Strojniški vestnik Journal of Mechanical Engineering no. 5 year 2021 volume Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering (SV-JME) Aim and Scope The international journal publishes original and (mini)review articles covering the concepts of materials science, mechanics, kinematics, thermodynamics, energy and environment, mechatronics and robotics, fluid mechanics, tribology, cybernetics, industrial engineering and structural analysis. The journal follows new trends and progress proven practice in the mechanical engineering and also in the closely related sciences as are electrical, civil and process engineering, medicine, microbiology, ecology, agriculture, transport systems, aviation, and others, thus creating a unique forum for interdisciplinary or multidisciplinary dialogue. The international conferences selected papers are welcome for publishing as a special issue of SV-JME with invited co-editor(s). Editor in Chief Vincenc Butala University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia Technical Editor Pika Škraba University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia Founding Editor Bojan Kraut University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia Editorial Office University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering SV-JME, Aškerčeva 6, SI-1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia Phone: 386 (0)1 4771 137 Fax: 386 (0)1 2518 567, http://www. Print: Demat d.o.o., printed in 250 copies Founders and Publishers University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia Association of Mechanical Engineers of Slovenia Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Slovenia, Metal Processing Industry Association President of Publishing Council Mitjan Kalin University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia Vice-President of Publishing Council Bojan Dolšak University of Maribor, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia Cover: The cover image shows a digital image correlation (DIC) measurement system, which can acquire heterogeneous strain fields (shown on the bottom). By using an inverse identification procedure, constitutive model parameters can be determined by comparing the measured strain fields with the calculated ones. However, prior to the procedure, proper spatial alignment of both data needs to be ensured. Image courtesy: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Laboratory for Numerical Modelling and Simulation, Slovenia ISSN 0039-2480, ISSN 2536-2948 (online) International Editorial Board Kamil Arslan, Karabuk University, Turkey Hafiz Muhammad Ali, King Fahd U. of Petroleum & Minerals, Saudi Arabia Josep M. Bergada, Politechnical University of Catalonia, Spain Anton Bergant, Litostroj Power, Slovenia Miha Boltežar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Filippo Cianetti, University of Perugia, Italy Janez Diaci, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Anselmo Eduardo Diniz, State University of Campinas, Brazil Igor Emri, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Imre Felde, Obuda University, Faculty of Informatics, Hungary Imre Horvath, Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands Aleš Hribernik, University of Maribor, Slovenia Soichi Ibaraki, Kyoto University, Department of Micro Eng., Japan Julius Kaplunov, Brunel University, West London, UK Iyas Khader, Fraunhofer Institute for Mechanics of Materials, Germany Jernej Klemenc, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Milan Kljajin, J.J. Strossmayer University of Osijek, Croatia Peter Krajnik, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden Janez Kušar, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Gorazd Lojen, University of Maribor, Slovenia Darko Lovrec, University of Maribor, Slovenia Thomas Lubben, University of Bremen, Germany George K. Nikas, KADMOS Engineering, UK Tomaž Pepelnjak, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Vladimir Popovič, University of Belgrade, Serbia Franci Pušavec, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia Mohammad Reza Safaei, Florida International University, USA Marco Sortino, University of Udine, Italy Branko Vasič, University of Belgrade, Serbia Arkady Voloshin, Lehigh University, Bethlehem, USA General information Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering is published in 11 issues per year (July and August is a double issue). 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We would like to thank the reviewers who have taken part in the peer-review process. © 2021 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. SV-JME is indexed / abstracted in: SCI-Expanded, Compendex, Inspec, ProQuest-CSA, SCOPUS, TEMA. The list of the remaining bases, in which SV-JME is indexed, is available on the website. The journal is subsidized by Slovenian Research Agency. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering is available on Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5 Contents Contents Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering volume 67, (2021), number 5 Ljubljana, May 2021 ISSN 0039-2480 Published monthly Papers Andraž Maček, Janez Urevc, Miroslav Halilovič: Flat Specimen Shape Recognition Based on Full- Field Optical Measurements and Registration Using Mapping Error Minimization Method 203 Abdulbasit Mohammed, Hirpa G. Lemu, Belete Sirahbizu: Determining Optimum Rotary Blade Design for Wind-Powered Water-Pumping Systems for Local Selected Sites 214 Mingxing Han, Yinshui Liu, Yitao Liao, Shucai Wang: Investigation on the Modeling and Dynamic Characteristics of a Novel Hydraulic Proportional Valve Driven by a Voice Coil Motor 223 Mohsen Soori, Mohammed Asmael: Virtual Minimization of Residual Stress and Deflection Error in the Five-Axis Milling of Turbine Blades 235 Mario Santos, Jaime Santos: Ultrasonic Scattering Attenuation in Nodular Cast Iron: Experimental and Simulation Studies 245 Ivan Okorn, Marko Nagode, Jernej Klemenc: Operating Performance of External Non-Involute Spur and Helical Gears: A Review 256 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 203-213 © 2021 Journal of Mechanical Engineering. All rights reserved. D0l:10.5545/sv-jme.2021.7111 Original Scientific Paper Received for review: 2021-01-26 Received revised form: 2021-04-14 Accepted for publication: 2021-04-23 Flat Specimen Shape Recognition Based on Full-Field Optical Measurements and Registration Using Mapping Error Minimization Method Andraž Maček - Janez Urevc - Miroslav Halilovič* University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Slovenia In the paper, an alignment methodology of finite element and full-field measurement data of planar specimens is presented. The alignment procedure represents an essential part of modern material response characterisation using heterogeneous strain-field specimens. The methodology addresses both the specimen recognition from a measurement's image and the alignment procedure and is designed to be applied on a single measurement system. This is essential for its practical application because both processes, shape recognition and alignment, must be performed only after the specimen is fully prepared for the digital image correlation (DIC) measurements (white background and black speckles) and placed into a testing machine. The specimen can be observed with a single camera or with a multicamera system. The robustness of the alignment method is presented on a treatment of a specimen with a metamaterial-like structure and compared with the well-known iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm. The performance of the methodology is also demonstrated on a real DIC application. Keywords: full-field measurements, digital image correlation (DIC), specimen shape recognition, surface registration, iterative closest point (ICP) Highlights • A methodology is proposed for aligning FEA data and the full-field measurement data of planar specimens. • The methodology offers both the shape recognition and alignment process to be performed on a single full-field measurement system. • The main advantage of the proposed methodology is its robustness. • The performance of the methodology is presented on synthetic as well as real DIC data. • The measured specimen can be observed with a single camera or a multi-camera system. 0 INTRODUCTION Advanced constitutive models allow precise adjustment of the material mechanical response to specific loading conditions. Their flexibility is a result of a large number of free parameters. However, as the number of parameters increases, information gathered from standard experiments becomes insufficient or a huge amount of different experiments is required [1] and [2]. An alternative to the approach is taking into account the full-field kinematic information. Such data are normally acquired through digital images from where the displacement fields can be calculated using the digital image correlation (DIC) techniques. The approach gives rise to the development of complex specimen shapes [3], making it possible to identify material parameters through a single experiment [4]. One of the challenges, still not sufficiently resolved and addressed in this work, is the alignment of planar specimens between the modelling (numerical) data and experimental DIC data. Full-field measurements offer a huge amount of information on the specimen surface (several 10'000), especially compared to classical extensometers. However, their dependency on the sought material parameters generally cannot be explicitly determined, and therefore direct material identification cannot be executed. Researchers resort to the use of inverse identification techniques, where the finite element model updating (FEMU) [5] represents one of the established methods with extensive research work performed on the full-field measurements [3] (e.g. DIC [6] response calculation or by employing different optimization methods (e.g. genetic algorithm [7] or simulated annealing [8]). The method is based on an iterative comparison between the measured and calculated specimen's responses. The optimal values of material parameters are then determined by minimizing their discrepancy. However, before finite element model (FEM) results and DIC data can be compared, coordinate systems of both sets of data need to be aligned. The latest research shows that such alignment is essential for reliable identification of material parameters in the case of specimens with non-homogeneous strain field where sharp strain gradients occur. Fehervary et al. [9] examined material parameter fitting results of planar tests when the sample orientation was unknown *Corr. Author's Address: Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, Aškerčeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, 203 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 203-213 or deviated. The study showed that after a certain threshold of misalignment, reliable parameters can no longer be found. The authors also concluded that the level of threshold seemed to be material dependent. Lava et al. [10] studied two different methods used to compute full-field error maps between experimental DIC data and FEA data to, among others, investigate the effects of processing parameters, model form error (such as incorrect boundary conditions) and mesh alignment. The authors showed that even a small misalignment can have a surprisingly large effect on the strain error maps and exposed the necessity to develop robust and precise methods of alignment. Similarly, Ruybalid et al. [4] performed various virtual test cases to assess the performance of FEMU and integrated digital image correlation (IDIC) method when subjected to different error sources, among others, misalignment of the specimen. Both methods are shown to be sensitive to misalignment. Namely, the increase of the misalignment further increases the error on the identified material parameters. It seems interesting that despite the importance of properly addressing the alignment of DIC and FEM data and considering the numerous publications addressing material characterization using planar specimens, not much information can be found on how researchers align both data sets in their works. However, as pointed out in a recent article from Polyga (a developer of 3D scanners with more than 10 years of experience), scanning flat objects can be particularly difficult even for experienced 3D scanning technician [11]. The process of aligning DIC in FEM data set generally consists of two steps, specimen's edge detection and alignment (point set registration). It is important to note that the procedure needs to be performed on the same optical system as DIC measurements so that the DIC and FEM data can then be compared, which adds to the complexity of the problem. One of the best-known methods for point sets registration is the iterative closest point (ICP) algorithm introduced by Besl and McKey [12]. The algorithm consists of the closest point search and a minimization of the matching error, applied iteratively to the two surfaces to be matched [13]. Many variants of the algorithm have been introduced since, affecting the algorithm at different stages [14] and [15], e.g. the selection of points, matching, rate of convergence, etc. However, despite the widespread of the ICP method, its convergence in the general case of initial misalignment cannot be guaranteed [16]. Also, optical full-field displacement measuring methods most commonly cannot accurately measure the specimen shape. To address the problem of aligning full-field measurements with FEM data, Bruno et al. [17] utilized a linear transformation matrix to map the location of the calculation point into the measurement picture pixel position. The projection matrix was determined using user input coordinates of the calculation point and the pixel positions of three arbitrary points. The spatial position of all three points must be known a priori and all of them must be observed by the measurement. A similar approach was employed by Silva [18] who transformed the model coordinate system by recognizing that some reference points observed in the image have known numerical coordinates. Both calibration procedures are easy to implement but with the state of the art specimen designs, which exhibit smooth shapes and no dominant features [19] they become increasingly difficult to be used and prone to errors. In the present work, a robust methodology is presented for aligning full-field measurements (e.g. DIC) and modelling (e.g. FEM) data of flat specimens. The procedure addresses both the contour recognition of a specimen as well as registration. Namely, for a successful DIC measurement, the specimen must be covered with a speckle pattern consisting of a white background and black speckles. In practice, this represents a problem because the distinction between the specimen and the background can quickly be lost. We determine the specimen's geometry by taking two consecutive images with changing the background illumination. From their comparison, the background can be subtracted, leaving just the specimen's geometry. The result is a black-white image of the measured specimen (white) and the background (black). To perform the alignment, the CAD model is also projected onto the image as black and white pixels. By minimizing the intersection between both images, i.e. the measured specimen and numerical model, both data sets are aligned. In the following, the methodology is presented first in the case of 2D and then 3D measurements. The performance of the method is demonstrated on two examples. In the first example, a synthetic one, we demonstrated the method on a problem of aligning a specimen with a metamaterial-like structure. In the example, we also analyse the effect of misalignment and compare the performance of the method with the ICP. In the second example, the method is demonstrated on real DIC data where its ability to handle the presence of noise and mismatches in the geometry is also presented. Discussion of the 204 Macek, A. - Urevc, J. - Halilovic, M. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 203-213 results and the performance of the method is given in the Discussion section, which is followed by the conclusion. 1 METHODS The method will be presented first in the case of 2D DIC measurements, where the specimen is observed with a single camera, located normal to its front surface (Fig. 1a). Afterwards, the method will be generalized for the case of 3D DIC measurement. Although in the latter case, additional coordinate transformations are needed to take into account the specimen's perspective (Fig. 1b), the alignment procedure is in both cases the same. a) b) & Fig. 1. Camera arrangement for a) 2D, and b) 3D DIC measurement 1.1 2D measuring System Specimen recognition. Let us denote the numbering of pixels in the acquired (DIC) image in a form of a set: P = {(u, v )e N x N |u < n and v < m|, (1) with the size of the image being n x m pixels. To determine the set of pixels which represent the specimen surface, two images of the same specimen are needed. The first image is a regular one used for the measurement itself. The background on the acquired image is usually dark and cannot be clearly distinguished from the specimen. For the second image, we brighten up the background using an illumination panel, as shown schematically in Fig. 2 by the two left-most images (corresponding to specimen recognition). The region of the specimen, which we wish to determine, is defined by a set Sm c P, which is a set of pixels, whose difference in grayscale values between both images is below a threshold value s: Sm = {(u, v )e P||g (u, v)-g2 (u, v )| hs1 cot a e h K ° s , (5) In the same way, the relationship between the stroke of VCM and the stroke of the valve spool can be obtained: xh. (cos(arctan(cot a--))hs1) x < h, cot a x h, , (6) x > h, cot a (cos(arctan(--cot a))hs1 ) h, s where Fe is Lorentz force of VCM [N]; a is the swing angle of leverage [°]; hs1 is the centre distance of VCM [m]; hs2 is the centre distance of ball [m]; xc is the coil displacement [m]. 3 SIMULATION ANALYSIS Based on the mathematical model of the valve, the simulation model can be established in the MATLAB/ Simulink and Maxwell 3D, respectively. The influence of the lever parameters on the performance of the output actuation force and displacement is compared and analysed, following which the best amplification coefficient is obtained. 3.1 Electromagnetic Simulation The simulation model of VCM is established in Maxwell 3D, as shown in Fig. 6. Since the VCM is of symmetrical structure, half of the model can be used for simulation calculation to improve the calculation efficiency. The main electromagnetic simulation parameters of VCM is shown in Table 3. Fig. 6. VCM FEM model Table 3. Electromagnetic simulation parameters Name Soft iron Permanent magnet Coil Parameter Material: 10# Material: N40H; Coercivity: 970 kA/m; Remanence: 1.3 mT Copper wire diameter:0.5 mm; Turns - number: 550; Inside diameter of coil:41 mm; Outside diameter of coil:50 mm; Coil length:50.6 mm_ e) xc=\2 mill I) xc= I iTmriT Fig. 7. Electromagnetic simulation of VCM in the whole stroke, a) xc = 0 mm, b) xc = 2 mm, c) xc = 4 mm, d) xc = 6 mm, e) xc = 12 mm, f) xc = 18 mm The magnetic field distribution can be obtained by the electromagnetic simulation, as shown in Fig. 7. The simulation results indicate that there will be a small amount of magnetic leakage at the top of the coil and the outside of the magnetic steel, respectively. The effect of magnetic concentration is obvious when the two permanent magnets are assembled in reverse, si x Investigation on the Modeling and Dynamic Characteristics of a Novel Hydraulic Proportional Valve Driven by a Voice Coil Motor 227 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 223-234 and the majority of the Lorentz force is generated here. In the whole stroke of VCM, the maximum vector magnetic potential increases slightly from 1.6 x 10-4 WB/m to 1.6171 x 10-4 WB/m; this ensures the stability of the actuation force output of the voice coil motor in the stroke. Fig. 8. Simulation results of VCM actuation force Fig. 8 shows the simulation results of the VCM actuation force. The Lorentz force Fe with the variation of parameters (Uc, xc) has been shown in Fig. 8, of which the coil current ia is determined by coil control voltage Uc and xc is the coil displacement. With the movement of the coil, the maximum actuation force is generated in the middle section, and the minimum actuation force is generated at both sides of the stroke. The distribution of electromagnetic actuation force is small on both sides and large in the middle section. When the continuous actuation force is 51.5 N, the current is about 1.673 A to 1.804 A. 3.2 Characteristics Analysis of Lever Magnifier When VCM pushes the lever to drive the spool, the vertical distance between the VCM push rod and the lever fulcrum will change with the rotation of the lever. When the lever is perpendicular to 5 10 aj VCM sroke xc [mm] ¡jj Fig. 9. Relationship between a) VCM stroke and spool stroke; and b) residual sum of squares Fig. 10. Relationship between VCM stroke and magnification; a) hs1 = 40 mm, b) hs1 = 50 mm, c) hs1 = 60 mm, a) hs1 = 70 mm, a) hs1 = 80 mm, a) hs1 = 90 mm 228 Han, M. - Liu, Y. - Liao, Y. - Wang, S. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 223-234 the horizontal direction, the magnification is the maximum. The variation of magnification will lead to the non-linearity of actuation force and stroke that acts on the spool. Therefore, it is necessary to select the reasonable distance hs1 to obtain the linear output performance. Fig. 9a shows the relationship between VCM stroke and spool stroke when hs1 is 40 mm to 90 mm. Fig. 9b is the residual sum of squares (SSE) of the spool stroke in Fig. 9a. With the increase of hs1, SSE decreases gradually. When hs1 = 70 mm, a good linear relationship can be obtained. The magnification is between 5.44 and 5.46, and the fluctuation amplitude of magnification is 0.0208, as shown in Fig. 10. The results show that with the increase of amplification, the amplification fluctuation (A^t is the amplification fluctuation, as shown in Fig. 10) will gradually increase from 0.0117 to 0.0263. Based on the comprehensive comparison and analysis, the optimized value of hs1 is 70 mm. and the optimal magnification can be obtained. 4 EXPERIMENTS AND DISCUSSION A prototype of the water hydraulic proportional valve is developed. The dynamic performance test rig of the valve and VCM have been built, respectively. The dynamic and static performances of VCM and the valve are tested. 4.1 Experimental Study on the Performance of VCM As shown in Fig. 11a, the actuation force test rig of VCM is mainly composed of support frame, force sensor, displacement sensor, step motor, ball screw, adjustable linear power supply, computer, etc. Fig. 11b shows the schematic diagram of the test system. The industrial computer sends control commands to the stepper motor driver and VCM linear driver through the acquisition card, respectively. The stepper motor drives the linear motion platform to move with VCM through the ball screw. The force sensor is fixed on the base and remains stationary. Therefore, by moving the linear motion platform and adjusting the control signal, the VCM actuation force under different stroke can be tested. The displacement sensor acquisitions the displacement signal, and the force sensor records the VCM actuation force signal every 1 mm interval. The results presented in Figs. 12 and 13 show the actual test results of VCM actuation force and the difference between simulation and test results. With the movement of the coil, the maximum actuation force a) b) Fig. 11. VCM actuation force testing rig; a) Testing rig of VCM, b) Schematic diagram of test system ' y 02» Fig. 12. VCM actuation force test results Fig. 13. Difference between simulation and test of VCM actuation force Investigation on the Modeling and Dynamic Characteristics of a Novel Hydraulic Proportional Valve Driven by a Voice Coil Motor 229 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 223-234 is generated in the middle section, and the minimum actuation force is generated at both sides of the stroke. The distribution of electromagnetic actuation force is small on both sides and large in the middle section. The distribution characteristics of actuation force are essentially consistent with the simulation results. The simulation value is slightly larger than the real test value, and the maximum difference between them is nearly 8 N (the maximum error is 8.4 %). The distribution of error is irregular and significantly fluctuates with the increase of actuation force and displacement. However, in general, the error increases with the increase of actuation force. Both simulation results and test results show that the actuation force decreases in the initial stroke (0 mm to 4 mm) and the end stroke (15 mm to 18 mm). Therefore, the optimal stroke range is 4 mm to 15 mm. 4.2 Experimental Study on Dynamic Performance of the Valve As shown in Fig. 14, the test system is mainly composed of pump, relief valve, pressure gauges, pressure transducer, displacement transducer, throttle valve, hydraulic multimeter, etc. During the test, the water pump is used to generate rated pressure and rated flow for the prototype valve. The test pressure can be set by adjusting the relief valve. O&V) tWULLpQ r Fig. 14. Principle of the hydraulic test system; 1. Relief valve, 2. Water pump, 3. Filter, 4. Pressure gage, 5. Water hydraulic valve, 6. Flowmeter, 7. Throttle valve, 8. Pressure transducer, 9. Water tank Pressure sensors are installed at the inlet and outlet of the valve. The two different ranges of the pressure sensors are 0 MPa to 20 MPa and 0 MPa to 35 MPa, respectively. The output signals of the pressure sensors are both 4 mA to 20 mA. The range of the eddy current displacement sensor is 0 mm to 2 mm. The output signal of the eddy current displacement sensor is 4 mA to 20 mA. The pressure sensors are used to measure the pressure at the inlet and outlet of the valve. The pressure difference (Ap) can be obtained. The eddy current displacement sensor is installed on the valve and used to measure the valve spool stroke (xv). The PC sends the control commands to the controller. The controller sent control signals into the linear driver (AMC A12A100), and then the control signals will be linearly amplified to drive VCM, in order to control the movement of the valve spool. The displacement signal and pressure signals can be collected in real time with a hydraulic multimeter. According to the above principle of the hydraulic test system, the test rig is built (as shown in Fig. 15, which is composed of hydraulic power supply, the valve test bench, DC power supply and electrical control system. The linear DC power supplies power to the controller, VCM and sensors. The electric control system realizes the closed-loop control position. Elcctrical control system ™' DC power supply Fig. 15. The valve dynamic performance test system As shown in Fig. 16, the step response (the spool displacement of 1.0 mm, 0.5 mm and 0.1 mm) is compared with the corresponding simulation results. The simulation results show that the step response adjusting time of the valve is about 28 ms and the maximum overshoot is about 5 %. The step response rise time is about 15 ms. Furthermore, the test results indicate that the adjusting time of the opening process is about 30 ms, and the adjusting time of the closing process is about 35 ms. The test results show that there is no obvious delay in the process of opening and closing. It takes more time for the valve spool to close than to open. The actuation force is provided 230 Han, M. - Liu, Y. - Liao, Y. - Wang, S. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 223-234 by VCM when the valve is opening. As the return spring closes the valve when the VCM returns. This is the main reason for the difference between the opening and closing time. The simulation results are in good agreement with the experimental results. An approximately 10 % overshoot occurs when the spool displacement is 1.0 mm, while there is no overshoot when the spool displacement is 0.5 mm and 0.1 mm. The rising time is about 12 ms to 15 ms. The valve has good dynamic performance, and the valve opening and closing process is controlled smoothly. ) response lime [ Fig. 16. Step response test and simulation Control signal U [V] Fig. 17. Control signal and flow characteristics The control signal-spool displacement curve and control signal-flow characteristic curve are shown in Fig. 17. During the test, the inlet pressure of the valve is kept at 1 MPa by adjusting the relief valve. The outlet is connected to the water tank, and the pressure difference between the inlet and outlet of the valve is kept at 1 MPa. The maximum displacement of the valve spool is 1.2 mm in the range of 0 V to 10 V control signal. The control signal has the good linear relationship with the displacement of the valve spool, and the position hysteresis of the valve is less than 1 %. By comparing the experimental flow rate with the simulation results, it can be found that the test flow rate is in good agreement with the simulation flow rate when the control signal is less than 6.5 V. However, the greater the flow rate, the higher the deviation. When the control signal is more than 6.5 V, there is a certain deviation between them, which is mainly caused by the machining error of the valve orifice and the pressure fluctuation of the test system. Generally, the control signal of the valve has a good linear relationship with the flow rate. Ap [MPa] Fig. 18. q and Ap characteristic Fig. 19. The valve input power characteristics Fig. 18 shows the pressure difference (Ap) and flow rate (qv) characteristic under different valve opening (xv = 0.2 mm, 0.4 mm, 0.6 mm, 0.8 mm, 1.0 mm) in detail. There is irregular change when Ap is over 4 MPa at the valve opening xv = 0.2mm. This is probably caused by the machining errors at the valve orifice. In general, the results indicate that the Ap and qv characteristics curve is smooth and linear. The valve has good control performance. The relationship between the flow rate and VCM power under different valve opening is shown in Fig. 19. With the increase Investigation on the Modeling and Dynamic Characteristics of a Novel Hydraulic Proportional Valve Driven by a Voice Coil Motor 231 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 223-234 o. 00 , 1.025 h'.ZZZZ 0.9R5 Displacement — Pressure - - k \ ' 0.854 h—^ I4" 28ms 33ms -0.882 i52, 4 \ 4— " 4.558 _ Time t [s] a) E £ tl.O- fo^ o e. t/> 0.0 UI53 I.021 Displacement — Pressure ___ 0.679 jr/v''1—' <- 31 ms 0.71 3 6m s 1,957 1.993 2.0 I J* s « o.s| 0.0 o o CL to 0.0 P053 i7(âï" Displacement Pressure 0,667 - 30ms 0.697 / 35ms -< 2.445 12.480 14 „ I2r — 1.0- 10 1 Time 1 [s]2 c) £0.5 "O "c o "Vo b ' A Time r Jsf b) _ L065_ Displacement—pressuré ■ 1.011 r------— —i 1.03! —J* 1 /' if- 33ms 38ms-* \\m 3.08 * X ¡3.118 ^-1„ mu i 6£ 2 P VI t/5 4J It 0 22 20 16 a 3 2 Time 1 [s] ^ d; Fig. 20. Step response under different pressure, a) Ap = 1 MPa, b) Ap = 4 MPa, c) Ap = 10 MPa, d) Ap = 16 MPa Table 4. Step response characteristics comparison Manufacturer MOOG Tested valve ATOS Danfoss Model D633/D634 Prototype QVKZOR-A*-10 VOH30PE Type Direct drive servo valve Proportional valve actuated by VCM Proportional valve actuated by solenoid Proportional valve actuated by solenoid Hydraulic medium Mineral oil Water Mineral oil Water Max Pressure 35 MPa 25 MPa 21 MPa 14 MPa Response time (0 % to 100 % Stroke) <12 ms <20 ms 30 ms 45 ms <150 ms of the flow rate, the power required to drive the spool will also increase. When the flow rate is 70 l/min, the corresponding VCM power is 60 W, which can meet the requirements of long-term stable and reliable operation of the valve. The step response test of the valve under different pressures is shown in Fig. 20. During the test, the inlet pressure of the valve is maintained at 1 MPa, 4 MPa, 10 MPa and 16 MPa by adjusting the relief valve, while the outlet is connected with the water tank. Thus, the outlet pressure of the valve is always kept at 0. According to the test results, it can be seen that the maximum overshoot will increase slightly with the increase of the inlet pressure. Nevertheless, the valve can maintain the rapid response performance. The maximum overshoot is approximately 10 %. In general, the adjusting time of the valve is about 30 232 ms in the opening process and 35 ms in the closing process. Table 4 shows the comparison between the new water hydraulic valve and the other proportional valves in the market. The step response characteristics of the new valve presented in this paper are better than those of the similar type of oil hydraulic proportional valve. While compared with the servo valve, there is a gap in the dynamic performance. However, compared with the traditional water hydraulic proportional valve (such as Danfoss V0H30PE), the new water hydraulic valve actuated by VCM has better dynamic performance. The results prove that VCM is a good solution instead of solenoids for the hydraulic control valve. Han, M. - Liu, Y. - Liao, Y. - Wang, S. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 223-234 5 CONCLUSIONS In this study, a water hydraulic proportional valve with fast response is proposed. Given that VCM has the advantages of high speed and high control accuracy, it has been used as the electrical-mechanical conversion device for the valve. Due to the poor viscosity and lubricity of the water medium, the valve will need a large force to push the spool. Thus, a lever amplifier is used to amplify the VCM actuation force. The position feedback closed-loop control has been used to improve the dynamic performance and anti-interference ability of the valve. A detailed mathematical model of the valve has been developed. The simulation models are established in the MATLAB/Simulink and Maxwell 3D platform, respectively. A comprehensive optimization design method has been proposed. The test rig of the valve and VCM have been built. The dynamic and static performances of VCM and the valve have been tested. Both the VCM actuation force test and simulation results show that the optimal stroke range is 4 mm to 15 mm. According to the dynamic response test, the maximum overshoot of the valve is approximately 10 %, the adjusting time is about 30 ms in the opening process, and 35 ms in the closing process. The test results prove that the valve can maintain a fast response speed under different pressures. Compared with the traditional water hydraulic proportional valve, the new water hydraulic valve actuated by VCM significantly improved the dynamic performance. VCM is a good solution instead of solenoids for the water hydraulic proportional valve. The water hydraulic proportional valve designed in this paper has good static and dynamic control performance. 6 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This work was supported by the National Key R&D Program of China (2018YFB2004001). 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D0l:10.5545/sv-jme.2021.7113 Original Scientific Paper Received for review: 2021-01-28 Received revised form: 2021-04-13 Accepted for publication: 2021-05-04 Virtual Minimization of Residual Stress and Deflection Error in the Five-Axis Milling of Turbine Blades Mohsen Soori* - Mohammed Asmael Eastern Mediterranean University, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Turkey To simulate and analyse the real machined parts in virtual environments, virtual machining systems are applied to the production processes. Due to friction, chip forming, and the heat produced in the cutting zone, parts produced using machining operation have residual stress effects. The machining force and machining temperature can cause the deflection error in the machined turbine blades, which should be minimized to increase the accuracy of machined blades. To minimize the residual stress and deflection error of machined parts, optimized machining parameters can be obtained. In the present research work, the application of a virtual machining system is presented to predict and minimize the residual stress and deflection error in a five-axis milling operations of turbine blades. In order to predict the residual stress and deflection error in machined turbine blades, finite element analysis is implemented. Moreover, to minimize the residual stress and deflection error in machined turbine blades, optimized parameters of machining operations are obtained by using a genetic algorithm. To validate the research work, experimentally determining residual stress by using a X-ray diffraction method from the machined turbine blades is compared with the finite element results obtained from the virtual machining system. Also, in order to obtain the deflection error, the machined blades are measured by using the CMM machines. Thus, the accuracy and reliability of machined turbine blades can be increased by analysing and minimizing the residual stress and deflection error in virtual environments. Keywords: virtual machining, residual stress, deflection error, parameter optimization, turbine blade Highlights • The application of a virtual machining system is presented to predict and minimize the residual stress and deflection error in the five-axis milling operations of turbine blades. • In order to minimize the residual stress and deflection error in machined turbine blades, an optimization technique based on genetic algorithms is used. • The accuracy and reliability of machined turbine blades can be increased by analysing and minimizing the residual stress and deflection error in virtual environments. 0 INTRODUCTION The residual stress in machined parts can be generated as a result of mechanical, thermal, and chemical effects in chip forming of metal cutting operations. The generated residual stress in the machined parts can impair the performance of components, such as fatigue life, corrosion resistance, and part distortion in actual working conditions. Due to the cutting forces and cutting temperature, the machined blades have deflection errors, which can cause inaccuracy in the machined turbine blades. As a result, the residual stress and deflection error should be analysed and decreased to increase the accuracy and reliability of parts produced using machining operations. To improve the precision of machined parts, the evaluation of surface error characteristics in thin-walled constructs during peripheral milling has been studied by Wimmer and Zaeh [1]. The process parameter optimization of thin-wall machining for wire arc additive manufactured parts is investigated by Grossi et al. [2] to decrease the deformation error in the thin-walled manufactured components. The method of error compensation during the milling operations of flexible thin-wall parts is presented by Ratchev et al. [3] to reduce the deflection error of machined parts. To improve the accuracy of thin-walled machined parts, an adaptive toolpath methodology for three-axis milling is presented by Grossi et al. [4]. The finite element method (FEM) based cutting velocity selection for thin-walled part machining is presented by Scippa et el. [5] to enhance the precision of machined components. Finite-Element modelling of workpiece vibrations is analysed by Bolsunovskiy et al. [6] to optimize the machining parameters and increase accuracy in the milling operations of thin-walled components. Jiang et al. [7] analysed the effects of cutting forces and cutting zone temperature to the residual stress of machined components. The application of response surface methodology in obtaining the optimized machining parameters, such as depth of cut and spindle speed, are investigated by Masmiati et al. [8] in order to minimize the residual stress, cutting force, and surface roughness in the end milling of S50C medium carbon steel. Mohammadpour et al. [9] investigate the effects of machining parameters on the residual stress of machined parts in milling *Corr. Author's Address: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Eastern Mediterranean University, Famagusta", North Cyprus, Mersin 10, Turkey, 235 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 235-244 operations. To analyse the influence of the machining parameters, such as cutting speed as well as feed rate, on the surface roughness and residual stresses in produced parts using milling operation, the finite element method is used by Zhang and Wu [10]. To decrease the residual stress in machined parts using turning operations, the effects of cutting tool parameters, such as tool nose radius and tool wear on residual stresses, are investigated by Lin et al. [11]. Cutting tool parameters, such as tool edge radius, are investigated by Yang et al. [12] in order to decrease the residual stress in machined parts. To study the effects of cutting-edge radius and cutting forces on residual stresses of machined parts, a finite element model is developed by Nasr et al. [13]. To decrease the residual stress in machined parts and effects of cutting tools materials, machining parameters, such as cutting speeds and depth of cut to residual stress of machined parts, are investigated by Arunachalam et al. [14]. The influence of cutting tool parameters, such as tool nose radius on surface integrity and residual stresses, are investigated by Sharman et al. [15] to decrease the residual stress in machined parts. A variable depth-of-cut milling strategy for thin-walled workpiece is proposed by Yan et al. [16] in order to decrease the deflection error in the machined turbine blades. A five-axis adaptive flank milling of flexible thin-walled parts based on the on-machine measurement is developed by Huang et al. [17] to modify the cutting tool paths in terms of deflection error minimization. The time domain flutter analysis based on the blade element momentum (BEM) theory for bend-twist coupled large composite wind turbine blades is investigated by Shakya et al. [18] to increase the performances of wind turbines in actual working conditions. The blisk vibration in aircraft engine using similitude models is analysed by Luo et al. [19] to predict and decrease the vibration of the engine systems in the virtual environments. To analyse and modify the machining operations in virtual environments, virtual machining systems and applications are presented by Soori et al. [20] to [24]. To analyse and develop the process of part manufacturing using welding operations, a review in recent development of friction stir welding process is presented by Soori et al. [25]. To increase efficiency in process of part production using the friction stir spot welding, effects of machining parameters to the mechanical properties of aluminium sheet alloys is presented by Nasir et al. [26]. According to the analysis of previous published papers, the area of residual stress as well as deflection error prediction and minimization in milling operations by using virtual machining systems has been insufficiently explored. Moreover, to minimize the residual stress and deflection errors in machined parts, the applications of the virtual machining system is not studied. In this research work, the application of a virtual machining system is presented to predict and minimize the residual stress and deflection error in a five-axis milling operations of turbine blades. The cutting forces as well as cutting temperatures for each position of cutting tool along machining paths are calculated in order to obtain residual stress and deflection error of blades due to machining operations by using the finite element analysis (FEA). The optimization technique of a genetic algorithm is used to calculate the optimized machining parameters in terms of residual stress and deflection error minimization. To measure the residual stresses on the surface and in-depth of the machined blades, the X-ray diffraction technique is used in the study. The coordinate measuring machines (CMM) machines are sued to obtain the deflection error in the machined blades. Finally, the obtained data are compared by using diagrams. 1 CUTTING FORCE MODEL To calculate the cutting forces in the five-axis machining operations, the cutting force model developed by Zhang et al. [27] is applied. The XYZ planes are defined in order to describe the tool motion process, workpiece geometry and tool path in machining operations. Also, XrYrZr is created in order to describe the tool rotation coordinate system in machining operations. Thus, the cutting forces in the differential format, which is applied to the jth axial disk element of the ith tooth at rotation angle 0,;(t), can be presented as: ' dFT ., (t) = (Ktsh(i, j, t)db + Ktpdb)W(0(0,j(t))) < dFRi:j ( t) = (Krsh(i, j, t)db + Kpdb)W(0(0,j ( t))), (1) dFA . j (t) = (Kash(i, j, t)db + Kpdb)W(0(0,j (t))) where h(i,j,t) is the instantaneous uncut chip thickness of the jth axial disk element of the ith tooth at t moment and the db is the axial height of the cutting disk element. Moreover, the coefficients of shearing specific cutting force in different directions as tangential, radial, and axial can be shown as: kqs = aqs + bqse«M'' (q = t, r, a). 236 Soori, M. - Asmael, M. Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 235-244 Also, the coefficients of ploughing specific cutting force in different directions as tangential, radial, and axial direction can be presented as: kqp = aqp + KeC,'h(t) (q = t, r, a). To determine whether the condition of disk element is in or out of cutting operation, the W(0) can be presented as: fi e,. - >D), where the attenuation is proportional to the fourth power of frequency; (2) stochastic regime (for XsD), where the attenuation is proportional to the square of frequency; (3) and geometrical regime (for X< v vti y Ml Mi -1 f \2 vii + 2 V v Ml Mi 2 vii - 4 (2) y y where f is the shear modulus given by vt2 p ; p is the density, and the indexes 1 and 2 are related to the surrounding medium and scatterer, respectively. Based on a similar work developed by Bathia and Moore [63], Papadakis [6] and [22] introduced a correction factor for the attenuation considering the effect of the grain size distribution. The author also showed a way of obtaining the correction factor in solids using two-dimension micrographs. The scatterer volume correction factor (T) is: T=zL 3 3 3 r (3) where rn6 and rn3 are the average scatterer radius values of the sixth and third power, respectively, obtained from micrograph samples. From Eq. (3), it is clear that the scattering effects of a single large scatterer are much greater than the effect summation of many small scatterers having the same volume. Taking the correction factor into account, the scattering attenuation is given as [6]: = NT 4n*f4 (f 1 Ap^_ AL2 8 ALAp 32 Ap HL2 2 A 3 Pl2 Ll Mi '2 ( 2 Ap2 3 Pi2 3 L 8 H-- 15 15 Ll2 Ap \ Li2 (4) where f is the frequency, Lj and pj are the longitudinal and the shear modulus of surrounding medium, respectively, and Ap, AL, Ap are the differences in density, longitudinal modulus, and shear modulus between scatterers and the surrounding medium, respectively. Although Eq. (4) uses a different approach for the attenuation calculation, the results are similar to those provided by the Truell model for uniform scatterer sizes. 1.2 Experimental Attenuation The attenuation is the result of acoustic wave interactions with the propagation medium. Experimentally, the attenuation can be calculated by collecting the front surface reflection and two back wall ultrasound pulses from samples with parallel faces, as illustrated in Fig. 1. Following that approach, the authors studied different methodologies to calculate the ultrasonic attenuation in nodular cast iron samples [64], and concluded that Eq. (5) provided more reliable results, because it does not take into account the reflection coefficient between water and sample, which is frequency-dependent, as demonstrated experimentally [64]: a = —ln 2L f A AD ^ A 2 V Ai - A2 As (5) In Eq. (5), L is the sample thickness, Aj andA2 are the first and second back wall signals from samples, As is the reflected signal on the sample front face, and Dc is the diffraction correction coefficient for the sample path. The attenuation (a) unit is [Np/m], where Np is the symbol of neper, which is a logarithmic unit for ratios of measurements of physical quantities. The neper and dB are related by the following relationship: 1 Np = 8.686 dB 2 3 2 v 2 v vti y Ultrasonic Scattering Attenuation in Nodular Cast Iron: Experimental and Simulation Studies 247 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 245-255 is A, .h Ao Wilier Sample S N O1 Water Fig. 1. Setup for attenuation measurement 1.3 k-Wave Simulation The simulation of elastic wave propagation has many applications in ultrasonic non-destructive testing. The open-source k-Wave toolbox is an easy-to-use time-domain forward model based on a k-space pseudospectral time-domain solution to couple first-order acoustic equations for homogeneous and heterogeneous media in one, two, and three dimensions [51]. That tool makes possible the modelling of arbitrary sources, detecting surfaces with directional elements, and wave propagation that can account for nonlinearity, acoustic heterogeneities and power-law absorption. It is also possible to use optional input parameters to adjust the visualization and performance, including making wave propagation movies for presentations and running simulations on graphics processing units (GPU). The available geometry creation functions allow both Cartesian and grid-based geometries, such as circles, arcs, disks, spheres, shells or balls. As an example, Fig. 2 shows a three-dimensional model for a circular transducer (top) radiating into a sample with randomly distributed scatterers. The main drawback of k-Wave in ultrasonic non-destructive testing is related to the existence of large contrasts between media. Fourier-based methods such as k-Wave are effective when everything is smooth, and the contrasts are not too big (the code was originally designed for modelling ultrasound in biological tissue, where the contrasts are low). For large contrasts, oscillatory errors can be accumulated, because the steep edges cannot be represented very well by a small number of Fourier components. Some caution must be taken in such situations. Smoothing the density and propagation velocity or keeping the time step small will help to reduce that effect. y [voxels] x [voxels] Fig. 2. Three-dimensional simulation model 2 RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 2.1 Samples Granulometry Analysis Six machined cast iron samples with parallel surfaces within 15 ^m and 13.1 ± 0.05 mm in thickness were used in this study (Fig. 3). The samples were prepared using standard metallographic methods. First, they were mechanically polished using metallographic carbon silicate sandpaper with decreasing granulometry (P180, P1000, and P2500) and a final polishing by a 3-^m diamond suspension. The microstructure of the processed zones was examined using optical microscopy, with a 200* magnification. The typical microstructure of such samples is shown in Fig. 4, where the precipitated graphite nodules (in black) embedded in a ferrite/perlite matrix are easily identified, as are the grain boundaries. It was observed in all samples that the nodules present non-uniform shapes and have a large wide range of sizes that can vary from less than one micrometre to several tens of micrometres (the larger measured radius was 35 |im). Fig. 3. Cast iron samples 248 Santos, M. - Santos, J. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 245-255 computer for further processing. The transducer is moved using a computer-controlled micro-positioning system. Fig. 4. Optical micrograph of a nodular cast iron sample Ten micrograph images were taken from each sample, corresponding to an analysis section of 10.32 mm2. The ImageJ free package software was used to determine the nodules' size [65], which were considered to be spherical. The nodule size distribution is presented in Fig. 5. Most of the nodules have a radius less than 10 ^m. The spatial variability of the nodules' size in different regions of each sample is low. The standard deviation of the nodule size divided by its average value obtained for all images of each sample was about 8.9 %. Also, for each sample, the total number of nodules was used to obtain the lognormal distribution parameters. The mean and standard deviation are presented in Table 1. 2.2 Experimental Attenuation Evaluation Setup and Results The experimental immersion setup for the attenuation evaluation is presented in Fig. 6. A pulserireceiver is used to excite a broadband 8 MHz central frequency transducer and to collect, amplify, and filter the reflected signals. Then, the acquired signals are displayed in an oscilloscope and transferred to a Nodule r;idius [/ym] Fig. 5. Samples' nodule size distribution Fig. 6. Experimental setup for attenuation evaluation All samples characterized in section 2.1 were used in the study. Four acquisitions were accomplished in different regions of each sample to take into account their structural variation. Then, using Eq. (5) an average attenuation of 11.96 Np/m was obtained, Table 1. Lognormal fitting parameters for each sample Sample 1 2 3 4 5 6 Mean ^m] 0.2335 0.1178 0.4310 0.1007 0.0671 0.2420 Standard deviation [^m] 0.9492 0.8026 0.7862 0.8751 0.8545 0.9161 Table 2. Acoustic properties of cast iron components Longitudinal velocity Transversal velocity Longitudinal modulus Shear modulus Density [m/s] [m/s] [GPa] [GPa] [kg/m3] Pearlite/Ferrite 5830 3090 269 75.6 7920 Graphite 4210 2030 38 8.9 2170 Ultrasonic Scattering Attenuation in Nodular Cast Iron: Experimental and Simulation Studies 249 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 245-255 with a standard deviation (SD) of 1.22 Np/m and root mean square error (RMSE) of 1.10 Np/m for the 24 measurements. 2.3 Attenuation Evaluation Using Analytical Models In order to evaluate the scattering attenuation in the cast iron samples, important parameters as longitudinal and shear velocities, longitudinal and shear moduli, and density related to the matrix (pearlite/ferrite) and scatterers (graphite), must be known. They are represented in Table 2 [24]. The scatterer concentration knowledge is also required to estimate the attenuation. Thus, the two-dimensional scatterer concentration is obtained relating the total amount of nodules (nT) with the area of micrograph (AT), as follows: (6) Then, the scatterer concentration (N can be calculated using the following equation [66]: N = i ^ i 6/ {^nnA ) (7) g J where fg is the graphite nodule fraction that is about 3.33 % for the analysed images, and aN = 1.25, which is a parameter related to the width of the nodule size distribution. To infer the real scatterer effect in the attenuation, the scatterers that contribute to the attenuation should be determined. To do so both the Truell and Papadakis models will be used and their performance analysed. Due to the wide nodular distribution observed in the samples, the Truell model given by Eq. (1) cannot be used to calculate the scattering attenuation, because it uses the same size scatterers. Thus, in order to encompass all scatterer sizes found in the samples, the authors present a new equation for the attenuation, based on Eq. (1), which takes into account the summation of the different classes of scattering nodules: -A 2n m 6 asrm = g — Niri . i=i 9 vi (8) In Eq. (8), n is the total number of scatterer classes, r, and N are the average radius and scatterer concentration of each class, respectively. Thirty-five scatterer classes with 1 ^m step were considered for the attenuation calculation. The scatterer concentration of each class is a fraction of the one obtained by Eq. (7). From Eq. (8), resulted an attenuation of 2.67 Np/m. The different attenuation values provided by the Truell model and experimental approach could be due to the fact that the Truell model makes use of spherical, solid, elastic, and isotropic scatterers. In addition, the referred model assumes that there is a sharp variation of the properties between the scatterers and the surrounding media. However, the nodular cast iron structure is rather more complex, especially its matrix, which is usually formed by ferrite around the nodules, with a homogeneous structure, and by pearlite in other regions with a lath-type structure with some degree of heterogeneity [24]. Therefore, the boundary effect between scatterers and matrix is certainly more complex than the one presented in the model. The Papadakis model takes into account the scatterer size distribution, which is an improved version of the Truell theory. Generally, in practical materials, such as cast iron, the scatterers are not all the same size and follow a distribution that can be evaluated. The correction factor (see Eq. (3)), requires the knowledge of r6 and r3: =zZL, ti n n 3 (9) (10) Using the experimental scatterer distribution (see Fig. 5), resulted rn6 = 3.5 x 105 ^m6 and rn3 = 54.73 ^m3 for the whole sample area analysed, and T = 2.68 x 10-14 m3. Then, using Eq. (4), where the right side is essentially composed by the physical parameters of matrix and scatterers presented in Table 1, resulted asP = 370 Np/m, which is very large compared to the experimental attenuation. In addition to the explanation made for the Truell model deviation in relation to the experimental attenuation, which also applies to the Papadakis model, other important factors can contribute to the observed discrepancy between theory and experiment. Perhaps, the most important one deals with the scatterer distribution obtained from the micrograph images. In the Papadakis model, all scatterer sizes and shapes were taken into account for the attenuation calculation that originates a very high scatterer concentration value. However, the authors concluded the attenuation decreases sharply if the lower size scatterers are discarded, as illustrated in Fig. 7. That tendency is expected because the 6 6 r r 250 Santos, M. - Santos, J. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 245-255 scatterer concentration (N) falls more quickly than the correction factor (T). For instance, if all scatterers lower than 7 |im are discarded, the attenuation is 15 Np/m, which is very close to the experimental one. Finally, the Papadakis model also presents limitations in predicting the scattering attenuation in the cast iron samples. Fig. 7. Attenuation behaviour versus scatterer size 2.4 Simulation Model The simulation of the cast iron nodular structure shown in Fig. 4 is difficult due to the non-uniformity of scatterers in size and shape. Here, the authors propose a simplified model assuming all scatterers with the same size and known concentration that leads to the experimental attenuation value. For that purpose, it is assumed that the attenuation is directly proportional to the scatterer concentration (see Eq. (11)), which is in accordance with the theoretical models [21] and [60] and is a common-sense assumption. The equivalent scatterer size (req) and its exponent dependence (n) will be determined based on the inverse problem, using the experimental attenuation. The simplified attenuation expression based on the previous assumptions is as follows, = CN(req J (11) where C and n are constants to be determined. Eq. (11) follows the Rayleigh scattering model, and only the geometric parameters are of interest, such as the scatterer concentration, equivalent scatterer size, and its exponent dependence. The frequency dependence and the matrix and scatterer properties are included in the constant C, because the study related to the attenuation variation with these parameters is outside the scope of this work. Using k-Wave, a simulation model with dimensions x = 6 mm, y = 6 mm and z = 40 mm, similar to the one illustrated in Fig. 2, was defined by a computational grid for simulation purposes. For the scattering attenuation evaluation, an ultrasonic probe is located at the bottom of the model (z = 0), working as a transmitter and another at z = 30 mm working as a receiver. Two signals are collected at the receiver: a reference signal a0 (model without scatterers) and a signal as considering the model filled up with randomly distributed scatterers. The scattering attenuation is then given by: a,, = — ln d ( „ (12) where d = 30 mm is the distance between the probes. The two probes are 6 mm in diameter, like the one used in the experimental measurements (see section 2.2). The probe excitation was made by a tone burst, as shown in Fig. 8, to mimic the experimental transducer response illustrated in Fig. 9. The first set of simulations were carried out for scatterers of req = 60 ^m, corresponding to a grid point spacing of 120 ^m (cuboid edge). The scatterer concentration was varied from 0 mm-3 to 100 mm-3 with a step of 10 mm-3, and ten signals as were collected for each concentration value. The corresponding attenuation was then calculated using Eq. (12), and the results are shown in Fig. 10. An average attenuation value for each concentration was considered. As expected, the attenuation increases as N also increases. That behaviour is more pronounced for lower concentrations. In the boxplot of the simulated data (Fig. 10) the central mark is the median, the edges of the box are the 25th and 75th percentiles, the whiskers extend to the most extreme data points (not considering the outliers, which are plotted individually as crosses). 0JS (LI c. £ 0J tl rj ■ — -11,2 13 § II. 4 Q -flji ■(IK 1 A I 1 V 15 I L5 Time |//s| Fig. 8. Simulated tone burst 0 a V V / Ultrasonic Scattering Attenuation in Nodular Cast Iron: Experimental and Simulation Studies 251 Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 245-255 Fig. 9. Experimental transducer response For the simulated scatterer size, the concentration value that leads to the experimental attenuation calculated in section 2.2 (aexp = 11.96 Np/m), is about 3.2 mm-3. This result is more clearly observed in Fig. 11, which corresponds to an expansion of Fig. 10. Fig. 10. Simulated attenuation for req = 60 ym versus scatterer concentration N [mm" ] Fig. 11. Zoomed version of Fig. 10 for lower concentrations In order to establish a correlation between the scatterer concentration (AO and size (req), additional attenuation simulations were carried out using different scatterer sizes, resulting in the concentrations (presented in Table 2) that lead to the experimental attenuation. A power fitting applied to the values in Table 2 gave rise to Eq. (13), whose behaviour is illustrated in Fig. 12, where a remarkable goodness of fit with R2 = 0.99 is observed: N = 4.527 x 10" 'h )" (13) Table 2. Scatterers dimensions and concentration for aexp = 11.96 Np/m req M 40 50 60 70 80 N [mm-3] 25.5 8.0 3.2 1.4 0.68 Fig. 12. Power fitting of scatterer concentration N as function of re eq Solving the proposed simplified model given by Eq. (11), in order to extract the scatterer concentration: N = 11.96 C k F (14) and comparing the Eqs. (13) and (14), results C=2.65 x 1013 and n = 5.173, which allows writing Eq. (11) as: a = 2.65 x1013 N (req (15) where the attenuation [Np/m] is a function of the fifth power of the scatterer size, which is not far from the trend of Eq. (1), as expected. It should be pointed out that Eq. (15) resulted from the studied cast iron samples illustrated in Fig. 4, whose attenuation was experimentally calculated by Eq. (5). Thus, based on the previous knowledge of experimental 252 Santos, M. - Santos, J. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 245-255 attenuation, simulation models can be created varying the parameters N and req, according to Eq. (14). This allows mimicking structures with complex scatterer distributions in terms of uniform scatterer concentration and size. The presented simulation model considers the geometrical factors (size and concentration of scatterers) and can be used to mimic the microstructure of cast iron for a specific excitation frequency. The scatterer equivalent size can be defined a priori and the concentration calculated by Eq. (14) to establish the simulation model. 3 CONCLUSIONS This work aimed to evaluate the ultrasonic scattering attenuation of structures with complex scatterer distributions. The idea was to predict the attenuation behaviour for such complex structures by developing a simulation model based on the experimental attenuation results. That was motivated by the limitations presented by the Truell and Papadakis theoretical models that provide ultrasonic scattering attenuation results quite inconsistently when compared with the experimental one. That conclusion was observed for nodular cast-iron structures, and the authors believe that the same results are expected for materials having inhomogeneous scatterer sizes and concentrations. The k-Wave simulation model developed in this work allows an easy and customized implementation, where the scatterer size and concentration can be varied to mimic the experimental ultrasonic scattering attenuation measured in inhomogeneous structures. 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This research is sponsored by FEDER funds through the program COMPETE - Programa Operacional Factores de Competitividade - and by national funds through FCT - Fundaçao para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - under the project UIDB/00285/2020. 5 REFERENCES [1] Gur, C., Aydinmakina, B. (2010). 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D0l:10.5545/sv-jme.2020.7094 Review Scientific Paper Received for review: 2021-01-15 Received revised form: 2021-04-22 Accepted for publication: 2021-05-06 Operating Performance of External Non-Involute Spur and Helical Gears: A Review Ivan Okorn* - Marko Nagode - Jernej Klemenc University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Ljubljana, Slovenia In practical use, most gears have an involute shape of tooth flanks. However, external involute gears have some drawbacks, such as unfavourable kinematic conditions at the beginning and end of meshing, a limited minimum number of teeth, and the highly loaded convex-convex (i.e., non-conformal) contact. Researchers have developed and analysed various non-involute forms of tooth flanks, but they have not been widely accepted. The main reasons are higher manufacturing costs and sensitivity to manufacturing and assembly errors. Analyses of non-involute forms of teeth are mostly theoretical (analytical and numerical), while there is a lack of experimental confirmations of theoretical assumptions. This paper reviews external non-involute shapes, their operating characteristics and possibilities of use compared to involute gears. Established criteria, such as Hertzian pressure, oil film thickness, bending stress at the root of the tooth, contact temperature, and gear noise, were used for assessment. The results of analytical studies and experimental research on S-gears are presented in more detail. S-gears have a higher surface durability and a lower heat load when compared to involute gears. The usability of non-involute gears is increasing with the development of new technologies and materials. However, the advantages of non-involute shapes are not so significant that they could easily displace involute gears, which are cheaper to manufacture. Keywords: non-involute gears, tooth profile, path of contact, Novikov gears, S-gears, gearing load capacity Highlights • The advantages and disadvantages of established involute gears are analysed. • A systematic overview of non-involute spur and helical gears is presented. • A comparison between involute and non-involute gears is performed based on established criteria. • Results of research on S-gears are given in more detail. 0 INTRODUCTION To ensure smooth transmission of rotation between two gears, the flanks of the teeth must be designed to comply with the law of gearing: the common normal of the contacting flanks of teeth must pass through the pitch point C (Fig. 1b) at each point of contact. Involute gears with involute-shaped flanks of teeth are predominantly used in industry. Since non-involute gears will be compared with involute ones, the main properties of involute gears and definitions of the basic concepts will be summarised in Chapter 1. Our overview is limited to external gears. Involute gears are described in more detail in gear-books [1] to [3]. The principal disadvantages of external involute gears are: • limited minimum number of pinion teeth, • convex-convex contact of the tooth flanks and therefore a higher contact load than in the concave-convex contact, which occurs in most non-involute gears, • unfavourable kinematic conditions (high sliding speed) at the beginning and end of meshing. Many researchers have attempted to eliminate these disadvantages by changing the shape of the tooth profile. Non-involute gears can be designed so that the shape of the tooth flanks of the basic rack is defined first. The path of contact and the tooth flanks of pinion and wheel are defined using the known methods described in the literature [1]. In this way, the S-gears [4] and cosine gears [5] are defined. Another possibility is to define the shape of the tooth flanks based on a pre-selected path of contact. This procedure is used when defining a gearing with a parabolic path of contact [6]. In the follow-up, the theoretical criteria for assessing the load capacity of gears, their efficiency, and noise will be presented first. Next, an overview of non-involute tooth flanks and their comparison with involute teeth will be made. The results of theoretical analyses and tests from the cited literature will be given. The results of research on S-gears that were developed and tested at the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, will be presented in more detail [7] and [8]. The purpose of this paper is to give a systematic overview of non-involute gears and their advantages and disadvantages. This reference-backed review is useful for both researchers of non-involute gears and for users in practical applications. The geometry and properties of individual non-involute forms are given in Chapter 3. A summary of properties of different non-involute 256 *Corr. Author's Address: University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, Aškerčeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 gears compared to involute gears, areas of application and references are given in Tables 2 and 3 in Chapter 4. 1 INVOLUTE GEARS In involute gears, the tooth flank profile has a shape of an involute, which is a curve drawn by a point on a line, which is rolled on the so-called base circle. The involute is mathematically defined by the involute function inv a (Fig. 1a). The curvature of the involute decreases when the radius of the base circle increases. If the radius of the basic circle is infinite, the involute is a straight line. The rack cutter for involute gears has a trapezoidal shape. Tools for manufacturing gears, therefore, have a simple straight-tooth shape, which is one of the most significant advantages of involute gears. The creation of the involute and the meshing of the teeth are shown in Fig. 1b, while the meshing of rack and pinion is shown in Fig. 2. The curve that connects the points of contact of the tooth flanks is called the path of contact. If the shape of the path of contact is defined, the shapes of the rack cutter profile and the flanks of teeth are also defined. In the case of involute gears, the path of contact is a line segment between the initial contact point A and the final contact point E. The extension of the path of contact runs tangentially to the base circle of the gears. The angle between the direction of the normal force to the tooth flank and the direction of the tangent through the pitch point defines the pressure angle a. In involute gearing, the direction of the force on the tooth does not change during meshing, which is favourable with regard to dynamic forces. Involute gears are not sensitive to centre distance errors. If the centre distance in the gearbox is greater than the theoretical one, the backlash increases, the pressure angle increases slightly, while kinematic conditions in the contact of the tooth flanks do not change significantly. The operating properties of involute gears can be influenced by profile shift (Fig. 2). In a gear without a profile shift, the datum line of the rack runs tangentially to the pitch circle. The profile shift V can be negative or positive displacement of the tooth profile with respect to the axis of rotation of the gear. An undercut appears in an involute gear with a small number of teeth. The undercut limit depends on the helix angle, pressure angle, and height of the flat part of the rack. In the case of spur gears with a pressure angle of 20° and a rack as in Fig. 2, the undercut limit is at 17 teeth. To make a functional gear with a smaller number of teeth, a positive profile shift is needed. The choice of profile shifts is limited by the sharpness of teeth, so the number of teeth of an involute pinion has its lowest limit. Fig. 1. Involute gears; a) the formation of an involute, and b) meshing of teeth Fig. 2. Profile shift at involute gears The sum of profile shifts is essential for the operating properties and the centre distance of the gear pair. When the sum of profile shifts is positive, the centre distance, pressure angle and the root load capacity of gears increase, while the contact ratio of gears decreases and the noise of gears increases [1] and [2]. The load capacity of involute gears can be increased, and noise and vibrations can be reduced by a tip relief profile modification [9] to [11] and crowning Operating Performance of External Non-Involute Spur and Helical Gears: A Review 257 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 [12] to [14]. Special software (e.g., KISSsoft) enables the optimization of operating properties of involute gears. A special design of involute gearing is asymmetric involute gearing. Its geometry and gear design are discussed by Kapelevich [15]. The gearing is not sensitive to centre-distance errors. The rack cutter is not symmetrical and not standardized. The pressure angle at the loading side is greater than on the unloading side, so the asymmetrical gearing has a higher tooth surface durability and higher root load capacity than the symmetrical gearing [16] to [18]. Sekar [19] discusses the friction between the tooth flanks as a function of geometric parameters and load. The author proves that power losses are smaller than with classical involute gears. 2 CRITERIA FOR ASSESSING THE OPERATING PROPERTIES OF GEARS 2.1 Surface Durability of Gears During the expected lifespan of gears, there should be no tooth fractures or damages to the flanks of teeth. Flank damages include pitting, scuffing, micro pitting and abrasive wear [20]. Pitting is damage made due to fatigue of the tooth flank material. It starts with a crack that can be on the surface or underneath. Because of the cyclic load, the crack widens until a chip is formed, which is flushed out by the oil. Due to the pits formed on the surface of the flanks, the bearing surface of the flanks is reduced, and the contact load on the remaining surface increases. The criterion for the occurrence of pitting is the contact load, defined by the Hertz equation [2]. Evaluation of involute gears according to the ISO 6336-2 standard [21] is based on the following form of the Hertz equation: o„ = F, ld-P-X- 'i-V E 1 -v. 2 v (1) J2 J At each point of contact, the line contact of teeth can be simulated with two cylinders with radii p1 and p2 or with a cylinder and a ring if one of the radii is negative and the contact is concave-convex. The relative radius of curvature is: P = Pi 'Pi (2) Pi +Pi The Hertzian pressure between two cylindrical surfaces depends on the normal force Fn, material properties (modulus of elasticity E, Poisson number v), contact length ld and relative radius of curvature. The relative radius of curvature depends on the shape of the tooth flanks. When designing non-involute gears, the trend is to achieve the largest possible relative radius of curvature, which consequently means a reduction of the Hertzian pressure. In the case of S-gears [4], the relative radius of curvature in the area at the beginning and end of meshing is significantly larger than in involute gears due to the concave-convex contact. However, in the vicinity of the pitch point C, the convex-convex contact also exists in S-gears and, therefore, the relative radius of curvature is approximately the same as in involute gears. It depends on the pressure angle at point C. The same is true for cosine gears [5] and gears with a parabolic path of contact [6]. An analytical method for calculating the curvature radii for gears with a curved path of contact was developed in [7]. For the test conditions, materials, and geometry of the test gears, Hertzian pressures are defined at which pitting occurs after a certain number of tooth flank meshes. Values for involute gear materials are listed in the ISO 6336-5 standard [22]. When evaluating involute gears, the differences between the test conditions (lubricant, speed and the geometry of the test gears) and the actual conditions and geometry are considered by applying additional coefficients [21]. Due to the friction between the tooth flanks, the oil temperature increases, but the oil viscosity and the thickness of the oil film decrease. When the oil temperature exceeds the allowable value, the oil film breaks. When the protective layer is crushed, the two surfaces weld. Due to the sliding of the flanks, the joint collapses, and a gap is formed in the sliding direction. This type of damage is called "scuffing of gears". The evaluation of involute gears on scuffing is based on temperature criteria. Two methods are available in ISO/TS technical specification: the flash temperature method [23] and the integral temperature method [24]. The calculation of the flash temperature is based on Blok's formula [25] and [26]. 9fla = 0.62 )0 P (4BM1 ■ vn "VBM 2 • Vt 2 ) (3) Heat generation is influenced by the coefficient of friction p, load (wn=Fn/ ld), relative radius of curvature and sliding speed vg=vt1 -vt2. The denominator of the last term in Eq. (3) takes into account the heat dissipation from the contact. The substitute elasticity 258 Okorn, I. - Nagode, M. - Klemenc, J. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 modulus E' depends on the elasticity modules of both gears and their Poisson numbers. 1 E' 1 -y' 1 -v. 2 \ E (4) E The frequently cited equation [1] and [27] is used for calculating the coefficient of friction. ( \0-2 H = 0.045 ■ V(l + V2 )'P. • n"0'05 ■ Y ■no ■ yr (5) The coefficient of friction depends on load, relative radius of curvature, sum of tangential velocities vt1 + vt2, viscosity of oil n0 and surface roughness (taken into account by the XR coefficient). Non-involute gears with a curved path of contact, such as S-gears [4] and [7], cosine gears [5], and gears with a parabolic path of contact [6], have larger relative radii of curvature and lower sliding speeds at points that are critical for scuffing (at the beginning of meshing). The thermal load is lower at these points, so they are less susceptible to scuffing than involute gears are. Xue et al. [28] combined the dynamic load and transient thermal elastohydrodynamic lubrication (TEHL) to study the scuffing load capacity of spur gears. The hydrodynamic pressure, oil film thickness and flash temperature were calculated with a numerical method. The comparison between the TEHL and Blok's theory was implemented. The minimum thickness of the oil film at the contact point is crucial for the occurrence of micro-pitting and abrasive wear of the tooth flanks. In general, the thickness of the oil film is calculated by solving the Reynolds differential equation. This procedure was used by Xu et al. [29] in the case of harmonic gear transmission. Typically, the Dawson-Hamrock equation [30] is used for the calculation of the minimum oil-film thickness. The general notation of the equation applies to the elliptical contact. h = 3.63 + V^ lo E-p •(• E')° / „ \-0.073 , . •((ft) - 0.61^" ). (6) Coeficient k = a/ b is the ellipticity parameter where a and b stand for ellipse axes. If the contact of the tooth flanks is a straight line, the expression in the last bracket of Eq. (6) is equal to 1. The equation can then be rearranged to the following form. h0 =(3.63-C8-a0'49 E'-0117 )• ,p0A66. F-oal\ (7) Velocities, the relative radius of curvature, and load vary along the path of contact. Non-involute gears with a curved path of contact, such as S-gears [4] and [7], have a larger relative radius of curvature and a greater sum of tangential velocities at the beginning and end of meshing than the involute ones. The greater thickness of the oil film has a positive effect on both the damage of the flanks and the dynamic forces. The evaluation of involute gears regarding micro-pitting is covered by the ISO/TS 6336-22 standard [31]. To assess the hazard of the micropitting, the relative thickness of the oil film is used, defined as: h 0.5 -{Ral + Ra (8) where hy is the local film thickness on the assumption of smooth surfaces, while Ra1 and Ra2 are the arithmetic mean roughness values. Bergstedt et al. [32] have demonstrated experimentally that the probability of micropitting is lower on a smoother surface. Clarke et al. [33] and Liu et al. [34] provided an overview of the results of the latest micropitting research. 2.2 Root Load Capacity of Gears The bending stress at the root of a tooth is an indication of load; the stress depends on the tooth thickness and the tooth fillet at the root. When evaluating involute gears for root load capacity, the bending stress at the root of the tooth is compared with the root fatigue strength, which is determined by gear tests. Analytical evaluation of involute gears is defined in the ISO 6336-3 standard [35]. Numerical methods are predominantly used to calculate the stress at the root of the teeth of non-involute gears, and the finite element method (FEM) is the prevailing numerical method. Analytical methods (such as beamlike models for cycloid gearings) are rare. Numerical analyses are used in many papers dealing with non-involute gears [36] and [37]. 2.3 Power Losses and Gear Efficiency Friction between the flanks of teeth causes power losses. The friction power at the contact point i depends on the normal force Fn, the coefficient of friction f and the sliding speed vg=vt1 - vt2. P = F rfri 1 ni 'Pi ' (9) In non-involute gears with a curved path of contact, such as S-gears [4] and [7], cosine gears [5], and gears with a parabolic path of contact [6], the 2 2 Operating Performance of External Non-Involute Spur and Helical Gears: A Review 259 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 sliding speeds are lower at the beginning and end of meshing; therefore, the power losses are also lower. The friction work during the meshing of one pair of teeth between the initial contact point A and the final contact point E is: = ¿P Jri-Ati =J Pfr ■ dt. (10) With the known speed of the pinion n1 in min-1 and the number of teeth of the pinion z1, the average friction power can be determined. - Z ■ n Pfr =- 60 (11) For involute gears, there is a theoretical method for determining power losses during the meshing of teeth. The procedure is described in the literature [1] and [2]. In the previous decade, an elastohydrodynamic lubrication (EHL) -based friction coefficient was developed and applied to the prediction of gear efficiency [38] and [39]. Ziegltrum et al. [40] compared the simulated load-dependent gear power losses of a transient thermal EHL model with the experimental results in the Forschungsstelle fur Zahnrader und Getriebebau (FZG) gear test rig. Results show a very strong correlation when taking into account the mixed lubrication. 2.4 Vibration and Noise of Gears The main geometric parameter that affects gear noise is the contact ratio. Mesh stiffness depends on the contact ratio, and it has a decisive influence on vibration and noise level [28]. The gearing is more silent and quieter if the contact ratio is higher. For helical gears, the total contact ratio is the sum of the transverse contact ratio and the face contact ratio. -p- (12) The transverse contact ratio is the ratio between the arc length of action and the angular pitch. £„ = C1AC1E C1AC1E (13) For involute gears (with points of contact on a line), it is defined as the ratio between the length ACE and the base pitch (Fig. 1). The distance between the initial contact point A and the pitch point C is greater in involute gears, so their transverse contact ratio is higher. Non-involute gears with a curved path of contact, such as S-gears [4] and [7], cosine gears [5], and gears with a parabolic path of contact [6], have a shorter distance between the initial meshing point A and the pitch point C, so the contact ratio is lower than that of involute gears. The contact ratio of involute gears can be changed by making a profile shift. If the sum of profile shifts is negative, the contact ratio is higher than if the sum is equal to 0 or positive. The overlap ratio is higher if a gear is wider and if the helix angle is larger. The force on the tooth acts perpendicularly to the tooth flank profile. Because the path of contact is a straight line at involute gears, the direction of the force does not change during meshing, which has a good effect on vibrations. Vibration and noise of gears are decisively affected by tooth deviations [41]. The noise of involute and non-involute gears can only be adequately compared if the gears have been made in the same accuracy class. Greater manufacturing accuracy significantly reduces vibration and noise levels. 3 NON-INVOLUTE GEARS Various forms of non-involute gears are presented in this chapter. Operating properties are described for each gear type, supported by theoretical and experimental research. A comparison with comparable involute gears is given. 3.1 Cycloid Gearing The flank of the cycloid gear tooth consists of a hypo- and an epicycloid [3]. A cycloid is a curve produced by tracing a path of a chosen point on the circumference of a circle that rolls around a fixed base circle. The shape of the addendum flank of the tooth is obtained by rolling the circle on the outer side of the base circle, while the shape of the dedendum flank of the tooth is obtained by rolling a circle inside the base circle (Fig. 3). During meshing, the hypocycloid and the epicycloid touch, the touch is concave-convex, and the path of contact has a shape of circular arcs. The rack has flanks curved in the shape of an orthocycloid, which is obtained by rolling a circle along a straight line. The shape of the hypocycloid depends on the ratio of diameters of the rolling circle and the base circle (kc). The hypocycloid is a straight line if the value of kc=0.5. The contact of the hypo- and the epicycloid is concave-convex when kc< 0.5, so the contact pressure is lower than that of involute gears. In these cases, the relative sliding is also lower than with comparable involute gears. The critical point of the gearing is the pitch point C, where a transition from the epicycloid to the hypocycloid occurs. In the A m -n n 260 Okorn, I. - Nagode, M. - Klemenc, J. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 area of the pitch point, the relative curvature radii are very small, while the contact pressure is higher than in involute gears. Fig. 3. Cycloid gears A pinion can have a very small number of teeth (theoretically only two or three). Cycloid gears with two or three teeth are used for rotors in Roots blowers. Gearing is very sensitive to centre distance errors and does not allow a profile shift. If there is an error in the centre distance, vibrations increase. Manufacturing gears is a complicated and expensive process. This type of gears is used in precision mechanics (e.g., mechanical clocks). i of contact Fig. 4. Lantern gears One special example of cycloid gearing is lantern gearing (Fig. 4) with pins on one of the gears. The flank of the gear tooth has the shape of an equidistant cycloid. The contact point on the pin slides along the flank of the gear tooth during meshing. The lantern gearing is only suitable for small circumferential speeds, e.g., drives with large driven gears in transport devices. A special shape of the cycloid gear is installed in the rotary vector cycloidal-pin drive [42], used in robots. The main feature of such a gearbox is a large gear ratio. Peng et al. [43] developed a new form of cycloid gearing named arc-tooth-trace cycloid gear (Fig. 5). Fig. 5. Arc-tooth-trace cycloid gear; a) tooth profile, and b) arc-tooth-trace; adapted from [43] The tooth trace of the gear is a segment of a circular arc. The profile of the tooth flank consists of two parts: above the reference circle is a circular arc segment, while a cycloid segment is below the circle. Equations for describing the geometry of the gearing and calculation of the contact ratio are derived in the paper. The transverse contact ratio is a constant value (0.5), while the overlap ratio depends on the module and the radius of a circular arc. 3D models of the new gears and comparable involute gears were made. The results of the numerical analysis show that the new gearing has 17 % higher tooth surface durability and 35 % higher root load capacity than involute gearing. 3.2 Helical gears with circular arc teeth In 1926, Wildhaber [44] invented helical gearing with circular arc teeth (in a normal cross-section). Independently, a similar shape (a tooth profile with a circular arc in the front face) was invented 30 years later by Novikov [45]. Due to a similar shape, researchers in the past had named the gearing with the Operating Performance of External Non-Involute Spur and Helical Gears: A Review 261 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 sides of teeth in the form of circular arcs as Wildhaber-Novikov gearing, or shorter W-N gearing. Radzevich [46] and [47] clarifies differences between the two systems and explains why Wildhaber and Novikov gearing should be addressed separately. In his opinion, the name "W-N gearing" is incorrect. The geometry of the original Novikov gearing is shown in Fig. 6. This kind of gearing was applied in the final reduction stage of a Westland Lynx helicopter gearbox [48]. Fig. 6. Original Novikov gearing The touch of the teeth is concave-convex. The contact surface has (in theory) an elliptical shape under load. When two gears rotate, the contact surface travels in the axial direction, parallel to the axis of the gear rotation. Transmission of rotation is continuous if the overlap ratio is higher than 1. To ensure the lateral backlash, the radius of the pinion's circular arc must be slightly larger than the circular arc radius of the gear wheel. Dyson et al. [49] and [50] discuss the gearing geometry and kinematics in detail and present design instructions. Contact stress during meshing was analysed in more detail by Coulbourne [51]. Due to the concave-convex contact, contact stress is lower than in involute gearing. According to Niemman's research [52], W-N gearing has 1.5 to 3 times higher surface durability than comparable involute gearing. These values apply to a gear shape when px = p2. Differences decrease with an increasing helix angle. The influence of pressure angle and root fillet on the stress in the tooth root is discussed by Tsay [53]. His analysis was performed using FEM. Results of analyses indicate that the W-N gearing has a slightly lower root load capacity than the involute gearing. The conditions for the formation of the oil film are better than in involute gearing [54]. Over the previous decade, Markovski and Batsch [55] have conducted numerical and experimental research on Novikov gearing. They incorporated errors that occur during manufacturing and assembly into their mathematical model. On the basis of numerical contact analysis, they analysed the impact of errors on the wear of tooth flanks. It turned out that the contact surface is not a real ellipse as it was theoretically assumed. They developed a method for measuring and displaying the contact surface of Novikov gearing [56]. They performed fatigue tests on Novikov gears (mn = 3 mm, zj = 30, z2 = 47, b = 30 mm) and comparable involute gears [57]. With the same torque on the pinion, the Novikov gears lasted three times longer till the first signs of pitting. This confirms that the surface durability of the Novikov gearing is about three times higher than the durability of involute gearing. They also measured vibration amplitudes on the housing. They were approximately five times higher than in the involute ones. The main reasons for this are slightly worse manufacturing accuracy and a small contact ratio. Batsch extended the research of Novikov gears to bevel gears [58]. A mathematical model of meshing is derived. Contact stresses and maximum bending stresses in Novikov gears and comparable spiral bevel gears are calculated numerically. In Novikov gears, the contact area is larger, so the calculated contact stresses are lower by approximately 22 %. Root stresses are higher by 27 % on the Novikov pinion. Litvin et al. [59] developed a new shape of the W-N helical gearing. The rack cutter has a parabolic shape instead of a circular shape (Fig. 7). The contact ellipse is longer and narrower than in the basic Novikov gearing. Advantages of the new W-N gearing compared to the basic Novikov gearing are lower noise and vibration, lower sensitivity to manufacturing and assembly errors, the possibility of grinding the gears, lower contact pressure and lower bending stress. The advantages were proven by a simulation of meshing and by numerical calculations of contact stresses and bending stresses. W-N gearing can also be made with two meshing zones (Fig. 8a) [60]. Compared to gearing with a single-zone meshing, this one has lower meshing stiffness. The jerks at the beginning of the meshing are smaller, and the distribution of force on the teeth is more favourable. A rack cutter with two circular arcs for manufacturing such gearing is shown in Fig. 8a. 262 Okorn, I. - Nagode, M. - Klemenc, J. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 Fig. 7. New version of the W-N gear; a) rack-cutter in normal section, and b) transverse profiles; adapted from [59] Fig. 8. Profiles of rack-cutter; a) W-N gears with two zones of meshing, and b) stepped triple circular-arc gears; adapted from [61] The generated tooth flank has a singular point due to the sharp transition between the radii. To eliminate it, Yang [61] proposed a rack cutter with three circular arcs, shown in Fig. 8b. He named it a stepped triple circular-arc gearing. He developed a mathematical model of the gearing and performed a stress analysis using FEM. Ariga and Nagata [62] also suggested an improvement of Wildhaber-Novikov gearing. The top of the new tooth profile has the shape of a circular arc, and the dedendum consists of two involutes. Tests have shown that these gears are less sensitive to centre-distance errors than conventional W-N gears. The gearing with a gear profile composed of circular arcs was also developed by Hlebanja and Hlebanja [63] (Fig. 9), called uniform power transmission gears (UPTG). A theoretical comparison with involute gearing is made. To confirm its functionality, a model of aluminium gears was made. Fig. 9. UPT gears [63]; a) shape of the rack-cutter, and b) pair of UPT Liang et al. [64] proposed gear transmission with a double circular arc-involute tooth profile. Three components are important in the generation of a tooth profile: the upper convex circular arc, the middle involute and the lower convex circular arc. Based on the equations of tooth surfaces, the software for calculating the data points of tooth surfaces was developed. The results were exported to the 3D drawing software. A numerical comparison of contact stresses and sliding coefficients between the involute Operating Performance of External Non-Involute Spur and Helical Gears: A Review 263 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 gearing and the new gearing was made; both are lower in the new gearing. Proposed gears and involute gears were also compared experimentally. The transmission efficiency under different operating conditions is presented. The measured efficiency of the new gear was lower due to the lower manufacturing quality. 3.3 Pure Rolling Helical Gears Chen et al. [65] developed novel circular arc helical gears (CAHGM) with pure rolling. Based on the meshing principle of space curve meshing, the parameter equations of the concave-convex circular arc profiles were established. A pair of CAHGM was manufactured via rapid prototyping technology. The contact ratio equation and the theoretical kinematic performance were validated. The gears have a large backlash which is harmful to the forward and reverse drives. Chen et al. [66] and [67] also developed pure rolling helical gears with convex-to-convex meshing type and pure rolling rack and pinion mechanism. Geometric design, meshing performance, and mechanical behaviour were presented. Parametric equations for contact curves and for the tooth surfaces were derived. A numerical comparison of contact stresses and bending stresses between the modified involute gearing and the new gearing was made. With new gearing, the maximum bending stresses are significantly lower, and the contact stresses are 1.5 to 2 times higher. The maximum contact stress can be decreased by increasing the tooth number and face width and decreasing the helix angle. Properties of pure rolling gearing have not yet been experimentally researched. 3.4 Convoloid Gearing Berlinger and Coulbourne [68] developed a new type of gearing, named convoloid gearing. Its tooth's dedendum has a concave shape, while its addendum has a convex shape (Fig. 10). The transverse contact ratio is between 1.1 and 1.3, while the overlap ratio is an integer. A theoretical and experimental comparison with equivalent involute gears is made. An important geometric parameter is the ratio between the width of the gear b and centre distance a. If b / a< 0.2, the convoloid gearing has no advantages. The load capacity ratio between convoloid and involute gears increases with increasing b / a ratio. Test results show that 20 % to 35 % higher load capacity can be achieved with convoloid gears. J>— outside diameter - start of tip break addendum mid point start of addendum relief addendum transition point pitch radius dedendum transition point start of dedendum relief dedendum mid point start of root break profil control radius root radius Fig. 10. Convoloid gearing; adapted from [68] 3.5 Gears with Curved Paths of Contact 3.5.1 S-Gears Development of S-gears (invented by Hlebanja [69] and developed by Hlebanja et al. [70]) began in the 1970s. This type of gear was used in a rolling mill with a power of 1500 kW [71]. A path of contact in the shape of the letter S is a characteristic of this gearing. The first gearing had a small pressure angle at the pitch point C compared to today's shape. In the 1990s, the basic rack tooth profile equation was defined [72]. y = ap-(i-(1 - x)"). (14) The following parameters were selected in [7]: ap = 1.3 and n = 1.9. The shape of the tooth profile, the path of contact, and both tooth flanks are shown in Fig. 11. A tool for shaping S-gears with a module of 4.575 mm was made. Research studies of load capacity of spur S-gears made of steel and comparable involute spur gears were performed. Involute gears had a module mn = 4.5 mm, width b = 20 mm, number of teeth z1 = 16 and z2 = 24, and the profile shift coefficients x1 = 0.233 and x2 = 0.12. Before the tests, the geometry of all gears was measured on a coordinate-measuring machine. S-gears were 264 Okorn, I. - Nagode, M. - Klemenc, J. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 manufactured in accuracy classes 7 and 8, and involute gears in class 6 (according to DIN 3962 [73]). The roughness of the tooth flanks was approximately the same in both types of gears. Fig. 11. S-gears [7]; a) basic rack tooth profile, and b) tooth flanks of S-gears The load capacity tests were made on a standard FZG test rig [74] with a centre distance of 91.5 mm. Theoretical calculations of Hertzian pressures, flash temperatures and oil film thicknesses were made for the geometry of the test gears and the test conditions. Figs. 12 and 13 show a comparison of Hertzian pressures and flash temperatures along the path of contact. Theories about the load capacity of S-gears were defined on the basis of the criteria described in Chapter 2. The tests showed a significantly higher resistance of S-gears to scuffing, which is the expected result on the basis of the calculation of contact temperatures and oil film thickness at the beginning of meshing. In fatigue tests, pitting occurred in the pitch point area of S-gears, and in the dedendum of involute gears. S-gears withstood a slightly higher number of load cycles than involute ones (by approx. 20 %) [7] and [75]. The wear of S-gears was about one half lower during the same operating time due to a thicker oil film. Fig. 12. Hertzian pressures during tests; a) involute gears, and b) S-Gears Fig. 13. Flash temperatures during tests; a) involute gears, and b) S-Gears The heat load of the gears was estimated on the basis of oil temperature measurements [76] and [77]. S-gears with a modulus of 4.575 mm and involute gears with a modulus of 4.5 mm, and the number of teeth of 16 and 24 were used in the tests. The oil temperature at the beginning of the test was 90 °C. Oil temperatures after 15 minutes of operation at a given load in the standard FZG scuffing test are shown in Table 1. The measured temperatures prove that the heat load in S-gears is lower than in involute ones. Operating Performance of External Non-Involute Spur and Helical Gears: A Review 265 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 Table 1. Oil temperature in °C at the end of the test at each load step Load step 7 8 9 10 11 12 Torque T [Nm] 183 239 302 372 450 543 S-gears 94 97 102 106 113 118 Involute gears 99 103 107 112 120 127 One of the disadvantages of S-gears is a lower contact ratio than with involute gears. This weakness can be eliminated by using helical S-gears depicted in Fig. 14a. A gear pair with helical S-gears is shown in Fig. 14b. These gears were manufactured with the same shaping tool as the test spur S-gears. No experimental research on these gears has been made yet, but it is expected that operating characteristics will be better with helical gears than with spur S-gears. Fig. 14. Helical S-gears; a) contact of the teeth, and b) a gear pair The S-gears can also be used in internal gears, which are widely used in planetary gears. The analysis of the load capacity of the internal S-gears is discussed by Hlebanja and Hlebanja [78]. Since the path of contact is a straight line in the pitch point region (which is similar to involute gears), the S-gears are significantly less sensitive to centre distance errors [79] than classic cycloid gearing. The operating properties of the S-gears depend on parameters ap and n. The influence of these parameters on the shape of teeth and operating properties is discussed by Kulovec and Duhovnik [80]. The S shape of the path of contact was also used in worm gears. Theoretical analysis of the situation and demonstration of the operation is given by Hlebanja et al. [81]. In the previous decade, the concept of using polymer S-gears has emerged. Polymer gears have a low modulus of elasticity, so the deformations are significantly higher. Most gears are made by injection moulding, with which it is not possible to achieve high precision. The contact temperature (which depends on the friction coefficient) has a significant impact on damage to polymer gears. The theoretical contact temperature of polymer S-gears is lower than that of involute gears with comparable geometry (same modulus and number of teeth), so the expected load-bearing capacity of S-gears is higher. In the first phase of research, the gears were made by injection moulding. The advantages of S-gears have not been demonstrated due to poor manufacturing accuracy and large deformations. In the second phase of research, the gears were made by hobbing. In this case, a higher load capacity of the S-gears was measured. Results on research concerning polymer S-gears were published in several papers [82] to [85]. A comparison of the efficiency of S-gears and involute gears was made. The results show better efficiency of S-gears [86]. Problems of polymeric S-gears are large deformations, small size of teeth (test gears had a module of 1 mm) and manufacturing accuracy. The problem is general and specific to plastic S-gears. In steel gears, the deformations do not have such an effect on meshing. The accuracy class of the geometry is also higher for steel gears. Advantages of S-gears can be seen only if manufacturing accuracy is high enough, which can be achieved by hobbing. The question is, whether energy savings and higher load capacity justify the higher cost of manufacturing polymer S-gears. 3.5.2 Cosine Gearing The shape of the flank of a pinion with a cosine gearing is described by a cosine function. Luo et al. [5] derived equations for the description of the tooth flank and the path of contact. A 3D model of the gearing was made, and a numerical analysis was performed with FEM. Contact ratio and sliding coefficient were calculated. Compared to involute gearing, the cosine gearing, which is discussed in [5], has the following characteristics: lower contact pressure (by approx. 22 %), lower root stress (by approx. 35 %), lower contact ratio (by 20 %) and considerably smaller sliding coefficient, both on gear and pinion. The stated properties of the gearing are valid generally, but the values in parentheses depend on the geometric 266 Okorn, I. - Nagode, M. - Klemenc, J. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 parameters of the gears. Wadagaonkar and Shinde [87] confirmed lower contact stresses (by approx. 30 %) and lower bending stresses (by approx. 50 %) for their geometry of cosine gears. 3.5.3 Gearing with a Parabolic Path of Contact Wang et al. [6] worked on gears with a parabolic path of contact. A mathematical model of the gearing was derived on the basis of a known path of contact. The influence of the parabola parameters on the shape of teeth of the pinion and the gear was analysed. The number of teeth in which dedendum undercut occurs is significantly smaller than in the case of involute gearing. A numerical comparison of contact stresses and bending stresses between the involute gearing and the new gearing was made; both are lower in the new gearing. This general statement is valid for any form of a parabola, while the quantitative values depend on the parabola parameters that can be optimized. Properties of a gearing with a parabolic path of contact have not yet been experimentally researched. 3.5.4 Gears with a Constant Relative Radius of Curvature The relative radius of curvature has a decisive effect on the Hertzian contact pressure (Eq. (1)). Liu et al. [88] developed a new form of non-involute gearing based on a controlled relative radius of curvature. It was named constant relative curvature (CRC) gears. Equations were developed to calculate the profile of the rack cutter and gears. A mathematical model for the gearing was defined with a constant relative radius of curvature along the path of contact. The tooth profile is shown in Fig. 15. CRC and involute gears were compared analytically. The contact ratio was calculated for both types of gears; it was slightly lower for CRC gears. Contact stress, sliding coefficients, and oil film thicknesses were determined. The gearing has similar advantages over the involute gears as the involute gear CRC gear Fig. 15. Tooth profile of CRC gear and involute gear; adapted from [88] S-gears: lower contact stress, thicker oil film and less sliding of flanks. The advantages of CRC gears have not yet been confirmed experimentally. 4 DISCUSSION Gears in modern gearboxes must have the best possible efficiency, high load capacity, and low noise level combined with the smallest possible size. In recent decades, research has focused mainly on improving the properties of involute gears. The effects of geometry, lubrication, manufacturing accuracy and new materials on gearing load capacity and noise were researched in detail. New findings in tribology have significantly contributed to the improvement of the operational characteristics of involute gears. Research on non-involute forms is, therefore, less frequent and less up-to-date. The development of software increased the possibilities of accurate analyses of non-involute forms. Mathematical models for defining geometry parameters have been developed to describe various non-involute shapes mentioned in this paper. A mathematical model of the gearing enables the creation of a 3D model of the gear pair, which can be analysed numerically. Analyses are relatively inexpensive and quickly feasible on modern computers. Most analyses are performed for the ideal shape of the tooth flanks. The accuracy of manufacturing and deformations of teeth significantly affect the shape of teeth and the operating characteristics. Involute and non-involute gears can only be compared if their manufacturing accuracy is comparable. Based on the research of gears with a curved path of contact and the results of research on non-involute gears conducted and published by other authors, Table 2 assesses the properties of non-involute gears. The comparison refers to a comparable involute gear (the same number of teeth, helix angle, modulus, and accuracy class). The three black dots in Table 2 indicate that the non-involute gearing is slightly better than the involute one in terms of the given property, while four and five dots indicate that it is significantly better than the involute one. At two black dots or less, the non-involute gearing is worse than the involute one. At the Faculty of Mechanical Engineering, University of Ljubljana, research was carried out on steel gears with a progressively curved path of contact [7]. Prototypes of S-gears and comparable involute gears were made. A theoretical comparison was performed according to the criteria described in Chapter 2. The theoretical assumptions were Operating Performance of External Non-Involute Spur and Helical Gears: A Review 267 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 Table 2. Evaluation of the properties of non-involute gears compared to involute gears (• > best; ooooo worst) _ . n .. . _ „. . Contact ratio, Sensitivity to Surface Root load Gear efficiency, .... .. . . . .■' . Vibration and manufacturing and durability capacity Heat load noise assembly errors References Cycloid gears • ••oo •••oo •••oo ••ooo ooooo [1], [3], [42] Lantern gears • •ooo ••ooo ooooo ••ooo •oooo [1], [3] Arc-tooth-trace cycloid gears • ••oo •••oo •••oo ••ooo ••ooo [43] Original Novikov gears • ••oo •••oo •••oo •oooo ooooo [44] to [58], [60] New W-N gears ••••o •••oo •••oo ••ooo ••ooo [36], [59], [62] Stepped triple circular-arc gears •••oo •••oo •••oo ••ooo •oooo [61] UPT Gears •••oo •••oo •••oo ••ooo ••ooo [63] Double circular arc-involute tooth profile •••oo •••oo ••ooo ••ooo ••ooo [64] Pure rolling helical gears •••oo •••oo ••••• ••ooo ••ooo [65], [66], [67] Convoloid gears ••••o •••oo •••oo ••ooo ••ooo [68] S-Gears ••••o •••oo ••••o ••ooo ••ooo [4], [7], [8], [69] to [72], [75] to [86] Cosine gears •••oo •••oo •••oo ••ooo ••ooo [5], [87] Gears with a parabolic path of contact •••oo •••oo •••oo ••ooo •oooo [6] CRC-Gears ••••o •••oo •••oo ••ooo ••ooo [88] confirmed by tests at the FZG test rig. In the last decade, extensive research has also been conducted on plastic S-gears [8]. In papers on cosine gears [5], gears with a parabolic path of contact [6] and CRC gears [87], researchers listed similar properties as were found in S-gears. Non-involute gears are relatively well researched analytically and numerically in terms of load capacity, while vibration and noise analyses remain lacking. We also lack experimental confirmations of theoretical assumptions regarding load capacity, efficiency, and noise. Table 3. Areas of use of some non-involute gears Areas of use Cycloid gears Cycloidal-pin drive watches, roots blowers, gear pumps robots (large gear ratio) Lantern gears transport devices (large gear ratio, small speeds) W-N gearing aircraft industry (helicopters), oil industry Convoloid gearing wind turbines S-Gears rolling mill, wind turbines, planetary gearboxes, precision mechanics Cosine gearing gear pumps Gearing with a parabolic path of contact gear pumps Areas of use of some non-involute gears are listed in Table 3. The gears presented in recent years are still in the research phase and have not yet been used in practical applications. 5 CONCLUSIONS The paper presents both non-involute gears with a long history (cycloid gears, classical Novikov gears) and gears first presented in the last decade. New technologies (3D printing) enable easy and fast prototyping and testing of the functionality of new designs. Unfortunately, prototypes are not enough to convince users that new designs are useful. Different gears with a curved path of contact, which show similar operating properties compared with involute gears (higher root load capacity and surface durability, lower tooth sliding and heat load, lower contact ratio), are discussed in more detail. Theoretical findings for spur S-gears have also been experimentally confirmed. Vibration and gear noise research is lacking. A higher contact ratio can be achieved with helical S-gears, and it would make sense to research them experimentally in the future. Experimental studies on gears manufactured in real-life accuracy and surface roughness are rare. We believe that it is not possible to succeed in the market with a gearing that is not supported by experiments. Therefore, the geometry and manufacturing of involute gears are much simpler and, above all, cheaper than that of non-involute gears. The evaluation of involute gears is carried out according to standards and recommendations. The references only list ISO standards and ISO technical specifications, but national standards (e.g., AGMA, DIN, etc.) and recommendations also exist (e.g., VDI). 256 Okorn, I. - Nagode, M. - Klemenc, J. Strojniski vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, 256-271 Because it is much more difficult to achieve the same accuracy with non-involute gears, they are still limited to specific applications. The current situation in development and research indicates that non-involute gears cannot displace involute gears on a large scale. 6 ACKNOWLEDGMENT The authors acknowledge the financial support from the Slovenian Research Agency (research core funding No. P2-0182). 7 REFERENCES [1] Niemann, G., Winter, H. (2003). Maschinenelemente: Band 2. Springer Verlag, Berlin, DOI:10.1007/978-3-662-11873-3. [2] Linke, H., Börner, J., Heß, R. (2016). 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Lemu, Belete Sirahbizu: Določitev optimalne oblike lopatic za sistem črpanja vode na vetrno energijo na izbranih lokacijah SI 30 Mingxing Han, Yinshui Liu, Yitao Liao, Shucai Wang: Raziskava modela in dinamičnih lastnosti novega proporcionalnega hidravličnega ventila, ki ga poganja zvočniška tuljava SI 31 Mohsen Soori, Mohammed Asmael: Zmanjšanje preostalih napetosti in napak odklona z virtualnim petosnim rezkanjem turbinskih lopatic SI 32 Mario Santos, Jaime Santos: Slabitev ultrazvočnih valov v nodularni litini z razpršitvijo: eksperimentalna študija in simulacija SI 33 Ivan Okorn, Marko Nagode, Jernej Klemenc: Obratovalne lastnosti zunanjih neevolventnih valjastih zobnikov z ravnimi in poševnimi zobmi: pregled SI 34 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, SI 29 © 2021 Strojniški vestnik. Vse pravice pridržane. Prejeto v recenzijo: 2021-01-26 Prejeto popravljeno: 2021-04-14 Odobreno za objavo: 2021-04-23 Prepoznava oblike planih preizkušancev z uporabo optičnih metod merjenja celotnih polj deformacij in poravnava oblike z uporabo minimizacije odstopanja preslikave Andraž Maček - Janez Urevc - Miroslav Halilovič* Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Slovenija Raziskava predstavlja razvito metodologijo za prostorsko poravnavo oblike merjenega planega preizkušanca z obliko računskega modela. Prostorska poravnava predstavlja ključen del najnovejših postopkov inverzne identifikacije parametrov konstitutivnih modelov trdnin, ki temeljijo na meritvah celotnega polja deformacij preizkušancev s heterogenim odzivom. Poravnava je namreč nujno potrebna, saj moramo med postopkom inverzne identifikacije primerjati izmerjene in izračunane odzive preizkušancev v istih (materialnih) točkah. Razvita metodologija obsega tako prepoznavo oblike merjenega preizkušanca iz fotografij merilnega sistema korelacije digitalnih slik (DIC) kot tudi postopek prostorske poravnave. S praktičnega vidika je to ključnega pomena, saj moramo prepoznati in poravnati obliko preizkušanca, ko je ta že na lokaciji in pripravljen za meritve deformacij. Torej ima preizkušanec v tem stanju že nanešen naključni vzorec, ki je potreben za izvedbo meritev deformacij z merilnim sistemom DIC in je vpet v trgalni stroj. Razvita metoda omogoča prostorsko poravnavo meritev, kjer je preizkušanec opazovan bodisi z eno kamero (ravninsko 2D merjenje), bodisi z več. Prepoznava oblike merjenega preizkušanca temelji na primerjavi dveh fotografij preizkušanca. Prva fotografija je zajeta na klasičen način, tako kot fotografiramo preizkušanec za potrebe postopka DIC. Pred zajemom druge fotografije pa dodatno osvetlimo preizkušanec še iz zadnje smeri. Tako zajamemo dve fotografiji, ki se razlikujeta v osvetlitvi ozadja preizkušanca. S prepoznavo slikovnih točk, katerih sivinska vrednost se med slikama ne spremeni veliko, določimo obliko merjenega preizkušanca. Prostorska poravnava te oblike z obliko preizkušanca uporabljenega v izračunu temelji na preslikavi pozicije slikovnih točk na zajetih fotografijah v prostor, kjer se nahaja oblika računalniškega modela preizkušanca. Ta preslikava je pravzaprav sestavljena iz dveh preslikav. Prva predstavlja umerjanje merilnega sistema in preslika pozicijo slikovnih točk (vrstica in stolpec na zajeti fotografiji) v pozicijo koordinatnega sistema preizkušanca (X in Y os ležita v ravnini preizkušanca in predstavljata realne mere, npr. milimeter). Druga preslikava pa nadalje preslika XY pozicije v prostor računalniškega modela preizkušanca (xy). Ta v osnovi predstavlja le transformacijo togega telesa, torej premik in zasuk točk v ravnini preizkušanca. Tako lahko preslikamo lokacije vseh slikovnih točk fotografij v prostor računalniškega modela preizkušanca. Točke, ki na fotografiji predstavljajo preizkušanec in istočasno v prostoru modela predstavljajo ozadje ali obratno, predstavljajo točke neujemanja. Večje kot je število točk, večje je neujemanje med oblikama preizkušancev. Sama poravnava je izvedena v obliki optimizacijskega problema, ki išče parametre omenjene transformacije togega telesa s ciljem minimizacije števila točk neujemanja. Robustnost metode je prikazana na primeru preizkušanca, katerega oblika spominja na strukturo metamateriala, in primerjana s splošno znano iteracijsko metodo poravnave najbližjih točk (ICP). Izkaže se, da novo razvita metoda potrebuje manj iteracij za zagotovitev poravnave preizkušanca. Uspešno pa uspe izvesti poravnavo tudi pri različnih stopnjah začetnega neujemanja in ob prisotnosti geometrijskih napak ter šuma, kjer ICP lahko konvergira k napačni poravnavi preizkušanca. Uspešnost metode poravnave je prikazana tudi na primeru realnih meritev heterogenega preizkušanca, kjer smo obravnavali primer merjenja z le eno kamero in primer merjenja s štirimi kamerami. V obeh primerih je razvita metoda zagotovila odlično poravnavo oblik preizkušanca. Razvita metoda predstavlja veliko praktično uporabnost v vseh primerih inverzne identifikacije na osnovi meritev celotnega polja deformacij planih preizkušancev in predstavlja novost na omenjenem področju, saj avtomatsko prepozna obliko preizkušanca in na edinstven način poskrbi za poravnavo z upoštevanjem celotne oblike preizkušanca. Ključne besede: meritve polja deformacij, korelacija digitalnih slik, prepoznava oblike preizkušanca, poravnava oblik, inverzna identifikacija, heterogeno polje deformacij *Naslov avtorja za dopisovanje: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Aškerčeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, SI 29 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, SI 29 © 2021 Strojniški vestnik. Vse pravice pridržane. Prejeto v recenzijo: 2021-01-26 Prejeto popravljeno: 2021-04-14 Odobreno za objavo: 2021-04-23 Določitev optimalne oblike lopatic za sistem črpanja vode na vetrno energijo na izbranih lokacijah Abdulbasit Mohammed1 - Hirpa G. Lemu2 - Belete Sirahbizu1 ^nanstveno-tehniška univerza v Adis Abebi, Etiopija 2Univerza v Stavangerju, Norveška Pričujoči članek obravnava rezultate optimizacije oblike in študije zmogljivosti rotorskih lopatic, ki so primerne za delo v šibkem vetru. Vetrnice so namenjene za neposredni pogon vodnih črpalk na treh izbranih ruralnih lokacijah v Etiopiji. Rotorske lopatice vetrnic za tri izbrane lokacije so bile oblikovane na podlagi aerodinamičnega profila SG6043 ter podatkov o hitrosti vetra na teh lokacijah. Izračunani so bili aerodinamični profili rotorskih lopatic, ki zagotavljajo maksimalen koeficient moči oziroma razmerje med dejansko močjo vetrnice in razpoložljivo močjo vetra na izbranih referenčnih območjih. Optimizacija lopatic s ciljem doseganja maksimalnega izkoristka energije vetra je bila opravljena z različnimi parametri, kot so oblika lopatic, tetive, razmerje med obodno hitrostjo in hitrostjo vetra, geometrije, nastavljeni koti itd. Optimizacija lopatic je potekala na osnovi teorije gibalne količine lopatic (BEM) v programski opremi QBlade, ki je bila razvita posebej za načrtovanje lopatic vetrnih turbin. Za iteriranje oblike je bila uporabljena koda v programskem paketu MATLAB®, ki je bila razvita za ta namen. Na podlagi raziskav so bili določeni optimizirani profili lopatic za vetrne razmere na lokacijah v Abomsi, Metehari in Ziwayju na jugovzhodu Etiopije. Sistemi za črpanje vode na treh lokacijah lahko učinkovito delujejo z vetrnicami s tremi lopaticami premera 10,74 m, 7,34 m oz. 6,34 m. Največje vrednosti koeficienta moči Cp(r) znašajo 0,4512, 0,4587 in 0,4627 pri največjih vrednostih razmerja med obodno hitrostjo in hitrostjo vetra X(r) 3,0, 3,5 oz. 4,0. Članek obravnava načrtovanje, analizo in optimizacijo rotorskih lopatic za določitev optimalnih parametrov zmogljivosti pri specifičnih lokalnih vetrnih razmerah, vključno z velikostjo rotorja in profili. Rezultate numerične analize bo treba še dodatno preveriti in validirati v okviru teh raziskav. Na podlagi konstrukcijskih parametrov bo razvit model celotne vetrne turbine in zgrajene bodo prototipne turbine za izvajanje preskusov na treh lokacijah. Glavni prispevek dela je v praktičnih možnostih izvedbe. Razvite metode projektiranja rotorskih lopatic za učinkovito izkoriščanje vetrnih zmogljivosti za pogon sistemov za črpanje vode, zlasti na območjih z nizko hitrostjo vetra, imajo velik pomen za izboljšanje kakovosti življenja na ruralnih območjih v Etiopiji, ki nimajo dostopa do električne energije za oskrbo s pitno vodo. To je zelo pomembno za velik delež prebivalstva te države. Ključne besede: metoda robnih elementov, dimenzioniranje vetrnic, vetrna energija, hidravlična moč, koeficient moči, sistem za črpanje vode SI 30 *Naslov avtorja za dopisovanje: Univerza v Stavangerju, N-4036, Stavanger, Norveška, Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, SI 29 © 2021 Strojniški vestnik. Vse pravice pridržane. Prejeto v recenzijo: 2021-01-26 Prejeto popravljeno: 2021-04-14 Odobreno za objavo: 2021-04-23 Raziskava modela in dinamičnih lastnosti novega proporcionalnega hidravličnega ventila, ki ga poganja zvočniška tuljava Mingxing Han1* - Yinshui Liu2 - Yitao Liao1 - Shucai Wang1 1 Kmetijska univerza Huazhong, Kolidž za inženiring, Kitajska 2 Znanstveno-tehniška univerza Huazhong, Šola za tehniške vede in strojništvo, Kitajska Proporcionalni hidravlični ventil kot glavna krmilna komponenta v vodni hidravliki ima pomembno vlogo pri delovanju krmiljenja sistemov. Konstruiranje visokozmogljivih vodnih proporcionalnih hidravličnih ventilov je težavna naloga zaradi nizke viskoznosti in oksidativnih lastnosti medija. V procesu konstruiranja je treba razrešiti veliko težav, kot sta npr. slabo mazanje in visoko trenje. Upor na krmilnem batu zaradi nizke viskoznosti in slabe mazalnosti vode ni le velik, ampak tudi nelinearen. Delovanje oljnih razvodnih ventilov drsniškega tipa je idealno, medtem ko se pri krmilnih batih podobnih vodnih ventilov v pogojih vodnega mazanja zaradi neoptimalne kombinacije materialov (jeklo/jeklo) pojavljajo oscilacije. Za visoko dinamično zmogljivost je zato potrebna optimizacija zgradbe hidravličnega proporcionalnega ventila in elektromehanskega aktuatorja. Pričujoča študija predstavlja nov hitroodzivni vodni proporcionalni hidravlični ventil. Aktuator ventila je izveden kot zvočniška tuljava (VCM), katere prednosti so v hitrem odzivu, visoki natančnosti krmiljenja in majhnih izmerah. Za hitro krmiljenje ventila je bil zasnovan ročični ojačevalnik, ki zagotavlja zadostno silo za nastavljanje. Razvit je bil podroben in natančen nelinearen matematični model ventila, ki upošteva parametre konstrukcije ventila in elektromagnetne lastnosti VCM. Izvedene so bile podrobne simulacije delovanja, ki so vključevale elektromagnetne simulacije, analizo lastnosti ročičnega ojačevalnika in simulacijo dinamične zmogljivosti ventila. Rezultati simulacij kažejo, da znaša nastavitveni čas približno 28 ms, največji prenihaj pa približno 5 %. Čas odziva na stopnico znaša približno 15 ms. Zgrajeni sta bili tudi preizkuševališči za ventil in za VCM. Rezultati preskusov prototipa kažejo, da je optimalno območje hoda VCM med 4 in 15 mm. Največji prenihaj ventila znaša okrog 10 %, nastavitveni čas pa je približno 30 ms pri odpiranju in 35 ms pri zapiranju. Rezultati preskusa dokazujejo, da ima ventil dobro statično in dinamično zmogljivost krmiljenja. Trenutno še ni primerjav med oljnimi in vodnimi hidravličnimi ventili glede vpliva pomanjkljivega mazanja na dinamični odziv na stopnico. To vprašanje je zelo zanimivo in bo navdih za podrobnejše raziskave, ki jih še načrtujejo avtorji. V študiji je podan predlog vodnega proporcionalnega hidravličnega ventila s hitrim odzivom. Prednosti VCM, ki sta izkoriščeni pri elektromehanskem pretvorniku ventila, sta visoka hitrost in natančnost krmiljenja. Nizka viskoznost in mazalnost vodnega medija zahtevata veliko silo za premikanje krmilnega bata. Za ojačevanje sile VCM je bil uporabljen ročični ojačevalnik. Dinamična zmogljivost in odpornost ventila proti motnjam sta bili izboljšani z regulacijo položaja v zaprti zanki s povratno zvezo. Rezultati testov dokazujejo, da ventil ohranja visoko odzivnost pri različnih tlakih. Pri novem hidravličnem ventilu z VCM je bistveno izboljšana dinamična zmogljivost v primerjavi s tradicionalnimi vodnimi proporcionalnimi ventili. VCM je tako lahko dobra zamenjava za elektromagnete pri tovrstnih ventilih. Ključne besede: proporcionalni krmilni ventil, zvočniška tuljava, optimizacija, dinamična zmogljivost *Naslov avtorja za dopisovanje: Kmetijska univerza Huazhong, Kolidž za inženiring, Wuhan, Kitajska, 430070, SI 31 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, SI 29 © 2021 Strojniški vestnik. Vse pravice pridržane. Prejeto v recenzijo: 2021-01-26 Prejeto popravljeno: 2021-04-14 Odobreno za objavo: 2021-04-23 Zmanjšanje preostalih napetosti in napak odklona z virtualnim petosnim rezkanjem turbinskih lopatic Mohsen Soori - Mohammed Asmael Univerza vzhodnega Mediterana, Oddelek za strojništvo, Turčija Preostale napetosti v delih, izdelanih s postopki odrezavanja, so posledica trenja, oblikovanja odrezkov in nastanka toplote v območju odrezavanja. Sile in povišane temperature med odrezavanjem lahko na obdelanih turbinskih lopaticah povzročijo napake odklona, ki pa morajo biti zaradi zahtevane natančnosti izdelka čim manjše. Cilj pričujoče študije je bil izboljšanje natančnosti in zanesljivosti obdelanih turbinskih lopatic z minimizacijo preostalih napetosti in napak odklona v virtualnem obdelovalnem sistemu. Z uporabo takega sistema je mogoče napovedati in zmanjšati preostale napetosti in napake odklona po petosnem rezkanju lopatic. Z analizo po metodi končnih elementov (MKE) so bile določene rezalne sile in temperature za vsak položaj rezalnega orodja na poti obdelave. Za optimizacijo parametrov obdelave z vidika preostalih napetosti in napak odklona je bil nato uporabljen genetski algoritem. Virtualni obdelovalni sistem je izračunal delovno temperaturo in rezalne sile pri danih parametrih v vsaki točki na poti obdelave. Izračunane sile in temperature so bile uvožene v analitično programsko opremo Abaqus R2016X FEM za analizo preostalih napetosti in napak odklona po obdelavi. Raziskovalno delo je bilo nato validirano s primerjavo preostalih napetosti, določenih eksperimentalno po metodi rentgenske difrakcije, in rezultatov virtualnega obdelovalnega sistema. Napake odklona so bile določene z meritvijo obdelanih lopatic na koordinatnem merilnem stroju. Preiskava fizično in virtualno obdelanih lopatic je pokazala 24,2-odstotno oz. 23,9-odstotno zmanjšanje preostalih napetosti po uporabi optimiziranih rezalnih parametrov. Zmanjšanje napake odklona je bilo 26,3-odstotno oz. 24,1-odstotno. Predstavljeni pristop bo mogoče uporabiti pri obdelavi površin letalskih aerodinamičnih profilov na petosnih CNC-obdelovalnih strojih za zmanjšanje preostalih napetosti. Analiza literature je pokazala, da napovedovanje in zmanjševanje preostalih napetosti in napak odklona pri rezkanju z virtualnimi obdelovalnimi sistemi ni dovolj raziskano. Razviti virtualni obdelovalni sistem bo tako lahko pripomogel k izboljšanju natančnosti in zanesljivosti lopatic. Ključne besede: virtualna obdelava, preostale napetosti, napaka odklona, optimizacija parametrov, turbinska lopatica, petosni CNC-obdelovalni stroji SI 32 *Naslov avtorja za dopisovanje: Univerza vzhodnega Mediterana, Oddelek za strojništvo, Famagusta, Severni Ciper, Mersin 10, Turčija, Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, SI 29 © 2021 Strojniški vestnik. Vse pravice pridržane. Prejeto v recenzijo: 2021-01-26 Prejeto popravljeno: 2021-04-14 Odobreno za objavo: 2021-04-23 Slabitev ultrazvočnih valov v nodularni litini z razpršitvijo: eksperimentalna študija in simulacija Mario Santos* - Jaime Santos Univerza Coimbra, CEMMPRE, Oddelek za elektrotehniko in računalništvo, Portugalska Nodularna železova litina je razširjena zaradi svoje livnosti, visoke toplotne prevodnosti in dobrih mehanskih lastnosti, predvsem natezne trdnosti in duktilnosti. Mehanske lastnosti kovin so v veliki meri odvisne od njihove mikrostrukture. Nodularna litina se proizvaja z dodajanjem manjših količin elementov tik pred strjevanjem, npr. magnezija in cerija. Ti dodatki povzročijo rast grafitnih vozlov, njihova oblika in porazdelitev pa sta odločilni za lastnosti kovine. Neporušne preiskave mikrostruktur so zelo pomembne za identifikacijo osnovne mikrostrukture in vozlov. Ultrazvočna karakterizacija ponuja vrsto prednosti v primerjavi s porušnimi metalografskimi metodami. Interakcijo ultrazvočnih valov z mikrostrukturo je mogoče spremljati z akustičnimi parametri, kot sta hitrost in slabitev. Obstajata dva glavna mehanizma slabitve ultrazvočnih valov: absorpcija in razpršitev. Absorpcija je povezana s toplotnimi izgubami, histerezo in viskoznimi izgubami. Do razpršitve prihaja zaradi heterogenosti v obliki mej med zrni, praznin, vključkov, delcev drugih faz in poroznosti. Prav ta mehanizem slabitve je najbolj pomemben pri heterogenih materialih, kot je železova litina. V pričujočem delu je bila eksperimentalno in s simulacijami ocenjena slabitev ultrazvočnih valov zaradi razpršitve na strukturah s kompleksno porazdelitvijo, ki je značilna za železovo litino. Uporabljena je bila eksperimentalna določitev slabitve po impulzni metodi. V ta namen so bili obdelani odboji ultrazvočnih impulzov na prednjih in na zadnjih ploskvah šestih preizkušancev prizmatične oblike. Preizkušanci so bili pripravljeni po standardnih metalografskih metodah in analiza optičnih mikroposnetkov je pokazala nizko prostorsko variabilnost porazdelitve velikosti vozlov. Slabitev z razpršitvijo je bila ocenjena po modelih Truella in Papadakisa, rezultati pa so bili primerjani z rezultati eksperimentov. Poudarek je bil na modelu Papadakisa, ki upošteva porazdelitev velikosti sipalcev. Rezultati obeh analitičnih modelov se močno razlikujejo od eksperimentalnih. Za analizo vpliva velikosti in koncentracije sipalcev v preučevanih strukturah, ki sta pomembni za učinkovit razvoj modelov, so bila pri izvedbi simulacij uporabljena orodja MATLAB k-Wave. Ta simulacijska orodja uporabljajo preprost napovedovalni model na osnovi rešitve v časovni domeni po psevdospektralni metodi v k-prostoru za povezovanje akustičnih enačb prvega reda za homogene in heterogene medije v eni, dveh in treh razsežnostih. Paket k-Wave omogoča modeliranje poljubnih virov in zaznavanje površin z usmerjenimi elementi. Pri širjenju valov je mogoče upoštevati nelinearnost, heterogenosti in zakon absorpcije. Simulator, ki je bil razvit za preizkušance, je omogočil prediktivni model, v katerem je slabitev sorazmerna s peto potenco velikosti sipalcev, formulacija pa je podobna tisti, ki jo predlagajo analitični modeli. Predhodno eksperimentalno pridobljeno znanje o slabitvi valov omogoča ustvarjanje simulacijskih modelov s spreminjanjem koncentracije sipalcev in enakovredne velikosti. Na ta način je omogočeno posnemanje struktur s kompleksnimi porazdelitvami sipalcev z vidika njihove enakomerne koncentracije in velikosti. Ključne besede: modeliranje, anizotropija, impulzna ultrazvočna metoda, simulacija, slabitev ultrazvoka *Naslov avtorja za dopisovanje: DEEC, Polo II, Pinhal de Marrocos, 3030-290 Coimbra, Portugalska, SI 33 Strojniški vestnik - Journal of Mechanical Engineering 67(2021)5, SI 29 © 2021 Strojniški vestnik. Vse pravice pridržane. Prejeto v recenzijo: 2021-01-26 Prejeto popravljeno: 2021-04-14 Odobreno za objavo: 2021-04-23 Obratovalne lastnosti zunanjih neevolventnih valjastih zobnikov z ravnimi in poševnimi zobmi: pregled Ivan Okom - Marko Nagode - Jernej Klemenc Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Slovenija Namen preglednega znanstvenega članka je bil podati sistematičen pregled neevolventnih zobnikov, njihovih prednosti in slabosti ter možnosti uporabe v praktičnih aplikacijah. V strokovni in znanstveni literaturi nismo našli celovitega pregleda od starih oblik, kot so cikloidno ozobje in Novikov ozobje, do ozobij, ki so bila razvita v zadnjem desetletju. Želja avtorjev je bila pripraviti kritičen pregled, ki bo uporaben tako za raziskovalce novih oblik neevolventnih zobnikov kot za uporabnike le-teh v industriji. Večina zobnikov v industrijski praksi ima evolventno obliko bokov zob. Z vidika bočne nosilnosti, obrabe in izkoristka ta oblika ni optimalna. Ključne slabosti evolventnega ozobja so: omejeno minimalno število zob pastorka, visoka kontaktna obremenitev zaradi konveksno-konveksnega dotika bokov zob in neugodne kinematske razmere (velike drsne hitrosti) na začetku in koncu ubiranja. Številni raziskovalci so razvili in analizirali različne neevolventne oblike bokov zob, ki se niso širše uveljavile v praksi. Glavna razloga sta stroški izdelave in občutljivost na točnost izdelave in montaže. V preteklih desetletjih so bile raziskave večinoma usmerjene v izboljšavo lastnosti evolventnih zobnikov. Podrobno so bili raziskani vplivi geometrije, mazanja, točnosti izdelave in novih materialov na nosilnost in hrupnost ozobja. Ker v članku primerjamo evolventne zobnike z neevolventnimi, so uvodoma povzete glavne lastnosti evolventnih zobnikov. Pojasnjene so možnosti za izboljšanje njihovih obratovalnih lastnosti (uporaba profilnih premikov, profilne korekcije, nesimetrično ozobje). Ocena lastnosti evolventnih in neevolventnih ozobij temelji na uveljavljenih kriterijih, kot so Hertzov kotalni tlak, temperatura v dotiku, debelina oljnega sloja, upogibna napetost v korenu zoba in hrupnost ozobja. V drugem poglavju so kriteriji za oceno podrobno predstavljeni. Na podlagi enačb, ki popisujejo razmere v dotiku bokov zob, so pojasnjeni trendi, ki jih raziskovalci upoštevajo pri razvoju neevolventnih zobnikov. Pri oblikovanju neevolventnih zobnikov je cilj doseči čim večji srednji krivinski radij, kar posledično pomeni zmanjšanje Herzovega tlaka, zmanjšanje temperature v dotiku in povečanje debeline oljnega sloja. Drugi ključni cilj je čim manjše relativno drsenje v dotiku, kar prispeva k manjši toplotni obremenitvi zobnikov in boljšemu izkoristku. Hrupnost zobnikov je manjša, če je stopnja prekrivanja večja. Večina neevolventnih zobnikov ima manjšo stopnjo prekrivanja, kar negativno vpliva na dinamične sile in hrupnost. V tretjem poglavju so opisno in s slikami predstavljene različne oblike neevolventnih zobnikov. Povzeti in komentirani so rezultati raziskav iz navedene literature. Podrobneje so predstavljeni rezultati raziskav na S-zobnikih, ki so bili razviti in preizkušani na Fakulteti za strojništvo Univerze v Ljubljani. S preizkusi S-zobnikov in primerljivih evelventnih zobnikov je bila potrjena večja bočna nosilnost in manjša toplotna obremenitev S-zobnikov. Potencial na področju S-zobnikov predstavljao zobniki s poševnimi zobmi, ki pa še niso bili eksperimentalno raziskani. V četrtem poglavju je združen pregled lastnosti predstavljenih neevolventnih zobnikov v primerjavi z evolventnimi zobniki. Uporabljeni kriteriji so bočna nosilnost, korenska nosilnost, toplotna obemenitev, hrupnost in občutljivost ozobja na napake izdelave in montaže. Večina neevolventnih zobnikov ima večjo korensko in bočno nosilnost ter manjšo toplotno obremenitev. Za širšo uveljavitev nevolventnih zobnikov v industrijski praksi bodo potrebne nadaljnje eksperimentalne potrditve teoretičnih predpostavk. Z razvojem novih tehnologij in materialov se uporabnost neevolventnih zobnikov sicer povečuje. Ker pa je pri neevolventnih zobnikih mnogo težje doseči enak razred točnosti, so le-ti še vedno omejeni na specifične primere uporabe. Trenutno stanje razvoja in raziskav kaže, da neevolventni zobniki ne morejo izpodriniti evolventnih v večjem obsegu. Ključne besede: neevolventni zobniki, profil boka zoba, ubirnica, S-zobniki, cikloidno ozobje, Novikov ozobje, nosilnost ozobja SI 34 *Naslov avtorja za dopisovanje: Univerza v Ljubljani, Fakulteta za strojništvo, Aškerčeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenija, Guide for Authors All manuscripts must be in English. Pages should be numbered sequentially. The manuscript should be composed in accordance with the Article Template given above. The maximum length of contributions is 12 pages (approx. 5000 words). Longer contributions will only be accepted if authors provide justification in a cover letter. For full instructions see the Information for Authors section on the journal's website: . SUBMISSION: Submission to SV-JME is made with the implicit understanding that neither the manuscript nor the essence of its content has been published previously either in whole or in part and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. All the listed authors should have agreed on the content and the corresponding (submitting) author is responsible for having ensured that this agreement has been reached. The acceptance of an article is based entirely on its scientific merit, as judged by peer review. Scientific articles comprising simulations only will not be accepted for publication; simulations must be accompanied by experimental results carried out to confirm or deny the accuracy of the simulation. Every manuscript submitted to the SV-JME undergoes a peer-review process. The authors are kindly invited to submit the paper through our web site: The Author is able to track the submission through the editorial process - as well as participate in the copyediting and proofreading of submissions accepted for publication - by logging in, and using the username and password provided. SUBMISSION CONTENT: The typical submission material consists of: - A manuscript (A PDF file, with title, all authors with affiliations, abstract, keywords, highlights, inserted figures and tables and references), - Supplementary files: • a manuscript in a WORD file format • a cover letter (please see instructions for composing the cover letter) • a ZIP file containing figures in high resolution in one of the graphical formats (please see instructions for preparing the figure files) • possible appendicies (optional), cover materials, video materials, etc. Incomplete or improperly prepared submissions will be rejected with explanatory comments provided. In this case we will kindly ask the authors to carefully read the Information for Authors and to resubmit their manuscripts taking into consideration our comments. COVER LETTER INSTRUCTIONS: Please add a cover letter stating the following information about the submitted paper: 1. Paper title, list of authors and their affiliations. One corresponding author should be provided. 2. Type of paper: original scientific paper (1.01), review scientific paper (1.02) or short scientific paper (1.03). 3. A declaration that neither the manuscript nor the essence of its content has been published in whole or in part previously and that it is not being considered for publication elsewhere. 4. State the value of the paper or its practical, theoretical and scientific implications. What is new in the paper with respect to the state-of-the-art in the published papers? Do not repeat the content of your abstract for this purpose. 5. We kindly ask you to suggest at least two reviewers for your paper and give us their names, their full affiliation and contact information, and their scientific research interest. The suggested reviewers should have at least two relevant references (with an impact factor) to the scientific field concerned; they should not be from the same country as the authors and should have no close connection with the authors. FORMAT OF THE MANUSCRIPT: The manuscript should be composed in accordance with the Article Template. The manuscript should be written in the following format: - A Title that adequately describes the content of the manuscript. - A list of Authors and their affiliations. - An Abstract that should not exceed 250 words. The Abstract should state the principal objectives and the scope of the investigation, as well as the methodology employed. It should summarize the results and state the principal conclusions. - 4 to 6 significant key words should follow the abstract to aid indexing. - 4 to 6 highlights; a short collection of bullet points that convey the core findings and provide readers with a quick textual overview of the article. These four to six bullet points should describe the essence of the research (e.g. results or conclusions) and highlight what is distinctive about it. - An Introduction that should provide a review of recent literature and sufficient background information to allow the results of the article to be understood and evaluated. - A Methods section detailing the theoretical or experimental methods used. - An Experimental section that should provide details of the experimental set-up and the methods used to obtain the results. - A Results section that should clearly and concisely present the data, using figures and tables where appropriate. - A Discussion section that should describe the relationships and generalizations shown by the results and discuss the significance of the results, making comparisons with previously published work. (It may be appropriate to combine the Results and Discussion sections into a single section to improve clarity.) - A Conclusions section that should present one or more conclusions drawn from the results and subsequent discussion and should not duplicate the Abstract. - Acknowledgement (optional) of collaboration or preparation assistance may be included. Please note the source of funding for the research. - Nomenclature (optional). Papers with many symbols should have a nomenclature that defines all symbols with units, inserted above the references. If one is used, it must contain all the symbols used in the manuscript and the definitions should not be repeated in the text. In all cases, identify the symbols used if they are not widely recognized in the profession. 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Multi-curve graphs should have individual curves marked with a symbol or otherwise provide distinguishing differences using, for example, different thicknesses or dashing. Tables should carry separate titles and must be numbered in consecutive numerical order in the text and referred to in both the text and the captions as Table 1, Table 2, etc. In addition to the physical quantities, such as t (in italics), the units [s] (normal text) should be added in square brackets. Tables should not duplicate data found elsewhere in the manuscript. Tables should be prepared using a table editor and not inserted as a graphic. REFERENCES: A reference list must be included using the following information as a guide. Only cited text references are to be included. Each reference is to be referred to in the text by a number enclosed in a square bracket (i.e. [3] or [2] to [4] for more references; do not combine more than 3 references, explain each). No reference to the author is necessary. References must be numbered and ordered according to where they are first mentioned in the paper, not alphabetically. All references must be complete and accurate. Please add DOI code when available. Examples follow. Journal Papers: Surname 1, Initials, Surname 2, Initials (year). Title. Journal, volume, number, pages, DOI code. [1] Hackenschmidt, R., Alber-Laukant, B., Rieg, F. (2010). Simulating nonlinear materials under centrifugal forces by using intelligent cross-linked simulations. Strojniški vestnih - Journal of Mechanical Engineering, vol. 57, no. 7-8, p. 531-538, DOI:10.5545/sv-jme.2011.013. Journal titles should not be abbreviated. Note that journal title is set in italics. Books: Surname 1, Initials, Surname 2, Initials (year). Title. Publisher, place of publication. [2] Groover, M.P. (2007). Fundamentals of Modern Manufacturing. John Wiley & Sons, Hoboken. Note that the title of the book is italicized. Chapters in Books: Surname 1, Initials, Surname 2, Initials (year). Chapter title. Editor(s) of book, book title. Publisher, place of publication, pages. [3] Carbone, G., Ceccarelli, M. (2005). Legged robotic systems. Kordič, V., Lazinica, A., Merdan, M. (Eds.), Cutting Edge Robotics. Pro literatur Verlag, Mammendorf, p. 553576. Proceedings Papers: Surname 1, Initials, Surname 2, Initials (year). Paper title. Proceedings title, pages. [4] Štefanič, N., Martinčevič-Mikič, S., Tošanovič, N. (2009). Applied lean system in process industry. MOTSP Conference Proceedings, p. 422-427. Standards: Standard-Code (year). Title. Organisation. Place. [5] ISO/DIS 16000-6.2:2002. Indoor Air - Part 6: Determination of Volatile Organic Compounds in Indoor and Chamber Air by Active Sampling on TENAX TA Sorbent, Thermal Desorption and Gas Chromatography using MSD/FID. International Organization for Standardization. Geneva. WWW pages: Surname, Initials or Company name. Title, from http://address, date of access. [6] Rockwell Automation. 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Strojniški vestnik -Journal of Mechanical Engineering Aškerčeva 6, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia, e-mail: Contents Papers Andraž Maček, Janez Urevc, Miroslav HaLiLovič: Flat Specimen Shape Recognition Based on Full-Field Optical Measurements and Registration Using Mapping Error Minimization Method Abdulbasit Mohammed, Hirpa G. Lemu, Belete Sirahbizu: Determining Optimum Rotary Blade Design for Wind-Powered Water-Pumping Systems for Local Selected Sites Mingxing Han, Yinshui Liu, Yitao Liao, Shucai Wang: Investigation on the Modeling and Dynamic Characteristics of a Novel Hydraulic Proportional Valve Driven by a Voice Coil Motor Mohsen Soori, Mohammed Asmael: Virtual Minimization of Residual Stress and Deflection Error in the Five-Axis Milling of Turbine Blades Mario Santos, Jaime Santos: Ultrasonic Scattering Attenuation in Nodular Cast Iron: Experimental and Simulation Studies Ivan Okorn, Marko Nagode, Jernej Klemenc: Operating Performance of External Non-Involute Spur and Helical Gears: A Review 203 214 223 245 9770039248001