International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning, 1(2), 173–188 Affective and Social Factors Influencing the Continuance Intention of Using Social Technology for the Case-based Learning Peter Ractham Thammasat Business School, Thailand Charlie C. Chen Appalachian State University, US Siriporn Srisawas Thammasat Business School, Thailand The proliferation of social technology poses both a threat and an opportu- nity for the delivery of traditional case method learning in business schools. This paper extends the expectation confirmation model (ECM) to examine the possibility of delivering the case method learning via social technology. Our regression analysis shows that, in addition to affective factors, the social factor of information and knowledge sharing can help improve the accuracy of predicting a student’s continuance intention of using social technology in case method learning. The analysis result leads to theoretical and empirical findings for business schools to consider adopting social technology as the next-generation tool for case method teaching. Keywords: social network, social technology, e-learning Introduction Case method teaching is a widely accepted method of instruction in social and natural sciences. Although this instructional method is used extensively in face-to-face classroom environment, its effective application via social technology remains unanswered. As social technology becomes an integral part of most college students’ lives, a growing number of faculty members in business schools are facing the challenge of incorporating social technol- ogy into case method teaching. In the meantime, learning about using so- cial technology as an effective online teaching tool may have lasting impact on a student’s learning performance. To address this possibility, the first and foremost issue is to understand the belief, attitude, and behavior of college students to continue using social technology in classroom learning. These effective factors are a prerequisite to the understanding of new tech- nology adoption and continuance use. Technology acceptance model (TAM) and expectation confirmation model (ECM) are two salient frameworks used 174 Peter Ractham, Charlie C. Chen, and Siriporn Srisawas to assess the affective factors of users with respect to information technol- ogy adoption decision. TAM is effective at predicting IT adoption behavior of users in a pre-adoption situation (Davis, 1989), whereas ECM is effective in the post-adoption situation (Bhattacherjee, 2001). Since social comput- ing has been integral to the daily life of most college students, ECM is more appropriate than TAM to help us understand college students’ contin- uance intention of using the technology to facilitate their learning. Subjec- tive norm factors, including perceived usefulness (PU), confirmation, user satisfaction, and continuance intention, are key elements in ECM model. A confirmation experience can influence perceived usefulness (PU), thereby affecting user satisfaction and continuance intention. The application of social technology as a business-case learning tool requires that students be formed in groups, as well as encouraged to converse and share diver- gent ideas. The inclusion of these three factors – grouping, conversing, and sharing – has the potential of improving the accuracy of ECM in predicting intention of college students to continue using social technology as a busi- ness case-based learning tool. This research project has one primary goal: to understand the influence of affective factors (e. g. beliefs and values) and social factors (e. g. grouping, conversing and sharing) on the adoption of social media for case method learning. The remainder of the paper is structured as follows. The next section is a thorough discussion of affective and social factors pertinent to the use of social learning technology for business case-based learning. The litera- ture review will lead to the development of hypotheses on the relationships among these factors. We will then propose a theoretical framework to sum- marize all hypotheses. Research methodology is presented to help readers understand the nature of our data, as well as assess the reliability and va- lidity of our empirical data. Data analysis will be conducted to report findings on our proposed hypotheses. The paper will be concluded with discussion, implications, limitations, and future research directions. Theoretical Development Case Method Learning Effectiveness via Social Technology Case method learning is a widely accepted practice in business schools. So- cial networking is essential to case method learning because group mem- bers need to converse with each other, share ideas, and solve business problems together (Voigt, 2010). The success of case-based learning de- pends on how well learners are socially connected, and if social bonds among team members are formed. A well-connected social network can help promote learning in the community of practice (Voigt & MacFarlane, 2010). Social technology is proliferating and transforming the way people interact with each other. Americans are spending an average of 25 per- International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning Affective and Social Factors Influencing . . . 175 cent of their time on social networking technology (The Nielsen Company, 2010). In some countries, the usage rate can be as high as 40 percent (Piskorski & McCall, 2010). College students are one of those groups em- bracing social networking technology, and using them in every aspect of their life. It is customary to see students ‘always staying on’ social tech- nology to check news feeds, IM friends, update status, and track upcom- ing events inside and outside the classroom. The new trend is affecting the learning behaviors and styles of college students (Baird, 2005). An in- creasing number of administrators and educators find incorporating social technology into the existing curriculum a challenge. On the other hand, so- cial technology may be an effective medium to help deliver effective case method instruction because of its nature to support social interactions. Social learning theory asserts that social interactions are essential to the social learning process because students need to learn from each other via observation, imitation, and modeling (Bandura, 1977). After each social interaction, individuals learn to establish their behavior models by observ- ing and imitating other individuals’ behaviors or through the enforcement of the media and the environment. Learning by modeling takes place in four sequential steps: (1) attention, (2) retention, (3) motor reproduction and (4) motivation and reinforcement (Bandura, 1977). Enforcement forces, such as the duration of training, praise, motivation and attention of others, al- lows learning to move along these four steps against counter forces and lead to better cognitive learning (Yi & Davis, 2001). Social technology has the potential of enforcing each of these four sequential steps. For instance, peer-to-peer pressure on a social site is a great motivation for a student to make visible contribution to his/her team. Divergent ideas about a posted question can stimulate discussion and lead to a higher degree of attention and retention. The Influence of Confirmation Experience on Perceived Usefulness A user will experience a positive confirmation experience if his/her post- adoption experiences exceed pre-adopted expectations, according to the cognitive dissonance theory. PU is the degree to which a user believes that a particular information system would enhance his or her job perfor- mance (Davis, 1989). A positive confirmation experience can increase the user’s PU for the adopted information system (Zviran, Pliskin, & Levin 2005; Amoakogyampah, 2007). Perceived usefulness in the context of using so- cial technology to learn business cases should help users understand main concepts of a business case and solve problems related to the case. After using social technology to learn a business case, college students should have either a positive or a negative confirmation experience. If the con- firmation experience is positive, it shall enhance the student’s perceived Volume 1, Issue 2, 2012 176 Peter Ractham, Charlie C. Chen, and Siriporn Srisawas usefulness of social technology as a learning tool to improve his/her under- standing of a business case. We therefore propose the following hypothe- ses: Hypothesis 1 Confirmation experience of using social technology to learn business cases has a positive influence on a student’s perceived use- fulness of social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. The Influence of Perceived Usefulness and Confirmation Experience on User Satisfaction Perceived usefulness is ‘the degree to which a person believes that using a particular system would enhance his or her job performance’ (Davis, 1989). A positive confirmation experience can increase the satisfaction level of a user (Lee, 2010; Ho, 2010). These two affective factors are positively corre- lated with user satisfaction because they are the user’s perceptions based on the accumulated experiences of using a particular information system. The higher the perceived usefulness or the more positive the confirmation experience, the more likely a user is satisfied with the adopted information system (Roca, Chiu and Martinez, 2006). In addition, the user’s perceived usefulness can increase his/her continuance intention of using a particular information system (Ajzen & Fishbein, 1980). Social technology has been primarily used as a tool for networking. To incorporate the social technology into the business case-based learning, it is important to first convince users regarding the possibility of turning social technology into a learning tool. At the experimental stage, it is important to encourage users to assimilate social technology in their business case-based learning by improving their perceived usefulness and confirmation experiences. Doing so can have the potential of increasing user satisfaction. We therefore propose the following hypotheses: Hypothesis 2 A user’s perceived usefulness of using social technology to learn business cases has a positive influence on a student’s intention of continuously using social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. Hypothesis 3 A user’s perceived usefulness of using social technology to learn business cases has a positive influence on a student’s satisfac- tion with the use of social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. Hypothesis 4 A positive confirmation experience of using social technology to learn business cases has a positive influence on a student’s satisfac- tion with the use of social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning Affective and Social Factors Influencing . . . 177 Perceived Usefulness Confirmation Satisfaction S ha rin g C on ve rs in g G ro up in g Continuance Intention of Using Social Technology for Case-based Learning H6 H 7 H8 H 1 H3 H4 H5 H2 Figure 1 Theoretical Framework The Influence of Satisfaction on the Continuance Intention of Adopting Social Technology When users are satisfied with a new technology, they are more likely to continue using the technology. The use of social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems is a new experience for our students. When students are satisfied with the use of social tech- nology for case method learning, they are more likely to continue to use the technology to perform the same task in the future. Hypothesis 5 A user’s satisfaction with the use of social technology to learn business cases has a positive influence on a student’s confirma- tion experience with the use of social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. The Influence of Social Factors on the Continuance Intention of Social Technology As social technology proliferates, many scholars recognize the importance of incorporating social factors (e. g. interpersonal influence, community, in- timacy, familiarity, and self-identity) into the ECM model (Kim, 2011). The findings of their studies confirm the importance of social factors to promote the adoption of users for social technology. However, little research has in- vestigated the potential influence of three social factors, including grouping, conversing, and sharing, on the use of social technology for learning pur- pose. These three social factors are particularly important because these Volume 1, Issue 2, 2012 178 Peter Ractham, Charlie C. Chen, and Siriporn Srisawas activities are indispensible to the success of business case-based learn- ing courses. Replicating these factors in the online social sites could be as important as it is in the traditional face-to-face environment. However, the level of influence of each of these three social factors on a learner’s confirmation experience has not been explored. Hypothesis 6 The more frequently a learner uses social technology to share case-related information with other students, the more likely he/she will have a positive confirmation experience. Hypothesis 7 The more frequently a learner uses social technology to con- verse with other students on case-related issues, the more likely he/she will have a positive confirmation experience. Hypothesis 8 The more frequently a learner uses social technology to dis- cuss with other group members on case-related issues, the more likely he/she will have a positive confirmation experience. Research Methodology A field experiment methodology was conducted because it has the mer- its of ‘testing theory’ and ‘obtaining answers to practical questions’ (Ker- linger & Lee, 2000). The exploratory nature of the study requires that vari- ables (e. g., interaction modes and usage patterns) under investigation be carefully observed and interpreted. The setting for the field experiment is three information systems classes offered by a public university in Thailand. About 30 students in each class session participated in this study. A total of 90 students in the college of business in this university were invited to spend two weeks to discuss the Harvard business case ‘Apple Inc.’ on the social site ( Instructor, course materials, learning content, and evaluation criteria were controlled to be the same in all three class sessions. A professional translator was used to translate English ma- terials into Thai to help students in Thailand understand the learning ma- terials. All subjects followed the four learning phases to complete each case discussion: (1) introduction of Edmodo and case-related concepts, (2) student case analysis, (3) output generation and discussions, and (4) follow-up and evaluation. A survey was conducted with subjects to under- stand the influence of affective and social factors on their intention of using the social technology as a case method learning tool. We also monitored the usage behaviors (e. g. the number of messages posted, comments and responses) on Edmodo and assessed the impact of these behaviors on individual learning performance and team effectiveness. Development of Measurement Instrument To improve the validity of our survey instrument, we adopted the instru- ments used in previous literature and modified them for the purpose of this International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning Affective and Social Factors Influencing . . . 179 study. Questions used to measure affective factors, including perceived use- fulness, confirmation experience, satisfaction, and continuance intention, were modified from Bhattacherjee’s (2001) study. Questions used to mea- sure social factors, including sharing, conversing, and grouping were mod- ified from Kietzmann, Hermkens, McCarthy, and Silvestre’s (2011) study. Since the original questions were in English, we hired a professional transla- tor in Thailand to translate the survey instrument into Thai so that students could comprehend. To achieve a reliable content validity, two information systems experts were asked to review and edit the translated document. Students participating in this study used the revised survey to report their experiences of using Edmodo for case method learning. The internal reliability of the questionnaire scales was checked using the Cronbach’s coefficient (α) for 28 statement items. The alpha values for all constructs, other than the sharing construct, were greater than 0.7, the threshold value for high reliability (Table 1). The alpha value of the sharing construct was 0.42, lower than o.5, the acceptable reliability. We therefore removed the third item in this construct and recalculated its alpha value. The new alpha value was increased to 0.643, exceeding the minimum ac- ceptable value for reliability test. Therefore, the overall reliability of all con- structs was deemed acceptable and all constructs were included in further data analysis. Demographics Although 90 students participated in this study, filling out the survey was voluntary. A total of 78 responses were returned as a result. The demo- graphic profiles are presented in Table 2. It is noted that females make up the majority of participants (80.77%). All subjects were freshmen and had not claimed their major. Subjects in this study hold the primary interest of majoring in accounting (43.48%), followed by finance (35.87%), and mar- keting (16.3%). About 21.79% of subjects had experiences of using social network sites, such as Facebook, Hi5, Twitter, and YouTube. All subjects (100%) had limited experiences of using Edmodo. No one used the applica- tion longer than 1 year. Uploading photos (80.77%) makes up the majority of Edmodo experiences, followed by conversation, discussion, and sharing with each other, 1–3 hours each time (57.69%), and learning course mate- rials 4–6 hours per day (38.46%). Data Analysis Results The multiple regression analysis was adopted to investigate the relation- ships among affective factors, social factors, and expectation confirmation experience. As shown in Table 3, the results indicated that a positive confirmation experience of using social technology to learn business cases has a sig- Volume 1, Issue 2, 2012 180 Peter Ractham, Charlie C. Chen, and Siriporn Srisawas Table 1 Reliabilities and Composite Mean for Each Constructs Factor (1) (2) (3) (4) Confirmation Experience 3 3.48 0.65 0.71 Conf. exp. of using Edmodo to learn is better than I expected 3.49 0.72 Service of Edmodo is better than I expected 3.43 0.64 Overall, expectation to use Edmodo as expected 3.52 0.60 Perceived Usefulness 10 3.29 0.69 0.80 Time passes quickly when I used Edmodo 2.99 0.69 Nothing bothered me when I used Edmodo 2.65 0.64 I forgot everything when I used Edmodo 2.39 0.78 Learning to operate Edmodo is easy for me 3.51 0.73 Edmodo is very easy to understand 3.42 0.75 I find Edmodo easy to use 3.55 0.75 Edmodo could enhance my learning 3.66 0.66 Edmodo could enhance my ability 3.58 0.65 Edmodo could improve the understanding of each topic 3.51 0.66 Overall Edmodo could have the potential about the concepts 3.68 0.61 Satisfaction 3 3.77 0.56 0.82 I am satisfied with Edmodo 3.82 0.55 Edmodo is a good choice for me 3.82 0.60 Overall, Edmodo can respond to my needs 3.70 0.54 Sharing 3 3.67 0.74 0.63 I would like to share with my friends 3.67 0.57 I would like to post the answer of assignment 3.66 0.90 Conversing 4 3.14 0.84 0.72 I would like to post the information 2.75 0.86 I would like to check friend’s post 3.09 0.84 I would like to reply to my friends 2.86 0.82 I would like to check my grade book 3.87 0.83 Grouping 2 1.52 0.75 0.75 I would like to use the appointment calendar with my friends 1.38 0.72 I would like to use supporting community for learning 1.68 0.78 Continuance Intention 3 3.01 0.71 0.71 I will continue to use Edmodo in the future 3.47 0.65 I will continue to use Edmodo for learning* 3.32 0.73 I aim to Edmodo’s usefulness 2.26 0.74 Notes Column headings are as follows: (1) no. of items, (2) composite mean, (3) standard deviation, (4) reliability. * Instead of face-to-face learning. nificant influence (β = 33.8; p = 0.003 < 0.05) on a student’s perceived usefulness of social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. Thus, Hypothesis 1 was confirmed. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning Affective and Social Factors Influencing . . . 181 Table 2 Demographic Data Summary Categorized by Students Who Used the Edmodo for Case-Based Learning Features Amounts Percent Gender Male 15 19.23 Female 63 80.77 Expected major (choose more than one) Accounting 40 43.48 MIS 0 0.00 Marketing 15 16.30 Finance 33 35.87 IBLT 3 3.26 HO 0 0.00 RE 0 0.00 OM 0 0.00 Experience in using online Social Networking Site such as Facebook, Hi5, Twitter, YouTube Less than 1 year 2 2.56 1 to 2 years 13 16.67 2 to 3 years 16 20.51 3 to 4 years 13 16.67 4 to 5 years 17 21.79 More than 5 years 17 21.79 The duration of Edmodo use in hours per week Less than hour 31 39.74 1 to 3 hours 40 51.28 4 to 6 hours 6 7.69 7 to 9 hours 1 1.28 More than 10 hours 0 0.00 Continued on the next page As shown in Table 5, the results indicated that perceived usefulness (β=33.3; p=0.000<0.005), and satisfaction (β=39.7; p=0.002<0.05) when using social technology to learn business cases have a positive influ- ence on a student’s intention to continue using social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. Therefore, Hypothe- ses 2 and 5 were confirmed. As shown in Table 6, the results indicated that the social factor of shar- ing (β=29.0; p=0.015<0.05) information and knowledge with each other has a positive influence on a student’s intention to continue using social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related prob- lems. Therefore, Hypothesis H6 was confirmed. In contrast, the social fac- tors of grouping (β = −10.1; p = 0.396 > 0.05), and conversing (β = 4.4; p=0.715>0.05) have no significant influences on a student’s intention to Volume 1, Issue 2, 2012 182 Peter Ractham, Charlie C. Chen, and Siriporn Srisawas Table 2 Continued from the previous page Features Amounts Percent Experiences with Edmodo Less than 1 year 78 100.00 1 to 2 years 0 0.00 2 to 3 years 0 0.00 3 to 4 years 0 0.00 4 to 5 years 0 0.00 More than 5 years 0 0.00 How many hours I used Edmodo for learning Less than hour 4 5.13 1 to 3 hours 27 34.62 4 to 6 hours 30 38.46 7 to 9 hours 11 14.10 More than 10 hours 6 7.69 Duration of Edmodo use for the knowledge or discussion sharing per times Less than hour 6 7.69 1 to 3 hours 45 57.69 4 to 6 hours 24 30.77 7 to 10 hours 2 2.56 More than 10 hours 1 1.28 The Frequency of Edmodo use for education per times 13 times 18 23.08 46 times 26 33.33 79 times 20 25.64 1012 times 6 7.69 1315 times 4 5.13 More than 15 times 4 5.13 Experienced uploading a photo on Edmodo Yes 63 80.77 No 15 19.23 Table 3 The Influence of factor on the Perceived Usefulness of Edmodo Independent Standardized Coefficients β t Sig. Constant 71.313 0.000 Confirmation Experience 33.8 3.089 0.003* Notes *p<0.05. R2 =0.114. Dependent variable: Perceived Usefulness. continue using social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. Therefore, Hypotheses H7 and H8 were rejected. Table 7 summarizes all hypothesis testing results. International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning Affective and Social Factors Influencing . . . 183 Table 4 The Influence of factor on the Satisfaction with Edmodo Independent Standardized Coefficients β t Sig. Constant –5.112 0.000 Perceived Usefulness 0.542 5.163 0.000* Confirmation Experience 0.009 0.081 0.936 Notes *p<0.05. R2 =0.298. Dependent variable: Satisfaction. Table 5 The Influence of factor on the Continuance Intention of Edmodo Independent Standardized Coefficients β t Sig. Constant –2.685 0.009 Perceived Usefulness 0.333 2.724 0.008* Satisfaction 0.397 3.282 0.002* Notes *p<0.05. R2 =0.412. Dependent variable: Continuance Intention. Table 6 The Influence of Sharing, Grouping, Conversing on Confirmation Experience Independent Standardized Coefficients β t Sig. Constant 6.621 0.000 Sharing 0.290 2.457 0.016* Grouping –0.101 –0.854 0.396 Conversing 0.044 0.366 0.715 Notes *p<0.05. R2 =0.092. Discussion This study has one primary research objective: to understand the potential contribution of affective and social factors to a student’s decision of adopt- ing social technology for case method learning. Since all subjects had prior experiences in using the adopted social technology Edmodo, the emphasis of this study was on post-adoption process. We postulated that a positive confirmation experience could have significant influences on both perceived usefulness and user satisfaction, thereby affecting the continuance inten- tion of users in adopting social technology as a case method learning tool. The data analysis results indicate that direct influence of confirmation ex- perience on user satisfaction does not exist. Rather, subjects in this study expressed increased perceived usefulness after receiving a confirmation experience. The influence persisted after the user’s perceived usefulness toward social technology was formed. A similar magnitude of positive rela- tionship also existed between perceived usefulness and continuance inten- tion. These findings suggested that an instructor, who is interested in using social technology to deliver case method instruction, should focus on in- creasing the perceived usefulness of social technology rather than learner satisfaction. A case method instructor may want to thoroughly explain the potential usefulness of using social technology to his/her students. Conse- Volume 1, Issue 2, 2012 184 Peter Ractham, Charlie C. Chen, and Siriporn Srisawas Table 7 Summary of Hypotheses Test Results Hypothesis Result The Influence of Confirmation Experience on Perceived Usefulness Hypothesis 1 Confirmation experience of using social technology to learn busi- ness cases has a positive influence on a student’s perceived usefulness of social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. Confirmed The Influence of Perceived Usefulness and Confirmation Experience on User Satisfaction Hypothesis 3 A user’s perceived usefulness of using social technology to learn business cases has a positive influence on a student’s satisfaction with the use of social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related prob- lems. Confirmed Hypothesis 4 A positive confirmation experience of using social technology to learn business cases has a positive influence on a student’s satisfaction with the use of social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. Disproved The Influence of Social Factors on the Continuance Intention of Social Technology Hypothesis 2 A user’s perceived usefulness of using social technology to learn business cases has a positive influence on a student’s intention of continuously using social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. Confirmed Hypothesis 5 The more satisfied with the use of social technology, the more likely a learner will continue to use social technology in the future. Confirmed The Influence of Social Factors on the Continuance Intention of Social Technology Hypothesis 6 Information and knowledge sharing using social technology has a positive influence on a student’s confirmation experiences of using social tech- nology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. Confirmed Hypothesis 7 Grouping via social technology has a positive influence on a stu- dent’s confirmation experiences of using social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. Disproved Hypothesis 8 Conversing with each other via social technology has a positive influence on a student’s confirmation experiences of using social technology to acquire IT concepts and solve business case-related problems. Disproved quently, a learner will be satisfied with the use of social technology and/or will have higher intention of continuing to use social technology for next case method learning assignment. Sharing information and knowledge via social technology is the only so- cial factor with an impact on the confirmation experience of subjects in this study. Grouping and conversing features of social technology have little impact on the student’s confirmation experiences. These findings indicate that social technology is effective at helping learners share and exchange information and knowledge in the process of learning a business case. The more useful information and knowledge shared on a social site, the higher intention the user has to continue using the social site to learn business cases. A case method instructor may want to encourage team members to disseminate useful information and knowledge to help each other complete International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning Affective and Social Factors Influencing . . . 185 case-related assignments. Although social technology can be also assimi- lated to facilitate the grouping and conversing activities, they add little val- ues to the user’s continuance intention. An instructor may want to consider adopting other communication (e. g. instant messenger or email) and col- laboration technologies (e. g. Google Doc. and Windows Live) for conversing and grouping activities, respectively. Implications We extended the existing ECM framework by including three social factors – sharing, grouping, and conversing. We used the extended ECM to inves- tigate the contribution of these three social factors and affective factors to the user’s satisfaction and continuance intention. Our findings suggest that not all social factors are meaningful in the context of case method learning. Sharing is a much more important social factor than grouping and conversing to increase the learner’s intention of continuing the use of so- cial technology to learn business cases. As social technology proliferates, researchers who are interested in social technology adoption may want to investigate other social factors (e. g. trust, reputation, identity, and pres- ence) that may be pertinent to different learning tasks (e. g. skills-based training, situated learning, conceptual acquisition). The findings of this study further affirm that perceived usefulness has a direct impact on user satisfaction and continuance intention of adopting a new technology. This study makes contribution by substantiating that the logical relationship exists in the context of social technology adoption for case method learning. This study further suggests that, although a user’s confirmation experience plays an important role in increasing learner’s per- ceived usefulness, the affective factor does not have a direct impact on user satisfaction. The instructor, who conducts the case method instruction, may want to establish the sequence of developing a positive confirmation expe- rience, as well as increasing perceived usefulness, user satisfaction, and continuance intention. As social technology continues to evolve, more features (e. g. RSS, cloud computing, video conferencing) will be available for an instructor to add to an online course. An instructor may want to spend efforts in learning not only about the applicability of these features in the case method instruction, but also about the perceived usefulness of a learner. The understanding of learner’s perceived usefulness of social technology features can help an instructor to better understand his/her student’s intention of continued use for the purpose of case method learning. Limitations and Research Directions A small sample size is a major limitation of this study. There are seven variables investigated in this study. A rule of thumb is that a variable needs Volume 1, Issue 2, 2012 186 Peter Ractham, Charlie C. Chen, and Siriporn Srisawas at least 10 observations. Since our proposed framework includes seven variables, at least 70 observations are deemed appropriate. There are 78 subjects in our sample. Our sample size barely meets the minimum re- quirement. A large sample size has the potential of minimizing Type I and II errors. More than 80% of subjects in this study are females. The findings of this study warrant careful interpretations because gender may have potential influence on the findings of this study. Future research may want to assess the potential influence by controlling the sample size of males and females. In addition to the evaluation of affective and social factors, future re- search may want to examine the efficacy of online social media in improv- ing individual and group performance. Individual performance may include conceptual acquisition, analytical skills, and problem solving. Group per- formance may include conflict resolution, decision-making, and leadership. These performance measurements generally fall into three categories: stu- dent behavior, generative activities, and analytical activities (Wasserman, 1994). A correlation analysis of learning performance and continuance in- tention can provide insights on the perceived usefulness and actual useful- ness of social technology for case method learning. A recent study surveyed 50,000 users of 5 social platforms in 18 coun- tries, including blogging, managing social network profile, sharing photos, sharing videos, and microblogging, and found that not everyone in the world have been using social technology in the same manner (Piskorski & McCall, 2010). For instance, Japanese primarily use social websites to network with their closest friends, whereas Americans do so to extend their social circle virtually. Blogging is a major tool for people in Eastern countries to stay in touch with families and friends. In contrast, the Westerns use blogs to publish their thoughts. Although Edmodo is a social technology purposely designed to facilitate the online learning, learners from different countries may have different re- ceptivity for the use of this social technology for case method learning. The findings of this study can only suggest how college students in Thailand are susceptible to the influence of affective and social factors in their decision of adopting social technology as an online tool to learn business cases. Future research may want to experiment with Edmodo on other groups of subjects with different cultural backgrounds. Conclusions The importance of social technology is growing in campus as college stu- dents are embracing it in every aspect of their life. Many instructors in the college of business find integrating social technology in their course to be challenging. This study confronts the pedagogical challenge by conducting International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning Affective and Social Factors Influencing . . . 187 an experiment with 90 subjects in a Thai university to learn about their con- tinuance intention of using social technology to learn business cases. All subjects were divided into teams and had two weeks of learning a Harvard business case before filling out a survey to report their individual learning experiences. Statistical analysis of our collected data shows that perceived usefulness is an important affective factor leading to user satisfaction and user’s continuance intention. Case-related information sharing is an impor- tant social factor having a direct impact on learner’s confirmation experi- ence. An instructor who is interested in assimilating social technology for case method instruction may want to take affective and social factors into consideration. References Ajzen, I., & Fishbein, M. (1980). 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Chen is an associate professor in the Department of Computer Information Systems at Appalachian State University. He has authored more than 50 referred articles and proceedings, presented at many professional conferences and venues. Dr Chen has published in journals such as Commu- nications of Association for Information Systems, Behaviour and Information Technology, Journal of Knowledge Management Research Practice, and Journal of Information Systems Education. Siriporn Srisawas received her master degree in Master of Science Manage- ment Information System from the Faculty of Commerce and Accountancy, Thammasat University, Thailand. Currently, her research interests are Social Media, Knowledge Management and E-Learning. This paper is published under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 Unported (CC BY-NC-ND 3.0) License ( International Journal of Management, Knowledge and Learning