Bled Workshops in Physics Vol. 4, No. 1 vTLv Proceedings of the Mini-Workshop Effective q-q Interaction (p. 95) Bled, Slovenia, July 7-14, 2003 A simplified collective model of pion * Borut T. Oblak Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, University of Ljubljana, Jadranska 19, P.O. Box 2964, SI-1001 Ljubljana, Slovenia Abstract. In order to test the accuracy of the aproximate methods commonly used for the Nambu - Jona-Lasinio model we study a simpler model which can be solved exactly. We find that the Random Phase Approximation gives reasonably good results if used in combination with the Hartree ground state (vacuum). On the other hand, the Tamm-Dancoff and Hermitian Operator Methods give even better results, but for the price of requiring a better approximation of the ground state. 1 Introduction In the Nambu - Jona-Lasinio model (NJL), the vacuum properties and the pion excitation are usually calculated using the Hartree-Fock (HF) and Random Phase Approximations (RPA). We propose a simplied version of NJL which is appropriate to test the accuracy of these aproximate methods. The model preserves the main features of NJL and is simple enough to be solved exactly. For simplicity we limit ourselves to one flavour of quarks. Since we shall deal with a finite number of quarks, it is convenient to start with the one-flavour NJL Hamiltonian written in the first-quantized form [1] and with a momentum cutoff A N H = Y_ (,5(k)h(k)p(k) + moP(k)) k=1 N N - f Z ZOWPM + (iP^Tsik)) ■ (i(3il)T5fl))) ■ k=1 1=1 l=k A A A A ■ H H H H 5pk+pi.Pk+Pipk, p0 m„ = y E2 — p2 , where E1 is the energy of the first excited state and E2 is the pion energy. We determined the effective pion momentum p2 by the requirement, that the pion behaves as a Goldstone boson in the chiral limit and that p2 does not change much when the small quark mass term is introduced: Pi = Ei (mo = 0) — Eg (mo = 0). 3. Instead of the pionic decay constant (f2 = 93 MeV) we prefer to fit the chiral condensate Q which is related to f2 through the Gell-Mann - Oakes - Renner relation —Q = fimi/mo . In this way we avoid the ambiguity how to introduce f2 in a one-flavour model, as well as the ambiguities with the effective momentum of the pion in a finite volume. In our model, the chiral condensate is 1 N 2 Q = y = ytelJxig). i=1 We compare the fitted values of model parameters for several values of N (Table 1). It is amusing that they are rather close to NJL parameters corresponding to two flavours and infinite number of quarks in the system [2]. 3 Test of approximate methods - the vacuum We compare the ground state (vacuum) energy Eg and the chiral condensate Q of the Hartree approximation with the exact solution. The vacuum energy (Table 2) for N=48 and for the physically interesting value G = 40.1 MeVfm3 deviates only by 1.2%. The deviation decreases with 98 B. T. Oblak Table 1. Model parameters (above) fitted to reproduce the observables (below). N 12 24 36 48 NJL exper. G (MeV fmJ ) 69.9 55.9 46.5 40.1 42.2 mo (MeV) 26.0 15.9 11.8 9.6 5.5 P (MeV) 484 557 613 659 473 M (MeV) 335 335 335 335 335 335 m« (MeV) 138 138 138 138 138 138 fn (MeV) 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 93.0 Table 2. The energies Eg of the ground state for 48 quarks for P = 659 MeV and mo = 9.6 MeV and three values of G. G (MeVfm3) 20.0 40.1 60.0 Exact Hartree -32058.96 -31991.62 -32970.80 -32586.51 -37028.30 -36565.25 increasing N which hints that Hartre is a good large-N limit (we could not test it yet for large enough N). One should take some care, however, since in spite of the good agreement the Hartree ground state is still above the first (few) exact excited states in some of the studied cases. Fig.1. Dependence of absolute value of the chiral condensate on the strength of interaction for 48 particles and P = 659 MeV. From above follow the lines for m0 = 9.6, 4.8, 2.4, 1.2, 0.6, 0.3 and 0 MeV. Exact (left) and Hartree (right) results are compared. For a finite system we do not expect a sharp transition from the chirally symmetric to the chirally broken phase as a function of the interaction strength G. As a matter of fact, for m0 = 0 the system remains chirally symmetric, the order parameter Q remains zero. For a small but finite explicit symmetry breaking term m0 the system responds first with a small Q proportional to m0. For G larger than A simplified model of pion 99 some critical value, however, Q starts to rise sharply (Fig.1). This is the analogue for spontaneous symmetry breaking in the case of a finite system. One expects a sharp phase transition if one makes the limit N —> oo faster than the limit mo —> 0. On the other hand, one gets in the Hartree approximation a sharp phase transition already in the chiral limit mo = 0 and a slightly larger chiral condensate for mo > 0. This shows that the Hartree approximation strongly exaggerates the chiral symmetry breaking and in this way immitates the situation at N even at smaller N. 4 Test of approximate methods -1 and ct mesons. The first excited state (negative parity) corresponds to pion and the second excited state (positive parity) corresponds to sigma meson. As approximate methods we study several particle-hole methods in which the ground state is excited by a one-body ("particle-hole") excitation operator. In our case the low-lying states are symmetric under permutation of quark labels. Therefore the one-body excitation operators can be expressed as combination of quasispin operators Lx , Sx , iLy , iSy , Lz and Sz which we denote jointly by Bt, i = 1, ...6. Then we expand the excited states in the basis |i) | exc) =£_ ct|i>, | i) = Bt|g. i The calculation is formulated in terms of a secular equation for the excitation energy ! and expansion coefficients ct Different approximate methods differ in the proposition for the hamiltonian and overlap matrices 1. In the Tamm-Dancoff method (TD) the basis | i) is taken literally and one obtains Un = and •Ajt = = <9 I Bj Bi | g) 100 B. T. Oblak where the upper line in JVj i applies if Bt and Bj are both hermitian or both antihermitian and the lower line (0) otherwise. 3. The Simple Operator Method (SOM) is even a more restrictive approximation to TD, it chooses only one of the listed one-body operators, iJy. Its succes in the description of the pion is based on the observation that such state is very close to the pionic excitation: <7r| iJv|g)/^/{g|j2|g) = 0.990 (for N = 48). It is even useful to calculate the two-pion excitation |2i) = —Jyy |g) — (g|-Jyy |g) |g). 4. In the Random Phase Apoproximation one makes a risky but often sucessful assumption that there exists an excitation operator A = Y.t c-iBi whose adjoint kills the ground state A | g = | exc), A | g = 0. The inspiration comes from the creation and annihilation operators of the harmonic oscillator and it is a promissing approximation when one observes harmonic vibrational spectra. One then gets j = and •Ají = 1870.76 1.00 1870.76 -1.00 1848.51 1.00 916.91 1.00 916.46 -1.00 0.00 1.00 879.21 1.00 788.36 -1.00 788.33 1.00 365.20 1.00 319.65 -1.00 0.00 1.00 947.76 -1.00 647.98 1.00 579.88 -1.00 401.18 1.00 214.59 -1.00 0.00 1.00 approximations of low-lying states computed from the exact ground state RPA Itt) 917.06 1.00 916.59 -1.00 538.36 1.00 423.80 -1.00 1630.42 1.00 591.55 -1.00 ID k> Itt) l9> 917.00 1.00 916.53 -1.00 0.48 1.00 423.54 1.00 337.51 -1.00 4.74 1.00 1365.81 1.00 246.99 -1.00 9.01 1.00 HOM Itt) l9> 916.96 1.00 916.49 -1.00 0.48 1.00 413.93 1.00 333.98 -1.00 4.76 1.00 1223.81 1.00 243.37 -1.00 9.07 1.00 SOM |2tt) Itt) 1859.35 1.00 916.49 -1.00 843.56 1.00 333.98 -1.00 609.14 1.00 243.37 -1.00 approximations of low-lying states computed from the Hartree ground state RPA k> Itt) 908.25 1.00 907.75 -1.00 656.92 1.00 260.35 -1.00 1691.41 1.00 229.05 -1.00 ID k> Itt) l9> 976.01 1.00 975.67 -1.00 0.00 1.00 886.01 1.00 760.63 -1.00 0.00 1.00 1744.26 1.00 1083.67 -1.00 0.00 1.00 HOM Itt) l9> 975.70 -0.01 773.19 0.55 0.00 1.00 763.78 0.11 584.56 0.40 0.00 1.00 1881.07 -0.34 1097.31 0.00 0.00 1.00 SOM |2tt) Itt) 1965.87 1.00 975.67 -1.00 1540.17 1.00 760.63 -1.00 2156.63 1.00 1083.67 -1.00 References 1. 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