Kakovostna starost, let. 18, št. 1, 2015, (33-21) © 2015 Inštitut Antona Trstenjaka GERONTOLOSKI DOGODKI Zbrala Tjaša Mlakar V SLOVENIJI Konferenca ''o demenci" Organizira: projekt Net-Age 26. februar 2015, Nova Gorica Spletni naslov: http://www.mojaobcina.si/ kanal-ob-soci/novice/evropski-projekti/ konferenca-o-demenci-2622015.html V TUJINI Conference on the Law and the Older Person Organizira: Dr. Charles O'Mahony 24. januar 2015, Galway, Irska Spletni naslov: http://www.conference.ie/ Conferences/index.asp?Conference=411 Dementia Update Organizira: RCP Northern Regional Office 3. februar 2015, Newcastle upon Tyne, Velika Britanija Spletni naslov: http://events.rcplondon. ac.uk/details.aspx?e=3404 Interventions in Aging: Understanding mechanisms and the promise of extending human healthspan Organizira: Fusion Conferences Limited 2. - 5. februar 2015, Cancun, Mehika Spletni naslov: http://www.fusion-conferences.com/conference20.php Ageing and Health: Policy and Economics in an Era of longevity Organizira: Chatham House 9. - 10. februar 2015, London, Velika Britanija Spletni naslov: http://www. chathamhouse.org/conferences/ageing The 2015 Ageing Summit Organizira: Euroscicon 10. - 12. februar 2015, London, V. Britanija Spletni naslov: https://www. regonline.co.uk/builder/site/Default. aspx?EventID=1506246 Symposium of the LRA Healthy Ageing Organizira: LRA Healthy Ageing and supported by the Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW) 25. - 26. februar 2015, Mannheim, Nemčija Spletni naslov: http://www.leibniz- gesundes-altern.de/symposium/better- understanding-healthy-ageing/ European Summit on Innovation for Active and Healthy Ageing Organizira: European Commission 9. - 10. marec 2015, Bruselj, Belgija Spletni naslov: http://ec.europa. eu/research/innovation-union/ index_en.cfm?section=active-healthy-ageing&pg=2015-summit Alzheimer's Research UK Conference 2015 Organizira: Alzheimer's research UK 10. - 11. marec 2015, London, V. Britanija Spletni naslov: http://www.arukconf.org/ Canadian Hip Fracture Management Conference Organizira: INFORMA 23. - 24. marec 2015, Toronto, Kanada Spletni naslov: http://www.osteoporosis. ca/wp-content/uploads/National- Canadian-Hip-Fracture-Management- Conference-Brochure.pdf 66 Iz gerontološke literature The 13th International Conference on Alzheimer's and Parkinson's Diseases Organizira: Abraham Fisher, Roger M. Nitsch, Manfred Windisch 29. marec - 2. april 2015, Dunaj, Avstrija Spletni naslov: http://www2.kenes.com/ adpd/Pages/Home.aspx The 30th International Conference of Alzheimer's Disease International Organizira: Alzheimer's Disease International (ADI) 15. - 18. april 2015, Perth, Avstralija Spletni naslov: http://www.alzint. org/2015 Third International Conference on Aging and Cognition Organizira: Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors - Leibniz-Institut für Arbeitsforschung an der Technischen Universität Dortmund -IfADo 23. - 25. april 2015, Dortmund, Nemčija Spletni naslov: http://www.aging-cognition.de/ IAGG-ER 8th Congress dublin 2015: The International Association of gerontology and geriatrics European Region Congress 2015 Organizira: Conference Partners 23. - 26. april 2015, Dublin, Irska Spletni naslov: http://www. iaggdublin2015.org/ 4th Conference on elderly and new technology on the go Organizira: Universidad Jaume I, Castellón, Spain, Palmenia Center for Continuing Education, Helsinki University 13. - 15. maj 2015, Castellón, Španija Spletni naslov: http://mayores-nt.uji.es/ Harnessing Technology for Aging-in-Place Organizira: The Simon Fraser University Gerontology Research Centre in collaboration with the AGE-WELL Network, North American chapter of the International Society for Gerontechnology and the SFU Lifelong Learning Adult 55+ Program 14. - 15. maj 2015, Vancouver, Kanada Spletni naslov: http://www.sfu.ca/fc2015/ index.html International Conference on Information and Communication Technologies for Ageing well and e-health Organizira: Institute for Systems and Technologies of Information, Control and Communication 20. - 22. maj 2015, Lizbona, Portugalska Spletni naslov: http://www.ict4ageingwell. org/ 67