E/B/R ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 15 | No. 3 | 2013 | 213-212 197 INVESTMENT SHOCKS: A SOURCE OF FLUCTUATIONS IN A SMALL OPEN ECONOMY EMMANUEL O. AKANDE1 Received: 16 January 2013 Accepted: 26 May 2013 ABSTRACT: This paper contributes to the existing Real Business Cycle (RBC) literature by introducing Marginal Efficiency of Investment (MEI) shocks into small open economic model. Investment shocks are the most important drivers of business cycle fluctuations in small open economy because the fluctuations in all the macroeconomic variables showed a significant response to MEI shocks than productivity shocks. The anticipation of pro-cyclical behavior of the external accounts when the model was augmented with the form of share of consumption in the household utility function, p, and an appealing, but complex, concave adjustment cost function becomes a standpoint that differentiates this study from other investment shocks literatures. The pattern of the rise in investment in both shocks explains why investment shocks is so important in times of recession and it reveals the main source of fluctuations in a small open economy. Keywords: Real Business Cycle, Marginal Efficiency of Investment, productivity shocks, adjustment cost. JEL Classification: E32, E37, F41 1. INTRODUCTION At the core of the standard Real Business Cycle (RBC), research agenda is the no- tion that economic fluctuations are driven principally by exogenous changes to real factors in the economy. More generally, the primary focus of this research is based on the idea that macroeconomic or business cycle fluctuations are caused by large and cyclically volatile exogenous shocks to Total Factor Productivity(TFP)2 - which are captured by the Solow residuals. Indeed, since its inception in the 1980s, the RBC research program has meta- morphosed to become a significant area of research in macroeconomics, and its concepts and methods becoming well diffused into the mainstream macroeconomic analysis of economic dynamics. In fact, RBC research program success was not only due to the widespread theoretical appeal of this approach but also to its exceptional empirical per- formance. However, the practice of employing the Solow residuals as the sole source of aggregate productivity innovations in standard small open economy models suffers from numerous inherent deficiencies. Small Open Economic (SOE) models driven by shocks 1 Florida State University, Tallahassee, USA, e-mail: eoa10@my.fsu.edu 2 Also known as productivity 214 E/B/R ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 15 | No. 3 | 2013 | 214-212 197 to TFP have not been able to account for counter-cyclical movements in ratios of current account to output and trade balance to output without a recourse to a low and simple adjustment cost parameter. In light of this deficiency in the standard models, this paper examines the volatility and persistence of the innovations to TFP and the Marginal Ef- ficiency of Investment (MEI) and discovers that MEI shocks model outperforms the TFP shocks framework in matching the counter-cyclical behavior of the external accounts. For example, a paper by Justiniano, Primiceri, and Tambalotti (2008), (JPT hereafter), show that an investment shock that determines the efficiency of newly produced invest- ment goods, as in Greenwood, Hercowitz, and Human (1988), is the key driver of busi- ness cycles in a medium-scale, estimated New-Neoclassical Synthesis model. Moreover, because consumption accounts for a larger part of the fluctuations in out- put, the choice of consumption parameter design in analyzing macroeconomic fluc- tuations becomes crucial in RBC model. So, this paper contributes to the extant literature by introducing the choice of share of consumption in the utility to examine, more closely, the pro-cyclical behavior of investment and output in relation to SOE's external accounts. With that being said, another objective, therefore, will be to extend the literature on the dynamic performance of the standard small open economy by considering shocks to MEI captured by innovations to a complex form of adjustment cost3, induced by exogenous movements in the efficient production of next period's capital goods. It can be argued that shocks to MEI can account for a significant fraction of business cycle fluctuations, and thus be regarded as an important propagation mechanism for study- ing and understanding modern macroeconomic dynamics in the standard small open economy. The ap-proach presented here is particularly important since it provides an empirically relevant measure of productivity innovations that has been largely ignored in the open economy literature. The paper proceeds as follows: Section 2 presents a general framework of the model Economy. Section 3 discusses the applicability of Mendoza (1991). Section 4 describes the calibration and the result of the Dynamic Stochastic General Equilib- rium (DSGE) model for the small open economy. 2. THE GENERAL FRAMEWORK OF THE MODEL ECONOMY As it is standard in RBC literature, the author will limit the model to the case of one country with a-two-sector4 economy receiving the streams of shocks both in technol- ogy and in Investment. Consider a small open economy populated by a large number of infinitely-lived identical agents acting as price takers in all markets in which they participate. These residents are connected to the rest of the world only through their 3 The idea of low adjustment cost will be defeated will be defeated afterwards 4 A representative household and firm E. O. AKANDE | INVESTMENT SHOCKS: A SOURCE OF FLUCTUATIONS IN A SMALL OPEN ECONOMY 215 access to a frictionless incomplete international capital market and a market for a non- tradeable composite consumption good. 2.1 Household A small open economy populated by a large number of identical households is de- scribed with the following preferences of expected utility function: OO E0J2^U(ct,ht) (1) t=o where ct denotes consumption, ht denotes hours worked and 9t denotes the dis- count factor. The discount factor is written in this general form to allow for an endogenous specification discussed in the later section. Moreover, ßc < 0, ßh > 0. This preference specification allows the model to be stationary in the sense that the non-stochastic steady-state is independent of initial conditions. The evolution of financial wealth, b, is given by bt+1 = (l + rt)bt + tbt (2) where rt denotes the interest rate at which domestic residents can borrow in interna- tional markets in period t, and tbt denotes the trade balance. In turn, the trade balance is given by ibt = Vt-ct-it- 0, > 0 and < 0. Furthermore, "§") = (and n e (0, 1). The shocks, captured by ft, to the MEI represents an ex- ogenous disturbance to the process by which investment goods are transformed into installed capital to be used in production. It is therefore assume that MEI follows the stochastic process; log 4>t = p,!, log 0 (6) eAt is i.i.dN (0, a) Following Backus and Crucini (2000), the stocks to capital evolve according to kt+1=it + {l-5)kt + {l-^(^))kt (7) «t where 8 e (0, 1) denotes the rate of depreciation of physical capital. The model can be solved after specifying the functional form of preferences and technologies. 2.2 Endogenous Discount Factor The most commonly used approach, introduced by Obstfeld (1981), endogenizes the discount factor. Suppose that, instead of being equal to 9t, the discount rate is given by the following recursive relation: 0o = 1 (8) Ot+^ßictMWt (9) These form of preferences were introduced by Uzawa (1968) and are discussed thor- oughly in Obstfeld (1990). Some of the papers using these preferences include Men- doza (1991, 1995), Uribe (1997) and Cook and Devereux (2000). It is assumed that ß '(ct) < 0 i.e, agents become more impatient the more they consume. The reason for making the steady-state independent of initial conditions becomes clear from inspec- tion of the Euler equation U'(ct) = ß(ct)(1 + r()E(U'(c(+1). In the steady- state, this equa- tion reduces to ß(c)(1 + r) = 1, which pins down the steady-state level of consumption solely as a function of r and the parameters defining the function ß(.). E. O. AKANDE | INVESTMENT SHOCKS: A SOURCE OF FLUCTUATIONS IN A SMALL OPEN ECONOMY 217 The budget constraint of the representative household can then be summarized as follows: bt+i = (1 + rt)bt -yt + ct + it (10) Households choose processes {ct, ht, yt, it, kt+1, bt+1, 9t+1}"= 0 t = 0 so as to maximize the utility function (1) subject to Equations (2) and (10) and a no-Ponzi constraint of the form lim Et . bt+j < 0 (11) Again Households choose {ct, ht, yt, it, kt+1 , bt+1, 0t+1}~= 0 t = 0 so as to maximize the utility function (1) subject to Equations (2), (10) and (11). It can as well be summarized as follows: oo Eo = J2 h) + At[(l + rt)bt + AtF(kt, ht) + (1 - 6)kt - t=o ce - kt+i - W - (£))** - + ^-ir - ht)i Kt Vt Initial condition for exogenous state variables(A0, ) Initial condition for endogenous variables(fc0, b0 ) and the first-order conditions of the household's maximization problem which hold with equality becomes; \t = ß(ct,ht)(l + rt)Et\t+i (12) Xt = Uc(ct,ht)-^ßc(ct,ht) (13) A? = -EtU{ct+1, ht+1) + Et\pt+1ßc{ct+1, ht+1) (14) -Uh(ct, ht) + Aptßh{ct, ht) = XtAtFh(kt, ht) (15) At = ß(ct, ht) + EtXt+1[At+iFk(kt+u ht+1) + 1-5 + - £))*»] (16) ft These first-order conditions appear standard, except for the fact that the marginal util- ity of consumption is now given by Uc (ct , ht) - ßc(ct, ht)Xpt which replaces the conven- tional form of marginal utility found in the literature. The first term is the conventional marginal utility of consumption while the second term in this expression reveals the 218 E/B/R ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 15 | No. 3 | 2013 | 218-212 197 fact that an increase in current consumption lowers the discount factor ß < 0. Con- sequently, a decline in the discount factor reduces utility in period t by Ap. Intuitively, Ap equals the present discounted value of utility from period t + 1 onward. This has been explained previously. Additionally, the marginal disutility of labor is capture by Uh (ct , ht) - ßh (ct, ht)Ap. The interest rate faced by domestic agents in world financial markets is assumed to be constant and given by; rt = r (17) A competitive equilibrium is a set of processes {b, c,, h,,y,, i,, k,Aft} satisfying Equa- tions (2),(3),(4),(5),(7) and (11)-(16). 3 APPLICATION : MENDOZA (1991) The model mimics Mendoza (1991) and the major contribution of this paper is the introduction of (, the consumption share of output, and the form of the law of motion for MEI shocks. The baseline model will be closed using the endogenous discount factor approach. Assume that the utility function has the following form: U(ct,ht)=lt u (18) 1-7 where w > 1,7 > 1,/i > 0 The functional forms of the period utility function and the discount factor imply that the marginal rate of substitution between consumption and leisure depends only on labor. ßt = ß(ct,ht) = [ l + cf-^ (19) The production function is given by F{kt,ht)=k?h]-a (20) where a e (0, 1) is the share of capital in national income of capital expenditure. Fi- nally, the cost of adjustment function has the form: *(i-*(hkt=t(i-ém (21) ih IH where 0 > 0 and ¥( j) = (f)n E. O. AKANDE | INVESTMENT SHOCKS: A SOURCE OF FLUCTUATIONS IN A SMALL OPEN ECONOMY 219 These specifications along with the calibrated parameters in Table 1 follow Mendoza (1991). However, the following sets of equation satisfy the steady state equations, combining equations (13) and (15) yield hr1 = ÄtFh(kt,ht) (22) The equation impliess that the labor supply depends only upon the wage rate and in- dependent of the level of wealth. The right-hand side is the marginal product of labor, which in equilibrium equals the real wage rate while the left-hand side is the marginal rate of substitution of leisure for consumption. In steady states, h = rn - yr + 6 Ä=[(l-a)(-^-)Ä]="1 (23) \ = (24) k y a ' k = j (25) k i = 5k (26) y = iffi1-" (27) g=((l + r)* + 1)* (28) U) \ = (&t- —)-"' (29) CÜ tb = y-c-ì (30) rifa = (31) r tby = ? (32) V —r * rifa + tb cav = (33) V Ä = 1 (34) čj) = 1 (35) 220 E/B/R ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 15 | No. 3 | 2013 | 220-212 197 and in equilibrium, since i-(l + r)ßcE,-i- (l+^T! (36) 1 + r Therefore, the set of equations that will characterize first-order log-linearization in- cludes \t = ß(ct,ht){l + rt)Et\t+1 (3.1) \t = Uc(ct,ht)-\ptßc(ct,ht) (3.2) A? = -EtU{ct+1, ht+1) + Et^+1ßc(ct+1, ht+1) (3.3) ~Uh(ct, ht) + \lßh(ct, ht) = \tAtFh(kt, ht) (3.4) At = ß(ct, ht) + Et\t+1[At+1Fk(kt+u ht+1) + 1-6 + <^+i(l - V(±))kt] (3.5) tbt = yt-ct-it- 0(1 - (3.6) ft log At = pA log + eA,t, t > 0 (3.7) can be comparable to a form of technological progress restricted to the produc- tion of investment goods in a representation of economy that follows the stochastic proc- ess. log (j)t = P4, log 0t_i + e^t (3.8) This procedure allows us to rewrite the non-linear original system of the form Etf(xt+1,xt)=0 (37) where all the variables are elements of the vector xt, to a linear system of the form AEtxt+1 = Bxt (38) where A and B are 8x8 matrices whose elements are functions of all the structural pa- rameters. The 8 equations that form the linearized equilibrium model contain 4 state variables, kt , bt , 0t and At and 4 control variables ct, ht,Xt , and Xp}. Finally, the system has 4 initial conditions k0 , b0, A0 and 00. However, the author imposes the boundary condition; lim \EtXt+j\ = 0 (39) E. O. AKANDE | INVESTMENT SHOCKS: A SOURCE OF FLUCTUATIONS IN A SMALL OPEN ECONOMY 221 4 CALIBRATION AND THE RESULT OF SMALL OPEN ECON- OMY The calibration of the model implies choosing values for the model parameters such that certain features of the model match the corresponding values observed in the time series of the real economy over a certain time horizon5. The parameters of the model are chosen such that features of the non-stochastic steady state of the model match as much as possible the data averages over certain time period. In addition, the param- eters of the shock processes are set such that the simulated stochastic properties of the model match the statistical properties of the fluctuation in the observed data, the ob- served data are found in extant RBC literatures. The capital adjustment cost parameter n is set so that the standard deviation of investment is about three times that of output. The values of parameters a and p are chosen to mimic the variability and the first order serial autocorrelation of output, Gross Domestic Product(GDP) to be approximately 3% of the fluctuations, values of the parameters can as well be determined by the Solow residuals but McCallum (1989) opined that once adjustment costs and fluctuations in the terms of trade are con- sidered, Solow Residuals are not a good proxy for produc- tivity shock. The world interest rate r is set to the values suggested by Kydland and Prescott (1982) for the U.S economy. The parameter y takes two different values in an attempt to avoid confusion in using point estimates. Prescott (1986) opined that y is not likely to be greater than 1. The depreciation rate, S has the value commonly used in the RBC literature. The parameter w is in the range of the estimates of James Heckman and Thomas Macurdy (1980) obtained for the inter-temporal elasticity of substitution in labor supply and this value enables the model to mimic the percentage variability of hours. ß is determined by the steady state condition that equates the rate of time preference with the world interest rate. The function ^ captures the presence of adjustment costs in investment which can be evaluated in q while 0 is the shocks to the MEI which appear to be the basis of this paper. in fact, MEI innovations influence the efficiency with which goods can be turned into capital ready for production. The construction of the adjustment cost in this paper is one of the features that set this model from those in most existing studies. 5 For the time series data, refer to Mendoza (1991) 222 ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 15 | No. 3 | 2013 Table 1: Calibrated Parameter Values for the Model Household ß 0.11 The Consumption Elasticity of the Rate of Time Preference a 0.32 Share of Capita 6 0.1 Shopping Time Technology Y 1.001 Constant Relative Risk Aversion w 1.455 1 Plus the Inverse of the Inter-temporal Elasticity of Substitution in Supply Y 0.1114 Discount Rate r 0.04 World Interest Rates n 0.6 Adjustment Cost Parameter PA 0.42 Persistent Parameter in Productivity Shock P^ 0.6 Persistent Parameter in MEI Shocks M 0.7 Share of Output in Utility OA 0.01277 Productivity Shocks Process aY 1.00 Share of Consumption in Output O^ 0.00656 MEI Shocks Process 4.1 Approximate Solution Though Mendoza (1991) solves the model by iteration, the author approximates the solutions by log-linearizing the equilibrium conditions around the steady-state. 4.2 Standard Deviation Shocks of Productivity (eAt) This subsection presents impulse response functions of the simulated economy and describes some features of the models. Standard solution techniques can be applied once growing real variables are normalized so that all variables in the determinis- tic version of the model converge to a constant steady state. The responses of all the variables to a positive productivity shocks, A is considered in Figure 1. The positive shocks cause the ratio of capital account to output, ratio of trade balance to output and Bonds to decrease but later increase before returning to the steady states, while there is an apparent increase in consumption, capital, labor supply and gross invest- ment sequel to the shocks. Another feature of the impulse response of the productiv- ity shocks is the fact that all variables of the economy capture in this model converge to a steady state after their initial increase. The decrease in investment after the shocks can be explained by the impulse responses of the ra- tio of capital account to output, ratio of trade balance to output and bonds. The results are plausible as the reaction of economy to the technology shocks is analogous to that published in the real busi- ness cycle literature. While output and labor supply sluggishly returns to their steady states in periods 25 and 45 respectively, consumption returns to its steady state very slowly making consumption response non-contemporaneous . The responses of trade E. O. AKANDE | INVESTMENT SHOCKS: A SOURCE OF FLUCTUATIONS IN A SMALL OPEN ECONOMY 223 balance,current account investment and bonds are contemporaneously observed and they all return to their steady faster and quicker than consumption, labor supply, output and productivity. The slow adjustment to steady states of consumption is ac- tually affected by, first, the endoge nous time preference and, secondly, its relative share of utility. The closer the share of consumption in utility is to zero, the faster the consumption returns to its steady state and the closer it is to 1, the longer it takes for consumption to return to its steady states. The intuition behind these results is simple; in this economy, agents become more impatient as consumption increases but less impatient as consumption decreases. Thus, as the elasticity of the discount factor increases, the representative household is willing to trade off a lower consumption today for the future. 4.3 Impulse Response: Productivity Shocks Figure 1: Impulse Response: Productivity Shocks The expansion in consumption, investment and labor supply are caused by productivity shocks . The implication of this is that as investment and consumption increase, trade balance is expected to decline because of the inverse relationship that exists between them. Moreover, since the relationship between bonds and trade balance is positive and 224 E/B/R ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 15 | No. 3 | 2013 | 224-212 197 because trade balance indicates a negative response to the increase in consumption and investment thus, bonds is also negatively responsive to the shocks. The same effect is obtained in current account; the pro-cyclical responses of these economic variables are strongly determined by cycles of investment. So, holding every other thing constant, an increase in output with corresponding increase in do- mestic investment and consump- tion will cause labor schedule to rise6. Because the increase in output is larger than the increase in consumption and because a rise in investment occurs through an increase in savings so, in good times, a small open economy will do well by saving. Increase in saving consequently, deteriorates trade balance, current account and bonds7 . The de- terioration results in countercyclical responses that freeze the opportunity for foreign exchange earnings. The volatility of the variables in one percent standard deviation shocks is captured in Table 2 and Table 3 below. In table 2, the fluctuations of the variables are examined with y = 1.001 while in table 3, the fluctuations are considered with y = 2.0 Table 2: Standard Deviation, Correlation Co-efficient and Serial Auto Correlation (eA ) when y = 1.001 Y = 1.001 Standard Deviation (%) Correlation with Output Serial Correlation Canadian Data o Mendoza '91 ay 3.0284 1.00 0.6708 2.81 Oc Oy 0.5686 0.9781 0.7198 2.46 Oi Oy 7.1655 0.3022 -0.2822 9.82 Oh Oy 0.5937 0.9994 0.6776 2.02 Ok Oy 0.7105 0.9442 0.4405 1.38 Ca 4.6001 -0.0763 -0.2779 7.31 Tb y 4.7334 -0.0567 -0.2758 1.87 6 The contemporaneous rise in consumption is augmented by an increase in investment 7 Foreign debt holding E. O. AKANDE | INVESTMENT SHOCKS: A SOURCE OF FLUCTUATIONS IN A SMALL OPEN ECONOMY 225 Table 3: Standard Deviation, Correlation Co-efficient and Serial Auto Correlation (e ) when Y = 2.00 Y = 2.0 Standard Deviation (%) Correlation with Output Serial Correlation Canadian Data o Mendoza'91 O y 3.0092 1.00 0.6730 2.81 Oc Oy 0.5591 0.9763 0.7187 2.46 Oi Oy 7.0900 0.3071 -0.2822 9.82 h Oy 0.5927 0.9970 0.6862 2.02 Ok Oy 0.7113 0.9462 0.4535 1.38 Ca y 4.5377 -0.0971 -0.2772 7.31 Tb y 4.6535 -0.2719 -0.0813 1.87 Tables 2 and 3 above reveal the fluctuations (volatility) of the variables. These results are close to and similar to Mendoza (1991) results with virtually same a-priori expecta- tions. The slight difference in the results is associated with the introduction of 2 other parameters, p and q, and 1 other equation, law of motion for MEI shocks. The models predict that the components of aggregate demand and hours are pro-cyclical and that the correlation of the trade balance, current account with GDP is very low. The models also estimate the procyclicality of labor in that its correlation with GDP is perfect. In the data, Mendoza (1991) examined the correlation between hours and output to be 0.799 but his models imply a perfect correlation. The same perfect correlation between hours and output is obtained in his study and this is driven by = (i - a) with a < 1. What can be inferred from this analysis is that when shocks to total factor produc- tivity is considered, the model behavior is generally consistent with the predictions of the neoclassical macroeconomic theory. A significant success of these models framework is its ability to mimic the negative correlation between the j and j ratios and output observed in the data found in mendoza (1991). Moreover, these models provide vola- tility statistics for output, consumption, investment, bonds, productivity and labor supply that are similar to those found in their empirical counterparts. However, the models generated volatility of output that were considerably higher than those seen in the data. The inverse relationship between trade balance and current account also explains the reason for a subsequent rise in savings which translates into an increase in investment of a small open economy. Investment is more volatile8 than every other macroeconomic variables especially, consumption, labor supply and capital9 in the representative economy. 8 This form the basis of this study 9 Capital is used synonymously with productivity 226 E/B/R ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 15 | No. 3 | 2013 | 226-212 197 4.4 Standard Deviation Shocks of MEI (e^) This section presents the main results in terms of impulse responses of the macroeco- nomic variables to one standard deviation shocks of MEI . The results so far suggest that, to understand business cycles, we must understand investment shocks, because these shocks are the largest contributors to fluctuations in several key macroeconomic vari- ables. Figure 2 displays the impulse response to the MEI shocks Following a positive shock, output, consumption, labor supply, and investment rise persistently in a hump-shaped pattern. This increase, unlike the productivity shocks, is noncontemporaneous. 4.5 Impulse Response: MEI Shocks There is a co-movement and immediate rise in investment, trade balance, current account and bonds while the increase in output, consumption and labor supply is delayed for one period episode with a very sluggish increase in productivity. A rise in consumption compresses trade balance and current account and the reason for the compression stems from the theoretical modeling of the variables which can be obtained in the computation of its correlation coefficients. These results confirm JPT (2008) conclusion which summarily assume that the observability of the relative E. O. AKANDE | INVESTMENT SHOCKS: A SOURCE OF FLUCTUATIONS IN A SMALL OPEN ECONOMY 227 price of investment does not significantly affect the interference on the MEI shock t. The impulse responses in figure 2 support the business cycle fluctuations found in SOE literatures. Therefore, the decrease in output between periods 10 to 20 is associated with the decrease in investment after the shocks. These temporary shocks are typical textbook explanations of investment shocks. One time decrease in investment causes output to experience few episodes of decrease which consequently decreases consump- tion and labor supply. This period is the actual recession for the simulated economy. So the macroeconomic variables sluggishly recover from recession even when investment recovers faster after hitting recession because of the delay process of the growth trans- mission mechanism through other macroeconomic variables. The rise in investment is greater than the rise in any other macroeconomic variables; same as what is obtainable in productiv- ity shocks. It is pro-cyclical pattern that explains why investment shocks are so important in times of recession and it reveals the main source of fluctuations in SOE. A shock to investment results in upward movement in the ratio of trade balance to output and ratio of current account to output. These results are contrary to what the author ob- served in the productivity shocks. However, there is a deep decrease in these two macr- oeconomic variables after the initial rise before returning to their steady states. The same explanation is applicable to bonds. One nice feature of these results is the fact that, while output, consumption, labor supply, trade balance, bonds and current account returns to their steady states in 35th period, investment returns to its steady state in 20th period. Moreover, trade balance, current account10 and bonds experience another episodes of an increase after their initial decrease. These results also explain how sensitive a small open economy can respond to initial experience of recession. An increase in economic output is expected to mitigate the short fall in domestic investment. Additionally, a rise in investment in SOE promotes exportation which further enhances the accumulation of foreign exchange. With that being said, the opportunity cost for such economy is the present consumption that is foregone. 4.6 Second Moments of 1 % Shocks in MEI In a real Neoclassical model, technology shocks appear to be the main source of busi- ness cycles because they can easily spawn same responses of output, consumption, in- vestment, labor supply, etc. To emphasize these results, Barro and King (1984) argue that investment shocks are unlikely candidates to generate recognizable business cycles because the co-movement among the variables in response to the shocks is somewhat problematic. Barro and King (1984) provided a basis that a positive shock to the marginal efficiency of investment will create an increase the interest rate which will consequently, induce agents to postpone or delay consump- tion. With lower consumption, the in- 10 The author implies the ratio of trade balance to output and ratio of current account to output 228 E/B/R ECONOMIC AND BUSINESS REVIEW | VOL. 15 | No. 3 | 2013 | 228-212 197 crease in marginal utility of income causes a right shift in labor supply while holding the labor demand constant. But contrary to Neoclassical assertion, investment shocks gener- ate pro-cyclical movements in all the macroeconomic variables identified in this study and as such, emerge the important source of business cycles fluctuations. In a Neoclas- sical baseline model, efficiency equilibrium is attained when the Marginal Rate of Sub- stitution (MRS), which depends positively on consumption and labor, equals Marginal Productivity of Labor (MPL), a decreasing function of labor supply. For an equilibrium to hold in Neoclassical model of Barro and King (1984), a good shock to labor supply must generate a corresponding fall in consumption; which is why the rigidity of invest- ment shocks could not account for the fluctuations in macroeconomic variables. In this study, the author focuses on labor demand schedule instead of labor supply. The share of consumption of output affects the MRS and the shocks to the productivity affect labor productivity and consequently labor supply. There is always a time lag for an increase in income of households to adjust to a change in consumption. This time lag creates a lax willingness that makes it impossible for consumption to fall in the wake of investment shocks. Moreover, endogenizing capital utilization acts as a shift lever to MPL such that an ef- ficient utilization of new investments - due to a decrease in relative prices- create a rise in the utilization of existing capital and through a functional transmission mechanisms, higher capital utilization causes an increase in MPL which in turn shifts labor demand to the right by holding labor supply schedule constant. Table 4: Standard Deviation, Correlation Co-efficient and Serial Auto Correlation (p) when Y = 2.00 Y = 2.0 Standard Deviation(%) Correlation with Output Serial Correlation O 3.0096 1.00 0.9154 Oc Oy 0.5338 0.9863 0.9127 Oi Oy 7.666 0.0367 0.3135 Oh Oy 3.0744 0.9985 0.9141 Ok Oy 1.9141 0.9142 0.9164 Ca 9.2262 -0.8631 0.8143 Tb i 9.2528 -0.977 0.8394 E. O. AKANDE | INVESTMENT SHOCKS: A SOURCE OF FLUCTUATIONS IN A SMALL OPEN ECONOMY 229 Table 5: Standard Deviation, Correlation Co-efficient and Serial Auto Correlation (