h†1 = 03 [+i]) 12 (+) to be related to âh†↑ , b̂h†2 = 03(−i)) 12[−] to be related to âh†↓ . One should repeat this also for left handedness h = −1. But these creation opera- tors âh†m ,m = (1, 2) = (↑, ↓), still can not be compared with the Dirac’s ones. Let us make the superposition of both creation operators of particular handed- ness h, âhs†(~pk) := αhs↑ (~pk) âh†↑ + αhs↓ (~pk) âh†↓ , with the coefficients αhs↑ (~pk) and αhs↓ (~pk) chosen so that âhs†tot (~pk): = âhs†(~pk) e−i(p0x0−~pk·~x) solves the equations of motion, Eq. (9.23) 7, for a plane wave eiε~pk·~x for | ~pk| = |p0k|, then it follows âhs†tot (~pk) := (α hs↑ (~pk) âh†↑ + αhs↓ (~pk) âh†↓ ) e−i(p0x0−~pk·~x) =∑ m âh†m (~pk)v hs m (~pk) , (9.42) where the summation runs overm up and down spinm of the chosen handedness h. Since vhsm (~pk) = uhsm (~pk) e−i(p 0x0−~pk·~x) it follows also that âhs†(~pk) = ∑ m uhsm â h† m , and uhsm (~pk) = αhsm (~pk). We conclude that â hs† tot (~pk) obviously determine âh†m (~pk)v hs m (~pk) = â h† m (~pk)u hs m (~pk)e −i(p0x0−~pk·~x). Anticommutation relations of Eq. (9.41), postulated by Dirac, ensure the equivalent anticommutation relations also for âhs†(~pk) and âhs(~pk). 6 We choose in the Clifford case the first two members of the third family in Table 9.1, since they manifest in d = (3 + 1) the Clifford odd character. 7 The equations of motion read in the Dirac case: {p̂0 + (−2iS0ip̂i)}(αs1(~pk) â † 1 +αs2(~pk) â † 2)e −i(p0x0−~pk·~x) = 0. To solve them we need to recognize that the matrices in the chiral representation S0i, i = (1, 2), transform â†1 into â † 2, and opposite. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 189 — #205 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 189 Now we are able to relate creation and annihilation operators in both cases, the Dirac case and our case of using the odd Clifford algebra to represent the internal space of fermions. b̂h†1 = 03 [+i] 12 (+) to be related to âh†↑ , b̂h†2 = 03 (−i) 12 [−] to be related to âh h†↓ b̂h1 = − 03 [+i] 12 (−) to be related to âh↑ , b̂h2 = 03 (+i) 12 [−] to be related to âh↓ , (9.43) both sides representing the creation operators, with S12 = 1 2 and handedness Γ (3+1) = 1, Eq. (9.48), in the first row, and with S12 = −1 2 and handedness Γ (3+1) = 1 = h, in the second row 8. None of the creation operators, âh†m ,m = (↑, ↓) and b̂h†m ,m = (1, 2), depend on momenta, but âhs†(~pk) and b̂sf†(~pk) as well as â hs† tot (~pk) and b̂ sf† tot(~pk) do depend on momenta. The creation operators âs†tot(~pk) fulfill the anticommutation relations of Eqs. (9.28, 9.38, 9.39), the same as b̂ sf† tot(~p) do. We can just replace â s† tot(~pk) by b̂ sf† tot(~p) for any of families (for plane waves solutions with continuous ~p). We can conclude: âhs†tot (~p) is to be related to b̂ hs† tot (~p) , âh†m ,m = (↑, ↓) is to be related to b̂h†m m = (1, 2) , (9.44) with h representing the handedness. This can be done for any chosen family in the Clifford case. In all the relations with b̂ hs† tot (~p) the handedness is not written explic- itly and is included in the index m and in the index s, while the index f represents the family quantum number. Only in this chapter we introduce handedness in addition to clarify the relations.h In the Clifford case the charges origin in spins d ≥ 6. In d = (13 + 1) all the charges of quarks and leptons and antiquarks and antileptons can be explained, as well as the families of quarks and leptons and antiquarks and antileptons. In the Dirac case charges come from additional groups and so do families. Let us add: The odd Clifford algebra influences the algebra of the associated creation and annihilation operators acting on the second quantized Hilbert space H; Due to oddness of the Clifford algebra, which determines internal degrees of freedom of fermions, the creation operators and their Hermitian conjugated anni- hilation partners, determined on the tensor products of internal and momentum space, make the creation and annihilation operators to anticommute. We conclude: The by Dirac postulated creation operators, âh†m (~p), and their annihilation partners, âhm(~p), Eqs. (9.40, 9.42), related in Eq. (9.44) to the Clifford 8 The vacuum state is on the left hand side equal to 03 [+i] 12 [−], while on the right hand side the corresponding vacuum state can be defined, if we follow our way of defining the vacuum state, to be proportional to (â↑â†↑ + â↓â†↓). i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 190 — #206 i i i i i i 190 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen odd creation and annihilation operators, manifest that the odd Clifford algebra offers the explanation for the second quantization postulates of Dirac. 9.4 Creation and annihilation operators in d = (13 + 1)- dimensional space The standard model offered an elegant new step in understanding elementary fermion and boson fields by postulating: i. Massless family members of (coloured) quarks and (colourless) leptons, the left handed fermions as the weak charged doublets and the weak chargeless right hand members, the left handed quarks distinguishing in the hyper charge from the left handed leptons, each right handed member having a different hyper charge. All fermion charges are in the fundamental representation of the corre- sponding groups. Antifermions carry the corresponding anticharges and opposite handedness. The massless families to each family member exist. ii. The existence of the massless vector gauge fields to the observed charges of quarks and leptons, carrying charges in the corresponding adjoint representations. iii. The existence of a massive scalar Higgs, gaining at some step of the expanding universe the nonzero vacuum expectation value, responsible for masses of fermions and heavy bosons and for the Yukawa couplings. The Higgs carries a half integer weak charge and hyper charge. iv. Fermions and bosons are second quantized fields. The standard model assumptions have in the literature several explanations, mostly with many new not explained assumptions. The most successful seem to be the grand unifying theories [22–36, 38–40], if postulating in addition the family group and the corresponding gauge scalar fields. The spin-charge-family theory, the project of one of the authors of this paper (N.S.M.B. [1–3,10–15,17]), is offering the explanation for all the assumptions of the standard model, unifying in d = (13+ 1)-dimensional space not only charges, but also charges and spins and families [2, 7], explaining the appearance of families [8, 10, 15], the appearance of the vector gauge fields [12, 14], of the scalar field and the Yukawa couplings [13]. Theory offers the explanation for the dark matter [4, 5], for the matter-antimatter asymmetry [11], and makes several predictions [4, 6, 11]. The spin-charge-family theory is a kind of the Kaluza-Klein like theories [17, 42, 44–50] due to the assumption that in d ≥ 5 (in the spin-charge-family theory d ≥ (13+1)) fermions interact with the gravity only (vielbeins and two kinds of the spin connection fields). Correspondingly this theory shares with the Kaluza-Klein like theories their weak points, at least: a. Not yet solved the quantization problem of the gravitational field. b. The spontaneous break of the starting symmetry, which would at low energies manifest the observed almost massless fermions [44]. c. The appearance of gravitational anomalies, what makes the theory not well defined [53], but in the low energy limit the fields manifest in d = (3 + 1) properties of the observed vector and scalar gauge fields. d. And other problems. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 191 — #207 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 191 In the spin-charge-family theory fermions interact in d = (13 + 1) with the gravity only: with the spin connections (the gauge fields of Sab and of S̃ab) and vielbeins (the gauge fields of momenta), with fermions as a condensate present, breaking the symmetry (and with no other gauge fields present), manifesting at low energies in d = (3 + 1) as the ordinary gravity and all the observed vector gauge fields. It is proven in Refs. [51, 52], that one can have massless spinors even after breaking the starting symmetry. Ref. [12] proves, that at low enough energies, after breaking the staring symmetry, the two spin connections manifest in d = (3 + 1) as the observed vector gauge fields, as well as the scalar fields, which offer the explanation for the Higgs and the Yukawa couplings. Ref. [11] offers the explanation for the matter-antimatter asymmetry due to the existence of the scalar fields with the “colour charges” in the fundamental representations. In Ref. [17] the spin-charge-family theory explains the standard model triangle anomaly cancellation better than the SO(10) theory [23]. The working hypotheses of the authors of this paper (in particular of N.S.M.B.) is, since the higher dimensions used in the spin-charge-family theory offer in an elegant (simple) way explanations for the so many observed phenomena, that they should not be excluded by the renormalization and anomaly arguments. At least the low energy behavior of the spin connections and vielbeins as vector and scalar gauge fields manifest as the known and more or less well defined theories. In this paper we present that using the half of the odd Clifford algebra objects to explain the internal degrees of freedom of fermions (the other half represent the Hermitian conjugated partners), as suggested by the spin-charge-family theory, leads to the second quantized fermions without postulates of Dirac 9. 9.5 Conclusions We present in Part I and Part II of this paper that the description of the internal space of fermions with the odd elements of the anticommuting algebra defines the creation and annihilation operators, which anticommute when applied on the corresponding vacuum state. The internal space, described by the odd Clifford algebra, extends its oddness to creation and annihilation operators generated on the tensor products of the internal basis with finite numbers of elements and the momentum basis with infinite number of elements. The application of these creation and annihilation operators on the Hilbert space, determined by the tensor multiplication of all possible creation operators of any numbers, formally observed 9 The authors of Ref. [43] let us know that their path integral formulation enabled them to see a great deal of what we present in this paper. We went through their paper noting that they did a lot concerning path integral formulation of quantum mechanics, offering ways to treat anomalies. But we couldn’t recognize that they propose some replacement for the Dirac postulates of creation and annihilation operators. We also could not found whether our proposal for explaining the Dirac postulates would bring any new light on path integral formulations and anomalies cancelations. To clarify this topics the discussions with authors would be needed. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 192 — #208 i i i i i i 192 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen in this paper and in [3] in the Clifford algebra, manifests the same anticommuta- tion relations as the creation and annihilation of the second quantized fermions, explaining therefore the Dirac postulates of the second quantized fermion fields. In the subsection 9.1.2 we clarify the relation between our description of the internal space of fermions with ”basis vectors”, manifesting oddness and transferring the oddness to the corresponding creation and annihilation operators of second quantized fermions, to the ordinary second quantized creation and annihilation operators from a generalized point of view. We learn in Part I of this paper, that odd products of superposition of θa’s, Eqs. (8-11,13,22) in Part I, exist forming the odd algebra ”basis vectors” in the internal space of ”Grassmann fermions” with integer spin, which together with their Hermitian conjugated partners fulfill on the algebraic level on the vacuum state all the requirements for the anticommutation relations for the Dirac fermions. The creation and annihilation operators, defined on the tensor products of the superposition of the Grassmann odd algebra ”basis vectors” and the momentum space basis, and manifesting correspondingly the oddness of the ”basis vectors”, fulfill the anticommutation relations of the second quantized Dirac’s fermions on the vacuum state, as well as on the ”Slater determinants” of all possibilities of occupied and empty single particle ”Grassmann fermion” states of integer spins of any number. These ”Slater deerminants”, representing the Hilbert space of second quantized ”Grassmann fermions”, can be represented as well with the tensor product multiplication of any possible choice of single ”Grasmann fermion states” of all possible numbers of states, started with none (that is with the identity), distinguishing at least either in one of the quantum numbers of the ”basic vectors” or in momentum basis. In Part II we learn, that the creation and annihilation operators exist in the Clifford odd algebra, defining the internal space of half integer fermions, which applying on the vacuum state fulfill the anticommutation relations postulated by Dirac. Creation operators, defined on the tensor products of the superposition of the finite ”basis vectors” of the internal space described with the Clifford algebra and of the infinite momentum basis, fulfill as well together with their Hermitian conjugated annihilation operators the anticommutation relations postulated by Dirac, on the vacuum state and on the Hilbert space of infinite number of the single particle fermion states, NH = ∏∞ ~p 2 2d−2 , Eqs. (9.33, 9.34), creating ”Slater determinants” (Eqs. (9.37, 9.39)), but only after the reduction of the degrees of freedom of the Clifford algebras for a factor of two, Eq. (9.12). The reduction of the Clifford algebras for the factor of two leaves the anticom- mutation relations of Eqs. (9.2, 9.3) unchanged, enabling the appearance of family quantum numbers. The Clifford fermions carry half integer spins, families and charges in fundamental representations, Eq. (9.5). The reduction of Clifford space causes the reduction also in Grassmann space, what leads to the disappearance of integer spin fermions, Eq. (9.19). The Clifford algebra oddness of the ”basis vectors”, describing the internal space of fermions, makes odd also the corresponding fermion states defined on the tensor products of the internal and momentum space. Correspondingly any i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 193 — #209 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 193 two states fulfill the anticommutation relations and so do any tensor products of odd numbers of fermion states, forming the Hilbert second quantized space. We present the creation operators, defined on the tensor products of ”basis vectors” and plane waves, solve the equations of motion, in our case for free massless fermions, Eq. (9.23), derived from the action, Eq. (9.22). Anticommutation relations are not postulated, as it is in the Dirac case, they follow from the oddness of the Clifford objects, and correspondingly explain the second postulates of Dirac (what is stressed in several places in Part I and Part II and in a short way also in Subsect. 9.1.2). The relation between the Dirac’s creation and annihilation operators and the ones offered by the odd Clifford algebra, discussed in In Subsect. 9.3.4 demon- strates that the basic differences between these two descriptions is on the level of the single particle creation operators: While the odd Clifford algebra offers the creation and annihilation operators, which fulfill the anticommutation rela- tions, already on the level of the ”basis vectors” determining the internal space of fermions, Eq. (9.17), when applied on the vacuum state, Dirac postulates the anticommutation relations on the level of second quantized objects, following the procedure of Lagrange and Hamilton. The final result is in both cases equivalent, leading to the Hilbert space of sec- ond quantized fields. However, our way not only explains the Dirac postulates but demonstrates in addition, that also the single particle states in the first quantization do anticommute due to the oddness of the ”basis vectors” defining the internal space. The oddness of the Clifford objects of creation and annihilation operators is transmitted from the ”basis vectors” of internal space to the tensor products of the superposition of the ”basis vectors” and the momentum or coordinate space. Correspondingly the odd Clifford algebra, equipped with the family quantum numbers, and fulfilling the anticommutation relations already on the level of the single particle creation operators applying on the vacuum state, as well as on the level of the whole Hilbert space, offers the explanation for the anticommutation relations, postulated by Dirac. The Hilbert space of all ”Slater determinants” with any number of occupied or empty states of an odd character, follows in all three cases, the Dirac one (with postulated creation and annihilation operators and offering no families and no charges), the Grassmann one (offering spins and charges in adjoint representations, and no families) and the Clifford one (offering spins, families and charges), in an equivalent way: due to the anticommuting creation and annihilation operators, representing ”basis vectors” and their Hermitian conjugated partners. One can see this in Sect. 9.3.4. Let us repeat: Internal space contributes the final number of states, the infinity of number of states is due to momentum/coordinate space 10. The anticommuting single fermion states manifest correspondingly the odd- ness already on the level of the first quantization. Correspondingly these odd 10 Let us add that the single particle vacuum state is the sum of products of annihilation × creation operators: In the Grassmann case it is just an identity, in the Clifford case is the sum of products of projectors for each family. i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 194 — #210 i i i i i i 194 N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B.F. Nielsen fermion states form in the tensor products ∗T the Hilbert space H of second quantized states. 9.6 APPENDIX: Norms in Grassmann space and Clifford space Let us define the integral over the Grassmann space [2] of two functions of the Grassmann coordinates < B|θ >< C|θ >, < B|θ >=< θ|B >†, < b|θ >= d∑ k=0 ba1...akθ a1 · · · θak , by requiring {dθa, θb}+ = 0 , ∫ dθa = 0 , ∫ dθaθa = 1 ,∫ dd θ θ0θ1 · · · θd = 1 , ddθ = dθd . . . dθ0 , ω = Πdk=0( ∂ ∂θk + θk) , (9.45) with ∂ ∂θa θc = ηac. We shall use the weight function [2]ω = Πdk=0( ∂ ∂θk + θk) to define the scalar product in Grassmann space < B|C > < B|C > = ∫ ddθa ω < B|θ >< θ|C > = d∑ k=0 b∗b1...bkcb1...bk . (9.46) To define norms in Clifford space Eq. (9.45) can be used as well. 9.7 APPENDIX: Handedness in Grassmann and Clifford space The handedness Γ (d) is one of the invariants of the group SO(d), with the infinites- imal generators of the Lorentz group Sab, defined as Γ (d) = αεa1a2...ad−1ad S a1a2 · Sa3a4 · · ·Sad−1ad , (9.47) with α, which is chosen so that Γ (d) = ±1. In the Grassmann case Sab is defined in Eq. (9.3), while in the Clifford case Eq. (9.47) simplifies, if we take into account that Sab|a 6=b = i2γ aγb and S̃ab|a 6=b = i 2 γ̃aγ̃b, as follows Γ (d) : = (i)d/2 ∏ a ( √ ηaaγa), if d = 2n . (9.48) i i “proc20Vol1” — 2020/12/6 — 22:10 — page 195 — #211 i i i i i i 9 Understanding the Second Quantization of Fermions — Part II 195 Acknowledgements The author N.S.M.B. thanks Department of Physics, FMF, University of Ljubljana, Society of Mathematicians, Physicists and Astronomers of Slovenia, for supporting the research on the spin-charge-family theory, the author H.B.N. thanks the Niels Bohr Institute for being allowed to staying as emeritus, both authors thank DMFA and Matjaž Breskvar of Beyond Semiconductor for donations, in particular for sponsoring the annual workshops entitled ”What comes beyond the standard models” at Bled. References 1. N. Mankoč Borštnik, ”Spin connection as a superpartner of a vielbein”, Phys. Lett. B 292 (1992) 25-29. 2. N. Mankoč Borštnik, ”Spinor and vector representations in four dimensional Grassmann space”, J. of Math. Phys. 34 (1993) 3731-3745. 3. N.S. Mankoč Borštnik and H.B. 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